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2021 EDITION cagayan de oro City, Philippines AUTOCAD ESSENTIALS ie AUTOCAD WORKBOOK Authors: Roldan Agosto Ermita Carmel Estrabas Cervantes Romel Mendoza Eltanal Student’s Name: —— eee Course and Year: Se Schedule/Time: Semester/School Year: SS eee Instructor: USTP - GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT AutoCAD Essentials CONTENTS Page Introduction Be ye = : Eee BuO aly 1 Launching AutoCAD - Be _ = : 2: | The AutoCAD Screen > 4 i - - - - - 3 How to Display Menu Bar i - - - - - 5 Basic AutoCAD Terminology, 7 - - - - 6 \ Function Keys - = = = & 8 Starting a Drawing - = - - - 9 \ Understanding the X,Y Coordinate System - - - AAs | Angular Measurement - - ? = te 12 | Drawing Commands = - - - - 15 Line Exercise - > - - - 17 Polyline Exercise - - - - = 20 Circle Exercise = . a = I 5 24 Arc Exercise 26 Object Snaps 30 USTP - GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT pan CONTENTS Zooming and Panning * - i \ ‘ ae Making Changes to AutoCAD Objects - Array Exercise £ Editing with Grips LayeringTechniques - = - Multiline Text Bests oe Dimensioning - < 2 Hatching Techniques = - - Printing Your Drawing r - Projects - - e AutoCAD Essentials Page * ~ 31 Perse mite 87, oie B45) ait: AT: | - - 49 ~eamcecesg: cant

Start -> AutoCAD 2020 > AutoCAD 2020. You can Also double-click AutoCAD 2020 icon on your Windows Desktop. 2. The opening greeting, called a splashed screen, tells you which version of AutoCAD you are using, to whom the program is registered, and the AutoCAD dealers name and phone number, should you need help. After the splash screen closes, you see the AutoCAD window with a blank default document named Drawing1.dwg as shown in Figure 1. ® WE NOLLVOIAWN ANN GNVWWOD -- Noo! Son ~~ SUIWHSSOUI— --~XO8)IId ee MIA -~ WETOOL ALadOUd 7 NOSSlY oe Jes Dyess ONIvYa—~_YYEIOOL ssoy YON ~~ YVS1001 Nollvoriddy~ NASx49S GVOOLNY SHL ININLAVdIG SIIHdVUS - dLS/N USTP - GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT. AutoCAD Essentials Button - This button displays commands for printing, saving, drawing utilities and other non-drawing tools. Quick Access Toolbar - This is for quick access to common commands like New, Open, Save, Plot Filename - The name of the current file you are working on. Search Bar - Search for text in your drawing or search the help files. Ribbon - The Ribbon has most of the commands/tools that you will use while you are working. Tabs - A series of Tabs make up the Ribbon (Home, Insert, Manage, etc) and organize the Tools into common groups. Panels - Contain a group of tools Tools - These are the icons that start the commands you use to draw, modify, etc. Tool Tip - If you hover your mouse over a tool, a tool tip will appear to give you more information. Hold it longer for more info. Drawing Space - These is where you draw your designs. Command line - When you type a command, you will see it here. AutoCAD uses this space to 'prompt' you for information. It will give you a lot of information and tell you where you are in the command. Watch this line while learning. Status bar - This allows to see and change different modes of drawing such as Ortho, Osnaps, Grid, Otrack, etc. You can right click this area to toggle between icons and text for this area. Tool Palette - Collection of tools in one area that can be organized into common categories. ® IY are Moaeling 4 Une kay * Consiuction ine Mutaine iC Beene SP ar Ae ct ce Potine i E 30 Poyine You can also type at the Command prompt, enter MENUBAR. Enter 1 to display the menu bar. USTP - GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT AutoCAD Essentials i BASIC AutoCAD Terminology Absolute co-ordinates |A way of inputting points based on AutoCAD's origin. [This is the default template that automatically loads whenever you! Acad.dwt “ | [start a drawing session. It can be customized to suit your needs. | Associated Dimensions that are associated with specific points will update as Dimensioning _|that point is moved. ‘AutoCAD can be set to automatically backup your drawing and Backup file [save it. This is a safeguard in case your file gets corrupted. It is lsaved with a .BAK extension = Block |A pre-drawn image you can insert in your drawing to save time and make your file size smaller. Crosshairs This is your cursor when it is in the drawing space. Cursor ‘our cursor will change depending on where it is in the program. |An AutoCAD drawing file is actually one large database containing | Database lall the information needed to reproduce the objects when the file lis opened. Info for layers and linetypes, etc are stored in this janner. : ‘AutoCAD uses a large number of dialog boxes to get information Dialog box from you. You must know how input the information that it asks | for. Drawing template file IThis is a file that contains preset values for frequently used Isettings. AKA a prototype drawing. The file extension is DWT. [The outer boundaries of the objects you have drawn. lelectrical) on a single layer and organize your drawing. Extents : his is pattern of dots displayed on the screen to guide you. It can Gata be toggled on and off by pressing the F7 key. | Grips ‘small ‘handles’ on objects that allow for quick editing. ‘ay lall objects are drawn ona layer. You can group objects (suchas Layout Tabs More Info IA space used for plotting your drawings (formerly called Paper Space). ie ae IA setting to impose an ‘artificial’ boundary on your drawing that | Limits (Grid) sets the area of the grid, and when turned on, limits you to \drawing in the grid area. Linet [All objects are drawn with a particular linetype. Examples would be meee Isolid, center, dashed, etc. cca oe Model space [The drawing space where you ‘model the objects. e Modify IA generic term used for changing your objects Object |Any item that is in the AutoCAD database. Also known as an entity. Origin ‘The (0,0) point of your current co-ordinate system. iI © USTP - GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT. AutoCAD Essentials Ortho mode | Osnap - Object snap [This is a method of ‘snapping’ to certain, precise points onan IThis is a drawing mode that allows you to draw only perpendicular lines, It is toggled on and off by pressing the F8 key. jobject. Path [The specific folder where AutoCAD looks for, or saves files. Property [To select an object by ‘left-clicking' on it. [Also known as print. To make a hard copy of your drawing. ‘Away of inputting points based on distance and angle. iny specific characteristic of an object such as layer, scale, llinetype, start point, etc. | Relative co-ordinates 'A way of inputting points based on a starting point. Selection set he current group of objects selected for modifying. Snap [This is a drawing mode that allows you to snap your cursor to lprecise points laid out in a grid pattern. Toggle with the F9 key. | Styles User co-ordinate system (UCS) [Formatting that defines the look of text, dimensions, etc. Modifications made to the World Co-ordinate System (WCS) [results in a User Co-ordinate System (UCS) View ‘A particular area of your drawing. Viewport [A separate ‘window’ on your drawing. You may have more than lone viewport visible to see different areas of your drawing at the \same time. Wizard More Info |An easy step-by-step instruction set to help you set-up certain laspects of your drawing. World Co-ordinate System (WCS) ‘This is the common X-Y co-ordinate system that is the default. If it lis modified, it becomes a User co-ordinate System (UCS) Zoom [To view either a smaller section of your drawing (zoom in) or a larger section (zoom out) AutoCAD Essentials USTP - GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT FUNCTION KEYS Turns Object Snap tracking on/off- Turns Polar tracking on/off ~~, Turns snap on/off ( or Ctrl B) ~. ESC Turns Ortho on/off (or Ctrl) , Turns grid on/off (or ctrl+G), f F4 || F2 || F3 ||| Fé || FS Fé | FT ||| F8 Fo [FA0) Fail] ~ | | \cturns coordinates display on/off (or Ctrl+D) \ Toggles through isometric mode of top,right { ‘and left isoplane \ Turns tablet mode on/off (or CTRL +T) Turns Dynamic Input on/off - y-Cancel command ‘= Turns OSNAP on/off Deselect selection ~ Button functions of a Mouse Object Selection Zoom Drawing ; Customization to _-— Improve Productivity Specification USTP - GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT AutoCAD Essentials STARTING A DRAWING Starting Your First Drawing You will start by opening the Create New Drawing dialog box. This dialog box helps new users setup drawings quickly. Follow these steps: Now let's create a new file: 4. Choose Quick Access Toolbar —> Click NEW to open the SELECT TEMPLATE dialog box or select file at Menu bar and click new. Creates a blank drawing file ES Open Sheet Set... My ©) Load Markup Set... Ga cose [-Ifop Partial Load | Gan QNEW Press F1 for more help 2. Choose Quick Access Toolbar -> Click NEW to open the SELECT TEMPLATE dialog box. asad a — « ro eA we tes Ty] Name Prenew etna oe | | i sewer | Bamties recon | Bieteetersncoon (Bra, Bhacoats0-Named Pg Ses =< Brwora-inenan Bren awigem acad.dwt Imperial Systam Bituorarmacut Bieetensome ~-acadiso.dwt > Metric System i« 5 > | | ene | rectors: fig I cL) Pies stves —[DeaniegTampiin ad S| acest @) USTP - GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT. AutoCAD Essentials 3. Click OPEN. A new drawing file appears in the AutoCAD window. 4. From the menu bar, choose VIEW >> ZOOM > ALL. This ensures that your display covers the entire drawing area. 5. To give your new file a unique name, choose File-> SAVE AS to open the SAVE Drawing As dialog box. 6. Type the file name. As you type, the name appears in the File Name text box. 7. Click SAVE. Tipe * You can also use AutoCAD STARTUP command with a value of <1>. Guu asl * — Oryou can create your own template files. USTP - GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT AutoCAD Essentials Understanding the X,Y Coordinates System Everything that you draw in AutoCAD is exact. It will be more accurate than you will aver need It to be. All objects drawn on the screen are placed there based on a simple GY coordinate system. In AutoCAD this is known as the World Coordinate System (WCS). You must understand this how to put things where you want them. Below is a diagram showing you how this system works. : Here is how it works: AutoCAD uses points to determine where an object is located. There is an origin where it begins counting from. This point is (0,0). Every object is located in relation to the origin. If you were to draw a line straight out to the right from the origin, this would be considered the positive X-axis. If you were to draw a line straight up, this would be the positive Y-axis. The picture above shows a point located at (9,6). This means that the point is 9 units over in the X-axis and 6 units up in the Y-axis. When you are working with points, X always comes first. The other point shown is (-10,-5). This means that the point is 10 units in the negative X-axis (left) and 5 units in the negative Y-axis (down). (a) USTP - GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT AutoCAD Essentials Angular Measurement AutoCAD measures angles in a particular way also. Look at the diagram below and then place your mouse on it to see how this is done. 90° 180° 270" measuring the angle from 0 degrees, which is at the it would go straight up. The example above (when When drawing lines at an angle, you have to bi 3 o'clock position. If you drew a line at 90 degrees, you move your mouse over it) shows a line drawn at +315 degrees, or ~45 degrees. You might not always have an obvious reference point for 0 degrees. Look at the example below and place your mouse on the image to find out angle in question. 130 180% 0° In this example, you are given information about the lines, but not the angle AutoCAD needs to draw the line from the start point. What you are given though, is (a) the knowledge that 0° is at the 3 o'clock position (b) the knowledge that 180” is at the 9 o'clock position and (c) the angle between 180° and the line you want to draw is 150°. With this information, you can figure out what angle you need. Here is a fool-proof way of getting the angle you need: 1.) Start at the 0° position and measure counter-clockwise (+) to 180°. 2.) From 180*, measure clockwise 150°. 3.) Consider that you just went +180-150 and use that as an equation: +180-150=30 4.) Now you can draw your line using polar co-ordinates. @) USTP - GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT. AutoCAD Essentials DRAWING COMMAND Drawing Straight Lines Icon] Command Keystroke Menu Result 5 Draw a straight line segment ty b HOME> Line | from one point to the next. A line has two points, a start point and an end point. AutoCAD works with the points to display the line on the screen. Exercise 1. Drawing a single line segment. For this exercise, make sure that you do not have Dynamic Input & Ortho turned on. You can check this on the STATUS BAR. Make sure the DYN & ORTHO is not depressed. Dynamic input-. ~ Dynamic input DYNAMIC INPUT allows you to get prompts near the location of the crosshairs without having to look up and down between the Command line window and the drawing window. A If you make mistake, you can use the undoicon ‘’ , press U or press CTRL+Z You can cancel a command without completing it by pressing ESC. Steps: B. reps: 2. first point: pick point A 3. next point: pick point B (Continue clicking more points if you wish to A add line segments). i A. Press @) USTP - GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT Exercise 2. Drawing a line segment with a length of 135.25 units and an angle of 37.5" This time see to it that you have Dynamic Input turned on. AutoCAD Essentials Steps: 1. Choose Draw > Line or Command: L 2. Specify next point or [Undo]: type 135.25 and press key 3. Specify next point or [Undo]: type 37.5 and press Deleting an Object by using Erase Command i= 3 3 Command | Keystroke | Menu. Result g MENU> MODIFY> H| Erase E aca Erase an object Start the ERASE command and then select the object or objects you want to erase. Then press or select the object, and press the Delete key. You can enter point directly on the command line using three different systems. The one you use will depend on which is more applicable for the situation. Make sure Entering Points in AutoCAD the DYN (Dynamic Input) button is not depressed. USTP - GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT AutoCAD Essentials The three systems are as follows: ABSOLUTE COORDINATES - Using this method, you enter the points as they relate to the origin of the WCS. To enter a point just enter in the exact point as X, Y. Exercise 3. Drawing line segments using absolute coordinates Input. 