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Applied Economics
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Joint optimization of strategic fleet planning and

contract analysis in tramp shipping
a b
Jørgen Laake & Abraham Zhang
Kristian Gerhard Jebsen Skipsrederi AS, Bergen, Norway
Department of Management Systems, Waikato Management School, The University of
Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand
Published online: 14 Aug 2015.

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To cite this article: Jørgen Laake & Abraham Zhang (2015): Joint optimization of strategic fleet planning and contract
analysis in tramp shipping, Applied Economics, DOI: 10.1080/00036846.2015.1076151

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Joint optimization of strategic fleet planning and contract analysis in tramp

Jørgen Laakea and Abraham Zhangb
Kristian Gerhard Jebsen Skipsrederi AS, Bergen, Norway; bDepartment of Management Systems, Waikato Management School,
The University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand

Maritime transportation is one of the most capital-intensive industries. Fleet planning is vital but Fleet planning; fleet size and
challenging to shipowners because the industry is extremely volatile. Relatively few papers have mix; contract analysis; tramp
studied strategic fleet planning in tramp shipping, which is intertwined with contract analysis and shipping; optimization;
different from that in industrial or liner shipping. This article develops a mixed-integer program- mixed integer programming
ming model, and it is the first of its kind that jointly optimizes strategic fleet planning and the
selections of long-term and spot contracts in tramp shipping. The model can be used to C61; L99
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determine the best mix of long-term and spot contracts for a given fleet and/or to find the
optimal fleet size and mix for a set of contracts. It can be used as a basis for a fleet renewal
programme, informing decisions on when to sell, whether to buy old or new ships, and when to
charter in or out vessels. A numerical example is given to illustrate how to use the model to
evaluate different operations strategies.

I. Introduction profit. Liner shipping operates in accordance with

pre-published itineraries and schedules. It is similar
Maritime transportation is one of the most capital-
to a bus service (Fagerholt et al. 2010).
intensive industries. A ship usually costs millions of
Strategic fleet planning in tramp shipping is inter-
US dollars and has a lifetime of approximately
twined with contract analysis and different from that
20–25 years. Strategic fleet planning deals with ship
in industrial or liner shipping. Contract analysis is
acquisition, sale, chartering and scrapping. It is vital
unique to tramp shipping as shipowners need to
for shipowners and has long-term implications for
analyse the best mix of long-term and spot contracts
the profitability of a shipping business. It is challen-
for a given fleet and/or find the optimal fleet size and
ging because freight markets and ship prices are
mix for a set of contracts. Although many papers
highly volatile due to the cyclical nature of the ship-
(Jaramillo and Perakis 1991; Perakis and Jaramillo
ping industry (Stopford 2009). Great skill and also
1991; Cho and Perakis 1996; Powell and Perkins
luck are needed to choose the right time to order
1997; Imai and Rivera 2001; Fagerholt, Johnsen,
new or second-hand ships, charter ships in or out,
and Lindstad 2009; Meng and Wang 2010, 2011)
and scrap old ones. To succeed in the long run, it is
have studied strategic fleet planning in liner ship-
essential for shipping companies to employ sound
ping, very few works have been undertaken in tramp
tools for strategic fleet planning.
shipping (Fagerholt and Lindstad 2000; Xie, Wang,
There are three modes of shipping operations:
and Chen 2000; Fagerholt et al. 2010; Alvarez et al.
industrial, tramp and liner shipping (Lawrence
2011). Among these works, unfortunately, none of
1972). Industrial operators own the cargo and try
them has considered both long-term and spot con-
to minimize the cost of transporting it between
tracts in conjunction with strategic fleet planning.
ports. Tramp shipping can be compared to a taxi
To narrow the research gap, this article develops a
service, as the ships follow available cargo. A tramp
new model for joint optimization of strategic fleet
shipping company often has some long-term con-
planning and contract analysis in tramp shipping.
tracts and takes on optional spot cargo to maximize
The optimization model informs the selection of both

