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Name : Hadiya Zahid

Roll No : 23
Subject : Computer

Institute of Business and Management sciences

Purpose ,Importance and Scope of computer

1. Introduction to computer
2. Introduction to operating system

A computer system has three main components: hardware, software,

and people. The equipment associated with a computer system is
called hardware. Software is a set of instructions that tells the hardware what
to do. People, however, are the most for some purpose. In fact, this course
will show you that the computer can be a tool for just about anyone from a
business person, to an artist, to a housekeeper, to a student - an incredibly
powerful and flexible tool.
Anything which gives to computer in row form for some processing is
called input

Input devices
Input devices facilities the introduction of data and information into the

1. Keyboard
2. Mouse
3. Microphone (audio input or voice input)
4. Touchpad
5. Touch screen
6. Graphics

Process former of input data is called output

Output Devices
Output devices facilitates the extraction of processed information into the

1. Printer
2. Speaker
3. Screen
4. Storage devices
5. Projector
It is a program that control all the activities of all other activities of all other
programs. It provides a plateform on which other program run .
An operating system is a software that control operating of computer.

1. Memory Management.
2. Process Management/CUP Sehduling.
3. Job Accounting.
4. Security.
5. Accounting.

Customizing desktop
Customizing your desktop is a handy way to optimize workflow while adding a personal
touch to the appearance of your computer.

File and Folder

A file is control something that named collection of data.

Folder are computer version of filling cabinets that are used for
storing computer files.

Formatting Data
In computer formatting means desiging any page of our home screen ,making it more
attractive or in easy way it means decorations.

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