50,150 150,150 | Steps: 1. Command: L 2. Specify first point: type: 50,50 3. Specify next point or [Undo]: type: 150,50 4. Specify next point or [Undo]: type: 150,150 5. Specify next point or [Close/Undo]: type: 50,150 6. Specify next point or [Close/Undo]: 50,50 150,50 type: c RELATIVE COORDINATES - This allows you to enter points in relation to the first point you have entered. After you've entered one point, the next point, the next would entered as @X,Y. This means that AutoCAD will draw a line from the first point to another point X units over and Y units up relative to the previous point. Exercise 4. Drawing line segments using relative coordinates input. @-100,0 @0,100 | Steps: 1. Command: L 2. Specify first point: type: 250,50 3. Specify next point or [Undo]: type: @100,0 4. Specify next point or [Undo]: type: @0,100 5. Specify next point or [Close/Undo]: type: @-100,0 6. Specify next point or [Close/Undo]: 250,50 @100,0 type: c enter ( i ! USTP - GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT. AutoCAD Essentials POLAR COORDINATES - You would use this system if you know that you want to draw a line a certain distance at a particular angle. You would enter this as @D 2. Line specify first point: type: 200,130 3. Specify next point or [Undo]: type: @100<45 4. Specify next point or [Undo]: type: @100,135 5. Specify next point or [Close/Undo]: type: @100,225 6. Specify next point or [Close/Undo}: type: c 200,130 Tips e Ifyou make mistake and need to see what you typed press F2 to bring up the next screen and check your typing. «Press F2 to get back to your drawing. USTP - GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT. AutoCAD Essentials LINE EXERCISE Imperial Start at the bottom left corner. You will have to use a combination of absolute, relative, and polar coordinate input. 1.00 ea f a 1.30 e* 2.10 1,1 4.1,1 Write the command statement below: USTP - GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT AutoCAD Essentials Marking Points in a Drawing Icon] Command | Keystroke Menu Result Point po HOME Dawe Multiple! Creates a point object. Point objects are AutoCAD objects that are commonly used to mark an exact point in a drawing. To place a point drawing, choose MENU->Draw > Multiple Point Point objects can be difficult to see. Fortunately, you can alter their apperance to make them more visible. To see point objects more clearly, follow these steps: 1. Choose Format ~ Point Style to open the Point Style dialog box. * Une a C 2. Click the x point style in the upper-right of the 2” Constuction tine dialog box, click the Set Size Relative to Screen aioe, button, and click OK. Pepine s0ybVine Polygon | Rectangle i @ Helix an : irae > | D dont | Sploe | spe | Block at As Scale List. ad Table. | Ay TextStyie. fot Sil at ier Sp TZ Hatch, BD Tobie Spe. Gradient. 42, Matiteader Syte Pot sive : om shie., © wioeour Sy Mutuline tle. © Revsion Cloud Dl Uns, Text > D Trickoess an FF Drawing Limits ‘eb Rename USTP - GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT. AutoCAD Essentials Polyline Command Icon| Command Keystroke Menu Result ae i MENU>Draw> | Draws a series of line segments Ss p Polyline that act as single object. To draw lines with the Polyline command, click the Polyline tool in the 2D Draw control panel, or choose DRAW = Polyline. Then start selecting points, just as you would with the Line command. Press when you finish drawing your lines. Editing Polylines The Pedit command lets you fine-tune a polyline's shape. You can add line segments to polylines with Pedit, as well as straighten a polyline or add a new vertex. You can even adjust the overall width of a polyline or taper a polyline to form arrow. To use the PEdit command, do the following: — 1. Choose Modify > Object - Polyline, or enter PE at the command prompt. 2. At the Select polyline or [Multiple]: promt, select the polyline you want to edit. If you want to edit multiple polylines, type M, and then select them. You'll see the following prompt: 3. Enter an option [Close/Join/Width/Edit vertex/Fit/Spline/Decurve/Ltype gen/Undo]: 4, Enter the capitalized letter of the option you want to use, and then follow the prompts to complete the edit. Ewa Once you've performed the edit, you are returned to the Pedit prompt. To exit Pedit, press at the prompt without selecting an option. USTP - GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT AutoCAD Essentials POLYLINE EXERCISE Imperial POLYUNE CHAMFER VERTICES MOVE pce” Gia) Ge) a ap p=0.125 R=0:25 w-o1s = v=0125 8 Xx Y OQ | 0.00 1] 0.30 T col] an}un] a} il 3 Write the command statement below: Rectangle tool in the 2D cont 2. At the specify first corner p [Chamfer/Elevation/Fillet/Thickness) type: 50,50 3. At Specify other corner point! or [Area/Dimensions/Rotation]: type: @300,200 DRAWING CIRCLES AND ARCS Icon| Command | Keystroke Menu Result Circl c HOME>Draw> Draws a circle based ona eae Circle center point and radius. draw. But like everything else in AutoCAD, they offer a wide range of options to allow you to draw them in nearly any situation. — circle options eee (1) a USTP - GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT AutoCAD Essentials Using the Circle Options Radius or Diameter Option m2 Steps: 1. Command: ¢ or click the Circle tool in the 2D Draw control panel. 2. Pick the location for the center 1, and then pick a point 2 to indicate a radius or enter a radius value of 150. 3. You can also specify the diameter instead of the radius by typing Deenter> after selecting 2 center point. Using the 2P Option to Indicate Diameter If you want to draw a circle based on two points, you can do so by using 2P option. Here's how it works: BY ‘Steps: 1. Command: ¢ or click the Circle ‘tool in the 2D Draw control panel. 2. Enter 2P. You can also right - click and select 2P from the shortcut menu. 3. At the specify first end point of circle's diameter: prompt, click the first point 1. 4. At the Specify second end point of circle's diameter: prompt, click the second point b. A circle appears using the two selected points to determine the circles diameter. lYou can also choose Draw > Circle > 2 Points, which automatically issues 2P option in step 2. USTP - GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT AutoCAD Essentials Using the 3P Option to Specify Three Points on the Circle If you know you want a circle to pass through three points but you don't know the center point or radius, you can use 3P option. This lets you select three points to indicate the location of the circle. Steps: 1. Command: ¢ of click the Circle tool in the 2D Draw control panel. 