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Time allowed: 60 minutes
Instructions: Match the sentences with the right notices.

1. If you need a job, try telephoning A

this number.

2. You should pay with cash here. B

3. Sometimes you don't have to book C


4. If you find what this person is D

looking for, you will get some
5. This shop has lower prices than the E
other shops near to it.

6. You can learn how to make F

different kinds of food on this course.

7. You have to get off one train and G

get on another if you want to go

8. Phone this person if you want a job H

working with cars.

Page 1

9. If you want someone to wash some I

clothes for you, it will be cheaper this
10. You mustn't take too many J
clothes to try on.

Instructions: Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space.
For each question, mark the correct letter A, B, C or D.
Sharks are some of the most frightening creatures in our oceans. They are well prepared for
feeding under water because they can (1)...........very well, and they can also (2)........movement
through special lines on the sides of their bodies. These make sharks very (3)........or smaller sea
creatures that become their food. Although sharks are similar (4)..........ther fish in a number of
ways, their bodies are different. For example, unlike other fish, most sharks (5) swim
all the time in order to breathe and stay alive, (6).........they hardly sleep at all. Also, if sharks are
turned over on their backs, they can stop moving (7)....... This is a very useful technique for
researchers (8).........are often required to (9)........sharks. It allows them to (10).......out more about
these fascinating creatures.
1. A. wactch B. Look C. notice D. see
2. A. touch B. Feel C. know D. catch
3. A. dangerous B. Difficult C. serious D. important
4. A. with B. From C. to D. of
5. A. ought B. Need C. must D. should
6. A. so B. As C. but D. or
7. A. perfectly B. Finally C. fully D. completely
8. A. which B. Who C. what D. whose
9. A. sort B. Care C. deal D. handle
10. A. discover B. Search C. find D. study
Instructions: Read the text and questions below. For each question, mark the correct
letter A, B, C or D.
Passage 1:

Page 2

Dear Editor
I am writing with regards to the article 'Is the TV Dead?' that appeared in your newspaper
on the 4th March. The author claimed that with the rise of the Internet, the TV was
becoming less and less significant in our lives.
I find it very difficult to agree with this view. The TV is still the main way most of us get
our entertainment at home. It offers us the chance to see top musical artists, great films and
documentaries and occasionally, thanks to important televised events, it has the power to
bring the whole nation and all ages together in a way the Internet never could.
Your article was particularly critical of the TV for the poor quality of programmes available
on the many channels we now have. It is certainly true that many of the channels offer
nothing more than repeats or low budget programmes. However, I would argue that the
majority of content on the Internet is also of questionable quality. I agree with the writer
that it is easy to keep up-to-date with the latest news on the Internet, but I'm sure most of
us still enjoy sitting down to the News on TV in the evening just as much.
The writer is correct in stating that the Internet has become our major source for research
and I think this is its main strength. However, criticising the TV for not being as good is
totally unfair. Information programmes like documentaries are made for their potential as
entertainment not as research tools and as such will continue to be popular with viewers.
So in conclusion I don't think the writer should be so quick to write the TV off. On the
contrary, I think it has many more years left in it!
Yours sincerely
1. Why is the person writing this letter to the newspaper?
A. to make a complaint
B. to offer a different of view
C. to encourage people to watch more TV
D. to persuade people not to use the Internet.
2. What do we learn about the writer's opinion of TV?
A. It is useful as a reference tool B. It is excellent entertainment
C. It is suffering because of the Internet D. The quality of programmes is a problem
3. Which of the following is seen as a problem with TV?
A. the quality of some of the programmes
B. the lack of entertainment programmes

Page 3

C. its poor use as a reference tool

D. its unpopularity with younger people
4. What does the writer think is the best use of the Internet?
A. to buy products B. To be entertianed
C. To get the latest news D. To find things out
5. Which of the following words describes how the writer feels about TV?
A. Pleased B. Excited C. Confused D. Worrried

Passage 2:
By Katie Atkins, aged 14
I play the trumpet in my school jazz band. Last month we held a jazz competition with bands
from local high schools – and our band won!
Each band had their own costumes, ranging from black school uniforms like my band wore,
to brightly-coloured T-shirts. We didn’t look much like adult professional bands, but all of
us were used to performing in competitions, so the quality of playing was amazing,
especially considering everyone was so young. Players from each band even created new
tunes right there on stage. It was exciting to watch – but even better when my band played
on stage!
We have a great jazz band at my school, but not everyone who wants to play in it gets
accepted –only about half, in fact. But anyone who’s keen to play goes to jazz practice
before school, and we often spend time together after school, listening to jazz and learning
its language. There are also trips to jazz summer camps across the country – I’ve been to a
couple and learnt a lot.
Adults are often surprised that young people are getting interested in jazz. My music teacher
thinks it’s because pop music isn’t challenging enough for people like me who are serious
about music. But I find it exciting because it’s both new and old at the same time – you can
create your own music, but you also feel you’re part of its history, as you’re playing on stage
in the same way as great jazz performers before you.
My school’s really lucky because we have great teachers, and parents who’ve supported us
all the way. Without them, we’d never get anywhere with our music!
6. What is Katie trying to do in the text?
A. encourage young people to try to listen to more jazz
B. explain how jazz is becoming popular with young people

