Quá KH Đơn

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1. Cách dùng
- Diễn tả hành động hay sự việc đã xảy ra và kết thúc tại một thời điểm được xác định trong quá
Ví dụ: I met her last summer.
- Diễn tả hành động thường làm hay quen làm trong quá khứ.
Ví dụ: She often swimming every day last year.
2. Dạng thức của quá khứ đơn.
a. Với động từ “to be” (was/were)
(+) S + was/ were + N/Adj
b. Với động từ thường (Verbs/V)
(+) S + Ved/ Vp1 +….
Ex. My mum didn’t buy me a computer last year. She bought me a tablet

Khi đặt câu hỏi có chứa Wh-word ( từ để hỏi) như Who, What, When, Where, Why, Which,
How, ta đặt chúng lên dầu câu. Tuy nhiên khi trả lời cho dạng câu hỏi này, ta không dùng Yes/No
mà cần đưa ra câu trả lời trực tiếp.
Cấu trúc:
Wh-word + was/were + S? Wh-word + did + S + V?
-Where were they? -What did Ba do at the weekend?
-They were in the playground. -He studied English.
3. Dấu hiệu nhận biết
Trong câu ở thì quá khứ đơn thường có sự xuất hiện của các trangj từ chỉ thời gian như:
- yesterday (hôm qua)
- last night/week/month/…(Tối qua/tuần trước/tháng trước/…)
- ago (cách đây), (two hours ago: cách đây 2 giờ/two weeks ago: cách đây hai tuần…)
- in + thời gian trong quá khứ (eg:in 1990)
- when: khi (trong câu kể)
4. Cách thêm –ed vào sau động từ
a. Trong câu ở thì quá khứ đơn, động từ bắt buộc phải thêm đuôi –ed. Dưới đây là các quy tắc khi
thêm đuôi –ed vào động từ.
Thêm “ed” vào đằng sau hầu hết các Ví dụ Want – wanted Finish – finished
động từ Look - looked Help - helped
Động từ kết thúc bằng đuôi “e” hoặc Ví dụ Live - lived Agree - agreed
“ee” chúng ta chỉ việc thêm “d” vào Love - loved Believe - believed
cuối độn từ.
Đối với động từ tận cùng là “y” Ví dụ Play - played Study - studied
+ Nếu trước “y” là một nguyên âm Stay - stayed Worry – worried
(u,e,o,a,i), ta thêm “ed” bình thường. Enjoy - ẹnoyed Marry – married

+ Nếu trước “y” là một phụ âm ta đổi
“y” thành
Động “i+ed”
từ một âm tiết, tận cùng bằng một Ví dụ Stop – stopped Fit - fitted
nguyên âm + một phụ âm ( trừ những từ Plan - planned
kết thúc bằng h,w,x,y), ta phải gấp đôi
phụ âm trước khi thêm “ed”

b. Động từ bất quy tắc

- Là những động từ được chia ở cột 2 trong “Bảng động từ bất quy tắc” (học thuộc lòng)

V V- ed Nghĩa
go went Đi
have had Có
Teach taught Dạy
buy bought mua
drink drank Uống


Bài 1:Cho dạng đúng của từ quá khứ đơn, dùng bảng động từ bất quy tắc nếu cần.
V V-ed V V-ed
Meet (gặp) Enjoy (thích)
Help (giúp đỡ) Drive (lái xe)
Speak (nói) Plan (kế hoạch)
Live (sống) Put (đặt)
Write (viết) Stop (dừng lại)
Study (học) Sing (hát)
Do (làm) Agree (đồng ý)
Cry (khóc) Sit (ngồi)
Stand (đứng) Borrow (mượn)
Play (chơi) Run (chạy)
Stay (ở) Begin(bắt đầu)
Ask (hỏi) Break (làm vỡ)
Laugh (cười) Bring (mang theo)
Try (cố gắng) Build (xây)
Tidy (dọn dẹp) Buy (mua)
Bài 2: Điền was/were vào chỗ trống:
1. The teacher_________nice. 9. He_________happy.
2. The students_________clever. 10. Robert and Stan_________Garry’s friends.
3. But one student_________in trouble. 11. You_________very busy on Friday.
4. We_________for him. 12. They_________in front of the supermarket.
5. He_________nice though. 13. I_________in the museum.
6. I_________Canberra last spring. 14. She_________in South Africa last month.
7. We_________at school last Saturday. 15. Jessica and Kimberly_________late for
8. Tina_________at home yesterday. school.

