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EE5140 Problem Set 5

1. Suppose that the transmitter signal pulse g(t) has duration T and unit energy and the
received signal pulse is h(t) = g(t) + ag(t − T ). Determine the equivalent discrete-time
filter model for the sampled matched filter output.

2. The equivalent discrete-time model for an ISI channel is given by

vk = Ik + 0.5Ik−1 + ηk ,

where {Ik } is the transmitted information sequence and {ηk } is AWGN. In the absence of
noise, sketch a constellation for the received signal if the transmitted signal constellation

(a) a binary constellation: +1 and −1.

(b) a 4-point constellation: (1, 1), (1, −1), (−1, 1), and −1, −1).

Repeat the above problem for the discrete-time channel given by

vk = Ik + Ik−1 + ηk .

3. The transmit pulse gT X (t) = 1 for 0 ≤ t ≤ T and zero otherwise. The channel impulse
response is gC (t) = δ(t) + 0.5 δ(t − T /4) + 0.25 δ(t − 3T /4). The additive noise in the
channel has power spectral density N0 = 1.

(a) Sketch the received pulse p(t).

(b) Determine hk defined as follows for integer k.

hk = p(t)p(t − kT )dt.

(c) Determine the discrete-time model for the output of the matched filter sampled at
rate 1/T .
(d) Specify the covariance of the noise at the sampled matched filter output in terms of
hk .

4. The transmit pulse gT X (t) = 1 for 0 ≤ t ≤ T and zero otherwise. The channel impulse
response is gC (t) = δ(t) + 0.5 δ(t − T ) + 0.1 δ(t − 2T ). The additive noise in the channel
has power spectral density N0 = 1. The receive filter gRX (t) = gT X (t), and its output

r(t) = n bn h(t − nT ) + w(t) is sampled at t = T k/2 to get samples rk , where k is an
integer. Let T = 1.

(a) Consider r to be the 9 × 1 vector of samples r8 , r9 , · · · , r16 . Write down a matrix-

vector received signal model r = U b + w appropriate for the design of a 9-tap linear
zero-forcing (ZF) equalizer. Write down the elements of U and b clearly.
(b) Write down the linear equation to be solved to obtain the ZF equalizer to detect
symbol b4 .

5. Binary PAM is used to transmit information over a linear filter channel. The discrete-time
model for the matched filter output is

yk = 0.5Ik−1 + 1.25Ik + 0.5Ik+1 + νk .

(a) Design a three-tap linear equalizer so that the output of the equalizer in the absence
of noise is

Iˆk = qn Ik−n ,

where {
1 (m = 0)
qm =
0 (m = ±1)

(b) Determine qm for m = ±2.

(c) Design a 5-tap equalizer so that

Iˆk = qn Ik−n ,

where {
1 (m = 0)
qm =
0 (m = ±1, ± 2)

6. (a) Assuming that the variance of noise at the output of the matched filter is 0.125, design
3-tap and 5-tap linear MMSE equalizers for the channel in the previous problem.
(b) Determine qm , by convolving the impulse response of the equalizer with the channel

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