Final Report Intern

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Midterm Internship Report


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for Degree of Bachelor of

Science in Computer Science and Information Technology (B.Sc. CSIT)
Awarded by Tribhuvan University

Submitted by:
Yam Prasad Gurung (16829/074)

Submitted to:
Institute of Science and Technology
Tribhuvan University

Department of Computer Science and Information Technology

Mount Annapurna Campus

P Pokhara-5, Parshyang kaski
July, 2022
This intern report is prepared in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree
of Bachelor in Computer Science and Information Technology. The satisfaction and
success of completion of this task would be incomplete without heartfelt thanks to people
whose constant guidance, support and encouragement made this work successful.

Firstly, I would like to give my gratitude towards my mentor Er.Surya Poudel, senior
Web and APP developer and CEO of company, for his unquestionable support. Without
his support and encouragement, it would have been difficult to work on.

I would also like to thank supervisor Mr. Sunil Pandey who is also the lecture of Mount
Annapurna Campus, for his invaluable encouragement, guidance and ever willingness to
spare time from his otherwise busy schedule.

I would like to dedicate our heartily gratitude to Tukisoft Pvt. Ltd for providing us with
an opportunity to do internship at this reputed organization with full support and

At the end, I would like to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to all my
colleagues and seniors who have helped me directly or indirectly during this internship
period. I would like to make them the part of my success.

Yam Prasad Gurung

T.U. Exam Roll No: 16829/2074

Tukisoft Pvt. Ltd is a group of people passionate about web and mobile technologies.
They believe in the idea of making the web more entertaining, interesting and appealing.
This web application provide digital information about job vacancy. This Web
Application work as a connector between job needy and job providers The material are
need for this Web application software are html, css, bootstrap, js, jquery and php
programming language with laravel framework.

KaamKaaz is web application developed using php with laravel language that helps to
connect the job providers and job seeker . It is fast interactive and easy to use. The SDLC
model that is used to develop this application is the iterative development. In this Model,
you can start with some of the software specifications and develop the first version of the
software. After the first version if there is a need to change the software, then a new
version of the software is created with a new iteration. Every release of the Iterative
Model finishes in an exact and fixed period that is called iteration.

This report provides an insight on the internship work carried out as the full stack
development of web application. This application was developed in laravel of php
language. During the internship at Tukisoft Pvt. Ltd, I was assigned to several tasks by
my supervisor Er.Surya Poudel to the development of a web application for Kaamkaaz to
connect jobseeker and job providers. I was clear about how to develop a real time Web
application, how an IT professional works within organization, what are the activities
performed in software development phases, the importance of working in team and the
importance of working teams and deadlines.

Keywords: Bootstrap, html, css, javascript.

Table of Contents
List of Tables vii
List of Abbreviations viii
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Problem Statement 1
1.3 Objective 2
1.3.1 Objectives of Internship 2
1.3.2 Objectives of Project 2
1.4 Scope 2
1.5 Report organization 3
2.1 Introduction to organization 4
2.2 Organizational Hierarchy 5
2.2.1 Products and services provided: 5
2.2.2 Business Consultancy: 6
2.2.3 Web Development: 6
2.3 Working Domain of the Organization 6
2.3.1 Task Environments 6
2.3.2 General Environment 6
2.4 Description of the Intern Department 7
3.1 Role and Responsibilities 8
3.2 Weekly Log 8
3.3 Description of Project 9
3.3.1 System Development Model 10
3.4 Task and Activities Performed 12
3.4.1. Study about the Project 12
3.4.2 Making Timeline for the development 12
3.4.3. Setting up the development environment 12
3.4.4 Research about the tools to develop the Website 13
3.5 Requirement elicitation 13

3.5.1 Functional Requirements 13
3.5.2 Non Functional Requirements 13
3.6 Use Case Diagram 14
3.7 Activity Diagram 16
3.8 Context Diagram 17
3.9 Tool used 18
CHAPTER4: Conclusion and Learning Outcomes 19
4.1 Conclusion 19
References 20
Appendices 21

