Wearable Clothing Mops For Dogs An Interactive Connection Between Playtime and Cleanliness

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Bauan Technical High School i



A Research Capstone Project

Presented to
the Faculty of Senior High School

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the K to 12
Enhanced Basic Education Curriculum

Ramos, Carrel Jean P.

Arcoirez, Alyssa M.
Salamat, Sherwin C.
Solanoy, Cymone Ernest M.

June 2021
Bauan Technical High School ii


This research capstone paper entitled “Wearable Clothing Mops

for Dogs: An Interactive Connection Between Playtime and

Cleanliness” prepared and submitted by Norman R. Marquez, Asterias

Forbesi, and Noimee Athena has been approved and accepted as

partial fulfillment of the requirements for the the K-12 Enhanced Basic

Education Curriculum.


Research Adviser

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements of

the K-12 Enhanced Basic Education Curriculum with a grade of






Member Member

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for

the K-12 Enhanced Basic Education Curriculum.

_______________ GABRIEL R. ROCO, EdD.

Date Principal IV, BTIHS
Bauan Technical High School iii


Title : Wearable Clothing Mops for Dogs: An Interactive

Connection Between Playtime and Cleanliness

Researchers : Arcoirez, Alyssa M.

Ramos, Carrel Jean P.
Salamat, Sherwin C.
Solanoy, Cymone Ernest M.

Degree : Grade 12

School : Bauan Technical High School

Year : 2021

Adviser : Norman Ruelo Marquez


In pet keeping, various concerns about cleanliness are experienced

by a lot of owners. These mainly pertain to fur sheddings and excretions

of pets that disperse in different corners of a household. In response to

these, the researchers aim to aid these issues by having a Wearable Dog

Mop. It is a mop-like garment intended for dog use that promotes the

coexistence of a clean house and pets. In the evaluation, the materials,

the product's performance, and contributions were tested and examined.

These aim to describe and identify the product's effectiveness in

eliminating the issues experienced in pet keeping. Experimental and

Bauan Technical High School
survey approaches were used to provide the relevant data for the study to

achieve the study's parameters. By examining different mop fabrics,

microfiber exhibits an efficiency in cleaning and excellence in its durability,

while having a reasonable price. The product itself contributed to

maintaining household cleanliness, alleviating owners' concerns, and

ensuring the cleanliness and safety of the dogs. Furthermore, compared

to traditional mopping, the product was found to have a significant

difference in terms of providing an easier way of accomplishing tasks like

mopping and giving owners more time while ensuring their pet's comfort.

The discovery of the study explains that the product is beneficial in

resolving the issues associated with pet keeping. It contributed to the

establishment of a healthier environment and promoted a better

relationship between humans and dogs.

Keywords: pet keeping, cleanliness, microfiber

Bauan Technical High School v


The researcher would like to express his sincerest gratitude to the

following persons who helped them in the completion of the study:

First and foremost, praises and thanks to God, the Almighty, for His

showers of blessings and guidance throughout our capstone project to

complete it successfully.

Mr. Norman Reulo Marquez, the researcher’s adviser, for his

painstaking effort in giving suggestions and advice. His dynamism, vision,

sincerity, and motivation have deeply inspired the researchers. He taught

them the methodology to carry out and present the research works as

clearly as possible. It was a great privilege and honor to work under his


Dr. Gabriel R. Roco, Pricnipal IV of Bauan Technical Integrated

High School, for his utmost support and encouragement to finish the

study. The researchers were extremely grateful to their families for

their support in the accomplishment of this study. They are also thankful

for the love, prayers, caring, and sacrifices for educating and preparing

them for the future.

The Researchers
Bauan Technical High School vi


This study is wholeheartedly devoted to our parents, who have

been our source of inspiration and strength that fuels us to continue this

paper amidst difficulties.

To our friends and classmates who supported us throughout the

process, and, most importantly, to Sir Norman Marquez, our research

advisor, for assisting us in honing our skills and providing us with valuable

guidance and information.

And lastly, we dedicate this study to the Almighty God, thanking him

for his guidance, strength, power of the mind, protection, and skills.

The Researchers
Bauan Technical High School vii



TITLE PAGE……………………………………………………………... i

APPROVAL SHEET………………………………………………...…… ii

RESEARCH ABSTRACT.…………………………………………….... iii

ACKNOWLEDGMENT………………………………………………….. v

DEDICATION…………………………………………………………..… vi

TABLE OF CONTENTS………………..……………………….…...… vii

LIST OF TABLES………………………………………………………. ix

LIST OF FIGURES…………………………………………………..…. x

LIST OF APPENDICES ……………………..……………………..…. x



Background of the Study, Context, and Significance….…… 1

Statement of the Problem/Objectives………………...……… 3

Project Research Identification………….……………………. 3


Literature Review…..…………………………………...…... 4


Subjects of the Study.....……………………………………. 11

Bauan Technical High School viii

Data Collection Approach/Strategies ……………………... 11

Ethical Issues …………………..……………………….…… 12

Material and Procedures………….……………………....... 12

Data Analysis Approaches….…………………………........ 14


1. The Appropriate Material to be Used in the Wearable Dog Mop

……………………………………………….............…... 16

2. The Effects and Contribution of Wearable Clothing Mops for Dogs in

terms of: 2.1. Household Cleaning……...........……………...... 19

2.2. Well-being of the Pet Keepers…..…………..... 22

2.3. Well-being of the Subjects……..…...…….…... 25

3. The Product’s Effects to the Dog’s Activity ………….....….. 28

4. The Difference Brought by the Wearable Dog Mop Compared from

the Traditional Way of Cleaning …….……………..............…. 30

5. The Difference in the Time Management of Owners Caused by the

Wearable Dog Mop ………………………………….........…... 31


Conclusions ….………………………..………………….…. 33

Recommendations ………………………….………..……… 34

Application……….………………………………….……….. 34
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REFERENCES………………………………………………….……… 35




Table Page

1. The Contribution and Change Brought by the Product (Wearable Dog

Mop) in Household Cleaning ……………………………………….…. 19

2. The Contribution and Change Brought By the Product (Wearable Dog Mop) to

the Pet Keeper’s Well-being …………………………………….…….…. 22

3. The Contribution and Change Brought By the Product (Wearable Dog Mop) to

the Subject’s Well-being …………………………………………..….…. 25

4. The Product’s Effects to the Dog’s Activity …………………………….. 28

5. The Difference Brought by the Wearable Dog Mop Compared from the

Traditional Way of Cleaning ……………..….……………..............…. 30

6. The Difference in the Time Management of Owners Caused by the Wearable

Dog Mop …………………………………......……………………..…... 31

Bauan Technical High School x


Figures Page

1. The Accumulated Dust and Debris of the Materials from the Five-Minute-Long

Mopping …………………………...……….……………………….…… 16

2. Product Design for Wearable Dog Mop ……...….……………….….. 18


Appendix Title

A Request Letter to the Pet Owners

B Questionnaire Form

C Curriculum Vitae
Bauan Technical High School 1

I. Introduction

A. Background, Context, And Significance Of Study

Dogs are often referred to as humans' best friends who help in various

societal needs throughout history. According to Cohut (2018), humans and dogs

are likely to have shared a special bond of affection and mutual care. These wolf

cousins have repeatedly shown their ability to keep us and our households safe

by protecting our homes, livestock, and other valuables. Humans have taught

dogs to aid them in hunting throughout history, and they have bred a variety of

amusing species for their cuteness or elegance. Dogs are and may have always

been cherished friends, renowned for their devotion and almost relentless ability

to bring a smile to their owners' faces. According to Arford (2020), there are 10

Science – based benefits of dog keeping. One states that dogs help to stop

stressing out. Petting a familiar dog decreases blood pressure, heart rate,

respiratory rate, and muscle tension. Pendry & Vandagriff (2019) conducted a

research concerning the high-level stress reports of the students from

Washington State University. Scientists discovered that petting a dog for just 10

minutes can have a huge effect.

