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BSCI Session 1 BSCI '20, October 6, 2020, Taipei, Taiwan

Review of Techniques for Privacy-Preserving

Blockchain Systems
Abylay Satybaldy Mariusz Nowostawski
Norwegian University of Science and Technology Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Gjøvik, Innland, Norway Gjøvik, Innland, Norway

ABSTRACT blockchain’s potential application has reached far beyond cryp-

Privacy plays a central role in many application domains that utilize tocurrency and financial assets. As the technology gained wider
blockchain technology. It is central in Personal Data Management, recognition in recent years, there has been a number of advance-
Electronic Health records, or systems that interact with any public ments, new use cases and diverse novel applications. The blockchain
institution. However, blockchains are subject to potential privacy has high-impact potential in many different applications ranging
issues such as transaction linkability, compliance with data protec- from cryptocurrencies and digital assets, to eHealth, identity man-
tion regulations, on-chain data privacy, and malicious smart con- agement, supply chain, and data provenance.
tracts. To deal with these challenges, novel privacy-preserving solu- However, there are a number of privacy challenges that appear in
tions based on crypto-privacy techniques are emerging. The goal of the application of blockchain technology in different domains. The
this survey is to provide insights into the privacy-preserving tech- main issues arising are the transaction linkability, compliance with
niques associated with blockchain. We analyse the existing privacy- data protection regulations, on-chain data privacy, and malicious
preserving mechanisms for blockchain and propose a framework smart contracts. To cope with these challenges, many researchers,
that categorizes the main techniques examined. Furthermore, we both in academia and industry, have been proposing different solu-
summarize some typical applications of blockchain where the pri- tions to improve the privacy and security of blockchain systems.
vacy protection is the main requirement. There are many published reviews associated with blockchain
and its future trends and most of the articles [52, 71, 95] discuss
CCS CONCEPTS the security and privacy challenges of this promising technology.
There are other surveys that consider privacy issues and solutions
• General and reference → Surveys and overviews; Evaluation;
but they mainly focus on cryptocurrencies [11, 21] and anonymity
• Security and privacy → Cryptography; Privacy-preserving
issues in transactions [31]. Our review paper targets a broader
protocols; Cryptanalysis and other attacks; • Software and
scope and examines privacy-preserving technologies employed in
its engineering → Peer-to-peer architectures; • Social and pro-
different blockchain scenarios. As a result, we hope to gain a more
fessional topics → Identity theft.
in-depth understanding of the current state-of-the-art, and identify
the limitations of existing privacy-preserving schemes.
KEYWORDS In this article, we present a systematic review of the privacy-
blockchain technology, privacy-preserving techniques, cryptographic preserving approaches and techniques that are used to overcome
protocols, self-sovereign identity, anonymous systems the privacy challenges related to the blockchain technology. The
ACM Reference Format: contributions of the article are multi-fold: 1) review the current
Abylay Satybaldy and Mariusz Nowostawski. 2020. Review of Techniques state-of-the-art and present the main privacy-preserving techniques
for Privacy-Preserving Blockchain Systems. In Proceedings of the 2nd ACM for blockchain, 2) analyze privacy-preserving mechanisms based
International Symposium on Blockchain and Secure Critical Infrastructure on their use cases in blockchain, 3) propose a framework that
(BSCI ’20), October 6, 2020, Taipei, Taiwan. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 9 pages. categorizes the main techniques examined, and finally, 4) intro- duce the main scenarios that can benefit from a privacy-preserving
1 INTRODUCTION The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we
Blockchain technology is a recent breakthrough of secure comput- present the results of a structured literature review that introduces
ing without centralized authority in an open networked system. the main privacy-preserving technologies for blockchain and pro-
Originally invented as the underlying infrastructure of Bitcoin [60], vides a detailed analysis. Section 3 classifies and compares privacy-
preserving mechanisms. Moreover, we summarize the applications
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or which require privacy-preserving blockchains and identify open
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed research challenges in Section 4. Finally, the conclusions are drawn
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation
on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM in Section 5.
must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish,
to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a
fee. Request permissions from 2 PRIVACY-PRESERVING TECHNIQUES
BSCI ’20, October 6, 2020, Taipei, Taiwan In this section, we present a comprehensive overview of privacy-
© 2020 Association for Computing Machinery.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-7610-5/20/10. . . $15.00 preserving techniques that can be leveraged to enhance the privacy and security of existing and future blockchain systems.

