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Topic 1. Activity
The River of Life

1. What 3 words describe me as a man/woman?

Optimistic, flexible, and adventurous.
2. Who have been the major socializing agents which informed me
about the notions of gender?
My family, because they are the one who taught what role of
women/men play in our society. The division of labor between men and
women contributes to the creation of gender roles, which in turn, lead to
gender-specific social behavior.
3. How have gender definitions affected my life in terms of my behavior,
choices, identity & roles?
Basically, when I was in elementary and high school my guardians and
other elders always correcting me about my behavior as woman and they
always said that “don`t do that, you`re a girl, and you`re supposed to this.”
Well since then, I used to live in those words like what a lady normally does.
4. Have I personally experience gender bias? Relay the experience.
Yes, when I`m waiting in the line to use the toilet but when there`s a guy
who is in front of me and also waiting, instead of waiting for him to finish.
Someone said to us that I should go first because I`m a girl and ladies first.
Then, to the guy who was in the first line feels like it`s so unfair that he is a
man, the women should always be the first in line.

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