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Basic Geriatric Nursing

• Melanocyte - produce the pigment

melanin, which provides protection from
ultraviolet radiation.
It is important to recognize that although age-
2. Dermis contains collagen and elastin fibers,
related changes are predictable, the exact time at which
which give strength and elasticity to the tissues.
they occur is not. Just as no two individuals grow and
3. Subcutaneous tissue - provides insulation to
develop at exactly the same rate, no two individuals
regulate body temperature.
show the signs of aging at the same time. Some people
• Hair and nail follicles
are chronologically quite young but appear old.
• Sensory nerve receptors
The most severe cases of this occur in a rare • Sebaceous – oil-producing
condition called progeria. When they are only 8 or 9 years • Eccrine – sweat-producing
of age, children with progeria have the physiology and • Areolar connective tissue - connects the
appearance of 70-year-olds. skin to the muscles.
Nurses must learn that each aging person is • Adipose Tissue – provides a cushion over
unique. The type and extent of changes seen with aging tissue and bone.
are specific and unique to each person. Nurses must • White blood cells - available to protect the
avoid falling into the trap of stereotyping older adults. body from microbial invasion through the
Stereotyping is dangerous because it leads us to accept skin.
as inevitable some changes that are not inevitable. • Blood vessels - supply the tissue with
Stereotyping can also cause us to mistake early signs of nourishment and assist in the process of
disease as a part of aging. heat exchange.

The five leading causes of death among older adults are: Hair and nails are composed of dead keratinized
cells. The amount of melanin produced by the follicle and,
1. Heart disease, like skin pigmentation, is hereditary.
2. Cancer,
3. Chronic lower respiratory disease,
4. Cerebrovascular disease, and With aging, the epidermis becomes more fragile,
5. Alzheimer disease increasing the risk for skin damage such as tears,
maceration, and infection.

The integumentary system, which includes the • Senile lentigo – when melanocyte cluster forms
skin, hair, and nails, undergoes significant changes with areas of deepened pigmentation; these areas
aging. Because many of these structures are visible, are often referred to as age spots or liver spots.
changes in this system are probably the most obvious More often seen on body areas that are most
and are evident to both the aging individual and others. exposed to sunlight.
• Seborrheic keratosis – slightly raised wart like
1. Epidermis - - the outermost layer of the skin, is an macules with distinct edges; ranging in color
important structure that provides protection for from light tan to black, often observed on the
internal structures, keeps out dangerous chemicals upper half of the body.
and microorganisms, functions as part of the body’s • Cutaneous papilloma – also called skin tags, are
fluid regulation system, and helps regulate body small, brown or flesh-colored projections of skin
temperature and eliminate waste products (also that are most often observed on the necks of
contains melanocyte). older adults.
• Xerosis – a decrease in the function of sebaceous Assess for skin Institute measures to
and sweat gland secretion increases the breakdown or changes in reduce pressure over
likelihood of dry skin. color or pigmentation. bony prominences;
• Pruritus – itching; s often more severe on the possible dermatology
lower extremities because of diminished referral.
Assess areas where skin Keep skin dry. Pad
surfaces touch and trap surfaces to reduce
• Senile Purpura - red, purple, or brown areas moisture (under breasts, friction. Report abnormal
commonly seen on the legs and arms; this is due adipose rolls, etc.) for observations for
to the capillary walls becoming increasingly signs of maceration or treatment.
fragile with age and may hemorrhage. yeast infection.
Determine adequacy of Modify skin care to
Integumentary Changes Associated with Aging
hygiene and need for reduce drying. Refer to
Physiologic Change Results toenail trimming podiatrist
Decreased vascularity of Increased pallor in white
dermis skin
Decreased amount of Decreased hair color
melanin (graying)
• Basal Cell Carcinoma and Melanoma - Cases of
Decreased sebaceous Increased dry skin;
basal cell carcinoma is commonly observed in
and sweat gland function decreased perspiration
Decreased subcutaneous Increased wrinkling older adults who have spent significant amounts
fat of time in the sun. Older men are most at risk for
Decreased thickness of Increased susceptibility melanoma, a potentially fatal form of skin cancer
epidermis to trauma because of its ability to metastasize. The unusual
Increased localized Increased incidence of appearance of moles should be suspected to be
pigmentation brown spots (senile melanoma. Irregular shapes, irregular borders,
lentigo) changes in color, changes in size or symptoms,
Increased capillary Increased purple patches such as itchiness or bleeding, are all considered
fragility (senile purpura) abnormal.
Decreased density of hair Decreased amount and
• Pressure Ulcers - Shrinkage in the cushion
growth thickness of hair on head
provided by subcutaneous tissue along with
and body
vascular changes places the older adult at
Decreased rate of nail Increased brittleness of
growth nails increased risk for pressure ulcers (breakdown of
Decreased peripheral Increased longitudinal the skin and tissues located over bony
circulation ridges of nails; increased prominences). This is a significant problem for
thickening and yellowing immobilized people such as those who are
of nails bedridden or confined to wheelchairs.
Increased Increased facial hair in • Inflammation and Infection - Skin inflammation
androgen/estrogen ratio women and infection often occur on visible body
Nursing Assessments and Care Strategies Related to surfaces, such as the face, scalp, and arms,
Integumentary Changes making the conditions distressing to older adults.
Nursing Assessments Care Strategies a. Rosacea - appears as redness, dilated
Monitor skin Adjust room temperature
superficial blood vessels, and small
temperature. and provide adequate
“pimples” on the nose and center of the
clothing or covers to
face. It may spread to cover the cheeks and
prevent chilling.
Assess skin turgor over Provide adequate fluid to chin.
sternum or forehead, not prevent dehydration. b. Contact and allergic dermatitis - appear as
forearm. Check tongue rashes or inflammation that is either
for furrows.

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localized to certain areas of the body or blood, increasing the blood calcium level. PTH
generalized. also increases the absorption of calcium from
c. Seborrheic dermatitis - an unsightly skin the small intestine and kidneys, further
condition characterized by yellow, waxy increasing the blood calcium level.
crusts that can be either dry or moist. • Insulin and thyroxine - aid in the protein
Caused by excessive sebum production, synthesis and energy production needed for
seborrheic dermatitis can occur on the scalp, bone maintenance.
eyebrows, eyelids, ears, axilla, breasts, groin, • Estrogen and testosterone - produced by the
and gluteal folds. ovaries and testes, respectively, help retain
d. Herpes zoster – shingles calcium in the bone matrix.
e. Fungal, yeast and bacterial infections
f. Infestation with scabies (mites)
• Hypothermia - The decrease in subcutaneous The spinal column consists of a series of small
tissue reduces the older adult’s ability to bones, called vertebrae, which stack up to form a strong,
regulate body temperature. his loss of insulation flexible structure.
is most likely to result in hypothermia if the
• Spinal column - supports the head and allows for
person is exposed to an environment that is too
flexible movement of the back.
• Segments of the spinal column - cervical,
thoracic, lumbar, and sacral vertebrae.
• Spinal cord - the nerve tissue that extends
The musculoskeletal system is made up of bones,
downward from the brain, passes through the
cartilage, ligaments, tendons and muscles, which form a
vertebral canal, which runs through an opening
framework for the body.
in each vertebra. The bones of the spinal column
protect this nerve tissue from injury.
A. Content of Bones • Fibrous pads - intervertebral disks, are located
• Protein - for optimal bone mass gain during between the vertebrae and cushion the impact
growth and also for preserving bone and muscle of walking and other activities.
mass with ageing)
• Calcium - for bone strength, muscle contraction,
A. Terminologies
myocardial contraction, blood clotting, and
• Joints - places where bones meet
neuronal activity
• Cartilage – lines the synovial joints to allow free
• Phosphorus - for the formation of healthy bones
movement of the joint surfaces.
B. How to keep our long bones strong?
• Bursa – found in joins which is a fluid sac that
• Adequate dietary intake of these nutrients is
provides lubrication to enhance joint mobility
• Tendons - structures that connect the muscles to
• Apply stress to the long bones to keep the
the bone
minerals in the bones. This needed stress is best
provided by weight-bearing activities, such as • Ligaments - structures that connect bones to
standing and walking. other bones
B. Types of synovial Joints
• Keeping the calcium in balance
C. Hormones • Condyloid joint - also known as ellipsoid joints,
are composed of an egg-shaped bone known as
• Calcitonin - produced by the thyroid gland, slows
a condyle that fits into a similarly shaped cavity.
the movement of calcium from the bones to the
It only allows forward-backward and side to side
blood, lowering the blood calcium level.
movement and do not allow rotation. Examples
• Parathyroid hormone (PTH) - increases the
of your condyloid joint include the wrist joint
movement of calcium from the bones to the