CONTACT: Abraham Zhang

© 2015 Taylor & Francis

long-term and spot contracts over multiple planning optimal mix of vessel types and sizes. It is compli-
periods and maximizes total profit. It suggests when to cated by the fact that some routes, such as those
buy and sell new or second-hand vessels and when to through the Suez and Panama canals, have size con-
charter them in or out. It is also flexible enough to be straints, and some vessel types are thus more suitable
used to evaluate whether it is more profitable to termi- than others on specific routes.
nate freight operations and engage in vessel trading Second, shipowners need to weigh up the risk and
only in a given set of market conditions. cost associated with buying/chartering a vessel.
The article is organized as follows: Section II Chartering avoids the risk of buying a ship, the prices
defines the research problem in detail, Section III of which are unpredictable and highly volatile. However,
presents the optimization model, Section IV gives a chartering may be more costly over the long term (Meng
numerical example, Section V presents results and and Wang 2011). A shipowner has to optimize the
analysis and Section VI concludes the research. timing of ship acquisition and/or time chartering.
Third, there are important trade-offs to evaluate
when choosing whether to buy a second-hand vessel
II. Problem description
or a new one. The advantage of buying a second-
Three types of contracts or charter-parties are most hand vessel is that it is ready to be put into service
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relevant to strategic fleet planning in tramp ship- fairly quickly in comparison to a newly built one,
ping. They are (1) spot or voyage charter, (2) con- which usually takes a couple of years from the order
tract of affreightment (COA) and (3) time charter is placed to the vessel is finished. The disadvantage is
(TC) (Stopford 2009). In a spot contract, a ship- that older vessels can be less fuel efficient and cost
owner is paid a freight rate for every unit of cargo more to operate (Stopford 2009).
he transports from one point to another. In a COA, Last but not least, strategic fleet planning is not just
a shipowner agrees to transport a specified amount about choosing when to increase fleet capacity, but also
of cargo belonging to one or many owners for a about choosing when to reduce it. This can be done by
fixed price per tonne. The terms of a COA usually either selling or scrapping vessels. The best time for
span a number of years. In a TC, a charterer pays a this depends not only on the rates at the time but also
shipowner a fixed daily or monthly amount. The on the duration of any current COAs. A shipowner will
charterer pays for voyage-related costs such as typically go for as many COAs as possible if he thinks
those for fuel, harbour, canal fees and cargo hand- there will be low spot rates and the opposite if he
ling. The shipowner pays the operational expendi- believes spot rates will be high. How much of the
tures (OPEX) and takes the operational risk, that is, fleet capacity that should be covered by COAs and
he has to pay if the ship breaks down. how much that should be open for spot cargoes is
COA is the most common long-term contract type consequently an important strategic decision.
in tramp shipping (Fagerholt et al. 2010). It is a rela- This can all be distilled to the following basic
tively stable income source for shipowners because its questions of the strategic fleet planning and contract
freight rate is fixed during the contract period. As analysis problem in tramp shipping, questions of
mentioned previously, tramp shipping uniquely ● Which COA contracts and how many spot
requires contract analysis for strategic fleet planning. cargoes to take on
Decisions about fleets are closely interwoven with ● When to buy/sell new or old ships of various
choice of contracts. Their interplay allows two different types/sizes
approaches to strategic fleet planning. Either the COAs ● When to charter in/out ships of various types/
to which a shipowner has committed himself deter- sizes
mine the size of the fleet or the fleet size determines the Note that it is seldom that a whole new fleet must be
COAs into which he can enter. determined. Often, adjustments to an existing fleet
Strategic fleet planning in tramp shipping is com- are sufficient. Needs for adjustment can arise
plicated for several reasons. First, more often than because vessels have to be sold or scrapped or
not, a fleet is heterogeneous, that is, it consists of because new COAs have been taken on. To simplify
several different vessel types and sizes. Cargo capa- the problem, we consider scrapping a ship the same
city, speed and operational cost vary with vessel type as selling it because what matters to the shipowner
and size. It is often a challenge to identify the in both cases is the salvage value.

