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Paths of

Those of
the Web Mount
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Tab l e o f Co n t e n t s
Those of t he We b by Pedro Coimbra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 5
Pat hs of Co u rt l y I n t ri gu e by Tyler Omichinski .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 8
Mount J ino by Marc Kenobi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 1 4
Cunning Cu rses by Cassandra Macdonald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 18

By Pedro Coimbra

Those of the Web

F rom their center in the Silver Hollows,
the webs of the Fate Spinner reach out
across the planes, connecting them to destiny
to entangle with their desires, fears, and hopes.
For the first time, the threads of destiny began to
itself. For those few mortals that are aware of The First Spawn tasked with maintaining
the Lady of the First Web, her machinations this uncertain area crept through the Ethereal
seem distant and academic; even the actions Plane to watch and wonder. These mortals
of spinner cults are vague and grasping, could change their fates and forge their own
attempting to gain the favor of a being destinies in a way the Fate Spinner’s children
infinitely beyond them. However, there are couldn’t even fathom. They were not allowed
those few that can trace their lineage directly to intervene with the comings and goings of the
back to the Fate Spinner Herself. mortals—nor were they truly capable to, being
more thoughtform than flesh and unable to
Spiderfolk materialize in the Waking—but some of them
had become infected with that most mortal of
When the domain of the Silver Hollows was
vices: curiosity.
what might be called young, the Mother of
Law created the first of the weaverkin, the Those mortals that could commune with
First Spawn. Seeking a connection to the world the Ethereal Plane made contact with the First
beyond, she sent these offspring into the Spawn, first by accident, then later with intent.
unknown with one purpose: to expand the vast They shared stories of their world with the
domain of their creator by carrying lines of Her insatiably curious weaverkin, who in turn read
silk to every corner of creation. And so they did. the weave of the mortal’s destinies. Alliances
began to form, tentative friendships began, and
This pilgrimage happened long before the
what followed was perhaps inevitable.
betrayal of the Shadowspinners and even before
the conflict with the Gholluscs, and so these First In allowing themselves to become entangled
Spawn traveled initially without opposition. It in the fate and feelings of mortals, this portion
was during this time that they discovered the of the First Spawn had irrevocably altered
Ethereal Plane, and with it the Waking. As time themselves. They were no longer able to
passed, mortal life began to appear, and as ages seamlessly communicate with their fellows, no
came and went, these metaphysical webs started longer entirely certain of the will of their Great
Mother. However, they were still unable to

join the world of the Waking, and so a deal was
struck. A spiritual merge was enacted, binding Spiderfolk Gifts
these First Spawn with the souls of their mortal Some spiderfolk are more physically similar
allies. However, few change their spirits so to their arachnoid forebears, while others find
drastically without also changing their bodies, themselves more in-tune with the Ethereal
and the result was a varying mixture of arachid Plane. In addition to the traits found in
and humanoid features. your spiderfolk heritage, select one of the
Unfortunately, not all of these new individuals following gifts.
were well-received and many went into hiding.
Through the following centuries, their progeny
developed several key traits and now bred true,
resulting in a new heritage. These spiderfolk— Some spiderfolk are more in touch with their
also known as spidren or weaverlings—are still a arachnoid nature and have the following traits:
largely mysterious people. Arachnoid Movement. You gain a climb speed
of 30 ft.
Spiderfolk Traits Web Walker. You ignore movement restrictions
Characters with the spiderfolk heritage share the imposed by webs.
following traits. Chitinous Defense. Your body is protected by
Age. Spiderfolk mature far faster than many plates of chitin. While you aren’t wearing
humanoids. They are born from eggs as armor, your AC equals 12 + your Dexterity
long-bodied, translucent spiders, eventually modifier. You can use a shield and still gain
shifting form into that of a humanoid toddler this benefit.
after about a year. They reach adulthood
around age of 10 and can live for 30 to 50 Spinner-Touched
The influence of the Fate Spinner is strong, even
Size. While their extra limbs make them look after eons of the creation of the First Spawn.
taller, most spiderfolk are around 5’5 feet Spiderfolk who are Spinner-touched have the
tall and weigh between 120 and 160 pounds. following traits:
Your size is Medium.
Alien Mind. You gain an expertise die on
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving
Extra Limbs. You have 2 more sets of arms throws against magic.
than the average humanoid, though they Ethereal Sight. You can cast see invisibility once
are not quite as capable as your primary set. per long rest. However, casting the spell in
You can use your additional limbs in tandem this way shortens its duration to a number of
with your primary set to gain an expertise rounds equal to your proficiency modifier.
die on all Strength- and Dexterity-based
skill checks. Otherwise, you can perform
1 additional task during the same action,
Spiderfolk Paragon
such as picking a pocket, using a tool set, The more experienced and powerful you
or the Use an Object action. Additionally, become, the more you are able to When you
you can use your extra limbs to perform the read 10th level, you unlock dormant abilities
seen component of a spell if they are not connected to your ancestral heritage, gaining one
otherwise occupied, though this does not of the following paragon traits.
otherwise affect the spell. Your extra limbs
cannot be used to wield shields or make
additional attacks.
Arachnoid Scion
You have embraced the spider within and
Darkvision. Your otherworldly heritage without. You can now climb even on difficult
grants you superior vision in dark and dim surfaces and upside down. Additionally, you
conditions. You can see in dim light within can choose to use your additional limbs to
60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and climb, leaving your primary set free to take
in dsarkness as if it were dim light. You can’t actions.
discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

