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Python Programming for Mathematics


Name: Yoshita Lakka Register Number: 2140897

22/11/2022, 22:19 Semester 3 Python - Jupyter Notebook

19 July 2022

Topic: Basics of Python Programming

Aim: to learn and understand the basics of python programming

In [3]: 

1 #Conversion of celsius and farenheit

2 x= float(input("Enter temperature: "))
3 u= str(input("Enter unit: "))
4 if u=="Celsius" :
5 f= 1.8*x +32
6 print("Temperature", x, "in",u, "is", f, "in Farenheit")
7 else:
8 c= 0.55*(x-32)
9 print("Temperature", x, "in",u, "is", c, "in Celsius")

Enter temperature: 66

Enter unit: Celsius

Temperature 66.0 in Celsius is 150.8 in Farenheit

In [4]: 

1 #Construction of inverted triangle

2 rows = int(input("Enter the number of rows: "))
3 for i in range(rows + 1, 0, -1):
4 for j in range(0, i - 1):
5 print("*", end=' ')
6 print(" ")

Enter the number of rows: 4

* * * *

* * *

* *

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In [5]: 

1 #Construction of diamond
2 rows = int(input("Enter the number of rows: "))
3 # It is used to print the space
4 k = 2 * rows - 2
5 # Outer loop to print number of rows
6 for i in range(0, rows):
7 # Inner loop is used to print number of space
8 for j in range(0, k):
9 print(end=" ")
10 # Decrement in k after each iteration
11 k = k - 1
12 # This inner loop is used to print stars
13 for j in range(0, i + 1):
14 print("* ", end="")
15 print("")
17 #Downward triangle Pyramid
18 # It is used to print the space
19 k = rows - 2
20 # Output for downward triangle pyramid
21 for i in range(rows, -1, -1):
22 # inner loop will print the spaces
23 for j in range(k, 0, -1):
24 print(end=" ")
25 # Increment in k after each iteration
26 k = k + 1
27 # This inner loop will print number of stars
28 for j in range(0, i + 1):
29 print("* ", end="")
30 print("")

Enter the number of rows: 7

* *

* * *

* * * *

* * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * * *

* * * * * * * *

* * * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * *

* * * *

* * *

* *

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22/11/2022, 22:19 Semester 3 Python - Jupyter Notebook

In [6]: 

1 #factorial of a number
2 num= int(input("Enter the number: "))
3 factorial= 1
4 if num<0:
5 print("Factorial cant be computed")
6 elif num==0:
7 print("Factorial is 1")
8 else:
9 for i in range(1, num + 1):
10 factorial= factorial*i
11 print("Factorial of", num, "is" ,factorial)

Enter the number: 6

Factorial of 6 is 720

Conclusion: learnt and understood the basics of python programming

26 July 2022

Topic: Operations of Matrices and Determinants

Aim: to learn and understand the operations on matrices and determinants like
addition and multiplication

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22/11/2022, 22:19 Semester 3 Python - Jupyter Notebook

In [1]: 

1 #Question 1: Write a python program to find addition of two matrices

2 #Question 2: Write a python program to find multiplication of two matrices
3 a= int(input("Enter the number of rows: "))
4 b= int(input("Enter the number of columns: "))
5 matrix1= []
6 for i in range(a):
7 c=[]
8 for j in range(b):
9 j= int(input("Enter the elememts for first matrix: "))
10 c.append(j)
11 matrix1.append(c)
12 matrix2=[]
13 for i in range(a):
14 d=[]
15 for j in range(b):
16 j= int(input("Enter the element for second matrix: "))
17 d.append(j)
18 matrix2.append(d)
19 print("First Matrix...")
20 for i in range(a):
21 for j in range(b):
22 print(matrix1[i][j], end=" ")
23 print()
24 print("Second Matrix...")
25 for i in range(a):
26 for j in range(b):
27 print(matrix2[i][j], end=" ")
28 print()
29 result1=[[0,0,0], [0,0,0], [0,0,0]]
30 for i in range(a):
31 for j in range(b):
32 result1[i][j]= matrix1[i][j]+ matrix2[i][j]
33 print("Result matrix addition")
34 for i in range(a):
35 for j in range(b):
36 print(result1[i][j], end=" ")
37 print()
38 result2=[[0,0,0], [0,0,0], [0,0,0]]
39 for i in range(a):
40 for j in range(b):
41 result2[i][j]= matrix1[i][j]* matrix2[i][j]
42 print("Result matrix multiplication")
43 for i in range(a):
44 for j in range(b):
45 print(result2[i][j], end=" ")
46 print()

Enter the number of rows: 2

Enter the number of columns: 2

Enter the elememts for first matrix: 1

Enter the elememts for first matrix: 2

Enter the elememts for first matrix: 3

Enter the elememts for first matrix: 4

Enter the element for second matrix: 2

Enter the element for second matrix: 5

Enter the element for second matrix: 6

Enter the element for second matrix: 7

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First Matrix...

1 2

3 4

Second Matrix...