III. An optimization model Table 2. Parameters.

Parameter Description Unit
Model assumptions and notations Tvr Time for vessel type v to complete one roundtrip on route r Days
TvtTOT Total available time for vessel type v in period t Days
In this section, an optimization model is developed TvLT Maximum lifetime of vessel type v Periods
Qit Demand of COA i in period t Tonne
to help answer the questions presented above for the Qv Capacity of vessel type v Tonne
Sit Upper limit of demand for spot contract i in period t Tonne
strategic fleet planning and contract analysis pro- Aivr Binary parameter equal to 1 if it is feasible to assign contract –
blem in tramp shipping. The model assumes that i to vessel type v on route r
Fv0 Number of owned vessels of type v in the planning period –
the transport demand is sufficiently large on each RCOA
Revenue of servicing COA i USD
route. Each vessel takes full loads and does not mix RSPOT
Revenue per unit transported on spot trade i in period t USD/
cargo from different contracts (Xie, Wang, and Chen RSvt Revenue of selling vessel type v in period t USD
RTC Revenue of time chartering out vessel type v in period t USD
2000), which is standard practice in the coal/iron ore vt
Cvr Voyage cost of sailing route r with vessel type v USD
trade. The arrangement of backhaul cargoes, if any, CvtI Cost of buying vessel type v in period t USD
CvtN Cost of ordering new building of type v in period t USD
is predefined in the routes. All decisions are made at CvtTC Cost of time chartering vessel type v in period t USD
the start of each planning period and TC can only be CvtO OPEX for a vessel of type v in period t USD
CvtC Capital expenditures (CAPEX) for a vessel of type v in period t USD
arranged for one period at a time. All costs and
profits are in constant dollars.
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Before the presentation of the formulation of the

Table 3. Decision variables.
model, we define notations in Tables 1–3.
variable Description
yvtTOT Total number of vessels of type v operated in period t
Model formulation yvtOWN Number of vessels of type v owned in period t
yvtTCin Number of vessels of type v that are time chartered in
Objective function period t
yvtTCout Number of vessels of type v that are time chartered out in
X X X period t
max RCOA i δi þ RSPOT
zit yvtI Number of vessels of type v acquired in period t
COA SPOT t2T yvtN Number of new buildings of type v ordered in period t
i2N i2N yvtS Number of vessels of type v that are sold in period t
XX XX δi A binary variable that is 1 if COA i is selected and 0
þ TC TCout
Rvt yvt þ RSvt ySvt otherwise
v2T t2T v2T t2T xvrt Number of roundtrips made by vessel type v on route r in
XX XX period t
 CT TCin
Cvt yvt  I I
Cvt yvt zit Quantity (in tonnes) transported on spot trade i in period t
v2T t2T v2T t2T
 CvtN yNvt  Cvt xvt
v2T t2T v2T t2T The objective function equation (1) maximizes the
 CvtO þ CvtC yOWN
profit. The first term calculates the revenue from
v2T t2T servicing COAs and spot contracts. For available
(1) COAs, it considers their revenues (in USD) and
whether they will be serviced. For spot contracts,
the revenue is derived from multiplying the revenue
Table 1. Sets and indices.
Set Index Description
per unit (in USD/tonne) and the quantity (in
  tonnes) of spot cargo that will be serviced. The
T t Time periods, T ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . . ; T MAX , where period 0
corresponds to the time period when the planning is second term computes the revenue from time-char-
done and T MAX is the number of time periods considered
NCOA i Available contracts of affreightment tering out and selling vessels, based on the transac-
NSPOT i Available spot cargo contracts tion values (in USD) and the number of vessels.
V v Available vessel types. Each type v also includes
information of in which period a vessel was acquired, tv , Similarly, the third term gives the costs of chartering
and its maximum lifetime, TvLT . Two vessels acquired in and buying vessels. The fourth term calculates the
different years, but similar in all other ways will then have
different indices costs of ordering new vessels based on their prices
Tv tv Time periods
 for vessel
 type  (in USD) and order quantities, plus voyage costs (in
v; Tv ¼ tv ; . . . min tv þ TvLT ; T MAX , where TvLT is the
number of time periods that corresponds to the vessel’s USD) for the different routes and vessels. Finally, the
lifetime fifth term defines the OPEX (in USD) and CAPEX
Rv r Available sailing routes for vessel type v
(in USD) of owned vessels.