As beneficial as they can be, dogs are capable of producing unwashable

stains, fur shedding, excrement, and physical body odor that leaves the house

smelling like an unbathed dog. 84 percent of the population of pet owners

worldwide owns a dog (AVMA 2019), and about 27.9 percent of these owners

complains about nasal and skin allergies that generally affects family members

specially children at 3 to 5 years old caused by uncleaned dog fur. Moreover,

Bauan Technical High School
2.5 percent of this population are having negative feedback especially when it

comes to cleanliness. Since a dog sheds a maximum of 100 to 200 furs a day.

Furthermore, complains of physical excrement lying inside the house are proved

to be a high risk of contagious diseases especially those lying under zoonotic

diseases (CDC 2015).

Pillai (2016) stressed that Pet-keeping comes with a great responsibility

that a person must take with adherence and seriousness. With the various

concerning issues aligned with cleanliness while having a domestic dog, the

researchers want to aid the coexistence of a clean house and pets. Having

companions that could help people attain sanity and purity is what motivated the

researchers to provide a solution to household and pet-keeping issues which is

Wearable Dog Mops that will guide people towards a harmonious connection

between humans and dogs. Further, by the observation of the current situation

of the dog owners who struggle in controlling and maintaining the cleanliness of

their home especially the tidiness of their furnishes, the researchers were

inspired to come up with an idea that would assist this concern.

This study is beneficial to society especially to pet-keepers and their pets,

wherein it eliminates the experienced issues in their relationships within a

household. These issues pertain to dog excretions and fur sheddings shedding

that the dogs disperse when roaming around an area. Moreover, this is also

beneficial to the future researchers that will conduct a study alined to the current

one. Also, this can serve as their guide in their research processes in

accomplishing their project.

Bauan Technical High School 3

B. Statement Of the Problem

1. What is the appropriate materials to be used considering cheapness,

durability and effectiveness in cleaning?

2. What are the effects and contribution of Wearable Clothing Mops for Dogs in

terms of:

2.1 Household cleaning

2.2 Well-being of pet keepers

2.3 Well-being of the subjects

3. What are the product’s effects on the dog’s activity?

4. Is there a significant difference between having a Wearable Dog Mop than the

traditional way of cleaning a house?

5. Is there a significant difference in the time management of owners caused by

the Wearable Dog Mop?

Project Researcher Identification

Ramos, Carrel Jean P. - Team Leader, STEM 12 - B

Arcoirez, Alyssa M. - Member, STEM 12 - B

Salamat, Sherwin C. - Member, STEM 12 - B

Solanoy, Cymone Ernest M. - Member, STEM 12 - B

Bauan Technical High School 4

II. Literature Review

A. Subheadings

Dogs. It is beneficial to a person’s well-being to spend time with canine

friends. Getting a companion dog can help neighborhood dog owners feel less

lonely. From a study conducted by Powell et al. (2019), within three months,

getting a dog was linked to less isolation or loneliness. The findings indicate that

dog ownership has a reasonably fast and positive effect on certain measures of

a human’s mental health.

Moreover, Wei-Haas (2015) from National Geographic explains that the

growing researches suggest that dogs often act more human than canine. They

can read facial expressions, communicate jealousy, display empathy, and even

watch TV; studies have shown. These human-like traits were byproducts of the

evolution of dogs, where they turn into domesticated pets from wolves over the


As stated in a study conducted by Wood et al. (2015), companion animals

can be a cause for many aspects of human social interactions in neighborhood

environments, ranging from casual social contact and getting to know people to

the creation of new friendships. Many pet owners found that their pets helped

them form relationships that provided them with tangible forms of social support,

both functional and emotional. Pets can be a significant factor in developing

healthier communities, given growing evidence for social isolation as a risk

factor for mental well-being and, conversely, friendships and social support as

protective factors for individual and community well-being.

Bauan Technical High School 5

Dog Clothes. These are a piece of cloth garments intended for dogs,

covering their body like human apparel. It can bring benefits to domestic pets

according to Icon (2019). Dog clothes are much serious matter than what other

people think it is, it can guarantee the comfort of the dogs and can contribute to

the owner's peace of mind. It can provide an extra layer for short-coated dogs

especially in cold weather. Moreover, it keeps small breeds and senior dogs to

keep warm in extremely cold temperatures that can be too harsh for their health.

It can protect the owner's personal belongings from excess shedding brought by

their pet. Also, it advertises fashion in dogs while observing their comfort and


Moreover, Johnstone (2021) highlighted that aside from the benefits that

dogs provide, they can also be smelly, carry parasites and germs, and also can

excrete balls of hair, urine stains, droppings, or shavings. These can go to the

most unusual places that the owners might struggle to clean. Because dogs are

fluffy and shed easily, controlling this is one of the most difficult and stressful

aspects of pet ownership. In this issue, owners are can be assisted by different

products including lint rollers, rubber brushes, upholstery, furnishings, and

especially dog clothes which can be useful for removing hair from dogs.

According to Morales (2020), pets are members of the family who require

care and protection in order to live a comfortable and healthy life. Hygiene is

crucial, and ensuring that your pet follows correct sanitary requirements can be

beneficial. Because pets come into contact with family members on a frequent

basis, keeping them clean keeps a family healthy and encourages good
Bauan Technical High School
relationships. Dog clothing can keep dirt from the ground contained while the

pets play and roll over. As a result, they will have less dirt, which will allow them

to stay clean and require fewer baths. Bacteria can be kept at bay by keeping

your pet's clothes clean. Clothing a pet provides various advantages for both the

owner and the pet, resulting in a peaceful relationship.

It is emphasized by Tenacious Little Terrier (2016) that dog clothes are

beneficial to them for different reasons. It gives them warmth, visibility, and a

sense of fashion. Aside from these, clothes can also contribute to the dog's

cleanliness. This is also beneficial to their owners because it prevents their hair

to attract dust and particles from the environment, meaning they only need fewer

baths. Further, it can help dogs with allergies by preventing licking, chewing, and

scratching. It provides a barrier between them and allergens that can lead to


Additionally, SandraEric (2020) explains that the experience of styling a

dog is something that the owners enjoy. On the other hand, it can also be

challenging when considering the different factors other than style. These factors

include size, quality, range, warmth, etc. that may baffle the dog owners. The

kind of fabric is an important variable in buying clothes, considering fabrics such

as cotton, fleece, knits as high-quality ones depending on the temperature. The

right-sizing of the garment is also vital, avoiding too tight or too lose clothes.

