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GRU60104 Assignment 2, Week 5, ANOVA

1. A researcher conducts a study on the effects of amount of sleep on

creativity. The creativity scores for four levels of sleep (2 hours, 4 hours,

6 hours, and 8 hours) for n = 5 participants are presented below.

Amount of sleep (in hours)

2 4 6 8

3 4 10 10

5 7 11 13

6 8 13 10

4 3 9 9

2 2 10 10

a. Complete the ANOVA summary table below.(If your instructor wants

you to calculate the sums of squares, use the above data to do so.)

Source DF SS MS F

Between groups 187.75

Within groups 55.20

Total 242.95

b. Is Fobt significant at a =.05?

c. Perform post hoc comparisons if necessary.

d. What conclusions can be drawn from the F-ratio and the post hoc


e. What is the effect size, and what does this mean?

f. Graph the means.

2. In a study on the effects of stress on illness, a researcher tallied the

number of colds people contracted during a 6-month period as a function

of the amount of stress they reported during that same time period. There

were three stress levels: minimal, moderate, and high stress. The sums of

squares appear in the ANOVA summary table below. The mean for each

condition and the number of participants per condition are also noted.

Source DF SS MS F

Between groups 22.167

Within groups 14.750

Total 36.917

Stress Level Mean n

Minimal 3 4

Moderate 4 4
High 6 4

a. Complete the ANOVA summary table.

b. Is Fobt significant at a =.05?

c. Perform post hoc comparisons if necessary.

d. What conclusions can be drawn from the F-ratio and the post hoc


e. What is the effect size, and what does this mean?

f. Graph the means.

3.A researcher interested in the effects of exercise on stress had

participants exercise for 30, 60, or 90 minutes per day. The mean stress

level on a 100-point stress scale (with 100 indicating high stress) for each

condition appears below, along with the ANOVA summary table with the

sums of squares indicated.

Source DF SS MS F

Between groups 4689.27

Within groups 82604.20

Total 87293.47
Exercise Level Mean n

30 minutes 75.0 10

60 minutes 44.7 10

90 minutes 63.7 10

a. Complete the ANOVA summary table.

b. Is Fobt significant at a =.05?

c. Perform post hoc comparisons if necessary.

d. What conclusions can be drawn from the F-ratio and the post hoc


e. What is the effect size, and what does this mean?

Graph the means.

4.A researcher conducted an experiment on the effects of a new "drug" on

depression. The researcher had a control group that received nothing, a

placebo group, and an experimental group that received the "drug." A

depression inventory that provided a measure of depression on a 50-point

scale was used (50 indicates that an individual is very high on the

depression variable). The ANOVA summary table appears below, along

with the mean depression score for each condition.

Source DF SS MS F

Between groups 1202.313

Within groups 2118.00

Total 3320.313

“Drug” Condition Mean n

Control 36.26 15

Placebo 33.33 15

“Drug” 24.13 15

a. Complete the ANOVA summary table.

b. Is Fobt significant at a =.05?

c. Perform post hoc comparisons if necessary.

d. What conclusions can be drawn from the F-ratio and the post hoc


e. What is the effect size, and what does this mean?

f. Graph the means.

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