Fleet conservation constraints Other constraints

Constraint (2) ensures that the total number of Constraints (12)–(17) define the characteristics of
owned vessels is preserved. Constraint (3) ensures variables. It should be mentioned that constraint
the same for the total number of each vessel type (14) imposes integrality requirements and thereby
controlled and operated by the shipping company. only allows chartering in or out for whole periods.
Constraint (4) specifies that one does not charter out Constraint (16) does not impose integrality require-
vessels that one does not own. Constraint (5) speci- ments, making it possible to take into account a
fies that vessels are sold or scrapped before their roundtrip that continues from one period to another.
lifetimes expire.
δi 2 f0; 1g " i 2 N COA (12)
vt ¼ yOWN
v;t1 þ yvt  yvt þ yvt
" v 2 V t 2 Tv
vt ; ySvt  0 and integer; " v 2 V t 2 T
yTOT ¼ yOWN þ yTCin  yTCout " v 2 V t 2 Tv
vt ; yvt ; yvt  0 and integer
vt vt vt vt
yTOT TCout TCin
(3) (14)
" v 2 V t 2 Tv
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vt  yTCout
vt " v 2 V t 2 Tv (4)
yIvtv ; yNvtv  0 and integer " v 2 V t 2 Tv (15)
v;tv ¼ ySvt " v2V (5) xvrt  0 " v 2 V r 2 Rv t 2 Tv (16)
tv þ1

Constraints (6) and (7) define the initial fleet. zit  0 " i 2 N SPOT t 2 T (17)
Constraint (8) ensures that no newly built ships
can be acquired in the first period; this is to account
A feature of the model worth mentioning is the
for the lead time required for the order.
artificial period. Because of the definition of Tv (time
yOWN ¼ Fv0 " v2V (6) periods for vessel type v), the model forces vessels to
be sold before their lifetime ends or at the end of the
planning period, whichever point is reached in the
v;0 ¼ yv;0
yTOT þ yTCin
v;0  yv;0 " v2V
fewest periods. However, this becomes a problem as
yNv;1 ¼ 0 " v 2 V (8) soon as the number of periods in the planning
interval is less than the number of periods left in a
vessel’s lifetime. A company that plans for, for exam-
Demand and capacity constraints ple, 5 years at a time should not necessarily sell a
Constraint (9) ensures that the fleet has sufficient new vessel after 5 years. It is for this reason that an
capacity to fulfil the demands of the COAs and spot artificial period is created and added to the original
cargo volumes selected for it. Constraint (10) sets an set of periods. In this artificial period, it is only
upper limit of cargo available for each spot trade. possible to sell vessels. This is a period during
Constraint (11) ensures that the total duration of all which it could be equally beneficial to keep vessels
roundtrips made on a route by each vessel type is in a fleet even if the model suggests selling them.
equal to or less than the total available time. The optimization model is a mixed-integer pro-
XX gramming model. It can be solved efficiently by any
Qv Aivr xvrt  Qit δi þ zit commercial optimization solver. We implemented
v2V r2Rv (9) the model using the optimization software Xpress
" i2N SPOT
t2T on a laptop computer.