Baggy clothing may cause the pet to slip or fall, while tight clothing may cause

suffocation and inability to move properly, that's why considering the dog's

measurement is essential. Further, the budget also affects the purchase where it
Bauan Technical High School
limits the option of the owner. Also, in choosing clothing, comfort and safety of

the pets were the top priority other than style.

Mops. Sam (2020) defined a mop as a piece of cloth, sponge, or another

absorbent material that has the purpose of cleaning. Because of this, it is an

essential cleaning material for wet surfaces, specifically floor surfaces. In

addition to this, Aguirre (2021) said that mops are great tools in maintaining the

cleanliness of the surroundings, especially floors. It can prevent the dispersion of

germs and bacterias in the environment. It is helpful for sanitary purposes where

people can prevent themselves from having diseases brought by these

microscopic organisms. In historical context, Heinl (2018) discussed that the first

mop was discovered in 1893 by Thomas W. Steward, an African-American

inventor. This mop was made out of yarn, which is still the typical structure of

many mops, though nowadays, people also use other absorbent material.

According to Alsco (2018), a dry mop is a cleaning material used more

effectively in loose dirt and debris than embedded debris or dealing with stains.

Moreover, Combiths (2021) stated that dry mop or dust mop functions without

needing moisture. Dry mopping is an essential household chore because it ribs

the floor. Furthermore, it handles not only visible dirt but also smaller particles.

These particles will wear down the finish of the floor surfaces over time.

Mops are a popular pick for home cleaning. When it comes to cleaning

floors, vacuuming is important, but it doesn’t get the whole job done, that’s why

mops are very important. A mop comes with several reusable cleaning cloths.

According to Burry (2021) it can be thrown in the washing machine after use.
Bauan Technical High School
The mop is ideal for any hard surface, whether made of linoleum, hardwood, or

concrete. It’s effortless, fast, and comfortable to use when cleaning.

Mops in Pet-keeping. Mopping is one of the most substantial and

effective ways to clean a house, especially the floor and those dry stains.

According to Lee (2014), Regular mopping sanitizes even the most infectious

diseases and thus leaves remarkable cleanliness into an area with benefits to

the family and household such as: Mopping reduces allergies. Dust, pet fur, and

other allergens accumulate quickly on floors. By mopping frequently, the owners

prevents any of these allergens from building up, keeping them out of their home

in the process. Mopping helps prevent floor scratches. An important part of a

mopping routine is to mop the hardwood floors with an appropriate cleaner. This

helps to maintain a scratch-free floor. And finally, mopping makes floor look their


Thus, mopping creates a gateway for pets since they are the ones that

are always running around the house. (Haviland, 2020) Pets such as Dogs and

cats may be used not only as a companion but also helpers when it comes to

chores. This was proven during 2010 when inventor/youtuber Amber Crown

created a wearable vacuum cleaner for dogs which performed during a 2-day

trial that had accumulated 3 grams of dirt, an equivalent of having to clean a

house for 2 to 3 hours. The only flaw of the design was the vacuum needs to be

charged thus it lessens its effectivity.

Microfibers. It is a material used for cleaning purposes that exhibits

several advantageous characteristics, among other mopping materials. As

Bauan Technical High School
mentioned by Brouwers (2013), microfiber is considered to be one of the most

important inventions in the cleaning industry. It is being used in the creation of

different equipment and materials such as mops, clothes, and dusters. It's a

microscopic-scale cleaning fiber made of tiny synthetic materials. Its strands

were woven in a way that they are splitting, creating spaces between each fiber.

It is beneficial to use because it is time-effective and efficient. By being

ergonomic, it diminishes the amount of time needed for a chore. It is relatively

lighter than other materials making it easier to maneuver. It also found that it

increases a person's productivity by 18%, discovered by one custodial company.

It is also environmentally friendly and reduces the usage of chemicals.

Furthermore, it preserves surfaces by picking up debris and particles, avoiding

them to leave scratches in interior furnishes. Additionally, It also increases

cleanliness and hygiene in the environment to where it is used. 

Microfiber and Cotton Strings are the leading material for creating mop

heads but differs in factors. According to Lombardo (2020), microfiber is made of

synthetic materials and is a fine combination, allowing bacteria, pollen, and soil

to be trapped and kept within the fibers. Cotton, on the other hand, pushes dirt

and debris about rather than sweeping it up. Cotton can also be a desirable

home for odors and bacteria since it's made from recycled materials. Regarding

the cotton string mop head, one cotton string mop normally lasts around 15-30

washes, while microfiber heads usually have a span of about 150-200 washes.

Microfiber is more durable than cotton, therefore it lasts longer.

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When it comes to choosing a mop head, cotton string mops were

traditionally the selection of choice due to their gentle fabric and ability to mop

up large amounts of liquid. Yet, with microfiber’s emergence in the last 20 years

as the premium cleaning material of choice, there’s value in investigating the

differences between cotton string mops vs. microfiber string mops to see which

option will work best.

B. Notice of gaps in knowledge

The presented data stated that humans and dogs have a beneficial

relationship where dogs provide mental and emotional support to their owners.

Also, humans provide the essential needs and care that’s needed by their pets.

But maintaining the coexistence of a neat home and domestic dogs as a

companion in life is a difficult challenge. It is because of pet-keeping issues such

as stains, floor scratches, dirt, dog fur, and unpleasant odor brought by domestic

dogs. These issues were hazardous because they can cause allergies and

infectious diseases if not cleaned immediately.

On the other hand, the researchers viewed these terminologies as a

significant factor in the research processes. They noticed that mops have a

characteristic of absorbing liquid, polish surfaces, and accumulate dust and

debris that seems to resolve the pet-keeping issues about having a domestic

dog. They also discovered that after examining various sources of information

and studies, there is a knowledge gap about using a cleaning garment for dogs.

The researchers intended to resolve pet-keeping issues by having Wearable

Dog Mops for dogs as a solution where it can also improve household cleaning.
Bauan Technical High School 11

III. Methodology

A.Subjects of the Study

In achieving the different parameters of the study, the researchers

gathered the needed data in providing adequate findings regarding their

objectives. The accumulated data came from small domestic dogs as the subject

and their owners as the participants.

Concerning the global pandemic that affected the processes of the study,

the researchers will deal with a small population size from around their vicinity.

Following the Raosoft Software computation, having a population of 15 dog

owners with a ninety-five percent confidence level and a five percent margin of

error, 15 owners will be needed as the sample size that acts as the respondents

of the research study. As for the respondents, they are the ones who provided

the needed data regarding the parameters of the study. In response to the

demands for the data gathering procedure, purposive sampling is what the

researchers used. The respondents must qualify to the requirements to provide

the appropriate data.

