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Paper 1
(Functional Skills)
2 hours

Instructions  to candidates

1. Write our name and index number in the spaces provided above.
2. Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided above.
3. Answer all the questions in this question paper.
4. All your answer must be written in the spaces provided in this paper.
5. Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages 
are printed as indicated and that no questions are missing.

                                                                 For Examiner’s Use Only

Question Maximum Candidate’s
Score Score
1 20

2 10

3 30


1. You are the manager of Quick Safaris Transport Company. Of late you’ve realized that the
workers, mainly drivers and conductors have lost discipline, and this has made the company
incur a lot of loss.

a. Write an internal memo to them, warning them of dire consequences if they do not
change their behaviour and attitude.
Some of the areas you wish to address are:
i. Punctuality 
ii. Foul language
iii. Lack of courtesy
iv. Policy bribery
v. Any other relevant area from your observation (13 marks)
b. Design a Card inviting the workers to a motivational talk with an aim of changing their
behaviour and attitude.                                                                                           (7 marks)

2. Read the passage below and fill in each blank space with an appropriate word.

Poaching is increasing (1)  ____________________ a menance, not just in Kenya, (2)

_______________ also in other parts of the continent, (3) _________________ a grave danger to
the survival of various animal species particularly the elephant. Whereas, there have been (4)
___________________  to raise awareness about the danger posed by the menance, not enough
has been done to (5)______________ it out and punish offenders.
As it is, poaching is becoming a crisis, threatening species like elephants, which are hunted (6)
____________ for their ivory, rhinos which are targeted because of their horns and other game
like lions.
The Kenya Wildlife Service has been doing well to combat (7) _____________  but it appears
that more is needed if the criminals (8) _______________ to be stopped. If the killers have more
sophisticated weaponry, then KWS must (9) _____________ its game or call (10)
_________________ the military to assist.

Oral Skills                   (30 marks)

3 (a).   Read the poem below and then answer the questions that follow.

    Her lip suckle the nipples

    Milk bubbles, foams and ripples
    Little hands up in the air
    Catch on the mother’s hair
    Sweet sensation rises in pressure
    Tiny legs kick with pleasure
    Sleep comes gently and strong
    Sleep whispers softly and long.

          (Emusara Ossie Enekase)

i. Identify any two pairs of rhyming words in the poem.                                              (1mk)

ii. Identify one major sound pattern in the poem.                                                            

iii. Give two examples of the above sound pattern.                                                         

iv. How would you perform the last two lines of the poem?                                           

b)       Suppose you were asked to make a speech at a friend’s graduation party. What would you
do to capture the audience’s attention?                                                                              (5 mks)

c.   Challenger:   Two Europeans peeping through the window.

Response:  Mucus
i. Classify the above genre.                                                      (1mk)

ii. Identify and illustrate the most outstanding stylistic device used in the above genre.    

iii. Give two functions of the above genre.                                                                      (2mks)


d. In the words below, underline the part that should be stressed.

i. Suc.cess
ii. ad.vice
iii. Chal.lenge
iv. ob.serve                                                                                                                        (4mk)

e. Give a word with a similar pronunciation                                                                       (4mks)

i. Muscle
ii. Worn 
iii. Come
iv. Which
f. The following is a conversation between a father and his daughter. Identify six shortcomings
in the father’s listening skills.                                                                  (6mks)

DAUGHTER: (Shortly after having arrived home from school) Good afternoon, Daddy.

FATHER: (Sitting complacently in the sofa, reading a newspaper. Looking up……..)

       Good afternoon. (Resumes reading).

DAUGHTER: (Holding out her school report form) Daddy, I’m excited. My class teacher said I
was the best improved.  I was…
FATHER:        Oh, you were? Me, I used to be number one. I was absolutely unbeatable.

DAUGHTER:  Chemistry has been a particular headache (now looking at the report form which
she  thought her father would wan see), but this time…
FATHER: (Stretching his arms, looking preoccupied) Chemistry for me was particularly easy.I
never scored anything less than 90%.
DAUGHTER: Dad, I was going to tell you that this time…

FATHER: (Absent-mindedly) By the way, where is your mum?