Bài 3:Viết các câu sau ở thể khẳng định (+), thể phủ định (-), thể nghi vấn (?)
1. (+)He wrote a book.
2. (+)She was my boss.
3. (+) ___________________________
(-)They didn’t build a new house.
4. (+) ___________________________
(-)I wasn’t at the concert last Sunday.
5. (+) ___________________________
(?)Did you buy clothes in this clothes shop?
6. (+) ___________________________
(?)Were they born in Korea?
7. (+)He swam in the lake.
8. (+)We were at the gym last week.
9. (+) ___________________________
(-)She didn’t go to her office by car.
10. (+) ___________________________
(-)He wasn’t a good buy.
Bài 4. Chọn đáp án đúng (A, B, C hoặc D) để điền vào chỗ trống
1.They_________the bus yesterday.
A. don’t catch B. weren’t catch C. didn’t catch D. not catch
2. My sister_________home last night.
A. comes B. come C. came D. was come
3. My father_________tired when I _________ home.
A. was – got B. is – get C. was – getted D. were – got
4. What_________you_________two days ago?
A. do – do B. did – did C. do – did D. did – do
5.Where_________your family_________on the summer holiday last year?
A. do – go B. does – go C.did – go D. did – went
6. We_________David in town a few days ago.
A. did see B. was saw C. did saw D. saw
7. It was cold, so I_________ the window.
A. shut B.was shut C. am shut D.shutted

8. I_________to the cinema three times last week.
A.was go B. went C. did go D.goed
9.What_________you_________last weekend?
A.were/do B.did/did C.did/do D.do/did
10.The police_________on my way home last night.
A. was stop B.stopped C.stops D.stopping
11. The film wasn’t very good. I_________ it very much.
A.enjoyed B.wasn’t enjoy C.didn’t ẹnjoyed D. didn’t enjoy
12.The bed was very uncomfortable. I_________sleep very well.
A.didn’t B.did C.wasn’t D.not
13. The window was opened and a bird_________into the room.
A.fly B. flew C. was flew D.did fly
14. I_________a lot of money yesterday. I_________an expensive dress.
A.spend/buy B.spent/buy C.spent/bought D.was spent/bought.
Bài 5: Lựa chọn và điền dạng đúng của động từ quá khứ đơn:
Teach cook want spend ring
Be sleep study go write

1. She……….…….…….…….out with her boyfriend last night.

2. Laura………….…….…….…….….a meal yesterday afternoon.
3. Mozart……….…….…….…….more than 600 pieces of music.
4. I…………….…….……..tired when I came home.
5. The bed was very comfortable so they ………….…….…….….very well.
6. Jamie passed the exam because he………….…….…….….very hard.
7. My father……….…….…….…….the teenagers to drive when he was alive.
8. Dave………….…….…….….to make a fire but there was no wood.
9. The little boy……….…….…….…….hours in his room making his toys.
10. The telephone……….…….…….several times and then stopped before I could answer it.

Bài 6: Trả lời các câu hỏi dưới đây dựa vào gợi ý trong ngoặc:
1. What did he win? (the race)
2. What did he eat? (spaghetti)
3. What time did the film finish? (at ten o’clock)
4. How did he feel? (happy)
5. What did he look at? (the stars)
6. Where did they go? (to the cinema)
Bài 7: Cho dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc ở thì quá khứ đơn:
1. Yesterday, I (go) ……….…….……. to the restaurant with a client.
2. We (drive) ……….…….…….around the parking lot for 20 minutes to find a parking space.

3. When he (arrive) ………….…….….at the restaurant, the place (be) ……….…….…….full.
4. The waitress (ask) ………….…….….us if we (have) ………….…….….reservations.
5. I (say) ………….…….….that he would come.
6. The waiter (tell) ………….…….….us to come back in to hours.
7. My client and I slowly (walk) …….…….……….back to the car.
8. We (stop) ………….…….…. at the grocery store and (buy) ……….…….…….some cakes.
9. My sister (get) ………….…….….married last month.
10. Daisy (come) ………….…….….to her grandparents’ house 3 days ago.
11. My computer (be) ……….…….…….broken yesterday.
12. He (buy) ………….…….…….….me a big teddy bear on my birthday last week.
13. My friend (give) ………….me a bar of chocolate when I (be) ……….…….at school yesterday.
14. My children (not do) ………….…….…….….their homework last night.
15. You (live) ……….…….…….here five years ago?
16. They (watch) ……….…….…….TV late at night yesterday.
17. (Be) ………….…….….your friend at your house last weekend?
18. They (not be) ……….…….…….excited about the film last night.
19. Where (spend/you) ……….…….…….your last holiday?
20. I (visit) ………….…….….lots of interesting places. I (be) ………….with two friends of mine.