List of Figures
Figure 1: Organizational Hierarchy………………………………………………………..5
Figure 2: Iterative process..................................................................................................11
Figure 3: Work Schedule…………………………………………………………………12
Figure 4: Use Case diagram……………………………………………………………...15
Figure 5: Activity diagram……………………………………………………………… 16
Figure 6: Context diagram……………………………………………………………….17
Figure7: Logo of Application ……………………………………………………………21
Figure8: Home page of Web Application ……………………………………………….21
Figure 9: Login page for client ………..…………………………………………………22
Figure 10: Client site register page ………………………………………………………23
Figure 11: Admin site register page ……………………………………………………..23
Figure 12: Dashboard page……………………………………………………………………………..24

List of Tables

Table 1: Duration of Internship 7

Table 2: Weekly Log 9

List of Abbreviations

HTML Hypertext Markup language

CSS Cascading Style Sheets

SDLC Software Development Life Cycle

JS JavaScript

IT Information Technology

PHP Hypertext Preprocessor

Ajax Asynchronous JavaScript and Xml

JQuery JavaScript Library


1.1 Introduction
An internship is a structured work experience related to a student’s major and/or career
goal. It is an experience that should enhance a student’s academic, career, and personal
development. It is an involvement, closely aligned with the student’s major and arranged
with an employer who believes it is desirable education for the student. It is of the short
duration, typically 3 months, through direct personal contact hours or through a training
program to aid the intern in developing a summary report of his/her experience.

Internship provides real world experience to those looking to explore or gain the
relevance knowledge and skills required to enter into particular career field. Internships
relevant knowledge and skills required to enter into a particular career field. Internships
are relatively short terms on nature with the primary focus on getting some on the job
training and talking what’s learned in the classroom and applying in to the real world.

With the advancement of information and technology, replacing conventional or paper-

based system with mobile-based information system, it becomes a vital and integral part
of each and every school, I was assigned of the department to the development of an web
application for the organization under the supervisor of my supervisor. I was reluctant to
go with the IT professional as assistance whenever there is a IT related problem in any
department of the organization which provide some idea of how to operate as an IT
professional in any organization.

1.2 Problem Statement

As we see, people are facing different problems regarding jobs. People are not getting the
jobs of their interest, it is hard to find a job in a quick time also at the same time fake
agencies are publishing fake jobs to distribute form and take money from people. Girls
are sexually harassed in job places or in the temptation of jobs, they get harassed. To
overcome such problems kaamkaaz will help us. We provide the Jobs in an effective way
we check proper documentation of job providers and job seekers and there will be easy

1.3 Objective
The main objective of the internship is to get practical experience of the theoretical
academic knowledge. The internship attachment project is a remarkable opening to
experience the real world working environment and the culture where the knowledge
learned during academic course might be implemented. The objectives of the internship
are: to develop conceptual and analytical knowledge about information technology
infrastructure and its various aspects by means of interaction, observation, and working

1.3.1 Objectives of Internship

The major objectives of this internship are:
● To bring the knowledge on how to work in the ICT department of any organization in
context of Nepal.
● To help in developing business contacts i.e. creating network contacts.
● To provide an opportunity to develop skills in the field of interest
● To give the real-world experience of the IT industry

1.3.2 Objectives of Project

With the development of this project, we aim to meet the following objectives:
● To fulfill the gap between job providers and job seekers
● To provide easily accessed from anywhere and anyone can view the jobs vacancy.
● To eliminate other mediators and make a direct connection between job providers
and job seekers.

1.4 Scope
Admin: Can be able to login the system and access the retail database, can add, update or
remove, goods, and admin account cannot be accessed by the user.
Customer: Customer login to a separate account but cannot access the retails database. In
menu section the variety of food items is available for customer by which they can select
the required food items and its different types. Customer can choose one or more items to
place an order which will add to cart.

