Applied Economics 7

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Activity 1. Modified True or False. Write True if statement is correct, write False if statement is
incorrect and underline the incorrect word and write the correct answer.
False 1. One of the strategies of suppliers is to provide discounts to clients who buy small quantities
of a specific good or service. Large
False 2. In business, competitors are a must to ensure quality products and services. Suppliers
False 3. Affordable price means lesser market share. Greater
True 4. Soya milk is an example of substitute product for fresh milk.
False 5. Low quality means high satisfaction to customers. High
Activity 2
Directions: Read the story carefully. Analyze the business. Then answer the questions at the
end of the story.
Anne and Cherry are friends since high school. Anne is good in baking and Cherry is good in
selling. To increase their income, they decided to put up an online business of bakery products.
They contributed 10,000 each to start the business and decided to split the profit equally as
business partners. The friends agreed that Anne will be in charge of the production while
Cherry will be in charge of the online site for taking marketing and promotion. Cherry started
taking orders while Anne is busy on baking products. The business started to get big orders
from their regular clients and other who visited their online site. After one year of operation,
while Cherry continues with her regular work Anne as in-charge of the production, started
getting sick and advised to rest. Now, Anne can no longer continue baking for their business.
1. What went wrong with the business?
Since Anne is in-charge of their business’ production, her leaving the business
will be a great impact on their business. The fact that they didn’t get staffs that
could help in the production itself, which takes a lot of time and effort, is
already enough to point out what’s wrong. It could be possible if you only rarely
get clients, but if the business is starting to grow and also having big orders, you
won’t be able to handle the production alone that could cause you to get sick
just like what happened to Anne and worse, just like her, you’ll be incapable of
doing your work. They should’ve hired workers who can help them as their
business grows.
2. Do you think Anne and Cherry were right in how they manage their business?
- Well, for me, it’s both a yes and no. Since it’s their business, it will be their
choice on how they’ll manage it. It’s just right to give someone work based on
what their skills are capable of, which they clearly did in the story. Anne, who’s
good at baking, is in charge of the production while Cherry, who’s good at
selling, is in charge of marketing and promoting their products. But then, just
like what I’ve answered in question number one, they lacked staff who’ll be able
to help them, especially since they are getting big orders from their clients.
Doing the production alone won’t be enough when a business is growing. You
won’t be able to manage it properly with only one or two workers.
3. Are they right in their decision of equal sharing of profit? Explain your answer.
- Yes, because both of them shared equal contribution in the business, which is
just right because they did not just contribute equal money, but also worked
based on their capabilities and skills that requires effort and hard work to be
able to do it. Both have done their part to have equal shares in terms of profit.

Rubric:10 points- comprehensive and analytical 8-9 points- well written and some includes
analysis; 5-7 points-well written but lacks analysis; 2-4 points- weak essay; 1 point Poorly
written and lack strength

Activity 3. Now, I want you to think of a product/service business that is needed in your locality.
List down your competitors, competitive advantage customers and suppliers. Use the figure below.

The competitors are those who are also offering

this kind of service to people especially those who
has better offer.

Nowadays, people are now trying

many kind of services that’s related
The suppliers will be those in
to this and its Comparative SERVICES convenience stores that has less
Advantage depends on the interest interest fee just like 7 eleven.
every time a customer do this kind
of service.

The target customers in this kind of service are

those who uses this service to pay their bills or
shop and pay online. After all, Gcash is a way of
paying bills in an easy way without going out
and also spare the time to do so.
What I Can Do

