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Consolidation 1 Complete tha second sentence so tat it has a sina meaning tote fest sentence, using the word gen, Bo not change the wore given. You must vee 1) Theresa party at May's house next week having Next Wesk.. +. Mary's having party at her house 1) When you phoned me, it was my lunch time, ' {9 Tstared working ere thee years apo. for Ne. hc yeas 4) Our mectng is tomorzon havent had a Chinese mel forages. 1 David went home before we arrived ad 1) The arrival time of Helen's ight i 8.0, eons igh 800, 1) Harey up! Well gett the theatre afer the Beginning of the ply wat By the time we gt to the theate, the play beau (Ob no! My wale i ising, lost Ob ot 1 alles 3) Poe ony recently stated wearing glasses 1 scents Movinghouse Tome fom very lage fy andrecenty my parents (Vueeded, (decide) that they 2), pend) lang. enough living in an overcrowded house in Binningham. "We (3), move) 10 the ‘country’, my father), announce) one evening. "1 o (so) this house, and we (6, ivejon a farm’ Solas week we (7). oad) all our possessions into two hired vans, and forthe last ev days we (8, sy) 0 ‘organize ourselves in our new home. Yeserdy, fr example, my thre brothers and 1). {tat painting the downstairs rooms. Unfortunately while # (10). nix) the paint, one of my sites a. open) the door. Nobody (12). el) hor tha we (13) ‘t) inthe room, you se, So insted of| painting the walls, we (1). {spend) all morning cleaning the Paint of the for. But worse things (15). happen) since ‘hen. This morning when I (16). Jake up), water a. {kip through te cling next to my bed. We «8, spend) today so tar repaiing the eof fs ot all bad ‘news, though. The schoo inthe village nearby (19) Jetose own) to years ago, and my parents 20). ot find) nother school fo us yet + Complete te second santance so ha has #siiarmeaning to th fst sentoce, using the word gven, Do not change the word given, You must uso 8) Jack let the of btor Hasse thee, already When Faived atthe ofce. . Jack ad alent 'b) Do you know how t dive this kind of car? Have Ais kind of er before ©) This is my fit visi wo Seodand 1 This isthe fst time. Seated 4) Daring diane, the phone ran, 1 While phone rn, 2 COMO. ‘Complete the sscond sentance 80 tat ithe similar meaning tothe fst sortence, using the word given. De not change the word given, You must use 1) Please don't open the window. MM... eather you side'_apen the window. 1) Fiona wanted to know the time wha (©) We wow't go out ithe weathers bad 48) would like you tobe here! wish 1 here (© Catherine refined to lt me 20 ‘catherine. 0. 1 TFL were you, 1 ty to get same sleep. 1 ao try to get sme seep, {© What pity we didn't see the match L she match 1) The old man introduced inset ‘The old man. ame David told me the time of the next ta what David td rain Tet 3) The police inspector sad I ad killed Mis Bas. of ‘The police inspector. 4ulling Mrs Burs 8 Decide which answer (A 8, C or) Bet fis each space Trestoen ite ‘One morning last week [else that my bike (DewredB so flen fom my garden. I phoned the police and two ocr called at my house the nextday They 2 ame i had seen of heard anything. told o. 1 had been out that evening, and hade't noticed anything sspcious when I came home. I had seen anything, 1 (4. yout replied. ‘Kt vas raining hard too. Ifthe weather (5) ‘0 bad, I would have ridden my bike’ The ofits told me that lots of people (6, their bikes stolen lately. The thieves (7. to have put the bikes ina un, said one ofthe offices. 1 (8, ‘Thad known about that I sid saw aback van that evening ln ft, it apposite my house” “The officers asked me what the van's umber (10, ‘but I couldnt remember, (11). _you saw the van again, (12. ‘you recognise "one of then asked. (13). painting. [remember that replied. However, there was happy ening to this story. Aer the offices had ef, 1 (14), by end of mine. By the way, she ssi, 5). you want your bike, I bring it bck this aterm. 1 borrowed it a couple of days ago: b) A maa Bhadboon Chad had elf had not 2] A reminded questioned C told D asked 4) A them Bhat cw D inter ‘p] Acaled — Bwould Chad called would have called 53] Awasnt wouldn't eC hadnt been sould have Been 6) A nod Bhadhad — Chadto have D hada >] Aithink Bare ought C tave thought are thinking 3) Awould — Brcalse C wish D thought 9) A was parked had parking Cis pated Das parked 10] Ais was Cha weet in] ae When C Remember Suppose 12] Ado Baw € would bi 13}] Arneded —Bhad been C looked ike seemed 14] A calle up was phoned C had » phone call heard some news 19] Auniess = Bifealy Cif Das Long Complete th second sentence 0 that ha a simi meaning tothe fist between two and ive words, incusing the word give, 2) Excote me, ix somebody serving you, st? Delog Bveasemes care yo being 1) 1 tink we should go home. sie wes ome. ©) The paaters painted our house lst moat had We last month 4) Hs a pity that Charles alvays complains so much wwowlde'e L 0 much 6) Someone will meet you a the sispor. You. atthe airon. 