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(radiocarpal joint) and the temporomandibular B. Two general exercises to maintain muscle mass and
joint. muscle tone.
• Ball and Socket joint - an articulation (as the hip • Isometric exercise - involves muscle contraction
joint) in which the rounded head of one bone fits without body movement. This helps maintain
into a cuplike cavity of the other and admits muscle tone and strength but does little to
movement in any direction. This is also called increase muscle size.
enarthrosis. • Isotonic exercise - involves muscle contraction
• Gliding Joint - the gliding joint is a synovial joint with body movement. This exercise maintains
built between two bones that meet on flat muscle tone and strength and increases muscle
articular surfaces allowing sliding or gliding mass if it is done repetitively. An example of
motion. Example of a gliding joint include joints isotonic exercise is aerobic exercise.
between two vertebras, ankle joints and C. How are muscle movement controlled?
acromioclavicular joints. • Muscle movement is controlled by impulses
• Saddle Joint - a saddle joint is a type of biaxial from the parietal lobes of the cerebrum and is
and movable joint that allows movements on coordinated by impulses from the cerebellum.
two planes–flexion or extension and abduction • Muscle sense is a term used to describe the
or adduction. Example of a saddle joints in the brain’s ability to recognize the position and
human body include the carpometacarpal joint action of the muscles without conscious effort
of the thumb. • Receptor cells in the muscles, called
• Pivot Joint Pivot joint - also called rotary joint is proprioceptors, send information to the brain
a freely moveable joint (diarthrosis) that allows that enables it to integrate all body movements.
only rotary movement around a single axis. An
Muscles are connected to bones by tendons.
example of pivot joints are the pivot joints in the
Contraction or relaxation of muscles causes the bones to
• Hinge Joint Hinge joints - a type of joint that
functions much like the hinge on a door, allowing
bones to move in one direction back and forth Musculoskeletal Changes Associated with Aging
with limited motion along other planes. The Physiologic Change Result
fingers, toes, elbows, knees, and ankles contain Decreased bone calcium Increased osteoporosis;
hinge joints. increased curvature of
the spine (kyphosis)
Decreased fluid in Decreased height
A. Three types of muscle tissue in the body intervertebral disks
• Involuntary muscles - cannot be stimulated by Decreased blood supply Decreased muscle
conscious effort to muscles strength
o Cardiac muscle - located only in the heart, is Decreased tissue Decreased mobility and
responsible for the pumping action of the elasticity flexibility of ligaments
heart that maintains the blood circulation. and tendons
o Smooth muscle - found in the walls of hollow Decreased muscle mass Decreased strength;
organs such as the blood vessels, stomach, increased risk for falls
intestines, and urinary bladder. • The intervertebral disks shrink as the thoracic
vertebrae slowly
• Voluntary Muscle - actions can be controlled by
conscious effort • Connective tissues tend to lose elasticity, leading to
o Skeletal muscle - accounts for the largest restriction of joint mobility.
amount of muscle tissue in the body which • Loss of flexibility and joint mobility begins as early
move the bones of the skeleton. as the teen years and is common with aging

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• Muscle tone and mass typically decrease with aging, categories: (a) medications that increase bone
and these decreases are directly related to strength and density (anabolic drugs); and (b)
reductions in physical activity and exercise medications that inhibit bone loss (antiresorptive
• Hormonal changes, particularly the decrease in medications). Commonly prescribed antiresorptive
testosterone level, tend to reduce muscle mass in medications include alendronate (Fosamax),
aging. risedronate (Actonel), ibandronate (Boniva),
• Reduced blood supply to the muscles because of raloxifene (Evista), and calcitonin (Calcimar).
aging or disease can lead to changes in muscle B. Degenerative Joint Disease
function. • Osteoarthritis - The exact cause of osteoarthritis
• Neuronal changes in the areas of the brain is unknown; however, risk factors have been
responsible for muscle control can result in identified, including age, obesity, joint injury or
alterations of muscle sense overuse, genetic predisposition, and muscle
• As a person ages, muscle mass decreases, and the weakness. After years of normal joint use, the
proportion of body weight resulting from fatty, or cartilage on the bones’ articulating surfaces thins
adipose, tissue increases and begins to wear out. Bony particles or spurs
(osteophytes) may form within the joint, causing
Nursing Assessments and Care Strategies Related to pain, swelling, and restriction of joint
Musculoskeletal Changes movement. Pain may occur with activity or
Nursing Assessment Care Strategies exercise of the affected joints and may worsen
Assess strength and Provide assistance as
with emotional stress. Osteoarthritis is treated
functional mobility needed, modify physical
with a combination of exercise, weight control,
environment, initiate
safety precautions to joint protection, physical or occupational
decrease risk for falls, therapy, and medications. Medication therapy
encourage range of may include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
motion (ROM) exercise, drugs (NSAIDs) or by injecting corticosteroids
refer to physical or into the joints. In severe cases, arthroscopic
occupational therapy. removal of bone fragments or surgical joint
Assess nutritional intake. Educate regarding replacements may be necessary.
importance of calcium • Rheumatoid Arthritis - a collagen disease that
intake, administer results from an autoimmune process, affecting
supplements as ordered. more women than men. This disease causes
Determine activity Encourage regular low-
inflammation of the synovium, damage to the
patterns. impact exercise.
cartilage and bone of joints, and instability of
ligaments and tendons that support the joints.
RA is characterized by periods of exacerbation
A. Osteoporosis - excessive loss of calcium from bone (sometimes called flares), during which the
combined with insufficient replacement. symptoms are severe and cause further damage,
Characterized by porous, brittle, fragile bones that and remission, during which the progress of the
are susceptible to breakage. Common fracture sites disease—and the damage it causes—halts. RA
include the hip (usually the femoral neck), ribs, can result in muscle atrophy, soft tissue changes,
clavicle, and wrist. Osteoporosis is best prevented and bone and cartilage changes. Symptoms of RA
and treated by lifestyle modifications and include: pain and stiffness, particularly after rest;
medications. Lifestyle modifications include a well- warm, tender, painful joints; fatigue; sense of
balanced diet with adequate amounts of calcium and feeling unwell; and occasional fevers.
vitamin D, regular weight-bearing exercise, smoking Treatments for RA include lifestyle changes such
cessation, and restriction of alcohol intake. as stress reduction, balanced rest and exercise,
Medications for osteoporosis generally fall into two and joint care using splints to support joints.

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• Bursitis - inflammation of the bursa and the • Epiglottis - the uppermost cartilage ring, prevents
surrounding fibrous tissue, can result from food from entering the airway
excessive stress on a joint or from a localized
infection. Bursitis commonly results in joint
stiffness and pain in the shoulder, knee, elbow, The lower respiratory tract includes the lower
and hip, ultimately leading to restricted or trachea, bronchial passages, and alveoli, all of which lie
reduced mobility. Treatment includes resting the within the chest cavity.
joint and administering NSAIDs. Corticosteroid • Trachea - a cartilaginous passageway connecting the
preparations are occasionally injected into the larynx to the bronchial passages. The trachea
painful areas to reduce inflammation. branches into two major bronchi; these further
• Gouty Arthritis - caused by an inborn error of divide like the branches of a tree into smaller and
metabolism that results in elevated levels of uric smaller bronchioles. At the ends of the bronchioles
acid in the body. Crystals of these acids deposit are the alveoli, or air sacs, which are the functional
within the joints and other tissues, causing units of respiration.
episodes of severe, painful joint swelling. Chills
• Surfactant – a special protein substance that
and fever may accompany a severe attack. prevents the surfaces of the alveoli to adhere if they
Attacks of gout become more frequent with age.
touched when the alveoli were empty.
Untreated, this disease can result in joint
destruction. Recommendations may include
reduction of body weight and decreased intake • Ventilation – the movement of air into and out of the
of alcohol and foods rich in purines, such as liver alveoli. It requires the action of muscles, primarily
or dried beans or peas. the diaphragm and the intercostal muscles.
• Inhalation or Inspiration - During inhalation, the
diaphragm contracts and moves downward although
The respiratory system is typically divided into the intercostal muscles pull the ribs upward and
two parts: the upper respiratory tract and the lower outward. These combined activities increase the size
respiratory tract. The entire respiratory tract is lined with of the chest cavity until the air pressure inside the
mucous membranes. lungs is lower than the atmospheric pressure and air
is drawn into the lungs.
• Exhalation or Expiration - When the diaphragm and
The upper respiratory tract includes the air passages
intercostal muscles relax, the diaphragm moves
of the nose, mouth, and throat, all of which are located
upward and the ribs move inward, making the chest
above the chest cavity.
cavity smaller. As the chest cavity becomes smaller,
• Mucous membranes - line the nasal passages and the pressure in the lungs becomes greater than the
warm and humidify the air that passes through the atmospheric pressure. Air is forced out of the lungs
nose. until the pressure in the lungs equals the
• Cilia and mucus in the nasal passages - trap atmospheric pressure.
particulate matter (bacteria and debris) and sweep it
toward the pharynx
• pharynx - located at the back of the oral cavity, has Respiratory Changes Associated with Aging
three segments: the oropharynx, nasopharynx, and Physiologic Change Results
laryngopharynx Decreased body fluids Decreased ability to
humidify air resulting in
• Eustachian tubes – help maintain proper air pressure
drier mucous
in the middle ear
• Larynx - composed of cartilage rings and folds of Decreased number of Decreased ability to trap
tissue, called vocal folds. cilia debris

