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Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance Kidneys 4 roles MAINTAINING BLOOD COMPOSITIONS

1. Excreting nitrogen-containing wastes

Blood composition depends on three factors
2. Maintaining water balance of blood
 Diet- Food and Drink we take (Kinakain)
 Cellular metabolism- Chemical reactions 3. Maintaining electrolyte balance of blood
occurs in living cells.
4. Ensuring proper blood Ph
 Urine output- (Iniihi)
Three main fluid compartments
Normal amount of water
1. Intracellular fluid (ICF) Fluid inside cells Accounts
for two-thirds of body fluid Young adult females = 50%

2. Extracellular fluid (ECF) Fluids outside cells; Young adult males = 60%
includes blood plasma, interstitial fluid (IF), lymph, and
Babies = 75%
transcellular fluid
The elderly = 45%
3. Plasma (blood) is ECF but accounts for 3L of total
body water. links external and internal environments
Link between water and electrolyte
Regulation of water intake and output Electrolytes- charged particles (ions) conduct
electrical current in an aqueous solution
Water intake must = water output: remain properly hydrated
Sodium, potassium, and calcium ions
 Sources for water intake = Ingested foods and fluids.
-Water produced from metabolic processes (10%)
Thirst mechanism
 Thirst mechanism is the driving force for water intake
Osmoreceptors are sensitive cells in the hypothalamus
Sources of water output that become more active in reaction to small changes in
plasma solute concentration
Lungs (insensible since we cannot sense the water leaving)
When activated, the thirst center in the hypothalamus is
Perspiration - Feces -Urine
Maintaining Water Balance of the Blood: A dry mouth due to decreased saliva also promotes the
thirst mechanism
Hormones are primarily responsible for
reabsorption of water and electrolytes by the Both reinforce the drive to drink
kidney Maintaining Electrolyte Balance:
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) prevents excessive Small changes in electrolyte concentrations cause water to move
water loss in the urine and increases water from one fluid compartment to another
A second hormone, aldosterone, helps regulate blood composition
and blood volume by acting on the kidney
For each sodium ion reabsorbed, a chloride ion follows, and a
potassium ion is secreted into the filtrate
Water follows salt: when sodium is reabsorbed, water follows it
passively back into the blood

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