7 Digital Advertising Trends For The Travel Industry in 2020

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7 Digital

Advertising Trends
for the Travel
Industry in 2020
Presented by

Naxos, Greece
7 Digital Advertising Trends for the Travel Industry in 2020 SkifT + SOJERN 2

Executive Summary
The past decade has been a period of dynamic In this report, Sojern and Skift examine seven trends
change for digital advertising in the travel industry. that will shape digital advertising in the travel
Consumers have adopted smartphones at a rapid industry in 2020, offering a roadmap to the most
pace, putting mobile and cross-device campaigns important strategies, ad formats, and techniques
at the center of industry ad strategies. Meanwhile a marketers will need to embrace in the year ahead.
growing trend toward automation and algorithm- The seven trends we’ll focus on are as follows:
driven techniques like programmatic advertising
is remaking the entire process of how marketing 1. Personalization, Loyalty, and
campaigns are planned and managed. On top of the Traveler Data Dilemma
all this, a continuously growing universe of new
2. Industry Gets More Sophisticated
ad formats like social, connected TV, and more are
with Social Advertising
forcing industry executives to make hard decisions
about where to allocate limited ad budgets. 3. Travel Advertisers
Prioritize Creativity
Each of these changes is creating new challenges, as
well as opportunities, for travel industry marketers. 4. TV and Video’s
How should the industry use the growing wealth Advertising Convergence
of information it now has about traveler habits to
5. Automation Takes Over Ad Buying
better understand and target customers while
simultaneously delivering more relevant products? 6. Multichannel and the Continuous,
What’s the best way for marketers to stay ahead Always-On Marketing Strategy
of continuous changes in travel shopping habits?
7. Privacy Comes to the Fore of
Which ad formats and buying techniques will yield
the highest return on investment? the Advertising Debate

The f inancial stakes riding on answering these

questions correctly couldn’t be higher. According to
eMarketer, the travel industry will spend more than
$9.8 billion on digital advertising around the world
in 2019. If those in the industry are not careful about
how and why they align their marketing strategies
with the shifts mentioned above, they risk falling
behind, or even worse, not connecting with today’s
fickle and demanding travel consumer.
7 Digital Advertising Trends for the Travel Industry in 2020 SkifT + SOJERN 3

Table of contents
Introduction 5

Personalization, Loyalty, and the Traveler Data Dilemma 7

Industry Gets More Sophisticated With Social Advertising 11

Travel Advertisers Prioritize Creativity 14

TV and Video’s Advertising Convergence 17

Automation Takes Over Ad Buying 19

Multichannel and the Continuous, Always-On Marketing Strategy 21

Privacy Comes to the Fore of the Advertising Debate 24

Conclusion 26

About Skift and Sojern 27

About Skift Masthead

Skift is the largest industry intelligence platform Vice President, SkiftX / Katherine Townsend
providing media, insights, and marketing to key Director of Creative Strategy, SkiftX / Matt Heidkamp
sectors of travel. Skift deciphers and defines trends Research Editor, SkiftX / Jeremy Kressmann
for global CEOs and CMOs across travel, dining, and Editorial Strategist, SkiftX / Paul Brady
wellness sectors through a combination of news, Editor, SkiftX / Alison McCarthy
research, conferences, and marketing services. Strategist, SkiftX / Sonali Sen
Associate Brand Strategist, SkiftX / Dawn Rzeznikiewicz
Project Manager, SkiftX / Gianna Greco
About SkiftX
Video Producer, SkiftX / Jose Marmolejos
Designer / Andrea Yang-Yanez
SkiftX is Skift’s in-house content studio. SkiftX
produced this report in partnership with Sojern.
7 Digital Advertising Trends for the Travel Industry in 2020 SkifT + SOJERN 4

Executive LETTER
Remember when movies portrayed 2020 as
something far-off and futuristic? Well, now it’s
just around the corner and, while it may not be
the future described by Hollywood, things have
definitely changed. In less than 25 years, the world
wide web was born, Google and Facebook forever
changed the game, and OTAs have risen f rom
nothing to near-dominance. The modern digital
consumer now shops for travel 24 hours a day, 7 days
a week, 365 days a year—from their smartphones…
and their laptops and their tablets. And f inally,
marketing has blended with data science, allowing
brands to effectively reach travelers with custom,
personalized messaging.

For more than a decade Sojern has studied the

complete traveler path to purchase. We’ve figured
out how to use data, our travel audiences, some
pretty amazing technology, and actionable travel
insights to power digital marketing campaigns for
some of the world’s biggest brands. Those insights
are more meaningful today than ever before as we
attempt to increase both personalization and privacy, Stephen Taylor
which is the new expectation of consumers. Chief Revenue Officer
We believe the following seven trends will significantly
impact the travel marketing industry in 2020. Here
are strategies, ad formats, and techniques marketers
must embrace to get ahead of the competition.

Our business is about empowering travel marketers

through data and we hope these trends provide a
roadmap to help you do just that.
Empowering Travel
Marketers Through Data.