Essay. As a student of applied economics, what business can you recommend in this pandemic crisis
Covid 2019 and why?
- The business I can recommend in this pandemic is selling sanitary kits. Since the
pandemic that was brought to us created chaos, every single one of us needs to keep
ourselves safe, especially that being in contact with the virus can put not just our
health but our lives in danger for there are already millions who died because of it.
In times of crisis like this, one of the best products to sell is sanitary kits with all the
essential things we need inside, such as alcohol, facemask, wipes, sanitizer, and
many more. It will not just make a profit but will also be promoting cleanliness to
each of us. When it comes to creating businesses, you must not just look at the profit
of a product but also how much it will be needed and how important it is to make
people buy it.
.(Rubric:10 points- comprehensive and analytical 8-9 points- well written and some includes analysis; 5-
7 points-well written but lacks analysis; 2-4 points- weak essay; 1 point Poorly written and lack strength)


Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the answer on a separate sheet of paper.
a 1. These are individuals/group of individuals who buy goods and services for personal and
business use.
a. Consumer c. Government
b. Creditors d. Suppliers
d 2. The capability of a company to produce or increase output when resources are added is called
a. Autonomy c. Profitability
b. Durability d. Scalability
a 3. Business is a legal entity that is separate and distinct from owner.
a. Autonomy c. Profitability
b. Durability d. Scalability
a 4. Ford and Toyota sells the same products; it evident that there is a ____________.
a. Competition c. Alliance
b. Distribution d. Threats
a 5. Competitive advantages can also be gained by business that seeks association or cooperation
with other business:
a. Alliance c. Defensive strategy
b. Cost leadership d. Differentiation
d 6. Individual or firms who desire products and services in the market for consumption or business.
a. Consumers c. Government
b. Creditors d. Supplier

b 7. Which does not belong to the group?

a. Colgate c. Close-Up
b. Head and Shoulders d. Hapee
a 8. A strategy that businesses use to distinguish themselves apart from their competitors.
a. Differentiation c. Defensive Strategy
b. Alliance d. Cost Leadership
d 9. This method occurs when a business is able to offer the same quality product as its competitors
and sell it at a lower price.
a. Differentiation c. Defensive Strategy
b. Alliance d. Cost Leadership

a 10. The advantage gained by this type of strategy is that it allows the business to further distance
itself by using defensive method.
a. Defensive strategy c. Differentiation
b. Alliance d. Cost Leadership
b 11. An economic activity that is engage in buying and selling of goods and services in exchange of
a. Business c. Trade
b. Commerce d. Partnership
c 12. Business ability to use its resources to produce profit.
a. autonomy c. profitability
b. big idea d. Scalability
d 13. These are alternative goods that can easily replace by other products either perfectly or in
a. brand c. Original
b. clone d. Substitutes
a 14. Printed and online promotion is needed in starting your business.
a. advertising c. profitability
b. big ideas d. scalability
b 15. Entrepreneurs think big and make this idea into a reality for the success of their business.
a. autonomy c. profitability
b. big idea d. Scalability

Additional Activities

Think Big. In the recent ECQ, many businesses suffer a loss due to lockdown. In at least five (5)
sentences, what solutions can you suggest to make their businesses thrive?
- Ever since the pandemic started, the economy has been going down because of the
lockdown and many lost their jobs because of the businesses closing, which is the
reason why businesses need to do some strategies for them not to fall. Since people
are staying home to work or not doing any work at all, one of the best strategies that
they should do is that should promote or advertise their businesses online, especially
when they are selling a product for most people are now active in their social media
according to the statistics, and because time is now changing, the technology is also
developing. They should also consider their finance because just being financially
stable in a crisis won’t be enough for it might go down in a blink of an eye, which is
the reason why they should create strategies like changing their suppliers, if
possible, to make their products be of quality as well as the production cost won’t be
costly and many more. When the pandemic started, people are losing their jobs and
businesses lost customers because some people need to be practical in a crisis like
this, which is the reason why businesses should offer or be able to give what their
customers’ needs. Reduce the pricing if needed or offer them things that will benefit
both the consumers and the business as well.
(Rubric: 5 points- comprehensive and analytical 4 points- well written and some includes analysis;
3 points-well written but lacks analysis; 2points- weak essay; 1 point- poorly written and lack

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