Sit  zit " i 2 N SPOT t2T (10)

IV. A numerical example
vt  Tvr xvrt " v 2 V t 2 Tv (11) In this section, some areas of application for the
r2Rv optimization model are demonstrated. A realistic

but simplified scenario is posited in which two Case 2

bulk shipping operators have just merged into a WBC’s fleet is optimized so as to handle all the
new company named WBC. The combined fleet proposed COAs. The fleet mix and size is deter-
consists of 5 Supramax, 10 Panamax and 5 mined based on maximal profit. The options of
Capesize vessels. The management wants to inves- buying second-hand vessels and newly built vessels
tigate the profitability of different operations stra- and of using TC are all to be considered together.
tegies and is interested in finding out if the Case 3
existing merged fleet is sufficient for the new WBC terminates all transporting activity and con-
company or if they should consider replacing ves- tinues only with active vessel trading and TC.
sel types and/or acquiring additional vessels.
Another option under evaluation is to terminate Information about the vessels was collected from
all cargo transportation activity and focus on trad- Fairplay (2009). Where the specifications found for
ing vessels and TC vessels. the vessels were old, fuel consumption was updated
Four long-term COAs and additional spot to fit 2013 specifications instead. A modification was
trade on three routes are available. Detailed made of adjusting the sailing speed to 11 knots for
information on these contracts is given in Table 4. all vessels types, which is called slow steaming. This
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The value of a COA is based on the whole contract; has become more common in today’s market since
that is, demand for all periods must be met in order fuel prices are now much higher than those in the
to commit to it. The amount to be transported is 1980s and 1990s while rates continue to stay low.
given in tonnes and specified for each period for the The relevant vessel types are Supramax (55 000
COAs. For the spot contracts, Table 4 gives the deadweight tonnage (DWT)), Panamax (75 000
revenue per tonne transported, and the upper limit DWT) and two types of Capesize (150 000 DWT
of cargo volume. and 170 000 DWT, respectively).
The management wants to evaluate the following The planning interval is of five periods (1–5),
three different cases. where each period represents 1 year. The input
data have been collected from various industrial
Case 1
companies, meaning that the data for the first period
WBC continues to operate in the coal/iron ore mar-
are representative of the industry. No effort has been
ket without making any changes to the combined
put into obtaining forecast data as it is highly expen-
fleet. If possible, all COAs are serviced. Otherwise,
sive. This, in turn, is due to the various analyses that
the best COAs are chosen based on a maximal profit
must be done; each input is dependent on several
evaluation. The possibilities of doing this with and
macroeconomic factors. In a real case, such data
without using TC should be investigated.
should of course be obtained as outputs are never

Table 4. Contract data.

Contract Loading Unloading Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Period 5
number Type Commodity port port $/tonne Value ($) (tonne) (tonne) (tonne) (tonne) (tonne)
1 COA Iron ore Tubarao, Rotterdam, 255 000 000 10 000 000 10 000 000 10 000 000 0 0
Brazil the
2 COA Iron ore Tubarao, Beilun, 476 000 000 20 000 000 20 000 000 20 000 000 20 000 000 0
Brazil China
3 COA Coal US East Rotterdam, 448 000 000 0 20 000 000 20 000 000 0 0
Coast the
4 COA Iron ore Dampier, Beilun, 336 000 000 0 15 000 000 15 000 000 15 000 000 15 000 000
Western China
5 Spot Coal US East Rotterdam, 16 5 000 000 5 000 000 5 000 000 5 000 000 5 000 000
Coast the
6 Spot Iron ore Tubarao, Rotterdam, 8.5 5 000 000 5 000 000 5 000 000 5 000 000 5 000 000
Brazil the
7 Spot Iron ore Dampier, Beilun, 8 5 000 000 5 000 000 5 000 000 5 000 000 5 000 000
Western China