2 5

6 7

Result matrix addition

3 7

9 11

Result matrix multiplication

2 10

18 28

Conclusion: learnt and understood the operations on matrices and determinants

like addition and multiplication

27 July 2022

Topic: Operations of Matrices

Aim: to learn and understand the operations on matrices and determinants like

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In [1]: 

1 #Question 3: Write the transpose of a matrix

2 #For even matrix
3 a= int(input("Enter the number of rows: "))
4 b= int(input("Enter the number of columns: "))
5 matrix= []
6 for i in range(a):
7 c=[]
8 for j in range(b):
9 j= int(input("Enter the elements of matrix: "))
10 c.append(j)
11 matrix.append(c)
12 print("Your Matrix is: ")
13 for i in range(a):
14 for j in range(b):
15 print(matrix[i][j], end=" ")
16 print()
17 result= [[0 for i in range(a)] for j in range(b)]
18 for i in range(a):
19 for j in range(b):
20 result[i][j]= matrix[j][i]
21 print("Transpose matrix is: ")
22 for i in range(a):
23 for j in range(b):
24 print(result[i][j], end= " ")
25 print()

Enter the number of rows: 2

Enter the number of columns: 2

Enter the elements of matrix: 1

Enter the elements of matrix: 2

Enter the elements of matrix: 3

Enter the elements of matrix: 4

Your Matrix is:

1 2

3 4

Transpose matrix is:

1 3

2 4

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In [1]: 

1 ## For uneven matrix

2 a= int(input("Enter the number of rows: "))
3 b= int(input("Enter the number of columns: "))
4 matrix= []
5 for i in range(a):
6 c=[]
7 for j in range(b):
8 j= int(input("Enter the elements of matrix: "))
9 c.append(j)
10 matrix.append(c)
11 print("Your Matrix is: ")
12 for i in range(a):
13 for j in range(b):
14 print(matrix[i][j], end=" ")
15 print()
16 result= [[0 for i in range(a)] for j in range(b)]
17 for i in range(a):
18 for j in range(b):
19 result[j][i]= matrix[i][j]
20 print("Transpose matrix is: ")
21 for j in range(b):
22 for i in range(a):
23 print(result[j][i], end= " ")
24 print()

Enter the number of rows: 2

Enter the number of columns: 3

Enter the elements of matrix: 1

Enter the elements of matrix: 2

Enter the elements of matrix: 3

Enter the elements of matrix: 4

Enter the elements of matrix: 5

Enter the elements of matrix: 6

Your Matrix is:

1 2 3

4 5 6

Transpose matrix is:

1 4

2 5

3 6

Conclusion: learnt and understood the operations on matrices and determinants

like transpose

2 August 2022

Topic: Operations of Matrices

Aim: to learn and understand the operations on matrices like determinant and
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In [4]: 

1 #Question: Write a python program to find the determinant of a matrix

2 #Determinate of a matrix
3 import numpy as np
4 a= int(input("Enter the number of rows: "))
5 b= int(input("Enter the number of columns: "))
6 matrix= []
7 for i in range(a):
8 c= []
9 for j in range(b):
10 j= int(input("Enter the elements of matrix: "))
11 c.append(j)
12 matrix.append(c)
13 print("Your Matrix is: ")
14 for i in range(a):
15 for j in range(b):
16 print(matrix[i][j], end=" ")
17 print()
18 print("Determinate of your matrix is: ")
19 Det1= np.linalg.det(matrix)
20 print(float(Det1))

Enter the number of rows: 2

Enter the number of columns: 2

Enter the elements of matrix: 4

Enter the elements of matrix: 6

Enter the elements of matrix: 3

Enter the elements of matrix: 2

Your Matrix is:

4 6

3 2

Determinate of your matrix is:


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In [1]: 

1 #Inverse of a matrix
2 import numpy as np
3 a= int(input("Enter the number of rows: "))
4 b= int(input("Enter the number of columns: "))
5 matrix= []
6 for i in range(a):
7 c= []
8 for j in range(b):
9 j= int(input("Enter the elements of matrix: "))
10 c.append(j)
11 matrix.append(c)
12 print("Your Matrix is: ")
13 for i in range(a):
14 for j in range(b):
15 print(matrix[i][j], end=" ")
16 print()
17 print("Inverse of your matrix is: ")
18 Det1= np.linalg.inv(matrix)
19 print(Det1)

Enter the number of rows: 2

Enter the number of columns: 2

Enter the elements of matrix: 2

Enter the elements of matrix: 3

Enter the elements of matrix: 4

Enter the elements of matrix: 1

Your Matrix is:

2 3

4 1

Inverse of your matrix is:

[[-0.1 0.3]

[ 0.4 -0.2]]

Conclusion: learnt and understood the operations on matrices and determinants

like determinant and inverse

3 August 2022

Topic: System of Homogeneous and Non-Homogenous Linear


Aim: to learn and understand the System of Homogeneous and Non-

Homogenous Linear Equations

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In [3]: 

1 #System of homogenrous and non homogeneous linear equations

2 import numpy as np
3 a= int(input("Enter the number of rows: "))
4 b= int(input("Enter the number of columns: "))
5 matrix= []
6 for i in range(a):
7 c= []
8 for j in range(b):
9 j= int(input("Enter the elements of matrix: "))
10 c.append(j)
11 matrix.append(c)
12 print("Your Matrix is: ")
13 for i in range(a):
14 for j in range(b):
15 print(matrix[i][j], end=" ")
16 print()
17 print("Enter your column matrix: ")
18 matrix1=[]
19 for i in range(1):
20 B=[]
21 for j in range(b):
22 j= int(input("Enter the Elements of the matrix: "))
23 B.append(j)
24 matrix1.append(B)
25 print("Your column matrix is: ")
26 for j in range(b):
27 for i in range(1):
28 print(matrix[i][j], end=" ")
29 print()
30 X= np.linalg.solve(matrix, B)
31 print("Solution of your system of equation")
32 print(X)