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Decreased number of Increased risk for with COPD manifest symptoms such as productive
macrophages respiratory infection cough, wheezing, cyanosis, and dyspnea on exertion.
Decreased tissue Decreased gas exchange; • Emphysema - characterized by changes in
elasticity in the alveoli increased pooling of alveolar structure. The alveoli lose elasticity,
and lower lung lobes secretions become overinflated, and are ineffective in gas
Decreased muscle Decreased ability to
strength and endurance breathe deeply;
• Chronic bronchitis - involves inflammation of the
diminished strength of
cough trachea and bronchioles. Chronic irritation leads
Decreased number of Decreased gas exchange to excessive mucus secretion and a productive
capillaries cough.
Increased calcification of Increased rigidity of rib B. Influenza - often referred to as the flu, is a highly
cartilage cage; decreased lung contagious respiratory infection caused by a variety
capacity of influenza viruses. The virus is usually spread
Nursing Assessments and Care Strategies Related to through airborne droplets and moves quickly
Respiratory Changes through groups of people who live or work in close
Assess breathing depth Position to facilitate ease contact with one another. The incubation period is
and effort. of respiration. Encourage brief, often only 1 to 3 days from the time of
incentive spirometer or exposure. The onset of symptoms is sudden;
nebulizer as ordered.
symptoms include chills, fever, cough, sore throat,
Assess cough and sputum Encourage adequate fluid
and general malaise and may be dramatic and leave
production. intake. Encourage
smoking cessation and the victim feeling severely ill. Immunization should
avoidance of be obtained yearly, because the vaccine is different
environmental from the previous year.
pollutants. C. Pneumonia - acute inflammation of the lungs caused
Assess for signs and Teach avoidance of by bacterial, viral, fungal, chemical, or mechanical
symptoms of respiratory individuals with active agents. In response to the agent, the alveoli and
infection. infection. Teach careful bronchioles become clogged with a thick, fibrous
hand washing and substance that decreases the ability of the lung to
disposal of contaminated exchange gases. Pneumonia can progress to a state
secretions. Encourage in which the exudate fills the lung lobes, which then
annual influenza become consolidated or firm. Pneumonia can be
detected by radiologic examination. Breath sounds
Pulmonary Function Changes Commonly Observed
exhibit characteristic changes.
with Aging
• Viral pneumonia - sometimes called walking
• Diminished breath sounds
pneumonia, is most commonly seen following
• Lower maximum expiratory volume
• Increased residual volume influenza or another viral disease. Symptoms
• Reduced vital capacity include headache, fever, aching muscles, and
cough with mucopurulent sputum.
• Bacterial pneumonia - can be caused by a
number of organisms, most commonly
A. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease - an Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Klebsiella, and
umbrella term for the commonly occurring Legionella. The symptoms of bacterial
respiratory disorders of emphysema and chronic pneumonia are abrupt and dramatic in onset.
bronchitis. COPD is common in people who have a Chills, fever up to 105° F, elevated WBC count
history of smoking or who have had a high level of (leukocytosis), tachycardia, and tachypnea are
exposure to environmental pollutants. Individuals common, as is pain with respiration, or dyspnea.

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• Aspiration Pneumonia - an inflammatory process o Parietal pericardium - middle membrane
of the bronchi and lungs caused by inhalation of o Fibrous pericardium - outermost membrane
foreign substances, such as food or acidic gastric
Pericardial cavity - space between the epicardium
contents. Aspiration of large amounts of feeding
and the parietal pericardium; contains a small
solution is likely to trigger coughing or choking
amount of serous fluid that prevents the membrane
episodes and dyspnea. If these fluids are not
surfaces from rubbing together during cardiac
removed immediately by suction, respiratory
distress and death may be the result.
D. Tuberculosis - an infectious disease caused by the • Myocardium - cardiac muscle
bacillus Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which spreads • Tricuspid Valve – separates the right atrium and right
by means of airborne droplets. An infected person ventricle
coughs or sneezes, releasing contaminated droplets • Mitral Valve – separates the left atrium and left
into the air. When these droplets are inhaled by ventricle
other people, the bacillus lodges in their lungs, and • Endocardial tissue – lines the chambers and valves
the disease spreads. The symptoms of tuberculosis • Endothelial tissue - continues out from the heart and
include cough, night sweats, fever, dyspnea, chest lines all of the blood vessels
pain, anorexia, and weight loss. The cough may be
nonproductive or productive. Sputum may be green
or yellow; with hemoptysis, the presence of blood • Arteries - blood vessels that carry blood away from
may impart a rusty color. Treatment today consists the heart.
of drug therapy using a variety of antimicrobial • Aorta - the largest artery in the body, leaves the
agents, such as isoniazid, rifampin, ethambutol, and heart and branches into a series of progressively
streptomycin. smaller arteries and capillaries.
E. Lung Cancer or bronchogenic cancer - Lung cancer • Arterial walls
results from exposure to carcinogenic, or cancer- o Endothelium or tunica intima - innermost layer,
causing agents, particularly tobacco smoke, air this layer is a continuation of the endocardial
pollution, asbestos, and other hazardous industrial tissue that lines the inside of the heart.
substances. Cough, chest pain, and blood-tinged o Tunica media - middle layer, composed of
sputum are typical symptoms, which can easily be smooth muscle and connective tissue. This
missed because they resemble those of pneumonia smooth muscle is controlled by the autonomic
and other common respiratory conditions of older nervous system and dilates or constricts the
adults. The treatment of choice is surgical resection artery to maintain the blood pressure.
of the lungs. o Tunica externa - outermost layer, composed of
strong fibrous tissue that protects the vessels
from bursting or rupturing under high pressure.
• Veins - vessels that carry blood toward the heart.
The heart is a muscular organ located centrally in With the exception of the four pulmonary veins (two
the thoracic cavity between the lungs. from each lung), veins carry deoxygenated blood.
• Venules - the smallest veins, are connected to the
• Sternum - breastbone, protects its anterior surface
smallest capillaries.
• Apex – the heart’s tip; projects toward the left side
• Valves - created by endothelial tissue folds, to aid in
of the body and extends directly above the
the return of blood to the heart, veins use this
• Pericardial membranes - form a sac around the
• Coronary arteries and veins - supplies the heart with
blood enriched with oxygen and nutrients
o Epicardium or visceral pericardium - innermost
membrane on the surface of the heart

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Assess apical and Observe closely for
To function effectively, the cardiovascular peripheral pulses. abnormal sounds and
irregularity of rhythm;
system must work in a controlled, organized, and
determine presence and
rhythmic manner.
strength of peripheral
• Sinoatrial Node - a group of specialized cells in the pulses comparing both
right atrium. sides of the body. When
assessing lower
• Atrioventricular node – where impulses generated in
extremities, start distally
the sinoatrial node travel across the atria
and move toward trunk.
• Systole - When the cells of the heart’s electrical Assess blood pressure Hypotension is likely to
system depolarize, the myocardium depolarizes and lying, sitting, and occur while changing
the heart contracts standing. position; encourage
• Diastole - heart relaxes patient to change
positions slowly and to
seek assistance if dizzy.
Cardiovascular Changes Associated with Aging Assess ability to tolerate Instruct patient to rest if
Physiologic Change Results activity short of breath or
Decreased cardiac Decreased tissue fatigued.
muscle tone oxygenation related to
decreased cardiac output
and reserve Orthostatic hypotension occurs because the
Increased heart size, left Compensation for circulation does not respond quickly to postural changes.
ventricular enlargement decreased muscle tone
Decreased cardiac output Increased chance of
heart failure; decreased A. Coronary Artery Disease - The coronary arteries
peripheral circulation supply blood to the heart. If these vessels become
Decreased elasticity of Decreased venous narrowed or obstructed because of atherosclerosis,
heart muscle and blood return; increased the heart may not receive adequate oxygen and
vessels dependent edema; nutrients. Once circulation to the heart muscle
increased incidence of decreases significantly, the amount of oxygen
orthostatic hypotension; delivered to the heart decreases and ischemia
increased varicosities and occurs. The pain that may be experienced with
ischemia is referred to as angina pectoris (literally,
Decreased pacemaker Heart rate 40 to 100
chest pain). When one or more coronary arteries
cells beats per minute;
increased incidence of become totally obstructed by atherosclerosis or
ectopic or premature embolus, the person is said to have a myocardial
beats; increased risk for infarction (MI), or heart attack.
conduction abnormalities
Signs and Symptoms of Myocardial Infarction
Decreased baroreceptor Decreased adaptation to
in Older Adults
sensitivity changes in blood
• Sudden-onset dyspnea
Increased incidence of Increased risk for heart • Chest tightness or heaviness (usually not
valvular sclerosis murmurs crushing pain)
Increased atherosclerosis Increased blood • Anxiety and confusion
pressure, weaker • Syncope
peripheral pulses • Back pain
Nursing assessments and care strategies related to • Jaw (tooth) pain
cardiovascular changes
Nursing Assessments Care Strategies
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B. Coronary Valve Disease - The heart valves become muscles of the left ventricle hypertrophy in an
less pliable over time. In addition, calcium deposits attempt to improve the output of blood from the
may develop on the valves, preventing them from heart to meet the body’s tissue demands for
sealing completely. This can result in mitral valve oxygenated blood.
prolapse, mitral regurgitation, and, ultimately, heart F. Peripheral Vascular Disease - In arteriosclerosis, the
failure (HF). Symptoms of mitral valve prolapse walls of the arteries become less elastic and plaque
include chest pain, palpitations, fatigue, and dyspnea forms in the lumen, further restricting blood flow. If
C. Cardiac Arrhythmias - Heart block is a common the lumen becomes too narrow, blood flow to
conduction disturbance caused by disruption of the peripheral sites, particularly the lower extremities,
electrical conduction system of the heart. This may be restricted. This decreased blood flow
disruption can be caused by fibrotic tissue infiltration deprives the tissue of oxygen and nutrients and
or MI. Sinus node dysfunction, sometimes called sick causes ischemia. If the lumen is completely
sinus syndrome, is the primary conduction disorder obstructed, tissue death may result.
seen in older adults. This condition causes a G. Occlusive Peripheral Vascular Problems - Thrombus
disturbance in the rate and rhythm of heart formation (clotting) in the lumen of a vein. These
contraction, resulting in symptoms such as clots can form quickly because of sluggish blood flow
lightheadedness, fatigue, palpitations, and syncope. within the vessels. Increasing the patient’s activity
D. Heart Failure - The older term congestive heart and using antiembolism stockings help prevent
failure was used as it described the disease process: problems related to venous stasis or pooling.
the patient’s lungs are often congested, and edema Thrombi form most often in lower extremity veins,
appears because the heart’s pumping action is where they irritate and inflame the vessel and cause
ineffective. HF is not a single disease but rather a thrombophlebitis. Signs of thrombophlebitis include
syndrome that accompanies and results from many edema, swelling, warmth over the affected area,
other disorders. A variety of cardiovascular diseases aching, and cyanosis or pallor. a thrombus breaks
can contribute to the development of HF. HF is loose from the vein and travels in the circulatory
associated with a wide range of symptoms, system, it is referred to as an embolus. Emboli can be
depending on the type and severity of the underlying life-threatening.
disease. Older adults who experience mild H. Varicose Veins - when blood pools in the veins and
symptoms, such as dyspnea, orthopnea, or dilates or stretches them. Varicosities can result in
paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, often decrease their leg cramps or a dull, aching pain in the legs.
activity spontaneously I. Aneurysm - the pouching or ballooning of arteries, is
common in older adults who suffer from
Signs and Symptoms of Heart Failure
arteriosclerotic blood vessel changes. As parts of the
• Dyspnea (shortness of breath) with exertion
muscular walls of the arteries develop plaque and
• Orthopnea (dyspnea at rest when recumbent)
become rigid, other areas of the vessels stretch,
• Coughing or wheezing with exertion or at rest
dilate, and weaken. The walls of the dilated areas
• Fatigue, weakness, or generalized muscle
become thin and prone to rupture.
weakness with minimal exertion
J. Hypertensive Disease
• Peripheral edema
• Weight gain without an increase in food intake • Essential (Primary) - the more common form, has
(as a result of fluid retention) no known cause. Many factors, including
• Nausea, vomiting, or anorexia heredity, diet, obesity, stress, smoking,
• Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea (extreme increased serum cholesterol levels, and
orthopnea during sleep) abnormal sodium transport, are known to
E. Cardiomegaly - enlargement of the heart, which is contribute to essential hypertension. It is
often related to chronic HF. Because arteries and diagnosed based on two elevated blood pressure
veins lose elasticity with age, the heart must pump determinations on three separate days. A
harder to move blood through the vessels. The reading of 140/90 mm Hg is considered the

