Англійська мова Балух О.В., balukh@sch20.vin.ua 0974002310: Дата Уроку Клас Предмет Вчитель, E-Mail

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Англійська мова Балух О.В., balukh@sch20.vin.ua

10.10.2022 11 0974002310

ТЕМА УРОКУ: Стосунки батьків і дітей в Україні. Розвиток навичок

говоріння та удосконалення ЗУН
ПІДРУЧНИК: Карп'юк О. Д. Англійська мова: Підручник для 11-го класу
загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів (11-й рік навчання). —
Тернопіль : „Видавництво Астон”, 2016

Surprising Scientific Facts about Teens

(Advice for Parents)

1. The Teen Brain Shuts Down When You Nag

Ever feel like the lectures go in one ear and out the other? It may be right. Cer-
tain key areas of the teen brain shut down while listening to criticism and that
throws a wrench in their ability to process what parents telling them.
2. Be Grateful if a Teen Talks Back
Kids who argue with their parents may actually end up better off than those
who don’t. Teens who can disagree and say “no” to Mum and Dad are also more
likely to have the courage to say “no” to friends, and not cave to peer pressure to
do drugs, have sex, or engage in other risky behaviour.
3. They’re Online Way More Than You Think
Parents think their teens spend two hours a day online. The reality? Teens
spend five hours a day online surfing who knows what. And while half of parents

think their kids tell them everything they do online, 44 percent of teens visit web-
sites their parents disapprove of, and 23 percent lie about it.

4. Teens Don’t Hold Up TV Stars as Role Models

Stop worrying about television role models. It turns out teens don’t blindly fol-
low in the footsteps of the reality stars they see on TV. Instead, teens see them as

cautionary tales. In other words, kids saw what was happening on screen and de-
cided, “Ugh, beautiful but unsafe, no thanks”.

5. They’re Not As Badly Behaved As You Think

“Juvenoia” is the belief among older adults that their kids are more spoiled,
ungrateful, badly behaved, and sexually depraved than ever before. Some experts
say these fears are overblown. Incidents of youth violence are about half of what
they were 20 years ago.
6. Single-parent families
Today’s teens grow up in small families with 45 % having one or no other sib-
lings. One in three has parents who never married or who are no longer married.

Most listen to their parents, but they also agree that it’s healthy to have different
opinions or beliefs from their parents.
7. Bullying
Bullying is still one of the biggest concerns for young people. Online bullying
of teenage girls has increased massively. Most bullying of boys occurs at school.
8. They like to help.
Eighty-one per cent of teens say they would like to volunteer their time to help
others. The harder edge to this is that most admit volunteering would look on the

After Judy Dutton, psychologist

Choose one of the facts you’ve read. Write down an essay to present

to your classmates.


1. https://subject.com.ua/lesson/english/11klas_2/46.html

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