Enter the number of rows: 3

Enter the number of columns: 3

Enter the elements of matrix: 1

Enter the elements of matrix: 1

Enter the elements of matrix: 2

Enter the elements of matrix: 3

Enter the elements of matrix: 4

Enter the elements of matrix: 8

Enter the elements of matrix: -2

Enter the elements of matrix: 2

Enter the elements of matrix: 1

Your Matrix is:

1 1 2

3 4 8

-2 2 1

Enter your column matrix:

Enter the Elements of the matrix: 3

Enter the Elements of the matrix: 10

Enter the Elements of the matrix: 7

Your column matrix is:

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Solution of your system of equation

Conclusion: learnt and understood the System of Homogeneous and Non-

Homogenous Linear Equations

10 August 2022

Topic: Operations of Matrices

Aim: to learn and understand the operations on matrices like rank

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22/11/2022, 22:19 Semester 3 Python - Jupyter Notebook

In [1]: 

1 #Write a python program to find the rank of a given matrix (square matrix)
2 import numpy as np
3 a= int(input("Enter the number of rows: "))
4 b= int(input("Enter the number of columns: "))
5 matrix= []
6 for i in range(a):
7 c= []
8 for j in range(b):
9 j= int(input("Enter the elements of matrix: "))
10 c.append(j)
11 matrix.append(c)
12 print("Your Matrix is: ")
13 for i in range(a):
14 for j in range(b):
15 print(matrix[i][j], end=" ")
16 print()
17 print("Determinate of your matrix is: ")
18 Det1= np.linalg.det(matrix)
19 print(float(Det1))
20 print("Rank of your matrix is: ")
21 rank= np.linalg.matrix_rank(matrix)
22 print(rank)

Enter the number of rows: 4

Enter the number of columns: 4

Enter the elements of matrix: 1

Enter the elements of matrix: 2

Enter the elements of matrix: 3

Enter the elements of matrix: 0

Enter the elements of matrix: 2

Enter the elements of matrix: 4

Enter the elements of matrix: 3

Enter the elements of matrix: 2

Enter the elements of matrix: 3

Enter the elements of matrix: 2

Enter the elements of matrix: 1

Enter the elements of matrix: 3

Enter the elements of matrix: 6

Enter the elements of matrix: 8

Enter the elements of matrix: 7

Enter the elements of matrix: 5

Your Matrix is:

1 2 3 0

2 4 3 2

3 2 1 3

6 8 7 5

Determinate of your matrix is:


Rank of your matrix is:

Conclusion: learnt and understood the operations on matrices like rank

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16 August 2022

Topic: Operations of Matrices

Aim: to learn and understand the operations on matrices like rank

In [4]: 

1 #Write a python program to find the rank of a given matrix (non square matrix)
2 import numpy as np
3 a= int(input("Enter the number of rows: "))
4 b= int(input("Enter the number of columns: "))
5 matrix= []
6 for i in range(a):
7 c= []
8 for j in range(b):
9 j= int(input("Enter the elements of matrix: "))
10 c.append(j)
11 matrix.append(c)
12 print("Your Matrix is: ")
13 for i in range(a):
14 for j in range(b):
15 print(matrix[i][j], end=" ")
16 print()
17 print("Rank of your matrix is: ")
18 rank= np.linalg.matrix_rank(matrix)
19 print(rank)

Enter the number of rows: 4

Enter the number of columns: 3

Enter the elements of matrix: 1

Enter the elements of matrix: -7

Enter the elements of matrix: 15

Enter the elements of matrix: 2

Enter the elements of matrix: 3

Enter the elements of matrix: -4

Enter the elements of matrix: 3

Enter the elements of matrix: -4

Enter the elements of matrix: 11

Enter the elements of matrix: 5

Enter the elements of matrix: -1

Enter the elements of matrix: 7

Your Matrix is:

1 -7 15

2 3 -4

3 -4 11

5 -1 7

Conclusion: learnt and understood the operations on matrices like rank

17 August 2022

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22/11/2022, 22:19 Semester 3 Python - Jupyter Notebook

Topic: System of Homogeneous and Non-Homogenous Linear


Aim: to learn and understand the System of Homogeneous and Non-

Homogenous Linear Equations


P(A)= P(A:B) then r=n (unique solution)

P(A)= P(A:B) then r<n (infinite solution)
P(A)= P(A:B) then no solution where r is rank of A and rank of A:B and n is the number of variables

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In [3]: 

1 # Write a python program to solve a system of homogenous and non-homogenous systems of

2 #System of homogenous and non homogenous linear equations
3 import numpy as np
4 a= int(input("Enter the number of rows: "))
5 b= int(input("Enter the number of columns: "))
6 matrix= []
7 for i in range(a):
8 c= []
9 for j in range(b):
10 j= int(input("Enter the elements of matrix: "))
11 c.append(j)
12 matrix.append(c)
13 print("Your Matrix is: ")
14 for i in range(a):
15 for j in range(b):
16 print(matrix[i][j], end=" ")
17 print()
18 print("Enter your column matrix: ")
19 matrix1=[]
20 for i in range(1):
21 B=[]
22 for j in range(b):
23 j= int(input("Enter the Elements of Matrix: "))
24 B.append(j)
25 matrix1.append(B)
26 print("Your column matrix is: ")
27 for j in range(b):
28 for i in range(1):
29 print(matrix[i][j], end=" ")
30 print()
31 x=np.linalg.solve(matrix, B)
32 print("Solution of your system of equation: ")
33 print(x)

Enter the number of rows: 3

Enter the number of columns: 3

Enter the elements of matrix: 1

Enter the elements of matrix: 2

Enter the elements of matrix: -1

Enter the elements of matrix: 3

Enter the elements of matrix: -1

Enter the elements of matrix: 2

Enter the elements of matrix: 2

Enter the elements of matrix: -2

Enter the elements of matrix: 3

Your Matrix is:

1 2 -1

3 -1 2

2 -2 3

Enter your column matrix:

Enter the Elements of Matrix: 3

Enter the Elements of Matrix: 1

Enter the Elements of Matrix: 2

Your column matrix is:


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Solution of your system of equation:

[-1. 4. 4.]

