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Q1. The atomic number of an element is 13. What will be the number of
electrons in its ion?
a.) 13
b.) 12
c.) 11
d.) 10
Q2. The formula of a compound is A3B2. The valency of element B will be:
a.) 2
b.) 3
c.) 1
d.) Cannot be determined
Q3. Atoms of the same element combine to form:
a.) molecules
b.) ions
c.) atoms
d.) compounds
Q4. The correct symbol of lead is-
a.) L
b.) Le
c.) Pb
d.) Pu
Q5. The discovery of ___ proved that the atom is divisible.
a.) protons
b.) electrons
c.) neutrons
d.) All of the above
Q6. What is the Avogadro constant?
Q7. The relative atomic mass of the oxygen atom is 16. Explain its meaning.
Q8. What is the difference between 2N and N2?
Q9. What were the drawbacks of Dalton’s atomic theory?
Q10. Define the Law of conservation of mass.
Q11. What is meant by a molecule? Give examples.
Q12. Define atomic mass.
Q13. Calculate the molecular mass of the following compounds:
(Atomic masses: C = 12 𝛍, H = 1 𝛍, Cl = 35.5 𝛍, S = 32 𝛍, O = 16 𝛍, Na = 23
a.) Chloroform
b.) Sulphuric acid
c.) Sodium hydroxide
Q14. What are ions?
Q15. Fill in the blanks.
a.) Clusters of atoms that act as an ion are called ___ ions
b.) A chemical formula is also known as a ___.
c.) The valency of an ion is ___ to the charge on the ion.
d.) The mass of 1 mole of a substance is called its ____.
e.) The formula mass of Na2O is ___.
Q16. How many grams of oxygen gas contain the same number of molecules as
16 grams of sulphur dioxide gas? (O = 16 𝛍, S = 32 𝛍)
Q17. Write the symbols of the following:
a.) Copper
b.) mercury
c.) iron
d.) silver
e.) gold
f.) argon
h.) zinc
Q18. Write the chemical formula of the following compound:
a.) Magnesium chloride
b.) Calcium oxide
c.) Copper nitrate
d.) Aluminium chloride
Q19. a.)The atomic number of three elements A, B and C are 9, 10 and 13
respectively. Which of them will form a cation?
b.) Give an example to show the law of conservation of mass applies to physical
changes also.
Q20. a.) What is meant by the molar mass of a substance? State the unit in
which molar mass is usually expressed.
b.) Calculate the molar masses of the following substances-
i.) Ozone molecule O3
ii.) Ethanoic acid CH3COOH
c.) Calculate the number of molecules in 4g of oxygen.


1. Work done upon a body is:

A. A vector quantity
B. A scalar quantity
C. (A) and (B) both are correct
D. None of these
2. Choose correct relation:
A. 1 J = 105 erg
B. 1 J = 107 erg
C. 1 J = 103 erg
D. None of these
3. Two bodies of mass 1 kg and 4 kg possess equal momentum. The ratio of
their K.E.:
A. 4:1
B. 1:4
C. 2:1
D. 1:2
4. When you compress a spring you do work on it. The elastic potential
energy of spring:
A. Increases
B. Decreases
C. Disappears
D. Remain constant
5. An object of mass 10 kg falls from height 10 m. Kinetic energy gained by
the body will be approximately equal to:
A. 1000 J
B. 500 J
C. 100 J
D. None of these
6. A moving body need not have:
A. Potential energy
B. Kinetic energy
C. Momentum
D. Velocity
7. Chlorophyll in the plants convert the light energy into:
A. Heat energy
B. Chemical energy
C. Mechanical energy
D. Electrical energy
8. A weight lifter lifts 240 kg from the ground to a height of 2.5 m in 3
seconds his average power is:
A. 1960 W
B. 19.6 W
C. 1.96 W
D. 196 W
9. A body of mass 10 kg is dropped from a point where it possesses energy
of 100 J. Then the K.E. when it reaches ground would be:
A. 1000 J
B. 100 J
C. 10 J
D. None of these
10.The power of pump which takes 10 s to lift 100 kg of water to fill a tank
situated at height of 20 m is:
A. 2x104 N
B. 2x103 W
C. 2x102 W
D. None of these


