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1. Introduction
2. Entretainment
3. Meals
4. Fashion
5. Religion

The ancient Rome was the state founded for the city of Rome in the
Antiquity, based in Latin culture. During these centuries, the roman
civilization was a monarchy, oligarchic republic and afterwards an
autocratic empire.
The basis for much of Western culture comes from Ancient Rome,
especially in areas such as government, engineering, architecture,
language, and literature.
The men of Rome enjoyed riding horses,
fighting and swimming. In the field, they
went hunting and fishing. Often, after
practising these activities they were going
to the thermal baths to relax.
An important event was the theatre, the
Romans pass all day watching
An ordinary Roman used to have
"ientaculum" breakfast, which means
they’d have breakfast as soon as they got
up. A small lunch called "prandium" was
served around 11 am. The main meal of the
day was called cena. Some people may
have eaten a late supper called vesperia.

Dinner tables in ancient Rome were used

to reflect their status and were often
richly decorated to indicate the family’s
Ancient Romans wore two types of basic garments, tunics
and togas. Tunics were informal and indoor costumes, while
togas were official and outdoor costumes. Both were made
of spun wool. The tunic was comfortable for working and
moving around indoors. Mostly white in colour, the tunic was
often undyed, and unadorned. Still, the upper-class people
wore tunics with some decorations so as to distinguish
themselves from the slaves. The toga was the official
garment of both men and women of Rome. Later the trend
changed, and togas were worn only by male Roman citizens.
The Roman Empire was a primarily polytheistic civilization, which meant
that people recognized and worshipped multiple gods and goddesses.
Despite the presence of monotheistic religions within the empire, such as
Judaism and early Christianity, Romans honoured multiple deities.
The Roman state-recognized main gods and goddesses by decorating
public buildings and fountains with their images and the gods and
goddesses of Greek culture significantly influenced the development of
Roman deities and mythology.
Thanks for your attention

The end

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