are actively uneasy about anyone with the
Child of Two Worlds spinner cult background (Gate Pass Gazette
Your connection to the Ethereal Plane deepens. #1, Weaving Prophecy), even though they are
You can cast blink twice per long rest. often revered by those who worship the Fate
Spinner. Most view it as a fumbling distortion
Spiderfolk Culture of Her ways, though there have been a few
that have taken advantage of this to become
Weaverlings are descendants of creatures pampered “prophets.”
always on the move, and their way of life
reflects that. However, that doesn’t mean
that they discount bonds with those outside Ethereal Scout (Culture)
of their band. Rather, they don’t put down Most spiderfolk live on the move, whether
roots so much as they form a web of social it’s to gather knowledge, connect destinies,
connections, developing mutually beneficial, or widen their web of influence. Others are
interconnected relationships that all members driven by an even deeper ancestral urge: to
can call on. They often travel in groups of patrol where the border between the Material
their own kind, though foundlings and and Ethereal Planes is thin and uncover what
close comrades of all heritages are not an mysteries can be found there.
uncommon sight.
Moving in small bands consisting of a
As spiderfolk are a relatively rare sight,
handful of families, ethereal scouts travel
impressions of them vary, with some seeing
along ley lines, to sites of great magic, or
them as ill omens and others as a sign of
where the spirits of the dead are particularly
good fortune. However, even those who fear
the spidren are rarely hostile to them, often restless. They study and gather information
seeking instead to turn fate to their favor on the magical and mundane threats present
by way of small offerings. Lone weaverling and, if possible, seek to close stray portals
pilgrims in particular are seen as a sign that and put the dead to rest. Such wanderings
destiny is at hand, and as such they are often can bring them into conflict with the nastier
invited to give their blessings on important elements of the Ethereal Plane, such as
occasions, such as a child’s naming ceremony, vengeful ghosts, malcubi, and even night
a ruler’s coronation, or a couple’s wedding. hags, so experienced scouts are often sought
out for their expertise.
Regardless of their reception, however, the
spiderfolk do not tie themselves to a city for Characters raised in the ethereal scout
long. Webs must be woven and destinies must culture share a variety of traits with one
be connected. The bonds that they form and another.
the community they connect with will follow
Discerning Mind. You have grown used to
them wherever they go, in the form of stories
the uncertainties of the Ethereal Plane.
retold, favors owed, and skills traded, such as
You have advantage on saving throws
a profession or music.
against illusions and being charmed.
What weaverlings seek is to connect with
others, respecting their heritage and purpose Marked by the Ethereal. Your pilgrimage
but always creating something new between along the planar border has given magic
them—a collaborative song, a new craft, a time to sink into your bones. You know
different way of doing things—spinning one cantrip of your choice from the
another thread for an ever-growing web of wizard spell list. Your spellcasting ability
stories and experiences. for this cantrip is Charisma, Intelligence,
or Wisdom (whichever is highest).
Suggested Cultures Specialized Scouting. During your travels
you’ve picked up knowledge of both
While you can choose any culture for your
mundane and supernatural threats. You
spiderfolk character, the following cultures
gain proficiency in Arcana and Survival.
often appeal to this heritage: caravanner,
ethereal scout, itinerant, lone wanderer, Languages. You can speak, read, write, and
and nomad. Interestingly, most spiderfolk sign in Common, Abyssal, and Infernal.

by Tyler Omichinski

Paths of Courtly Intrigue

T here is debate on whether the pen is
mightier than the sword, but there are
canny adventurers that see no reason to
services they can offer. These can be used in
place of or in conjunction with the optional
Prestige rule Calling in Favors (page 435,
choose between the two. These are the kind Adventurer’s Guide).
of personages that move through places of The most important thing to remember about
political power, negotiating, making deals, favor points is that they can only be spent in the
and ensuring knives are found in the right region in which they are gained. You should
backs when the time comes. keep track of the favor points you accrue in
Note that the following rules, equipment, different areas as these persist until they are
and archetypes are specifically suited for spent, though the Narrator may rule that they
campaigns where the social pillar of play is may diminish if you do not return to a region for
paramount, the halls of power are frequently a year or more.
walked, and the richest of society are among Favor points do not reset to 0 after a long rest,
the NPCs. A game that involves journeying but the maximum amount of favor points you
to different planes or spending most of one’s can have per area is equal to your Charisma
time in dungeons won’t offer many (if any) modifier.
opportunities for a well-connected Courtier to
Spending Favor Points
Optional Mechanic: Favor points can be spent in a number of
different ways. They don’t need to be tied
to a specific debt owed or action taken, but
Favor Points it’s often more interesting if you provide a
Whether it’s a lavish gift given or a good compelling reason behind spending a favor
turn done, favor points represent the social point. While the Narrator can grant the use of
and economic obligations that can tie people favor points in any number of ways, here are
together along with the information and some common uses.