2. Enter 3P , or right - click and select 3P from the shortcut menu. 3. Select three points 1, 2,3 through which you want the circle to pass. Using the Tan Tan Radius Option to Select Tangent Objects and a Radius BEFORE ‘Steps: 4. Command: c or click the Circle tool in the 2D Draw control panel. 2. Type: ttr , or right - click and select the ttr (tan tan radius) from the shortcut menu. 3. Select the two objects (marked +), to which the circle is to be tangent and then| enter a radius value or press to accept the computed value. ® USTP - GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT. AutoCAD Essentials CIRCLE EXERCISE Draw a line from (2,2) to (6,2) to (6,6) to (2,6) then close. Draw the following circles: 1. Center at (4, 4) Radiu 2. Center at (4, 3.5) Dia=3 3. 2P Circle: (3, 3) and (5, 3) 4. 3P Circle: (4, 3) (3.5, 2.5) (4.5, 2.5) 5, 2P Circle: (3.5, 3.5) (4.5, 3.5) 6. Center at (4, 4.5) Dia=1 7. Center at (4, 5.5) Radius = .5 8 & 9. Use TTR with a radius of .25 to place the two circles in the top corners. 10 & 11. If you know how to use immediate osnap modes, use 3P with tan, tan, tan to place the two circles in the bottom corners. 2 Write the command statement below: 1. Command: A or click the Arc tool in the 2D Draw control panel. 2. Select the start point 1. 3. Select a second point 2 through which the arc is to pass. 4. Select the endpoint 3. If this default method for drawing arcs does not fill your needs, you can use several other AutoCAD methods. Pe he eee = roe! |-— Arcmethods ees Pete | | I | | 1 1 1 | Le. USTP - GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT AutoCAD Essentials ART EXERCISE Imperial] Type the Arc Command on the command line and enter the following coordinates below by using the keyboard. 1. (3- point) 2.sce 4, scl 5. sce 6. ser 7. sea 8.sed 9.cse 10. csa 11s! 12. continue start point (4.25, 4) start point (3.75,4) start point (4.75,4) start point (3.25,4) start point (5.25,4) (2.75,4) (5.75,4) start point (2.25,4) center (4,4) center (4.25,4) center (4,4) second point (4, 4.25) end point (3.75, 4) center (4.25,4) end point (8,4) center (4,4) angle 180 center (4.,25,4) length of chord 2 end point (2.75,4) center (4,4) end point (5.75,4) radius 1.5 end point (2.25,4) included angle 180 end point (6.25,4) direction 270 start point (6.25,4) end point (0,4) start point (1.75,4) included angle 180 start point (6.75,4) length of chord 5.5 end point (7.25,4) included angle 180 3 3 T Write the command statement below: USTP - GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT. AutoCAD Essentials Drawing Ellipse Icon| Command | Keystroke Menu. Result Ellipse a HOME>Draw> | Draws an ellipse with specified Ellipse axis When drawing an ellipse, remember that it has a major and a minor axis. You'll see prompts that ask you to select an axis. It doesn't matter which axis you select first; it can be either the major axis or the minor axis. ‘Axis endpoint Distance to other axis, dais endpoint Ste 1. Command: el or click the Ellipse too! in the 2D Draw control panel. 2. At the Specify axis endpoint of ellipse or (Arc/Center): prompt, click the first point defining, one end of an axis of the ellipse. 3. At the Specify other endpoint of axis: prompt, click another point for the axis, as shown earlier in figure. You'll see an ellipse that is “fixed” at the two points you've selected. As you move the cursor, the ellipse changes shape to follow the cursor. 4, At the Specify distance to other axis or (Rotation): prompt, click another point to complete the ellipse. If you need to place the center the Center option of the Ellipse comm: of an ellipse at a specific location, you can use and. ‘Axis endpoint Center Distance to other axis, Steps: 1. Command: el or click the Ellipse tool in the 2D Draw control panel. 2. Enter C (or right - click, and choose Center from the shortcut menu), and then select a point for the center of the ellipse. A rubber - banding line emanates from the point you select. 3. At the Specify endpoint of axis: prompt, select a point to define one axis of the ellipse. 4. At the Specify distance to other axis or (Rotation): prompt, select a point to define the other axis of the ellipse. @) USTP - GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT. AutoCAD Essentials Drawing Regular Polygon Icon | Command | Keystroke Menu Result Polygon pol HOME>Draw>| paws a regular polygon Polygon To draw a regular polygon, such as a hexagon or a pentagon, you can use the Polygon tool in the 2D Draw control panel. This tool creates a polyline in the shape of a regular polygon. inscribed in a circle circumscribed about a circle Steps: 1. Command: pol or click the Polygon tool in the 2D Draw control panel, choose Draw > Polygon. 2. At the enter number of sides <4>: prompt, enter the number of sides you want for your polygon. 3. At the Specify center of polygon or (Edge): prompt, select the center point for the polygon. 4. At the Enter an option (inscribed in circle/Circumscribed about circle) : prompt, press to specify the distance from the center to a vertex of the polygon. You can also enter C if you want to specify the distance from the center to a point tangent to one side of the polygon (see figure). 5. At the Specify radius of circle: prompt, enter a radius values. This value, in conjunction with the option you select in step 4, determines the size of the polygon. Once you enter a radius, the polygon appears in the drawing. 28) USTP - GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT AutoCAD Essentials OBJECT SNAPS Suppose you want to draw a line from the center of the circle to the middle of the vertical line you extended earlier. AutoCAD has a feature that makes this very easy. These are the Object Snaps (or Osnaps). Type OS at the command line or right click on the OSNAP button then settings. You will see this dialog box appear. Domayne O Bin ~ Biewree so 3 Dime 1% Braene ent ba Beene or hd Right click at Object Snap status bar You may select whichever points you want to 'snap' on an object. Here a list of your options. Followed by the command entry to invoke the needed Osnap. Endpoint (END)- snaps to either the beginning or the end of an object such as a line. Midpoint (MID) - snaps to the exact middle of a line or an arc. Center (CEN) - snaps to the center - point of a circle or arc. Node (NOD) - snaps to ‘nodes’ (not covered in this course). Quadrant (QUA) - snaps to any of the four quadrants of a circle. Intersection (INT) - snaps to the point where two objects cross. Extension (EXT) - snaps to the phantom extension of an arc or line. Insertion (INS) - snaps to the insertion point of an object (such as a block or text). Perpendicular (PER) - will snap so that the result is perpendicular to line