Conclusion: learnt and understood the System of Homogeneous and Non-

Homogenous Linear Equations

23 August 2022

Topic: Eigenvalue and Eigenvector of Matrix

Aim: to learn and understand the concept of Eigenvalue and Eigenvector of


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22/11/2022, 22:19 Semester 3 Python - Jupyter Notebook

In [4]: 

1 #Write a python program to find the eigenvalue and eigenvector of a matrix [A-lambda(I)
2 import numpy as np
3 a= int(input("Enter the number of rows: "))
4 b= int(input("Enter the number of columns: "))
5 matrix= []
6 for i in range(a):
7 c= []
8 for j in range(b):
9 j= int(input("Enter the elements of matrix: "))
10 c.append(j)
11 matrix.append(c)
12 print("Your Matrix is: ")
13 for i in range(a):
14 for j in range(b):
15 print(matrix[i][j], end=" ")
16 print()
17 print("Determinate of your matrix is: ")
18 Det1= np.linalg.det(matrix)
19 print(float(Det1))
20 result= [[0 for i in range(a)]for j in range(b)]
21 Inv1=np.linalg.inv(matrix)
22 result.append(Inv1)
23 print("Inverse matrix is: ")
24 for i in range(a):
25 for j in range(b):
26 print(float(Inv1[i][j]), end=" ")
27 print()
28 print("Eigenvalues: ")
29 Eigen1=np.linalg.eigvals(matrix)
30 print(Eigen1)

Enter the number of rows: 2

Enter the number of columns: 2

Enter the elements of matrix: 4

Enter the elements of matrix: 1

Enter the elements of matrix: -1

Enter the elements of matrix: 2

Your Matrix is:

4 1

-1 2

Determinate of your matrix is:


Inverse matrix is:

0.2222222222222222 -0.1111111111111111

0.1111111111111111 0.4444444444444444


[3.00000001 2.99999999]

Conclusion: learnt and understood the concept of Eigenvalue and Eigenvector

of Matrix

LAB 10

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30 August 2022

Topic: Using fsolve to perform various actions

Aim: To learn and understand fsolve and to perform various actions

In [1]: 

1 import numpy as np
3 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
5 %matplotlib inline
7 from scipy.optimize import fsolve

In [2]: 

1 from scipy.optimize import fsolve

3 def f(x):
5 return x**2 - 5
7 x=fsolve(f,2)
9 print(x,f(x))

[2.23606798] [-1.77635684e-15]

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In [3]: 

1 def f(xyz):
3 x=xyz[0]
5 y=xyz[1]
7 z=xyz[2]
11 f0=x**2+y**2-1
13 f1=x*y+y*z+1.1
15 f2=y**2+z**2-2
19 return np.array([f0,f1,f2])
23 xyz0=np.array([2.0,2,2])
27 xyz=fsolve(f,xyz0)
29 x=xyz[0]
31 y=xyz[1]
33 z=xyz[2]
37 print(x,y,z,f(xyz))

0.10056088509586326 -0.9949309063391776 1.0050435272221339 [ 1.60760294e-13

-1.38555833e-13 5.32907052e-15]

Conclusion: learnt and understoodd fsolve and to perform various actions

LAB 11
6 September 2022

Topic: Using fsolve to perform various actions

Aim: To learn and understand fsolve and to perform various actions

1. Graphically represent the equation 𝑦 = 2.0 ∗ 𝑥2 + 3.0 ∗ 𝑥 − 10.0

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𝑦 Semester 3 Python - Jupyter Notebook

In [11]: 

1 import numpy as np
2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
3 from scipy.optimize import fsolve
4 def f(x):
5 y=2.0* x**2 + 3.0*x-10.0
6 return y
7 x= np.linspace(-5, 3)
8 plt.plot(x, f(x))
9 plt.plot(x, np.zeros(len(x)))


<function, block=None)>

2. Solve the function 𝑧 = 𝑥2 + 𝑦2 − 20

In [12]: 

1 def myFunction(z):
2 x=z[0]
3 y=z[1]
4 w=z[2]
6 F=np.empty((3))
7 F[0]=x**2+y**2-20
8 F[1]= y - x**2
9 F[2]= w+ 5 - x*y
10 return F
11 zGuess = np.array([1,1,1])
12 z = fsolve(myFunction, zGuess)
13 print(z)

[2. 4. 3.]