Enticing Offer. You’re not just well-known,
you’re well-connected. When you would
Gaining Favor Points
make a Prestige check to utilize the When you finish a long rest while in your
Calling in Favors mechanic, you may Prestige Center and have no favor points
spend a favor point to gain advantage. remaining, you regain 1 favor point. If you are
in your stronghold, you instead regain a number
Example: The party has come to ask for an
of favor points equal to half your stronghold’s
audience with a powerful noble. You
grade (minimum 2 favor points). While outside
spend a favor point and declare that
of your Prestige Center, you must either gain
you previously made a good impression
favor points by performing notable deeds,
on the noble’s chamberlain, gaining
impressive roleplay (granted at the Narrator’s
advantage on the check.
discretion), or through the Network journey
Rumor Has It. You can suddenly recollect activity.
something interesting that could give you
Journey Activity Favor Points
the upper hand. You can spend 1 favor
Gaining influence doesn’t come without work.
point (at the Narrator’s discretion) to gain
You can undertake a new journey activity:
a 1d6 expertise die on an appropriate
Network. At the Narrator’s discretion, you
check before it is rolled. This is often (but
can also gain a favor point on a critical success
not necessarily) during a social encounter,
for the Busk and Gossip journey activities,
and the Narrator may rule that only so
proving you are particularly competent or
many favor points can be used with an
NPC or during a scene.
Example: The party needs an invitation
to an exclusive gala, and it’s up to
Gideon to secure one from Lady New Journey Activity:
Hortense. Before rolling, he explains Network
that he heard from one of her maids at Success on a Deception or Persuasion check
the market that she is especially fond allows an adventurer to make connections
of a local musician, so Gideon makes that will come in handy later. You can gain
sure to mention them favorably in the an expertise die on this check by making a
conversation, gaining a 1d6 expertise bribe (or equivalent gift) of a number of gold
die on his Persuasion check. pieces equal to 5 × twice the region’s tier
Smooth Over. You’ve made a mistake, (minimum 5 gold).
but you have just the right explanation, Note: To perform this journey activity, the
convenient distraction, or charming party must be in a populated area such as
mannerism to cover it up. After making a Country Shire, Open Roads, or Urban
an ability check for a social interaction but Township.
before the outcome of the result is known, Critical Failure. The adventurer commits
you may spend 2 favor points to roll a some taboo or crosses a serious social line
second time and choose whichever result and is firmly reprimanded or ostracized,
you wish. Favor points can only be spent suffering a level of strife.
on Smooth Over once per scene.
Failure. The adventurer simply isn’t
Example: While speaking with the engaging enough to be memorable.
local count, Isabel rolls a 5 on her
Persuasion check to get on their Success. The adventurer has made or
good side. Before the Narrator reinforced a meaningful social connection or
announces the consequences of her attained some level of influence, gaining 1
low result, she spends 2 favor points favor point.
to roll again, explaining that she Critical Success. The adventurer has proven
accidentally mentioned the count’s themselves exceptionally well-connected,
exiled spouse only to rapidly recover competent, or generous, gaining 2 favor
by complimenting the lovely wallpaper points.
with a dazzling accolade that grabs
everyone’s attention.

New Equipment Courtier (Rogue)
Gourmet food and drink are as essential as Whether of noble birth or a commoner, courtiers
fine clothes for adventurers engaging in social have learned to move in circles of power. Equally
intrigue. skilled with sharp words and sharp blades, they
Candy. Typically sweet, these small bits can be bodyguards, spies, or rakes out for their
of food (sold in packages of four or five own game.
pieces) are always flavorful and ideal for
adventurers as their contents make them Bonus Expertise
naturally preserved. Candy cannot be
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level
used as Supply.
you gain proficiency with Deception, Insight,
Tea. Also called a tsaine or infusion, these and Persuasion, and you gain an expertise
are specific leaves, herbs, and roots die when making an ability check that uses
selected for their calming qualities. these skills. For you, expertise dice in these
Quality of tea varies wildly depending skills can be upgraded from d8 to d10,
on the desired ingredients. Those listed exceeding the usual limit on expertise dice.
only include mundane ingredients with Additionally, you gain an expertise die when
no notable medicinal qualities. Suitable, making Prestige checks.
if crude, ingredients can be collected with
the Harvest journey activity, granting 2
portions on a success or 4 on a critical
Unreadable Moves
success. Also at 3rd level, your time among the elite
means that you’ve learned to never show your
Tea Set. Such sets vary greatly depending
hand, making your motives and movements
on culture and social class, but at
unpredictable. You can use a bonus action
minimum consist of a pot for brewing the
to make a Deception check opposed by the
tea with 6 matching cups. Depending on
Insight check of a creature you can see that
make and decoration, the price can vary
isn’t incapacitated. On a success, for the next
greatly from those listed.
minute you can use Sneak Attack against the
creature even if you don’t have advantage,
Table: New Equipment
though not if you have disadvantage. This
Item Cost Weight effect ends early if you use this Unreadable
Moves against a different creature.
Hard candy (poor) 1 cp —
Unflappable Mind
Hard candy (rich) 2 sp — Starting at 9th level, you gain proficiency with
Wisdom saving throws. In addition, you gain
Soft candy (poor) 4 cp — an expertise die on saving throws made to
resist being charmed, confused, or frightened.
Soft candy (rich) 5 sp —

Tea (poor) 3 cp — Diplomatic Conversationalist

At 13th level you have learned to choose your
Tea (moderate) 3 sp — words carefully. Choose one of the following
Tea (rich) 3 gp — Cajoling Words
You may reroll one failed Persuasion check.
Tea set (poor) 5 cp 4 lbs. Once you have used this feature, you cannot
use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Tea set (moderate) 5 sp 3 lbs.
Prepared Speech
After observing a creature for at least 10
Tea set (rich) 5 gp 3 lbs.
minutes, you can choose to gain advantage

on a Deception, Intimidation, or Persuasion the chosen school using a spell slot lower than
check against it. Once you have used this your highest level spell slot, the spell counts
feature, you cannot use it again until you as though you were casting it using a spell slot
finish a short or long rest. that is one level higher.
Preternaturally Persuasive
Improved Unreadable Moves Choose one of the following schools of magic:
communication, compulsion, fear, knowledge,
At 17th level, you’ve learned to take still more
law, obscurement. Your spell save DC is
advantage of your inscrutable ways. While using
increased by 2 when casting a spell from the
Unreadable Moves against a creature, you roll
chosen school.
d8s instead of d6s for your sneak attack damage.