selected. Tangent (TAN) - snaps to create a line tangent to a circle or arc. Nearest (NEA) - will find the closest point an object and snap to that point. Parallel (PAR) - snaps parallel to a specified line. None (NON) - temporarily turns off all Osnaps. (Pressing your F3 Key is quicker). Tips Shift - Right - click - to open a shortcut menu that contains a list of osnap options. USTP - GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT AutoCAD Essentials OSNAP EXERCISE Draw 4” square with lower left corner at (1.5, 2.5) Draw a 1” radius circle with center at (3.5, 4.5) Draw four 90° arcs centered at (2, 3) (5, 3) (5, 6) and (2, 6) with 0.5 radius Draw a point at (6, 4.5) [Turn snap off and use OSNAP to draw line segments through the 15 points with the following immediate osnap modes: 1cen 4end 7 tan 10 tan Bint 2qua Send Bcen 11 mid 14 nod 3mid 6 mid 9 per 12cen 15nea CCN ‘x 14 15 9 Write the command statement below: USTP - GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT AutoCAD Essentials ZOOMING AND PANNING AROUND A DRAWING point 2 mo point 1 before zoom>window after zoom>window Figure 1. The ZOOM command allows you to change the display size of a drawing on the computer screen. To select the Zoom command you can: select Zoom on the View Menu or type Z or zoom at the Command: prompt. Pe ee eee ee en tes resen fen IG Try the following exercise to see how a mye Zoom works: “Lleatz0 Wofome = Seomuonen ind 4. Choose View > Zoom > Window, | ovo fare or select Zoom Window in the tool eer 5 oe bar. uonsnen one 2. Click the first point indicated in mi. Nase ews on Figure. You don't have to be too aoe : : accurate. Click the second point Show Annotaive Objects indicated in Figure 1. The area . you selected expands to fill the tert drawing area. Notice the transition : — : to the zoomed view is smooth. Tooioar, This helps you keep track of exactly where in the drawing the Zoom occurs. 3. Choose View > Pan > Realtime, or click the Pan Realtime tool in the tool bar. Notice that the cursor changes to a hand icon. Click and drag the cursor in the drawing area. Notice how the view moves as you drag the cursor. Press ESC to exit the Pan command. You can also right - click and choose Exit from the shortcut menu. 4. Finally, to get your original view of the overall drawing, choose View > Zoom > Previous, or click the Previous View tool. @) USTP - GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT AutoCAD Essentials TP v lf you have a mouse with a scroll wheel, you can use the wheel to zoom in and out of your drawing view. v You can also use it to pan across your drawing. ¥ To zoom, scroll the wheel. To pan, click and drag the scroll wheel. MAKING CHANGES TO AUTOCAD OBJECTS Paya kate Mirror (~ Fillet ~ CH ce ot oe ed eed MOVE COMMAND Icon| Command | _Keystroke Menu Result Move mi IHOME>Modify| Displaces objects a specified > Move distance in a specified direction second point Base point Steps: 1. Command: m or In the 2D Draw tool control panel, click the Move tool, Choose Modify > Move. 2. At the Select object rompt, select the objects you want to move. 3. At the Specify base point or (Displacement) : prompt, select a base point 1. If you want to enter a relative coordinate, you can select any point on the screen, or you can enter @. The @ means “ from the last point selected.” 4. At the Specify second point or : selected objects move with the cursor. You can select the second pc enter an absolute or relative coordinate. rompt, you'll see the 2 with the cursor or ep USTP - GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT. Autocad Essentials COPY COMMAND Icon] Command | _Keystroke Menu Result___ MOME>Modify| aces 2 oF more copies of 2 eModl i ified distance coy coorcp object at a speci Py > Copy from the original. 1 2 displacement vector 3 Base p To copy an object multiple times 1. Command: cp/co or from the Modify menu, choose Copy. 2. Select the object to copy. 3, Press 4, Specify the base point. 5. Specify the second point of displacement. (1) 6. Specify the next point of displacement (2, 3). Continue inserting copies, or press Enter to end the command. Te ¥ To make multiple copies of an object. - Select object (s) + Ctrl C and Ctrl V + click & USTP - GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT AutoCAD Essentials ARRAY COMMAND Icon] Command | Keystroke Menu Result al HOME>Modify| Creates a repeating pattern of Me ar > Array the selected objects. [ie] object selected Result Total number of items = 5 Angle to fill = 180° You can create copies of objects using three types of array: (1) rectangular, (2) path and (3.) polar array. To make copies object in this pattern, use the array creation panel. Using Polar Array Polar array creates an array by copying the selected objects around a specified center point. Steps: di On the command prompt, type ar or click menu bar > modify > array 2. Select object to be array. Select POLAR ARRAY. 3. Select center point. The Array type box temporarily closes to allow you to select a center point. 4, The Array creation ribbon tab display. At this point, you've selected an object to array and you've indicated the cente: location of the array. If you've selected the wrong object or the wrong center point, ou can go back and specify these options again. 34 USTP - GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT AutoCAD Essentials low, to complete the process, tell Auto’ je number of copies In the array and the extent of the array through the circle: --5. In the Array creation ribbon tab, enter the number of copies you want in the Total Number of Items text box. The number you enter should include the original object. “& In the Angle to Fill text box, enter the angle in degrees that you want your circular copies to fill. For example, if you enter 360, AutoCAD spreads the copies evenly over the full 360° of the circle. If you enter 180, the array fills. 7. When you are finished, click close array. The circular array appears in the drawing. Using Rectangular Array Rectangular array creates an array of rows and columns of copies of the selected object. g B = 5 zl z z fe] . 3 Oot gz {_1 object selected (e] 10 asta bel columns You can use the Array dialog box to copy rows and columns. Here are the steps: 1. Command: ar or In the menu modify control panel, click the Array tool. 2) vey" 4 De Select objects and select rectangular array. 3. Arectangular array object display. 4, In the Array creation panel, you can change the value of columns and rows text box to the number you want. 5. To set the distance between rows, enter a distance in the Rows text box. 6. To set the distance between columns, enter a distance in the Column Offset text box (see figure above). 7. When you are satisfied with the Array settings, click close array. Using Path Array The easiest way to work with path arrays is to create them and then use the tools on the contextual ribbon tab or the Properties palette to make adjustments. Steps: 1. Click Home tab Modify panel Path Array. 