B. Data Collection Approaches/ Strategies

Dogs and household chores share specific correlational values since the

dogs create pounds of waste and other substances that generally affect the

whole atmosphere. Purposely it also affects the time management of its owners.

So, the researchers conducted a study that would help the owner in cleaning,

wherein the invention of Wearable Dog Mops took place. With this problem, the
Bauan Technical High School
researchers decided to perform an experimental approach to address the two

variables (dog mops, household cleanliness.) 

For the Experimental method, the researchers examined the different

materials and fabrics that are possibly useful in crafting the product.

Experiments took place where the researchers test the properties of the

materials concerning the parameters of the study. These parameters generally

pertain to its durability and effectiveness in cleaning. Moreover, handling out

questionnaires took place in achieving the needed data for the different

parameters of the study. These survey forms were constructed in a positive form

wherein it helps the respondents to have an unbiased evaluation of its effects

and contribution.

C. Ethical Issues About Collection Upon the Subjects/Participants 

The researchers submitted a formal letter of request to the dog owners

asking their approval in using their dogs to take part in the processes of the

study. It explains the particular plans that they are going to encounter in the

process. Furthermore, it requests for the owner’s participation in the data

gathering procedure of the study by answering a survey form regarding their

experiences upon testing the product.

D. Materials and Procedures

1. Identifying and testing the appropriate materials for the Wearable

Dog Mop. The researchers examined the different materials such as

cotton strings and microfibers in terms of durability and effectiveness in

cleaning. In testing these items, the researchers performed a five-minute-

Bauan Technical High School
long mopping in concrete and tiles to see their efficiency. Then, the

materials were rinsed in clear water to see which one accumulated more

dirt and dust that will indicate its effectiveness in cleaning. Furthermore,

five rounds of washing the materials were performed, followed by the

inspection for any significant impacts of this to the materials that explain

the most durable material for the product. By the findings that the

researchers obtained in performing such activities, they were able to

identify the materials needed in crafting the product. 

2. Collecting the measurement data of the subject's body. The

researchers measured the body of the subject as their guide for the

design making of the product. They measured the significant parts of the

subject's body like the neck, limbs, and body. These data guided the

researchers in the crafting procedure considering the comfortability of the

product while it is in use. 

3. Constructing a design plan for the product. The researchers planned

the output itself by having sketches of the ideas for the product. It

generally focused on the structural design and physical appearance of

the garment. It also indicated the parts of the product and the materials

that the researchers used. 

4. Crafting the Wearable Dog Mop. Using the data and ideas collected and

constructed, the researchers produced a Wearable Dog Mop product for

dogs. It was made possible with the assistance of tailors with whom the
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researchers collaborated, discussing the product's details to achieve the

desired outcome.

5. Testing the product's performance. By finally having the output, it was

tried and tested with the help of the research's subject. The researchers

analyze the effectiveness of the product guided by the parameters of the

study. It mainly focuses on the usage of the product in improving

household cleaning and resolving pet-keeping issues.

E. Data Analysis Approaches and/or Software

Evaluation of the gathered data of the study "Wearable Clothing Mops

For Dogs: An Interactive Connection Between Playtime and Cleanliness" took

place for a better understanding of the findings of the research. These data were

from the different experimental trials and surveying processes conducted by the

researchers in identifying the variables in making the final output and the

evaluation of the product itself. Moreover, the study's evaluation intended to

analyze the effectiveness of the Wearable Dog Mop in terms of improving

household cleaning and resolving pet-keeping issues.

The researchers used a descriptive analysis in summarizing and

describing the gathered experimental results and numeric statistics from the

survey. It discusses the properties of the variables concerning the study's

parameters, which serves as a foundation for determining what is best and

sufficient for the output. Furthermore, it also discusses the effects of the product

itself in different parameters covered by the study.

Bauan Technical High School 15

In the analysis of the numeric data gathered by the survey procedure of

the study, the researcher used statistical analysis for a better understanding of

the findings. Having the tallied responses from the participants, the researchers

computed the percentage. This indicates the significant factors in the

parameters of the study. Further, the mean of the data were also computed, it

express the product's performance concerning its effectiveness and durability in

resolving the issues in household chores and pet keeping. Following the formula

below, where X̅ is the weighted mean, w is the allocated value, and x is the

observed value.
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IV. Results, Findings, Interpretation, and Discussion

The researchers constructed tables in a better presentation of the results

accumulated from the data gathering process of the study. These tables are

comprised of data regarding the effects and contribution of Wearable Dog Mop

in different aspects of pet keeping.

1. Appropriate material to be used in the Wearable Dog Mop

The Accumulated Dust and Debris of the Materials from the Five-Minute-

Long Mopping

Cotton Strings Microfiber

Figure 1

By the experimentation conducted regarding the durability and

effectiveness of cotton strings and microfibers in cleaning, the researchers

discovered that after the five-minute-long mopping in floor surfaces, the

microfiber fabric exhibit excellent performance. It accumulated more dirt and

Bauan Technical High School
other particles, shown in the rinsed water from the materials, presented in

Figure 1. As for their durability, the researchers performed five rounds of

washing using a washing machine. After these, it shows a significant change to

the materials noticeable to the cotton strings, wherein it changed in texture by

having fluff of cloths in the bristle-like fabric of it. On the other hand, the

microfiber remains in its state and does not shows any significant change after

the procedure. As for the cheapness of the materials, the cotton string is much

cheaper than the other. A microfiber can cost up to double or triple the price of

the cotton string that shows a large amount of gap when it comes to their price.

These results were supported by Lombardo (2020) where he explained

that microfiber is made of synthetic materials and is a fine combination, allowing

bacteria, pollen, and soil to be trapped and kept within the fibers. Cotton, on the

other hand, pushes dirt and debris about rather than sweeping it up. Cotton can

also be a desirable home for odors and bacteria since it's made from recycled

materials. Regarding the cotton string mop head, one cotton string mop normally

lasts around 15-30 washes, while microfiber heads usually have a span of about

150-200 washes. Microfiber is more durable than cotton, therefore it lasts longer.

However, cotton holds up better than microfiber when bleach or acidic chemicals

are required. In terms of cheapness, cotton strings are cheaper and easily

crafted within household materials, while the microfiber is three times as

expensive as the cotton strings. But despite that, the durability of the microfiber

shows that it can stand up to more frequent washings and maintain

Bauan Technical High School 18

effectiveness longer. So, although the initial cost may appear high, microfiber's

durability and efficacy make it a worthwhile investment.

The researchers were guided by the results of the experimental

processes of the study in deciding the fabric that will be used in constructing the

Wearable Dog Mop. The product was designed and made using microfibers as

its fabric for it exhibit appropriateness to the purpose or the intent of the product.

The product design of the Wearable Dog Mop is shown in Figure 2.

Product Design for Wearable Dog Mop

Figure 2
Bauan Technical High School 19

2. The effects and contribution of Wearable Clothing Mops for Dogs in

terms of:

2.1. Household Cleaning

The Contribution and Change Brought By the Product (Wearable Dog Mop)

in Household Cleaning

Statements Weighted Verbal

mean interpretation

1 It helped in achieving a clean home while 3.73 SA

having a pet.

