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^ The new way to find those elusive
words on the tip of your tongue!

sacred BEETLE of ancient Egypt

= SCCiYCih single STONE pillar

^ obelisk ~^
temporary CAMP]
-bivouac = council of CARDINALS
CAMEL with one hump
= dromedary
The World*s Most Trusted Dictionaries
The Oxford Reverse Dictionary

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33*383838 .
[ by the Internet Archive
in 2014
The Oxford
Compiled by
David Edmonds

Great Clarendon Street, Oxford ox2 6dp
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We all have words 'on the tip of our tongue', and we all know how hard such
words often are to coax back into consciousness, and how bad our speech or
writing will look without them: "that bit of the wall that turns into the
window" can never really replace reveal without the decorator thinking us a
fool,and "the sort of magistrate who conducts inquiries into the causes of
someone's death" is no substitute for coroner —
indeed, no other term can be.
This dictionary is designed to solve these problems quickly and efficiently,
grouping the tongue-tip terms under their key concepts: so coroner will be
found in the article magistrate, reveal at wall, and kriegspiel at both war and

The Oxford Reverse Dictionary will guide you to the standard terms for things
most people have heard of: it is not an English-learner's dictionary, nor will it
help you to literary or archaic words, or to slang; colloquialisms are offered
only where standard speech offers no workable substitute. The cabinet minis-
ter's tonguetip has of course a different population from the schoolboy's, and

the diversity of the 31,000 listed items takes this into account; but words from
specialist vocabularies have been omitted, as have core vocabulary words such
as dog and family which are usually immediately available to any native

Items sharing^ key concept will be found as entries within the article devoted
to that concept (so entries for topiary, spudder, and trug will all be found in the
article gardening), and items sharing a single definition (such as agent and
representative, or symposium and colloquium) are nested together in a single
entry within the appropriate concept article. Such nested items are related in
sense, but not necessarily interchangeable: they are listed alphabetically, and
any item moved to the back of such a list may be considered an inferior match.

Articles are arranged in a single alphabetical sequence through the diction-

ary. Within each article entries are arranged alphabetically where that is
possible, or in an appropriate sense-progression such as life-death, top-bot-
tom, eldest/largest-youngest/smallest: there is also a general tendency to
move out from core items to those that are more peripheral to the senses of the
article headword. Each entry is glossed in the briefest possible way consistent
with clarity—the user already knows what the tonguetip term means, and so
only needs a pointer, not an exhaustive definition.

Where any exist, suffixes or prefixes bearing the basic meaning of the article
headword are listed next after it (for example, -wise after manner), together
(unless one is found elsewhere in the article) with an example of their use:
they may serve as a spur to recollection of many further terms semantically
related to the topic treated in the article but not specifically mentioned in it, or
assist users in correctly coining their own mot juste where none is shown/
exists. Similarly, adjectives related to the article headword in meaning but not
in appearance (for example, dental at tooth), or whose formation may present
other difficulties if imperfectly remembered, are listed at the beginning of the
article. Item plurals are also given when irregular, but not where a regularly-
formed plural of equal currency exists.

Dictionary- writing is a lengthy and lonely process, and I am grateful to many

people for help and encouragement along the road. A special acknowledge-
ment is due to Patrick Hanks for detailed advice during the earlier stages of
the project, and to Kate Wandless for smoothing the bumpy road of
author-publisher relations. Thanks are also due to Dr Adrian Young for infor-
mation on medical terms, Tim Parry for clarification of some psychiatric con-
cepts, and Alasdair Cross for legal definitions. The typescript benefited at a
late stage from a thorough read conducted by Lucinda Coventry.


a.m. before noon

fern. femmme
pi plural
e.g. for example
esp. especially
km kilometre(s)
m metre(s)
MP Member of Parliament

NHS National Health Service

p.m. after noon
RAF Royal Air Force
RC Roman Catholic
UK United Kingdom
US, United States (of America)
VDU visual display unit
19th-c. nineteenth-century (and so on)
In memoriam
optimae amicae
-. r
abandonment •abandonment of a abortion •advocating abortion:
legal claim: waiver • abandonment of pro-choice •deprecating abortion:
religious or political adherence: apos- pro-life, right-to-life©start an abor-
tasy • person abandoning such ad- tion artificially: induce ©drug caus-
herence: apostate, turncoat ing abortion: abortifacient

abbot • adjective: abbatial • female about • combining forms: circum-

abbot: abbess ©abbot's assistant: (e.g. circumambient), peri- (e.g. perim-
prior •abbess's assistant: prioress eter) ©about to happen: imminent,
abbreviation • abbreviation pro- impending
nounced as a string of letters: initial- above • combining forms: epi- (e.g.
ism • abbreviation pronounced as a epidermis), over- (e.g. overhang),
word: acronym • abbreviated title of super- (e.g. superstructure), supra-
a book or document: short title ©ab- (e.g. supramundane), sur- (e.g. sur-
breviated version of a statement or real)
document: precis, resume, summary
abrasive ©abrasive powder: emery
abdomen •adjectives: coeliac, ven-
tral ©severe abdominal pain caused abroad ©person living abroad: emi-
by wind or intestinal obstruction: gre, exile, expatriate ©done or regis-

colic ©stress-associated abdominal tered abroad: offshore ©sell abroad:

pain with diarrhoea or constipation: export
irritable bowel syndrome ©fibre- absence ©absence without permis-
optic inspection of the abdomen: sion: French leave ©absence from
laparoscopy ©incision into the ab- school without permission: truancy
domen: laparotomy ©membrane lin- • permission to be absent: leave, fur-
ing the abdominal cavity: peritoneum lough • grant of brief absence from
• inflammation »of the peritoneum: school: exeat ©person who is absent:
peritonitis absentee ©employee's statement
Aberdeen • adjective: Aberdonian that his absence was due to illness:
self-certification ©in absence: in
able •combining form: -able, -ible,
-uble ©adequate ability: proficiency
• person with exceptional abilities: absurdity ©absurd misrepresenta-
genius, prodigy • demonstrate one's tion: travesty • seemingly absurd but
abilities: prove oneself in fact truestatement: oxymoron,
Aboriginal ©Aboriginal paradox ©proof of a statement's fal-
club: nulla-
sity by demonstrating the absurdity of
nulla, waddy •Aboriginal dance
its logical consequences: reductio ad
ceremony: corroboree •Aboriginal
medicine man: koradji •Abori-
ginal throwing stick: boomerang academic ©academic conference:
• Aboriginal wind instrument: didg- colloquium, symposium ©academic
eridoo • land set aside for Aboriginal thesis: dissertation ©academic
settlement: reservation essay: dissertation, paper, memoir
academic d ress act | 2

academic dress •academic hat: for the current day's transactions:

bonnet, mortarboard, square •aca- daybook, journal •account-book for
demic cloak: gown •coloured minor transactions: cash book
headcovering worn over the back of a • large book in which financial ac-
gown: hood ©hood tail: liripipe counts are written up: ledger • enter
• dark clothing worn with academic an item in a ledger: post ©make one
dress: subfusc account consistent with another: rec-
accent ©East London accent: Cock- oncile • comparison of totals from a
ney ©Irish accent: brogue •North- double' entry account: trial balance
umberland accent: burr • South East • money coming into an account: re-
England accent: Estuary English ceipts • person assembling and re-
• actors' sham rustic accent: cording financial data: bookkeeper
Mummerset • person recording or verifying finan-
cial data: accountant ©preparation
accepted • generally accepted or
of financial data to aid management
believed: received
decisions: management accounting
accommodation • available ac-
• analysis of operational costs: cost
commodation: vacancy •accommo- accounting •British government's
dation unit that ispart of a larger general account at the Bank of Eng-
building: flat, maisonette ©stable land: Consolidated Fund •con-
blocks converted to accommodation sidered account for legal or publicity
units: mews ©denoting accommoda- use: statement
tion with its own
kitchen and bath-
room: self-contained •denoting ac-
accusation • counter-accusation:
commodation available as part of a
work contract: tied •institution of- achieve •achieve by skill or devi-
fering basic accommodation: hostel ousness: contrive ©best achieve-
• wardened accommodation for the ment: record ©past achievements:
elderly or handicapped: sheltered record, track record
housing acid »dye indicating acidity: litmus
account •account showing the as- acquaintance • influential ac-
sets, liabilities, and capital of a busi- quaintance: connection •helpful ac-
ness at a particular point in time: bal- quaintance: contact
ance sheet ©denoting a balance
acrobat •acrobat performing on a
sheet showing no debts: ungeared
tightrope: wire-walker •acrobat's
• temporary account for items await-
tights: maillot • acrobat's pair of long
ing final allocation: suspense ac-
poles with foot supports: stilts
count • account to which credit pur-
• swinging bar used by acrobats: trap-
chases may be charged: charge
eze • acrobatic stunts on the wings
account •official examination of ac-
of an airborne aircraft: wing walking
counts: audit •accounting record of
money received: credit •accounting across • combining forms: dia-,
record of money spent or owed: debit trans- (e.g. transatlantic) •measure-
• accounting system with each item ment taken across a circle: diameter
entered both as a credit and as a debit: act • daring act: escapade, stunt
double entry • difference between • illegal act: crime, offence • kind or
debits and credits in an account: bal- helpful acts: offices, good offices
ance • accounting item rejected by • act without preparation: improvise
the auditor, and repayable by those re- • act on another's behalf: represent
sponsible: surcharge •account-book • person acting on behalf of another:
3 acting |

agent, representative •sudden urge room assistant: dresser ©actor's pre-

to act: impulse •repeatedly perform- performance nerves: stage fright
ing the same act(s): serial • actor's arrival on stage: entrance
acting •combining form: pro- (e.g. • actor's signal to speak: cue ©ac-
pronoun) ©person acting for an ab- tor's long speech: monologue
sent doctor: locum •person acting • actor's speech when alone on stage:
for a monarch who absent or incap-
is soliloquy ©actor's words not in-
acitated: regent •acting without tended to be heard by others on stage:
forethought: impetuous aside • actor's words made up on the
action • combining form: -ation (e.g. spur of the moment: ad-lib ©actor's
hesitation), -ence (e.g. reference), mistake in speaking: fluff ©actor's
-tion, -ure (e.g. closure)• action done loud whisper: stage whisper
in automatic response to a stimulus: • actors' sham rustic accent:
reflex •action done purely for ap- Mummerset ©actor's movements,
pearance: gesture, window dressing gestures, etc.: business ©plan of
• action consisting of spoken or writ- an actor's movements: blocking
ten words: illocution •established • actor's departure from the stage:
series of actions: procedure, process, exit • actors' backstage rest room:
routine •freedom of action: carte green room ©actor's return to the
blanche, free hand •ability to take stage to acknowledge applause: cur-
independent action: initiative •in- tain call • noise made by actors simu-
capable of effective action: effete lating indistinct conversation: rhu-
• still requiring action: outstanding barb • denoting an actor who has
• out of action: hors de combat learnt his or her role completely:
activity •combining form: -ery (e.g. word-perfect •denoting an actor
archery), -ism (e.g. exorcism) •recre- dressed as a member of the opposite
ational activity: hobby, pastime, pur- sex: en travesti • tendency to offer an
suit • menial or boring activity: actor roles of a type in which he or she
drudgery •pointless cycle of activ- has already been suucessful: type-
ities: merry-go-round casting ©play for one actor: mono-
actor •adjective: histrionic •ex- drama ©scene for two actors: duo-
perienced actor: trouper • actor who logue ©(of an actor) forget one's
overacts: ham ©actor in a folk play: lines during a performance: dry ©re-
mummer • actor who performs in si- mind an actor what he or she must
lence: mime ©actor taking a princi- say: prompt ©acting technique en-
pal role: leading lady, leading man couraging emotional identification
• actor taking minor roles: bit player with the character portrayed: the
• actor appearing only in crowd Method, method acting ©troupe of
scenes: extra, figurant ©actor who actors presenting several plays at the
has prepared another actor's role, in same venue in the course of a season:
order to replace him or her if neces- repertory company ©euphemism
sary: understudy • sardonic term for denoting an unemployed actor: rest-
actor: Thespian ©group of actors ing
playing together: ensemble ©actors
participating in a performance: cast
acupressure ©Japanese acupres-
• actor's part: role • actor's try-out sure therapy: Shiatsu ©spot where
for a role: audition • actor's make-up: pressure is applied: acupoint
greasepaint ©actor's flesh-coloured add ©extra section added at the end
tights: fleshings ©actor's dressing- of a book: appendix ©add something
addict! adV4Brt,S ® ,1,ent 4

not part of the original design: retro- adolescence • adolescent love:

fit calf love •period in which adoles-
addict •combining form: -holic (e.g. cents reach sexual maturity: puberty
alcoholic, workaholic) •addict's • skin disease of adolescents, with
phased abandonment of addictive black pustules: acne
drugs: withdrawal •addict's instant adult «age at which adulthood is
abandonment of addictive drugs: cold reached? majority, coming of age
turkey ©firm treatment of addicts: • suitable for children and adults:
tough love • clear an addict's body of family
drug residues: detoxify
adultery • man whose wife has com-
addition • combining form: epi- (e.g. mitted adultery: cuckold •married
epiphenomenon) • addition to a book woman's male lover: cicisbeo •con-
etc.: addendum, appendix, supple-
doned adulterous relationship: me-
ment • addition to a building: annex, nage a trois (pi. menages a trois)
annexe, extension • addition to a • person alleged in a divorce case to
collection: accession •addition to a have committed adultery: respondent
document: annex, schedule, rider • person alleged in a divorce case to
• special addition to a price or pay- have committed adultery with the re-
ment: premium, surcharge •add- spondent: co-respondent
ition to will: codicil
advance ©advance payment: ante
address • address used as a
• performance in advance of official
collecting-point for mail: accommo- opening: preview ©advance publica-
dation address • address for a letter
tion: preprint
to be left at a post office until called
for: poste restante advantage ©advantage granted to
few: privilege ©take unfair advan-
adhesive •synthetic resin used in
tage of: exploit • use of various ploys
paints and adhesives: polyurethane
to gain psychological advantage over
•join with adhesives: bond
one's rivals: gamesmanship
adjective • characterizing adjec-
tive: epithet •denoting an adjective advertisement • advertisement
that precedes its noun: attributive making exaggerated claims: puff
• denoting an adjective that is placed • advertisement discrediting rival

after the verb: predicative, postposi- products: knockingcopy •advertise-

tive ments shown between television pro-
grammes: spot advertising •prelim-
adjust • adjust a mechanism: regu-
inary advertisement not naming the
late, set ©make small adjustments:
product: teaser • advertisement writ-
finesse, fine-tune, titivate •thin
ten by an aircraft smoke trail: sky-
strip of material used to make an
writing • catchphrase used in an ad-
exact fit: shim
vertisement: slogan •simple tune
admiration •uncritical admir- used in an advertisement: jingle • ad-
ation: adulation ©object of admir- vertisement's quotation of a sup-
ation: cynosure • deserving admir- posedly impartial and unsolicited
ation: commendable, estimable, commendation of the item advertised:
laudable, praiseworthy testimonial • large board to display
admission • admission ritual: initi- advertisements: hoarding •pair of
ation • university admission cere- advertisement boards linked by shoul-
mony: matriculation ©right of ad- der straps: sandwich boards •small
mission: entree, entry handbill: flyer •promotional mater-
5 adviser age |

ial on the outside of packaging etc.: a process of enquiry conducted by af-

outsert • appearance of an advertise- firmation: cataphatic

ment in a newspaper etc.: insertion afraid of • combining form: -phobe
• newspaper advertisement presented (e.g. xenophobe) >see also fear
as editorial material: advertorial
African • African club: knobkerrie
• small newspaper advertisements
• African machete: panga • long nar-
grouped by topic: classified advert-
row African drum: tom-tom •Afri-
isements • advertising campaign:
can hut village: kraal • African itin-
promotion • postal advertising cam-
erant storyteller: griot •expedition
paign: maiishot •unsolicited adver-
to hunt or observe wild animals: sa-
tising sent by junk mail • adver-
fari • African fly causing sleeping
tising using images or sounds not
sickness: tsetse
registered by the conscious brain:
subliminal advertising •advertise- after • combining forms: epi- (e.g.
ment's subliminal meaning: epilogue), meta- (e.g. metacarp), post-
metamessage •person who writes rafter dinner: postprandial • after
the text for advertisements: copy- sexual intercourse: postcoital
writer ©person who sticks up un- afternoon • adjective: post-
authorized advertisements: fly-poster meridian • afternoon performance:
vsee also publicity matinee •afternoon sleep: siesta
adviser •respected personal ad- again •combining forms: ana- (e.g.
viser: guru, mentor •professional anagram, where the letters are 'written
adviser: consultant • group nomin- again' to form another word), re- (e.g.
ally advising the sovereign: Privy redo) • request for a performance to
Council ©group of experts research- be given again, or such a perform-
ing specific government problems: ance: encore
think tank • influential but unofficial against • combining forms: anti-
advisers to a person in authority: (e.g. antihistamine), cata- (e.g. cata-
kitchen cabinet •person serving as pult, literally 'throw against'), contra-
a mouthpiece for divine advice: or- (e.g. contraception), counter- (e.g.
acle, prophet counter measure), ob- (e.g. object, lit-

aerial •horizontal rod aerial: dipole erally 'throw against)

• aerial having a series of short rods: age • age of early childhood: infancy
Yagi antenna •bowl-shaped aerial • age at which sexual activity be-
receiving satellite signals: satellite comes possible: puberty »age be-
dish tween puberty and adulthood: adoles-
aerobatics •vertical circle: loop cence «age at which consent to
the loop •aircraft's fast revolving sexual intercourse becomes legally
motion: spin •acrobatic stunts on valid: age of consent • person under

the wings of an airborne aircraft: the age of legal responsibility: minor

wing walking • age of youthful immaturity: nonage
• too young to legally engage in a cer-
affection »be uncritically fond of:
tain activity: under age »age at
adulate, adore, dote upon •adoles-
which a person is considered capable
cent affection: puppy love ©feel un-
of managing his own affairs: age of
requited affection for: carry a torch
discretion ©age of legal adulthood:
majority • achieve this: come of age
affirmation •official affirmation: • age at which sexual activity de-
confirmation, ratification •denoting clines: climacteric ©person of the
asent agricu'tlire

same age: contemporary •person tente • draft of an agreement: proto-

below the age of full legal responsibil- col • bargaining to reach an
ity: juvenile •person in his or her agreement: negotiation • bargains
sixties: sexagenarian • person in his made to mutual advantage: horse-
or her seventies: septuagenarian trading • demand that must be satis-
• person in his or her eighties: octo- fied before agreement is reached:
genarian • person in his or her nine- stipulation •condition attached to
ties: nonagenarian ©person a hun- an agreement: proviso •exceptions
dred or more years old: centenarian specified in an agreement: saving
• mental and physical decay associ- clause •proviso added to an agree-
ated with old age: senility ©loss of ment: rider •in full agreement:
memory and control of bodily func- unanimous ©one side to an agree-
tionsamongst the aged: senile de- ment: party • denoting an agreement
mentia »age of senile dependency: between two parties: bilateral •de-
dotage • person in this state: dotard noting an agreement between three or
agent •confidential agent: hench- more parties: multilateral •person
man • agent arranging sea transport: forwarding an agreement though not
shipbroker ©agent for the purchase party to it: intermediary, mediator
and sale of shares, insurance policies, • breach of an agreement's terms: in-
etc.:broker •broker's fee: brokerage fringement • formal announcement
of intention to end an agreement: no-
• sporting or artistic agent searching
for promising recruits: talent scout,
tice • reject an agreement already
talent spotter made: renounce, repudiate, rescind

aggression •policy of yielding to agricultural machinery • device

the demands of a potential aggressor: turning over the soil: plough •tined
appeasement •diplomacy enforced framework breaking the soil: harrow
by threats of aggression: gunboat dip- • sowing machine: drill • reaping and
lomacy, power politics, sabre- threshing machine: combine, com-
rattling bine harvester

agreement • apprenticeship agree- agriculture •combining forms:

ment: indentures •formal agree- agri-, agro- •agriculture perceived
ment: compact, pact • general as a technocratic activity: agribusi-
agreement: consensus • interim ness, agro-industry •agricultural
agreement: modus vivendi ©legally system of abandoning land as it be-
enforceable agreement: contract comes exhausted: shifting cultivation
• agreement between the pope and a • denoting a shifting system in which
secular state: concordat • agreement vegetation in new areas is cut down
between states: treaty •imagined and burnt: slash-and-burn •denot-
agreement between members of a so- ing agriculture producing small per-
ciety to forego certain personal free- acre yields by cheap methods: exten-
doms for the general good: social con- sive • denoting agriculture
tract • agreement to suspend producing high per-acre yields by ex-
hostilities for a stated period: armis- pensive methods: intensive ©denot-
tice • agreement reached through ing agriculture whose yields are just
concessions: compromise •agree- sufficient to feed the farmer: subsist-
ment reached by parties to a dispute ence • denoting agriculture avoiding
or settlement
lawsuit: •informal the use of artificial chemicals: or-
treaty: convention •informal under- ganic • denoting agriculture that
standing reached between states: en- preserves an ecological balance: sus-
7 aesthetics |

tainable •denoting agriculture or thermal • admit air to: aerate, venti-

land devoted to crop-growing: arable late • allowing the passage of air:
• denoting agriculture or land devoted porous • designed for minimum air-
to stock-grazing: pastoral • denoting resistance: streamlined •operated
agriculture involving both of these: by air pressure: pneumatic •in the
mixed •introduction of intensive open air: alfresco • denoting air hav-
agriculture to developing countries: ing less oxygen than normal: rarefied
green revolution • denoting agricul- • airless region: vacuum ©die
tural property or methods: agrarian through lack of air: suffocate • kill
• intensive stock-rearing methods: through deprivation of air: suffocate,
battery farming, factory farming asphyxiate •air-pollution filter for
• building for intensive poultry rais- the nose and mouth: mask •retard-
ing: broilerhouse «dark and con- ing effect of air on a moving object:
stricted pen in which a calf is raised drag ©study of air movement: aero-
for veal: veal crate •crate-free envir- dynamics • study of air travel: aero-
onment for stock-raising: loose hous- nautics
ing • ingathering of crops: harvest
aircraft •combining form: aero-
• celebration of this: harvest festival,
• small light aircraft: microlight
harvest home ©feeding cattle on cut
• aircraft with one pair of wings:
grass brought in: zero-grazing
monoplane •aircraft having two
• minimization of erosion by plough-
sets of wings: biplane •denoting an
ing along contours: contour plough-
aircraft that can move its wings from
ing • denoting agricultural land left
a right-angled to swept-back position:
unsown: fallow • medieval allocation
of agricultural land: open-field sys-
swing-wing, variable geometry
tem • agricultural machinery: dead- • aircraft taking off from and landing
stock ©agricultural animals: live- on water: seaplane •aircraft taking
off and landing on water or land: am-
stock • seasonal movement of
livestock to different pasture: trans- phibian ©jet aircraft landing and
humance •livestock fattened for taking off vertically: jump jet ©en-
slaughter: fatstock • animal's weight gineless fixed-wing aircraft: glider
as saleable meat: deadweight ©book • powered aircraft kept buoyant by
recording livestock pedigrees: herd gas: airship, dirigible • wingless air-

book • supply water for agricultural craft with powered horizontal rotor:

purposes: irrigate • study of soil helicopter ©wingless aircraft with

management and crop production: unpowered horizontal rotor: autogiro,
agronomy + see also crop, farm, autogyro ©aircraft capable of space
tool travel: spaceplane ©aircraft
equipped to carry liquids in bulk:
aesthetics • aesthetic expert: con-
tanker ©aircraft observing enemy
noisseur • person with no aesthetic
positions: spotter plane • aircraft de-
sense: boor, philistine
signed to evade radar detection:
Aids ©sexual activity with precau- stealth plane • aircraft's main body:
tions against Aids: safe sex©cancer fuselage •aircraft with little or no
suffered by Aids victims: Kaposi's fuselage: flying wing «far from the
sarcoma fuselage: outboard •near to the fu-
air •combining forms: aero-, atmo- selage: inboard • inside the fuselage:
( atmospheric), pneum(o)- ©in inboard, onboard •outermost layer
the air: aerial • containing air: pneu- of an aircraft'sstructure: skin
matic • rising current of warm air: • lights showing an aircraft's position:
aircraft \
aircraft 8

navigation lights, running lights, flying aircraft: pressurization

sidelights •aircraft carrying goods: • aircraft's cargo area: hold ©person
freighter •pilotless aircraft packed in charge of cargo: loadmaster •air-
with explosives: flying bomb •air- craft crew responsible for passengers
craft manufacture and technology: or cargo: cabin crew •list of aircraft
aerospace ©part of an aircraft's passengers or cargo: manifest •per-
structure specially curved to give it son hiding on an aircraft in order to
lift: aerofoil •streamlining structure travel without paying: stowaway
on an aircraft: fairing •flattened pro- • aircraft's paying passengers and
jection improving stability: fin cargo: payload, useful load •behind
• wheels etc. supporting an aircraft or to the back of an aircraft: astern
while on the ground: landing gear, • on the outside of an aircraft: out-
undercarriage •cables etc. control- board • use of a powered aircraft to
ling flight surfaces and engines: rig- pull a glider into the air: aerotowing
ging • aircraft's single triangular • bulk air transport of troops or sup-
wing: delta wing •hinged rear edge plies: airlift •flying or operation of
of an aircraft's wing: aileron, flap aircraft: aviation •aircraft's planned
• aircraft wing flap projected to create or actual course: flight path, vector
drag: spoiler ©aircraft's door: hatch • route regularly used by aircraft: air
• detachable unit on an aircraft: pod lane, airway • permitted air route:
• front and rear of an aircraft: fore air corridor •official record of an
and aft ©part of an aircraft for the aircraft's journey: log •aircraft's
flight crew: cockpit, flight deck flight recorder: black box, flight data
• transparent cover of an aircraft recorder • flight path of an aircraft
cockpit: canopy • flight crew's waiting to land: holding pattern
powered seat for emergency escape: • aircraft circling a given point at dif-
ejection seat, ejector seat
• cockpit ferent altitudes while waiting to land:
instrument panel: console, dash- stack •aircraft's path between take-
board • instrument showing an off and level cruising: climb-out • tilt
aircraft's height: altimeter •instru- an aircraft to make a turn: bank
ment showing the rate of climb or des- • aircraft's steep climbing turn:
cent: variometer ©rod controlling chandelle •level an aircraft: flatten
direction of flight: control column, out • aircraft's maximum possible al-
joystick • persons responsible for fly- titude: ceiling •maintain an aircraft
ing an aircraft: flight crew • person at a steady altitude: trim •aircraft's
in command of an aircraft: captain, deviation from course due to wind:
pilot •captain's assistant: first of- drift •aircraft's speed relative to the
ficer, co-pilot •person directing an ground: ground speed •aircraft's
aircraft's navigator • device
route: speed relative to the ambient air: air-
keeping an aircraft on a set course: speed • trail of disturbed air left be-
automatic pilot • electronic avi- hind a moving aircraft: slipstream,
ation equipment: avionics •remov- wake, wash •trail of condensed
able cover for an aircraft engine: water left by an aircraft at high alti-
cowling • aircraft engine's outer cas- tude: vapour trail •instance of two
ing: nacelle • section divider in an aircraft passing each other closer
aircraft: bulkhead •aircraft's small than is permitted: airmiss • denoting
window: porthole • aircraft's an aircraft in difficulties: in distress
kitchen: galley •maintenance of at- • region of low or uneven pressure de-
mospheric pressure inside a high- stabilizing an aircraft: air pocket, tur-
9 aircraft |

bulence •aircraft shake caused by lator • prohibit an aircraft from

turbulence: buffet, buffeting ©(of an flying: ground •illegally seize con-
aircraft) rock from front to back: pitch trol of an aircraft: hijack, skyjack
• (of an aircraft) rock from front to • air force unit of six aircraft: flight
back: roll • (of an aircraft) twist from • anti-aircraft fire: flak ©military
side to side: yaw • violent swing of an aircraft's emergency takeoff: scram-
aircraft on or near ground: ground ble ©military aircraft's wartime op-
loop ©aircraft's steep downward eration: mission +see also aerobat-
plunge: nosedive •aircraft's fast re- ics, airliner, navigation
volving motion: spin •aircraft's un- aircraft carrier ©airstrip on an
powered landing: deadstick landing aircraft carrier: flight deck
• aircraft's rough emergency landing:
airfield ©military airfield: airbase
crash-landing, hard ianding •air-
• hard-surfaced area on an airfield
craft's emergency landing with a final
where aircraft may park or man-
vertical drop: pancake landing
oeuvre: apron, flightline ©strip for
• aircraft's gradual descent to the run-
taking off and landing: runway • illu-
way: approach •aircraft's circling
minated runway: flarepath •flexible
course after aborted approach:
cylinder showing wind direction and
goaround •aircraft's landing des-
force: drogue, sleeve, windsock
cent: glide path ©runway contact by
• large building for housing aircraft:
the wheels of a landing aircraft:
touchdown ©landed aircraft's decel-
eration along the runway: roll-out airliner •airliner carrying many
• aircraft's slow ground movement to passengers: jumbo, jumbo jet

or from the runway: taxiing • airport • short-haul airliner carrying many

personnel servicing an aircraft be- passengers: airbus ©part of an air-
tween flights: ground crew ©prepare liner for the passengers: cabin
an aircraft for its return journey: turn • most expensive class of passenger
round ©housing for an aircraft: accommodation: first class ©middle
hangar ©official unveiling of a new class passenger accommodation: club

aircraft: roll-out • hire an aircraft for class ©cheapest passenger accom-

a trip: charter •hire of an aircraft modation: economy class, tourist
without crew: dry lease •hire of an class ©persons attending to passen-
aircraft with crew: wet lease • enter gers' needs: cabin crew, flight attend-

or place on an aircraft: embark, em- ants, stewards ©bag suitable for

plane, enplane •throw from an air- transport in the cabin: carry-on,

craft: jettison • leave an aircraft: dis- flightbag ©air-traveller's luggage
embark, deplane •denoting an beyond his or her allowance: excess
aircraft safe to fly: airworthy •estab- baggage • list of airliner passengers:
lishment monitoring aircraft move- manifest • person hiding on an air-

ments: tracking station •service liner in order to travel without pay-

monitoring and directing aircraft ing: stowaway •company providing

movements: air traffic control •per- scheduled public air transport: airline
mission for an air movement given by • product promotion giving vouchers
air traffic control: clearance •de- redeemable for stated distances of free
tails of a proposed flight submitted to air travel: Air Miles™

air traffic control: flight plan •com- airport • airport building for de-
puterized mock-up of an aircraft cock- parting and arriving passengers: ter-
pit used in pilot training: flight simu- minal • airport reception counter:
airship I
allergy 10

desk • those parts of an airport ter- nature • alcohol denatured by metha-

minal that lie between its street en- nol: methylated spirit •abstinence
trance and customs and passport con- from alcoholic drinks: teetotalism,
trol: landside ©those parts of an temperance
airport terminal that lie between the alcoholism ©delusions caused by
aircraft and customs and passport alcoholism: delirium tremens
control: airside ©desk where depart- • intermittent craving for alcohol:
ing passengers have their tickets in- dipsomania ©child's mental and
spected: check-in •non-appearance physical retardation caused by the
of booked passenger: no-show •re- mother's consumption of excessive al-
fusal to honour a ticket, due to over- cohol during pregnancy: fetal alcohol
booking: bumping •ticket-holder syndrome
waiting for a seat to become available:
standby • airport information board
algae •proliferation of algae in
water: algal bloom ©study of algae:
or screen: indicator • airport lounge
for passengers changing planes: tran-
sit lounge ©airport exit to a particu- algebra ©algebraic expression of
lar flight: gate ©raised passageway the sum or difference of two terms: bi-

to an aircraft: pier •movable steps nomial ©expression of more than

giving access to an aircraft: ramp two algebraic terms: polynomial
• airport's non-flying staff: ground • number multiplying an algebraic
staff •airport employees servicing variable: coefficient
an aircraft: ground crew •rotating alien •fictional mechanical alien or-
machine from which luggage is col- ganism: dalek •imagined alien
lected: carousel ©arrival or depart- being: green man
little • person
ure of an aircraft: movement ©ele- claiming to have had dealings with
vated office from which flight alien beings: contactee •wartime
movements are controlled: control imprisonment of resident aliens: in-
tower ©tiredness felt after a flight ternment • resident alien in ancient
across time zones: jet lag Greece: metic
airship ©mechanically propelled alkali «dye indicating alkalinity: lit-

airship: dirigible ©German military mus • non-alkaline substance: base

airship used in First World War: Zep- all •combining forms: omni-, pan-,
pelin ©airship's gas container: en- panto- (e.g. pantomime, originally (re-
velope • cabin suspended beneath an ferring to a mime artist) 'imitator of all')
airship: gondola • for all persons or things: universal
alcohol ©courage gained by drink- • all at once: en bloc, simultaneously
ing alcohol: Dutch courage ©appar- • all-in: freestyle •all-knowing: om-
atus for distilling alcohol: still ©per- niscient • all-powerful: omnipotent
son authorized to sell alcoholic • all together: en bloc, en masse
drinks: victualler, licensed victualler • disease breaking out over all parts of
• denoting a place authorized to sell a country or over all the world: pan-
alcoholic drinks: licensed ©denoting demic
an alcoholic drink served without fur- allergy • allergy causing breathing
ther dilution: neat, straight ©denot- difficulties:asthma •allergy caused
ing a region where alcoholic drinks by pollen: hay fever •substance
cannot be purchased: dry ©add alco- causing an allergic reaction: allergen
hol surreptitiously to a drink: spike • denoting a substance unlikely to
• make alcohol unfit to drink: de- cause an allergic reaction: hypo-
11 alliance |

allergenic • itchy red spots caused by runes ©ancient British and Irish al-
food allergies: hives, nettlerash, urti- phabet: ogham ©Indian alphabet:
caria • compound released into cells Devanagari • alphabet of raised dots
to combat allergens: histamine for blind people: Braille •former al-

• medicine used to treat allergies: phabet of raised letters for blind

antihistamine • cure allergy by grad- people: Moon •pronunciation sign
ual exposure to its cause: desensitiza- written above or below a letter: dia-
tion • skin allergy test: patch test critic • write in a different alphabet:

alliance •informal alliance: en- transliterate

tente • secret alliance between firms altar •chief altar: high altar •port-
to prevent competition: cartel ©se- able altar: superaltar ©altar canopy:
cret alliance of purchasers at an auc- baidacchino, ciborium ©ornamental
tion to force down prices: ring •tem- cloth covering the front of an altar:
porary alliance between political frontal • ornamental cloth behind an
parties: coalition, front• temporary altar: dossal •shelf behind an altar:
alliance between businesses: consor- retable •ornamental screen behind
tium an altar: reredos •painting placed
allowance •money paid to a carer behind an altar: altarpiece •railing
for looking after an invalid: attend- round an altar: parclose • altar cabi-
ance allowance ©money
paid to net for the reserved sacrament: taber-
local councillors for time spent on nacle ©drain near an altar: piscina
council business: attendance allow-
alternative medicine ©medical
system associating parts of the hands
alloy ©alloy used to join metal: sol- and feet with different parts of
der • mercury alloy used to fill teeth: the body: zone therapy ©massage
amalgam ©alloy of gold and silver: system based on zone therapy: re-
electrum • goldlike alloy of copper flexology ©joint manipulation:
and zinc: pinchbeck •silver-like chiropractic ©regime of massage,
alloy of nickel, zinc, and copper: exercise, and diet control: naturop-
nickel silver, German silver •alloy athy • medicinal use of plants: herb-
of which monumental brasses are alism ©healing by spiritual means:
made: latten faith healing •healing by crystals:
almond • almond paste: marzipan crystal healing
• scald almonds to remove their skin:
amateur • amateur dabbler in an
art or skill: dilettante • person
alone •person who lives alone: her- falsely claiming amateur status:
mit, recluse •person who enjoys shamateur
being alone: loner, solitary
ambassador ©papal ambassador:
almost • combining form: quasi- nuncio ©nuncio sent to a non-
{e.g. quasi-autonomous) ©strip of
Catholic country: pro-nuncio ©am-
land almost detached from the main-
bassador's deputy: charge d'affaires
land: peninsula
• ambassador's assistant: attache
Alps ©beyond the Alps: ultramon- • ambassador's residence: embassy
tane ©this side of the Alps: • ambassador's introductory letter:
cismontane • traditional Alpine credentials, letter of credence
wooden house: chalet • dress of an ambassador who is pre-
alphabet ©ancient Anglo-Saxon sented to the head of state: court
and Scandinavian alphabet: futhark, dress *see also diplomacy
ambiguity anger |

ambiguity •statement made am- through a common ancestor: cognate

biguous by its grammar: amphi- • relationship by descent from a com-
bology, amphiboly •statement de- mon ancestor: consanguinity •re-
signed to have a second (usually sembling or deriving from ancestral
indecent) meaning: double entendre, characteristics: atavistic
double entente anchqr •small anchor with several
American Indian •American In- flukes: grapnel •small anchor used
dian thought to have magic powers: to haul a ship: kedge, kedge anchor
medicine man, shaman •American • straight part of an anchor: shank
Indian axe: tomahawk •American • triangular plate on an anchor's arm:
Indian peace pipe: calumet •Ameri- fluke •stone used as an anchor: kil-
can Indian shoe: moccasin •Ameri- lick
can Indian spell: medicine •Ameri- ancient •combining forms:
can Indian tent: lodge, teepee, archaeo-, palaeo- •excavation and
wigwam study of the physical remains of an-
among •combining form: inter- (e.g. cient civilizations: archaeology
international) ©among others: inter • study of fossil animals and plants:
alios ©among other things: inter paleobiology • study of fossil
alia plants: palaeobotany
amount •tiny amount: iota, jot, angel • angel of the first order: ser-
soupcon, trace, vestige ©required aph • angel of the second order:
or permitted amount: quantum, cherub ©angel of the third order:
quota, ration •insufficient amount: throne ©angel of the fourth or-
short measure •amount left over: der: domination ©angel of the fifth
surplus ©express or measure an order: virtue ©angel of the sixth or-
amount: quantify ©assessed by der: power ©angel of the seventh
amount: quantitative, quantitive order: principality ©angel of the
eighth order: archangel ©angel of
ammunition ©ammunition for a
the ninth order: angel ©feast of the
single shot: round©denoting ammu-
nition containing explosive: live • de-
archangel Michael: Michaelmas
• local group of Hell's Angels: chap-
noting ammunition containing explo-
sive but no projectile: blank
• ammunition store: magazine anger ganger at unfair treatment:
indignation, offence, outrage, re-
anaesthetic •anaesthetic affect-
sentment ©expression of public
ing the whole body: general anaes-
anger: outcry ©public outrage or the
thetic • spinal anaesthetic given in
event causing it: scandal ©public
childbirth: epidural, extradural •de-
display of anger: scene ©childish
noting an anaesthetic affecting a spe-
outburst of anger: tantrum ©easily
cified part only: local
angered: irascible, irritable, short-
analysis • detailed critical analysis:
tempered, testy, tetchy, truculent
critique • analysis of complex pro- • intended to cause anger: provoca-
cedures to improve efficiency: sys- tive • remark made to provoke anger:
tems analysis taunt ©sulky bad temper: petulance,
ancestor •earliest ancestor: pro- pique ©natural proneness to anger
genitor, primogenitor •enumeration or equanimity: temperament ©petu-
of a person's ancestors: genealogy, lant expression of the lips: moue,
pedigree ©related through a com- pout ©angry frown: scowl ©angry
mon male ancestor: agnate ©related rebuke: scolding ©denoting a bad-
13 angle |

tempered person: curmudgeonly, tune: mascot •animals

bred or
dyspeptic •cause persistent resent- raised for profit: stock
ment: rankle •soothe anger: ap- • animal hunting others: predator
pease, mollify, pacify, placate, pro- • hunted animal: prey • animal used
pitiate by hunters to attract others: decoy
• animal eating its own species: canni-
angle • combining form: -gon
bal • animal eating flesh: carnivore
• angle smaller than 90°: acute angle
• animal eating plants: herbi-
• angle of 90°: right angle ©angle be-
vore • animal feeding on refuse:
tween 90-180°: obtuse angle •denot-
ing an angle not a right angle: oblique
scavenger ©animal in its second
year: yearling • animal that chews
• denoting an angle that combines
the cud: ruminant • animal depend-
with another to make 90°: comple-
ent upon external sources of heat:
mentary • denoting an inward-
pointing angle: re-entrant • denoting
ectotherm • animal creating its own
an outward-pointing angle: salient bodily heat: endotherm •animal
maintaining a steady body tempera-
• figure with many angles: polygon
ture: homeotherm ©male animal
• having three angles: triangular
quadran- kept for breeding: sire •animal's fe-
• having four angles:
gular • having five angles:
male parent: dam • young born to an
pentangular • having eight angles: animal at one time: brood, litter

octangular • tool for marking angles: • smallest member of a litter: runt

bevel •instrument to measure or • give birth to young: throw •mal-
draw angles: protractor, set square
formed or mutant animal: monster
• instrument measuring angles pre- • offspring of animals of different spe-
cisely: goniometer cies: crossbreed, hybrid ©large
group of animals: herd • group of
Anglo-Saxon • ancient Anglo- herded animals: drove, herd, flock
Saxon alphabet: futhark, runes • animals of a particular region or
• Anglo-Saxon prince or noble: athel- time: fauna • underwater animal
ing life: epifauna •denoting an animal
animal •combining forms: theri-, native to a particular region: endemic
zoo- • animal without a backbone: • wild animal's home: den, lair, lie
invertebrate • animal having a back- • area regularly traversed by an ani-
bone: vertebrate •animal having mal: home range •animal's seasonal
two feet: biped •animal having four change of habitat: migration ©pan-
feet: quadruped •warm-blooded ani- icked rush of a number of animals:
mal suckling its young: mammal stampede ©animal's bedding of
• animal carrying its young in a straw etc.: litter ©animal's projecting
pouch: marsupial •scaly-skinned nose and mouth: snout ©animal's
cold-blooded animal: reptile •cold- flexible snout: proboscis ©animal's
blooded terrestrial animal having an frightening jaws: maw ©hind part of
aquatic larval stage: amphibian an animal's body: rump ©animal's
• variety of animal developed by skin with the hair: pelt ©clean an
breeding: strain • animal used to pull animal's coat: groom ©skin disease
carts, ploughs, etc.: draught animal of hairy and woolly animals: mange
• set of draught animals: team • ani- • animal's seasonal loss of plumage or
mal used to carry loads: beast of fur: moult •animal's internal organs
burden • animal regarded as symbol- eaten as meat: offal, pluck • animal's
izing a group or bringing good for- flexiblegrasping appendage: tentacle
ankle |
anus 14

• animal's track or scent: spoor • de- versary: tercentenary • 400th anni-

noting animals adapted to a very dry versary: quatercentenary • 500th
environment: xerophilous •ability anniversary: quincentenary • 600th
of certain animals to change colour: anniversary: sexcentenary
metachrosis •denoting a tamed ani-
announcer • announcer at a public
mal: domestic, domesticated •de-
event: master of ceremonies •an-
noting an animal returned to the wild:
nouncer' at a variety show: compere
feral ©establish an animal in a for-
eign habitat: naturalize •denoting annoy •easily annoyed: irritable,
an animal bred for research: labora- peevish, tetchy •until it becomes
tory • denoting an untethered ani- annoying: ad nauseam
mal: loose • animal's dose of medi- anointing • ritual anointing for re-
cine: drench •climb onto an animal ligious purposes: unction ©011 used
for riding: mount *(of a male ani- for ritual anointing: chrism
mal) climb onto a female animal for
copulation: mount ©animal excre-
answer ©sharp answer: retort
• witty answer: rejoinder, riposte
ment: droppings, dung •remains of
• witty answer thought of too late:
prehistoric animals found in rock:
esprit de I'escalier •refusal to give
fossil • taking the form of an animal:
straight answers: stonewalling
theriomorphic, zoomorphic •ani-
mal trainer: handler •exploitation of ant •combining form: myrmec(o)-
animals justified by alleged human formic
• adjective: ©female ant:
superiority: speciesism •protected queen ©male ant: drone ©sterile
area for wildlife: reserve, sanctuary ant performing most basic tasks:
• enclosure for keeping animals in worker ©African and Asian animal
semi-natural conditions: vivarium that eats ants: pangolin, scaly ant-
• place for keeping stray animals: eater • study of ants: myrmecology
pound •collection of wild animals antibiotic •antibiotic produced
for exhibition: menagerie, zoo • doc-
from blue moulds: penicillin •denot-
tor treating animals: vet, veterinary
ing an antibiotic effective against a
surgeon •allegedly unjustifiable ex- large range of organisms: broad-
periments performed on animals: vivi-
section ©book describing different
kinds of animals: bestiary • study of antidote •serum containing anti-

animals: zoology ©study of animal dotes: antiserum, antivenin • sup-

behaviour: ethology ©study of ani- posed antidote to all poisons:
mals whose existence is doubted: mithridate
cryptozoology antique •interesting antique: objet
ankle ©ankle-covering: gaiter, spat de • person who studies or col-

• ankle ornament: anklet lects antiques or antiquities: anti-

quarian, antiquary
anniversary «25th anniversary:
silver jubilee •50th anniversary:
antler •flat section of antler: palm
golden jubilee »25th or 50th anni • prong of antler: tine
versary: jubilee •denoting a 40th an- anus •combining form: proct(o)-
niversary: ruby • denoting a 60th • adjective: anal ©muscle closing the
anniversary: diamond • 100th anni- anus: sphincter ©inflammation of
versary: centenary • 150th anniver- the anus: proctitis • swollen veins in
sary: sesquicentenary • 200th anni- the anus: haemorrhoids, piles •in-
versary: bicentenary • 300th anni- strument for inspecting the anus:
15 anxiety Arab|

proctoscope •surgical construction appetite •adjective: orectic •per-

of an artificial anus: colostomy son with a gross appetite for food:
• study of the anus: proctology gourmand ©person with an insati-
able sexual appetite: lecher
anxiety •abnormally tense or anx-
ious: neurotic • showing no anxiety: appetizer • first course of a meal:
nonchalant hors d'oeuvre, starter •small open
sandwich served as appetizer: canape
apart • combining forms: dia- {e.g.
• alcoholic drink taken before a meal
diagnosis, literally 'telling apart'), se-
as an appetizer: aperitif
{e.g. separate)
applause • loud and long applause:
apartheid •former domination by ovation ©persons hired to applaud:
whites in South Africa: baaskap claque
• term under apartheid for a South Af-
rican black: Bantu • offensive former
apple •apple that is green when
South African term for any black per- ripe: greening •alcoholic drink
son: Kaffir •offensive former South
made from apple juice: cider • apple
brandy: Calvados ©apple of one's
African term for a person of mixed
ethnic origins: Coloured •homeland
eye: cynosure
for South African blacks under apart- appointment • appoint to a post:
heid: Bantustan •urban settlement nominate ©where no appointments
for South African blacks under apart- are needed: drop-in ©person not
heid: location, township • township keeping an appointment: no-show
drinking place: shebeen apprenticeship ©apprenticeship
ape •adjective: simian • large agreement: indentures ©having com-
powerful ape: gorilla pleted an apprenticeship: time-
apex •adjective: apical
Arab ©Arab leader: sheik ©Arab
Aphrodite • Latin name: Venus scholar or man of high social stand-
appeal • passionate appeal: cri de ing: effendi ©nomadic desert Arab:
cceur (pi. cris de cceur) •litigant who Bedouin ©Arab living in Israel or
appeals to a higher court: appellant Palestine: Palestinian ©Arab who
does not want a negotiated peace with
appearance •combining form:
Israel: rejectionist ©Arab guerrillas:
-morph polymorph),
(e.g. -phany
fedayeen ©Arab sailing boat: dhow
• appearance of a god to mortals:
• Arab quarter in a town: kasbah
epiphany, theophany •first appear-
• Arab covered market: bazaar, souk
ance of an' artist in public: debut
• Arab meat ball: kofta • Arab dish of
• sportsman or -woman playing in
spiced durum semolina: couscous
public for the first time: debutant
• Arab dish of mashed chickpeas: fela-
• surface appearance of a manufac-
fel, hummus ©Arab cracked- wheat
tured article: finish ©done merely
salad: ©Arab fruit-juice
for the sake of appearance: token
drink: sherbet ©Arab hooded cloak:
• denoting pleasant appearance and
burnous, djellaba ©Arab headdress:
manner: personable •misleading
appearance: guise, illusion
keffiyeh ©Arab headband: agal
• Arab man's long robe: dishdasha
appendix •inflammation of the • Arab eye make-up: kohl •Arab ges-
appendix: appendicitis • surgical ture of greeting: salaam • Arab name
removal of an appendix: appendec- for God: Allah ©dried-up river chan-
tomy nel in some Arab countries: wadi
arbitrator |
architecture 16

• Arab term for marijuana: kif fleche ©ornamental porch with col-
• spirit in Arab folklore: genie {pi. umns: portico ©covered walk round
genii), jinn {pi. same) +see also Mus- a quadrangle: cloister ©cloistered
lim quadrangle: cloister garth, garth
arbitrator •adjective: arbitral •ar- • window projecting from a sloping
bitrator's formal decision: arbitra- roof: dormer •denoting an opening

ment, determination •denoting an wider a"t one end than at the other:
arbitrament that the parties must splayed ©splayed window opening:
obey: binding embrasure • ornamental stone open-
arch • row of arches: arcade • stone work above a window: tracery
at the centre of an arch: keystone • semicircular alcove: lunette • large
• area behind the shoulder of an arch: polygonal recess: oriel •projecting
spandrel • underside of an arch: sof- support for a wall: buttress •arch-
fit ©support for an arch: pier shaped buttress: flying buttress
• structure supporting the lateral • moulding round the edge of a ceil-
thrust of an arch: abutment ing: cornice •moulding round a
door or window: architrave, drip-
archaeology • combining form:
stone, hood mould, label ©wall fill-
archaeo- archaeometry)
{e.g. ©ur-
ing the end of a pitched roof: gable
gent archaeological investigation of a
• decorative triangular gable above a
site about to be disturbed: rescue
archaeology ©systematic inspection door or wall: pediment •pediment's
of a ploughed field: field walking recessed central area: tympanum
• analysis of layering of remains: • decorative band at a wall top: frieze
stratigraphy • projecting wall above a fireplace:
chimney breast •projecting support:
archdeacon •adjective: archidi-
corbel •ornamental woodwork at a
aconal ©title of an Anglican arch-
gable end: bargeboard •ornamental
deacon: venerable ©archdeacon's
battlements: castellation •ornament
formal inspection: visitation
at the top or corner of a building: fin-
archer ©astrological term: Sagittar-
ial •ornament covering a joint in
ribwork: boss ©Norman pointed or-
archery • adjective: toxophilite namentation: dog-tooth ©ornamen-
• archery range: butts •mound for tal moulding of semicircular section:
the target in a range: butt ©distant beading ©ornamental framing for
target: rover an inscription: cartouche ©orna-
architect •adjective: architectonic ment covering converging vaulting:
• architect working in consultation boss ©grotesquely carved water
with local inhabitants: community spout: gargoyle ©decoration in the
architect Chinese style: chinoiserie ©outer
architecture •architecture de- covering for a wall: cladding ©lower
signed to sympathize with its environ- part of an interior wall: dado
ment: landscape architecture •de- • smooth, square-cut masonry: ashlar
noting architecture in the styles of • steps and platform before a main en-
ancient Greece and Rome: classical trance: perron ©elaborately decor-
• denoting architectural style mani- ated entrance: portal • row of arches:
fested in functional buildings: ver- arcade • exterior gallery on an
nacular ©upper part of a classical upper floor: loggia ©open courtyard
building: entablature ©rounded roof- in the centre of a building: atrium
ing vault: dome ©slender spire: • underside of an architectural fea-
17 archive |

ture: soffit >see also beam, brick, armour • armour made of small
building, column, dome, ornament, metal rings: chain mail •helmet's
vault, wall, window plume: crest •helmet's face-guard:
beaver, visor •throat armour: gor-
archive •archived record: muni-
get • armour for the chest and back:
ment • person in charge of an arch-
cuirass • sleeveless mail coat: haber-
ive collection: archivist
geon •full-length mail coat: hauberk
Arctic • Arctic plain: tundra • Arc- • arm armour: vambrace •ar-
tic sledge dog: husky moured glove: gauntlet •thigh ar-
area •long nar-
• large area: tract mour: cuisse • shin armour: greave
row •remote area: hinter-
area: belt
• cloth garment worn over armour:
land, interior ©area with a particu-
lar use or character: zone • key area: arms •adjective: heraldic •system
nexus • area radically different from by which coats of arms are devised:
those surrounding it: enclave ©area heraldry • expert in this: heraldist
cut off from those to which it is re- • official controlling the College of
lated: exclave •surrounding area: Arms: Earl Marshal •official over-
purlieu • area with controlled access: seeing state ceremonial and grants of
exclusion zone *wet and boggy arms: herald, officer of arms,
area: quagmire ©area devoted to persuivant • chief herald: King of
buildings of a particular kind: estate Arms ©herald's emblazoned coat:
• area of influence or concern: pur- tabard •shield bearing a coat of
view ©area covered or available: arms: escutcheon ©smaller shield
range drawn inside another: inescutcheon
• section of an escutcheon: quarter
Ares • Latin name: Mars
• coat of arms with its bearers etc.:
argument • adjective: eristic •ar- achievement •diamond-shaped
gument presented in court: submis- board showing this: hatchment
sion ©argument carefully ignoring • heraldic design: device, emblem
unfavourable facts: special pleading • left-hand side of a coat of arms: dex-
• noisy but trivial argument: squab- ter • right-hand side of a coat of
ble ©likely to cause argument: con- arms: sinister • depict a coat of
tentious • prone to argue: disputa- arms: emblazon •display two coats
tious • refutation of another's of arms on one shield: impale •de-
argument: rebuttal • allowing no ar- noting a coat of arms that represents
gument: final •denoting a superfi- the bearer's name: canting
cially plausible argument: prima facie
• denoting a fallacious argument got
army • adjective: military
army: militia, home guard•irregu-
up specious ©user of
to convince:
lar resistance force: militia •front
dishonest arguments: casuist, soph-
part of an army: van, vanguard
• side of an army: flank • ground be-
arm • combining form: brachio- tween opposing armies: no-man's-
• adjective: brachial • arm of an octo- land • army training school: military
pus: tentacle •dinosaur with short academy
armlike front legs: brachiosaurus
aromatic • aromatic ointment
• ornament worn round the upper
made from a tree resin: balsam
arm: armlet
• massage treatment using aromatic
armed forces • adjective: military oils: aromatherapy
around Asian \ 18

around •combining forms: amphi- artistic origination: creativity •art-

(e.g. amphitheatre), circum- (e.g. cir- istic discernment: taste• knowledge
cumference), peri- (e.g. perinatal) of the fine arts: virtu • artwork
arrange •arrange in sequence turned out to make a living: potboiler
without overlaps: stagger • arrange- • artist's complete output: oeuvre
ment of battle forces: disposition • outstanding artistic creation: mas-
• possible arrangement of a set of terpiece, masterwork, piece de re-
items: permutation sistance (pi. pieces de resistance)
• artwork imitating other styles: pas-
arrest ©arrest performed by an or-
tiche • amateur dabbler in an art: dil-
dinary person: citizen's arrest • im-
ettante • art exhibition: salon ©put
munity from arrest: sanctuary •dip-
works of art on show: exhibit ©arte-
lomat's immunity from arrest:
fact assembled at the exhibition: in-
stallation ©presentation of artefacts
arrival ©person dealing with ar- which includes performers: perform-
rivals at a hospital, office, or hotel: re- ance art ©found object considered as
ceptionist • non-arrival: no-show a work of art: objet trouve (pi. objets
arrow ©arrowfor crossbow: bolt trouves) • organized series of artistic
• arrow's central wooden section: events: festival •spontaneous artis-
shaft •back-turned spike on an tic event: happening
arrow head: barb ©feathered end of Artemis • Latin name: Diana
an arrow: flight ©feather an arrow:
fletch ©case for arrows: quiver
arthritis •arthritis in the joints:
osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis
art ©creative art: fine art ©vulgar • swimming exercises as a cure for
or sentimental art: kitsch ©art in- arthritis: hydrotherapy
tended to arouse sexual desire: erot-
ica ©art produced by the untrained: artificial •artificial body parts: i

outsider art • art giving a minute re- prosthetics •artificially created:


production of reality: hyperrealism factitious, synthetic

• realistic depiction of current social artist • major artist of the I3th-17th

conditions: social realism, verismo centuries: old master • artist's work-
• denoting grimly realistic art: shop: studio, atelier ©artist's
kitchen-sink •artistic norms pro- dummy: manikin ©artist's
lay figure,
mulgated under Stalinism: socialist personal style: idiom ©artist's youth-
realism •denoting art depicting ful output: juvenilia ©artist's com-
physical appearances in a natural plete output: corpus, oeuvre ©art-
way: figurative, realistic •denoting ist's most important creation:
art not depicting physical appear- magnum opus • group of artists hav-
ances in a natural way: abstract ing a similar approach: school •per-
• denoting unconventional art: avant- son posing for an artist: model
garde, underground ©type of art-
genre • genres created before an
ash • adjectives: cinerary, cinerous
audience: performing arts • container for cremated ashes: urn
ing those genres involving three- Asian • light Asian cart drawn by
dimensional modelling: plastic one or more people: rickshaw
• genres based on line and tone: • Asian savoury pastry: samosa
graphic arts ©recurrent feature in • rainy season in southern Asia: mon-
an artwork: motif ©conveyance of soon • yellow powder used to flavour
feeling in art: expression • faculty of and tint Asian dishes: turmeric
19 assembly athletics|

assembly •assembly by the pur- ant to a senior military officer: aide-

chaser: self-assembly •supplied de-camp • priest's liturgical assist-
ready for easy assembly: prefabri- ant: acolyte
cated assumption • assumption made as
assessment •analytical assess- a basis for further reasoning: hypoth-
ment: critique •formal assessment esis ©based upon assumptions: sup-
of an employee's performance: ap- posititious
praisal ©person giving an assess- asthma •adjective: asthmatic
ment of an artistic work or perform- • person suffering from asthma: asth-
ance: critic •difficult or impossible
matic ©drug taken by asthmatics to
to assess: imponderable widen the bronchi: bronchodilator
asset •denoting assets not easily • instrument measuring asthmatics'
convertible into cash: fixed, illiquid lung capacity: peak flow meter
• denoting assets easily converted to
astrology •astrological forecast of
cash: disposable, liquid, near-money
future events: horoscope •astro-
• denoting assets expected to be sold
logical chart: zodiac •sector on an
within a year: current ©sale of as-
astrological chart: house, sign
sets: disposal • selling off assets of a
purchased company for quick profit: astronaut •trainee astronaut:
asset-stripping •simultaneous trad- space cadet •astronaut's protective
ing of assets in different 4 markets to clothing: spacesuit •astronaut's
profitby price differences: arbitrage period of physical activity in space
• convert assets into cash: realize outside the spacecraft: space walk,
• gradual increase in an asset's value: extravehicular activity •astronaut's
appreciation • gradual decrease in supply line during extravehicular
an asset's value: depreciation •pro- activity: umbilical •imagined dis-
gressive write-off of an asset's pur- tortion of space-time enabling astro-
chase value: amortization • charge nauts to breach the laws of physics:
upon assets: encumbrance • prevent space warp
the use of assets: freeze • legal docu- Athena • Latin name: Minerva
ment disposing of one's assets after
athletics • athletic contest with two
death: will
events for all competitors: biathlon
assimilation • gradual assimila- • athletic contest with three events for
tion: osmosis •assimilation of cul- all competitors: triathlon •athletic
tural minorities: integration contest with four events for all com-
assistant • combining form: sub- petitors: tetrathlon ©athletic contest
(e.g. subeditor), vice- (e.g. vice- with five events for all competitors:
president) • general assistant: go- pentathlon ©athletic contest with
pher, factotum, mate, office boy seven events for all competitors: hept-
• author's or composer's assistant, athlon ©athletic contest with ten
taking down dictation or copying events for all competitors: decathlon
drafts: amanuensis •criminal's as- • international athletic contest for the
sistant: accomplice, abettor ©hunt- disabled: Paralympics •athletic
er's or fisherman's assistant: gillie event not a race: field event •ath-
• golfer's assistant: caddie •civil letic event involving racing: track
servant assisting a senior government event ©balanced series of athletic
official: private secretary •adminis- exercises: circuit ©disc thrown by an
trative assistant to a senior military athlete: discus ©large heavy ball
officer: adjutant •confidential assist- thrown by athlete: shot ©athlete
Atlantic Ocean |
attitude 20

competing in short races: sprinter for manipulating atoms and mol-

• athlete competing in middle or long ecules: nanotechnoiogy •atomic
distance races: distance runner clock: caesium clock
• athlete's warm oversuit: tracksuit attach •inessential extra item at-
• weatherproof tracksuit: shell suit
tached to something: appendage

Atlantic Ocean •equatorial re- • attachment between newborn infant

gion of the Atlantic with uncertain and its mother: umbilical cord
winds: doldrums •warm current attack • combining form: (of a dis-
running northwest from the Gulf of
ease) -lepsy (e.g. epilepsy) • brief at-
Mexico: Gulf Stream, North Atlantic
tack: foray, incursion, sally, sortie
• fierce attack: blitz, onslaught
atmosphere • having a stale warm • sudden attack: strike • sudden sur-
atmosphere: frowsty, fuggy, fusty, prise attack: coup de main (pi. coups
stuffy •device to improve a room's de main) ©sudden attack from a de-
atmosphere: ionizer •map line join- fensive position: sally, sortie • attack
ing points of equal atmospheric pres- on an enemy position: assault •un-
sure: isobar •regions of the earth's provoked attack: aggression ©attack
crust and atmosphere inhabited by designed to disable a perceived threat:
living organisms: biosphere •suc- first strike, pre-emptive strike •re-
cessive regions of the earth's atmos- sponse to attack: counterattack,
phere: troposphere, stratosphere, counteroffensive, second strike
mesosphere, thermosphere, iono- • attack by aircraft: air raid ©re-
sphere • interface between tropo- peated attacks from low-flying air-
sphere and stratosphere: tropopause craft: strafing ©denoting a military
• interface between stratosphere and attack carried out with great preci-
ionosphere: stratopause • ozone- sion: surgical ©crime of attacking a
rich layer in the stratosphere: ozone person: assault ©person or thing
layer •thin area in this: ozone hole vulnerable to attack: soft target
• proportion of moisture present in
attendant ©group of attendants
the atmosphere: humidity •elong-
upon an important person: entou-
ated region of high atmospheric pres-
rage, retinue, train ©protective at-
sure: ridge • elongated region of low
tendant: bodyguard, minder
atmospheric pressure: trough ©area
of atmospheric pressure lower than attention • focus the attention: con-
those around it: depression •un- centrate • centre of attention: cyno-
stable atmospheric pressure: turbu- sure • forcing the attention: intru-
lence • instrument measuring at- sive, obtrusive • activity designed to
mospheric pressure: barometer distract attention: diversion •avoid-
ance of attention: low profile ©craft-
atom •atom with a net positive or
ily avoiding attention: furtive ©time
negative charge: ion ©atom's central
spent devoting one's attention to an-
core: nucleus {pi. nuclei) •force hold-
other: quality time
ing atoms together: bond • bonded
group of atoms: molecule • group of attitude • set of attitudes: mentality,
atoms behaving as a unit: radical mindset ©set of attitudes opposed to
• constituent of an atom: particle, those currently prevailing: counter-
subatomic particle, elementary par- culture • confrontation of different
ticle • force holding quarks, neu- attitudes: culture shock ©spread of
trons, and protons together within the middle-class materialism: embour-
nucleus: strong force •technology geoisement ©person with outdated
21 attract |

attitudes: fogey • still adhering to • false name used by an author: nom

old attitudes: unreconstructed, unre- de plume, pseudonym • right of
generate authors to royalties from libraries:
attract •bargain offered to attract public lending right • person in
customers: come-on, loss-leader charge of a dead author's works: liter-
• attractive but worthless: meretri- ary executor ©assign authorship:
cious attribute

aubergine •aubergine in Greek authority ©with full authority: ex

cuisine: melitzanes •aubergine in cathedra • showing authority:
Indian cuisine: brinjal magisterial • shared authority: part-
nership • intrusively authoritarian:
auction • auction at which the price
officious •misuse of authority: mis-
is progressively reduced: Dutch auc-
feasance • area of authority: remit,
tion • item sold at an auction: lot
terms of reference • legal authority
• price which an item must reach be-
to act for another: power of attorney
fore being sold: reserve, reserve
• person authorized to act for another:
price, upset price • secret alliance of
purchasers at an auction to force
down prices: ring authorization • authorization to
audiotape •audiotape machine proceed: commission, mandate,
recording telephone messages: an- remit ©be absent without authoriza-
swering machine, answerphone tion: take French leave

• container for audiotape: cassette automatic •introduction or use of

Australian • native Australian: automatic equipment: automation
Aboriginal ©Australian wild dog: • done in automatic response to a
dingo •ostrich-like Australian bird: stimulus: reflex
emu • river backwater in Australia, autumn ©fine weather in late au-
filled only by floods: billabong
tumn: Indian summer, St Luke's
• large area of pasture: run •Austra-
summer, St Martin's summer
lian term for a British person:
Pommy • Australian term for an un- available • available but not obliga-
skilled farmhand: rouseabout, roust- tory: optional •available to all: open
about • Australian terms for the • general availability: open access,
rural hinterland: backblocks, out- open door • acceptance of what hap-
back pens to be available: pot luck ©not
available: inaccessible
Austrian • title of former Austrian
emperors: Kaiser ©Austrian mayor: avocado • Mexican dish of mashed
burgomaster • Austrian province: avocado: guacamole
Land (pi. Lander) ©Austrian folk
avoid ©have no dealings with: boy-
dance: landler ©Austrian chocolate
cott • avoid skilfully and repeatedly:
cake: Sachertorte (pi. Sachertorten)
elude, evade ©avoid a need or diffi-
author ©author employed to write culty: obviate
for another: ghostwriter ©author of
film and TV screenwriter,
award ©person receiving an award:
scenarist • author's youthful output:
laureate ©statement of reasons for
bestowing an award: citation
juvenilia • author's inability to think
of new material: writer's block away •combining forms: ab(s)- (e.g.
• author's assistant, taking down dic- abduct), ap(o)- (e.g. apogee), de- (e.g.
tation or copying drafts: amanuensis deduct), out- (e.g. outbound)
axe Artec

axe •small axe: hatchet •Ameri- er's ice axe: piolet »axe handle: haft
can Indian axe: tomahawk •animal-
Aztec ©Aztec temple: teocalli
slaughterer's axe: poleaxe •climb-
baby • adjective: infantile »baby chante, maenad ©staff carried by
less than four weeks old: neonate Bacchus' followers: thyrsus
• baby with insufficient blood oxygen:
back •combining forms: dors- •ad-
blue baby • one of two babies born at
jectives: dorsal, (lowerback) lumbar
a birth: twin »one of three babies • back sloping forward at the top:
born a birth: triplet ©one of four
humpback, hunchback ©back of a
babies born at a birth: quadruplet leaf of paper: verso • lying on one's
• one of five babies born at a birth: back: supine ©bag strapped to the
quintuplet ©set of clothes for a new- back: haversack, knapsack, ruck-
born baby: layette •baby's bed: cot, sack
cradle ©baby's small portable bed:
carrycot • baby's wickerwork cot: back again •combining forms:
Moses basket ©baby's plastic teat: ana- (e.g. anamnesis), re- (e.g. return)

comforter, dummy ©baby's long- backbone •adjectives: spinal, mye-

legged feeding chair: high chair loid • having a backbone: vertebrate
• baby's babbling: lallation ©wind • having no backbone: invertebrate
suffered by a baby: colic ©feed a •joint of meat containing a backbone:
baby whenever it cries: demand-feed chine
• breast-feed a baby: suckle • woman
backer • person lending money to fi-
employed to suckle another's baby:
nance a film or play: angel • person
wet nurse •discourage a baby from
betting on a racehorse: punter
breast-feeding: wean ©liquid baby
food to replace breast milk: formula backwards •combining form:
• bounce a baby: dandle • first faeces retr(o)- (e.g. retrospect)
of a newborn infant: meconium • un- bacon ©side of bacon: flitch ©slice
explained death of a sleeping baby: of bacon: rasher • cube of bacon: lar-
cot death, sudden infant death syn- don ©tough outer layer on bacon:
drome • abandoned baby of un- rind ©denoting bacon having alter-
known parentage: foundling •baby nate strips of fat and lean: streaky
secretly substituted for another:
changeling •scaly skin on a baby's
bacterium ©bacteria in contamin-
ated food: Escherichia coli, listeria
head: cradle cap ©space between the
• bacterium causing gonorrhoea:
parts of an baby's skull: fontanelle
• apparatus providing special envir-
gonococcus • bacterium causing
onment for a premature baby: incuba- pneumonia and dental decay: strepto-
coccus • bacteria cultivated for ex-
tor • pouch for carrying a baby: sling
perimentation: culture •test for bac-
• institution offering daytime care of
babies: creche •killing a baby: in-
teria: Gram stain •substance
arresting the multiplication of bac-
teria: bacteriostat •substance kill-
Bacchus • Greek name: Dionysus ing bacteria: antiseptic, bactericide,
• male follower of Bacchus: bacchant disinfectant • study of bacteria:
• female follower of Bacchus: bac- bacteriology
bao ballet

bad •combining forms: caco- (e.g. bag: twist tie • baglike bodily
cacophony), dys- (e.g. dysfunction),
brane: sac
mal- (e.g. maladministration), mis-
(e.g. misadventure)
bagpipes • Irish bagpipes: uillean
pipes ©small bellows-powered bag-
bad: egregious •famously bad: no-
pipes: musette ©pipe on bagpipes on
torious ©gradually getting worse:
which the tune is played: chanter
insidious «a thing's bad aspects:
• pipe on bagpipes used to produce a
downside • bad breath: halitosis
continuous bass note: drone •shrill
badge •flower-shaped badge of col- sound of bagpipes: skirl
oured ribbon: rosette •school or bail ©pay bail money for another:
sports team badge: colours
stand bail, stand surety ©abscond,
badger ©male badger: boar having gained release by bail: jump
• badger's burrow: earth, sett bail

badly •combining form: cata- (e.g. baking ©mixture of flour and yeast
catachresis), mis- (e.g. mismanage) for baking: dough ©yeast substitute
badminton •badminton used in baking: baking powder
bat: racket
• feathered cork used as a ball: shut- balance •adjective: equilibrious
tle, shuttlecock ©strike the ball to • astrological term: libra ©state of
commence play: serve balance: equilibrium ©balance of
forces or interests: equipoise
bad taste ©person
having bad ©per-
son performing balancing feats:
taste: boor, groundling, vulgarian
acrobat, juggler, funambulist ©self
• vulgarly showy: garish, gaudy,
balancing flywheel: gyroscope ©lose
balance: overbalance
bag • plastic or paper bag with han-
Balinese ©Balinese percussion or-
dles: carrier bag •capacious bag:
holdall, tote bag • small bag for cos-
chestra, gamelan
metics: vanity bag ©small sealed Balkan ©Balkan guerrilla: chetnik
bag: sachet ©travelling bag: grip, ball ©large black ball used in bowls:
suitcase ©small travelling bag: val- wood ©small white ball used in
ise ©two-sectioned travelling bag: bowls: jack • ball used in ice hockey:
Gladstone bag, portmanteau ©bag puck •ball that is out of play: dead
strapped to the back: haversack, ball ©heavy exercise ball: medicine
knapsack, rucksack ©school bag on ball ©large metal ball thrown in ath-
a long strap: satchel ©cylindrical letics: hammer, shot ©spiked metal
canvas bag with a drawstring: duffel ball used as a war obstacle: caltrop
bag ©sailor's bag: ditty bag ©sol- • ball of decorated blown glass: witch
dier's bag: kitbag ©air-travellers' ball ©forward spin on a ball: top-
shoulder bag: carry-on, flight bag spin
• bag for carrying a child on the back:
ballet ©ballet company: corps de
papoose • large bag at the side of a
ballet ©chief female ballet dancer:
motor cycle, beast of burden, etc.: pan-
prima ballerina ©leading ballet dan-
nier ©bag used to remove a corpse
cer: coryphee ©rank-and-file ballet
from an accident, battlefield, etc.:
dancers: corps de ballet
body bag • large bag for protection ©female
ballet dancer: ballerina,
against exposure:
survival bag • male ballet dancer: danseur ©rail
• small piece of plastic-covered wire supporting ballet dancer doing
used to secure the neck of a plastic exer-
cises:barre ©ballerina's short skirt:
25 balloon |

tutu • ballet shoes with strengthened bank 2 ©bank dealing in commercial

toes: pointe shoes •ballet step: pas loans and investment: merchant bank
• arm movement: port de bras •spin • deposit-taking cooperative offering
made on one foot: pirouette ©posture cheap loans to members: credit union
with one leg lifted at right angles: ar- • bank account for frequent deposits
abesque • series of steps for a ballet: and withdrawals: current account
choreography • person devising • bank account for longer-term de-
these: choreographer •person posits: deposit account ©bank ac-
teaching ballet dancers their steps: count for several persons: joint ac-
repetiteur •solo dance: pas seul count ©bank account deficit:

