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Strength and Material Testing


y UNITS: 7
y LECTURES: Sunday, 12.5-2.30, Room _Lecture halls 11
y LECTURER: Dr. Eng. Maher Rashad Elsadaty
y ASSISTANT LECTURER: Eng. Esraa, Eng. Abd El-All El Hosary, and
Eng. Ashraf Amosh
1. Home works: 10 % (15)
2. Mid
Term I: 10 % (15)
3. Oral Exam : 20 % (30)
4. Final Exam : 60 % (90)
y References :
¾ Michael F Ashby, David R H Jones- Engineering materials 1, 2nd edition
¾ Callister - Materials Science and Engineering - An Introduction 7e
1 (Wiley, 2007).
Why ?
Strength and Material Testing

Dr.Eng. Maher Rashad El-Sadaty

Types of Testing
y Destructive testing is changes the dimensions or physical and
structural integrity of the specimen. (It is essentially
d t
d during
d i the
th test)
t t)
e.g.,Tensile, Compression, Shear and Hardness

y Non-Destructive testing does not affect the structural

integrity of the sample.
( A measurement that does not effect the specimen in any way)
g , weighing,
g g, measurements etc.

Dr.Eng. Maher Rashad El-Sadaty
Classification of Material Testing
y Tensile Distractive test
y Compressive Distractive test
y Shear
Sh Di t ti ttestt
y Torsion Distractive test
y Bending Distractive test
y Hardness Non-Distractive test
y Impact Distractive test
y Fatigue
g Distractive test
y Creep Distractive test

Dr.Eng. Maher Rashad El-Sadaty

Glossaryy of Terms in Mechanical Testingg
y Ultimate Tensile Strength - The maximum tensile stress that a material is capable of
p g duringg a test..
y Load- Applied force either pounds or Newton's
y Stress - The intensity of the internally-distributed forces or components of forces that
resist a change in the form of a body. Commonly measured in units dealing with force
per unit area, such as pounds per square inch (PSI or lb/in2) or Mega Pascal's (Mpa).
The three basic types
yp of stress are tension,, compression,
p , and shear. The first two,,
tension and compression, are called direct stresses.
y Elastic Limit - The greatest amount of stress a material can develop without taking a
permanent set.
y Percent Elongation - The total percent strain that a specimen develops during
y Modulus of Elasticity - Also known as Young’s modulus; calculated by finding the
slope of the stress-strain curve for a given material within the range of its linear
proportionality between stress and strain.

Dr.Eng. Maher Rashad El-Sadaty

Glossaryy of Terms in Mechanical Testingg
y Proportional Limit - The greatest stress a material can develop without deviating from
linearity between stress and strain. Otherwise stated, the ggreatest stress developed in a
material within its elastic range.
y Percent Reduction in Area - The difference between the original and final cross-
sectional areas of a test piece,
piece expressed as a percentage.
y Yield Point – Also referred to as Elastic Limit, is the point at which any additional
stress will result in permanent deformation.
y Yield Strength - The stress at which a material exhibits a specified limiting permanent
y Engineering strain - Increase
I in
i sample
l llength
th att a given
i lloadd di
id d bby th
the original
i i l
(stress-free) length.
y Axial strain is the strain that occurs in the same direction as the applied stress.
y Lateral strain is the strain that occurs perpendicular to the direction of the applied stress.
y Poisson’s ratio is ratio of lateral strain to axial strain.

Dr.Eng. Maher Rashad El-Sadaty

Glossary of Terms in Mechanical Testing
y Engineering stress - The applied load, or force, divided by the original
cross-sectional area of the material.
y Engineering stress-strain curve - A plot of the Engineering stress versus
the Engineering strain.
y Hooke's law - the linear relationship between stress and strain in the
elastic portion of the stress-strain curve.
y Ductility - The ability of a material to be permanently deformed without
breaking when a force is applied.
y Elastic
l i deformation
d f i - Deformation
f off the
h materiall that
h is recoveredd
when the applied load is removed. This temporary deformation is
associated with the stretching of atomic bonds.
bonds Finally,
Finally Elasticity is the
material property that allows it to retain its original dimensions after removal
of a deformingg load.
y Stiffness - a material property that allows a material to withstand high stress
without great strain. Dr.Eng. Maher Rashad El-Sadaty
y Stress – internal force in a material which tends to resist
deformation when subjected to external forces

y Intensity
I i off a stress unit
i ddepends
d on the
h size
i off the
h fforce
acting on a unit area of the material
applied force
Stress = ---------------------
c s a of a material

Dr.Eng. Maher Rashad El-Sadaty

y Example
E l
y Tensile Bar is 10in x 1in x 0.1in is mounted vertically in test
hi The
Th bbar supports
t 100 lbs.
lb What
Wh t is
i the
th stress
t th
thatt iis
developed? What is the Load?
y Load = 100 lbs
y Stress = F/A = F/(width*thickness) = 100lbs/(1in*.1in )= 1,000 psi =
1000 psi/145psi = 6.897 Mpa
y Block is 10 cm x 1 cm x 5 cm is mounted on its side in a test
machine. The block is pulled with 100 N on both sides. What is
the stress that is developed? What is the Load?
y Load = 100 N
y Stress = F/A = F/(width*thickness)
( ) = 100N/(.01m
( * .10m ))=
100,000 N/m2 = 100,000 Pa = 0.1 MPa= 0.1 MPa *145psi/MPa =
14.5 psi