Identify, understand, and target travelers

at all stages of their path to purchase.
Sojern is built on more than a decade of expertise analyzing the
complete traveler path to purchase. The company drives travelers
from dream to destination by activating multi-channel branding and
performance solutions on the Sojern Traveler Platform for more than
8,500 customers around the globe. www.sojern.com
7 Digital Advertising Trends for the Travel Industry in 2020 SkifT + SOJERN 6


Over the past 10 years, the travel industry’s marketing Which ad formats and buying techniques will yield
ecosystem has seen unprecedented change. This the highest return on investment?
includes shifts in consumer behavior caused by the
proliferation of mobile, a significant evolution in The financial consequences of how travel firms
ad-buying techniques and formats, and a growing respond couldn’t be higher. The travel industry is
trend toward marketing automation. Each of these expected to spend $9.81 billion on digital advertising
digital innovations has opened up new opportunities, globally in 2019, according to eMarketer. This aligns
as well as some new challenges, for the industry. with the conclusions from Sojern’s 2019 Digital
State of the Industry Report, which found that travel
But as this ecosystem continues to mature, a marketers allocated 47 percent of their ad budgets
number of questions about how to respond to it are to digital in 2018 and two-thirds planned to spend
now emerging. How should the industry use the even more on it this year. To stay competitive, it is
wealth of information we now have on traveler habits imperative that marketers understand the evolving
to better understand and target customers while trends and technical capabilities across digital so
simultaneously delivering more relevant products? they can make smart decisions about how to deploy
What’s the best way for marketers to stay ahead that spend for maximum impact.
of continuous changes in travel shopping habits?
7 Digital Advertising Trends for the Travel Industry in 2020 SkifT + SOJERN 7

This report looks at some of the opportunities, In this report, Sojern and Skift examine seven trends
challenges, and emerging best practices offered by shaping digital advertising in the travel industry
the current digital marketing landscape. A few larger in 2020, offering a roadmap to the most important
themes emerge. strategies, ad formats, and techniques marketers will
need to know in the year ahead. The seven trends
The first is that today’s travel consumers are we’ll focus on are as follows:
increasingly screen agnostic, choosing to complete
a variety of shopping tasks across devices, browsing
1. Personalization, Loyalty, and
sessions, and trip occasions. This presents marketers
the Traveler Data Dilemma
with a new challenge: It’s still surprisingly difficult to
track and target customers effectively across those
screens and buying sessions. That said, cross-device 2. Industry Gets More Sophisticated
campaigns and re-targeting are becoming par for the with Social Advertising
course as marketers try to keep up with consumers’
complicated paths to purchase. 3. Travel Advertisers
Prioritize Creativity
In addition, more stringent rules about privacy
and data protection are further complicating how 4. TV and Video’s
marketers use what they know about customers to
Advertising Convergence
deliver more tailored interactions and advertising. The
struggle lies in balancing privacy with personalization,
5. Automation Takes
which consumers increasingly expect from all
businesses operating online. On top of all this, new Over Ad Buying
laws such as the European Union’s General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR) complicate decisions 6. Multichannel and the Continuous,
about the methods marketers use to collect and Always-On Marketing Strategy
protect personal information and consumer data.
7. Privacy Comes to the Fore
Meanwhile, digital travel ad formats and buying
of the Advertising Debate
techniques continue to evolve. As marketers head
into 2020, they should be prepared for the surprising
resurgence of spending on brand-building formats
like television ads, which are gaining new interest
thanks to the new digital-style targeting strategies,
the advancing complexity of social media and online
video, and the ongoing growth of automated, real-
time ad-buying methods such as programmatic.
7 Digital Advertising Trends for the Travel Industry in 2020 SkifT + SOJERN 8

Personalization, Loyalty, and the

Traveler Data Dilemma

Today’s digital marketing ecosystem offers marketers sophisticated in their personalization efforts, using
more opportunities than ever to personalize nearly what they know about travelers to continuously refine
all aspects of the travel buying experience, whether how they collect and deploy this type of marketing
those are offers, advertising, products or messaging. personalization to serve their business objectives.
Best of all, a growing body of research suggests
that travel consumers increasingly want and expect The consumer perspective on personalized targeting
these types of customized travel interactions from is clear: The modern traveler increasingly expects —
their favorite brands. However, it’s increasingly and wants — their interactions with travel brands
important that personalization is done in a way to be personalized. Consider the results of a recent
that is thoughtful, respectful of a user’s privacy, and survey by Epsilon, in which 75 percent of respondents
contextually relevant. Otherwise it runs the risk of said that they think “it is very cool when they receive
backfiring, potentially hurting a brand’s reputation. personalized offers” and 68 percent said they believe
it’s worth sharing personal information in exchange
That’s why a key objective for many travel brands for offers, discounts and product recommendations.
in 2020 will be figuring out ways to get more Very closely connected to the idea of personalization
7 Digital Advertising Trends for the Travel Industry in 2020 SkifT + SOJERN 9

Most consumers appreciate personalization where benefits/incentives are tailored to them.

75% I think it is very cool when I get personalized offers

It is worth giving my personal information to a company in

68% exchange for offers, product recommendations, discounts,
etc. that are personalized for me

I have noticed that companies have been able to recognize

68% me across the various ways that I interact with them to
provide a personalized experience

Most companies do a good job creating a custom-tailored

64% experience for me based on having my personal information

I have noticed that companies are getting better at using

64% my personal information to deliver a better, personalized
experience for me

I am confident that the companies I give my personal information to

57% will use it in the most secure way possible

Source: “The power of me: The impact of personalization on marketing performance,” Epsilon, 2018

in the travel industry are loyalty programs, which More critically, not personalizing content can
are an important vehicle for brands to deliver the backfire. In a 2019 Infogroup study on personalization,
bespoke experiences travelers now demand. Today’s 90 percent of respondents called messaging from
most forward-thinking travel brands go well beyond companies that is not personally relevant “annoying.”
points accruals and use loyalty programs as a Further, 40 percent said they would be willing to
customer relationship tool, allowing them to develop switch to brands with more effective personalization
a more sophisticated understanding of a consumer’s in their marketing communications.
needs at any given moment.