• dance for two people: pas de deux overdraft •customer's book record-
• dance performed on the tips of the ing deposits and withdrawals on his
toes: pointe, en pointe • short dance account: bank book, pass book
to display technique: divertissement • bank card giving access to cash dis-
• ballet enthusiast: balletomane see pensers: cash card • management of
also dancer a bank account by telephone or com-
puter modem: direct banking, home
balloon ©large balloon, moored in
banking, telebanking •remove from
groups to frustrate air attack: barrage
a bank account: debit • arrangement
balloon •balloon's gas container:
for a third party to draw on one's ac-
envelope •enclosed passenger com-
count: direct debit •money paid into
partment below a balloon: gondola
a bank account: deposit •money
ban • ban on trade: embargo ©ban taken out of a bank account: with-
on implementation of a decision: veto drawal • bank deposit that cannot be
• ban on dealings with a person, or- withdrawn before a set date: time de-
ganization, etc.: boycott posit • instruction to a bank to make
regular payments: standing order
band «band conductor: bandmaster
• sudden withdrawal of deposits by
• chief musician in a band: band-
leader • roofed outdoor band plat-
many investors: run • cheque drawn
form: bandstand
by a bank on its own funds: bank
draft, banker's draft ©bank's printed
bandage • bandage supporting an order for payment of a specified sum:
injured arm: sling •loosely woven money order ©cheque guaranteed by
dressing: gauze ©bandage twisted a bank: certified cheque • banks' es-
tight to stop the flow of blood: tourni- tablishment for the exchange of
quet ©bandage stiffened with plaster cheques: clearing house • banks'
of Paris: cast, plaster cast ©pad ap- trading in short-term loans: money
plied to stop bleeding: compress market • banking transaction ef-
• protective or healing material fected via the telecommunications
placed on a wound: dressing • ab- network: electronic transfer of funds
sorbent pad: swab •absorbent plug: • wall-mounted deposit box used
tampon ©soft moist mass applied to when the bank is closed: night safe
relieve inflammation: poultice • secure store for valuables: safe de-
bank 1
•artificial bank: berm posit, safety deposit • bank's secure

• steep bank: bluff, scarp • large de- storeroom: vault

fensive bank: earthwork ©long bank banknote •thin line inside bank-
built to prevent flooding: dyke, em- note paper: thread mark ©banknote
bankment • artificial bank carrying design visible only when held up to
a road or railway: embankment the light: watermark
bankrupt basket
| 26

bankrupt •official appointed to barrier • crowd barrier: crush bar-

manage the affairs of bankrupts: re- rier • roadside barrier preventing ac-
ceiver • release a bankrupt from fur- cidents: crash barrier •improvised
ther payments: discharge barrier blocking a street: barricade
baptism •baptism by dipping: im-
• insurmountable barrier: Chinese
mersion • baptism by pouring water
wall •imagined invisible barrier:
force field
over: affusion ©baptism by sprink-
ling: aspersion • person making barrister •barristers regarded col- i

promises for a child being baptized: lectively: the bar • barrister's ap-
godparent prenticeship: pupillage ©barrister
advising a court martial: judge advo-
bar • short bar attaching a collar to a
cate • barrister serving as a part-
shirt:stud «bar at which drinks
time judge: recorder ©barrister's of-
must be paid for: cash bar ©bar at
fice: chambers •barrister's advice
which the drinks are free: open bar
on a point of law: opinion •barris-
bar code «bar code reader: light ter's wig, gown, etc.: court dress
pen, wand »pass a light pen over a • case information and instructions
bar code: wipe given to a barrister: brief •brief
bargain •bargain offered to attract given to a barrister chosen by the ac-
customers: come-on, loss-leader cused while in court: dock brief
• shrewd bargaining to mutual advan- • brief to follow a case for a client not
tage: horse-trading • refuse to hon- directly involved in it: watching brief
our a bargain: renege • initial fee paid to a barrister: re-
tainer • subsequent fee paid to a bar-
barge • large light barge: wherry
rister in a long case: refresher • hon-
• barge towed by another boat: butty
orific title bestowed on a senior
• person who works on a barge: bar-
barrister: King's Counsel, Queen's
Counsel •such barristers collect-
bark •remove a tree's bark: decorti- ively: the inner bar • other barristers
cate • bark bruised as a source of collectively: juniors, the outer bar
tannin: tan, tanbark ©tanbark used • organization training and regulat-
as a ground-cover: tan, spent tan ing barristers: Inn of Court •forbid
• bitter extract of cinchona bark: a barrister to practice: disbar
base ©base for a statue etc.: pedes-
barometer •denoting a barometer tal • military base: garrison •forti-
using a vacuum box to measure at- fied base established on an enemy
mospheric pressure: aneroid •liquid shore: beachhead •fortified base es-
metal used in a barometer: mercury, tablished inside enemy territory:
quicksilver bridgehead •proposition used as a
barrel ©large hogshead, tun
barrel: base for further reasoning: hypoth-
• small keg
barrel: • person who esis
makes barrels: cooper • plank from basket •food basket: hamper
which barrels are made: stave • basket for soft fruits: punnet •bas-
• metal band compressing a barrel's ket for garden vegetables: trug • bas-
staves: hoop • small hole in the side ket for dirty clothes: linen basket
of a barrel: vent • plug for a barrel • basket for sewing items: work-
vent: spigot •allow air to enter a basket • basket on a cycle or donkey:
barrel: vent •open a barrel: broach pannier •wooden neck-frame for
• wooden peg to seal a barrel: spile carrying baskets: yoke •willow
27 basketball |

cropped for basket-making: osier bay ©small sheltered bay: cove

• shoot from this: withy • large bay: gulf

basketball • attempt at goal beach •adjective: littoral ©barrier

awarded after a foul: free throw • ad- preventing beach erosion: groyne
vance the ball by continuous boun- • defended beach position: beach-
cing: dribble • aggressive marking of head
opponents: full-court press beads • large string of beads used in
Basque • Basque ball game: jai alai, prayer: rosary • small string of beads
pelota •court for this: fronton used in prayer: chaplet
• Basque separatist terrorist organ- beam •metal beam: girder •verti-
ization: Eta cal underground beam supporting
bastardy •supposed heraldic indi- foundations: pile, spile •beam laid
cation of bastardy: bar sinister, bend horizontally in a wall: wall plate
sinister ©court order obliging a bas- • beam or plate distributing weight
tard's father to contribute to its sup- along a wall: template •beam sup-
port: affiliation order porting a floor: joist • beam support-
ing joists or rafters: summer •hori-
bath • adjective:balneal •bath with
zontal beam connecting rafters: tie
underwater jets: jacuzzi™ •bath
beam • short beam supporting a raf-
with hot aerated water: spa, spa
ter or arch: hammer beam •roof
bath, spa pool ©steam bath: Turkish
beam supporting rafters: purlin
bath •hot-air bath: sauna ©bath
• beam at the apex of a roof: ridge
only large enough to sit in: hip bath
piece ©long beam supporting and
• mark left on a bath's sides by re-
connecting a framework: stringpiece
ceding water: tidemark ©dried trop-
• beam fixed at one end: canti-
ical fruit used as a bathing sponge:
lever • beam above an opening: lintel
• beam across a fireplace: manteltree
batter •thin fried cake of batter: • short horizontal wall-post to carry
pancake • sweet batter baked with a scaffolding beams: putlog •horizon-
fruit filling: clafoutis tal beam dividing a window: transom

battery • rechargeable battery stor- • vertical beam dividing a window:

ing electricity as chemical energy: ac- mullion • beam between a door and a
cumulator • point at which current fanlight: transom •beam across the
enters or leaves a battery: electrode tops of columns: architrave •over-
• slow battery charger: trickle char- head beam supporting equipment:
ger • denoting an exhausted battery: gantry •denoting a beam carrying
flat the structure above it: load-bearing
• use of beams: trabeation •small
battle ©small battle: incident, skir-
piece of stone or wood supporting a
mish • close aerial battle: dogfight ©heavy beam
beam's end: tassel
• battle area: field, front •position-
used to knock down walls: ram, bat-
ing of troops for battle: deployment,
tering ram •floating beam restrict-
disposition •join battle: engage
ing access to a harbour etc: boom
• bravery in battle: gallantry •offi-
cial report from the battlefront: dis- bean •adjective: leguminous
patch • regroup after defeat: rally • small French kidney bean: flageolet
• the ultimate battle, or one causing • bean giving bean sprouts: mung
huge destruction: Armageddon • curd made from mashed soya beans:
• battlefield hospital: field hospital tofu
bear *ee r

bear • adjective: ursine • young of a quilt with a detachable cover:

bear: cub continental quilt, duvet •confined to
bearer • combining forms: -fer, bed: bedridden •long-handled brass
-phore {e.g. semaphore, literally 'sign- pan formerly used to warm a bed:
bearer) • person carrying the cross warming pan • Japanese quilted
in Christian processions: crucifer mattress used on the floor as a bed:
• person carrying a censer: thurifer futon •animal's bedding of straw
etc.: litter
bearing • combining forms: -ferous
(e.g. odoriferous), -gerous {e.g. bee • adjective: apian • female bee:
cornigerous) queen ©male bee: drone •sterile
bee doing most of the tasks of the
beast • adjective: bestial, animal,
group: worker • large group of bees:
feral •beast-like characteristics: ani-
swarm •hexagonal wax structure ;

built by bees: honeycomb •sub-
beauty •combining form: calli- stance fed to potential queens: royal
• products claiming to improve the ap- jelly •structure for bees to live in:
pearance of the skin: cosmetics beehive, hive ©group of beehives:
• exercises designed to improve apiary • person who studies or keeps
strength and appearance: callisthen- bees: apiarist
ics • not beautiful: plain
beef ©cut of beef from the outside
beaver •young beaver: kit, kitten leg: silverside©cut of beef from the
• beaver's den: lodge breast: brisket ©cut of beef from the
becoming • combining form: lower part of the spine: loin ©best
-escent •becoming liquid: deliques- part of this: sirloin •high-quality
cent • becoming rotten: putrescent beef taken from the hindquarters:
• becoming sexually mature: pubes- steak ©lean cut from the rump: top-
cent side • boned sirloin steak: entrecote
bed • bed without head- or footboard: • thick steak of fillet beef: Chateaubri-
divan • bed with a canopy supported and • small thick slice of fillet beef:
by posts: four-poster • matching pair tournedos •seasoned dish of raw
of single beds: twin beds ©narrow steak and egg: steak tartare •beef
bed, often one of a tiered set: bunk
stew with onions and beer: carbon-
• canvas bed suspended by cords at its nade • French beef stew: grillade
ends: hammock •portable bed for • beef cooked in a sour cream sauce:
the injured: stretcher •enclosed bed beef stroganoff •seasoned smoked
beef: pastrami •flat cake of minced
carried on poles: litter •fixed bed on
beef: burger
a train, ship, etc.: berth ©NHS hos-
pital bed for which a charge is made: beer ©beer brewed and stored trad-
amenity bed, pay bed «bed made up itionally:cask beer, real ale ©beer
as a practical joke with a single sheet stored with carbon dioxide: keg beer
folded back on itself: apple-pie bed • beer served from a bulk container:
• bed's solid frame: bedstead •can- draught beer •nitrogen device in
opy over a bed: tester • panel at a some beer cans: widget ©darkhoppy
bed's head: headboard • thick upper beer: mild ©dark beer made with
bed-covering sewn in sections: eider- roasted malt: stout ©dark beer made
down, quilt ©fabric case stuffed with with charred malt: porter • light ef-
feathers etc. as a mattress or pillow: fervescent beer: lager • treated grain
tick •ornamental cloth bedcover: for brewing: malt, grist ©water used
bedspread •bed-covering consisting in brewing: liquor ©malt and liquor
29 beetle |

mixture: mash •breakdown of ive behaviour: trait, quirk,

sugars in brewing: fermentation mannerism, idiosyncrasy ©uncon-
• mature further after fermentation: ventional behaviour: eccentricity, de-
condition •clarify a brew: fine viance ©child's playful misbehav-
• final taste of beer: finish •foam on iour: mischief ©morally correct
beer: head ©beer mixed with a soft behaviour: conformity, decorum,
drink: shandy • drink of lager and propriety, rectitude, virtue ©behav-
draught cider: snakebite ©tall beer iour intended to fulfil social expect-
mug with a handle: tankard ©large ations: role playing ©behaviour
earthenware beer mug: stein ©per- aimed at others' benefit: altruism
son making beer: brewer ©beer cart • servile behaviour: toadying, truck-
or lorry: dray ling • dishonest behaviour: sleaze,
beetle •adjective: coleopterous skulduggery •immoral behaviour:
• beetle infesting kitchens etc.: cock-
vice •employee's improper behav-
roach • ticking wood-boring beetle: iour: misconduct •engrained pat-

death-watch beetle •luminescent tern of maladaptive behaviour: per-

beetle: glow-worm • sacred beetle of
sonality disorder •stiffly
well-behaved: prim •strict and re-
ancient Egypt: scarab ©student of
beetles: coleopterist
served in behaviour: unbending
• breaching propriety or convention:
before •combining forms: afore-
transgressive •denoting behaviour
(e.g. aforementioned), ante, fore- {e.g.
expressing one's feelings of social su-
foreplay), pre-, pro- *att or happen periority: supercilious • imitation of
before (some other event): anticipate
behaviour: mimesis •encourage-
• acting beforehand: proactive
ment of desired behaviour by rewards:
• thing or person coming before an- reinforcement, positive reinforce-
other: forerunner, precursor, prede-
ment • encouragement of desired be-
cessor • before the war: antebellum, haviour by cessation of punishment:
pre-war • feeling, when in a new situ- negative reinforcement •scientific
ation, of having experienced it before:
study of human or animal behaviour:
deja vu
behavioural science
beg •living by begging: mendicant behind • combining form: retro- {e.g.
• begging the question: petitio
retrochoir) •behind with payments:
in arrears
beginner ©keen or ambitious be-
being •combining form: onto-
ginner: aspirant •inexperienced be-
• study of the concept of 'being':
ginner: novice, tyro • suitable for be- ontology
ginners: entry-level
belief •system of beliefs: doctrine,
beginning •combining form: dogma • system of religious belief:
-escent (e.g. pubescent) •adjectives:
faith • firm belief: conviction •mis-
embryonic, incipient, inceptive, in-
taken belief: fallacy, misapprehen-
choate, initial, nascent ©sudden be-
sion • belief that all matter has an
ginning: outbreak, outburst ©from
element of consciousness: pan-
the beginning: ab initio, ab ovo, de
psychism •belief that plants and
novo inanimate objects possess souls: ani-
behaviour •combining form: -ery mism • doctrine of design and pur-
(e.g. foolery)©generally accepted be- pose in the material world: teleology
haviour, or convention, eti-
its rules: • traditional beliefs of a community:
quette, protocol ©person's distinct- folklore •credulous belief in the
bet 30
belt I

supernatural: superstition •belief bench ©long backless bench: form

that one's nation is superior: chauvin- • long wooden bench with high back:
ism, ethnocentricity, jingoism •per- settle ©upholstered bench against a
son dying for his beliefs: martyr wall: banquette
• person changing his or her beliefs to bend ©U-shaped bend in a road:
suit prevailing fashion: time server hairpin, bend ©deflection of light or
• correct a mistaken belief: disabuse radio waves passing from one medium
• publicly disown a belief: recant to another: refraction ©bending
• still adhering to old beliefs: unre- readily: flexible, pliable ©full of
constructed, unregenerate • person bends: flexuous, sinuous
abandoning religious or political be-
liefs: apostate ©unable to believe: beneath •combining forms: hypo-,

infra- (e.g. infrastructure), sub-
neath the earth's surface: subterra-
bell ©bell rung to instruct people to
nean ©beneath the skin: hypoder-
return to their houses: curfew •bell
mic, subcutaneous ©beneath one's
rung for the recitation of Roman Cath-
dignity: infra dig
olic prayers commemorating the In-
carnation: angelus •bell rung at benefit ©reciprocal benefit: quid
death or a funeral: knell • alarm bell: pro quo ©state benefit paid to dis-
tocsin • bell's tongue: clapper •bell abled persons needing home care: at-
tower: campanile *art of bell- tendance allowance ©state benefit
ringing: campanology ©set of bells offsetting a disabled person's loss of

for campanology: peal ©large set of earnings: disability benefit ©state

bells for musical performances: caril- benefit paid to those temporarily off

lon work through illness: sickness bene-

fit©state payment to the long-term
belonging to • combining form:
sick: incapacity benefit ©state bene-
-ine (e.g. Alpine) • sense of 'not be-
fit assisting travel for the disabled:
longing': alienation
mobility allowance ©state payment
below • combining forms: hypo- to a family on low income: family
(e.g. hypodermic literally 'beneath the
credit • situation where any increase
skin), infra- (e.g. infrastructure), sub- in income triggers a counterbalancing
• below the threshold of conscious- withdrawal of state benefits: poverty
ness: subliminal trap •seeming benefit designed to
belt • ornamental belt: sash • orna- cause its recipient trouble: poisoned
mental belt worn with men's evening chalice
dress: cummerbund •ornamental beside •combining form: para- (e.g.
belt won by champion boxer: Lons-
dale belt ©belt worn by a beginner
in martial arts: white belt ©belt best •best of all: creme de la creme,

worn by an expert in martial arts: par excellence • best available: faute

black belt • belt worn by certain po- de mieux, pis aller
lice and army officers, with a strap bet • bet recommended as a near cer-
over the shoulder: Sam Browne tainty:nap • bet placed by those with
• similar belt, carrying cartridges: expert knowledge: smart money
bandolier •shoulder belt supporting • bet in which winnings and stake
a sword etc. on the opposite hip: bal- from a first event are placed on a sec-
dric • belt-attachment to hold a ond: double *bet in which initial
sword: frog ©padded belt supporting winnings are placed on a series of sub-
a hernia: truss sequent events: accumulator «bet
31 betrayal |
biblical figures

with cumulatively doubled stakes: bias • unfair bias: discrimination,

martingale • bet naming the first two favouritism, partiality, parti pris,
in their correct order: perfects • bet prejudice •deliberate bias in favour
naming the first two, but not giving of those usually discriminated
their order: quinella «bet naming against: positive discrimination
the first three in their correct order:
Bible •first part of the Bible, con-
tricast *bet that a horse will finish
taining the Jewish scriptures: Old
in the first three: place, place-bet
Testament •first five books of the
• denoting a bet placed on a horse be- Old Testament: Pentateuch ©first
fore the runners are announced: ante-
six books of the Old Testament: Hexa-
post • denoting a bet made for a win teuch ©first seven books of the Old
or a place: each-way • final odds at Testament: Heptateuch ©second
the start of a horse race: starting part of the Bible, containing further
price • money etc. put down on a bet: Jewish scriptures not found in the
stake •system where those backing Hebrew canon: Apocrypha ©third
the first three divide the total stake: part of the Bible, containing the Chris-
pari-mutuel • system where win- tian scriptures: New Testament
nings are calculated from the total • Jewish commentary upon the Old
staked, not from odds offered: totaliza- Testament: Masorah, Midrash • Jew-
tor, totalizer, tote •person who takes
ish mystical interpretation of the Old
bets: bookmaker ©person holding Testament: Kabbalah ©Greek ver-
bets laid: stakeholder ©make a bet: sion of the Old Testament: Septuagint
place • textual criticism of the Bible: lower
betrayal • betrayal of one's country: criticism •biblical exegesis from a
treason •person doing this: rene- comparative historical and cultural
gade, traitor ©person deserting one standpoint: higher criticism •inter-
side to join the other: trimmer, turn- pretation of biblical symbolism: typ-
coat ology • biblical passage read litur-
gically: lesson •list of biblical
better • combining form: out- (e.g.
readings: lectionary •biblical etc.
outsmart) ©better than what is on
passage upon which a sermon is
general offer: preferential •progres-
preached: text
sively beneficial cycle of cause and ef-
fect: virtuous circle biblical figures ©the first human:
between Adam ©his wife: Eve ©the first
• combining form: inter-
murderer: Cain ©his victim: Abel
• between two other things: inter-
• Noah's grandfather, said to have
mediate • between living people:
lived 969 years: Methuselah •patri-
inter vivos
arch in charge of the ark: Noah
beyond •combining forms: extra- • father of the Jewish nation: Abra-
(e.g. extraterritorial), hyper- (e.g. ham • his wife: Sarah •his son,
hypersonic), meta- (e.g. metaphysical), offered as a sacrifice: Isaac •grand-
para- (e.g. paranormal), super- (e.g. son of Abraham, later called Israel:
supernormal), supra- (e.g. supra- Jacob ©Jacob's son, later a ruler in
national), sur- (e.g. surreal), trans- Egypt: Joseph ©Israelite leader in
(e.g. transnational), ultra- (e.g. ultra- the Exodus: Moses ©Moses' assist-
montane) • beyond one's authority: ant: Aaron • Moses' successor, leader
ultra vires • beyond what is neces- in the conquest of Canaan: Joshua
sary: supererogatory, de trop ©go • national Israelite leader in emergen-
beyond: transcend cies: judge •Israelite leader famous
bicycle |
bird 32

for his strength: Samson • Philistine bill ©hotel or restaurant bill: ac-
seductress of Samson: Delilah • first count, tab ©itemized bill: invoice
king of Israel: Saul •second king of
billiards ©billiard-player's stick:
Israel: David ©Philistine giant slain
cue ©cue support: rest ©long stick
by David: Goliath ©son of David:
to support the cue: bridge, jigger
Absalom • third king of Israel: Solo-
• stroke made with an inclined cue:
mon ©skilled hunter: Nimrod
masse ©stroke in which the cue
• furious charioteer: Jehu • pro-
slips: mrscue ©ball struck by the
claimer of the will of God: prophet
cue: cue bail ©ball at which the cue
• prophet ascending to heaven in a
ball is aimed: object ball ©revolving
chariot: Elijah •Elijah's successor:
motion imparted to the ball: spin
Elisha • Jew cast into the lions' den:
• backspin given to the cue ball:
Daniel • prosperous Jew suddenly
deprived of everything: Job • biblical
screw •sidespin given to the cue
sea monster: leviathan ball: side ©stroke in which the cue
ball strikes both the others: cannon
bicycle •bicycle for general use: • pouch into which the ball is struck:
roadster •bicycle with broad tyres pocket • strike a ball into a pocket:
and many gears: mountain bike •bi- pot • stroke pocketing a ball: hazard
cycle whose rider lies on his back: re- • direct pocketing of the cue ball:
cumbent • bicycle for two riders, one coup ©brush past another ball: kiss
seated behind the other: tandem • bi-
• successful turn at play: break
cycle with one wheel: monocycle, uni-
• score-keeper: marker
cycle ©three- wheeled bicycle: tri-
cycle ©early bicycle with one very bingo • person announcing the num-
large and one small wheel: penny- bers drawn: caller ©card with every
farthing ©early bicycle pushed along number marked off: full house
by the rider's feet: velocipede ©sup- binoculars ©outdoor binoculars:
port for a bicycle wheel: fork • small fieldglasses ©theatre binoculars:
wheel steadying a child's bicycle: sta- opera glasses
bilizer • racing cycle's sealed tyre: tu-
bular tyre •bicycle's mileage meter: biology ©biological classification:

cyclometer • bicycle handlebars taxonomy ©biological classes: fam-

with handles below the bar: drop ily, genus, species ©biology of pos-
handlebars •bicycle handgrip that on other planets: astrobiol-
sible life
may be twisted to change the gears: ogy, exobiology ©health or
twist-grip • particular cycle gear environmental risk posed by micro-
ratio: speed •bicycle gears that biological experimentation: biohaz-
move the chain to different cogs: de- ard
railleur •U-shaped slot for quick bird •combining form: avi-, ornith-
wheel-changing: dropout • cycle • adjectives: avian, ornithic ©bird too
without pedalling: freewheel ©jump
young to leave the nest: nestling
made on a bicycle while standing on • bird just able to fly: fledgling
the pedals: bunny hop ©cyclist's
• group of birds: flight • bird hunted
trick of riding with the front wheel off
by man: game bird •earliest known
the gound: wheelie ©bag beside a bird, a kind of flying dinosaur:
cycle's rear wheel: pannier
archaeopteryx •mythical bird, said
bile • combining form: chol- ©X-ray to burn itself every 500 years and rise
examination of the bile ducts: again from the ashes: phoenix
choliangography • large extinct flightless bird: dodo
33 birth 1

• tall pink wading bird: flamingo birth to live offspring: viviparous

• birds imitating human speech: • giving birth from eggs hatched
budgerigar, mynah, parrot •denot- within the body: ovoviviparous
ing a bird able to feed itself soon after • producing one offspring at a birth:
hatching: precociai • denoting a bird uniparous •producing several off-
unable to do this: altriciai • bird's spring at a birth: muciparous
claw: talon ©outer part of a bird's • group of animals produced at a
wing: pinion ©forked bone between birth: litter •one of three offspring
the neck and breast of a bird: wish- born •one of four
at a birth: triplet
bone • bird's muscular stomach: giz- offspring born at a birth: quadruplet,
zard • membrane between the toes of quad • one of five offspring born at a
a swimming bird: web • group of birth: quintuplet, quin •one of six
eggs laid by a bird at one time: clutch offspring born at a birth: sextuplet
• massed birdsong at daybreak: dawn • one of seven offspring born at a
chorus •birds' seasonal change of birth: septuplet •one of eight off-
habitat: migration •glide or soar spring born at a birth: octuplet • pla-
without wing movement: plane • loss centa and foetal membranes dis-
of a bird's markings due to moulting: charged after giving birth: afterbirth
eclipse • bird's cleaning its feathers • difficulty in giving birth: dystocia
with its beak: preening ©mass of • virgin birth: parthenogenesis • re-
bones and feathers regurgitated by a birth in another body: reincarnation
bird of prey: pellet • place where • present from birth: congenital, con-
birds rest at night: roost • enclosure nate • following birth: post-partum
for keeping birds: aviary •alumin- • hormone stimulating milk produc-
ium identification strip round a bird's tion after giving birth: prolactin
leg: ring ©tie up a bird's wings and • ratio of births to size of population:
legs: pinion, truss ©person who birth rate, natality •equivalence of
rears or keeps birds: aviculturist birth and death rates: zero popula-
• study of birds: ornithology tion growth >see also childbirth

birth • combining form: -genesis birth-giving •combining form:

• adjective: natal • close to the time -parous (e.g. viviparous)
of birth: near-term, perinatal •ob-
biscuit ©thin crisp biscuit: wafer
stetrics dealing with this period:
• thin crisp biscuit made of flour and
perinatology •expulsion of a fetus
water: water biscuit •thin dry bis-
before it can survive independently:
cuit: cracker •thin narrow biscuit:
miscarriage •vaginal discharge at
langue de chat ©hard biscuit: nut
the onset of labour: show • shorten-
• rich crumbly biscuit: shortbread,
ing of uterine muscles before and dur-
shortcake • currant biscuit: gari-
ing birth: contractions •inducing
uterine contractions: ecbolic •new-
baldi ©light almond biscuit: maca-
roon • biscuit of nuts in a chocolate
born offspring: neonate •birth of
base: florentine
offspring already dead: stillbirth
• matter discharged after birth: after- bishop •adjectives: episcopal, pon-
birth, lochia •denoting or occurring tifical ©bishops collectively: epis-
in the time immediately before or copacy ©chief bishop: patriarch, pri-
after birth: perinatal •first milk pro- mate ©senior bishop: archbishop,
duced by a cow or goat after giving metropolitan ©bishop in charge of a
birth: beestings •giving birth by diocese: diocesan • assistant bishop:
means of eggs: oviparous • giving coadjutor, suffragan •sovereign's
bite /
blood 34

letternominating a bishop: letter mis- ation to remove the bladder:

sive • bishop's ordination: consecra- cystectomy •thin tube for draining
tion ©bishop's hat: mitre •bishop's the bladder: catheter
over-vestment: dalmatic • bishop's
blade • rotating blade: vane
long surplice: rochet • bishop's staff:
• sharpen a metal blade: whet
crook, crozier, pastoral staff
• bishop's ceremonial chair: throne blame •person made to bear the
• bishop's folding chair: faldstool blame for another's wrongdoing:

• archbishop or metropolitan's area of scapegoat, whipping boy •free

authority: province ©bishop's area from blame: exculpate, exonerate,
of authority: diocese, see ©bishop's vindicate
period of office: episcopate
blind • blind with angled slats: jalou-
• bishop's letter to all his clergy: pas-
sie • blind with pivoting slats: Ven-
toral letter ©bishop's inspection of
etian blind
his diocese: visitation ©move a
bishop to another see: translate blindness •partial blindness: scot-

bite ©take small bites: nibble ©bite

oma • blindness over half the field of
persistently: gnaw vision: hemianopia •inability to see
in the dark: night blindness, nyctal-
black •combining forms: melan-
opia ©dog trained to lead the blind:
• 'black box' in an aircraft: flight re-
guide dog >see also colour blind-
corder ©'black hole' in astronomy:
ness, sight
collapsar ©boundary of a 'black
hole': event horizon ©'black lung' blood • combining forms: haem-,
caused by miners' inhalation of coal haemat-, -aemia •adjectives:
dust: anthracosis, pneumoconiosis haemal, haematic, sanguineous
• black hairstyle with tight braids giv- • blood cell: corpuscle •proportion
ing a geometrical scalp pattern corn- : of corpuscles in blood, or the deter-
rows • person having one white and mination of this: blood count ©red
one black parent: mulatto •person blood cell: erythrocyte ©white blood
having one white and one mulatto par- cell: leucocyte ©small lymphatic
ent: quadroon ©person of mixed leucocyte: lymphocyte ©abnormal
European and black descent: Creole leucocyte in leukaemia: lymphoblast
blackboard ©wooden frame sup- • substance colouring erythrocytes:
porting a blackboard: easel haemoglobin •colourless fluid part
of blood: plasma •disc-shaped cell
blackcurrant ©French blackcur-
fragment in blood: platelet, thrombo-
rant liqueur: cassis
cyte • amber liquid produced by co-
black magic ©Haitian black
agulating blood: serum • blood move-
magic: voodoo ©West Indies black ment round the body: circulation
magic: obeah
• denoting the heart and blood ves-
blacksmith ©blacksmith's work- sels: cardiovascular •denoting the
shop: forge, smithy
©blacksmith's brain and its blood vessels: cerebro-
metal workblock: anvil vascular • coagulated blood: clot,
bladder • combining form: cyst(o)- thrombus • inadequate supply of
• adjectives: cystic, vesical •inflam- blood: ischaemia •obstruction of
mation of the bladder: cystitis •in- the blood supply: infarction •stop-
ternal examination of the bladder: page of blood to the brain: stroke
cystoscopy • surgical cutting of the • stop blood flowing from a wound:
bladder: cystotomy •surgical oper- staunch, stem ©substance stopping
35 blood |
blood vessel

bleeding: styptic #pad applied to blood: dialysis, haemodialysis

stop bleeding: compress •point • feeding on blood: haematophagous
where an artery may be pressed • blood-sucking parasite: leech
against a bone to stop bleeding: pres- • blood relationship: kinship
sure point •periodic uterine bleed- blood clot • combining form:
ing: menstruation, period ©blood thrombo- •clotting of the blood:
substance aiding coagulation: factor thrombosis •swelling caused by
• deficiency of red cells in the blood: thrombosis: haematoma • reduced
anaemia »red cell antigen: rhesus clotting capacity of the blood: haemo-
factor •denoting blood having the philia • substance preventing blood
rhesus factor: rhesus positive •de- clots: anticoagulant •dissolution of
noting blood lacking the rhesus fac- a blood clot: thrombolysis
tor: rhesus negative •blood disease
causing proliferation of white cells:
blood pressure ©high blood pres-
sure: hypertension •high blood
leukaemia ©blood protein counter-
antigens: antibody •blood pressure in pregnancy: pre-eclampsia
• low blood pressure: hypotension
poisoning caused by bacteria: septi-
caemia, toxaemia ©blood poisoning • having normal blood pressure:
normotensive •temporary loss of
caused by pus: pyaemia •septicae-
consciousness through a fall in blood
mia caused by a retained tampon:
toxic shock syndrome •excessive pressure: syncope ©pituitary hor-
glucose in the blood: hyperglycaemia
mone tending to increase blood pres-
• insufficient glucose in the blood:
sure: vasopressin ©drug reducing
hypogiycaemia •sufficient glucose blood pressure: beta blocker ©in-
blood: normoglycaemia strument measuring blood pressure:
in the
• presence of parasites in the blood:
sphygmomanometer • inflatable

parasitaemia ©excessive accumula-

bag used with this: cuff
tion of blood: congestion ©swelling blood vessel % combining forms:
caused by collected blood: haemato- angio-, arterio-, phleb-, vaso-, ven-
cele • substantial discharge of blood: • adjective: vascular, venous •full of
haemorrhage • presence of blood in veins: venose •in or into a vein:
the urine: haematuria •determin- intravenous • network of blood ves-
ation of the number of corpuscles in a sels: circulatory system, vascular
specific volume of blood: blood count system •blood vessel running from
• blood protein transporting oxygen: the heart: artery •blood vessel run-
haemoglobin •protein found in the ning to the heart: vein •artificial
blood of a diseased person: blood vessel replacing one that is
paraprotein *• study of the blood: blocked: bypass •main artery from
haematology ©blood transfer: trans- the heart: aorta • main artery of the
fusion ©person providing blood for neck: carotid artery ©artery supply-
transfusion: donor ©store of blood ing the heart: coronary artery ©ar-
for transfusion: blood bank ©set of tery supplying the lungs: pulmonary
types of human blood that are mutu- artery • progressive hardening of the
allycompatible for transfusion: blood arteries: arteriosclerosis, athero-
group • baby with insufficient blood sclerosis • arterial obstruction by a
oxygen: blue baby ©the injection of blood clot or air bubble: embolism
oxygenated blood to enhance a • large vein returning blood to the
sportsman's performance: blood dop- heart: vena cava •vein carrying
ing ©artificial purification of the blood to the liver: portal vein •fine
blue /
boat 36

blood vessel: capillary • breakage of • horizontal boards with overlapping

capillaries below the skin: rupture, edges: weatherboarding
contusion •inflammation of vein
boarding •Continental boarding
walls: phlebitis •patchy inflamma-
house: pension • boarding establish-
tion of smaller veins: angiitis,
ment for cats: cattery •boarding es-
vasculitis ©swollen vein in the legs: tablishment for dogs: kennels
varicose vein • varicose veins on the
spermatic cord: varicocele •treat- boat ••floating platform: raft •boat

ment of varicose veins by injections to hollowed out of a log: dugout •flat-

harden their walls: sclerotherapy bottomed square-ended boat: punt
• swollen veins in the anus: haemor- • flat-bottomed boat supporting a
bridge: pontoon • small sailing boat:
rhoids, piles •narrowing of blood
vessels: vasoconstriction • widening
dinghy •light fast boat: yacht ©Ma-
layan sailing boat: proa • small oared
of blood vessels: vasodilation •drug
boat used in the Far East: sampan
narrowing blood vessels: vasocon-
• light rowing boat for one person:
strictor ©drug widening blood ves-
scull, skiff •traditional Nile boat:
sels: vasodilator ©causing the con-
felucca •small boat carried on a
striction or dilatation of blood vessels:
ship: cutter, jolly boat ©large boat
vasomotor • throb of an artery as
carried on a ship: longboat ©small
blood passes: pulse ©place where ar-
boat plying between a ship and the
terial bleeding may be stopped by
shore: tender ©boat conveying
pressure: pressure point •medical
sailors on shore leave: liberty boat
puncturing of a vein: venepuncture
• large motor boat: launch •motor
• surgical opening of a vein: phlebot- boat with living accommodation:
omy, venesection • X-ray examin- cabin cruiser, houseboat ©fast
ation of a vein: angiography, motor boat designed to skim over the
venography water: hydroplane ©fast motor boat
blue • combining form: cyano- • ad- with a vaned hull: hydrofoil ©rescue
jectives: azure, cyanic •brilliant boat: lifeboat ©fast coastal patrol
light blue: electric blue ©dark blue: boat: cutter• small naval patrol boat:
royal blue ©yet darker blue: navy vedette • small powerful boat towing
blue •brilliant deep blue: ultramar- ships: tug •inshore fishing boat:
ine • blue-tinged skin due to poor cir-
smack •fishing boat using nets:
trawler •unpowered boat used to un-
culation: cyanosis
load ships: barge, lighter •flat-
blunder • social blunder: gaffe, faux bottomed boat carrying freight on in-
pas •blunder in speaking: slip of land waterways: barge ©boat plying
the tongue, lapsus linguae to and fro across a stretch of water:

blush • adjective: erubescent •cos- ferry ©pleasure boat on the Seine at

Paris: bateau mouche ©anchored
metic reddening the cheeks: blusher
boat marking the course of a race:
board • board made of thin layers of stake boat ©light racing boat: shell
wood with alternating grain: plywood • round wickerwork boat: coracle
• board made of plaster set between • small pedal-operated pleasure boat:
paper: plasterboard ©board made of pedalo ©boat with one hull: mono-
layers of glued paper: pasteboard hull ©boat with parallel twin hulls:
• strong pasteboard used in book catamaran • boat with three parallel
covers: millboard • board with a net- hulls: trimaran •boat's secondary
work of small holes: peg board hull: outrigger ©boat's stabilizing
37 body body

float: outrigger •boat with a vaned other information: messenger •di-

hull: hydrofoil •protective strip gestive passage through the body: ali-
along a boat's side: rubbing strake mentary canal • cavity behind the
• denoting a deckless boat: open nose and mouth: pharynx •main
• space at the bow or stern of an open part of the body without head or
boat: sheets ©flat surface forming a limbs: torso, trunk ©tube from
boat's stern: transom •unmoor a mouth to stomach: gullet, oesopha-
boat: cast off »(of an open boat) re- gus ©tube from the throat to the
ceive water over the gunwales: ship lungs: trachea, windpipe •inflam-
water, ship a sea ©scoop water out mation of the trachea: tracheitis
of a boat: bail • group of boats: flotilla • part of the body between neck and
• boat's side above water: freeboard abdomen: thorax «area between the
• top of this: gunwale • boat's con- breasts: cleavage •bodily organs
tinuous line of planking: strake used in breathing: respiratory tract
• sailing boat's liftable keel: centre- • muscular partition between thorax
board, daggerboard «keel block to and abdomen: diaphragm ©part of
take the mast: step •vertically the body between the thorax and
hinged flap for steering: rudder groin: abdomen ©depression in the
• horizontal bar fixed to the top of the belly: navel • organs of the main bod-
rudder: tiller •boat's rudder socket: ily cavities: viscera ©organ produ-
gudgeon • rudder pin: pintle cing chemicals for bodily use: gland
• boat's bow rope: painter •boat's • regulatory substance produced by
steersman: cox, coxswain, helm, glands: hormone ©supposed regula-
helmsman •boat's sudden change of tory system for the metabolism: bio-
course: sheer • boat race on a course logical clock, body clock ©tube
round obstacles: slalom ©secure a from stomach to anus: intestine
boat to an anchor or land: moor • side between the ribs and hip: flank,
• wedge supporting a beached boat: loin •front between chest and waist:
chock • depth of water needed by a midriff • membrane lining the abdo-
boat: draught • passable by ships and men: peritoneum •inflammation of
boats: navigable >see also ship, sail- this: peritonitis «duct conducting
ing urine from the kidney to the bladder:
body •combining forms: somat-, ureter ©duct conveying urine out
-some (e.g. chromosome) • adjec- from the bladder: urethra •inflam-
tives: corporal, corporeal, personal, mation of the urethra: urethritis
somatic ©permanently damage a • lower abdominal area: groin «area
body part: maim »body opening: me- between the top of the legs: crotch,
atus, orifice • body's chemical pro- crutch ©final opening of the intes-
cesses: metabolism •pliable body tine: anus ©area between the anus
partition or lining: membrane, sep- and scrotum or vulva: perineum
tum • denoting this: parietal • lower part of the abdomen: pubes
• baglike bodily membrane: sac • tissue covering the pubic bone:
• outer membrane enveloping the mons pubis, mons Veneris ©strong
brain and spinal cord: dura, dura elastic connective tissue: cartilage
mater • inner membrane enveloping • hormone oxidizing body sugar: insu-
the brain and spinal cord: pia, pia lin ©body sac containing liquid: cyst
mater • nerve tissues controlling the • disease's chief bodily location: focus
body: central nervous system • bod- • swollen, hot, and painful bodily
ily substance conveying a stimulus or state: inflammation •exceptionally
sensitive bodily state: irritability tainer who twists his or her body into
• colourless tissue fluid: lymph
•ex- abnormal positions: contortionist
cess of fluid in the body: dropsy, oe- • elegant bodily movements: deport-
dema • excessive discharge of fluids: ment • bodily position: posture
flux •insufficient fluid in the body: • bodily movements or posture taken
dehydration •inability to control to indicate thoughts and feelings:
bodily functions: incontinence body language ©awareness of the
• blockage of a bodily passage: ob- body's position: kinaesthesia ©ex-
struction • excessively low body tem- cessive bodily sensitivity: erethism
perature: hypothermia •denoting • form and development of the body:
creatures maintaining constant
a physique ©body type: somatotype
body temperature: warm-blooded • person with a lean and delicate
• denoting creatures whose body tem- body: ectomorph ©person with a
perature varies with that of their compact and muscular body: meso-
surroundings: cold-blooded •pro- morph ©person with a plump body:
duction and discharge of substances endomorph ©non-reproductive bod-
by a bodily organ: secretion •bodily ily characteristics manifested at
organ secreting chemicals: gland puberty: secondary sexual charac-
teristics ©tissue etc. inserted into
• slipping down or forward of a bodily
the body by surgery: implant ©arti-
organ: prolapse • wasting away of an
ficial body part: prosthesis ©violent
organ or tissue: dystrophy •un-
and uncontrollable body movement:
wanted air in body tissue: emphy-
convulsion ©body's incapacity for
sema • damaged body area: lesion
self-movement: paralysis ©localized
• small bodily swelling: nodule
death and decay of bodily tissue: gan-
• general bodily swelling: dropsy, oe-
grene, necrosis ©dead body: corpse
dema • bursting of an organ or tis-
• rebirth in another body: reincarna-
sue: rupture •listening to bodily
tion • lacking a physical body: dis-
sounds with a stethoscope: ausculta-
carnate, disincarnate
tion ©study of the body by dissec-
tion: anatomy •machine examining boil ©purify by boiling off: distil

the body by radiation, ultrasound,

• immerse briefly in boiling water:
etc.: scanner •medical imaging of scald
bodily organs or tissue: magnetic res- boil 2 •formation of pus in a boil:

onance imaging •X-raying a section maturation ©cut a boil: lance

through the body: tomography, com- bolt ©large bolt with a rounded
puterized axial tomography •sub- head: coach bolt ©piece of metal
stance whose course through the body with an internal thread to receive a
may be monitored: tracer • examine bolt: nut
the body by touch: palpate • diagnos- bomb ©bomb or its casing: shell
tic tapping of the body: percussion • hand-thrown bomb: grenade
• clinical measurement of bodily func- • crude hand-thrown petrol bomb:
tions as indication of continued life: Molotov cocktail •bomb containing
vital signs «use of electric currents jellied petrol: napalm bomb •bomb
to heat the body's inner organs: dia- hidden under earth or water and ex-
thermy • rubbing the body to relieve ploding on contact: mine •bomb ex-
pain etc.: massage ©person skilled ploding at a fixed depth under water:
at this: masseur (fern, masseuse) depth charge •bomb travelling
• physical treatment of bodily injuries under its own power or remote-
or deformity: physiotherapy •enter- controlled: missile •denoting a
bone book|

bomb equipped to find its target: hom- covering the knee joint: kneecap, pa-
ing • bomb releasing projectiles on tella ©bones of the lower leg: fibuSa,
impact: cluster bomb •bomb explod- shin, shinbone, tibia ©ankle bones:
ing into fragments: fragmentation tarsus ©foot bones: metatarsus
bomb ©these fragments: shrapnel • turn into bone: ossify •soft sub-
• denoting a bomb causing fires: in- stance in bone cavities: marrow
cendiary • denoting a bomb destroy- • opening in a bone: foramen •joint
ing living beings rather than struc- between bones: commissure •close
tures: anti-personnel •artillery and joint between bones: symphysis •fu-
bombs: ordnance •bomb detonator: sion of bones in a joint: ankylosis
fuse • prepare a bomb by activating • rigid seamlike junction between
its fuse: arm, prime ©peg deactivat- bones: suture ©cord connecting a
ing a hand grenade: pin ©bomb an muscle to a bone: sinew, tendon
area intensively: carpet-bomb • de- • bone decay: caries •bone soften-
fusing or removal of unexploded ing: osteomalacia • break or crack
bombs: bomb disposal • defuse a in a bone: fracture ©arrange the
bomb: disarm ©fierce fire caused by parts of a broken bone: set ©(of
bombs: firestorm >see also nuclear broken bones) re-fuse: knit ©rigid
weapon support for a broken bone: splint
bone • combining fqrms: oss(i), • steel rod rejoining fractured bones:
osteo- •adjectives: osseous, osteal pin ©bone brittleness: osteoporosis
• bone-formation: osteogenesis • bone inflammation: osteitis ©bone
• set of bones supporting a body: skel- cancer: osteosarcoma • degener-
eton ©head bones: skull •principal ation of bone and cartilage in joints:
bone of the upper arm: humerus osteoarthritis ©death of bone tissue:
• principal bones of the lower arm: osteonecrosis ©medical treatment
radius, ulna •wrist bones: carpus of bone and muscle deformities:
• hand bones: metacarpus ©bone orthopaedics ©therapeutic manipu-
connecting the breastbone and lation of bones and muscles: osteop-
shoulderblade: collarbone, clavicle athy ©bone-house: charnel house,
• flat bone protecting the upper chest: ossuary
breastbone, sternum ©curved bone
bone marrow •adjective: myeloid
protecting the lower chest: rib • set of
• inflammation of the bone marrow:
these: ribcage •interlocking set
osteomyelitis ©malignant tumour of
of bones from the skull to the small of
the bone marrow: myeloma
the back: backbone, spine, spinal
column, vertebral column «one of book •combining form: biblio-
these bones: vertebra {pi. vertebrae) • book made as a continuous roll:

• flat bone in the upper back: scroll • ancient hand-written book:

shoulderblade, scapula • bones at codex {pi. codices) • early printed
the base of the spinal column: sac- book: incunabulum {pi. incunabula)
rum, coccyx ©bony structure to • strong cloth book for young chil-
which the legs are attached: pelvis dren: rag book •account-book:
• projection of this below the waist: ledger •account-book for the cur-
hip ©triangular bone forming the rent day's transactions: daybook,
back of the pelvis: sacrum ©penis journal •account-book for minor
bone in certain mammals: baculum, transactions: cash book ©ship's re-
os penis ©principal bone of the cord book: journal, log • book listing
upper leg: thighbone, femur ©bone property-holdings in 1086: Domesday
book book

Book • denoting a book with remov- grangerize •insert blank pages be-
able pages: loose-leaf •publicity tween the printed ones: interleave
booklet: brochure, prospectus •in- • short introduction to a book: fore-
struction book: handbook, manual word • list of chapters etc. in a book:
• student's book giving instruction in contents •list of errors found in a
a subject: coursebook, textbook, book: corrigenda, errata • list of con-
workbook •elementary textbook: tributors to a book: acknowledge-
primer ©book giving systematic in- ments, credits •book's abbreviated
formation: companion, compen- title: short title •book's section title:
dium, encyclopedia, handbook half-title©page headline: running
• book intended for consultation on head • short quotation at the start of
specific topics, not discursive reading: a book or chapter: epigraph •sum-
reference book ©book for constant mary of a book's contents: abstract,
reference, giving immediate guidance: epitome, synopsis • separate sec-
companion, vade mecum • book's tion of a book, dealing with a point of
treatment of a topic: coverage • book detail: excursus ©book's final
containing a collection of writings summing-up: conclusion • closing
etc.: anthology, collectanea, com- section of a book: epilogue ©extra
monplace book, florilegium, miscel- section added at the end of a book: ap-
lany, omnibus ©book describing dif- pendix • small dictionary at the back
ferent kinds of animals: bestiary of a book: glossary, vocabulary
• book compiled to honour a scholar: • extra page(s) replacing a defective
Festschrift ©book listing a region's section: cancel •drawn illustration
animals: fauna •book listing events in a book: figure • photograph repro-
etc. of the current or preceding year: duced in a book: plate ©blank page
yearbook •book with samples of at the start or end of a book: flyleaf
good handwriting: copybook •book • large fold-out page: gatefold
listing herbs: herbal • large lavishly- • count a book's pages: paginate
illustrated book: coffee-table book • piece of paper with a page printed
• book giving the rules of a language: on each side: folio, leaf ©count a
grammar •book recording livestock book's leaves: foliate ©book com-
pedigrees: herd book ©Mass book: posed of sheets folded once: folio
missal ©book listing names and ad- ©book composed of sheets folded
dresses: directory ©book of psalms: twice:quarto ©book composed of
psalter • book of sermons: homiliary sheets folded three times: octavo
• list of books: bibliography •list of • right-hand page of an open book:
books regarded as correctly attributed recto •left-hand page of an open
to an author, or as classics: canon book: verso • decorative paper inside
• book's page-size and layout: format the covers: endpaper *part of this
• white space created by a book's attached to the cover: paste-down
inner margins: gutter »part of a • list of a book's printing errors: er-
book preceding the main text: front rata • part of a book published separ-
matter • pictures in a book: illustra- ately: fascicle,
instalment, offprint,
tions, plates • drawn material in a preprint ©inserted slip bearing the
book: graphics •illustration facing owner's name: bookplate, ex libris
the title page: frontispiece •small • note in a library book showing
decorative design at the end of a chap- where it is shelved: shelf mark
ter etc.: tailpiece •illustrate a book • preparation and public sale of a
with material taken from others: book: publishing • details of a book's
41 bookbinding |
bow and arrows

printer and publisher: imprint, colo- boredom ©listless boredom: ennui

phon • denoting a book with worn • bored through lack of variety: stale
pages: dog-eared •denoting a book • tedious period: longueur ©lengthy
with discoloured pages: foxed •book and boring: long-winded ©become
stand: lectern •support for a row of boring: pall
books: bookend ©production of born ©born in wedlock: legitimate
machine-readable books: electronic • born out of wedlock: bastard, illegit-
publishing •book-collector: biblio- imate, natural
phile • passionate enthusiasm for
borough • adjective: municipal
collecting books: bibliomania •itin-
• chairperson of a borough council:
erant bookseller: colporteur •porno-
graphic books: curiosa, erotica >see
also publishing
both • combining forms: ambi-,
amphi-, bi- {e.g. biconcave) ©able to
bookbinding • glued unsewn bind- use both hands equally well:
ing: perfect binding •binding hav- ambidexterous ©able to live or oper-
ing the spine in a different material ate on both land and water: amphibi-
from the rest: quarter binding •fine ous
goatskin for bindings: morocco
bottle ©small cylindrical bottle:
• sheepskin used as a substitute for
phial ©pocket-sized bottle: flask
morocco: roan •calfskin impreg-
• unmarked bottle for serving wine or
nated with birchbark oil: Russia lea-
water: carafe, decanter ©large bottle
ther • binding in limp leather which
protected by a frame: carboy ©large
overhangs the pages: yapp • strong
bottle for home winemaking etc.:
pasteboard used in book covers: mill-
demijohn ©double-sized wine bottle:
board • part of a binding into which
magnum ©wine bottle 4 times the
the pages are fixed: spine •emboss-
normal size:jeroboam ©wine bottle
ing of a book cover: stamping, tooling
6 times the normal size: rehoboam
• embossing of a book cover without a
• wine bottle 8 times the normal size:
coloured inlay: blind stamping, blind
methuselah •wine bottle 12 times
tooling ©book's paper cover: dust
the normal size: Salmanazar ©wine
jacket, dust-wrapper, jacket, wrap-
bottle 16 times the normal size:
balthazar ©wine bottle 20 times the
bookmaker ©bookmakers' signal- normal size: nebuchadnezzar ©very
ling system: tic-tac ©bookmaker's small bottle of spirits: miniature
assistant: runner • metal bottle cap with a crimped
edge: crown cap, crown cork
boot ©high waterproof boot: wader
• spiked plate, for a climber's boot: boundary •limiting boundary: par-
crampon ©heavy nail strengthening ameter • boundary line: perimeter
a sole: hobnail • small projection to a • assert territorial boundaries: beat
sole, giving improved grip: stud the bounds, perambulate

border •borderland between Eng- bow •traditional Muslim bow of

land and Wales or Scotland: marches greeting: salaam •former Chinese
• sharing a border: conterminous, bow of greeting: kowtow
contiguous ©having the same bor- bow and arrows • skill or sport of
ders: coterminous ©border post for shooting with these: archery ©large
passport and customs control: check- bow drawn by hand: longbow
point ©earthwork marking a border: • bow's string notch: nock • powerful
dyke bow on a wooden frame: crossbow
b owef brain

• missile shot by this: bolt • arrow ing a boxer knocked unconscious: out
notch: nock ©shaped like a bow: ar- • time allowed for a fallen boxer to get
cuate up: count ©knock down a boxer for a,
count of ten: knock out • denoting a^
bowel •difficulty in emptying the
boxer so knocked down: out for the,,
bowels: constipation •flushing out
count • victory awarded because the
of the lower bowel: colonic irrigation,
opponent is unfit to continue: tech-
enema ©stress-related bowel pain: ir-
nical knockout •complete a bout: go.
ritable bowel syndrome •remove
the 'distance ©boxer's deformed ear: s
the bowels: disembowel, eviscerate
cauliflower ear ©ornate belt as,
*see also intestine
championship prize: Lonsdale belt;
bowl •crushing
bowl: mortar • practice boxing, with light blows: t

• church holy-water bowl: stoup sparring ©suspended stuffed bag for^

bowls •large black ball used in boxing practice: punchbag ©sus-:
bowls: wood ©small white ball used pended stuffed ball for boxing prac- \

in bowls: jack • session of play in one tice: punchball j

direction: end ©captain of a bowls boy ©boy singing in a church choir:

team: skip ©kind of bowling green chorister • winged boy portrayed in ?

that rises towards the middle: crown Renaissance paintings: amoretto, -

green ©section of a green used for a cherub, putto

match: rink ©uneven ground making
a bowl change course: rub ©French brain •combining form: cerebro-, j

bowls: boules, petanque encephalo- • adjective: cerebral, en-

cephalic ©half of the brain: hemi-
box ©large metal box of a standard
sphere • brain area concerned with
design: container ©large light
a specific activity: centre ©front part i

wooden box: tea chest ©small orna- of the brain, controlling memory and
mental box: casket ©box for a set of thought: cerebrum, forebrain, pros-
cutlery: canteen ©insulated food-
encephalon ©section of this: lobe
box: cool box ©light circular hatbox:
• denoting the foremost part of the
bandbox ©open-ended box for
frontal lobe: prefrontal •brain area
papers: pigeon-hole ©box forsewing
coordinating muscles: cerebellum
materials: workbox
• outer layer covering the brain: cor-
boxing ©boxing match: bout ©pro- tex • membrane covering the brain
gramme of bouts: bill ©a bill's sup- and spinal cord: meninx {pi. menin-
porting bouts: undercard ©standard ges) • inflammation of the meninges:
boxing rules: Queenberry Rules meningitis ©outer membrane envel-
• boxing shorts: trunks • boxer's at- oping the brain and spinal cord: dura,
tendant: cornerman, second dura mater ©inner membrane envel-
• boxer's official weighing before a oping the brain and spinal cord: pia,
bout: weigh-in • boxer's defensive pia mater ©brain and spinal cord:
posture: guard • pretended blow: central nervous system ©denoting
feint • blow made with a bent elbow: the brain and spine: cerebrospinal
hook • upwards blow made with a • inflammation of the brain and
bent elbow: uppercut •blows with al- spinal cord: encephalomyelitis
ternate fists: one-two •grappling at • nerve transmitting signals from the
close quarters: clinch •time allowed eye to the brain: optic nerve • nerve
for a standing boxer to collect himself: transmitting signals from the ear to
standing count •denoting a boxer the brain: auditory nerve •denoting
knocked to the floor: down •denot- the brain and its blood vessels: cere-
43 brake j

brovascular • stoppage of blood to brass: verdigris ©person working

the brain: stroke •arterial bleeding with brass: brazier +see also monu-
into brain tissues: cerebral haemor- mental brass
rhage • inflammation of the brain: brassiere ©brassiere giving firm
encephalitis •syphilitic inflamma-
support for active pursuits: sports
tion of the brain: paresis • brain dis-
bra ©part of a brassiere supporting
order with sudden loss of conscious-
one breast: cup
ness or epilepsy
• inability to express orunderstand bread ©dry bread: hardtack
speech due to brain damage: aphasia • bread baked twice: rusk ©bread
• impaired muscular coordination aerated by soda: soda bread ©very
due to brain damage: cerebral palsy small loaf of bread: roll • ring-shaped
• person suffering from cerebral bread roll: bagel •small thin bread
palsy: spastic ©persistent impair- roll: bridge roll •light sweet bread
ment of reasoning or memory due to roll: brioche ©flat bread roll for
brain disease or injury: dementia toasting: muffin ©flat hollow unleav-
• fluid accumulation in the brain: ened bread: pitta • large loaf with di-
hydrocephalus ©disease which in- agonal slashes on a rounded top:
directly affects the brain: encephal- bloomer ©loaf made of two round
opathy ©surgical cutting of the lumps of dough, the smaller on top:
brain's white nerve fibres: leucotomy, cottage loaf • brown loaf with whole
lobotomy, stereotaxis •brain sur- wheatgrains: granary loaf •small
gery to treat mental illness: psycho- piece of fried or toasted bread: crou-
surgery • supposed memory trace in ton • small piece of bread to dip into
the brain: engram ©electrical activ- sauce etc.: sippet ©slice of bread:
ity of a relaxed brain: alpha rhythm
round ©slice of bread soaked in egg
• electrical activity of an alert brain: and fried: French toast ©long nar-
beta rhythm • record of the brain's row French loaf: baguette, French
electrical activity: electroencephalo- loaf, French stick ©German rye
gram • computer system modelled on bread: pumpernickel ©Italian aer-
the human brain: neural net, neural
ated bread made with olive oil: cia-
network •computer model of the
batta ©thin Italian breadsticks: gris-
brain's ability to recognize and dis-
sini • toasted Italian bread drenched
criminate: perceptron
in olive oil: bruschetta ©mixture of
brake • broad cylinder attached to a flour and liquid for breadmaking:
braked wheel: brake drum ©curved dough
block pressing against the drum:
brake shoe ©thin block pressing
break ©sudden and complete break:
against a disc brake: brake pad
rupture ©break off through struc
tural strain: shear ©broken piece of
• hard material attached to the shoe
pottery, glass, etc.: shard
or pad: brake lining •denoting a hy-
draulically enhanced braking system: breakfast ©light breakfast: contin-
power-assisted ental breakfast ©substantial break-
branch •adjective: ramose • local fast including hot food: English
branch of certain trade unions: breakfast • breakfast and lunch com-
chapel bined: brunch

brass •inscribed brass plate in a breast •combining form: mast-

church etc.: monumental brass • adjectives: mammary, mamillary,
• greenish surface colour of oxidized pectoral • small pinkish projection

bre atfi |
bridge 44

from a breast: nipple •hollow be- closely related stock: inbreed ©popu-
tween the breasts: cleavage •breast- lation improvement by controlled
bone: sternum • inflammation of the breeding: eugenics
breast: mastitis •enlargement of a bribe ©willing to take bribes: cor-
man's breasts: gynaecomastia rupt, venal ©refusing bribes: incor-
• X-ray location of breast tumours: ruptible • payments made to an influ-
mammography • surgical removal of ential person to promote a product or
a breast lump: lumpectomy ©surgi- interest: payola •bribe someone to
cal removal of a breast: mastectomy commit an unlawful act: suborn
• chemical polymer used in breast im-
brick • bricks made from sun-dried
plants: silicone • leaving the breasts
uncovered: topless •baglike mam-
clay: adobe •brick made from cin-
ders: breeze block •heat-resistant
mary gland of cattle etc.: udder
brick: firebrick ©brick suitable for
breath •combining form: spiro- exposure to view in the finished build-
• adjective: respiratory ©process of ing: face brick ©brick-making mix-
breathing: respiration • single in- ture: loam, pug ©furnace for bricks:
take of breath: draught ©breathing kiln ©bake bricks in a kiln: fire
in: inhalation, inspiration •breath- • stack of bricks for firing: hack • de-
ing out: exhalation, exspiration noting bricks not yet fired: un burnt
• excessively fast breathing: hyper- • brick laid at right angles to a wall:
ventilation ©excessively slow breath- header •brick laid parallel to a wall:
ing: hypoventilation ©breath needed stretcher •built row of bricks: i

for physical exertion: wind ©take course ©horizontal decorative band

short quick breaths: pant ©difficulty of bricks: string course ©brickwork
in breathing: dyspnoea ©difficulty in a timber frame: nogging • piece of
in breathing due to constriction of the brick used as a missile: brickbat • ce-
bronchi: asthma ©easily becoming ment or mortar filling the joints in,,
breathless: short-winded • breath- brickwork: pointing ©builder's
lessness caused by enlargement of the brick-carrier: hod ©appearance of]
air sacs of the lungs: emphysema crystallized salts on brickwork: ef-'
• denoting breathing that is noisy and florescence
laboured: stertorous • breathe with
bridge ©many-arched bridge
a whistling sound: wheeze •office
carrying a road or railway: viaduct'
workers' headaches and respiratory
• many-arched bridge carrying a river'
problems, thought to be caused by
or canal: aqueduct • bridge rising 1

poor ventilation: sick building syn-

steeply to its centre: humpback
drome «bad breath: halitosis • tem-
bridge • bridge supported by cables:
porary cessation in breathing: ap-
suspension bridge • bridge for ped-
noea • bodily organs used in
estrians: footbridge •raised pas-
breathing: respiratory system, re-
sageway between buildings: walkway
spiratory tract •instrument record-
• bridge that may be erected quickly
ing breathing movements: spirograph
from prefabricated parts: Bailey
• mechanical or manual restoration of
bridge ©bridge with a raisable sec-
a person's breathing: artificial respir-
tion: bascule, bascule bridge ©rais-
ation • machine providing prolonged
able bridge at a castle entrance: draw-
artificial respiration: iron lung, res-
bridge ©arch of a bridge between its
supports: span ©supporting frame-
breed • breed two species together: work for a bridge: truss • floating ob-
cross-breed, hybridize ©breed from ject used to support a bridge: pontoon
45 bristle |

• pile set upstream of a bridge to pro- sponse: pilot ©set of related broad-
tect it from floating objects: starling casts: series, serial • serial about or-
bristle •adjective: setaceous dinary people: soap opera
• hedgehog's bristles: spines
• broadcast containing several epi-
sodes of a serial: omnibus •broad-
broad • combining form: piaty- {e.g.
cast advertisement: commercial
• broadcasting to a small or selected
broadcast • simultaneous broad- audience: narrowcasting •broadcast
cast of a programme on radio and tele- programme featuring phone-calls
vision: simulcast •television broad- made to the presenter: phone-in
cast: screening news
•broadcast • type of broadcasting featuring
report: news newscast
bulletin, phone-ins and topical discussions:
• person reading such a report: news- talk radio, talk show • broadcast pro-
caster • denoting broadcasting re- gramme in which celebrities are
ceiving no state funding: independent interviewed informally: chat show
• denoting broadcasting funded by ad- • time at which broadcasting attracts
vertisements: commercial •room the greatest audiences: prime time
equipped for broadcasting: studio • broadcast news reporter: journalist,
• broadcasting equipment: transmit- correspondent •organization sup-
ter • frequencies used by a broadcast- plying news stories: news agency
ing station: channel •denoting an • unscheduled broadcast of important
unauthorized broadcasting station: news: newsflash ©end of a day's
pirate ©adjust a receiver to receive a
broadcasting: close-down • person
particular station: tune .•immediate
employed to listen in to foreign broad-
rebroadcast of incoming signals: relay casts: monitor
• deliberate generation of interference
to render a broadcast unintelligible:
bronze •combining form: chalco-
jamming ©broadcast sound covering {e.g. chalcolithic)•oxide film on
a censored word: bleep • denoting bronze: patina, verdigris
broadcasting without the use of satel- brother •combining forms: f rater-,
lites: terrestrial • text of a broadcast: fratri- •adjective: fraternal
script • music associated with a par- • brother sharing only one parent:
ticular programme or broadcaster: half-brother • religious brotherhood:
signature tune ©list of recordings fraternity •killing one's brother:
broadcast on a radio programme: fratricide
playlist • selection and scheduling of
broadcasts: programming ©esti-
brown • greyish brown: dun •light
yellowish brown: fawn ©reddish
mated audience of a particular broad-
brown seen in old photographs:
cast: rating ©time devoted to a par-
ticular type *of broadcast: airtime
• spoken linkage between broadcast Buddhist ©Buddhist religious
items: continuity •broadcaster pro- teacher: bonze ©Buddhist scrip-
viding continuity between a number tures: Tripitaka, sutra ©Buddhist
of contributors: anchorman, linkman mystical text: tantra ©Buddhist con-
• out-of-studio setting for a broadcast: cept of universal law: dharma ©Bud-
location • description of a broadcast dhist policy of non-violence toward all
event: commentary, voice-over •de- living things: ahimsa
©central Bud-
noting broadcasts transmitted at the dhist beliefs: four
noble truths
time of occurrence: live ©sample • Buddhist tradition emphasizing self-
broadcast made to assess audience re- salvation: Theravada • Buddhist
builder I
building 46

tradition emphasizing mutual salva- folly •sham cave mouth: grotto

tion: Mahayana •final goal of Bud- • denoting a building not joined to
dhist spiritual progress: nirvana any other: detached, freestanding
• way of life leading to nirvana: eight- • denoting a building joined on one
fold path, Middle Way ©Buddhist's side only: semi-detached •denoting
personal fate: karma • degree of spir- a building joined at the ground floor
itual insight freeingfrom the cycle of only: link detached •denoting a
rebirth: enlightenment • Buddhist building with few internal divisions:
state of supreme happiness: ananda open,-plan • denoting a building hav-
• word repeated in Buddhist medita- ing some rooms higher than others by
tion: mantra ©disk symbolizing the lessthan a storey: split-level • denot-
universe: mandala • Buddhist tower
ing a building having four pillars:
temple: pagoda • domed Buddhist tetrastyle •denoting a poorly con-
shrine: stupa • Buddhist monastic
structed building: jerry-built ©base
order: sangha • Japanese Buddhism,
of a building: foundation, footings
emphasizing meditation: Zen • Jap-
• side of a building: elevation, facade,
anese Buddhist festival of the dead:
front, frontage • drawing or diagram
Bon • Tibetan Buddhism: Lamaism
of this: elevation • building's princi-
• Tibetan Buddhist shrine: chorten
pal facade: frontispiece •projecting
• leader of Tibetan Buddhists: Dalai
part of a building: wing •external
Lama • Tibetan Buddhist monk:
angle of a building: quoin •project
lama + see also Tibet
beyond a building's lower part:
builder ©designer of buildings: oversail •denoting a timber-framed
architect •construction labourer: building: half-timbered ©part of a
navvy • builder in stone: mason, building made with stone: stonework
stonemason •builder in brick: • part of a building made with brick:
bricklayer • builder in wood: carpen- brickwork ©part of a building made
ter • glass-fitter: glazier •pipework- with wood: woodwork ©large open
installer: plumber •builder special- area before or within a building: con-
izing in high work: steeplejack, course • open area before a building:
spiderman • person minding a build- forecourt • open area at the centre of
ing or site overnight: nightwatchman a building: atrium, court, courtyard,
• builder undertaking a whole project: well ©area where visitors are dealt
contractor • builder undertaking with: reception • large oblong hall
part of the project for the contractor:
with interior colonnades: basilica
subcontractor •builder's V-shaped • vertical shaft for a staircase: stair-
brick trough: hod well • roofed exterior platform at
building • adjectives: architectural, ground level: veranda •this at a
tectonic •buildings and their equip- higher level: balcony •floor of a
ment regarded as an investment: building: storey •person who de-
plant • building of historical import- signs buildings and supervises their
ance: monument •round domed construction: architect •erection of
building: rotunda ©very tall build- buildings: development •replace-
ing: high-rise, skyscraper •squalid ment of existing buildings: redevelop-
or decrepit building: slum • detached ment • denoting a building site with
subsidiary building: outbuilding, out- no previous development: greenfield
house • group of buildings: complex • denoting a
previously developed
• buildings erected to fill space be- building brownfield
site: ©area
tween others: infill •sham building: where development is forbidden: con-
47 building |

servation area, green belt •adapta- • large open container for building
tion of a building to new uses: conver- debris: skip ©structural subsidence:
sion • declare a building unfit for settlement ©completely destroy a
use: condemn • unlawful occupation building: raze ©structure of an un-
of a building: squatting •walls, roof, finished or gutted building: shell
and floor of a building: fabric • fragments of a collapsed or demol-
• standardized building unit: module ished building: rubble >see also
• plate strengthening a beam or joint: architecture, beam, roof, wall, win-
fish •beam supporting a floor: joist dow
• built support for an arch or bridge: building materials • stiff clay:
pier •narrow area under a floor or pise ©crushed stone and gravel: ag-
roof, giving access to wiring or plumb- gregate ©lime and clay mixture: ce-
ing: crawl space •channel within a ment ©lime and cement mixture:
building's walls for ventilation, mortar ©thin mortar: grout ©ce-
cables, etc.: duct, trunking •direc- ment, sand, and gravel mixture: con-
tion faced by a building's windows: crete >see also brick, cement
exposure • smooth surfaces of build- building society ©denoting a
ing stone: dress •strip of material building society distributing its
covering adjoining surfaces: fillet,
profits amongst its members: mutual
flashing, launching • waterproof • restructure a building society as a
filler:mastic ©vertical layer of ce- public company: demutualize
ment: perpend ©levelled layer of
bulge •adjectives: bulbous, tumes-
floor cement: screed • concrete layer
under a building: oversite, raft •re-
inforce a building by assuring or im- bull • adjective: taurine •astro-
proving the strength of its founda- logical term: taurus «stab with the
tions: underpin ©planking horns: gore ©Spanish bullfighter
supporting setting concrete: shutter- killing the bull: matador ©Spanish
ing • framework suspended by ropes, bullfighter on foot: torero ©Spanish

for working on the exterior of a high mounted bullfighter: toreador

building: cradle •builders' frame- • matador's mounted assistant: pica-
work of planks and poles: scaffolding dor • bullfighter's decorated dart:
• raised walkway on this: catwalk
• building's intrinsic weight: dead bullet • plastic or rubber bullet used
load • weight of people or goods in a in riot control: baton round •bullet
building: live load •allowance or expanding on impact: dumdum
charge made for a building's wear and • bullet emitting smoke etc. so that its
tear: dilapidations ©area devoted to course may be traced: tracer • diam-
buildings of a particular kind: estate eter of a bullet: calibre ©groove
• technical inspection of a building: round the cylindrical part of a bullet:
survey ©property in buildings and canellure ©bullet's rebound: rico-
land: real property, realty ©building chet ©explosive firing bullets: pro-
with its land and appurtenances: pre- pellant
mises, property ©denoting a build- bun ©fruit bun eaten toasted and
ing of certified architectural import- buttered: teacake ©iced yeast bun
ance: listed, scheduled ©control of with currants: Bath bun ©flat bun
building development: planning, town sprinkled with sugar: Chelsea bun
planning ©building along the sides • bun eaten on Good Friday: hot
of a road: ribbon development cross bun
bunch businessman
! 48

bunch • bunch of bananas: hand overhead power lines: trolley, trolley

• bunch of fruit: truss wheel • person taking fares on a bus:
bundle •adjectives: fascicular, fas-
conductor {fern, conductress)
ciculate • wrapped or bound bundle: business •business owned by its
bale •bundle of cloth or papers: employees: cooperative ©business
wad not under state management: private
burden • adjective: onerous •un- enterprise ©business's established
reasonable burden: imposition reputation: goodwill ©denoting a
business demanding large capital in-
burglar • burglar's crowbar: jemmy vestment: capital-intensive ©denot-
• burglar climbing the outside of a ing a business needing a large labour
building: cat burglar
force: labour intensive ©transfer a
burial • adjectives: funerary, sepul- business to state management: nation-
chral • preparation of a corpse for alize ©free business from govern-
burial: last offices, laying out ment controls: deregulate ©region
• burial with appropriate rites: inter- offering government incentives to in-
ment • chamber used for burials: coming businesses: development
vault • ancient stone burial chamber: area, enterprise zone ©enter new
cist • burial of the dead as a cultural areas of business: diversify ©item of
phenomenon: inhumation tsee also business: transaction ©routine busi-
tomb ness matters: administration ©per-
son setting up a business: entrepre-
burn ©start burning: kindle
neur ©number of persons employed
• blacken by burning: char ©burn
in a business: headcount ©employ-
superficially: singe ©burn unstead-
ees regarded as a business asset:
ily: gutter •burn slowly and
smokily: smoulder •medical treat-
human resources • business's build-
ings and equipment: plant • business
ment by burning: cauterization, caut-
agent: factor ©business agent for
ery • grade of flesh-burn: degree
sportsmen, musicians, etc.: manager
• denoting a burn affecting the skin
surface only: first-degree •denoting
• association advancing the interests
of local businesses: Chamber of Com-
a burn causing blistering but no per-
manent scarring: second-degree merce • excess of business income
• denoting a burn affecting tissue
over expenditure: profit, surplus
below the skin: third-degree • total money entering or leaving a
business: cash flow ©dishonest
burner • laboratory burner: Bunsen means of gaining business advantage:
burner •portable burner giving a graft, sleaze ©disposal of subsidiary
hot flame for removing paint: blow- business interests: divestment, di-
lamp vestiture ©person engaging in dis-
bush ©dense group of bushes: honest business dealings: racketeer
thicket ©bushes etc. growing round a • business collapse: failure
tree: undergrowth
businessman •powerful business-
bus •bus for 10-15 passengers: mini- man: magnate, tycoon •dishonest
bus • two-storey bus: double-decker businessman: racketeer, shark •per-
• bus driver's compartment: cab son managing large sums of money: fi-
• extending framework connecting nancier • industrial manager or pro-
with overhead power lines: panto- prietor: industrialist • young urban
graph • wheel on a pole extending to professional: yuppie • young black
49 butcher bypass

urban professional: buppie >see also buyer ©purchaser by telephone or

manager computer link: teleshopper •protec-
butcher • butcher's chopper: tion of buyers' interests: consumer-
cleaver •butcher's cutting table: ism • assessment of buyers' needs
block and preferences: market research
• let the buyer beware: caveat emp-
butter ©purify butter by melting:
clarify • Indian clarified butter: ghee
• machine for making butter: churn buzz • buzzing device announcing a
butterfly •butterfly pupa: chrysalis phonecall: pager ©buzzing in the
• butterfly expert: lepidopterist ears: tinnitus

button •stitching anchoring a but- bypass • bypass encircling a town:

ton: shank >see also fastener orbital road, ring road
cabbage ©cabbage's tight head: balls: hundreds and thousands
heart •cooked cabbage and potato • skill of decorating cakes with sugar
fried up together: bubble and paste: sugarcraft ©small seedless
squeak grape used in cakes: currant • small
cabinet •cabinet minister respon- seedless raisin used in cakes: sultana
sible for finance: Chancellor of the • shop selling fancy cakes and pas-
Exchequer ©cabinet minister re- tries: patisserie
sponsible for foreign affairs: Foreign calcium •combining form: calci-
Secretary • cabinet minister respon- • containing or producing calcium:
sible for home affairs: Home Secre- calciferous • harden by addition of
tary ©cabinet minister with no per- calcium: calcify
manent responsibilities: Minister calendar ©calendar now in general
without Portfolio •cabinet for hi-fi use: Gregorian calendar •denoting
equipment: console a date from this calendar: New Style
cable • cable for securing a ship to a • calendar formerly used in Europe:
pier:hawser • cable for steadying a Julian calendar ©denoting a date
mast: guy rope from this calendar: Old Style ©an-
nual publication containing a calen-
cafe • small cafe selling alcoholic
dar and other statistical information:
drinks: estaminet ©cafe with com-
puters for customers' use: cybercafe
almanac ©calendar adjustable for
any year: perpetual calendar ©de-
cake • fancy cake: gateau (pi. gat- noting a day or month occasionally
eaus or gateaux) • sweet cake or tart: added to the calendar: intercalary
torte (pi. torten) • light cake made
call• call for someone via a bleeper:
with little or no fat: sponge •cylin-
page • sense of being called to follow
drical sponge cake with a jam filling: |

a particular career: vocation

Swiss roll • layer cake with a filling:
sandwich •small breadlike cake: calm •calm and dignified: sedate
scone • small rich cake: madeleine • calmness in trying circumstances:
• small crisp batter cake: waffle sangfroid
• rich fruit cake eaten on Palm Sun- Cambridge University • adjec- I

day: simnel cake ©rich cake with live: Cantabrigian • part of the term
equal amounts of each ingredient: when undergraduates are expected to
pound cake ©cake made of bread be resident: full term ©autumn term
dough, lard, and currants: lardy cake at Cambridge: Michaelmas term
• Austrian chocolate cake with a jam •winter term at Cambridge: Lent j

and cream filling: Sachertorte (pi. term ©summer term at Cambridge: I

Sachertorten) ©dense oatcake: flap- Trinity term • Cambridge first-degree

jack • small hard currant cake: rock examination or course: tripos ©per-
cake ©dark gingerbread: parkin son gaining first-class honours in the j