Court Magician (Wizard) Stern Rebuke

At 10th level, you inflict mental harm upon a
As deft with politics as they are with magic,
creature when it makes a saving throw against
court magicians are a common sight in large
an enchantment or illusion spell you have cast.
cities and wealthy nations where they serve as
A creature that fails its saving throw takes
learned scholars and trusted advisers. These
an amount of psychic damage equal to your
wizards weave deals, prepare nobles, and subtly
Intelligence modifier, twice as much psychic
influence the workings of power through means
damage if it succeeds. A creature can only be
both magical and mundane.
damaged by your Stern Rebuke once every 24
Learned Counsel
When you choose this archetype at 2nd level Deceptive Mastery
you gain two specialities from Arcana, Culture,
At 14th level you have a firm grasp on the arts of
Engineering, History, Nature, and Religion.
trickery. Choose one of the following.
These are academic specialties.
Takes One to Know One
In addition, you learn the guidance cantrip, and
You have advantage on saving throws made
you add spells to your spellbook for free (as per
against enchantment spells and illusion spells.
the Court Magician Expanded Spells table). You
treat these spells as wizard spells. As you gain Well-Worn Deception
access to higher level wizard spell slots, you add You can cast an enchantment or illusion spell
more free spells to your spellbook. using a spell slot that is one or more levels
lower by spending 1 favor point. For example,
Table: Court Magician Expanded Spells
you could cast mislead (a 5th-level illusion
spell) by using a 4th-level spell slot and 1
Spell Level Spell
favor point or with a 3rd-level spell slot and 2
favor points. Once you have used this feature
— guidance a number of times equal to your proficiency
bonus, you cannot do so again until you finish
1st heroism, speak with animals a long rest.

2nd calm emotions, enhance ability

Militarist (Fighter)
3rd speak with dead As comfortable in a war council as they are on
the front lines, militarists are always looking for
ways to exploit the weaknesses of their enemies.
Skilled Deceit
At 6th level your magic seems especially Courtly Training
reasonable. Choose one of the following benefits.
At 3rd level, you gain proficiency with two of the
Increased Efficacy following skills: Culture, History, or Insight. If
Choose one of the following schools of magic: you are already proficient, you instead gain an
communication, compulsion, fear, knowledge, expertise die.
law, obscurement. When casting a spell from

to twice your proficiency bonus on materials. At the
Prior Tactics Narrator’s discretion, these may be collected with a
Also at 3rd level, you become superlative successful Hunt and Gather journey activity.
at preparing your fellows for battle. Your
When taking the Attack action, you can forgo
allies must spend at least 10 minutes a
one attack to choose a number of allies equal
week discussing strategy with you to
to or less than your proficiency bonus that are
benefit from this feature, at which point
within 30 feet that can hear and see you, and
you spend a number of gold pieces equal
spend an equal amount of exertion. On their
next successful weapon attack, the chosen allies
deal an extra 1d8 damage as they enact your
recommended strategy. Once you have used this
feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a
short or long rest.

Adept Coordinator
At 7th level, when using Prior Tactics the chosen
allies gain an expertise die on their next spell or
weapon attack.
In addition, damage dealt by an attack that benefits
from your Pior Tactics counts as magical for the
purposes of overcoming damage resistances and

Commander of Armies
At 10th level you learn a marshal lesson of war. Also,
whenever you learn a new
soldiering knack or replace
an existing one, you can
instead choose a lesson
of war.
Additionally, using Prior
Tactics costs 1 less exertion (minimum
1 exertion) and you can now choose for
the extra damage dealt by it to be acid, fire, or
poison damage.

Lead from the Front

Beginning at 15th level, when you use your
Indomitable feature, you may immediately use
Prior Tactics without spending exertion (no Attack
action or attack to forgo required), its
range increases to 50 feet, and you
need not choose allies able to hear
In addition, you have advantage on
saving throws made to resist spells of the
compulsion school.

Master Coordinator
At 18th level, the extra damage from your Prior
Tactics increases to 2d8 and your chosen allies
gain a 1d6 expertise die on their next spell or
weapon attacks.
Tranquil Master (Adept) Reader of Leaves
Calm and unassuming, tranquil masters are Starting at 11th level, after a long rest during
as much about limiting conflict as they are at which you are able to consume and read the
swiftly putting it down. In addition to their dregs of a warm drink, you roll a d20 and use
formidable mental fortitude, such adepts use a bonus action to choose a creature you can
a variety of soothing roots and herbs for the see within 30 feet, including yourself. The next
warm drinks they use to ply their craft. attack roll, ability check, or saving throw that
the creature makes, it uses the result instead of
rolling a d20. Once you have used this feature
Head of Ceremonies after a long rest each additional use requires 3
Starting at 3rd level, you can spend 2 exertion exertion (and an additional d20 roll), and after
to cast ceremony by way of ritualistically using this feature a number of times equal to
preparing a soothing drink for yourself and your Wisdom modifier, you cannot use it again
any creatures or corpses involved. This does until you finish a long rest.
not require any further material components Additionally, you may take 10 minutes to
and does not otherwise affect the spell. prepare and consume a soothing drink, after
which you can spend 3 exertion to cast divination
Serene Mind with no other material components.
Also at 3rd level, your mental training helps
you see the way forward. When you make an Mastery of the Leaf
Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma check, you Beginning at 17th level, the gods bless you
can add your martial arts die. with a celestial talisman in the shape of a cup.
In addition, choose Intelligence, Wisdom, or In your hands it becomes a physical cup that
Charisma. When you fail a saving throw for the provides all the hot drink (though not all the
chosen ability score, you can use your reaction to cups) needed for any of your features.
spend 2 exertion and reroll. Once between long rests you can call upon
the blessings of the gods and drink from
Unassuming the cup. Afterwards, you are immune to the
blinded, deafened, charmed, and poisoned
At 6th level, you perfect the ability to be conditions. In addition, you can spend 1
underestimated. You gain an expertise die exertion to use your Serene Mind feature on
on Deception checks to appear less than you any ability check. Finally, once per combat
are and on Stealth checks. In addition, when you can use a bonus action to drink from the
you are hit by a melee attack you can use cup and roll your martial arts die, regaining
your reaction to spend 2 exertion to exude an equal amount of exertion. These effects all
tranquility, rolling your martial arts die last until the end of your next long rest.
and adding the result to your AC (including
against the triggering attack) for 1 round. If your talisman is destroyed, the gods
provide another after you complete a worthy
task to prove your continued dedication.

