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Functional group analysis

Experiment No 4
Aim – Determine the functional group present in the given organic compound.
Apparatus. – Test tube, Test tube holder, Water bath, Gas burner and measuring cylinder etc.
Chemical required. – Alcoholic, Phenol, Acetic acid, Aldehyde, Acetone, Aniline, Sodium metal, Ceric
ammonium nitrate, concentrated sulphuric acid, blue and red litmus paper, neutral ferric chloride Fehling’s
solution, Tollen’s reagent, 2-4 DNP, Sodium bisulphite, Sodium hydroxide, Sodium nitroprusside, m-
dinitrobenzene, Sodium bicarbonate, alcoholic KOH, chloroform, Sodium nitrite, concentrated HCl and ꞵ–
naphthol etc.

Observation table for Alcoholic group – OH (SAMPLE A)

Experiment Observation Inference
1. Sodium metal test: Hydrogen gas evolved Alcoholic group
with effervesces (-OH) present
To 0.1 ml sample add Sodium metal
2. Ceric ammonium nitrate test: Pink colouration Alcoholic group
obtained. (-OH) present
To 0.1 ml sample add few drops of Ceric ammonium
3. Ester test- A fruity smell/ pleasant Alcoholic group
To 0.5 ml sample add 1 ml acetic acid followed by 4 odour obtained. (-OH) present
drops of conc. Sulphuric acid and heat the test tube in
the water bath. Pour the contents of test tube in 50ml
ice-cold water.

Chemical reaction involved. (To be written on blank page)

1. 2CH3CH2OH + 2Na 2CH3CH2ONa + H2

2. 2CH3OH + (NH4)2Ce(NO3)6 (CH3OH)2Ce(NO3)4 (Pink colour) + 2NH4NO3

3. CH3CH 2OH + CH3COOH CH3CH 2 COOCH3 (Ester)+ H2O

Observation table for Phenolic group Ph-OH (SAMPLE B)

Experiment Observation Inference
1. Blue Litmus test: Litmus paper turned red Phenolic group
(Ph-OH) present
Put a drop of sample on blue litmus paper
2. Neutral ferric chloride test: Violet colour obtained Phenolic group
(Ph-OH) present
To 0.5 ml sample add neural ferric chloride solution.
Chemical reaction involved (To be written on blank page)

1. C6H5OH + H2O C6H5O- +H3O+

2. FeCl3 + 6C6H5OH [Fe(OC6H5)6]3 (Voilet complex)+ + 3HCl

Observation table for the carboxylic acid group. -COOH (SAMPLE C)

Experiment Observation Inference

1. Blue Litmus test: Litmus paper turned red Carboxylic acid
group (-COOH)
Put a drop of the sample on blue litmus paper present
2. Sodium bicarbonate test: CO2 gas with brisk Carboxylic acid
effervesces evolved. group (-COOH)
To 0.5 ml sample add sodium bicarbonate solution present
3. Ester test: A fruity smell/ pleasant Carboxylic acid
odour is observed. group (-COOH)
To 0.5 ml sample add 1 ml ethanol, followed by 4 present
drops of conc. Sulphuric acid. Then heat the mixture in
a water bath and transfer the contents in ice-cold

Chemical reaction involved. (To be written on blank page)

1. CH3COOH + H2O CH3COO-+ H3O+

2. CH3COOH + NaHCO3 CH3COONa (Brisk effervences) +CO2 + H2O

Observation table for Aldehyde group -CHO (SAMPLE D)

Experiment Observation Inference

1. 2,4-DNP test: Yellow ppt obtained Carbonyl group

To 0.5 ml sample add 2-4 ml DNP and wait for 5
2. Sodium bisulphite test: A crystalline white ppt Carbonyl group
obtained present
To 0.5 ml sample add Sodium bisulphite solution and
wait for 5 minutes
3. Fehling’s Test: Orange/red ppt Aldehyde group
obtained. (-CHO) present
To 0.5 ml sample add equal amounts of Fehling’s A
and Fehling’s B solution. Heat the test tube in a water
bath for 5-10min.
4. Tollen’s test: A shining mirror obtained Aldehyde group
due to the deposition of (-CHO) present
To 0.5 ml sample add Tollen’s reagent and heat the silver
test tube in a water bath for 5-10 min.

Chemical reaction involved (To be written on blank page)

1. 2,4-DNP test

2. RCHO + 2Cu2+ + 5OH- Cu2O (Red colour) + RCOO- + 3H2O

3. RCHO + 2Ag(NH3)2OH 2Ag (silver mirror) + RCOO- + NH4 + + 3NH3
Observation table for ketone group -C=O (SAMPLE E)
Experiment Observation Inference

1. 2,4-DNP test: Yellow ppt obtained Carbonyl group present

To 0.5 ml sample add 2-4 ml DNP and wait for 5
2. Sodium bisulphite test: A crystalline white ppt Carbonyl group present
To 0.5 ml sample add Sodium bisulphite solution
and wait for 5 minutes
3. Sodium nitroprusside test: Red coloration The Ketonic group(C=O)
obtained is present
To 0.5 ml sample add sodium nitroprusside
solution followed by NaOH solution.
4. m- dinitrobenzene: Violet colour obtained The Ketonic group(C=O)
is present
To 0.5 ml sample add m- dinitrobenzene followed
by NaOH solution

Chemical reaction involved (To be written on blank page)

1. 2,4-DNP test

.2. Sodium nitroprusside test :

Observation table for Amines ( primary amine group) -NH2 (SAMPLE F)

Experiment Observation Inference

1. Litmus test: Red litmus paper turned Primary amine
blue (-NH2) present
Put a drop of sample on red litmus paper
2. Carbylamine test: Unpleasant odour due to Primary amine
formation of (-NH2) present
To 0.5 ml sample add alcoholic KOH, followed by 4 isocyanide occurred
drops of chloroform and heat the mixture.
3. Azo- dye test: An orange-red dye An aromatic
In test-tube no. 1.-Dissolve Sodium nitrite in obtained primary amine is
water. confirmed.
In test-tube no 2- Dissolve ꞵ- naphthol in NaOH
In test-tube no 3- Dissolve 0.5 ml aniline sample in
conc. Hydrochloric acid.
Mix contents of three test tubes and cool them in ice-
cold water.

Chemical reaction involved (To be written on blank page)

1. CH3CH2NH2 + H2O CH3CH2NH3+ + OH-

2. RNH2 + CHCl3 + 3KOH RNC (Isocyanide) + 3KCl + 3H2O
Result – The functional group present in the given organic samples are:

SAMPLE A: Alcoholic Group

SAMPLE B: Phenolic Group
SAMPLE C: Carboxylic Group
SAMPLE D: Aldehyde Group
SAMPLE E: Ketone Group
SAMPLE F: Primary Amine

1. Always use a clean and dry test tube to perform the test.
2. Use test tube holder to hold the test tube.
3. Phenol is highly corrosive on skin and should be handled with care.
4 Always heat the test tube in a water bath.

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