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In [15]: 

1 import numpy as np
2 from scipy.optimize import fsolve
3 def myFunction(xyz):
4 x=xyz[0]
5 y=xyz[1]
6 w=xyz[2]
8 F=np.empty((3))
9 F[0]=x**2+y**2-1
10 F[1]= xy + y**2 + 1.1
11 F[2]= y**2 + z**2 -2
12 return np.array([f0, f1, f2])
13 xyz0= np.array([2.0,2,2])
14 xyz = fsolve(f, xyz0)
16 print(xyz, f(xyz))

[1.60849528 1.60849528 1.60849528] [1.38555833e-13 1.38555833e-13 1.38555833


In [14]: 

1 import numpy as np
2 from scipy.optimize import *
3 def myFunction(xyz):
4 x=xyz[0]
5 y=xyz[1]
6 w=xyz[2]
8 F=np.empty((3))
9 F[0]=x**2+y**2-1
10 F[1]= xy + y**2 + 1.1
11 F[2]= y**2 + z**2 -2
12 return np.array([f0, f1, f2])
13 xyz0= np.array([2.0,2,2])
14 xyz = fsolve(f, xyz0)
15 x= xyz[0]
16 y= xyz[1]
17 w= xyz[2]
18 print(xyz, f(xyz))

[1.60849528 1.60849528 1.60849528] [1.38555833e-13 1.38555833e-13 1.38555833


Conclusion: learnt and understoodd fsolve and to perform various actions

LAB 12
7 September 2022

Topic: Infinite Series

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22/11/2022, 22:19 Semester 3 Python - Jupyter Notebook

Aim: to learn and understand the concept of mathematical infinite series

A series is a sum of a sequence of terms. That is, a series is a list of numbers with addition operations between

∞ 𝑥𝑛

𝑛=1 𝑛

In [2]: 

1 n= int(input("Enter the number of terms: "))

2 x= int(input("Enter the value of x: "))
3 sum1=1
4 for i in range(2, n+1):
5 sum1= sum1+((x**i)/i)
6 print("The sum of series is", round(sum1, 2))
7 #round(num) is a default call but round(num,2) specified decimal place

Enter the number of terms: 3

Enter the value of x: 5

The sum of series is 55.17

∞ 1

𝑛=1 𝑛 − 1

In [4]: 

1 sum([1/(n**2-1) for n in range(2, 1000)])



Printing a Series

𝑥 + 𝑥2 + 𝑥3 + 𝑥4 + 𝑥5 +.....+ 𝑥𝑛
2 3 4 5 𝑛

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22/11/2022, 22:19 Semester 3 Python - Jupyter Notebook

In [9]: 

1 import sympy as sp
2 from sympy import pprint
3 x= sp.Symbol('x')
4 series=x #we create the label, series and set its initial value as x
5 n= int(input("Enter the number of terms you want in the series: "))
6 #we define a for loop that will iterate
7 #over the integers from 2 to n
8 for i in range(2, n+1):
9 series= series + (x**i)/i #Each time the loop iterates, it adds each term to series
10 pprint(series)

Enter the number of terms you want in the series: 5

5 4 3 2

x x x x

── + ── + ── + ── + x

5 4 3 2

Conclusion: learnt and understood the concept of mathematical infinite


LAB 13
13 September 2022

Topic: Infinite Series

Aim: to learn and understand the concept of mathematical infinite series

In [2]: 

1 from sympy import Symbol, pprint, init_printing

2 def print_series(n):
3 #Initalize printing system with reverse order
4 # init_printing() helps to print the unicode characters for mathematical expression
5 init_printing(order= 'rev-lex')
6 x= Symbol('x')
7 series= x
8 for i in range(2, n+1):
9 series= series + (x**i)/i
10 pprint(series)
12 if __name__ == '__main__':
13 n= input('Enter the number of terms you want in the series: ')
14 print_series(int(n))

Enter the number of terms you want in the series: 5

2 3 4 5

x x x x

x + ── + ── + ── + ──

2 3 4 5

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22/11/2022, 22:19 Semester 3 Python - Jupyter Notebook

The print series() function accepts an integer n as a parameter that is the number of terms in the series that will
be printed.

In [1]: 

1 from sympy import Symbol, pprint, init_printing

2 def print_series(n, x_values):
3 #Initalize printing system with reverse order
4 # init_printing() helps to print the unicode characters for mathematical expression
5 init_printing(order= 'rev-lex')
6 x= Symbol('x')
7 series= x
8 for i in range(2, n+1):
9 series= series + (x**i)/i
10 pprint(series)
11 #Evaluate the series at x_value
12 series_value= series.subs({x:x_value})
13 #We use the subs() method to perform the evaluation and
14 # the label series_value to refer to the result
15 print('Value of the series at {0}: {1}' .format(x_value, series_value))
17 if __name__ == '__main__' :
18 n= input('Enter the number of terms you want in a series: ')
19 x_value= input('Enter the value of x at which you want to evaluate the series: ')
20 print_series(int(n), float(x_value))
21 # the print_series() function now takes additional argument, x_value, which is the

Enter the number of terms you want in a series: 5

Enter the value of x at which you want to evaluate the series: 1

2 3 4 5

x x x x

x + ── + ── + ── + ──

2 3 4 5

Value of the series at 1: 137/60

Conclusion: learnt and understood the concept of mathematical infinite


LAB 14
14 September 2022

Topic: Infinite Series

Aim: to learn and understand the concept of mathematical infinite series

1 + 2 + 3 + 4+....+𝑛

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22/11/2022, 22:19 Semester 3 Python - Jupyter Notebook

In [19]: 

1 n= int(input("Enter the number of terms: "))

2 sum1=1
3 for i in range(2, n+1):
4 sum1= sum1+ i
5 print("The sum of series is", round(sum1, 2))
6 #round(num) is a default call but round(num,2) specified decimal place

Enter the number of terms: 3

The sum of series is 6

13 + 23 + 33 +...+𝑛3
In [18]: 

1 n= int(input("Enter the number of terms: "))

2 sum1=1
3 for i in range(2, n+1):
4 sum1= sum1 + (i)**3
5 print("The sum of series is", round(sum1, 2))
6 #round(num) is a default call but round(num,2) specified decimal place

Enter the number of terms: 3

The sum of series is 36

2 + 4 + 6 + 8... + 𝑛
In [17]: 

1 n= int(input("Enter the number of terms: "))

