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A Few Evidences of Creation

Evidence one: 1st law of thermodynamics. The 1st law of Thermodynamics states that all life arises only from life. The very bases of Evolutionary thought is that sometime ago a single cell somehow just appeared. This LAW of nature contradicts Evolution and is plenty evidence to end the debate, but let us continue. Evidence two: 2nd law of Thermodynamics. The 2nd law of Thermodynamics states that everything loses information over time. This is evidenced in the fact that we all age, our shoes wear out, and things decay. Evolutionary theory has organisms gaining information over time, which flies in the face of this law. Evidence three: Complexity of life. DNA. If the DNA of one human cell were unraveled and held in a straight line, it would literally be almost one meter long and yet be so thin that it would be invisible to all but the most powerful microscopes. Consider that this string of DNA must be packaged into a space that is much smaller than the head of a pin and that this tiny string of human DNA contains enough information to fill almost 1,000 books, each containing 1,000 pages of text. Giraffe: The Giraffe is a wonder of creation. Let's take a scenario into consideration. It's a hot day in the Savannah, so a giraffe (our hero) stops to get a drink at the local watering hole. He just died. The giraffe would spread its forelegs and bend its neck below body level to drink the water. If you have ever been upside down for any period of time, then you know the feeling of blood rushing to your head. In the same way, the giraffes heart is so large and powerful that it normally would shoot a hefty amount of blood into the brain, causing a possibly fatal increase of blood pressure in the giraffes head. This does not happen, though, because of specialized valves contained within the vessels of the giraffes neck(figure 1). These valves work to block the blood being pumped to the brain during the giraffes water break. Furthermore, if the giraffe were to see a predator and try to run from it just after bending over, you would expect it to pass out because its blood pressure had dropped so low. Once again, however, the same network of valves saves the giraffe by routing the blood in a way that keeps the blood pressure constant. Where did these valves come from? And how did they evolve simultaneously with the heart and neck? Evolution has no answers. Finally one of the best evidences fro creationism is the stubborn refusal of the scientific community to concede on any evidence. The Nobel laureate Dr Francis Crick (co-discoverer of the structure of DNA), in his book Life Itself, insists that the probability of lifes chance origin simply defies calculation. Crick, an atheist, says: What is so frustrating for our present purpose is that it seems almost impossible to give any numerical value to the probability of what seems a rather unlikely sequence of events ... . An honest man, armed with all the knowledge available to us now, could only state that in some sense, the origin of life appears at the moment to be almost a miracle ...

Extra Links: Human/chimp DNA similarity continues to decrease: counting indels

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