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Rules developed by Brother Tyler with assistance from the members of the Bolter & Chainsword. According to Insignium Astartes, the Exorcists denote company affiliation by the color of the helmet stripe. The battlebrother shown at left is from the 2nd Tactical Squad of the Exorcists 5th Company. For the purposes of these rules, use the definition given for daemons in Codex: Daemonhunters. DESIGNER'S NOTES The fluff at the Third War for Armageddon web site is the most concrete information we have on this Chapter. Additionally, the Exorcists participated in the Badab War and the Gothic War. Neither of those wars mentions anything significant for the Chapter except that they are a fleetbased Chapter. Another significant piece of information is the Chapter's inclusion in Insignium Astartes. The Chapter's inclusion in Insignium Astartes means only that the Chapter is or was at one time during its existence a "Codex" Chapter. For my purposes, I'm going to consider the Chapter to be largely Codex, with significant deviation as described in the rules and army list in this article. Going back to the Third War for Armageddon fluff we have several important elements. First is the Chapter's training in the tools of the exorcist (I think that's the wording). Second is the heightened levels of aggression Exorcists Space Marines exhibited. And third is the Chapter's alignment with the Ordo Malleus. With regard to the training in/with the tools of the exorcist, I've basically applied that to mean several weapons and wargear especially potent against daemons. They are not getting the full complement of Daemonhunters gear, especially nemesis force weapons, because they are not all psykers. In addition, the battle-brothers are more skilled in fighting daemons, using a variation on one of the traits in the revised Codex: Space Marines.

The Exorcists are a fleet-based Codex Chapter that is expert at fighting the daemons of the Warp. You will need Codex: Space Marines and Codex: Daemonhunters to play an Exorcists army. An Exorcists army uses the standard rules and army list from Codex: Space Marines with the following changes. In addition to the Space Marine Librarian Psyker Powers available in Codex: Space Marines, Exorcists Librarians may choose from the psyker powers in Codex: Daemonhunters at the costs listed.

In addition to the Space Marine Armoury, the following items from the Daemonhunters Armoury are available to the Exorcists: Anointed Weapon - Independent characters only. Counts as Wargear - Relics & Artefacts in addition to being a one-handed weapon. Incinerator Any model in a Command, Terminator Command, Terminator, Veteran, Tactical, or Bike squad may exchange its meltagun or heavy flamer for an Incinerator for +5 pts. Psycannon Any model in a Command, Terminator Command, Terminator, Veteran, Tactical, or Devastator squad may exchange its multi-melta or assault cannon for a Psycannon for +10 pts. Psycannon Bolts - May be taken by any independent character with a bolt weapon (storm bolter, bolter, combi-weapon, or bolt pistol). Independent characters pay +10 pts for the upgrade. Sacred Incense - May only be taken by a Chapter Chaplain or Standard Bearer, counts as Wargear - Relics & Artefacts. Incinerators, Psycannons, and Psycannon Bolts may only be taken against Chaos armies (armies consisting of units from Codex: Chaos Space Marines or the Lost and the Damned army from Codex: Eye of Terror).


The following units also benefit/suffer from the Exorcists special rules described below: Commander, Chapter Chaplain, Command squad, Terminator Command Squad, Veteran Squad, Terminator Squad, Terminator Assault Squad, Techmarine, Tactical Squad, Assault Squad, Devastator Squad. Furious Charge: In turns in which Exorcists charge daemons or Greater Daemons, the Exorcists benefit from Furious Charge. (See the Universal Special Rules section of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook). Hatred of Daemons: If a unit of daemons or a Greater Daemon is the model/unit nearest a unit or model of Exorcists, the Exorcists may only elect to shoot at that daemonic unit or model. The Exorcists may choose not to shoot, but if they choose to shoot it may only be at the nearest daemonic unit or model. Fearless: Exorcists in assault with daemons are considered fearless and will not fall back, even when they would normally automatically do so. (See the Universal Special Rules section of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook). Suffer Not the Daemon to Live: The Chapter is expert at fighting daemons. All non-vehicle models have the Preferred Enemy ability against daemons. This ability costs +1 point per model and is required for all applicable models. Note that this ability applies to the entire army, not just those models that benefit/suffer from the Exorcists special rules.