2 sum1=0
3 for i in range(n+1):
4 sum1= sum1 + i*2
5 print("The sum of series is", round(sum1, 2))
6 #round(num) is a default call but round(num,2) specified decimal place

Enter the number of terms: 3

The sum of series is 12

9 + 99 + 999+....+𝑛
In [2]: 

1 n= int(input("Enter the number of terms: "))

2 sum1=0
3 for i in range(n+1):
4 sum1= sum1 + (10**i)-1
5 print("The sum of series is", round(sum1, 2))

Enter the number of terms: 2

The sum of series is 108

1 + (1 + 3) + (1 + 3 + 5)+...+𝑛
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In [5]: 

1 n= int(input("Enter the number of terms: "))

2 sum1=0
3 for i in range(1, n+1):
4 l=1
5 for j in range(1,i+1):
6 sum1= sum1+l
7 l= l+2
8 print(sum1)

Enter the number of terms: 3


Conclusion: learnt and understood the concept of mathematical infinite


LAB 15
20 September 2022

Topic: Gauss Elimination Method

Aim: to understand and learn about the gauss elimination method on


Write a program to solve the matrix using Gauss Elimination Method

𝑥 − 𝑦 + 2𝑧 = 3,𝑥 + 2𝑦 + 3𝑧 = 5,3𝑥 − 4𝑦 − 5𝑧 = −13

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22/11/2022, 22:19 Semester 3 Python - Jupyter Notebook

In [3]: 

1 #Importing NumPy Library

2 import numpy as np
3 import sys
5 #Reading number of unknowns
6 n= int(input("Enter number of unknowns: "))
8 #Making numpy array of n*(n+1) size and initializing to zero for storing argumented mat
9 a= np.zeros((n, n+1))
11 #Making numpy array of n size and initializing to zero for storing solution vector
12 x= np.zeros(n)
14 #Reading augmented matrix coefficients
15 print("Enter Augemented Matrix Coefficients: ")
16 for i in range(n):
17 for j in range(n+1):
18 a[i][j]= float(input('a[' + str(i) + '][' + str(j) + ']='))
20 #Applying Gauss Elimination
21 for i in range(n):
22 if a[i][i] == 0.0:
23 sys.exit("Divide by zero detected! ")
25 for j in range(i+1, n):
26 ratio= a[j][i]/ a[i][i]
28 for k in range(n+1):
29 a[j][k]= a[j][k]- ratio*a[i][k]
31 #Back Substitution
32 x[n-1]= a[n-1][n]/ a[n-1][n-1]
34 for i in range(n-2, -1, -1):
35 x[i]= a[i][n]
37 for j in range(i +1, n):
38 x[i]= x[i] - a[i][j] * x[j]
40 x[i]= x[i]/ a[i][i]
42 #Displaying solution
43 print("\nRequired solution is: ")
44 for i in range(n):
45 print("X%d= %0.2f"%(i, x[i]), end="\t")

Enter number of unknowns: 3

Enter Augemented Matrix Coefficients:










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Required solution is:

X0= -1.00 X1= 0.00 X2= 2.00

Conclusion: understood and learnt about the gauss elimination method on


LAB 16
21 September 2022

Topic: Gauss Jordan Method

Aim:to understand and learn about the gauss jordan method on equations

Write a program to solve the matrix using Gauss Jordan method

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22/11/2022, 22:19 Semester 3 Python - Jupyter Notebook

In [2]: 

1 #Importing NumPy Library

2 import numpy as np
3 import sys
5 #Reading number of unknowns
6 n= int(input("Enter number of unknowns: "))
8 #Making numpy array of n*(n+1) size and initializing to zero for storing argumented mat
9 a= np.zeros((n, n+1))
11 #Making numpy array of n size and initializing to zero for storing solution vector
12 x= np.zeros(n)
14 #Reading augmented matrix coefficients
15 print("Enter Augemented Matrix Coefficients: ")
16 for i in range(n):
17 for j in range(n+1):
18 a[i][j]= float(input('a[' + str(i) + '][' + str(j) + ']='))
20 #Applying Gauss Elimination
21 for i in range(n):
22 if a[i][i] == 0.0:
23 sys.exit("Divide by zero detected! ")
25 for j in range(n):
26 if i!=j:
28 ratio= a[j][i]/ a[i][i]
29 for k in range(n+1):
30 a[j][k]= a[j][k]- ratio*a[i][k]
32 #Obtaining solution
33 for i in range(n):
34 x[i]= a[i][n]/ a[i][i]
36 #Displaying solution
37 print("\nRequired solution is: ")
38 for i in range(n):
39 print("X%d= %0.2f"%(i, x[i]), end="\t")

Enter number of unknowns: 3

Enter Augemented Matrix Coefficients:













Required solution is:

X0= 7.00 X1= -9.00 X2= 5.00

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Conclusion: understood and learnt about the gauss jordan method on


LAB 17
18 October 2022

Topic: Row Echelon Form

Aim: to understand and learn about row echelon form

Write a program to reduce the user defined matrix to an echelon form( lesding entry may not be unity) using
elementary row operations and without using in built function echelon_form

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22/11/2022, 22:19 Semester 3 Python - Jupyter Notebook

In [6]: 

