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DIRECTIONS: Encircle the correct answer. No erasures.

1.) Chemical Weathering occurs under the influence of the life activities of organisms.
a.) TRUE b.) FALSE
EXP: Biological Weathering takes place under the influence of the life activities of
organisms (p. 15)

2.) The deposition of material transferred by water, wind, or ice begins to cease at a time and
place when the power of water or wind, or ice becomes too weak to continue moving all
the materials.
a.) TRUE b.) FALSE
EXP: The deposition of material transferred by water, wind, or ice begins to cease at a
time and place when the power of water, wind, or ice becomes too weak to continue
moving all the materials. (p. 17)

3.) What are the three main ways of settling material and sedimentary?
a.) Aggradation, Progradation, and Retrogradation
b.) Fluvial, Aeolian, and Glacial
c.) Insolation, Denudation, and Abrasion
d.) None of the above
EXP: There are three main ways of settling of material and sedimentary filling of space
namely Aggradation, Progradation, and Retrogradation (p. 18)

4.) What are the first two and the third factors of weathering, which are closely related and
I. Mechanically, because of the speed and power of water flows and water activities
during the transmission of material
II. Biochemical factors, due to the effects of atmosphere, water, ice, climate and
temperature change, erosion, sunshine, and life activity organism.
III. Chemical dissolution due to the action of the weak carbon and humic acids
IV. Mechanical Weathering
EXP: The first two and the third factor of weathering are closely related and interactive
are the:
I. Mechanically, because of the speed and power of water flows and water activities
during the transmission of material, and
III. Chemical dissolution due to the action of the weak carbon and humic acids (p. 13)

5.) The transfer of detritus, i.e. solid materials or clasts remaining after the physical and
chemical weathering, primarily takes place by the water and lesser part by wind and
a.) Sediment Transport
b.) Weathering
c.) Deposition
d.) Lithification
EXP: Sediment Transport transfer of detritus, i.e., solid materials or clasts remaining
after the physical and chemical weathering, primarily takes place by the water and lesser
part by wind and glaciers (p.16)

6.) Granitic rocks are conspicuous because they make up some of the world’s most
spectacular mountains
a.) FALSE b.) TRUE
EXP: Igneous rocks are conspicuous because they make up some of the world’s most
spectacular mountains. (p. 9)

7.) Columnar jointing is most commonly displayed in granite and is a significant feature of
igneous rocks.
a.) TRUE b.) FALSE
EXP: It is most commonly displayed in basalt. This breaking of rocks is an especially
significant feature of igneous rocks. (p. 8)

8.) This is the least important cause of magma formation in the Asthenosphere
a.) Addition of Water
b.) Rising Temperature
c.) Decrease in Pressure
d.) Flux-Induced Melting
EXP: Rising temperature is the least important cause of magma formation in the
asthenosphere. (p. 10)

9.) All of these are true about the characteristics of magma except?
I. Generally, basaltic magma forms at great depth and has a temperature near the
high end of this scale. Granitic magmas, which form at shallower depths, tend to
lie near the cooler end of the scale.

II. A few rare magmas are of carbonate composition. The rocks that form from these
are called carbonatites and contain carbonate minerals such as magnetite and
III. When a silicate rock melts, the resulting magma expands by about 10 percent. It is
then of lower density than the rock around it, so magma rises as it forms.
IV. Because oxygen and silicon are the two most abundant elements in the crust and
mantle, nearly all magmas are silicate magmas.
EXP: A few rare magmas are of carbonate composition. The rocks that form from these
are called carbonatites and contain carbonate minerals such as calcite and dolomite.

10.) Magma occupies about ______ more volume than the rock that melted to form it.
a.) 15% c.) 10%
b.) 12% d.) 11%
EXP: Magma occupies about 10 percent more volume than the rock that melted
to form it. (p. 10)

11.) ______is one of the three main rock types in the study of Petrology. It is formed
through the cooling and solidification of magma or lava
a.) Minerals
b.) Igneous Rocks
c.) Sedimentary Rocks
d.) Metamorphic Rocks
EXP: Igneous rock is formed through the cooling and solidification of magma or lava.

12.) Which of the following statement/s is/are true about Igneous Rocks?
I. Intrusive Igneous rocks are those rocks formed from the magma beneath
the surface of the Earth. Igneous rocks are those types of rocks which are
formed with the cooling of molten rock to a solid state.

