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Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed. Apr.

2009 245

OI 10.1007/s11595-009-2245-7

Morphological Evolution of Nb2O5 in a Solvothermal

Reaction: From Nb2O5 Grains to Nb2O5 Nanorods and
Hexagonal Nb2O5 Nanoplatelets

HU Weibing1,3, LIU Zuli3, TIAN Dating1, ZHANG Shengmin3, ZHAO Yimin2, YAO Kailun3
(1. School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Hubei Institute for Nationalities, Enshi 445000, China;
2. School of Materials, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, the University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK;
3. Department of Physics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China)

Abstract: Novel Nb2O5 nanorods and polygonal Nb2O5 platelets were generated by a simple
solvothermal technique. The geometry evolution of the resultant Nb2O5 from amorphous nanoparticles
to crystallized particles, from polygonal platelets to well-elongated nanorods was been studied in detail.
The processing parameters, including the reaction temperature, reaction time, concentration of the
precursors, and pH value of the solution, which affect the shape and size of the nanorods, were inves-
tigated. The Nb2O5 nanorods with different aspect ratios were examined by XRD, SEM and TEM. The
experimental results show that Nb2O5 nanorod is the orthorhombic structure and well-crystallized. The
growth of the nanorods follows their [001] direction. The successful generation of high quality Nb2O5
nanorods is not only important for transition metal oxide research, but also potentially important for
further formation of new Nb-based 1-D nanostructures, such as NbS2 and NbN.
Keywords: solvothermal; morphological evolution; Nb2O5 nanomateraials

1 Introduction tate with H2O2 aqueous solutions after heating at 348 K

for one week resulted in the formation of poorly crystal-
One-dimensional (1-D) transition metal oxide line Nb2O5 nanoparticles of 4.5 nm in diameter[10]. Re-
structures have recently attracted considerable research cently, Sunkara et al have successfully produced Nb2O5
interests because of their many promising applications in nanowires at low temperature by utilising an oxygen
various areas[1]. Typical examples include the ZnO[2], assisted plasma technique[11]. We have generated the
WO3 and Fe2O3 nanowires and nanorods[3,4], which can NbS2/Nb2O5 nanocables using Nb2O5 nanorods reaction
be used as sensor materials, catalyst carriers, and in with H2S[12]. In this report, we described a facile
nanodevice constructions. In particular, niobium oxides soft-chemistry approach to synthesize high quality Nb2O5
are considered a valuable candidate for biomaterial ap- nanorods, and then discussed the effects of reaction time
plications[5], which is partly due to their chemical inert- and temperatures, and the concentrations of the solvents
ness[6], thermodynamic stability and low cytotoxicity[7]. on formation of Nb2O5 nanorods.
However, compared with other transition metal oxides,
niobium oxide nanostructures have been proved some- 2 Experimental
how difficult to generate and there are only very few
reports concerning the synthesis of Nb-related 1-D A 120 mL PTFE lined autoclave was used in the
nanomaterials. Shortly after Feldmann and his solvothermal synthesis. During the experiments, 0.050 g
co-workers reported the manufacture of Nb2O5 nanopar- NbCl5 (0.185 mmol) was dissolved in 2 mL ethanol in a
ticles using Nb(OC2H5)2[8], Pinna et al have employed a beaker, and stirred to obtain a thoroughly clear solution.
nonaqueous route to synthesize Nb2O5 polyhedral 40 mL cyclohexanol was then added to the solution,
nanocrystals[9]. The peptization of a niobic acid precipi- which was then transferred to and sealed in the autoclave,
subsequently heated at 200-240 ℃ in a muffle furnace
(Received: Jan.12, 2008; Accepted: Apr.9, 2008) for 8-90 h. The autoclave was cooled down to room
HU Weibing(胡卫兵): Prof.; E-mail: temperature naturally after the heating process. The re-
Funded by the International Cooperation Project of Hubei Province (2006 sultant products were thoroughly washed with acetone
CA014) for several times to remove any organic by-products, and
246 Vol.24 No.2 HU Weibing et al: Morphological Evolution of Nb2O5 in a…

were then centrifuged in deionized water. The suspension compositions of individual nanorods were also verified
was transferred by a pipette to a quartz (or Si) substrate to by using EDX, which confirms that the nanorods are
form a thin film, for further examinations by X-ray dif- chemically pure, containing Nb and O only, in consistent
fraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), with the bulk Nb2O5 structures as verified later by XRD.
transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron Fig.2(d) is TEM image of hexagonal Nb2O5 platelets,
X-rays dispersive spectrum (EDX). By using the 120 mL
which is shown that the hexagonal Nb2O5 platelets are
autoclave, the resultant solid product is typically about
indeed well-crystallized, as shown in Fig.2(e).
25 mg, which could be scaled up by utilizing a larger
reaction vessel. XRD analyses confirm the orthorhombic structure
of the Nb2O5 nanorods, as shown in Fig.3. It is noted from
3 Results and Discussion the XRD profiles that the features of Nb2O5 nanorods are
quite different from those reported of Nb2O5 nanoparti-
3.1 Characterization cles with similar diameters ranging from 30-80 nm[7,8]. In
Fig.1 shows the overall structures of the resulting the case of nanoparticles, the reported XRD profiles are
Nb2O5 nanomaterials, and Figs. 1c, 1f and 1h exhibit the almost identical, similar to those of the bulk materials
1-D structure of the nanorods. The Nb2O5 nanorods are (JCPDS 030-0873). In our samples, when the aspect ratio
geometrically uniform and fairly pure, without inclusion of the nanorods is small (Fig.1(g)), we obtained similar
of particulate impurity. They are typically about 1 μm in XRD pattern (Fig.3(b)). However, when the aspect ratio
length and 50-80 nm in diameter. In Fig.1(g), found that is large, >10-20, as the nanorods shown in Fig.1(h), the
the nanorods exhibit a hexagonal cross-section at the XRD pattern changes dramatically in terms of the inten-
ends as marked. It reveals that the nanorods do not pos- sities (Fig.3(a)). The intensity of the (180) peak becomes
sess round cross-section. Further ED study during TEM dominantly stronger than those of all other peaks. We
observation is shown that the Nb2O5 nanorods consist of believe that this is a good reflection of the pronounced
well-crystallized single crystals (Fig.2, insets). The feature of the 1-D nanostructures.