10 | D a b l i o , N i k k a
upper limit of normal in adults. Essential C. Platelets - more properly called thrombocytes, are
hypertension cannot be cured, but it can be not whole cells but pieces of cells. They are produced
treated. when large cells called megakaryocytes fragment
• Secondary - occurs as a result of a coexisting and enter the circulation.
disease process or other known cause. Renal,
vascular, and endocrine pathologic conditions
are among the most common causes of The major components of the immune system—
secondary hypertension. lymphocytes and antibodies—are formed by the lymph
system to protect the body from pathogenic
microorganisms, malignant cells, and foreign proteins.
The two major fluids of the body are blood and
A. Lymph Vessels, Fluid, and Nodes - Lymph vessels are
lymph. These fluids flow through the body within two
located in most tissue spaces. These permeable
parallel circulatory systems.
vessels absorb fluid and proteins from the tissues.
B. Spleen and Thymus - The spleen is responsible for
The general functions of blood include producing lymphocytes and monocytes, which enter
the bloodstream. It also contains fixed plasma cells,
transportation of nutrients, waste products, blood gases,
which produce antibodies to foreign antigens, and
and hormones; regulation of fluid-electrolyte balance,
acid-base balance, and body temperature; and fixed macrophages, which phagocytize pathogens
protection against pathogenic attack by the WBCs and and other foreign substances in the blood.
C. Lymphocytes and Immunity - produced in the
against excessive blood loss through clotting
mechanisms. embryonic bone marrow. These cells are responsible
for the recognition of antigens located on a foreign
• Plasma - liquid of the blood, a substance in which cell and for humoral immunity.
many other substances can dissolve and be
• Albumin - the most abundant plasma protein, is Hematopoietic and Lymphatic Changes
important in the maintenance of osmotic pressure Associated with Aging
needed to regulate blood pressure and volume. Physiologic change Results
Increased plasma Increased risk for
• Fibrinogen - prothrombin, fibrinogen itself, and
viscosity vascular occlusion
other clotting factors that circulate until they are
Decreased red blood cell Increased incidence of
required by the body. production anemia
• Globulins - function as transport agents for lipids and Decreased mobilization Less effective
fat-soluble vitamins; the γ-globulin fraction is of neutrophils phagocytosis
composed of antibodies that provide immunity from Increased immature T- Decreased immune
pathogens. cells response response
A. Erythrocytes (RBC) - formed in the red bone marrow Lower serum albumin Edema; increased levels
by stem cells; contain a protein called hemoglobin, levels of medications that are
which carries oxygen from the lungs to all parts of highly protein bound
the body. Nursing Assessments and Care Strategies Related to
B. Leukocytes (WBC) - have protective functions: they Hematopoietic and Lymphatic Changes
destroy dead or damaged tissue, detoxify foreign Monitor laboratory tests, Report abnormal findings
including Hgb, Hct, WBC, promptly to primary care
proteins, protect from infectious disease, and
and differential. provider
function in the immune response. WBCs are
Assess nutritional intake Administer nutritional
produced in the lymphatic tissue of the spleen, for adequacy of protein, supplements as ordered.
lymph nodes, thymus, and red bone marrow. The iron and vitamins; assess
five types of WBCs are neutrophils, eosinophils, for peripheral edema.
basophils, lymphocytes, and monocytes.
11 | D a b l i o , N i k k a
A. Anemia - defined as inadequate levels of RBCs or Three pairs of salivary glands excrete saliva into
insufficient hemoglobin. the oral cavity. Saliva is composed primarily of water but
• Iron-deficiency anemia - results from inadequate also contains the enzyme amylase, which begins the
nutritional intake, blood loss, malabsorption, or digestion of starch.
increased physiologic demand
• Pernicious anemia - associated with decreased
intake or absorption of vitamin B12. A hollow muscular tube that passes from the
• Folic-acid-deficiency anemia - usually caused by pharynx through the flat layer of diaphragm muscle and
poor nutrition, chronic alcohol abuse, or to the stomach. The esophagus is located above the
malabsorption syndromes, such as Crohn diaphragm, and the stomach is located immediately
disease below the diaphragm
B. Leukemia - the result of excessive production of • Peristalsis – a wavelike motion of the smooth
immature WBCs. There are both acute and chronic musculature that propels material through the entire
varieties, and leukemia is also classified by the type GI tract.
of abnormal cells present. • Lower esophageal sphincter - also called the cardiac
sphincter is where the esophagus meets the
stomach. It allows food to enter the stomach but
The GI tract begins at the mouth and ends at the
prevents the stomach contents from moving
anus. Each part of the GI tract performs its own distinct
backward (refluxing) into the esophagus.