Kurt Weinsheimer, chief solutions officer at Sojern, “You can combine loyalty data with
offers the example of a hotelier who uses data to behavioral data gathered from the
personalize his or her offers and in-destination trip-planning process to provide custom,
experiences. Let’s say a loyal customer is running unique and meaningful experiences.”
three hours late to check in. The hotel could send a
text reassuring the customer that their room is being
held, maybe even have their favorite drink on hand. “It is increasingly important to incorporate
“You can combine loyalty data with behavioral data personalization in marketing strategies. The risk in
gathered from the trip-planning process to provide not doing so is annoying consumers who are starting
custom, unique and meaningful experiences,” to expect more personalization,” said Susan Borst,
Weinsheimer said. “The best travel brands are already vice president of the Mobile Marketing Center of
working with partners to use data and technology in Excellence at the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB),
this way.” a trade group that represents the digital advertising
7 Digital Advertising Trends for the Travel Industry in 2020 SkifT + SOJERN 10

Top marketing challenges in the travel industry

46% Delivering personalized ads and offers in real time

Achieving ROI and profitability targets for my

advertising investments

Targeting travelers during a specific point along

their path to purchase
Keeping up with the fast-paced advertising
45% and technology landscape

Understanding how to use my customer

data more effectively

42% Driving direct bookings

Managing pricing and profitability across my

42% distribution and marketing partners

42% Proving incrementality

41% Reaching new travel audiences

Source: “The State of the Travel Industry Report,” Sojern, 2019

industry. “The key to success is to figure out how “There’s enough data. However, I think figuring out
to personalize without being creepy, based on the how to use it the right way is the tricky part,” said
information the customer has previously supplied.” Adam Kasper, executive vice president and managing
director of iProspect, a digital performance marketing
The “creepy” factor hints at the challenge in agency that works with a number of leading travel
executing personalized campaigns, which can be brands. “It’s still very much in development, having
quite complex. In 2018, 46 percent of travel industry a robust understanding of who customers are and
marketers listed their top challenge as “delivering what their preferences are.”
personalized ads and offers in real-time.”
For a traveler planning to visit a destination like
One challenge is balancing personalization with Mexico City, serving an ad about a hotel is
privacy to ensure compliance with the latest straightforward. But the marketer still lacks enough
regulations — and to ensure the level of individual information to determine whether that traveler
messaging is appropriate to the channel in which it is searching for the destination for a personal or
is received. For example, travelers may expect brands business trip, how many people are going, and
to execute a deeper level of personalization within an what kinds of activities they plan to do once they
email as compared to a display ad. Another challenge arrive. Kasper said marketers are often dealing with
is personalizing effectively when campaigns are incomplete information that makes it hard to “really
executed in multiple formats and across many determine intent at any granular level.”
channels and platforms.
7 Digital Advertising Trends for the Travel Industry in 2020 SkifT + SOJERN 11

Ultimately, technology platforms will continue

to enhance their solutions so that automated
“Personalization has to be trip-based personalization is more achievable at mass scale,
rather than demographics-based.” said Brittany Richter, senior vice president and head
of products and services at iProspect. Until then,
marketers should focus on immediate opportunities
Weinsheimer notes another challenge: While like dynamic ads that simplify the process of
companies may have a lot of data on their existing personalization. For example, her agency uses in-
customers’ interactions with their brand, they know house tools to dynamically change landing pages
very little about how those individuals are interacting based on information about site visitors.
with competitors. For new customers, there’s even
less information available. That makes using intent By using the tools and data available to understand
signals as part of marketing strategy instrumental. intent and personalize their efforts, travel marketers
can demonstrate to consumers that they care about
“You need to understand how to access those what they want and are ready to deliver it.
broader intent signals and act on those signals and
understand that I’m not just a business traveler,
I’m not just a family traveler, I’m not just a romantic
“You need to understand how to access
getaway traveler, I’m all those things. What I’m
those broader intent signals and act on
looking for depends on the day and when I can
those signals and understand that I’m
squeeze in a few minutes to plan the next trip,” he
said. “Personalization has to be trip-based rather not just a business traveler, I’m not just
than demographics-based.” a family traveler, I’m not just a romantic
getaway traveler, I’m all those things.”
Another option to better understand this customer
intent is to seek out partners who have the data to
supplement the first-party information marketers
have on hand. For example, according to Adweek,
travel brands are working with Facebook to identify
users who have demonstrated an intent to travel
but have not yet locked in a destination, and the
brands are using that information to deliver dynamic
marketing that moves prospects into the next stage
of consideration.
7 Digital Advertising Trends for the Travel Industry in 2020 SkifT + SOJERN 12

Industry Gets More Sophisticated

With Social Advertising

In 2020, social media will continue to evolve for travel that 68 percent of millennials get travel ideas from
marketers. But instead of just being perceived as just the social network, and that 60 percent do the same
a brand-building tool or a place to engage customers, on Instagram.
social media’s role is starting to transform into a
powerful driver of travel e-commerce as well, offering Now, marketers are seizing on the growing
different ways to sell directly to users and increase sophistication of social ad-targeting tools by directing
the return on investment. Several social platforms, greater portions of their spend into the channel.
including Instagram, Pinterest, and Snapchat, have Social media advertising hit $29 billion in 2018, 30
developed creative ways for marketers to use content percent more than in the year before, according to a
as a way of selling products — now you can swipe right report by the IAB and PricewaterhouseCoopers. “Paid
on a photo of a tropical resort to make a booking. social is the name of the game for distribution of ads
and content, as organic reach and engagement is
This new paradigm matches a similar shift in how difficult to achieve with most social media platform
consumers use social content and advertising to algorithms,” said the IAB’s Borst.
inform their purchase decisions. Facebook estimates
7 Digital Advertising Trends for the Travel Industry in 2020 SkifT + SOJERN 13