by Marc Kenobi

Mount Jino

ount Jino stands like a lonely tooth in
the mouth of an ancient grandfather, Exploration Challenges
flat-topped and crumbling. Its sheer,
charcoal-colored slopes mark it as volcanic rock
left over from some ancient catastrophe.
Sucking Bog
The only breaks in the precipitous western and 1st tier (terrain)
northern flanks are cracks lined with fractured Challenge 4 (1,100XP); DC 15/14
obsidian, their edges sharp enough to slice to the Area Intermediate (3 hours)
bone. The southern side is more broken, giving
it a gentler slope sparsely lined with vegetation Mist hangs heavy in the air filled with the stench
and even the occasional tree, but still makes for of rotting vegetation. Underfoot the soft peat
steep going. On the eastern side, a foggy mire shifts with a squelch and with each step the
stretches out, obscuring much of the base of the ground seems less willing to release a traveler’s
mountain like a sodden veil. Above the mist, boots. Fetid pools block the way, requiring
however, onlookers can spot a switchback trail exhausting detours and backtracking.
leading up to the summit from the bog below. Arduous Trek. When traveling through this
The remains of an ancient structure top the area at faster than a slow pace, at the end
peak like a crown, its walls covered in titanic of every hour each adventurer and mount
murals of the sky. The likeness is so well done makes a Constitution saving throw or suffers
that, when the season and lighting are right, it a level of fatigue.
nearly fades from view.

Grasping Mire. When a creature is knocked creature makes a Dexterity saving throw.
prone, it makes a Dexterity saving throw or On a failure, they are struck by falling
sinks into the mud and becomes restrained. stonework and take 7 (2d6) bludgeoning
A successful Strength (Athletics) check is damage.
required to fight their way free.
Possible Solutions
Limited Visibility. The maximum range
of any sight-based senses is 10 feet. In The party needs to make a group check.
addition, Perception checks are made Engineering checks can be used to discern
with disadvantage, and all passive scores the most structurally sound part of the wall,
(including passive Perception) are reduced or to dismantle part of it to create a passage.
by 5. For the latter, the use of a block and tack,
Persistent Pests. Creatures that sleep in hammer, or crowbar provides an expertise dice
the same hex as the sucking bog without for this check. Using damage dealing spells,
lavender paste or mosquito netting only black powder charges, or a portable ram gives
regain half the usual number of hit dice and disadvantage on the check.
cannot reduce their levels of strife or fatigue. Athletics checks can be made to climb the wall.
Adventurers with a climb speed or with a set of
Possible Solutions climbing gear make this check with advantage.
Navigating the sucking bog requires a group The use of a rope provides all connected
Athletics or Survival check. adventurers with an expertise dice for this check.
Critical Failure. The party becomes hopelessly However, if one fails all others must make a
turned around, losing 8 (1d5+3) hours of Strength saving throw or also fail.
travel time. They each lose 4 (2d4) Supply Critical Failure. The adventurers are buried in
and gain a level of fatigue. falling masonry, taking 10 (3d6) bludgeoning
Failure. Each adventurer that fails becomes damage, and are restrained, requiring an
stuck in the bog and loses 2 (1d4) Supply. Athletics check to escape the debris. At the
Additionally, the stench of the bog clings to end of the next round, a rock troll arrives to
them, giving disadvantage on Stealth and investigate the noise.
Persuasion checks until they can properly Failure. Each adventurer takes 10 (3d6)
clean themselves. bludgeoning damage from the debris and
Success. The adventurers make it through, loses 2 Supply amongst the rubble.
filthy but unharmed. Success. The party makes it past the wall.
Critical Success. The adventurers cross safely Critical Success. The party creates a
and swiftly, discovering something of permanent hole in the wall or has identified
interest at an abandoned campsite along an area that does not crumble. In either case,
the way. Roll on the Boons and Discoveries they do not require checks to pass the wall in
table. this location in the future.

Crumbling Masonry Monster Variants

1st tier (constructed)
Challenge 5 (1,800XP); DC 15/14
Troll: Rock Troll
Area Immediate (less than 1 hour) Some trolls take to the tallest passes,
developing a weathered, rocky appearance.
Part of the road has crumbled away, leaving this These changes protect them from a troll’s
ruin to block the path ahead. There are abundant typical weaknesses, and close quarters have
handholds in the crumbling 40 ft wall, making taught them to ambush prey, often flinging
for easy climbing. However, the shattered stone the unwary off cliffs.
strewn about suggests anyone falling may bring The rock troll is CR 6 (2,300 XP), has an AC of
the wall with them. 18, and loses its keen smell. It has the following
Heads Up. At the end of every 10 minutes trait and version of the Regeneration trait:
spent within 30 feet of the wall, a random

