LK. 2.2 Menentukan Solusi

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LK. 2.

2 Menentukan Solusi
Nama : Bimbi Arini

Solusi yang Analisis Analisis alternatif

No. Eksplorasi alternatif solusi
relevan penentuan solusi solusi
1 The Lack of students' ability to The relevant Shores 1960: 189 1. The uses of PJBL
write greeting cards solutions for says about the can improve students’
the Lack of advantages of writing capability.
Literarture review students' ability to pictures: “Pictures 2.
Teachers can improve students' write greeting can stimulate
writing ability using Learning cards is using expression, develop
strategies include methods and PJBL with picture understanding, add
media used in the learning as a media spice, and variety to
process. verbal lesson, and
1. The use of learning methods opportunities, for
can not stand alone because the individual or group
media is also required as a tool to study.
convey materials or information to Source: Picture
students. Learning media is used
Media Teaching
as a means of supporting the
learning process for learning writing using
objectives can be achieved. picture
Learning media is defined as a tool (
in the form of physical and non-
physical used by teachers in
conveying material to students to
be more effective and efficient. So
that the learning materials more
quickly accepted students intact as
well as attract students to learn
more. (Musfiqon, 2012).
Source: Musfiqon. (2012).
Development of learning media
and sources. Jakarta: Prestasi

2. Learning media that is utilized

appropriately in the learning
process will become a more
effective and efficient support
tool in achieving the learning
objectives. In addition learning
media will also increase students'
learning motivation, this is in line
with the statement expressed
Sanaky (2009) that the benefits of
instructional media include:
(a) By using learning media, the
learning process will be more
interesting, so it can lead to
motivate student learning;
(b) Can clarify learning
materials, so that students can
easily understand the material
and enable students to master the
learning objectives;
(c) By using instructional media,
the learning process becomes
more varied. The material is not
only delivered orally, so students
do not get bored quickly and
more effectively and efficiently;
(d) Students listening to the
material presented by the
teacher, doing more learning
activities such as: observing,
doing, demonstrating, and others.
Source:Sanaky, H. A. (2009).
Learning media. Yogyakarta:
Safiria Insania Press.

The use of media in learning will

increase the effectiveness of
learning. The use of learning
media in the teaching and
learning process can generate
new desires and interests, and
generate motivation to learn
(Arsyad, 2015).
Source: Arsyad, A. (2015). Media
pembelajaran (17th ed.). Jakarta:
Rajawali Press.

Pictures are aids that can help the

teachers in the teaching learning
process. Callahan, et al. 1992:
479 suggest the teachers to use
pictures effectively because the
media are very useful for the
Source: Callahan M.T., 1992.
Construction Project Schedulling,
McGraw Hill, Inc. Duncan W.R.,
1996. Poject management Body
Of Knowledge,

Raimes 1983: 27 says that all

ESL writing teachers can find a
valuable resource in pictures:
drawings, photographs, posters,
slides, cartoons, magazine
advertisements, diagrams, graphs,
tables, charts, and maps. It is
because pictures provide a shared
experience for students in the
class, a common base that leads
to a variety of language activities.
Source: Raimes, A. (1983)
Techniques in Teaching
Writing. Oxford University Press,
Stempleski and Tomalin (1990)
imply that the use of video can
provide background information
and proper stimuli for subsequent
reading, writing, speaking, and
listening activities.
Source:Stempleski, S. & Barry, T.
(1990). Video In Action: Recipes
for Using Video in Language
Teaching. London: Prentice Hall,

Dupuy (2001:10) also claims that

video can be used to motivate
students to learn essential writing
Source:Dupuy. (2001). Teaching
Argumentative Through
Film.TESOL Journal, 10(4), 30-

Furthermore, the use of video can

make language more accessible
for students by making it easier to
integrate and contextualize
writing activities (Chau, 2003:2).
Source:Chau, E. (2003).
Developing Beginner Language
Skill through Video. AMEP
Interview :
Using appropriate and diverse
learning methods, Making
students active learners, Making
optimal use of media as possible,
Creating competitions
Vice principal

