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Governmental and Public


Steps to be taken in planning and constructing 7. Don't build the city hall over two stories be combined with a group of related buildings
a city hall are (1) determining need, (2) deter- in height If at all possible . in a civic center. The civic center has had great
mining space requirements, (3) selecting an 8. Don't let the public come In contact with appeal to the city planner because it offers
architect, (4) acquiring a site, (5) approving police or criminal activities . certain advantages and at the same time pro-
layout, design, and architectural features, and 9. Don't provide in the main lobby any vides for latitude in design . The buildings that
(6) developing a financial plan . These steps are facilities, such as a cigar and soft drink stand, are Included in civic centers range from a
not a one-two-three process; frequently they which encourage loitering. grouping of strictly administrative offices and
must be done simultaneously . It is important service buildings to a complex of office build-
to have an idea of what is wanted before se- ings, auditoriums, libraries, and so on .
lecting an architect, but the architect can be DETERMINING NEED The great advantage of a civic center is that
helpful in delineating wants. It is important to the grouping of public buildings may prove to
remember that the city hall must last 60 years The need for a new city hall may seem obvious be convenient to the public In transacting busi-
or more . The following "dos and don'ts" pro- to those who spend their working hours at the ness that requires visits to more than one pub-
vide a guide to officials engaged in planning city hall . Ceilings are high ; heating costs are lic agency . It also may result in one or more
a new city hall . twice what they should be ; space originally governmental units being able to use the facil-
meant for storage has been converted to of- ities of the other. Finally, it often is convenient
Do: fices; electrical wiring violates code provi- to have certain facilities grouped together in
sions; and the present facility is just old any- order to expedite interagency and govern-
1. Locate the city hall where it will be most way. All of this-and more besides-may be mental relations.
convenient and if possible where land values true, but what is not known is how extensive Obviously if a city hall is to be part of a civic
are reasonable . the need is . This must be determined by careful center, it must be planned in relation to the
2. Be prepared to provide the architect study. In determining the need for a city hall other facilities . For instance, the San Jose,
with information on departments to be housed, alternate courses of action should be studied . California, city hall is part of a civic center con-
the number of employees, types of furnishings sisting of a health building, communications
and equipment, and special requirements such Factors Influencing Need Determining the extent building, police garage, county office build-
as vault and storage space . of need involves two areas : (1) condition of ing, sheriff's department and jail, criminal-
3. Provide ample off-street parking space building, and (2) space needs. legal building, and a juvenile center . Some of
for both employees and the public . The condition of the building is the easiest the facilities, such as the administrative offices
4. Put most or all city department head. to evaluate . Things to be considered are type of in the health building, did not have to be re-
quarters in the city hall . construction, structural condition, electrical peated in the city hall .
S. Provide for structural expansion end wiring, heating and ventilating, and facilities Site selection for a civic center must con-
flexibility in office layout . such as rest rooms. Nothing may be seriously sider the factors listed below for locating a
6. Plan the city hall from the inside out with wrong and a new facility still needed, but it city hall . In addition, several other points are
emphasis on work flow, convenience to the is important to know these points . Careful important. The site for a civic center must per-
public, and convenience for employees . and professional review may bring factors to mit flexibility in building arrangement . Since
7. Provide for the comfort and efficiency light heretofore not considered . more land is necessary, street patterns may
of employees with controlled ventilation and At an early stage it is important to have some have to be altered, and additional land will be
adequate lighting. idea of space needs. This can be determined needed for parking . Once the site has been
8. Provide for employee lounges and rest in general terms by having each department selected, means must be found to preserve it
rooms . submit their space needs for review and study. for gradual development of all the units. Also,
9. Use materials, construction, and fur- If departments are already crowded, additional the site must be located so as not to interfere
nishings which make the city hall easy to main- space needed now is not hard to estimate. The with the normal development of the business
tain . real problem in determining apace needs is district .
10 . Provide open, unobstructed counters what will be needed in the future . The building On the surface the civic center idea has great
for transactions with the public . may be adequate now, but will it be in 5, 10, appeal . There are those who feel that center
20 years? Few cities decide to build a new city concept has limitations . An article by Richard
Don't: hall and do so almost immediately . Experience A. Miller entitled "Are Civic Centers Obso-
seems to indicate that a new city hall is the out. lete?," Architectural Forum, January, 1959,
1 . Don't locate in an area of declining prop- growth of a number of years of careful plan- highlights these objections . Miller points out
erty values except when part of a comprehen- ning and, once built, lasts a long time . that cities range in size "from mammoth con-
sive urban renewal program. In estimating future needs not only must centrations" to small cities . "As a rule, the con-
2. Don't try to remodel an old post office, traditional services such as police and build- centration of community buildings can be
school building, convention hall, or other build- ing inspection be considered but also what increased in inverse ratio to the size of the
ing designed for some other special use. future services the city may be required to pro- city ." One of the strong points made in the
3. Don't forget that the city hall is an office vide . One of the "dos" is to provide for struc- article relates to the discussion above on de-
building, not a monument or an ornament . tural expansion . However, provision for such centralization of city offices :
4. Don't underestimate space needs ; the expansion must be in reason, and should be
average commercial office building lasts 67 Government buildings-the city hall, fire
based on projections of future needs. Knowl- station, and police stations-which were
years. edge of the community and its people Is essen- long the nucleus of most civic centers, tend
S. Don't tie up valuable space with indoor tial to space planning . City officials should themselves to be dispersed today. The rea-
pistol ranges, drive-through garages, private know the population projections for the next son is obvious. Fire end police buildings,
exits, wide corridors, and other gadgets. 20 or 25 years, the economic level of the com- for example, are best located at a central
6. Don't cut up the city hall into cubbyholes munity, and present and probable social and point in the street network, and with the
for minor officials . building of expressways, this point rarely
economic characteristics. intersects with the beat location for the
mayor's office or the council chamber. Ser-
vice agencies (such as the water and park
SELECTING THE LOCATION OF THE CITY HALL departments) increasingly favor head-
quarters locations adjacent to their operating
Planning the New City Hall, Report #212, facilities . In Philadelphia, where two new
ManegmmenI Information Service, International CIVIC Centers In selecting the location for a city government office-type buildings will be
City Managers' Association, Washington, D.C ., hall, the first consideration is whether it should erected, the city also plans to remodel and
September 1961 . be placed on a site by itself or whether it should expand the old city hall in Penn Center to
Governmental and Public


