Ostertagiasis in Cattle: Review Article

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J Vet Diagn Invest 1: 195-200 (1989)

Ostertagiasis in cattle
Gilbert H. Myers, R. Flint Taylor

Ostertagiasis, a parasitic gastritis caused by the wintered contamination poses a risk of infection to
nematode Ostertagia ostertagi, is the most important cattle grazing spring pasture in the northern states.9,20
of the gastrointestinal helminth infections of cattle in 2. Pasture contamination (numbers of infective L3 lar-
temperate climates.2 It is also important in some sub- vae per unit of forage) increases abruptly beginning
tropical regions with winter rainfall. Ostertagiasis is in mid-summer. High levels of pasture contami-
manifested as several patterns of clinical disease based nation continue through late summer and fall, with
on a complex and variable epidemiology. In addition, production losses and possible clinical type I disease
huge financial losses are incurred annually by produc- as outcomes that may occur at this time of year.
ers due to undiagnosed subclinical disease resulting in 3. The incidence of type I disease is high in young
lowered production. The annual cost of gastrointestinal cattle compared to the relatively uncommon oc-
nematodiasis in the United States has conservatively currence of type II ostertagiasis in yearlings and
been estimated in excess of $250 million.2,10 Osterta- older animals. The actual incidence of type I infec-
giasis accounts for a major portion of that loss. tions is probably underreported.
Life cycle Southern US. The seasonal occurrence of osterta-
giasis in the southern US is illustrated in Fig. 2. Ad-
Ostertagia has a direct life cycle. Eggs passed in the
ditional epidemiological considerations are
feces develop into first-stage larvae (L,), which hatch,
develop, and moult to become second-stage larvae (L2), 1. The cool, wet winters common in the South are
which in turn develop and moult to the third and in- ideal for the development and survival of infective
fective stage (L3). All of this occurs in the fetal pat, and L 3 larvae on pasture. As a result, contamination
the L3 then migrates under moist conditions onto the accumulates during the winter months, with pro-
herbage. The L3 retains the outer sheath of the L3 and duction losses and possible clinical type I disease.
is the most resistant of the free-living stages. Following 2. The incidence of type I disease is high in young
ingestion, the parasitic cycle involves development cattle compared to the relatively uncommon oc-
through the L3 and L3 stages in the gastric glands. This currence of type II ostertagiasis in yearlings and
usually takes 21 days, by which time the adult parasite older animals. The actual incidence of type I infec-
emerges from the glands onto the surface of the aboma- tions is probably underreported.28
sal mucosa.2 3. The occurrence of type II disease is uncommon,
and clinical signs may be found only in a small
Epidemiology percentage of an affected herd. These 2 aspects of
type II disease complicate recognition and diag-
Northern US and Canada. The seasonal occurrence nosis. 28
of ostertagiasis in the northern US and Canada is il-
lustrated (Fig. 1). Additional epidemiological consid- Clinical disease
erations include
Ostertagiasis has several forms of clinical disease.
1. Infective third-stage L3 larvae will survive over These clinically distinct conditions are type I, pre-type
winter and for up to 1 year on pasture. This over- II, and type II.
Type I disease. This is a disease of young susceptible
cattle (suckling beef calves, dairy heifers, and stocker
From the Department of Technical Services (Myers) and the De- cattle) in the summer and fall months (northern cli-
partment of Research and Development (Taylor), Hoechst-Roussel mate) or in winter and spring (southern climate). It
Agri-Vet Company, Somerville, NJ 08876.
Presented as a poster at the 30th Annual Meeting of the AAVLD, corresponds to the classical form of ostertagiasis de-
Salt Lake City, UT, October 26-27, 1987. scribed in the literature for several decades. Infective
Received for publication October 26, 1987. larvae are ingested daily by young growing cattle on
196 Myers, Taylor


Figure 1. Generalized seasonal pattern of 0. ostertagi in the

northern US and Canada. (Adapted from Williams JC: 1986, Vet
Clin North Am [Food Anim Pract] 2:251.) Figure 2. Generalized seasonal pattern of 0. ostertagi in the
southern US. (Adapted from Williams JC: 1986, Vet Clin North
Am [Food Anim Pract] 2:250.)