2. Select the objects to array and press Enter (see figure). USTP - GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT AutoCAD Essentials 3. Select an object such as a line, polyline, 3D polyline, spline, helix, arc, circle, or ellipse to serve as a path for the array. 4. Specify a method for distributing the objects along the path: - to evenly distribute the items along the entire length of the path, click Properties panel > Divide on the contextual ribbon tab. - to distribute the objects at specific intervals, click Properties panel > 1 Measure. 5. Move the cursor along the path to make adjustments. 6. Press Enter to complete the array. |ARRAY EXERCISE metric praw a circle with a diameter of S00. Draw an arc using 3 - Point Mirror the arc Create a Polar Array center of array: center of circle number of copies: 12 BEFORE AFTER, Write the command statement below: USTP - GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT AutoCAD Essentials ROTATE COMMAND Icon] Command | _Keystroke Menu Result HOME>Modify| Rotates objects toa certain polar | c > Rotate angle. oy Result (with angle of rotation = 45°) To rotate an object: 1. From the Modify menu, choose Rotate. 2. Select the object to rotate. 3. Specify the base point for rotation. 4. Do one of the following: * Enter the angle of rotation. © Drag the object around its base point and specify a point location to which you want to rotate the object. Gay USTP - GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT. AutoCAD Essentials TRIM COMMAND Icon] Command | Keystroke Menu Result ers IHOME>Modify| Trims objects to a selected > TRIM cutting edge. YRWN F A : Ske AN 1, Command: tr RESULT TRIM Current setting: Projection = UCS, Edge = None Select cutting edges..... . Select objects: Click 1 . Select objects: . Select object to trim or shift - select to extend or (Project/Edge/Undo): Click 2 . Select object to trim or shift - select to extend or (Project/Edge/Undo) : Try this figure RESULT 9 USTP - GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT AutoCAD Essentials EXTEND COMMAND Icon| Command | Keystroke Menu i Result Se ee cd To extend an object 1. From the Modify menu, choose Extend, or Command: excenter> 2. Select the objects (point 1) to serve as boundary edges. To select all objects in the drawing as potential| boundary edges, press ENTER without selecting} any objects. 3. Select the objects to extend (points 2, 3). OFFSET COMMAND Icon} Command | Keystroke Menu Result - Offsets an object (parallel) bya \dify> & Offset o Modify. Ottset set distance. To offset an object by specifying a distance 1. From the Modify menu, choose Offset. 2. Specify the offset distance. You can enter a value or use the pointing device. 3. Select the object to offset. 4. Specify a point on the side where you want to place the new objects. 5. Select another object to offset, or press ENTER to end the command. (40) USTP - GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT AutoCAD Essentials STRETCH COMMAND Icon] Command | _Keystroke Menu Result HOME>Modify| \oves or stretches objects [_\) stretch s palace base point crosshair 1. In the 2D Draw control panel's Modify fly - out menu, click the Stretch tool, choose Modify > Stretch, or type s at the command prompt. 2. At the Select objects: prompt, type c. This invokes the crossing selection) window. 3. Enclose the vertices you want to stretch with the crossing selection window, as shown in the left image and then press . You cannot use a standard] window for this operation. 4. At the Specify base point or (Displacement) : Prompt, select a base point. 5. At the Specify second point or : prompt, you'll see the vertices move as you move the cursor. Select a new location for the vertices, or enter a coordinate (a1) USTP - GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT AutoCAD Essentials MIRROR COMMAND Icon] Command | Keystroke | Menu Result 7 i HOME>Modify| Creates a mirror image copy 0 Maloy on > Mirror objects. = se L object selected ean 1. Command line: mirror or mi 2. Select objects: Use an object selection method and press ENTER to finish 3. Specify first point of mirror line: Specify a point (1) 4. Specify second point of mirror line: Specify a point (2) 5S. Press FILLET COMMAND Icon] Command |_ Keystroke Menu Result Fillet F IHOME>Modify Creates a round corner > Fillet between two lines. s To set the fillet radius: 2nd object 1. From the Modify menu, choose Fillet, e 2. Enter r (Radius) set object a 3. Enter the fillet radius 4, Select the objects to fillet TIP v Ifyou set the radius to zero, AutoCAD extends the two lines so they end at the same point. USTP - GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT AutoCAD Essentials CHAMFER COMMAND Menu Result IHOME>Modify| Creates an angled corner > Chamfer between two lines. RESULT {with distance option is more than zero) selection points | To set chamfer distances 1. From the Modify menu, choose Chamfer. 2. Enter d (Distance). 3. Enter the first chamfer distance. 4. Enter the second chamfer distance. 5. Select the lines for chamfering (marked x). v If you set both distances to zero, AutoCAD extends or trims the two lines so they end at the same point. sentials USTP - GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT AutoCAD Es SCALE COMMAND Result Keystroke Menu a HOME>Modify| _ Proportionately resizes (or Scale sc > Scale scales) objects. OO To scale an object by a scale factor: 1. From the Modify menu, choose Scale. 2. Select the object to scale. 3. Specify the base point. 4. Enter the scale factor or drag and click to specify a new scale. 1.5 Scale Factor RESULT TIP ¥ Ascale factor greater than 1 enlarges the objects. A scale factor between 0 and 1 shrinks the objects. How to Convert Drawing Units: If you start a drawing in one system of measurement (metric or imperial) and then want to switch to the other system, use SCALE to scale the model geometry by the appropriate conversion factor to obtain correct distances and dimensions. For example, to convert a drawing created in inches to centimeters, you scale the model geometry by a factor of 2.54. To convert from centimeters to inches, the scale factor is 1/2.54 or about 0.3937. @ USTP - GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT AutoCAD Essentials SPLINE COMMAND Icon] Command Keystroke Menu Result | Spline ‘ep MENU>Draw>| Creates a non-uniform rational P P Spline B-spline (NURBS) curve. . 4 ‘Steps: 1. On the Draw menu, click Spline. 2. Specify the start point for the spline. 