1) People think that enin-abber Dave Bigs has escaped have ‘Trsn-obber Dave Briggs escapes 2) "Don't forget to bay some bead, Mum sid Paine reminded Pasties, buy some bread 1) Have you resived your salary yet? beer 4) 1 thik 1 manage wo Sis the ewer by 4.00 ext 1 think oy 4.00, 3) My parents made me study everynight 1 vey might by my parents A frend the rain [Last week (1) was walking. (val) home afer playing tennis when it @. {an raining very hewily. no, 1 Gh. (ge) soaked before 1) {geach) home, I thought. wis o. remember) to bring my raincoat” But unfortunately [ ©. ‘eave) it at home. How stupid of me! 1 ( (always forget) to bring it with me, Luckily just then frend of mine pase in her car and offered me afi. 8). {you 20) home” she asked, ‘oO {you want) to go for dink" think 1 rather you co. ake) me home, I sid. TT (11). oot change) my clothes, F know (12). a) i, nd then ay. {aot beable) to play in the tennis tournament seat week And (14), praise) hard fer the last month." as, ‘a fr you wo change ifyou (16, (like) she told me. think its ine you (17). ‘ein fora change. You (18). {orory) too much about things lately. And oople who (19), {ery} t00 much (20), a) | mor enly fs got nothing to do wih the rain!” 5 Puteaen verb in brackets into stele wer fxm Thefocteaboutsngar Picket sugar fom the supennarkt (1) ds erate. (extract) from either sugar ane or sugar bec. These products @) oni) with ot wate, whieh @) solve) thee natural sua Soar o. {also find) in ft some of which, such as dates and grapes, o {conain) very high amounts of sig. To bea litle more speci, sugar should (6) (cal) sucrose. Sucrose a {anake up) of two substances: glucose, which @ 4s) fe instant energy, ad frase, which o. at) longer asa sone of energy. The sugar in iis mainly fructose, So when we (10) et) fi, we on. aso cal) quite large amounts of natural sugar. Some cic (12) {tov} that 190 much sugar a. cat) in sweets, cake and biscuits. I (14). (ay) tbe goncrally bad fr the heath, although nothing (1). (dotnitely prove) so fi. However, i (16) known) that sugar cn. ase) tooth decay. As one enpert pt it "other Fonds cs, ‘danage) our bay a8 uch a sugar (19). (danage) ou eth, they 20). oan) immediatly? Look eaftuly at esch tno. Some of he tnes are correct, end some have 8 word which should nat be tere Tek each corect ine, If lin hat word which should not be ther, wre the word inthe spac6 A oa in Scotland {0 Scotland, They asked me if was wanted to go too, but Lhd beady aerangd wo 201 tly. old them ao that ‘they asked me f give them some ideas. were like you, Pi always cary umbrlls” I told them. T doubt that whether youll have any sunny days ‘hem agin util was afer thie holiday, They ere all very sun-tamned, and they told 10 me that they had had very hot weather. "Luckly me were tld us before we Jem that it wae very hot in Scotland, 10s said 10 they have been the hotest summer eve! boon to Sctland before, did't se » 2 2 » om ° » » % 10) » 2 13). ” 19) wi. o Be” ‘e TY Omar h Put one sutable word In 90h space. nol schoo fond ‘When John sw the lags crowd (Daioh. had gathered (2) the sect, he wasn sure @) ist what had happened. There were « many people blocking the entance to the hotel, that he had 0 push his way 6). hem to get (6). ae door At he oor he found two policemen were trying to hold the crowd Ick. "What. cath i going on?” he asked them. Thea John noticed that some ofthe crowd were holding placards sea ‘We love you Sally” (10). ‘ours, that was i. Sally Good was footballer, th fist woman to play fr England. (1), John wasnt relly terested in sport he decided to join the crow and wait ay se appeared. About ten minutes (13), a silog woman appeared and waved to che crowd, John was taken completely cg. suprise when she took his am and si, ‘Remember me? Tm the gt (19). sed to st next to you at schoo!” 2 Pune suable word in euch space. 2) Byte time you've done the shopping, I be red 1) Fm going home sow, but Il phose you, ©) Hany has been working very hard. 4) Mt write wo you. ane end ofthe week «) waited fr you. £500, bu then fet 1) eter sometimes goes walking. Arous. 2) won't be long, be ready moment. ». “upon atime, there was a betifl princes. |) Guess who Taw the. say. My old English teacher! 9) Tn not a gular swimmer but I go, and again Put one suitable word in each space 1) This isthe hook 1 tol you aon 1) Theres someone outside ‘ear bas broken dow, 1) Se wom the gold medal. Jeaving aba eg 4) suppose Lage wih you. grat extent, ©) The police, from ‘earned nothin. are being stretive. 