1.5 Report organization
Chapter1: Introduction of the Project, Problem Statement, Objectives, Scope and
Chapter2: Introduction to organizations, Organizational hierarchy, working domain of
the Organizations, Description of the intern Department, Literature review
Chapter3: Roles And Responsibilities, Weekly log, Description of the Project Involved
during Internship, Tasks/Activities such as Requirement, system design, implementation
of the project that indicates how the system is implemented what tools, platforms have
been used. Testing clarifies the system workflow.
Chapter4: Conclusion marks an end to the document by summing up the entire project
and also opening the door further for research in improving the developed system. The
lesion learnt is also included in this chapter.


2.1 Introduction to Organizations

Tukisoft Pvt. Ltd. is an Information Technology company incorporated on 2021. It is
situated in Shrijana chowk-16, Pokhara, Kaski. The company has been established with
the main aim to apply and leverage computing power, as well as Information Technology,
solves complexes business, social and economic problems.

To make software easier for people to use and operate, it performs a huge level of testing
and debugging through qualified 3 professionals and native users. The main strategy is to
discover and analyze the project to find the best possible solution for a product that
contains all the possible current technologies and methodologies and test them in
developer and user level. Tukisoft mission is to provide a digital solution for database
management, website, and application development. For each of the solution the Tukisoft
focuses on making it efficient, user-friendly as well as cost effective. Tukisoft works with
languages and technologies like Java, C#, PHP with Laravel,flutter, .NET, MySQL,
WordPress and some other development tools. Tukisoft follows industry standards of
software development approach to deliver the highest level of satisfaction to the client.
The team keep themselves updated with new tools and technologies available in the

2.2 Organizational Hierarchy

Tukisoft Technologies is a Digital Enabler (IT Services, Digital Solutions and
Technology Consulting Firm) which works in various fields of industry 4.0 technologies

like Software Development, Mobile Application, Cloud Computing, and Blockchain.
Tukisoft Technologies is a technology company that helps enterprises reimagine their
business for the digital age and helps technology focused companies grow throught
strategy and marketing. It is located at Ratna Chowk, Pokhara. Intership is held
physically in company. Working hours start from 11am till 5pm. Mentor is present and
guide during working hour to clear queries at Tukisoft pvt. Ltd.

Figure 1: Organizational Hierarchy

2.2.1 Products and services provided:

A product is a tangible good that a customer can see, touch, feel, and try on, taste or
otherwise use. A service is intangible, something a customer experiences but doesn't hold
or retain. At either extreme of the business world, we have companies that are entirely
product sellers and companies that market only services. Most companies fall somewhere
in between, marketing products, services or packages with both. Products and services are
divided into basic categories, the broadest of these being consumer products and business
products. Products and Services of Tukisoft technologies are explained one after another.

2.2.2 Business Consultancy:
While starting a new business, people panic and get confused thinking what to do and
how to do it. Perfect Creation is here to assist us in all those things to conduct market
research, feasibility study, develop business plan, facilitate in Company, Trademark and
Copyright Registration and provide all the required information about regular reporting
and making our company the successful one. Tukisoft technologies also deal with regular
update and reporting of existing business firms.

2.2.3 Web Development:

Websites are the widely used advertising tools at present. 7 out of 10 companies have
websites these days. Tukisoft Technologies offer static as well as dynamic websites for its
clients business as per requirement.

2.3 Working Domain of the Organization

The organizations chosen field of action, the part of the environment which they choose
to be vital to their company, so if that part changes, they must react. It is the area which
the organization will sell its products and services).