3. Specify the points (2 through S) to create the spline, and press i 3 s . EDITING WITH GRIPS (C.S \ a , “AutoCAD ~ Circle line polyline spline Circle Grips are small, solid - filled squares that are displayed at strategic points on objects that you have selected with a pointing device. You can drag these grips to stretch, move, rotate, scale, or mirror objects quickly. To use grips, select a grip to act as base point for the action. Then select one of the grip modes. You can cycle through these modes by pressing ENTER or SPACEBAR. You can also use shortcut keys or right - click to see all of the modes and options. Stretch with Grips. You can stretch an object by moving selected grips to new locations. Move with Grips. You can move objects by the grip selected. Selected objects are high lightened and are moved the direction and distance of the next point location you specify. Rotate with Grips. You can rotate selected objects around a base point by dragging and specifying a point location. Alternatively, you can enter an angle value. USTP - GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT AutoCAD Essentials Scale with Grips. You can scale selected objects relative to a base point. Increase the size of an object by dragging outward from the base grip and specifying a point location, or decrease the size by dragging inward. Alternatively, you can enter a value for relative scaling. Mirror with Grips. You can mirror selected objects across a temporary mirror line. Turning Ortho on helps you specify a vertical or horizontal mirror line. Using Other Grips Features Along with what you've been shown so far, you'll want to be aware of the following grip features: * You can click endpoint grips to reposition those endpoints. * Clicking midpoint grips of lines lets you move the entire line. If multiple objects are selected,all the objects also move. If two objects meet end to end and you click their overlapping grips, you'll select both grips simultaneously. © You can select multiple grips by holding down the Shift key and clicking the desired grips. You must hold the Shift key down when you select the first grip. » When a hot grip is selected, the Stretch, Move, Rotate, Scale, and Mirror options are available from the shortcut menu. « You can cycle through the Stretch, Move, Rotate, Scale and Mirror options by pressing or the spacebar while a hot grip is selected. Watch the command window to see which option is currently active. * All the hot grip options let you copy the selected objects by either using the Copy option or holding down the Ctrl key while selecting points. # All the hot grip options let you select a base point other than the originally selected hot grip. Choose Base Point from the shortcut menu. (46) r uld create layers for the electrical, plumbin, It is necessary to control the drawing and turn some layers ones you want. This is one reason why layers are needed. You will be creating a layer for the dimensions, one for the lines (objects that were drawn) and another for the text. Start the LAYER command (LA). This will bring up the Layer Properties Manager (shown below). Looking at the Dialog Box, you will see a lot of information. Notice the button beside Make Current on it. Below it is the name of the current layer you are drawing on. The main window gives you information about each particular layer. At this point you want to be concerned with the 'Name”, ‘On’ (light bulb) and ‘Color’ colored square) columns as well as the 'New' button. Now you have the dialog box on screen, click the 'New' button. This will create a new layer and give you an opportunity to name it. Name this layer TEXT. Click on he small box towards the right and select yellow for the color. Create another layer jand call this one DIM (for dimensions), and make its color red. Finally, create a third layer and call it OBJECT and make its color green. You have just created three new layers in your drawing. Highlight the TEXT layer and press the ‘Make Current’ button. (47) USTP - GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT AutoCAD Essentials This makes the TEXT layer current and anything you draw will be placed on that layer. Your Dialog box should look like the one above. If it does, press OK to close the dialog box. More about Layers. In the Layer Properties Manager, you will notice that each layer can have a number of specific properties. « Status: Displays the current state of the layer. In this example, the green check means that Objects is the current. Name: The name of the layer. Give layers understandable names. © On: Ifa layer is ‘On’ it means that it is visible (but objects can still be erased when the 'Select'> All option is used). Freeze: A Layer is not visible and cannot be deleted. Lock: Layer is visible, but cannot be modified. * Color: A specific color for everything on that layer. « Linetype: A specific linetype (hidden, center, etc.) for the layer. « Lineweight: The visible width of the objects on that layer. Plot: A defined color for the plotter to use on that layer. © Plot (yes, two columns use the same name: Switch on or off if that layer is plotted). © Description: A user - defined description for the layer. Object Layer Text Dimension layer 48 USTP - GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT AutoCAD Essentials MULTI LINE TEXT (MTEXT) Icon| Command | _Keystroke Menu Result Draw> Text > ae Mtext “_ mt Multiline text Creates multiline text. To create a multiline text 1. Choose HOME > Text > Multiline Text 2. Specify opposite corners of a bounding box to define the width of the multiline text object. The Multiline Text Editor is displayed. SOUTHERN PHILIPPINES | 3. To indent the first line of each paragraph, drag the first - line indent slider on the ruler. To indent the other lines of each paragraph, drag the paragraph slider. 4. To set tabs, click the ruler where you want a tab stop. 5. If you want to use a text style other than the default, click the arrow next to the Text Style control on the toolbar and then select a style. 6. In Multiline Text Editor, enter text. 7. To override the current text style, select text as follows: © Toselect one or more letters, click and drag the pointing device over the characters. . To select a word, double - click the word. © Toselect a paragraph, triple - click the paragraph. 8. On the toolbar, make the format changes as follows: . To change the font of the selected text, select a font from the list. © Tochange the height of the selected text, enter a new value in Height box. . To format text in a True Type font with boldface or italics, or to create underlined text for any font, click the corresponding button on the toolbar. SHX fonts do not support boldface or italics. . To apply color to selected text, choose a color from the Color list. Click Other to display the Select Color dialog box. 9. To save your changes and exit the multiline Text Editor, use one of the following: . Click OK on the toolbar . Click in the drawing outside the editor. . Press CTRL + ENTER. (a9) bimensioning is the process of adding measurement annotation to a drawing. You can create dimensions for a variety of object types in many orientations. The basic types of dimensioning are: = Linear = Radial (radius and diameter) = Angular = Ordinate = Arc Length Parts of a Dimension Here isa list of the parts of a dimension along with their descriptions. Dimensions have several distinct elements: dimension text, dimension lines, arrowheads, and extension lines. Dimension text -, 4 - Dimension line Arrowhead ~~. -Extension line USTP - GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT. AutoCAD Essentials Dimension text is a text string that usually indicates the measurement value. The text can also include prefixes, suffixes, and tolerances. ‘A dimension line indicates the direction and extent of a dimension. For angular dimensions, the dimension line is an arc. Arrowheads, also called symbols of termination, are displayed at each end of the dimension line. You can specify different sizes and shapes for arrowheads or tick marks. Extension lines, also called projection lines, extend from the feature to the dimension line. Acenter mark is a small cross that marks the center of a circle or arc. Centerlines are broken lines that mark the center of a circle or arc. centerlines ee center mark To create a dimension 1. Create a layer designated for dimensions and make it the current layer. 