more reliable than inputs. As this is purely an illus- Table 6. Result from case 1 with TC.
trative case to show the applicability of the model, Profit $ 979 952 898
the authors have used the same value for the data for served COA1 COA2 COA3 COA4 SPOT1 SPOT2 SPOT3
all periods, so that this is a case of a steady market Period 1 1 0 1 1 5 000 000 5 000 000 4 872 727
Period 2 1 0 1 1 5 000 000 5 000 000 5 000 000
with zero development. The rates/cost for time char- Period 3 1 0 1 1 5 000 000 5 000 000 5 000 000
tering in vessels are set at 5% higher than the rates/ Period 4 1 0 1 1 5 000 000 5 000 000 5 000 000
Period 5 1 0 1 1 5 000 000 5 000 000 4 781 818
revenue of time chartering them out. The rate dif-
ference is meant to account for broker and manage-
ment fees. It also prevents the model from Table 7. Fleet changes in case 1 with TC.
suggesting chartering in a vessel only to charter Operated New TC TC
it out. Period vessels Owned Acquired building in out Sold
CAPEX are calculated based on the assumption 1 10 20 0 0 10 20 0
2 25 20 0 0 22 17 0
that all vessels are acquired with a loan of 80% of the 3 25 20 0 0 22 17 0
4 13 20 0 0 12 19 0
acquisition price with an interest rate of 4% per year. 5 12 20 0 0 12 20 0
Ship prices are calculated by subtracting ships’ 6 – – – – – – 20
annual depreciation from their acquisition value.
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The model applies the straight-line depreciation

Case 1 with TC
method, which implies that the value of ships is
written off in equal portions over their expected When we let the model choose whether to engage in
lifetimes (Stopford 2009). In addition, the loan TC, it showed that the expected profit increased by
(80% of the acquisition price) is subtracted as it is 442% for the same periods (Table 6). All COAs
assumed that no repayment is made. except COA2 were serviced, as was the majority of
the available SPOT cargo.
A shipowner is often interested in finding out the
way to deal with each type of vessel: whether to
V. Results and analysis
operate it, keep it, time charter it in or out, etc.
Case 1 without TC Table 7 summarizes the fleet changes suggested
when TC is allowed. We observe a change in the
The summary in Table 5 shows result of calculation
number of vessels operated in almost every period,
of the optimal solution when we kept the model
with a peak in periods 2 and 3. This corresponds to
from suggesting the purchase of second-hand or
the peak in these periods of the amount of cargo
new vessels or engagement in TC. Since the model
lifted, as per Tables 4 and 6. Note that vessels that
was then forced to ‘sell’ all vessels in period 6, the
are time chartered in and out are often of a variety of
income from that sale is not included in the result, as
types, as the model selects the optimal vessel type for
they, in fact, stay in the owned fleet.
each contract. The model suggests frequent time
It can be seen here that only COA1 is served, this
chartering in and out because optimal operational
being indicated by the value of 1 for all the periods
performance calls for substantial changes in fleet size
in which COA1 is valid. The numbers under the
and mix. When running the model, there was no
different spot routes show how much of the available
upper boundary (UB) set on how many vessels that
spot cargo in tonnes is being transported in each
could be time chartered in each period. If required, a
shipowner may set such an upper boundary.

Table 5. Result from case 1 without TC. Case 2

Profit $180 940 215
In case 2, we removed the constraints on fleet
Contracts served COA1 COA2 COA3 COA4 SPOT1 SPOT2 SPOT3
Period 1 1 0 0 0 5 000 000 2 183 775 0
changes that we imposed in case 1. Table 8 shows
Period 2 1 0 0 0 5 000 000 2 183 775 0 that the COAs selected and SPOT cargo transported
Period 3 1 0 0 0 5 000 000 2 183 775 0
Period 4 1 0 0 0 5 000 000 2 183 775 5 000 000 is almost the same except for a slight difference for
Period 5 1 0 0 0 5 000 000 5 000 000 5 000 000
SPOT3 in period 4. Even with such small changes,

