What Is An Editorial Cartoon

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What is an editorial cartoon?

 Newspaper editorial cartoons are graphic expressions of their

creator’s ideas and opinions. In addition, the editorial cartoon usually,
but not always, reflects the publication’s viewpoint.
 Editorial cartoons are based on current events. That means that they
are produced under restricted time conditions in order to meet
publication deadlines (often 5 or 6 per week).
 Editorial cartoons, like written editorials, have an educational
purpose. They are intended to make readers think about current
political issues.
 Editorial cartoons must use a visual and verbal vocabulary that is
familiar to readers.
 Editorial cartoons are part of a business, which means that editors
and/or managers may have an impact on what is published.
 Editorial cartoons are published in a mass medium, such as a
newspaper, news magazine, or the Web.
 Editorial cartoons are tied to the technology that produces them,
whether it is a printing press or the Internet. For printed cartoons,
their size at the time of publication and their placement (on the front
page, editorial page, or as the centerfold) affects their impact on
readers. The addition of color may also change how readers respond
to them.
 Editorial cartoons differ from comic strips. Editorial cartoons appear
on the newspaper’s editorial or front page, not on the comics page.
They usually employ a single-panel format and do not feature
continuing characters in the way that comic strips do.
 Editorial cartoons are sometimes referred to as political cartoons,
because they often deal with political issues.

What tools does the editorial cartoonist use to communicate ideas

and opinions with readers?

 Caricatures are drawings of public figures in which certain physical

features are exaggerated. Caricatures of Richard M. Nixon often
show him as needing to shave.
 Stereotypes are formulaic images used to represent particular
groups. A stereotypical cartoon mother might have messy hair, wear
an apron, and hold a screaming baby in her arms.
 Symbols are pictures that represent something else by tradition. A
dove is a symbol for peace.
 Analogies are comparisons that suggest that one thing is similar to
something else. The title of a popular song or film might be used by a
cartoonist to comment on a current political event.
 Humor is the power to evoke laughter or to express what is amusing,
comical or absurd.

How can an editorial cartoon be evaluated?

 A good editorial cartoon combines a clear drawing and good writing.

 A good editorial cartoon expresses a recognizable point-of-view or
 In the best instances, the cartoon cannot be read or understood by
only looking at the words or only looking at the picture. Both the
words and the pictures must be read together in order to understand
the cartoonist’s message.
 Not all editorial cartoons are meant to be funny. Some of the most
effective editorial cartoons are not humorous at all. Humor is only one
tool available to editorial cartoonists.

Editorial cartoons provide a window into history by showing us what people

were thinking and talking about at a given time and place. Today’s editorial
cartoons will provide the same record of our own time.

1. Group work among my students’ works well because I see them all engaged inthe activity.2.
Collaboration is evident and effective during the delivery of my lesson. Thestudents are seen to
be very cooperative in learning process.3. Giving students more time to explore and discover the
task given allows them tomake their presentations nice and effective. It teaches them to think of a
greatpresentation.4. Allowingstudents tothink oftheir ownstrategies onhow topresentthe
activityshows their thorough understanding of the lesson and enhances their creativity.
Yetguidance of the teacher is very much required.5. Grouping is seen to be very
effective in every classroom activity becausestudents will learn on how to deal with the different
family orientations showed bytheir classmates.Theylearntobe flexible.6. Creative
presentations such as singing, dancing, acting, playing musicalinstruments are also very
effective. Some of them are new to each other yet theywork effectively
to showcase a creative and relevant theme activity.7.
Differentiated instruction is very much effective because it caters to
the multipleintelligences present in each student.8. Profiling students provides the teacher
from the better to the best idea on how todeal with them and on what particular strategy would
best fit for their kind.9.Discussionfirst,thenactivityis also found outtobe very
effective since students inthis generation has a very limited attention span.10. Video
presentations as a springboard to teaching are likewise effective.Students absorb it faster if they
are looking at a video; because most of the studentsthesedaysarebodilykinestheticandvisual
learners.11. Game as an introduction to a topic was also found out to be very effective
aswell. Students tend to understand easy and well if they are enjoying the lesson.Learning at the
same time enjoying is effective because a happy class is a learningclass.

