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UN音DAD 5 1 do/work/1ike etc.

伊esent simpIe, af;rmaci6n)

They have a lot ofbooks. Heもeating an ice-Cream・

Theyread alot. Leen mucho・ He likes ice-Cream. Le gusta e/ he/ado.

喜They read / I live / he works etc・ SOn fo/maS de/ pRESENT SIMPLE:

I/we/you/they  do readlike work play watch
he/she/it  does readslikes works plays watches PRESENT

he/she/it -S: he lives (出e)  my sister plays it rains
- I live in London but my brother lives in Scotland.

have ・。→ has: I have ・。→ he/she/it has

SPELLING (トAp6ndICe 4):

一eS detr舌s de -S/-Ch/一Sh: PaSS → PaSSeS WatCh → watches finish → finishes

tambi5n do → does go → goes

Study → studies carry → carries

臆E/ pRESENT SIMPLE Se USa para eXpreSar COSaS qUe SOn Verdaderas en genera/, O bien que ocurren con
Cierfa frecuencia o habitua/mente. E/ equiva/ente en espa庁o/ es norma/mente e/ Presente de /ndicativo:
- The shops open at 9 o’cIock and dose at 5"30‥・ abren … Cierran …
- He works very hard. He starts at 7.30 and finishes at 8 in the evemng・

7Tabaja … empIeZa … aCaba …

- The Earth goes round the sun. La 77erra gira a/rededor de/ so/・

- We do a lot ofdi鮪nent things m our free time・ Hacemos …

一She’s very clever・ She speaks four languages. Hab/a …

- It costs a lot ofmoney to stay at luxury hotels. Cuesta …

- I read血e newspaper every day Leo e/ peri6dico todos /os dids.

臆ObseWa que I like / he H⊂eS equiva/en a ’me gusta / /e gusta’etc.:

- I like footban. (干c鏡義ll蝶CSここC.) Me gusねe/癌tbo/.
- I don’t like big cities. No me gustan /as grandes ciudades・

-John likes our house. AJohn /e gusfa nuestra casa・

漢EI pRESENT SIMPLE Se L/Sa COn always/never/often/sometimes/usua11y‥

- He always gets up at 7 0’cIock. Se /evanta siempre a /as 7"

- I usually go to work by car but I sometimes walk.

Genera/mente voy a/ trabajO en COChe pero a veces voy a pie.
-Jack never has breakfast. Jack no desayuna nunca・

- It often rains here in sprmg・ Aqur//ueve a menudo en primavera"

トUnidad 6 i don’t … (presentslmp/e, forma negatIVa)

> Unldad 7 Do you …?毎vesent s/mp/e, fo,読/nterrOgat/Va)

トUnldad 8 i am doing(present cont/nUOuS)y l do (presents/mp/e)

トUnidad 88 Orden de /aspa/abras en /a frase (always,れeVer, Often, etC )


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