This broader trend applies to the travel industry as Facebook campaigns, from photos to call-to-action,
well. Social made up the largest share of digital to see where our audiences are interacting with us.”
ad spend for travel marketers and brands in 2018,
comprising 31 percent for small advertisers, 22 Facebook Travel Ads (previously called Dynamic Ads
percent for mid-size ones, and 18 percent for large for Travel) and Facebook Stories in particular saw
advertisers, according to Sojern’s “State of the Travel some of the biggest growth among travel marketers
Industry” report. Fifty-five percent of respondents in the Sojern study, which noted that more than half
also planned to increase their spend on Facebook of travel marketers planned to use these solutions
and Instagram this year. — as well as Instagram ads and Stories — in 2019.
Snapchat, Pinterest, and Twitter were also popular.
“Facebook is important because of the size and scale One in three travel marketers planned to leverage
— you just can’t beat their audience. And because Snapchat and Pinterest ads in 2019.
consumers are on the platform to think about and
aspire to travel, you have to be there,” said Choice The interest in all things social doesn’t stop at these
Hotels International marketing executive Brent platforms. In fact, iProspect’s Richter also notes that
Bouldin. “Our team is testing every aspect of our Twitter has shown strong performance in driving

How travel marketers are using and anticipating using social ads

Used in 2018 Plan on using in 2019 Don’t currently use or plan on using Not familiar









Facebook Facebook Facebook Instagram Instagram Snapchat Pinterest Twitter

Ads Dynamic Ads Stories Ads Stories Ads Ads Ads
for Travel

Source: “The State of the Travel Industry Report,” Sojern, 2019

7 Digital Advertising Trends for the Travel Industry in 2020 SkifT + SOJERN 14

traffic, bookings, and brand lift for iProspect’s travel “There isn’t a KPI that they cannot, at some scale or
clients. “Travel is one of the few verticals where we other, address,” he said, listing off a few: video views,
see actual performance from Twitter.” brand metrics, lower-funnel conversion metrics. “It’s
scale, it’s targeting, it’s diversity of formats. [Social]
Sojern’s report also notes that Facebook and provides a lot of different ways in for brands.”
Instagram dominate because they continue to
innovate with new ad products and enhancements
for marketers. Facebook, for example, offers “Travel is one of the few verticals where
audience-targeting options within destinations, we see actual performance from Twitter.”
hotels and flights. Its travel ads for retargeting
draw availability and pricing from marketers’ sites,
presenting the most relevant products based on Another trend Silver has noticed is that social
what interests the user. Facebook also continues platforms such as Facebook are working together
to hold an advantage in reach, brand awareness, more with brands, creative agencies, and certified
and personalization, according to the study, while Facebook Marketing Partners to share ideas and
Instagram is seen as a better way to showcase a best practices for how to improve the performance
property or a travel experience because of its visual of social campaigns. “We’re trying to facilitate more
nature. Richter also said the Stories features on connection between creative agencies and Facebook
Instagram and Facebook Travel Ads have both shown and the social platforms,” he said.
strong performance for clients.
By working hand-in-hand with social media
companies and their marketing partners earlier in
the creative process, travel marketers can ensure that
“Facebook and Instagram dominate
their campaigns reach the right audiences with the
because they continue to innovate
right message at the right time.
with new ad products and
enhancements for marketers.”

Rob Silver, group vice president and national media

lead at Publicis Media, an agency that works with a
variety of global travel brands from the hospitality
and tourism sectors, said he has seen travel brands
direct more dollars toward social because platforms
like Facebook and Instagram are delivering better
and better results associated with clients’ key
performance indicators (KPIs).
7 Digital Advertising Trends for the Travel Industry in 2020 SkifT + SOJERN 15

Travel Advertisers Prioritize Creativity

The growing importance of social platforms isn’t just of creative, and the intersection of the media and
affecting where ad dollars get spent. It’s also forcing creative so that the agency [or] publisher ... has more
an overall increase in the quality and creativity of time to build optimized creative for the platform, as
ad campaigns on such platforms. User attention opposed to scrambling at the end.”
spans are short, and the competition for eyeballs,
particularly on social media, is unprecedented. While the travel industry has often focused its
Facebook estimates that users spend 2.5 seconds on marketing efforts in the past on digital formats like
a piece of content when browsing the social platform search and display, the growth of social strategies
on a desktop and just 1.7 seconds when doing so (and more avenues to showcase their offerings) is
on their phones. That means travel brands need to prompting travel marketers to be more artful in their
make a quick impression or, in the face of all the approach. The most common way of doing this is
eye-catching images competitors are posting, risk by using higher-quality images. But it also involves
missing their performance goals. using creative that’s designed specif ically for the
social platform or channel where it will run.
“There’s definitely more thought being given upfront
to creative,” said Silver, of Publicis Media. “We’re Consider, for example, the rise of the Stories format
trying to get more upstream with the planning on Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat, a recent
7 Digital Advertising Trends for the Travel Industry in 2020 SkifT + SOJERN 16

