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We've all heard the atheist objection to revealed religion: if God exists, then why is there so

much "evil" in the world? The atheist then goes on to enumerate all sorts of "cruelty" and
"pain" that exists. Perhaps the atheist is asking the wrong question. Perhaps the question he
should be asking is this: why does death exist? Alternatively, why do we die? If there is no
particular meaning to life, if there is nothing inherently special to life, as is necessitated by
the atheistic worldview, then death renders all "evil" irrelevant: once you die, all the "evil" you
experienced simply does not matter. Once you're dead, you're dead. Moreover, it is possible
that the atheist never experiences or witnesses "evil", and may even define what constitutes
"evil" in a different way than others such that "evil" to you is not "evil" to him. Given that "evil"
must be a relative concept in the atheistic paradigm, it is illogical for the atheist to give "evil"
any privileged position in his worldview. After all, "evil" is nothing more than the interaction of
matter (atoms, molecules, etc.) in a certain sequence of occurrences, in the same way as
those things deemed to be "good". Why a particular set of occurrences of matter should be
considered "evil" while others "good" is arbitrary. Yet the atheist will experience death. Death
is an unambiguous universal necessitated by the atheistic paradigm; "evil" is not - it is an ad
hoc construct within the paradigm attempting to give meaning to something that inherently
has no meaning within the paradigm. So the atheist needs to first give an accounting of
death, to make sense of death, before addressing "evil" because death renders the notion of
"evil" meaningless and irrelevant. For a Christian, God is good and just because He created
the world from love and it is His love for the world that He Incarnated to save us from
ourselves, to save us from death because death is not the natural state of Man. Death is the
result of our sin; death is us rejecting God. When Christ conquered death with death, by His
resurrection He gifted eternal life to Man as its natural state. The Christian paradigm provides
an accounting of death, namely, sin. And in so doing, the Christian paradigm provides an
accounting for evil: it is our sin, which we alone are responsible for, that brings evil into the
world. It is the utmost arrogance of Man to think that God is responsible for the evil we do.

mainstream and historical Christianity, institutional Christianity, are Satan incarnate. And
there is literally nothing in the teachings of Christ that isn’t just common decency.

”Nothing special. I’m not entirely convinced of reincarnation, first of all, but if it is real,
consciousness needs something to do, and it needs avatars.”

As we evolve our consciousness we need new hardware, in exactly the same way that you
cannot run windows 13 on a 1984 Commodore computer.

And how does Christianity suppress human evolution? Are you seriously asking that
question? Advocating slavery, infantacide, and ignorance, as well as pedophilia (men were
permitted to marry girls without pubic hair in the Old Testament), YHVH mandates eternal
ignorance in the first book. It has set science back 200 years, by most estimates. It demonized
all of the ecstatic traditions that actually lead to real spiritual development. My channel is full
of videos explaining all of this. There is a two part series called Why Christianity is the
Evilest Influence in Humdn History on my channel. Cheers
Infanticide? Any idea what the Spartans did with the kids born with deformities? They
were thrown from rocks, Christianity says each person has the right to live.
Any idea that one of the 10 commandments is thou shall not kill?

Ignorance? ”Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will
be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one
who knocks, the door will be opened.” (Mathew 7)
Slvavery was already being practiced when the law of the OT was given, it did not
abolish slavery but advocated for a good treatment of slaves.
Marrying preubesecent girls is not a Christian practice, Genesis 2:24: Therefore a man
shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one
flesh. It does not say a gir land a boy…

”It has set science back 200 years back” what science? If I remember well, a lot of clergy
were interested in science.
”there is literally nothing in the teachings of Christ that isn’t just common decency.” Do you
think a g a y finds those teachings decent as long as his behaviour is considered a sin?
Why is it convenient to think there must be reincarnation because the consciousness needs
something to do and not accept there is life after death either in hell or heaven?

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