There is different sector which make up the environment for an organization, each of
which affect different organizations in different ways. These are shown below:

2.3.1 Task Environments

These are sectors which an organization will interact with directly and therefore have a
direct impact on the company itself. This includes the sectors:
● Industry
● Raw Materials
● Human Resources
● International Sectors

2.3.2 General Environment

These are sectors which an organization will interact with indirectly, not directly every
day, but it will indirectly influence the firm. The sectors which are included are the
● Government
● Sociocultural

● Economic Conditions
● Technology
● Financial Resources Sector

2.4 Discription of Intern Department

Tukisoft Pvt Ltd is one of the best companies in Pokhara to provide internship in Pokhara.
It gives internship opportunities for backend developer, frontend developer, UI/UX, SEO.
Here all the interns are provided with proper workspace and internet facilities. Also each
intern is assigned to a mentor who will help interns with their help. Work friendly
environment is provided to all the interns.

The internship details is shown below

Start Date 15th April,2022

Total Duration 10weeks

Office Hour 11:00 am - 5:00 pm

Working Hour 6 Hours Per Day

Working Days 6 days a week(Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,

Position Frontend Web Developer

Supervisor Er.Surya Poudel

Table 1: Duration of Internship


3.1 Role and Responsibilities

As an intern at Tukisoft, I was given certain responsibilities to carry out during my
internship period. The responsibilities involved various tasks that were assigned by my
mentor Er. Surya poudel. The main responsibilities that I carried out during my internship
period in Tukisoft are as follows: -
● Study and analysis of existing system.
● Developing Web application for the organization.
● How to talk with client as well.

3.2 Weekly Log

FIRST(April 15th – System Requirement Performed content Research and prepared
April 20th ) Analysis content on different topics and Requirement
SECOND(April 22th – System Architecture Familiarization of tool and Implementing
April 28th ) and Database Design Different Architecture Design ,Warfare
design and Database design Concept in
MYSQL Server
THIRD(May 1st –May System Architecture Implementing Different Architecture Design
7th ) and Database Design and database design Concept in MYSQL
FOURTH(May 8th – System Coding Worked on a web applications projects like
May 14 ) :task management system, shopping site
and Tuki Inventory System
FIFTH(May 16 – System Coding Worked on a web applications projects like
May 21st ) :task management system, shopping site
and Tuki Inventory System
SIXTH(May 22nd – System Coding Worked on a web applications projects like
May 28th ) :task management system, shopping site
and Tuki Inventory System

SEVEN(Jun 3rd -Jun System Coding Worked on a web applications projects like
10th ) :task management system, shopping site
and Tuki Inventory System
EIGHT(Jun 12th – Jun System Testing Worked for System Testing using different
18th ) testing methods like manual and technical
NINE(Jun 19th – Jun System Testing Worked for System Testing using different
25th ) testing methods like manual and technical
TEN(Jun 26th –July System Testing Worked for System Testing using different
3 ) testing methods like manual and technical

Table 2: Weekly log

3.3 Description of the Project
In today’s age of fast food and take-out, many restaurants have chosen to focus on quick
preparation and speedy delivery of orders rather than offering a rich dining experience.
Until very recently, all of these delivery orders were placed over the phone, but there are
many disadvantages to this system, including the inconvenience of the customer needing
to have a physical copy of the menu, lack of a visual confirmation that the order was
placed correctly, and the necessity for the restaurant to have an employee answering the
phone and taking orders. What I propose is an online ordering system, originally designed
for use in college cafeterias, but just as applicable in any food delivery industry. The
main advantage of my system is that it greatly simplifies the ordering process for both the
customer and the restaurant. When the customer visits the ordering webpage, they are
presented with an interactive and up-to-date menu, complete with all available options
and dynamically adjusting prices based on the selected options. After making a selection,
the item is then added to their order, which the customer can review the details of at any
time before checking out. This provides instant visual confirmation of what was selected
and ensures that items in the order are, in fact, what was intended. This system also
greatly lightens the load on the restaurant’s end, as the entire process of taking orders is
automated. Once an order is placed on the webpage, it is entered into the database and
then retrieved, in pretty much real-time, by a desktop application on the restaurant’s end.