Department of Education

Region X-Northern Mindanao


D e l P i l a r - V e l e z   S t . , C a g a y a n de   O r o C i t y

website: www.depedmisor.net 


12.Power PointPresentations are also very usefulforstudents.It facilitates easyandfasterdeliveryofthe
lessons.13.Sharingteachersexperiencerelatedtothelessonisalsousefulbecauseitsetsthe mood of the
students that if others can do it, why can’t they.14.
Indigenize, Localize and contextualize instructional materials are the mostpowerful thing
to do in whatever subject that we are teaching.15.Encourage students tosay
their answers inEnglishif themediumofinstructionisEnglish; yet answers said in vernacular will also
be accepted. Forcing them to speakEnglishmighthindertheir driveto answer.Itis now the teacher’s
responsibilitytotranslate itinEnglish.16. Making thing easier for the students by going down to
their level and bring themto the top with the teacher slowly. No one should
be left behind.17. Reward system is also seen to be very effective as well.
Rewards need not to beexpensive. Educational things may do. ( pen, notebooks, etc.)
But it can be doneonscheduleor bysurprisesoas nottoletstudents expectthatyouhaveit
everyday.18. Introducing the subject in the happiest way creates the idea of

“I can make it“

tothe students. Teacher may start with “Who among you here experienced ….?,
Wholoves to…? and a lot more.19. Appreciating them in everything they do was also found
out to be a verypositivereinforcement for thestudents. Teacher’s affirmation of what thestudentsare
doingistheirbasisoftellingthemselvesthattheydidtherightthingandfollowed therightinstruction.20.
Always showing positivity in everything encourages the students to do more andstrive
more to please their teacher and get the good grades that they wanted wasveryevident
insidetheclassroom.Happinessisthebestthingtobeshowntothestudents.21. Respecting student’s point
of view is very much needed inside the classroom. They will do the same thing to
their fellow students.22.Processingstudent’squestionsandquerieshelpthemtothoroughly
understandwhat is being meant.23. Being a friend, a guidance counselor, a mother, and a
teacher yet maintainingthe respect, and letting them feel that you understand them is also
a very goodstrategy.Itis one wayofestablishingcomfortand trust.
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Department of Education

Region X-Northern Mindanao


D e l P i l a r - V e l e z   S t . , C a g a y a n de   O r o C i t y

website: www.depedmisor.net 

24. Let the students feel that they are loved and wanted by always checking onwho is
absent and what happened to them, or even ask them if they are good
ornot.25. Always show them love, respect and care; very effective strategy to
maintaintheir respect and love to their teacher.26. Students are seen to be having fun and
enjoyment in the learning process ascan be seen in their positive and happy facial expressions.27.
Theclass showedexcitementinsharingtheir ideas totheir respectivegroups inaBRAINSTORMING
activity as evident in the academic noise happening in theclassroom.28. Student outputs are
impressive as they were able to connect to the lesson andcreate new ideas in relevance
to the topic discussed.29.Theuseofdifferentiated instructiontriggered thecreativityofmy
students andeliminated theshyness ofthestudents.Withthe activities,allofmystudents areable
to participate and contribute to the class learning and activities.30. With the group
work I have provided, the learners were able to synergize andthe results of
their outputs are much more than what I have expected.31.Harnessingthecreativeabilities of
my learners is provento beveryeffective. Those learners
who thought that they couldn’t create artistic masterpieces wereprovenwrong;I
believeIhavebroughtouttheartistswithinmystudents32. Giving my students group or pair-work
activities seems to be effective inpreservingtheirattentiontotheclassandretentionofthelessons.33.My
students love interactiveactivities,songs,dances,jazz chants or raps.Theirsenses seem to be
awakened and revitalized every time they are asked to stand upand present their outputs/learning
in a creative way.34.UsingPowerPointpresentations,youtubevideos,


 songs and raps,and other materials used with the aid of technology really

capture the attention ofmylearners.35.Lettingmystudents actoutor mimetheir answers in
class eradicatestheirinhibitions to the medium of communication (English).36. If my learners are
given the freedom to choose how they are going to presenttheir outputs/answers tomyquestions,
I findit veryeffective,atthe same timeentertaining. My learners are not bored,
and their talents and skills are honed.