Table 8. Result from case 2. Sensitivity analysis

Profit $ 1 051 500 625
Contracts The optimization of the solution takes place directly
served COA1 COA2 COA3 COA4 SPOT1 SPOT2 SPOT3 through the input data, and these data may or may
Period 1 1 0 1 1 5 000 000 5 000 000 4 872 727
Period 2 1 0 1 1 5 000 000 5 000 000 5 000 000 not be of absolute certainty. Uncertainty to some
Period 3 1 0 1 1 5 000 000 5 000 000 5 000 000 extent is a feature of forecast data. Since the model
Period 4 1 0 1 1 5 000 000 5 000 000 4 781 818
Period 5 1 0 1 1 5 000 000 5 000 000 4 781 818 is to be used as a support for strategic decisions, it is
essential to know how sensitive it is to variations in
the input data. In order to do this, three forecast
Table 9. Fleet changes in case 2. scenarios are used. These are recovery (a scenario of
Operated New TC TC 15% market increase per period), through (0%
Period vessels Owned Acquired building in out Sold
increase per period) and collapse (15% decrease per
1 10 0 0 0 10 0 20
2 25 0 0 0 25 0 0 period). By market increase and decrease, we here
3 25 0 0 0 25 0 0 mean developments in terms of parameters such as
4 12 0 0 0 12 0 0
5 12 0 0 0 12 0 0 spot cargo rates, vessel prices and fuel price as illu-
6 – – – – – – 0
strated in Fig. 1 for fuel prices. For the above cases,
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we used the through scenario. It should be acknowl-

the expected profit is higher in case 2 than in case 1 edged that the designed scenarios are moderate and
with TC. It can also be seen, in Table 9, that the simplistic considering the volatile nature of the mar-
whole initial fleet is sold in period 1, implying that, itime world. A more in-depth description of such
given the input data, it is not beneficial to own relationships, such as that between fuel prices and
vessels over this set of periods. In real life, a ship- freight rates, can be found in UNCTAD (2010).
owner may want to be conservative and set a limit We investigated how sensitive the model was to
on the number of vessels that can be sold in one changes in input data. This was done by running the
period. This limit is easy to configure in the model. model for case 2 with input data according to the
three scenarios in turn. This turned out to give
markedly different results as shown in Table 10.
For the through and collapse scenarios, the model
Case 3 suggests selling all the vessels in the first period (as
The purpose of including this case was to investigate indicated by the OPEX being zero for both scenar-
how profitable it would be to only engage in trading ios), while, for the recovery scenario, it suggests put-
vessels and not take on any contracts. This was done ting some of the fleet out on TC until the end of
by setting the revenue of the COAs and the available period 5.
SPOT cargo in the input file to 0. The options for the It may seem peculiar that it is the through sce-
use of the initial fleet would then be limited to time nario, with 0% changes, that yields the lowest result,
chartering the vessels out or selling them. even though the rates are lowest in the collapse
The model suggests selling all the vessels in the
first period. The income in case 3 then consists only
of the revenue from selling the initial fleet. The
reason why this is so low is that RSvt is calculated by
subtracting the ship’s annual depreciation from its
acquisition value and the value of the initial, assum-
ing that only interest has been paid (including in
CAPEX). It may be argued that this is more accurate
for vessels bought within the optimization periods,
and that an initial fleet might have a much lower
loan-to-value ratio. However, this will be different
from case to case. The model can and should be
modified accordingly in real-life applications. Figure 1. Historical fuel prices and scenario forecast.