A muscular sac in which both mechanical and

Where food normally enters the body prepared
chemical digestion take place. Special stomach glands
for digestion.
secrete mucus; others secrete enzymes, intrinsic factor,
• Mastication - The teeth mechanically process food by and hydrochloric acid.
biting, tearing, grinding, and chewing the food
• Mucous membranes – lines the stomach which helps
• The incisors are used to bite, the canines to tear, and prevent damage to the muscle walls.
the premolars and molars to chew and grind.
• Gastric juice or digestive juice - mixture of enzymes
• Each tooth is composed of a crown, which is the part and acids
visible above the gingiva (gum), and a root
• Chyme - refers to processed food in the stomach
• Periodontal membrane - lines the tooth socket and
• Pyloric sphincter – releases chyme into the small
holds the teeth in place
• Enamel – an extremely hard casing protects the
crown of the tooth.
• Pulp Cavity - contains blood vessels and nerve The small intestine is more than 20 feet long and
endings. is divided into three segments called the duodenum, the
jejunum, and the ileum (in order of progression away
from the stomach). Absorption of nutrients occurs
The tongue is a highly flexible structure primarily in the small intestine.
controlled by and composed primarily of skeletal muscle.
• Bile - produced in the liver and stored in the
• Papillae - contain the taste buds, are located on the gallbladder, breaks down fat by emulsifying it.
upper surface of the tongue. • Pancreatic juice - contains enzymes that break down
• Cranial nerves - control the movement of the tongue proteins.
and carry the impulses for taste perception. • Villi - fingerlike projections of the lining of the small
intestine that are rich in capillaries and lymphatic
12 | D a b l i o , N i k k a
vessels, increase the surface area of the lining. As the Decreased liver size and Decreased ability to
digested nutrients pass over these villi, they are enzyme production metabolize drugs, leading
absorbed into the blood and lymph by the capillary to increased risk for
network and lymphatics. toxicity
• Ileocecal valve - located between the ileum of the Nursing assessments and care strategies related to
small intestine and the cecum of the large intestine; gastrointestinal changes
Nursing assessments Care strategies
prevents waste products from moving backward into
Assess oral cavity for Educate regarding
the small intestine.
dentition, condition of importance of good oral
mucous membranes and hygiene; stress need for
hygiene adequate fluid intake.
The large intestine is approximately 5 feet long
Dental referral as
and is divided into segments called the ascending, necessary.
transverse, descending, and sigmoid colon and the Assess swallow and gag Encourage posture that
rectum. The major functions of the large intestine are reflexes. facilitates swallowing.
absorption of water, minerals, and vitamins, and storage Consult with speech
and elimination of indigestible wastes. therapy for swallow
studies and safe dietary
• Effluent - discharge of waste products. regimen.
• Peristalsis - causes the effluent to enter the rectum, Monitor weight changes. Measure and record
its presence there triggers the defecation reflex, in weight at least one time
which strong peristaltic movements propel the mass per month, more often if
from the rectum and through the anus fluid balance issues
• Gastrocolic reflex - occurs when the stomach is present.
distended with food, stimulating vigorous peristalsis Assess intake of nutrients Educate regarding
of the rectum and a desire to defecate and fluid. recommended dietary
intake. Establish calorie
count and intake and
Gastrointestinal Changes Associated with Aging output if problems are
Physiologic Change Results suspected.
Increased dental caries Decreased ability to Assess bowel sounds and Establish bowel routines.
and tooth loss chew normally; bowel elimination Teach importance of
decreased nutritional patterns. adequate fluid, fiber, and
status activity. Administer
Decreased thirst Increased risk for laxatives, stool softeners,
perception dehydration and suppositories, or enemas
constipation as needed to prevent
Decreased gag reflex Increased incidence of constipation and
choking and aspiration impaction.
Decreased muscle tone Increased incidence of Assess effectiveness of Observe for therapeutic
at sphincters heartburn (esophageal medications. effects (or lack thereof);
reflux observe for signs of
Decreased saliva and Decreased digestion and toxicity.
gastric secretions; absorption of nutrients;
increased gastric pH altered absorption of
some medications that
are pH-dependent A. Hiatal Hernia - s the protrusion of the stomach into
Decreased gastric Increased flatulence, the thoracic cavity through the esophageal opening
motility and peristalsis constipation, and bowel in the diaphragm. Some demonstrate no symptoms;
impaction others complain of severe distress that may be
intermittent or continuous. Reflux episodes usually
13 | D a b l i o , N i k k a
occur after meals, especially when the person lies needed if this condition causes distress. Surgery may
down immediately after eating. Complaints may be performed to strengthen the musculature.
include heartburn, acid reflux, or generalized Insertion of a wire loop at the anal sphincter may be
epigastric distress. attempted in very old people.
• Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) - a
major problem that can occur with hiatal
hernias. With GERD, the gastric contents move The urinary system consists of two kidneys, two
backward into the esophagus, where they ureters, the urinary bladder, and the urethra. The urinary
increase the risk for aspiration. system supports homeostasis by eliminating wastes and
B. Gastric and Ulcers excessive fluid from the body.
• Chronic atrophic gastritis - an inflammatory
change in the mucous membranes of the
Two bean-shaped organs located on each side of
stomach in which the mucosa becomes thin and
the spine behind the peritoneal lining of the abdomen
abnormally smooth and may develop
and at the lower edge of the rib cage.
hemorrhagic patches.
• Peptic ulcer - refers to both gastric and duodenal • Nephrons - the functional portion of the kidney.
ulcers. A bacterium, Helicobacter pylori or H. • Glomerulus of the nephron – where blood is filtered;
pylori, has been implicated as the major cause of this filtrate is destined to become urine.
gastric ulcers. Older adults suffering from ulcers
are more likely to complain of generalized pain
and to exhibit a decreased activity level, • Ureters - tubes of smooth muscle that allow urine to
decreased appetite, and weight loss. Vomiting, drain from each kidney into the bladder.
melena (dark “tarry” stool containing blood), • Bladder - a hollow muscular sac located below the
and generalized signs of anemia may result from peritoneum and normally entirely within the pelvic
gastric bleeding. cavity.
C. Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis • Internal sphincter - located at the outlet from the
• Diverticula - are small pouches or sacs that bladder into the urethra. Control of the internal
develop because of weaknesses in the intestinal sphincter is involuntary
mucosa. • External urethral sphincter - comes under voluntary
• Diverticulitis - involves inflammation of one or control at approximately 2 to 3 years of age.
more diverticula. This inflammation may result in Voluntary contraction of the external sphincter
bowel obstruction, perforation, or abscess prevents urine from leaving the body.
formation. • Urinary meatus – the point of exit.
D. Cancer - Carcinoma of the colon is more common in
women, whereas rectal carcinoma is more common
in men. Any changes in bowel elimination should be Urine is approximately 95% water, with the
viewed with suspicion, especially signs of obstruction remainder composed of waste products and salts. Urine
or bleeding. is normally clear, and its color ranges from pale yellow to
E. Hemorrhoids - sometimes called piles. Pain and small dark amber. It may be alkaline or acidic, depending on
amounts of bright red blood at the rectum are the diet of the individual. High protein diets tend to make
common complaints. Most patients with the urine more acidic; vegetarian diets tend to lead to
hemorrhoids do not require surgery. Diet changes, alkaline urine. Acidic urine is less compatible with
stool softeners, or bulk laxatives are usually effective bacterial growth than is alkaline urine and may help
in reducing problems related to constipation and reduce the risk for a UTI.
F. Rectal Prolapse - Bulging of the rectum through the
anus. Some form of medical intervention may be Urinary Changes Associated with Aging

14 | D a b l i o , N i k k a
Physiologic Change Results C. Chronic Renal Failure - may be a result of other
Decreased number of Decreased filtration rate chronic health conditions, such as hypertension, DM,
functional nephrons with decrease in drug chronic UTIs, or urinary tract obstructions. The
clearance symptoms of chronic renal failure are extensive and
Decreased blood supply Decreased removal of often mimic those of other conditions. These
body wastes; increased symptoms include changes in urine output, muscle
concentration of urine
weakness, edema, nausea and vomiting, itchy and
Decreased muscle tone Increased volume of
dry skin, and numerous neurologic symptoms.
residual urine
Decreased tissue Decreased bladder
elasticity capacity
Delayed or decreased Increased incidence of The nervous system processes and controls body
perception of need to incontinence functions and links us with the outside world. Through
void the nervous system, we perceive sensations and detect
Increased nocturnal urine Increased need to changes in our environment. We store information about
production awaken to void or the world within the nervous system and use this
episodes of nocturnal information to respond to the world.
Increased size of prostate Increased risk for • The nervous system is composed of highly
(male) infection; decreased specialized cells called neurons. Each neuron consists
stream of urine; of a cell body, which contains the cell nucleus;
increased hesitancy and multiple dendrites, which are fibers that transmit
frequency of urination impulses (messages) to the cell body; and one axon,
Nursing Assessments and Care Strategies Related to which carries impulses away from the cell body.
Urinary Changes • Synapse – a small gap that separates axons and
Nursing Assessments Care Strategies dendrites.
Monitor for signs of drug Promptly notify primary • Neurotransmitters – special chemicals that is
toxicity care provider of relevant
released by the axon to stimulate a receptor site on
another nerve cell. This allows the nerve impulse to
Assess for urinary Palpate bladder after
frequency voiding or use Doppler to move from one nerve cell to another.
determine whether
bladder is emptying
completely. Composed of the brain and the spinal cord
Assess for signs and Obtain a urine specimen A. Medulla oblongata - extends from the spinal column
symptoms of urinary for analysis. to the pons of the brain. This area controls many vital
tract infection.
functions, including heart rate, constriction of blood
Assess frequency and Establish a toileting
vessels (affecting blood pressure), and respiration.
timing of episodes of schedule based on
incontinence. assessment data. Reflex centers for coughing, vomiting, swallowing,
and sneezing are also located in this area.
B. Pons and Midbrain - The pons also exerts control
Common Disorders Seen with Aging over respiratory patterns and works with the
A. Urinary Incontinence - the involuntary loss of urine, medulla to regulate breathing rhythm. The midbrain
is not a routine or normal occurrence with aging. integrates visual and auditory reflexes and helps
Incontinence may occur as a result of physiologic maintain balance and equilibrium
changes, other medical problems such as UTIs, C. Hypothalamus - The hypothalamus, a small area of
neurologic problems, or changes in the ability to the brain above the pituitary gland, is the
function. coordinating center for the autonomic nervous
B. Urinary Tract Infection system. It also secretes releasing and inhibiting