• thick sweet decorative paste: fon- Cambridge mathematical tripos:

dant • silver ball for decorating wrangler ©member of a university
cakes: dragee • small coloured sugar sports team: blue ©governing body
51 camel cancer

of Cambridge University: senate cover: hood • camera socket for ac-

• member of a senate committee: syn- cessories: shoe • camera attachment
dic • chief administrator of Cam- producing a brief very bright light:
bridge University: registrary • mem- flash • camera device delaying ex-
ber of the Cambridge university posure: self-timer •single-legged
police: bulldog •Oxford and Cam- camera stand: unipod •camera
bridge universities considered to- stand with three sloping legs: tripod
gether: Oxbridge • Cambridge • crosswise camera movement: pan
undergraduate receiving financial • vertical camera movement: tilt
help from his college: sizar ©Cam- • move a camera towards or away
bridge college annual feast: Com- from object: track •bring an object
memoration • Cambridge college into close or distant camera focus:
servant: bedder, bedmaker, gyp zoom • wheeled platform for a film
• Cambridge college relaxation room: or television camera: dolly •liftable
combination room •confine within platform for a film or television cam-
the college: gate • suspend a student: era: crane
rusticate ©expel a student: send camp • temporary camp: bivouac
down • camp for volunteers doing commu-
camel ©camel with one hump: nity projects: work camp •German
dromedary • camel with two humps: prisoner-of-war camp for officers:
Bactrian camel •frenzied state of Oflag • German prisoner-of-war
rutting male camels: must camp for other ranks: Stalag • Soviet
labour camp: gulag ©prison camp
camera ©type of camera producing
enforcing a regime of hard labour: la-
a print after each exposure: instant
bour camp, work camp ©camper's
camera ©type of camera in which
enamelled lidded cooking pot: billy-
the image is reflected onto a glass
screen: reflex camera ©denoting a
reflex camera whose viewfinder uses campaigner • person advocating
the aperture lens: single-lens reflex something's abandonment or prohib-
• denoting a reflex camera whose ition: abolitionist •vigorous cam-
viewfinder has a separate lens: twin- paigner: activist
lens reflex •difference in angle of Canadian • Canadian game of
view between lens and viewfinder: sliding stones across ice: curling
parallax •hole on the front of a cam- • member of the French-Canadian
era admitting light to the film: aper- nationalist movement: Quebecqois
ture • device for varying aperture canal • canal boat: barge,
size: diaphragm •denoting a camera
narrowboat ©path beside a canal:
with a large aperture: fast • effective
towpath •pivoting counterbalanced
aperture size: stop •focusing glass:
canal bridge: bascule bridge
lens •device set in front of the lens
• bridge carrying a canal: aqueduct
to screen out certain types of light: fil-
• short canal section whose water
ter • device admitting light to the
level may be raised or lowered: lock
aperture: shutter •opening of the
• set of locks: flight ©boat used on
shutter, admitting light to the film: ex-
Venetian canals: gondola
posure • wire allowing the shutter to
be activated from a distance: cable re- cancel • combining forms: dis (e.g.

lease • duration of exposure: speed disallow), un- (e.g. unsettle)

• exposure for longer than usual shut- cancer • combining forms: carcin-,
ter settings: time exposure ©lens -oma • adjective: carcinomatous
candidate |
car 52

• cancer suffered by Aids victims: candlestick •candlestick attached

Kaposi's sarcoma •surface cancer to a wall: sconce • branched candle-
of the skin or internal organs: carcin- stick: candelabrum ©suspended
oma • likely to develop into cancer: multi-light candlestick: chandelier
precancerous •substance causing • Jewish liturgical candlestick: me-
cancer: carcinogen •herpesvirus norah •candlestick's spiked top:
causing certain cancers: Epstein- pricket
Barr virus • start of cancer: carcino- cane «cane carried by military of-
genesis • excessive growth as an ficers: swagger stick
indicator of cancer: hyperplasia
• enlargement of an organ in an early
cannabis • cannabis fibre: hemp
• cannabis cigarette: joint, reefer
stage of cancer: dysplasia •abnor-
mal tissue growth caused by cancer: cannibal • adjective: anthropopha-
neoplasm ©protein found in the gous
blood of a diseased person:
cap ©round flattish brimless cap:
paraprotein •specimen taken from beret ©academic cap: square, mor-
the cervix to detect cancer: cervical tarboard ©woman's openwork cap:
smear •denoting cancer that tends Juliet cap ©French military peaked
to spread: invasive •development of cap: kepi ©Scottish beret: bonnet,
secondary cancers distant from the tam-o'-shanter
first: metastasis ©cancer treatment
by drugs: chemotherapy ©cancer capable of • combining form:
-acious (e.g. efficacious) • capable of
treatment by X-rays: radiotherapy, ra-
sexual intercourse: potent
diation therapy •denoting therapy
applied after successful treatment of a captain •captain of a merchant
cancer to suppress secondary tu- ship: master ©captain's assistant:
mours: adjuvant >see also tumour, mate
and under the individual organs af- car • car made before 1905 (or before
fected 1916): veteran car ©car made be-
candidate •potentially successful tween 1917 and 1930: vintage car
candidate: papabile (pi. papabili) • old and inefficient car: banger, jal-
• candidate entered to divide the vote: opy, rattletrap, tin lizzie • ordinary
spoiler • candidate initiating an elec- car strengthened for racetrack colli-
tion but expecting stronger candi- sions: stock car »car modified to
dates to come forward: stalking horse give high performance: hot rod • car
• offer oneself as a candidate: stand modified for drag races: dragster
• list of a political party's election • small racing car with skeleton body:
candidates: slate •list of candidates go-kart •low-built car designed for
speed: sports car • car offering com-
for final choice: shortlist • check on
fort and high performance: gran
a candidate's background and general
turismo «car offering basic comfort
suitability: screening, positive vet-
with high performance: sports car
ting, security check, vetting
• large and comfortable car: limou-
candle ©waxed wick for lighting sine • long car offering extra accom-
candles: taper ©rendered
used to
fat modation: stretch limousine •police
make candles: tallow
• dealer in can- patrol car: squad car •small fuel-
dles: chandler • candle trimmer: efficient car: microcar ©open two-
snuffers •extinguish a candle: seater car: roadster • small open car
snuff for difficult terrain: buggy • opening
53 caravan cards |

panel in a car roof: sunroof, sunshine abling purchases to be made on credit:

roof • car's folding roof: hood • car credit card • bank card issued to per-
with a folding or detachable roof: con- sons with a high credit rating: gold
vertible ©car wheel with narrow card ©bank card enabling electronic
metal spokes: wire wheel •two-door transfer of payments from purchaser's
car with a sloping rear: coupe •lug- to vendor's accounts: debit card
gage space at the back of a car: boot • card usable only in branches of the
• car with a large luggage area: estate shop etc. issuing it: store card
car ©car with upward-opening rear • store card enabling purchases to be
door: hatchback • car provided by an made on credit: charge card, option
employer: company car ©car pro- card ©store card accruing bonus
vided to a client without charge: cour- points for purchases made there: loy-
tesy car • open shelter for a car: car- alty card • cheque or credit card giv-
port • car's small interior light: ing a donation to a specified charity
courtesy light ©car seat with a for each transaction made: affinity
rounded back: bucket seat ©car seat card ©card unlocking a door: key
with a flat back: bench seat • person card • card giving unlimited use of a
employed to drive a car* for another: specified transport network for a spe-
chauffeur (fern, chauffeuse) • person cified period: travel card • electronic
employed to clean or park cars: valet swipe card reader: card swipe ©pull
• registration plate with numbers etc. a card through this: swipe, wipe
chosen by the purchaser: vanity plate
cardinal • cardinal representing the
caravan • large caravan: mobile pope: legate • denoting a legate with
home •motor vehicle with living ac- full powers: a latere •cardinal's
commodation: camper, camper van, short hooded cloak: mozzetta • coun-
caravanette cil of cardinals: consistory

carbohydrate •combining form: cards • card that is a king, queen, or

-ose (e.g. lactose) jack: court card ©card that beats all
others not of its suit: trump ©card
carbon •circulation of carbon be-
that may be assigned any identity by
tween living organisms and their en-
its holder: wild card •set of playing
vironment: carbon cycle
cards: pack ©set of cards with a par-
card ©card held up for pupils to see: ticular symbol: suit ©set of cards
flashcard ©card indicating where a with a fifth suit of elaborately illus-
person should sit at table: place card trated trumps: tarot pack • re-
• card printed with one's name and arrange a pack of cards: shuffle
address: visiting card ©card shown • shuffle cards dishonestly: stack
to a footballer who is being cautioned: • divide a pack of cards: cut • distrib-
yellow card ©card shown to a foot- ute cards in rotation: deal • box from
baller who must leave the field: red which cards are dealt at a casino:
card • card sent on 14 February: val- sabot, shoe • cards dealt to a player:
entine ©plastic card with built-in hand ©player who is dealt to first:
microprocessor: smart card • plastic elder, elder hand, forehand •dealer
card with magnetically encoded infor- in a two-handed game: younger hand
mation: swipe card ©bank card • cards remaining undealt: stock,
guaranteeing cheques: cheque card talon ©cards held by a player: hand
• bank card giving access to cash dis- • hand played exposed: dummy ©an-
pensers: cash card ©bank card en- nounce trumps, or the possession of
care cartj

certain cards: declare • player mak- to take proper precautions: contribu-

ing a successful bid: declarer •hand tory negligence •careful and thor-
with no card above a nine: yarbor- ough: painstaking, scrupulous
ough •set of cards of the same suit careless • careless and hasty: slap-
and adjacent values: sequence • suit dash • idly careless: negligent
of which a player holds many cards: • wilfully careless: reckless
long suit ©suit of which a player
career • summary of a person's car-
holds several high cards: strong suit
eer and education: curriculum vitae
• suit of which a player holds only one
• descriptions of the careers and con-
or two cards: short suit • card that is
nections of important people: proso-
the only one of a suit in a hand:
pography • desire to follow a certain
singleton • lack of cards of a particu- career: vocation •cultivation of con-
lar suit: void •cards laid down in a
tacts that may further one's career:
round of play: trick ©card played networking ©person with great car-
when unable to follow suit: discard eer potential: high-flyer, self-starter
• failure to follow suit when able to do • person only interested in career suc-
so: revoke •card ranked at its play- cess: careerist ©tacit barrier to car-
er's will: joker, wild •scoring
card eer advancement: glass ceiling
card combination: meld ©sequence
caretaker ©resident caretaker:
of cards of the same suit: run •de-
concierge ©security official in a
noting cards identifiable from then-
public gallery: invigilator ©official
backs: marked • conceal a card in the
keeping order in a public recreation
hand: palm ©play a trump: ruff
ground: park keeper ©employee
• force the play of particular cards:
looking after sports pitches:
draw *play the first card to a trick:
lead •win a trick cheaply: finesse
• person who cheats at cards: card carpenter ©carpenter making
stairs, doors, etc.: joiner
sharp, card sharper •closing rounds
of play: endgame •organized meet-
making furniture: cabinet maker
ing to play cards: drive ©card game carpet • long narrow strip of carpet:
in which there are no partnerships: runner •small carpet: mat, rug
round game ©card games won by • soft raised surface of a carpet: pile

gaining tricks bid: contract bridge, carriage ©light one-horse carriage:

solo whist ©card games won by gig ©two- wheeled horsedrawn taxi:
gaining the most tricks: auction hansom, hansom cab ©enclosed
bridge, piquet, whist • bridge tour- carriage: coach ©Irish light car-
nament with all competitors playing riage: jaunting car ©Russian three-
the same hands: duplicate bridge horse carriage: troika • Russian open
• bridge victory taking all the tricks: carriage: droshky •hooded wheel-
grand slam ©bridge victory taking chair for invalids: Bath chair
twelve tricks: small slam ©card carrying •combining forms: -fer
games won by combinations held: (e.g. conifer), -ferous (e.g. odorifer-
poker, rummy ©card game won by ous), -phore (e.g. semaphore, literally
spotting similar cards: snap ©card 'sign-carrying') • carriage of a boat or
game won by acquiring family sets: its cargo between navigable waters:
happy families • fortune-telling from portage
cards: cartomancy cart •small cart: float •small cart
care • failure to take care: negli- pushed or pulled by hand: handcart,
gence • failure of an injured person trolley •light Asian cart drawn by
55 Carthage castrate

one or more people: rickshaw •cart melted away: cire perdue, lost wax
used in the French Revolution to con- • clay mould around a wax model:
vey condemned persons to the guillo- mantle •made in a single casting:
tine: tumbril • ancient two-wheeled monobloc
cart: chariot •cart's pole to which castle •castle overlooking a city:
draught animals are attached: shaft citadel • castle mound: motte • cas-
• fastening attaching a draught ani- tle's central tower: keep, donjon
mal to the shaft: trace •wooden • castle's underground cell: dungeon
crosspiece on the necks of draught • castle ditch: moat •raisable bridge
animals: yoke over a castle's moat: drawbridge
Carthage • adjective: Punic • castle's fortified gatehouse: barbi-
cartilage % combining form: can • heavy grating lowered from
chondro- chondrocyte)
(e.g. • adjec- above: portcullis ©castle's defensive
tive: cartilaginous wall: rampart • castle's outer wall:
bailey • castle's outer wall between
cartridge • cartridge containing
towers: curtain wall ©area enclosed
powder but no bullet: blank •belt
by a castle wall: bailey, ward *low
with loops for cartridges: bandolier
wall sheltering troops on a castle wall:
carving • adjective: glyptic •gro- parapet • parapet with regular open-
tesque carving: gargoyle • carve ings for shooting through: battlement,
upon something: inscribe crenellation •walled part between
cash • available cash: liquidity these openings: merlon •having bat-
• cash available for immediate use: tlements: embattled •opening for
cash in hand •cash kept in hand to dropping missiles on people below:
settle minor expenses: petty cash machicolation, murder hole •pro-
• cash that must be accepted in pay- jecting fortification built where two
ment: legal tender •cash refund walls meet at an angle: bastion
given to a purchaser: cash back • room set in a castle wall: casemate
• bank card giving access to cash dis- • castle's longdrop lavatory: garde-
pensers: cash card •cash given to a robe • inward slope of a castle wall:
customer at a supermarket checkout, batter •small outer door: postern,
and debited to his charge card: sally port »bank sloping down from
cashback • possession having a cash a castle: glacis ©flat open area in
value: asset • assets easily convert- front of a castle: esplanade •gov-
ible into cash: liquid assets, near ernor of a royal castle: constable
money •convert assets into cash: • troops stationed in a castle: garrison
realize • French castle: chateau (pi. cha-
caste •member of the Hindu teaux)

priestly caste: Brahman •member of cast off • (of a snake) cast off an old
the Hindu worker caste: Sudra skin:slough •the skin so cast off:
• member of the lowest Hindu caste: slough • action of casting off a skin:
Dalit, untouchable •official name of ecdysis
the lowest Hindu caste: scheduled castrate ©castrate a male animal:
caste • person of no caste: outcaste,
geld ©castrated man: eunuch • cas-
pariah •Hindu forehead mark indi-
trated male singer in baroque opera
cating caste: tilak
or the papal chapel: castrato ©cas-
casting •hollow container shaping trated bull: ox ©castrated cockerel:
material being cast: mould •casting capon ©castrated stallion: gelding
method using a wax model which is • castrated ram: wether
cat |
cell 56

cat •adjective: feline ©male cat: milk, and thereby transmitted to hu-
torn •adult unspayed female cat: mans: brucellosis ©stick for prod-
queen • young cat: kitten •tailless ding cattle: goad ©open trough for
breed of cat: Manx «(of a cat) give cattle fodder: manger • beet grown to
birth: kitten •imagined cat with a feed cattle: mangold, mangel-wurzel
broad grin: Cheshire cat *howl like • US cowherd: cowboy •cattle-
a cat: caterwaul •small door for a rearer: grazier ©round-up of cattle
cat: cat flap • inflammation of a cat's on a ranch: rodeo +see also cow
ear: canker ©cat with mottled fur:
cause •combining forms: -genie,
tabby • dark brown fur on a Siamese -genous, -facient, -fic, -ible, -otic
cat: sealpoint • plant cats like to
• adjective: aetiological ©causing
smell: catmint, catnip ©boarding es-
abortion: abortifacient ©causing
tablishment for cats: cattery
cancer: carcinogenic ©causing
cathedral ©covered walk in a cath- drowsiness: narcotic, soporific
edral complex: cloister •cathedral • caused by medical treatment: iatro-
precinct: close •cathedral govern- genic ©having an internal cause: en-
ing body: chapter • meeting place for dogenous • having an external
this: chapter house ©priest presid- cause: exogenous ©without appar-
ing over a cathedral chapter: dean, ent cause: spontaneous
provost • priest belonging to a cath-
edral chapter: canon •denoting a
cave •combining form: speleo-
• small artificial cave: grotto ©deep
cathedral chapter: capitular ©canon
natural cave: pothole ©cave dweller:
required to reside in the precincts:
troglodyte ©cave dweller in Scandi-
residentiary canon ©priest in
navian mythology: troll • pointed cal-
charge of cathedral music: precentor
cium carbonate excrescence hanging
• deputy precentor: succentor
from a cave roof: stalactite • tapering
• priest assisting in cathedral services
calcium carbonate column rising
but not a chapter member: minor
from a cave floor: stalagmite ©study
or exploration of caves: speleology
cathode • electron beam emitted by
a cathode in a vacuum tube: cathode ceiling ©denoting a ceiling hung
ray ©vacuum tube for this: cathode from the floor above: suspended
ray tube • access panel in a ceiling: trapdoor

cathode ray tube ©surface of celebrity •entertainment celebrity:

this: screen ©movement of the elec- star ©treat as a celebrity: lionize
tron beam across the screen: sweep cell •combining forms: cyto-, -cyte,
cattle •adjective: bovine ©group of -blast (e.g. erythroblast), -plast (e.g.
cattle: herd ©divided foot of cattle: protoplast) ©cell identical to another:
cloven hoof ©one of a hornless clone ©sexually mature germ cell:
breed of cattle: poll • infectious cattle gamete • cell formed by union of two
diseases: murrain, rinderpest ©cat- gametes: zygote «body cell able to
tle disease affecting the central ner- absorb bacteria: phagocyte •net-
vous system: bovine spongiform en- work of nerve cells: ganglion •ab-
cephalitis, mad cow disease ©cattle normal aggregation of cells: nodule
disease affecting the skin and lungs: • grouping of cells, esp. in the brain:
anthrax ©cattle disease ulcerating cytoarchitectonics, cytoarchitecture
hoofs and mouths: foot and mouth • colourless material comprising the
disease • inflammation of the udder: living part of a cell: protoplasm
garget ©cattle disease infecting the • protoplasm excluding the nucleus:
57 Celtic |
chamber pot

cytoplasm • natural substance con- • fungal disease of cereal crops: ergot

trolling body-cell activity: hormone • human disease caught by eating the
• hostile reaction of body cells to im- infected grain: ergotism ©breakfast
planted tissue etc.: immune reaction mixture of cereals, dried fruit, and
• compound released into injured nuts: muesli
cells: histamine •medicine able to
ceremony ©admission ceremony:
target particular cells: magic bullet
initiation ©ceremony to make an
• growth of natural cells in an artifi-
award: investiture ©ceremony to
cial environment: culture, tissue cul-
place a person in office: induction
ture • poisonous to cells: cytotoxic
• ceremony to mark a turning-point in
• cell disintegration: lysis ©study of
a person's life: rite of passage • me-
living cells: cytology
morial ceremony: commemoration
Celtic •ancient Celtic priest: Druid
• elaborate ceremony: solemnity,
cement ©cement used between pomp and circumstance •perform
bricks: pointing • cement used be- a ceremony: solemnize ©person dir-
tween tiles: grout ©cement used to ecting ceremonial: master of cere-
cover a floor: screed ©cement used monies
to cover a wall: parget ©vertical
Ceres • Greek name: Demeter
layer of cement: perpend ©cement
hardening under water: Portland ce- cinder ©brick made from cinders:
ment ©liquid cement sealing a joint: breeze block
lute ©lime and cement mixture: chain ©chain restricting an ani-
mortar mal's movement: tether ©chain con-
cemetery ©underground cemetery: trolling a dog by neck pressure: choke
catacomb ©large cemetery: necrop- chain ©U-shaped link at a chain's
olis end: shackle ©crosspiece through a
censorship ©moral censorship of chain link: toggle
texts: bowdlerization ©deliberate chair ©ceremonial chair: throne
generation of interference to render a • dining chair with arms: carver
broadcast unintelligible: jamming • high-backed armchair with project-
• broadcast sound covering a censored ing sidepieces: wing chair ©infant's
word: bleep •government notice to
long-legged chair: high chair ©fold-
news editors forbidding publication of ing chair of wood and canvas: deck-
specified information: D-notice •le-
chair ©enclosed chair carried on
gislation empowering censorship of
poles: sedan chair ©piece of thin
information: Official Secrets Act
wood in a chair back: splat ©rod be-
census ©person gathering census tween chair legs: stretcher
data: enumerator • completed census
form: return
chalk •adjective: calcareous

centre •combining form: centr-, chamber •adjective: cameral ©de

mes- {e.g. mesolithic), -centric ©cen- noting a single-chamber legislature:
tral point: epicentre, nexus ©mov- unicameral ©denoting a two-
ing from
the centre: centrifugal chamber legislature: bicameral • de-
• moving to the centre: centripetal noting a three-chamber legislature:
• having a common centre: concen- tricameral
tric • having no centre: acentric chamber pot ©piece of furniture
cereal • cereal stalks remaining in containing a chamber pot: commode
the ground after harvesting: stubble • contents of a chamber pot: slops
champagne check | 58

champagne •champagne exclu- • person opposed to all change: reac-

sive toone shipper: monopole •de- tionary • person who changes his
noting unsweetened champagne: brut principles to suit the times: trimmer,
• champagne and orange juice: time-server • 'change of life': meno-
Buck's Fizz pause • denoting something that
chance • adjective: fortuitous cannot be changed: flat, sacrosanct
• subject to chance: probabilistic, ran- • situation or action that cannot be
dom, stochastic • chance happen- changed: fait accompli •inability to
ing: fluke •fortunate development of
cope with change: future shock •un-
events by chance: serendipity ©per- willing to change: hidebound
son seizing offered chances: oppor- • things never change: plus ca
tunist ©loss of other chances when change, plus c'est la meme chose
one is taken: opportunity cost • keep unaltered: preserve •unchan-
ging: uniform
chandelier • cut-glass chandelier:
channel •channel for fast-moving
water: race •drainage channel:
change • combining forms: meta- ditch, dyke
(e.g.metamorphosis), -tropic (e.g. psy-
Channel Islands •Channel Is-
chotropic), tropo- (e.g. tropophyte)
lands magistrate: jurat •French
• extreme change: makeover, quan-
name for the Channel Islands: lies
tum leap, sea-change,
transmutation, upheaval, U-turn,
volte-face • involving extreme chapel •chapel for the use of pa-
change: radical ©adaptive change: rishioners living far from the main
acclimatization •minor change: church: chapel of ease •small do-
amendment, variation • subtle mestic chapel: oratory
change: nuance •unpredictable charge ©extra charge: surcharge
change: vagary •capricious change • charge for as separate items: un-
of mind: whim ©change of appear- bundle
ance: metamorphosis • change of charity •adjective: eleemosynary
the eucharistic elements: transub- • day of street charity collections: flag
stantiation •moment of decisive day •legally binding undertaking to
change: turning point •improve by make payments to a charity: coven-
basic changes: reform •constant ant
change: flux •capable of infinite Charlemagne •adjectives: Caro-
changes: protean •resistance to
lingian, Carlovingian
change: inertia ©open to change: ne-
gotiable • easily changed: flexible
Charles I and II •adjectives: Caro-
lean, Caroline • supporter of Charles
• favouring steady change: progres-
I: Cavalier, Royalist ©opponent of
sive • changing unpredictably: mer-
Charles I: Parliamentarian, Round-
curial, volatile, wayward • change
sides: apostatize ©adapt to suit indi-
vidual requirements: personalize cheat ©person who cheats at cards:
• initiate new areas of activity: diver- card sharp, card sharper ©dishon-
sify ©process of change: transition esty in business or public life: sleaze
• general direction of change: trend check ©check truth or validity: ver-
• thing that initiates or accelerates ify,vet ©check against a standard:
change: catalyst ©after essential calibrate ©check a job applicant's
changes: mutatis mutandis ©person background: vet ©place where
advocating gradual change: reformist checks are carried out: control
59 cheek cherub

cheek • adjectives: buccal, malar ing or preventing a chemical reaction:

• drooping cheek: jowl inhibitor

cheese • adjective: caseous chemistry •chemistry of com-

• small whole cheese: truckle ©soft pounds containing carbon: organic
cheese made from skimmed milk: cot- chemistry •chemistry of compounds
tage cheese •French soft white not containing carbon: inorganic
cheese: Brie ©French goat's cheese: chemistry •chemistry of plants:
chevre • soft cheese from Normandy: phytochemistry •chemistry of liv-
Camembert ©Danish soft white ing organisms: biochemistry
cheese with blue veins: Danish blue • chemistry of radioactive substances:
• round Dutch cheese with a yellow radiochemistry •chemistry of the
rind: Gouda ©Greek goat's cheese: stars and space: astrochemistry
feta • Italian soft blue- veined cheese: • medieval chemistry, seeking to turn
Dolcelatte™ •Italian hard blue- base metals into gold: alchemy
veined cheese: Gorgonzola ©Italian • chemical analysis of a compound,
cream cheese: mascarpone ©firm expressed in symbols: formula (pi. for-
white Italian cheese: mozzarella mulae) • substance used in chemical
• rich blue- veined Leicestershire
analysis: reagent • substance having
cheese: Stilton ©sweet brown Norwe-
thesame crystal structure as another:
gian cheese: Gjetost ©hard Swiss isomorph •chemical decomposition
cheese: Emmental ©pale Swiss
by electric current: electrolysis
cheese with holes: Gruyere
• chemical decomposition by water:
• cheese's tough outer skin: rind
hydrolysis «not subject to chemical
• protein present in cheese: casein
decomposition: stable
• curdling agent used in cheesemak-
ing: rennet •denoting unripe cheese: cheque • cheque for a fixed amount
green • sprinkled with grated cheese usable abroad: traveller's cheque
and browned: au gratin •melted • cheque drawn by a bank on its own
cheese on toast: rarebit, Welsh rarebit funds: bank draft, banker's draft
• melted cheese on toast with a • cheque guaranteed by a bank: certi-
poached egg: buck rarebit fied cheque •cheque counterfoil:

chemical •combining forms:

stub •person writing a cheque:
chemi- {e.g. chemisorption), chemo- drawer •institution that must hon-
(e.g. chemotherapy) • chemical liquid
our a cheque: drawee ©person bene-
destroying disinfectant fiting from the cheque: payee • writ-
• eat away by chemical action: cor- ing on the back of a cheque:
rode endorsement •payee named in an
endorsement: endorsee • denoting
chemical reaction •self-
an uncrossed cheque: open •denot-
sustaining series of chemical reac-
ing a cheque that is invalid because
tions: chain reaction • substance
drawn long before: stale •credit a
used in a chemical reaction: reagent
cheque to the payee's account: clear
• substance changed in a chemical re-
action: reactant •substance formed
• pay a presented cheque: honour
by a chemical reaction: product • refuse to pay a presented cheque:
• production of compounds by reac- dishonour •instruct one's bankers
tion from simpler materials: synthe- not to honour a cheque: stop
sis • substance accelerating a chem- cherub • adjective: cherubic
ical reaction: catalyst •biochemical • cherub in Renaissance paintings:
catalyst: enzyme •substance slow- amoretto, putto
cherry childbirth

cherry •sour cherry used in cook- abandoned by its parents: foundling

ing: morello • child whose parents are dead:
chess • chess played on separate orphan ©child substituted for an-
boards: kriegspiel •opening tactic: other in infancy: changeling ©par-
gambit ©chess pieces in order of im- ental responsibility for a child: cus-
portance: king, queen, bishop, tody ©child cared for by a guardian:
knight, rook or castle, pawn •bring ward ©child under state guardian-
a back-line piece forward: develop ship: ward of court ©bring up
• denoting a piece that can be taken: another's child: foster ©children
en prise ©attack upon the oppon- killed by Herod: Holy Innocents
ent's king: check ©repeated check- • child's leading reins: harness
ing of the king: perpetual check • child's playful misbehaviour: mis-
• closing moves: endgame •winning chief • exceptionally talented child:
position: checkmate ©concede de- child prodigy, wunderkind •chil-
feat without checkmate: resign dren's part of a house: nursery• day
• situation in which a player cannot nursery for young children: creche
move except into check: stalemate • child who comes home to an empty
• situation in which the need to make house: latchkey child •project offer-
a move is itself a disadvantage: ing pastimes for children during
zugswang •declaration when ad- school holidays: playscheme ©per-
justing a piece: j'adoube • side of the son supervising children in public:
board on which both queens stand at chaperone • supervise children
the start of play: queenside •half- while their parents are out: babysit
move in computer chess: ply ©expert • study and treatment of the diseases
chess-player: master • chess-player of children: paediatrics ©dentistry
of the highest class: grand master of children: paedodontics ©giving
chest • adjectives: pectoral, thor- priority to the interests of children:
acic • deformed human chest with child-centred ©denoting something
projecting breastbone: pigeon chest, that children cannot open or use:
pigeon breast •chest murmur: childproof ©suitable for children
souffle and adults: family ©state agency or-
ganizing child maintenance pay-
chew • chew the cud: ruminate
ments: Child Support Agency ©per-
chicken •brood of chickens: clutch
son sexually attracted to children:
see also fowl
paedophile ©representation of a
chickpea • chickpea paste: hum- naked winged child in Renaissance
mus • chickpea rissole: felafel art: amoretto, cherub, putto
chief • combining form: arch-
childbirth • adjective: obstetric, pu-
• chief beam: architrave • chief erperal • process of childbirth: deliv-
bishop: archbishop •chief monk:
ery • childbirth at home: home de-
abbot, prior • chief nun: abbess,
livery • childbirth under water:
water birth • device for this: birthing
chilblain • ulcerated chilblain: kibe pool •childbirth via a cut in the
child •combining form: paed-• ad- mother's abdomen: Caesarian, Cae-
jective: ©early childhood: in-
filial sarian section •childbirth with
fancy • denoting a child born within minimum medical and technological
wedlock: legitimate ©denoting a intervention: natural childbirth •de-
child born out of wedlock: bastard, il- noting a woman capable of childbirth:
legitimate ©child that has been fecund •woman who has never
61 childbirth |

given birth: nullipara •woman giv- puerperium • government office

ing birth for the first time: primipara where births are recorded: register of-
• woman bearing a child for another: fice >see also birth, pregnancy
surrogate mother •medical care
chimney •free-standing part of a
and study of those giving birth: ob-
chimney: stack •hooded chimney
stetrics • doctor providing such care,
top: cowl *duct inside a chimney:
or person making such study: obstet-
flue •partition between flues: withe
rician • assist the birth of a child: de-
liver • nurse attending at childbirth: Chinese •combining form: Sino-
midwife ©hospital for the care of • Chinese official: mandarin •Chi-
childbirth: maternity hospital ©hos- nese native labourer: coolie •Chi-
pital area for the final stages of la- nese secret criminal gang: Tong, Triad
bour: delivery suite • start labour ar- • Chinese idol: joss •Chinese tem-
tificially: induce •hormone ple: joss house •Chinese Buddhist
stimulating womb contractions and teacher: bonze •absolute principle
milk secretion: oxytocin •hormone in Chinese philosophy: Tao • active
making the cervix dilate: relaxin male principle in Chinese philosophy:
• period between the start of contrac- yang •passive female principle of
tions and delivery: labour •spinal Chinese philosophy: yin •Chinese
anaesthetic given in childbirth: epi- philosophical system advocating hu-
dural, extradural ©drug easing la- milityand piety: Taoism •Chinese
bour pains: pethidine •position of woman's close-fitting silk dress:
the fetus at the time of delivery: pre- cheongsam • stick for eating Chi-
sentation • presentation with feet or nese food: chopstick •Chinese fry-
buttocks first: breech delivery ©sur- ing pan: wok *soup made from a
gical cutting of the vagina at child- coating on bird's nests: bird's nest
birth: episiotomy ©large pincers as- soup •Chinese egg dish: foo yong
sisting childbirth: forceps ©suction • Chinese dish of grilled meat in a
device assisting childbirth: vacuum spicy sauce: satay •Chinese-style
extractor, ventouse • greasy deposit dish of meat, mixed vegetables, and
covering a newborn infant: vernix rice: chop suey •Chinese-style dish
o prediction of a future child's genetic of fried noodles with shredded meat
disorders: genetic counselling •de- and vegetables: chow mein •Chi-
noting the period before childbirth: nese pancake filled with vegetables:
antenatal, antepartum •denoting spring roll • small Chinese savoury
the period after childbirth: post- dumpling: wonton • prawn-flavoured
natal, post-partum •denoting the rice-flour crisp: prawn cracker • Chi-
period from the child's conception nese snack of small dumplings: dim
until weaning: maternity •first li- sum •small white Chinese dessert
quid from the breasts: colostrum fruit: lychee •Chinese sauce with
• substance encouraging breastmilk: sugar and vinegar or lemon: sweet
glalactagogue •excessive produc- and sour sauce •food additive used
tion of breastmilk: galactorrhoea in Chinese cuisine: monosodium glu-
• breastfeed a baby: nurse • woman's tamate •illness caused by excessive
fever after childbirth: milk fever monosodium glutamate: Chinese res-
• fever caused by uterine infection taurant syndrome •Chinese sor-
after childbirth: puerperal fever ghum spirit: mao-tai • Chinese game
• period after childbirth in which the played with small tiles: mah-jong
reproductive organs return to normal: • Chinese gambling game: fan-tan
Chinese communism Christ | 62

• Chinese geometrical puzzle: tan- cess of available options: embarras de

gram • Chinese martial art: kung fu choix ©wrong option in a multiple-
• Chinese plant with medicinal root: choice question: distractor
ginseng ©Chinese therapy by choir •adjective: choral ©section of
needles: acupuncture ©bodily en-
a church choir standing on the north
ergy path in Chinese medicine and
side: cantoris ©section of a church
acupuncture: meridian •life force in
choir standing on the south side: de-
Chinese medicine and philosophy: chi
cani • choir divided to sing antiphon-
• Chinese exercise systems: t'ai chi
ally: double choir • boy member of a
ch'uan, qigong •Chinese divination
choir: chorister
manual: Ching, Book of Changes

• former Chinese bow of greeting: choose • choose as candidate for an

kowtow •principal Chinese lan- election:adopt ©choose at random:
guages: Mandarin, Putonghua draw, select by lot
• transliteration systems from Chi- chorus • adjectives: choral, choric
nese: Wade-Giles, Pinyin •architec-
Christ •combining form: Christo-
tural decoration in the Chinese style:
• adjective: dominical ©centred on
chinoiserie ©famous type of medi-
Christ: Christocentric ©re-
eval Chinese porcelain: Ming ©Chi-
presentation of Christ's descent from
nese sailing vessel: junk ©Chinese
Jesse: Jesse tree ©Christ's birth, or
traditional racing boat: dragon boat
a representation of it: Nativity
• imitation of Chinese motifs in West-
• model of the stable, with figures:
ern art: chinoiserie ©study of Chi-
crib • commemoration of the birth of
nese culture and politics: Sinology
Christ: Christmas •period of fasting
Chinese communism ©party of- preceding this: Advent •commemor-
ficial incharge of political education: ation of the visit of the Magi: Epiph-
commissar ©individual political in- any • commemoration of the presen-
doctrination: thought reform ©polit- tation of the infant Christ:
ical wallposter: dazibao (pi. same)
Presentation, Purification, Candle-
•jacket in Chinese communist style: mas • commemoration of Christ's
Mao jacket fast: Lent •commemoration of
chip •denoting chips with wavy Christ's appearance in glory to three
edges: crinkle-cut disciples: Transfiguration •com-
memoration of Christ's entry into Je-
chivalry • glove thrown down by a
rusalem: Palm Sunday • commemor-
knight as a challenge: gage
ation of Christ's institution of the
• patroness's ribbon etc. worn by a
Eucharist: Corpus Christi •Christ's
knight: favour ©moral obligations of
suffering and death: the Passion
the nobility: noblesse oblige
• place of Christ's betrayal: Gethsem-
chocolate • denoting chocolate ane •Christ's route to Calvary: Via
made without milk: plain ©greyish Dolorosa • place of Christ's crucifix-
deposit on the surface of stored choc- ion: Calvary • marks of Christ's cru-
olate: bloom ©maker or seller of cifixion bestowed on others through
chocolate: chocolatier
prayer: stigmata •representation of
choice ©choice where both options the dead Christ in his mother's arms:
have disadvantages: dilemma pieta ©site of Christ's burial: Holy
• choice with no real alternatives: Sepulchre ©Christ's freeing of the
Hobson's choice •choice made to righteous dead: Harrowing of Hell
allocate scarce resources: triage ©ex- • celebration of Christ's resurrection:
63 Christian |

Easter • commemoration of Christ's from diocesan control: peculiar •de-

return to heaven: Ascension •com- noting a church endowed for a chapter
memoration of the descent of the Holy of canons: collegiate ©large church
Spirit: Pentecost, Whit Sunday •ex- originally part of a monastery: min-
pected return of Christ to earth at the ster • small private chapel: oratory
Last Judgement: Second Coming • sanctify a church for use: conse-
• representation of Christ as universal crate ©assign a church to a saint's
ruler: pantocrator •doctrine of protection: dedicate ©church usher:
Christ's two natures: dualism vsee verger • senior layman resposible for
also Lent church property etc.: churchwarden
• churchwarden's assistant: sides-
Christian •member of Christ's im-
mediate circle during His earthly
man • church caretaker and grave-
digger: sexton •official in charge of
ministry: disciple •member of this
continuing group, perceived as lead- vestments and sacred vessels: sacris-
ers and founders of the Church: apos-
tan • church robing room: vestry
• official leading processions etc.: ver-
tle • Christian love: agape •medi-
eval Christian expedition to regain
ger • forms of church service: liturgy
the Holy Land: crusade •Christian
• church assembly: synod, convoca-
observing Sunday as the sabbath: Sab- tion • church court: consistory
batarian • Christian preaching in- • church law: canon law • expel from
tended to make converts: evangelism a church: excommunicate •court-
• Christian thanksgiving for the har- yard before a church: parvis
vest: harvest festival •Christian • church porch: galilee •church
tradition emphasizing scriptural au- antechamber: narthex •holy-water
thority and personal conversion: basin near a church door: stoup
evangelicalism •Christian Church • main part of a church: nave
following the Pope: Roman Catholic • wooden congregational bench: pew
Church •Christian Church follow- • pew with high sides giving privacy:
ing the Oecumenical Patriarch: box pew •kneeling cushion: has-
Orthodox Church •denoting those sock, kneeler • space for access be-
Western Christian Churches follow- tween pews: aisle • raised enclosed
ing the principles of the Reformation: platform for preaching: pulpit • read-
Protestant • denoting Christian ing stand for a Bible: lectern • broad
unity: ecumenical •officially ex- aisle or passageway: ambulatory
clude someone from the Christian sac- • wooden seat for choir or clergy: stall
raments: excommunicate • ledge on this supporting a standing
person: misericord, miserere •sec-
chromosome ©female chromo-
tion of a church choir standing on the
some: Xchromosome ©male north side: cantoris •section of a
chromosome: Y chromosome •num-
church choir standing on the south
ber and appearance of an organism's
side: decani • booth for priest to hear
chromosomes: karyotype •chromo-
confessions: confessional • part of a
some defect causing intellectual im-
church containing the high altar:
pairment and physical abnormalities:
sanctuary • sanctuary cupboard:
Down's syndrome ©study of chro-
aumbry «side table in a sanctuary:
mosomes: cytogenetics
credence • stone seats for the cele-
church • adjective: ecclesiastical, brants, built into the south sanctuary
ecclesial • principal church of a dio- wall: sedilia • view onto the altar, cut
cese: cathedral •church exempt through a pillar: hagioscope, squint
Church of England circle | 64

• part of a church round the sanctu- munion • Anglican provincial synod:

ary: chancel •wood or stone parti- convocation • parish's contribution
tion at the chancel entrance: rood to diocesan funds: quota • priest
screen, screen • part of a church be- supervising a group of parochial
tween nave and altar: choir *part of clergy: rural dean ©parish priest for-
a church built out to form one of the merly receiving tithes: rector ©par-
arms in a cross-shaped plan: transept ish priest not formerly receiving
• part of a church where nave and tithes: vicar ©priest's house: rectory,
transepts join: crossing ©part of a vicarage ©job as parish priest: bene-
church to the side of a nave or chan- fice, living ©priest in charge of a
cel: aisle ©part of a church beneath benefice: incumbent ©formal be-
the main floor: crypt, undercroft stowal of a benefice: induction
• set of windows overlooking aisle • period between incumbents: inter-
roofs: clerestory ©gallery running regnum
over an arcade: triforium •section of cider ©strong rough cider: scrumpy
a church east of the main altar: retro- • drink of draught cider and lager:
choir • curved or polygonal exten- snakebite ©pulpy fruit left after
sion to the east end of a church: apse cider-making: pomace
• apse with an ambulatory: chevet
cigar • long straight-sided cigar: cor-
• part of a church, or building adja-
ona ©long thin cigar: panatella
cent to it, used for baptisms: baptist-
• cigar tapering at the ends: perfecto
ery ©chapel dedicated to the Blessed
• open-ended cigar: cheroot ©stub of
Virgin: Lady chapel ©water con-
a cigar: butt ©airtight cigar box: hu-
tainer for baptisms: font ©chapel or
altar endowed for Masses for the
founder's soul: chantry • icon screen cigarette ©cigarette with a filter:
in an Orthodox church: iconostasis filter tip ©stub of a cigarette: butt
• room where vestments etc. are kept: cinema ©small cinema: cinema-
sacristy ©grotesque stone figure on theque ©cinema programme offer-
the outside of a church: gargoyle ing two double fea-
full-length films:
• roofed gate into a churchyard: lych- ture ©building housing several
gate • building in a churchyard for cinemas: multiplex • ratio of width to
exhumed bones: charnel house «a height of projected image: aspect
tenth of one's income given to the ratio
Church: tithe •authorization from a
circle % combining form: cycl- (e.g.
Church authority: faculty • denoting
cyclorama) • imagined circle joining
a Church having state control or sup-
the earth's poles: meridian •im-
port: established ©sever formal
agined circle round the earth equidis-
links between Church and state: dis-
tant from its poles: equator •prehis-
establish • Church administrative
toric stone circle: henge ©distance
district: parish • study of the Church
across a circle: diameter ©distance
Fathers and their writings: patristics,
round the outside of a circle: circum-
patrology • study of church building
ference ©line from the centre to the
and decoration: ecclesiology >see
circumference of a circle: radius
also altar
• half-circle: semicircle •quarter-
Church of England •adjective: circle: quadrant •circular move-
Anglican • group of Churches world- ment of water or smoke: eddy •cir-
wide that are in communion with the cular movement of the axis of a
Church of England: Anglican Com- spinning object: precession
65 circus |

circus •large circus tent: big top ing social groups of equal status: hori-
• place where circus animals are kept: zontal • acceptable in the best
menagerie •enclosed area for a circles: pukka
circus performance: ring ©person
classification • classification of
directing a circus performance: ring-
plants and animals by shared fea-
tures: taxonomy •classification of
citadel ©ancient Greek citadel: plants and animals based on inherited
acropolis • Russian citadel: kremlin characteristics: cladistics •classifi-
• North African citadel: kasbah cation of plants and animals by genus
citizen • combining form: -ese (e.g. and species: Linnaean nomenclature,
Viennese) • adjective: civil ©gift of binomial nomenclature •classifica-
honorary citizenship: freedom tion by general type: typology • clas-
sification according to rank: hier-
city • adjectives: civic, urban ©chief
city: metropolis ©city formed by the
archy • classification according to
joining of several towns: conurbation shared ancestry: cladistics
• huge composite city: megalopolis, clause ©clause that is in itself a
metroplex ©central part of a city: complete sentence: main clause
inner city ©outlying part of a city: • clause that is not in itself a complete
suburb ©suburb inhabited by daily sentence: subordinate clause
commuters: dormitory suburb ©city • clause in a contract stipulating ex-
area inhabited by a particular ethnic ceptions: saving clause •contract-
or social group: ghetto ©preserved ual clause freeing a party from obli-
open land round a city: green belt gations under stated conditions:
clairvoyance ©having powers of escape clause • contractual clause
clairvoyance: fey >see also spiritual- allowing for price increases: escal-
ist ator clause
clan ©clan's female head: matriarch claw • front claw of a lobster or crab:
• clan's male head: patriarch •dis- pincer •having non-retactile claws:
tinctive plaid of a Scottish clan: tar- cynopodous
clay • clay used for bricks and walls:
class • lowest social stratum: under- adobe ©clay used for china: kaolin
class • working classes: proletariat • clay worked for making pottery or
• middle-class person with conven- bricks: pug • thin clay used to decor-
tional views: bourgeois ©the provin-
ate pottery: slip ©clay used to make
cial middle classes: Middle England reddish pottery: terracotta • mixture
• salaried classes: salariat ©member
of clay and straw used for walls: cob
of the upper middle class: haut bour-
• clay used as a filter: fuller's earth
geois ©privileged and influential
• liquid clay sealing a joint: lute
section of society: overclass ©ad-
mirer of the upper classes and their clean ©clean without using water:
ways: snob ©admirer of the lower dry-clean ©clean by hard rubbing:
classes and their ways: inverted snob scour ©clean by pressurized sand:
• dialect of a particular social class: sandblast ©cleanly practices: hy-
sociolect ©class structure: social giene • sterilize food by gamma radi-
scale, social ladder ©improving ation: irradiate ©disposable piece of
one's social status: upwardly mobile paper etc. for cleaning: wipe ©mass
• person keen to improve his or her of matted fine wire used for cleaning:
social status: social climber • involv- wire wool
clear |
cloth 66

clear • translucently clear: pellucid climbing using prepositioned aids: aid

• clarity of a picture or sound: defin- climbing ©rock climbing without
ition, focus prepositioned aids: free climbing
clerk •adjective: clerical • clerk • climbing alone and without equip-
preparing legal documents: scrivener ment: solo climbing ©spiked plate
for a climber's boot: crampon
clergy ©the clergy collectively: the
• climber's ice axe: piolet •climber's
cloth •group of clergy responsible
attendant carrying supplies: porter
for several parishes: team ministry
• cleric assisting a priest: deacon clinic •clinic giving general prac-
• cleric serving a prison, college, ship, titioner and specialist services:
etc.: chaplain •military chaplain: polyclinic •clinic for women: well-
padre •clerical rank: order •cler- woman clinic
ical ranks below deacon: minor
clitoris ©enlarged and rigid state of
orders •Protestant clergyman: min-
the clitoris: erection •erectile tissue
ister, pastor •minister's lay assist-
in the clitoris: corpus cavernosum
ant: deacon • clergyman attached to
(pi. corpora cavernosa) ©rounded
a ship or military unit: chaplain
part at the end of the clitoris: glans
• make someone a priest or minister:
• fold of skin surrounding this: pre-
ordain •person peparing for ordin-
puce • removal of the clitoris: clitori-
ation: ordinand •clergyman's job,
dectomy, female circumcision •ex-
and the income derived from it: bene-
cision of the clitoris and stitching
fice • piece of black material worn
together of the vulva: infibulation
below a clerical collar: stock •per-
son who is not a cleric: layman clock •precise clock: chronometer
• such persons collectively: laity • re- • atomic clock: caesium clock
duce a cleric to lay status: defrock, lai- • large longcase clock: grandfather
cize see also Church of England, clock ©smaller longcase clock:
priest, Protestant, Roman Catholic grandmother clock • small rect-
Church angular clock with a handle: carriage
cliff ©steep cliff: bluff, crag, preci- clock ©clock mechanism: escape-
pice • collapse of part of a cliff face: ment, movement ©clock's swinging
landslide, landslip weighted rod: pendulum ©art or
study of clock-making: horology
climate • dryclimate with hot sum-
• denoting a clock dial with moving
mers and cold winters: continental
hands: analogue •denoting a clock
climate •denoting a mild climate:
dial with a changing numerical dis-
temperate •special climate of a
play: digital •following the direction
small region: microclimate
of a clock's hands: clockwise • circu-
climax •adjective: climactic •sex- lating in the opposite direction to a
ual climax: orgasm •crucial mo-
clock's hands: anticlockwise, widder-
ment in a play: catastrophe shins ©set a clock to the same time
climb •climb down using a doubled as another: synchronize
rope: abseil, rappel•climb by grip-
cloister •adjective: claustral
ping with the hands and feet: swarm
• land in the middle of a cloister:
up • place for a climber's hands or
feet: hold •climber's insecure foot-
hold: smear •pin driven into the cloth •cloth impregnated with oil:
rock: piton • secure a climber's rope oilcloth, waxcloth ©strong cloth
round a piton, rock, etc.: belay ©rock used for sails and paintings: canvas
67 clothes |

• cloth to cover a corpse: shroud, dart •double fold held by stitching:

winding sheet •cloth placed over a pleat ©sharp narrow pleat: knife
chair back to protect it from hair-oil: pleat ©decorative frill or pleat:
antimacassar •roll of cloth: bolt ruche • strip of ornamental material
• cloth-maker: clothier •person on a skirt or dress: flounce ©length
cleaning and thickening cloth: fuller of cloth trailing behind a dress: train
• clay used by a fuller: fuller's earth • slit at the back of a jacket etc.: vent
• cloth-merchant: mercer, draper, • slit covering fastenings or for a
clothier pocket opening: placket ©pocket
clothes • adjective: sartorial • all sewn onto the surface of a garment:
the clothes owned by a person: ward- patch pocket ©pocket set into a gar-
robe ©set of clothes worn together: ment: slash pocket • gradual widen-
outfit, ensemble ©items completing ing of a garment: flare • turned and
an ensemble: accessories •denoting sewn edge of a garment: hem • thin
clothes suitable for both men and stripe for business clothes: pinstripe

women: unisex •denoting clothes in • garments that can be worn in vari-

a timelessly elegant style: classic ous combinations: separates •cloth-
• casual clothes: leisure wear ©style ing etc. collected by a bride before her
of women's clothes having a low neck marriage: trousseau, bottom drawer
and high waist: empire line •denot- • clothes for a new baby: layette
ing women's clothes shaped to fit the • baby's short coat: matinee coat
body: fully fashioned ©denoting • baby's one-piece garment: playsuit,
clothes revealing glimpses of the body: rompers •couturier's range of new
peekaboo • denoting clothes that are clothes: collection •liturgical
functional than decorative:
rather clothes: vestments ©long strip of
sensible •ceremonial clothes: full cloth worn over the shoulders or
dress, robes •clothing specific to a round the waist: sash ©fabric tri-
certain activity: kit•clothes other angle worn over the shoulders: shawl
than uniform or regulation dress: • long scarf or shawl: stole •long
mufti ©maker of clothes: tailor •de- scarf of fur or feathers: boa •small
sign and manufacture of fashion shawl: fichu ©fabric head-covering:
clothes: couture ©designer of fash- kerchief ©square of cloth worn
ion clothes: couturier (fern, couturiere) round the neck: neckerchief ©small
• couturier's trademark: label •cou- shiny decorative disk: sequin
turier's shop: salon •denoting • clothes indicating membership of a
clothes from a fashionable couturier: team etc.: colours ©guardsman's tall
designer • maker of theatrical or fur cap: bearskin ©dark clothes
fancy-dress costumes: costumier worn with university robes: subfusc
• full-steed model for displaying • one-piece garment leaving only the
clothes: dummy •colours on a gar- head, hands, and feet exposed: boiler
ment: coiourway ©part of a garment suit, coverall, jumpsuit, siren suit
contrasting in colour with the main • one-piece undergarment covering
fabric: facing • turned-back edge of a arms, trunk, and legs: combinations
garment: revers ©part of a garment • loose overall: smock, blouse
covering the shoulders: yoke •glit- • loose garment reaching the knees:
tering substance as clothes ornament: tunic ©sleeveless tunic: tabard
paillette, sequin, spangle •flattened • athlete's warm oversuit: tracksuit,
stitched fold in a garment: tuck sweatsuit •weatherproof tracksuit:
• tapered tuck shaping a garment: shell suit • casual trousers: slacks
clothes |
clothes 6£

• denim trousers with a bib: dun- mental shirt frill: jabot •starched
garees • shaped trousers for horse- neck frill: ruff ©long shirt worn mi
riding: jodhpurs ©trousers ending bed: nightshirt ©loose coat worn
gathered at the knee: knickerbockers over nightwear: dressing gown
• baggy knickerbockers: plus fours • elastic strip supporting a stocking*
• ankle-covering: gaiter, spat garter ©sleeveless vest: singlet
• length of cloth wound round the • strip of material covering the geni-
lower leg: puttee ©short jacket with tals: G-string, thong ©piece of cloth
elasticated waist and cuffs: bomber wound about the hips and crotchi
jacket, windcheater •sleeveless loincloth ©woman's all-in-one under-
jacket: jerkin • silk jacket with an up- garment: teddy ©woman's figure-:
right collar: mandarin jacket shaping undergarment: foundation,
• belted jacket with box pleats: Nor- foundation garment, corset, girdle,;
folk jacket •lightweight belted roll-on ©woman's light belt wittt
jacket with patch pockets: bush stocking suspenders: suspender belti
jacket, safari jacket ©jacket in Chi- • woman's undergarment support"
nese communist style: Mao jacket ing the breasts: bra, brassiere
•jacket with slits at the side or back: • woman's vest: bodice, liberty bod-^
hacking jacket •outdoor jacket ice •loose-fitting bodice: camisole
waterproofed with wax: waxed jacket • woman's short vest exposing the'
• long waterproof jacket pulled over stomach: crop top •ballerina's short!
the head: cagoule • thick double- skirt: tutu • woman's close-fitting
breasted jacket: reefer, reefer jacket garment covering the trunk and arms:}
• warm hooded jacket: anorak, parka body, bodysuit, leotard •woman's
•jacket worn when sitting up in bed: close-fitting garment covering the]
bedjacket ©short sleeveless cloak: trunk, arms, and legs: catsuit, unitardj
cape • short cloak with a mask: • woman's close-fitting garment cover-
domino • woollen cape with a slit for ing the trunk and legs: body stocking
the head: poncho •thick blue • woman's two-piece swimsuit: bikini
sweater: guernsey ©sweater's high • woman's swimsuit consisting of the^
turned-over collar: polo neck, roll- lower half of this: monokini
neck, turtleneck ©sleeveless • woman's light loose robe: house-
sweater: pullover, slipover ©motor- coat, peignoir •tight-fitting strap-
ist's short coat: car coat ©sailor's less top for women or girls: boob
short overcoat: pea coat, pea jacket, tube, bustier •woman's close-fitting
pilot jacket ©long heavy overcoat: sleeveless top: tank top ©strap sup-
greatcoat ©loose overcoat belted at porting a sleeveless top: halter • part
the back: ulster ©heavy woollen of a dress above the waist: bodice
hooded coat with toggle fastenings: • close-fitting bodice: basque
duffel coat • waterproof coat: mack- • woman's matching cardigan and
intosh, raincoat •bullet-proof coat: jumper: twinset ©woman's short
flak jacket ©denoting a coat with a open jacket: bolero ©woman's shirt:
single row of buttons: single-breasted blouse ©close-fitting dress: sheath,
• denoting a coat with two rows of but- sheath dress ©dress hanging
tons and an overlapping front: straight from the shoulders: chemise
double-breasted • front edge of a • dress flaring out from shoulder to
jacket that is folded back: lapel hem: tent dress ©long formal dress:
• short-sleeved casual top: T-shirt gown ©denoting a dress having a
• loose shirt or dress: kaftan •orna- low neckline: decollete ©dress or
69 clothes |

skirt of a single piece of cloth wound model • women's clothes when worn
round and tucked in: sarong
• dress by men: drag ©wear clothes of the
or skirt of a single overlapping piece opposite sex: cross-dress ©put on
with one fastening: wrap-around, clothes: don ©wear informal or
wrap-over •dress or skirt ending scruffy clothes: dress down ©wear
well above the knee: mini ©dress or smart clothes or fancy dress: dress up
skirt of mid-calf length: midi •coat • take off clothes: doff *see also
or skirt of ankle length: maxi • div- glove, hat, uniform, robes, vest-
ided skirt: culottes •full wide skirt ments /or
items of foreign clothing
with a tight waistband: dirndl •pad- see under the appropriate national ad-

ding formerly worn under the rear of jective

a skirt: bustle •loose underdress: cloud •adjective: nebulous •tower-

chemise ©light underskirt or under- ing cloud-mass: cumulonimbus
dress: petticoat • short petticoat: slip • rounded cloud-mass: cumulus
• hoops formerly supporting a skirt: • mass of fast-moving cloud: wrack
farthingale •hooped petticoat: crin- • low grey cloud: nimbostratus, nim-
oline ©woman's light dressing gown: bus • low layer of clumped grey
negligee ©loose dress 'worn by a cloud-masses: stratocumulus •cloud
woman in bed: nightdress, night- forming a continuous grey sheet: stra-
gown ©women's underwear and tus • height of cloud base: ceiling
nightclothes: lingerie ©furry tube to • study of clouds: nephology
warm the hands: muff ©workman's
club 1
•adjectives: clavate, claviform
heavy jacket with leather-patched • heavy club: bludgeon ©spiked
shoulders: donkey jacket ©man's metal club: mace ©Irish club: shil-
heavy double-breasted overcoat: ul-
lelagh ©Australian Aboriginal club:
ster ©man's long-tailed coat for for- nulla-nulla, waddy ©South African
mal day wear: morning coat, tail coat club: knobkerrie
• man's suit for formal daytime wear:
lounge suit ©man's formal evening
club 2 ©veto someone's proposed
jacket: dinner jacket ©man's velvet
membership of a club etc.: blackball
jacket: smoking jacket ©man's long- clutch ©disengage a motor's clutch:
tailed coat for formal evening wear: declutch
dress coat, tailcoat ©man's long-
coal ©soft brownish coal: lignite
tailed coat for outdoor formal wear: • hard smokeless coal: anthracite
frock coat ©man's false shirt front: • coal heated in a vacuum: coke
dicky • sash worn with male evening • coal dust with small pieces of coal:
dress: cummerbund • opening at the slack • semi-liquid mixture of water
front of trousers: flies • man's shorts and coal particles: slurry ©black li-
for swimming or boxing: trunks quid distilled from bituminous coal:
• man's long underpants: long johns coal tar ©wood preservative distilled
• decorative pouch for the male geni- from coal tar: creosote ©area with
tals: codpiece ©man over-eager to many coal deposits: coalfield ©coal
dress smartly: dandy, fop ©denoting mine: colliery ©coal miner: collier
a neatly dressed man: dapper, spruce • coal miner's basket: corf ©coal
• elegantly dressed: soigne (fern. mine safety official: deputy ©ship
soignee) ©basket for dirty clothes: transporting coal: collier • coal store:
linen basket ©dummy to display bunker •fireside ornamental coal-
clothes: mannequin ©person em- box: scuttle ©stony residue from
ployed to wear clothes for display: burnt coal: clinker
coast cold

coast • adjective: littoral • coastal scramble •denoting a text sent out

region with a subtropical climate: rivi- of code: en clair •signalling code
era •coastal area regularly covered composed of longs and shorts: Morse
by tides: salting •curve in a coast- code • study of codes: cryptography,
line: bight • scenic coast road: cor- cryptology • code composed of paral-
niche ©urban seaside road: lel lines of varying thickness: bar
esplanade •coastal watchman: code, universal product code
coastguard • light-emitting device reading bar
coat •coat with flour or sugar: codes: light pen
dredge • coat with plaster or cement: coffee • strong black coffee made
render ©coat a wall with planking: under steam pressure: espresso
clad see also clothes • coffee topped with frothed milk:
cocaine • potent hard form of co- cappuccino •stimulant in coffee:
caine: crack • purified cocaine: free-
caffeine ©coffee sediment: grounds
base • coffee pot with a plunger: cafetiere
• coffee pot passing heated water
cockney • cockney's traditional
though the grounds: percolator
dress: pearlies • cockney wearing
these: pearly queen, pearly king
coffin • stone coffin sarcophagus,

cist ©inner coffin: shell ©frame-

cocktail •advocaat and lemonade: work on which a coffin may be set or
snowball ©brandy with flavoured carried: bier, catafalque ©coffin-
water and ice: smash ©brandy,
carrier: pallbearer
lemon juice, and orange liqueur: side-
car »gin and angostura bitters: pink cog ©cogwheel with teeth at 90°:
gin •gin and cherry brandy: Singa- crown wheel • cogged or toothed bar
pore sling ©gin and dry vermouth: or rail: rack
martini ©gin, vermouth, and coil •rotating coil in a dynamo or
Campari: negroni ©gin, orange li- electric motor: armature
queur, and lemon juice: White Lady
coin •adjective: numismatic,
• rum and water: grog ©rum and nummular ©face of a obversecoin:
lime juice: daiquiri •rum, pineapple • back of a coin: reverse ©impres-
juice, and coconut: pina colada sion stamped on a coin: incuse
• spirits with beaten egg and milk: • ridges on a coin's edge: milling
egg-nog, egg flip • tequila and • coin manufactory: mint • collection
champagne: slammer, tequila slam- of specimen coins at the Royal Mint:
mer • vodka and orange juice: screw- pyx • deprive a coin of monetary sta-
driver ©vodka and tomato juice: tus: demonetize • study of coins:
Bloody Mary ©whisky and ginger numismatics
wine: whisky mac ©whisky with
lemon or lime juice: whisky sour cold • combining forms: cryo- ©cold
• wine or spirits with fruit juices, and damp: dank ©feeling of extreme
spices, etc.: punch cold: nip ©sleepy state brought on by
extreme cold: hypothermia ©tissue
coconut •coconut fibre: coir
damage caused by extreme cold: frost-
• dried coconut kernels: copra bite • thermometer for low temperat-
code •deciphering of codes: crypt- ures: cryometer •substance produ-
analysis ©word enabling this: key- cing low temperatures: cryogen
word ©text written in code: crypto- • deep-freezing of corpses in hope of
gram ©encode a text: encipher, subsequent medical advances that
encrypt • encode electronically: could reverse the cause of death: cryo-
71 collapse |

genics, cryonics •medical treat- this for senior teaching staff: high
ment using intense cryotherapy
cold: table •college room where provi-
• surgery using intense cold to des- sions are sold: buttery •college re-
troy tissue: cryosurgery laxation room for fellows: senior
collapse • inwards collapse: implo- common room ©this for postgradu-
sion ates: middle common room •this
for undergraduates: junior common
collar • high stiff collar with turned
room •college principal's apart-
down wing collar •high
ments: lodge, lodgings • college
turned-over collar on a sweater: polo
doorkeeper: porter •college finan-
neck •bar attaching a collar to a
cial manager: bursar ©cleric serving
shirt: stud
a college: chaplain ©senior member
collection •collection of related of a college: fellow, don ©college fel-
items: compendium •collection of
low in charge of discipline: dean
miscellaneous items: farrago, job lot
• college teacher responsible for a par-
• collection of writings: anthology,
ticular subject: tutor • college tuition
collectanea, commonplace book, session an individual or small
florilegium, miscellany, omnibus
group: tutorial •annual college feast:
• collection of historical documents:
gaudy, commemoration • money de-
archive •collection of texts: corpus
posited with college authorities to pay
• collection of essays on a particular
for breakages: caution money +see
topic: symposium
also Cambridge, Oxford, university
collective farm •collective farm
in Israel: kibbutz • collective farm in
colony •adjective: colonial >see
Russia: kolkhoz also state

collector •collector of bygones: colour •combining forms:

antiquary •collector of beer mats: chromato-, chromo- •adjective:
tegestologist •collector of books: chromatic • one of a group of basic
bibliophile •collector of butterflies colours combining to form all the
and moths: lepidopterist •collector others: primary colour •colour
of coins and medals: numismatist made by mixing two primary colours:
• collector of matchboxes: phillumen- secondary colour • range of colours:
ist •collector of stamps: philatelist spectrum, palette *band of colours
college •adjectives: collegial, colle-
produced by refraction of a light
source s pect r u m • denoting a colour
giate • college for pupils in their :

that combines with another to make

final years of secondary education:
sixth-form college •further educa- white or black: complementary
tion college providing courses in prac- • colour intensity: saturation •pro-
ticalor technical subjects: technical ducing colour: chromogenic • using
college •military college training only one colour: monochromatic
potential officers: military academy • in a single uniform colour: self-
• military college training officers for coloured • having several colours:
staff duties: staff college ©music particoloured, pied, polychromatic,
college: conservatoire •Orthodox polychrome •denoting colours that
Jewish college: yeshiva • college site are burnt into a surface: encaustic
and buildings: campus •college • small patch of colour: fleck • subtle
doorkeeper's room: lodge •college shade of a colour: tint •faint trace of
courtyard: quadrangle •college din- a colour: tinge •quality of a colour:
ing room: hall, refectory ©table in tone •marked with patches of
colour blindness |
communication 72

colour: dappled, mottled, variegated traders to fix prices: cartel, price

• colouring matter: pigment ring

colour blindness • complete comet • solid head of a comet: nu-

colour blindness: monochromatism cleus • luminous tail following a
• ability to discern only two of the comet:coma
three primary colours: dichromatism comfort •comfortable and cosy:
• red-blindness: daltonism, protan- snug ©degree of material comfort
opia • green-blindness: deuteran- enjoyed: standard of living
opia •blue-blindness: tritanopia command •adjectives: mandatory,
column •rectangular column: pilas- preceptive • arbitrary command:
ter • short ornate column supporting diktat, ukase •command that must
a rail: baluster •ornamental fencing be obeyed: dictate •oriental ruler's
made of these: balustrade •denoting command: firman •sovereign's com-
a column attached to the wall: en- mand advised by the Privy Council:
gaged ©engaged column at the end Order in Council •binding official
of an arcade: respond • row of col- instruction: directive ©carry out a
umns: colonnade ©rowcolumns
of command: execute
defining a space: peristyle • head of a comment ©comment made in pass-
column: capital •slight concave ing: obiterdictum ©perceptive com-
curve in a column: entasis •beam ment: apercu ©witty comment ex-
across the tops of columns: architrave pressing a general truth: aphorism,
• ornamental porch with columns: epigram
portico •cylindrical stone forming
commitment ©morally committed:
part of a column: tambour ©arrange
engage ©avoid committing oneself:
(statistics etc.) in columns: tabulate
comb •projecting point on a comb: committee ©committee establish-
tooth ©comb wool or hemp before ing an organization's general prin-
spinning: card
ciples of operation: steering commit-
combat • medieval mock-combat be- tee ©committee appointed to advise
tween mounted knights: joust • place on a particular problem: working
for such combat: lists •combat game group, working party ©parliamen-
played with counters on maps: krieg- tary committee appointed for a special
spiel purpose: select committee ©invita-
combatant • Spanish bullfighter
tion to join a committee given by its

on foot: torero©Spanish mounted current members: co-option ©fill a

bullfighter: toreador ©Spanish bull- committee with persons sympathetic
fighter killing the bull: matador pack
to one's aims:

• matador's mounted assistant: pica- Commonwealth ©Commonwealth

dor • person who fought in a Roman embassy: high commission
arena to entertain: gladiator • nation commune • member of a commune:
or person engaged in warfare: belli- communard
gerent >see also soldier, troops
communication • communication
combination •combination into a by posture or gesture: body language,
single unit: consolidation •combin- kinesics • establish or facilitate com-
ation into a coherent whole: synthe- munication: liaise ©organs of mass
sis • combination of businesses: communication: the media ©commu-
conglomerate, consortium, corpor- nications company: carrier ©commu-
ation, syndicate •combination of nication over a distance by telephone,
73 communism compassj

radio, etc.: telecommunication or company making an acceptable

• work from home using telecommu- counterbid to a hostile takeover: white
nications: telecommute • discussion knight ©company controlled by its
involving three or more persons at dif- shareholders: joint-stock company
ferent sites using telecommunica- • nominal company: shell company
tions: teleconference •centre link- • company section with a specific
ing ground communications to function: division •denoting a
satellites: teleport• international highly efficient company: lean
communications system using tele- • transfer a state-run company to pri-
printers: telex •international com- vate ownership: denationalize, privat-
munications system using electronic ize ©worker involvement in com-
scanning: fax •telecommunications pany government: industrial
channel with a bandwidth sufficient democracy ©transport or com-
for voices: voice channel munications company: carrier
communism • kind of communism • company's preferred style of presen-
retaining elements of Western liberal- tation: house style ©tax on company
ism: Eurocommunism •central pol- corporation tax • internal to
icy committee of a communist state: a company: house •company de-
politburo ©standing legislative com- partment responsible for recruitment,
mittee of a communist state: presid- training, and welfare: personnel
ium • opposition to the official Party • company department responsible
line: splittism ©underground pub- for product innovation and improve-
lishing in a communist state: samiz- ment: research and development
dat •countries not controlled by • chart showing the interrelation of
communism: free world vsee also company posts: organization chart
Chinese communism, Soviet • colours and symbols on a company's
compact disk • compact disk vehicles: livery ©spying to gain com-
player able to play several disks in pany secrets: industrial espionage
succession: multiplayer • denoting companies whose shares
company • adjective: corporate are quoted on the London Stock Ex-
• company operating in several coun- change: listed ©(of a company) ex-
tries: multinational, transnational tend or vary its operations: diversify
• company whose shares are not on • reorganize a company on a smaller
public sale: private company •com- scale: downsize, rationalize ©close a

pany whose shares are traded on the company down: liquidate, wind up
stock exchange: public company comparison ©standard against
• capital raised by a company's sale of which other items may be assessed:
its shares: stock •funds used in a benchmark, control, datum line,
company's day-to-day trading: work- yardstick ©having no such common
ing capital •companies under com-
standard: incommensurable ©giv-
mon ownership: group • company ing an annual comparison: year-
created to control others, whose
shares it holds: holding company
• company controlled by a holding compass ©gyroscope-aligned com-
company: subsidiary •combination pass: gyrocompass • denoting one of
of two companies into one: merger the four main compass points: car-
• buy-out of one company by another: dinal • deflection of a ship's compass
takeover •denoting a takeover re- needle by iron in the ship: deviation
sisted by its victim: hostile ©person • direction in which a compass needle
competition |
computer 74

will turn: magnetic north •deflec- compliance • strict compliance:

tion of a compass needle from true to specific performance •minimal
magnetic north: declination compliance: tokenism

competition • competition's pre- composer •composer's assistant,

liminary rounds: heats •free pass to taking down dictation or copying
the next round: bye • competition in drafts: amanuensis • composer's
which each round's losers are elimin- personal musical style: idiom
ated: knock-out •denoting a compe- compound •compound with the
tition open to all: open • list of com- same formula as another, but different
petitors in order of achievement: atomic disposition: isomer •denot-
league table •main bunch of com- ing a compound containing carbon:
petitors: pack, van • compete closely: organic •denoting a compound not
vie ©disadvantage imposed on a su- containing carbon: inorganic
perior competitor: handicap •denot- • chemical analysis of a compound,
ing a player receiving no handicap: expressed in symbols: formula {pi. for-
scratch • group of clubs competing mulae) ©breakdown of a compound
together over a season: league •out- into its constituent substances: de-
side the competition: hors concours composition
compilation •combining form: compressed air •adjective: pneu-
-logue (e.g. catalogue) matic
complaint •adjective: querulous compromise •compromise be-
• trivial complaint: quibble •cause tween two mutually incompatible ob-
for complaint: grievance •govern- jectives: trade-off •middle way of
ment official investigating com- compromise: via media •admitting
plaints: ombudsman no compromise: categorical, dog-
complementary medicine
• treatment by minute doses of sub- compulsion •done without com-
stances causing the disease: homeop- pulsion: voluntary
athy • manipulation and massage of computation •computational de-
bones and muscles: osteopathy vice using beads on wires: abacus
• manipulation of the spinal culumn: • machine making mathematical cal-
chiropractic • massage treatment culations: calculator • ruler with a
using fragrant oils: aromatherapy sliding central section: slide rule
• massage system based on zone ther- computer •combining form: cyber-
apy: reflexology •inserting needles • adjective: computational, cyber
into the skin: acupuncture • computer that can be held in the
complete •combining form: hol(o)- hand: palmtop •hand-held micro-
(e.g. holocaust) computer serving as a diary: personal
organizer • small portable computer:
completely •combining form:
notebook •portable computer: lap-
cata- (e.g. cataclysm), de- (e.g. de-
top • computer for use by one person
nude), holo- (e.g. holograph), over-
at a time: personal computer •com-
(e.g. overjoyed), per- (e.g. perfect)
puter using a microprocessor: micro-
complexion • having a pale com- computer • computer sized for desk
plexion: ashen, pallid, wan ©having use: desktop • production of camera-
a red complexion: florid, ruddy ready copy by this: desktop publish-
• having a yellowish complexion: sal- ing • general purpose computer
low, jaundiced more powerful than a personal com-
75 computer computer

puter: workstation •medium-sized sponse time • denoting systems pro-

computer: minicomputer •powerful cessing data as it is generated: real-
computer supporting many peri- time • short time during which a
pherals: mainframe •multimedia computer deals with one user or pro-
computer and entertainment system: gram before switching to another:
muitiplayer •denoting activities per- time slice ©device displaying data
formed by computers: electronic on a screen: visual display unit
• manufacturer's test of a computer • computer's displayed list of com-
component before releasing it for use: mands or facilities: menu • movable
bench test •time during which a indicator on computer screen: cursor
computer is out of action: downtime • strip of icons used to perform cer-
• time during which a computer is op- tain functions: toolbar ©hand-held
erational: uptime ©detect and repair device selecting items shown
computer faults: debug •computer on-screen: mouse, puck ©ball moved
or program for creating and editing to control the cursor: rollerball ©pad
texts: word processor ©physical on which this is moved: mat ©dis-
components of a computer: hardware play device receiving commands by
• part of a computer where operations touches on the screen: touch screen
are executed and controlled: central • pull an icon across the screen: drag
processing unit, mainframe • inte- • small command panel with touch-
grated circuit replacing this: micro- sensitive areas: touch pad ©mark a
processor ©other devices connected displayed item for particular treat-
to these: peripherals ©computer part ment: select • device allowing direct
storing data and programs: memory input of handwritten material: stylus
• computer programs, routines, and • photosensitive device inputting ma-
procedures: software ©set of hard terial via the screen: light pen, stylus
and software units devoted to a par- • onscreen warning of system mal-
ticular application: system •exclu- function or bad instruction: error
sively assigned to a particular func- message • onscreen request for user
tion: dedicated ©denoting input: prompt ©program replacing
computing equipment compatible an unchanged screen display with a
without modification to that of other moving image: screen saver ©op-
manufacturers: plug-compatible tional background pattern on a com-
• start a computer: boot •gain ac- puter screen: wallpaper ©damage to
cess to a computer system: log in, log computer screen from long use: burn-
on ©string giving user access to a in ©linear sequence of characters
system or part of it: password • ser- etc.: string ©convert pictures or
vice or administrative computer sound into computer-processable
tasks: housekeeping • coded in- form: digitize ©computer scanning
structions controlling a computer: of existing images: digital imaging
command, program ©reverse a pre- • computer-aided recognition of
vious command: undo ©allow the printed characters: optical character
use of a program etc.: support ©self- recognition ©visual images pro-
operating program with reasoning duced using computer technology:
capacity: knowbot ©repeated se- graphics, computer graphics,
quence of programmed instructions: videographics ©computer model of
loop ©single instruction expanding the brain's ability to recognize and
into a set: macro ©time taken by a discriminate: perceptron ©language
system to implement commands: re- defining operating tasks: job control

computer computer

language • character string identify- removable disk: hard disk, hard drive
ing a program: identifier •character • removable flexible disk: floppy
with no assigned identity used in a floppy disk •floppy disk drive using
search string: wild card •character a laser: floptical •digital-analogue
string identical with that searched interface: modem •modem converts
for: match •proceeding by trial and ing digital to sound signals: acoustic
error: heuristic •copy data to a stor- coupler • convert an image into
age location: save ©extra copy of digital form for computer use: scan
data taken for security: back-up • computer's operating speed: clock
• conducting an operation in simul- speed •computer's ability to inter-
taneous parts: parallel processing connect systems: connectivity •con-
• chief printed circuit board: mother- nected set of data items: record;,
board • transfer a program or data to • data stored under a particular name:
memory: load •denoting a program file • search directions for a file: path)

or device directly accessible to the • description of a file's whereabouts:t

user: front-end • background com- pathname •list of files: directory
puter process handling peripheral • directory at the highest level of a c

tasks: daemon • system of intercon- hierarchy: root directory •access toi

nected computers: network •directly data requiring file readthrough: se-
controlled by a computer: online quential access ©text stored in a
• not directly controlled by a com- file: document • computer manipula-f
puter: offline • study of electronic tion of texts: text processing, word'
data processing for storage and re- processing ©word processing fea-
trieval: information science, infor- ture starting a new line to avoid word--:
mation technology, informatics division: word wrap ©insert mater-S
• printout of computer data: ial into a document: paste ©defined
hardcopy • onscreen display of data: structure for data processing, storage,'
soft copy •printout of what is or display: format ©formatting soft-!
shown on the screen: screen dump ware: filter ©restructuring and com-i
• onscreen mockup of page layout be- puter loading of data: computeriza-
fore printing: page preview •series tion ©company restructuring to'l
of jobs waiting for the printer: print utilize computers: business process
queue • show an input character on- re-engineering • analysis of complex
screen: echo • temporary area procedures with a view to their com-
opened onscreen to display a pro- puterization: systems analysis
gram's output: window, viewport • piece of computer code that can cor-
• component transferring electrical rupt or destroy data: virus •harmful
signals to the recording medium: self-replicating computer program:
head •computer device able to worm ©messages sent over a com-
switch between disks: changer puter network: electronic mail ©de-
• smallest unit of electronic informa- noting a computer terminal lacking
tion: bit • group of eight bits: byte independent processing capability:
• series of characters stored in a com- dumb ©denoting a terminal having
puter: string ©back-up of changed this: intelligent ©denoting a com-
files only: incremental back-up •de- puter serving several terminals:
vice giving high-speed back-up to multi-access ©link a smaller com-
tape: tape streamer ©flat plate for puter to a larger one: dock ©device
data storage: disk ©device accessing allowing use of audio components:*
this: disk drive • rigid non- sound card ©cafe with computers
computer disk computer keyboard

for customers' use: cybercafe • rural • removable flexible disk: floppy,

establishment with computers for cus- floppy disk ©floppy disk drive using
tomers' use: telecentre, telecottage a laser: floptical •denoting a disk of
• ordering goods by direct computer double storage capacity: double dens-
link: teleshopping •increased avail- ity • concentric circle on a disk:
ability of information due to com- track ©subdivision of a track on a
puters: information revolution magnetic disk: sector ©device ac-
• legal controls over use of electronic cessing a disk: disk drive ©computer
data: data protection • person using device able to switch between disks:
codes to access a computer network: changer ©disk storage device allow-
cypherpunk •person gaining illicit ing data access from any of them:
access to secret computer data: jukebox ©protect the contents of a
hacker ©sexual pleasure obtained disk from overwriting or erasure:
via computer technology: cybersex write-protect
• half-move in computer chess: ply
computer graphics ©small on-
• ability to use computers: computer
screen graphic: glyph ©graphic serv-
literacy »fear of computers:
ing as a menu item: icon ©control
cyberphobia • instruction book for a
system using windows, icons, etc.:
computer user: manual •technical
graphical user interface ©screen
assistance to a computer user: sup-
graphic of a box posing questions to
port, technical support • notional
the user: dialog box, dialogue box
environment for computer communi-
• computer drawing device: graphics
cation: cyberspace • computer-
tablet • gradual change of an image
generated model of future events:
by computerized techniques: morph-
simulation •computer-generated
ing •ready-made artwork in soft-
three-dimensional environment: vir-
ware packages: clip art •denoting
tual reality •fiction set in a
systems creating three-dimensional
computer-dominated society: cyber-
displays: immersive
punk • control for computerized
video games: console, joypad, joy- computer hardware • surface
stick, light gun •denoting a compu- area taken up by a piece of hardware:
terized game
playable over the Inter- footprint ©hardware standard deter-
net: multi-user •computer mining what software it can run: plat-
application allowing the combination form ©denoting hardware that can
of animated and live-action elements be operated independently: stand-
in a film: rotoscope ©human alone ©number of hardware units
thought mechanisms or processes sold as a package: bundle • hardcopy
when compared with those of a com- describing the uses and design of
puter: wetware •denoting logical hardware: documentation •device
systems reflecting the inexactness of or program connecting two items of
human thought: fuzzy see also com- hardware: interface •provide a user
puter disk, computer graphics, com- interfacefor software: encapsulate
puter hardware, computer keyboard, • hardware manufacturers' after-sales
computer memory, computer sys- advice service: technical support
tem, computer window, electronic • sudden hardware failure: crash
data, file, program, virtual reality,
computer keyboard •computer
word processor
key giving quick access to a function:
computer disk • rigid non- hot key •computer key altering the
removable disk: hard disk, hard drive function of another: control key, shift
computer memory computer software

key • computer key used to arrest an • denoting software not kept perman-
operation: escape key •computer ently in thememory: non-resident
key assigned a function by the current
computer network • network op-
program: function key •computer
erating within a building etc.: local
key used to execute a command: enter
area network • network of independ-
key •computer key used to start a
ent computers: distributed system
new line of text: carriage return
• network serving distant computers:
• computer key that alternately initi- wide area network •international
ates and arrests a function: toggle,
computer network: Internet •elec-
toggle key, toggle switch tronic network for rapid transfer of
computer memory • computer's digital information: superhighway,
temporary memory area: buffer, clip- information superhighway •com-
board • computer's auxiliary mem- puter providing network services:
ory: cache • fast temporary memory: host • network computer or program
scratch pad •fast memory for ma- managing access to a central re-
terial in current use: working mem- source: server •workstation net-
ory • memory used for storage of in- worked to a server: client ©user
terim results: working storage point on a network: terminal •con-
• memory retaining data without elec- nect several devices in series: daisy-
tricity: flashmemory •denoting chain ©device connecting two net-
memory can only be written
that works: gateway •denoting a device
once: read-only •denoting memory accessible without the network: local
that is cleared with loss of power: • denoting a device accessible only via
volatile • denoting a memory able to the network: remote • network proto-
retain data despite power cuts: non- col allowing a user on one computer
volatile • memory facility giving dir- to log in to another computer on the
ect access to each location: random same network telnet ©socket con-

access •memory facility allowing necting devices to a network: port

access only in a certain order: se- computer software • software
quential access •memory section: available free of charge: freeware,
partition ©part of a computer mem- shareware • software made available
ory where programs must be loaded: over a network or television system:
conventional memory •security telesoftware • software programmed
copy of memory contents: dump using artificial intelligence tech-
• memory store not part of the main niques: expert system •software al-
processor: external memory •bin- lowing extensive cross-referencing:
ary number identifying a memory lo- hypertext • software supporting
cation: address •circuit board giv- basic computer functions: operating
ing extra memory: expansion board, system •software for collective use:
expansion card • board containing groupware •software devised to
extra memory chips: memory board meet a particular user's needs: appli-
• key data into a computer's memory: cation ©permanent read-only soft-
capture, enter, input • enter data ware: firmware •formatting soft-
into non- volatile memory: save • des- ware: filter •container for loading
troy data in a computer's memory: de- computer software: cartridge •de-
lete, erase • transfer a program or noting software not kept permanently
data to memory: load, write •per- in the memory: non-resident •de-
manent software programmed into noting software able to exchange data
the read-only memory: firmware without conversion: interoperable
79 computer system condit ion j

• able to use specified software with- taneously: superscalar ©gain access

out modification: compatible ©ser- to a computer system: log in, log on
ies of coded software instructions: • string giving user access to a system
algorithm, program, routine •elec- or part of it: password ©means by
tronic device enabling the use of pro- which user and system interact: user
tected software: dongle ©provide a interface ©onscreen warning of sys-
user interface for software: encapsu- tem malfunction: error message
late • transfer software from one sys- computer window • subsection of
tem to another: port •ready-made a window: pane •simultaneous use
artwork in software packages: clip art of several windows: windowing ©re-
• software manufacturers' after-sales duce a window to an icon: iconify
advice service: technical support • arrange windows so that they do not
• sudden software failure: crash overlap: tile • bar at the foot of a win-
computer system • computer dow giving information on the docu-
system modelled on the human brain: ment edited or the program running:
neural net, neural network • theory status bar
and development of computer systems concern ©lack of concern: apathy,
able to thmk like humans: artificial in- indifference ©showing no concern:
telligence • denoting* systems em- insouciant, nonchalant
ploying artificial intelligence: expert, concert ©concert for an unseated
fifth-generation •logic employed by audience: promenade concert ©con-
such systems: fuzzy logic •control cert given by one or a few players: re-
system using windows, icons, etc.: cital
graphical user interface •part of a
conclusion • conclusion derived by
computer system preventing un-
logic:deduction, inference •conclu-
authorized access: firewall •denot-
sion inferred from a limited number
ing a system simultaneously usable by
of instances: generalization • un-
several people: multi-user ©system
stated conclusion: implication •con-
multi-use: time-sharing •denoting
clusion wrongly inferred: non sequi-
systems able to exchange data without
conversion: interoperable •denoting
a system making input data immedi- concrete • concrete reinforced
ately available as feedback: real time
with steel: ferroconcrete, reinforced
• denoting systems processing data as concrete • denoting concrete
strengthened by rods inserted under
it is generated: real-time •denoting
systems creating three-dimensional tension: prestressed ©large flat
piece of concrete: slab ©concrete
displays: immersive • arrange and
layer under a building: oversite, raft
adjust the elements of a computer sys-
• planking supporting setting con-
tem: configure ©copy data from one
crete: shuttering
computer system to another: down-
load • transfer data to a larger com- condiments • table condiment-
puter system: upload •re-express holder: cruet ©mixture of oil, vin-
data for use with a different system: egar, and herbs: dressing
convert ©computer's ability to inter- condition •combining forms: -acy
connect systems: connectivity ©lo- (e.g. lunacy), -hood (e.g. falsehood),
gical organization of a computer sys- -ness -osis (e.g. neur-
(e.g. silliness),
tem: architecture ©denoting an osis), -osity pomposity), -tude
architecture allowing several instruc- (e.g. solitude) ©in its original condi-
tions to be loaded and executed simul- tion: pristine ©agreed conditions:
conditioning j
container 80

terms •essential condition: pre- consent • adjective: consensual

requisite, sine qua non • permission short of consent: toler-
conditioning • conditioning of cut ation
timber by exposure to the weather: consequence •inevitable conse-
seasoning • raising tolerance levels quence: corollary ©have or cause as
by regular exposure: desensitization a consequence: entail, entrain
cone • adjective: conical, conic, conservation ©open area round a
conoid • cone intersected by a plane: town, with development restrictions:
conic section •mathematics of green belt ©other area so treated:
conic sections: conies Environmentally Sensitive Area
conference • academic conference: • listed building's level of importance:
colloquium, symposium •represen- grade
tative sent to a conference: delegate consonant • type of consonant pro-
confinement • confinement to
duced by a sudden release of air: plo-
sive • type of consonant produced by
one's home: house arrest
ment in a distant part of one's coun- breath friction: fricative ©type of
try: internal exile •confinement of consonant produced by brief contact
enemy aliens during wartime: intern-
between palate and tongue tip: flap
ment • type of consonant produced by con-
tact or proximity between palate and
confirm •confirm formally: vouch
tongue blade: palatal ©type of con-
• confirm a statement: corroborate
sonant produced by contact between
conform •determined refusal to tongue tip and the palatal ridge or
conform: perversity ©person not upper front teeth: dental ©type of
concerned to conform: dropout, ec- consonant produced by full or partial
centric lip closure: labial
confuse • confused state of the eld- constitution ©partial suspension
erly: senile dementia •confused of the constitution: state of emer-
mass: welter ©surprise and confuse: gency
disconcert, nonplus •in headlong
consul • consul's office or staff: con-
confusion: pell-mell
sulate ©host government's official
connect • adjective: conjunctive, recognition of consular staff: exequa-
connective • temporary electrical or tur
telephone connection: patch consultation • opportunity pro-
connoisseur • connoisseur of food vided by an MP, lawyer, etc. for infor-
and drink: gourmet, gastronome mal consultation: surgery
• connoisseur of pictures and an- consume •consume sparingly: eke
tiques: virtuoso out •promotion of consumer inter-
conqueror •Spanish conqueror of ests: consumerism
South America: conquistador contact •forcible contact: impact
conscience • adjective: conscien- • spread by contact: contagious
tious • person refusing to fight as a container •container for fluids:
matter of moral principle: conscien- reservoir, cistern •cylindrical metal
tious objector container: canister ©sealed con-
conscious • temporary loss of con- tainer holding a measured amount of
sciousness: blackout •below the medicine etc.: ampoule ©container
level of consciousness: subliminal for audiotape: cassette, reel ©barred
• rigid unconscious state: catalepsy container for animal feed: crib ©con-
81 containing |

tainer for film, ink, or a computer pro- the British isles to the Urals: Europe
gram: cartridge • large flexible con- • major section of a continent: sub-
tainer for water-transport of liquids: continent • creation of continents by
dracone • suspended container with the raising of the earth's crust: epeir-
a discharge chute: hopper •con- ogeny • gradual movement of the
tainer for molten metal: crucible earth's continents: continental drift
• container for building waste: skip
contraception • penis sheath:
• container for papers: briefcase, file,
condom •contraceptive cover for
portfolio ©case for unfolded draw-
the cervix: cap, diaphragm, Dutch
ings: portfolio •container for petrol
cap • intrauterine contraceptive:
or water: jerrycan •container for
coil, loop • device for washing out
relics: reliquary •container for tea:
the vagina: douche • substance kill-
caddy •tin-lined wooden container
ing spermatozoa: spermicide ©oral
for shipping tea: tea chest ©perfor
contraceptive containing both oestro-
ated hollow metal sphere to hold in-
gen and progestogen: combined pill
fusing tea leaves: tea ball •container
• oral contraceptive that may be taken
for wine or oil: ampulla, cruse
after intercourse: morning-after pili
• small container for table condi-
• contraceptive method based on
ments: cruet • glass container for
body temperature: sympto-iherma!
wine or spirits: decanter •container
method •contraceptive method of
made from a piece of paper twisted at
avoiding intercourse when conception
the ends: twist ©earthenware pot or
is most likely: rhythm method • time
jar: crock ©sealed container filled
when a woman is least likely to con-
with objects representative of the cur-
rent time, buried for future discovery:
ceive: safe period see also steril-
time capsule •batter-proof con-
tainer: flight case • perforated con- contract • adjective: contractual,
tainer for sweet-smelling substances: contractural ©contract drawn up by
pomander *see also basket, lug- deed: covenant •contract for peri-
gage odic work: account •apprentice's
containing •combining form: -fer contract: indenture •subordinate
(e.g. aquifer), ~ferous (e.g. auriferous),
contract: subcontract ©contract
-ous (e.g. dangerous) binding in honour only: gentleman's
agreement ©weakening flaw in a
contaminate • contaminate food
contract: loophole • clause in a con-
or drink: adulterate, doctor •con-
tract stipulating exceptions: saving
tamination of the environment: pollu-
clause •clause freeing a party from
obligations under stated conditions:
context ©out of context: in vacuo escape clause ©clause allowing for
continent • large continent of the price escalator clause
geological past: supercontinent • document recording a contract:
• supposed original single continent: deed, memorandum •detailed text
Pangaea •subsequent land mass in of a contract: small print ©thing
the southern hemisphere: Gondwana given or done in return for another's
• subsequent land mass in the north- contracted act: consideration ©ini-
ern hemisphere: Laurasia •contin- tial sum paid to validate a contract:
ent round the South Pole: Antarctica deposit • security for the completion
• continent round the North Pole: Arc- of a contract: pledge • changed cir-
tic • continent lying east of Europe: cumstances making performance im-
Asia •continent running east from majeure ©payment at
possible: force
contradiction |
cookery 81

early termination of contract: sever- cooked ©lightly cooked (of pasta or

ance pay •performance of a con- vegetables): al dente ©very lightly
tractual obligation ordered by a court: cooked (of meat): saignant ©lightly
specific performance • enter into a cooked (of meat): rare • cooked gen-;
contract: engage • release from con- tly in their own juice (of vegetables):
tractual obligation: discharge ©per- sweated •fried and then stewed: 4

son securing and negotiating con- braised •cooked by dipping into a-

tracts for a performer or creative hot oil or sauce: fondue • simmered :

artist: agent in or over a little liquid: poached

contradiction • partly cooked by boiling: parboiled'

• apparent contra-
• parboiled and then fried: sauteed
diction used for rhetorical effect:
oxymoron • self-contradictory: in- cookery • adjective: culinary
consistent • expression acknowledg- • type of cookery: cuisine •high
ing that one is contradicting the per- quality cooking: haute cuisine
son specified: pace • style of cookery emphasizing presen-
tation and fresh ingredients: nouvelie
contrast •contrast of light and
cuisine • cookery as a school subject:
shade: chiaroscuro •volume con-
food technology, home economics,
trasts in a musical piece: dynamics
domestic science ©device with a
control •control from a distance: small burner for keeping dishes hot at
remote control •controlling influ- the table: chafing dish • heated food
ence stifling initiative: dead hand trolley: hostess trolley •constituent
• state economic and social control: of a dish: ingredient • device extract-
dirigisme •control of former de- ing juice: juicer •liquidizing and
pendencies by economic or political chopping device: blender, food pro-
pressure: neocolonialism •control cessor • device for whipping liquids:
panel: console, fascia ©loss of con- whisk • waxed paper for cookery:
trol of one's bodilymovements: ataxia greaseproof paper •denoting cook-
• loss of control of one's bodily func- ware usable in the oven or on the hob:
tions: incontinence ©absence of any flameproof ©enamel cooking pot
control: anarchy ©noisy and hard to with lid and handle: billy, billycan
control: obstreperous •easy to con- • small metal cooking pot: skillet
trol: biddable, pliable, tractable • large metal cooking pot: cauldron
• take control of: commandeer • large metal cooking pot for field use:
• bring under control: subdue, subju- dixie ©large covered cooking pot:
gate ©enter and take control of: oc- casserole ©small pot for cooking
cupy ©free from control: deregulate and serving food: cocotte, ramekin
• remove from a position of control: • saucepan cooking food in an upper
override see also power compartment by means of hot water
convent • adjective: conventual held in a lower compartment: bain
>see also monastery marie, double boiler, double sauce-
pan • airtight saucepan for fast cook
convince • person hard to con-
ing: pressure cooker •broad-bladed
vince: sceptic •easily convinced:
serving utensil: slice •blunt wooden
credulous, gullible
blade: spatula •hand-held crushing
cook ©senior cook: chef • assistant implement: pestle •strong dish for
cook: commis
©chef's tall white hat: this: mortar ©large cooking stove:
toque ©denoting a first-class cook: range ©circular iron cooking plate:
cordon bleu griddle ©spike for cooking pieces of
83 cooperation |

food: skewer, spit •grill frame of copyright •infringement of copy-

parallel bars: gridiron •cooking ap- right: piracy ©out of copyright: in
pliance with a rotating spit: rotisserie the public domain
• heating area on the flat top of a coral • ridge of coral in the sea: reef
cooker: hob, hotplate •partially
• circular coral reef or group of is-
cook by boiling: parboil • cook at just
lands: atoll
below boiling point: simmer, poach,
coddle •denoting a gentle heat for cord »cord holding a whistle etc.:
cooking: slow •denoting a strong lanyard »cord round a Scout's neck-
heat for cooking: fast • immerse ve- erchief: woggle
getables briefly in boiling water: cork • spiral device for extracting
blanch ©fry lightly and then stew: corks: corkscrew
braise •pour juice over cooking
meat: baste •liquid remaining after
corn ©hand mill for grinding corn:

cooking: liquor
quern ©beat corn from the ears:
cooperation • positive cooper-
ation: synergy • passive cooperation: cornea • combining form: kerato-
connivance •covert cooperation: • inflammation of the cornea: kera-
collusion •in close cooperation: titis • corneal surgery: keratoplasty
concerted, in concert corpse •combining form: necr- (e.g.

copper •combining forms: chalc-, necropolis, literally 'city of the dead)

cupr- • adjectives: cupric, cuprous • embalmed corpse wrapped in ban-
• greenish surface colour of oxidized dages: mummy •corpse used for
copper: verdigris •prehistoric era in medical research: cadaver ©corpse
which copper and stone tools were revived by witchcraft: zombie •re-
used: chalcolithic animated corpse supposed to drink
copy • exact copy: duplicate, fac- blood from living persons: vampire
simile, diplomatic copy ©exact gen- • corpse-like: cadaverous • dissec-
etic copy: clone • copy passed off as
tion of a corpse to establish the cause

the original: forgery • copy taken on of death: post-mortem, autopsy, nec-

paper laid over,a raised design: rub- ropsy • preservation of a corpse by
bing • copy made by drawing round injecting chemicals: embalmment
a shaped piece of card etc.: stencil • deep-freezing of corpses: cryonics
• copying the work of another and • wrapping for a corpse: shroud,
claiming it as one's own: plagiarism, winding-sheet •container for a
piracy •copying of a rival product corpse: coffin •watch kept over a
after detailed examination: reverse corpse before disposal: wake • place
engineering ©text spoken for copy- for storing corpses: mortuary,
ing down: dictation •original from morgue •destruction of a corpse by
which copies may be made: master fire: cremation •fire for burning a
• issue of a stated number of copies: corpse: pyre •burial of a corpse: in-
limited edition •in three identical terment • rotting of a corpse: decom-
copies: in triplicate •in four identi- position ©fear of corpses: necropho-
cal copies: in quadruplicate •copy- bia ©sexual intercourse with
ing machine using stencils and fluid corpses: necrophilia ©dig up a
ink: duplicator • copying process corpse: exhume ©cut up a cadaver
using dry powder: xerography for internal study: dissect •denot-
• colour copying process using ing a corpse that has not decomposed:
diazonium: diazo, dyeline incorrupt
correct |
cow 84

correct • combining form: ortho- cotton ©cotton seed capsule: boll

• conventionally correct: orthodox • cotton-separating machine: gin
• correctable: corrigible p-see also fabric

corset •light elastic corset: founda- cough •adjective: tussive •re-

tion garment, girdle, roll-on peated coughing interspersed with
rasping gasps: whooping cough
cosmetics • cosmetic improving
• coughed-up mixture of saliva and
facial skin:face mask, face pack
mucus: sputum •medicine for
• cosmetic making the skin firm and
coughs: expectorant
smooth: toner •cosmetic removing
dead skin cells: exfoliant •cosmetic council • adjective: conciliar
used for outlines: liner ©eyelash cos- • council of cardinals: consistory
metic: mascara •cosmetic giving a count •population count: census
warm colour to the cheeks: blusher • counting device with beads on
• red cosmetic: rouge ©thin stick of wires: abacus
cosmetic: pencil • flesh-toned stick to
counterpoint • adjective: contra-
cover blemishes: concealer •cos-
puntal • counterpoint sung above a
metic applied by a rotating ball: roll-
melody: descant
on • fine brush for applying cos-
metics: wand • small case containing country • adjectives: rural, rustic,
cosmetics and a mirror: compact, pastoral, bucolic ©person coming to
vanity case •cosmetic treatment of live in a foreign country: immigrant

the hands: manicure •cosmetic • person leaving his or her country:

treatment of the feet: pedicure emigrant ©person leaving his or her
• actors' make-up: greasepaint country to escape war, persecution,
• testing of cosmetics on rabbits: etc.: refugee ©person living outside
Draize testing his native country: expatriate ©un-
critical loyalty to one's country:
cosmology • theory that the uni-
verse began with an explosion of
dense matter: big bang theory •the- county • administrative capital of a
ory that the universe has always county: county town • sovereign's
maintained an average density: representative in a county: Lord Lieu-
steady state theory *see also cre- tenant • chief executive of the Crown
ation in a county: sherriff

Cossack • Cossack commander: court martial •barrister advising

hetman •squatting Cossack dance: this: judge advocate •official con-
kazachoc trolling army and RAF courts martial:
Judge Advocate General
cost ©costs of materials and manu-
facture, excluding overheads: prime courtroom • courtroom section for
cost ©cost of producing one further judges or magistrates: bench •sec-
tion for the jury or a witness: box
item: marginal cost • general run-
ning costs: overheads •involving • section for the accused: dock • area
for the lawyers and court officials:
acceptable costs: economic, econom-
ical ©denoting an asset or activity well see also lawcourt

that earns back its original cost: self- cow ©male cow: bull • castrated
liquidating ©pay part of the cost: bull: ox
bullock, {pi. steer
subsidize ©progressive write-off of • young cow: calf ©young female
an asset's purchase price: amortiza- cow: heifer ©cow's mammary gland:
tion udder ©cow's partly digested food:
85 cowardice cricket

cud • fine parchment made from calf- creditworthiness: white information

skin: vellum >see also cattle • company assembling data for credit
cowardice •symbol of cowardice: ratings: credit agency, credit refer-

white feather ence agency

cowboy •South American cowboy: crescent •crescent-shaped: lunate
gaucho •cowboy's leather
cricket 1
•wooden cross-piece con-
overtrousers: chaparajos, chaps
necting a pair of stumps: bail ©stick
• cowboys' exhibition of skills: rodeo
supporting the bails: stump «set of
• cowboy film or story: western
bails and stumps: wicket • pitch be-
crab ©male crab: cock • female tween the two wickets: wicket ©line
crab: hen •astrological term: can- where the batsmen stands: crease,
cer popping crease •lines between
crack •full of fine cracks: crazed which the ball must be delivered: re-
• small cracks on an old painting's turn creases •spell at batting: in-
surface: craquelure nings • lengthy innings by a pair of
craftsman •barrelmaker: cooper batsmen: stand • batsman's vigorous
• craftsman in brass: brazier stroke: drive • batsman's stroke
• skilled furniture maker: cabinet- sending the ball to the side: pull
maker • craftsman in gold: gold- • batsman's stroke slightly deflecting
smith • person shoeing horses: the ball: snick •glancing stroke giv-
blacksmith, farrier ©person working ing the ball spin: slice •hit gaining
iron by hand: blacksmith ©mender one run: single • batsman's innings
of shoes: cobbler •craftsman in sil- score of zero: duck • batsman sent in
ver: silversmith •skilled carver and at the end of a day's play: nightwatch-
builder in stone: mason, stonemason man •sequence of six balls bowled
• maker of stringed instruments: lu- from one end of the pitch: over • re-
thier, lutist ©woodworker making volving motion imparted to the ball:
stairs, doors, etc.: joiner spin •bowled ball's striking the
ground: pitch •distance from the
crane • cranewith a movable
pivoted arm: derrick • crane moving
batsman at which the ball pitches:
length • denoting a ball pitching too
on rails: travelling crane • crane's
close the batsman: overpitched
projecting arm: jib •movable beam
supporting a crane: gantry • denoting a ball pitching close to the
bowler: short • sideways deviation of
cream • thin cream with little milk
a bowled ball: swing ©batsman's ob-
single cream • thick cream with
struction of the ball: leg before
much milk fat: double cream • thick wicket • side of the field behind the
cream obtained by heating milk: clot-
batsman: leg side • side of the field
ted cream •double cream with
facing the batsman: off side •field
added yoghurt: creme fraiche
furthest from the batsman: outfield
• cream of liquidized fruit or veget-
• denoting a fielding position there:
ables: puree
deep •denoting a fielding position
creation •combining form: -geny opposite the stumps: square ©area
(e.g. orogeny) •creation of matter around the wicket: infield •fielder
throughout time: continuous cre- placed immediately behind the wicket
ation >see also cosmology of the batsman receiving the bowling:
credit ©estimate of a person's wicketkeeper • denoting fielding
creditworthiness: credit rating positions near the batsman: short
• positive information on a person's • denoting fielding positions very
cricket |
criminal 86

near the batsman: silly •fielding implicate ©bribe someone to commit

positions behind the batsman: slips an unlawful act: suborn ©person or
• scoring unit: run • run awarded for organization acting as a cover for il-

a ball not struck: bye, extra •run legal activities: front ©person who
awarded for a ball striking the bats- encourages others to commit crimes
man: leg bye • run awarded for a ball in order to denounce them: agent pro-
bowled out of the batsman's reach: vocateur (pi. agents provocateurs)
wide •over in which no runs are • inducement to commit a crime
scored: maiden over •ball reaching offered by an agent provocateur: en-
the batsman without touching the trapment • incriminating item added
ground: full toss, full pitch •ball to someone's belongings: plant •in-
pitching immediately under the bat: tention to commit a crime: malice
yorker •ball illegally delivered: aforethought, mens rea • charge
no-ball ©bowler's style of action: de- someone with a serious crime: indict
livery • trophy competed for annu- • person responsible for a crime: cul-
ally by England and Australia: the prit • defence showing one was else-
Ashes • match that is part of a series where when the crime was commit-
between two national teams: test ted: alibi ©facts justifying or
match, Test ©large white screen excusing a crime: extenuation ©po-
placed behind the bowler: sight lice coordination office for investiga-
screen ©netted strip of ground for tion of a major crime: incident room
practice: net •cricketer's genital • householders' vigilance to discour-
shield: box «end a team's innings: age crime: neighbourhood watch
dismiss ©team's second innings • study of crime: criminology • civil
played immediately after its first: wrongdoing, other than breach of con-
follow-on ©announce an early close tract: tort ©severe response to un-
to an innings: declare ©end of a desirable activity: crackdown
day's play: close ©denoting a game
between major county sides: first criminal • criminal beneath the age
class ©denoting a county not in- of legal responsibility: juvenile delin-

volved in these games: minor quent • criminal aged 14-17: young

offender •criminal aged 18-20:
cricket 2 ©shrill sound made by a young adult offender • violent crim-
cricket's rubbing its legs together: inal: thug ©violent troublemaker:
stridulation hoodlum, hooligan ©criminal who
crime ©adjective: nefarious betrays other criminals to the police:
• minor juvenile crime: delinquency grass, informer • convicted criminal
• crime triable by a magistrate: sum- who reoffends: recidivist ©group of
mary offence •professional negli- criminals: family, gang, ring ©trader
gence or dishonesty: malpractice in stolen goods: fence ©criminal's
• crime motivated by sexual jealousy: apparently innocent activities: cover,
crime passionnel (pi. crimes front • criminal's admission of guilt:
passionnels) • denoting a crime pun- confession • criminal's evidence
ishable by death: capital ©facts and against his accomplices: Queen's (or
circumstances constituting a crime: King's) evidence •criminal's assist-
corpus delicti ©involvement in ant: accomplice •person assisting a
crime: complicity ©deliberate hin- criminal in planning or committing a
drance of the police: obstruction crime: accessory before the fact
• police re-enactment of a crime: re- • person assisting a criminal after the
construction • establish complicity: crime has been committed: accessory
criticism cruel

87 |

after the fact •criminal act: actus powder a crop: dress ©aerial pow-
reus •criminal intent: mens rea dering of crops: crop dusting ©sub-
• in the criminal act: in flagrante de- stance added to the soil to improve
licto • criminal cooperation: collu- cropping: fertilizer •science of crop
sion, connivance, conspiracy • be- production: agronomy
tray a criminal to the authorities:
croquet •croquet stick: hammer
denounce • make someone appear to • small metal arch: hoop •winning
be a criminal: incriminate •group post: peg • strike another player's
assembled for identification of a sus- ball with one's own: roquet ©stroke
pect: identity parade •science used driving two touching balls in different
in criminal investigations: forensics
directions: split shot ©send another
• centre housing young offenders: player's ball through a hoop: peel
community home •electronic moni- • ball that has passed all the hoops:
toring of convicted criminals: elec- rover •win the game by hitting the
tronic tagging •picture of a wanted
peg: peg out
criminal composed of standard elem-
ents: identikit™ • unpaid social work
cross •combining form: cruci-
required of a convicted offender: com- • cross with a loop at the top: ankh
munity service •scientific study of • cross bearing a figure of Christ: cru-
cifix • cross with equal arms: Greek
criminals: criminology vsee also
execution, punishment cross ©cross with the lowest arm
longer: Latin cross ©Latin cross
criticism •considered critical as- with the arms in a circle: Celtic cross
sessment: evaluation •published • Greek cross with each arm con-
critical assessment: review • literary tinued at a right angle: fylfot, swas-
analysis regarding a text as having no tika • X-shaped cross: St Andrew's
fixed meaning: deconstruction, post- cross ©T-shaped cross: St Anthony's
structuralism • humorous criticism cross, tau cross • cross-shaped: cru-
of public mores: satire •witheringly ciform ©person carrying a proces-
critical: scathing •criticize severely: sional cross: crucifer
lambaste, pan, rebuke • criticize
with the benefit of hindsight: second-
crossbow • arrow for a crossbow:
guess • person or institution held to
be above criticism: sacred cow crossword puzzle • blank space
to be filled with a •hint
letter: light
crop ©crop grown for sale: cash
of the word required: clue
crop ©crop grown to protect or en-
rich the soil: cover crop ©crop crow • adjective: corvine
grown to attract pests from another crowd ©disorderly crowd: melee,
crop: trap crop • crop grown between
mob, rabble •crowd-control device
main crops: catch crop • crop grown ejecting a powerful jet of water: water
in the spaces between another crop:
cannon •irritant gases used in
intercrop • crop grown for sale: cash
crowd control: tear gas, CS gas
crop •denoting an unharvested
crop: standing •cultivation of a sin- crown • adjective: coronal •noble-
gle crop throughout a particular area: man's crown: coronet ©pope's
monoculture • successive cultiva- crown: tiara ©jewelled headband:
tion of different crops: crop rotation diadem, tiara

• area of growing crops flattened to cruel ©wantonly cruel: vicious

form a pattern: crop circle • spray or • taking pleasure in cruelty: sadistic
cry custom
\ 88

cry •high-pitched complaining cry: currency •currencies of other

whine •soft complaining cry: whim- exchange
countries: foreign ©value
per «cry made on discovery: eureka of currency as stated upon it: face
value, nominal value ©value of a
crystal • crystal that is the mirror
currency in terms of the goods it can
image of another: enantiomorph
buy: purchasing power ©former sys-
Cuba •slow Cuban dance: haba- tem defining a currency's value in
nera terms of gold: gold standard ©nom-
cucumber •small pickling cucum- inal parity ofone currency with an-
ber: gherkin
other: exchange
rate ©value of one
currency in terms of another: valuta
culture ©person having no cultural • denoting a currency with freely
interests: philistine ©highly intelli- changing value: floating •denoting
gent and cultured: sophisticated currency with a stable value: hard
• derived from, or knowing about, • alter a currency's international
many cultures: cosmopolitan
©cul- value: revalue, devalue ©pound's
ture at odds with established norms: value for European Union agriculture
counterculture, subculture • study purchases: green pound
of Western culture: humanities
• study of different cultures: ethnol- current ©air or water current be-
ogy ©study of human culture: an- hind a propeller or jet engine: slip-
thropology ©study of ancient cul- stream • subsurface current running
tures: archaeology ©amalgamation contrary to the surface current:
of different cultures: syncretism undercurrent, undertow
• cultural coexistence: pluralism curry •mild curry marinaded in
• acquisition of a culture: korma ©hot spicy curry:
inculturation •cultural ambience madras ©very hot spicy curry: vin-
evoked by the decor etc. of a restaur- daloo ©dried fish served with cur-
ant, pub, or amusement park: theme ries: Bombay duck
cup •small coffee cup: demitasse curtain ©border concealing curtain
• large two-handled cup passed round fittings: pelmet ©curtain hung in a
at feasts: loving cup •eucharistic drooping curve: swag
cup: chalice ©cup used for reserva-
tion of the Sacrament: ciborium
curve •adjective: sinuous ©curve
formed by a rope suspended at both
• cup used by Christ at the Last Sup-
ends: catenary ©part of a curve: arc
per: Holy Grail, sangrail
• curving inwards: concave •curv-
cupboard ©cupboard to hang ing outwards: convex
clothes in: wardrobe ©heated cup-
cushion • church kneeling cushion:
board for drying clothes: airing cup-
hassock, kneeler • cushion to be
board ©lockable cupboard: locker
placed at random: scatter cushion
• strong locked cupboard for valu-
• substance for stuffing cushions:
ables: safe
Cupid • Greek name: Eros
custard ©custard of egg, sugar,
cure • adjectives: sanative, thera- milk, and flour: creme patissiere
peutic • creme patissiere with ground al-
monds: frangipane
curling • mark aimed at: tee • ses-
sion of play in one direction: end custom •established custom: insti-
• captain of a curling team: skip tution, usage •traditional customs
customer Cyprus

of a community: folklore •forbidden cut •combining forms for surgical

by social custom: taboo terms: -tome (e.g. craniotome), -tomy
(e.g. lobotomy) ©make surface cuts:
customer •regular customer: pat-
scarify ©cut deeply: lacerate «cut
ron ©made to a customer's specifica-
up for study: dissect *cut with a
tions: bespoke, custom-built
sweeping stroke: slash ©part by cut-
customs •customs permit for im- ting: sever *cut off ends or edges:
port of a motor vehicle: carnet • cus- crop, pare, prune, trim ©cut into zig-
toms charge on imported goods: duty zag edges: pink ©very hot cutting
• customs certificate for duty paid: flame: thermic lance >see also sur-
docket •customs form permitting gical cutting
export of goods or removal from a cutlery ©box for a set of cutlery:
bonded warehouse: shipping bill canteen
• route through customs for those
with nothing to declare: green chan- cylinder •cylinder on which thread
nel • route through customs for etc. is wound: reel, spool •hollow
those with items to declare: red chan- metal cylinder supporting a bridge:
nel • group of states allowing free pontoon
trade between themselves: customs Cyprus • adjective: Cypriot •polit-
union •evasion of customs controls: ical union of Cyprus with Greece:
smuggling enosis
dagger •small slim dagger: poniard samba ©squatting Cossack dance:
• short tapering dagger: stiletto kazachoc ©Country and Western
• dagger's handle: hilt dancing performed in a row: line dan-
dam ©low dam in a river: weir • ad- cing ©slow Cuban dance: habanera
justable dam: barrage • French high-kicking dance: cancan
• Greek folk dance performed in a
damage •deliberate damage: sabo-
line: syrtaki • swaying Hawaiian
tage, vandalism • damage severely:
dance: hula hula «fast Hungarian
mangle ©damage beyond the possi-
dance: csardas ©dramatic dance of
bility of repair: write off
southern India: Kathakali ©Italian
damp •cold and damp: dank whirling dance: tarantella ©Italian
• ground moisture absorbed into a and Spanish leaping dance: saltarello
wall: rising damp • lively Polish dance: mazurka ©vig-
dance • art dancing that ignores the orous Scottish dance: Highland fling
rules of classical ballet: modern • fast Scottish dance: reel ©slow
dance dance: hornpipe
©sailor's Scottish dance: strathspey ©South
• traditional English dance: country American dance music with elements
dance ©traditional English out- of jazz and rock: salsa ©fast South
door dance: morris dance •after- American dance: paso doble ©lively
noon dance at which tea is served: tea South American dance: tango
dance ©energetic street dance: • lively Spanish dance: bolero
break-dance ©lively dance in triple • Spanish solo dance: cachucha
time: jig ©slow 18th-century dance: • Spanish courtship dance: fandan-
minuet ©interweaving country go • Spanish dance with castanets:
dance: hay ©country dance for four flamenco ©West Indian backward-
couples: square dance ©solo dance: bending dance: limbo ©dance about
pas seul ©dance for two people: pas excitedly: cavort • series of steps for
de deux ©dance with voluntary ex- a dance: choreography, figure •in-
change of partners: excuse-me formal gathering for country dancing:
• dance performed in a long line, one
barn dance ©person who announces
behind the other: conga •erotic dan-
the steps a barn dance: caller
cing to popular music: go-go dancing
• group of dancers performing to-
• Middle Eastern woman's erotic solo
gether: ensemble •number of parti-
dance: belly dance •synchronized
cipants needed for a square or coun-
ballroom dancing: sequence dancing
try dance: set •public dance hall:
• ballroom dance with slow and quick
steps: foxtrot •ballroom dance with
palais, palais de danse >see also
partners side-by-side: veleta •ball-
room dance with pronounced hip dancer • dancer's tights: maillot
movements: rumba •ballroom dance • tubular garment covering a rehears-
in triple time: waltz «fast foxtrot: ing dancer's legs: leg warmers • dan-
quickstep «fast Bohemian dance: cer's leap or sitting posture with one
polka ©lively Brazilian dance: leg forward and one back, both at
91 Dane death

right angles to the trunk: splits >see dawn •adjective: auroral

also ballet day •adjective: diurnal ©day before:
Dane ©part of England under Dan- eve • day in which hours of daylight
ish rule: Danelaw o tax levied by the and darkness are equal: equinox
Anglo-Saxons to repel the Danes: • longest or shortest day: solstice
Danegeld • important day: red-letter day • first
danger ©serious danger: peril day of the Roman month: calends
• hidden danger: pitfall • danger in- • each day: per diem •period of
herent in a job: occupational hazard morning twilight: dawn ©part of the
• remove from a dangerous place: day given over to work: working day
evacuate ©person so moved: evac- • part of the day when many are com-
uee muting: drive time •period of even-
ing twilight: dusk •happening in a
Dante •adjectives: Dantean, Dant-
daily cycle: circadian •process by
which the equinoxes occur slightly
dark • shining in the dark: luminous earlier each year: precession
• night that is never completely dark:
daylight • right to enjoy daylight in
white night
one's windows, unobstructed by sub-
darts • tail of a dart: flight • hit on sequent building: ancient lights
a part of the board where scores are
doubled: double • group of games
deacon •adjective: diaconal •of-
fice ofdeacon: diaconate •deacon's
counting as a unit towards a match:
over-vestment: dalmatic
set •line behind which the thrower
stands: hockey, oche dead end •deadlock in argument
data • denoting data gathered over a or discussion: impasse, stalemate
long time: longitudinal ©grid for • road with no exit at its far end: cul-
data display: matrix >see also elec- de-sac
tronic data deaf •progressive deafness due to
date 1
• give a later date to: bone growth in the ear: otosclerosis
• latest possible date: terminus ante • surgical opening made in the inner
quern •earliest possible date: ter- ear to relieve deafness: fenestration
minus a quo, terminus post quern • teaching the deaf to communicate by
• out of date: obsolete, passe lip-reading and speech: oralism
• going out of^ date: obsolescent dealer ©dealer in ship's supplies:
• with no date set: sine die chandler ©dealer in candles: chand-
date 2 ©date with a person one has ler ©dealer in cheap and shoddy
not met before: blind date goods: cheapjack

dating • dating of timber structures dean •adjective: decanal ©dean's

from the tree rings they contain: den- residence: deanery
drochronology • dating of geological death •combining form: mori-,
eras: chronostratigraphy, geochron-
necr-, -thanasia ©death viewed as a
ology • dating of objects from statistical occurrence: fatality, mortal-
carbon-14 decay: carbon dating, ity • number of deaths caused by an
radiocarbon dating ©dating system event: toll •causing death: fatal, le-
derived from the birth of Christ: thal, mortal, terminal •connected
Christian Era, Common Era ©mis-
with death: macabre ©bound to die:
taken dating: parachronism
mortal • die before another does: pre-
daughter •adjective: filial decease • Christian ceremonies
' |

death |
debt 91

over a dying person: last rites • gurg- • ratio of deaths to living population:
ling of dying person: death rattle death rate • number of deaths from a
• struggling of a dying person: throes particular cause: mortality rate*
• at the point of death: moribund, in • equivalence of birth and death rates: M
extremis • denoting a condition that zero population growth •after -

will end in death: terminal • revive death: posthumous •movement of

someone apparently dead: resuscitate the soul to a different body after M
• experience at the brink of death: death: transmigration ©the use of ^

near-death experience • ghostly magic to summon up the dead: necro-

image of a person seen near their time mancy ©supposed communication 1

of death: wraith ©death inflicted to with the dead by mediums: spiritual- J

end incurable suffering: euthanasia ism ©meeting of persons wishing to 1

• death-blow: coup de grace {pi. contact the dead by spiritualism: se- &

coups de grace) •unexplained death ance ©person returning from the 1

of a sleeping baby: cot death, sudden dead: revenant ©psychological urge i

infant death syndrome • death of to self-destruction: death instinct

body tissue: gangrene, mortification, • life after death: afterlife, the other s

necrosis •stiffness of joints after

world •rebirth of the soul in a new
body: reincarnation •never-dying: i

death: rigor mortis •decaying flesh

of a dead animal: carrion •cessation
immortal •all dead: extinct ©study
of death and dying: thanatology
of vital functions as proof of death:
• Christian day for general commem-
clinical death •bell rung at death:
knell • date of death: obit ©plaster
oration of the dead: All Souls' Day
see also funeral
cast of a dead person's face: death
mask ©newspaper announcement of debate ©advantage in debate: high
a person's death: obituary •govern- ground ©subject to debate: moot
ment office where deaths are re- • question on procedure: point of
corded: register office ©insurance order ©debater's acknowledgement
sum payable at reversion
death: of an opponent's point: touche ©mo-
• total money and property owned by tion to end a debate: closure
a dead person: estate •medical debt ©debt not legally recoverable:
examination to find the cause of a per-
debt of honour • debt overdue for re-
son's death: post-mortem ©special- payment: arrears ©debt repayable
istconducting this examination: path- soon: floating debt ©debt with a dis-
ologist ©official statement of cause, tant, or no, repayment date: funded
date, and place of death: death certifi- debt ©money owed by a company:
cate • official investigating the cause account payable, liability ©money
of a person's death: coroner •the in- owed to a company: accounts receiv-
quiry a coroner conducts: inquest able ©total owed by a state: national
• service for the dead: funeral, re- debt ©debt of gratitude: obligation
quiem • lament for the dead: dirge, • denoting a debt not yet repaid: out-
threnody • poem lamenting the dead: standing • denoting a debt repayable
elegy •recently dead: deceased on demand: unfunded •denoting a
• show sorrow at a death: mourn debt impossible to recover: bad • de-
• reminder of death's inevitability: noting a debt whose recovery is un-
memento mori • picture of Death likely: doubtful • legal permission
leading all to the grave: dance of for late repayment: moratorium
death, danse macabre •person • debtor's asset forfeited if repayment
over-interested in death: ghoul is not achieved: pledge, security
3 decay decoration

• money paid to service a debt: inter- ing on decayed matter: saprophyte

est • (of) a person who cannot pay off • decay slowly through neglect: moul-
his debts: bankrupt, embarrassed, in- der
solvent • failure to repay a debt: de-
deceive •easily deceived: credu-
fault • demand repayment of a debt:
lous, gullible •intent to deceive:
dun • payment of a debt: liquidation, mala fides •deliberate deception for
redemption, satisfaction •payment
financial gain: fraud • instance of de-
of a debt by instalments: amortization hoax •deceptive
liberate deception:
• company's issue of shares to pay off
behaviour: false pretences •decep-
debts: recapitalization •money
tive appearance: illusion •deception
raised for gradual repayment of a
effected by making a true statement
debt: sinking fund ©further time
seem like a deception: double bluff
granted to repay a debt: indulgence,
• ploy designed to conceal one's true
roll-over ©easing a debtor's position
intentions: blind
by modifying the repayment demands:
restructuring •cancellation of a decision •ability to make one's
debt: remission ©abandon attempts own decisions: free will ©not finally
to recover a debt: write off ©free of decided: open •denoting a decision
debt: unencumbered, ungeared supported by all present: unanimous
• seizure of a debtor's goods: attach- • right to reject a decision made by
ment, distraint, distress, execution, others: veto ©state of indecision:
sequestration • court order seizing a quandary ©wavering indecision:
debtor's assets: Mareva injunction vacillation
• right to hold these until the debt is decline ©moral or cultural decline:
paid: lien •seizure of a debtor's decadence
money or wages: garnishment, at-
tachment of earnings •person ap- decompose ©able to be decom-
pointed to dispose of the assets of an posed by sunlight: photodegradable
insolvent person or business: admin- • able to be decomposed by bacteria:
istrator ©agree to release a debtor biodegradable
for a smaller payment: compound decoration • additional decoration:
• terminate gas etc. supply until bills trim •decoration of thin strips of
are paid: disconnect •potential in- shiny metal foil: tinsel •decoration
debtedness through business commit- of plaited straw: corn dolly •hang-
ments: exposure •potential indebt- ing decoration turning in the air: mo-
edness through falling values of bile • decoration of a manuscript: il-
mortgaged property: negative equity lumination • carved or coloured
• ratio of corporate debt to share decoration of shells: scrimshaw
value: gearing, leverage •assess- • decoration of wood or leather with a
ment of a person or firm's likelihood heated point: pokerwork, pyrography
of paying its debts: credit rating, • cloth items decorating a room: soft
creditworthiness •organization furnishings ©flags and streamers:
making such assessments: credit ref- bunting ©crinkly paper for decor-
erence agency + see also loan ations: crepe paper ©decorative
decay • combining form: sapr- lights: illuminations ©decorative
• decay of teeth or bones: caries strip of cloth hung over a window etc.:
• decay of a part of the body: mortifi- valance ©decorative design of inter-
cation, necrosis •decayed organic twining branches etc.: arabesque
matter in the soil: humus • plant liv- • denoting metal inlaid with gold or
decrease dentist

silver: damascened •gelatinous so- paedics ©adjustment of tooth and

lution used in interior decoration: jaw irregularities: orthodontics
size •merely decorative: cosmetic
degree ©bachelor's degree: bacca-
decrease • decrease in value: de- laureate ©degree next above bach-
preciation ©decrease the apparent elor in certain universities: licentiate
importance of: downplay, downrate • doctor's degree: doctorate • degree
deduction •deduction from wages awarded to a candidate who was ill at
ordered by a lawcourt: garnishment, the time of the examination: aegrotat
attachment of earnings • denoting a • denoting a degree conferred when
deduction derived from observation the graduand is elsewhere: in
or experience: a posteriori •denot- absentia
ing a deduction derived from theoret-
delay •adjective: dilatory • delay
ical concepts: a priori
by non-cooperation: stonewall
deep •combining form: bath- (e.g. • delay by making lengthy speeches:
bathyscaphe) ©region of especially filibuster
deep sea: trench ©not deep: shallow
delusion • visual delusion: hallu-
deer • adjective: cervine • female cination • delusions of being perse-
deer: doe, hind ©male deer: buck, cuted: paranoia •delusions caused
hart, stag • young deer: fawn by alcoholism: delirium tremens
• deer's short tail: scut • small tail-
less deer: roe •male roe: roebuck demand •final demand, made with
• small deer with a doglike bark: threats of ultimatum
muntjac ©stag's branched horns: • when demand is low: off-peak
antlers •antler's sharp point: tine • failure to satisfy demand: shortfall
• soft skin covering a growing antler: Demeter • Latin name: Ceres
velvet • deer's annual period of sex-
ual activity: rut • produce offspring: demolition •completely destroy a
fawn • deer's track: slot ©deer's building: raze• structure of a gutted
false hoof: dewclaw ©disembowel a
building: shell •fragments of a de-
deer: gralloch ©deer's entrails as molished building: rubble • heavy
food: numbles ©deer meat: venison
beam used to knock down walls: bat-

• leg and loin of venison: haunch tering ram

defeat • defeat soundly: trounce, demon •combining form: demono-
vanquish • defeat and drive back: • adjective: demoniac, demoniacal,
rout • admit defeat: concede demonic • demon attending a witch:

defecation familiar, familiar spirit •worship of

•inability to control
defecation: incontinence •bedrid-
demons: demonolatry •control by a
den person's receptacle for urine and demon: possession ©expulsion of
faeces: bedpan demons: exorcism • study of demons:
defence • defence of one's conduct:
apologia • defence of a theory: demonstration • silent static dem-
apologetics •uncompromising de- onstration: vigil
fence of a position: stand ©defensive dentist • dentist who corrects the
mound before a trench: parapet ©de- position of teeth: orthodontist ©den-
fensive mound behind a trench: para- tist dealing with the structures
dos around the teeth: periodontist ©den-
deformity ©medical treatment of tist'sassistant who cleans teeth: hy-
bone and muscle deformities: ortho- gienist ©dentist's small drill: bur
95 depart device |

depart •depart secretly or illegally: desire ©desire another's property:

abscond • departure from the nor- covet ©gratify a base desire: pander
mal or expected: aberration desk ©large desk for two facing per-
depression •atmospheric depres- sons: partners' desk ©denoting a
sion: cyclone • tiredness and depres- desk with a sliding flexible cover: roll-
sion occurring after a viral infection: top
chronic fatigue syndrome ©drug al- despair ©despair at imagined lack
leviating depression: antidepressant of progress: accidie, demotivation
depth • combining form: bathy- destruction ©covert destruction:
• instrument measuring the depth of sabotage ©destruction of revered
seas or lakes: bathymeter ©manned objects or ideas: iconoclasm ©ma-
chamber for deep-sea observations: licious or purposeless destruction:
bathysphere vandalism ©period of massive de-
deputy • combining forms: pro- (e.g. struction: apocalypse ©destruction
proconsul), vice- (e.g. vice-president) of all life: biocide ©destruction of a
• person deputizing for another: sur- race: genocide ©total destruction:
rogate <
eradication, extirpation, holocaust

descent ©line of descent: blood detail ©detail needing attention:

line,stock • step in a line of descent: loose end ©subtle detail: minutiae,
generation •denoting direct des- nicety, punctilio, quiddity, technical-
cent: lineal •denoting descent by a ity ©(over-)attentive to detail: me-
parallel line: collateral •denoting ticulous, punctilious, pedantic, petti-
the male line of descent: patrilineal fogging ©in detail: in extenso
• denoting the female line of descent: • give more detail: elaborate
matrilineal • person from whom one detection •device detecting mov-
is descended: ancestor, progenitor ing objects by reflected radio waves:
• one's descendants: posterity, pro- radar ©device detecting underwater
geny ©theory of universal descent objects by reflected sound pulses:
from a single couple: monogenesis, sonar
monogeny detective ©detective employed by
description • precise and detailed members of the public: private detect-
description: specification • short ive, private investigator ©follow and
but thorough description: profile
observe secretly: shadow ©system-
• misrepresentation of complex ideas atic shadowing: surveillance
by oversimplified descriptions: re- detergent ©denoting a biodegrad-
ductionism able detergent: soft©denoting a de-
desert ©group of people travelling tergent operating by enzymes: bio-
across a desert: caravan •inn for logical
these people: caravanserai • desert development ©steady and consist-
place with water: oasis ©dust-laden ent development: continuity ©pro-
desert wind: simoom gressive development of living organ-
design ©engraved or incised design: isms over the centuries: evolution
intaglio ©design identifying a • developing earlier than usual: pre-
company's products: logo cocious ©highly developed: sophis-
designer ©designer of buildings: ticated
architect ©designer of fashion device ©denoting a device seem-
clothes: couturier ©designer of inglycapable of intelligent action:
roads, bridges, etc.: civil engineer smart • device performing a specific

devil |
dig 96

function within a larger apparatus: ary of synonyms and antonyms: the- 'J

unit saurus •dictionary in which the'

devil •adjectives: diabolic, diabol- definition precedes the headword (as 1

ical • devil's divided foot: cloven here): reverse dictionary •person^

hoof •worship of the devil: diabol- who compiles dictionaries: lexicog-
ism, satanism •control by the devil: rapher
possession die ©cut out with a die: stamp
diagram • blockdiagram: histo- diet •adjectives: dietary, dietetic 3

gram • diagram laid out like a tree: • major diet element: macronutrient 1

dendrogram ©diagram showing re- • organic compound essential to a bal-

lationships in a family: family tree, anced diet: vitamin ©denoting a
genealogy, pedigree • diagram vegetable wholefood diet: macrobiotic
showing relationships between sets: • disease caused by absence of fresh
Venn diagram ©diagram of a se- fruit and vegetables from the diet:
quence of events: flow chart scu rvy • study of diets and nutrition:
dial • denoting a dial with a moving dietetics, nutrition • postulated nu-
pointer: analogue •denoting a dial tritional requirement: recommended
with a changing numerical display: dietary allowance •diet expert: diet-
digital •pointer on an instrument itian, nutritionist

dial: needle difference •adjective: differential

dialect ©popular dialect: argot, pat- • subtle difference: nuance •amount
ois ©dialect of a particular social of difference: differential •difference
class:sociolect ©study of dialects: in brightness in a picture: contrast
dialectology • tell the difference between: differ-
dialogue • adjective: dialogic
diameter • diameter of wire, knit- different •combining forms: allo-
(e.g. allopathy), •radic-
hetero-, vari-
ting needles, and bullets: gauge
ally different from anything preced-
• inner diameter of a gun barrel: bore,
calibre, gauge ing: novel •having many different
colours: motley, pied, variegated
diamond •adjective: diamantine
• including things of different types:
• inferior diamond, used for cutting:
heterogeneous ©group or area dif-
ferent from its surroundings: enclave
Diana • Greek name: Artemis • cause to seem different: differenti-
diary •electronic diary: personal or- ate
ganizer • loose-leaf diary: Filofax™, difficult •combining form: dys- (e.g.
personal organizer • person keeping dyslexia) conun-
©difficult question:
a diary: diarist drum, poser ©temporary difficulty
dictator •adjective: dictator- due to mechanical failure: technical
ial ©title of a German dictator: fiih- hitch ©in great difficulties: in
rer ©title of an Italian dictator: duce extremis ©avoid a difficulty: obviate
• title of a Spanish dictator: caudillo • quick and innovative in overcoming
• small group exercising dictatorial difficulties: resourceful
powers: junta dig ©dig out: excavate ©dig be-
dictionary •adjective: lexical neath: undermine ©dig up: unearth
• small dictionary at the back of a • dig up a corpse: exhume •spade-
book: glossary, vocabulary • dic- depth of soil: spit «dig two spits
tionary of places: gazetteer • diction- deep: double-dig
97 digestion j

digestion • adjective: peptic •hav- able to the host country: persona non
ing good digestion: eupeptic •digest- grata (pi. personae non gratae) •dip-
ive passage through the body: alimen- lomat's spell of duty at a particular lo-
tary canal ©part of this between cation: posting, tour, tour of duty
stomach and anus: intestine, gut • diplomat's report: dispatch •diplo-
• muscular movement of the alimen- mat's residence: embassy, legation
tary canal: peristalsis •build-up of • official letter between diplomats:
gas in the alimentary canal: flatu- note • draft or amendment to a diplo-
lence • bodily organs of digestion: matic document: protocol •negoti-
digestive system ations brokered by a diplomat travel-
dilemma •inescapable dilemma: ling between two estranged parties:
catch-22, double bind shuttle diplomacy •rule of diplo-
matic procedure: protocol • easing of
dinner • adjective: prandial •after-
diplomatic tension: detente ©pres-
dinner: postprandial
sure placed on another state by re-
dinosaur •dinosaur with a very strictions on trade or social inter-
long neck and tail: diplodocus action: sanctions • deliberate
• dinosaur with large vertical plates risk-taking in international diplo-
on its back: stegosaurus •dinosaur macy: adventurism, brinkmanship
with short armlike front legs: bra- • diplomatic policy of seeking to re-
chiosaurus ©upright carnivorous gain lost territory: revanchism • dip-
dinosaur: tyrannosaurus lomatic policy of preventing another
diocese • adjective: diocesan state's expansion: containment •dip-
• bishop in charge of a diocese: dio- lomatic policy of seeking control over
cesan • diocesan assembly: synod other nations: imperialism •diplo-
• Anglican parish's contribution to macy enforced by displays of military
diocesan funds: quota strength: gunboat diplomacy, power

Dionysus •Latin name: Bacchus politics, sabre-rattling •immunity

• female follower of Dionysus: mae- to local law enjoyed by diplomats and
nad • staff carried by Dionysus' fol- their property: extraterritoriality,

lowers: thyrsus •host govern-

extraterritorial rights
ment's order to a diplomat to leave:
diplomacy • state's senior diplomat
expulsion ©order a diplomat to re-
resident in a foreign country: ambas-
turn home: recall
sador • diplomat with powers of
decision: plenipotentiary •diplomat direction • combining forms:
on a special assignment: emissary -wards (e.g. eastwards), -ways (e.g.