Within this application, all items in the order are displayed, along with their
corresponding options and delivery details, in a concise and easy to read manner. This
allows restaurant employees to quickly go through the orders as they are placed and
produce the necessary items with minimal delay and confusion.

3.3.1 System Development Model

The SDLC model can be said as the sequence of stages that are performed in order to
develop the application, the steps can be planning, analysis, designing, implementing and
testing. The SDLC model that is used to develop this application is the Iterative
Development. Iterative development is a way of breaking down the software development
of a large application into smaller chunks. In this Model, you can start with some of the
software specifications and develop the first version of the software. After the first
version if there is a need to change the software, then a new version of the software is
created with a new iteration. Every release of the Iterative Model finishes in an exact and
fixed period that is called iteration.
The Iterative Model allows the accessing earlier phases, in which the variations made
respectively. The final output of the project renewed at the end of the Software
Development Life Cycle (SDLC) process.
The various phases of iterative model are as follows:
● Requirement gathering and analysis: In the requirements phase of software
development, the system related information is gathered and analyzed. The
collected requirements are then planned accordingly for developing the system.
The software development requirement are Visual studio, html, php javascript,
laravel framework etc. are the requirement of software development. It specifies
the software, hardware, functional, and network requirements of the system. It
perform to set of business logic and so on that will be necessary for the stage
which is makes possible to establish connection between jobseekers and job
● Design: Includes the design of Web applications, user interfaces, and system
interfaces. At first there is header with menus (home, about, contact, sign In,
Register) and in second section there is post jobs and relevant jobs.
● Implementation: In the implementation, requirements are written in the dart
programming language and transformed into computer programs which are called

● Review: In this phase, after the product deployment, review phase is performed to
check the behavior and validity of the developed product. And if there any error
found then the process starts again from the requirement gathering.
● Deployment: After completing all the phases, software is deployed to its work
● Maintenance: In the maintenance phase, after deployment of the software in the
working environment there may be some bugs, some errors or new updates are
required. Maintenance involves debugging and new addition options. We maintain
the navigation button before navigation button does not work.

Figure 2: Iterative Process

The reason behind choosing Iterative development model is that, in this model the various
versions of applications are developed with adding each new features in the application
on each update and since the project that I was working on was the office internal project
and didn’t have any clear requirement so may version of the application was developed
and according to the user feedback new features were added and the application was
3.4 Task and Activities Performed
During the internship period at Tukisoft different activities were performed in order to
develop the Web Application and the performed activities are as follows:

3.4.1. Study about the Project
Since the project was in a planning phase, I was given a task to study about the project, its
goal and objectives and asked to complete the project during my internship period.

3.4.2 Making Timeline for the development

Timelines were made and deadlines were set for the development of the project that I
was going to work on. Discussion about the deadlines and project were done in
Discord. Discord is a new way to communicate with team. It's faster, better organized,
and more secure than email.

Figure 3: Work Schedule

3.4.3. Setting up the development environment

In order to start developing the Web application various software and tools were
Configured and installed. Some of the tools are:
● Installation of xampp
● Install composer
● Install vs code

Material Design guides through the best way and colors combination to use while
designing the web app so it was referred to while designing the web app.

3.4.4 Research about the tools to develop the Website
Tools such as GIT, Visual Studio Code, BootStrap were used to make the web application
so these tools were studied in deep before using it in the project. Mentor provides
required document, article, blog, video content, etc. about the tool for the research

3.5 Requirement elicitation

Requirement elicitation refers to the search for details about the functions to be performed
by the system and the limitations under which the system must operate. It is regarded as
the process of obtaining data from stakeholders or, in other words, it can be defined as the
elicitation process that takes place once the data analytics has interacted with stakeholders
to understand their requirements. The goal of requirement elicitation is to thoroughly
identify the business needs, risks, and assumptions associated with any given project.

