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Final Assessment (30 marks)

Exam Time: 60 minutes (11: 30 am – 12:30 pm)

 Please submit your converted pdf file within 15 minutes after the exam. Late submission
implies deduction of 10 points.
 Mention your name, ID and page numbers.
 Use pen, NOT pencil to write your answers.

If similar pattern of calculation is found, ALL scripts will be assigned with 0 Point.

Question 1 (3 marks)
Assume you did a survey of 100 firms and found that on average, these firms contribute $226.21 per
month for each employee's provident fund. If almost all employees at these firms receive a health
insurance contribution between $193.21 and $259.2, and assuming a bell-shaped distribution, what is the
approximate standard deviation value?

Question 2

Create a box plot based on the following data. Comment on skewness. (4 marks = 2+2)

90 85 60 75 110 130 190 200 115 120 50 70

Question 3 (3 marks)
A research on phone calls was conducted by a leading telecom operator in Bangladesh. From the
study it has been observed that the length of the calls (minutes) follows the normal probability
distribution. The mean length of time per call was 4.2 minutes and the standard deviation was
0.60 minute. (Draw normal probability distribution)
a. What is the probability that calls last more than 6 minutes? (1)
b. What is the probability that calls last between 5 and 6 minutes? (1)
c. What is the probability that calls last between 4 and 6 minutes? (1)
Question 4 (10 marks)
In a manufacturing plant, each product is rated as A001, B002 or C003 with respect to its
category. Each product is also rated with respect to its weight – either overweight, satisfactory
or underweight. These characteristics for the product were cross-classified into the following
Product type Overweight Satisfactory Underweight
A001 18 12 22
B002 44 60 45
C002 90 72 135

a. What is the probability a product selected will be overweight given that the product type is
B002. (2)
b. Construct a tree diagram showing all the probabilities, conditional and joint probabilities. (8)

Question 5 (10 marks)

A small homemade bakery shop produces cakes and home delivers to its customers every day.
The table below shows the cumulative probability distribution function that estimates the
probability of the number of orders made every day. (1+1+1+4+2+1 = 10 marks)

Number of 0 1 2 3 4 5
Cumulative 0.25 0.35 0.5 0.7 0.8 1

a) The probability the bakery receives at least 2 orders.

b) The probability the bakery receives no less than 3 orders.

c) The probability the bakery receives at most 4 orders.

d) Find the mean and standard deviation of the number of orders processed. (Be brief)

e) What does this mean and standard deviation value imply?

f) If each cake is sold at $9, what will be the distortions of revenue in a typical day?

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