phenomenon that demands a specif ic kind of

creative, which tends to be vertically, rather than
horizontally, oriented. “Marketers must think beyond simply
repurposing traditional ad creative to
“A few years ago, the concept of vertical videos ways that they can serve content with
didn’t exist,” said Volkan Cagsal, CEO of Adphorus, an organic and spontaneous feel that
a travel marketing data science f irm that helps matches the platform.”
travel brands design more effective and scalable
ad campaigns. “Now people can take videos on
their camera without tilting their phones. They can As the amount of user-generated video content
share their videos the same way they hold their on platforms such as Facebook and Instagram
phone. Facebook responded to this user behavior increases, marketers must think beyond simply
by launching Stories. It’s more immersive, visually- repurposing traditional ad creative to ways that they
engaging, and just one of many mobile-f irst can serve content with an organic and spontaneous
innovations that we anticipate. If travel brands are feel that matches the platform.
not adapting and embracing vertical formats like
Stories, they’re missing the mark.” Kasper of iProspect says his team is tailoring video
to the distribution platform more often now, such
Social channels are a place for organic content as shooting six-second commercials to specifically
that has an authentic feel to it, without being use on digital platforms. “Not too long ago, online
unprofessional — a tricky line to walk as a marketer. video and social video was usually TV spots being
run,” he said. “We try and test and take advantage of
new formats as they come out. It has changed the
creative strategy.”
“If travel brands are not adapting and
embracing vertical formats like Stories, One example of how brands can satisfy the growing
they’re missing the mark.” demand for video is with Sojern’s Video Lab tool. It
was recently used by IHG Hotels & Resorts’ Middle
East team to help drive revenue to their properties
It’s also worth noting that it’s not just social media in Saudi Arabia around a religious trip called the
fueling this push for greater ad creativity. Video Umrah. The team knew its target audience would
is another ad format that increasingly demands respond to video creative, but didn’t have the budget
original, channel-appropriate creative to capture the to build a full video campaign. Using the tool, the
attention of today’s distracted consumers. Consider, team was able to create a video based on static
for example, video ads created to run alongside images, designed to reach in-market travelers who
streaming content, which must be of a high quality to were already engaged. The result was a two-cent
deliver a seamless experience to audiences. Viewers cost per view while beating the video completion
expect the ads that interrupt broadcast-quality rate goal. The outcome demonstrates the value of
content to have the same production value. When identifying an opportunity and making the effort
they don’t, it can disrupt the immersive experience. to build thoughtful creative that fits a campaign’s
purpose and audience.
And even when video ads are not running next
to broadcast-quality content, marketers need to Best of all, technology and data are now helping
be clever about their distribution and production more travel brands improve their strategies for
strategy if the goal is to have them widely shared. designing effective ad creative. One example is the
7 Digital Advertising Trends for the Travel Industry in 2020 SkifT + SOJERN 17

growing use of dynamic creative, which brings the

real-time optimization methods of ad bidding and
buying to creative placements. Dynamic creative “A willingness to analyze data must
uses A/B testing and redeploys creative based on also be at the core of media and
performance, target, seasonality, geography, and creative planning to ensure that
more, with minimal oversight. Travel marketers are brands engage audiences.”
now able to use dynamic creative to ensure that the
message they send resonates with audiences and
fits what they are seeking.
Social platforms are helping support this data-
A willingness to analyze data must also be at the driven approach to creative development, offering
core of media and creative planning to ensure that more sophisticated tools, an expanding universe
brands engage audiences, the IAB’s Borst said. of ad formats, and more opportunities to rapidly
She points to brands such as Away luggage that scale whatever happens to be working best. Travel
are using storytelling techniques, influencer marketers can easily test headlines and images, for
marketing, and user-generated tactics to build example, to see what works on a specific platform,
community and loyalty. Borst advises. High-quality images are expected on
Instagram, whereas more interactive content such as
GIFs may work better on Twitter, she notes: “This can
“Travel marketers are now able to be time consuming to plan upfront, and may add
use dynamic creative to ensure to costs in terms of multiple images, but the impact
that the message they send could be significant to meet your goals.”
resonates with audiences and fits
what they are seeking.”

“We’ll see a rise in the use of interactive formats

such as augmented reality and playable ads that
are designed for engagement, many of which are
opted into by the consumer, meaning the consumer
chooses to interact with the ad — or not,” she said.
7 Digital Advertising Trends for the Travel Industry in 2020 SkifT + SOJERN 18

TV and Video’s Advertising Convergence

The decline of television audiences will continue to because, unlike TV, it increasingly allows them to track
be a key challenge for travel marketers in 2020 and performance and provide new layers of interactivity.
beyond. But even as advertisers adjust their media
budgets and targeting for this post-TV era, new TV- “If we really want someone to click the site so we can
like advertising opportunities are emerging, part of a nurture them, it’s going to have to be digital,” said
growing convergence between traditional television iProspect’s Richter. “Whereas if … exposure to it is
and online video ad formats. enough, then we might want to go the TV route.”

The shift is largely due to changes in consumer Video is a compelling and immersive medium for
behavior, as how and why consumers watch television marketers to share the experience of travel. It’s also
content evolves. Consider a recent infographic from extremely popular with a broad base of consumers,
Sojern, which cited data suggesting that half of pay- considering the average American consumes 10.5
TV viewers under the age of 32 will “cut the cord” by hours of media daily, per Nielsen. That includes
2025, and that 67.5 percent of Internet users around linear television and all the digital ways to consume
the world will be watching digital video by 2021. video — including over-the-top video services, TV
The initial takeaway from these results may seem everywhere, linear addressable TV, and video-on-
troubling. But this rising consumption of digital demand addressable TV.
video is ultimately a good thing for travel marketers
7 Digital Advertising Trends for the Travel Industry in 2020 SkifT + SOJERN 19

Marketers have to adjust to this multiplatform, multi- The platform brings together the best of the TV and
device world by tailoring video to suit the way it is digital worlds by offering the scale of traditional TV
consumed, rather than focusing on the medium. The with the precision targeting once associated only
notion of investing in “advanced TV,” the IAB’s term with digital. According to stats shared by Sojern,
for all the ways video is consumed digitally, is gaining connected TV has a 95 percent completion rate,
traction. A report by the IAB found that, in April, 26 percent stronger “attentiveness level,” and is 67
59 percent of ad buyers planned to increase their percent more effective than traditional TV.
advanced TV spend in the next 12 months, with half
expecting increases in over-the-top (OTT) budgets, Perhaps even more interesting is that more ad
referring to advertising integrated within TV and film platforms are now starting to test programmatic ads
content streamed over the internet. for connected TV. According to Sojern’s Weinsheimer,
this new ad technology is a “…a game changer,
offering the precision targeting of digital, lower CPMs,
“Marketers have to adjust to this and more flexiblity to utilize shorter-duration creative
multiplatform, multi-device world within TVs traditional premium environment.” As
by tailoring video to suit the way an additional benefit, the technology will likely help
it is consumed, rather than focusing advertisers to better reach cord-cutting audience
on the medium.” segments like Gen Z and millennials.