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Department of Education

Region X-Northern Mindanao


D e l P i l a r - V e l e z   S t . , C a g a y a n de   O r o C i t y

website: www.depedmisor.net 


37.Paired students activityis found tobeeffectivefor thefirst week of
classesbecause students are stilladjusting to their newclassmates;it is stilldifficultforthemto be in
groups.38. Giving different activities to my students for a target learning/skill enabled themto
showcasetheirdifferenttalents.39. Incorporating songs in my class made my students more motivated
andinterested to actively participate in the learning process.40. The“pictureTalk”
activity enabled my students tousevividdescriptions ofthings presented; their vocabulary
is enriched.41. Stating my class with a “ Game of words” or “ Blockbuster Game” was found
toeffective to serve as brainstorming process for vocabulary lesson.42. Letting the
students sing the poem in rap, or in their chosen song genre addedthe joy and interest in
the class making them realize that learning should be fun.43. The “How-To-Do-It”
activity is found to be a useful activity to develop studentsskillindescribing process or
following steps.44. TheClozeTest activity is goodfor thestudents todeveloptheir skills in
synonymsor using appropriate or applicable words.

F . W h a t   d i ff i c u l t i e s d i d I e n c o u n t e r w h i c h m y p r i n c i p a l   o r
supervisor can help me sol ve?
1. I encountered difficulty in the use of localized Instructional Materials (IMs)for myclass,
sometimestheavailabilityisanissue.2. Classroom Structuring is difficult for me. I need proper
guidance from anInstructional leader like my School Head.3.StudentsAttitudeduringtheclassis
seenasaproblem.Dealingwithpupils/students inthis class is a challenge.

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Department of Education

Region X-Northern Mindanao


D e l P i l a r - V e l e z   S t . , C a g a y a n de   O r o C i t y

website: www.depedmisor.net 


4. Bullying among the pupils/classmates is bearable but needs proper guidancefrommy

superior.5. Rubric making is difficultfor me.Itrulyneed thehelpfrommysuperior or anymaster
teacher.6.TardinessamongSHSstudentswasobservedthisweek.Itissomethingthatisbeyond our control
as teachers. What is important for us is that they come to schooland ensure that they would
keep coming every day.7. Lack of restrooms and scheduled water supply
was also observed. Yet, ourSchool Head is doing something about it already.8. Our
pathway going to the next building needs to be paid attention. As of themoment,
teacher’s constant guidance is made.9. Classroom is not secured as of the moment, I
have to be patient and makenecessary measures for the good and safety of my
students.10.Students love colors all around them.Ineedtomakemy instructional
materialsas colorfulas possible.11.Trashbins areverymuchneeded toaddress cleanliness in the
classroom.12. It would be appreciated if a teacher shall be given relevant training even
atschool level.13. Strict adherence to school rules and
regulations among teachers and studentswould be very useful.14.It is alsoobserved that
male students,inspite ofourconstantreminder aboutproper hair cutstill are not
cutting their hair properly.15. Male and Female students are also constantly reminded
about the wearing oftatteredjeansinsidethecampus,yet,theyarestilwearingit.16. Students are
participative and willing to learn but some classes have lower levelof proficiency thus some classes
with the same subject lessons are way too behind.LPsmayvaryintermsofnumberofhours.17.
Availability of technological equipment and facilities like HDMIs LCD projector(there’s only one/few
in our school), AVR is a great factor in learning especially thatsome subjects offered now
require the use of technology like Media
andInformation Literacy (computers and Internet connection) and OralCommunica
tion (speech Laboratory).

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What is a remarks in daily lesson plan?
Lesson comments are notes associated with specific lessons. Lesson
comments are very flexible, meaning you can use them for a lot of different
communication. For example: Letting students know how they are doing or
offer words of encouragement after a lesson.



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