DAUGHTER: Mum is in the garden pickng vegetables. But Dad, you are not listening to my
story. I was   telling you about Chemistry.
FATHER: You mean you have a story about Chemistry? Chemistry is not about stories.
It is hard science.
DAUGHTER: It’s about my improvement…

FATHER: (Laughing) Me, it wasn’t a matter of improvement. I was always at the top of

the class.
DAUGHTER: Daddy, I give up. You are not listening.

FATHER:(looking surprised) Listening? I heard you: you were talking about improvement
in Chemistry, weren’t you?
DAUGHTER:  Anyway, Dad. Thank you for paying attention. Enjoy your newspaper.

FATHER:       Oh, yes I’m reading an interesting story about politics.

Paper 1



1. Internal Memo

Sample Memo
Format         F = 4
Content        C =5
Language      = 3


a. Internal  memo
Language Interpretation

3 mks        - The learner communicates with ease. No tense, or spelling errors.

 Subject- verb agreement rule observed
 -good paragraphing.
 Good use of sentence structures.
 A flawless writing.
 2 mks        - A few spelling and tense errors present. A few errors in sentence construction.
 Has a number of general errors but the student still communicates.
1 mk        - Has all types of serious errors in tenses, spelling and poor paragraphing.
 The learner can’t communicate and one has to gues what he means.

NB: Do not award 0 (zero) mark for language.

2. Sample Card
Format    F = 2
Content   C =3
Tone       T  =1
Borders  B = 1

2. Cloze test
1. becoming
2. but
3.  posing
4. attempts/efforts
5. stamp
6. down
7. poaching
8. are
9. up
10. in      


a. i)
   -   nipples/ripples
 air/hair
 pressure/pleasure
 strong/long           (any  2 × ½) = 1mk
      ii)     Alliteration                                1 mk

      iii)    sweet sensation         sound/s/

              sleep    whispers       softly          (2mks)

    iv)    I would dramatize 1mk by lowering1mk my tone. I would also say it in a slow pace, to
create the 
          onset1mk of the approaching sleep.

       i.e  Non-verbal (dramatize )    1mk

            Verbal         (pace or tone) 1mk
            Effect                                1mk  


i. Maintain eye contact.

ii. Adopt a posture that is authoritative because this might elicit a positive response
iii. Do something unexpected like referring to a specific person by name, without
embarassing them.
iv. Begin by clearing the throat.
v. Clap or ring a bell.
vi. Begin by telling a joke.
vii. Begin with a famous quotation or a proverb.
viii. Greet the audience.
ix. Sing a relevant chorus.
                                                       (Any 5 points × 1= 5mks)

i. Riddle
ii. Personification   ½ mk (Identification)


i. To entertain
ii. To help the child in language acquisition.
iii. To help the child appreciate and learn about his/her environment.
iv. To sharpen the wit.
                                                     (Any 2pts ×1= 2mks)


i. Suc.cess
ii. ad.vice
iii. chal.lenge
iv. ob.serve                           (1mk × 4 = 4mks)


i. muscle – mussel
ii. worn   -  warn
iii. come- cum
iv. which- witch


i. The father does not prepare to listen,  i.e does not adopt a listening posture.
ii. He interrupts severally i.e does not adhere to the turn-taking rule.
iii. He is not emphathetic – he does not put himself in the shoes of his daughter in order
appreciate where she is coming from.
iv. He is full of self-importance / self-praise. This prevents him from reaching out to his
v. He is absent-minded – he changes the topic abruptly thus interrupting the flow of the
vi. He has pre-conceived ideas about Chemistry. He doesn’t give the daughter a chance to
explain herself.
vii. He is unwilling to see his own shortcomings as far as listening skills are concernrd. 
e.g he says, “I heard you” – he believes he was listening.
viii. He is insensitive – he does not realize he has hurt his daughter by not listening to her.
       (Any 6 points ×1=6pnts)

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