The programmatic TV opportunity is expected to

“We’re also seeing the blending of TV-digital budgets only grow. Between 2017 and 2021, the number of
with buyers looking for more unified approaches connected TV users in the US is expected to grow
to planning, executing, and measuring their video from 168.9 million to 200.4 million, according to
campaigns across platforms,” said Eric John, deputy eMarketer. Further, 76 percent of those who still have
director of the IAB’s Digital Video Center of Excellence. linear TV have at least one connected-TV service,
according to Telaria.
Despite this growing convergence, Silver said,
many brands are still creating video assets for each As the ways to reach audiences through video
platform to ensure they resonate. Innovations in ad become more sophisticated and it becomes easier
targeting, formats, and ad platforms are opening than ever to target messages at specific audiences
up the possibilities to further specialize each piece and measure their effectiveness, travel marketers
of content. New ad lengths like the six-second spot should make sure they deliver content that aligns with
are becoming more common, as is creating content the intended medium and consumer expectations.
specifically for Facebook and YouTube, which is the
second most popular search engine after Google.
Over half of travel marketers also planned to use “Between 2017 and 2021, the number
Instagram in 2019, according to the Sojern report. of connected TV users in the US
is expected to grow from 168.9 million
Connected TV also presents an opportunity, as in the to 200.4 million.”
case of GoUSA TV, a connected TV network launched
last year by the destination marketing organization
Brand USA. The channel offers curated video content
to inspire travelers to visit the US.
7 Digital Advertising Trends for the Travel Industry in 2020 SkifT + SOJERN 20

Automation Takes Over Ad Buying

The single most transformative use of automation to $65.6 billion by next year, representing 86 percent
in digital advertising is programmatic buying. Today, of all digital display advertising.
the technique, which refers to the use of software
algorithms instead of humans to make ad buys, is While it has made its mark primarily in display
making advertising more real-time than ever, helping advertising, programmatic is also becoming a more
encourage marketers to shift from more sporadic, common strategy for other formats, like video.
campaign-style approaches to a more continuous By 2020, programmatic video is expected to
advertising strategy. It’s also helping advertisers to account for 83 percent of all US video ad spend,
better optimize and tweak their campaigns as they representing a 171 percent rise from two years prior,
progress, helping to improve their effectiveness. according to Sojern.
Automation is also making it easier than ever for
marketers to reach audiences anywhere online — “One of the exciting things about programmatic
including search listings, social media platforms, and advertising ... is that it’s moved from the old days
mobile — with content that is relevant in real time. where you blindly targeted against travel content,
to where you can actually target travelers when
In 2018, an estimated $46.6 billion went towards they’re ready to book,” Weinsheimer said. “This
programmatic display advertising in the US, makes sure that your money is being spent efficiently
according to eMarketer. That figure is expected to rise and effectively.”
7 Digital Advertising Trends for the Travel Industry in 2020 SkifT + SOJERN 21

Another big advantage of programmatic is that it “You used to evaluate media plans on a quarterly
levels the field of play so that smaller brands can get basis, and then it was monthly, and then it was weekly,
the most out of their spend, said Lina Ang, general and then it was daily. Now it’s real-time,” Mark Rabe,
manager of Asia Pacific for Sojern. Sojern CEO, said at the Skift Tech Forum last year.
“Pretty soon, you get into the self-optimizing loops
where AI just takes over. You say, ‘Solve this problem
“You used to evaluate media plans on a for me. I want to sell as many airline tickets as I can
over the next month: ‘Take over.’”
quarterly basis, and then it was monthly,
and then it was weekly, and then it was
This trend will also improve how marketers measure
daily. Now it’s real-time.”
campaign success. “Even though our industry looks
at clicks and other proxy measures as standards,
when you apply AI and machine learning to that, you
“Small hotels who could never afford to hire an entire realize they have very little to do with that outcome,”
marketing department and creative agency can tap Jack Smith, chief product officer at GroupM, North
into a technology partner like Sojern to automate America, said at the 2018 Nielsen Consumer 360
their audience targeting and dynamic ad creation,” event. “AI can help trace the actual moment when a
she said. traveler is inspired to take action or make a purchase,
which may have nothing to do with a click.”
When programmatic is then paired with artificial
intelligence, a technology that helps marketers
identify hidden patterns in their ad campaigns and “Small hotels who could never afford to
then optimize according to the suggestions, it allows hire an entire marketing department
advertisers in the travel sector to access even more and creative agency can tap into a
efficiencies. As the feedback loop between digital ad technology partner like Sojern to
planning and optimization gets shorter and shorter, automate their audience targeting
more marketers in travel will increasingly rely on AI
and dynamic ad creation.”
tools to help them manage their campaigns.
7 Digital Advertising Trends for the Travel Industry in 2020 SkifT + SOJERN 22

Multichannel and the Continuous,

Always-On Marketing Strategy

The way travelers plan trips has fundamentally they provide. That’s not to say that marketers should
changed. Whereas in the past travel marketers were stop planning campaigns such as a winter getaway
able to easily predict when most people would be promotion — far f rom it. Instead, the always-on
booking (for instance, key purchase periods like paradigm suggests they need to be more open to
holidays), today that journey is less clear. Instead, experimenting with new ways to use data to inform
many travelers are likely planning multiple trips digital advertising strategies. This means capturing
at once, using a variety of devices to research and more customer intent data outside the typical
shop at the same time, and conducting research seasons when travelers are thinking about their
throughout the entire year as they look for inspiration winter getaways and employing seasonal campaigns
for future travel. paired with a continuous marketing strategy.