2 It helps in polishing the floor surfaces. 3.67 SA

3 It provides an easy way to get the chores done. 3.6 SA

4 It increases productivity in terms of house 3.53 SA


5 It lightens the responsibility of the pet keepers 3.47 SA

in terms of house cleaning.

6 It helps in accumulating dust and small debris. 3.33 SA

7 It exhibits durability that helps in long-term use. 3.27 SA

Composite Mean 3.51 SA

Table 1
Bauan Technical High School 20

Discussing the changes and contribution that the Wearable Dog Mop

provide, the results and findings where exhibited in the tabulated data above.

These explain the owner's experiences with the product serving its purpose in

helping in cleaning a household.

It implies that the product accommodated the pet owners in achieving a

clean home while keeping a pet, evidenced by a strong agreement from the

respondents. It indicates the fulfillment of the product in maintaining the

cleanliness of the surroundings. The garment's mop-like structure leads to

efficient cleaning of the floor, which contributes to these findings. Relative to this,

according to Johnstone (2019), although pets can be wonderful companions,

they can also impact negatively a household's cleanliness by leaving hair, feces

stains, droppings, or shavings in the most inconvenient places within a house. In

resolve to these, ensuring the pet's neatness will contribute to having a cleaner

home. Pet-keeping materials such as brushes, upholstery, and more importantly

dog clothes can assist owners in achieving a tidy environment.

Moreover, It also claimed that the product helped in terms of polishing

floor surfaces, having a strong agreement from the respondents. The material of

the product is what leads this result of the study. Using microfiber in most of the

lower part of the garment allows it to have contact and polish surfaces by having

friction. Validating this result, Jarrett (2020) explained that with all of the benefits

of owning a dog comes dirt and dog fur, which makes keeping a house tidy a

little more challenging. Regulating dog fur is the key that can be done with the

help of equipment such as a microfiber mop that can pick up hair, dirt, and
Bauan Technical High School
crumbs by rubbing or polishing floor surfaces. This supports the findings

because the product was made from this material (microfibers) that exhibit

excellent performance in cleaning a household.

The product also provides an easier way to get the chores done within a

household, with an interpretation of "Strongly Agree". Aside from the benefits

that the product impart in cleaning and the assistance brought by house

companions, having a lightweight material like microfiber also contributed to

making the cleaning procedure effortless. Reflecting on this finding, Brouwers

(2013) describes that microfiber mops, duster, and cloths are ergonomic in

household cleaning. They exhibit significant excellence in diminishing the

amount of time needed for a particular cleaning task. Because the material is

lighter and easier to maneuver, it is said to weigh less than a string mop,

reducing the strain of using it. It also removes many of the time-consuming

procedures associated with mopping. Relating to the study, the lightweight

characteristic of the product helped the subject for a comfortable maneuver that

contributes to having an easier way of fulfilling such cleaning activities.

Bauan Technical High School

2.2. Well-being of the Pet Keepers

The Contribution and Change Brought By the Product (Wearable Dog Mop)

to the Pet Keeper’s Well-being

Statements Weighted Verbal

mean interpretation

1 It helped the pet keepers to have a better 3.73 SA

relationship with their dog.

2 It contributed positively in terms of the time 3.67 SA

management of the pet keepers.

3 It satisfies the pet keepers whenever they see 3.67 SA

their pet using the product.

4 It helped the pet keepers to have time to relax. 3.53 SA

5 It helped in accumulating fur shedding that 3.4 SA

cause an allergic reaction.

6 It assists the pet keepers in achieving sanity. 3.27 SA

7 It helped in cleaning excretion such as saliva 3.2 A

that can cause infections.

Composite Mean 3.5 SA

Table 2
Bauan Technical High School
The Wearable Dog Mop was said to be beneficial to the pet keepers that 23

could help for a healthy and positive life. By the data gathered, the table

explains the contribution of the Wearable Dog Mop to the pet keepers in

achieving their well-being. Through the observations and gathering of

information conducted by the researchers among the respondents, they come

up with reliable data.

The findings indicate that the product assisted the pet keepers in having a

better relationship with their dog by being strongly agreed upon by the

respondents. It becomes a tool that creates a connection of care between dogs

and their owner. Also, it enhances the time and attention that the owners

dedicate to their pets.

Moreover, the product also contributed positively in terms of the pet

keeper's time management, this was reflected by the strong agreement from the

respondents. The mop takes care of a variety of petkeeping and home concerns

that coincide with owning a dog, particularly in terms of cleanliness, allowing

them to focus on other things. As a garment, it protects the dog's body from dust

and debris while also preventing fur from dispersing, which may be a problem for


Additionally, it is discovered that the product satisfies the petkeepers

whenever they see the product being used by their pet, affirmed by the strong

agreement of the respondents. The Wearable Dog Mop acts as an extra barrier

to keep sheddings hidden and away from possessions. It also promotes

hygiene, which is beneficial for both the owner's and pet's health. Also, it gives
Bauan Technical High School
relaxation to the pet keepers seeing their pet wearing a garment while 24

considering their comfortability. It also catches the attention of people and

provides an extra bonding activity.

These data were supported by Morales(2020) where he explains that pets

are also a part of a family that also needs attention and protection to make their

lives comfortable and healthy. Hygiene is important, and it can be beneficial if

one ensures that their pet follows proper sanitary guidelines. Since pets come

into touch with family members regularly, having them clean keeps a family

healthy that promotes a good relationship with each other. While the pets play

and roll over, dog clothes can contain the dirt from the ground. Hence keeping

them with less dirt, which enables them to stay clean, meaning they'll be having

fewer baths. This has a contribution in lessening the tasks and chores of the pet

keepers. With these benefits, clothing a pet has several advantages to the

owners and their pet creating a harmonious correlation. In addition to this, Icon

(2019) explains that dog clothes helped pet keepers in expressing love and care

to their pets. It provides a feeling of satisfaction when they can dress their dogs

in a fashion sense, prioritizing their comfort and safety. It also provides a

bonding experience that improves their eSngagement with each other.

Bauan Technical High School

2.3. Well-being of the Subjects

The Contribution and Change Brought By the Product (Wearable Dog Mop)

to the Subject’s Well-being

Statements Weighted Verbal

mean interpretation

1 The subject doesn't experience any injury in 3.6 SA

testing the product.

2 It contributes in ensuring the subject's 3.53 SA


3 It doesn't cause any skin irritation to the 3.47 SA


4 The subject doesn't display any signs of 3.4 SA

suffocation in using it.

5 It doesn't show any deformity within the dogs 3.33 SA


6 It protects the subject from sharp, pointy, or 3.2 A

other hazardous things.

7 It doesn’t exert toxic effects that could lead to 3.13 A


Composite Mean 3.38 SA

Bauan Technical High School
Table 3 26

The Wearable Dog Mop was thought to be beneficial to dogs who would

use it in such a manner that it would make a positive difference in their daily

lives. The tabulated data represents the results and findings of the changes and

contributions of the Wearable Dog Mop to the dog's well-being.