• ambassador's deputy: charge sideways) ©designed to operate in a

d'affaires •ambassador's assistant particular direction: directional
attache •diplomatic representative: • change direction suddenly: swerve,
envoy, minister •minister and staff: veer
legation ©group of diplomats sent director ©director of a group of or-
for a special purpose: mission •dip- chestral musicians: conductor • dir-
lomatic courier: Queen's (or King's) ector of a brass band: bandmaster
Messenger • army officer serving at
an embassy: military attache •Com- disability ©physical or mental dis-

monwealth embassy: high commis- ability: handicap

sion • diplomat acceptable to the disagreement ©minor disagree-

host country: persona grata (pi. per- ment: contretemps (pi. same) ©pro-
sonae gratae) • diplomat not accept- longed and bitter disagreement: feud,
disappointing |
disease 98

strife •causing disagreement: con- classism • discrimination on

tentious, controversial, divisive grounds of skin colour: colour bar
• without disagreement: unani- • discrimination against individuals:
mously, nem. con. victimization •discrimination
disappointing •disappointing out- against the overweight: fattism • dis-
come: anticlimax, bathos, damp crimination against those with
squib physical disabilities: ableism •dis-

disarmament • total abandonment crimination on grounds of race: ra-

of a certain weapon: zero option cism • discrimination on grounds of
sex: sexism • barrier to advance-
• denoting disarmament undertaken
by some states only: unilateral ment tacitly imposed upon certain
groups: glass ceiling •discrimin-
disaster ©large, sudden and violent
ation in favour of those thought to be
disaster: cataclysm • natural disas-
unfairly treated: positive discrimin-
ter: act of God
ation, reverse discrimination, af-
disc • disc thrown by an athlete: dis-
firmative action •discrimination in
cus • metal or plastic disc used in-
favour of those who are thought to be
stead of money: token • disc used to
superior: elitism •freedom from dis-
store visual images: videodisc
crimination: equal opportunity
disc jockey • radio disc jockey who
is deliberately offensive or provoca-
discussion • academic discussion:
tive: shock jock symposium •public discussion of a
topic: ventilation •discussion involv-
discharge •combining forms:
ing three or more persons at different
-rrhoea (e.g. diarrhoea), -rrhagia (e.g.
sites using telecommunications: tele-
menorrhagia) • vaginal discharge at
conference • strange object provok-
the onset of labour or menstruation:
ing discussion: conversation piece
show •discharge of gas, radiation,
• discuss without coming to the true
or semen: emission
point at issue: beat about the bush
discipline • strict disciplinarian:
martinet, stickler •person practis- disease •combining forms: -itis

ing severe self-discipline: ascetic (e.g. conjunctivitis), nos(o)-, patho-,

-pathy (e.g. neuropathy), -osis (e.g.
discontent • cause political or
psychosis) •adjective: morbid
emotional discontent: destabilize
• causes of a disease: aetiology
discontinue •discontinue tempor- • germ causing a disease: bacillus,
arily: put into abeyance •discon-
pathogen • organism transmitting a
tinue meetings of a parliament with-
disease from one host to another: vec-
out dissolution: prorogue
tor ©person or animal unaffected by
discourage • discouraging factor: a disease but transmitting it to others:
disincentive •numbing
discourage- carrier •time between infection and
ment: demotivation appearance of symptoms: latent
discovery • method of discovery by period, incubation period •denot-
trial and • faculty of
error: heuristic ing a disease with no assignable
making fortunate discoveries: seren- cause: non-specific •characteristic
dipity • cry uttered on making a dis- indicator of a disease: symptom • de-
covery: eureka noting a disease too mild to show
discrimination •discrimination clear symptoms: subclinical • indica-
on grounds of age: ageism •discrim- tion of a disease: symptom, stigma
ination on grounds of social class: • disease indicated by a particular set
99 disease |

of symptoms: syndrome • group of • study of tissue changes caused by

symptoms indicating a particular dis- disease: histopathology ©study of
ease: syndrome •symptom accom- the treatment of disease: therapeutics
panying a disease, but not caused by • denoting a disease occurring in the
it: epiphenomenon •denoting a dis- course of another: intercurrent •de-
ease having recognizable symptoms: noting a disease characterized by
clinical ©denoting a disease without brief but severe attacks: acute •de-
recognizable symptoms: occult noting a long-lasting disease: chronic
• symptom that only doctors can de- • denoting an uncured disease that
tect: sign •denoting the stage of a currently shows no symptoms: dor-
disease before symptoms appear: pre- mant • denoting a disease starting in
clinical©disease identification from hospital: nosocomial ©run-down
symptoms: diagnosis • temporary state of a sufferer of a chronic disease:
abatement of a disease: remission cachexia ©denoting a disease passed
• patient's decline after a period of re- on by physical contact: contagious
covery: relapse • (sudden) recur- • denoting a disease passed on
rence of a disease: flare, recrudes- through the environment: infectious
cence • regional outbreak of a • denoting a contagious or infectious
disease: epidemic •denoting a dis- disease: communicable •denoting a
ease breaking out throughout a coun- disease contracted through sexual ac-
try or the world: pandemic •denot- tivity: venereal ©disease caused by
ing a highly infectious or harmful poor diet: deficiency disease ©de-
disease: virulent •denoting a disease noting a disease causing little or no
expected to end in death: terminal pain: indolent ©denoting a disease
• deadly disease spreading rapidly: causing progressive deterioration of
plague •denoting a disease whose organs or tissues: degenerative • de-
outbreaks must be reported: notifi- noting a disease growing steadily
able • denoting a disease regularly worse: progressive •denoting a dis-
found at a place: endemic •denoting ease caused by antibodies naturally
a disease passed from one generation produced by the sufferer to attack
to the next: hereditary, vertical ©de- other germs: autoimmune •denot-
noting a disease affecting all the body: ing a psychologically caused disease:
generalized ©disease's chief bodily psychosomatic •denoting a disease
location: focus © expected course of a often or only found in a certain region
disease: prognosis • turning point of or people: endemic •denoting a dis-
a disease: crisis ©secondary disease ease with no known external cause:
aggravating an existing one: compli- essential, idiopathic • systematic
cation • pass on a disease: communi- description of diseases: nosography
cate, transmit •person associating • scientific classification of diseases:
with someone having a contagious nosology •preventing disease:
disease: contact •objects likely to prophylactic ©study and practice of
carry infection: fomites ©caused by disease prevention: preventive medi-
or involving disease: pathological cine ©substance developing bodily
• study of causes and effects of dis- immunity to a disease: vaccine ©test
ease: pathology • study of the causes for the presence of a disease: screen
of diseases: aetiology • study and • sudden attack of a disease: seizure
treatment of the diseases of children: • place or time of isolation for in-
paediatrics • study of the incidence comers thought to carry infectious
and control of diseases: epidemiology diseases: quarantine •regain
diseased |
diver 100

strength after a disease's cure: conva- dispute • protracted and complex

lesce • person with an obsessive fear dispute: wrangle •confrontation to
of disease: hypochondriac •suicide resolve a dispute: showdown
of a victim of an incurable disease, disrespect •disrespectful to reli-
using lethal drugs supplied by a doc- gion: impious • rudely disrespectful:
tor for this purpose: assisted suicide insolent ©disrespectful joking: lev-
diseased • combining form: -otic ity

(e.g. neurotic) dissolution • combining form:

disentangle •disentangle by care- -lysis {e.g. dialysis) ©able to be dis-
ful combing or unknotting: tease out solved: soluble

disgrace • public disgrace: igno- distance • combining forms: apo-,

miny, obloquy, opprobrium •mark tel(e)- (e.g. television) ©distance
of disgrace: stigma round something: circumference
• distance one can see: eyeshot, visi-
dish •shallow stemmed dish: coupe bility • point where an orbiting ob-
• large covered dish for serving soup:
ject is furthest from the earth: apogee
tureen • small heatproof dish or cas-
• point where an orbiting object is fur-
serole: cocotte
thest from the moon: apolune •in-
dishonest •craftily dishonest: slip- strument measuring miles travelled:
pery • dishonest person: rogue, milometer
scoundrel •dishonest activities:
distant • distant person or thing:
graft, sleaze, skulduggery
outlier ©far distant spot: ultima
disinfection •disinfection by Thule ©alleged ability to move dis-
gases: fumigation tant objects: telekinesis

disintegration •combining form: distinction • subtle distinction: ni-

-lysis • destruction of cells or tissues cety, nuance •over-subtle distinc-
by their own enzymes: autolysis tion: hair-splitting, quibble
dislike •person or thing particu- disuse ©temporary disuse: abey-
larly disliked: anathema, bete noire, ance
pet hate ditch ©ditch dug for battlefield shel-

dismiss •dismiss with dishonour ter:trench • ditch round a castle etc.:

from the armed forces: cashier • dis- moat • hidden ditch separating gard-
miss from a job: terminate employ- ens from parkland: ha-ha
ment diver ©diver's waterproof rubber
suit:drysuit ©diver's permeable rub-
disobey •openly
disobey: flout
• defiant disobedience: insubordin- ber suit: wetsuit ©diver not using a
ation • incitement to disobey those rubber suit: skin diver ©diver's
in authority: sedition compressed-air apparatus: scuba,
aqualung • diver's drowsy state from
disorder ©violent disorder: may- breathing air under pressure: nitro-
hem gen narcosis ©diver's enclosed ves-
display • freestanding supermarket sel for deep-sea observations: bathy-
display: gondola ©display tank for scaphe, bathysphere ©diver's
underwater life: aquarium • display air-filled open-bottomed chamber: div-
tank for undersea life: oceanarium ing bell ©diver's signal rope: lifeline
• speaker's large pad of paper: flip • controlled reduction of ambient
chart • display ostentatiously: flaunt pressure when a diver returns to the
• self-dramatizing: histrionic surface: decompression •room for
.01 divide |

this: decompression chamber doctor •combining form: iatro-

• painful condition suffered by a diver • doctor in charge of health services:
after sudden reduction of ambient medical officer •doctor who admin-
pressure: the bends, caisson dis- isters anaesthetics: anaesthetist
ease, decompression sickness • doctor specializing in childbirth: ob-
stetrician • doctor concentrating on
divide •combining form: -sect {e.g.
diagnosis and medication: physician
dissect) • tending to divide or be div-
ided: fissiparous • divide into two: • family doctor: general practitioner
bisect • divide into mutually hostile
• doctor qualified to perform oper-
ations: surgeon •doctor treating
units: Balkanize
animals: vet, veterinary surgeon
divided •combining form: schizo- •junior hospital doctor: house of-
(e.g. schizophrenia)
ficer, houseman • hospital doctor as-

divination •combining form: sisting a consultant: registrar •hos-

-mancy (e.g. rhabdomancy) •Roman pital doctor receiving specialist

official interpreting omens: augur, training: senior registrar •doctor in

haruspex *see also fortune-telling charge of a particular branch of medi-
cine at a hospital: consultant
division • combining form: schiz(o)-
• radical division: dichotomy •div- • group of hospital doctors: firm
ision into opposing factions: polariza-
• doctor visiting his patients by plane:
tion, schism flying doctor •doctor temporarily
replacing another: locum ©person
d vorce • denoting a form
i of divorce with some medical training, but not
requiring no apportionment of blame: fully qualified: paramedic •unquali-
no-fault •spouse initiating a divorce
fied doctor: quack, empiric ©Indian
action: applicant ©spouse against
or Muslim traditional doctor: hakim
whom a divorce action is brought: re- • person believed by some peoples to
spondent • person cited in a divorce
have magical healing powers: medi-
action as having committed adultery
cine man, shaman, witch doctor
with the partner being sued:
• doctor's room for seeing patients:
co-respondent •court's provisional
consulting room •doctor's tour of
divorce ruling: decree nisi •court's
bedridden patients: round ©general
final divorce ruling: decree absolute
practitioner's consulting rooms: sur-
• divorced person? divorcee •paren-
gery ©general practitioner's client
tal rights of divorcees: custody • fi-
base: practice ©this run by several
nancial support to be given by a for-
doctors: group practice ©consulting
mer spouse after divorce: mainten-
rooms of a group practice: health cen-
ance ©state agency enforcing child
tre • general practitioner controlling
maintenance payments: Child Sup-
port Agency •court order enabling
his own budget: fundholder ©area
spouses to remain married but live list of doctors taking NHS patients:

apart: judicial separation, legal sep- panel ©doctor's non-NHS clients:

aration private practice ©resources avail-

able toa doctor: armamentarium
dizziness • causing dizziness: ver- • doctor's device for hearing the chest
organs: stethoscope •doctor's de-
dock «dock that can be emptied of vice for seeing inside the ear: auri-
water: dry dock •submarine's scope, otoscope •doctor's device
covered dock: pen ©dock worker: for inspectng the retina: ophthalmo-
stevedore scope • doctor's small hammer for

document document|

testing reflexes: plexor, plessor • document showing ownership of a<

• shield against X-rays worn by doc- property: title deed •summary of,
tors etc.: apron •projects under- this: abstract of title •document re-
taken by a doctor: caseload •doc- cording the transfer of ownership of a
tor's ability to put patients at their property: conveyance, grant •docu-
ease: bedside manner •doctor's as- ment recording the waiving of a right
sessment of symptoms or treatment: or claim: waiver • document record-
opinion •doctor's seeking of a spe- ing hours worked: time sheet • docu-
cialist's opinion: referral •doctor's ment showing a vehicle's ownership:
order for a medicine to be made or is- registration document, log book
sued: prescription •doctor's negli- • document giving the details of an in-
gence or dishonesty: malpractice surance contract: policy •document
• oath (formerly) taken by trainee doc- listing transactions on a financial ac-
tors: Hippocratic oath •come to a count: statement • state document
doctor for treatment: present •visit permitting foreign travel: passport
to a doctor: consultation • document ensuring safe travel over
document • archived document: a specified area: safe conduct
muniment •handwritten document: • document authorizing specified po-
manuscript •document written en- lice activity: warrant •official state-

tirely by its author: holograph ment of cause, and place of


• document signed by its author: auto- death: death certificate • document

graph • standard document: pro used to supply evidence: source • de-
forma • document on the World Wide noting a document whose ownership
Web: web page ©identity docu- can be changed: negotiable • subsid-
ments: papers •document contain- iary part of a document kept by its is-

ing a sworn statement: affidavit suer: counterfoil • thin-paper copy of

• legal document: instrument ©legal a document: flimsy • draft a docu-
document authorizing entry and ment: draw up, make out •draft or
search of premises: search warrant amendment to a diplomatic document:
• formal delivery of a legal document: protocol • produce a legal document
service • mutual disclosure of docu- in its final form: engross • exact
ments by parties to a lawsuit: discov- wording of a document: tenor ©pre-
ery • legal document recording own- sentation of a document for consid-
ership or a contract: deed, eration:submission ©document ac-
memorandum •appendix to a legal companying a letter: enclosure ©set
document: schedule ©deed signed of documents on a particular topic:
by one person only: deed poll ©legal dossier ©additional statement on a
document disposing of one's assets document, modifying its effect: en-
after death: will •document promis- dorsement ©piece of stamped wax
ing a payment: bond, promissory etc. authenticating a document: seal

note •document ordering payment: • document's abbreviated title: short

d raft • document acknowledging pay- title • abbreviated version of a docu-
ment: receipt •document entitling ment: precis, summary • place an of-
the holder to specified goods or ser- ficial document on record: enter, file
vices: warrant •document proving • obscure language of official docu-
identity or qualifications: credentials ments: officialese ©work involving
• bank document underwriting speci- documents: paperwork ©counterfeit
fied loans on another bank to be taken a document: forge • electronic trans-
out by the bearer: letter of credit fer of documents: fax
103 doer door |

doer •combining forms: -ee (e.g. ab- • guard preventing a dog biting: muz-
sentee), -eer {e.g. auctioneer), -ent zle «let a dog off the leash: slip
(e.g. aperient), -er (e.g. writer), -ete • dog's small shelter: kennel • person
(e.g. athlete), -ist (e.g. plagiarist), -or in charge of trained dogs: dog hand-
(e.g. actor), -ress (e.g. actress), -rix ler • details of a dog's previous com-

(e.g. executrix) petitive achievements: form •estab-

lishment for boarding or breeding
dog •combining form: cyno- (e.g.
dogs: kennels
cynopodous) •adjective: canine •fe-
male dog: bitch •male dog: dog doing •combining form: -ent (e.g.

• young dog: pup, puppy •give birth aperient)

to dogs: pup, whelp •small pet dog: doll • soft black doll with fuzzy hair:
lapdog »dog in poor condition or golliwog
showing aggression: cur *dog of un- domain • combining form: -dom
certain breed: mongrel • large police (e.g. fiefdom)
dog: Alsatian, German shepherd dog
dome •small dome: cupola
• hunting dog: hound ©heavy hunt-
• pointed dome, bulging in the middle:
ing dog: bloodhound, mastiff • small
onion dome •dome surfaced by
hound used to hunt hares": beagle
many small triangles: geodesic dome
• set of hounds: pack ©person in
• wall supporting a dome: drum, tam-
charge of this: master »dog trained
bour • corner support for a dome:
to lead the blind: guide dog «dog squinch •denoting a dome
trained to assist the deaf: hearing dog
costructed from struts following the
• dog trained to stand rigid when shortest route between two points on
scenting game: pointer, setter *dog a sphere: geodesic
trained to fetch shot game: retriever,
gun dog »dog formerly trained to
dominance •political dominance:

rescue snowbound travellers: St Ber-

nard • competition for retrievers: done •something done and unalter-
field trial • racing dog: greyhound, able: fait accompli
whippet •wolflike North American donkey •male donkey: jackass
wild dog: coyote • Arctic sledge dog: • female donkey: jenny ©offspring of
husky ©Asian stray mongrel: pye- a male donkey and female horse: mule
dog • Australian wild dog: dingo • offspring of a male horse and female
• Russian wolfhound: borzoi •Scot- donkey: hinny
tish sheepdog: collie •competition door • glazed outside door French

for sheepdogs: trials •very small window •denoting a door linking

large-eyed dog: chihuahua • long dog two rooms: intercommunicating
with short legs: dachshund • large • access panel in a floor or ceiling:
black-and-tan dog: Dobermann pins- trapdoor •peephole in a door: judas,
cher • front part of a dog's face: muz- spyhole • angled slats on a door:
zle • dog's inner eyelid: haw • erect- louvres •folding section of a door:
ile hairs along a dog's back: hackles leaf • sloping board at the foot of an
• kind of fever suffered by dogs: dis- outside door: weatherboard ©handle
temper • inflammation of a dog's ear: etc.on a door: door furniture ©orna-
canker ©dog's disease causing mad- mental doorplate for the fingers:
ness and death: rabies ©dog's sense fingerplate ©door catch: latch, snib
of smell: nose ©strap restraining a • slotted metal plate as door-fastening:
dog: lead, leash ©chain controlling a hasp • strip sealing a door's edges
dog by neck pressure: choke chain against draughts etc.: weatherstrip
door jamb drawing |

• support across the top of a door: lin- in extreme conditions: theatre of

tel • door's sidepost: jamb ©slab at cruelty see also play
the foot of a door: sill, threshold
draughts ©remove an opponent's
• wall's side surface beside a window:
threatening piece: huff
reveal ©angled reveal: embrasure
• heavy object to keep a door open: drawing •combining form: -graphy
doorstop ©attendant at the main (e.g. photography) •adjective:
door of a public building: porter, con- graphic ©drawing of things actually
cierge mgo canvassing or selling life drawing
before the artist: ©satir-
from door to door: doorstep ical drawing: caricature, cartoon
• drawing showing exact detail and
door jamb ©inside face of a door
jamb: scuncheon ©plate set into a
scale: technical drawing ©drawing
showing enough detail to serve as
door jamb to receive the bolt or lock
when closed: striker plate
an instruction: working drawing
• drawing of a mechanism showing its
doorman ©doorman at an hotel or parts as if separated by an explosion:
theatre: commissionaire ©doorman exploded view • drawing of a mech-
at a block of flats: concierge ©door- anism with parts of its casing re-
man at a college or large public build- moved to show inner workings: cut-
ing: porter away • drawing of an imagined slice
double • combining forms: di- (e.g. taken through a building, mechanism
dibasic), diplo-,zygo- (e.g. zygotic) etc.: section, cross section • draw-
• double vision: diplopia ing of a vertical aspect of a building:
elevation •drawing of a floor layout
dough ©dough of durum wheat and
of a building: plan ©expert in tech-
water: pasta ©work dough: knead
• substance added to dough to make it
nical drawing: draughtsman
rise: leaven, yeast ©become aerated
• drawing-based arts: graphic arts
by the leaven: prove, rise ©denoting • system of drawing to show depth:
dough that is heavy through having perspective ©perspective system
using three axes 120° apart: isometric
failed to rise: sad ©fermenting
dough left over from a previous bak- system ©system using lines conver-
ging at the horizon: linear perspec-
ing: sourdough
tive • drawing of a three-dimensional
downwards • combining forms: object: stereogram •preliminary
cata- (e.g. catadromous), de- (e.g. version of a drawing: draft, rough,
descend) sketch •drawing made absent-
draft ©first draft: rough, rough mindedly: doodle • drawings done
copy for a publication: artwork, graphics

drain ©manhole for drain clearance: • line indicating an object's general

inspection chamber ©pit filled with shape: outline • shade an area with
hardcore: soakaway ©drain close parallel lines: hatch • hatching
through: leach done in two directions: cross-
hatching ©shade an area by many
drainage ©drainage ditch: dyke small ©the
dots: stipple re-
• area drained by a particular river
presentation of light and shade in a
etc.: catchment area
drawing: chiaroscuro ©denoting
drama • drama abandoning realism drawings made in sight of the items
to emphasize the irrationality of depicted: life ©denoting a drawing
human life:theatre of the absurd done without instruments: freehand
• drama exploring human behaviour • instrument for drawing arcs: com-
105 dream drug|

pass, compasses, pair of com- cinal powers: potion • drink poured

passes • instrument for copying a out in offering to a god: libation
drawing larger or smaller: panto- • drink taken in honour of a person or
graph • case for unfolded drawings: thing: toast ©single act of drinking:
portfolio draught •set of drinks for all mem-
bers of a group: round •small mat
dream • combining form: oneir(o)-
for a drinking glass: coaster • small
• adjective: oneiric • unpleasant
stick for stirring drinks: swizzle stick
dream: nightmare •erotic dream
• drinking party: symposium ©nau-
causing an involuntary ejaculation of
sea after heavy drinking: hangover
semen: wet dream • interpretation of
• denoting a region where alcoholic
dreams: oneiromancy •denoting a
drinks cannot be purchased: dry see
dream consciously controlled by the
also cocktail, spirits, wine
dreamer: lucid •dreamlike sequence
of images: phantasmagoria drive • drive animals: herd, drove
drill •hand-cranked drill: brace • drive out: oust ©person employed
• sharp end of a drill: bit • adjustable to drive a private or hired motor car:
holder for the bit: chuck chauffeur, driver

drink •drink taken to stimulate the driving licence •cumulative value

appetite: aperitif • carbonated water: assigned to driving misdemeanours:
soda •concentrate of sweetened penalty points • official note of these
fruit juice: squash •mixed drink: on the licence: endorsement
cocktail •mixed drink with fruit drop • cover with drops: spatter
juices etc.: cup ©drink made from • rain in fine drops: drizzle
the juice of pressed fruit: crush
• drink from sugar syrup: julep
drought ©area suffering severe
drought and erosion: dust bowl
• drink from fermented honey:
mead •drink from fermented pear- drug •combining forms: pharm-
juice: perry• drink of a seasoned aco-, narco-©drug inducing abor-
raw egg: prairie oyster •draught tion: abortifacient *drug taken by
cider and lager: snakebite «iced asthmatics to widen the bronchi:
drink: frappe, granita ©drink with bronchodilator *drug narrowing
lemon or lime juice: sour • soft drink blood vessels: vasoconstrictor
sold in concentrated form: cordial • drug widening blood vessels: vaso-
• weaken a drink by adding other li- dilator • calming drug: depressant
quid: dilute •denoting an undiluted • drug relieving depression: anti-
drink: neat, straight •denoting a depressant • enlivening drug:
drink that is not effervescent: still stimulant • drug preventing or mod-
• strengthen a drink with alcohol: for- erating epileptic fits: anticonvulsant
tify • add alcohol surreptitiously to a • drug reducing fever: antipyretic,
drink: spike •warm and spice a febrifuge ©drug slowing the heart
drink: mull •denoting a drink with and reducing blood pressure: beta
low alcohol content: light •denoting blocker «drug relieving itching:
a drink that has lost its fizz: flat antipruritic ©drug improving the
• short drink taken after a long one: memory: nootropic • drug that dulls
chaser • drink taken to aid diges- the nerves: neuroleptic ©drug that
tion: digestif • strong sweet alcoholic eases pain: analgesic ©drug that
drink taken after a meal: liqueur prevents pain being felt: anaesthetic
• bedtime drink: nightcap • pre- • drug given to prevent rejection of
pared drink with magical or medi- a transplanted organ: immuno-
drug |
duty 106

suppressor • drug that sharpens the drugs: withdrawal ©sudden and com-
senses: stimulant •drug stimulating plete deprivation of addictive drugs:
sexual desire: aphrodisiac •drug in- cold turkey ©clear the body of drug
ducing sleep: sedative •drug redu- residues: detoxify ©terrorism associ-
cing tension or anxiety: sedative, ated with the drugs trade: narcoter-
tranquillizer ©drug increasing urin- rorism
ation: diuretic ©drug decreasing drum ©bowl-shaped pitched drum:
urination: antidiuretic ©drug induc- kettledrum, timpani {pi. only) ©drum
ing vomiting: emetic •drug prevent- with resonating strings across its
ing vomiting: antiemetic ©study of underside: snare drum ©drum in a
medical drugs and their action: Latin American band: bongo ©jazz
pharmacology • denoting a cheaper drum beaten with the hands: tom-tom
unbranded form of a proprietary • Indian drum: tabla •drum-like in-
drug: generic ©place where medi- strument with loose discs in the sides:
cinal drugs are dispensed: pharmacy tambourine •thin stick with wire
• official list of medical drugs, with in- bristles used on drums: brush
structions for preparation and dos- drunk •slightly drunk: tipsy •per-
ages: pharmacopoeia •soporific or son who is frequently drunk: alco-
mood-changing drug: narcotic •de- holic, drunkard
noting a drug producing hallucin-
dry •combining form: xero- •dry
ations: psychedelic, hallucinogenic
completely by heating: parch ©dry
• drug affecting the user's mental
food to preserve it: dessicate ©de-
state: psychotropic •denoting an il-
noting plants or animals adapted to a
legal or addictive drug: dangerous
very dry environment: xerophilous
• denoting a strong and addictive
drug: hard •denoting a drug not duck ©female duck: duck ©male
likely to cause addiction: soft ©de-
duck: drake ©young duck: duckling
noting a fashionable artificial drug: duel ©duellist's attendant: second
designer •denoting a drug that af- duke •adjective: ducal ©duke who
fects a person's mental state: psycho- is also a royal prince: royal duke
tropic • drug producing muscle con- • duke's wife or widow: duchess
tractions co n vu sa nt • drug-induced
: I
• duke's territory: duchy
stupor: narcosis •hormonal drug
used by athletes to improve perform-
dummy •jointed dummy used by
artists: lay figure •jointed dummy
ance: steroid •inject a drug directly
used by artists and to teach anatomy:
into a vein: mainline •drug- manikin
impregnated material attached to the
skin for gradual absorption: patch
dung •combining form: copro-
• dung-eating: coprophagous • dung
• solvent whose fumes are inhaled by
of seabirds sold as a fertilizer: guano
drug abusers: inhalant •inhalation
of adhesive fumes: glue-sniffing Dutch • Dutch mayor: burgomaster
• sell illegal drugs: peddle •person • piece of land reclaimed from the sea:
doing this: peddler •legal restric- polder
tion on use or possession of a drug: duty •adjective: deontic •moral or
control •diminution of bodily re- legal duty: obligation •fulfilment of
sponse to a drug with continued use: duty: observance •failure to per-
tolerance • inability to do without a form a duty: dereliction •beyond the
drug: addiction, dependency •pro- call of duty: supererogatory ©study
gressive deprivation of addictive of duty: deontology ©avoid one's
107 dwarf dynamo

duty: shirk •free from a duty: ex- dye: saffron »dye indicating acidity
empt, exonerate •free from obliga- or alkalinity: litmus •denoting a dye
tions: footloose that does not run or fade: fast •de-
dwarf ©dwarf plant or tree as culti- noting a dye not affected by light:
vated in Japan: bonsai lightfast • make a dye permanent: fix

dwelling •dwelling of monks or • dyeing method using wax to keep

nuns: abbey, monastery, nunnery, the dye from some parts of the mater-
ial: batik
priory •makeshift dwelling: biv-
ouac, shack, shanty dynamo • dynamo generating an al-
dye »red food dye: cochineal ternating current: alternator •rotat-
• orange-yellow food colouring and ing coil in a dynamo: armature
each other • adjectives: mutual, the earth's crust: tectonic ©inner
reciprocal part of the earth: mantle ©inmost
eagle • adjective: aquiline •young part of the earth: core ©regions of
eagle: eaglet • eagle's nest: eyrie the earth's crust and atmosphere in-
habited by living organisms: bio-
ear •combining forms: aur-, ot(o)-
sphere ©this regarded ecologically:
• adjectives: aural, auricular •in-
ecosphere • study of the earth's at-
flammation of the ear: otitis ©exter-
mosphere, climate, and weather: me-
nal stucture of the ear: auricle, pinna
teorology ©thick part of the crust,
• lower fleshy part of the external ear:
forming major land masses: continen-
lobe ©tube leading to the eardrum:
tal crust ©thin part of the crust, be-
outer ear • membrane of the middle
neath ocean basins: oceanic crust
ear: eardrum •structure of the inner
• rigid crust section: plate •equilib-
ear: labyrinth • inflammation of this:
rium of the crust: isostasy •hot li-
labyrinthitis • spiral tube in the
quid beneath the earth's crust:
inner ear: cochlea •progressive
magma •major movement of the
deafness due to bone growth in the
earth's crust: convulsion ©study of
ear: otosclerosis ©surgical opening
the earth's crust: tectonics ©theory
made in the inner ear to relieve deaf-
of crustal structure: plate tectonics
ness: fenestration •ringing or buzz-
• rigid outer casing of the earth: litho-
ing in the ears: tinnitus • study of the
sphere ©dense interior of the earth:
ear and its diseases: otology • study
barysphere, core ©supposed ori-
of diseases of the ear and throat: oto-
ginal single continent: Pangaea
laryngology ©study and treatment
• supposed subsequent land mass in
of diseases of the ear, nose, and throat:
the southern hemisphere: Gondwana
otorhinolaryngology ©boxer's de-
• supposed subsequent land mass in
formed ear: cauliflower ear ©droop-
the northern hemisphere: Laurasia
ing ears on an animal: lop ears
• half of the earth: hemisphere • im-
• plastic surgery on the ears:
agined circle joining the earth's poles:
otoplasty ©for two ears: binaural
longitude, meridian • imagined
• doctor's device for seeing inside the
circle round the earth equidistant
ear: auriscope, otoscope ©drainage
from its poles: equator •imagined
tube in the eardrum: grommet ©ring
line parallel to the equator: latitude,
worn in a pierced ear to prevent its
parallel • range of longitudes using a
closing: sleeper
common zone • longitude
time: time
earnings ©enforced repayment of a opposite to that of Greenwich, at
debt from wages: garnishment, at- which the date changes: Date Line,
tachment of earnings ©accounting International Date Line •hot zone
term for earnings gained from service centred on the equator: torrid zone,
industries: invisible tropics •moderate zone north and
earth • combining form: geo- •ad- south of this: temperate zone «cold
jectives:terrestrial, terrene ©outer zone about either of the poles: frigid
part of the earth: crust ©denoting zone • general physical study of the
109 earth moving |

earth and its atmosphere: earth sci- eat ©eat in small amounts: nibble
ence • chemical study of the earth: • (of an animal) eat high-growing
geochemistry •study of the surface vegetation: browse •(of an animal)
of the earth: geomorphoiogy • study eat grass: graze •fit to eat: edible
of the structure of the earth: geology • unfit to eat: inedible • become unfit
• physics of the earth: geophysics to eat: spoil •pathological refusal to
• mathematics of the shape of the eat, due to a desire to lose weight: an-
earth: geodesy •region round the orexia nervosa
earth governed by its own magnetic
eating •combining forms:
field: magnetosphere ©study of the
-phagous, -phagy, -vorous ©eating
earth's magnetism: geomagnetics
all foods: omnivorous ©eating a lot:
• denoting the earth's natural heat:
voracious ©eating corpses: ne-
geothermal • denoting an astronom-
crophagous • eating dung: copro-
ical system centred on the earth: geo-
phagous •fish-eating: piscivorous
centric • beyond the earth: extrater-
• eating grasses and cereals: gramin-
restrial see also world
ivorous • insect-eating: insectivor-
earth moving •powerful tractor ous • meat-eating: carnivorous
pushing a broad blade: bulldozer • nut-eating: nucivorous •plant-
• wheeled machine levelling the eating: herbivorous • eating wood:
ground: grader xylophagous • eating no meat or
earthquake •combining form: fish: vegetarian •eating no animal
seismo- • adjective: seismic flesh or products: vegan •eating
• minor earthquake: tremor •minor only fruit: fruitarian • person or ani-
earthquake preceding the main shock: mal feeding on its own species: canni-

foreshock •minor earthquake fol- bal • psychologically induced refusal

lowing the main shock: aftershock to eat: anorexia nervosa •psycho-
• tremor on the moon's surface: logically induced desire to overeat:
moonquake ©starting point of an bulimia nervosa • substance added
earthquake: focus • surface point to plants or found naturally in them,
directly above an earthquake's centre: discouraging animals or micro-
epicentre • scale for earthquake in- organisms from eating them:
tensities: Richter scale • instrument antifeedant
recording and measuring earth-
eccentric •eccentric person: crank
quakes: seismograph, seismometer
• eccentric minority: lunatic fringe
• record made by this: seismogram
• exceptionally large ocean wave echo •adjective: echoic •record of
caused by an earthquake or volcano: water depth made by reflected sound:
tidal wave, tsunami • study of earth- echogram • location of objects by re-
quakes: seismology flected sound: echolocation •echo-
free: anechoic
east •adjective: oriental

east Asia •adjective: oriental eclipse •adjective: ecliptic •denot-

ing an eclipse obscuring the whole
Easter •adjective: paschal •Fri-
disc: total •denoting an eclipse ob-
day before Easter: Good Friday • Sat-
scuring no more than part of the disc:
urday before Easter: Holy Saturday
partial •denoting a total eclipse in
• Sunday after Easter: Low Sunday which the edges of the eclipsed body
easy *easy to do: plain sailing remain visible: annular •area
• make easy: facilitate shaded by a total eclipse: umbra
ecology economy

• area shaded by a partial eclipse: • state-controlled element in a mixed

penumbra economy: public sector •district for
which special economic provision is
ecology •combining form: eco-
made: special development area
• preservation of the natural environ-
• dynamic economy in East Asia: tiger
ment: conservation •deliberate de-
struction of the natural environment:
economy •general economic fac-
tors: macroeconomics •economic
ecocide • cropping just short of long-
term depletion: maximum sustain- study of single factors: microeconom-
ics • open an economy to competitive
able yield •denoting practices that
do not permanently impair the eco- trading: demonopolize •economic
logical balance: sustainable •bio- system allowing unrestricted competi-
logical community regarded as eco- tion: free enterprise, free market

logically self-sufficient: ecosystem • economic system taxing imports to

• number of persons and animals a re- protect home manufactures: protec-
gion can support without environ- tionism • economic system control-
mental degradation: carrying cap- ling imports and the export of capital:
acity • product labelling to indicate siege economy •government eco-
ecological soundness: eco-labelling nomic policy of non-intervention:
• tourism intended to increase eco- laissez-faire •economic plan:
logical awareness: ecotourism budget • economic plan in which in-
• sabotage committed for ecological come equals expenditure: balanced
reasons: ecotage •violence justi- budget ©excess of expenses over in-
fied by ecological concerns: come: deficit •economic control via
ecoterrororism the money supply: monetarism •fi-
nancing of government expenditure
economy •economic system in
by borrowing: deficit financing
which allmajor factors are centrally
• government expenditure thus fi-
controlled: command economy, man-
nanced: deficit spending ©general
aged economy, planned economy
reduction in prices: deflation •per-
• economic system led by free oper-
ceived need for a commodity demand
ation of market forces: free-enterprise

system, free-market economy, • denoting an economy governed by

supply-side economy •free-market consumer demand: demand-led • de-
economic system with state provision
noting an economy suffering demand-
for those unable to sell their labour: led inflation: overheated •increase
social market economy •economic in economic activity: expansion, re-
system where businesses are privately covery • period of rapid economic
owned: capitalism, private enterprise growth: boom •denoting an econ-
• economic system in which the state omy unlikely to expand further: ma-
controls production and the use of ture ©highest level of economic ac-
capital: state capitalism •economic tivity: peak •temporary decline in
system with means of production in economic activity: recession ©sharp
state or popular ownership: collectiv- and prolonged decline in economic ac-
ism, socialism •economic system tivity: slump ©severe and prolonged
with state control of industries and decrease of economic activity: depres-
services: communism, state social- sion • low level of economic activity:
ism • denoting an economic system trough • regular alternation of boom
containing a balance of the above: and slump: business cycle, trade
mixed •capitalist element in a cycle • general increase in prices
mixed economy: private sector with a decrease in the purchasing
Ill eczema education

power of money: inflation ©high in- mater ©person or institution offer-

flation and unemployment coupled ing intensive preparation for examin-
with low demand: stagflation • total ations: crammer©organized series
value of goods and services produced: of lessons: course©intensive course
gross domestic product •this plus of study: crash course ©machine
income from foreign investments: giving programmed instruction:
gross national product •difference teaching machine • independent
between a state's income and expend- unit of study: module ©programme
iture: balance of payments •denot- of study: curriculum, syllabus ©cur-
ing income from service industries: riculum imposed upon state schools:
invisible •ratio between export and national curriculum ©course alter-
import prices: terms of trade •dif- nating between instruction and prac-
ference between the value of a state's tical experience: sandwich course
imports and exports: balance of trade • course given during the summer
• excess value of imports over ex- holidays: summer course, summer
ports: trade deficit ©excess value of school • denoting a course aimed at
exports over imports: trade surplus theoretical competence: pure •de-
• financial exploitation of dependent noting a course aimed at practical
states: colonialism muse of math- utility: applied ©denoting a course
ematics to explain an economic sys- embracing several subject-areas:
tem: econometrics + see also infla- cross-curricular ©denoting a course
tion consisting of a series of independent
eczema ©steroid used tq treat this: study units: modular ©denoting an
hydrocortisone optional course: elective • denoting a
course revising or updating previ-
edge •adjective: peripheral ©hav-
ously acquired skills: refresher • ser-
ing a jagged edge: serrated
ies of lectures etc. on a topic of cur-
edit • edit to remove offensive mater- rent public interest: teach-in • fixed
ial: bowdlerize, expurgate stage in the national curriculum: Key
education • basic education: Stage •school mathematics courses
grounding • education of both sexes stressing heuristics and set theory:
together: co-education •denoting new maths •full-time education for
education aimed at personal fulfil- those beyond school age but not at a
ment: liberal ©denoting education university: further education •edu-
for those with learning difficulties: re- cation at university level: higher edu-
medial ©denoting school education cation • part-time adult education:
for the under-elevens: primary ©de- continuing education •woman em-
noting school education for the over- ployed to educate children at home:
elevens: secondary ©denoting edu- governess • day-long release of em-
cation at university level: tertiary ployees for education: day release
• education through questioning and • extended release of employees for
clarification: maieutics ©education full-time education: block release
through independent study: open • education conducted by post: cor-
learning ©official assessment of a respondence course, distance learn-
child's special educational needs: ing • education in household skills:
statement ©educational require- domestic science ©work done by a
ments of those with learning difficul- student while learning: course work
needs ©institution
ties etc.: special • assessment of progress throughout
at which one was educated: alma study: continuous assessment
eel |
election 112

• certificate of completed studies: dip- priestly script using simplified hiero-

loma glyphs: hieratic •ancient Egyptian
script used by the laity, a simplified
eel • young eel: elver • eel split and
cooked: spitchcock
form of hieratic: demotic •ancient
Egyptian god of the dead: Osiris • an-
effect • mutual effect: interplay cient Egyptian embalmed corpse:
• indirect effect: knock-on mummy •ancient Egyptian funeral
efficiency • analysis of workplace urn: Canopic jar, Canopic vase • an-
efficiency: operational research • in- cient Egyptian goddess of fertility:
creased efficiency by subdivision of Isis ••ancient Egyptian god of
tasks: division of labour • smoothly mummification: Anubis • ancient
efficient: slick •designed for effi- Egyptian god of the sky: Horus •an-
ciency rather than appearance: utili- cient Egyptian sun-god: Amun
tarian • ancient Egyptian tomb: mastaba
• ancient Egyptian beetle-shaped gem:
effort •requiring much effort: la-
scarab ©study of ancient Egyptian
borious ©make great effort: strive,
culture: Egyptology •former vice-
roy of Egypt: Khedive ©Egyptian
egg •combining forms: oo-, ovi- peasant: fellah {pi. fellahin) •Egyp-
• frog or fish eggs: spawn •egg- tian boat: fellucca ©hot Egyptian
shaped: oviform, ovoid •producing wind: khamsin • Egyptian irrigation
young by means of eggs: oviparous
device of a bucket on a pole: shadoof
• set of eggs: clutch • sit on eggs:
brood «(of young) emerge from an eight •combining form: oct-
egg: hatch ©keep eggs warm for • eight-sided figure: octagon • denot-

hatching: incubate •artificially con- ing eight parts: octuple • one of eight
trolled hatching environment: hatch- offspring born at a birth: octuplet
ery ©study and collecting of birds' • ensemble of eight musicians, or
eggs: oology • recently hatched ani- music for them: octet
mal: hatchling •denoting an egg eighty ©person in his or her eight-
boiled so that the yolk is dry: hard- ies: octogenarian
boiled • denoting an egg boiled so
that the yolk is runny: soft-boiled elaborate ©pretentiously elabor-

• dish of fried beaten eggs: omelette ate: grandiose

• light dish of stiffly beaten egg elbow ©prod with the elbow: nudge
whites: souffle •Chinese egg dish: • inflammation of elbow tendons: ten-
foo yong ©test eggs for freshness: nis elbow
candle •simmer an egg: coddle
• hardboiled egg fried in sausage
election •adjectives: elective, elect-

meat: Scotch egg oral • election campaign: hustings

• election for all constituencies: gen-
egg-shaped • adjectives: oval, eral election •election for one con-
ovate, ovoid stituency: by-election •denoting a
Egyptian • ancient Egyptian ruler: constituency won by a small majority:
Pharaoh •territorial division of an- marginal •denoting a constituency
cient Egypt: nome • ancient Egyp- won by a large majority: safe •ma-
tian temple gateway: pylon • ancient nipulation of constituency boundar-
Egyptian picture-writing: hiero- ies: gerrymandering •denoting an
glyphs • oval plaque for hieroglyphs: election won by a simple majority:
cartouche • ancient Egyptian first past the post •election system
113 electricity |

distributing seats proportionately to charge: capacitor, condenser

• na-
each party's national share of the poll: tional supply network:
proportional representation • per- grid, national grid •tall support for
son seeking election: candidate grid cables: pylon ©person repairing
• propose or enter a candidate: nom- electric power lines: linesman
inate • list of candidates: slate • equipment reducing grid voltages to
• ideal set of election candidates: domestic levels: substation ©appar-
dream ©part of a county or
ticket atus changing alternating-current
borough returning a single parliamen- voltages: transformer ©sudden in-
tary candidate: division, constitu- crease in voltage or current: surge
ency «area for local election pur- • electric supply failure: blackout,
poses: ward •money paid in by an outage •interruption of electricity
election candidate: deposit •refuse supply to prevent generator overload:
constituency support to one's previ- load-shedding •terminate an elec-
ous candidate: deselect •solicit tric supply: cut off •complete closed
votes at an election: canvass, elec- path for electric current: circuit • ef-
tioneer • politician's mobile head- fect of a sudden electrical discharge
quarters for use in election cam- upon a person or animal: electric
paigns: battlebus • election meeting: shock, shock •electric shocks ad-
hustings conducting an
•official ministered to treat mental illness:
election: returning officer • person electroconvulsive therapy •light-
supervising the conduct of an elec- sensitive electric cell: electric eye,
tion: scrutineer •official announce- photoelectric cell •difference in po-
ment of an election result: declaration tential causing an electric current:
• study of voting at elections: pseph- electromotive force • substance
ology see also vote transmitting electricity: conductor
electricity • combining form: • substance that does not transmit
electro- {e.g. electroplate) •electri- electricity: insulator ©device sup-
city supply: power •make electri- pressing unwanted electrical waves:
city: generate • device converting filter ©flow of electricity: current
mechanical energy into electricity: • maximum electric power demand:
dynamo, generator •electric gener- peak load •electrical contact set
ator using permanent magnets: mag- against a moving part: brush •de-
neto • electrical conductor wound vice with pins making an electrical
round a magnet: winding •denoting connection: plug •single-pronged
electricity generated by water power: electric plug: jack plug ©device re-
hydroelectric •electric charge gen- ceiving an electric plug: socket • de-
erated by friction: triboelectricity vice making or breaking an electric
• stationary eleGtric charge produced circuit: switch • wall plate around an
by friction: static electricity •elec- electric switch: escutcheon •switch
tric potential produced by mechanical controlling a whole system: master
stress: piezoelectricity •producing switch ©set of electrical switches:
electricity by temperature differences: gang • switch operated by a sprung
thermoelectric ©device converting lever: tumbler ©switches and fuse
solar radiation into electricity: solar boxes where the electrical supply en-
battery, solar cell •device convert- ters a house: consumer unit
ing quantitative physical changes into • sprung electrical connection clip:
an electric signal, or vice versa: trans- crocodile clip •device varying an
ducer • device storing an electric electric light's brightness: dimmer
electric circuit |
electronic data 114

• electrical appliances such as televi- off an electric current: circuit-breaker

sions and hi-fi: brown goods •elec- • degree to which a substance opposes
trical appliances such as refrigerators the passage of an electric current:
and washing machines: white goods resistance •muscle or nerve sti-
electric circuit •electric circuit mulation by electric current: electro-
serving several power points: ring cir- therapy • chemical decomposition by
electric current: electrolysis
cuit, ring main •denoting an inter-
rupted electric circuit: open •com- electric light •thin wire giving
plete an electric circuit: close • wire light in an electric light bulb: filament
used to do this: jumper •connect or • glass container for an electric light
disconnect an electrical circuit: trip filament: envelope •electric light
• conductor by which electicity enters bulb with translucent glass: pearl
or leaves an object: electrode •tem- bulb •electric light fitting with two
porary electrical connection: patch small projecting pins: bayonet fitting
• board with sockets for this: patch- • device receiving an electric light fit-
board ©unwanted electrical connec- ting: socket
tion, creating a false circuit: short cir-
cuit ©aerial short circuit between electric wire •electric wire:
two exposed conductors: flashover cable, •long-distance electric
• circuit's resistance to alternating cable: transmission line •national
current: impedance •denoting cir- network of these: grid •electric wire
cuits etc. which the current enters in providing heat: element •electric
turn: in series •denoting circuits wire providing light: filament •elec-
etc. which the current enters simul- tricwire running to the ground: earth
taneously: in parallel ©thin wire • ducting for electric cable: shaft
breaking an overloaded electric cir- • towerlike structure carrying cables
cuit: fuse above the ground: pylon
electric current •complete closed electrode ©positively charged elec-
path for electric current: ci rcu it • dif- trode: anode ©negatively charged
ference in potential causing an elec- electrode: cathode ©electrode device
tric current: electromotive force used to generate electric current: cell
• sudden increase in electric current:
surge •denoting an electric current
electronic data ©electronic data

having frequent and regular reverses gathering: data capture ©denoting

data in a form a computer can pro-
of direction: alternating •denoting
cess: machine-readable ©basic data
an electric current flowing in one dir-
ection: direct ©apparatus converting unit: word ©identifying character
direct into alternating current: in- appended to a data item: tag • part of
verter ©apparatus converting alter- a computer record allocated to a par-
nating into direct current: rectifier ticular data item: field •connected
• instrument controlling an electric set of data items: record • data stored
current by varying the resistance: under a particular name: file • group
rheostat • instruments measuring of records processed together: batch
electric currents: ammeter, galvan- • field identifying a record: key
ometer • maximum current taken by • data's consistency and freedom from
a device: loading ©change an alter- corruption: integrity •device dis-
nating current to direct: commutate playing data on a screen: visual dis-
• electrode device used to generate play unit ©data shown on a com-
electric current: cell ©device cutting puter screen: display ©section of
115 electronic data |
electronic data

stored data displayable onscreen at unauthorized access to data: hack

one time: page • steady rolling up or • destroy data in a computer's mem-
down through displayed data: scroll- ory: delete, erase • cancel a deletion:
ing • printout of computer data: undelete • destroy data by entering
hardcopy • onscreen display of data: new data in its place: overwrite • pre-
soft copy •electronic data sorting: vent this: write-protect •small data
data processing • operate on data by loss due to disk flaw: dropout ©make
means of a program: process •de- data available to several users simul-
fined structure for data processing, taneously: multicast ©data path be-
storage, or display: format •com- tween computer components: bus
puter part storing data: memory • high speed data connection: local
• flat plate for data storage: disk bus ©rules for electronic
• copy data to a storage location: save transmision of data between devices:
• copy or transfer data: read ©trans- protocol ©standard signals regulat-
fer data to the memory: load, write ing data transfer: handshaking ©de-
• send data to an intermediate store: noting the transfer of data as a single
spool •compact data for storage: sequence of bits: serial • continuous
compress • immediate access to the flow of data: stream •denoting sys-
data sought: direct access • access tems processing data as it is gener-
to data requiring file readthrough: se- ated: real-time ©single scan through
quential access •time taken to find a set of data: pass ©block of data
stored data: seek time •discovery of transmitted across a network: packet
a sought data item: hit •re-express • separate data into such units:
data for use with a different program packetize ©mode of data transmis-
or system: convert •hierarchic ar- sion by packets: packet switching
rangement of data: nesting ©copy • rules governing electronic transmis-
data to a second location: back-up, sion of data: protocol • total of the
dump •duplicate storage of data: digits in an item of electronic data:
mirroring ©copy data from one com- checksum ©alter data to minimize
puter system to another: download storage space: compress ©restore
• transfer data to a larger computer such data to a machine-readable state:
system: upload •obtain electronic decompress ©denoting data com-
data: interrogate, retrieve ©struc- pression discarding inessential infor-
tured data held in a computer: mation: lossy ©microchip com-
database • corpus of data formed pressing and decompressing data:
from several databases: databank codec • data link allowing simultan-
• company's management database: eous updates: hot link •long-distance
data warehouse • creating new data- transmission of computerized infor-
bases from existing database material: mation: telematics • study of elec-
data mining • database structured to tronic data processing for storage and
recognize relations between stored retrieval: information science, infor-
items: relational database •restore mation technology, informatics
a database to its previous state: roll- • introduce errors to a program or
back ©browser program acessing a database: corrupt ©error or fault
large database: navigator ©storage causing loss of data: hard error
device allowing data access from any • piece of computer code that can cor-
available disk: jukebox ©denoting rupt or destroy data: virus ©legal
data on free access: unprotected • re- controls over use of electronic data:
strict access to data: protect •gain data protection
electronic mail |
emotion 116

electronic mail •processing elec- rutting male elephants: must ©ele-

tronic mail: messaging •abusive phant's long projecting tooth: tusk
electronic-mail message: flame • elephant driver: mahout ©seat on
electronics ©electronic aviation elephant's back: howdah
equipment: avionics •electronic cir- eleven • combining form: hendeca-
cuit formed on a small piece of semi- • eleven-sided figure: hendecagon,
conducting material: integrated cir- undecagon • verse of eleven syl-
cuit • integrated circuit containing lables: hendecasyllable
all the functions of a computer's cen- elf •elf said to do housework:
tral processing unit: microprocessor brownie •elf in Irish folklore: lepre-
• electronic keyboard able to produce chaun ©elf in German folklore: ko-
many different types of pitched sound: bold
synthesizer •electronic device at-
elm ©fungal disease of elm trees:
tached for monitoring purposes: tag
Dutch elm disease
• electronic remote control of ma-
chines: teleoperation •restore an
embarrass ©embarrassment at
one's appearance or actions: self-
electronic signal to intelligible form:
descramble •semiconductor used in consciousness ©embarrassing re-

electronics: transistor •denoting

mark or act: betise, faux pas, gaffe
• avoiding embarrassment: discreet
technology based on solid semicon-
ductors: solid-state •minor printed emblem •Celtic three-legged em-
circuit board:daughterboard •semi- blem: triskelion »Nazi emblem:
conducting wafer in an integrated cir- swastika •company emblem: logo
cuit: chip, microchip •denoting an embroidery •piece of embroidery
electron emitted at high temperat- done as a specimen of skill: sampler
ures: thermionic •technology com- • ornamental embroidery with draw-
bining electronics and mechanics: ing out of threads: drawn-thread-
mechatronics work • embroidery with parts cut
elegance •stylish elegance: chic out: cutwork ©embroidery worked
• over-elaborate elegance: chichi over canvas: needlepoint ©canvas
• simple and elegant: clean •slim embroidery of diagonal stitches: petit
and elegant: svelte ©elegant bodily point ©thin twisted embroidery
movements: deportment yarn, or the embroidery made with it:
crewel • small loop of twisted thread:
element •chemical element pres-
picot • embroidery stitch forming an
ent or required in minute amounts:
X: cross-stitch • circular frame hold-
trace element •radioactive form of
ing embroidery taut: tambour
an element: isotope, radioisotope
• smallest particle of a chemical elem- embryo •membrane surrounding
ent that can participate in chemical the embryo: chorion •outermost
reactions: atom ©table of the chem- layer of embryonic tissue: ectoderm
ical elements arranged by atomic • innermost layer of embryonic tis-
number: periodic table • vertical col- sue: endoderm ©test-tube develop-
umn in this: group •horizontal row ment of embryos: ectogenesis
in this: period emigration • emigration of intellec-
elephant elephantine
• adjective: tuals: brain drain ©emigrants from a
• young elephant: calf •prehistoric particular nation: diaspora
elephant: mammoth ©savage ele- emotion • violent emotional attack:
phant living apart from the herd: hysteria, paroxysm •feeling emo-
rogue elephant ©frenzied state of tion: passible, sentimental •show-
117 emperor enough |

ing no emotion: impassive, self- ology •time of judgement then:

controlled • emotional shock: doomsday
trauma •emotional tension: stress enemy •adjective: inimical •per-
• emotional release in response to a son voluntarily assisting enemy occu-
moving work of art: catharsis • attri- pying forces: collaborator, quisling
bution of human emotions to animals
and things: pathetic fallacy energy • tiny discrete amount of en-
ergy: quantum(pi. quanta) ©energy
emperor •adjective: imperial • em-
derived from renewable non-nuclear
peror of Germany: Kaiser • emperor
sources: alternative energy ©energy
of Japan: Mikado ©emperor of Rus- derived from movement: kinetic en-
sia: Tsar
ergy ©emission of energy as electro-
empire •adjective: imperial magnetic waves or moving particles:
employee •employee's improper
behaviour: misconduct •list of em- engagement ©man engaged to be
ployees and their wages: payroll married: fiance ©woman engaged to
• temporary or permanent discharge be married: fiancee
of workers: lay-off •rate at which
engineer ©engineer designing and
employees leave and are replaced:
building roads etc.: civil engineer
turnover •loss of employees due to
resignation and retirement: natural English •combining form: Anglo-
wastage, wastage • English-speaking: anglophone

employment ©short experience of engraving •adjective: glyptic ©en-

employment arranged for school- graving using a waxed plate: etching,
leavers: work experience • out of em- cerography ©etching technique
ployment: unwaged using resin and varnish to produce
shaded areas: aquatint ©engraving
empty • empty-headed: vacant,
without acid: dry point ©engraving
by incised lines: line engraving ©en-
enamel •decorative enamel inlay: graving effect achieved by many small
champleve • decorative enamels sep- dots: stipple ©engraved or incised
arated by wire: cloisonne design: intaglio ©engraving from a

enclosure •enclosure for keeping

plate roughened and partly

birds: aviary •trackside enclosure

smooth: mezzotint ©engrave a de-
sign on metal: chase ©steel engrav-
where competitors assemble: pad-
ing burin ©art of gem engrav-
ing:glyptography ©black compound
end •combining forms: tel(e)- (pur- set in engraved metal: niello >see
pose, e.g. telelology), aero- (tip, e.g. also illustration
acronym) •final outcome: denoue-
ment • disappointing end or out- enjoy ©enjoy without hurrying: sa-
come: anticlimax ©put an end to:
scotch • bring to a gradual end: enlarge ©enlarge by internal
wind up ©ending point: terminus ad stretching: distend
enlightenment ©theological term
endless • endlessly: ad infinitum in Buddhism or Hinduism: nirvana
end of the world •theological enough ©be enough: suffice
study of the end of the world: eschat- • more than enough: superfluous
enquiry |
entrails 118

enquiry •denoting a process of en- simultaneously: one-man band ,

quiry conducted by negation: apo- • medieval singer: minstrel, trouba-

phatic •denoting a process of en- dour • performer in popular enter-
quiry conducted by affirmation: tainment: artiste •performer in
cataphatic highbrow entertainment: artist

ensemble •ensemble of two per- • pair of entertainers working to-

formers, or the music for them: duo gether: double act j

• ensemble of three performers, or the entertainment •entertainment

music for them: trio ©ensemble of industry: show business •enter-
four performers, or the music for tainment consisting of different kinds J

them: quartet ©ensemble of five per- of act: variety •entertainment of

formers, or the music for them: quin- singing to a recorded accompaniment:
tet • ensemble of six performers, or
karaoke •entertainment by taking
the music for them: sextet ©ensem- -
one's clothes off: striptease •enter-
ble of seven performers, or the music 1
tainment using sound and lighting
for them: septet • ensemble of eight
effects upon an architectural back-
performers, or the music for them:
ground: son et lumiere ©light the- 1

octet • ensemble of instruments of a

atrical entertainment with topical *

single type: choir ©small ensemble

satire: revue ©popular variety enter- •

playing early music: consort • small

tainment: music hall • variety enter- s

ensemble playing popular music:

tainment with topical satire: revue S

combo, group ©arrangement of a

• theatrical Christmas show: panto-
piece of music for ensemble or orches-
mime • comic entertainment based
tral use: orchestration ©play several
on vigorous horseplay: slapstick
instruments in an ensemble: double
• military entertainment with demon-

enter ©impossible to enter: impene- strations of skill: tattoo •public


trable entertainment or social activities K


entertainer ©very famous enter- available at night: nightlife ©enter- 1

tainer: megastar ©entertainer tell- tainment with two items: double bill i

ing jokes: comedian {fern, comedi- • entertainment with an educational i

enne) ©denoting a comedian purpose: edutainment, infotainment

entertaining a live audience: stand-
enthusiast • extreme enthusiast:
up ©male entertainer impersonating
fanatic, monomaniac, zealot •en-
a woman: drag queen ©entertainer
thusiast for some activity: fancier I

twisting his or her body: contortion-

• foolishly enthusiastic: gung-ho s

ist ©entertainer demonstrating skill

• vigorous enthusiasm: verve, zest
in escaping: escapologist ©enter-
• stimulate enthusiasm: motivate
tainer performing elaborate gymnas-
tic feats: acrobat • entertainer walk-
• showing little enthusiasm: luke- i

ing a tightrope: funambulist warm

• entertainer passing a sword blade entire •combining forms: pan- (e.g.
down his or her throat: sword- pan-Islamic)
swallower ©entertainer seeming to
entity • some further unspecified en-
make his or her voice come from a
tity: tertium quid
dummy: ventriloquist ©musician
who entertains in the street: busker entrails ©take out entrails: disem-
• musician making snakes sway to his bowel, eviscerate ©eviscerate a I

or her tunes: snake charmer deer: gralloch ©eviscerate a fish:

• busker playing several instruments clean, gut ©eviscerate a fowl: draw
119 environment essence |

environment •combining form: equipment •equipment in a speci-

eco- • social environment: milieu fied area of expertise: armament-
• environmentally aware: green • in- arium • complete equipment: pan-
creased environmental awareness: oply • miscellaneous equipment:
green revolution •watch for threats paraphernalia •setting up equip-
to the environment: doomwatch ment for use: installation
• presence of harmful substances in
erase •erase data from an elec-
the environment: pollution •ani-
tronic medium: wipe • impossible to
mal's or plant's natural environment:
erase: indelible
habitat • happening in its natural en-
vironment: in vivo ©study of the Eros •Latin name: Cupid
interaction of living organisms and erosion • landscape levelling
their environment: ecology • revers- through erosion: planation •project-
ing environmental damage: ing wall or fence to limit sea's erosion
remediation of coast: groyne •minimization of
enzyme 0 combining forms: zym-, erosion by ploughing along contours:
-ase • mixture of enzymes used in al- contour ploughing
coholic fermentation: zymase
error ©error in logic: fallacy
epilepsy •adjective: epileptic • grammatical error: solecism
• serious form of epilepsy: grand mal • error alleged to reveal subconscious
• minor form of epilepsy: petit mal feelings: Freudian slip ©capable of
• causing epilepsy: epileptogenic error: fallible ©incapable of error:
• epileptic fit: seizure •violent foolproof, infallible ©correct
movements in epileptic fits: convul- someone's mistaken impression: un-
sions ©person suffering from epi- deceive • list of errors in a book etc.:
lepsy: epileptic ©drug preventing or corrigenda, errata •opaque fluid to
moderating epileptic fits: anticonvul- obliterate written errors: correction
sant fluid
epoch •adjective: epochal
escape ©person who entertains
equal •combining form: equi-, iso- audiences by demonstrating his or
(e.g. isosceles) ©with sides of equal her skill in escaping from confine-
length: equilateral ©equal in power ment: escapologist • place for escap-
or importance: equipollent ©equal- ing or hiding: bolt-hole
ity of pay or status: parity • person of
equal status: peer *on an equal escort ©female escort for young
basis: pari passu ©other things woman: chaperone, duenna ©male
being equal: ceteris paribus escort for older woman: gigolo

equality •adjective: egalitarian Eskimo ©Eskimo inhabitant of the

equation ©equations sharing un- islands off Alaska: Aleut ©Eskimo
knowns with identical values: simul- inhabitant of northern Canada or
taneous equations ©move to the Greenland: Inuit ©Eskimo canoe:
other side of an equation: transpose kayak ©Eskimo ice-house: igloo
• quantity to be found by solving an • Eskimo sledge-dog: husky, mala-
equation: unknown mute •command to this: mush!
equator •adjective: equatorial essay •academic essay: disserta-
equinox •adjective: equinoctial
tion, paper, memoir, thesis
• progressively earlier occurrence of essence •denoting things having
the equinoxes: precession the same essence: consubstantial
essential |
evolution 120

essential •essential oil of rose evasion •evasive talk: circumlocu-

petals: attar •not essential: extrin- tion, equivocation
evening •period of evening twi-
estate ©estate manager: land light: dusk
agent, (in Scotland) factor • colonial
event ••important event: occasion,
estate growing sugar, coffee, etc.: plan-
landmark, milestone •summer out-
tation • plantation owner or man-
door fund-raising event: fete ©event
ager: planter •enclosed pasture and
inexplicable by scientific laws: mir-
woodland round a country mansion:
acle ©number participating in an
event: turnout ©person seeing an
estimate ©one who provides a de- event take place: witness ©place
tailed estimate of the cost of a pro- where an event is held: venue ©pos-
posed building project: quantity sur- sible sequence of events: contingency,
veyor • estimate unknown results by scenario • series of events, each trig-
analogy with those already observed: gered by its predecessor: chain reac-
extrapolate tion • first of a series of events:
ethics ©theory that acts are justi- opener ©related events adding sig-
fied solely by their usefulness, or the nificance to that under consideration:
pleasure they create: utilitarianism context ©wisdom after the event:
• theory that moral truths exist inde- hindsight
pendently of any knowledge of them: ever ©for ever: ad infinitum
objectivism •theory that moral
truths are culturally determined: rela-
every • combining form: pan- (e.g.
tivism • theory that several moral
systems may coexist: ethical plural- everywhere •combining forms:
ism • theory that pleasure is the omni-, per • found everywhere:
highest good: hedonism •ethics of omnipresent, pervasive, ubiquitous
medical and biological research: bio-
evidence •adjective: evidential
ethics • imagined unchanging and
• evidence given under oath: depos-
universal system of ethical principles:
ition • lying evidence: perjury •evi-
n atu ra aw • abandonment of ethical
1 1
dence given by an accused person
standards: anomie against his accomplices: Queen's (or
etiquette •required by etiquette: King's) evidence •denoting legally
de rigueur • subtle point of etiquette: acceptable evidence: admissible
nicety • denoting evidence proving guilt:
Europe •combining form: Euro- damning •denoting evidence con-
(e.g. • European main-
Eurocentric) sistent with, but not proving, the ac-
land as viewed from Britain: the cusation: circumstantial • object
Continent shown in court as evidence: exhibit 1

European Union • bureaucrat of evil • wishing to do evil: malevolent,

the European Union: Eurocrat •per- malicious, malign, nefarious
son unenthusiastic about the Euro- • averting evil: apotropaic ©declare
pean Union: Eurosceptic •official to be evil: denounce ©portray as
monetary unit of the European Union: evil: demonize
ecu •proposed single currency for evolution • evolution of one species
the European Union: Eurocurrency to resemble another: mimicry
evaporate •liable to rapid evapor- •major evolutionary change: macro-
ation: volatile evolution • Darwinian model of evo-
121 examination exercise j

lution: natural selection, survival of excavation •refilling of excav-

the fittest ations with waste material: landfill
• refill an excavation with the mater-
examination •combining forms:
ial dug from it: backfill
-opsy (e.g. -scopy (e.g. en-
doscopy) • examination of financial exceedingly •combining forms:
accounts: audit •examination of a
super- (e.g. supersensitive), ultra-
(e.g. ultra-polite)
substance to determine its constitu-
ents: qualitative analysis •examin- excessive ©excessive supply: glut
ation of a substance to determine the • use of more words than are needed:
proportion of its constituents: quanti- pleonasm
tative analysis ©spoken academic excessively • combining forms:
examination: oral, viva, viva voce hyper-, over- (e.g. overfull), pleo-
• practice examination: mock •oral • excessively critical: hypercritical
examination of an applicant: inter- exchange •mutual exchange: reci-
view • school-leaving examination in procity
certain countries: baccalaureate
excitement •thrill of excitement:
• level of a music examination: grade
• person taking an examination: can-
didate • supervisor of persons taking
excrement • combining forms:
copro-, scato- (e.g. scatology) •eat-
a written examination: invigilator
ing excrement: coprophagous •ex-
• denoting an examination question
crement of seabirds sold as a fertil-
offering several possible answers:
izer: guano •receptacle for
multiple-choice ©set of examination
bedridden persons' excreta: bedpan
questions: paper •instruction on an
examination paper: rubric ©candi- execution • execution as a punish-
date's completed examination paper:
ment: death penalty •official order
for this: death warrant • chair for
script •examiner ensuring consist-
execution by electric shock: electric
ent marking: moderator •examin-
chair • apparatus for execution by
ation grade denoting a fail: unclassi-
hanging: gallows, gibbet • appar-
fied • medical examination of a
atus for execution by strangling: gar-
corpse: autopsy, post-mortem
rotte • French beheading machine:
• medical examination of tissue from
guillotine • platform for public exe-
a living body: biopsy •body examin-
cutions: scaffold »post for display of
ation by touch: palpation •machine
executed persons: gibbet
examining the* body by radiation,
ultrasound, etc.: scanner • image exercise • exercises for fitness and
produced by such a machine: scan strength: physical training ©exer-
cises for strength and good appear-
• theological examination of a heretic:
ance: callisthenics ©exercises in-
inquisition •mental examination of
creasing bodily oxygen intake:
one's thoughts: introspection
aerobics ©aerobics performed in
example •perfect example: arche- water: aquarobics ©exercises using
type, epitome, ne plus ultra, para- counterbalanced muscles: isometrics
gon, prototype, quintessence • exercise of gentle running: jogging
• prime example: byword • example • exercise of raising the prone body by
to be imitated: object lesson, para- arm pressure: press-up •exercise of
digm, pattern, role model ©example raising oneself to an overhead bar:
cited to justify similar action: prece- pull-up •Chinese exercise systems:
dent ©cite as an example: adduce t'ai chi ch'uan, qigong • system of
exhaust explosive

exercise based on Hindu principles: empirical •experienced at second

yoga •series of exercises: circuit hand: vicarious
• exercise course with physical obs-
experiment •experimental ideas
tacles to be negotiated: assault
in the arts, or the people practising
course • session of vigorous physical
them: avant-garde • experiments
exercise: workout •exercise involv-
performed on living animals: vivisec-
ing alternate slow and fast work: fart-
tion • procedures of a scientific ex-
lek, wind sprint •preliminary exer-
periment: protocol • exact repetition
cises: limbering up, warm-up
of an experiment: replication ©sam-
• concluding exercises: cooldown,
ple for experimentation: specimen
• bacteria etc. grown for experimenta-
exhaust •purifier of vehicle ex-
tion: culture ©item analogous to
haust gases: catalytic converter
those experimented upon, and ob-
exhaustion •inexplicable persist- served for comparison: control
ent exhaustion: chronic fatigue syn-
drome, myalgic encephalitis
expert • combining forms: -ician
(e.g. statistician),
-ist ©expert in a
exhibition •exhibition showing
stated field: boffin, buff ©person
work from various periods inan art-
competent in several fields: generalist
ist's life: retrospective • item assem-
• aesthetic expert: connoisseur • ex-
bled at the exhibition venue: installa-
pert in church law: canonist ©panel
tion • exhibition preview for invited
of experts: brains trust • group of ex-
guests: private view, vernissage
perts advising those in power: think
• temporary housing for an exhib-
tank •non-expert: layman
ition: pavilion

existence •combining form: onto- explanation • provisional explan-

(e.g. ontology) •existing situation: ation: hypothesis • explanation of a
status quo •having no physical ex- difficult word in a text: gloss ©ex-
istence: incorporeal ©no longer ex- planation harder to understand than
isting: defunct the problem: ignotum per ignotius

expect •disconcert by an unex- explode ©make explode: detonate

pected act: wrong-foot
explosive • nitroglycerine explo-
expel • combining form: -fuge (e.g. sive: dynamite ©explosive made of
febrifuge) ©expel someone from a nitroglycerine and nitrocellulose: gel-
property: evict • expel a foreigner: ignite ©powerful odourless plastic
deport explosive: Semtex™ • explosive
expense • minor expenses: inciden- made of saltpetre, sulphur, and char-
tals • basic expense of keeping a firm coal: gunpowder •explosive mater-
running: oncost, operating ex- ial in a missile's warhead: payload
penses, overheads •expensive- • explosive charge to propel a rocket:
looking: sumptuous propellant •explosive railway warn-
experience •experience in hand- ing device: detonator • denoting am-
ling tricky social or business situ- munition containing explosive: live
ations: savoir faire •denoting some- • device activating an explosive: det-
one experienced in coping with onator, fuse •hole bored to take ex-
modern urban life: streetwise ©a plosive: blast hole, shot hole
short but unpleasant experience: • sharp-ended bar drilling blast holes:
mauvais quart d'heure ©derived jumper ©explosive situation: powder
from experience rather than logic: keg, tinderbox
123 extent |

extent •extent of one's operations • opaqueness of the lens, giving

or power: ambit blurred vision: cataract •adjust-
ment of the lens to focus: accommo-
extermination •extermination of
dation ©dark specks floating before
an entire nation or people: genocide,
the eyes: muscae volitantes •in-
flammation of the eye: ophthalmia,
external • combining forms: ecto- ophthalmitis •yellowing of the eye:
(e.g. ectogenesis), exo- (e.g. exoskel- jaundice ©rapid involuntary eye
eton), out- {e.g. outbuildings) movement: nystagmus •denoting
extra •combining forms: super- {e.g. eyes with poor sight: dim ©medical
supersensitive), ultra- {e.g. ultra- specialist for vision problems: oculist,

polite) optician ©assessment of eyesight

and correction of its defects: optom-
extreme •combining form: ultra-
etry • study and treatment of eye dis-
(e.g. ultramicroscopic)
eases: ophthalmology ©device for
eye •combining forms: ocul-, inspecting the retina: ophthalmo-
ophthalmo- •adjectives: ocular, oph- scope ©for or by one eye: monocu-
thalmic, optic ©eye with a streaked lar ©for or by two eyes: binocular
or opaque white iris: wall eye • white • double vision: diplopia ©look dir-
outer layer of the eye: sclera •trans- ectly into someone's eyes: make eye
parent layer at the front of the eye: contact ©visible to the naked eye:
cornea •coloured area round the macroscopic ©small cup for wash-
pupil: iris ©dark opening at the cen- ing the eyes: eyebath ©Arab eye
tre of an eye: pupil ©transparent tis- make-up: kohl ©horse's eye-screen:
sue filling the eyeball: vitreous hu- blinker ©eye tooth: canine ©an eye
mour • light-sensitive area at the for an eye: lex talionis
back of the eye: retina •inflamma- eyebrow •adjective: superciliary
tion of the retina: retinitis •retinal
cell responding to bright light and
eyelash •adjective: ciliary ©eye-
colour: cone •retinal cell respond- lash cosmetic: mascara
ing to dull light: rod •point on the eyelid •combining form: blephar-
retina insensitive to light: blind spot • adjectives: ciliary, palpebral ©inner
• mucous membrane covering the eye: eyelid in certain animals: nictitating
conjunctiva •inflammation of this: membrane, third eyelid ©this in
conjunctivitis *lack of eye pigmen- dogs or cats: haw •drooping of the
tation: albinism •distortion of the upper eyelid: ptosis •inflammation
eye, giving partly unfocused images: of the eyelid: blepharitis • inflamed
astigmatism • increased pressure in swelling on the edge of an eyelid: sty.
the eye, causing blindness: glaucoma stye
fabric •woven fabric: textile •fab- silk or nylon fabric: chiffon •fine
rics in standard lengths: piece goods crisp lustrous silk: taffeta •fine soft
• strong fabric for belts etc.: webbing silk fabric: sarsanet • glossy silk fab-
• thick fabric for carpets and uphol- ric: ©closely woven silk, cotton
stery: moquette •high quality cloth- or nylon with a soft pile on one side:
ing fabric: broadcloth ©fabric made velvet ©kind of linen with an in-
from fine smooth wool: worsted woven pattern: damask •smooth
• wide-meshed fabric: fishnet hard-wearing linen fabric: holland
• printed fabric for curtains and up- • cotton or linen fabric woven with a
holstery: chintz • fabric with woven diamond pattern: diaper • strong
pictures or designs: tapestry • fabric rough cotton or linen: huckaback
made of two or more different yarns: • heavy cotton waterproofed with oil:
union •thin transparent fabric: oilskin • heavy printed cotton fabric:
gauze •denoting a thin transparent cretonne • printed puckered cotton
fabric: diaphanous, sheer, translu- fabric: seersucker • hard-wearing
cent • denoting a loosely woven fab- blue cotton fabric: denim, jean
ric: open • denoting a fabric faced on • coarse twilled cotton or linen: drill
both sides: reversible •denoting an • thick ribbed cotton fabric: corduroy
undyed fabric: natural •denoting a • fine twilled cotton: chino •strong
fabric with warp and weft of different untwilled cotton: duck •unbleached
colours: shot •denoting a fabric cotton: calico •thin loosely woven
washed with abrasives: stonewashed cotton: cheesecloth •smooth twil-
• denoting a fabric not needing iron- led cotton or worsted: gaberdene
ing: drip-dry •denoting a fire- • cotton fabric woven with stripes or
resistant fabric: flameproof, non- checks: dimity •cotton fabric with
flammable • denoting fabric with a bold checks: gingham • napped cot-
worn surface: threadbare •long- ton fabric: flannellette •light
napped fabric: plush •towelling fab- flannellette: winceyette • light cotton
ric with long uncut loops: terry • fab- fabrics: jaconet, muslin •fine trans-
ric with a surface of diagonal ridges: lucent cotton muslin: organdie
twill •such a ridge: wale •fabric • light cotton with a corded surface:
woven from flax: linen •fine trans- poplin •soft ribbed cotton fabric:
parent cotton or linen: lawn • coarse candlewick • cotton got up to resem-
fabric woven from flax or hemp: sack- ble satin: sateen •coarse thick-
cloth • fabric with a glittering metal- napped woollen fabric: duffel •fine
lic thread: lurex • fabric with gold or woollen suiting: barathea • tartan
silver threads: lame • textile re- twilled wool: plaid •rough woollen
inforced by embedded glass filaments: fabric in a speckled weave: tweed
fibreglass, glass fibre ©thin silk or • soft napped woollen fabric: flan-
crepe fabric: georgette ©silk fabric nel • strong twilled woollen fabric:
with a rippled effect: moire, moire, serge •twilled worsted or cotton:
watered • thin stiff transparent silk gaberdine • strong fabric of wool
fabric: organza •light transparent and cotton or linen: wincey •coarse
125 face |

hemp or flax fabric: canvas •coarse facility ©basic physical facilities:

jute or hemp fabric: hessian • strong infrastructure

rough hessian: scrim •coarsely facing •combining form: -ward (e.g.
woven fabric used as a floor-covering: southward) ©lying facing down-
drugget • fabric or yarn from angora wards: prone • lying facing upwards:
goat hair: mohair • tufty velvety fab- supine
ric:chenille ©fabric used for dress-
fact •adjective: factual *an un-
ing wounds: lint •elasticated polyur-
alterable fact: fait accompli, donnee
ethane material: elastane • synthetic
make • unpleasant fact about oneself: home
resin used to synthetic textile
•cellulose used to
truth • basic facts about a subject: ru-
fibres: polyester
diments • facts known only by re-
make synthetic textile fibres: rayon
port: hearsay •in actual fact: de
• synthetic polymer used to make syn-
thetic textile fibres: nylon •recycled
facto • assume as a fact: posit

fabric: mungo • piece of fabric cover- factor ©key factor: determinant

ing the head: kerchief • strip of fab- faeces • combining form: copro-
ric worn inside an open-necked shirt: • piece of faeces: stool • small round
cravat • strip of fabric inserted to en- piece of animal faeces: pellet • eating
large or strengthen a garment: gusset faeces: coprophagous, scatopha-
• soft fabric used to pad a garment: gous ©discharge faeces from the
wadding • triangular piece of fabric: body: defecate, evacuate ©such an
gore • strip of gathered fabric: frill event: movement, bowel movement
• side of fabric intended for display: • discharge of liquid faeces: diarrhoea
right side •fabric scraps for stuffing
• difficulty in discharging faeces: con-
cushions etc.: flock •raised threads stipation ©pipe taking excrement
on a fabric surface: nap, pile •small and waste water down the side of a
hole in fabric for a lace: eyelet • edge building: soil stack • underground
on fabric to prevent unravelling: selv- pipe for excrement and waste water:
edge ©shop selling fabrics: drapery sewer • system of sewers: sewerage
• fabric sample: swatch ©wrap in
• contents of a sewer: sewage • tank
several layers of fabric: swathe in which sewage is left to decompose:
face •adjective: facial • facial fea- septic tank •excrement in a septic
tures: physiognomy • appearance of tank: septage • empty the contents
facial skin: complexion •facial of a chamber pot: slop out •un-
wrinkle: crow's-foot • red facial pim- healthy interest in excrement and ex-
ples during adolescence: acne •in- cretion: scatology
voluntary facial twitch: tic •denot- failure • total failure: fiasco ©fail-
ing an expressive face: mobile •with ure to fulfil an obligation: default
an unexpressive face: deadpan, in- • proof against failure: fail-safe
scrutable, poker-faced • disease • safety mechanism activated by ma-
causing facial swelling: mumps chine failure: fail-safe
• solid representation of a face: mask
fair 1
•permanent outdoor fair-
• cosmetic improving facial skin: face
ground: amusement park •revolv-
mask, face pack • picture of
ing fairground ride: merry-go-round
someone's face composed from photo-
• fairground ride with a sharply twist-
graphs of others: photofit
ing railway track: roller coaster
faced •combining forms: -hedral • fairground wheel: Ferris wheel
(e.g. decahedral), -hedron (e.g. deca- • fairground sideshow in which
hedron; pi. -hedra) motorcyclists ride up the inner side of
fair I

a large vertical cylinder: Wall of • genealogy of a group of gods: the-

Death •tall spiral slide: helter- ogony • study of family history: ge-
skelter • electric bumper car: nealogy ©state payment to a family
dodgem on low income: family credit ©pro-
longed and sometimes violent ill-will
fair 2 •adjectives: equitable, even-
between families: feud, vendetta
handed, just ©anger at unfair treat-
• valuable passed on in the family:
ment: indignation •set right an un-
fair situation:
fantasy •fantasy world: Cockaigne,
fall ©fall controlled by gravity only:
cloud cuckoo land, Shangri-La, Uto-
free fall
pia, Xanadu •person living in a fan-
false • combining form: pseud(o)- tasy world: Walter Mitty
• false pseudocarp ©writings
fare • cheap fare: saver • system of
whose authorship is falsely assigned: reduced travel fares on offer to those
pseudepigrapha booking well in advance: Apex
fame • someone or something enjoy- farm • large cattle farm in Canada or
ing brief fame: nine days' wonder USA: ranch ©agricultural holding
family •adjective: familial •nar- smaller than a farm: smallholding
rowest family unit, consisting of a • denoting a farm devoted to milk pro-
couple and their own children: nu- duction: dairy ©farm store: barn
clear family • wider family unit, also • farm store with a roof but no walls:
including grandparents, uncles, etc.: Dutch barn ©farm store for grain or
extended family ©member of one's silage: silo ©neat cuboid pile of hay
extended family: kin, kindred or straw bales: rick, stack • animals
• group of interrelated families: clan kept on a farm for profit: livestock
• within the family: domestic tas a • number of livestock on a farm:
family: en famille ©female side of a headage + see also agriculture
family: distaff side ©male side of fashion • current fashion: vogue
a family: spear side ©female head • demanded by fashion: de rigueur
of a family: materfamilias {pi. • indicating or setting the fashion: dir-
matresfamilias) ©male head of a ectional • person or organization
family: paterfamilias (pi. patres- able to influence fashion: tastemaker
familias) ©family descent: lineage • wealthy and fashionable people: glit-
• reversion to earlier generations: terati, haut monde, high society,
throwback ©person's nearest living smart set, socialites, society •ac-
relative: next of kin • descendant of a ceptability among the urban young:
notable family: scion ©line of des- street •out of fashion:
cent: stock ©family system having demode, outmoded, out of date
male heads: patriarchy ©family sys- • deliberate abandonment of current
tem having female heads: matriarchy fashions: reaction
• denoting a family system counting
• combining form: tachy- (e.g.
descent through the female line:
matrilineal •denoting a family sys-
tem counting descent through the fast 2 •Christian fast before Christ-
male line: patrilineal • diagram mas: Advent •Christian fast before
showing relationships in a family: Easter: Lent •Muslim month-long
family tree, genealogy, pedigree, fast: Ramadan *see also Lent
stemma ©this showing the descent fastener ©steel band secured by a
of Christ from Jesse: Jesse tree screw: Jubilee clip™ ©short wooden
127 fat |

or plastic rod on coats etc.: toggle dark: nyctophobia «fear of death:

• ornamental toggle with a braided necrophobia • fear of England or the
loop: frog English: Anglophobia •fear of for-
fat • combining forms: lipo-, seb(o)- eigners: xenophobia •fear of
• metabolic formation of fat: heights: acrophobia • fear of homo
lipogenesis •cosmetic surgery tech- sexuals: homophobia ©fear of the
nique for sucking fat out from under new or unfamiliar: neophobia ©fear
the skin: liposuction •denoting a of pain: algophobia *fear of public
gland etc. containing or secreting fat places: agoraphobia •fear of
or grease: sebaceous •containing spiders: arachnophobia ©fear of
little or no fat: non-fat •excessively strangers: xenophobia • fear of tech-
fat: obese •bodily fat disappearing nology: cyberphobia, techno-
at adolescence: puppy fat ©hard phobia *fear of the number thir-
white fat round the kidneys: suet teen: triskaidekaphobia *fear of
• fat used for making pastry: shorten- water: hydrophobia «fear of wo-
ing • pig's fat used in cooking: lard men: gynaecophobia. gynophobia
• rendered fat used in candles and • thrill of fear: frisson •fearful ap-
soap: tallow ©melt down fat: render prehension: foreboding
• melt down fat to separate impur- feast •adjective: festal ©seventh
ities: clarify
day after a Church feast: octave
fate ©fate in Hindu and Buddhist
feather • fancy feather: plume
thought: karma «fate in Islamic
• bird's flight feather: pinion •pull
thought: kismet •deserved fate:
the feathers from bird's carcass:
father • combining form: patr(i)-
• adjective: paternal •being
fee • initial fee paid to a barrister: re-

someone's father: paternity •denot- tainer • further fee paid to a barris-

ter: refresher ©fee paid to a celebrity
ing the period during which a father's
child is born: paternity • medical attending an event: appearance
test to establish fatherhood: paternity
money «fee paid to recompense
test • killing one's father: patricide someone doing 'unpaid' work: honor-
arium • percentage fee on business
fault •minor personal fault: foible,
transacted: commission «fee paid to
peccadillo •fault-finding: captious,
an author etc. for copies or recordings
carping, niggling
sold or performances given: royalty
faulty •combining form: dys- (e.g.
• legal concept of a 'reasonable' fee for
dysentery), mal- {e.g. malfunction) unpriced goods or services: quantum
Faunus • Greek name: Pan meruit
favour • curry favour: ingratiate feeling •combining form: -pathy
oneself •preferential treatment • feeling that something is about to
given to relatives or friends: nepo- happen: premonition •friendly feel-
tism ings: goodwill •instinctive feeling:
fear •combining form: -phobia ©ex- intuition • widely held feeling:
treme or irrational fear: phobia • un- groundswell • general but unspoken
controllable fear: panic • fear of cats: feeling: undercurrent • general feel-
ailurophobia «fear of computers: ing of contentment: euphoria ©feel-
cyberphobia «fear of confined ing of listlessness and apathy: leth-
spaces: claustrophobia »fear of argy ©strong feeling of guilt or
corpses: necrophobia »fear of the regret: remorse • feeling of sickness
fellow j
fever 128

or revulsion: nausea • general feel- • pretended sword-thrust: feint

ing of unease: dysphoria, maiaise • sword blade from middle to point:
• general feeling of inadequacy: infer- foible • sword blade from middle to
iority complex • rousing intense feel- hilt: forte • blunted fencing sword:
ings: emotive •provoked by feelings epee • light blunt-edged fencing
rather than logic: emotive, subjective sword: foil • light tapered fencing
• conveyance of feeling in art or sword: sabre ©knob fixed to a foil
music: expression •bodily move- point: button • sword-length fencing
ments or posture taken to indicate stick: single stick ©fencer's face-
thoughts and feelings: body language cover: mask • fencer's chest-
• ability to share another's feelings: protector: plastron •fencer's ac-
empathy •establishment of a close knowledgement of an opponent's hit:
relationship based on shared feelings: touche • Japanese fencing: kendo
bonding ©able to feel: sentient fermentation •combining form:
• that can be felt: palpable •abnor- zym- ©enzyme mix used in fermen-
mal physical sensation: paraesthesia tation: zymase • study of fermenta-
• lack of feeling or concern: apathy tion: zymurgy
• unable to feel: numb
fern ©fern's compound leaf: frond
fellow •fellow-countryman: com- • study of ferns: pteridology
patriot ©fellow sailor: messmate,
ferret • male ferret: buck, hob ©fe-
male ferret: gill ©young ferret: kit
female • combining forms: gyn-,
fetus ©body fluid surrounding a
-ess {e.g. authoress), -ette (e.g. suffra-
fetus:amniotic fluid ©membrane
gette), -trix (e.g. executrix) •female
surrounding a fetus: amnion, amni-
chromosome: X chromosome •med-
otic membrane, caul ©cord attach-
ical study of the female body and its
ing a fetus to the placenta: umbilical
illnesses: gynaecology •female
cord ©denoting a fetus able to sur-
members of a family: distaff side
vive outside the womb: viable >see
• female principle in Chinese philoso-
also birth, childbirth
phy: yin •female demon seducing
sleeping men: succubus •denoting feudalism ©feudal duty: fealty
descent through the female line: • feudal lord: seigneur • feudal sub-
matrilineal ject: liege, vassal «tied tenant: vil-
lein ©tied labourer: serf • grant of
feminine • feminine part of a man's
freehold land: feoffment
personality according to Jungian
psychology: anima fever • combining form: febri- • ad-
jective: febrile •mosquito-borne
fence •fence of pointed stakes: pal-
fever: malaria •tropical fever with
ing • defensive fence of close-set
acute joint pains: dengue •tropical
stakes: palisade •movable fence sec-
fever infecting the liver and kidneys:
tion: hurdle •openwork fencing: lat-
yellow fever •infectious fever with
tice • fencing of stakes interwoven
red spots on the chest and abdomen:
with branches: wattle ©temporary
typhoid •typhoid-like fever: paraty-
board fence: hoarding •pointed
phoid • infectious fever with delir-
wooden fencing stake: picket
ium and a purple rash: typhus
• fenced area: compound
• fever following childbirth: puer-
fencing • attacking move: lunge, peral fever ©fever from exposure to
pass •quick evasive movement: excessive heat: heatstroke, sunstroke
volte •quick return thrust: riposte • children's fever with a bright red
129 few |

rash: scarlet fever, scarlatina mountain and valley pasture: trans-

• children's fever with a raised pink humance
rash: measles•mild form of mea- fifty •denoting a fiftieth anniver-
sles: German measles ©children's sary: golden
fever with swelling of the salivary
fight • confused general fight: melee,
glands: mumps • denoting a fever re-
curring every second day: tertian
scrimmage •short confused fight:
scuffle, skirmish, tussle •fight be-
• denoting a fever recurring every
tween two persons: single combat
third day: quartan •denoting a fever
• arranged fight between two persons:
with fluctuating body temperatures:
duel •fighting in a war: action
remittent •abatement of a fever:
defervescence ©drug reducing • ready to fight: pugnacious
fever: antipyretic, febrifuge • sudden file ©sharp metal rod as a file for
feeling of cold followed by sweating papers: spike •computer file listing
and a sharp temperature increase: other files: directory • computer file
rigor • disturbed mental state caused having no internal hierarchy: flat file
by fever: delirium • kind of fever suf- • computer file giving font and layout
fered by dogs: distemper settings: style sheet •computer file
containing data representing sound:
few •combining form: oiigo- • rule
wavetable •search directions for a
by a select few: oligarchy • intended
file: path •description of a file's
only for the socially select: exclusive
• intended for a small number of ex- whereabouts: pathname •suffix to a
file name: extension, file extension
perts: esoteric • market controlled
by a few traders: oligopoly • denoting a file a computer can run:
executable ©begin access to a com-
fibre • natural fibres used for mats, puterfile: open • text stored in a file:
ropes, and sacks: Manila, jute •slen-
document •record of file contents at
der glass fibres used to transmit light:
a stated time: snapshot • denoting a
fibre optics
search conducted throughout a file:
fiction •fiction set in a context of global •immediate data retrieval
real events: faction •fiction set in a from any part of a computer file: dir-
computer-dominated society: cyber- ect access • network device control-
punk • fiction parodying the genre's ling file access: file server •com-
conventions: metafiction •book- press a computer file for storage: zip
length fictional narrative: novel • de- • link from a hypertext file to another
noting low-life fiction: picaresque file: hyperlink •remove
• denoting popular or sensational fic- from a computer cut • move ma-

tion: pulp ©leading character in a terial within a file or between files:

work of fiction: protagonist • remove cut and paste • storage of a file over
a fictional character in a dramatically scattered segments of the hard disk:
convincing way: write out *see also fragmentation • end access to a com-
novel, story puter file: close
field • field planted with fruit trees: film • combining form: cine- •adjec-
orchard •field used for grazing: pas- tive: cinematic *art of making
ture • field used to make hay: motion-picture films: cinematog-
meadow •meadow that is periodic- raphy • film portraying real events:
water meadow •small
ally flooded: documentary •fictional film based
field for horses: paddock •rice field: or real events: docudrama, drama-
paddy •seasonal alternation of documentary • film's story-line: plot
film |
film 130

• short film of news and current af- graph: microfilm •strip at the start
fairs: newsreel • short film or end of a film: leader ©amount of
advertizing another: trailer •film de- film:footage •denoting film insensi-
picting police solving a crime: tive to red: orthochromatic •denot-
policier ©bleak and depressing film: ing film sensitive to all colours: pan-
film noir •film with singing and dan- chromatic ©film giving a positive
cing: musical •continuous amount image directly when processed: rever-
of film shot at one time: take ©board sal film • admission of light to a film:
with identificatory details shot at the exposure ©long exposure of photo-
start of each take: clapperboard graphic film: time exposure •sensi-
• short extract from a film: clip • sin- tivity of film to light: speed •denot-
gle picture in a film: frame • list of ing a film needing only short
contributors to a film: credits •film exposure: fast •film's ability to re-
expert or enthusiast: cineaste, cine- spond to light: sensitivity ©unused
phile •room or building equipped or unprocessed film: stock, film stock
for filming: studio ©area where a • make exposed film show a visible
film is being shot: set ©wheeled plat- image: develop •spottiness of film
form for a film camera: doily ©lift- image: grain •device steadying the
able platform for a film or television film as it passes the lens: gate •film
camera: crane ©pole projecting the sequence photographed continuously
microphone over a film camera: boom by one camera: shot • end of a film-
• alternation of contrasting shots: ing session: wrap • processed but un-
intercutting ©scene reverting to an edited film: rushes • edit or abridge
earlier dramatic time: flashback a film: cut •edited version of a film:
• consistency of detail between filmed cut •film produced by preliminary
scenes: continuity • out-of-studio set- cutting: rough-cut •section of film
ting for a film scene: location •cre- omitted in cutting: out-take •move
ation of a from drawings or
film abruptly from one film image to an-
models: animation •animated film: other: cut, jump-cut •cinematic ef-
cartoon •filming technique simulat- fect in which a new scene seems to un-
ing animation: pixilation • computer roll across the screen: wipe
application allowing the combination • cinematic effect in which one scene
of animated and live-action elements: seems to melt into the next: dissolve
rotoscope • denoting a filming tech- • end of a scene by gradual darkening
nique of exposing each frame after a of the screen: fade •inclusion of
fixed period: time-lapse • visual or images commenting upon the main
auditory illusions created for a film: action: montage •facility arresting
effects, special effects •miniatur- the image: freeze-frame •film cap-
ized film set for special effects: dio- tion: title •caption at the foot of a
rama • technique using special fil- film frame: subtitle •strip at the
ters to shoot night scenes in daylight: edge of a film on which the sound is
day-for-night • soundtrack commen- recorded: soundtrack ©give a film a
tary by an unseen narrator: voice- new soundtrack: dub ©music com-
over • list of films: filmography posed for a film: score • sequence of
• container for a length of film: cart- drawings etc. outlining film shots:
ridge, cassette, magazine, reel, story board • acting text of a film:
spool ©flat sheet of film containing screenplay, script • screenplay in-
microphotographs: microfiche •film cluding camera directions: shooting
of which each frame is a microphoto- script •actor's filmed audition:
131 filter |

screen test •single continuous spell Finnish •Finnish steam bath:

of filming: take•person in creative sauna •Finnish traditional legends:
charge of shooting a film: director Kalevala
• general manager of a film project- fire • combining form: pyto- • adjec-
producer ©person in charge of a tive: fiery • fire for burning a corpse:
film's camerawork: director of pho- pyre •fire set in a high place to con-
tography • film production com- vey a signal: beacon •fierce fire
pany: studio ©chief electrician on a caused by bombs: firestorm ©treetop
film set: gaffer ©gaffer's assistant: forest fire: crown fire ©lens used to
best boy •auxiliary group respon- start a fire: burning glass ©portable
sible for filming action, special effects, container for a fire: brazier ©mater-
and location sequences: second unit ial for starting a fire: kindling ©half-
• person replacing a film star during burnt material in a dying fire: embers
dangerous action scenes: stunt man, • slow a fire by reducing its draught:
stunt woman ©studio's costume de- damp •extinguish a fire: douse
partment: wardrobe ©strong light • extinguish a fire by covering it:
for filming: klieg light ©film actor's smother ©water-supply for a fire
stand-in: double ©availability of a hose: hydrant ©fireproof sheet: fire
film for public showing: release4
blanket ©starting fires: incendiary
• public showing of a film: screening • person starting fires for malicious
• advance screening of a new film: purposes: arsonist •obsessive desire
preview •television broadcast of a to set fire to things: pyromania • des-
cinema film: telecine ©US film troy by fire: burn, incinerate •myth-
award: Oscar ©film archive: cinema- ical creature said to live in fire: sala-
theque >see also camera mander • easily set on fire:
flammable, inflammable •slow to
filter ©filter through gradually: per-
catch fire: flame retardant •fire-
colate ©face mask filtering ingested
resistant: flameproof, non-
air: respirator ©filtration process for
blood of a patient suffering kidney
failure: dialysis
fireman •fireman's turn of duty:
final • final part of a piece of music:
fireplace •fireplace in a steam en-
coda • final part of a play: denoue-
gine: firebox •floor of a fireplace:
ment, epilogue • final part of a
hearth ©metal plate adjusting the
speech: peroration
draught: register ©side-space in a
find • lucky find: trouvaille •ability large fireplace: inglenook ©grid at
to make these: serendipity ©find for front of fireplace to keep in burning
the first time: discover • technique material: fender ©cooking shelf
of locating persons or objects through along the side of fireplace: hob
the heat they emit: thermal imaging • cooking stand at the front of fire-
place: trivet • stand to support logs in
finger •adjective: digital • first fin-
a fireplace: andiron, firedog •metal
ger: forefinger, index finger •finger
plate at the back of a fireplace: fire-
next to the little finger: ring finger
back, reredos ©smoke duct above a
• excessive number of fingers:
fireplace: chimney, flue ©shelf above
Polydactyly • sheath for an injured
a fireplace: mantel, mantelshelf, man-
finger: fingerstall
telpiece ©ornamental structure
fingerprint •powder-blower mak- above a fireplace: overmantel ©im-
ing fingerprints visible: insufflator plements for tending a fire: fire irons
fireworks |
fishing 132

• device for picking up pieces of coal: eating: piscivorous ©fish that has
tongs •container for coal at a fire- not been cooked, smoked, or frozen:
place: hod, scuttle wet fish ©fish stew from southern
fireworks pyrotechnic
•adjective: France: bouillabaisse ©dish of fish,
rice, and hard-boiled eggs: kedgeree
• noisy firework: banger •noisy fire-
work used in simulated battles: thun- • dried fish eaten with curries: Bom-
derf lash • firework exploding high in bay duck • finely ground paste of
the air: rocket • small hand-held fire- seasoned fish: pate, terrine ©small
work: banger •small hissing fire- ball of seasoned fish: quenelle
work: squib •coiled firework spin- • pickled sturgeon roe: caviar
ning when lit: Catherine wheel • minced fish rolled in bacon: krom-
esky • dish of finely minced fish: ti in-
first • combining forms: proto-, ur-
hale ©dish of pressed fish in aspic:
an ur-Hamlet') ©first
(e.g. 'reconstruct
galantine ©denoting fish cooked in
example: prototype •first appear-
browned butter with lemon: meuniere
ance of a performer: debut ©first
• thick slice of fish: steak ©fried
performance: premiere • first among
strip of fish: goujon ©long thin slice
equals: primus inter pares •first-
of fish rolled and stuffed: paupiette
year student at a university: fresh-
• small flat round cut of fish:
man *be the first to use: pioneer
medaillon ©skewer for grilling fish:
first aid
• restart of breathing: arti- brochette ©crab-flavoured stick of
ficial respiration, ventilation• pos- mixed fish pieces: crab stick ©pre-
ition in which unconscious persons serve fish by drying or smoking: cure,
are placed: recovery position, semi- kipper ©remove fish entrails: clean,
prone position gut ©remove fishbones: fillet ©cul-
fish • combining forms: ichthy(o)-, tivation of sea fish: mariculture
pise- •adjective: piscine • young of • cultivation of fresh- water fish: pisci-
fish: fry • large group of fish: school, culture ©establishment where fish
shoal •fish living at the bottom: are bred commercially: fishery, fish
groundling •aggressive sharp- farm ©display tank for live fish, or
toothed fish: piranha ©hard plate building containing these: aquarium
covering a fish's skin: scale •fish's • fish seller: fishmonger
flipper: fin •fish's breathing organ:
fishes • astrological term: pisces
gill •cover for this: operculum (pi.
opercula) ©fish sperm or sperm fishing •adjectives: piscatorial,
gland: milt ©fish eggs: roe, spawn piscatory •fisherman's assistant:
• fish gelatin: isinglass ©study of gillie •fisherman's waterproof gar-
fish: ichthyology •denoting fish ment covering from feet to armpits:
with light-coloured flesh: white •de- waders •fisherman's thick blue
noting fish with darker-coloured flesh: sweater: guernsey • catch fish with
red • denoting fish that swim one's hands: guddle, tickle •fish
up-river from the sea to spawn: anad- caught for sport: game fish • total
romous •journey made by anadro- fish caught in one session: net •fish
mous fish: run • channels built to as- with a bobbing fly: dap •floating ar-
sist anadromous fish round natural tificial fly: dry fly •artificial fly that
obstacles: fish ladder, fishway, pass sinks below the water: wet fly •ma-
• denoting fish that swim down-river terial to make these: dubbing •in-
to the sea to spawn: catadromous sect larva for bait: gentle, maggot
• denoting freshwater fish other than • bait thrown into the water: ground-
salmon and trout: coarse •fish- bait • fishing rod's handle: stock

133 fit |

• fish hook weighted to stay under- hundredth anniversary: quincenten-

water: drai! •back-turned spike on a ary
fish hook: barb ©weight on a fishing fives •projecting wall in a fives
line: sinker •cylinder for winding in court: tambour
the line: reel, spool ©throw a baited
flag •adjective: vexillary •national
hook or net: cast ©secure the hook banner, ensign •national flag
in a fish's mouth: strike ©tire a
flown at a ship's bow: jack • military
hooked fish: play ©hooked stick for
or ceremonial flag: standard • flag of
landing fish: gaff ©device removing
the United Kingdom: Union Jack
the hook from a fish: disgorger ©net
• flag of the Royal Navy: white ensign
for keeping fish alive: keepnet ©an-
• flag of naval auxiliary vessels: blue
gler's equipment: tackle ©angler's
ensign •flag of British-registered
fish basket: creel ©stretch of water
ships: red ensign ©pirate flag: Jolly
used for fishing: ground ©fish by Roger ©blue flag raised by ship
trailing a line behind a boat: troll
about to leave port: Blue Peter
• fishing boat dragging a large net • small triangular flag: bu rgee • long
along the sea bed: trawler •fishing tapering flag: pennant, pennon
boat with processing facilities: fac- • short tapering flag: guidon ©long
tory ship •fishing net that drifts narrow flag with a cleft end: bander-
with the tide: drift net •fishing net ole ©banner hung from a crossbar:
hanging vertically: seine • seine that gonfalon ©flag signalling the end of
can be drawn into a bag shape: purse a motor race: chequered flag ©flags
seine • deep-sea fishing line: long as street decorations: bunting ©de-
line •amount of fish caught over a noting a flag flown below the pole-top:
specified period: catch •fish cap- at half mast ©rope to raise a flag:
tured in a single throw of the net: halyard, lanyard • lower a flag: strike
draught ©person unloading fishing • study of flags: vexillology
boats: lumper
flame • very hot cutting flame: ther-
fit • periodic loss of consciousness or mic lance •device producing a hot
convulsions: epilepsy flame: blowlamp, blowtorch
fit • denoting an object that fits in- flare ©flare fired from a pistol: Very
side another: nesting light

fit for • combining form: -worthy flat • top-floor flat: penthouse ©flat
(e.g. roadworthy) * ©fit to eat: edible consisting of one room: bedsitter
• flat having one main room: studio,
five • combining forms: pent-, quin-,
studio flat ©flat on two floors: du-
quinque- ©five-sided figure: penta-
plex • flat on two or more floors, with
gon ©solid figure with five faces:
pentahedron ©five-pointed star:
its own outside door: maisonette
• flat kept for occasional use: pied-
pentagram, pentangle ©set of five:
a-terre • rented flat cleaned by the
pentad • one of five offspring born at
owners: service flat ©large building
a birth: quintuplet, quin •athletic
divided into flats: tenement
contest with five events for all com-
petitors: pentathlon •ensemble of flatter • servile flatterer: sycophant
five musicians, or music for them: • excessively or insincerely flattering:
quintet •group of five arranged as unctuous
on a domino or playing-card: quin- flatulence •infantile flatulence:
cunx • occurring every, or lasting for, colic, wind •medication to relieve
five years: quinquennial •five- flatulence: carminative
flavour |
flower 134

flavour • strong flavour: tang • hav- down-river: freshet ©severe rain

ing little flavour: bland, insipid, mild causing flooding: deluge •embank-
• thick flavouring liquid: sauce ment built as a flood defence: dyke
• pungent vegetable food flavouring: • breach caused by flooding: washout
spice ©add a pungent flavouring to • lowrlying area subject to flooding:
food or drink: spike •condiment flood plain •field that is periodically
eaten with plain food to give flavour: flooded: water meadow •rich soil
relish •chemical used to strengthen deposited by flood water: alluvium
food flavour: flavour enhancer •fla- • the biblical Flood: the Deluge • oc-
vour enhancer used in Chinese cuis- curring before this: antediluvian
ine: monosodium glutamate •yel- floor •floor for principal reception
low powder used to flavour Asian rooms: piano nobile •floor between
dishes: turmeric •browned sugar or the main floors: entresol, mezzanine
syrup used as flavouring: caramel • floor of wood blocks: parquet • pro-
• herbs or spices as flavour en- jecting ridge along the edge of a floor-
hancers: seasoning «bag of herbs board: tongue •hollow into which
used to flavour soups: bouquet garni this fits: groove •levelled layer of
• fine strips of citrus fruit peel used as floor cement: screed •flooring ma-
flavouring: zest >see also taste terial of marble chips set in concrete:
flea •tropical burrowing flea: chig- terrazzo •floor covering of small
ger, jigger pieces of stone etc. arranged to make
fleet •fleet of small ships: flotilla pictures or patterns: mosaic •access
• small fleet of warships: squadron panel in a floor: trapdoor
• Spanish war fleet sent in 1588: Ar- flour •adjective: farinaceous ©flour
mada made from whole grains of wheat:
Flemish •Flemish mayor: burgo- wholemeal ©flour made from wheat
master with some of the germ removed:
wheatmeal ©hard grains left after
flesh • combining form: earn- • ad-
flour has been milled: semolina ©de-
jective: carnal • sensitive flesh: quick
noting flour with an added raising
• flesh injury: wound •flesh-eating:
agent: self-raising ©denoting flour
carnivorous •decaying flesh of a
lacking a raising agent: plain ©work
dead animal: carrion
flour into dough: knead
flight •unpowered flight: glide
flow •combining forms: rheo- (e.g.
• ceremonial flight over a certain
rheostat), -rrhoea {e.g. menorrhoea),
spot: fly-past •frictional limitation
-rrhagia (e.g. menorrhagia) ©flow
on the speed of flight: heat barrier
rapidly: gush ©halt a flow: stem
• extreme tiredness felt after a flight
across time zones: jet lag flower •combining forms: antho-
(e.g. anthology, literally a 'collection of
flirt •flirtatious behaviour: co-
flowers'), flor- •adjective: floral
• small flower In a composite flower
float • float attached to the side of a head: floret •flower that keeps its
canoe etc: outrigger ©float support- colour when dried: immortelle
ing a bridge: pontoon • float used to • flower of willow and hazel trees: cat-
raise sunken ships: caisson •ability kin • petals of a flower: corolla
to float: buoyancy • flower's female organ: pistil
flood •adjectives: diluvial, diluvian • flower's male organ: stamen
• sudden flood: flash flood ©sudden • circle of flowers on a stem, or of
river flood: spate •flood moving petals or sepals in a flower: whorl
135 fluid |

• compact cluster of flowers on one close to the ground: hedge-hop •fly

stalk:truss • denoting a flower with very close to intimidate: buzz
a single whorl of petals: single • maintain height without using an
• small bunch of flowers: nosegay, engine or wings: soar
posy ©arranged bunch of flowers: fodder ©fodder of fermented grass:
bouquet, spray • spray for a button- silage • tall fodder plant with yellow
hole: boutonniere ©fastened ar- flowers: rape
rangement of flowers: garland • gar-
land for the head: chaplet • garland
fog •fog mixed with smoke etc.:
for a grave: wreath • Japanese art of
smog ©audible warning to ships in
flower arranging: ike ban a •flower-
fog: foghorn
growing: floriculture •flower-seller: follow ©follow and observe secretly:
florist •denoting a flower past its shadow, ©follow an opposing

prime: overblown • sweet liquid col- player to obstruct his activities: mark
lected by bees from flowers: nectar
follower ©follower or imitator of
• fine dust collected by bees from lesser ability: epigone
flowers: pollen ©leaf at the edge of a
flower: bract • plant bearing clusters
fond • combining forms: phii(o)- (e.g.
philoprogenitive), -phile (e.g. biblio-
of flowers: floribunda *

fluid ©body fluid in early medicine:
humour ©body fluid surrounding food • combining forms: tropho-,
-trophic (e.g. oligotrophic) •adjective:
embryo: amniotic fluid ©body fluid
around joints: sinovia ©fluid accu- alimentary ©food for the gods: am-
mulation in the brain: hydrocephalus brosia ©food for pigs: swill ©food
for horses: tack ©food for sheep and
• insufficient fluid in the body: dehy-
cattle: fodder, forage ©food set out
dration • semifluidity: viscosity
for self-service: buffet ©food that is
• study of fluids at rest: hydrostatics
• study of fluid forces: hydrodynam- quick and easy to prepare: conveni-
ics ©study of fluid mechanics: hy- ence food, fast food • fast food of lit-
draulics tle nutritional value: junk food
• bland and tasteless food: pap
fluorescence •combining form: • semi-liquid food: slops •food rich
fluoro- • X-ray viewer with a fluores- in fibre: roughage •denoting food
cent screen: fluoroscope
with minimal processing and addi-
fluorine • corfibining form:, fluoro- tives: organic, natural, whole
(e.g. fluorocarbon) • small tasty piece of food: titbit
flute ©flute's mouth-hole: embouch- • lump of food: gobbet •food regur-
ure ©flute player: flautist gitated for further chewing: cud
• portion of food for one person: help-
fly • fly biting livestock: gadfly • fly
ing, serving ©supplies of food and
biting horses and men: horsefly • fly
drink: provisions ©apportioned
causing malaria: mosquito •African
food: ration ©emergency supply of
fly causing sleeping sickness: tsetse
basic food: iron rations ©seasoning
• fly laying its eggs on food: blowfly
for condiment
food: ©denoting
• large blowfly: bluebottle • fruit fly
undried or unsmoked food: green
used in genetic research: drosophila
• food used to embellish a dish: gar-
• fly larva: maggot, gentle •sticky
nish • food used to give taste to a
paper strip as flytrap: flypaper
dish: relish ©sweet or savoury mix-
flying •supernatural flying: levita- ture cooked inside meat, poultry, etc.:
tion •fly high in the air: soar •fly stuffing ©chemical used to
food food
| 136

strengthen food flavour: flavour en- • denoting food browned quickly at >

hancer • flavour enhancer used in high temperature: seared •denoting *

Chinese cuisine: monosodium gluta- food cooked with spicy seasoning: \

mate »bag of herbs used to flavour devilled •denoting food cooked in a 3

soups: bouquet garni • pungent pastfy case: en croute •denoting \

vegetable food flavouring: spice food cooked and served in a paper r

• chopped fresh herbs: fines herbes wrapper: en papillote •denoting 1

• shop selling foreign foods: delicates- food that is uncooked, or cooked in the
sen • denoting food prepared in ac- simplest way: au naturel •denoting i

cordance with Jewish law: kosher food cooked in the simplest way: :

• denoting food unacceptable to Jew- bonne femme •denoting food

ish law: tref •denoting food cooked cooked in cider and cream: a la >

and then refrigerated before distribu- normande •denoting food prepared

tion: cook-chill •denoting food pre- by a first-class chef: cordon bleu
served in a sealed jar: potted • denot- • denoting food that may be prepared 1

ing food dried for preservation: quickly: instant •denoting food pre- :

dehydrated •denoting food treated served in brine: corned, soused -

to stay fresh: long-life •denoting • denoting food preserved by drying: 3

food that is no longer fresh: stale, off, desiccated • denoting food soaked in 1

rancid • denoting food that goes bad a marinade: soused •denoting food
quickly: perishable ©thaw frozen modified to be unfattening: diet • de-
food before cooking: defrost ©clean noting food free from rich ingredients: 1

or prepare food: dress • cut food into light ©denoting food that is hard to 1

small cubes: dice ©fry food briefly to digest: heavy »(of food) be tasted
brown the outside: saute, seal ©fry again after being swallowed: repeat ^

food briefly, stirring to avoid brown- • denoting foodstuffs produced with-

ing: stir-fry «dip food briefly into out artificial chemicals: organic »de- '

boiling water: scald «add spices to noting food with no nutritional value:
food: season •finely ground paste of innutritious •rolled food: roulade
seasoned meat or fish: pate •sprin- • small amount of food, rolled in
kle liquid over food: drizzle •sprin- breadcrumbs: croquette •food i

kle food with flour or sugar: dredge, grilled on a skewer: kebab •food
d u st • thin line of cream or icing dec- coated in batter and fried: fritter I

orating food: piping ©enrich food • shiny coating on food: glaze

with vitamins: fortify •denoting • tough piece of fibre in food: string
foodstuffs that are new and will not • constituent of a dish: ingredient i

keep: fresh • denoting foodstuffs that • person who enjoys fine food and •

are currently available fresh: in drink: bon bon viveur, epi-

vivant, i

season • denoting food covered with cure, gastronome, gourmand, gour-

grated cheese or breadcrumbs and met ©creature eating all kinds of
browned: au gratin, gratine •denot- food: omnivore ©fish-eating crea-
ing food cut into short thin strips: juli- ture: piscivore ©creature eating no
enne • denoting food served on spin- meat or fish: vegetarian ©creature
ach: florentine •denoting food eating no animal products: vegan
served in browned butter: meuniere • creature eating only fruit: fruitarian
• denoting food served with white • animal eating only plants: herbivore
grapes: Veronique •denoting food • eating only one kind of food:
soused in spirits and set alight: monophagous seating raw food:
flambe «set food alight thus: flame omophagous • person providing
137 foot |

food professionally: caterer, purveyor • itchy swelling caused by cold: chil-

• food heater for use at the table: chaf- blain • specialist treating the feet:
ing dish •list of foods eaten or to be chiropodist, podiatrist • cosmetic
eaten: diet • sterilize food by gamma treatment of the feet: pedicure • can-
radiation: irradiate •electrical ing the soles of the feet as a punish-
grinder for waste food: waste- ment or form of torture: bastinado
disposal unit •food poisoning: botu- football •primitive form of football
lism, salmonellosis •fly's eggs on played at Eton College: wall game
food: fly-blow ©bring up swallowed vsee also soccer
food: regurgitate ©food allergy with
football pool • selection of matches
an itching rash: hives, nettlerash, ur- in a pools entry: perm •payment
ticaria • abstention from food: fast
shared between pool winners: divi-
• food element giving essential nour-
ishment: nutrient ©denoting foods
rich in these: nutritious ©lack of footwear •wooden-soled footwear:
clogs • ridge on the sole of footwear:
proper or sufficient food: malnutrition
cleat • light footwear with a scanty
• thin or weak through lack of food:
upper: sandals •slipper with sole
emaciated • undernourishment
low marasmus and sides in one piece: moccasin
causing weight:
>see also sandal, shoe
• study of food and its use: nutrition
• search about for food: forage • ser- forbid • forbid by law: proscribe
ies of organisms each depending on • forbidden by social custom: taboo
the next for food: food chain •inter- force •force attracting a body to-
locking system of these: food web wards a larger one: gravity • rotatory
• heated food trolley: hostess trolley force: torque •force moving rotating
• credit voucher exchanged for food: objects outwards: centrifugal force
luncheon voucher •establishment • force moving rotating objects in-
serving free food to the poor: soup wards: centripetal force •force hold-
kitchen • extreme scarcity of food: ing quarks, neutrons, and protons to-
famine vsee also pudding, sauce gether within the nucleus: strong
foot •combining forms: pedi- (e.g.
force •force involved in the decay of
nuclei: weak force • area in which a
pedicure), -pod(e) (e.g. arthropod)
• divided foot of cattle, sheep, etc.: clo- ©using force:
force is effective: field

ven hoof •permanently twisted foot: forcible ©obtain by force: extort

club foot • having an injured foot:
• force upon: impose ©impetus
gained by a moving object: momen-
lame • having inturned feet: pigeon-
toed • foot bones: metatarsus
tum (pi. momenta) ©tendency of a
body to remain static or in motion un-
• arch of the foot: instep • denoting a
foot with a low arch: flat •denoting
less acted upon by an external force:
the soles of the feet: plantar •animal
having two feet: biped •animal hav- forehead •adjective: frontal
ing four feet: quadruped • person foreign •combining form: xeno-
going on foot: pedestrian •instru- • strange and foreign: exotic ©for-
ment estimating the distance travelled eign girl who does domestic work in
on foot: pedometer ©grip for the return for keep and English lessons:
feet: foothold, footing ©wart grow- au pair •resident foreigner: alien
ing on feet: verruca ©small painful • area settled by foreigners: colony
area of thickened skin: wart • painful • expel a foreigner: deport ©fear or
swelling on the big toe joint: bunion hatred of foreigners: xenophobia
foreman fowl | 138

• person living in a foreign country: one's good fortune: gloat •object

expatriate • foreign embassy's free- thought to bring good fortune: talis-
dom from local laws: extraterritorial- man • animal etc. kept to bring good
ity fortune: mascot •source of ill for-

foreman •foreman's deputy: tune: jinx • change of fortune: vicis-

chargehand situde • extreme point of ill fortune:

foreskin •congenital narrowness of
the foreskin's opening: phimosis fortune telling •fortune telling
• removal of the foreskin: circumci- from dreams: oneiromancy •fortune
sion telling from lines on the hand: palm-
istry, chiromancy •fortune telling
forest • adjective: sylvan ©damp
from playing cards: cartomancy
tropical forest: rainforest ©open
• fortune telling from the stars: astrol-
space in a forest: glade • strip of for-
ogy • fortune telling by drawing lots:
est cleared to hamper fires: firebreak
sortilege •fortune teller's globe:
• mythical wild man of the forest:
crystal ball by
•fortell the future
green man
this: scry • card pack used in fortune
forgiveness •priest's sacramental telling: Tarot
forgiveness of confessed sins: absolu-
forwards •combining form: pro-
(e.g. protrude)
fork • two-pronged agricultural fork:
pitchfork • large two-pronged meat fossil ©fossil used to date surround-

fork: carving fork •fork's sharp ing strata: index fossil ©fuel derived
prong: tine from fossilized remains: fossil fuel
• study of fossils: palaeontology
form •combining forms: morpho-
morphology), -morph (e.g. ecto-
( four •combining forms: quadr-, tetr-

morph), -morphic {e.g. anthropo- • fourfold: quadruple ©having four

morphic) parts: quadripartite, quadruple
• four-sided figure: quadrilateral
formula •adjective: formulaic
• one of four offspring born at a birth:
fort •coastal defence fort: Marteflo quadruplet, quad •four-legged ani-
tower •small concrete fort: block- mal: quadruped •four-line verse
house, pillbox stanza: quatrain ©set of four: quartet
fortification •fortification of • group of four artworks with related
wooden stakes: palisade, stockade themes: tetralogy •ensemble of four
• projecting fortification where two musicians, or music for them: quar-
walls meet at an angle: bastion tet, quartette •four-track stereo-
• outer fortification: outwork •con- phonic sound: quadraphony •in
crete fortification: blockhouse four identical copies: in quadrupli-
• underground fortified shelter: bun- cate ©four hundredth anniversary:
ker • fortified shore area established quatercentenary ©period of four
by an invader: beachhead • denoting years: quadrennium ©occurring
a fortification that cannot be cap- every, or lasting for, four years: quad-
tured: impregnable rennial
fortune ©piece of unexpected good fowl •adjective: gallinaceous ©fe-
fortune: windfall©unexpected run of male hen ©male fowl: cock,
good fortune: bonanza • chance de- cockerel ©young fowl: chick,
velopment of events in a fortunate chicken ©young hen: pullet ©cock
way: serendipity ©reflect smugly on bred for fighting: gamecock ©cas-
139 fox |

trated cock: capon •small-sized partial fracture in children: green-

breed of fowls: bantam •fowl's red stick
crest: comb • red lobe hanging below framework •framework with slop-
a fowl's beak: wattle ©sharp projec- ing legs, used to support a table, bier,
tion on the back of a cock's leg: spur etc.: trestle •light framework sup-
• young fowl killed for eating: pous- porting fruit trees etc.: trellis
sin ©fowl split open and grilled: • framework for drying washing
spatchcock •remove a fowl's in- indoors: clotheshorse •firm sup-
nards: draw •denoting a fowl wish- porting framework: skeleton •sup-
ing to incubate eggs: broody • denot- porting framework for a roof, bridge,
ing fowls that are allowed out: free etc.: truss
range •denoting fowls kept in a
frank •unrestrainedly frank: blunt,
large shed: deep litter •denoting
fowls kept in small cages: battery,
broiler-house •open-air cage for fraud •interfere with a process to
fowls: coop, run •fowl's leg served ensure a desired result: rig, set up
as food: drumstick •fowl's edible free •combining form: un- (e.g. un-
offal: giblets •fried strip of chicken: burden) ©free from obligations: foot-
goujon •poultry influenza: fowl loose • denoting a service supplied
pest, Newcastle disease • poultry free of charge: courtesy ©free from
disease with thick mucus: pip restrictions: decontrol

fox •adjective: vulpine ©female fox: freedom ©freedom of action: carte

vixen •male fox: dog • young fox: blanche, latitude, leeway, licence
cub ©group of foxes: skulk ©fox's • freedom from punishment: impunity
earth ©fox's tail: brush ©fox's
lair: • favouring individual freedom: lib-
head as a hunting trophy: mask eral • restriction of subordinates'
fraction ©fraction with numbers freedoms, allegedly for their own
good: paternalism
above and below a line: vulgar frac-
tion ©fraction with numbers either Freemasonry • Freemasons'
side of a decimal point: decimal frac- brotherhood: Craft • Freemasons'
tion ©number placed above the line branch: lodge •chief Freemason:
in a fraction: numerator ©number Grand Master •Freemason's rank:
placed below the line in a fraction: de- degree
nominator • common multiple of the freeze •combining form: cryo-
denominators of several fractions: • freeze very rapidly: flash-freeze
common denominator •smallest • freeze a liquid without solidifica-
common multiple of the denominators tion: supercool •deep-freezing of
of several fractions: lowest common corpses in hope of subsequent medical
denominator •fraction equal to less advances that could reverse their
than one: proper fraction •fraction cause of death: cryonics, cryogenics
equal to more than one: improper • surgery undertaken on a part of the
fraction body that has been subjected to in-
fracture • wrist fracture with the tense cold: cryosurgery
hand pushed back: Codes' fracture French •combining forms: Franco-,
• denoting a fracture to the bone only: franco- ©lover of French culture:
simple •denoting a fracture where Francophile ©French-speaking:
the bone pierces the skin: compound francophone ©French using many
• denoting a fracture with many bone English terms: franglais ©French
splinters: comminuted •denoting a castle: chateau (pi. chateaux)
French |
fruit 140

• French holiday house: gite trouvere ©French epic poem: J

• French motorway: auto- chanson de geste • French name for

route • French public urinal: pissoir southern France: Midi ©French ad- i

• French priest: cure •title of a ministrative region: department J

French abbot or (as a courtesy) of any • French suburb: faubourg ©French j

French clergyman: abbe •French law allegedly excluding females from J

policeman: gendarme • French long- dynastic succession: Salic law t

distance lorry driver: routier friction •combining form: tribo- -

• French flaky pastry roll: croissant • creation of an electric charge by fric- !

• French soft white cheeses: Brie, tion: •emission of

triboelectricity •

Camembert ©French soft blue light by something rubbed or '

sheep-milk cheese: Roquefort™ scratched: triboluminescence

• French yoghurt-like cheese: from- I

friend ©seek someone's friendship:

age frais•French goat's cheese: t

chevre •French toasted sandwich
with cheese and ham: croque- frog • adjective: batrachian ©frog's
monsieur • French pancake: crepe young: fry ©frog eggs: spawn
• French beef stew: grillade • French • tailed frog larva: tadpole
soup with beef and vegetables: pot- front •combining form: fore- (e.g.
au-feu • French mutton casserole: forebrain) ©front of a building: fa- \

navarin ©French stew of meat and cade ©front of an army: vanguard i

beans: cassoulet •fish stew from • front of a leaf of paper: recto

southern France: bouillabaisse
fruit •combining forms: fruct-, -carp
• small French restaurant: bistro }

• small stoneless fruit: soft fruit ;

• French shop selling cold cooked

• hard dry fruit: nut ©fruit of the J
meats: charcuterie • French aniseed-
oak: acorn ©hawthorn fruit: haw
flavoured aperitifs: pastis, Pernod™ used chutneys:
• tropical fruit in
• French brandy: cognac •French {

mango •green-fleshed fruit with ,

blackcurrant liqueur: cassis

black seeds: kiwi fruit •orange-like J

• French vineyard: domaine • group

fruit with sweet rind and sour pulp: ,
of French vineyards: cru •descrip- kumquat •denoting fruit of the J

tion awarded to a French wine guar-

orange type: citrus • fruit rotten be- 1

anteeing its orgin and method of pro- fore it is ripe: medlar ©fruit blown
duction: appellation contrdlee, down by the wind: windfall ©com-
appellation d'origine contrdlee pact cluster of fruit on one stalk: truss 1

• category of wines or vineyards: • fine powdery deposit found on the

cru •French bowls: boules, surface of certain fruits: bloom
petanque ©French wooden shoe: • fruit's outer covering: hull •tough
sabot • French soldier's peaked cap: outer skin of certain fruits: rind
kepi ©French regiment for foreign- • soft fleshy part of fruit: pulp ©hard
ers: Foreign Legion ©member of seed of certain fruits: stone ©cover- j

this: legionnaire ©French resistance ing of a fruitseed: endocarp ©fruit-

fighter: maquis, maquisard ©French growing: pomiculture ©study of
beheading machine: guillotine fruit-growing: pomology ©denoting
• Frenchwoman knitting by the guillo- fruit made shiny by preservation in
tine: tricoteuse ©cart conveying vic- sugar: glace ©(of blossom) form into
tims to the guillotine: tumbril fruit:set ©ripening of fruit: matur-
• French high-kicking dance: cancan ation ©squeeze fruit to extract the \

• French medieval poet: troubadour, juice: press ©sour juice obtained

141 fry |

from fruit: verjuice• cream of liquid- son carrying the coffin: pall-bearer
ized fruit: puree •dish of mixed • framework on which a coffin may be
chopped fruit: macedoine •dish of set or carried: bier, catafalque
fruit cooked in syrup: compote • cloth spread over the bier: pall
• fruit boiled in sugar: conserve, pre- • public exposition of a corpse: lying-
serve • natural sugar found in fruits in-state • funeral rites: exequies,
and honey: fructose • fruit sugar obsequies • ceremonial attendant at
used as a setting agent: pectin • hard these: mute •military funeral cere-
fruitskin used as a water container: monies: military honours ©bugle
gourd ©small fruit fly used in gen- call at military funerals: last post
etic research: drosophila ©person • final depositing of the corpse after a
eating only fruit: fruitarian ©shop funeral: committal •burial with ap-
selling fruit: fruiterer • study of fruit propriate rites: interment •burning
and seeds: carpology ©light fruit of the dead: cremation • place for
basket: punnet ©disease caused by this: crematorium •container for a
absence of fresh fruit and vegetables dead person's ashes: casket •tomb-
from the diet: scurvy inscription: epitaph •relative or
fry • fry food briefly to brown the out- friend attending a funeral: mourner
side: saute, seal ©fry food briefly, • black clothes worn at a funeral:
stirring to avoid browning: stir-fry mourning •mourner's black arm-
band: crepe • person engaged to or-
fuel ©fuel derived from fossilized re-
ganize a funeral: undertaker, funeral
mains: fossil fuel ©jet fuel: kero-
sene, paraffin oil ©failure of fuel to
ignite in the cylinder: misfire fungus •combining form: myco-
full •combining form: -ulent {e.g.
• adjectives: fungoid, fungous •ed-
ible fungus growing underground:
©fungus cultivated on grapes:
function •combining form: -ate
noble rot ©fungal growth:
(e.g. electorate), -ure (e.g. judicature)
mould ©whitish fungal coating: mil-
• performing no useful function: re-
dew • fungal disease of trees or fruit:
canker •fungus-derived protein:
fund •pooled fund of money: kitty mycoprotein • study of fungi: mycol-
• funds held by the British govern- ogy • inhibiting fungus: fungistatic
ment: Exchequer • funding for risky • killing fungus: fungicidal
projects: venture capital •decen-
fur •animal's coat of fur: pelt
tralized funding in the National
• coypu fur: nutria • stoat's white fur:
Health Service: internal market
ermine ©shop selling furs: furrier
• impounded funds: frozen assets
• inadequate funding: shoestring furnace ©furnace for making steel:
• receiving no outside funding: inde- blast furnace ©furnace for large-
pendent • person providing funding: scale chemical processes: retort
patron, sponsor • guarantee fund- • furnace for firing pottery: kiln
ing: underwrite •having funds in ex- • furnace for rubbish: incinerator
cess of one's liabilities: solvent furniture ©set of furniture: suite
funeral •adjective: funerary ©fu- • fixed piece of furniture: fitment
neral procession: cortege ©music • furniture permanently attached to
for this: dead march ©bell rung for the building containing it: fixture
this: knell ©funeral lament: dirge • item of furniture designed to fit with
• vehicle for the coffin: hearse ©per- others: unit • piece of furniture to

furniture |
future 142

hold overcoats, umbrellas, etc.: hall- covers for upholstered furniture:

stand • freestanding set of drawers: loose covers ©large cloth for cover-
chest of drawers •waist-high set of ing furniture: dust sheet ©sheen on
drawers and cupboards: sideboard polished furniture: patina ©furni-
• sideboard with shelves above: ture beetle or the damage it causes:
dresser, Welsh dresser • shelved woodworm ©fine wood powder left
stand for ornaments: whatnot • writ- by woodworm activity: frass ©un- J

ing desk with a flap and drawers wanted furniture: lumber ©transfer

below: bureau •writing desk with of furniture to another property: re-

drawers and compartments: escri- moval ©disposal of furniture: clear-
toire, secretaire •tall writing desk ance
with side drawers: davenport •tall
chest of drawers: tallboy •cabinet fuse ©fuse detonating a bomb at a
for television or radio equipment: preset distance from its target: prox- j

console ©sofa with arms and back imity fuse ©activate a fuse: arm i

curving outwards: chesterfield • remove a fuse: defuse ©trail of,,

• sofa open at one end: chaise longue gunpowder acting as a fuse: train
• S-shaped sofa: sociable ©low up- future ©possible sequence of future !l

holstered seat without back or arms:

events: contingency, scenario ©ex-
ottoman • upholstered footstool:
pected sequence of future events: out-
pouffe, pouf ©kneeler with book-
look, prospect • showing potential
rest: prie-dieu •furniture item con-
for the future: promising • arrange- 1
taining a concealed chamber pot:
ments for the future: provision, con-
commode • small wheel fixed to fur-
tingency plan • belief that the future I
niture: castor •wheeled board used
is fixed: determinism, fatalism •ex-
to move heavy furniture: skate
pectation of the best: optimism i
• make furniture look worn: distress
• confidently optimistic: sanguine!
• ornamental bracket: console •de-
• expectation of the worst: pessimism
noting furniture built for the dimen- j
• at some indefinite future date:
sions of the room it occupies: fitted

• denoting furniture sold disassem-

mahana •indication of some future
bled: flat-pack •denoting furniture event: omen, portent, presage
designed for infrequent use: occa- • astrological forecast of futures
sional ©woodworker making furni- events:horoscope • knowledge of fu-
ture: cabinetmaker •wood inlay dec- ture events: prescience •gloomy
orating furniture: marquetry ©giant feelings about the future: foreboding,
grass whose woody stems are used to presentiment, qualm •alleged abil-

make bamboo ©pliant

furniture: ity to foresee the future: second sight j

palm stems used to make furniture: • person claiming to foresee the fu-
rattan • willow twigs plaited to make ture: prophet, seer, soothsayer \

furniture: wicker, wickerwork •soft • forecast of future events: prediction,

padding attached to furniture: uphol- prognosis, prognostication, projec-
stery ©thin cord decorating uphol- tion, prophecy •force said to control
stery: piping ©fitted removable future events: destiny
galaxy • adjective: galactic skittles: tenpin bowling •game of
gall bladder •combining form: knocking balls through hoops: cro-
chole- •small hard mass forming in quet • game of throwing a ball
the gall bladder: gallstone •X-ray against walls: fives ©game using
examination of the gall bladder: rackets to hit a ball against walls:
cholecystography •surgical re- squash •this using basketlike rack-
moval of the gall bladder: chol- ets: jai alai, pelota •game of throw-
ecystectomy ing a ball against a person's legs:
French cricket ©game of hitting a
gallery •musicians' galley: loft
ball and making a circuit of outfield
• exterior gallery on an upper floor:
bases: rounders ©team ballgame
played by swimmers: water polo
gallows •trapdoor beneath a gal-
• Irish game resembling hockey: hurl-
lows: drop ing • hockey-like game played with
gambling •room or building for netted sticks: lacrosse •hockey-like
gambling games: casino ©person in game played on horseback: polo
charge of a gambling table: croupier • combat game with shot paint cap-
• collective amount of stakes laid: sules: paintball •game of looping
pool •gambling game with a ball string between the fingers: cat's cra-
dropped onto a revolving wheel: roul- dle ©game of pulling wrapped ob-
ette ©gaming machine showing dif- jects out of a barrel: lucky dip
ferent combinations of fruits: fruit • game of taking tickets out of a re-
machine •gaming machine token: volving drum: tombola ©game of
jetton flipping plastic disks into a container:
game 1
•children's hopping game: tiddlywinks ©game of sliding coins
hopscotch •children's game of across a board: shove-halfpenny
peeping out from hiding: peep-bo, • game of removing pegs from a
peek-a-boo •children's chasing board: solitaire ©game of removing
game: tag • game of throwing sticks one item from a pile without disturb-
or balls at a wooden dummy: Aunt ing the others: spillikins ©game of
Sally • game of dropping sticks into a guessing a word from acted clues: cha-
stream: Poohsticks ©game of throw- rades ©game of saying which thim-
ing rings over upright pegs: quoits ble etc. covers an object: thimblerig
• game of throwing rings over prizes: • game of finding rhymes for a given
hoopla • game of catching a top on a word: crambo ©game of writing a
tautened string: diabolo •game of story by turns: consequences ©war
skimming stones over water: ducks game played on maps: kriegspiel
and drakes ©game of sliding stones • electronic game of looking after a
across ice: curling •game of tossing pet: tamagotchi • card games won by
small pebbles: jacks • game of throw- gaining tricks bid: contract bridge,
ing a wooden disc at nine wooden solo whist ©card games won by
pins: ninepins, skittles •game of gaining the most tricks: auction
throwing a hard ball at ten plastic bridge, piquet, whist •control for

game gas |
144 s!

computerized video games: console • small translucent plant-cover: t

• even score at the end of a game: cloche ©long polythene-covered:
draw, tie • denoting a player illegally cloche: polytunnel ©pruning clip- i
in front of the ball: offside • disad- pers: secateurs ©clipping bushes %
vantage imposed for breach of rules: into' ornamental shapes: topiary <
penalty •place where a player or • narrow spade for uprooting weeds: i
piece is safe: home •forgo one's turn spud, spudder • gardening machine i
of play: pass ©set of games: rubber for breaking up ground: cultivator, .

• leave a game: retire ©further play tiller •gardening string: fill is ©gar- ,

allowed to avoid a drawn game: extra dener's shallow basket: trug •con- J
time ©game to decide a champion- struction of ornamental gardens: j

ship: play-off ©call for truce in a landscape gardening

children's game: pax • player who garland •suspended garland: fes-
sets up scoring opportunities: play- toon (

maker • skill at gaining the psy-

garlic •adjective: alliaceous ©sec-
chological advantage in play: games-

tion of a bulb of garlic: clove • set of

cloves: bulb, head •garlic mayon-
game 2
• game killed during a hunt-
naise: aioii
ing session: bag • denoting game suf-
ficiently decomposed to cook: high gas •adjective: gaseous •imagined!
gas showing no irregularities: ideal
gannet •gannets' breeding colony:
gas • largely unreactive gas: noble

gas, rare gas • gas causing severe ir- \

garden • garden growing food for ritation to the eyes: tear gas •power-
domestic use: kitchen garden ©gar- ful kind of tear gas: CS gas • gas in )

den growing food for sale: market gar- the digestive tract: flatulence, wind
den • garden where plants are grown • foul-smelling gas: mephitis, efflu- £

for study: botanic garden ©garden vium •suffocating gas found in i

for medicinal herbs: physic garden mines: choke-damp ©gas formerly i

• formal garden with paths between thought to fill all space: ether •main i

small hedged flowerbeds: knot gar- constituent of natural gas: methane

den, parterre ©garden designed to • refrigerant and aerosol gas harmful i

require minimal irrigation: xeriscape to the ozone layer: chlorofluorocar- |

• uneven garden bed with large dec- bon • gases used to replace this:
orative stones: rockery, rock garden hydrochlorofluorocarbon, hydro-
• garden area devoted to bushes: fluorocarbon ©gas absorbing infra-
shrubbery • garden shelter: alcove, red radiation: greenhouse gas
arbour, bower, pavilion, summer • methane-based gas found in large
house ©garden pavilion with view: underground deposits: natural gas
belvedere, gazebo • garden trellis • gas burner used in laboratories:
arch: pergola •ornamental hedge- Bunsen burner ©gas oven's tem-
clipping in a garden: topiary • gard- perature setting: mark ©gas jet's lu-
en's sunken perimeter wall: ha-ha, minescent cover: mantle ©gas jet
sunk fence kept burning to light others: pilot
gardening • art of gardening: horti- light • discharge of gas: emission
culture • soilless horticulture: • terminate the gas supply: cut off
hydroponics • digging to two spades' • gas mask: respirator ©gas storage
depth: double digging •shallow fur- tank: gasometer ©gas store at the
row made for seeds: drill ©hand tool end of a pipeline: terminal • gas-fired
making holes for seeds: dibber, dibble water heater: geyser ©change from
145 gate geology

gas into a liquid: condense • change dary • revolving device cleaning

from liquid into evaporate •al-
gas: gemstones: tumbling barrel •ma-
lowing the passage of gas: permeable, chine polishing gems: lapping ma-
pervious •operated by gas pressure: chine ©art of gem engraving: glyp-
pneumatic • instruments measuring tography
gas pressure: manometer, piez-
gene • adjective: genetic •thread-
like gene structure: chromosome
gate •revolving gate: turnstile • self-reproduction of genetic mater-
• fortified gate: barbican ©back gate: ial: replication •replacement of de-
postern •small gate set into a larger fective genes: gene therapy •labora-
one: wicket • sliding gate controlling tory manipulation: genetic
a flow of water: sluice, sluice gate engineering • natural copying of
gauge ©gauge for narrow gaps: genetic information: transcription
feeler gauge, micrometer • alternative form of a gene: allele
• change in gene structure: mutation
gear ©extra high gear: overdrive
• substance causing this: mutagen
• gear allowing each driven wheel to
revolve at a different speed: differen- • gene so changed: mutant •re-

tial ©vehicle gear preventing move- arrangement of genetic material: re-

ment: park • gear system causing the combination • denoting a genetic
parts to revolve at the same speed characteristic manifested even when
before engagement: synchromesh inherited from only one parent: dom-
• bar or wheel with angled teeth per- inant • denoting a genetic character-
mitting movement in one direction isticmanifested only when inherited
only: ratchet ©particular cycle gear from both parents: recessive •pre-
ratio: speed • system changing cycle diction of a future child's genetic dis-
gears by moving the chain: derailleur orders: genetic counselling
• disengaged position of the gears:
genitals •external genitals: pu-
neutral • device engaging and disen-
denda • female external genitals:
gaging motor gears: clutch ©(of a
vulva ©male external genitals:
gear) engage with another gear:
penis, testicles ©inflammation of
the vulva: vulvitis ©muscular tube
gelatin ©natural gelatin found in leading from the female genitals: va-
fish: isinglass ©vegetarians' substi- gina ©uncover one's genitals: ex-
tute for gelatin: agar pose oneself ©psychologically in-
gem ©precious semiprecious
or duced desire to display one's genitals:
stone: gemstone • side of a cut gem: exhibitionism ©display one's geni-
facet ©gem that is polished but not tals briefly: flash ©manual stimula-
faceted: cabochon ©gem with an in- tion of the genitals: masturbation
cised design: intaglio ©bright green • support for the male genitals: ath-
gem: emerald ©deep red gems: gar- leticsupport, jockstrap •decorative
net, ruby ©reddish orange gem: ja- pouch for the male genitals: codpiece
cinth ©ancient Egyptian gem cut in • disease causing genital inflamma-
the form of a beetle: scarab ©denot- tion: herpes simplex
ing an uncut gem: rough ©place a
gem in a mount: set ©close setting of genuine ©prove or test that some-
thing is genuine: authenticate
gems: pave • gem set on its own: soli-
taire ©piece of metal into which a geology ©dating of geological eras:
gem is set: setting •gem-cutter: lapi- chronostratigraphy, geochronology

geometry germ |

geometry •adjective: geometric figure: hendecagon • star-shaped fig-i; 1

• drawing illustrating a geometrical ure formed from two intersecting i| c

problem: figure •denoting identical triangles: hexagram •three-dimen-jl

figures: congruent ©flat surface: sional figure: solid •surface of a^l
plane • outer boundary of a curved solid: face ©solid figure having eachxJ
figure: circumference •portion of a face a parallelogram: parallelepiped i\
curve: arc •curve made by repeated • round solid figure: sphere •half' ! 1

subdivision: fractal •quarter of a sphere: hemisphere • quarter of a>|

circle: quadrant • part of a figure cut sphere: quadrant • straight line from i
off by an intersecting line or plane: centre to circumference of a sphere: 1
segment • square magnitude of a radius •solid figure with straight'
two-dimensional figure: area parallel sides and a circular or oval 1

• straight line from centre to circum- base: cylinder •solid figure rising to i
ference of a circle: radius •straight a point from a circular base: cone i
line touching but not crossing a curve: • cone truncated by a line parallel
tangent ©straight line through the with its base: frustum •solid figure 1

centre of a solid: axis • point of inter- contained by six equal sides: cube i

section of two lines: vertex •denot- • solid figure with six faces: hexahe- !

dron •solid figure with more than


ing a figure having all sides and an-

six faces: polyhedron •polyhedron '

gles equal: regular • amount by

which an angle is less than 90°: com- with all faces but one triangular: pyra- :

plement • denoting either of two mid •solid figure with seven faces: j
angles whose sum is 90°: com- heptahedron ©solid figure with 1

plementary • amount by which an eight faces: octahedron ©solid figure i|

angle is less than 180°: supplement with ten faces: decahedron ©solid J

• denoting either of two angles whose figure with twenty faces: icosahedron
sum is 180°: supplementary • regu- • spiralling three-dimensional curve:
lar oval figure: ellipse •denoting a helix • straight line joining opposite
three-dimensional figure: solid corners of a straight-sided figure: di-
• measurement of solid bodies: stere- agonal ©straight line joining the
ometry • cubic magnitude of a solid ends of an arc: chord • straight line
body: volume •longest side of a joining the sides of a circle via its cen-
right-angled triangle: hypotenuse tre: diameter •denoting lines main-
• four-sided figure: quadrilateral taining a constant mutual distance:
• four-sided plane figure: quadrangle parallel • divide into two equal parts:

• plane figure with four straight sides bisect ©draw one figure within an-
and four right angles: rectangle other: inscribe ©instruments for
• plane figure with two parallel pairs drawing circles: compass, com-
of straight sides: parallelogram passes, protractor
• parallelogram with oblique angles germ ©germ causing a disease: ba-
and equal sides: rhombus •quadri- cillus, pathogen ©germ provoking
lateral with opposite sides and angles the production of antibodies: antigen
equal: rhomboid ©plane figure with • germ that has gained immunity to
at least three straight sides and an- treatments employed to eradicate it:
gles: polygon •five-sided figure- superbug •molecular germ: virus
pentagon • six-sided figure: hexa- • denoting a virus with a long incu-
gon • seven-sided figure: heptagon bation period: slow •free from
• eight-sided figure: octagon •ten- germs: aseptic, sterile •infected
sided figure: decagon •eleven-sided with germs: septic •resistant to
147 germ warfare |

germs: immune •breeding ground Alsatian ©motorway in German-

for germs: nidus •having an ad- speaking countries: autobahn ©Ger-
equate immune system: immuno- man central bank: Bundesbank
competent • lacking this: immuno- • title of the former German em-
compromised • bodily inability to perors: Kaiser • title of a German
resist germs: immune deficiency, im- dictator under Fascism: fiihrer
munodeficiency • medical deactiva- • head of the German government:
tion of the immune system: immuno- Chancellor • lower house of the Ger-
suppression ©study of immunity: man parliament: Bundestag ©upper
immunology •germ-killing: anti- house of the German parliament:
septic, disinfectant, germicidal Bundesrat ©German mayor: burgo-
• body's automatic reaction to germs: master ©German air force:
defence mechanism •denoting Luftwaffe ©former German torpedo
medical treatment that is effective boat: E-boat ©former German sub-
against a variety of germs: broad marine: U-boat ©former German ar-
spectrum • blood protein counteract- moured unit: panzer ©German
ing germs: antibody •denoting prisoner-of-war camp for officers:
germs present but not causing infec- Oflag • German prisoner-of-war
tion: latent •free of germs: disinfect camp for other ranks: Stalag ©Ger-
• substance destroying germs: germi- man schloss
castle: ©immigrant
cide ©person or animal transmitting worker Germany: Gastarbeiter
germs by which they are not affected: • German province: Land {pi. Lander)
carrier • elf in German folklore: kobold
germ warfare •denoting germ • German measles: rubella • German
warfare: bacteriological, biological hymn or its music: chorale ©Ger-
man solo song: lied {pi. lieder) ©Ger-
German • German polite form of ad-
man three-handed card game: skat
dress to a man: Herr • German polite
• vernacular language of north Ger-
form of address to a married woman:
many: Low German •literary Ger-
Frau • German polite form of address
man: High German ©German trad-
to an unmarried woman: Fraulein
itional typeface: Fraktur
• German examin-
ation: • German rye bread:
abitur gesture ©use of gestures: gesticu-
pumpernickel ©German pork saus- lation
age: bratwurst ©German dish of ghost •adjective: spectral ©ghost
chopped pickled' cabbage: sauer- that throws things about: poltergeist
kraut ©German dry white wine: • ghostly double of a living person:
hock ©German sparkling white doppelganger ©ghostly image of a
wine: Sekt ©German wine made person seen near their time of death:
with late-picked grapes: Spatlese
wraith ©ghostlike figure: apparition
• German wine made with selected
• appearance of a ghost: visitation
late-picked grapes: Auslese •Ger-
• ghostly emanation from a medium
man wine made from grapes picked
during a seance: ectoplasm •obser-
with ice on them: Eiswein {pi.
ver's shadow projected onto clouds:
Eisweine or Eisweins) ©German po-
Brocken spectre
tato gin: schnapps • German cherry
brandy: kirsch, kirschwasser • Ger- gift • gift given as a memento: keep-
man caraway-flavoured liqueur: kum- sake ©person giving a gift: donor
mel ©German leather shorts: leder- • person receiving it: donee, recipient
hosen ©German shepherd dog: • gift of funding: endowment
girl |
glass 148

girl •vigorously boisterous girl: • bright clear glass: crystal • thick i

tomboy quality glass: plate glass •glass

give •person who gives: donor poured on to molten metal: float glass jj

• giving or given generously: liberal • glass strengthened against splinter-

• in closest possible fulfilment of a ing: safety glass ©sheet of glass: ]

donor's intentions: cy-pres •denot- pane, light • diamond-shaped pane of

ing a gift able to be handed on to glass: quarry •thin glass protecting
others: transferable •refuse to give: a microscope specimen: coverslip
withhold • glass shaped to concentrate or dis-
give away ©that cannot be given perse light: lens ©lens separating *

away: inalienable white light into a spectrum of colours: 5

prism ©watchmaker's and jeweller's i

glacier «deep crack in a glacier:
magnifying glass: loupe ©narrow- i
crevasse ©ice ridge on a glacier:
necked glass container: flask ©glass J
serac • loose snow at the top of a gla-
container for plants or small reptiles:
cier: firn, neve •material deposited
terrarium ©glass container for fish
by a glacier: moraine ©water from a
and water plants: aquarium ©block :

melting glacier: meltwater • material

containing coloured glass: millefiori (

carried away by this: outwash

• glass scraps for recycling: cullet :

gladiator • gladiator fighting with a • denoting translucent glass: frosted

net and trident: retiarius {pi. retiarii) j

• denoting smooth translucent glass:

gland • combining form: adeno- (e.g. ground •denoting glass that is nei- 1

adenoma) •adjective: glandular ther translucent nor transparent:

• gland producing antibodies: thymus opaque •become glassy: vitrify
• gland producing digestive juice and • darken glass: smoke • rod for hand-
insulin: pancreas ©gland control- ling molten glass: pontil • shape mol-
ling growth: thyroid • glands control- ten glass by air pressure: blow j
ling growth and development: pituit-
• scum on molten glass: sandiver 3

ary, thyroid • gland lubricating the • supply and fit panes of glass: glaze
hair and skin: sebaceous gland
• person doing this: glazier •frame
• gland producing milk: mammary
holding window glass: sash •sup-
gland ©gland producing ova: ovary
porting strip between panes: glazing 1

• gland releasing a fluid component of

bar •transmission of light signals
semen: prostate ©gland producing
along fine glass fibres: fibre optics
sperm: testis ©gland producing
• slender glass fibres used for insula- \

tears: lacrimal gland ©gland produ-

tion: glass wool •textile etc. re-
cing urine: kidney ©denoting glands
inforced by embedded glass filaments:
secreting directly into the blood:
fibreglass, glass fibre •tall narrow

endocrine ©denoting glands secret-

wine glass: flute • slender part of a 1
ing onto an exterior surface: exocrine
wine glass between bowl and foot:
• disease causing swelling of the
stem •shallow stemmed glass:
lymph glands: glandular fever
coupe •ornate drinking glass: gob-
glandular fever • herpesvirus
let • large rounded drinking glass:
causing glandular fever: Epstein-
balloon •drinking glass with
Barr virus
straight sides and no handle or stem:
Glasgow •adjective: Glaswegian tumbler •machine polishing glass:
glass •combining forms: hyal-, vitr- lapping machine •protective mat
• like or containing glass: vitreous placed under a drinking glass:
• looking like glass: hyaloid, vitriform coaster, drip mat
149 glider |

glider •launch of a glider by a God: Jehovah, Yahweh ©four-

powered aircraft's pulling it: aero- character representation of this:
towing Tetragrammaton ©belief that God
created the world but has had no fur-
glove •glove with a large wrist-
ther involvement with it: deism • be-
guard: gauntlet ©glove housing the
lief that God created the world and
four fingers together: mitten • glove
continues to be active in it: theism
thrown down as a challenge: gage
• belief that God is identical with the
• knight's armoured glove: gauntlet
created universe: pantheism ©belief
glow •glowing through heat: incan- that God is greater than the created
descent • glowing without heat: universe, but interpenetrates it:

luminescent, fluorescent, phosphor- panentheism • God's permanent

escent presence in the universe: immanence
• God's permanent existence outside
glucose ©glucose deficiency in the
the universe: transcendence •div-
blood: hypoglaecaemia
ine intervention in human affairs:
go «go across: traverse «go back: theurgy •belief that there can be no
regress «go beyond: exceed, over- sure evidence of a god's existence: ag-
shoot nosticism • belief in God based upon
reason not revelation: deism ©belief
goat • adjectives: caprine, hircine
that there is no god: atheism • study
• male goat: buck, billy goat ©female
of religions having gods: theology
goat: doe, nanny goat • young goat:
• drink of the gods: nectar • drink
kid ©agile mountin goat: chamois
poured out in offering to a god: liba-
• group of goats: flock • goat's mam-
tion ©food of the gods: ambrosia
mary gland: udder ©goat's woolly
• blood of the gods: ichor • genealogy
coat: fleece ©fine soft goat wool:
of a group of gods: theogony • war
cashmere ©fabric made from goat
between gods: theomachy • god's ap-
hair: mohair ©fine goatskin for bind-
pearance to humankind: epiphany,
ings: morocco • astrological term:
theophany ©god's appearance in
human form: incarnation ©denoting
god •combining form: the- •adjec- a god taking animal form: zoo-
tive: divine »god or goddess: deity morphic ©denoting a god taking
• becoming a god! apotheosis, deifi- human form: anthropomorphic
cation, theosis ©suggesting a god's • pagan female fertility figure: earth
presence: numinous • woodland god: mother • chief of the ancient Greek
satyr, faun •creator-god: demiurge gods: Zeus *his consort: Hera •an-
• all the gods of a particular religion: cient Greek god of flocks and herds:
pantheon •killing a god: deicide Pan ©chief of the Roman gods: Jupi-
• treat or consider as a god: deify ter ©his consort: Juno ©Roman
• rule by a god: theocracy • image of household gods: lares and penates
a god: idol •offering made to a god: • supreme god in Scandinavian myth-
oblation ©belief in a single god: ology: Odin • thunder god in Scandi-
monotheism, monism ©offering of navian mythology: Thor • goddess of
reverence to one god only, whilst con- destiny in Scandinavian mythology:
ceding that others exist: henotheism, Norn ©speech or writing showing
monolatry • belief in the existence of disrespect for a god: blasphemy
two gods: ditheism ©belief in many • disrespectful treatment of a reli-
gods: polytheism ©Hebrew name for gious item or place: sacrilege >see
gold |
goods 150

also essence, Mass, religion, the- • scoring by holes won: match play
ology, Trinity • scoring by strokes taken: medal
play, stroke play •golfer's score of
gold •combining form: aur- •lump
one stroke under par: birdie •golf-
of gold: nugget • gold in solid bars:
er's score of one stroke over par:
bullion • gold beaten thin for gilding:
bogey • number of strokes above par
gold leaf • gold held to support a cur-
needed by a player: handicap •de-
rency: gold reserve •measure of
noting a player's score adjusted for
purity for gold: carat •fabulous
this: net •denoting a player with a
place full of gold: El Dorado, Gol-
zero handicap: scratch •hole(s) un-
conda • imagined substance turning
played when a match has been de-
base metals to gold: philosopher's
cided: bye •golf-club bar: nineteenth
stone •utensils made of gold: plate
• coat with gold: gild ©partly gilded:
parcel-gilt ©person making gold art- gonad •female gonad: ovary
icles:goldsmith ©stamp on gold at- • male gonad: testis
testing purity: hallmark •denoting a good ©highest good: summum
rock or mineral containing gold: aurif- bonum ©exceptionally good: egre-
erous ©trough separating gold from gious ©just good enough: passable
ore: sluice • alloy of gold and silver: • thing partly good and partly bad:
electrum •goldlike alloy of copper curate's egg •making a feigned dis-
and zinc: pinchbeck play of virtue: canting, pious
golf • golf played on a small course: goods ©goods used to make others:
pitch and putt • golfer's assistant: capital goods ©goods mer-
for sale:
caddie •golfer's baggy knee-length chandise • goods regularly kept by a
trousers: plus fours • golf club with business: stock-in-trade •goods in-
a thick sloping head: wood •golf tended for the purchaser's use: con-
club with a thinner sloping head: iron sumer goods ©goods designed for
• golf club with a thin straight head: quick use and replacement: consum-
putter ©small support for a golfer's ables ©long-lasting goods: durables
ball when the first shot is taken for • promotional goods: merchandise
each hole: tee • area of level ground • miscellaneous goods bought as a
where this shot is taken: tee ©take unit: job lot •slightly faulty goods:
this shot: tee off • curving shot: fade seconds • smuggled goods: contra-
• strike the ball above its centre: thin, band • denoting goods in saleable
top • stroke taking the ball to the condition: merchantable •denoting
left: pull ©stroke taking the ball to goods made imperfect by retailer
the right: slice ©high shot: loft handling: shop-soiled •denoting
• turf dislodged by golfer's stroke: goods immediately available: in stock
divot ©clear area leading from the • presentation of goods at the point of
tee to the hole: fairway ©long grass sale: merchandising • list of goods
round the fairway: rough ©point held: inventory • batch of goods: con-
where the ball stops: lie ©golfing ob- signment • transport of goods:
struction:hazard ©sand-filled hol- freight, haulage ©list of goods car-
low: bunker ©smooth area with very ried on a vehicle: waybill ©ship or
short grass surrounding the hole: aircraft carrying goods: freighter
green • gentle stroke to roll the ball: • wooden platform for stacking goods:
putt • circuit of play at a golf course: pallet ©large storehouse for goods:
round • standard number of strokes warehouse ©document accompany-
required for a round or hole: par ing a delivery of goods: docket
151 goose graft|

• place for official inspection of im- tic affairs: Home Office •govern-
ported goods: customs ©rate at ment department for foreign affairs:
which goods are sold: turnover Foreign Office •government depart-
• society's pursuit of consumer goods: ment for financial management:
consumerism •promise to replace Treasury •government department
or repair defective goods: guarantee, assessing and collecting taxes: Inland
warranty Revenue •government department
registering land ownership: Land
goose •adjective: anserine •male
Registry •government department
goose:gander ©female goose: goose
for military supplies: ordnance
• young goose: gosling • goose under
• government administrative depart-
four months old: green goose
ment or its staff: secretariat •gov-
• group of geese: gaggle • group of
ernment report with proposals for
geese flying in formation: skein
public discussion: Green Paper
• wild goose's cry: honk
• government report with proposals
government •type of government: for legislation: White Paper •na-
regime •right-wing and authoritar- tional approval of a government's pro-
ian system of government: fascism gramme as indicated by its election
• cruel and oppressive government: majority:mandate • transfer of gov-
tyranny • incompetent or unjust gov- ernmental power to regional author-
ernment: misrule •government by a ities: decentralization, devolution
party with less than half the seats: mi- • principle of central government per-
nority government • government forming only those functions which
formed from several minority parties: cannot be discharged at local level:
coalition •government formed re- subsidiarity • system of government
gardless of party interests: national allowing much local independence:
government •government formed federalism •self-government: auton-
from members of all political parties: omy, self-determination •self-
government of national unity •tem- government in domestic affairs: home
porary government: caretaker gov- rule •government policy of non-
ernment • absence of government: intervention: laissez-faire •tempor-
anarchy • head of the British govern- ary cessation of government:
ment: Prime Minister «head of the interregnum •government commit-
German government: Chancellor tee of enquiry: commission •gov-
• head of government of the Irish Re- ernment organizations assisting those
public: Taoiseach ©head of govern- seeking work: jobcentre, job club
ment in Northern Ireland: First Minis- • organization that is independent
ter • committee ©f chief government but government-sponsored: quango
ministers: cabinet ©head of a major • funds held by the British govern-
government department: Minister, ment: exchequer
Secretary of State •cabinet minis-
gradual •gradual or natural devel-
ter -hot heading a government depart-
opment: evolution • gradual absorp-
ment: Minister without Portfolio
tion: osmosis
• member of Parliament assisting a
minister: Parliamentary Private Sec- graft • plant shoot for grafting:
retary • denoting the opposition scion • graft of tissue from one point
counterpart to a government minis- to another of the same body: autograft
ter: shadow • duties or office of a • graft of tissue taken from a donor
government minister: portfolio who is of the same species but not gen-
• government department for domes- etically identical: allograft • graft of
grain |
grave 152

tissue takenfrom a donor of the same grape ©grape crop:growth ©grape t i

species:homograft • graft of tissue harvest: vintage ©fermenting grape r

taken from a donor of a different spe- juice: must ©fermentation of

cies: heterograft, xenograft grape juice: vinification ©juice pro- \
duced from a second pressing: taille
grain • combining form: grani-• ad-
• remains of grapes after pressing:
jective: granular •tied bundle of cut *

marc, rape •fungus cultivated on i

grain stalks: sheaf • group of
grapes: botrytis, noble rot • study of
sheaves leant together: shock, stook
graite cultivation: viticulture i
• grain stalks left standing after har-
vesting: stubble ©gather leftover graph ©graph designed like a sliced ]

grain from a harvest field: glean cake: pie chart • graph designed as a

• separate chaff from grain by the series of strips: bar chart ©mark r

wind: winnow ©separate chaff from points on a graph: plot

grain by beating: thresh •grain be- grasp ©able to grasp: prehensile
fore or after milling: grist ©hard • device for grasping lumps of coal or
grain left after milling flour: semo- sugar: tongs •similar device for i

lina • grain-eating: granivorous grasping very small objects: tweezers t

• producing grain: graniferous

grass graminaceous,
•adjectives: J

• containing whole unprocessed

gramineous • narrow leaf of grass: j
grains: wholegrain, wholemeal
blade • coarse grass used for paper j

• grain fungus: ergot • funnel for dis-

and ropes: esparto, esparto grass i
pensing grain: hopper ©storage
• expanse or slab of earth with the *

tower or pit for threshed grain: silo grass in sod, turf •circle of darker
it: j

• storehouse for threshed grain: gran- grass: fairy ring •clump of long i

ary • cassava grain: tapioca coarse grass: tussock ©dislodged j

grammar grammatical
•adjective: clump of grass: divot ©dried mown
• mistake in grammar: solecism grass: hay • grass at the edge of a i

• mistake in grammar made by in- road: verge • undried grass stored in i

appropriate application of a rule: airtight conditions: silage ©silage ;

hypercorrection store: silo ©grass-eating: graminivor- 1

gramophone ous ©electric grass cutter for

• early gramophone

edgings etc.: strimmer ©grass-like

and recording machine: phonograph ?|

plant growing in wet ground: sedge

• combined radio and gramophone:
• synthetic grass surface used on
radiogram •combined radio, gramo-
sports fields: AstroTurf™
phone, and tape deck: music centre
>see also record player grasshopper •chirping grasshop-
per: cricket ©large voracious flying
gramophone record •denoting a
grasshopper: locust

small record revolving at 45 rpm:

extended-play • denoting a full-sized grassland ©extensive grassland in
record revolving at 33.33 rpm: long- Siberia: steppe ©extensive grass- I
playing • general term for 45 and 33 land in North America: prairie ©ex- J
rpm records: vinyl • general term for tensive grassland in South America: !