15 | D a b l i o , N i k k a
hormones that affect the secretions of the pituitary Decreased peripheral Decreased motor
gland (such as growth-hormone-releasing factor) nerve function responses, increased risk
and thus results in various effects on the endocrine for ischemic paresthesia
system in extremities
D. Cerebrum - the largest part of the human brain. It is Nursing Assessments and Care Strategies Related to
divided into lobes, which are named according to the Neurologic Changes
cranial bones under which they lie. Nursing Assessments Care Strategies
Assess alertness level, Report abnormal findings
• Frontal lobes - control voluntary motor activity,
cognition, and functional to primary care provider.
judgment, planning, organization, problem abilities. Refer for neurologic
solving, and behavior regulation. evaluation.
• Broca area - controls the movements related to Assess balance and Educate regarding safety
speech, is found on the left frontal lobe in right- reflexes. precautions and use of
handed individuals. assistive devices.
• Parietal lobes - interpret impulses and Structure tasks to reduce
sensations from the skin and muscles. In confusion; allow
addition, they are responsible for facial, shape, adequate time to
and color recognition. perform tasks.
• Temporal lobes - receive auditory (hearing) and
olfactory (smelling) impulses and are devoted to
new memory, learning, music, and emotions.
A. Parkinson Disease - also called paralysis agitans, is a
• Occipital lobes - deal with vision, depth progressive, degenerative disorder of the central
perception, and three-dimensional perception. nervous system. Specific neurons in the brain that
produce the neurotransmitter dopamine are lost.
Symptoms usually begin after age 40 years and
Consists of the cranial and the spinal nerves and
appear gradually. The initial signs of the disease tend
includes the somatic nervous system and the autonomic
to be unilateral and include slight tremors on one
nervous system. The peripheral nervous system is a relay
side, in addition to a more general weakness and
system that detects changes in both the internal and
slowing down. As the disease progresses, these
external environments and relays this information to the
tremors become typical and obvious at rest,
central nervous system.
decrease with conscious movement, and are totally
• Schwann cells - form the protective myelin sheath of absent during sleep. Emotional stress or fatigue
the axons to prevent messages from short-circuiting often worsens the tremors. Tremor increases, the
each other in the peripheral nervous system and to body becomes more rigid, and movements become
speed impulse conduction slower. The face takes on a flat, open-mouthed,
masklike expression, and eye blinking decreases in
frequency. Speech slows and may be unclear.
Neurologic Changes Associated with Aging Swallowing may be affected, etc. hehe.
Physiologic Change Results B. Dementia - a general term for a permanent or
Decreased number of Slowed thought progressive organic mental disorder. Characterized
brain cells processes, decreased by personality changes; confusion; disorientation;
ability to respond to
deterioration of intellectual functioning; and
multiple stimuli and tasks
impaired control of memory, judgment, and
Decreased number of Decreased reflexes,
nerve fibers decreased coordination, impulses. Dementia can be a result of drug
decreased intoxication, trauma, disease processes, hormonal
proprioception imbalances, and vitamin deficiencies.
Decreased amounts of Decreased perception of • Vascular dementia - previously known as multi-
neuroreceptors stimuli infarct dementia, is the second most common
16 | D a b l i o , N i k k a
form of dementia. It results from hemorrhage or • Ischemic - where there is lack of blood and
ischemic brain lesions, and the exact symptoms oxygen flow caused by embolus or thrombus,
depend on the area of the brain affected. comprising 87% of all strokes.
Persons with hypertension or other types of • Hemorrhagic - weakened vessels or aneurysms
cerebrovascular disease are most likely to that rupture spontaneously or as a result of
develop this form of dementia hypertension.
• Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) - caused by
microscopic protein clumps in the brain (Lewy –
bodies) that cause damage to nerve cells. In The eyes are two globe-shaped structures
addition to classic symptoms of dementia, visual located in the orbits of the skull on each side of the nose.
hallucinations are characteristic of this form of
• Conjunctiva – smooth mucous membrane that lines
dementia. Many individuals with this form of
the eyelids
dementia develop Parkinson-like symptoms.
• Lacrimal glands – produces tears located at the
• Parkinson Disease Dementia (PDD) - usually
upper and outer corners of the eye.
occurs with progression of Parkinson disease
• Lysozyme - inhibit the growth of bacteria
caused by protein clumps in the substantia nigra
• Lacrimal sac – where tears leave the eye at the
of the brain and can resemble both DLB and
medial corner.
Alzheimer disease.
• Sclera - outermost layer of the eye, commonly called
• Mixed dementia - can occur when more than one
the white of the eye
form of dementia is present. This will present as
primarily one type of dementia (e.g., Alzheimer) • Cornea - anterior part of the sclera, a transparent
with features of other dementias. structure that refracts or bends light rays
D. Alzheimer Disease - senile dementia, Alzheimer type • Choroid - middle layer of the eye, contains pigments
is the most common form of dementia. Alzheimer that absorb light and keep the interior of the eye
disease is a chronic, progressive, degenerative dark.
disease in which large numbers of brain cells and • Iris - located in the anterior portion of the choroid,
tissues are affected by atrophy, beta-amyloid the colored portion
plaques, and neurofibrillary tangles. The brain level • Pupil - an opening in the iris through which light
of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine decreases, enters the eye
leading to a disturbed ability to reason and retain • Lens - a transparent oval disk
new information. • Ciliary Body - muscles that change the shape of the
E. Transient Ischemic Attack - brief episodes of lens to refract light waves
cerebrovascular insufficiency that are usually the • Retina - innermost layer of the eye
result of cerebral blood vessel obstruction. Such • Rods and cones – visual receptors that use chemical
obstruction is usually caused by an embolus or changes in their pigments to detect light.
atherosclerotic plaque. Common symptoms include
blurred, tunnel, or double vision; blindness; vertigo;
transient numbness and weakness; aphasia or The eye functions much like a camera. Light
slurred speech; and gait disturbances. Most episodes waves enter the eye through the cornea and then pass
last only a few minutes, but some may persist as long through the aqueous humor, lens, and vitreous humor to
as 24 hours. the retina. When light waves strike the retina, they
F. Stroke - formerly called a cerebrovascular accident stimulate the receptors in the cones and rods. The rods
(CVA), is a disturbance of the blood supply to the react chemically to the amount of light and regulate
brain. Most strokes are related to atherosclerosis, nerve impulses to the brain based on this information.
hypertension, diabetes, or a combination of these. Different cones respond to different wavelengths of light
rays (different colors) and thus determine the perceived
color of objects.

17 | D a b l i o , N i k k a
awakening. Blepharitis can be caused by
Vision Changes Associated with Aging Staphylococcus bacteria, by sebaceous gland
Physiologic Change Results dysfunction, or in conjunction with skin conditions,
Decreased number of Increased risk for eye such as seborrhea or rosacea.
eyelashes injury B. Diplopia - double vision, is not normal and indicates
Decreased tear Increased risk for eye some disturbance of the nervous system that
production irritation requires further investigation by the primary care
Increased discoloration Decreased color provider
of lens perception C. Cataracts - cause a clouding of the lens of the eye,
Decreased tissue Increased blurring are increasingly common with aging. Factors that
elasticity increase the risk for cataracts include smoking,
Decreased muscle tone Decreased diameter of
alcohol, diabetes, and prolonged sunlight exposure.
pupil; increased
Cataracts develop over time and result in
refractive errors;
decreased night vision; progressive, painless vision loss. The amount of
increased sensitivity to vision loss depends on the degree of lens opacity and
glare, decreased the area of the lens that is affected.
peripheral vision D. Glaucoma - s a disease characterized in most cases
Nursing Assessments and Care Strategies Related to by increased fluid pressure (intraocular pressure)
Neurologic Changes within the eye that may result in damage to the
Nursing Assessments Care Strategies retina. Initially, peripheral vision is affected. Tunnel
Assess for signs of Encourage regular use of vision and, eventually, permanent blindness may be
irritation, inflammation, synthetic tear the result.
and dryness. preparations to help E. Age-Related Macular Degeneration and Retinal
reduce irritation caused Detachment - The neovascular form of macular
by inadequate tear
degeneration, also called wet AMD, results from
abnormal growth of tiny blood vessels
Assess visual acuity. Encourage or schedule
(neovascularization) under the retina. These vessels
regular professional eye
examinations. Educate ruin vision by leaking fluid and blood, which cause
regarding importance of the retina to become swollen and distorted. This
adequate light with form is more likely to cause severe vision loss.
minimum glare. Explain
importance of using