BSCI Session 1 BSCI '20, October 6, 2020, Taipei, Taiwan

2.1 Zero-knowledge proofs unlinkable pseudonyms and a selective disclosure of attributes and
Zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) [48] and arguments [15] are inter- sensitive personal information.
active protocols between a prover and a verifier, which informally Since 2013, academic researchers have proposed to implement
yield no knowledge except for the validity of the assertion. The orig- succinct non-interactive zero-knowledge protocols including zk-
inal formal definition of zero-knowledge considered a very minimal Garbled Circuits [51], Pinocchio [66], zk-SNARKs [6], zk-STARKs
context, and almost immediately, unexpected problems emerged [5], Bulletproofs [16], and ZKBoo [41]. The main objective of these
when attempting to apply the notion of zero-knowledge to more schemes is to allow completely anonymous currency transactions
practical contexts; the notion of zero-knowledge has been refined with the use of a blockchain network. However, due to the complex-
accordingly. For example, to make zero-knowledge closed under ity of these schemes, only two, Bulletproofs and zk-SNARKs, are
sequential composition, a number of researchers [48, 63, 87] have implemented in Monero [89] and Zcash [80] systems, respectively.
proposed a modified definition, known as auxiliary zero-knowledge. Recently, Cornell Blockchain group created ZoKrates toolbox[22,
ZKPs have proven useful both in cryptography and complex- 27] which is used to integrate zk-SNARKs into Ethereum by creat-
ity theory. For example, in cryptography, zero-knowledge proofs ing pre-compiled smart contracts with built-in verification. More
have played a major role in the proven completeness theorem for specifically, they introduced an off-chaining model for computa-
protocols with honest majority [44]. In complexity theory, zero- tions based on zero-knowledge verifiable computation schemes
knowledge provides an avenue to demonstrate that certain lan- to address the challenges of scalability and privacy in Ethereum
guages are not NP-complete [13]. network.
The following are the properties that are to be satisfied by a Example. We want to explain the basic mechanism of zk-SNARK.
zero-knowledge proof system: The protocol consists of three algorithms G, P, V defined as follows:
(1) Correctness. For a statement s ∈ L (where L is a language in • The key generator G takes a secret parameter λ and a pro-
N P) with given w as witness, the verifier will always accept gram C, and generates two publicly available keys, a proving
the proof, if the statement is true. key pk , and a verification key vk . These keys are public pa-
rameters that only need to be generated once for a given
(2) Soundness. If the statement is false, a fraudulent prover program C.
cannot convince an honest verifier that it is true, even • The prover P takes as input the proving key pk , a public
though he/she has infinite computational power. input s and a private witness w. The algorithm generates a
proof π = P(pk , s, w) that the prover knows a witness w and
(3) Zero-knowledge. A fraudulent verifier will not learn anything that the witness satisfies the program.
about the statement other than the truthfulness of the state- • The verifier V computes V (vk , s, π ) which returns true if
ment. The proof π given by the prover will not be sufficient the proof is correct, and false otherwise. Thus this func-
for the verifier to get the witness w. tion returns true if the prover knows a witness w satisfying
C(s, w) == true.
Recently, zero-knowledge research has focused on achieving Note, here the secret parameter λ can be used to generate fake
an additional property, succinctness, requiring the proof to be very proofs. Specifically, given any program C and public input s a per-
short and easy to verify [6, 79, 91]. The succinctness property would son who knows λ can generate a fake proof π f such that V (vk , s, π f )
be quite desirable and it can play a vital role in several security evaluates to true without knowledge of the secret w. Thus running
applications. The succinctness property can also help in reducing the generator requires a very secure process to make sure no-one
the scalability problem faced in the earlier systems, due to their learns the secret parameter. This was the reason for the design of
space complexity [7]. specific protocol based on multi-party computation (MPC) by Zcash
There are several zero-knowledge proof systems, such team [32] which allows multiple independent parties to collabora-
as interactive zero-knowledge [43, 45], non-interactive zero- tively construct the parameters and ensures that the "toxic waste"
knowledge [6, 8], constant-round zero-knowledge [42], concurrent parameter λ is destroyed in the process.
zero-knowledge [25, 65, 74], resettable zero-knowledge [19, 37],
leakage-resilient zero-knowledge [38], multiple non-interactive 2.2 Secure multi-party computation
zero-knowledge [30]. Since its introduction by Andrew Yao in the 1980s, multi-party com-
putation has developed from a theoretical curiosity to an important
Blockchain with ZKPs. There is considerable interest, both in tool for building large-scale privacy-preserving distributed applica-
academia and industry, to preserve the privacy of users in tions [69]. Secure multi-party computation (SMPC) enables a group
blockchain systems by applying different variants of zero- to jointly perform a computation without disclosing any of the
knowledge proofs. One application of zero-knowledge proofs in the participants’ private inputs. The participants agree on a function
blockchain are the anonymous credentials for identity management to compute, and then can use an SMPC protocol to jointly compute
systems. The public blockchains used in blockchain-based identity the output of that function on their secret inputs without revealing
systems can expose some personal information of users. There- them. SMPC can be described as n participants P 1 , P 2 , · · ·, Pn , where
fore, a new privacy preserving scheme based on zero-knowledge party Pi only knows his own input x i , to jointly computing task
proofs and decentralized identifiers (DIDs) [72] was introduced by
Sovrin [84]. The proposed identity system enables the creation of f (x 1 , x 2 , · · · , x n ) = (y1 , y2 , · · · , yn ) (1)