9) Excue me, but your Beye ay wy. 2) She bought me a present. tld hee not t bother 1) Tony knows moat of Shakepeare, eat 1) The eter was addesed: Ta, 1 may concern’ 3) Threaten leer today. The ost offs is. strike ‘ange the meaning ' 2) 1 bought my ee fom that man That is the man from whom I bought my car, 1b) That boy’ sister its Behind me at schoo © Bs computer bad broken and he had to se pene 4) The gies were hungey and decided to have 3 mel ©) Hive in Croydon ifs near London, {id you boro this book? 1) This is Brenda shelves vsti 1) You gave me avery wel presen 1) The car as in good condition and wast expensive 4) Someone found the money and was sive a reward whose wuose wicn wnt whic GRAMMAR 15 CONSOLIDATION 3 5 Puta eutabe prepesiion in each space 8) Welanded cca Athens Aiport, Whi iby the se 1b) Me was cold Iped 20 his mother pat s blanket bie ©) Pm aot, our ofaueleae power ia of accidents, 4) When I shltered. 1 woe, an apple FL my head. ©) Quite chance I noticed that the house was. sale 1) Can we discuss tis private? Alone, thor words 8) you're, ifcuies wth money, TI help you. al 1) Hearing she was. of work tok me. surprise {6 Completa the eacond sentence so hat I has a smlar meaning to the fst between wo and fie words, including tne word given 5) We were in Venice a weck ago today time Wewere in Venice... hie ‘ime a 1) Joe ha finaneal problems, but bought a new motorbike. oe bought a now motorbike Financia problems 6) coulda' drink the Soup, a was too hot 4) Stsan was tired, 0 she desided 10 go t0 bed ©) We spoke in whispers as we did't want to wake the baby. We spake in whispers so wae the baby. 1 hep looking fr my missing watch, but I knew it wae no wae [pt looking fer my missing watch. Lit ws no 8 8) There were a ot of people, and I coulda’ sc the srcen properly that Thece were. 1 couldnt se the sereen properly 1) The meather i fine, but my fers haven't come ot of 7 Declde which answer (A,B, C er D) bes i Arivingin Bille ‘Stephen arrived in Bile (I.n-8..-the carly evening, and walked ch space ®. the bus station through the town cent, looking oe somewhere t9 say. Thor was a huge ol-fishioned hotel, (3), it was obviously closed. The windows (). set level were covered ©. shoots of corrugated ion. (6, shore must have been many travellers passing (7. Blue, but now the motorway © the south passed the town several mies (9), and 0 very few people stopped. Stephen found a telephone (10). ‘uae down bar, and called the nearest motel (11). sured out to be seven miles avay on the motorway. He asked the barman, (12), was reading acomie book, how (13). tax would eostt take him ry she motel, The man stared hard at Stephen (18) te sid, No tis hore ~ haves boen any for me tha fen years! bj as Bie ater D and 2)| A down B with € fiom Daway Sy] A though Bwhick that D despite aan Bee ender D actos 5] Aan B with € fiom Dap | Aover Bs € soon D once nn) A cur B ino through D frm | Ain Bot coy Dio 9)| A away Bost ca D long 10] A and Bwhicn cin D box fai B which who Danie 12] Although B why Che Diwho wa] a fe B much many D oten 1] avo Bie cat Dow 15] A wt Bsinee € before D evenly Look caretully at each tne. Som ofthe ws ate correc, and some have a word Which should not be there. Tick each comet line. ie has a word which Theclecronicage 1 recenlyleamed how 10 use compute, and 4, have many fiends who they play computer games they. st home, Howeve, although recemy Ihave begun to worry 1) that in nowadays we rely too much on electronic gadgets. 2}, (Once before poople managed to write and think using » their brains, but now many people ave become so ” accustomed 1 using machines, so that they east do % snything without them, There ae many people who 8 they depend on electronic pages completely. For » tan instance, many of my fends stat ome in the » evening and watch television, and instead of going % ‘ut so to meet peopl. [think that this makes evenbody 10) feel more lonay, even though they Iam alot about 7 poop allover inthe world, OF course there ae many 2B) clectronc gadgets that save us tne, though not al 13) of them are relly necessary. I am in fiver of some 1») tages, but Iam agaist of having everyting in le 15) depending on pushing a button. 4 7 ; Consolidation 4% Put one sutale word In each space Askingfor directions Have you ever ied asking people fo directions? 1(Die-adato $0 1 London on basness recently, and 1 soon realised that 1) have bought s sret map. Whenever [followed the directions of passers-by I gt lot "You cast Benen? they would xy. Cary straight (4. 7 its opposite the bank. Aer walking fr balan hou, 1 would realise that 1 o. shave gone wrong somewhere. (6). you tll me where the bank (7). please I would ak someone 1 w have known that this was 3 mistake. ‘Which bank do you rein? think you ©). -go back othe station .'Tnow see that co) nave taken a taxi. Afr all, London taxi drivers an. 4 pas a fest on their knowledge ofits stets. Dut of cous, whenever I thought ofthis, 1 (12). ot find a taxi In the end L founda solution. I went up to the Fist tours 1 saw and asked 1 «3. Took at their tourist map. They turned ou to be fom Scotland, and they (18) ve very detailed instructions. The only problem was that L wast (5). 