1 import numpy as np
2 from sympy import Matrix, pprint
3 A= np.mat(input("Enter a matrix: "))
4 (r,c)= A.shape
5 A=Matrix(A)
6 print("The given matrix is: ")
7 pprint(A)
8 b=0
9 for j in range(c):
10 for i in range(b+1, r):
11 x= 0
12 Flag= False
13 if (A[b,j]==0):
14 for k in range(b+1, r):
15 if (A[k,j] !=0):
16 A= A.elementary_row_op(op="n<->m", row1=k, row2=b )
17 x=1
18 break
19 if (A[b,j]==0 and x==0):
20 Flag= True
21 break
22 A= A.elementary_row_op(op= "n->n+km", row=i, k=-(A[i,j]/A[b,j]), row1=i, row2=b
23 if Flag:
24 continue
25 else:
26 b+=1
27 print("The echelon form of the matrix is: ")
28 pprint(A)

Enter a matrix: 2 3 4; 5 4 6; 7 9 8

The given matrix is:

⎡2 3 4⎤

⎢ ⎥

⎢5 4 6⎥

⎢ ⎥

⎣7 9 8⎦

The echelon form of the matrix is:

⎡2 3 4 ⎤

⎢ ⎥

⎢0 -7/2 -4 ⎥

⎢ ⎥

⎣0 0 -30/7⎦

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22/11/2022, 22:19 Semester 3 Python - Jupyter Notebook

In [8]: 

1 import numpy as np
2 from sympy import Matrix, pprint
3 A= np.mat(input("Enter a matrix: "))
4 (r,c)= A.shape
5 A=Matrix(A)
6 print("The given matrix is: ")
7 pprint(A)
8 b=0
9 for j in range(c):
10 for i in range(b+1, r):
11 x= 0
12 Flag= False
13 if (A[b,j]==0):
14 for k in range(b+1, r):
15 if (A[k,j] !=0):
16 A= A.elementary_row_op(op="n<->m", row1=k, row2=b )
17 x=1
18 break
19 if (A[b,j]==0 and x==0):
20 Flag= True
21 break
22 A= A.elementary_row_op(op= "n->n+km", row=i, k=-(A[i,j]/A[b,j]), row1=i, row2=b
23 if Flag:
24 continue
25 else:
26 b+=1
27 print("The echelon form of the matrix is: ")
28 pprint(A)

Enter a matrix: 2 1 2; 3 4 5; 6 7 8

The given matrix is:

⎡2 1 2⎤

⎢ ⎥

⎢3 4 5⎥

⎢ ⎥

⎣6 7 8⎦

The echelon form of the matrix is:

⎡2 1 2 ⎤

⎢ ⎥

⎢0 5/2 2 ⎥

⎢ ⎥

⎣0 0 -6/5⎦

Conclusion: learnt and understand about row echelon form

LAB 18
2 November 2022

Topic: Complex Arithmetic Functions in Python

localhost:8888/notebooks/Semester 3 Python.ipynb#Topic: 32/41

22/11/2022, 22:19 Semester 3 Python - Jupyter Notebook

Aim: to understand and learn about complex arithemetic functions in


A complex number is the sum of a real and imaginary number. A complex number is of the form a+ib and is
usually represented by z. Heere both a and b are real numbers. The value is called the real part denoted by
Re(z) and b is called the imaginary part im(z). Also, ib is the imaginary number.

cmath: This module provides access to mathematical functions for complex numbers.

Operations on complex numbers :

1. exp() :- This function returns the exponent of the complex number mentioned in its
2. log(x,b) :- This function returns the logarithmic value of x with the base b, both mentioned in its
If base is not specified, natural log of x is returned.
3. log10() :- This function returns the log base 10 of a complex number.
4. sqrt() :- This computes the square root of a complex number.

In [1]: 

1 v= 2+3j
2 v



In [2]: 

1 u= 3j+6
2 u



In [3]: 

1 p=3
2 q=5
3 r=p+1j*q
4 r



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In [4]: 

1 #Python converts the real numbers x and y into complex numbers using function complex(x
2 x=2
3 y=6
4 z= complex(x,y)
5 z



Addition and Substraction of Complex Numbers

In [5]: 

1 m=1+2j
2 n=5+6j
3 w= m+n
4 w



In [6]: 

1 a= 2+3j
2 b= 5+6j
3 a+b



In [7]: 

1 a-b



Multiplication and Division of Complex Numbers

In [8]: 

1 a*b



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In [9]: 

1 u*v



In [10]: 

1 a/b



Extracting Real and Imaginary part from a complex number

In [12]: 

1 h=9-5j
2 h.real



In [13]: 

1 h.imag



Complex Conjugate

In [14]: 

1 h.conjugate()



In [16]: 

1 w=-6-8j
2 w.conjugate()



Write a program to enter two real number and convert them into complex number. Also find the real and
imaginary part of the complex number.
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In [21]: 

1 x=int(input("Enter a real number: "))

3 y=int(input("Enter a real number: "))
5 z=complex(x,y)
7 print("The complex number is:",z)
9 real=z.real
11 print("The real part of",z,"is:",real)
13 imag=z.imag
15 print("The imaginary part of",z,"is:",imag)

Enter a real number: 2

Enter a real number: 3

The complex number is: (2+3j)

The real part of (2+3j) is: 2.0

The imaginary part of (2+3j) is: 3.0

In [20]: 

1 z=complex(input("Enter a complex number: "))

2 w=complex(input("Enter a complex number: "))
3 x=z+w
4 x

Enter a complex number: 3

Enter a complex number: 6



Conclusion: understood and learnt about complex arithemetic functions in


LAB 19
8 November 2022

Topic: Complex Arithmetic Functions in Python

Aim: to understand and learn about complex arithemetic functions in


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22/11/2022, 22:19 Semester 3 Python - Jupyter Notebook

In [1]: 