house the mayor and the council-thus cause the least congestion on city streets ." are more difficult to maintain and require more
retaining a symbolic canter of government Obviously this applies only to the city having planning of the interior to get related functions
in the heart of the city . some form of public transit. People travel on adjacent floors . Also any city building of
either by walking or by using cars, taxis, or more than two floors should have an elevator,
City-CWlnly Building The county-sent city should public transit. If the city hall is readily acces- especially if the public has any great use of the
investigate the possibility of constructing one sible to automobiles only, parking require- top floor.
building to serve the needs of both the city and ments would increase in direct ratio to the Provision for a full basement housing gen-
the county . At least 40 cities and counties increased use of the car. For the city that does eral offices is not often made in now city office
occupy the some building . not have transit systems, location in the center buildings . Most professional organizations ad-
The city-county building has two major ad- area of the city may help to reduce parking vise against locating general offices in the
vantages . First, local governmental facilities requirements . People come to the city center basement . The basement can be used for stor-
are together, which is frequently a convenience to do a variety of things ; frequently they park age and service activities such as duplicating,
to the public and to city and county agencies and walk between different places of business. receiving and shipping rooms, heating and air-
that have contact with each other. The second 5. "The central business district is the real conditioning equipment, and central switch-
advantage is cost savings . Depending on civic center of the 20th century." A lot has been board.
conditions, a joint building can be constructed said about the deteriorating central business
for less money than two separate facilities district . The impression has been given that Departmental Layout Departmental layout will
when all costs are considered : land, engineer- the central city is drying up ; that everything is depend on the activities carried on by the de-
ing and architectural fees, financing charges, moving out. Thus why not the city hall . In the partment and the tools or special equipment
and so on . Joint occupancy can result in op- first place there is good reason to believe that used . For example, a finance department layout
erating savings. the moving out has largely been the retail store may require an open area for accounting clerks
The majority of cities that occupy office and to a lesser extent the office building . and collectors with one or two private offices,
apace with the county feel that the arrangement Secondly, in the large city, the concentration a machine room, and a vault. The public works
is very satisfactory . The most often stated dis- of people makes it possible for certain types department, on the other hand, may require pri-
advantage is lack of room for expansion . A of business, including retail, to operate more vate offices for the director, the engineer, and
joint city-county building must be carefully efficiently; in the small city the general busi- individual inspectors, a drafting room, a vault,
planned so that both governmental units have ness area is staying intact for the some reason . a plan or map room, and conference rooms.
area to expand In . A city and a county have dif- A city cannot afford to allow the central busi- The first step in departments[ layout is to
ferent as well as similar needs. When the dif- ness district to dry up because of the invest- survey the work done by the department . Work
ferences are too great, a city-county building ment it represents . The proper placement of flow should be especially studied . A complete
can cause problems . The other drawback is the city hall in the central business district list should be made of all employees and equip-
that expenses and responsibilities for operat- can contribute to the life of this area . ment to occupy the space . The possibility
Ing the building are not always distributed 6. "More than the initial land cost must be of future expansion should be anticipated and
equitably . It is thus extremely important that included under the economic considerations of provision made for additional personnel. Pro-
an agreement for building operation and main- the site . . ." The site should allow for expsn- vision also should be-made for peak rather then
tenance be worked out In advance of construc- sion . Site development cost must be consid- average work loads. Flow of work should,
tion . ered . These expenditures include demolition of as nearly as practicable, be in a straight line .
existing structures, If any, grading utilities, Normally, work should come to the employees
Location The selection of a site for a city hall and flood protection . rather than their going to the work . Minor
will be influenced by s number of circum- activities can be grouped around areas of major
stances. Some of these conditions are limit- activity .
ing in nature, such as the availability of land . LAYOUT, DESIGN, AND CONSTRUCTION