BSCI Session 1 BSCI '20, October 6, 2020, Taipei, Taiwan

in such a way that party Pi only learns his own output yi . SMPC and parties’ inputs. Moreover, the proposed system guarantees the
has the following two security requirements: correctness and consistency of contract execution results even if
• Privacy: participant P j cannot get any other input x i (j , i). the attacker corrupts several participants. The proposed smart con-
• Consistency: all honest participants can finally get the same tract model is evaluated by simulation experiments with private
output result y1 = y2 = · · · = yn . currency transfers, and the results indicate the system is efficient
and secure enough for common smart contracts.
While many single purpose SMPC protocols were proposed, the
main interest was in the creation of a general purpose framework
which allows the computation of arbitrary functions. Basic con- 2.3 Homomorphic encryption
cepts were identified which allowed approaching this aim, most The term homomorphism was used for the first time by Rivest et
notably garbled circuits, homomorphic encryption and secret shar- al. [75] in 1978 as a possible solution to the computing without
ing schemes [29, 90]. Its theory flourished early in the 80âĂŹs while decrypting problem. This fundamental research [75] has led to
implementations have only been developed in the last decade. A few numerous attempts by researchers around the world to design such
examples include privacy-preserving network security monitoring, a homomorphic scheme with a larger set of operations. However, for
privacy-preserving data analysis systems, and anonymously shar- a long time proposed homomorphic encryption schemes have only
ing cyber-crime evidence [3, 54]. The first large-scale deployment allowed simple computations on encrypted data. For example, the
of MPC was in 2008 for an actual auction problem in Denmark [9]. encryption systems of Goldwasser and Micali [46], El Gamal [28],
Despite the extensive SMPC-optimization researches proposed Cohen and Fischer [20], and Paillier [64] support either adding or
recently, there are still unsolved challenges. Examples of these multiplying encrypted ciphertexts, but not both operations at the
problems include implementing more efficient and faster SMPC same time. Boneh et al. [10] were the first to construct a scheme
protocols for large datasets, building confidence and correctness in capable of performing both operations at the same time. Their
the system that will execute the protocol, and securing the confiden- scheme can handle an arbitrary number of additions but just one
tial processing of data. Moreover, while the use of SMPC solutions multiplication. In 2009, Gentry presented in his seminal work [39]
reduces the risk of large-scale data leakage, it complicates analysis how to build the first fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) scheme.
of potential data leakage and statistical studies that require linking FHE allows an unlimited number of operations for an unlimited
data over multiple databases. Depending on the SMPC protocol number of times. However, limitations on the efficiency of the FHE
design and the number of parties involved, computing power, tim- schemes prompt researchers to find the somewhat homomorphic
ing and bandwidth use can still be potential constraints. Recently, encryption (SWHE) schemes that can be good enough to use in real-
several multi-party computation techniques have been proposed tar- world applications [1, 59]. SWHE schemes, which support a limited
geting resource-efficiency (in terms of bandwidth, computation, and number of homomorphic operations, can be much faster, and more
latency) for large networks. Although much theoretical progress compact than FHE schemes. For example, the most recent solution
has been made to achieve scalability, practical progress is slow. of Brakerski and Vaikuntanathan [14] is efficient and simple, it has
In particular, most known schemes suffer from either poor or un- short ciphertexts, and its security is based on the standard learning
known communication and computation costs when used in real with errors LW E assumption [53]. Moreover, IBM recently released
practical contexts [78]. FHE toolkit for MacOS, Linux and iOS/Android platforms [50]. This
will definitely make these concepts less abstract and more concrete,
Blockchain with SMPC. Due to its privacy-preserving character- and bring FHE technology into the hands of early adopters who
istics SMPC can be used as baseline to enhance the security and want to integrate it into real-world applications.
privacy of blockchain systems. Andrychowicz et al. [2] designed and
implemented secure multi-party computation protocols on Bitcoin Blockchain with homomorphic encryption. There is an extensive in-
system in 2014. They constructed protocols for secure multi-party terest in applying the homomorphic encryption in the blockchain-
lotteries without any trusted authority. Their protocols are able to based systems to provide data privacy and secure access model.
guarantee fairness for the honest users regardless of how dishonest Typical homomorphic cryptographic schemes which could be used
ones behave. If a user violates or interferes with the protocol, then to protect privacy of blockchain include the Pedersen commit-
he will be penalized financially. ment scheme [67] (which will be discussed in the next section),
A decentralized secure multi-party computation platform, called Goldwasser-Micali encryption scheme [47] and Paillier cryptosys-
Enigma, is proposed by Zyskind et al. in 2015 [83]. By using an tem [64]. According to Yaji et al. [92], these homomorphic encryp-
advanced version of SMPC, Enigma employs a verifiable secret tion schemes can enhance blockchain technology and make it more
sharing scheme to guarantee privacy of its computational model. suitable for security and privacy based applications. They experi-
Enigma encodes shared secret data using a modified distributed mentally proved that some attacks such as collision, preimage and
hash table for efficient storage. Moreover, it leverages an external attack on the digital wallet can be avoided through encrypting block
blockchain as a corruption-resistant recording of events and the using Goldwasser-Micali and Paillier encryption schemes. More-
regulator of the peer to peer network for identity management over, Paillier homomorphic encryption was used by Ghadamyari
and access control. Similar to Bitcoin system, Enigma provides au- et al. [40] to implement privacy-preserving data access model for
tonomous control and protection of personal data while eliminating private blockchains which was used to perform statistical analysis
the necessity and dependency of a trusted third party. on encrypted health data stored on-chain. Similarly, She et al. [82]
In [97], the authors use SMPC to implement secure smart con- designed an algorithm based on Paillier scheme which encrypts
tract system which achieves privacy protection for contract data sensitive data of all gateway peers before uploading them to the

