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Customer Analytic: Analysing Consumer Market, Customer Segmentation, Customer Relationship.

Effective target
marketing requires that marketers: 1. Identify and profile distinct groups of buyers who differ in their needs and wants
(market segmentation). 2.Select one or more market segments to enter (market targeting). 3.For each target segment,
establish, communicate, and deliver the right benefit(s) for the company’s market offering (market positioning). 4 major
segmentation variables: 1. Geographic (Country, Urban/ Rural, Cities, Villages, Climate/ weather), 2. Demographic (Age,
Gender, Marital Status, Occupation, Religion, Education), 3. Psychographic (Life Style, Attitude, Personality or Values,
Interest, Social status), 4. Behavioral segmentation (Purchasing Behavior (Past purchase) Benefits Sought, Customer Journey
Stage, Customer Satisfaction, User Status). Customer relationship: Basic relationship and full partnership, Customer
relationship management, Engaging and connecting customer in different ways. Relationship is changing: Relationship
focused on core customer which can add value to organization, previously one way (gift card) and now two ways (video,
feedback) because of social media, Partner relationship management (between all partners).
E-Learning: Self-Paced E-learning Online, Self-Paced E-learning Offline, Group based E-learning Synchronous, Group based
E-learning Asynchronous. LMS tools: Moodle, Google Class, Blackboard, Schoology, Sakai, Canvas.
Business Model: Key Partners, Key Activities, Key Resources, Value Propositions, Customer Relationships, Channels,
Customer Segments, Cost Structure, Revenue Streams.
Transaction Processing System (TPS): Transaction Processing System is information system that processes data resulting
from the occurrences of business transactions. Their objectives are to provide transaction in order to update records and
generate reports i.e., to perform store keeping function. The transaction is performed in two ways: Batching processing and
online transaction processing. Example: Bill system, payroll system, Stock control system. Management Information System
(MIS): Management Information System is designed to take relatively raw data available through a Transaction Processing
System and convert them into a summarized and aggregated form for the manager, usually in a report format. It reports
tending to be used by middle management and operational supervisors. Many different types of report are produced in
MIS. Some of the reports are a summary report, on-demand report, ad-hoc reports and an exception report. Example: Sales
management systems, Human resource management system. Decision Support System (DSS): Decision Support System is
an interactive information system that provides information, models and data manipulation tools to help in making the
decision in a semi-structured and unstructured situation. Decision Support System comprises tools and techniques to help
in gathering relevant information and analyzes the options and alternatives, the end user is more involved in creating DSS
than an MIS. Example: Financial planning systems, Bank loan management systems. Executive support systems are intended
to be used by the senior managers directly to provide support to non-programmed decisions in strategic management. This
information is often external, unstructured and even uncertain. Exact scope and context of such information is often not
known beforehand. This information is intelligence based −Market intelligence, Investment intelligence, Technology
Scoring SUS: For odd items: subtract one from the user response. For even-numbered items: subtract the user responses
from 5. This scales all values from 0 to 4 (with four being the most positive Response). Add up the converted responses for
each user and multiply that total by 2.5. This converts the range of possible values from 0 to 100 instead of from 0 to 40.
SUS Score: 27 * 2.5= 67.5 Recommended Range 0-64 not acceptable 65-84 Acceptable 85-100 Excellent. The usability result
of BUX is acceptable.
What is the QUIS? The Questionnaire for User Interaction Satisfaction (QUIS) is a measurement tool designed to assess a
computer user's subjective satisfaction with the human-computer interface. It was developed at the Human-Computer
Interaction Laboratory (HCIL), University of Maryland at College Park. The QUIS contains a demographic questionnaire, a
measure of overall system satisfaction, and a measure of specific interface factors such as screen visibility, terminology and
system information, learning factors, and system capabilities. Who uses the QUIS? The QUIS is used at both academic and
industrial sites to evaluate systems and software. What makes the QUIS such a good tool? It has been proven both reliable
and valid by J. P Chin, V. A. Diehl, and K. L. Norman (1988). It is one of the few available quantitative measures of user
satisfaction that doesn't require expensive performance testing. The QUIS can also be used to test before and after changes
are made to a system in order to quantify the magnitude of improvements.
There are four types of software maintenance: Corrective Software Maintenance: Corrective software maintenance is what
one would typically associate with the maintenance of any kind. Correct software maintenance addresses the errors and
faults within software applications that could impact various parts of your software, including the design, logic, and code.
These corrections usually come from bug reports that were created by users or customers – but corrective software
maintenance can help to spot them before your customers do, which can help your brand’s reputation. Adaptive Software
Maintenance: Adaptive software maintenance becomes important when the environment of your software changes. This
can be brought on by changes to the operating system, hardware, software dependencies, Cloud storage, or even changes
within the operating system. Sometimes, adaptive software maintenance reflects organizational policies or rules as well.
Updating services, making modifications to vendors, or changing payment processors can all necessitate adaptive software
maintenance. Perfective Software Maintenance: Perfective software maintenance focuses on the evolution of requirements
and features that existing in your system. As users interact with your applications, they may notice things that you did not
or suggest new features that they would like as part of the software, which could become future projects or enhancements.
Perfective software maintenance takes over some of the work, both adding features that can enhance user experience and
removing features that are not effective and functional. This can include features that are not used or those that do not
help you to meet your end goals. Preventive Software Maintenance: Preventative Software Maintenance helps to make
changes and adaptations to your software so that it can work for a longer period of time. The focus of the type of
maintenance is to prevent the deterioration of your software as it continues to adapt and change. These services can include
optimizing code and updating documentation as needed. Preventative software maintenance helps to reduce the risk
associated with operating software for a long time, helping it to become more stable, understandable, and maintainable.
Asset Management: 1. Prior to procuring any new ICT assets, compatibility assessment (with existing
system) shall be performed by the Bank or NBFI. 2.All ICT asset procurement shall be complied with the procurement policy
of Bank or NBFI 3. Each ICT asset shall be assigned to a custodian (an individual or entity) who will be responsible for the
development, maintenance, usage, security and integrity of that asset 4. All ICT assets shall be clearly identified and labeled.
Labeling shall reflect the established classification of assets. 5.Bank or NBFI shall maintain an ICT asset inventory stating
significant details (e.g. owner, custodian, purchase date, location, license number, configuration, etc.) 6.Bank or NBFI shall
comply with the terms of all software licenses and shall not use any software that has not been legally purchased or
otherwise legitimately obtained 7.Outsourced software used in production environment shall be subjected to support
agreement with the vendor 8.Bank or NBFI shall approve list of Software which will only be used in any computer. Server
security control: 1. Users shall have specific authorization for accessing servers with defined set of privileges. 2.Inactive
session shall be expired after a defined period of inactivity. 3.Bank or NBFI shall ensure the security of file sharing process.
File and print shares must be disabled if not required or kept at a minimum where possible. 4.All unnecessary programs
shall be uninstalled from production servers. Internet access management -Internet access shall be provided to employees
according to the approved Internet Access Management Policy -Access to the Internet from bank premises and systems
must be routed through secure gateways -Employees shall be prohibited from establishing their own connection to the
Internet using banks’ systems or premises. The global enterprise resource planning (ERP) software market is forecast to
grow to around 97 billion U.S. dollars by 2024. SAP and Oracle are two of the leading vendors in the market). The global ERP
software market was valued at $35.81 billion in 2018, and is projected to reach $78.40 billion by 2026.

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