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How To Fill A Form


According to Cambridge Dictionary, Form is a paper or set of Paper printed with spaces in
which answers to questions can be written or information can be recorded in a organized way.

Social Function

Form is beneficial for our daily life since it can organize the data easily. Nowdays some
institution provide online form that can be filled online

Some Kind Of Forms

a. Application forms to collect relevant and required information from an applicant

b. Order forms to request goods
c. Registration form to register joint and event or study
d. Reservation form to book a room in a hotel
e. Election form
f. Bank transaction form

The Instructions, that are usually appreared in a form

1. Write in block capitals

2. Please tick appropriate box
3. Delete where applicable
4. Please specify/plese give details
5. Write the day first, then the month and then the year

Generic Structure Of Form

A form usually asks personal data information, such as;

1. Complete Name 6. School Name/Grade

2. Gender(Male/Female) 7. Nationality
3. Address 8. Postcode
4. Phone Number 9. Marital Status
5. Place and Date of Birth 10. Occupation
Steps When Filling Out the Form;

a. Prepare your identify card for several information, such as the number of your
identify card.
b. Start to fill out the form with important information, such as full name, nick name,
address, place and date of birth, and phone number.
c. Continue to fill out other addtional information.
d. Re-check and make sure that you fill the right information including the spelling of
your name, phone number, etc.

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