BSCI Session 1 BSCI '20, October 6, 2020, Taipei, Taiwan

consortium blockchain. After homomorphic encryption processing The right-hand side is another ciphertext transformed by the
the network participants can validate the security of sensitive data intermediary. This transformation performs a decryption on the
in a privacy-preserving manner. original ciphertext by the intermediary with its private key. Then
the intermediary delivers the sub-ciphertext to A who then decrypts
2.4 Commitment schemes it with his/her own private key. It is to note that n 0 and n 1 are
random numbers which ensure that no message is transferred more
A commitment scheme [15] is a cryptographic mechanism which
than once.
allows one to keep a piece of data secret and commit to it by pub-
When the intermediary gets many inputs and outputs, this mech-
lishing a hash of the data. A blinding factor [17] can be added when
anism will hide the correspondence between each message’s origin
the data size is short (e.g. a number) to minimize the risk of the data
and destination. The order of arrival is hidden by outputting the uni-
being unmasked by brute force search. Having committed to the
formly sized items in random patterns. Additionally, to minimize
piece of data by publishing the hash, the publisher can later reveal
the danger of the single intermediary being the attacker, multi-
both the blinding factor and the data, allowing others to verify that
ple intermediaries can be linked together thereby creating a mix
the hash of the blinding factor and data matches the hash that they
Furthermore, a commitment scheme can be based on, either
Blockchain with Mixing. Over the last few years, various mixing
unconditional binding (Alice cannot open the commitment value
services have been developed and integrated into the blockchain
to a different value than the original one) or unconditional hiding
network to obfuscate the transaction history and reduce the risk
(Bob cannot guess to what value Alice committed) [68].
of de-anonymization. Mixing divide usersâĂŹ funds into smaller
Blockchain with commitment schemes. The use of Pedersen commit- parts; then, these parts are randomly mixed to make users and
ments [67] as a means of concealing the amount being transferred transactions unlinkable.
in a Bitcoin transaction was first proposed by Adam Back in Octo- Gregory Maxwell introduced a third party-based mixing protocol
ber 2013 [4]. It was subsequently formalized by Greg Maxwell [57] for Bitcoin called CoinSwap [56]. The general flow of this protocol
under the name Confidential Transactions and was implemented in is that many senders deliver transactions to many receivers with a
Monero [58] and Blockstream’s Elements project [70]. mixer acting as the intermediary. All the transactions between the
Confidential transactions leverage the additive homomorphic sender & mixer and the mixer & receiver are escrow transactions
qualities of elliptic curve cryptography public keys, to prove that that are protected by hash-lock and can only be spent by corre-
the inputs and the outputs of a confidential transaction sum to zero. sponding redeeming transactions. This lock mechanism ensures
Range proofs are a cryptographic mechanism used to prove that that no one can steal the user’s assets. However, the transactions
a value lies within a certain range, without revealing the value. In are sent in plaintext, the mixer can still track all the transaction
confidential transactions, they are used to prove that none of the pairs and all the transactions’ information between them.
outputs is negative, which would otherwise allow the sender to Mixcoin [12] was proposed by Bonneau et al. in 2014, which
create money out of thin air. uses a signature-based accountability mechanism to expose theft
The sender discloses the value of the transaction and the blinding so that users are able to unambiguously prove if the mixer has
factor they used to the receiver, who can then verify the value of misbehaved. Malicious operations will quickly have the mixer’s
the transaction. The receiver then has the option of using the confi- reputation destroyed. Similar to CoinSwap, in this system mixer
dential value he has just received in a new confidential transaction. can de-anonymize its users if it stores sufficient transaction records.
The Pedersen commitment allows the concealed value to be spent The weak point in the mixing services described above is the
without revealing it. third-party mixer who needs to be trusted. Coinjoin [55] is a mixing
Because confidential transactions only conceal the amount being technique that removes the third-party requirement. Coinjoin uses
transferred, information leakage can theoretically occur if knowl- the property that a single transaction can have multiple inputs
edge that a specific transaction has taken place can be correlated and multiple outputs. The joint transaction mixes the link between
with the creation of a transaction on a blockchain. inputs and outputs so that the exact direction of data flow will be
kept unknown to the other peers.
2.5 Mixing However, CoinJoin has a significant drawback as it lacks internal
unlinkability which means that participants will know the details
A mixing mechanism, first proposed by Chaum [18] in 1981, enables
about the joint transaction, including the destinations of the trans-
hiding the information about the sender and the receiver as well as
actions with which the senders’ addresses are paired. This increases
the content of the communication.
the likelihood of a Sybil attack as the number of available partici-
Assume that one entity wants to send a message M to another
pants increases. To achieve the internal unlinkability, CoinShuffle
entity at address A. First, the sender will encrypt M with the re-
was proposed by Ruffing et al. [77]. It utilizes an anonymous group
ceiver’s public key K A , append the address A, and then encrypt the
communication protocol to hide the participants’ identities from
result with the intermediary’s public key K I . The left-hand of the
each other. This method achieves the internal unlinkability by the
following expression denotes the ciphertext, which is passed to an
simple trick of layered encryption. However, this is achieved at the
cost of high communication and computational overhead.
In short, mixing services are relatively simple methods for pri-
K I (n 0 , K A (n 1 , M), A) −→ K A (n 1 , M), A (2) vacy protection in blockchain. Most of them are compatible with