Table 10. Results for case 2 with different scenarios. vessels are the same for the through and collapse
Through Recovery Collapse scenarios. This indicates that even if shipowners
Income 1 727 334 545 2 792 869 500 1 946 973 436
COA 1 039 000 000 1 039 000 000 1 515 000 000
plan for the through scenario and the collapse one
SPOT 621 054 545 1 249 454 545 383 363 636 occurs instead, the decisions taken could still be
Selling vessels 67 280 000 30 258 800 48 609 800
TC income – 474 156 155 – close to the optimal solution, as both involve TC.
Expenditures 675 833 920 1 470 036 758 737 531 187 This leaves the question of what the consequences
TC costs 314 112 330 569 434 155 246 775 978
Buying second-hand – – – would be if the recovery scenario occurs and a ship-
Buying new building – – – owner has sold all the vessels in the fleet. By setting
Voyage costs 361 721 590 543 014 198 490 755 209
CAPEX – 58 719 000 – yOWN
vt ¼ 0, we can run the model and see that the
OPEX – 298 869 405 –
Profit 1 051 500 625 1 322 832 742 1 209 442 249
expected profit would be $1 264 983 992, which is a
loss of $57 848 750 or 4% compared to the optimal
solution. This indicates that the optimization model
scenario. This is because it is not only the spot rates provides fairly robust solutions that are valid for a
that decrease by 15% yearly, but also the OPEX and range of scenarios. It must also be taken into con-
vessel and fuel prices. Furthermore, COAs become sideration that, for those owners with in-house man-
more profitable in the collapse scenario because their agement, selling all the vessels will incur additional
Downloaded by [University of Waikato] at 19:23 14 August 2015

rates are locked in while the costs of servicing them costs, depending on the size of the fleet. This will be
are reduced. This also explains why the model related to redundant personnel, restructuring of the
recommended taking up more COA cargo in the organization and office, and so on. If it becomes
collapse scenario. Conversely, in the recovery sce- profitable later to build up the owned fleet again,
nario, it is profitable to take up more spot cargo. the additional costs will be incurred again by the
Having observed that the economical results reversed process or by outsourcing of the manage-
shown are sensitive to changes in the input data, it ment. An owner with third-party management will
would be interesting to also investigate how changes not be exposed to such costs, though whether to opt
in input affect the strategic decisions which the for in-house management or to outsource it is
model suggests. If similar decisions have to be another discussion which will not be covered here.
made to obtain the optimal result for each scenario, As for the three cases that we have discussed, the
it can then be argued that the model gives a fairly model suggests that WBC choose the strategy pro-
robust solution. Decisions on when to order, buy or posed in case 2. Even though this turns out to be the
sell vessels and in what quantity are important and best strategy for this setting, it is not given that it
have large effects on the results. Choices between would be the best in other settings. Note that
long-term COAs also have a significant impact. although the model grasps the main input para-
Finally, decisions on spot cargo and TC are impor- meters, it simplifies. There are some costs that the
tant, but the shorter time horizons for these deci- calculations do not include, including brokerage
sions make it easier to manage decision changes in fees, port dues and changes of fuel to more expensive
real life. diesel when sailing in emission-controlled areas.
Table 11 shows that the numbers of vessels oper-
ated in each period are almost the same for the
VI. Conclusions
through and recovery scenarios but very different
for owned vessels, while the numbers of owned Strategic fleet planning is vital to shipowners because
the shipping industry is very capital intensive.
Table 11. Comparison of operated and owned vessels in case 2 Existing studies on strategic fleet planning have
for the different scenarios. mainly been concerned with liner shipping. They
Through Recovery Collapse are not applicable to tramp shipping due to its
Operated Operated Operated special requirements of selecting long-term and
Period vessels Owned vessels Owned vessels Owned
1 10 0 10 15 19 0 spot contracts together with fleet decisions. To the
2 25 0 25 15 33 0 best of our knowledge, no research has tackled this
3 25 0 25 15 33 0
4 12 0 13 15 21 0 more complicated problem. This paper narrows the
5 12 0 12 15 12 0 gap by developing a mixed-integer programming

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