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Name of Dosage/ Mechanism Indication Contraindication Adverse Nursing

Drug Frequency/ of Action Effect Responsibilities

Generic 2g IV every 6 to Inhibits cell- Perioperat Contraindicated in Phlebitis, After

Name: 8 hours wall ive patients thrombo reconstitution,
synthesis, prophylaxi hypersensitive to phlebitis inject I.M. without
Cefazolin promoting s in drug or other with IV further dilution.
osmotic contamina cephalosporins. injection This drug isn’t as
instability; ted painful as other
usually surgery cephalosporins.
bactericidal Dive injection
deeply into a
large muscle,
such as the
gluteus maximus
or lateral aspect
of the thigh.

Name of Dosage/ Mechanism Indication Contraindication Adverse Nursing

Drug Frequency/ of Action Effect Responsibilities

Generic 500 mg Inhibits cell- Serious Contraindicated in CV: Monitor PT and

Name: BID wall lower patients Phlebitis, INR in patients
synthesis, respiratory hypersensitive to thrombo with impaired
Cefuroxime promoting tract drug or other phlebitis vitamin K
osmotic infection, cephalosporins.. GI: synthesis or low
instability; UTI, skin Diarrhea, vitamin K stores.
usually or skin pseudom Vitamin K may
bactericidal structure embrano be needed.
infection, us colitis,
bone or nausea, Monitor patient
joint anorexia for super
infection, and infections,
septicemia vomiting. diarrhea, and
, anemia and treat
meningitis appropriately.

Name of Dosage/ Mechanism Indication Contraindication Adverse Nursing

Drug Frequency/ of Action Effect Responsibilities

Generic 10 IU/mL 1mL Causes To induce Contraindicated in Arrhythm Monitor fetal

Name: potent and or patients ias, heart rate and
selective stimulate hypersensitive to HTN, uterine
Oxytocin: stimulation labor. drug. PVCs, contractions
and uterine hypotens before
and To reduce ion, augmenting and
mammary postpartu tachycar inducing labor.
gland m dia,
smooth bleeding Nausea,
muscle. after vomiting
Name of Dosage/ Mechanism Indication Contraindication Adverse Nursing
Drug Frequency/ of Action Effect Responsibilities

Generic Increases To treat History of Headach Supervise

Name: blood hypotensio hypersensitivity to e, continuously
pressure by n under ephedrine or other insomnia patients receiving
Ephedrine stimulating anaesthesi sympathomimetic; , nervous ephedrine IV.
heart rate a, allergic narrow-angle ness, an Take baseline BP
and cardiac conditions, glaucoma; xiety, and other vital
output and bronchial pregnancy tremulou signs. Check BP
variably asthma, (category C), sness, repeatedly during
increasing and nasal lactation. giddines first 5 min, then
peripheral congestion s q3–5min until
resistance stabilized.

Monitor I&O ratio

and pattern,
especially in
older male
patient to void
before taking

Name of Drug Dosage/ Mechanism Indication Contraindication Adverse Nursing

Frequency/ of Action Effect Responsibilities

Generic Name: 100mg/ml Inhibits the It is used Hypersensitivity to Seizures Monitor blood
Ampule 5mL activation of in the tranexamic acid , pressure, pulse,
Tranexamic plasminogen treatment or any of the headach and respiratory
via binding and ingredients. es, status as
at several prophylaxi Presence of blood backach indicated by
distinct sites, s of clots or area at e, severity of
including hemorrha risk for blood abdomin bleeding.
four or five ge clots. Patients al pain, Monitor for overt
low-affinity associated with acquired nausea, bleeding every
sites and with defective color vomiting, 15–30 min.
one high- excessive vision, since this diarrhea,
affinity site, fibrinolysis prohibits fatigue,
the latter of . measuring one pulmona
which is endpoint that ry
involved in should be embolis
its binding to followed as a m, deep
fibrin. measure of vein
toxicity, patients thrombo
with subarachnoid sis,
and have active anaphyla
intravascular xis,
clotting. impaired
Name of Dosage/ Mechanism Indication Contraindication Adverse Nursing
Drug Frequency/ of Action Effect Responsibilities

Generic 5mg/mL Local Local or Hypersensitivity, Seizures Monitor signs of

Name: Ampule 4mL anesthetics regional sensitivity to , anxiety, metabolic
inhibit anesthesi parabens. dizziness acidosis,
Bupivacaine initiation and a or Obstetrical , including
conduction analgesia paracervical block headach headache,
of sensory for anesthesia. e, lethargy, stupor,
nerve surgical, Intravenous irritability seizures, vision
impulses by obstetric, regional . disturbances,
altering the or anesthesia use. increased
influx of diagnostic respiration,
sodium and procedure cardiac
efflux of s. arrhythmias,
potassium in weakness, and
neurons, GI symptoms
slowing or (nausea,
stopping vomiting, and/or
pain abdominal pain).
transmission Notify physician
. or nursing staff
immediately if
these signs

Name of Dosage/ Mechanism Indication Contraindication Adverse Nursing

Drug Frequency/ of Action Effect Responsibilities

Generic 30 mg May inhibit Short-term Contraindicated in Headach Monitor signs of

Name: IV prostaglandin manageme women during e, GI bleeding,
Every 6 hours synthesis to nt of labor and delivery drowsine including
Ketorolac produce anti- moderately because drug may ss, abdominal pain,
inflammatory, severe, adversely affect dizziness vomiting blood,
analgesic, acute pain fetal circulation blood in stools, or
and tipyretic for single- and inhibit uterine black, tarry stools.
effects. dose contractions. Report these
treatment signs to the
Monitor injection
site for pain,
swelling, and
irritation. Report
prolonged or
injection site
reactions to the
Name of Dosage/ Mechanism Indication Contraindication Adverse Nursing
Drug Frequency/ of Action Effect Responsibilities

Generic Stimulates To prevent Contraindicated in Anxiety, Monitor bowel

Name: motility of or reduce patients for whom drowsine sounds.
upper GI nausea stimulation of GI ss,
Metoclopram tract, and motility might be dystonic Drug may cause
ide increases vomiting dangerous (those reaction, tardive
lower from with hemorrhage, fatigue, dyskinesia,
esophageal emetogeni obstruction, or lassitude parkinsonian
sphincter c cancer perforation). , symptoms, and
tone, and chemother restlessn motor
blocks apy. ess, restlessness.
dopamine seizures, Monitor patient
receptors at To prevent suicidal for involuntary
the or reduce ideation, movements of
chemorecept postoperat akathisia face, tongue, and
or trigger ive , extremities which
zone. nausea dizziness may indicate
and , tardive
vomiting. confusio dyskinesia or
n, extrapyramidal
depressi adverse effects.
s, fever,
, tardive

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