Fig.1 SEM images show effects of reaction temperature, reaction time and concentration of precursors on the final morphologies of the
resulting Nb2O5. The applied conditions are: (a) 215 ℃, 90 h, 4.628×10-3 M; (b) 225 ℃, 90 h, 4.628×10-3 M; (c) 235 ℃, 90 h, 4.628
×10-3 M; (d) 20 h, 235 ℃, 6.477×10-3 M; (e) 36 h, 235 ℃, 6.477×10-3 M; (f) 90 h, 235 ℃ , 6.477×10-3 M; (g) 9.253×10-3 M, 235 ℃
90 h; (h) 2.468×10-3 M, 235 ℃, 90 h; (i) Nb2O5 platelet structures produced at pH = 2.1, 235 ℃, 90 h, 3.08×10-3 M
Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed. Apr. 2009 247

processing parameters that affect the shape and size of the

nanorods, which include the reaction temperature, reac-
tion time, concentration of the precursors, and pH value
of the solution. Three sets of reaction temperature were
applied while maintaining other parameters constant
during the synthesis of Nb2O5, with a concentration of
4.628×10 3 M of NbCl5 and reaction time of 90 h. At

215 ℃, only large amorphous niobium oxide particles

were obtained, as shown in Fig. 1a whose amorphous
structural feature was also verified by XRD. At 225 ℃,
the resulting crystallised products contain very few short
nanorods mixed with polygonal particles (Fig.1(b)); and
at 235 ℃ pure nanorods are resulted (Fig.1(c)).
3.3 Reaction time
Reaction time shows a significant impact on the
morphology of the products. When 6.477 × 10 3 M

Fig.2 TEM images of the resulting Nb2O5 nanorods. (a) and (b) NbCl5, short reaction time 20 h and heated at 235 ℃, the
showing the Nb2O5 nanorods with different aspect ratios. products are mainly nanoparticles with non-uniform size
The inset ED pattern in (a) reveals the single crystalline and shape (Fig.1(d)); at prolonged reaction time of 36 h,
feature of a nanorod and indicates the [001] growth direc-
elongated structure are observed (Fig.1(e)). Further ex-
tion of the nanorods. (c) Lattice fringe image shows the
tended the reaction time to 90 h, very pure 1-D oxide
(001) plane of the nanorods perpendicular to the nanorod
nanostructures are obtained at about 100% conversion
axis, with a lattice separation of 0.39 nm.(d) and (e) TEM
image and HRTEM image of the hexagonal Nb2O5 platelets
rates, as shown in Fig.1(f).
3.4 Concentration of reactant
The concentration of the NbCl5 shows interesting
influence on the geometry of the final products. At high
concentration, 9.253×10 3 M, heated at 235 ℃ for 90 h,

the resulting materials are crystallized polyhedral parti-

cles (Fig.1(g)). At a concentration of 6.477×10 3 M, we

have obtained nanorods with an average length of 600 nm

(Fig.1(f)). Further reducing the concentrations gradually
down to 2.469×10 3 M, we have achieved longer and

longer nanorods up to 1 μm on average. As a result, the

aspect ratios of the nanorods are increased. It is noted that
the pH values have no significant influence on the
product, as there is very little pH variation while modi-
fying the concentrations of the precursor. A constant pH
value about 0.7 was adopted during the experiments for
nanorods generation. However, when adding deionized
water into the cyclohexanol solution, the pH value is
increased to 2.0-2.1, leading to polygonal platelet prod-
ucts rather than nanorods (Fig.1(i)).
3.5 Growth direction
High resolution TEM image shows that the atomic
planes stacked vertically to the nanorod axis exhibite an
Fig.3 XRD patterns of (a) long Nb2O5 nanorods and (b) short atomic lattice separation of 0.39 nm (Fig.2(c)), corre-
Nb2O5 nanorods with small aspect ratio, exhibiting the sponding to 0.393 nm of the (001) of Nb2O5. According
(180) dominant feature of the long nanorods
to analyses based on the ED results and high resolution
3.2 Reaction temperature lattice fringe images of individual nanorod, the growth
The final geometry of the oxide was dictated by the direction of Nb2O5 nanorods is believed to follow [001].
applied solvothermal conditions. We investigated the This can also account for the significantly improved (180)
248 Vol.24 No.2 HU Weibing et al: Morphological Evolution of Nb2O5 in a…

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