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Analytical Chemistry-I
4rth Semester, Course Code 205
Final Exam, 2021

Time: 2 Hours 45 mints

Briefly answer the following. Each question carries 2 Marks.
1. How does the perato chart help us?
2. How many batches are recommended in the validation of a process?
3. How would you differentiate between performance qualification and process
4. Why is it called as “Six Sigma”?
5. What are the steps involved in the gravimetric analysis?
6. What are the factors which affect the purity of precipitates in gravimetric analysis?
7. Why do we wash precipitates with an electrolyte and non-water?
8. What is Fagan’s method?
9. What is electrogravimetry?
10. Why the equivalence point of a weak acid and strong base is above pH 7?

Answer the following. Each question carries 5 marks.

1. A group of students has performed a titration experiment. They took 15ml solution of
phosphoric acid of unknown concentration and then add dropwise the 0.125M soln of
NaOH. When 14.37ml of NaOH is used, the end point is observed.
a. Write a balance chemical equation between the acid and base
assuming the complete neutralization
b. Calculate the molarity of phosphoric acid

2. What does higher residual weight %age in thermal gravimetric analysis signify?

3. In the titration of a weak base with a strong acid, write down

a. Method
b. What is calculated at mid-point
c. What is the pOH and pH
d. What is molarity of acid just before the equivalence point
e. The equivalence point curve
f. What is pH past the equivalence point
4. Design a fish bone diagram for active ingredient yields and dry matter yield in an
extraction process

5. What are the quantitative application of particulate gravimetric analysis

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