In this era of the always-on, always-searching traveler, Such an approach must also encompass all the
marketers need to adopt a new, more responsive digital engagement channels travelers are using to
strategy — one that is able to sense and adapt to consider trips, whether those are mobile devices,
consumers’ demands and their varying intent signals laptops, browsing sessions at the office, or purchase
7 Digital Advertising Trends for the Travel Industry in 2020 SkifT + SOJERN 23

checkouts at home. This means that multichannel get ideas for what his family should do on the trip or
campaigns are now par for the course, and marketers where they might stay. All of this suggests that the
must deliver a seamless, consistent message trip-planning behavior many marketers have long
if they hope to be effective. To illustrate what such taken for granted may not be as simple as it seems.
a journey might look like for a single traveler, follow
the example of “Eric,” a typical travel consumer “Apart from the time that we are looking forward to
planning his family’s visit to an amusement park, in going on a trip, we are getting inspiration throughout
the graphic below. the year,” Cebeci said. “It’s not like I’m all of a
sudden waking up and I’m looking to go to Vietnam.
Not only is Eric changing the parameters of his trip I get that information f rom my social network,
as he goes along, he is also using his mobile and from research or contacts that I got exposed to in TV
desktop devices interchangeably as he shops for and magazines.”
options. In addition to what’s listed, he may also be
posting about his trip on social channels or browsing To keep up, marketers must reexamine their
social media pages and recommendation sites to strategies so that seasonal campaigns are not the

Eric’s Path To Purchase

Eric plans his perfect family amusement park vacation from dreaming through planning to booking.

May 26 May 29–30 June 13

April 25
One month later, Continues with 14x Hits Amusement
Hits Amusement Park
narrows travel dates mobile searches on Park A homepage on
A homepage four
with 10x mobile Amusement Park mobile & selects
times on mobile
searches B’s homepage travel date of July 22

August 2 July 9
July 23 June 13–July 9
Two months after
Searches for On mobile, compares
Converts for planning starts, books
Amusement Park A Amusement Park A’s
Amusement Park B different Christmas trip
on mobile for seven-day Hotel with upper-upscale
on mobile with Amusement Park
trip on November 6 and luxury hotel brands
A on mobile

September 1 September 6–
August 6 October 1 October 1–3
Converts on mobile
Four days later, Searches for flights Searches and books
for a one-day trip to
converts for November from NYC to Orlando a car from airport
Amusement Park A
6 trip on desktop for six people for for November 6 trip
for September 4
November 6

Dreaming Planning Booking

Source: Sojern, 2019

7 Digital Advertising Trends for the Travel Industry in 2020 SkifT + SOJERN 24

only time of year they are engaged. A data-driven, Doing so is a bit more challenging with future
always-on approach ensures that marketers will customers, who have not yet been identif ied in
be able to pick up on early intent signals when Eric a CRM program, but several best practices have
begins planning his fall trip in spring and to be able emerged for successful execution. A travel marketer’s
to respond to those early in the process, while also approach should focus on building campaigns that
using that data to improve personalization as he integrate each of the following five principles:
moves further along the path to purchase.
1. Holistic — Campaigns must take into
“Once we’ve got them in a database account all consumer interactions with the
and they’re part of a CRM [customer brand throughout their shopping journey,
relationship management] program, not just what they buy.
we can have this ongoing conversation
2. One-to-One — Advertising customization
with them and control our message
should extend to each specific consumer,
to them in a way that we want.”
not only to broad segments of consumers
like leisure or business.
Brands should focus on creating what iProspect’s
Kasper calls a “connective experience” with 3. Always On — Marketers must always be
consumers, carrying them from the first exposure or in market rather than only at specif ic
impression of a brand all the way through to when seasonal moments, so that they can be
they book, experience the offer, and then become a ready to deliver the right message at the
repeat customer. right moment in the purchase journey.

“We’re very close to being able to understand that 4. Dynamic — Campaigns must be able to
entire customer journey,” he said. “Once we’ve adapt to changing traveler whims and trip
got them in a database and they’re part of a CRM motivations as they evolve in real-time.
[customer relationship management] program, we
can have this ongoing conversation with them and 5. Iterative — Campaigns are no longer
control our message to them in a way that we want.” static, and “set it and forget it” is not an
option. As work proceeds past launch,
smart marketers try to interpret the data
found in early results, test their original
assumptions, and then ref ine their
approach when necessary.

