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Scene 1: Family

Scene 2: raven and pau

Scene 3: tour sa tourist spot

Scene 4: anne and naire

Scene 5: meet and greet

Scene 1: Family

“On a Saturday afternoon, Queency was scrolling on her Facebook feed when a post from a friend about
their family trip appeared. She was jealous; she rushed from her room to the living room shouting.”

Queency: Mom! Mom!

Aaron: Why are you screaming, dear? We’re not deaf.

Queency: I saw this post that my friend recently posted. I also want to go on a trip together so we can

“Given Steven and Althea's chattering and how quickly Queency was speaking, Anne was confused since
she really cannot understand Queency.”

Mom (Anne): I need you guys to be quiet so your sister can talk to me. Please say what you just said
again, darling. I didn’t hear it clearly.

Queency: I said that I've seen my friend's post about their family vacation and that I thought we should
go on a trip as well. I believe it is time for us to unwind and enjoy.

Steven: What're u guys talking about? Oh a trip!

Althea: Oh I've also heard about that from my friends, it's all over Facebook!

Queency: There are so many activities we can do there, like we can set up a tent or even rent villas to
stay with during the night and set up a camp fire. Also during the day we can hike to get there and we
can rent an ATV to tour around the place. We don’t need to worry about our food because the cafe
offers a variety of food and Kakay’s Cafe is a green space and every peaceful place to keep your mind

Althea: And it's also nice because I heard that they are encouraging their costumers to stay eco-friendly
also if you have young children like Steven that you want to bring along you can do so because children
below the age of 7 can enter for free! Plus they have this exclusive function something which if we like
we can also avail.

Anne: Oh really? I guess the place is really nice! Honey, what is your opinion about this?

Aaron: Of course! So when are we leaving?

Anne: We can leave at 8:00 a.m. next Saturday. Do you have something to write that down on?

Aaron: Yes, I can write that down on my calendar.

Steven: Nice! We're going on a trip.

Aaron: It's decided then, so you guys should be obedient okay? That's all; now go to your rooms.

Scene 2: Raven and Pau

Pauleen: You should be aware of the rules because today is your first day as a tour guide. You must
speak in English, since some of our guests are from other countries and can’t really understand Tagalog.

Raven: Yes Ma’am I understand. I’ll do my best.

Scene 3: Tour at Kakay’s Café

Raven: Welcome to Kakay’s cafe I'm here today as your tour guide, pardon me if I may be lacking since
it's my first time I hope you all have a wonderful time here at our cafe! Now, shall we start the tour?

Family: Yes! Let’s go!

Raven: These are the villas where you can stay and rest and experience a nature friendly stay while
sightseeing through the mountains, also we allow camping here.

Steven: My sister said that we can go hiking? Is it true?

Raven: Yes! Of course you can rent our ATV’s here to explore the mountain and also go hiking!

Next up is our garden where you can take a walk and relax with the beautiful flowers and have a picnic

Are there any other questions from our guests?

Aaron: Since it’s a cafe kind of food will you be serving?

Raven: There are various specialties on our menu and most of them are T'bolis famous local foods.

Aaron: That’s exciting! I'm excited to try those foods.

Raven: Yes of course sir! Any other questions? None? And yes that’s it for today I hope you’ll have a
comfortable stay here at Kakay’s resto and cafe!

Scene 4: Anne and Naire

Anne: You guys wait for me here okay? I really need to go to the CR, I’ll be right back!

“Anne was rushing to use the restroom and was not paying attention to anything around her until she
bumped into someone.”

Naire: I’m sorry miss.

“Naire helped Anne in getting her things. He was stunned to see his ex-girlfriend Anne, for whom he had
been waiting for almost ten years.”

*Now playing: Careless Whisper*

Naire: Oh it's you-

Anne: Yes it’s me. It's been a while, 10 years maybe?

Naire: Yeah... It's been a while btw are you still single?

Scene 5: Meet and Greet

“While walking with his father and siblings, Queency was getting pissed why her mom Anne isn’t back

Queency: What’s taking mom so long?

Aaron: Be patient, sweetheart; we're looking for her for that reason; perhaps she just ran into someone.

Steven: Oh there she is! She’s with someone

“Aaron and Althea smiled as they followed Steven and Queency ran to Anne with their arms open.”

Queency: There you are mom! We’ve been looking for you for so long. Who is he?

Anne: Oh he is an old friend of mine. Naire this is my children Queency, Althea, and Steven. Also, he is
my husband Aaron.

*Now playing: Happier*

“Pauleen walks in in the midst of Naire's disappointment.”

Pauleen: Love!!! There you are, what’s taking you so long?

Naire: Love- oh I forgot! Anne I want you to meet my girlfriend Pauleen the owner of this place. Love
this is Anne my high school friend.

Pauleen: Oh it’s nice to meet you Anne! Please enjoy your stay!

Anne: Yes, thank you! I think we should get going now since it’s starting to get dark. Nice meeting you
guys, Goodnight!

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