3.5.1 Functional Requirements

The functional requirements for a system describe what the system should do. Those
Requirements depend on the type of software being developed, the expected users of the
software. The functional requirement of our system was to establish a connection between
job providers and job seekers Some functional requirements for this application are:

● Post jobs: job provider or employee should post the job.

● Job seeker: Job seeker view jobs and choose appropriate job

3.5.2 Non Functional Requirements

Nonfunctional requirements are requirements that are not directly concerned with the
specified function delivered by the system. They describe how, how well or to what
standard a function should be provided. Non-functional requirements may also describe
aspects of the system that don't relate to its execution, but rather to its evolution over
time.Some non-functional requirements for this application are:

● Performance: Fast operation, quick response, low consumption of hardware

● User Friendly: Interactive and easy to use the interface.

● Maintainability: Easy to maintain the application in the coming future if any features
are to be added later.
● Accessibility: Easy to access to all the users of the application.

3.6 Use Case Diagram

In the Unified Modeling Language (UML), a use case diagram can summarize the details
of your system's users (also known as actors) and their interactions with the system. To
build one, you'll use a set of specialized symbols and connectors. An effective use case
diagram can help your team discuss and represent: (lucidchart, n.d.)




Job seeker Manage Admin


Figure 4: Use Case diagram

3.7 Activity Diagram

Figure 5: Activity Diagram

3.8 Context Diagram

Figure 6: Context Diagram

3.9 Tool used
 Html, CSS: HTML (the Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style
Sheets) are two of the core technologies for building Web pages. HTML provides
the structure of the page, CSS the (visual and aural) layout, for a variety of devices.
 Visual Studio: Visual Studio is the IDE to write and run the code. Visual Studio
Code combines the simplicity of a source code editor with powerful developer
tooling, like IntelliSense code completion and debugging.s
 Graphics design: Graphics designing tools such as Adobe xd, Figma etc were
used by graphics designers to create design/prototype for the application.

 GIT/GITHUB: As we had number of developers working on this project,

collaboration was required. Hence, we used git and github and started working on
different branches. After some 12 days of learning technologies used in this project
we collaborated with company main project on Github. We were assigned with
different task by the company. After finishing the task we were asked to push the
code to certain branch. Then Senior developer would test our code and he would
only push the code to master branch if it was good from his perspective.

CHAPTER4: Conclusion and Learning Outcomes

4.1 Conclusion
With the three months internship opportunity at the ICT Department of Tuki soft, I was
clear about how to develop a real-time Web Application, how an IT professional works
within an organization, what the activities performed in Software Development Phases,
the importance of working in a team and the importance of deadlines. During my
internship period, I was able to meet all the objectives as mentioned earlier. As my
internship concluded I was able to bring the knowledge on how to work as an IT
professional in the ICT department in any organization. I was also able to build many
contacts which could help me in the future. As my internship project came to a
conclusion. I was able to promote the digital information system within the organization.
Due to the project development, it reduced the information gap between the working
colleagues about the organization. My internship period taught me how important
communication between the team members was. Through this internship, I got the
opportunity to learn about many advanced technologies in the market and about the
methodologies to carry out real world projects.

(n.d.). Retrieved 6 2, 2022, from Tukisoft Technologies:
Acadamic Internship Program. (n.d.). (B.C.Education) Retrieved 06 29, 2022, from
lucidchart. (n.d.). Retrieved 06 30, 2022, from
projectpractical. (n.d.). Retrieved 06 30, 2022, from (n.d.). Retrieved from
Tukisoft Technologies. (2019, 04 24). (Tukisoft Technologies Pvt. Ltd) Retrieved 06 29,
2022, from


Figure 7: Logo of Application

Figure 8: Home page of Web Application

Figure 9: Login page for client

Figure 10: client site register page

Figure 11: Admin site register page

Figure 12: Dashboard page


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