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Assessment in Learning 1

To better understand assessment, let us define important items related to it.

What is a test?

 An instrument designed to measure any characteristic, quality, ability, knowledge or skill

 It comprised of items in the area it is designed to measure

What is a measurement?

 A process of quantifying the degree to which someone possesses a given trait, i.e. quality of
characteristics or feature
 Assigning of numbers to performance, product, skill or behavior of a student, based on a pre-
determined procedure or set of criteria
 Assigning of numbers to the results of a test or other type of assessment
 Awarding points for a particular aspect of an essay or performance

What is assessment?

Assessment can be defined both as product and a process.

Assessment as a product

 It refers to the instrument that is designed to elicit a predetermined behavior, unique

performance, or a product from a student

Assessment as a process

 Collection, interpretation and use of qualitative and quantitative information to assist teachers
in their educational decision-making

Hence, assessment is a pre-requisite to evaluation. It provides the information which enables evaluation
to take place

What is evaluation?

 A process of making judgments about the quality of a performance, product, skill or behavior of
a student. It includes using some basis to judge worth or value. It involves judgment about the
desirability or changes in the students.


 Includes 3 types of  This is done after  This done for teachers to
assessment done before instruction. understand their role of
and during instruction 1. Summative assessing for and of
1. Placement learning
2. Formative 1. Teachers should
3. Diagnostic undergo trainings.


1. Placement- done prior to instruction

 Its purpose is to assess the needs of the learners to have basis in planning for a
relevant instruction.
 The results of this assessment place students in specific learning groups to facilitate
teaching and learning
2. Formative
 Done during instruction
 It is the assessment where teachers continuously monitor the student’s level of
attainment of the learning objectives
 The results of this assessment are communicated clearly and promptly to the
students for them to know their strengths and weaknesses and the progress of their
3. Diagnostic
 Done during instruction
 This is used to determine student’s recurring or persistent difficulties
 It searches for the underlying causes of student’s learning problems that do not
respond to first aid treatment
 It helps formulate a plan for detailed REMEDIAL INSTRUCTION

Assessment of Learning

1. Summative Assessment
 This Is done after instruction
 It is used to certify what students know and can do and level of their proficiency or
 Its results reveal whether or not instructions have successfully achieved the curriculum
 The information from assessment of learning is usually expressed as marks or letter
 The results of which are communicated to the students, parents and other stakeholders
of decision making
 It is also a powerful factor that could have pave the way for educational reforms

Assessment AS Learning

 This is done for teachers to understand and perform well their role of assessing FOR and
OF learning
 It requires teachers to undergo training on how to assess learning and be equipped with
the following competencies needed in performing their work as assessors
 Done before  Done after  Reinforces  Determine
instruction instruction successful recurring or
 Determines the  Certifies mastery learning persistent
mastery of pre of the intended  Provides difficulties
requisite skills learning continuous searches for the
 Not graded outcomes feedback to both underlying
 Graded students and causes of these
Ex: quarter teachers problems that do
exams, unit or concerning not respond to
chapter tests, learning success first aid
final exams and failures treatment
 Not graded  Helps formulate
 Ex: short quizzes, a plan for a
recitation detailed remedial

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