There are, however, certain guiding principles FEATURES Private Offices A major factor in the determina-
that should be considered . When Tacoma and tion of space needs is the question of who
Pierce County decided to build a city-county General Building Layout Building arrangement should get private offices and under what
building the planned commissions of each is the next step in planning a city hall . It is help- circumstances. More space is required for
governmental unit jointly developed a set of ful as a starting point to use the following private offices ; space utilization is restricted
location factors . The six applicable principles checklist of departments, offices, special-pur- through segregation of areas for private of-
for a city hall location are as follows: pose rooms, and service areas in analyzing fices; and considerable expense is involved in
1 . "Government must serve end be acces- interior building requirements : rearranging and reerecting partitions . Ventila-
sible to the people . . ." Efficiency of service is 1 . Departments requiring constant contact tion, lighting, and heating problems are compli-
related to how convenient governmental facil- with the general public and the collection or cated by a number of small offices ; supervision
ities are for the majority of those citizens using payment of money-for example, the finance and coordination of work, flow of work, and
the facility . department and tax collector communications are made more difficult . An
2. "Since public services must serve every 2. Departments requiring contact with spe- open, wall-arranged office has a more orderly
citizen as well as, and as conveniently as pos- cial classes of the public-for example, city- and businesslike appearance then a series of
sible, those activities must be located near the owned utilities, building permits, personnel, small offices .
center of transportation and the center of busi- city planning, and city clerk Certain conditions justify private offices .
ness activity . In the large city public transpor- 3 . Other departments including public First, transactions of a confidential nature re-
tation comes to a head in the central business works, recreation, police, fire, etc. quire private facilities. General conference
district . Major arterial streets are planned to 4 . City council chamber and office space for rooms, however, where confidential meetings
bring people in and out of the city center . In use by the mayor and councilmen may be held as occasion demands, may reduce
most cases the city hall should be located near 5 . Offices for the chief administrator the need for private offices . Second, privacy
public transportation, if any, and certainly 6. Courtrooms is often desirable not so much because of the
near major arterial streets. 7 . Storage vaults and record rooms confidential nature of the work, but because
The city hall should be near the center of 8 . Locker rooms, rest rooms, janitor closets, of the number of persons interviewed or be-
business activity because this in where the public telephones, and space for heating, ven- cause the work is of an independent nature
principal users of the facility are most fre- tilating, plumbing, and electrical equipment which requires more quiet and privacy than the
quently located . As an example, attorneys 9. "Circulating areas" for lobbies, corridors, open office will allow. There in little agreement
frequently must use records that are housed in elevators, and stairways as to who should have private offices except for
city hall . A city should determine what groups The relationship of one room or functional the chief administrative officer and department
most often come to city hall and place the area to another is important. No room exists by heads.
facility as close to those groups as possible . itself, and many of the problems of living in a
3. "Government offices must have integra- building arise from the neglect of this fact . Chief Administrator's Office The location of the
tion with, not isolation from, other offices in Departments related in function should be lo- chief administrator's office is important to
order to serve the public efficiently and effec- cated near one another and consecutive opera- good public relations. It should be located so
tively ." City government agencies use the tions planned in production-line style. Exces- as to give the impression of being easily
services of professional men and other busi- sive lobbies and hall space add to the cost of reached and open to any caller, but it should
nesses . Locating the city hall near the center construction without adding usable space. not be too prominent. The second floor ordi-
of business activity helps expedite the work The height of the building will depend upon narily is a good location since some effort
of the agencies located in city hall . the amount of ground available and the amount must be expended to visit it, and the casual or
4 . "Maximum use of transit systems will of office space needed . Land generally is merely curious individual is less likely to
result in the least public perking areas and cheaper than additional height . Taller buildings intrude .
Governmental and Public