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C. advertise young people’s jazz events in her area

D. give advice on how to create great jazz music
7. Katie says the bands in her school’s jazz competition
A. played music they’d written themselves before they came.
B. had little experience of playing in public.
C. played at a high level despite their age.
D. were dressed to look like professional jazz bands.
8. Most people at Katie’s school who are interested in jazz
A. attend early jazz sessions at school. B. join the school jazz band.
C. learn about jazz in after-school classes. D. go to jazz summer camps at the school.
9. Why does Katie enjoy playing jazz so much?
A. she finds it easier to learn than other forms of music.
B. she thinks it is more serious than pop music.
C. she likes the chance to perform with others on stage.
D. she feels in touch with jazz players of the past.
10. Which of the following would Katie write to a friend?
A. the competition was great, but i think i preferred being in the audience to playing – I
was nervous!
B. my mum and dad always do all they can to help with my trumpet playing
– I couldn’t do this successfully without their help.
C. One band wore really colourful clothes, but we chose dark costumes. maybe that’s one
reasonwhy they won instead of us.
D. One music teacher left a while ago and no one’s replaced him yet. We just haven’t got
anyone good to help us now.
Passage 3:
Many people have jobs that are not very interesting, but a lot of people have to work at night,
and this is very difficult. When everybody else is getting ready to go out, they have to go to
work, and this puts a lot of psychological stress on them. It is also not very healthy because
the human body is designed to be active in the day and to rest in the dark. If this cycle is
reversed it can have a bad effect on a person's health. So, why do people do night shift.
Nowadays many business have to offer a 24 hour service, like hotels, delivery companies,
some supermarkets open all night and all day, call centres and hospitals. It is true that some
people only need a few hours sleep at night but the majority need eight hours. Humans are
most active in the middle of the day, and the time when they are least able to concentrate
and be efficient is between 2am and 4 am.
Page 5

This is the worst time to drive, or to do anything that needs concentration. This is the worst
time to drive, or to do anything that needs concentration. This is the worst time to drive, or
to do anything that needs concentration. The body finds it very difficult to adapt to the
opposite cycle. Things are not likely to get better in the future because more and more
business are working 24 hour cycles to keep in step with our 24 hour society.
11. What is the writer's main aim in writing the text?
A. To describe the importance of work. B. To say how working at night can be harmful.
C. To help people change their way of life. D. To advise people to sleep more.
6. What does the writer say about night jobs?
A. You get better working conditions. B. There is a variety of them.
C. It is easier than working during the day. D. Many people refuse to work at night.
13. What would a reader learn about sleep from the text?
A. Everybody needs the same amount. B. It's difficult to change your sleeping needs.
C. People sleep better in early morning. D. Many people need more than 11 hours' sleep.
14. What does the writer say about the future?
A. Fewer people will work during the day. B. People will demand fewer services.
C. People will work longer hours. D. Some work will always be done at night.
15. Which of the following could also be a title for this text?
A. Society is changing but our bodies are not! B. A good night's sleep can change your life!
C. Worker that sleeps more, works more! D. The lonlinest jobs in the world!
Passage 4:
There's an old saying in the theatre world "Never work with children or animals". It's a pity
that Herman Gross has never heard this piece of advice, or if he has, that he didn't pay
attention to it. It's not so much that Pet Doctor is a bad film, although I can't really find many
reasons for saying it's a good one. It's more that it makes me angry. Gross is a good actor.
His appearance on the New York stage last winter in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet
showed that he really can act. So what's he doing in this nonsense?
It's a story about a small town doctor who finds he's making more money by looking after
the local children's pets than he is by looking after humans. Then he gets into trouble with
the police, because he doesn't have the right sort of licence to do this and, surprise, surprise,
the children and their pets find a way to solve his problems. I won't say how, as it's the only
part of the film that's even slightly original or amusing. If you have to see it, you'd be
annoyed with me for telling you. But my advice is, when it comes to a cinema near you stay
in and shampoo the cat.
16. What is the writer trying to do in the text?

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A. Compare Herman Gross with another actor.