pasture; the larvae migrate to the gastric glands of the

abomasum, grow, and become adults in about 3 weeks. Type II disease. Type II disease occurs primarily
These young adult worms then break out of the glands, in yearling (or older) cattle. After cattle have acquired
creating substantial damage during this exodus.2 The large numbers of inhibition-prone larvae, type II dis-
disease process is continuous and cumulative during ease may occur when weather conditions favoring sur-
this emergence phase. vival of their progeny on pasture improve. Inhibited
Depending on the severity of infection, clinical signs larvae are then signaled to begin the remainder of their
may vary from reduced growth or production to full- maturation sequence; this may occur gradually or in
blown clinical disease. Fulminating clinical osterta- bursts. In northern climates, this maturation and erup-
giasis includes profuse diarrhea, rapid weight loss, sub- tion occurs during early spring; in the southern regions,
mandibular edema (“bottle jaw”), increased mortality, it occurs in the fall months.26 Louisiana workers have
anemia, and generally poor condition with a rough hair observed type II outbreaks almost exclusively after
coat. 2 Less severely affected animals may exhibit unusually hot and dry summers.28 The clinical signs
marked appetite suppression, although other signs of are identical to type I disease in severely affected cattle
disease may be mild or absent. and may vary in severity depending upon the magni-
Pre-type II disease. This form of ostertagiasis is tude of the eruptions. If emergence of parasites from
usually clinically mild or silent. It is characterized by abomasal glands is gradual, a protracted disease occurs;
ingestion of infective L3 larvae, which enter the gastric if a massive maturation occurs, the clinical signs are
glands as in type I disease; however, once they develop severe, rapid, and usually catastrophic. In less severely
into fourth-stage larvae their development is arrested. infected animals appetite suppression may be the pri-
This cessation of development is termed “hypobiosis” mary clinical sign, with growth retardation or produc-
or larval inhibition. This type of disease occurs in fall tion losses being the end result.
and early winter (northern climate) or in the period
between February and September (southern climate). Pathology
Larval arrest, inhibition, or hypobiosis is evidently The primary gross lesions of both type I and type II
triggered by harsh climatic conditions of either cold ostertagiasis are multiple white, raised, umbilicated
(northern) or hot and dry (southern) regions.28 The nodules on the mucosal surface of the abomasum, fre-
period of hypobiosis may last 4-7 months. quently accompanied by mucosal reddening and ede-
Infections may involve 100,000 or more arrested or ma. In severe infections these nodules may be so
inhibited larvae, with no overt clinical disease. How- frequent that coalescence occurs, resulting in a “Mo-
ever, these mild or absent signs of clinical disease may rocco-leather” appearance.2
lead to a false sense of security for the producer, cli- Histologically, abomasal glands contain larvae in
nician, or diagnostician; once climatic conditions im- varying stages of development. Accompanying the
prove, a massive eruption may occur, leading to type parasitic glandular invasion is hyperplasia and disten-
II ostertagiasis. 2,10,26 Diagnosis is made by epidemio- tion of gastric glands with flattening of glandular epi-
logic knowledge of the region and parasite identifica- thelium. These distended glands lack differentiated
tion with history of management practices. acid-producing parietal and pepsinogen-producing chief
Review article: Ostertagiasis in cattle 197
cells. Adjacent glands unoccupied by larvae have a systemic changes is a depression of host appetite;l,8
degeneration of chief and parietal cells as well. Inflam-this relatively constant feature of 0. ostertagi infection
mation is minimal during early and middle phases of (as well as virtually all other gastrointestinal nema-
larval encystment and development, including hypo- todes) results in lowered weight gain and reductions in
biosis; however, during the emergence of young adults all other areas of productivity. The mechanism of ap-
in either type I or type II disease, there may be exten- petite depression is not clearly understood; speculative
sive mixed inflammatory infiltrate. Calves experimen- theories involving increased gut hormone production