1. Define:
i. (i) Work
ii. (ii) Energy
iii. (iii) Power
iv. (iv) Kinetic energy.
2. State law of conservation of energy.
3. State work-energy theorem.
4. What is elastic potential energy?
5. A body of mass 10 kg is released from a height 10 m from the ground.
After sometime its kinetic energy becomes 450 J. What will be the
potential energy of the body at the instant?
6. Show that the mechanical energy of freely falling body is conserved.
7. What is the work to be done to increase the velocity of a car from 30
km/h to 60km/h, if the mass of the car is 1500kg.
Question 1.
What do you understand by transformation of energy? Explain with the
help of suitable example?
Question 2.
List two essential conditions for work to be done?
Question 3.
Define energy?
Question 4.
Define work? Write an expression of work in terms of force and
displacement. State SI unit of work done?
Question 5.
Compare the kinetic energies of two objects of masses 10kg and 50kg
respectively but having same momentum?
Question 6.
What is a work done on a body moving in a circular path?
Question 7.
Identify the state the type of energy transformation in the following cases:
a. Riding a bicycle
b. Burning of cracker
Question 8.
Define potential energy? Write an expression for potential energy. Write
the SI unit of potential energy?
Question 9.
What is work done by the force of gravity on a satellite moving round the
earth? Justify the answer?
Question 10.
Define kinetic energy? Write an expression for kinetic energy? Write the
SI unit of kinetic energy?
Question 11.
Define 1 Watt of power? A lamp consumes 1000J of electrical energy in
10s. Calculate its power?
Question 12.
Name the two types of mechanical energy? Give two examples when an
object possesses both types of energies?
Question 13.
Calculate the amount of work required to stop a car of 1000kg moving
with a speed of 72km/h?
Question 14.
Does the gravitational potential energy of a body depend on the path
along which the body is moved, while going from one point to another?
Illustrate your answer with the help of suitable example.
Question 15.
An object thrown at a certain angle to the ground moves in a curved path
and falls back to the ground. The initial and the final points of the path of
the object lie on the same horizontal line? What is the work done by the
force of gravity on the object?
Question 16.
State the kind of energy transformation that takes place in the following
a. Solar battery
b. Electric motor
c. Microphone
d. Thermal power plant
e. Hydroelectric power plant
Question 17.
Can a body have energy without momentum? Explain?
Question 18.
Can a body have momentum without having energy? Explain?
Question 19.
Define potential energy? Give SI unit? State two factors on which the
magnitude of potential energy depends. Give one example each for the
change in potential energy due to:
a. position
b. configuration of the body?
Question 20.
Calculate the kinetic energy of a car of mass 750kg moving with a
velocity of 54km/. Find the new kinetic energy of a car if passenger of
mass 50kg sit in the car?
Question 21.
Establish a relationship between momentum and kinetic energy of a
Question 22.
Calculate the kinetic energy of a car of mass 500kg moving with a
velocity of 18Km/h. Find the new kinetic energy if two passengers of
mass 50 kg each sit in the car?
Question 23.
Derive an expression for the kinetic energy of an object?
Question 24.
A man whose mass is 50 kg climbs up 30 steps of a stair in 30 s. If each
step is 20 cm high, calculate the power used in climbing the stairs. [Given
g = 10 m/s2]

1 Marks Questions
Q1. What is the work done when a body is moved horizontally along a
frictionless surface?
Q2. Define 1 Joule.
Q3. What is the work done on a body moving in a circular path?
Q4. When is work said to be done against the force of gravity?
Q5. Define 1 watt.
Q6. What is kinetic energy?
Q7. What will happen to the Kinetic Energy of a body if its velocity is
Q8. Name four units of energy.
Q9. In a tug of war, one team gives way to other. What work is being
done and by whom?
2 Marks Questions.
Q10. Name the transformation of energy involved in these cases
a. Electric Heater
b. Dynamo
c. Microphone
d. Electric Cell
e. Headphone
f. Photoelectric Cell
g. When Coal burns
Q11. A person holds a body of mass 20 kg over his head for 10 sec. Has
he done any work? Justify your answer.
Q12. A free-falling body stops on reaching the ground. What happens to
its kinetic energy?
Q13. How are K.E. and momentum related?
Q14. Is it possible that a body be in accelerated motion under a force and
no work is being done by the force?
Q15. When an arrow is shot from its bow, it has K.E. From where does it
get the K.E.?
3 Mark Questions (Numerical)
Q16. A force acting on a 20 kg mass changes its velocity from 5m/s to 2
m/s. Calculate the work done.
Q17. The K.E. of an object of mass m moving with a velocity of 5m/s is
25 J. What will be its K.E. when its velocity is doubled? What will be its
K.E when its velocity is increased 3 times?
Q18. An object of mass 12 Kg is at a certain height above the ground. If
the gravitational P.E. is 480 J, find the height at which the object is w.r.t
the ground (g= 10m/s 2)
Q19. An object of mass 40 kg is raised to a height 5 m above the ground.
What is its P.E.? If object is allowed to fall, find its K.E. just before
touching the ground and also its K.E. when it is half way down.
Q20. What is the work done to increase the velocity of car from 36 km/h
to 72km/h, if the mass = 1500Kg.
Q21. A man whose mass is 50 kg climbs up 30 steps of a stair in 30 s. If
each step is 20 cm high, calculate the power used in climbing stairs.
5 Marks Questions
Q22. Deduce a formula for K.E of a body.
Q23. State the law of conservations of energy. Show that when a body
falls from a height the total mechanical energy remains same. M.C.Q. (1
mark each)
Q24. P.E. of a person is maximum when he is -A. standing B. sitting on a
chair C. sitting on the ground D. lying down on the ground
Q25. Work done by moon in moving around earth-
A. +ve
B. –ve
C. zero
D. unknown
Q26. Work is measured as product of-
A. Force and time
B. Force and displacement
C. Power and displacement
D. Force and acceleration
Q27. Value of g is –
A. 9.8 m/s
B. 9.8 cm/s2
C. 9.8 m/s2
D. 9.8 cm/s
Q28. If mass if the body is doubled, Kinetic energy will be -
A. same
B. halved
C. doubled
D. four times
Q29. This is not unit of work -
A. Joule
B. N.M.
C. Kilowatt-sec
D. Dyne

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