False Appearance. When motionless, the rock Poison Stinger. A creature that takes damage
troll is indistinguishable from a typical from the canicore’s tail must succeed on a
boulder. DC 13 Constitution saving throw or become
Regeneration. The troll regains 10 hit points at poisoned. It can repeat the saving throw at
the start of its turn. If the troll takes thunder the end of each of its turns, ending the effect
or cold damage, this trait doesn’t function on on a success.
its next turn. The troll dies only if it starts its
turn with 0 hit points and doesn’t regenerate. Manticore: Aracnecore
The rock troll has the following additional The long legs of this huge ogre-faced spider end
action: with heavily padded paws and its stubby thorax
Ambushing Shove. The rock troll targets one is covered in the gold and black fur of a hyena.
Large or smaller creature within reach that The aracnecore is created using the same magic as
either has not taken a turn in the combat that used to create a canicore, but the result was a
yet, is within 5 feet of another enemy, or surly, suspicious, and wildly violent creature.
against whom the rock troll has advantage. The aracnecore is CR 5 (1,800 XP), has 85 (10d10
The target makes a DC 14 Strength saving + 30; bloodied 42) hit points, an AC of 16, and a
throw. On a failure, the rock troll shoves proficiency bonus of +3. The aracnecore does not
the target up to 30 feet horizontally and have the tail or tail spike volley actions and loses
knocks it prone. If the target strikes an its fly speed, but gains the following traits:
object, such as a wall, it takes 10 (3d6)
Spider Climb. The aracencore can climb even on
bludgeoning damage. If the target would
difficult surfaces and upside down on ceilings.
strike another creature, that creature must
succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw Web Walker. The aracencore ignores
or both take the same damage and are movement restrictions imposed by webs.
knocked prone. In addition, the following replace their
equivalent actions:
Manticore: Canicore Multiattack. The aracencore makes one bite
Canicores are the descendants of a long-ago and two claw attacks.
magical experiment. Looking for amenable Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach
guardians, Mount Jino’s erstwhile wizard fused 5 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d6 + 3) piercing
wyverns and large dogs. Just as talkative and damage, and the target makes a DC 14
far more willing to serve than manticores, they Constitution saving throw. On a failure, it is
chatter constantly amongst themselves and seek paralyzed for 1 minute. The creature repeats
out suitably powerful masters. Their bodies the saving throw at the end of each of its
resemble an oversized greyhound with a long turns, ending the paralysis on a success.
tail ending in a large stinger, and they are often
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach
found in small packs of three or four. They have
5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (3d4 + 3) slashing
small, elongated faces resembling a pixie’s and a
damage. If the manticore moves at least 20
thin membrane stretches between their limbs.
feet straight towards the target before the
The canicore is CR 2 (450 XP) and has 51 (6d10 + attack, the target makes a DC 13 Strength
18; bloodied 25) hit points. It does not have a tail saving throw, falling prone on a failure.
spike volley action and loses its fly speed, but
gains the following traits:
Pack Tactics. The canicore has advantage on
NPC Spotlight
attack rolls against a creature if at least one
of its allies is within 5 feet of the creature and Lothar, Stone Giant Sky Artist
not incapacitated. Once renowned among his people as a
Gliding 30ft. Gliding allows the canicore to stonetalker, Lothar is an imposing 19 feet tall
move horizontally 1 foot for every 1 foot it and covered in tattoos that give off a faint blue
descends, falling if it moves less than 5 feet glow. He found his way to the surface decades
each turn. ago and discovered a passion for the sky that he
never experienced for stone.

Lothar lives a hermit’s life, nestled in the what they want, Gullup will burble thoughtfully
ruins of a long-forgotten wizard’s tower before drawing up the appropriate boxes and
perched at the top of Mount Jino, which he has unlocking them to reveal the goods he has to
decorated with magnificent murals and the offer.
tusks of rock trolls. The giant spends much of Gullup has a good variety of magical items,
his time watching the flight of birds and the well-made weapons and armor, and a fine
movement of the stars that guide his auguries. selection of potions. What is noticeable, however,
He also makes fine inks and paints with which is that other than the potions, all of the items
to decorate his body and home. are made by other peoples and cultures. A
Lothar is happy to talk with strangers for successful DC 12 History check reveals that these
a little while (usually in less than an hour) were doubtless taken in one of many boggard
but then his interest wanes and his desire for incursions.
solitude returns. When this happens he will In the event of an attack, Gullup and his
abruptly walk away, becoming annoyed and companions dive into the water and unhook all
then angry with visitors that try to continue a the stock from the chains before swimming to
discussion. safety. They will return later with a war party to
The giant will also barter supplies in exchange ambush the aggressors.
for castings of augury or scrying and even body
art for polite and respectful visitors. These take
10 minutes to apply to a subject, fade after one
use, and use the same costs as scrolls of the
appropriate spell. Use the subject’s Charisma as
the spellcasting ability where required.
Lothar offers the following designs: a sun
(daylight), a feather (feather fall), a cloud (fog
cloud), a cloud with a face blowing air (gust of
wind), a primitive figure with a shield and sword
(heroism), a figure in the lotus position (levitate),
and a coil of rope (rope trick).

Gullup, Boggard Trader

Deep in the bog surrounding Mount Jino is a
primitive shack on stilts, where water drips
through the rafters and vines have burst
through the walls. It’s obvious from the few
repairs that have been made that the original
structure was not built by boggards, but it is
here that Gullup, a boggard bravo, has set
up shop. Those hoping for a bargain don’t
mention the state of the shack or offer the
proud boggard any offense.
Standing a little over 5 feet tall with glistening
mottled brown and orange skin, Gullup wears a
soaking wet leather apron that contains dozens
of pockets, almost all of which contain keys.
Several other boggards live within the structure
and Gullup has two pet giant toads in a paddock
behind the shack.
On one wall of the main room, chains hang
through the floor and into the depths below.
These are all hooked to submerged lockboxes
containing Gullup’s wares. As visitors describe

by Cassandra Macdonald

Cunning Curses
preferences and standards they will judge the
Making Curses Fun wearer by and react accordingly. However, these