BSCI Session 1 BSCI '20, October 6, 2020, Taipei, Taiwan

existing blockchain networks without any particular consensus be spendable. Moreover, the CryptoNote protocol is vulnerable to
mechanism, which means they need less resources to be imple- analysis attacks based on the transaction amount.
mented. Furthermore, combined with a proper defensive technique, A modification of the CryptoNote is Ring Confidential Trans-
mixing services can provide acceptable privacy protection. actions (RinдCT ) proposed by Noether et al. [61]. The proposed
mechanism also conceals the amount being transferred by using
2.6 Ring signature Greg Maxwell’s confidential transaction described above. To be
Ring signature was initially designed by Rivest et al. [76] as a digital effective in concealing the source of a transaction, RinдCT rely on
signature that can be used to generate a valid but anonymous the ability of the sender to find other keys holding the same amount
signature from a group of possible signers without telling which of funds in order to create the group of keys required to generate
member actually produced the signature. the ring signature. The larger the group, the better; small groups
can facilitate transaction graph analysis. The most successful im-
plementation of this approach to date is the cryptocurrency named
Monero [85].

2.7 Differential Privacy

In 2006 the term differential privacy was coined by Cynthia
Dwork. She proposed a new definition of privacy as differential
privacy [24]. Differential privacy gives a mathematical proof that
individuals’ privacy will be preserved. It assures that the adversary
will not know anything new about an individual than it new
before working on the database. If there are two adjacent databases
D 1 and D 2 differing in just one record the probability of output
will be almost the same. The adversary cannot tell if it is coming
from D 1 or D 2 , hence the privacy is preserved and also with
Figure 1: Ring signature anonymity
the help of auxiliary information he/she can determine nothing new.