40 understand exactly what they sid ‘Complete he second wentance so that it hes sniar mening to he rst between two end ve words, Including te word given 4) im sorry I broke your keyboard apologise Vda... mpelegice for’ ——breahing____your keyboud 1) Can you give me directions fr the station? how Could you el. the station? ©) Yau must be thisty, so can Toe you some ea? ike Ya mst be this, 0, ss IF were you, I wouldnt uy a dog. should Ton sos GRAMMAR 20 ) hm sre that Jack hast eft home yet. have dick, 1) Tsuppose that this is Trafalgar Square be This. 1) Pethas Jeans plane was delayed been Sea's plane 1 Iwas unnecessary for you to come ely today. have CONSOLIDATION 4 rome yet Trafilar Square delayed You, ‘ome eal today. Look carfity at each ne, Some ofthe nas are core, and some have a wore Shoulé not be here, wil the word Inthe space Puting yp afriend Dear Brenda, ‘Thanks fr replying so quickly to ny ast eter. ‘You must to have been surprised when you recived 4 letter fom me. im pad ou will e able to have put me up when I come to London Could you be possibly give me some dretions for your Ba? Tn bound to get lost, Do 1 have ote a tai fom the slation, ori it near enough to walk? Peraps if | showld bay 4 sree map of Birmingham when Iam arrive, And {all ight if ean bring my ide brother, Ti? By the wa, congratulations on your new job ‘You sust ot be very happy. Do you think that you made the right decision, though? I think you should or have gone to wniversity like me am sure that you would have been enjoyed it. 1 ave done to study a Tot, but with any ck I sould 21 good job when I nish. I be beter post, this later now. Best wishes, Sheila is 6 [Choose the most suitable expression foreach situation 2) You vant w invite someone you have just me o go to the theatre with you, 1) May 1 g0t the theate? 2), Would you ike to came to the theatre? 3) Do you think you should go to the these? 1) You are recommending a new restaurant oa rend 1) You really must try the new Italian restaurant in Gren Stet 2) Yau had better ty the new Halla restaurant in Groen Stet, 53) You would try the new Halian restaurant in Green Ste. ©) Your boss suggests that you work overtime oa Saturday but you don't wast 1) You must be joking! 2) Hesse of you to ak, but I refs. 5) Sony, but | ave somthing already arranged, 4) You san to ask the waiter to bring you another drink 1) Pd ike another bes, plese 2) Exeuse me, but do you think I could fake another bee?” 3) You ca bring mea beer i you like. ©) You want someone wo move out ofthe way 1) Look out! 2) Excuse me! 3) Pardon! 1) Yau greet a end you have sen fora few weeks 1) Hello Pauline, bow do you do? 2} Hello Paine, what’ going on? 5) Hello Paine, how ae you? 18) You are sitiag ona bus and want the person in oat of you to shut the window: 1) Could you shut she window, please? 2) May shut the window, please? 3) Do you want wo shut the window, please? 1) You want wo know bow to get othe station, and you ak a stanger 1) Tellme, where sth station? 2) Do you mind telling me where the station i? 53) Could you tell me the way tothe station, pease? ') You want some advice fom a fend 1) What do you think I should do? 2) Tellme what I must do. 53) What could you do ifyou were ms? 3) You ask your boss for permission to leave werk ety 1) Do sou mind leaving eal? 2) Ista right if go now? 4) Tm ff ao, bye! Decide which answer (A,B, © oD) bes ie each space. The lossproper office Recenly I read a magazine anicle about the things (D Co poop lose when they travel on the London Underground, 1 2) Delcve it at fist. 6), you ae Violinist, and when you (8), at our statioa, you leave your viola (5. the tain, It sems strange that nobody sys, 161 ‘me, bu think you have Fogoten something” I suppose the violins (7). shave been thinking of something ese and there might (8 have been any other o. onthe tai, Sill, why did’ the violinist go (10). the lst property ofce? All he los property on the underground sytem a. 19 be Sento this oe, so if you los anything you (2) ely gett bac. In this ease, the Violinist must have (0). -vatyabseat minded. Pethaps he or se dida't «4. 10 play the violin ever agin afer this journey. Or perhaps they were jus too embarrased (15). 2910 the office bj Ambo B whose cam Da 2) A wast Bhavent ——€ shouldn't couldn't 5) ar B Suppose C Way D Sometimes 19] Azet ait Dare 5] Aat Con Dby 66) A Bal Excuse D Comet a) A who B might sould Deo 8) A not Bikes ones Dw 9)| A pedestrians Bewsiomers C audience =D pamengen 10) aia Bat cw Die in] A shouta Bamust needs Dias 1) Aan Beant dont Dare 13] A ben Bor had D because 1a] A know Bike C have Dased 15)] A and Bw © must Dee "7 tone stele word in each space Hoda problems Sariehow I aways have problems when I go away on holiday. (1... every. {year my travel agent promises me that my holiday will be 2). best have ever had, but none ofthese promises has ever (3. tive This year Igo food poisoning 4). ay Uarived, It must have been the Fah Tate a the hotel), evening. In (6 ‘morning | ft tesibe, and Iwas seen by two doctors. tied to explain my problem i them, but. of them spoke English (8) did't Ielp. I 19k me ©) ofthe fst Weck to reaver, and I spent three ‘or four days siting next to (10) ‘ote! swimming poo! reading newspapers, y the time I fel beter, (11). weather had changed, but Iwas determined vo go sighe-sceing, and do (12). -svimming. Unfortunately (13). ‘of the museums were open, as there was «9. strike. I would have enjoyed mysalf (18). had stayed at home, Complete the second senence so tht R hae sin emeing othe fet ‘tertanca, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use botwoon two and fve words, ining the word given 48) That the worst fl Ive ever seen ne. never con « worse ) There arent any sandwiches lem afd a "im af seten «) Tthought that Maria's last novel was more intresting. latest Mania’. intresting 2 his lst one. 1) Lalked to nether of Harrys sisters cither Tide, . Harry's sisters. ©) Hob x a much beter swimmer than George etm earge, 5 Bob 1 you walk soy, i takes longer t getters The mors, takes to ge there 2) Calling the police isnt any good . the police 1) phoned Norman lst ofall es oem. phoned i) This ie the best pany ve ener ben he, good party a this 3) thought this meal would cost mote than i id Complete asch sentence with one suitadi word, Oo not ves the word pecs, 42) Would you like anothee.rnatee-. of cake? 1b) There is apother of arse this one 9) What a lovely, of ir you have 4) Pot up your hand if you need another. of paper 6) There was an interesting. ‘of news about Japan i the apes 1 Could you put a few ‘of coal on the fre? 8) Pourme a of water, would you? 1h) They gave me avery age of potatoes with my dinner. 4) On bother, te split ny ne. af shorts w 44 Remit esc sentence sot I contains the word alven In cops, and the reaning sys the same. The word cannot be changed n anyway 2) You are not allowed to park her. Parking is not allowed here ) There arent any tables, chars or Beds inthe house. ©) This room seme very crowded 8) Can you ell me about guided tous of the city? 1) The people inthe theatre were enthusiasts, 21 ke math best 2) There are alot o us on this ond today. 5 Complete the second sentance so that it has PARKING FURNITURE PEOPLE INFORMATION AUDIENCE TRAFFIC 99 the fst santos, using the word given. Be not change the wore given. You mist wee 1) Bim teaches French, ) Can't you do beter than thar? ©) T havent eaten lobster before This nthe, 4) eat play Can Jl. ©) Actually, the only thing you nee isa seremdriver. 1) Both ofthe lite were out of one. of Neither French__svacte. working 8) My tousersare creased. Imustionuhem «2s es 1) Could you give me information about the Ars Festal? 6) Tea come out tonight. Ihave work 10 do, 4) Look at your hie! You ust have eat 6) [ve decided 1 buy new furniture 1) Thank you very much. Youve been at help, 9) this ‘ae you told me about? hy Chris was st person t leave the room, should not be ier, wit the word inthe epson. The howe painters ‘Last weak some painters came round 10 = pint my hous. 1 sully do this kind ofa job myself, but Ive Been ere very busy forthe lst » month, SoU called a more local decorating i, 2) and they apres 10 doit for a reasonable price 2 ‘Throe men arrived on Monday the morning 4 Paint the outside wall. Of cous, they were used 3 the wong colour and spit paint all ver the 6 font door. Same one ofthe windows n upstairs were open, and some of paint went ® inside the house and ruined oth the carpet in % the living-oot, They also broke a window. 10). | phoned their company, and the manager » sured me that they would repaint than the 2) wall, Then I went away on busines By) ve just come hack, and the walls ae a ditfernt » ‘oor, but it is sil such the wrong col 15) ICT had done the job mys, 1 would have Finished it by now. ‘ COTO Parents andchiren | was reading an article fst wook in which the writer deseribes how her chien td changed as they (I... grew.-up. When they were small, she had @. _up with noisy games inthe house, or 3. Ja their interminable ges of fot inthe garden which (2). her ‘out, Ifthe house went quiet, she wondered what the monsters were ©. up to, oF what rss she would have t (6) with ext. She dread the fact dhat they might (7), afer her husband, ‘who admited having been an uncontrollable cild who (3. mest ofthe time). ‘aft his fiends by breaking things or (9. “nt fights, What was worse was that everyone elie thought th was sweet chil, and he (11), away with tebe things! ower, she had experienced an even greater shock with he children. They had (12). ‘out of all their naughty behavius, and «a. “up serious hobbies suchas chess and playing the piano, They ever did anything without (1). it over fist, and coming 10a serious decison. She had t (5), up to the fst that they made hor fa ator childish, and that in some ways she profemed them when they were young and nosy! ‘Complete each senlance with an expression