II. Extrusive rock refers to the mode of igneous volcanic rock formation in
which hot magma from inside the Earth flows out (extrudes) onto the

III. Examples of EXTRUSIVE Igneous Rocks are the granite, Pegmatite,

gabbro, peridotite and Diabase

IV. Intrusive igneous rocks will form above the earth’s surface with the
cooling of lava. However, extrusive igneous rocks are rocks that form
below the Earth’s surface.
EXP: True Statements:
I. Intrusive Igneous Rocks are formed by cooling, crystallization and
solidification of magma within the Earth’s crust surrounded by preexisting country rocks.
(p. 3)
II. Extrusive Igneous Rocks are formed at the crust’s surface as a result of the
partial melting of rocks within the mantle and crust. (p. 4)

13.) Molten rock that has reached Earth’s surface is called magma at the Earth’s
a.) FALSE b.) TRUE
EXP: Magma refers to molten rock underground, while lava describes molten rock that
has reached Earth’s surface. (p. 6)

14.) Bowen's reaction series is the work of the Canadian petrologist Norman L.
Bowen, who summarized, based on experiments and observations of natural rocks, the
sequence of crystallization of common silicate minerals from typical basaltic magma
undergoing fractional crystallization (i.e. crystallization wherein early-formed crystals are
removed from the magma by crystal settling, leaving behind a liquid of slightly different
a.) TRUE b.) FALSE
EXP: Bowen’s reaction series is based on observations and experiments of natural rocks;
the crystallization sequence of typical basaltic magma changes as they cool. It is a sorting
tool according to the temperature at which they crystallize common magmatic silicate
minerals. (p. 7)

15.) There are two branches of Bowen’s reaction series; the discontinuous branch,
where it reacts continuously for the next mineral in the series, and the Continuous
Branch, which represents the enrichment of calcium/sodium/potassium in plagioclase
feldspar with decreasing temperature.
a.) FALSE b.) TRUE
EXP: The minerals in discontinuous branch react discontinuously to form the next
mineral in the series. The continuous reaction series, on the right side of the Bowen’s
reaction series, represents the enrichment of calcium / sodium /potassium in plagioclase
feldspar with decreasing temperature (p. 8)

16.) The pre-existing original rocks or a parent rock affected by metamorphic changes.
This is transformed chemically and physically by high temperatures, high pressures, hot
fluids, or some combination of these conditions
a.) Metamorphism
b.) Metamorphic rock
c.) Protoliths
d.) Contact Aureole
EXP: The pre-existing original rocks or parent rocks affected by metamorphic changes,
are called protoliths. Protoliths are transformed chemically and physically by high
temperatures, high pressures, hot fluids, or some combination of these conditions. (p. 19)

17.) These occur in a large range of temperatures caused by the injection of magma
and lava into the cooler country rocks of the lithosphere at relatively low pressure.
a.) Dynamic metamorphism
b.) Regional metamorphism
c.) Contact metamorphism
d.) Plutonic metamorphism
18.) Plutonic metamorphism occurs at very high temperatures and low pressure in the
deeper parts of the lithosphere, usually in combination with partial re-melting of rocks
under the influence of high temperatures.
a.) FALSE b.) TRUE
EXP: Contact metamorphism occurs in a large range of temperatures caused by the injection of
magma and lava into the cooler country rocks of the lithosphere at relatively low pressure. (p.20)

19.) Foliated metamorphic rocks exhibit layers or stripes caused by the elongation and
alignment of minerals in the rock as it undergoes metamorphism. Non-foliated
metamorphic rocks do not contain minerals that align during metamorphism and do not
appear layered.
a.) TRUE b.) FALSE
EXP: Foliated metamorphic rocks exhibit layers or stripes caused by the elongation and
alignment of minerals in the rock as it undergoes metamorphism. Non-foliated
metamorphic rocks do not contain minerals that align during metamorphism and do not
appear layered. (p. 20)

20.) Which of the following statements are true about Metamorphic rocks?
I.) Metamorphism is numerous physical changes or alterations that take place
within a body of rock as a result of it being subjected to low pressure
and/or temperature.
II.) Dynamic metamorphic rocks are formed by the mechanical crushing of
existing rocks during tectonic movements or actions of directed pressure.
III.) Regional metamorphism is caused by the general increase in temperatures
over small areas.
IV.) Regional metamorphism is typically associated with mountain ranges,
particularly in the subduction zones with a geothermal gradient.
EXP: True statements:
II. Dynamic metamorphic rocks are formed by the mechanical crushing of
existing rocks during tectonic movements or actions of directed pressure. (p. 19)
IV. Regional metamorphism is typically associated with mountain ranges,
particularly in the subduction zones with a geothermal gradient (p. 20)

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