As shown in Figure 1, in a ring architecture, User As chooses Differential Privacy definition. A randomized algorithm M
a set of participants including himself/herself and creates a ring gives ϵ-differential privacy if for all data sets D 1 and D 2 differing
{A0 , A1 , . . . , An }. Each participant has a public key from a standard on at most one element, and all S ⊆ Range(M) [26],
signature scheme (e.g., RSA, ECDSA). User As signs a message with
his/her private key (S As ) and all the public keys (PA0 , · · ·, PAs , · · Pr [M(D 1 ) ⊆ S] ≤ exp(ϵ) · Pr [M(D 2 ) ⊆ S], (3)
·, PAn ) of the members in the ring. The verifier can tell that one from
the set has signed the message but does not know who is the actual where the probability space is over the coin flips of the mechanism
signer. Therefore, this signature provides complete anonymity for M and ϵ is the privacy budget. A mechanism M satisfying this defi-
the signer. nition addresses concerns that any participant might have about
One of the modified versions of ring signatures is the traceable the leakage of her personal information x: even if the participant
ring signature [33, 34]. This type of ring signature can detect if removed her data from the data set, no outputs (and thus conse-
two signatures were produced by the same user. Therefore, the quences of outputs) would become significantly more or less likely.
traceable ring signature can suit to many applications, such as an For example, the presence or absence of an individual in a database
anonymous voting and payment systems. should not significantly affect their chance of receiving insurance
Blockchain with ring signature. The properties of anonymity and Differential privacy has been applied to a wide range disparate
unlinkability have led to the development of several ring-based data sets and applications. One way that it has been applied is for
privacy preservation protocols for blockchain [61, 85, 88]. privacy preservation during location pattern mining [49]. The au-
The use of ring signatures to conceal the origin of a blockchain thors of the paper propose an algorithm that provides differential
transaction was first described as part of the CryptoNote protocol, privacy for location pattern mining data sets. To achieve practical
first released in December 2012 and updated in October 2013, by differential privacy, they distribute the desired level for differen-
Nicolas van Saberhagen. The proposed protocol leverages trace- tial privacy to different steps. Health data is another area where
able ring signatures which allows a user to sign only one valid there is a push for differential privacy. Dankar and El Emam [23]
transaction with one private key. outline a number of characteristics that need to be considered in
With CryptoNote, a "key image" (effectively a hash of the private a practical mechanism used to preserve privacy. While some of
key the signer used) is added to the transaction. Any attempt to their concerns are technological, and some are more social, these
double-spend will result in the same key image being used. Nodes concerns must all be considered before a practical health data dif-
maintain a list of all the key images ever used and reject any new ferential privacy system is developed and used to actually protect
transactions where the key image has been used previously. A side- the general publicâĂŹs private data.
effect of this approach is that addresses must never be reused. If Differential privacy is a relatively new privacy ensuring mech-
they are, only one of the transactions sent to that address would anism, but as the number and volume of databases with private

BSCI Session 1 BSCI '20, October 6, 2020, Taipei, Taiwan

Figure 2: Taxonomy of privacy-preserving techniques for blockchain.