wih got 18) When are you going to get round...1o writing othe bank? by im af dont ‘very well with my tase. ©) T dow understand what you a. What do you meas? 4) How are you felng? Have you. your cold yet? ©) Stn chased the bua, bu unfortunately the burgla. ‘Complete each sentence with an expression with cme 9) Has the new book oftests..come — aut..96t? 1) Its diel situation and we haven. solution yet. on hese old photographs in my desk yesterday 6 Jie bocame rch when she. a fortune, «) Tm afaid weve, a ot of problems inthis project. CComplate the eesond eantonce so that has a similar meaning the frst Detween two and ive words, including the word give, miss t vin working in 1) IFT tae the jb, 1 have to move o London. “Tabiag the ob 16) Neil wishes hada’ 8 his eit 4) Pleas ss that you pos all the fetes Peas dont ©) Sell ns decided to take driving Lessons, how ‘Sheila has decide. 1 Si side hada stolen the jewels stealing 28) How about going othe theate tonight? Would, 1) Poter wil lok ar the shildten- he has objection looking Poet dass. "TM deity be hereby eight’ Ann promise 3) We fit met Do you remember. London. al the lees Arve she jewels the theatre tonight? shidten by cient 1978 5 becoe which answer (A.B, C of 0) best Hs ech space. ‘don't etievein ghosts! Las year I stayed fr aw days in an olé house in Scotland which was famous Wns ghost, | don't really believe Q). hots, 01 not aiid (3). them of course. So when my hosts suggested o. up all night see their ghost, I simply laughed o hom. Then they told me (6. the woman who haunted thet house, She had been accused (7). smurdeving hee husband inthe eighteenth century because she had been jealous @. ‘hm, but she had avoided ©) tied, and had isoppeared. She appeared quite rua, walking through the house as i she was searing (10) something. 1 agreed to watch tha gh, although it would (1D. siting fo hours inthe cold. 1 expected ‘one of my fens to appear dressed (12) the ghost, and so when the figure of a woman finaly came (13). sme, 14) to be teifed, Yu can imagine my suprise when the figure took a knife fom her dress, and thea vanished. I decided to disappear mysel, and deve home to London a (15) aL could 1) awh B 6 © fom Das 2) Ate Bw ca Dia 3) A with Bie cor Dby 4) Awaking 8 geting staying D coming 5) Aw B with about Dw 6) A for tbat © wien D about 7) Adhat Bor fie D while 8) Aot Boy cw Dor 9) Aand Bcing but D having 10) ike Baker with De Hy) A mean be have uncomfortable 1) Awith Be ca Din 13) A about Browards round D through 1) Awanted ——Bimazined ——C pretended supposed 15) Aguictly BD then © well D thous! 6 Put one stable word in each space 8) Don't go so fist can hardly. Aeep.-up with you b) Dont be such coward sup fr yous? ) Pease dont let me down. Im. ‘an yo. 4) We don't know who started the fe, but were sto i ©) Tmust go tothe dentists and have my teth. to. 7 Complate each sentence with an expression containing of 1) Sins boss dide think he was .cqpable of,.wocking on his own, 1b) Mss White is very animals, and bas sx cas «) Ukow I shoul’ ave stolen the money. Tm. ny 4) te was vey, {yu to Belp me cary my shopping. ©} Georgina is very. anyone who dances with her husband, 1) Unew 1 really een 8 ghost I as certain aout it 1) Bl was very. missing ny birthday pay 6) You wer. the fil. It was awl, just a you sid 4) always get wortod at alepots. 1, _nising the plane ©) Poor Lacy has lost her job. She's ver. sit 4) That all right, I dont mind ..wahing... up the dry dishes 1) Most people ry 1 avoid 1p words inthe ditionary. 6) Can you imagine up sx seal children? 8) Las considering, ap gol, actualy «) Wete rather hard up. Ie means. svithout a holiday this year. 10 Putone sabe word in each space 2) Have you ever thought of.daing.. up eying? 1) Hany had a serious illes, but he has. over it now. 6) We have devised ‘aff our holiday util next month, 4) Think that you. Lp the whole story! 2) What are the children... 2.---p 0 in the garden? 1) Bveryone sys that Chris. er his ube. 1 Youll never guess wha. pat the end-ofcerm pay! 1) Prease. over our fe before you make a decision, i) Aer the party, John had wo. up all he mess v9 sentence, usmg ie word given. Do not ehange tha word given, You must vee between two and fve word, Including the word give, 8) The minister responsible has promised to investigate the problem Sony, we must end there, as thee is no more time, Soy, we must end there, a8 sim All passengers ate asked to complet this immigration for All passengers ae asked 1. his immigetion form ©) The war began when the army crowed the border. The wat, when the army crosod the torde, 1 don't understand what Aan i ying 10 say ia this lete, 1 Your behavior is for aways omit the gale fom this recipe tolerable! 1 won' tolerate! » he ari om this eine 1) Mave you ever dicovered a writer elle ack Common? Have you ever awrite called Jack Common? 