As can be gleaned from the data, it is noticeable that the subjects don't

experience any injury upon testing the product, affirmed by the strong

agreement from their owners. The right measurement of the piece of clothing is

a vital factor in choosing a garment for a pet. The right measurements in

significant parts of the garment provide comfort that avoids the occurrence of

injuries. Supporting this, SandraEric (2020) emphasizes that in choosing dog

clothes, aside from the fabric and budget, the size of the garment is also

important. Just like humans, fit is essential in terms of the clothing of dogs.

Measuring the dog's body or the apparel itself is vital in ensuring the safety and

comfortability of the clothes. It must incorporate with the significant structure of

the pet's body because tight outfits might lead to suffocation and might also

hinder their movements, whereas baggy or loose can make them trip or fall that

can trigger an injury.

Additionally, it was discovered that the product contributed to ensuring the

subject's neatness, evidenced by the strong agreement by the respondents. Dog

clothes block debris and dust from the surroundings that can accumulate by the

dog's fur. This is advantageous in ensuring the cleanliness of dogs and their
Bauan Technical High School
surroundings. It eliminates some issues experienced by the owners in terms of

the neatness of their pets. 27

Aside from dust and debris, the product also blocks harmful bacterias

such as allergens to pets. It is said that the product doesn't cause any skin

irritation to the subject, being strongly agreed upon by the respondents. Dog

clothes can also block particles that can bring infectious and allergic reactions

especially to dogs with sensitive skin. It also Shields their skin from other

substances like their saliva that can make contact with wounds.

Tenacious Little Terrier(2016) supports the study's findings by stating that

clothing can be beneficial to dogs for different intents. Aside from fashion,

visibility, and warmth, clothes for dogs also contributes to ensuring the dog's

cleanliness and health. Wearing clothes can restrict the accumulation of

unwanted particles in the body of the dogs. Additionally, it is said that small dogs

who are low to the ground are more prone to dust and debris attracted by their

fur, and having a clothing piece will prevent these from happening, for it will act

as a barrier of cover for the dog. As for the dog's health, clothing can aid allergy-

prone dogs by avoiding licking, chewing, and scratching, particularly to their

wounds and scratches. Moreover, it can provide a barrier between allergens and

hazardous things that can lead to infections.

Bauan Technical High School


3. The Product’s Effects to the Dog’s Activity

Statements Weighted Verbal

mean interpretation

1 It allows the pet to still be active even when 3.67 SA

wearing it.

2 It fits the dog’s body well especially in their 3.6 SA

neck and limbs area.

3 It doesn't affect the physical movements of the 3.6 SA

subject like walking and running. 

4 It doesn't trigger any negative behavior in the 3.47 SA


5 It shows elasticity that helps the subject's 3.47 SA


6 It shows comfortability to the subjects. 3.4 SA

7 The subject doesn't experience any stress upon 3.33 SA

testing it. 

Composite Mean 3.51 SA

Table 4
Bauan Technical High School 29

Wearable Dog Mop is designed to provide dogs a sense of security while

still providing comfort without interfering with their performance or everyday

activities. According to the assessed data regarding the dog's activity caused by

the product, The respondents strongly agreed that the product allows the pet to

be active even when wearing it. This implies that the product didn't interfere with

the typical performance of the dogs.

Next, it states that the product fits the dogs especially the limb and neck

area of their body, which is being strongly agreed upon by the respondents. This

shows that the product has the right sizing for the subject's body. It ensures the

proportion of the holes and length of the garment used in the product.

Moreover, it does not affect the physical movements of the subject,

evidenced by the strong agreement of the respondents. The product didn't

hinder the subjects from their routine like walking or running in different parts of

the household. It explains that the product doesn't bind the dog's body that may

lead to a disturbance in their movements.

Supporting this data, according to Sandra Eric (2020), aside from style

and fashion sense, different factors are needed to consider in buying or using

dog clothes. It is emphasized that the right fitting of the garment on the dog's

body is essential. The clothes must not be too tight because it might be a cause

of suffocation and a hindrance to their movement. Aside from this, baggy clothes

may cause the pet to slip or fall, that's why the sizing is a factor that must be

considered to ensure the pet's comfortability.

Bauan Technical High School


4. The Difference Brought by the Wearable Dog Mop Compared from the

Traditional Way of Cleaning

Yes No

It provides an easier way of mopping and

100% 0%
polishing the floor surfaces.

It eliminates the hassle of other activities

associated with mopping (cleaning of 80% 20%


Table 5

The Wearable Dog Mop was viewed to help the owners by formulating a

new way of doing household chores than an ordinary mop. The table was

presented comprising the data regarding the difference brought by the Wearable

Dog Mop comparing with the traditional way of cleaning. It states that the

product provides an easier way of mopping and polishing floor surfaces to the

owners. Additionally, the hassle of the activities or tasks that are associated with

mopping was eliminated. Because nearly all of the respondents agreed with

these statements, the product was thought to make a significant contribution to

Bauan Technical High School 31

The product's structure and fabric were the factors that increased its

effectiveness in fulfilling its purpose. Reflecting on Lombardo (2020), it was

stated that microfiber can trap and hold bacteria, dust, and dirt witShin its actual

fibers, removing far more microbes than other mopping products. Moreover, it is

easy to maneuver, and very effective in cleaning both small and large areas.

Further, It can easily be laundered after each use without worrying about it to

shed because it can withstand repeated washing.

5. The Difference in the Time Management of Owners Caused by the

Wearable Dog Mop

Yes No

It eliminates the disturbance regarding the

dust, fur sheddings, and small debris from 86.7% 13.3%

time to time.

It helps to focus on accomplishing things

100% 0%
other than mopping the floor.

It helps the owners to have a quality time

100% 0%
with their pet.

Table 6
Bauan Technical High School 32

Aside from the benefits to the dogs, the Wearable Dog Mop is also

thought to help owners perform better in their daily lives. The figure discusses

the difference in the time management of owners caused by the product. Out of

all the respondents, the majority of them observed that the product eliminates

their disturbance regarding the dust, fur, sheddings, and small debris from time

to time. Further, they totally agreed that the product helped them to focus on

accomplishing things other than mopping the floor, and also it provides quality

time to the owners to bond with their pet. The factor that affects the findings is

the material of the product, which is the microfiber fabric. It helps to clean

surfaces easily and effectively while not consuming the majority of the owner's

time. Because of this, the owners can focus on different things like bonding and

building connections with their pets.

Reinforcing these findings, Lombardo (2020) stated that microfiber can

easily trap bacteria, pollen, and soil within its fibers. This is a great characteristic

for a cleaning material in that it can effectively sweep off dirt and debris from

floor surfaces. Moreover, Brouwers (2013) also backed this up by explaining that

microfibers are time effective and efficient to use. It reduces the amount of time

needed in accomplishing chores specifically mopping because it is easy to

maneuver. It enhances the cleanliness and hygiene of the surroundings, and

also it is discovered that the material boosts a person's productivity by 18%.