B. Give his or her opinion about using animals in films.
C. Give his or her opinion about Pet Doctor. D. Give his/hẻ opinion on caring pet
17. What does the text give the reader?
A. information about a new film. B. ideas about how animals should be cared for.
C. news about the lives of film stars. D. information about the illness of the pet.
18. what does the writer think of Pet Doctor?
A. amusing. B. original. C. not worth seeing. D. boring
19. Why did the writer mention Romeo and Juliet?
A. It's an example of a really good play. B. Gross proved he's a good actor in it.
C. The central characters are very young. D. The characters are perfect.
20. Which one of these TV guides is describing Pet Doctor?
A. A doctor is loved by the children whose pets he cures. But everything goes wrong and
he is sent to prison.
B. A doctor finds he can cure local animals, then discovers this isn't allowed. But it all
finishes happily.
C. A doctor prefers animals to humans and stops looking after his patients. People are
dying, the animals are cured, then the police arrive .
D. A doctor prefers caring about animals more than humans and stops looking after his

Time allowed: 60 minutes
Part 1:
You received an email from your new English friend, Beth. She wanted to know more about
Write an email responding to Beth to tell about your free time activities. (120-150 words).
Part 2:
Advantages and disadvantages of TV. What is your opinion? (150 – 200 words


Page 7


Time allowed: 40 minutes

Part 1: Listen to the conversation and choose the correct picture. Put a tick in the box
below. You will listen TWICE.
1. What can’t the woman find?

A B C
2. What is the weather forecast for tomorrow?

A B C
3. What did the boy buy?

A B C
4. Which present has the girl bought her mother?

Page 8

A B C
5. Which TV programmer will they watch together?

A B C
Part 2: Listen to the conversation and circle the correct answer. You will listen twice.
Conversation 1: (Question 6-10)
6. How many shoes does Imelda have?
A. 40 B. 400 C. 14
7. What color are the shoes?
A. Red B. Silver C. Red and silver
8. What are the shoes like?
A. High heels and open toes B. High heels C. High heels and close toe.
9. How much are the shoes?
A. $ 20 B. $ 2000 C. $ 200
10. What size is Imelda?
A. 8 B. 8.5 C. 0.8
Conversation 2: (Question 11-15)
11. Where did Cindy go?
A. Germany B. France C. England
12. How is the food in Chinatown?
A. Good B. Bad C. Not very good
13. Who did Cindy go to look around the city with?
A. She goes with her sister. B. She was on her own.

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C. She goes with a local friend.

14. What do people do in Napa Valley?
A. They build a wine factory. B. They make grape sweets.
C. They grow grapes to make wine.
15. How did Cindy come back the hotel?
A. She took the bus. B. She took the taxi because of the heavy rain.
C. She took the taxi because she couldn’t drive.
○ for True and F
Part 3: Listen and decide which statement is True or False. Circle T ○for
False. You will listen twice.
16. Simon’s mom decided to take him to the climbing centre because her
friend had recommended it. T F
17. Before he went to the centre, Simon was disappointed to hear it was
indoors. T F
18. There were no other people at Simon’s age at the centre. T F
19. Simon was afraid he might fall before climbing wall competition. T F
20. Simon was unhappy with his first climb because he was slower than
everyone else.
Part 4: Listen and fill ONE WORD in the blank. You will listen Three Times.
1. We went to Luigi’s Italian (21) __________ last night. It was the first time I’d been there.
It took us a long time to find it because it’s not a very easy place to get to, (22) __________.
The restaurant was ok, I guess. It’s small and they (23) __________ need some new furniture
to make the place nicer, though. The menu was great. It had lots of choices and most of the
dishes were (24) __________ cheap. I had a terrific pizza. Everything was so cheap – only
$3 for a small pizza. Unfortunately, the service was very slow. I think they need to hire more
(25) __________. Our dinner took a really long time to come, so we didn’t leave a very
good tip when we left.
2. The microwave ovens are very popular. You won’t find them in other stores because
they’re made especially for us. We (26) __________them from our factory in Mexico.
They’re very well made and come with three-year guarantee. Your receipt is your (27)
__________. One great thing is they only weigh ten kilos, so you can easily (28)
__________ one up if you want to move it or clean it. They also have a really special (29)
__________ you don’t find in other microwaves. They display popular recipes on this little
(30) __________ in front. It has recipes for over 500 easy dishes.

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Time allowance: 15 minutes
Part 1: Social Interaction
- Can you introduce a little about yourself?
- What are your strengths/weaknesses?
- What are your long term/short term goals?
Part 2: Talk on Topic
Topic: Ways to have good health.
Part 3: Topic discussion
- In your opinion, what is more important, eating healthy food or doing exercises?
- Do you have any unhealthy habits?
- How can people be encouraged to stay healthy?

The e-lectures are in the process of development. We hope to have a better series for our dear
students. All feedback is welcome and appreciated. E-mail:
Thank you!

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