eyeglasses appropriately The ear is composed of three distinct portions: outer
for reading or distance, ear, middle ear, and inner ear. The two main functions of
particularly when driving. the ear are the detection of sound and the maintenance
Assess ability to detect Provide adequate lighting of balance.
objects within the and contrast in colors to
environment. highlight important • Outer Ear
structures such as the o Pinna or auricle – curved structure made out of
edge of stairs, light cartilage
fixtures, faucets, etc o External ear canal
• Middle Ear
o Eardrum or tympanic membrane
o Eustachian tube - connects the middle ear to the
A. Blepharitis - a chronic inflammation of the eyelids, is
nasopharynx and where air pressure is
one of the most common disorders of the eye.
Symptoms of blepharitis include burning, itching,
o Bones: malleus (hammer); incus (anvil); and
and sensitivity to light. Discomfort is often worse on
stapes (stirrup)
18 | D a b l i o , N i k k a
o Oval Window - the opening into the inner ear
• Inner Ear A. Otosclerosis - a hardening or fixing of the stapes to
o Cochlea - contains the hearing receptors, which the oval window, interferes with sound-wave
consist of hair cells with fine movable projections transmission into the inner ear
that are set in motion when sound waves reach B. Tinnitus - ringing in the ears, is commonly reported
their fluid surroundings by aging people. Tinnitus may be a result of trauma
o Vestibule to the ear, pressure from cerumen against the
o Semicircular canals eardrum, otosclerosis, presbycusis, or Ménière
C. Deafness - inability to hear sounds fully, may be
Auditory Changes Associated with Aging temporary or permanent, depending on the cause.
Physiologic Change Results
Deafness can be unilateral (affecting one ear only) or
Decreased tissue Decreased ability to
bilateral (affecting both ears).
elasticity distinguish high-
frequency sounds • Conductive hearing loss - occurs when
Decreased joint mobility Decreased hearing ability something interferes with transmission of the
Decreased ceruminous Increased risk for sound waves. A plug of cerumen (earwax) in the
cells in external ear canal cerumen impaction external canal, eardrum rupture or scarring, the
causing conductive presence of fluid or an infection in the middle
hearing loss ear, etc. hehe
Atrophy of vestibular Increased problems with • Nerve or sensorineural deafness - occurs when
structures and in the balance; decreased either the receptors in the inner ear or the
inner ear number of hair cells cranial nerves are damaged or destroyed.
Nursing Assessments and Care Strategies Related to • Central deafness - caused by trauma or disease
Auditory Changes
in the temporal lobes of the brain. This may be a
Nursing Assessments Care Strategies
result of tumors, stroke, or injury.
Assess hearing and Refer for audiometric
balance. testing as needed D. Ménière disease - a chronic disorder of the inner ear
Inspect ear canal for Administration of observed in people after age 40. Persons suffering
cerumen impaction. prophylactic drops may from this disorder experience severe vertigo (not
reduce likelihood of simple dizziness) to the point that they may be
impaction formation. unable to stand or walk. They may also report
Irrigation may be needed nausea, tinnitus, hearing loss, and a sensation of
if impaction is present. pressure in the ear. Diaphoresis, vomiting, and
Assess functioning of Check that batteries are nystagmus (rapid, involuntary eye movement) may
hearing aid if used. working and that device also be observed.
is not plugged with
cerumen. Keep an –
amplifying device on • The receptors for our sense of taste are located in
each patient care unit to
the papillae, or taste buds, on the superior surface of
use with hard of hearing
the tongue. In these papillae are chemical receptor
individuals who do not
have a functional hearing cells that are sensitive to salty, sweet, sour, and
aid. bitter chemicals When mixed with moisture, such as
Assess for social isolation Encourage socialization saliva or water, food releases chemicals that are
or behavioral background in areas without detected by these receptors. Foods get their subtle
noise. excessive changes flavors by their unique interaction with various
• The detection of odors occurs when the olfactory
receptors in the upper nasal cavities respond to
19 | D a b l i o , N i k k a
airborne chemicals. When vapors escape from food o Gonadotropic hormones include follicle-
or other volatile substances, they enter the nose and stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone, -
stimulate the receptors. responsible for gonad maturation and function,
and prolactin, which supports lactation
• Posterior pituitary - the site of connection between
Olfactory Changes Associated with Aging the nervous system and the endocrine system.
Physiologic Change Results • Antidiuretic hormone – this maintains fluid
Decreased number of Decreased ability to taste balance in the body by causing the kidneys to
papillae on tongue
reabsorb fluid; in the absence of the antidiuretic
Decreased number of Decreased ability to
hormone, the kidneys excrete more fluid.
nasal sensory receptors and to detect
Nursing Assessments and Care Strategies Related to
The thyroid gland surrounds the trachea and is
Olfactory Changes
located just below the larynx (voice box).
Nursing Assessments Care Strategies
Assess ability to smell Teach importance of • The thyroid hormones triiodothyronine and thyroxin
and taste. storing food properly and increase metabolic rate; regulate the metabolism of
checking expiration
fat, carbohydrates, and protein in the cells; and
dates. Keep drugs and
increase body temperature.
chemicals separated
from foods.
The parathyroid glands are located on the
posterior surface of the lobes of the thyroid gland. PTH,
an antagonist of calcitonin, stimulates the movement of
The endocrine system and the nervous system
calcium and phosphorus from the bones into the blood.
perform the major integrating and regulating functions
of the body.

• Hormones – chemical substance secretes by the The pancreas is both an exocrine and an
endocrine glands that regulates body processes. It is endocrine gland. It functions as an exocrine gland during
secreted directly into the capillaries of the digestion by secreting pancreatic fluid into the
bloodstream, where they circulate until they reach duodenum
their target organs and cause specific effects.

The adrenal glands are located on the top of

Referred to as the master gland of the body each kidney.
because of the many functions it regulates. It is located • Adrenal medulla - the inner portion of the gland;
within the skull cavity and is connected directly to the secretes epinephrine and norepinephrine, which are
hypothalamus the major neurotransmitters of the sympathetic
• Anterior pituitary portion of the autonomic nervous system
o Growth hormone – increases the rate of protein • Adrenal cortex - the outer portion of the gland;
synthesis and aids in the transport of amino acids releases mineralocorticoids, glucocorticoids, and
to cells. In adults, this hormone also participates small amounts of sex hormones. The
in fat release from adipose tissue and the use of mineralocorticoid aldosterone is important in the
this fat as energy. regulation of fluid and electrolyte balance and blood
o Thyroid-stimulating hormone - stimulates the pressure maintenance.
normal growth and activity of the thyroid gland.
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (corticotropin)
stimulates the activity of the adrenal cortex.
20 | D a b l i o , N i k k a
• Type 2 – diabetes mellitus, results from a
• Estrogen and progesterone - hormones secreted by combination of resistance to insulin action and
the ovary are responsible for maturation of the ova, inadequate compensatory insulin secretion
stimulation of the uterine endometrium, and the • Other specific types – identified by their unique
development of the secondary female sexual etiologies, including genetic defects or
characteristics syndromes, exocrine diseases of the pancreas,
• testosterone – secreted by the testes, responsible diseases of the endocrine system, drugs or
for sperm maturation, and development of chemicals, infections, or other uncommon
secondary male sexual characteristics. immune-mediated disorders.
• Gestational – exists only during pregnancy
B. Hypoglycemia - a potentially serious problem for
Endocrine Changes Associated with Aging people receiving insulin or oral hypoglycemic agents.
Physiologic Change Results Signs of hypoglycemia include headache, nausea,
Decreased pituitary Decreased muscle mass weakness, tremors or trembling sensations, pallor,
secretions (growth anxiety, irritability, tachycardia, sweating, and
hormone) hunger.
Decreased production of Decreased metabolic rate C. Hypothyroidism - reduced function of the thyroid
gland. The symptoms of hypothyroidism include cold
intolerance, dry skin, dry and thin body hair,
Decreased insulin Increased risk for type 2
constipation, depression, and lack of energy.
production or increased diabetes mellitus
insulin resistance Because many of these changes are commonly
Decreased production of Increased blood calcium observed with aging, the changes may not be
parathyroid hormone levels (seen with recognized as signs of hypothyroidism.
Nursing Assessments and Care Strategies Related to
Endocrine Changes In both men and women, the genital and urinary
Nursing Assessments Care Strategies systems are located close to each other.
Monitor laboratory Educate patient
values, paying special regarding dietary needs
attention to minerals, and self-testing of blood The primary female sexual organs include the
such as calcium and glucose. ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, and vagina. These
sodium levels, and blood structures, which are necessary for normal human
glucose. reproduction, are located in the pelvic cavity between
Assess for body Notify primary care the bladder and the bowels.
temperature, weight, provider of assessment
hair distribution or findings.
behavioral changes, The male organs of reproduction consist of the
which may indicate testes, a series of ducts and glands, and the penis, which
endocrine imbalance.
contains the passageway by which sperm, the male sex
cells, leave the body in the ejaculate. The testes are
suspended in a tissue sac called the scrotum, which
A. Diabetes Mellitus hangs between the thighs. The testes produce the
• Type 1 – defined as being a result of either hormone testosterone, which is responsible for sperm
autoimmune destruction of the β cells of the production and maturation. The prostate gland is located
pancreas or unknown idiopathic causes. just below the urinary bladder. The prostate produces an
alkaline secretion that increases sperm motility, and it
contracts to aid in sperm ejaculation.

21 | D a b l i o , N i k k a
Reproductive Changes Associated with Aging frequency, urinary retention, recurrent UTIs, back
Physiologic Change Results pain, and constipation may be symptoms.
Female B. Vaginal Infection - Change in vaginal pH may lead to
Decreased estrogen Decreased vaginal increased incidence of vaginal infections, particularly
levels secretions yeast infections. This is most often manifested by
Decreased tissue Decreased pubic hair; increased vaginal discharge, irritation, odor, and
elasticity increased vaginal tissue itching
fragility; increased tissue C. Breast Cancer - Any sign of dimpling; masses; nipple
irritation; decreased size
retraction; or breast drainage, discharge, or bleeding
of uterus; decreased
is suspicious and requires further medical attention
vaginal length and width;
decreased size of vaginal D. Prostate Cancer - There are no obvious changes in
opening; increased pain function to indicate the presence of prostate cancer.
with intercourse Therefore, it is important for aging men to have
(dyspareunia); decreased regular medical examinations
breast tissue mass
Decreased testosterone Decreased amount of 1) Your older female patient is complaining because
levels facial and pubic hair she is having frequent urinary tract infections. Which
Decreased circulation Decreased rate and force normal age-related change is most likely to be a
of ejaculation; decreased contributing factor?
speed gaining an erection 1. Increased nocturnal urine production
Nursing Assessments and Care Strategies Related to 2. Decreased perception of the need to void
Reproductive Charges 3. Decreased bladder muscle tone
Nursing Assessments Care Strategies 4. Urinary incontinence
Assess for signs and Report unusual vaginal 2) Which are normal age-related changes? (Select all
symptoms of infection or discharge to primary care
that apply.)
inflammation. provider. Administer
1. Decreased visual acuity
treatment as prescribed
2. Increased heart rate
Assess factors that may Discuss normal
interfere with sexual physiologic changes and 3. Decreased long-term memory
activity the possible effects of 4. Increased gastric pH
medications on sexual 5. Increased muscle mass
function. Educate 6. Decreased depth of respiration
females regarding use of 7. Increased calorie requirements
artificial lubrication. 8. Decreased serum albumin
Possible referral of males 9. Increased subcutaneous tissue
to primary care provider 10. Decreased rate of peristalsis
for pharmacologic 3) What are patients who have had Parkinson disease
treatment of erectile for 10 years likely to exhibit? (Select all that apply.)
1. Rigidity and tremors when at rest
2. Hemiparesis and aphasia
3. Dementia
A. Uterine Prolapse - Prolapse of the uterus (into the 4. Unilateral tremors with movement
vagina) is commonly observed in older women. This 5. Tremors present during sleep
is particularly a problem for those who have had 4) An older adult is coming to your clinic for treatment
many pregnancies or for those who delivered for a gastric ulcer. Which treatment would the nurse
children with little medical assistance. Urinary expect to be ordered?
1. Antibiotics