78 rpm records: shellac ©laser-read pampas grassland in

disk of digital information: compact warm regions: savannah ©extensive
disk ©groove in a long-playing re- grassland in South Africa: veldt
cord: microgroove ©extraneous grave ©prehistoric grave mound:
noise heard when playing a record: barrow, tumulus ©stone at a grave's
surface noise head: headstone ©fastened arrange-
153 gravel |

ment of flowers for laying on a grave: fustanella • Greek soldier wearing

wreath this:evzone • Greek freedom fighter:
klepht • Greek administrative re-
gravel •crushed stone and gravel
gions: deme, nomarchy, nome • cita-
used in building: aggregate
del of ancient Greek city: acropolis
gravity ©weak gravity in a space- • woollen tunic worn in ancient
craft: microgravity • point towards Greece: chiton ©ancient Greek over-
which gravitational forces tend: cen- garment: himation ©short cloak
tre of gravity •fall controlled by worn by men in ancient Greece:
gravity only: free fall ©plant growth chlamys ©ancient Greek course for
in relation to gravity: geotropism horse and chariot races: hippodrome
• instrument measuring gravity: • ancient Greek female statue: kore
gravimeter (pi. korai) ©ancient Greek male
grease ©grease used for water- statue: kouros (pi. kouroi) ©great
proofing leather: dubbin public sacrifice in ancient Greece:
hecatomb ©chief god of ancient
greed ©greed for money: avarice
Greece: Zeus ©his consort: Hera
• greedy eater: glutton, gourmand
• ancient Greek god of flocks and
Greek • combining forms: Graeco- herds: Pan •ancient Greek spirit:
(e.g. Graeco-Roman), Hellen-•adjec- daemon •first mortal woman in
tive:Hellenic •Greek culture: Hel- Greek mythology: Pandora •ancient
lenism • lover of Greek culture: phil- Greek and Roman storage jar with
hellene •small Greek restaurant: two handles and a pointed base: am-
taverna ©Greek appetiser of stuffed phora • courtesan in ancient Greece:
vine leaves: dolmades ©Greek hetaira •resident alien in ancient
mixed hors d'oeuvre: mezes • Greek Greece: metic
relish of cucumber sliced in yogurt: green • combining form: chlor(o)-
tzatziki • Greek fish-roe paste: tara- • adjective: verdant • richly green:
masalata ©Greek goat cheese: feta verdant • a pale green colour: eau de
• Greek cheese pie: tyropitta • Greek Nil ©green pepper: capsicum
spinach and feta pie: spanakopitta • green pigment in plants: chloro-
• Greek egg and lemon soup: avgo- phyll • green rust forming on copper
lemono ©Greek meatballs: keftedes and brass: verdigris
• Greek meat stew: stifado ©Greek
greenhouse • heated greenhouse:
dish of skewered meat: souvlakia
hothouse • greenhouse attached to a
• Greek dish of lamb and aubergines:
house: conservatory •conservatory
moussaka • Greek sweet of sesame
stocked with plants flowering in win-
flour and honey: halva • Greek sweet
ter:winter garden
of honey-soaked' pastry with nuts:
baklava ©Greek resin-flavoured greeting • woman's formal greeting
wine: retsina ©Greek aniseed- by bending the knees: curtsy • open-
flavoured spirit: ouzo ©Greek man- ing greeting in a letter: salutation
dolin: bouzouki ©harp-like instru- • former Chinese bow of greeting:
ment of ancient Greece: lyre • Greek kowtow ©Indian traditional gesture
folk dance performed in a line: syrtaki of greeting: pranam ©greeting be-
• Greek woollen rug: flokati ©popu- tween Jews: Shalom ©Maori greet-
lar form of modern Greek: demotic, ing: kia ora ©Muslim gesture of
Romaic ©pure form of modern greeting: salaam
Greek: katharevousa • short skirt as grey ©painting in shades of grey:
part of traditional Greek male dress: grisaille
greyhound group |

greyhound • young greyhound: problem or illness, meeting regularly

sapling ©starting compartment in a for mutual help: support group
greyhound race: trap • group resistant to change: old guard
• separate into sharply opposed
grief •wailing cry expressive of
groups: polarize ©dissident group:
grief: ululation
faction, sect ©dissident section
grid • metal grid over a pit in a road: within a group: element ©denoting
cattle grid ©grid for data display: conflict* within a group: internecine
matrix • specialist group: cadre ©exclusive
•grill quickly over a strong
group: clique, coterie, elite, in-group,
inner circle ©access to an exclusive
heat: chargrill
group: entree ©secret goup: cabal
grin • lecherous grin: leer • undesirable coterie: galere • group
grind •grinding mechanism: mill assigned a particular task: squad,
task force •legally constituted
groin • adjective: inguinal
group administering money or prop-
groove • adjective: sulcate erty for the benefit of others: trust
• groove cut by a plough: furrow • group of people sharing public wor-
ship: congregation ©group worship-
ground ©at or above ground level:
ping on private premises: house
overground •ground level at which
church ©group with particular reli-
water is always present: water level,
gious beliefs: cult, denomination,
water table
sect ©group assembled for identifi-
group • combining forms: -dom (e.g. cation of a suspect: identity parade
officialdom), -hood (e.g. brotherhood), • group with a common statistical
-ship (e.g. membership), -some (e.g. characteristic: cohort • group
foursome) •adjectives: collegial, gen- thought to have a hidden but perva-
eric ©compact homogeneous group: sive control of society: the Establish-
phalanx ©group of people of equal ment ©group of influential high-
social status: peer group • group ranking persons: the hierarchy
drawn from a larger body: detach- • group nominally advising the sover-
ment • group selected to represent a eign: Privy Council •small group
larger body: deputation ©group ruling after a coup: junta ©group
breaking away from a larger body: radically different from those sur-
splinter group ©group of people liv- rounding it: enclave, ethnic minority,
ing in one place: community • group minority ©deliberate eradication of
inhabiting a particular area: colony such groups: ethnic cleansing,
• group of people living together and ethnocide ©group on the fringes of
sharing all property: commune • in- respectability: demi-monde ©group
formal group of young people: gang appointed to consider specific issues:
• group of people with common inter- committee, panel ©group monitor-
ests: fraternity, network, set, syndi- ing monopoly organizations: watch-
cate • group of people pressing a dog ©small secret group: cell
common interest: caucus, interest, • group secretly assisting the enemy:
interest group, lobby, movement, fifth column ©group gambling or
pressure group ©group pressmg for drinking together: school ©group
vigorous action: ginger group living by hunting and harvesting wild
• group of political activists: cadre food: hunter-gatherers ©group con-
• group of persons with a common trolling Paris during the French Revo-
155 group guardian

lution: Commune • group of actors: walking one behind another: file

troupe, ensmble •cooperative group • group of witches: coven • group of
of wild animals: pack • large group two: duo, duumvirate ©group of
of animals: herd • group of animals three: triad, trio, troika, triumvirate
moving together: drove, flock, herd, • group of seven: heptad, septenary
pack ©group of draught animals • group together: concentrate •liv-
working together: team • group of ing in groups: gregarious ©group's
artists or scholars with similar ideas beliefs and customs: folklore
or style: school • group of attendants • group's perceptions of the past: folk
upon an important person: entou- memory • group loyalty: esprit de
rage, retinue, train • large group of corps • group cameraderie: team
bees: swarm •small group of birds: spirit ©study of relationships within
covey • group of birds, goats, or a group of people: sociometry • per-
sheep: flock • group of birds or air- son sympathetic to a group's aims, but
craft: flight •group of bombs: stick not belonging to it: fellow traveller
• group of buildings: complex • advocate of the supremacy of a par-
• group of businesses: consortium, ticular group: supremacist ©mutual
syndicate, cartel • group of crim- support between group members: soli-
inals: family, gang, ring ©group of darity • psychological interactions
Cub Scouts or Brownies: pack between members of a group: group
• group of dancers or musicians: en- dynamics •gain membership of a
semble • group of hospital doctors: group to spy on it: infiltrate, penetrate
firm • set of eggs: clutch ©group of • shared or done by all group mem-
employees meeting to seek output im- bers: collective •close a group: dis-
provements: quality circle • group of band • forcibly break up a group:
experts researching specific govern- disperse
ment problems: think tank ©large grouse ©stand for grouse shooters:
group offish: school, shoal • group butt
of foxes: skulk ©group of foxhounds:
pack ©group of geese: gaggle grow ©grow too big for: outgrow
• excessive growth of an organ: hyper-
• group of flying geese: skein ©large
dense group of insects: swarm plasia • disproportionate growth of
the hands and feet in adolescence: ac-
• group of islands: archipel-
ago • group of interlinked items: romegaly ©growth hormone: som-
nexus • group of lions: pride
atotropin ©retard growth: stunt
• group of manual workers: growth ©combining form: -plasia
gang • group of persons sent: mis- • small stalked growth on a mucous
sion ©group of racehorses: string membrane: polyp
• group of repressed ideas: complex
guarantee ©written guarantee:
• group of ships or vehicles travelling warranty ©person or payment guar-
together: convoy • group of ships or anteeing the acts of another: surety
boats: flotilla©group of major sport-
ing fixtures: grand slam ©group of guard m adjective: custodial ©guard
states exercising free trade among at the Tower of London: Beefeater,
themselves: common market • group Yeoman of the Guard ©mounted or
of states with common import tariffs: motorized escort: outrider
customs union • group of flying guardian •adjective: tutelary
swans: skein • group of prestigious • under guardianship: in statu
US universities: Ivy League ©group pupillari • person receiving advice
guerrilla |
gun 156

and protection: protege (fern, prote- • artillery and bombs: ordnance

gee) • handgun-holder on a belt: holster
guerrilla • Balkan guerrilla: chet- • small knob forming a gun's fore-
nik ©Nicaraguan guerrilla: contra sight: bead • crossed fine wires in a
gun's sight: cross hairs ©inner
guess ©unsubstantiated guess:
diameter of a gun barrel: bore, cali-
bre, gauge ©spiral grooves inside a
Guide • Guide rally: jamboree gun barrel: rifling ©denoting an
guide •moral guide: mentor, guru unrifled gun barrel: smooth-bore
• tourist guide: cicerone {pi. ciceroni) • open end of a gun barrel: muzzle
guillotine ©cart carrying prisoners • back part of a gun barrel: breech
to the guillotine: tumbrel, tumbril • long rod used in muzzle-loading:
• woman knitting by the guillotine: ramrod ©muzzle's wooden stopper:
tricoteuse tampion ©wedge supporting a gun
barrel: quoin ©part of a gun where
guilt ©produce arguments or evi-
the bullet is placed: chamber ©con-
dence to lessen someone's guilt: ex-
tainer for bullet and charge: cartridge
tenuate, mitigate •feeling of guilt:
• gun's container for several bullets:
compunction ©freedom from guilt:
magazine ©single unit of ammuni-
tion: round • gun's firing lever: cock,
guitar ©small steel-stringed guitar: trigger • trigger with minimal resist-
Hawaiian guitar • small four-
ance: hair trigger ©part of a gun
stringed Hawaiian guitar: ukulele
placed against the shoulder: butt,
• Russian guitar with a triangular
stock • gun's angle with the horizon-
soundbox: balalaika ©guitar with in-
tal: elevation ©gun's wheeled sup-
built microphones: electric guitar
port: carriage ©front part of this:
• such a microphone: pickup ©small
limber ©firing platform for a large
disc used to pluck a guitar's strings:
gun: emplacement ©fortified gun
plectrum • plectrum attached to the
emplacement: battery • revolving ar-
finger: fingerpick
moured gun emplacement: turret
gull ©place where gulls live: gullery • gun aperture in a wall: port ©war-
gum % adjective: gingival ©inflam- ship's projecting gun platform: spon-
mation of the gums: gingivitis son ©simultaneous fire from all the
gun ©portable gun: firearm ©hand- guns on one side of a ship: broadside
held gun: handgun ©portable guns: • period of continuous heavy gunfire:
small arms ©spiral-bore gun shot barrage, cannonade • rapid burst of
from the shoulder: rifle ©smooth- gunfire: fusillade, salvo, volley
bore gun firing pellets: shotgun • continuous rapid gunfire at a cer-
• handgun with revolving chambers: tain spot: curtain fire • gunfire along
revolver • early long-barrelled shoul- a line of targets: enfilade ©shield by
der gun: musket «gun firing bullets gunfire: cover ©have within range:
in quick succession: machine gun sweep • ceremonial firing of guns as
• light hand-held machine gun: sub- a token of respect: salute ©train a
machine gun ©gun having a maga- gun on someone: cover • have within
zine: repeater ©short gun with a firing range:cover ©ground depres-
high trajectory: mortar ©heavy gun sion used as a shelter from gunfire:
with a high trajectory: howitzer foxhole • illegal firearms trade: gun-
• gun's backward movement on firing: running • science of firearms: ballis-
recoil ©large military guns: artillery tics >see also rifle
157 gunman gypsy

gunman •hidden gunman: sniper • sprung fabric sheet: trampoline

guru •Hindu guru: maharishi • floor padding for landing: mat
• hermitage for a guru and his pupils: • heavy exercise ball: medicine ball
ashram gypsy ©gypsy person, or their lan-
gut •adjective: visceral >see also guage: Romany • gypsy caravan:
intestine vardo •Romany word for 'man': rom
gymnastics •gymnastic exercises {pi. roma) • Romany word for a male
aiding graceful movement: callisthen- gypsy: chal •Romany word for a
ics • gymnastic routine not needing non-gypsy: gorgio •secret language
apparatus: floor exercises • narrow of Irish and Welsh gypsies: Shelta
horizontal bar for gymnastic exer- • Italian gypsy: Zingaro • Hungarian
cises: beam • wooden frame with a gypsy: tzigane •itinerant tinker or
padded top: horse, vaulting horse scrap-metal dealer: didicoi
h •make an 'h' sound: aspirate gressive baldness: alopecia ©abnor-
habit ©strange habit: eccentricity,
mal hair growth on a woman's face:
idiosyncrasy, mannerism, quirk
hirsutism ©removal of unwanted
hair: depilation ©preparation to re-
• denoting an ingrained habit: invet-
erate ©denoting a person possessed
move unwanted hair: depilatory
• depilation by an electic current:
by compulsive habits: inveterate,
electrolysis ©depilation using a
pathological •becoming automatic
sugar and lemon mixture: sugaring
through habit: second nature
• having tightly-curled hair: ulotri-
haddock • smoke-cured haddock: chan • study of the hair and scalp:
finnan trichology ©dead skin in the hair:
hair •combining form: trich- •ad- dandruff ©false hair: wig
jectives: capillary, pilose • piece of hairdressing •adjective: tonsorial
hair: lock, tress • unkempt mass of • hairdresser: coiffeur {fern, coiffeuse)
hair: shock •hair in interlaced • hairdresser's shop: salon ©wave
strands: plait ©length of plaited hair: the hair with a hot iron: crimp
pigtail • coil of hair at the back of the hairstyles • elaborately styled hair:
head: chignon •bunch of false hair: coiffure ©knot of hair at the back of
hairpiece, switch ©hair brushed up- a woman's head: chignon ©with hair \

wards and backwards from the fore- puffed out from the head: bouffant i

head: quiff • strip of hair in front of a • hairstyle concealing one eye: peek- i

man's ears: sideburn • short stiff aboo • short hairstyle: crop ©short
hairs on a man's unshaven face: stub- and bristly style: en brosse ©very
ble • hair on a man's cheeks or jaw:
short male style: crew cut ©male i

side whiskers ©long hair on the style with the hair slicked back on
neck of certain animals: mane both sides: duck's arse ©Rastafarian
• sheath around a hair root: follicle hairstyle with hair in tight braids:
• bristling of the hair in fear or cold: dreadlocks ©black hairstyle with
goose-flesh ©erectile hairs along a tight braids giving a geometrical scalp
dog's back: hackles ©oily secretion pattern: cornrows ©bright dyed '

keeping the hair soft: sebum ©dark streak: highlight ©dark dyed streak: j
hair pigment: melanin ©lack of hair
pigmentation: albinism ©soap prep-
half •combining forms: demi-,
aration for washing the hair: sham-
hemi-, semi- (e.g. semicircle) ©half-
poo ©substance applied to the hair
board: demi-pension ©half-line of
to make it look healthy: conditioner
verse: hemistich
• hair fixative: lacquer • hair oil: Ma-
cassar ©scented hair ointment: po- hallucination ©hallucinations suf-
made, pomatum • arrange the hair: fered by alcoholics: delirium tremens
dress •ribbon to bind the hair: fillet • producing or produced by hallucin-
• hair grip of a sprung metal strip: ations: psychedelic
kirby grip •ornamental hairnet: ham ©cured or smoked ham: gam-
snood ©lacking hair: bald ©pro- mon ©Italian ham: prosciutto
159 hammer harlequinade

hammer • hammer used by auction- handwriting • elegant handwrit-

eers: gavel •diagnostic hammer ing: calligraphy •calligrapher's dec-
used by doctors: plexor, plessor orative flourish: curlicue
• wooden-headed hammer: mallet hang • hanging loosely: pendulous
• heavy mallet: beetle • large heavy • structure for hanging criminals:
hammer: sledgehammer ©heavy gallows
pivoted hammer: tilt hammer, trip
happiness •feeling of great happi-
hammer • hammer for beating meat:
ness: ecstasy, euphoria, exhilaration
tenderizer ©handle of a hammer:
• happiness based on (wilful) ignor-
helve ©flat part of a hammer head,
ance: fool's paradise ©make some-
used for striking: face • rounded or
one very happy: elate
wedge-shaped part of a hammer head,
opposite to the face: peen • V-shaped happen ©about to happen: forth-
device for removing nails, set opposite coming, imminent, pending, upcom-
to a hammer's face: claw •striking- ing • that has never happened before:
head of a piledriver: tup unprecedented •happening all the
time: perennial ©happening occa-
hand • combining forms: chiro-,
©make happen:
sionally: sporadic
manu- • adjectives: manual, palmate
instigate ©prevent happening: pre-
• hand bones: metacarpus • hand's
clude again: recur ©make
inner surface between wrist and
happen suddenly or unexpectedly:
fingers: palm •itchy hand swelling
precipitate ©reverse what has hap-
caused by cold: chilblain •hand pain
pened: undo
from much writing: writer's cramp
• hand-operated: manual •done with harbour • harbour with customs fa-
both hands: bimanual • skill with the cilities: port ©harbour for yachts:
hands: dexterity •this when decep- marina ©harbour's protection from
tion is involved: legerdemain, sleight rough seas: jetty, mole ©waterside
of hand ©able to use both hands platform for loading and unloading
equally well: ambidextrous • special- ships: quay, quayside ©sand etc. de-
ist treating the hands and feet: chir- posited in a harbour: silt • steersman
opodist • cosmetic treatment of the with local knowledge bringing a ship
hands: manicure in or out of harbour: pilot •floating
beam restricting access to a harbour:
handicap • physical or mental
handicap: disability •denoting a
golfer with a zero handicap: scratch hard •combining form for medical
senses: scler(o)- •abnormal harden-
handkerchief. • large and brightly
ing of body tissue: sclerosis ©hard-
coloured handkerchief, often with
ening of the arteries: arterio-
white spots: bandanna
hand over • hand over a person to a
hare • adjective: leporine ©female
foreign power for trial or punishment:
hare: doe • male hare: buck • young
hare: leveret • hare's short tail: scut
handle •handle of an axe, knife, or • hare's lair: form •hare-hunting:
spear: haft •handle of a hammer or coursing • stew or boil a hare: jug
other tool: helve
• handle of a sword,
harlequinade •Italian harlequin-
dagger, or knife: hilt •handle of a
ade: commedia dell'arte •principal
whip or fishing rod: stock
male character: harlequin •princi-
handworker •skilled handworker: pal female character: columbine
artisan, craftsman • comic old man: pantaloon

harm healer
| 160

harm •person suffering harm: vic- phobia ©hatred of homosexuals:

tim • look believed to harm the per- homophobia ©hatred of men: mis-
son regarded: evil eye ©able to be andry ©hatred of people: misan-
harmed: vulnerable •subtly harm- thropy ©hatred of women: mis-
ful: pernicious ogyny
harpsichord • small harpsichord hawk ©female hawk: falcon ©male
with strings set obliquely to the key- hawk: tercel ©young hawk: eyas
board: spinet «pin tuning a harpsi- • adult hawk caught for training: hag-
chord string: wrest pin ©block in gard • hawk's feeding board: hack
which these are set: wrest plank • de- • hawk's leg strap: jess ©cage for
vice plucking the string: jack •de- hawks: mew ©device to attract a
vice muting the strings: buff stop hawk: lure
Harrow ©member of Harrow hay ©machine for turning hay: ted-
School: Harrovian der ©loose pile of hay: haycock j

hat •wide-brimmed straw pan-

hat: • neat cuboid pile of baled hay: rick, ,

ama • hat of stiffened straw with a stack

low flat crown: boater •felt hat with hazel •flower of the hazel tree: cat- i

indented crown: homburg, trilby kin

• hard domed hat: bowler *hat with head • combining form: cephal-
a high cylindrical crown: top hat • adjective: cephalic ©back of the t

• soft cloth hat with brims at front and head: occiput ©flat part between the ;

back, and earflaps that may be tied up: forehead and ear: temple ©abnormal
deerstalker •centre-folded Highland smallness of the head: microcephaly 1

hat: glengarry *hat tied under the • study of the proportions of the head 1

chin: bonnet ©academic hat: square, and face: cephalometry ©uncon-

mortarboard, bonnet •three- sciousness from a blow to the head:
cornered hat: tricorne ©firm light-

concussion ©injury caused by a se- j

weight sun hat formerly worn in the vere jerk to the head: whiplash • cut r

tropics: pith helmet, sola topi • knit- off the head of: decapitate ©thrust
ted covering for the head and neck: with the head: head-butt ©remov- i

balaclava ©woman's wide-brimmed able head-covering of real or artificial

decorated hat: picture hat • woman's hair: wig
close-fitting bell-shaped hat: cloche
headache ©severe headache with
• guard's tall fur hat: bearskin, busby
nausea and impaired vision: migraine
• priest's square liturgical hat: bi-
• office workers' headaches and re-
retta ©sailor's oilskin hat:
spiratory problems, thought to be
sou'wester • worker's protective hel-
caused by poor ventilation: sick build-
met: hard hat ©cowboy's hat: ten-
ing syndrome
gallon hat ©Texan hat: stetson
• Mexican wide-brimmed hat: som- headband • Arab's headband: aga
brero ©red conical tasselled hat: fez, • Jew's liturgical headband: frontlet
tarboosh ©rosette or ribbons on a heading •heading to a section o
hat: cockade ©take off one's hat: text: lemma (pi. lemmata) •news
doff, uncover ©shop selling men's paper title heading: mastheac
hats: hatter ©shop selling women's • printed heading on stationery: let
hats: milliner >see also cap, clothes, terhead
vestments healer •combining form: -patl
hatred •combining forms: mis-, • person offering cures through bom
-phobia • hatred of foreigners: xeno- and muscle manipulation: osteopatl,
161 health |

• person offering cures through min- • sudden cessation of the heartbeat:

ute doses of natural substances produ- cardiac arrest •rapid and chaotic
cing symptoms of the disease: contraction of various heart muscles:
homeopath fibrillation •apparatus controlling
health •health-giving: salubrious, this: defibrillator • device stimulat-
wholesome • person obsessed by his ing and controlling heartbeat: pace-
or her own health: hypochondriac, maker • plastic-covered electrode
valetudinarian • state of health: con- used in this: paddle ©drug slowing
dition, constitution • in poor health: the heart: beta blocker •inflamma-
sickly • conditions relating to public tion of the heart: carditis •doctor's
health: sanitation •substance ap- device for hearing the heart: stetho-
plied to the hair or skin to make it scope ©record of heart sounds:
look healthy: conditioner phonocardiogram ©electrically
traced record of a heartbeat: electro-
hearing •combining form: audi-
cardiogram • ultrasound display of a
• adjectives: acoustic, auditory, aural
heartbeat: echocardiogram ©study
• alleged ability to hear what others
and treatment of heart diseases: car-
cannot: clairaudience • device meas-
uring the range and sensitivity of
a person's hearing: audiometer heat •combining forms: cal(o)-,
• graphic record produced by this de- therm(o)-, -thermy •adjectives: ther-
vice: audiogram • study of hearing mal, thermic, caloric ©heat-
and its defects: audiology ©theatre producing: calorific • glowing
sound system for hearing-aid users: through heat: incandescent
induction loop • distance over which • slightly warm: lukewarm, tepid
one can be heard: earshot, hearing • substance that transmits heat: con-
• hear something not intended for ductor • substance that does not
one: overhear transmit heat: insulator •transfer of
heart • combining form for medical heat in fluids: convection ©unit of
and scientific senses: cardi- •adjec- heat energy: calorie • physics of heat
tives: cardiac, coronary • upper and other forms of energy: thermo-
chamber in the heart: auricle, atrium dynamics • denoting the earth's nat-
• lower chamber of the heart: ven- ural heat: geothermal ©heat to near
tricle • membrane enclosing the boiling point: scald ©heat-treat li-

heart: pericardium •inflammation quids to increase their shelf-life: pas-

of the pericardium: pericarditis • de- teurize • heat and then cool slowly as
noting the arteries surrounding the a toughening process: anneal ©char
heart: coronary, •blockage of these: by exposure to heat: scorch • decom-
heart attack, coronary thrombosis pose by exposure to extreme heat:
• denoting the heart and blood ves- pyrolyse •heat spiced wine or ale:
sels: cardiovascular •denoting the mull •denoting a gentle heat for
heart and lungs: cardiopulmonary, cooking: slow •denoting a strong
cardiorespiratory ©relaxed stage of heat for cooking: fast •gas-fired
heartbeat: diastole •contracted water heater: geyser •thermometer
stage of heartbeat: systole ©dis- for high temperatures: pyrometer
turbed heartbeat: flutter, fibrillation • hottest part of the year: dog days
• excessively rapid heartbeat: palpita- • period of unusually hot weather:
tion, tachycardia •excessively slow heatwave •oppressively hot: swel-
heartbeat: bradycardia ©soft sound tering • hot and dry: torrid • illness
made by a diseased heart: murmur caused by excessive heat: heatstroke,
heating j
hemp 162

sunstroke •liquified by extreme hedgehog • adjective: erinaceous

heat: molten •electric wire used to • male hedgehog: boar ©hedgehog's
provide heat: element •animal de- sharp hollow bristle: quill
pendent upon external sources of height • combining forms: aero-,
heat: ectotherm • animal creating its
alt-, hyps- • height above sea or
own bodily heat: endotherm •denot- ground level: altitude •height above
ing substances becoming malleable sea level: elevation • height differ-
when heated: thermoplastic •denot- ence .of landscape elements: relief
ing substances becoming rigid when • dizziness caused by heights: vertigo
heated: thermosetting ©heat re- • nausea and exhaustion experienced
quired for change of state but not of at high altitudes: altitude sickness
temperature: latent heat ©use of • fear of heights: acrophobia
electric currents to heat the body's • builder specializing in high work:
inner organs: diathermy ©make im- steeplejack, spiderman • instru-
pervious to heat: insulate ©designed ment measuring an aircraft's height:
to retain heat: thermal ©device pro- altimeter •instrument measuring
ducing motive power from heat: heat the height above sea level: hypsom-
engine •location of an object eter
through the heat it exudes: thermal
heir • adjective: hereditary • female
heir: heiress •heir whose claim is
heating • heating device circulating irrefutable: heir apparent ©heir
warm air: convector • single heating whose claim may be overpassed: heir
system supplying many buildings: presumptive ©heir by blood: heir-
district heating •underfloor heating at-law ©joint heir: coparcener
system in Roman houses: hypocaust
helicopter •combining form: heli-
• electric heating element placed in li-
• helicopter's vertical propeller: rotor
quid: immersion heater • electric
• helicopter landing-place: helipad,
heater taking in power by night and
heliport •skiing with ascents made
releasing heat by day: storage heater
by helicopter: heli-skiing
• progressive heating of the earth's at-
mosphere due to breaches in ozone helix •adjectives: helical, helicoid
layer: global warming, greenhouse hell •adjective: infernal • place
effect where sins may be expiated after

heaven • adjective: celestial death: Purgatory

•hell in Jewish
thought: Gehenna, Sheol >see also
Hebrew •adjective: Hebraic •Heb-
rew scholar: Hebraist •vowel dots
around Hebrew script: points ©add helmet • part of a helmet that pro-
the points to Hebrew script: vocalize tects the face: visor •protective hel-
• Hebrew name for God: Jehovah, met for construction workers: hard
Yahweh •four-character re- hat •protective helmet for motorcyc-
presentation of this: Tetragrammaton lists: crash helmet

see also Israeli, Israelite, Judaism help ©person keen to help others:
hedge • mixed hedge with trees: philanthropist • domestic helper pro-
hedgerow •ornamental hedge- vided by a local authority: home help
trimming: topiary ©strengthen a • turning to a source of help: re-
hedge by interweaving branches: lay, course
layer • denoting a hedge grown from hemp •adjective: hempen *comb
cuttings: quickset hemp before spinning: card
163 Hephaestus Hindu |

Hephaestus •Roman name: Vul- store: cache, stash •hiding-place:

can bolt-hole «not hidden: overt
Hera • Roman name: Juno Highlands Highland

Heracles • Roman name: Hercules language: •competition of

Highland traditional poets and musi-
herb •adjective: herbal ©bag of
cians: Mod • woven fabric pattern as-
herbs used to flavour soups: bouquet
sociated with a particular clan: tartan
garni •chopped fresh herbs: fines
• distinctive pattern of a tartan: sett
herbes • garden for medicinal herbs:
• centre-folded Highland hat: glen-
physic garden •book listing herbs:
garry • Highlander's tartan shoulder
cloth: plaid •man's tartan skirt in
Hercules • Greek name: Heracles traditional Highland dress: kilt

heredity • study of heredity: genet- • pouch worn in front of the kilt:

ics sporran
heresy • founder of a heresy: heresi- hill «low hill: hummock, hurst,
arch •follower of a heresy: heretic knoll, mound *low flanking a
• public burning of a heretic by the mountain: foothill ©gently rol-
Spanish Inquisition: auto da fe (pi. ling hill: down ©flat-topped steep-
autos da fe) sided hill: mesa ©rocky hill: tor
Hermes • Latin name: Mercury • top of a hill: crest, summit ©mass
• Hermes' winged hat: petasus of loose stones on a hillside: scree
• Hermes' snake-twined staff: cadu- Hindu ©Hindu nationalism:
ceus Hindutva ©Hindu hereditary class:
hermit •adjective: eremitic•her- caste, varna • member of the Hindu
mit's hermitage,
habitation: cell priestly caste: Brahman •member of
• hermit living on the top of a pillar: the Hindu military caste: Kshatriya
sty lite • member of the Hindu caste of mer-
chants and farmers: Vaisya •mem-
hernia • padded belt supporting a
ber of the Hindu worker caste: Sudra
hernia: truss
• member of the lowest class of Hindu
hero • unconventional fictional hero: society: Dalit, Harijan, untouchable
anti-hero • denoting a Hindu belonging to one
Herod •children killed by Herod: of the highest castes: twice-born.
Holy Innocents • Hindu scriptures: Veda •commen-
herring ©small young of herrings, tary upon the Vedas: Upanishad
sprats, etc. eaten as food: whitebait • Hindu mystical text: tantra ©word
• rolled pickled herring fillet: roll- repeated in Hindu meditation: mantra
mop • Hindu mystic syllable: om •Hindu
liturgical language: Sanskrit • Hindu
heterosexual ity •assumption
teacher: guru, Maharishi, pandit,
that heterosexuality is the norm: het-
swami • Hindu teacher's pupil: chela
• hermitage of a Hindu teacher and
hide ©hide one's thoughts or feel- his pupils: ashram •Hindu ascetic:
ings: dissimulate ©wait in hiding: fakir ©Hindu ascetic wearing few
lurk ©person hiding on a ship or air- clothes: gymnosophist ©Hindu reli-
craft in order to travel without paying:
gious beggar: sannyasi {pi. same)
stowaway • chance to see a Hindu holy man:
hidden •combining form: crypt(o)- darshan • selfless action as a way to
(e.g. cryptocommunist) ©hidden perfection: karma yoga • Hindu state
hip |
Holy Communion 164

of supreme happiness: ananda • blow with the hand's edge to the

• Hindu state of blessedness: nirvana back of the neck: rabbit punch
• Hindu's personal fate: karma • quick sharp blow: rap • flatten with
• Hindu soul, individual and univer- a sharp blow: swat
sal: atman •earthly incarnation of a
hockey • start of play in hockey:
Hindu divinity: avatar ©Hindu god-
bully off ©advance the ball by suc-
dess: devi • Hindu supreme goddess:
cessive light taps: dribble ©side part
Devi ©Hindu supreme god: Shiva
of the playing area: wing
• phallus-symbol of Shiva: lingam
• vulva-symbol of divine creative en- hoe ©pushing hoe to cut off weed
ergy: yoni ©disk symbolizing the roots: Dutch hoe
universe: mandala ©power of the
hoist ©hoisting apparatus of three
Hindu gods: maya •food-offering to a
splayed poles: sheer legs ©hoisting
Hindu ©Hindu term for
god: prasad
device winding rope etc. about a
cosmic law: dharma ©Hindu festival
drum: capstan, winch, windlass
of lights: Diwali • Hindu spring festi-
• ropes and pulleys for lifting heavy
val: Holi • Hindu principle of non-
objects: tackle
violence towards all living things:
ahimsa • Hindu tower temple: pa- hole ©bored or pierced hole: perfor-
goda ©Hindu traditional medicine: ation, puncture ©hole bored to take
Ayurveda ©male Hindu's loincloth: explosive: blast hole, shot hole
dhoti ©Hindu forehead mark: tilak • hole allowing leakage: puncture
• red powder used by Hindu women to • enlarge the top of a hole to take the
mark the forehead: kumkum • Hindu screw flush: countersink
epic: Mahabharata ©Hindu treatise
holiday •university or lawcourts'
on love and sexual technique: Kama
holiday: vacation •holiday of half a
Sutra ©Hindu seclusion of women:
day: half holiday •school's short
purdah ©Hindu place of cremation:
ghat • Hindu widow's self-cremation: mid-term holiday: half term •inclu-
sive holiday: package, package tour
suttee ©Hindu meditation technique
popular in the West: Transcendental • popular holiday destination: resort
Meditation • Western system of exer- • rented holiday home: cottage, gite,
cises loosely based on Hindu prin- villa ©agent accompanying a pack-
ciples: yoga age tour: courier ©holiday camp or-
ganizer: redcoat
hip •adjective: sciatic ©hip joint:
coxa holy •combining forms: hagio- (e.g.

hire purchase ©initial hire pur- hagiology), hiero- (e.g. hieroglyph)

chase payment: down payment • holy place: shrine ©journey to a
• company funding hire-purchase: fi- shrine: pilgrimage ©declare or make
nance company, finance house holy: sanctify ©violate the holiness
of a place or thing: desecrate • ritu-
history •history-writing, or the
ally impure: unclean
study of it: historiography •histor-
ical information gained by recorded Holy Communion ©Holy Commu-
interviews: oral history •objects of nion given to a person near to death:
historical interest: memorabilia •ob- viaticum • multidenominational par-
jects of interest to military historians: ticipation in Holy Communion: inter-
m ita ria
i I • Muse of history C o : I i
communion, open communion
hit ©hit reapeatedly: pound, pum- • thin bread disc used in Holy Com-
mel, thrash ©hit obliquely: glance munion: wafer see also Mass
165 holy war horse

holy war mby Christians to recover Hong Kong • general index of Hong
the Holy Land: crusade mby Mus- Kong share prices:Hang Seng index
lims against infidels: jihad hope •unattainable hope: pipe
home •longing for one's home: dream • denoting a hope unlikely to
homesickness •force someone to be fulfilled: pious, vain
live far from his home: banish hops •kiln for drying hops: oast
• work from home, with electronic ac- • building for this: oast house
cess to the workplace: telecommute
horizontal • device establishing
homoeopathy • substance used in horizontally: level, spirit level
homoeopathic treatment: similars hormone • growth hormone: som-
homosexuality •adjectives: gay, atotrophin •hormone used to treat
pink, queer ©female homosexual: allergies and arthritis: cortisone
lesbian ©male homosexual trans- • pituitary hormone tending to in-
vestite: drag queen •arousing crease blood pressure: vasopressin
homosexual desire: homoerotic • hormone used to treat diabetes: in-
• concealment of one's homosexuality: sulin • hormone used by athletes to
closet ©not concealing one's homo- improve performance: steroid, ana-
sexuality: out • declare one's homo- bolic steroid •hormonesecreted
sexuality: come out • announcement when under adrenalin, epi-
by others of a prominent person's nephrine • hormone oxidising body
homosexuality: outing ©public lav- sugar: insulin•hormone governing
atory viewed as a homosexual female secondary sexual character-
meeting-place: cottage •homosexual istics: oestrogen •hormones gov-
purchasing power: pink pound •hat- erning male secondary sexual charac-
red of homosexuality: homophobia teristics: androgen, testosterone
honesty •consistently honest: up-
• hormone stimulating uterine prep-
aration for pregnancy: progesterone
right, upstanding •system relying
on participants' honesty: honour
• hormone making the cervix dilate:
system relaxin •hormone stimulating uter-
ine contractions and milk secretion:
honey •honey-producing: mellifer- oxytocin •hormone stimulating
ous • denoting honey drained from milk production after giving birth:
the comb without heat or pressure: prolactin
virgin •alcoholic drink made from
honey: mead ©sweetmeat made of
horn • adjective: corneous •horn
of plenty: cornucopia
honey and sesame flour: halva ©li-
quid collected by bees from flowers to horoscope •prepare a horoscope:
make honey: nectar ©natural sugar cast • astrological map for casting a
found in honey and fruits: fructose horoscope: birth chart, natal chart

honeycomb ©small compartment horse •combining forms: equi-,

in a honeycomb: cell hippo- (e.g.hippodrome, originally a
track for horse races) •adjective:
hook ©hooked pole used to land equine ©small prehistoric horse:
large fish: gaff ©hooked device used
hyracotherium, eohippus ©female
to gain purchase: grappling iron,
horse: mare ©castrated male horse:
grapnel ©decorative openwork made
gelding ©uncastrated male
with hooked yarn: crochet
horse: stallion, entire horse ©young
hoop ©hoop attached to a skirt to horse: foal ©young male horse: colt
support it: farthingale • young female horse: filly • offspring
horse horse-riding

of a male donkey and female horse: rider: liberty horse ©place wherei
mule • offspring of a male horse and horses are trained: manege ©horse's-
female donkey: hinny •small horse: gait between a trot and a gallop: can-s
pony •strong short-legged horse: ter • (of a horse) stand upright on its
cob ©pure-bred horse: thorough- hind legs: rear • (of a horse) run out
bred • thoroughbred horses: blood- of control: bolt •(of a horse) give*
stock • horse for ordinary riding: birth: foal *(of a horse) refuse a
hack ©horse bred for hunting and jump: baulk, jib •military personnel
steeplechasing: hunter •horse bred using horses or armoured vehicles: I
for heavy work: carthorse • large cavalry ©small field for horses: pad-
horse bred for heavy work: heavy dock ©fodder bag attached to a
horse, shire horse ©horse with horse's head: nosebag ©rope tying a 3
black and white patches: piebald horse's legs together: hobble • estab-
• horse with patches of white and lishment where horses are kept or ?
some other colour: skewbald ©horse trained: stable ©stable worker: lad «

having a coat of one colour inter- • horse food of bran and hot water: i
spersed with hairs of another: roan mash • open trough for horse fodder:
• wild American horse: mustang, manger ©horse's coarse grooming S

bronco ©Austrian horse bred for brush: dandy brush ©metal device \
dressage: Lipizzaner • knight's war- for cleaning horse brushes: curry- \

horse: destrier • racehorse in the cal- comb ©establishment where horses

endar year after that in which it was are kept for breeding: stud ©book of s

born: yearling • horse that has not horse pedigrees: stud book ©person \

yet won a major prize: novice who looks after horses: groom ©per-
• horse's cry: neigh ©horse's soft son who shoes horses: blacksmith,
high-pitched cry: whinny ©front part farrier ©horse disease with swellings
of a horse's face: muzzle ©highest below the jaw: glanders ©horse-
part of a horse's back: withers slaughterer: knacker ©horse trans-
• horny pad in a horse's hoof: frog porter:horsebox ©wooden horse for
• horse's neck hair: mane ©horse's play: hobby horse ©mythical crea-
mammary gland: udder ©straps ture half man and half horse: cen-
round a horse's body: harness taur
• strap keeping the head down: mar- horse-riding •adjective: eques-
tingale ©horse's metal mouthpiece: trian • art of horse-riding: equestri-
bit ©horse's eye-screen: blinker anism, equitation, horsemanship
• straps round a horse's head: bridle • equipment for horse-riding: tack
• harness ring for the reins: terret • rider's protective helmet: skullcap
• attachment from the harness to the • public competition in horse-riding
shafts: trace ©rope round a horse's skills: gymkhana •equestrian com-
head: halter ©horse's vertical jump: petition involving several tests: event
buck ©horse's style of movement: • competitive sport of riding a horse
gait ©horse training in obedi- over obstacles in an arena: show-
ence and deportment: dressage jumping • show-jumping competi-
• advanced training in this: haute tion over large obstacles: puissance
ecole •horse-trainer's long rein: • final round of a jumping competi-
lunge •skill in horsemanship: ma- tion: jump-off ©details of a horse's
nege ©spike on a rider's heel: spur previous competitive achievements:
• spiked disc attached to this: rowel form ©penalty point in showjump-
• horse trained to perform without a ing: fault • shaped trousers for horse-
167 hose house

riding: jodhpurs •person who rides this: house officer, houseman •hos-
horses: equestrian •climb onto a pital attendant: orderly, porter
horse for riding: mount •horse's re-
hostel ©hostel for the homeless: re-
sponse to the reins: mouth ception centre
hose ©adjustable fitting at a hose hotel ©hotel for motorists: motel
end: nozzle • small Italian hotel: pensione •in-
hospital •small rural hospital: cot- stitution offering cheap accommoda-

tage hospital • private residential tion for employees, students, etc.: hos-
establishment providing health care: tel • private house offering food and
nursing home •hospital set up near lodging for payment: boarding house,
a battlefield: field hospital • hospital guest house ©European boarding
in which medical students are house: pension ©hotel entrance hall:
«NHS foyer ©hotel reception counter: desk
trained: teaching hospital
• hotel employee carrying guests' lug-
hospital administering its own
gage: porter ©service of food and
budget: hospital trust •boarding
drinks in customers' rooms: room
school hospital: sanatorium •hos-
service ©refrigerated drinks cup-
pital for the care of childbirth: mater-
board in hotel bedroom: minibar
nity hospital • hospital for the chron-
• large hotel room for meetings or par-
ically sick, or those making a slow
ties: function room, reception room
recovery: sanatorium ©hospital for
• hotel bedroom with several beds:
the terminally ill: hospice •medical
family room • person owning or run-
post giving preliminary treatment:
ning a hotel: hotelier •hotel door-
dressing station • specialist hospital
man: commissionaire, porter
department: clinic ©hospital room
• woman who cleans hotel bedrooms:
for patients' beds: ward ©NHS hos-
chambermaid ©bed, breakfast, and
pital bed for which a charge is made: one main meal daily: demi-pension,
amenity bed, pay bed • hospital half board ©bed and all meals: full
room for operations: theatre • the- board ©formalities on leaving an
atre garment: gown •room for pa- hotel: checkout >see also restaurant
tients reviving from a general anaes-
thetic: recovery room *(of a
hot water • natural hot spring: gey-
ser ©pan of hot water above which
state-run hospital) withdraw from
food may be cooked or kept warm:
local authority control: opt out ©re-
gion from which a hospital's patients
come: catchment area ©admit to hour •adjective: horal
hospital: hospitalize ©keep in hos- house ©large elaborate house: man-
pital: detain ©send home from hos- sion ©large house in the country:
pital: discharge ©patient staying in country seat, manor • gatehouse for
a hospital: inpatient ©patient visit- this: lodge •country house with at-
ing a hospital for treatment: outpa- tached farm: grange •Roman coun-
tient ©denoting a patient needing try house: villa •single-storey house
much care: high-dependency ©ad- for a family and its livestock: long-
verse effects of lengthy hospitaliza- house • small house used by hunt-
tion: hospitalism ©denoting resident ers: hunting box, shooting box
medical staff: house • group of hos- • small country house for sportsmen:
pital doctors: firm •denoting post- lodge •Church of England parish
graduate medical training given in a priest's house: vicarage, rectory
hospital: clinical •person receiving • Roman Catholic parish priest's

household |
huge 168

house: presbytery •Protestant min- ize a household: housekeeper

ister's house: manse • detached town • household servant: domestic
house of moderate size: villa • row of House of Commons • chairman
houses built as a single block: terrace of House of Commons debates:
• official dwelling of a government Speaker • Speaker's means of expel-
minister or diplomat: residence • of- ling a disruptive member: naming
ficial accommodation of a judge on • symbol of the Commons' authority:
circuit: lodgings • official accommo- mace «area represented by a mem-
dation of the head of an Oxford or ber: constituency ©place in the
Cambridge college: lodge, lodgings House of Commons, or the constitu-
• house at a secret location: safe ency it represents: seat ©front seats
house ©sample house on a new de- occupied by chief members of the gov-
velopment, furnished and decorated: ernment: Treasury bench ©box in
show house •self-contained part of the House of Commons by which min-
a house for an elderly relative: granny isters stand to speak: Dispatch Box
flat • denoting a freestanding house: • secure a quorum in the Commons:
detached •denoting a house at- make a House •Commons proced-
tached to another on one side: semi- ure limiting discussion: ten-minute
detached • denoting a house at- rule •post sought by resigning MP:
tached to others on both sides: Stewardship of the Chiltern Hun- i

terraced • denoting a house attached dreds ©person who is not a member

to another on the ground floor only:
or official of the House of Commons:
link detached •children's part of a
house: nursery •house with its land House of Lords ©chairman of
and outbuildings: messuage ©paved House of Lords debates: Lord Chan-
area adjoining a house: patio, terrace cellor ©his seat in the chamber: j

• children's play house: Wendy house Woolsack ©bishops in the House of

• hut at a holiday camp: chalet Lords: Lords spiritual ©lay members
• Eskimo's house made of ice blocks: of the House of Lords: Lords temporal i

igloo •traditional conical stone • member of the House of Lords voting 1

house of southern Italy: trullo ©Rus- for a motion: content •member of

sian summer residence: dacha the House of Lords voting against a j

• traditional wooden house in Switz- motion: non-content • Crown docu- !

erland: chalet ©house's occupants: ment summoning a peer to the House

household ©person owning the of Lords: writ ©peer who seldom at- 1

house he or she lives in: owner- tends the House of Lords: backwoods-
occupier ©person paying to live in man ©peer acting as a senior judge: i

law iord
another's house: lodger, paying guest
• denoting persons unable to leave house purchase ©overbid
home due to infirmity: housebound another's accepted offer: gazump
• official confinement to one's home: • decrease one's own accepted offer:
house arrest gazunder
household •adjectives: domestic, hovercraft • layer of air supporting
domiciliary • money for running a a hovercraft: cushion •hanging sur-
household: housekeeping •educa- round for the cushion: skirt
tion in household skills: domestic huge • combining forms: mega(lo)-
science •members of a household: (e.g. megastore), macro- (e.g. macro-
menage • person employed to organ- cosm)
169 human hunting

human •combining forms: andro-, stew: goulash ©fast Hungarian

anthrop(o)- •attribution of human dance: csardas
form or behaviour to gods, animals, or hunting •adjective: venatic ©il-
inanimate objects: anthropomorph- legal hunting: poaching ©hunting
ism • belief that humans are the trip in East Africa: safari ©animal
most important element of existence: that naturally hunts other animals for
anthropocentrism, humanism •be- food: predator©hare-hunting with
lief that humans are no more import- dogs: beagling ©game-hunting with
ant than other living beings: greyhounds: coursing • hunters' pre-
biocentrism •resembling a human: liminary assembly: meet • hunter's
anthropoid ©study of the origins of assistant: gillie •hunters' camou-
humankind: anthropogeny ©cul- flaged shelter: hide ©hunter's mov-
tural study of humankind: anthro- able screen: stalking horse ©animal
pology ©hatred of humankind: mis- used by hunters to attract others:
anthropy ©assumption of human decoy • official in charge of hounds:
form by a concept or divinity: em- huntsman ©huntsman's assistant:
bodiment, incarnation ©attribution whipper-in ©hunting dog: hound
of human emotions to inanimate ob- • heavy hunting dog: mastiff • small
jects: pathetic fallacy ©seeking to hound used to hunt hares: beagle
promote human welfare: humanitar- • set of hounds: pack •person in
ian, philanthropic ©tiny humanoid charge of this: master ©release of
creature: homunculus (pi: homunculi) hounds at the start of a hunt: throw-
• robot designed to resemble a human off ©hunting dog's rigid stance to in-
being: android ©beyond human dicate game: point, set ©dog trained
powers: superhuman to recover dead or injured game: re-
triever ©hunted bird or animal:
humour ©humorous statement of
game, quarry ©quarry's hiding
the opposite to what is really meant:
place: cover ©thicket in which game
irony • disrespectful joking: levity
may hide: covert ©drive game from
hundred •combining forms: cent- these: flush ©cause game birds to
(e.g. century), hecto- (e.g. hectolitre) rise from cover: spring ©follow game
• person who is 100 years old: centen- stealthily: stalk ©denoting cornered
arian • increase a hundredfold: cen- game: at bay ©person employed to
tuple drive game towards the hunters:
beater • the driving of game towards
hundredth • combining form: centi-
the hunters by beaters: battue
(e.g. centilitre) •adjective: centesimal
• shout when the quarry breaks cover:
• hundredth anniversary: centenary
view halloo • animal etc. used to lure
• two-hundredth anniversary: bicen-
others: decoy ©person employed to
tenary, •three-
breed or protect game: gamekeeper,
hundredth anniversary: tercentenary,
keeper ©person employed to super-
tercentennial •four-hundredth anni-
vise game and hunting: game warden
versary: quatercentenary •five-
• area reserved for private hunting:
hundredth anniversary: quincenten-
preserve • area where no hunting is
ary, quincentennial
permitted: reserve ©person attempt-
Hungarian •Hungarian person or ing to disrupt a hunt: hunt saboteur
his language: Magyar •Hung- • time of year when hunting is permit-
arian cavalryman: hussar •Hungar- ted: open season •time of year
ian gypsy: tzigane • spicy Hungarian when hunting is not permitted: close
husband hypnosis

season • loss of the scent in hunting: hygiene •adjective: sanitary

check • group living by hunting and • make hygienic: sanitize
harvesting wild food: hunter- hymn ©hymn sung as the clergy
gatherers • strongly scented object enter the church for a service: introit
used in sham hunts: drag ©fox's • hymn sung during a procession: pro-
head as a hunting trophy: mask cessional • hymn sung as the clergy
• small house used by hunters: hunt- leave the church after a service: re-
ing box, shooting box cessional ©Lutheran hymn or its
husband •monarch's husband: music: chorale •Latin hymn on the
consort •husband remaining at Last Judgement: Dies Irae ©Latin
home to look after the house and chil- hymn on the sufferings of the Blessed
dren: househusband • husband of Virgin at the Crucifixion: Stabat
an unfaithful wife: cuckold •denot- Mater ©Latin hymn venerating the
ing a husband constantly upbraided Blessed Sacrament: Tantum Ergo
by his wife: henpecked • servility of hyphen ©hyphen used always: hard
a husband towards his wife: hyphen ©hyphen used only when a
uxoriousness •custom or state of word is split: soft hyphen
having only one husband at a time:
hypnosis ©therapy using hypnosis:
monandry •custom or state of hav-
hypnotherapy ©semiconsciousness
ing several husbands at a time: poly-
induced by hypnosis: trance • instill-
ing of ideas in the mind of a hypno-
hut •holiday-camp hut: chalet tized patient: suggestion •denoting
• wheeled beach hut: bathing ma- suggestions intended to influence be-
chine • tunnel-shaped cast iron hut: haviour after the trance has ended:
Nissen hut posthypnotic
ice • adjectives: gelid, glacial •ice ice hockey ©rubber disk used as a
covering a large area: ice cap •slow- ball: puck • attempt to play a ball in
moving mass of ice: glacier • mass of an opponent's possession: tackle
snow, ice, and rocks moving down a Icelandic •Icelandic parliament:
mountain: avalanche •tapering Althing •medieval Icelandic prose
piece of ice: icicle •thin transparent narrative: saga
layer of ice: black ice, verglas • ice icing ©hard white icing made from
coating on fogbound objects: rime icing sugar and egg whites: royal
• stratified ice sample gained by a hol- icing
low drill: core •floating sheet of ice:
icon ©icon screen in an Eastern
floe, pack ice ©large floating block
church: iconostasis
of ice: iceberg ©area of water
crowded with floating blocks of ice: idea ©clever idea: conceit ©key
pack ice • clear stretch of water sur- idea: catchword, catchphrase ©mis-
taken but traditional idea: old wives'
rounded by ice: polynya • shower of
tale, shibboleth ©mistaken but
compacted ice pellets: hail ©slide
widely popular perception of a certain
down an ice slope: glissade ©ship
type of person etc.: stereotype • idea
designed to break through ice: ice-
held to be above criticism: sacred
breaker • building for storing ice: ice
cow •obsessive idea: idee fixe (pi.
house •sailing vehicle on skids for
idees fixes) ©obsessive interest in a
travelling across ice: ice boat, ice
single idea: monomania ©ideas as
yacht ©period when much of the
property: intellectual property
earth was covered by ice: ice age, gla-
• idea's tangible expression: embodi-
cial period •drink poured over ment ©creative idea: inspiration
crushed ice: frappe • introduction of new ideas: innov-
ice age • denoting the milder period ation ©system of ideas: ideology
between two ice ages: interglacial
• uncritical supporter of this: ideo-
logue • rejecter of this offering no al-
iceberg •small iceberg: growler ternative: negativist
• floating ice detached from an ice- ideal •denoting an ideal situation:
berg: calf idyllic, Utopian
ice cream •ice cream made with identical •genetically identical or-
water: sorbet, water ice •conical ganism: clone
wafer for ice cream: cornet •Italian identity •identity documents:
ice cream of various flavours with papers •hiding one's identity: in-
glace fruits etc.: cassata ©Italian cognito • item habitually seen with
water ice: granita ©ice cream served a person or thing, and serving to iden-
with fruit etc. in a tall glass: Knicker- tify them: attribute

bocker Glory, parfait, sundae ©dish ideology •combining form: -ism

of ice cream, peaches, and liqueur: (e.g. Fascism) • generally accepted
peach Melba, peche Melba ideology: orthodoxy
idleness |
image 172

idleness • agreeable idleness: dolce ther • proneness to a specified ill-

far niente, lotus-eating
flanerie, ness: diathesis • suddenly become
• frustrating but enforced inactivity: seriously ill: collapse •abnormal
doldrums •idle and irresponsible sweat caused by illness: diaphoresis
person: ne'er-do-well •physically or • restless tossing of a sick person:
mentally lethargic: torpid • idle and jactitation • state of a patient show-
unambitious: shiftless •idle about: ing no brain activity or response to
loaf stimuli: persistent vegetative state

ignorant •ignorant person: ignor- • school or workplace area set apart

amus for those taken sick: sick bay •re-
covery from illness: convalescence,
ignore •deliberately ignore an ac-
quaintance: cut, snub
illusion • adjective: illusory •illu-
illegal •denoting things made or
sion seen in a desert: mirage •illu-
sold illegally: bootleg •official's il-
sion seen on mountain peaks:
legal use of powers or funds entrusted
Brocken spectre •illusionist tech-
to him: malversation •alcohol dis-
nique of mural painting: trompe
tilled illegally in Ireland: poteen • al-
cohol distilled illegally in the USA:
moonshine illustration • illustration made
from a limestone block: lithograph
illegitimacy •alleged heraldic in-
• illustration made from a cut lino-
dication of illegitimacy: bar sinister,
leum block: linocut •illustration
bend sinister
printed from a scored or etched metal
illness •combining form: -pathy plate: engraving •illustration
(e.g. neuropathy) •illness caused by printed from a cut block of wood:
germs in food: food poisoning woodcut •finely detailed woodcut:
• identification of an illness: diagno- wood engraving •illustration at the
sis • feign illness to avoid work: ma- front of a book: frontispiece • illus-
linger • employee's statement that tration used to fill the page at the end
his absence was due to illness: self- of a chapter etc.: tailpiece •illustra-
certification • constant suffering tion across the centre pages of a publi-
from imagined illnesses: hypochon- cation: centre spread ©small illus-
dria • degree awarded to a person ab-
tration with edges faded away:
sent from the examinations due to ill-
vignette ©position an illustration to
ness: aegrotat ©study of airborne leave no margin: bleed • illustration
micro-organisms as sources of infec-
of a mechanism showing the parts
tion: aerobiology ©cause of an ill-
separated for clarity: exploded view
ness: aetiology •tongue-coating in-
• illustration of a mechanism showing
dicating illness: fur •denoting a
its casing cut away: cutaway • illus-
physical illness that has a psycho-
tration depicting an imagined slice
logical cause: psychosomatic ©de-
through the object represented: cross
noting an illness caused by medical
section + see also engraving
intervention: iatrogenic ©denoting
an illness of short duration: acute image • combining form: icono-
• denoting a long-lasting or recurrent • images used to represent a person,
illness: chronic •denoting illness idea, etc.: iconography ©dreamlike
bearing a risk of death: critical sequence of images: phantasmagoria
• prone to illness: delicate •slightly • worship of images: iconolatry
ill: below par, seedy, under the wea- • image's degree of focus: sharpness,
173 imitation |

softness • study of the use of images legality of someone's imprisonment:

in the visual arts: iconography habeas corpus
imitation •combining form: -ette improve •improve by basic
(e.g. flanellette) •mocking imitation: changes: reform
parody •distorted imitation: trav- impulsive • impulsive and imprac-
esty • artwork in imitative style: tical: quixotic
pastiche ©not imitation: genuine,
impurities • add impurities to: con-
taminate ©add impurities to food or
immature •artist's immature drink: adulterate
works: juvenilia
incense ©device in which incense
immigrant •immigrant worker in
is burnt: censer, thurible ©acolyte
Germany: Gastarbeiter carrying the censer: thurifer
immune response • immune re-
incidental ©product incidental to
sponse causing illness: allergy
the main purpose of manufacture:
• study of immune responses: im-
by-product ©incidental remark in a
munology legal judgement: obiter dictum
immunity •immunity offered to include ©include as a subsidiary
previous offenders: amnesty •(place subsume
giving) immunity from arrest: sanctu-
ary • immunity from local laws en- income • income of a state or large
joyed by foreign diplomats: extraterri- organization: revenue •income be-

toriality • germ or insect that has fore taxes are deducted: gross income
gained immunity to treatments em- • income after taxes have been de-
ployed to eradicate it: superbug ducted: net income •income after
tax has been deducted and essential
import ©taxation of imports to pro-
expenses paid: discretionary income,
tect native manufacturers: protection-
disposable income •income from
ism >see also taxation, trade
wages: earned income •receiving
importance ©of first importance: no earned income: unwaged •in-
paramount ©of critical importance: come from the sale of goods or ser-
of the essence ©of lesser import- vices: takings, turnover •income
ance: secondary, subordinate «of from personal property, investments,
little importance: marginal, nugatory, etc.: private income, private means,

peripheral, trivial ©make, or treat as unearned income •source of in-

if,unimportant: marginalize ©place come: livelihood, living • adequate
in order of importance: prioritize income: competence •excess of in-
• important person: luminary, not- come over expenditure: profit, sur-
able, panjadrum • group of attend- plus ©excess of expenses over in-
ants upon an important person: en- come: negative cash flow ©state
tourage, retinue • person of no payment to a family on low income:
importance: nobody, nonentity, non- family credit ©situation where any
person • inflated ideas of one's im- increase in income triggers a counter-
portance: delusions of grandeur balancing withdrawal of state bene-
fits: poverty trap
imprisonment • wartime impris-
onment of enemy internment
aliens: inconsistency ©statement con-
• imprisonment with forced labour: taining two apparently inconsistent
penal servitude ©writ to assess the elements: paradox, oxymoron
increase |
Indian 174

increase • steadily increasing: pro- down to a river in India: ghat ©In-

gressive • increase rapidly: escal- dian tree with fragrant timber: san-
ate, proliferate dalwood ©Indian warehouse: go-
incurable ©care of the incurable: down ©Indian brass water pot: lota
palliative care •hospital for this: • closure of businesses as a protest:
hospice hartal ©Indian political strategy of
passive resistance: satyagraha ©In-
indecent exposure • genital ex-
posure: flashing •exposure of the dian washing clothes for payment:
buttocks: mooning •running naked
dhobi ©Indian woman's bodice:
through a public place: streaking choli ©Indian woman's loose trou-
sers tapering at the ankle: salwar
independence •economic inde-
• Indian woman's garment of a single
pendence: autarchy, autarky, self-
length of cotton or silk: sari • decora-
sufficiency, self-support •govern-
tive gold thread used on Indian
mental independence: autonomy,
clothes: zari • Indian loincloth: lungi
self-determination •emotionally
• Indian snack of lentils, peanuts, etc.:
self-sufficient: self-reliant
Bombay mix • set meal in an Indian
Indian •combining form: Indo- restaurant, or the metal plate on
• title of a highly-respected Indian:
which it is served: thali • Indian dish
mahatma ©Indian traditional ges- of aniseed and sugar: saunf • Indian
ture of greeting: pranam • Indian po-
term for aubergine: brinjal •thin
lite form of adress to a man: sahib
cake of Indian bread: chapatti •thin
• Indian polite form of address to a
crisp spicy Indian bread: poppadom
mature woman: memsahib ©Indian
• Indian unleavened bread: nan, par-
non-theistic religion: Jainism ©for-
atha •small fried piece of unleav-
mer Indian rulers: maharaja, raja
ened bread: puri • Indian clarified
(fern, nabob, nizam •maha-
butter: ghee • Indian ice cream: kulfi
raja's wife or widow: maharani
• Indian term for red meat: gosht
• grand reception held by an Indian
• Indian meatball: kofta • Indian 1

ruler: durbar ©Indian judge: hakim,

dish of meat cooked in an onion sauce:
munsif ©Indian landowner: zamin-
dar ©Indian village council: pan- dopiaza • Indian dish of small pieces
chayat ©Indian traditional doctor: of marinaded meat or vegetables:
hakim ©Indian holy person: muni, tikka • Indian dish of curried meat in
sadhu • Indian soldier under the raj: a tomato sauce: rogan josh • triangu-
sepoy ©Indian sergeant: havildar lar savoury pastry: samosa • Indian