data continues to grow, this will continue to be a powerful and transactions, Differential Privacy that anonymizes on-chain trans-
important tool. actions when accessing data via queries, Commitment schemes and
Homomorphic Hiding (e.g. can be used to conceal the amount being
Blockchain with differential privacy. In blockchain, differential pri- transferred). The third category is privacy-preservation of Smart
vacy is applicable for accessing private databases via queries that Contracts by using SMPC techniques and ZKPs.
aggregate the data, and also to receive the user’s data with statisti- The resultant taxonomy of privacy-preserving techniques in
cal variations from the sources while guaranteeing chosen privacy blockchain is illustrated in Figure 2. Some techniques such as Mix-
levels for users. The first scenario is mainly applicable for private ing and ZKPs are being applied to achieve anonymization of both
blockchains that allow third-parties to use their anonymized data. identity and transaction data.
The second case is applicable to sensor’s data collecting blockchains,
where the whole chain can be used for statistical analysis, but a 4 PRIVACY-PRESERVING BLOCKCHAIN
single transaction has statistically shifted data. APPLICATIONS
Differential privacy is being applied to blockchain to protect
This section describes the main blockchain use cases that require
user’s privacy in different scenarios. For instance, in [94] authors
privacy-preserving techniques. In particular, we discuss the role of
employ differential privacy to avoid an adversary can infer sensitive
privacy in these scenarios and identify open research challenges.
personal information when performing federated learning, using
the blockchain to record crowd-sourcing activities. Gai et al. [36]
propose blockchain-based data-sharing approach which allows data
4.1 Self-sovereign identity
owners to control anonymization processes, as well as to prevent From both IT industry and an academic research perspective,
information on blocks from data mining-based attacks. blockchain-based identity management systems are gaining lot
of attention to introduce new solutions for digital identities. Be-
fore blockchains, privacy preserving was incomplete due to the
3 CLASSIFICATION OF existence of centralized identity authorities. Service providers and
PRIVACY-PRESERVING TECHNIQUES users need to grant full trust to their identity providers. In other
Based on the results of conducted literature review we can now cate- words, centralized identity providers could see activities between
gorize privacy-preserving techniques to three main areas according users and service providers, which compromises the identity in-
to their use case. The first category is Identity Data Anonymization formation privacy. Blockchains provide a promising operational
that groups the privacy-preserving mechanisms used to conceal environment for the trend of Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI), charac-
the user’s personal identity information. These techniques include terized by transformation from a non-user controlled centralized
ZKPs which enable the creation of unlinkable pseudonyms and model to a fully user-controlled decentralized model. Self-sovereign
a selective disclosure of attributes, Mixing (to conceal the sender, identity management enables principals to prove validity of identi-
receiver), and Ring Signatures that can be used to anonymize signer. ties on the attribute level across identity issuers with little or no
The second area comprises the techniques that protect privacy involvement from identity authorities, which provides a promising
of the contents of the blockchain transactions. Transaction Data rights and identity proving methodology for applications deployed
Anonymization techniques are Mixing which enables unlinkable on blockchain. Although users could have full control over their