Bài 8: Chia các động từ các câu sau ở hiện tại đơn hoặc quá khứ đơn:
1. She……….……….(go) to Australia in 1994 and she liked it verry much.
2. My father usually……….……….(like) his steak well-done.
3. The dog……….……….(eat) its toy last night.
4. The policeman……….……….(talk) to the burglar yesterday.
5. ……….……….(you/have) a test last week?
6. I often see her mother but she never……….……….(speak) to me.
7. The gentleman……….……….(speak) to his servant 2 hours ago.
8. The kangaroo always……….……….(carry) its baby.
9. My friend……….……….(talk) a lot everyday.
10. The man……….……….(drive) to the supermarket last weekend.
11. My brothers……….……….(leave) for England last week.
12. My sisters……….……….(leave) for Endlang every year in June.
13. I don’t like that man because he often ……….……….(laugh) at me.
14. Her sister never……….……….(smoke).
15. The cats usually……….……….(leave) its basket when it is hungry.
16. Mrs.Trang (teach) ……….……….us English last year.
17. Daisy (wear) ……….……….a very beautiful dress last night.
18. Nhung (write) ……….……….to her grandparents very often last year.
19. The teacher usually (give) ……….……….the students a lot of homework on the weekend.


1. Cấu trúc
(+ )S + was/were + V-ing
(-) S + wasn’t/ weren’t + V-ing
(?) Was/ Were + S + V-ing ?
 Yes, I/ he/ she/ it + was. – No, I/ he/ she/ it + wasn’t.
                                    Yes, we/ you/ they + were. – No, we/ you/ they + weren’t.
- S = I/ He/ She/ It  + was
- S = We/ You/ They + were
- She was cooking dinner at 5 p.m yesterday.
- He wasn’t working when his boss came yesterday.
2. Cách dùng
2. 1. Dùng để diễn tả một hành động đang xảy ra tại một thời điểm xác định trong quá khứ.
- At 12 o’clock yesterday, we were having lunch.
- At this time 2 days ago, I was travelling in America.
2.2. Dùng để diễn tả một hành động đang xảy ra thì một hành động khác xen vào.
Hành động đang xảy ra chia thì quá khứ tiếp diễn, hành động xen vào chia thì quá khứ đơn.
- He was chatting with his friend when his mother came into the room.
- They were working when we got there.
3. Diễn tả hai hành động đồng thời xảy ra tại một thời điểm trong quá khứ, trong câu có “while”.
Tại một thời điểm trong quá khứ khi có 2 hành động đồng thời đang diễn ra sẽ chia cả hai hành
động đó ở thì quá khứ tiếp diễn.
- My mother was cooking lunch while my father was cleaning the floor at 10 am yesterday.
- I was studying English while my brother was listening to music last night.


+ Trong câu có các trạng từ chỉ thời gian trong quá khứ kèm theo thời điểm xác định.
- at + giờ + thời gian trong quá khứ (at 12 o’clock last night,…)
- at this time + thời gian trong quá khứ. (at this time two weeks ago, …)
- in + năm (in 2000, in 2005)
- in the past (trong quá khứ)
+ Trong câu có “when” khi diễn tả một hành động đang xảy ra và một hành động khác xen vào.

I. Chia động từ ở thì quá khứ tiếp diễn
1. I ___________________down the street when it begin to rain (go)
1. At this time last year, I ___________________an English course (attend)
2. Jim ________________ under the tree when he heard an explosion (stand)
3. The boy fell and hurt himself while he _________________ a bicycle (ride)
4. When we met them last year, they______________ in Santiago (live)
5. The tourist lost his camera while he________________ around the city (walk)
6. The lorry _______________ very fast when it hit our car (go)

7. While I ____________________in my room, my roommate ___________________ a party in
the other room (study/have)
8. Mary and I___________________ the house when the telephone rang (just leave)
9. We __________________ in the café when they saw us (sit)