1) Go some ofthe driving, when you fe ike a res mn = when you fs ikea et fom diving 4) do the garden soon, bu I jas haven't found the time yet. sot Consolidation 7 Putone sultade word in each space. The fist day thejob 1 wil always remember my fst day working atthe Exesior Food Company. Fist of (nal... Las given a greasy overall 2) ad worn it before had certainly never washed itl When I mentioned this 10 the foreman he sid, "Youre not aiid of «bit of dit, 3 you" L wanted 1 sy that I chought (8, was supposed to be a high ‘standard of cleanliness in «food factory, but I managed to contol o. “Then I was given ay fist jo, (6). involved sweeping the flow. (7). ‘only was my overall filthy but the whole factory loked as if), had ever cleaned it propery o. vere also (10). 1 later discovered to be pigs cars seater around the ple. (i), it was my firs ey, {didnt say anything about this. (12) ‘that 1 had to pet pis into boxes foe the rest ofthe morning. (13). was supposed to put them into the coldstoe, but (I, his person was, they had obviously forpoten about it As a (15) «thee was son a huge pile of boxes waiting to bbe moved, Then I discovered tht Iwas supposed to be moving them! Compote the second sentence 20 that has a simlsr meaning tothe st 8) Under no circamstanes should you press both buttons at once “Yau shel ner ret as ot cee. ‘any circumstance’... ‘by Ik was cold, 50 I decid to wear two pullovers bs ©) id you have a good time atthe party? Did you enjoy 4 Oude the cinema somebody grabbed my ar, Outside the cinema I. ©) The army's defeat was dv 1 poor organization. The army was defeated, 1) ean not once ofa her boss word of apology Not once 8) Therés mo fod in the house, Im afi There's nothing. 1 ts poimless going on any Further tonight. There’. i) ee dia wo describe what Sally sv What 4) have selon had a more relaxing holiday Seldom, en sntance with the most stable word or phrase. ‘comple 1) One realy shoulda drink 100 mh eee |A) does one B) should you C) do you) should one b. | would like to propose a toast |A)Forexample B) In conclusion C) On the ather hand D) Thus ©) Do you think. could help me choose a pai of trousers! ‘A) someone B) anyone C) whoever D) there a. oes seem to be anyone at home, ‘A) eB) One C) There D) Whenever o. id I reais that the murderer was sl in the house! ‘A) Seldom B) Under no circumstances C) Only afer _D) Only then 0, 1 don't believe that prices wil Fie next year. ‘A) Incontast_B) Personally C) Not oly D) Whatever £8) Youte covered in mud 4s your mother going to xy? ‘A) Rarely B) Furthermore C) Whatever _D) On account of 1) Ob bsber. ae bus I wanted to each! A) wherever B) ifSeft ©) there goes _D) owing 0 1) Pets help yourselves ta, you ike A) whoever B) nothing ©) everywhere D) anything 5) Nobodys pot to stay ae this evening. 2 Visit B)have they C)isnt it D) don't they 21 44 Look cry at each ina Some ofthe nes ar coret, and some have 8 word lehionthould net be ter Tek each eoract ine. Ifa ing tak Wore whieh Kudnapped by aliens 1am sure you have beard of Marion Tayler, ‘haven't you? Marion was the young gt she Kidnapped by aliens in 1993, Not ony that was » the. ‘she given a rid to a distant plane, but whether she 2 also managed to take some photos ofthe aliens » who they ten her prisoner, since she had been a carrying herself «camera when they captured he. % ‘Whenever I hear stories like this Tassume so 6 that they have Boon made them up. Ik is hard to belive 7) [Marion's sory, owing to the fst hat she was ® ‘only ten yeas old at the time, esis this, i was 9 tumed out that she spent most of he ime watching 10) science ftion videos. One cannot relly believe in 0 that there ae really litle gree aliens who they By 2) all the way to our planet just so that they can kidnap a) people, Nevers, although Maron became 1") famous and her photos were bought by a newspaper 15) fora great dal of money. Grammar 5 a) May's having @ bb) Teas having ©) bee here for {ate having a mecting ©) ages since Fhave had 1) aztived, David had gone a) arrives at hy wil have i) have ost my’ 1) started wearing glasses 1 decided 2) had spent 3) ae going to move/are moving 4) anounced. 5) am selling/have sold 6) are going to live 7) loaded 5) have been trying 3 a happened 1 Reese 2 ck hal abet natant diane 8 Reto hao B bette cn 12 ope Grammar 10 1 2) rather you didn’t bb) what che time/what time tt ©) won't go out unless ©) wish you were ©) said (that) I couldn't 1) advise you 8) wish we had seen hh) told us his 1) me what time the next accused me of DB 2d aA oD Sc os 2B ac A 10) 8 mA 3c BA 34) B 45) C a) are you being served b) time we went ©) had our house painted 4) wish Charles wouldn't ‘complain ©) will be met 1) is thought to have g) reminded her Mum to hy you been paid i) get the letters finished D._ was made to study 1) was walking 2) started 3) will get 4) reach 5) had remembered 6) had leit 7) am abveays forgetting/always forget 8) Are you going 9) do you want 10) took. 11) don’t change 12) will fall 13) won't