1 #to perform arithemetic functions on complex numbers

2 x=int(input("Enter a real number: "))
3 y=int(input("Enter a real number: "))
4 z=complex(x,y)
5 print("The first complex number is:",z)
6 a=int(input("Enter a real number: "))
7 b=int(input("Enter a real number: "))
8 c=complex(a,b)
9 print("The second complex number is:",c)
10 #addition
11 print("The sum of two complex numbers is: ", z+c)
12 #substraction
13 print("The difference of two complex numbers is: ", z-c)
14 #multiplication
15 print("The product of two complex numbers is: ", z*c)
16 #division
17 print("The quotient of two complex numbers is: ", z/c)

Enter a real number: 6

Enter a real number: 7

The first complex number is: (6+7j)

Enter a real number: 3

Enter a real number: 14

The second complex number is: (3+14j)

The sum of two complex numbers is: (9+21j)

The difference of two complex numbers is: (3-7j)

The product of two complex numbers is: (-80+105j)

The quotient of two complex numbers is: (0.5658536585365853-0.3073170731707


Trignometric functions
sin(): This function returns the sine of complex number passed in argument
cos(): This fuction returns the cosine function of complex number passed in argument
tan(): This function returns the tangent function of complex number passed in argument

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In [2]: 

1 #Python code to demonstrate the working of sin(), cos() and tan()

3 #Importing "cmath" for complex number operations
4 import cmath
6 #Initializing real numbers
7 x= 1.0
8 y=1.0
10 #Converting x and y into complex number z
11 z= complex(x,y)
13 #Printing sine of complex numbers
14 print("The sine value of complex number is: ", end=" ")
15 print(cmath.sin(z))
17 #Printing cosine of complex numbers
18 print("The cosine value of complex number is: ", end=" ")
19 print(cmath.cos(z))
21 #Printing tangent of complex numbers
22 print("The tangent value of complex number is: ", end=" ")
23 print(cmath.tan(z))

The sine value of complex number is: (1.2984575814159773+0.6349639147847361


The cosine value of complex number is: (0.8337300251311491-0.98889770576286


The tangent value of complex number is: (0.2717525853195118+1.0839233273386


Conclusion: understood and learnt about complex arithemetic functions in


LAB 20
9 November 2022

Topic: Complex Arithmetic Functions in Python

Aim: to understand and learn the working of isnan(), isinif() and isfinite() in

isfinite() :- Returns true if both real and imaginary part of complex number are finite, else returns false.
isinf() :- Returns true if either real or imaginary part of complex number is/are infinite, else returns false.
isnan() :- Returns true if either real or imaginary part of complex number is NaN , else returns false.
math.inf- A floating-point positive infinity. (For negative infinity, use -math.inf.) Equivalent to the output of
math.nan- A floating-point “not a number” (NaN) value. Equivalent to the output of float('nan')

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In [5]: 

1 #Python code to demonstrate the working of isnan(), isinif() and isfinite()

2 import cmath
3 import math
5 x= 1.0
6 y= 1.0
7 a= math.inf
8 b= math.nan
10 z= complex(x,y)
11 w= complex(x,a)
13 #coverting to complex number
14 v= complex(x,b)
16 # checking if both numberare finite
17 if cmath.isfinite(z):
18 print("Complex number is finite")
19 else:
20 print("Complex number is infinite")
22 # checking if either number is/are infinite
23 if cmath.isinf(w):
24 print("Complex number is infinite")
25 else:
26 print("Complex number is not infinite")
28 # checking if either number is/are finite
29 if cmath.isnan(v):
30 print("Complex number is NaN")
31 else:
32 print("Complex number is not NaN")

Complex number is finite

Complex number is infinite

Complex number is NaN

In [3]: 

1 a= math.inf
2 b= math.nan
3 c= -math.inf
4 print("a:", a)
5 print("b:", b)
6 print("c:", c)

a: inf

b: nan

c: -inf

Conclusion: understood and learnt about complex arithemetic functions in


LAB 21
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LAB 21
22/11/2022, 22:19 Semester 3 Python - Jupyter Notebook

15 November 2022

Topic: Trigonometric Complex Functions

Aim: to understand and learn about Trigonometric Complex functions in


In [1]: 

1 from cmath import *

In [2]: 

1 r1=sin(1+8j)
2 r1



In [3]: 

1 r2=cos(2+4j)
2 r2



In [4]: 

1 #finding root -1
2 s=sqrt(-1)
3 s



𝑒𝑖𝜃 = 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃 + 𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃
In [5]: 

1 #i=1j
2 f1=3
3 exp(1j*f1)



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In [6]: 

1 cos(f1)+1j*sin(f1)



Calculation of the length of a planar curve arc

If the curve is expressed in the form and is continuous and

2 ⎯
derivable, then the formula for calculating the length of the arc of the curve between and is as follows:
𝑏 𝑑𝑦
∫𝑎 √1 + ( 𝑑𝑥 ) 𝑑𝑥
In [7]: 

1 import scipy.integrate as spi

2 import numpy as np # Thinly-wrapped version of Numpy
3 from scipy.misc import derivative
4 # defining the function
5 def function(x):
6 return np.exp(-x**2)
8 # calculating its derivative
9 def deriv(x):
10 return derivative(function, x)
11 integrand =lambda x:np.sqrt(1 + deriv(x) ** 2)
12 a = -1.
13 b = 1.
14 result, error = spi.quad(integrand, a, b)
15 print('Result is ', result, 'with error ', error)

Result is 2.1114895588938722 with error 1.4244827870287161e-11

Conclusion: understood and learnt about complex arithemetic functions in


In [ ]: 

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