A first-floor location, however, can be just second-floor plan of the Alhambra, California, for a secretary and one or more assistants,
as good if callers are properly screened by a city hall (Fig . 1 ) for a typical executive layout . depending upon the size of the city . The sec-
secretary or receptionist . It has the additional The administrator's office should be large retary's office would also serve as a reception
advantage of being close to the offices most enough for meetings of department heads room for people who call on the administrator .
frequented by the public . Of interest to coun- unless a conference room adjoins his office .
cil-manager cities is the fact that the mayor has A conference table that will accommodate Council Members The council meeting room
an office in the majority of cases located very up to 12 people is desirable . Space should be should be carefully planned if full use is to be
close to the city manager's office . See the provided adjacent to the administrator's office made of it . Location of the council chamber is

Fig . 1 Alhambra, California, City Hall .

Governmental and Public


important because of the public nature of the

business transacted there. Most of the cities
with multistoried buildings have located the
council room on the first or second floor.
The offices located near or around the coun-
cil chamber are usually those of the city clerk,
city attorney, and city manager. Small meeting
rooms and an office for the mayor and council-
men may be located nearby .
In most cities surveyed, councilmen sit at
separate desks or at a semicircular table, the
open end of which faces the citizens . In only a
few cities do the councilmen have their backs
to the public . The mayor usually sits in the
center flanked by the manager, clerk, and at-
torney . The council table often is put on a dais
18 in . or 2 ft above the main floor (see Fig. 2) .
It is well to plan the council chamber so that
it also can be used for other purposes . In many
cities it is used as a general courtroom for pub-
lic hearings held by city agencies, as a meeting
room for the city planning or zoning commis-
sion, for general conferences, and as a public
meeting room .