Dr.Eng. Maher Rashad El-Sadaty

y Strain = distortion of a material (permanent change in size
and shape due to stress)

Dr.Eng. Maher Rashad El-Sadaty

y Example:
y Tensile Bar is 10in x 1in x 0.1in is mounted vertically in test
machine. The bar supports
pp 100 lbs. What is the strain that is
developed if the bar grows to 10.2in? What is % Elongation?
y Strain = ((lf - l0))/l0 = ((10.2 -10)/(10)
) ( ) = 0.02 in/in
y Percent Elongation = 0.02 * 100 = 2%
y Block is 10 cm x 1 cm x 5 cm is mounted on its side in a test
machine. The block is pulled with 1000 kN on bone side. If
the material elongation
g at yield
y is 1.5%,, how far will it ggrow
at yield?
y Strain = Percent Elongation
g /100 = 1.5%/100 = 0.015 cm /cm
y Strain = (lf - l0)/l0 = (lf -5)/(5) = 0.015 cm/cm
y Growth or deformation = 5 * 0.015 = 0.075 cm
y Final Length = 5.075 cm
Dr.Eng. Maher Rashad El-Sadaty
Tensile stress
y Tensile stress is the stress state leading to expansion (volume
and/or length of a material tends to increase). In the uniaxial
a e oof te tension,
s o , te
s e st
ess iss induced
uce byy pu
pullingg forces
o ces
across a bar, specimen, etc.

Dr.Eng. Maher Rashad El-Sadaty

Compressive stress
y Compressive stress is the stress applied to materials
resulting in their compaction (decrease of volume).
y Usually compressive stress is applied to bars,
bars columns,
columns etc.

Dr.Eng. Maher Rashad El-Sadaty

Shear stress
y Shear stress is a stress state where the shape of a material
tends to change without particular volume change.


Dr.Eng. Maher Rashad El-Sadaty

y The stress which resists a force tending to twist the material
(e.g. axle, screw, etc.)

Dr.Eng. Maher Rashad El-Sadaty

y Bending occurs when the force applied tends to pull a
horizontal bar out of its straight line.

Dr.Eng. Maher Rashad El-Sadaty

Hardness Testing
y The term ‘hardness' is one havingg a varietyy of meanings;
g ; a hard material is thought
g of as
one whose surface resists indentation or scratching, and which has the ability to indent
or cut other materials.
y Hardness
H d test:
t t
y Four hardness tests are customarily used in industry namely
y (i) Brinell
y (ii) Vickers
y (iii) Rockwell
y (vi) Shore Scleroscopy used for rebound hardness

Dr.Eng. Maher Rashad El-Sadaty

Impact testing:
y In an ‘impact test' a notched bar of
t i l arrangedd either
ith as a
cantilever or as a simply supported
beam is broken by a single blow in
such a way that the total energy
required to fracture it may be
y The energy required to fracture a
material is of importance in cases of
“shock loading'
g when a component
p or
structure may be required to absorb
the K.E of a movingg object.

Dr.Eng. Maher Rashad El-Sadaty

Testing machine

Dr.Eng. Maher Rashad El-Sadaty

Testing procedure
y a specimen of standard size = test piece
y grip in jaws
y apply load gradually (tensile or compressive)
y extend,
extend extension,
extension extended
y original length = L1
y new length = L2
y deformation = extension/original length

Dr.Eng. Maher Rashad El-Sadaty

Stress – Strain Curve

Dr.Eng. Maher Rashad El-Sadaty

Modulus of elasticity
y The modulus of elasticity (elastic modulus) of an object is defined as
the slope of its stress-strain
stress strain curve in the elastic deformation region

Dr.Eng. Maher Rashad El-Sadaty

Yield Point
y = The stress at which a material begins to deform plastically
y Prior to the yield point the material will deform elastically and
will return to its original shape when the applied stress is removed
y Once the yield point is passed
passed, some fraction of the deformation
will be permanent and non-reversible

Dr.Eng. Maher Rashad El-Sadaty

Proof stress (Offset yield point)
y When a yield point is not easily defined based on the shape of
the stress-strain curve an offset
ff yyield ppoint is arbitrarilyy defined
y The value for this is commonly set at 0.1 or 0.2% of the strain

Dr.Eng. Maher Rashad El-Sadaty

Ultimate tensile strength (UTS)
y = The maximum stress that a material can withstand while being
stretched or pulled before necking (c.s.a. of a material is reduced)

Dr.Eng. Maher Rashad El-Sadaty

Factor of safety
y Describes the structural capacity of a system beyond the expected
loads or actual loads (= how much stronger the system is than it
usuallyy needs
usua ee s to bee for
o aan intended
te e load)
oa )

Dr.Eng. Maher Rashad El-Sadaty

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