Bauan Technical High School


V. Conclusion, Recommendation, and Application

Upon analyzing the results and findings of the data gathered, the researchers

were able to draw the following conclusions:

1. Microfiber was the appropriate material to be used in the product because it

excels in durability and efficiency in cleaning.

2.1. The Wearable Dog Mop excels at dealing with household problems,

especially those that are associated with dog keeping, such as fur and dirt.

2.2. The Wearable Dog Mop helps achieve a harmonious relationship between

the owners and their pets. It gives a feeling of satisfaction and ease in time


2.3. The Wearable Dog Mop contributes positively to achieving the well-being of

the dogs, ensuring their neatness and safety, by lowering their contact with

allergens and dirt.

3. The product doesn’t trigger any negative effects that may hinder the dog’s

everyday activity.

4. The product provides a difference compared to traditional mopping, wherein it

provides an easier way not only in the process of cleaning floor surfaces but also

in sanitizing the cleaning material itself.

Bauan Technical High School
5. The Wearable Dog Mop brought a difference to the time management of the

pet keepers. It helped them to focus on other things and build a stronger

connection with their pet. 

Guided by the data gathered in the study and the conclusions drawn from

these, the following recommendations are offered. 34

1. Compare microfibers with other new materials in constructing the product

concerning its comfortability, antibacterial aspect, and effectiveness in cleaning.

2. Have a proper process of introducing the product to the owners and more

importantly to the subjects.

3. Have at least one week of evaluation with the product's effects and

contributions within a household. 

4. Parallel studies should be conducted regarding the appropriateness of the

Wearable Dog Mop concerning the environmental climate. 

5. Conduct an aligned research to validate the findings by having subjective data

regarding the contribution and effects of the product on the dog owners.


The Wearable Dog Mop is a clothing piece for dogs that can act as a cleaning

mop for sanitizing and polishing floor surfaces. It can be beneficial to both

humans and dogs in terms of pet keeping and household cleaning. This is

beneficial in eliminating the everyday issues that pet-keepers experienced, more

specifically in the regulation of the dispersion of fur. Microfiber was used as the

main fabric of it which exhibits durability and effectiveness in cleaning. It can

accumulate dust, debris, and especially excretions from dogs, such as fur
Bauan Technical High School
sheddings. With the help of this research that tackles the effects and significant

contribution of the product in different aspects, the researchers hope to provide

a creative and innovative resolve to pet keeping and household issues. It sought

to aid the coexistence of a clean home and pets that would build a good

relationship between humans and dogs. 35

Reference Page

Aguirre, S. (2021, March 2). How to Keep Your Mop Sanitary. Retrieved April 12,
2021, from https://www.thespruce.com/keep-mop-clean-sanitary-

Alsco. (2018, April 05). The differences between dry and wet mops. Retrieved
April 12, 2021, from https://alsco.com/2018/04/05/differences-dry-wet-

Arford, K. (2020, October 20). 10 science-based benefits of having a dog.

Retrieved March 29, 2021, from

AVMA. (2018). U.S. pet Ownership statistics. Retrieved March 30, 2021, from

Brouwers, M. (2013, February 06). 4 benefits of Microfiber cleaning technology.

Retrieved May 29, 2021, from https://commercialjanitorialservices.ca/4-

Burry, M. (2021, April 15). The 9 best MOPS of 2021. Retrieved April 16, 2021,
from https://www.thespruce.com/best-mops-to-buy-4137101

CDC. (2019, May 06). 8 zoonotic DISEASES shared between animals and
people of most concern in the U.S. Retrieved March 30, 2021, from

Cohut, M. (2018, August 26). Dogs: Our best friends in sickness and in health.
Retrieved April 21, 2021, from
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Combiths, S. (2021, February 15). There's a difference between a DRY mop and
a WET Mop - but you really only need one. Retrieved April 12, 2021, from

Haviland L. (2020, February 14). 'The incredible dr. Pol': What is the vet's
favorite Dog Breed? Retrieved April 15, 2021, from
the-vets-favorite-dog-breed.html/ 36

Heinl, A. (2018, October 24). When was the Mop INVENTED? And 5 more fun
facts to make you think about cleaning. Retrieved April 13, 2021, from

Icon, S. (2019, March 27). 5 reasons why your dog should wear clothes.
Retrieved May 29, 2021, from

Jarrett, K. (2020, July 09). My five favorite tips for keeping a CLEANER home
with dogs (and Kids!). Retrieved May 11, 2021, from

Johnstone, G. (2019, September 20). How to keep your house clean with indoor
pets. Retrieved May 11, 2021, from https://www.thesprucepets.com/how-

Lee, N. (2019, September 9). 4 reasons why you Should MOP your Floor
Regularly. Retrieved April 15, 2021, from https://leifheit.sg/blogs/leifheit-

Lombardo, J. (2020, March 9). The cotton string mop vs microfiber mop:
Commercial floor cleaning. Retrieved May 12, 2021, from

Morales, M. (2020, June 11). Why clothing your pets is so important. Retrieved
May 12, 2021, from https://www.petplay.com/blogs/tips/why-clothing-your-

Pendry, P., & Vandagriff, J. L. (2019, June 12). Animal visitation Program (avp)
Reduces cortisol levels of UNIVERSITY Students: A randomized controlled
trial. Retrieved March 29, 2021, from
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Pillai, S. (2016, October 14). Being a pet owner comes with big responsibilities &
it's about time people start taking it seriously. Retrieved March 29, 2021,
from https://www.scoopwhoop.com/Being-A-Pet-Owner-Comes-With-Big-

Sam. (2020, May 04). Difference between dry mopping and wet mopping.
Retrieved April 12, 2021, from https://floorcarekits.com/difference-between-
dry-mopping-and-wet-mopping/ 37

SandraEric. (2020, December 29). 5 tips for picking the best Dog Clothes.
Retrieved May 30, 2021, from

Tenacious Little Terrier. (2016, January 14). Do dogs really need Clothing? Five
reasons why your DOG benefits From clothes. Retrieved May 10, 2021,
from https://tenaciouslittleterrier.com/2016/01/14/do-dogs-really-need-

Wei-Haas, M. (2021, February 10). Dogs are even more like us than we thought.
Retrieved April 21, 2021, from
Bauan Technical High School


Request Letter to the Pet Owners

MAY 1, 2021

To The Respondents

Good day!

We are G12 students currently working on a research capstone project

under the Work Immersion subject - STEM. This study is entitled "WEARABLE


PLAYTIME AND CLEANLINESS." which promotes the coexistence of pets and

a clean home. It is all about the concept of having a clothing piece for dogs that

also acts as a cleaning mop. In fulfillment of the study's objectives, the

researchers would like to ask your permission to participate in the data gathering

procedure alongside your dog. The dogs will serve as the subject for the study,

where it will test the created product (Wearable Dog Mop) for several hours. It is

easy for the researchers to learn about the experiences of the dog owners with

the Wearable Dog Mop by being able to evaluate and try it out.
Bauan Technical High School
We humbly request for a partial part of your time and be able to respond

to this questionnaire. The researchers guarantee to take good care of the

personal information that you will provide. The data collected will be presented

anonymously, ensuring the safety of the participant's identities. The responses

that you will provide will profoundly contribute to the outcome of this research


Thank you for your time, effort, and cooperation in partaking in the

processes of this study. Also, we appreciate all of your responses containing

your experiences upon testing the product.