22 | D a b l i o , N i k k a
2. Stress-reduction classes 2. Limit fluid intake.
3. NSAIDs 3. Give prune juice with a noncarbonated drink.
4. Iron supplements before breakfast and dinner 4. Encourage bran cereal or whole-grain breads.
5) What should the nurse explain when discussing 11) A patient with dysphagia is:
expected changes in the female reproductive system 1. Fed only for pleasure.
to an older adult? 2. At low risk for nutritional deficits.
1. Increased pubic hair is expected 3. At higher risk for pneumonia.
2. Uterine enlargement is normal 4. Able to drink thin liquids.
3. Vaginal tissues become more vascular 12) Age-related eye changes may include:
4. Production of vaginal secretions decreases 1. Increased visual accommodation.
6) The nurse performs a skin assessment of an older 2. Macular degeneration.
adult. Which finding is abnormal and needs to be 3. Non-preventable blindness as a result of
reported? glaucoma.
1. Increased patches of dark pigmentation on 4. Decreased ability of pupil to respond to light
exposed skin changes.
2. A dark, elevated patch that bleeds when 13) Nurses' knowledge of sexuality in the older adult
touched population should include:
3. Deep wrinkles and frown lines around the mouth 1. Chronic illness may affect the ability to
and eyes participate in sexual activity.
4. Numerous brown or flesh-colored skin tags 2. Sexual response time is unchanged.
around the neck 3. Ability to achieve orgasm declines.
7) The nurse encourages the patient to maintain a 4. Dryness of the vaginal walls is associated with
steady weight in the recommended range to pelvic inflammatory disease.
decrease risk of which common endocrine disease 14) What is the initial nursing intervention in preventing
observed in older adults? polypharmacy?
1. Hypothyroidism 1. Obtain a thorough medication history.
2. Hyperthyroidism 2. Discontinue all herbal preparations.
3. Diabetes mellitus 3. Refer the patient to a geriatric practitioner.
4. Diabetes insipidus 4. Consult a pharmacist to review all medications.
8) Which statement is true regarding falls in the 15) What should the nurse include in the teaching plan
elderly? for self-medication practices of older adults?
1. Most falls occur in the garage. 1. Eliminate unnecessary medications.
2. Hip fractures resulting from falls are a leading 2. Substitute herbal preparations for certain
cause of placement in long-term care facilities. prescribed medications.
3. Fall risk decreases with addition of medications. 3. Develop a drug reminder system and schedule.
4. Sedatives reduce the risk of falls. 4. Pharmacy shop for the cheapest medications.
9) Appropriate nursing care for a patient with urinary 16) Which age-related changes predispose the elderly
incontinence is to: patient to drug toxicity and extended duration of
1. Insert an indwelling Foley catheter. action of drugs? (Select all that apply.)
2. Order oxybutynin chloride (Ditropan). 1. Decreased body water
3. Encourage fluids to decrease the urine 2. Increased ratio of muscle to fat
concentration so it is less irritating. 3. Low serum albumin
4. Recommend herbal approaches to reduce 4. Reduced blood flow to liver
incontinence. 17) Which mental change is associated with aging?
10) A nursing intervention for a patient with constipation 1. Confusion
is to: 2. Gradual decline in cognitive skills
1. Avoid the urge to defecate. 3. Depression

23 | D a b l i o , N i k k a
4. Inappropriate behavior 25) Alcoholism is often overlooked in the elderly. Cues to
18) An elderly patient has acute confusion after alcoholism include: (Select all that apply.)
undergoing abdominal surgery. The patient most 1. Delirium.
likely has: 2. Self-neglect.
1. Delirium. 3. Frequent falls.
2. Anxiety. 4. Mental confusion.
3. Dementia. 26) An elderly patient who experiences nighttime
4. Depression confusion wanders from his room into the room of
19) A patient is taking a psychotropic medication for another patient. Which intervention will best
agitation associated with dementia. What is a decrease this patient's nighttime confusion?
common side effect of psychotropics? 1. Administering a sedative at the hour of sleep
1. Accelerated hypertension 2. Leaving a night-light on during the evening and
2. Orthostatic hypotension night shifts
3. Diarrhea 3. Assigning a nursing assistant to sit with him until
4. Chest pain he falls asleep
20) Alzheimer's disease may be suggested in its early 4. Allowing the patient to share a room with
stages by: another elderly patient
1. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). 27) A patient with Alzheimer disease (AD) has been
2. Computed tomography (CT). prescribed oral donepezil 10 mg. The nurse should
3. Positron emission tomography (PET). give priority to assessing the patient for which sign of
4. Autopsy. an adverse effect of this drug?
21) Medications taken early in Alzheimer's disease to 1. Skin rashes
improve memory and alertness work by: 2. Cardiac dysrhythmias
1. Increasing dopamine in the frontal lobe. 3. Decreased blood pressure
2. Decreasing dopamine in the frontal lobe. 4. Gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding
3. Increasing acetylcholine in the cerebral cortex. 28) A 62-year-old woman is admitted to an assisted-
4. Decreasing acetylcholine in the cerebral cortex. living facility with symptoms of forgetfulness,
22) A patient with dementia wanders throughout the irritability, difficulty following directions, and neglect
skilled nursing facility. A nursing intervention for of her personal hygiene. These would suggest which
wandering may include: stage of AD?
1. Administering a sedative. 1. Late
2. Maintaining a regular activity program. 2. Early
3. Locking the patient's room from the outside. 3. Moderate
4. Keeping a staff member with the patient when 4. Moderate to severe
wandering 29) The nurse is planning care for a patient with
23) A patient with depression may be prescribed a(n): dementia. Which would be an appropriate
1. Phenytoin (Dilantin). intervention to include in this patient's care plan?
2. Lorazepam (Ativan). 1. Speak loudly and slowly.
3. Quetiapine (Seroquel). 2. Restrain the patient for safety.
4. Amitriptyline hydrochloride (Elavil). 3. Involve the patient in new activities.
24) A patient in the middle stage of Alzheimer's disease 4. Increase verbal and environmental cues.
(AD) may exhibit which characteristic or behavior? 30) A patient has been diagnosed as having dementia.
1. Mild depression Which symptom should the LPN/LVN expect?
2. Hallucinations 1. Patient tends to confabulate.
3. Weight loss 2. Patient tends to have flight of ideas.
4. Impaired mobility 3. Patient's speech tends to be slurred.

24 | D a b l i o , N i k k a
4. Patient tends to be oriented to time, place, and 3. Formation of aneurysms
person. 4. Neuron loss in frontal and temporal lobes
31) The LPN/LVN reads on a patient's chart that the 5. Decreased production of neurotransmitters
patient is exhibiting the sundowning phenomenon. 35) The nurse is planning care for a patient with early AD.
Which behavior should the nurse expect? Interventions for which patient problems are
1. On sunny days, the patient is disoriented. appropriate for this patient's care plan? (Select all
2. On cloudy days, the patient is disoriented. that apply)
3. The patient becomes disoriented in the 1. Pain
evening. 2. Airway patency issues
4. The patient is very disoriented in the morning 3. Nutritional deficiencies
only. 4. Reduced cardiac output
32) The patient with dementia presents to the clinic for 5. Caregiver stress and fatigue
a routine examination. The patient's daughter, who
is her full-time caregiver, states to the nurse, "I just
don't know how much longer I can go on caring for
Mom full time. My kids feel neglected, my marriage
is suffering, and I feel so run down." What is the best
response by the nurse?
1. "You must stay strong for your mother. You are
all she has."
2. "Your mother's dementia will improve once we
correct the cause."
3. "You should discuss the many medications
available for treating and reversing dementia."
4. "As your mother's condition continues to
deteriorate, we should discuss alternative care
33) The nurse administers an emergent dose of
intravenous (IV) haloperidol to a patient with
delirium who is combative and is putting herself and
others at risk. Which priority instruction should she
give the unlicensed assistive personnel immediately?
1. "Please get a telemetry monitor and attach it to
this patient."
2. "Let's put a bed alarm under the patient's sheets
right away."
3. "Move everything away from the patient's bed,
including the patient's phone and bedside table.
4. "Please apply restraints to the patient's wrists
and ankles and secure them to the immobile
parts of the bed."
34) The nurse is caring for a patient recently diagnosed
with AD. The nurse knows this patient's symptoms
are caused by which changes in the brain? (Select all
that apply)
1. Neurofibrillary tangles
2. Development of gumma

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