tally infected with inhibited strains of larvae have beenas an aberrent response to the presence of worms have
reported to have increased numbers of globule leuco- been proposed but not definitively proven.8,24
cytes, eosinophils, and focal aggregates of lympho- Ostertagia ostertagi-infected cattle also have other
plasmocytic cells when compared with calves infected pathophysiologic changes of the digestive system that
with noninhibited strains.l,8 This histologic feature, alter protein metabolism. Work conducted by several
coupled with the presence of gross lesions and the cor- investigators has shown that although there is little
rect season, may provide a diagnosis of inhibited os- actual effect on protein digestion and absorption, there
tertagiasis. Such diagnostic differentiation becomes of is a major impairment of postabsorptive protein me-
paramount importance when mixed type I and type II tabolism in infected animals, even in a subclinical or
infections occur (or type II alone), as the verification clinically silent form of the disease. 1,17,18 This physio-
of presence of inhibited larvae will affect choice or logic feature will, of course, lead to reduced rate-of-
dosage of an appropriate anthelmintic. gain and lowered feed efficiency; hence, low-grade in-
Electron microscopy studies on distended glands have fections produce subclinical infections that result in
shown that there are gaps between cells in the hyper- significant “economic disease” for the producer.
plastic mucosa; these gaps may partially or totally Another feature of altered protein metabolism in
separate adjacent cell membranes of the zonulae oc- infected animals is a consistent hypoproteinemia; this
cludentes. 15 Junctions between postcapillary venule condition leads to generalized tissue edema (i.e., ‘“bot-
endothelial cells are also separated. Both type I and tle jaw”), which adversely affects carcass quality.7,23
type II diseases produce these cellular and ultrastruc- Animals severely affected in this manner may have up
tural changes.2 to 16% less total body solids.
The actual mechanism of the diarrhea induced by
Pathophysiology 0. ostertagi infection is not understood. Bacterial over-
Structural and ultrastructural changes are associated growth resulting from increased abomasal pH is one
with major functional changes in abomasal digestive contributing factor.2 The interrelationships of all the
physiology. These changes include pathophysiologic events are complex and not clearly
defined. The results, however, are identical to those
1. Decrease in acid production due to loss of parietal
seen in animals suffering from bacterial enteritis
cell function; this leads to abomasal pH values of
2 (“scours”), i.e., loss of sodium and water, peripheral
>2.6, often reaching the pH 5-7 range.
circulatory collapse, cardiovascular shock, and death.
2. Absence of proteolytic pepsin because, in the ab-
Speculation has persisted about nematode-produced
sence of low abomasal pH, pepsinogen is not acti-
enteric toxins, immune-mediated or allergic-type diar-
vated. Digestion eventually ceases at pH 5, and
rhea initiated by the parasite, and other theories; how-
bacterial overgrowth may occur; this is contribu-
2 ever, to date, no definitive work has clarified the mech-
tory to diarrhea as a sequel.
anism of 0. ostertagi- induced diarrhea.
3. Movement of serum proteins (especially albumin)
and sodium from circulating blood into the aboma-
sal lumen because of the compromised intercellular
junctions in the hyperplastic mucosal epithelial Diagnosis
cells. Although diagnosis of fulminating type I osterta-
giasis is very straightforward, the complexity of the life
As a result of these changes, both structural and func-
cycle, epidemiology, geographic and climatic varia-
tional changes found in types I and II disease are ba-
tion, and gradations or severity of 0. ostertagi infection
sically the same and occur mainly from the time of
can make accurate diagnosis of type II disease difficult.
worm emergence onward. Age differences in affected
The following parameters are useful in addressing this
cattle between types I and II may produce some clinical
diagnostic problem:
variations, however.
Generalized pathophysiologic changes occur as a re- 1. History, including details of previous parasite prob-
sult of ostertagiasis in addition to those localized in lems (on farm or in vicinity), control measures,
the abomasum. One of the most pronounced and costly animal population density, previous grazing history
198 Myers, Taylor