II. Chia động từ ở thì quá khứ hoặc quá khứ tiếp diễn
1. I ________________ (call) Mr Wilson at 9 last night, but he (not be)_________________at
home. He (study) _______________ at the library
2. I _________________ (not hear) the thunder during the storm last night because I
________________ (sleep)
3. It was beautiful yesterday when we went for a walk in the park. The
sun______________(shine). The birds_____________(sing)
4. My brother and sister ________________ (talk) about something when I ________________
(walk) into the room.
5. Tom went to his friends ‘house, but the boys ___________________ (not be) there. They
(play)_____________soccer in the vacant lot down the street.
6. The little boy _______________ (fall) asleep while his mother___________________ (read)
him a story.
7. I really enjoyed my holiday last January. While it_______________(snow) in Iowa, the sun
______________ (shine) in Florida.
8. While Ted _______________ (shovel) snow from his driveway yesterday, his wife
_________________ (bring) him a cup of hot chocolate.
9. John _________________ (have) a car accident last week. He __________________ (drive)
down the street when suddenly a lorry __________________ (hit) his car from behind.
10. Ten years ago, the government _______________ (decide) to begin a food programme. At that
time, many people in the rural areas _______________ (starve) due to several years of drought.
11. They ___________________(wait) for me when I _________________ at the station (arrive)
12. She ________________ (swim) in the sea when I ___________________ her (see)
13. ___________________they__________________(play) tennis when it _________________
raining (start)?
14. We __________________ (drive) home from the theatre when the police
__________________(stop) us.
15. The wind __________________ (blow) very hard when I ______________(go) out this
16. When she ___________________ (leave) him, he _____________________ (become) quite ill.
17. I _______________(be) looking for some photos when you rang but I ______________(not
find) them.

III. Put the verb in the present simple or the present progressive.
1. He (live) ______________ in the French Alps near the Swiss border.
2. At present, they (live) ______________ in a very small flat.
3. You can’t see Tom now. He (have) ______________ a bath.
4. They (like) ______________ film but they (not/ go) ______________to the cinema very often.
5. He (not jog) ______________ this week because it’s too hot outdoors.
6. Paul (have) ______________ a doughnut for breakfast every day.
7. Look! The sun (shine) ______________ really bright today.
8. The sun always (rise) ______________ behind those hills.

9. He usually (drink) ______________ coffee but today he (drink)tea.
10. Sandra is tired. She (want) ______________ to go home now.
11. What you (do) ______________ now? ~ I (watch) ______________TV.
12. Wait a moment. I (listen) ______________to the news.
13. They (always/ come) ______________ here to borrow something.
14. What Susan (do) ______________ in the evenings? - She often (watch) ______________ TV
and sometimes she (listen) ______________ to music.
15. Listen! Somebody (shout) ______________ . ~ It’s Jack. He (continually/ shout)
______________ at his children.
16. Angela regularly (take) ______________ the bus to school.
17. The kettle (boil) ______________ . Shall I make tea?
18. Water (boil) ______________ at 100 degrees centigrade.
19. I(stay) ______________ , with my grandmother while my mother goes away.
20. We (celebrate) ______________ Halloween every year on October 31.

IV. Fill in the blank spaces with the past simple or the past progressive of the verb in
1. The children (visit) ______________their grandparents last Sunday.
2. Alex (make) ______________model airplanes from 4pm to midnight yesterday.
3. While I (go) ______________to school, I (meet) ______________my friend, Kate.
4. Last night, while Jane (wash) ______________ dishes, her brother (sweep) ______________ the
dinning room.
5. My grandfather (plant) ______________ those trees over fifty years ago.
6. When I (be) ______________a child, I always (kick) ______________my ball through the
7. At 12 o’clock yesterday we (lie) ______________on the beach.
8. Alex (wake) ______________up late yesterday and (miss) ______________the bus.
9. They (watch) ______________TV when the earthquake (begin) ______________.
10. I was very tired yesterday because I (work) ______________ hard all day.
11. Christ often (go) ______________. fishing last summer.
12. As Ann (clean) ______________her room, she (find) ______________her lost earring.
13. When 1 (drop) ______________my cup, the coffee (spill) ______________on my shirt.
14. At this time last year we (work) ______________ in Saudi Arabia. We (live) ______________
there for five years before moving to England.
15. When I (study) ______________at university, I (read) ______________a lot of books.
16. Miss Brown (teach) ______________us last week because our teacher was ill.
17. He (teach) ______________at Harvard University in 1985.
18. My sister (always/ ask) ______________ silly questions when she was a child.
19. My sister and I (watch) ______________ the cartoons on TV every Saturday last year.
20. I (run) ______________ to class when I (fall) ______________ down the stairs.

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