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2 Peter 3

Koine Translation Notes

“Second letter” 4
possibilities (Schreiner)
Ταύτην ἤδη, ἀγαπητοί,
3.1 Beloved, this is now the - 1- the second part of
δευτέραν °ὑμῖν γράφω
second letter I write to you in the letter, not a unity 2-
ἐπιστολὴν ἐν αἷς διεγείρω*
which I am arousing your sincere FIrst letter was Jude 3-
⸀ὑμῶν ἐν ὑπομνήσει τὴν
mind by remembering Another letter that was
εἰλικρινῆ διάνοιαν*
lost 4 - Peter refers to 1

2 μνησθῆναι τῶν
2. to [that you should] remind you
προειρημένων ῥημάτων ὑπὸ
of the words proclaimed The emphasis on
τῶν ἁγίων προφητῶν καὶ τῆς
beforehand by the holy prophets remembering with the
τῶν ἀποστόλων ⸀ὑμῶν
and the commandments of our repetition of words.
ἐντολῆς τοῦ κυρίου καὶ
Lord and Savior by your apostles.

3 τοῦτο πρῶτον γινώσκοντες

ὅτι ἐλεύσονται ἐπʼ* ♦⸀ἐσχάτων 3. Knowing this first, that in the
τῶν ἡμερῶν ⸂ἐν ἐμπαιγμονῇ⸃ last days are coming mockers in
Jude 17-18
ἐμπαῖκται κατὰ τὰς ⸄ἰδίας mocking living according to their
ἐπιθυμίας αὐτῶν⸅ own lust

4 καὶ λέγοντες·* ποῦ ἐστιν ἡ 4, and saying: Where is the

ἐπαγγελία τῆς παρουσίας promise of His coming? For since
ἀφʼ ἧς - implies from
αὐτοῦ; ἀφʼ ἧς γὰρ οἱ πατέρες the fathers were put to sleep, all
which day.
⸆ ἐκοιμήθησαν, πάντα οὕτως things thus remain from the
διαμένει ἀπʼ ἀρχῆς κτίσεως. beginning of creation.

Complicated syntax.
5. For those maintaining this, it
5 λανθάνει γὰρ αὐτοὺς τοῦτο Could be translated as
escaped them that the heavens
θέλοντας ὅτι οὐρανοὶ ἦσαν “They want to ignore or
existed long ago and the earth
ἔκπαλαι καὶ ⸆ γῆ ⸂ἐξ ὕδατος escape this fact” or
from the water and through the
καὶ διʼ ὕδατος⸃ ⸀συνεστῶσα Maintaining this (a
water [was formed] by the word of
τῷ τοῦ* θεοῦ λόγῳ reference to v. 4) it
escaped them.

6. through which at that time the

6 ⸂διʼ ὅν⸃ ὁ τότε κόσμος ὕδατι
world water was destroyed by
κατακλυσθεὶς ἀπώλετο·*
water having been flooded

7 οἱ δὲ νῦν οὐρανοὶ καὶ °ἡ γῆ 7. But [now] the present heavens Judgment awaits the
τῷ ⸀αὐτῷ λόγῳ and the earth by the same word false teachers.

2 Peter 3 1
τεθησαυρισμένοι εἰσὶν πυρὶ have been stored up for fire being
τηρούμενοι εἰς ἡμέραν kept for the day of judgment and
κρίσεως καὶ ἀπωλείας °1τῶν destruction of the ungodly men.
ἀσεβῶν ἀνθρώπων.*

8 ⸂Ἓν δὲ τοῦτο⸃ μὴ 8. But do not let this escape you [

λανθανέτω ὑμᾶς, ἀγαπητοί, or don’t forget this], beloved, for
ὅτι μία ἡμέρα ⸄παρὰ κυρίῳ⸅ one day for the Lord is like a
ὡς χίλια ἔτη ⸂1καὶ χίλια ἔτη⸃ thousand years and a thousand
ὡς ἡμέρα μία.* years like one day.