Truly yours,

The Researchers

Noted by:


Bauan Technical High School


Questionnaire Form




Directions: The following statements show the effects and contribution of the

product "Wearable Mop" in household cleaning. Be able to assess

each of these bases on your experiences upon testing the product.

In answering, be guided by the options:

4-Strongly Agree 3-Agree 2-Disagree 1- Strongly Disagree

ITEMS 4 3 2 1

1. It helps in accumulating dust and small debris.

2. It helps in polishing the floor surfaces.

3. It increases productivity in terms of house cleaning.

4. It exhibits durability that helps in long-term use.

5. It provides an easy way to get the chores done.

6. It helped in achieving a clean home while having a pet.

Bauan Technical High School
7. It lightens the responsibility of the pet keepers in terms

of house cleaning.




Directions: The statements below explain the contribution of the "Wearable

Mop" to the pet keepers in achieving their well-being. Assess these

items based on what you feel in testing the product. Be guided by

the options:

4-Strongly Agree 3-Agree 2-Disagree 1- Strongly Disagree

ITEMS 4 3 2 1

1. It helped in accumulating fur shedding that cause an

allergic reaction.

2. It helped in cleaning excretion such as saliva that can

cause infections.

3. It satisfies the pet keepers whenever they see their pet

using the product.

4. It assists the pet keepers in achieving sanity.

Bauan Technical High School
5. It helped the pet keepers to have a better relationship

with their dog.

6. It contributed positively in terms of the time management

of the pet keepers.

7. It helped the pet keepers to have time to relax.





Directions: The presented statements below indicate the contributions and

changes brought by the "Wearable Mop" to the subject's well-

being. Be able to assess these items by your experiences as their

keeper and observations upon them testing the product. Be guided

by the options:

4-Strongly Agree 3-Agree 2-Disagree 1- Strongly Disagree

ITEMS 4 3 2 1
1. The subject doesn't display any signs of suffocation in

using it.

2. The subject doesn't experience any discomfort upon

testing it.

3. The subject doesn't experience any injury in testing the

Bauan Technical High School
4. It doesn't affect the physical movements of the subject.

5. It protects the subject from sharp, pointy, or other

hazardous things.

6. It contributes in ensuring the subject's neatness.

7. It doesn't cause any skin irritation to the subject.




Directions: The presented statements below indicate the effects brought by the

"Wearable Mop" to the dog’s activity. Be able to assess these

items by your experiences as their keeper and observations upon

them testing the product. Be guided by the options:

4-Strongly Agree 3-Agree 2-Disagree 1- Strongly Disagree

ITEMS 4 3 2 1

1. It fits the dog’s body well especially in their neck and limbs


2. It allows the pet to still be active even when wearing it.

3. It doesn't trigger any negative behavior in the subject. 

4. It shows comfortability to the subjects.

5. It doesn't affect the physical movements of the subject like

walking and running. 

Bauan Technical High School
6. The subject doesn't experience any stress upon testing it. 

7. It shows elasticity that helps the subject's movements. 




Directions: These questions examine the significant changes brought by the

product. Be able to answer each item with honesty and deep


Statement Yes No

1. Does it provides an easier way of mopping and

polishing floor surfaces?

2. Does it eliminates the hassle of washing your cleaning


3. Does it eliminates your disturbance regarding the

dust, fur sheddings, and small debris from time to time?

4. Does it helps you to focus on accomplishing things

other than mopping the floor?

Bauan Technical High School
5. Does it helps you in having quality time with your pet?


Curriculum Vitae

Name: Ramos, Carrel Jean P.

Address: Santa Rita, Tambobong Batangas City

Contact No.: 09274771711

Email Address: carreljeanramos@gmail.com

Personal Background

Nickname: CJ

Age: 18

Birthday: February 25, 2003

Birthplace:Batangas City, Batangas

Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Gender: Male
Bauan Technical High School
Civil Status: Single

Mother’s Name: Lorie P. Ramos

Father’s Name: Reymund C. Ramos

Educational Background

Senior High School Bauan Technical High School

Poblacion 1, Bauan, Batangas


Secondary Bauan Technical High School

Poblacion 1, Bauan, Batangas


Primary U.P. Ed. Montessori

Bolbok, Batangas City

Bauan Technical High School

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Arcoirez, Alyssa M.

Address: P6 Santa Rita Karsada, Batangas City

Contact No.: 09157404281

Email Address: arcoirezalyssa20@gmail.com

Personal Background

Nickname: Yesha

Age: 18

Birthday: May 20, 2003

Birthplace:Santa Rita, Batangas City

Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Gender: Female

Civil Status: Single

Bauan Technical High School
Mother’s Name: Aida M. Arcoirez

Father’s Name: Leodegario C. Arcoirez

Educational Background

Senior High School Bauan Technical High School

Poblacion 1, Bauan, Batangas


Secondary Bauan Technical High School

Poblacion 1, Bauan, Batangas


Primary CENTEX Batangas

Aplaya, Bauan, Batangas

Bauan Technical High School

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Salamat, Sherwin C.

Address: Santa RIta, Batangas City

Contact No.: 09196272824

Email Address: Sherwinsalamat2@gmail.com

Personal Background

Nickname: Sherwin

Age: 18

Birthday: November 2, 2002

Birthplace: Batangas City

Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Gender: Male

Civil Status: Single

Bauan Technical High School
Mother’s Name: Teresita C. Salamat

Father’s Name: Ernesto M. Salamat

Educational Background

Senior High School Bauan Technical High School

Poblacion 1, Bauan, Batangas


Secondary Santa Rita National High School

Santa Rita, Batangas City


Primary Santa Rita Elementary School

Santa Rita, Batangas City

Bauan Technical High School

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Solanoy, Cymone Ernest M.

Address: Ayala Pob. 140 San Pascual, Batangas

Contact No.: 09260856854 / 7814210

Email Address: solanoycymone@gmail.com

Personal Background

Nickname: Cy / Mon

Age: 18

Birthday: February 27, 2002

Birthplace: Looc, Romblon

Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Christian Born Again

Gender: Male

Civil Status: Single

Bauan Technical High School
Mother’s Name: Mary Joyce M. Solanoy

Father’s Name: Patrick Benedict G. Solanoy

Educational Background

Senior High School Bauan Technical High School

Poblacion 1, Bauan, Batangas


Secondary Quirino National High School

Molave, P3 Quezon City, 1102 Metro Manila


Technological Institute of the Philippines

363 Pascual Casal St, Quiapo, 1001 Metro Manila


Primary Quirino Elementary School

Anonas, P2 Quezon City, Metro Manila


Mayfield Montessori

26Malingap, Diliman, Quezon City, 1101Metro Manila


Teacher’s Village Montessori

114 Teacher’s Village Philcoa, Quezon City

Bauan Technical High School

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