be able 14) have been practising 15) will wait 16) like 17) relaxed 18) have been worrying 19) worry 20) fall 1) is extracted 2) are mixed 3) dissolves 4) is also found 8) contain 6) be called 7) is made up 8) is used 9) lasts 10) eat 11) also eat/are also eating 12) believe 13) is eaten 14) is said nv 15) has been defintely proved 16) fs known , 8) was 15) causes 9) to 18) damaged 19) damages 10) ¥ 20) would be banned 11) been 2% 12) me 30 13) us ake 14) Vv ont 15) they Grammar 15 » 2) 3) 4) 5) ° 7 8) 9 which/that at through, to who on which/that 10) OF 11) Although 12) until 13) Tater 14) by 15) who a) b ° a °) 5 8) by > i b) ° a ®) ® ®) hy i Dd a) by ° By later Iately/recently at tuntil for Once other about whose despite to whom although by whom ‘That is the man from whom bought my car That's the boy whose sister sits behind me at school Bill, whose computer had broken, had to use a pencil © » ‘The girls, who were hungry, decided to have a meal Hive in Croydon, which is, near London. Is this the book that I lent yyou?/ls this the book (that) you borrowed? ‘This is Brenda, who lives upstairs. The prevent which you gave ime is very useful The car, which was in good. condition, wasn’t expensive. ‘The person who found the ‘money was given a reward. a, byte beste in, on/over under, on by, for in, by out, by this time fast despite having/despite his twas too hot to so tired that she so as not even though 1 knew so many people that in spite of the fine although, before Y v they and 10) so Dy 12) in 13) ¥ 14) v 15) of Grammar 20 1) had 2) should 3) miss 4) on 5) must 6) Can/Could 7) is 8) ought 9) should 10) should 11) have 12) could 13) could 14) gave 15) able 1 a) b) °) @d) ) 5 8) h) apologise for breaking me how to get to would you like some think you should buy a can’t have left must be might/could have been needn’t have Dv 2) have 3) be ay sv 6) if 7) am 8) can av 10) not ny 12) or 13) been 14) done 15) be a) b) ° ad e) Rowets Grammar 25 1 1) Every 2) the 3) come 4) the 5) that 6) the 7) neither 8) which 9) most 10) the 11) the 12) some 13) none laa 15) more a) by ° ad ° 5 8) hy » i sever seen a worse all the sandwiches have been latest novel is not as talk to either of can’t swim as well sowly you walk, the longer no good calling was the last person I never been to such a cost less than I (had) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) slice fight head sheet item lumps lass helping clap pair Parking is not allowed hhore./There is no parking he There is no/There isn’t an furniture in the house. There seem to be a lot of people in this room, Can you give me any information about guided tours of the city? The audience was enthusiastic Maths is my favourite subject There is a lot of traffic on this road today. works as a French that the best you can first lobster I have ever play the violin all you need is of the lifts was them some some it some the the here v the were v one of both v v than a v such Grammar 30 1 1) grew 2) put 3) join 4) wore 5) getting 6) deal 7) take 8) spent 9) showing 10) getting 11) got 12) grown 13) taken 14) talking/thinking 15) face 2 a) get round b) geton c) getting at d) got over e) got away 3 a) come out b) come up with ©) came across d) came into d) come up against 4 a) miss working b) will mean moving to ©) regrets having sold his d) forget to post 10 ts ° » ® hy ) Dd a) 2) 3) a 3) 6) 7 8) 9%) 10) uy 12) 13) 14) 15) a >) ° d) ° a) b) ° d) ° a ») ©) d) 2 a) d) ° a ° a) b) ° a °) » 9 hy) 9 a) ») ° a to learn how to denied stealing you like to go to ‘mind looking after the promised (that) she would be there our first met C, A D B A B D A © B c rN keep Stand relying/counting/depending looking capable of fond of ashamed of good of jealous of certain about unhappy about right about anxious about upset about washing looking bringing taking doing/going taking got put made getting takes turned think clear/clean 10 look into we have run out of fill in broke out getting at won't stand for leave out come across take over got round to it Grammar 35, 1 1) all 2) Whoever 3) are 4) there 5) myself 6) which 7) Not 8) no-one 9) There 10) what 1) As 12) After 13) Someone 14) whoever 15) result a) You should never press both buttons at once under any circumstances. b) As it was cold, I decided to wear two pullovers. ©) Did you enjoy yourself at the party? d) Outside the cinema | was grabbed by the arm. e) The army was defeated owing to/because of poor organization. f) Not once did Jean offer her boss a word of apolos 4 = 1) that 8) There's nothing to ea 2) whether the house, I'm afraid. 3) v h) There's no point (in) going 5 on any further tonight. 4) they i) What Saliy saw is difficult 5) herself to describe. 6) so j) Seldom have I had a more relaxing holiday. 7) them ) D ov a = 9) was 38 10) Vv aoc 11) in 2) D 12) the B B y y 3) C ) hy) Cc 14) although i) D isj\v DB

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