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Answer to the question no: 1

There are 4 tiers withinside the product existence cycle, particularly the creation, increase,
maturity, and declining segment. The vehicle enterprise in Bangladesh, because of the growing
disposable earnings of the people, ban on uploading reconditioned automobiles, and Government`s
preferential obligation shape for homegrown vehicle manufacturers, have long gone from the
creation segment to the increase segment. Marketing blend for Honda:
Product approach: As Toyota has the maximum outstanding logo awareness, on the way to
competing. Honda has to recognize on capabilities. New panoramic sunroof, higher sound system,
higher parking sensors are a few capabilities that Honda can recognize on the way to beat rival
Pricing: Honda should adopt a pricing method based solely on purchase cost. Full value pricing
is nothing more than a pricing approach that specializes only in the fees charged by the buyer of a
supplier or product. This is purely based on how buyers charge for services or products and how
they find them really worth buying. Penetration pricing is completely unsuitable for the auto
business in Southeast Asia, as the case of Tata Nano shows.
Promotion: For promotion, special channels should be used to reach customers from unusual
demographic groups. To reach millennials, who have just moved into mid-level leadership
positions and can afford their first cars, an all-inclusive advertising campaign Both social media
can be successful. Alternatively, car reviewers can be called upon for unbeatable products.
Strategic partnerships with banks can provide potential customers with zero-interest EMI facilities,
thereby increasing sales. In Bangladesh, factors that consumer consider before buying a car are
resale cost and ease of maintenance. Miles and icons. So, all printed and displayed media should
try to really show how Honda is different from different manufacturers in these areas. In creating
a brand-new release segment, an informative tone should be used. During the maturity phase, the
ads confirm how the car outperforms the competition in the stage to be run. During the decline,
competitive discounts should be offered and ads run to remind people of the afterlife of the glory
and milestones of a particular release.
Place: For distribution, a specific delivery system must be used, just as its mileage is correctly
used today, must be used. As Honda cars come out with more advanced technology, so it requires
skilled staff to provide good cars so that the logo fee does not decrease any further. For a particular
distribution, a specific affiliate business can be selected to determine which one best fits Honda's
corporate culture.
Ans to the question no: 2
1. ULAB: Bangladesh's low market share can be seen as a question mark due to its medium to high
growth potential in private higher education and low awareness.
2. Meena Bazar: The outlook for the supermarket industry in Bangladesh is improving with the
rise of an urban middle class and affluent consumers. Due to its high market share (Rohimafroz
has already sold out its branches) as well as the strong growth potential of the industry, Meena
Bazar can be classified as a star.
3. Gemon City: Real estate in Bangladesh is a mature market. The market has moderate growth
potential and the company's market share is low, so it can be called a question mark.
4. Gemcon fisheries: Fishing in Bangladesh has a lot of potential for export. Therefore, the growth
potential of the market is very high. After analyzing the data obtained from the Dhaka Stock
Exchange, we can conclude that the company is doing well and has a medium to high market share.
Thus, a company can be classified as a star.
5. Garments: Bangladesh is considered as one of the largest RMG exporters along with Vietnam
and China. However, the growth potential of this market in the near future is at medium to low
level. The company's small market share in this area makes it a question mark.
Answer to the question no: 3
Porter's five powers to analyze Dhaka's express delivery industry are as follows:
1. Threat of new entrants the threat of courier companies entering the current market is relatively
high. Indeed, the entry of new companies puts pressure on existing firms to steal market share.
Barriers to entry are low, and brand loyalty and absolute cost advantages over existing businesses
are not important factors. The initial capital investment is low and the government lacks
regulations and laws for courier companies. 2. Buyers' bargaining power is high because of the
large number of customers, fierce competition, low switching costs, and high customer demand.
3. Bargaining power of suppliers Since services are standardized, the bargaining power of
suppliers is very weak. In addition, backward integration also plays a role in reducing the
bargaining power of suppliers. Of course, even economically oriented courier companies willing
to buy materials to run their business buy in bulk from one of their suppliers.
4. Threat of Substitutes In logistics such as Dhaka courier service, customers tend to choose other
courier companies over switching to other companies due to the volume of products. Low
substitution and low switching costs.
5. The profit margin of the competitive shipping industry is considered to be very high, so the
number of competitors in the shipping industry is large. Due to the high growth rate of the industry,
it is unlikely that you will withdraw from the industry. Due to the unknown customer base profile,
there are very few competitors migrating to new customers.

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