9 οὐ ⸀βραδύνει ⸆ κύριος τῆς 9. But the Lord does not delay
ἐπαγγελίας,* ⸋ὥς τινες concerning the promise, like
βραδύτητα ἡγοῦνται,⸌ ἀλλὰ some are considering it slowness,
μακροθυμεῖ ⸂εἰς ὑμᾶς⸃ μὴ but is being patient towards you,
βουλόμενός τινας ἀπολέσθαι not wishing anyone to perish but
ἀλλὰ πάντας εἰς μετάνοιαν everyone to reach repentance [go
χωρῆσαι.* into repentance]

10 Ἥξει δὲ ♦⸆ἡμέρα κυρίου

10. But the day of the Lord will
ὡς κλέπτης ⸇* ἐν ᾗ °οἱ
come, like a thief, in which the
οὐρανοὶ ῥοιζηδὸν
heavens with a great noise and
παρελεύσονται, στοιχεῖα δὲ
the elements will be destroyed,
καυσούμενα λυθήσεται,* ⸋καὶ
and the earth and the works that
γῆ καὶ τὰ ἐν αὐτῇ ἔργα ⸂οὐχ
are in it will not be found.
11 Τούτων ⸂οὕτως πάντων⸃ 11. SInce all of these things are
λυομένων ποταποὺς δεῖ being destroyed what kind of
Genitive absolute
⸄ὑπάρχειν ὑμᾶς⸅ ἐν ἁγίαις person is it necessary for you to
ἀναστροφαῖς καὶ εὐσεβείαις be in holy conduct and godliness?
12 προσδοκῶντας ⸂καὶ 12. waiting for and hastening to
σπεύδοντας⸃ τὴν παρουσίαν* the coming of the day of God
τῆς τοῦ ⸀θεοῦ ἡμέρας διʼ ἣν through which the heavens will be the day of God is not a
οὐρανοὶ πυρούμενοι destroyed burning and the common phrase
λυθήσονται καὶ στοιχεῖα elements will be burned up
καυσούμενα ⸁τήκεται.* melting.
13 καινοὺς δὲ οὐρανοὺς καὶ
13. But we are waiting for new
⸉γῆν καινὴν⸊ ⸂κατὰ τὸ
heavens and a new earth “Where righteousness is
ἐπάγγελμα⸃ αὐτοῦ
according to his promise in which at home” (Dr. Taylor)
προσδοκῶμεν ἐν οἷς
righteousness dwells.
δικαιοσύνη κατοικεῖ.*
14 Διό, ἀγαπητοί, ταῦτα 14. Therefore, beloved, while
προσδοκῶντες σπουδάσατε waiting for these things make

2 Peter 3 2
ἄσπιλοι καὶ ⸀ἀμώμητοι αὐτῷ every effort to be found by Him
εὑρεθῆναι ἐν εἰρήνῃ* spotless and blameless in peace.

15 καὶ τὴν τοῦ κυρίου ⸀ἡμῶν

15. And regard our Lord patience
μακροθυμίαν σωτηρίαν
as salvation, just as also our
ἡγεῖσθε,* καθὼς καὶ ὁ
beloved brother Paul according to
ἀγαπητὸς ἡμῶν ἀδελφὸς
the wisdom given to him wrote to
Παῦλος κατὰ τὴν δοθεῖσαν
αὐτῷ σοφίαν ἔγραψεν ὑμῖν,*

16 ὡς καὶ ἐν πάσαις °ταῖς 16. As also rn all the letters

ἐπιστολαῖς λαλῶν ἐν αὐταῖς speaking in them concerning
περὶ τούτων ἐν ⸀αἷς ἐστιν these things in which there are
δυσνόητά τινα ἃ οἱ ἀμαθεῖς καὶ some things hard to understand,
ἀστήρικτοι* ⸁στρεβλώσουσιν which the ignorant and unstable
ὡς καὶ τὰς λοιπὰς γραφὰς are twisting like also the rest of
πρὸς τὴν ἰδίαν ⸀1αὐτῶν the Scripture to their own
ἀπώλειαν.* destruction.
17 Ὑμεῖς οὖν, ἀγαπητοί, 17. Therefore, you oh beloved,
προγινώσκοντες φυλάσσεσθε, knowing in advance, be on guard,
ἵνα μὴ τῇ τῶν ἀθέσμων πλάνῃ so that you may not fall from your Beloved a favorite word.
συναπαχθέντες ἐκπέσητε τοῦ own position being carried away
ἰδίου στηριγμοῦ,* in the error of the lawless
18 ⸀αὐξάνετε δὲ ἐν χάριτι καὶ
18. But grow in the grace and
⸁γνώσει τοῦ κυρίου ἡμῶν καὶ
knowledge of our Lord Jesus
σωτῆρος Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ⸆.*
Christ. To him be the glory, now
αὐτῷ ἡ δόξα ⸂καὶ νῦν καὶ εἰς
and to the day of eternity.
ἡμέραν αἰῶνος⸃. ⸇*

2 Peter 3 3

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