ursed magic items tend to fall into one of two are merely echoes of personality, not signs of
categories: useless junk or irritating problem true sapience, and thus these items do not carry
to solve. But think instead of what a cursed the benefits (or additional drawbacks) of sentient
item does in stories: it tempts its wielder with power magic items. While a cursed intelligent item
at great personal cost, driving them to change would doubtless be an interesting addition to a
their priorities and behavior in pursuit of some campaign, Narrators should carefully consider
promised reward. So here are several examples that game balance when adding this mechanic.
offer tangible benefits that might just be worth the
risk. Keeping in mind that the best way to tempt a Ring of Battered Courage
character is to tempt the player, Narrators should
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement, costs
feel free to be upfront about an item’s complicated
2,500 gp)
nature and watch them weigh the pros and cons.
Crafting Components: The heart of an azer
Some of these cursed items include escalations.
forgemaster killed in battle, encased in obsidian.
These effects cause the cursed item to grow
in power in response to certain events (at a This jagged black ring made of volcanic rock is
Narrator’s discretion), but be warned; the streaked with orange veins and uncomfortable to
curses may also become more severe as a wear. While wearing this ring, you are immune
result. Additionally, some of these items have to the frightened condition. Additionally, while

you are bloodied, it grows hotter and grants the regardless of other alliances. Attaining even a
following benefits: novice level of mastery attracts the attention
 Your AC increases by 1 for each hostile of other wielders, who may have expectations
creature (squads and swarms count as of you.
single creatures for this purpose) within 5 The cipher sword also has the following
feet of you, to a maximum of +5. properties:
 When you hit a creature with a melee  You are not considered proficient with this
weapon attack, roll 1d8. Add the result weapon.
to the attack’s damage and gain the same  While wielding this weapon, you don’t
amount of temporary hit points. benefit from any feature that would grant
Curse. You fail death saving throws on a roll you additional attacks.
of 12 or lower. Additionally, this ring despises Escalation. This weapon is immensely
what it sees as cowardice. If you don armor or powerful for those willing to solve the
use a shield defensively, you lose all benefits of riddle of its use. Once per week, if you’ve
this ring for 1 week. successfully reduced a dangerous enemy (as
Escalation. When you show extraordinary determined by the Narrator) to 0 hit points
courage in the face of certain death and emerge with it since the last time you finished a
victorious, this ring’s power can evolve, gaining long rest, make a DC 14 Intelligence check to
one of the following features. For each power it meditate on the sword’s secrets. On a failure,
gains, the threshold for successful death saving you gain +1 to future attempts at this check.
throws increases by 2. On a success, your level of mastery increases,
Charge Into Danger. As a bonus action while you lose any bonus gained from failed
bloodied, you can move up to your movement attempts, the DC to advance again increases
speed toward a hostile creature. by 4, and the time between attempts increases
by 1 week. If you ever willingly end your
Coward’s Bane. Creatures never gain advantage attunement to this weapon, you take 8 (4d4)
from being unseen on attack rolls against you psychic damage that cannot be negated or
and you always have resistance to poison reduced and lose all mastery you’ve gained.
The levels of mastery are as follows:
Novice: You now are proficient with this
Cipher Sword weapon, and it gains the finesse property.
Weapon (any sword), very rare (requires attunement, However, wielding anything else begins to feel
costs 18,750 gp) wrong to you, and you suffer disadvantage on
Crafting Components: A quill from a phoenix, all melee weapon attacks made with a different
pressed in the pages of a spellbook with no weapon.
fewer than three spells of 7th level or higher, Apprentice: You gain +1 to attack and
which it consumes in fire over the course of a damage rolls with this weapon. You can
month. also now attack twice, instead of once, when
This sword’s blade is plated with alchemical you take the Attack action with this weapon
silver, its hilt stylized to resemble an open on your turn. Additionally, you now suffer
book from which the blade emerges. Despite disadvantage on all weapon attacks with
its masterfully-crafted appearance, however, other weapons.
a cipher sword is uncomfortable to hold and Expert: Your bonus to attack and damage rolls
strangely unwieldy. It has the two-handed and with this weapon increases to +2 and it gains the
heavy properties and deals 2d8 slashing damage Vicious property. When you make a weapon
on a hit, but you feel this is only a fraction of its attack with a different weapon, you now also
potential. take 4 (2d4) psychic damage. This damage
Curse. There are other cipher swords owned cannot be negated or reduced by any means.
by a variety of creatures across the planes. Master: Your bonus to attack and damage
Most wielders consider themselves part of rolls with this weapon increases to +3, and
an exclusive group and expect the loyalty you can summon it to your hand as a bonus
and cooperation of those with less mastery,