2. Near the bottom - left corner of the application window, click a layout tab. 3. Click the Dimension menu and select a dimension command. 4. Follow the command prompts. a ones | Command line: DIMLINEAR, DIMRADIUS, DIMANGULAR #2 Wome | | | cae a FI secon logged tne * obane | +4 imensnse FS} psa 1 emcite Omen <1) USTP - GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT AutoCAD Essentials [metric] 2 Horizontal linear 3 center hne 3 : fe e $ 3 g 2 g = | baseline Dt cd 65 35. 30 continue TIPs Special Characters in text: v %%d degree symbol ¥ %%c diameter symbol ¥ %%p plus/minus symbol zy Start the Hatch by typing hatch. When you start the command, you wi ee Hatch creation panel appear: As usual, start at the top of the dialog box and work your way down. We're going to say that this is a cross section of piece of steel, so choose the predefined Hatch pattern called STEEL. Now you want to pick the area to be hatched. Pick somewhere inside the rectangle, but outside of the circle and press . Set the scale of the hatch to 6. This is just a number that works for this object. A larger number will make the hatch bigger (maybe so big you won't see it) anda smaller number can make the hatch so dense that it looks solid. Make this “Associative” - this means that if you adjust the rectangle or circle, the hatch will automatically correct itself to the new boundary. G3) USTP - TP - GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT AutoCAD Essentials Finally, hit the Preview is i pe ite iseane belon: button to see if this is what you are after; it should TPs 7 If you are using a solid hatch, make the hatch WHITE so that it will print out as a solid black, any other color could appear gray (with lines) when printed. ¥ Ifyou have one hatch area drawn an of another, use the “Inherit Properties” button on th dialog box. v You can add a 2 color gradient to an object. Look for the “Gradient” tab at the top of the Hatch dialog boxes. d want it to match the hatch e Hatch Edit 4) USTP - GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT AutoCAD Essentials Printing Your Drawing PLOT COMMAND Icon] Command Keystroke Menu Result, Pion | _cnttee [ouput Pont] cera te a sa Once you have completed a drawing, you can use a number of methods to output the drawing. You can plot the drawing on paper or create a file for use with another application. In either case, you select the plot settings. | [A Plot - Model Page setup Name: “ Prnter/lotter nem: FROWG To PDEA Fie Description: Flot to fle Paper size "ANSTA (11.00 x 6.50 inches) B | Pot area 2 What to plat: Window & Wndgwrs ot offset (origin st to pritable 2re8) x; [000000] mer C)center the pot x; [000000] ich DWG To POF POF ePlot - by AutodesicL POF Options... | Number of copies ¥ 1S Prot scale Crit to paper ‘Scale: [Custom | ches units Scale iMbvvelghts Plot style table (pen assignments) were Shaded viewport pons Shade nt (as daniayed Quality ‘Normal Tow 109 fe t Plot options: JL pi (Pict in background jot objec newelghts Cletet transparency Plot vith plot styles Plt peperspace last ide paperspace objects Pret stamp on save changes to layout = prawing orientation Portrait ndscape upside-down we ey ronson [RT], cnet |e © 7 &) USTP - GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT AutoCAD Essentials To do this, bring up the plot dialog box using any method explained above ( plo will work). Set it up to print as shown below. Follow these steps for successful plot (see diagram above): 1. Select your printer. 2. Select the paper size - “Letter” (8 - %” x 11”) is needed in this case. 3. For the “Plot Area”, select “Window” - that will plot area you drew. 4. Select the checkbox to “Center the Plot” on your sheet of paper: if “Fit to Paper” is selected by default, uncheck it and select a scale of 1 inch to 2.54 per unit (imperial). This will make your printout ‘life - sized’. 5. Select your orientation "Landscape" 6. Now Preview your drawing. i'strongiy recommend that you preview EVERY drawing you will draw in AutoCAD - a lot can go wrong, so you don't want to waste paper. If your preview looks good, cancel out of it by clicking on the large red X icon. 7. if you're sure that everything's ok, press the OK button. Note: You may have to change the paper size in your printer (Use the Windows printer settings to do this.) You may also have to change the rotation or origin of the plot. Check the Landscape radio button in the Drawing Orientation section. 1) (sv'os‘sv's) ~ A ke Ee OE FE CG e EOP FE e Be ae trae 1 i t L — — ra | Py 1 les | ! = — TO | ' | 1 Z me 2 roxy fs Fo el oy | 1 EE fe | wuoro— “sayou jeuonanaysul pue suo!suaUUIp 279 BY} WO “UMoYs se saul] mesp pul (0BxS"Z8) SajBueIe, Jenba E Med SANIT ‘T 22f01d EU] g/0/}UaSSz po ONY INSNLYVdIG SIIHd VAD - dlsN (sv'08'sv'8) — “sajou jeuonsnajsut JO|SSUWIP UAB BYR NWI "Way uon 109 10M uaY Ue s|eUOBeIp Aq (3) 319199 (08xs' 29) sa/8uex2a, jenba ¢ mesa pueul SAAUND 8 SANI1 “Z 193f0ud SPHMeS Ta POD, INILaVdad SIIHdVa9 - disn USTP - GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT Imperial] 1. Draw a 4" construction circle & inscribe the 6-point star. PROJECT 3. STARS. AIRCRAFT INSIGNIA SIX POINT STAR (59) ausoud Ssv1D 6v8L'by (jevadus] a sjonuass9 pojoiny 9L92'0T ‘suoisuawip ain apnyauy “umoys se y2a/qo ayy mesa vole dh SSV19 3NIM ‘vy 193f0ud ANIWLYVdIT SIIHdVYD - dLsN 7a3HM-CNVH laysvS jeuaduiy “suoisuawiip aya apnpaul “umoys se 332/q0 34) meIa TIAHMGNVH 8 131SW9 ’s 193f0Nd S/D1. TORU ESS PODOINW. INIWLUVdId SaIHdVID - disn sL0u sl SH1OH Z 79°0D yeveduay Wuv ¥30¥ “9 193f0ud s[Ojuassz pojOINy ININLYVdIC SIINAVED - dISN sjonUassq nny - = __ Ww TWwidads *£ 1D3f0ud | : DOTY, ININLYVdI SDIHdvYD - dLsN AutoCad Essentials ape oy USTP - GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT PROJECT 8. Construct the figure as follows. os2 00°08 00°06 | (wan aor) *6 193f0ud ININLEVdIC SDIHAVYD - dLSN “smojjoy se aun3y ayy ynsSUOD ‘S[0UaSSy POOINY MBIA LNOUS M3IA 30S LHDIS Oz to oo'zu| MIA DINL3aWOSI (s'zr‘6t) , os'y Ore Ozt 0Ot 00% 007 079 MaIA dOL *smoj}oy SB B4NBIy BY? yonsysuod DnyLaWOS! ‘OT 193f0ud INGNLEVdIO SIIHAVHD - dhs $jpijuassq9 pO ONY

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