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Nama : Silvana Sabilla

Prodi : D3 Keperawatan 1A
Nim : E.0105.22.018

Leukemia is a malignancy that originates from blood cells. The term leukemia was first
introduced by Virchow in 1874. As is known stem cells (stem cells) which in their
development produce three main types of blood cells, namely red blood cells, white blood
cells, and platelets.
These blood cells are made mainly in the bone marrow. Blood cell production is usually well
controlled by genes. The growth of normal cells will be suppressed when the leukemia cells
multiply so that it will cause clinical symptoms.
The control of cell growth can be damaged, often for no apparent reason. There are two
types of leukemia that are seen from the level of severity, namely:
Acute Leukemia
Acute leukemia is characterized by a very rapid, lethal, and worsening course of the disease.
If this is not treated immediately, it can cause death in a matter of weeks to days.
There are two subtypes of acute leukemia that are classified based on the cell type,
➢ Lymphoblastic (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia/ALL): a type of leukemia that affects
75% of pediatric patients aged 3-4 years. This disease is also found in adults,
especially those aged 65 years or older.
➢ Myeloblastic (Acute Myeloid Leukemia / AML): formerly this type was called acute
nonlymphocytic leukemia. The incidence of AML is 80% in adults and in older people
over 40 years.
Clinical features and symptoms of acute leukemia:

• Bone marrow failure leading to anemia, fever, infection, bleeding

• Infiltration into organs (bone pain, lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, hepatomegaly)
• Meningeal symptoms (headache, nausea, vomiting, convulsions)
• Hypertrophy of the gums (swelling)
If the patient undergoes laboratory tests, then:
▪ Hb, Ht, erythrocyte counts: down
▪ Leukocyte count: increased
▪ The number of platelets: decreased
▪ LED: increase
▪ Peripheral blood smear: blast
Chronic Leukemia
The next type of blood cancer is chronic leukemia. The course of the disease is not fast so it
has a longer life expectancy, up to more than 1 year.
There are two types of chronic leukemia cancer which are classified by cell type, namely:
1. Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML): generally affects middle-aged patients. It can
also occur in children, but very little.
2. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL): affects older women who are older than 55
years. Sometimes it also affects young adults, and almost none in children.
Clinical features and characteristics of chronic leukemia:

• Hypermetabolism, which is characterized by weight loss, decreased appetite, night

sweats, moist skin, warm.
• Organ infiltration (lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, hepatomegaly)
• Anemia, which is characterized by paleness, shortness of breath, palpitations
• Skin bleeding, nosebleeds (Epistaxis)
If you undergo laboratory tests, the following is an overview of the chronic leukemia lab

• Peripheral blood: Hb, Ht, erythrocyte count slightly increased

• The number of leukocytes is very high
• Platelets increase/normal/decrease
• Peripheral blood smear: normochromic normocytic, leukocytes all stages (CML),
basophilia, eosinophilia.
Leukemia symptoms
Leukemia's clinical symptoms are not typical, like other diseases. In addition, the type of
blood cancer suffered also distinguishes its characteristics. However, in general, the
following are signs or symptoms of Leukemia in women and men:
▪ Fever
▪ Dizzy
▪ Weak body
▪ Not passionate when doing activities
▪ Anemia
▪ Bleeding
▪ Get infected
▪ Bone and joint pain
▪ Stomach pain
▪ Swollen lymph nodes
▪ Shortness of breath (dyspnea)
Factors thought to affect the frequency of occurrence of leukemia
Although the cause of Leukemia can not be known with certainty, but there are a number of
factors that are thought to trigger the frequency of blood cancer. Here is the explanation:
2. Radiation
Radiology/radiotherapy staff are more likely to have leukemia
Leukemia was found in victims of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan.
2. Leukemogenic
This factor is related to chemicals, exposure to high levels of environmental toxins such as
benzene, as well as industrial chemicals such as insecticides and formaldehyde. In addition,
drugs for chemotherapy sometimes develop leukemia later in life.
3. hereditary
Patients with Down syndrome may be at increased risk of leukemia, with an incidence of
acute leukemia 20 times greater than normal people.
4. Virus
There are a number of factors that cause blood cancer, including retrovirus, feline leukemia
virus, HTLV-1 in adults.
There are several types of leukemia treatment, including:
1. The latest treatment of Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML)
• Imatinib mesylate at a dose of 400 mg
• Sub optimal response: dose increased by 600-800 mg
• Treatment failure: increased to 800 mg
• Changed drugs or transplant
• Stemcell
2. Stemcell transplant as a way to treat Leukemia
The stem cell or stem cell treatment method is a safe treatment technique for the human
body with a high enough success rate. Stem cell sources / stem cells can be harvested (or
collected) from: bone marrow harvest, blood flow (blood stem harvesting peripheral cells),
umbilical cord blood.
3. Autologous Stemcell Transplant
This method is a stem cell transplant from the patient himself. Autogolous stem cell
transplantation is aimed at reducing the chance of future recurrence. This procedure begins
by collecting the patient's blood stem cells after complete remission. Then, the blood will be
transfused again after receiving high doses of chemotherapy. Transparency can be
performed in single or tandem autologous transplants (more than two over several
4. Allogeneic Stemcell Transplant
Allogeneic stem cell transplantation donated by another compatible patient. The donor is
usually a brother or sister with compatible other close family members who are suitable.
How to prevent leukemia that needs to be applied
➢ Avoid chemical exposure
➢ Avoid unnecessary radiation board
➢ Avoid smoking
➢ Maintain ideal body weight
➢ Consuming nutritious and balanced food

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