BSCI Session 1 BSCI '20, October 6, 2020, Taipei, Taiwan

personal information in blockchain based identity management In the context of cryptocurrencies, it is essential to protect the pri-
systems, the public blockchains can still expose some identity in- vacy of the entities involved in a transaction (i.e., payer and payee),
formation [81]. Therefore, we still need to introduce new privacy as well as to hide the amount of coins to be transferred. Recent ap-
preserving schemes into blockchains which could bring the selec- proaches in this direction such as CoinShuffle, CoinJoin, Zerocash
tive disclosure of sensitive personal information and perfect online and Ring Confidential Transactions were discussed in Section 2.
identity privacy into reality. Current research trend of privacy-preserving cryptocurrencies is to
make computationally feasible the calculation of proofs when deal-
ing with certain demanding scenarios, as existing solutions relying
4.2 IoT and Smart cities
on cryptographic mechanisms such as zero-knowledge proofs have
The Internet of Things (IoT) aims at connecting everything, rang- high computational cost.
ing from individuals, companies, and organizations to things in
the virtual and physical world. With the significant development 5 CONCLUSION
of wireless networks, smart environments have gained a grown
interest as creating new opportunities for medical services, smart In this paper we have reviewed the current state-of-the-art and
homes, smart cities, smart energy production and safer transporta- presented the main privacy-preserving techniques for blockchain.
tion [35, 62, 96]. These services enhance the interaction of people Based on this, we analyzed the current privacy-preserving mech-
with objects and facilitate the way people communicate with others. anisms and categorized the techniques to three main areas. Fur-
However, smart environments are susceptible to privacy related thermore, the review has covered the main blockchain scenarios
attacks such as fake identities and Sybil attacks [93]. Therefore, that can benefit from privacy-preserving blockchains deployments,
identifying and deploying the proper security requirements is a including SSI, eHealth, smart cities and cryptocurrencies. We have
prerequisite for smart environments, often operating with con- included examples of existing blockchain systems that employ some
strained devices. At the same time, privacy solutions should be in of the existing techniques.
place to preserve users’ privacy. This calls for a secure and privacy- Despite wide variety of proposals for novel privacy-preserving
preserving identity management system in smart environments, techniques, current blockchain solutions are still limited. There
which will manage the usage of trustworthy and privacy-preserving exist open privacy challenges that existing systems are to address.
identifiers by users and devices. Moreover, the limitations associ- Novel research initiatives are needed with the aim to improve the
ated to most of common IoT devices that are intended to act as data efficiency of current mechanisms, privacy usability and control,
sources in many smart city use cases make it difficult to adopt pri- thereby making blockchains implementations fully compliant with
vacy solutions. Consequently, there could be different scenarios in privacy requirements and offering improved strengthen privacy
which a specific device is not able to manage blockchain-based op- properties.
erations. Beyond practical considerations, these devices will often
operate on behalf of their owner; consequently, the application of REFERENCES
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