action so long as you are on the same plane
as it. Additionally, once per short rest, when
Circlet of the Apprentice
you successfully attack a creature with it, you Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement, costs
immediately learn about any special defenses 2,200 gp)
or weaknesses that creature possesses as the Crafting Components: Iron from shackles that a
blade imparts the wisdom of previous wielders. prisoner died wearing, powdered and combined
Additionally, the psychic damage you take from
with quicksilver.
making a weapon attack with a different weapon
increases to 8 (4d4). This simple circlet has the color of lightly-
rusted iron and is highlighted by a large violet
gem in its center, which appears to contain a
Glory’s Glaive slowly-moving metallic fluid.
Weapon (glaive), uncommon (400 gp)
While attuned to this circlet, you gain a +1
Crafting Components: Hair from the mane of a bonus to all saving throws. Additionally, when
lion, taken while it’s feeding on a fresh kill. you fail a saving throw, you can choose to
A red sash with gold trim adorns the haft of this succeed instead. You can’t use this property
glaive, the steel head of which is always polished again until the following dawn.
to a mirror shine. The counterweight is made Curse. The true name of the creature who
of brass and resembles a snarling lion, giving crafted this circlet is forever instilled within it,
the weapon a regal appearance that belies its and it becomes aware of you upon attunement.
prideful, capricious nature. If that creature forces you to make a saving
This glaive’s blade is dull, and cannot be throw, you automatically fail, and you can’t
sharpened by any whetstone, causing it to use this circlet to succeed. You can learn the
deal only 1d6 bludgeoning damage on a name of the creature with legend lore or similar
hit. As a bonus action, you can attempt to magic. Short of powerful magic (such as wish),
flatter the weapon with a DC 13 Persuasion only the maker’s willing touch or death (yours
check. On a failure, you take 1d4 psychic or theirs) allows you to end your attunement to
damage that cannot be reduced or negated. the circlet. If you willingly end your attunement
On a success, the blade becomes sharp for 10 after the maker’s death, the circlet loses all
minutes. While sharp, it deals 1d12 slashing magical properties.
damage, grants +1 to attack and damage
rolls made with it, and gains the flamboyant Crown of the Crystal Sovereign
property. If it’s used in inglorious ways,
Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement)
such as for the execution of an unarmed
foe or being used to cut down brush, it will Unique (uncraftable)
immediately turn dull and refuse to become This crown looks like a braid of pure crystal and
sharp until properly placated, as determined its front is a set of three pointed, curling spires that
by the Narrator. give its wearer an imposing, regal silhouette. Once
You can forgo your journey activity to worn by the monarch of an ancient crystal palace
deep underground, the crown was lost after its
spend time polishing, admiring, or training
wearer’s grasping schemes brought calamity on
with glory’s glaive to gain a bonus equal to
their people. The power, ambition, and ruthless
your Proficiency bonus on Persuasion checks
might of the Crystal Sovereign of Coranaal still
to flatter it for the next 24 hours.
lingers, granting the wearer the following properties:
Escalation. If you strike the killing blow Crystal Skin. Your skin takes on a jagged,
in battle with a mighty or storied foe (as shimmering appearance and feels firm and cold
determined by the Narrator) with glory’s to the touch. You gain +2 to your Armor Class.
glaive, its ego can grow a maximum of twice. Additionally, when you’re hit by a ranged spell
When its ego grows, its bonus to attack and attack, roll 1d4. On a 3, you are unaffected and the
damage rolls increases by +1, the DC to flatter spell is reflected back at its caster, rolling again to see
it increases by 3, and the psychic damage if it hits.
taken on a failure increases by 1d4.
All-Seeing. You gain truesight out to 30 feet.

Additionally, you can use this trait to cast time and overtaken by creatures from the depths.
clairvoyance at will, using the crown as your material You lose any existing Destiny features. In addition,
component. if you have a chance to advance this Destiny (as
Lord Under The Mountain. Your Prestige Rating is determined by the Narrator) and do not take it, you
increased by 2, or 4 if you’re underground. lose all benefits from the crown and suffer a level of
strife each week until you pursue the opportunity,
Regal Bearing. A number of times per day at which point you lose all strife gained this way
equal to your Charisma modifier you can, as and regain the benefits of the crown. These levels of
an action, target one creature that can see you strife cannot otherwise be removed.
within 60 feet. It must succeed on a Wisdom
saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency modifier The crown remains firmly affixed to your head
+ your Charisma modifier) or use its next turn and cannot be removed in any way, nor can your
to fall prone in supplication, taking no other attunement be broken, unless you are beheaded,
actions. Additionally, when you’re targeted with at which point you can never attune to the item
any attack by a creature within 10 feet of you, again, even if you are brought back to life. The only
you can force it to make this saving throw as a other exception is if you reclaim the Crystal Palace
reaction. On a failure it has disadvantage on the and then choose to, in the presence of 4 sentient
attack and then falls prone as above. creatures, formally renounce your title while sitting
on the throne of Coronaal, at which point the
Greed of Coronaal. It’s said that, even as their palace and crown begin to crumble, ending your
palace crumbled, the Crystal Sovereign still coveted attunement and destroying the item.
and guarded their treasures. You can use an action
to summon an item from the hoard of Coronaal, an Escalation. When you fulfill this destiny, the save
endlessly enormous extra dimensional space that DC of Regal Bearing and the Armor Class bonus of
you can access remotely. You instinctively know Crystal Skin increase by 2, while the range of your
what’s inside, and when you first access the hoard, truesight increases by 60 ft, your Prestige bonus is
roll on Treasure for Challenge Ratings 23-30 (page increased by 2, and you can cast scrying at will using
182, Trials and Treasures) to determine what’s already the crown as a focus.
there. This doesn’t mean that you have any desire
to share, however, and must make a DC 14 Wisdom
saving throw to willingly part, even temporarily,
with any item that has been in the hoard.
You can also use an action to touch an item of up
to Large size and send it to the hoard. However,
the crown shuns items it deems unworthy, casting
them into the Astral Plane if you attempt to store
them. This includes magic items of common or
uncommon rarity and any mundane items worth
less than 500 gp. Additionally, as a security feature,
creatures cannot enter this space; even the wearer
can only access it remotely.
Otherwise, the hoard has the limitations of
any other interdimensional space in regards
to Supply and dead creatures. Placing another
interdimensional item, such as a portable hole, in
the hoard destroys the lesser item, scattering its
contents across the Astral Plane. Additionally, 4
(2d4) random valuables from the horde are also lost
in this way, though the crown of the crystal sovereign
is otherwise unaffected.
Curse. When you attune to this crown, your
Destiny immediately changes to Dominion if it’s
not already, and you can only fulfill it by reclaiming
the Crystal Palace of Coronaal, which is lost to

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