When such a continuous multichannel approach

is taken, marketers position themselves to win the
sale by generating improved insight into customer
preferences, better targeting parameters for
campaigns and ongoing dialogue with customers
as they move from planning to purchase. All of these
are a recipe for success in digital marketing today.
7 Digital Advertising Trends for the Travel Industry in 2020 SkifT + SOJERN 25

Privacy Comes to the Fore of

the Advertising Debate

The implementation of the European Union’s of Publicis Media. “We’re having conversations
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) on like, ‘How do we drive better personalization
May 25, 2018, was a def ining moment for digital through data?’”
advertising. The law has implications for just about
any travel business with operations not only within But despite the challenges, many brands appear
the region, but also in other parts of the world to be rising to the occasion, putting in place
as well. In the US, California has passed its own safeguards to ensure they comply with these
privacy law that will be implemented next year, and new privacy standards. Consider that in the eight
other states are also discussing the possibility. This months following the implementation of the
means that compliance should be top of mind for all GDPR, the IAB Data Center of Excellence and
travel advertisers in the year ahead. Accenture Interactive found that two-thirds
of European brands actually increased their
“We’re operating in a much more restricted sort spending on programmatic adver tising, a
of way, especially with global clients when you format that demands a high degree of customer
think about what we can do in Europe,” said Silver data to function effectively. This suggests that
7 Digital Advertising Trends for the Travel Industry in 2020 SkifT + SOJERN 26

companies can in fact ensure data privacy for

consumers while driving demand for bookings by “Transparency goes a long way in
leveraging responsibly sourced, permission-based assuring consumers that data sharing is
first and third-party data. a way to improve relevant advertising.”

Brand safety is also a growing concern for any

company operating online. Whether that means At the same time as concerns about brand safety
ensuring ads are placed next to appropriate are challenging digital marketers, security concerns
content, or that reducing ad fraud in programmatic are complicating the collection of data because
advertising, it’s essential that travel brands breaches can make customers’ sensitive information
continue to work closely with publishers and ad- available to hackers and hurt brand reputation along
tech companies to review procedures, ensure the way. As marketers try to gather more and more
appropriate safeguards are in place, and monitor data on their customers, and as hackers devise
activity on an ongoing basis. Third-party tracking ever more sophisticated methods of compromising
tools are a way to get a handle on brand safety, consumer data, travel marketers will need to
as is working with ad exchanges that have direct stay on their toes to ensure they responsibly gather
relationships to publishers. and safeguard consumers’ personal information.
Further, they must ensure that they take a leadership
role in using data in compliance with best-practice
“Companies can in fact ensure data privacy standards.
privacy for consumers while driving
demand for bookings by leveraging Transparency goes a long way in assuring consumers
responsibly sourced, permission-based that data sharing is a way to improve relevant
first and third-party data.” advertising. By opting out, consumers are not
reducing the amount of advertising they will view —
just its relevance — and they are also less likely to reap
“Accountability is something that we talk about a the benefits of tailored marketing that allows a brand
lot, and I think that holding partners and publishers to provide rich, specialized experiences designed to
accountable is important,” said iProspect’s Richter. establish trust and loyalty with the customer.
“It’s something that’s always top of mind.”
Even though consumers have a strong preference
for personalization, travel marketers will increasingly
have to ensure that it doesn’t happen at the expense
of consumers’ online privacy. Best practices include
using information that isn’t personally identifiable
whenever possible, working with a third-party
consultant to establish data procedures, and
reevaluating those procedures routinely to ensure
compliance with current standards.

“We’re constantly trying to calibrate where we are as

it relates to privacy,” Silver said. “All those things are
impacting how we are planning and buying media.”
7 Digital Advertising Trends for the Travel Industry in 2020 SkifT + SOJERN 27


In 2020, the travel industry’s digital advertising personalization and privacy, new strategies to address
ecosystem will continue to evolve at a rapid pace. Many the convergence of ad formats like TV and video, the
of the radical changes that kicked off the industry’s rise of automated advertising, or the shift toward a
current era of digital transformation, including multichannel, always-on marketing approach, travel
the adoption of mobile devices and multichannel marketers now have the advertising strategies and
buying, rapid deployment of advertising automation tools they need to thrive.
technology, and a proliferation of new advertising
formats, have already sent shockwaves rippling It’s true that travel advertising may be more
across the travel industry. But these innovations complex than ever. And there’s no question that this
are no longer a novelty. Instead, they have quickly complexity has created new challenges for those in
become the new normal for the industry, with real the industry. But that complexity has also unlocked
business consequences for travel companies that incredible opportunities for those who know where
choose not to adapt. to look, offering unprecedented methods to target
potential buyers, highly engaging creative formats,
Despite the challenges, a growing range of solutions and radically more effective tools to make ad
are now helping travel advertisers evolve for this campaigns more measurable and successful. It’s up
new consumer era. Whether the evolution involves to those in the industry to put them into action.
an increasing need to balance the demands of
7 Digital Advertising Trends for the Travel Industry in 2020 SkifT + SOJERN 28

ABOUT skift About SOJERN

Skift is the largest intelligence platform in travel, Sojern (sojern.com) is built on more than a decade
providing media, insights, marketing to key sectors of expertise analyzing the complete traveler path
of the industry. Through daily news, research, to purchase. The company drives travelers from
podcasts, and Skift Global Forum conferences, dream to destination by activating multi-channel
Skift deciphers and defines the trends that matter branding and performance solutions on the Sojern
to the marketers, strategists, and technologists Traveler Platform for more than 8,500 customers
shaping the industry. around the world. Recognized as a Deloitte
Technology Fast 500 company six years in a row,
SkiftX is Skift’s in-house content marketing studio, Sojern is headquartered in San Francisco, with
working collaboratively with partners like Adobe, teams based in Berlin, Dubai, Dublin, Hong Kong,
Airbnb, Hyatt, Lyft, Mastercard, and many more Istanbul, London, Mexico City, New York, Omaha,
on custom projects to engage the world’s largest Paris, Singapore and Sydney.
audience of travel influencers and decision makers.
Visit sojern.com to learn more.
Visit skiftx.com to learn more or email skiftx@skift.com.

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