gives a positive picture of the

benefits of English,
Gives a good experience about

2 Students are not interest to The relevant Problem-Based 1. PBL supports the
read a recount text solutions for Learning Model students:
Students are not
Literature review interest to read a - to find new
There are Some alternative recount text is 1. It supports the knowledge through
strategies for teaching reading. using PBL using students to think their thinking
Some experts have shown their reading aloud critically. process,
points of view related to this 2. Learning process
strategy, focuses on the - to communicate,
1. Visualization Strategy students.
like Antonacci (2009: 154) -to process the
states that visualization is an 3. It supports
finding data,
instructional strategy that collaborative
facilitates comprehension of learning. - to conclude the
informational text through the use solution.
of imagery. Reading aloud
Source : Antanocci, P.A. & 2. They learn to
- Practice
O’Callaghan, C. M. (2011). associate reading with
pronunciation support, kindness, and
Developing content area literacy:
40 strategies for middle and - Improve oral joy.
secondary classroom. New York: English
SAGE Publication, Inc - Get deeper
2. It is supported by Roe Strengthen the
(2010: 197) who argues that knowledge
visualization is the process of
-Improve the
forming mental images that
depict reading content, such as classroom
story setting, character, etc. atmosphere
Source: Roe, S.H. and Burns.
(2010). Secondary school literacy
instruction the content areas. New
York: Cengange Learning Inc.
2. In addition, Paris (2011: 69)
inserts that visualization is
strategies that can help students
transform words into higher level
concepts, and improve students’
focus, attention to detail
independent reading skill.
Source: Paris, Scott. (2010).
Teaching reading and viewing:
Comprehension strategies and
activities for years 1-9. New
York: Queensland Studies

3. To teach reading by using the

visualization strategy, here are
some steps proposed by
Antonacci et al (2009: 155)
should be followed: 1) Introduce
the topic to the students Teacher
presents a selected topic of text
through a brainstorming activity.
2) Model analysis of the text
features Teacher conducts a text
walk before read-aloud, nothing
map, visual aids, and chapter
heading. Selected key vocabulary
words are presented in context
and discussed. 3) Read aloud
selected passage Teacher reads
aloud the selected passage and
direct students to sketch their idea
while listening. 4) Discuss
version of illustration Students
share the image of the passage
and discuss variation among
them. Teacher asks the students
to note patterns across image
such as scenes, objects, and
emotions 5) Facilitate students’
application to text Teacher asks
students to write a summary of
the passage based on the
discussion. Students continue to
read the text and use the
visualization strategy to process
the information.
Source: Antanocci, P.A. &
O’Callaghan, C. M. (2011).
Developing content area literacy:
40 strategies for middle and
secondary classroom. New York:
SAGE Publication, Inc.
it can be concluded that
visualization strategy is one
strategy that can be applied by the
teacher to help the students enjoy
in reading. It can make the
students easily find the important
information without reading the
story so often

Highlighting Strategy

The second strategy that can be

considered to be applied by the
English teacher is Highlighting
strategy. There are some theories
proposed by the experts about
this strategy. According to
Cerveny et al (2003),
highlighting is a strategy which
uses highlighting the main ideas
and supporting details to help
teachers teach students to
improve the organization of
reading. It means that this
strategy can make the students
will be easy to find the important
information in the text and make
students comprehend the text as
Source: Cerveny, C. & Lacotti,
M. (2003). 35 learning tools for
practicing essential reading and
writing strategies. New York:
Prentice, Inc

Anticipation Guide Strategy

Anticipation Guide strategy is
one of strategies in teaching
reading which leads the students
to get comprehension at the end
of the reading activity.

Richardson (2009: 71) states

that anticipation guide strategy is
a strategy to access prior
knowledge focusing on reading
and stimulate students’ interest in
a topic. The activity of this
strategy is characterized by
reading to some statements before
and after reading.
Source: Richardson (2009).
Reading to learn in the content
areas. California: Wadsworth
Cengange Learning.

Zaini in Aisyah (2011: 30)

stated that reading aloud strategy
is a strategy that can help learners
in concentrating, ask questions,
and inspire discussion.
Source : CHAPTER II.pdf
Routman in Hahn (2002:14)
states that read-aloud is at the
heart of your reading instruction
when you adhere to the attitude
that it is a critical component of a
balanced or comprehensive
literacy program, and not an
optional activity.
Source : CHAPTER II.pdf
Kailani (1998:281) defined that
reading aloud is characterized by
the clear articulation of 15 words,
flexibility in rate, volume and
tone, adequate phrasing and
effective use of pauses and these
are inadequately developed in
classes observed.
Source : CHAPTER II.pdf

One of the models that can be

considered to activate students in
the learning process of reading
skills is a problem-based learning
model that can be used to improve
critical thinking skills, growing
student curiosity at work, and
growing motivation in themselves
to learn and can growing
interpersonal relationships in
group work

Reading aloud, Creating a
Reading Challenge, Creating a
Reading Corner, Give feedback
and appreciation for every activity
they do.

Vice principal
Build an Interesting and Fun
Atmosphere, use interesting
learning media, .Give students
the opportunity to read and
understand the reading material.

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