buildup, larval inhibition, or risk of reinfection. For

Pasture contamination in example, in many areas spring and fall treatment of
temperate climates of treated beef herds is a common practice. This traditional ap-
stocker cattle and dairy heifers proach, ifconsistently followed, has definite merit and
can minimize the risk of ostertagiasis through reduc-
tion of pasture contamination.27
Practical management options alone do not provide
useful levels of control. Total eradication of parasites
is unlikely, due to the immense number of eggs shed
and the long survival time of the infective stages in
the environment. Likewise, pasture rotation by itself
cannot be relied on. Rotation of pastures actually may
increase levels of contamination and worm infection
compared with continuously grazed pastures.6,13 This
fact can become critical when pasture rotation is com-
bined with high stocking rates, an increasingly popular
management practice known as “intensive grazing.”
Nutrition is no substitute for a sound parasite pro-
Figure 3. Pasture contamination in temperate climates: treated gram. Available evidence suggests that higher levels of
stocker cattle and dairy heifers. protein in the diet may ameliorate, but not reverse, the
dramatic effect that nematode infections can have on
nitrogen retention and turnover.1l
and pasture management, and age of affected ani- Recent work suggests that late turnout onto per-
mals. manent pasture in the spring provides some measure
2. Knowledge of regional 0. ostertagi epidemiology, of parasite control. Late turnout prevents exposure of
location where infection occurred (northern or animals to the overwintered larval population present
southern disease pattern), and unusual weather con- on herbage at the start of the grazing season. Harvest
ditions (several months prior) that may lead to in- and storage of early-season forage would allow utili-
creased hypobiosis, etc. zation of the forage without risking early-season in-
3. Routine examination of abomasum of all cattle sub- fections. l6 Seasonal variation in the pattern of pasture
mitted for necropsy (both gross and histopatho- contamination serves as the basis of modem control
logic). Laboratory diagnosticians routinely exam- approaches for 0. ostertagi and other gastrointestinal
ining sections of abomasum histologically will soon parasites.
develop an awareness of the incidence of type II Control methods should be preventive in nature in-
disease or pre-type II infection. This information, stead of curative. Control measures will vary according
coupled with history and local epidemiology can to local climatic conditions, livestock management
then enable more accurate prognostication and system, and epidemiology throughout the United States.
treatment recommendations. Broad recommendations regarding timing of preven-
4. Routine parasitologic examination of all cattle sub- tive treatment can only be made on a regional or cli-
mitted for necropsy. matic basis. Ostertagiasis is a herd disease. To be ef-
5. Plasma pepsinogen determinations. These may be fective, control through preventive treatment should
useful in establishing the degree of abomasal dam- include all cattle sharing the same pastures. Beef cows
age. Values of over 3,000 mU are indicative of may serve as important sources of pasture contami-
clinical disease.6,25 nation due to the large volume of manure (and large
6. Abomasal pH values. In infected animals they will numbers of worm eggs) passed daily onto pastures
be > 2.6.2,25 grazed by young susceptible animals.l6
The risk of clinical ostertagiasis can be greatly re-
Treatment and control duced if serious pasture contamination is prevented.21
Presently cattle producers attempt to control gas- Prevention of serious contamination is the goal of pre-
trointestinal nematode parasites including 0. ostertagi ventive treatment programs. Timing of treatment is
by administering 1 or more anthelmintic treatments crucial to the success of such programs. Several an-
during a production cycle. Herds are treated when han- thelmintic treatments administered at 3-week intervals
dled for other purposes. Thus, treatment is given when have been shown to provide seasonal control for dairy
convenient and generally not in relation to basic epi- heifers and stocker cattle (Fig. 3). The goal of these
demiological criteria such as potential contamination treatment programs is prevention of significant pasture
Review article: Ostertagiasis in cattle 199

erably more effective against inhibited and developing

fourth-stage (L4) larvae than older compounds are. 14,29,30
Proper timing of treatment is crucial to successful
implementation of preventive treatment programs.
Products are not a substitute for a planned, carefully
implemented program, monitored through use of fecal
egg counts. An inexpensive and practical fecal egg count
method designed to monitor parasite infections in herds
of livestock has been described.4 Use of such a method
allows practitioners and clinical laboratories to gain
information on herd infection levels and more effec-
tively monitor control programs.
We express our gratitude and appreciation to Mrs. Olivia
Messmer and Mrs. Carol Lutz for their secretarial support
in the typi ng, editing, and other preparation of this document.

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