The Pain Glove

The heightened levels of aggression are being represented in the normal way a combination of the furious charge and hatred rules. Since the source of this aggression seems to be the possession each of the Space Marines was subjected to, as well as proximity to daemons, I've limited the aggression rules to only applying when in proximity to daemons. The alignment with the Ordo Malleus comes in the form of access to weapons and wargear that are useful in combating daemons. With regard to Chapter Master Kane, Ive tried to make him fairly straightforward without too much that is special. The daemonhammer is something not normally available to a Space Marine. I used the normal cost from Codex: Daemonhunters, with an additional 5 points tacked on. Everything else uses the normal cost, with Fearless following the lead from the Dark Angels cost. For those of you who might be wondering why I chose the name Kane, its an homage to Robert E. Howards puritan witch hunting adventurer Solomon Kane. Special thanks to the members of the Bolter & Chainsword Space Marine discussion forum for their invaluable support in developing these rules. These rules are completely unofficial and are not endorsed by Games Workshop Ltd. You must have your opponents consent to use these rules.


Kane has been Chapter Master of the Exorcists Chapter for over two decades, and has been a member of the Chapter for over three centuries. He leads the Chapters First Company into combat and wields the badge of office of the Exorcists Chapter Master, the Malleus Infernum (Hellhammer). This weapon was presented to the Chapters first Chapter Master by the Lords of the Ordo Malleus when the Chapter was granted autonomy following the end of the Age of Apostasy. It is a fearsome weapon against the servants of the Fell Powers, and is inscribed with the sigils of the Inquisition and the Exorcists Chapter. Profile Kane Pts/Model 156 WS 5 BS 5 S 4 T 4 W 3 I 5 A 4 Ld 10 Sv 2+(5+)

Special Character: Kane is a special character. He may be used in Exorcists armies of at least 1,500 points as an HQ choice. You may not select any additional items from the Armoury. Equipment: Kane wears Terminator armour (the extra Attack is included in the profile above) and carries a daemonhammer and storm bolter with Psycannon bolts. His armour is embellished with purity seals and he has bionics. SPECIAL RULES Independent Character: Kane is an Independent Character. Rites of Battle: As Space Marine Commanders (see page 28 of Codex: Space Marines). Command Squad: Kane may lead a Terminator Command squad chosen as normal from the army list. The squad may have other characters attached to it as normal. Fearless: Kane and any unit he joins is Fearless as the Universal Special Rule on page 75 of the Warhammer 40,000 Rulebook. Exorcist: All of the standard Exorcists rules apply to Chapter Master Kane.

Let the greenskins scatter before our wrath. We will show them what it means to face the Emperors finest. -Chapter Master Kane of the Exorcists Third War for Armageddon
Campaigns in which the Exorcists have participated: The Badab War (Loyalist, between 908 and 912.M41) The Gothic War (3 to 6 companies, 151.M41) The Aschen War (3rd Company) The Third War for Armageddon (12 companies, involved in fierce space battles around the warp jump points to stem the flow of Ork reinforcements pouring into the sector)

Exorcists Ships that Participated in the Gothic War:

Punisher and Redeemer (Battlebarges) Captain Augusta, Eternal Defiance, and Hunter (Strike Cruisers)

We shall never rest while a single renegade draws breath. -Captain Leitz of the Exorcists
The Pain Glove

In conclusion during the Gothic War

If you have any questions or comments concerning these rules, you can contact me at or by checking the Bolter & Chainsword discussion forum where these rules were posted for development.

The Pain Glove

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