Finance Activities The collection activities of the

finance department have more contact with
the public than any other municipal activity
with the possible exception of the police and
building departments . A prominent location
near the front entrance is therefore desirable .
Avoidance of cubbyholes for separate func-
tions and provision for a large work area en-
hance the appearance of the building and give
the impression of a well-planned and efficient
layout . Collection functions should be located
near the public counter with billing, assessing,
accounting, budgeting, and purchasing at a
greater distance . These activities should be
so grouped and arranged that the supervisor
can observe the work of all his employees .
A drive-in collection window should be pro-
vided where possible . Fig. 3 Raleigh, North Carolina, City Hall .
A separate, soundproofed machine room
should be provided where machines are used
in accounting or billing . Acoustical ceilings and
walls, thermopane glass partitions, and car- The extent of facilities will depend largely vide a retention room or rooms with toilet
peted floors will absorb much of the machine on the size of the community and the size of facilities . Such rooms do not need to be regular
noise and make for more efficient working the department. In planning police station facil- cells .
conditions in the general office . A vault for ities, several basic needs should be considered The communications center should be
safekeeping of records should be provided by all cities . Jail cells should be away from pub- isolated from the general public and other work
unless one is provided near by in the city lic areas. Prisoner retention for any period re- areas . However, in smaller communities where
clerk's office . quires toilets, kitchen facilities, and separation it is necessary for communications personnel
of men and women prisoners . Because of the to act as receptionists, this is not possible .
Police Department The police department is expense of cellblocks, the possibility of using In such a case the communications section
singled out for discussion because of the spe- county jail facilities should be investigated . might be located in a glass enclosure with a
cial facilities it needs other than regular office Many communities contract with the county sliding panel.
space. As noted, the police department is fre- for prisoner care . This may be impractical for Fingerprinting, photographic, identification,
quently not included in the city hall . When very large cities, but cities up to 100,000 and booking areas should be located together,
it is, however, it should be basically separate certainly can effectively use this method of although not necessarily in the same room .
from other city hall activities, and public and reducing police station cost . If county facil- Where possible, a separate prisoner entrance
criminal activities should be separated. ities are used, it is then necessary only to pro- leading directly into the area for booking
should be provided . The essential element is
to provide a continuous process of book-
ing, fingerprinting, photographing, and identi-
fying of prisoners in the same area of the build-
ing . Where possible, it is desirable to have the
area near the jail or retention area .
Provide plenty of space for storage. Firearms
and other equipment should be stored in
locked cabinets . Room for confiscated, lost,
and abandoned articles is necessary if such
items are to be kept properly .
When patrolmen change shifts on beats it
is not necessary to have a large assembly room,
but it is desirable to provide space for officers
to fill out reports . In large departments, the de-
tective force will need a separate room with
lineup facilities .
In the very large departments separate
Fig. 2 City Council seating arrangement, La Mesa, California . rooms for interrogating prisoners are neces-
Governmental and Public


sary . In the medium-sized department, the de-

tective squad room can be used for interroga-
tion . A separate room for the use of prisoners
and their attorneys or visitors is important
when the station has facilities for housing
prisoners. Finally the large city should have a
courtroom near the jail or detention facilities
of the police department .
The police department facilities of the
Raleigh city hall are well planned (Figs. 3a-c).
Separation is achieved by having the police
department on ground level except for the de-
tective bureau . The detective bureau is reached
by a stairwell located so that the general public
would not have use for it . Notice that the traffic
violations division is on the second level right
across from the city clerk and treasurer's of-
fice . This places money collecting in one area
and very convenient to the public . The munici-
pal court is off the lobby on the ground level
and next to the male and female lockups.

Design of the City Hell The city hall is essentially

an office building, not a monument or an
ornament . The building should be so designed
as to be economical in construction and main-
tenance. True long-range economy is achieved
by a judicious balance between original cost
and maintenance cost . A building with cheap
materials and equipment for the sake of low
first cost may be quite expensive in main-
tenance and replacement.
Even though the city hall should be basically
functional and not a monument, originality
in design is not precluded. Fig. 3 (coat .) Raleigh, North Carolina, City Hall .

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