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PUPUT NARDINASARI 120610132 Describe Anglo Saxon way of life Anglo Saxon was governed by the King Hrothgar,

r, Danish people. The King had the highest power on the Kingdom. They usually made war to expand their area domination. The lost one was being as slave by the winner, and the winner also did robbery for gold. After that the Anglo Saxon would celebrate its won by making a party (on mead-hall) and share the loot to all people on the party. The Anglo Saxon was worshiping the god Odin as believe and gave ritual offering to the god Odin. They always obey and give honored to their Lord.

How are friendship, hospitality, respect for woman, piety to the Lord being depicted to the movie? Friendship The power of friendship was showed by the Geats among Beowulf and all his knights. They were very solid and very loyal among each others. When the monster Grendel came to mead hall, Beowulfs knights fought him till they lost their life. But finally, Beowulf could kill the monster Grendel. Another example is the friendship between Hrothgar and Beowulfs father, Edgethow. The King Hrothgar had already save Edgethows life, and he was swearing to be loyal to Hrothgar as a symbol of thankful. Then Boewulfs closefriend, Wiglaf always accompany him when he fight Grendels mother. Hospitality The Anglo Saxon actually was not friendly enough on hospitality. It was showed when Beowulf and his 14 knights come to Herot to kill the monster Grendel. When Beowulf and his knights docked on beach, one of Herot soldier raised his spear to Beowulf and asked who he was. I think it means that the Anglo Saxon did the selection on the guest who came to their kingdom since not all the guest

offer friendship to the kingdom. Then, the King Hrothgar did the party to welcome Beowulfs arrival. It means that they do hospitality well toward their friends or guests who offer friendship. Respect for women I think women at that time were respected enough since the King Hrothgar was not force the Queen Wheatlow to sleep with him. And also Beowulf, he gives respect to Selma. Piety to the Lord I consider Lord here as the high class people who always being respected, such as the King, the prince, etc. Actually the lord was honored by the people. The lord has power to give certain statement or command to be done. And people will always obey what the lord has already said.

SUMMARY The troll Grendel has attack the Herot Kingdom and destroys some Hrothgars soldier because king Hrothgar has killed the troll Grendels father. The troll Grendel is in purpose of want to take revenge to the king Hrothgar. Then Beowulf comes by across the sea together with his 14 warriors to kill the troll Grendel. His intention is being successful, he destroy the troll Grendel and make him die after he breaks the monster Grendels hand. Unfortunately, the mother of the troll Grendel feels hurt by dieing of her son. Then, she makes such kind of revenge to Beowulf by killing some of his warriors as a warning. Beowulf decides to attack the mother. Then, the fortunate once again comes to Beowulf; he has successfully in killing the mother of the troll Grendel. Beowulf also has arelationship with the mesmerizing witch, Selma, creates deeper confusion. Actually, Selma has also a deep relationship with Grendel till Selma gives Grendel birth. At the end of story, Beowulf leaves the kingdom after his successfully of killing the troll and the trolls mother.

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