• Indian minor official: jamadar • In- dish of split pulses: dhal ©Indian
dian police constable: sepoy • Indian dish of fried vegetables: bhaji ©In-
secretary: munshi • Indian dancing dian dish of boiled vegetables with
girl: nautch girl • Indian bandit: dac- spices: chaat • Indian dish of spiced
oit ©Indian elephant-driver: mahout rice with vegetables etc.: biriani ©In-
• Indian native labourer: coolie ©In- dian ground spice mixture: masala
dian peasant: ryot • Indian police • Indian sauce of spices and turmeric,
stick: lathi ©Indian fan: punkah or a dish using it: curry ©Indian
• garland of flowers given in welcome: term for spinach: saag, sag ©Indian
mala •Indian enclosed litter: palan- side-dish of spiced yoghurt with cu-
quin, palankeen • Indian clay oven: cumber: raita ©Indian sweetmeat
tandoor • denoting a style of Indian made from milk solids and sugar:
cooking using this: tandoori • Indian burfi ©Indian sweetmeat of batter in
postal service: dak ©steps leading syrup: jalebi ©Indian sweetmeat of
175 indigestion |

cheese in syrup: gulab jamun •In- negotiation: direct action ©slowing

dian term for tea: chai ©Indian yog- or stopping work as a protest: indus-
urt drink: lassi • screen in an Indian trial action • withdrawal of labour as
house concealing women from view: a protest: stoppage, strike •deliber-
purdah •women's quarters in an In- ate reduction of output by minute ob-
dian house: zenana •upland town servance of regulations: go-slow,
popular as a holiday resort: hill sta- work to rule •statutory interval for
tion • group of villages in India: par- negotiation when strikes are threat-
gana, pergunnah •travellers' rest ened: cooling-off period ©worker
house in India: dak bungalow ©sea- chosen as a workplace representative
sonal wind in India: monsoon but having no union appointment:
• rainy season in India: monsoon shop steward • group of strikers sta-
• Indian term for a foreigner: tioned outside the workplace: picket
feringhee ©Indian alphabet: Deva- • picket willing to serve at other work-
nagari •ancient Indian literary lan- places: flying picket •employer's ex-
guage: Sanskrit •ancient and medi- clusion of all workers: lockout • al-
eval vernacular of north and central teration of an employee's job to
India: Prakrit ©Indian term for ten encourage him to resign: construct-
million: crore ©Indian bowed lute: ive dismissal • trade union's claim
sarod ©long-necked Indian lute: of exclusive rights to a certain job: de-
sitar ©Indian four-stringed instru- marcation dispute • grant a union
ment with a resonator at each end: workplace negotiation rights: recog-
veena ©pair of Indian hand drums: nize ©withdraw such rights: derec-
tabla ©dramatic dance of southern ognize • worker involvement in com-
India: Kathakafi ©note-pattern for pany government: industrial
improvisation in Indian music: rag, democracy *see also negotiation,
raga ©study of Indian culture: Ind- strike, trade union
ology see also curry, Hindu
industry «new and growing indus-
indigestion ©acid indigestion: try: sunrise industry ©old and de-
heartburn ©bloated feeling resulting clining industry: sunset industry
from indigestion: flatulence • industry supplying raw materials
individual •combining form: idio- for further manufacture: primary in-
• form of speech particular to one per- dustry ©this further manufacture:
son: idiolect • individual habit: idio- secondary industry ©economic ac-
syncrasy tivity in the supply of services: ter-
indulgence • debauched man: tiary industry ©industrial efficiency:
roue productivity

industrial relations •decision- inflammation ©inflammation of

sharing between management and the abdomen lining: peritonitis ©in-
workers: co-determination •negoti- flammation of the anus: proctitis
ation between management and work- • inflammation of the bladder: cystitis
force representatives: collective bar- • bone inflammation: osteitis •in-
gaining • unresolved disagreement flammation of the brain: encephalitis
between management and workers: • inflammation of brain membranes:
dispute • third party requested to re- meningitis •inflammation of the
solve a dispute: arbitrator ©third brain and spinal cord: encephalomy-
party requested to assist the dispu- elitis • inflammation of the breast:
tants' negotiations: conciliator, medi- mastitis •inflammation of the cae-
ator ©resort to strikes rather than cum: typhlitis •inflammation of the
inflammation |
information 176

colon: colitis •inflammation of the • inflammation of a tendon: tendinitis

cornea: keratitis •inflammation of • inflammation of the testicles: orchi-
the ear: canker, otitis •inflammation tis • inflammation of the tissue
of the inner ear: labyrinthitis •in- around teeth: periodontitis • inflam-
flammation of the elbow tendons: ten- mation of the tongue: glossitis •in-
nis elbow • inflammation of the eye: flammation of the tonsils: tonsillitis
ophthalmia, ophthalmitis •inflam- • inflammation of the trachea:
mation of the eyelid: blepharitis • in- tracheitis •inflammation of the
flammation of the eye's mucus mem- udder: garget • inflammation of the
brane: conjunctivitis •inflammation urethra: urethritis • inflammation of
of fibrous tissue: fibrositis •inflam- the uterus: metritis •inflammation
mation of the gums: gingivitis •in- of the vagina: vaginitis •inflamma-
flammation of the heart: carditis tion of vein walls: phlebitis •patchy
• inflammation of the intestine: enter- inflammation of smaller veins:

itis • inflammation of the joints: angiitis, vasculitis • inflammation of

arthritis, rheumatism, rheumatoid the vocal cords or voice box: laryngi-

tis • inflammation of the vulva: vulv-
arthritis •chronic kidney inflamma-
tion: nephritis, Bright's disease itis • inflammation of the windpipe:
tracheitis •inflammation of the
• inflammation of the knee: house-
wrist tendons: tenosynovitis •dis-
maid's knee •inflammation of the
ease causing genital inflammation:
larynx: laryngitis •inflammation of
herpes simplex •medicine to ease
the liver: hepatitis •bacterial infec-
inflammation: demulcent •soft
tion causing inflammation of a lung:
moist mass applied to relieve inflam-
pneumonia •inflammation of the
mation: poultice
mucus membrane of the bronchi:
bronchitis •inflammation of the inflation •inflation caused by in-
muscles: rheumatism • inflamma- creased production costs: cost-push
tion of the nose: rhinitis • inflamma- • inflation caused by unsatisfied de-
tion of an ovary: oophoritis, ovaritis mand: demand-pull •inflation ac-
• inflammation of the pericardium: companied by high unemployment
pericarditis •inflammation of the and stagnant demand: stagflation
pancreas: pancreatitis • inflamma- inflection •inflection of a Latin or
tion of the plurae: pleurisy •inflam- Greek noun: declension •inflection
mation of the prostate: prostatitis of a Latin or Greek verb: conjuga-
• inflammation of the rectum: tion
proctitis •inflammation from skin inform • inform officially: notify
rubbing on skin: intertrigo *skin in- information • information of mili-
flammation near a nail: whitlow tary or political value: intelligence
• skin inflammation or peeling from • information designed to mislead:
overexposure to sunlight: sunburn disinformation, misinformation
• inflammation of the retina: retinitis • information designed to further a
• inflammation of the spinal cord: particular point of view: propaganda
myelitis •inflammation of the mem- • item of information: datum {pi. data)
brane covering the spinal cord: men- • published information: literature
ingitis • inflammation of the spinal • information booklet: brochure
joints: spondylitis •inflammation of • text and graphic information broad-
the spleen: splenitis •inflammation cast by television: teletext • alter in-
of the stomach: gastritis •syphilitic formation to make it more acceptable:
inflammation of the brain: paresis launder • informal suppression of in-
177 informer |

formation: conspiracy of silence innocence •demonstrate or pro-

• information sheet distributed to nounce a person's innocence: excul-
club members etc.: bulletin, newslet- pate
ter • study of the processes of storing inquiry •official inquiry into the
and retrieving information: informat- cause of a death: inquest
ics, information science •denoting
Inquisition • national director of
officially secret information: classi-
the Inquisition: Grand Inquisitor
fied • release of information: dis-
• burning of a heretic by the Spanish
closure, divulgence •deliberate dis-
Inquisition: auto da fe (pi. autos da
closure of secret information: leak
• person doing this: mole •loath to
give information: reticent, unforth- inscription ©scratched inscription:
coming • increased availability of in- graffito ©small flat slab for an in-
formation due to computers: informa- scription: tablet ©study of ancient
tion revolution ©person supplying inscriptions: epigraphy
information: informant, source insect • combining form: entomo-
• person sent ahead to reconnoitre: • insect in immature grub-like form:
scout larva, maggot •insect in inactive
informer •criminal supplying in- stage between larva and adult: pupa,
formation to the police: stool-pigeon, chrysalis ©larva of certain insects
nark, grass, supergrass which develops directly into the adult
stage: nymph ©transformation of an
inhabitant •combining form: -ite
insect between these stages: metamor-
(e.g. Israelite) •original inhabitant:
phosis ©mature insect: imago ©in-
aboriginal, autochthon
sect of greenfly or blackfly type, living
inherit ©person who will inherit: on plant juices: aphid
©small black
heir •things inherited: heritage flying insect swarming on
still sum-
• things inherited from one's father: mer days: thrips (pi. same), thunder-
patrimony •inheritance of personal fly • insect that has gained immunity
characteristics: heredity • gained by to treatments employed to eradicate it:
inheritance: hereditary •eldest son's superbug •insect's feeding tube:
right of inheritance: primogeniture proboscis •insect excrement: frass
• property inheritance settled over • killing insects: insecticidal •eat-
several generations: entail •prevent ing insects: insectivorous •study of
someone from inheriting as he or she insects: entomology
expects to do: disinherit
insecticide • insecticide from pow-
initiative •controlling influence dered plant roots: derris • insecticide
dead hand ©des-
stifling initiative: made from aldrin, now largely
troy enthusiasm and initiative: stul- banned: dieldrin
insert • insert between other items:
injection • injection protecting interpolate, interpose, intersperse
against infection: inoculation, im- inside • combining forms: endo-,
munization, vaccination •second in- intra- (e.g. intracranial) •device in-
jection to reinforce the first: booster
serted via a body cavity to allow in-
• instrument for making injections: ternal examination: endoscope • de-
syringe •disposable injection kit: vice giving inside views of the ear:
auriscope • device inserted via the
ink •container for loading ink: cart- anus for internal examination of the
ridge colon: colonoscope
insight |
insurance 178

insight •intuitive insight: percep- surance • insurance against bad

tion debts: credit insurance •insurance
inspection •careful inspection: against employees' dishonesty: fidel-

scrutiny •tour of inspection: round ity insurance •insurance against

• inspect property as a potential les- loss or damage to property etc.: in-
sor or purchaser: view ©without in- demnity • insurance against the con-
spection: sight unseen sequences of the insured's acts: liabil-
inspiration • source of inspiration: ity cover •insurer's own insurance
muse against the risk undertaken: reinsur-
ance • travel company's bankruptcy
institution •residential institution
insurance: bond •motorist's inter-
for orphans:orphanage • institution
national insurance: green card •de-
established by endowment: founda-
noting insurance covering persons
other than the insured: third-party
instruction • instruction book: • sum paid to effect insurance: pre-
handbook, manual mium • organization receiving the
instrument • observing and record- premium: insurer •person paying
ing device: monitor •instrument for the premium: insured, policyholder
measuring altitudes: sextant •in- • premium increase reflecting extra
strument for measuring angles: pro- risk: loading •premium reduction
tractor • instrument for making or for claim-free years: no-claims bonus
measuring right angles: set square • protection provided by insurance:
• instrument estimating the distance cover •person who calculates insur-
travelled on foot: pedometer •in- ance risks and premiums: actuary
strument recording and measuring • person assessing payments to be
earthquakes: seismograph, seis- made on claims: loss adjuster •in-
mometer • instrument measuring surer's payment of claims: settlement
humidity: hygrometer •instrument • person or company accepting liabil-
measuring light intensity: pho- ity for the payments promised by an
tometer • instrument measuring li-
insurance policy: underwriter •in-
quid or gas pressure: manometer, pi-
surance underwriter belonging to a
ezometer • instrument monitoring
Lloyds syndicate: name •insurance
changes in pulse and breathing rates:
contract: policy ©temporary insur-
polygraph • instrument measuring a
ance certificate: cover note ©clause
slope's steepness: gradiometer ©ap-
modifying the cover given: endorse-
paratus transmitting instrument
ment, exclusion, limitation, rider
readings by radio: telemeter
• time during which an insurance pol-
insulation • water tank's insulating icy is effective: term • cancellation of
cover: jacket •insulating cover for a life insurance, with partial reim-
water systems: lagging ©substance bursement of premiums paid: surren-
giving limited insulation: semicon-
der ©sale of a life insurance policy
by a holder who is terminally ill:
insult • insult by lack of attention: viatical settlement ©category of in-
slight •insult by total ignoral: cut, surance provided by an insurer: line
snub • type of insurance policy where pay-
insurance • state insurance system ment is guaranteed regardless of
for sickness and retirement: National events: assurance ©type of insur-
Insurance •insurance payable on ance policy paying a fixed sum on a
the death of the insured person: life in- stated date: endowment policy
179 intelligence |

• achievement of this date: maturity interference •policy of non-

• denoting an insurance policy entit- interference: laissez-aller, laissez-
ling the holder to a share in the faire
company's profits: with-profits •de- internal • combining form: endo-
noting an insurance policy covering • having an internal cause: endogen-
loss regardless of responsibility:
no-fault •insurance sum payable at
death: reversion • denoting an insur-
Internet •Internet section with ad-

ance policy paying only at the death of dresses sharing a common suffix: do-
the insured: whole-life •item or main • list of favourite Internet sites:
event specifically not covered by an hot list •Internet network of hyper-
insurance policy: exclusion ©part of media sites: World Wide Web • move
an insurance claim that the policy- from site to site on the Internet: surf
holder must pay: excess •denoting • skilled Internet user: internaut,
netizen •company providing Inter-
an insurance policy financed by the
net access: service provider ©re-
beneficiary: contributory •denoting
a motor vehicle insurance covering
lease material on the Internet: post
• denoting a computerized game play-
most risks: comprehensive •insur-
able over the Internet: multi-user
ance companies' agreement to each
• program retrieving material from
reimburse their own clients: knock-
the Internet: search engine •pro-
for-knock agreement >
portion of useful material on the
intelligence • scale for child intel- Internet: signal-to-noise ratio
ligence: Binet-Simon scale •figure • proper way to use the Internet:
expressing a person's intelligence: in- netiquette
telligence quotient
interval • interval between two suc-
intellect •denoting interest only to cessive reigns etc.: interregnum •en-
an intellectual minority: highbrow tertainment given in a theatre inter-
• intellectual people collectively: val: intermezzo, entr'acte
highbrows, the intelligentsia •de-
interruption ©aggressive verbal
noting general popularity: middle-
interruption of a speech: heckling
brow • requiring little or no intel-
lect: lowbrow, mindless intestines • combining form:
enter(o)- • adjective: enteric »part
intention • ploy designed to conceal
of the intestine leading from the stom-
one's true intentions: blind
ach: small intestine •first part of the
interest •showing interest or con- small intestine: duodenum {pi. duode-
cern: solicitous • of current interest: nums or duodena) •surgical diver-
topical •interest paid on capital sion of the small intestine: enteros-
only: simple interest •interest paid tomy • second portion of the small
on capital and on accumulated inter- intestine: jejunum ©third portion:
est of previous periods: compound ileum • surgical operation giving an
interest •lowest available rate of opening to the ileum through the ab-
interest on a bank
loan: prime rate dominal wall: ileostomy • pouch at
• Bank of England's interest rate for the junction of small and large intes-
loans to other banks bank rate, base tines: caecum • inflammation of the
rate •denoting money available at caecum: typhlitis ©part of the intes-
high rates of interest: tight •growth tine leading to the anus: large intes-
of a sum of money through interest tine ©main part of the large intes-
earned: accumulation tine: colon •portion of the colon
into |
Iranian 180

ascending from the caecum: ascend- • state payment to the long-term sick:
ing colon • portion of the colon lead- incapacity benefit
ing to the rectum: descending colon
• horizontal portion of colon connect- invention •document granting an
ing these: transverse colon • inflam- inventor sole right to the exploitation
mation of the colon: colitis •small of his work: patent

blind tube near the end of the large investment •investment in pro-
intestine: appendix •S-shaped sec- jects having an element of risk:
tion preceding the rectum: sigmoid speculation •sum paid to purchase
colon •final straight section of the investments: principal •money for
large intestine: rectum •final open- speculative investment: risk capital,
ing of the rectum: anus • device in- venture capital •return on invest-
serted via the anus to give inside ments: yield •list of investments
views of the colon: colonoscope, made: portfolio •certificate attesting
fibrescope ©anal insertion of water ownership of investments: security
to flush out the colon: colonic irriga-
• investor's net holdings at a particu-
tion ©surgical operation giving an lar time: position • substantial hold-
opening to the colon through the ab- ing in the shares of a particular com-
dominal wall: colostomy ©the open- pany: stake •denoting a portfolio
ing so formed: stoma •intestinal that avoids investment in morally sus-
muscle movement: peristalsis •ab- pect industries: ethical • denoting an
dominal protrusion of the intestine: investment made with borrowed cap-
hernia • pig's intestines used as food: ital: leveraged •denoting invest-
chitterlings • inflammation of the in-
ments with an early redemption date:
testine: enteritis ©disease of the in-
short-dated •denoting a constantly
testine: enteropathy •pain in the in-
adjusted investment portfolio: man-
testines: colic ©painful intestinal aged • company holding a wide and
obstruction: ileus •folding of one changing share portfolio and inviting
section of intestine inside the next: in- clients to invest in the whole: unit
tussusception • infection of the trust •profitability of investments:
small intestine with severe diarrhoea: performance •tax-free investment
cholera, enteritis •infection of the scheme: personal equity plan •per-
intestines with severe diarrhoea and
son living off dividends from invest-
bleeding: dysentery •chronic ulcer- ments: rentier •minimize risk
ation of the ileum: Crohn's disease through counterbalanced invest-
• study of the stomach and intestines ments: hedge •dispose of invest-
and their diseases: gastroenterology ments: divest ©sudden withdrawal
>see also bowel by many investors: run
into •combining form: intro- (e.g.
involvement ©effort made to in-
introduce, literally 'lead into')
volve others: outreach • involvement
introductory •combining form: with an expectation of financial gain:
fore- •introductory speech or writ- vested interest
ing: foreword, preamble • without
introduction: in medias res inward • combining form: intro-
( introspection)
intuition • discover by intuition:
divine ion • negatively charged ion: anion
• positively charged ion: cation
invalid ©sore place on a bedridden
person: bedsore, decubitus ulcer Iranian ©Iranian parliament: Majlis
181 Ireland |

Ireland madjective: Hibernian poteen ©place where alcohol is sold

• Celtic language of Ireland: Erse illegally:shebeen • Irish term for a
• citizen of Ireland, especially if an last drink: deoch an doris • head of
Erse-speaker: Gael • area of Ireland government in Northern Ireland:
where Erse is spoken: Gaeltacht First Minister •Northern Ireland
• person wishing Northern Ireland to Protestant political society: Orange
retain political links with the UK: Order •member of this: Orangeman
Unionist, Loyalist ©person seeking • police force of Northern Ireland:
the political unification of Ireland: Na- Royal Ulster Constabulary
tionalist ©periods of civil unrest in
iron •combining forms: ferr-, sider-
Ireland: the Troubles
• adjectives: ferric, ferrous • block of
Irish ©Irish accent: brogue ©Irish crude cast iron: pig •such iron: pig
bagpipes: uiliean pipes ©Irish term iron ©pure malleable form of iron:
for a beach: strand ©Irish round wrought iron ©coat iron with zinc:
wickerwork boat: coracle ©Irish galvanize ©person working iron by
light carriage: jaunting car ©Irish hand: blacksmith ©metalworkers'
clan: sept ©Irish cudgel: shillelagh disease caused by an accumulation of
• Irish dagger: skean ©elf in Irish iron dust in the lungs: siderosis
folklore: leprechaun • Irish term for
irrigation ©Egyptian irrigation de-
an English person: Sassen-
vice of a bucket on a pole: shadoof
ach ©Irish funeral song: 'coronach,
• Spanish irrigation device of buckets
keen ©Irish social gathering: ceilidh
on a wheel: noria
• Irish traditional harp: clarsach
• Irish game resembling hockey: hurl- island • adjective: insular•small
ing ©Irish lake: lough •parliament island: islet ©small island on a lake
of the Irish Republic: Oireachtas or river: ait, eyot, holm ©remote un-
• upper house of this: Seanad inhabited tropical island: desert is-
• lower house of this: Dai •police
land ©low coral island: cay, key
force of the Irish Republic: Garda • circular coral reef, group of islands,
• member of this: garda (pi. gardai) etc.: atoll • group of islands: archi-
• Irish potato blight: murrain •title pelago
of the prime minister of the Irish Re-
public: Taoiseach •Irish fortified Isle of Man • adjective: Manx
settlement: dun •Irish female spirit • Manx judge: deemster ©Manx na-
whose wailing portends death: ban- tional symbol: triskelion ©Manx par-
shee • Irish nationalist terrorist or- liament: Tynwald ©lower house of
ganization: Irish Republican Army this: House of Keys
• Irish valley: glen •Irish wizard:
isolation • ring of troops etc. isolat-
pishogue •Irish term for a young
ing a place: cordon •ring of troops
woman: colleen • ancient Irish al-
etc. isolating an infected area: cordon
phabet: ogham •traditional Irish
language: Gaelic •Irish-speaking
part of Ireland: Gaeltacht •Irish Israeli •Israeli collective farm: kib-
gypsies' secret language: Shelta butz • Israeli smallholders' coopera-
• Irish dish of boiled cabbage and po- tive: moshav •Israeli intelligence
tatoes: colcannon •Irish spirit dis- service: Mossad •Israeli nationalist:
tilled from malted grain: whiskey Zionist • Israeli parliament: Knesset
• alcohol distilled illegally in Ireland: • Palestinian opposition to the Israeli
Israelite |
itch 182

West Bank occupation: Intifada >see of pizza, folded and filled: calzone
also Hebrew, Jew • Italian durum wheat dough made
into various shapes: pasta ©Italian J
Israelite •promise made by God to dish of pasta rolled round a meat or
the ancient Israelites: covenant • an- j

vegetable filling: cannelloni ©Italian *j

cient Israelite war leader: judge

dish of stewed marrowbone: osso
• tent shrine used by the ancient Is- buco • Italian dish of rice cooked in ]
raelites:tabernacle •bread-like sub- stock: risotto ©Italian dish of fried -

stance eaten by the ancient Israelites seafood: fritto misto ©Italian dish of
in the desert: manna •wooden chest
spaghetti in a minced meat sauce:
containing the tablets of the Law, car- spaghetti Bolognese ©Italian dish
ried by the ancient Israelites in the of spaghetti in a tomato sauce: spa-
desert: ark >see also biblical fig- ghetti Napolitana ©Italian dish of I

ures veal with sage leaves and ham:

Italian •combining form: Italo- saltimbocca • Italian dish of veal in

a tuna and anchovy mayonnaise:
• Italian polite form of address to a
vitello tonnato •Italian dessert of
man: signore •Italian polite form of
egg yolks whipped with sugar and
address to a woman: signora •Ital-
Marsala: zabaglione •Italian des-
ian polite form of address to a young
sert of sponge soaked in spirits and
woman: signorina • title of an Italian
coffee: tiramisu ©Italian dessert re-
dictator under Fascism: duce • Ital-
sembling trifle: zuppa inglese
ian name for southern Italy: Mezzo-
• Italian-style ice cream: gelato
giorno ©Italian harlequinade:
• Italian ice cream of various flavours
commedia dell'arte • small Italian
with glace fruits etc.: cassata
hotel: pensione • traditional conical
• Italian-style water ice: granita
stone house of southern Italy: trullo
• Italian soft blue-veined cheese:
• Italian motorway: autostrada • fine
Dolcelatte™ •Italian hard blue-
Italian coloured pottery: maiolica
veined cheese: Gorgonzola • Italian
• small Italian restaurant: trattoria
hard dry cheese: Parmesan • Italian
• Italian public square: piazza • Ital-
soft white unsalted cheese: ricotta
ian aerated bread made with olive oil:
• Italian ewes' milk cheese: pecorino
ciabatta •flat Italian bread made
• Italian cream cheese: mascarpone
with olive oil: foccaccia •Italian
• firm white Italian cheese: mozza-
bread made with eggs, fruit, and but-
rella •maize-flower paste: polenta
ter: panettone (pi. panettoni) ©thin
• Italian sauce of bacon, egg, and
Italian breadsticks: grissini ©toasted
cream: carbonara ©Italian pasta
Italian bread drenched in olive oil:
sauces: marinara, pesto ©Italian
bruschetta ©Italian hors d'oeuvre:
sauce of garlic, capers, anchovies, and
antipasto • Italian vegetable soup:
oil: salsa verde ©Italian thick to-
minestrone • Italian omelette: frit-
mato paste: passata ©Italian spark-
tata ©Italian raw cured ham: pro-
ling white wine: spumante ©Italian
sciutto ©Italian garlic sausage: sa-
orange-flavoured liqueur: Strega™
lami ©spiced Italian pork sausage:
• Italian aniseed-flavoured liqueur:
mortadella ©Italian peppered pork
sambuca •Italian grape brandy:
and beef sausage: pepperoni ©Ital-
ian potato dumplings: gnocchi • Ital-
ian dish of flat dough cooked with a itch • itchy feeling asif of ants crawl-
savoury topping: pizza • Italian dish ing over the skin: formication • itch-
183 item |

ing blisters on the skin: eczema item: entry •item kept as a re-
• tropical groin itch: dhobi itch minder: memento, souvenir ©item
• drug relieving itching: antipruritic whose true value is unrealized for
some time: sleeper ©assorted items:
item •key item: linchpin • first miscellanea •unspecified items:
item on which others are modelled: sundries • cost of producing one fur-
prototype • single mass-produced ther item: marginal cost
item: unit •small decorative item:
objet d'art objets d'art) ©written
{pi. itself • in itself: per se
Jamaican •member of a Jamaican buttonlike ornament: netsuke ©Jap-
criminal gang: Yardie ©Jamaican re- anese dish of grilled chicken pieces:
ligion regarding Haile Selassie as yakitori ©Japanese dish of cold rice
God: Rastafarianism with vegetables: sushi • Japanese ed-
ible seaweed: nori • Japanese alco-
Japanese • Japanese Buddhism,
holic drink made from rice: sake
emphasizing meditation: Zen •Jap-
• Japanese syllabic writing: kana
anese Buddhist teacher: bonze ©Jap-
• romanized transliteration for Japan-
anese Buddhist festival of the dead:
ese: romaji •Japanese term for
Bon ©Japanese business philosophy
Japan: Nippon • Japanese poem of 17
of continuous improvement: kaizen
syllables: haiku, hokku {pis. same)
• former titles of Japanese emperors:
• Japanese poem of 31 syllables: tanka
Mikado, Tenno ©Japanese trad-
(pi. same)
itional espionage: ninjutsu ©expert
©Japanese fencing: jar • glass preserving jar: Kilner jar™
at this: ninja
• Greek and Roman storage jar with
kendo ©hereditary commander in
two handles and a pointed base: am-
feudal Japan: shogun ©Japanese
feudal warrior: samurai (pi. same)
• Japanese painting on paper or silk: jargon ©jargon used by a particular
kakemono ©Japanese art of paper- group: argot • incomprehensible
folding: origami ©Japanese art of technical jargon: technobabble •jar-
flower arranging: ikebana ©Japan- gon of popular psychology: psycho-
ese prostitute: geisha ©Japanese na- babble
tional religion: Shinto ©Japanese jaundice • liver disease producing
arts of self-defence: aikido, ju-jitsu, jaundice: hepatitis
karate ©general index of Japanese Java ©Javan percussion orchestra:
share prices: Nikkei index ©gate to a gamelan
Shinto shrine: torii ©sliding door in
jaw •adjectives: gnathic, maxillary
a Japanese house: shoji ©Japanese
• animal's fearsome jaws: maw
suicide bomber or its pilot: kamikaze
• lower jawbone: mandible ©upper
• Japanese ritual of serving and
jawbone: maxilla ©having a project-
drinking tea: tea ceremony • Japan-
ing lower jaw: prognathous • paraly-
ese puppet theatre: bunraku •Japan-
sis of the jaws: lockjaw, trismus
ese traditional theatre: Noh •popu-
lar version of this: kabuki • Japanese
jazz • improvised wordless jazz sing-

system of therapy by applying finger ing: scat

pressure: acupressure, Shiatsu jelly • adjective: gelatinous ©jelly
• Japanese dwarf tree: bonsai ©Jap- made from meat or fish stock: aspic
anese wrestling: sumo • sumo cham- •jelly-like substance: gel • substance
pion: yokozuna ©Japanese loose from which jelly is made: gelatin
robe: kimono ©sash worn with this: • dish served in aspic: galantine
obi ©ornamental box suspended jellyfish •jellyfish's central disc:
from this: inro ©Japanese carved umbrella
185 jester job

jester •jester's cap: coxcomb with such jewellery: diamante ©jew-

•jester's baton: bauble ©jester's elled headband: diadem, tiara ©jew-
particoloured suit: motley ellery hanging from a chain: pendant
• small ornamental case on a chain:
jet •jet fuel: kerosene, paraffin oil
locket ©piece of jewellery with a re-
•jet engine in which a turbine-driven
lief portrait: cameo ©jeweller's mag-
fan provides extra thrust: turbofan
nifying glass: loupe
•jet engine whose gases operate a
turbine-driven compressor: turbojet job •adjective: vocational ©job
•jet engine in which a turbine drives done at home: cottage industry
a propeller: turboprop •propulsive • secondary or minor job: avocation,
force of a jet engine: thrust •air cur- sideline ©have a second job: moon-
rent behind a jet engine: slipstream light •job in which no work is re-
• extinction of a jet engine's flame: quired: sinecure ©easy job: child's
flameout play ©job requiring formal qualifica-
tions: profession ©appropriate and
Jew • combining form: Judaeo- (e.g.
congenial job: niche ©tiresome job:
Judaeo-Christian) •adjectives: Ju-
chore ©lengthy undertaking: mara-
daic, Semitic ©legendary Jew said to
thon ©denoting a job requiring
have mocked Christ: Wandering Jew

workers: labour-intensive
• Jew born in Israel: sabra ©Jew of
• denoting a job not requiring special-
central or eastern European descent:
ist skills: non-professional ©reduce
Ashkenazi (pi. Ashkenazim) ©lan-
or eradicate the element of skill re-
guage used by Jews of central and
quired by a job: deskill • division of a
eastern Europe: Yiddish ©Jew of
job and its pay between several em-
Spanish or Portuguese descent: Seph-
ployees: job-sharing •essential to a
ardi (pi. Sephardim) • language used
job's successful completion: mission-
by certain Mediterranean Jews: La-
critical ©risk involved in a job:
dino • Soviet Jew not allowed to go to
occupational hazard ©hopeless as-
Israel: refusenik ©worldwide disper-
signment: fool's errand ©unoccu-
sion of the Jews: diaspora, Disper-
pied job: vacancy ©person applying
sion ©greeting between Jews: sha-
for a job: applicant, candidate ©oral
Som ©Jewish animated automaton:
examination of such people: interview
golem • Jewish religious culture: Ju-
• person testifying to an applicant's
daism ©college for Orthodox Jews:
suitability: referee ©trial period be-
yeshiva •Jewish quarter in a city:
fore confirmation of appointment:
ghetto • Jewish „ malevolent spirit:
probation ©appoint to a job: nomin-
. dybbuk •organized massacre of
ate ©ability to do a job: competence
Jews in 19th-c. Russia: pogrom
• exclusively assigned to a particular
• Hitler's programme for the exter-
job: dedicated • handing down one's
mination of European Jews: final so-
own tasks to a subordinate: delega-
lution, Hoiocaust •free of Jews:
tion ©give out such a task: depute,
judenrein • non-Jew: Gentile •Jew-
devolve • special or temporary task:
ish term for non-Jew: goy ©Jewish
assignment •detailed description of
term for a Christian: Nazarene
this:terms of reference • temporary
jewellery ©simple jewellery worn posting away from the usual work-
in a pierced ear or nose: stud • small place: secondment ©move to an-
cheap item of jewellery: trinket other job in the same organization:
• sham jewellery worn on dressy occa- posting, transfer ©giving jobs to
sions: costume jewellery • decorated one's relatives and friends: nepotism

jockey Judaism
| 186

• power to do this: patronage • guar- tongue and groove ©flat ring seak
anteed job-holding: tenure • denoting ing a joint: gasket, washer ©liquid
an activity that is not a paid job: non- clay or cement sealing a joint: lutej
professional • trade union's claim of • line made by the edges of a joinN
exclusive rights to a certain job: de- seam 3

marcation dispute • approach an joke • joke exploiting a word's differ !

employed person offering him a job ent meanings: pun, quibble ©joke's
elsewhere: headhunt • give up a job crucial final sentence: punchline i
voluntarily: resign •leaving jobs by
voluntary retirement or resignation: journey •journey by ship: passage

natural wastage, wastage •job-

voyage •long sea or space journey
hunting help given to redundant
voyage •journey to a holy place: pil*'
employees: outplacement • chart
grimage • repeated journey over z
showing interrelation of a firm's jobs: fixed route: round, run •arduour
journey: trek •journey made for £
organization chart
specificpurpose: mission •returr
jockey •jockey's coloured outfit: journey not covering the sam*

silks •jockey's helmet: skullcap ground: round trip «part of a jour

• official weighing of a jockey before ney: leg • in the course of a journey*
and after a race: weigh-out, weigh-in en route • established en-route stop'ii
join •join metals with an alloy: sol- ping place: staging post • right tc
der •join ropes by interweaving make a journey: passage *pay for,
strands: splice one's journey by work en route: woif)
joint • combining forms: co- (e.g. one's passage ©end a scheduled'
co-author), arthr-, zygo- (e.g. zygotic)
journey: terminate ©official record
• ball and socket joint: enarthrosis of a ship's or aircraft's journey: log

(pi. enarthroses) •hip joint: coxa Judaism ©Jewish mystical inter!

• knee joint in horses, dogs, etc.: stifle pretation of the Old Testament: Kab

• bone covering the knee joint: knee- balah ©Jewish commentary upoii
cap, patella •having unusually flex- the Old Testament: Masorah, Mid
ible joints: double-jointed •painful rash, Mishnah ©Jewish law as cor]
inflammation of the joints: arthritis, tained in the first five books of the 01
rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis Testament: Torah ©ordinance noil
•painful twisting of a joint: sprain found in the Torah but held to hav
• displacement of the bones in a joint: been given by God to Moses: traditiof l

dislocation • fusion of bones in a • ancient corpus of Jewish ceremonia

joint: ankylosis •degeneration of and civil law: Talmud •expectei
bone and cartilage in joints: osteo- Jewish national saviour: Messia
arthritis • thin cartilage in certain • Jewish movement following thj
joints: meniscus (pi. menisci) •joint traditional law in its entirety: Orthcl
with bevelled or notched ends: scarf dox Judaism • Jewish movement foi
•joint bisecting a right angle: mitre, lowing the law as modified for moder I

mitre-joint •joint for piping: union conditions: Reform Judaism ©ai

•joint able to transmit rotary power cient Jewish professional theologia
at any angle: universal joint •mor- and jurist: scribe ©Jewish religiou
tise and tenon joint: dovetail •step- leader or teacher: rabbi ©senio
shaped wood joint: rebate ©recessed rabbi: dayan (pi. dayanim) ©rabbi'
joint part: mortise • protruding joint wife: rebbetzin ©training college fc
part: tenon • board jointing with rabbis: seminary, yeshiva • Jewis
interlocking ridges and hollows: religious school: cheder •school gin
187 Judaism judgement

ing instruction in Jewish traditions: Succoth • Jewish term for the abode
Talmud Torah • study of Jewish trad- of the dead: Sheol ©Jewish term for
itional law: Talmud Torah • supreme hell: Gehenna >see also Hebrew, Is-
council and court of ancient Jerusa- raeli, Israelite

lem: Sanhedrin • day of religious ob-

judge •adjective: judicial ©judge in
servance and abstinence from work:
a Church court: official principal
sabbath •strict observer of the sab- • Indian judge: hakim •Muslim
bath: Sabbatarian •Jewish dietary
judge: cadi, hakim •title of an Ap-
regulations: kashrut •denoting food
peal Court judge: Lord Justice •title
that conforms to Jewish dietary regu-
of a High Court judge: Mr Justice
lations:kosher •denoting food that
• title of a judge in Scotland: sheriff
does not conform to Jewish dietary re-
• expert adviser who sits with a judge
gulations: trefa •denoting animals
in technical cases: assessor •barris
that Jews may eat:clean •Jewish
ter serving as a part-time judge: re-
term for leavened food: chametz
corder • polite form of address to a
• Jewish unleavened bread: matzo
judge: Your Lordship ©judge's sum
• bread eaten on the sabbath: challah
mary of arguments at the end of a
• Jewish sabbath dish of meat and ve-
case: summing up ©judge's direc-
getables: cholent ©Jewish dish of
tion to a jury on points of law: charge,
stuffed fish: gefilte fish ©Jewish
instruction ©judge's order for en-
blessing of wine before the Sabbath:
forcement of a law: injunction ©de-
kiddush • Jewish custom of marry-
noting a judge's provisional ruling:
ing one's brother's widow: levirate
interlocutory ©judge's incidental re-
• building for Jewish religious obser-
mark: obiter dictum ©judge's office
vance and instruction: synagogue
for private hearings: chambers
• Jewish branched candlestick: me-
•judge's itinerary to various courts:
norah • outer chamber of the Jewish
circuit ©circuit judge's administra-
temple: holy place •inner chamber
tive assistant: marshal ©circuit
of the Jewish temple: holy of holies
judge's official accommodation: lodg-
• curtain closing off the holy of holies:
ings ©judge's wig and robes: court
veil •Orthodox Jew's skullcap:
dress ©judges regarded collectively:
kippa, yarmulke • small box worn by
the bench, the judicature, the judi-
Orthodox Jew at prayer: frontlet,
ciary ©attempt to corrupt a judge:
phylactery ©prayer shawl: tallith
• corner tassels on this: tsitsith
• Jewish girl's coming of age cere- judgement ©judgement on pay-
mony: bat mitzvan ©Jewish boy's ments or possessions: award ©judge-
coming of age ceremony: bar mitzvan ment awarded on the defendant's fail-
• Jewish new year festival: Rosh ure to plead: judgement in default
Hashana • Jewish day of repentance: • divorce court's judgement: decree
Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur •judgement that must be followed in
• Jewish commemoration of the deliv- subsequent similar cases: precedent
erance from Egypt: Passover «text • reference to such a judgement: cit-
recited at this: Haggadah •Passover ation • denoting a provisional judge-
ceremony and meal: Seder ©Jewish ment: interlocutory ©writ ordering
harvest festival: Feast of Weeks, the enforcement of a judgement: writ
Pentecost, Shavuoth • Jewish com- of execution • performance of a con-
memoration of the journey through tractual obligation ordered by a court-
the wilderness: Feast of Tabernacles, specific performance •having good

judo |

judgement: sagacious •showing •jury member: juror ©jury's spokes-

careful judgement: judicious man: foreman ©lawyer's objection to
a member of the jury: challenge • de-
judo •judo expert: judoka ©judo
noting a challenge made without rea-
suit: judogi ©judo jacket: gi ©judo
son: peremptory ©writ summoning
mat: dojo •point scored in judo:
substitute jurors: tales •substitute
ippon ©send one's opponent to the
juror: talesman ©judge's direction to
ground: throw >see also martial arts
a jury: charge, instruction ©jury's s

jug • large water jug: ewer • large decision: verdict ©jury's comment
narrow-necked jug: flagon •low jug added to its verdict: rider ©period a
for gravy or sauce: boat ©jug shaped jury spends in private considering its
and painted to resemble a man's head: verdict: retirement
toby jug
justice • system of justice where the
juice •sour juice obtained from
judge or magistrate acts as prosecu-
fruit: verjuice
tor: inquisitorialsystem •system of
jump •jump made with the aid of the justice where the judge or magistrate I

hands or a • sideways
pole: vault adjudicates between prosecution and
handspring: cartwheel ©jump about defence: accusatorial system ©out-y
playfully: gambol ©jump on some- of-court negotiations between pros-
thing to capture it: pounce ©sprung ecution and defence lawyers to securei-:
making large jumps: pogo
stick for a reduced charge in return for an ad-
stick • sheet stretched taut for jump- mission of guilt: plea bargaining
ing on: trampoline
justification ©justification of one'sj
junk •ornamental junk: conduct: apologia ©logical justifica!
Juno • Greek name: Hera tion: rationale ©justification of a the
Jupiter • Greek name: Zeus ory: apologetics ©justification foil

jury •denoting an offence requiring an action or opinion: ground ©earl

jury trial: indictable • enlist a jury: ier event adduced in justification: pre

impanel •fill a jury with persons cedent ©that cannot be justified J

sympathetic to one's aims: pack unwarrantable

kangaroo •male kangaroo: buck • kill most of: decimate •kill a per-
• female kangaroo: doe • young kan- son condemned to death: execute
garoo: joey • kill quickly: dispatch •kill select-
ively: culf •death-blow: coup de
karate • karate expert: karateka
• karate exercises: kata «kick made grace (pi. coups de grace) ©list of
with body rotation: roundhouse kick persons to be killed: hit list • place
• point scored in karate: ippon >see where animals are killed: abattoir,
also martial arts slaughterhouse ©occasion when
many persons are violently killed:
key *key opening several locks: bloodbath, bloodletting • sport that
master key, pass key, skeleton key involves the hunting, wounding, or
• lock opened only by a key: deadlock
killing of animals: blood sport
• perform or score in a different key:
transpose kiiler •combining form: -cide (e.g.
regicide) • killer's plea of unbalanced
keyboard • standard English-
mental state: diminished responsibil-
language keyboard layout: querty
ity • money paid as a recompense in
kick •reflex kick: knee-jerk •kick certain societies by a killer to his vic-
made with unbent legs: scissor kick tim's relatives: blood money
kidney •combining forms: nephr-, killing •combining form: -tide ©de-
ren- •adjectives: renal, nephritic liberate unlawful killing: murder,
• movable kidney: floating kidney homicide ©unpremeditated killing:
• chronic kidney inflammation: neph- manslaughter • accidental killing of
ritis, Bright's disease •mechanical one's own forces: fratricide •killing
purification of the blood by an artifi- not considered a crime: justifiable
cial kidney: dialysis, haemodialysis homicide • killing to which no blame
• stone-like mass forming in a kidney: can attach: misadventure •killing
kidney stone, renal calculus (pi. cal- selected animals: cull •killing one's
culi), renal concretion ©medical brother or sister: fratricide •killing
treatment of the kidney: nephrology of a child less than one year old: in-
• surgical removal of a kidney: neph- fanticide • killing one's father: patri-
rectomy cide • killing a god: deicide •kill-
kili •kill by deprivation of air: as- ing an incurable person: euthanasia,
phyxiate, suffocate •kill by behead- mercy killing •killing an infant by
ing: decapitate •kill by electric abandonment in a deserted place: ex-
shock: electrocute •kill by covering posure • killing one's mother: matri-
the nose and mouth: smother •kill cide • killing oneself: suicide •kill-
secretly: make away with ©he se- ing a parent or other near relative:
cretly killed by the state: disappear parricide •killing a public figure by
• kill by strangulation: garrotte, throt- a surprise attack: assassination
tle • kill an animal humanely: des- • killing as a punishment: capital
troy, put down, put to sleep • kill in punishment • killing a son or daugh-
large numbers: massacre, slaughter ter: filicide •killing a sovereign:

king j
Korean 190

regicide •killing a tyrant: tyranni- knitting ©set of knitting instruc-

cide • killing one's wife: uxoricide tions: pattern ©create stitches: cast
• killing large numbers: massacre on •terminate stitches: cast off
• killing an entire people: genocide • move a stitch from one needle to the
• killing all life: biocide other: slip • rightwards stitch: plain

king •adjectives: royal, regal • per- • leftwards stitch: purl ©alternation

son governing during a monarch's ab- of plain and purl stitches: rib ©fine
sence or incapacity: regent •disease knitting wool: fingering ©medium-
formerly thought to be cured by the thick knitting wool: double knitting
sovereign's touch: king's evil •kill- • thick knitting wool: chunky
ing a king: regicide • diameter of knitting needles: gauge

kiss •perfunctory kiss: peck •deep

knot ©knot undone by a pull: slip
knot' ©knot easily loosened: hitch
kiss:French kiss, soul kiss •kiss
• knot joining two ropes: bend • loop
and cuddle: canoodle
with a running knot: noose •orna-
kitchen • adjective: culinary mental knotwork made with string:
• small kitchen: scullery •kitchen macrame ©knotted lace: tatting
on a ship or aircraft: galley • kitchen
know ©not known: obscure
tools and equipment: batterie de cuis-
• knowing everything: omniscient
ine, utensils •service opening in a
kitchen wall: hatch
knowledge •combining forms:
-gnosis (e.g. prognosis), -nomy (e.g.
knee ©knee joint in horses, dogs, aeronomy), -sophy {e.g. philosophy)
etc.: stifle ©bone covering the knee •adjective: epistemic ©basic know- a

joint:kneecap, patella • tendon be- ledge: elements, rudiments ©trad- i

hind the knee: hamstring •inflam- itional knowledge: lore ©scholarly i

mation of the knee: housemaid's knowledge: erudition ©shallow
knee knowledge: sciolism ©slight know- J

knife • knife with a folding handle: ledge: inkling ©deep knowledge: eru-
clasp knife, jackknife • knife with a dition ©instinctive knowledge: intu- ;

spring-loaded blade: flick knife ition • social knowledge: savoir-faire

• knife with a sharp replaceable • knowledge before the event: precog- |

blade: Stanley knife™ ©pocket knife n ition •knowledge after the event: i

with several blades and other tools: hindsight • knowledge of many sub- J

Swiss army knife • heavy jungle jects: polymathy • knowledge of

knife: machete, panga • surgical everything: omniscience •know-
knife: lancet, scalpel • knife handle: ledge of a specified topic: literacy
haft, hilt ©shank of a knife blade, en- • involving several branches of know-
ledge: interdisciplinary ©done in full

cased in its handle: tang • cover for a

knife blade: sheath •knife-maker: knowledge: witting • people with spe-
cutler cial knowledge: illuminati, insiders

knight •knights' mounted mock • person eager to display his or her I

combat: joust, tilt •place for this: knowledge: pedant ©person pretend-
lists •jousting competition: tourna- ing to be knowledgeable: sciolist!
ment, tourney •knights' exercise of • philosophical study of the nature of
charging against a revolving mark: knowledge: epistemology
tilting •this mark: quintain • place knuckle •metal knuckle-
for this: tiltyard • knight's warhorse: strengthened knuckleduster
destrier •confer a knighthood on: Korean ©Korean martial art: tae
dub >see also chivalry kwon do
label •label attached to a plant or lament ©Irish sung lament: keen
tree: tally • Scottish bagpipe lament: pibroch
• poem lamenting the dead: elegy
laboratory •laboratory work table:
bench ©laboratory worker prepar- land •adjective: terrestrial ©mari-
ing and maintaining equipment: tech- ner's sighting of land: landfall ©ar-
nician • happening in the laboratory rivalon land: landfall • by land: over-
rather than its natural environment: land ©surrounded by land:
in vitro >see also scientific equip- landlocked •narrow strip of land:
ment isthmus, neck, spit •small area of
land: plot ©land almost completely
lace-making ©lace made by hand
by twisting weighted threads: bobbin surrounded by water: cape, head-
land, peninsula, promontory ©area
lace, pillow lace ©coarse bobbin lace
with geometrical designs: torchon, of level high land: plateau, tableland
torchon lace ©lace made by hand in • large land mass: continent ©edge
buttonhole stitch: needle lace, point of a land mass covered by ocean: con-
lace • knotted lace made with a shut- tinental shelf ©bring waste or
tle: tatting • heavy outline thread: flooded land under cultivation: re-
gimp •firm cushion on which the claim • gradual sinking of an area of
lace is made: pillow land: subsidence •land in Holland
reclaimed from the sea: polder • land
lack • lack of the basic necessities of
in East Anglia reclaimed from the sea:
life: deprivation
fen ©large fenland drainage ditch:
lacking • combining form: -less (e.g. dyke ©extensive area of eroded
witless) and uncultivable land: badlands
• marshy land: wetland ©open land
ladder ©laddder used for roof work:
with poor soil: heath, heathland,
•crosspiece in a ladder:
rung moor ©denoting land that has not
been cleared or cultivated: unim-
lake •adjective: lacustrine •Scot- proved ©land cleared by slash-and-
tish lake: loch©Irish lake: lough burn methods: swidden ©aesthetic
• small mountain lake: tarn • curved improvement of land: landscaping
lake in a former river bed: oxbow lake
• land temporarily sown to grass: ley
• salt lake separated from the sea by a • grazing land: pasture •denoting
reef or sandbank: lagoon •animals
land producing crops: arable, fertile
and plants living on the bed of a lake:
• denoting land unable to produce
epibenthos •mapping of lakes: hy-
crops: sterile • denoting land that
drography ©study of lakes: limnol-
cannot be cultivated profitably: sub-
marginal • return of fertile land to
lama ©chief Lama of Tibet: Dalai desert conditions: desertification
Lama • polite form of address to him: • denoting agricultural land left un-
Your Holiness ©second Lama of sown: fallow • land taken out of pro-
Tibet: Panchen Lama, Tashi Lama duction: set-aside ©land under
landlord |
language 192

cultivation: tillage, tilth •land at- money •landlord's expulsion of a

tached to a house: curtilage •farm- tenant: eviction
land owned by parish clergy: glebe
landmark • pile of stones as a land-
• agricultural holding smaller than a
mark: cairn
farm: smallholding •property in
buildings and land: real property, landowner •adjective: landed
realty •narrow strip of land project- • chief landowner in a rural area:
ing into water: headland, peninsula squire •Scottish landowner: laird
• narrow strip of land connecting two • landowner's agent: bailiff
larger areas: isthmus • narrow strip
landscape • snow-covered land-
of land projecting into the holdings of
scape: snowscape •moonlike land-
others: panhandle •intrusion upon
scape: moonscape • height differ-
another's land by building etc.: en- ence 6f landscape elements: relief
croachment • entering another's • wearing away of the landscape by
land without permission: trespass natural forces: erosion
• right to cross another's land: ease-
ment, right of way, way leave • right language •combining forms:
to cut turf or peat from another's land: lingu-, -ese (e.g. Chinese), -glot •ad-
turbary •another's right to cross jectives: lingual, linguistic •express
one's land: servitude •limitations in a different language: translate
on land's use imposed by its vendor: • everyday language: vernacular
restrictive covenant • piece of land • pretentious language: bombast,
in public use: common • right of pas-
magniloquence •harshly critical or
turage on a common: commonage abusive language: invective •delib-
erately misleading language: double-
• ownership of land or the land
speak, newspeak •language of a
owned: domain •denoting land own-
particular group or profession: cant
ership: territorial •unlawful interfer-
• obscure language of official docu-
ence with an owner's enjoyment of his
ments: officialese • obscure tech-
land: nuisance •unlawful occupa-
nical language: jargon • confusing or
tion of land: squatting ©medieval
system of land tenure: feudalism
meaningless language: mumbo-
• landholder under this system: feud-
jumbo • language as people actually
use it: parole • language as described
atory • absolute ownership of a piece
in grammar books: langue •form of
of land: freehold, fee simple •hold-
a language used by ordinary people:
ing of land for a period of years: lease-
demotic • regional or social subform
hold »land held by lease: holding
of a language: dialect •language
• terms under which land is held: ten-
spoken by a person from early child-
ure • tenancy for a fixed period: term
hood: mother tongue •person who
of years •person who buys up land
has learnt a language thus: native
in order to build on it: developer *a
speaker •distinctive language of
government's right to take privately
an individual: idiolect ©language
owned land into public use: eminent
shared by several nations: koine • de-
domain • the taking of such land: ex-
noting a language currently spoken:
propriation ©open land upon which
living •denoting a language no
development is not permitted: white
longer spoken: dead •denoting a
land • preserved open land round a
group of languages that includes
city: green belt
Arabic and Hebrew: Semitic •denot-
landlord ©money paid to the land- ing a group of languages derived from
lord by an incoming tenant: key an earlier form of German: Germanic
193 language lava |

• denoting a group of languages de- • basic meaning unit in a language:

rived from Latin: Romance •denot- semanteme, sememe ©basic word
ing a group of languages that includes unit in a language:morpheme • per-
Russian and Serbo-Croat: Slavic son skilled in foreign languages: lin-
• language used by speakers having guist • in or knowing one language:
no common native tongue: lingua monoglot, monolingual •foreign
franca ©simple trading language language teaching using only the lan-
drawn from several sources: pidgin guage taught: direct method •room
• form of a native language that has with electronic gadgetry for language-
been heavily influenced by a pidgin: learners: language laboratory
Creole • artificial language proposed
for international use: Esperanto ©a large •combining forms: macro-
further language developed from Es- (e.g.macroeconomics), mega- (e.g.
peranto: Ido •artificial language for megaphone), megalo- (e.g. megalop-
scientistsand technicians: Interlingua olis) ©remarkably or unnaturally
• language in which words are in- large: gigantic, prodigious ©exces-
flected by changes of pitch: tone lan- sively large: inordinate ©extra-large:
guage • language used to analyse an- outsize
king-sized, ©quite large:
other: metalanguage •denoting a queen-sized ©large and bulky: un-
language spoken with many mistakes: wieldy
broken •handbook of useful sen-
larynx •adjective: laryngeal ©in-
tences in a foreign language: phrase
flammation of the larynx: laryngitis
book • temporary ability to speak in
• instrument for examining the lar-
a language normally unknown to the
ynx: laryngoscope •surgical inci-
speaker: glossolalia •in, or able to
sion into the larynx: laryngotomy
speak, two languages: bilingual ©in,
• study of the larynx: laryngology
or able to speak, three languages: tri-
lingual • in, or able to speak, several laser • laser using microwaves:
languages: polyglot *in a mixture of maser • laser-generated three-
languages: macaronic • study of lan- dimensional image: hologram
guage: linguistics ©study of lan- • American defence programme using
guage as a series of interrelated sys- satellite-mounted lasers: star wars,
tems: structural linguistics «use of strategic defence initiative
computer techniques to analyse lan-
guage: computational linguistics last ©last event: finale ©last but
• collection of machine-readable texts one: penultimate ©last but two: ante-
for computer analysis: corpus • an- penultimate ©long-lasting: peren-
alysis of related languages to recon- nial
struct their common source: com-
lathe ©lathe spindle: mandrel
parative linguistics • study of
• lathe's adjustable holder for the
language in relation to social factors:
workpiece: chuck ©person working
sociolinguistics • study of the his-

tory of languages: philology ©study

wood on a lathe: turner

of language sounds: phonology laugh • half-suppressed laugh:

• spelling rules for a language: or- chuckle, snigger • causing laughter:
thography • rules for using a lan- risible
guage: grammar ©basic sound unit
in a language: phoneme ©pitched lava •denoting rock composed of
phoneme in a tone language: toneme lava: igneous
lavatory |
law 194

lavatory • adjective: lavatorial • suspension or postponement of legal

• outside lavatory: privy • denoting a proceedings: stay •denoting a harsh
lavatory in use: engaged •denoting law: draconian •strict enforcement
a lavatory not in use: vacant •com- of a law: zero tolerance ©freedom of
partment for one person in a lavatory: action under the law: civil liberty, civil
stall rights •through lack of concern for
the law or facts: per incuriam
law •adjective: legal ©law govern-
• breach of a law: infringement ©de-
ing the punishment of offenders:
liberate disobedience of certain laws
criminal law •law governing rela-
as a protest: civil disobedience
tions between citizens: civil law, pri-
•law governing relations • law's provision for conscientious ob-
vate law
jection: conscience clause •true
between citizens and the state: public
sense of a law: intendment •foreign
law ©law governing doctors: medical
jurisprudence ©law of retaliation: diplomats' immunity to local laws:

lex talionis ©law of the country in

diplomatic immunity • official ratifi-
which the offence was committed: lex cation of a law: sanction •required
loci • law of the country in which the
by law: (of a person) liable, {of a thing
case is heard: lex fori •written law or act) compulsory •meet the law's
made by parliament: statute law requirements: comply •extreme |

• law derived from custom and judi- strictness in interpreting or imple-

cial precedent: common law ©law as menting the law: rigorism • break a
established by the outcome of former law: contravene •revoke a law: re-
cases: case law • set of basic laws or peal, rescind ©seize after legal in-
principles by which a state is gov- fringement: impound • branch of the
erned: constitution •collection of law dealing with ships and the sea: ad-
laws: code, digest •complete collec- miralty • denoting legally acceptable
tion of laws: pandect • draft law sub- evidence: admissible •legal trick-
mitted for parliamentary discussion: ery: chicanery •academic study of
bill • text of a law as approved by par- law: jurisprudence •denoting a per-
liament: act •local law: by-law son engaged or acting for the duration f

• international law: ius gentium of a lawsuit: ad litem • advise an ar-

• Jewish law: Halacha • church law: rested person of his legal rights: cau- |

canon law •expert in canon law: tion •denoting a legal system in 5

canonist •collection of canon law which a prosecutor argues his case be- \

decisions: Decretum ©law setting fore an independent judge: accusator- [

time limits for commencement of cer- ial • denoting a legal system in which s

tain actions: statute of limitations the judge himself conducts the pros- ]
• law no longer observed: dead letter ecution: inquisitorial •official order :

• denoting laws intended to govern having the force of law: decree ©per- :

past offences: retroactive, retrospect- mitted by law: legal, licit •in accord-
ive • person below the age of full ance with the law: lawful •in ]
legal responsibility: infant, minor acordance with a cited law: pursuant *

• person no longer protected by the to ©beyond one's legal power: ultra

law: outlaw •universal moral prin- vires •weakening flaw in a law: n
ciples: natural law • general law or loophole •having no legal force: null J
principle: canon • legal concept of • declare an activity illegal: criminal- d
natural justice: equity • legal re- ize • cease to regard an activity as il- ^<
dress: remedy • legal theory: juris- legal: decriminalize ©failure to per- i]
prudence • legal expert: jurist form an act required by law: 1
195 lawcourt |

nonfeasance •legal categorization command: writ • order for a person

of a minor crime: common •legal to attend a court: summons, sub-
term for personal possessions: goods poena, process •bond paid into
and chattels • legal term for serious court to guarantee return: bail, recog-
deliberate injury: grievous bodily nizance • argument presented in
harm • legal term for less serious de- court: submission •trial conducted
liberate injury: actual bodily harm in court: proceedings •court's de-
• legal controls over use of electronic cision: judgement •give this: pass
data: data protection • legal work on judgement ©delay giving this: re-
transfer of property: conveyancing serve judgement •court's declar-
• legal charges: costs •temporary ation of guilt: conviction •divorce
suspension of a law: amnesty • sus- court's judgement: decree •court's
pension of a nation's legal system cancellation of a claim: striking out
when under military government: • court's failure to reach a correct de-
martial law •not legally valid: void cision: miscarriage of justice
• outside legal control: extralegal • higher court's direction to a lower
>see also document, judge, jury, just- court: mandamus •reconsideration
ice, Muslim, sentence, verdict of a lower court's decision: review
lawcourt •adjective: judicial, jurid- • overturn the decision of a lower
ical • court for under-age offenders: court: quash, reverse •court order
youth court •circuit court taking seizing a debtor's assets: Mareva in-
criminal cases: Crown Court •court junction • court's seizure of assets:
for civil cases and judicial review: sequestration •court's assessment
High Court of Justice •division of of an act of some public body: judicial
this for commercial and maritime review •person sued: defendant
cases: Queen's Bench •division of • person bringing a suit: plaintiff
this for probate, bankruptcy, and • defendant's reply to the charge: plea
equity: Chancery ©division of this • understanding that if a lesser charge
for family law: Family • court for ap- is admitted a graver charge will be

peals against both civil and criminal dropped: plea-bargaining •judge-

judgements: Court of Appeal •gen- ment awarded on the defendant's fail-
eral title for the Crown, High, and Ap- ure to plead: judgement in default
peal courts: Supreme Court of Judi- • awaiting a court's decision: sub ju-
cature • rule book of the Supreme dice •period when lawcourts are
Court: White Book •military court: active: law term •period when
court martial {pi courts martial or lawcourts are closed: vacation
court martials) • court deciding • begin a court session: sit ©end a
claims for small sums of money: small court session: rise • pause in court
claims court ©court in which a case proceedings: recess, adjournment
is first heard: court of first instance • denoting an indefinite adjourn-
• court trying minor offences: court ment: sine die • court official's open-
of summary jurisdiction • court ing call for order: oyez ©fair treat-
whose decisions have weight as prece- ment in a court: due process ©at-
dents: superior court •unofficial tempt to frustrate a court's operation:
court: kangaroo court •denoting a contempt of court ©make atone-
topic within a court's jurisdiction: ment for this: purge contempt
cognizable, justiciable «a court's • done out of court: extrajudicial
power to decide a matter: compe- • deliberate delaying of court busi-
tence, jurisdiction •court's written ness: obstructionism •refusal to

lawsuit |
leaf 196

obey the court: contumacy >see also ari • schedule of cases for trial:
courtroom, evidence, jury, trial calendar •exemption from legal
proceedings: immunity
lawsuit ©a legal action: case, pro-
ceedings • start legal action against: lawyer ©senior UK law officers:
prosecute, sue • lawsuit whose de- Lord Chancellor, Lord Chief Justice,
cision will influence future decisions: Master of the Rolls, Attorney-
test case •obligation to prove one's General, Director of Public Prosecu-
case: burden of proof • essential tions ©principal Scottish law officer:
point of a case: gist, gravamen • case Lord Advocate • company official

waiting to be heard: lis pendens ensuring the legality of transactions:

• during litigation: pendente lite compliance officer ©legal draughts-
• unreasonable delay in bringing a man: notary ©engage a lawyer: in-
suit: laches •terminate a case struct ©lawyer who may speak for
through inadequate prosecution evi- his clients in the higher courts: bar-
dence: dismiss, nonsuit • argue a rister • barrister engaged to advise a
case in court: plead •arguments ad- client or appear for him in court:
vanced in a legal action: case •de- counsel {pi. same) ©lawyer advising
noting an indisputable case: open- clients, and appearing on their behalf

and-shut ©risk of a person put on in the lower courts: solicitor ©law-

trial: jeopardy • prosecution twice yer's objection to a member of the
for the same offence: double jeopardy jury: challenge ©lawyer's quotation
• murderer's plea of mental unbal- of a previous case: citation • lawyer's
ance: diminished responsibility questioning of a witness: examination
• document or other object produced • lawyer's questioning of a witness he
as evidence: exhibit •disclosure of or she has called: examination-
documents between parties: discov- in-chief • lawyer's questioning of a

ery • person involved in a lawsuit: person already examined by opposing

litigant, party •in the interests of counsel: cross-examination • state
one party only: ex parte ©enter a funding of a lawyer's fees: legal aid
lawsuit as a third party: intervene • lawyer's negligence or dishonesty:
• right to bring a suit: locus standi
{pi. ioci standi) ©judge's summary of layer ©thin surface layer: film, ven-
arguments at the end of a case: sum- eer • layer of laminated material: ply
ming up ©accept money to drop a • underlying layer: substrate, sub-
legal action: compound ©agreement stratum
reached by parties to a lawsuit: settle-
lead •combining form: plumb- (e.g.
ment ©denoting a lawsuit intended plumber, water pipes being formerly ,

to inconvenience the defendant: vex-

made of lead)
atious • assess just fees for a lawsuit:
tax ©eager to go to law: litigious leader • combining forms: -agogue,
• go to law: litigate ©listen to and -arch •nominal leader: figurehead,;,
judge a lawsuit: hear ©send a case to front man, puppet • leader of the
a higher court: commit • send a case rabble: demagogue • eldest member:
back to a lower court: remit •appli- of a group, perceived as its leader^
cation to a higher court for a decision patriarch, matriarch ©person most
to be reversed: appeal •person mak-
skilled in a particular field: doyen |

ing such an application: appellant

{fern, doyenne)
• higher court's request to review leaf • combining forms: foli-, phyllo-
proceedings of a lower court: certior- • adjectives: foliaceous, foliate
197 leap year |

• leaves in general: foliage ©leaf at converting an animal skin to leather:

the edge of a flower: bract •com- tanning • denoting untanned leather:
pound leaf of a fern or palm: frond green ©grease used for waterproof-
• denoting leaves of several colours: ing leather: dubbin
variegated •decorated with leaves: leave ©long leave granted to mis-
foliate • leaf-stalk: petiole ©circle of sionaries or services personnel: fur-
leaves: whorl ©leaves heaped up by lough ©sailor's time spent
the wind: drift • strip the leaves from: ashore: liberty, shore leave ©leave to
defoliate •chemical used to destroy be absent from school: exeat ©paid
leaves: defoliant «pest killing vine leave granted to a university teacher:
leaves: phylloxera sabbatical • leave taken without ask-
leap year • adjective: bissextile ing permission: French leave ©leave
hastily: decamp ©leave out: omit
learner • person learning a trade by
assisting a skilled worker for a fixed left •combining form: laevo- (e.g.

period: apprentice laevorotatory) •adjective: sinistral

• left-hand page in a book: verso
learning • learning from a course in • left-handed person: southpaw •left
a book or computer: programmed
side of a ship as seen by one facing its
learning •learning through tapes
prow: port
played while asleep: hypnopaedia
• learning by controlled trial and
leg •adjective: crural ©legs curving

error: heuristic •mechanical repeti-

out at the knee: bandy legs, bow legs
tion as a learning tool: fote ©re- • legs curving in at the knee: knock
peated practice as an aid to learning:
knees ©upper leg: thigh ©principal
drill »age at which a skill is most bone of the upper leg: thighbone,
easily learnt: critical period • condi-
femur • bone covering the knee joint:
tion causing learning difficulties:
kneecap, patella •front of the lower
learning disability •point in a leg: shin •fleshy part of the lower
course at which many give up: pons leg: calf •swollen vein on the leg:
asinorum • card held up for pupils to varicose vein •with an injured leg:
see: flashcard
lame • imagined one-legged creature:
monopod • metal leg-splint: calliper
lease •person granting a lease: les- • Manx emblem of three legs: triskel-
sor ©person taking a lease: lessee ion
• property's return to its owners at
leisure •leisure activity: hobby
the end of a lease: reversion
• building housing leisure facilities:
leather ©supple leather used to leisure complex
clean cars and windows: chamois,
lemon •adjectives: citric, citrous,
wash leather • leather formerly used
citrine ©spongy tissue inside an
for writing on: parchment •leather
lemon skin: pith
from a young goat: kid • brushed kid:
suede • outer surface of leather: lender ©person lending money to fi-

grain, grain side • narrow strip of nance a film or play: angel

leather: thong • leather strip for lens ©lens nearest the object ob-
sharpening razors: strop ©leather served: objective ©wide-angle lens:
strap formerly used to punish Scottish fisheye ©lens giving wide-screen
schoolchildren: tawse • impressed effects: anamorphic lens ©lens with
ornamentation on leather: tooling a long focal length: telephoto lens
• denoting highly polished leather: • camera lens allowing smooth transi-
glace, patent •chemical process tion from close to long shots: zoom

Lent |
level 198

lens •lens used to start a fire: burn- pitality: Collins •letter with stand-
ing glass • denoting a lens flat one ardized wording: form letter •sheet
side and convex the other: planocon- of thin paper foldable to make its own
vex • denoting a lens flat one side envelope: air letter, aerogram me
and concave the other: planoconcave • transport of letters by air: airmail
• point on a lens at which light rays • town in which letters are sorted:
converge: focal point, focus •vari- post town •letter that cannot be de-
able opening for a camera lens: aper- livered: deadletter •post office de-
ture • distance between the centre of partment holding letters until col-
a lens and its focus: focal length lected: poste restante •opening
• object as seen through a lens: image greeting in a letter: salutation • com-
• uneven focus of an eye due to a fault municate by letter: correspond
in the cornea or lens: astigmatism • person with whom one is acquainted
• counterbalanced camera platform only by letters: penfriend ©educa-
that can be raised or turned: crane
tion conducted by post: correspond-
Lent ©pre-lenten festivities: carni- ence course, distance learning
val, Mardi Gras©day before Lent: • message added to a letter after the
Shrove Tuesday •first day of Lent: writer's signature: postscript
Ash Wednesday •penultimate week
of Lent: Passion Week ©last week of
letter 2 •adjective: literal ©letter -

Lent: Holy Week

written above the line: superscript i

• letter written below the line: sub- *

leprosy •adjective: leprous •lep-

script ©part of a letter that rises s
rous person: leper
above the mid-point of a line of text: !j

lesbian • lesbian who takes the ascender • part of a letter that sinks a
dominant role: butch •lesbian who below the line of text: descender.
takes the passive role: femme ©les-
• denoting a letter not a capital:
bian simulating male sexual move-
lower-case •denoting a capital let- :

ments upon her partner: tribade upper-case •pair of letters

letter •adjective: epistolary ©let- making a single sound: digraph •se-

ter explaining other material ac- quence of letters reading the same'
companying it: covering letter ©am- backwards and forwards: palindrome
bassador's letter of introduction: let- • design of interwoven letters: mono-
ter of credence ©letter sent to all gram • consisting of both letters and
bishops by the Pope: encyclical numbers: alphanumeric • write out
• bishop's letter to all his clergy: pas-
in the letters of a different alphabet:
toral letter ©sovereign's letter nom-
inating a bishop: letter missive
• sovereign's letter appointing a mili- lettuce • tall thin lettuce: cos •let )

tary officer: commission •letter tuce's tight head: heart

sent to many persons simultaneously:
leukaemia • abnormal white blood,
circular • letter addressed to one per-
cell:lymphoblast •blood cell with)
son but intended for publication:
an overlarge nucleus: myeloblast
open letter • letter which each re-
cipient is asked to copy out and send level •combining form: piano- (e.g
to several others: chain letter •ma- planoconvex) ©social level: stratum
licious anonymous letter: poison pen echelon ©device with an air-bubble
letter • letter sent by a woman break- in liquid, to show if surfaces are level
ing off a relationship: Dear John spirit level ©set level to each other
• conventional letter of thanks for hos- making a single flat surface: flush
199 lever |

lever •foot-operated lever: treadle life • combining forms: bio-, vit-

• point on which a lever turns: ful- • adjectives: animate, vital • long life:
crum ©power exerted by a lever: le- longevity •life of pleasure: la dolce
verage vita ©life after death: afterlife, the
other world • expected lifespan: nat-
liability • legal transfer of a liabil-
assignment •secure against li- ural •bring back to life: resusci-
tate, reanimate, revivify •weariness
ability: indemnify
of life: taedium vitae •account of a
library • library entitled to a copy of person's life: biography •person's
every new UK book: copyright library account of his own life: autobiog-
• library whose books may be con- raphy • prepare a person to resume
sulted but not borrowed: reference li-
normal life: rehabilitate •bodily pro-
brary • library store with compact
cesses that support life: metabolism
shelving: stack •library employee:
• clinical measurement of bodily func-
librarian •list of books held in a li-
tions as indication of continued life:
brary: catalogue •consolidated cata-
vital signs
logue of a group of libraries: union
catalogue ©library decimal system lifeboat • ship's crane for a lifeboat:
of topic classification: Dewey decimal davit
system ©note a library book
in lifestyle ©organized lifestyle: re-
showing where shelved: shelf
it is
gime, regimen ©lifestyle affording
mark • person entitled to use a li-
only the basic necessities: poverty
brary: reader ©reader's cubicle in a
line ©lifestyle seldom seen by the
library: carrel •denoting a library general public: underlife ©study of
book past its return date: overdue social statistics as an index of chan-
lice • louse egg: nit •infestation ging lifestyles: demography
with lice:pediculosis • infested with
lift in a restaurant:
©lift for food
lice: lousy
dumb waiter ©continuously moving
licence •licence allowing alcoholic lift with doorless compartments:
drinks to be served with meals: table paternoster ©space within which a
licence •licence allowing the sale of lift operates: shaft see also hoist
alcoholic drinks for consumption else-
light •combining forms: lumin-,
where: off-licence • driving licence's
photo- (e.g. photosynthesis) •adjec-
note of penalty points incurred: en-
tive: photic ©soft tremulous light:
dorsement • accumulation of these:
shimmer ©soft light when the sun is
just below the horizon: twilight
lie •lying face, downwards: prone,

• flash or sparkle of light: scintillation

prostrate•lying face upwards: re- • northern lights: aurora boreaiis
cumbent, supine •lie about in mud • southern lights: aurora australis
or water: wallow • moving light seen over marshes:
lie 2 • adjective: mendacious ©lie will-o'-the-wisp, ignis fatuus •light
told to avoid a greater evil: white lie set in a high place to convey a signal:
• published false and damaging state- beacon •strong turnable outdoor
ment: libel ©false and damaging oral light: searchlight •bright signal
statement: slander ©telling lies light shot into the air: flare • device
when under oath to speak the truth: emitting a bright light at fixed inter-
perjury ©alleged lie detector: poly- vals: stroboscope, strobe •strong
graph light for filming: klieg light ©device
| 1,,

light | lion 200

generating an intense light beam: guish a light: douse • study of light

laser •ultraviolet light for suntan- and its behaviour: optics
ning: sunlamp ©oil lamp for high lighthouse •lighthouse beam regu-
winds: hurricane lamp, storm lantern larly obscured for a few seconds: oc-
• overnight bedside light: night light culting light
• floor-based lamp with a tall stem:
lightning ©jagged lightning flash:
standard lamp • small coloured elec-

bolt, forked lightning • diffused

tric lights: fairy lights •decorative
lightning: sheet lightning •wire di- ;

lights: illuminations • ship's or

verting lightning from a building: ,

aircraft's position lights: navigation

lightning conductor
Eights, running lights, sidelights
like • combining forms: -eous (e.g. 1

• incandescent wire in an electric

aqueous), -esque {e.g. Junoesque),
light: filament •device varying an ,

-ine (e.g. asinine), -ish (e.g. girlish)

electric light's brightness: dimmer ,

-oid (e.g. deltoid), -ose (e.g. ramose)

• electric two small
light fitting with \

projecting bayonet
pins: fitting liker •combining forms: phil(o)- (e.g. :

• glass container for an electric light philhellene), -phile (e.g. bibliophile)

filament: envelope •light made from Siking • special liking: predilection ]

a hollowed-out turnip: jack-o'-lantern iimfo • gradual stretching of a dis-

• heatless emission of light: fluores- located limb: extension, traction
cence, luminescence, phosphores- • sea animal's broad flat limb: flipper
cence • light emission caused by in- • surgical removal of a limb: amputa-
tense heat: incandescence tion ©person who has had a limb re- \

• emission of light from a chemical re- moved: amputee

action: chemiluminescence •emis-
lime • lime obtained by heating lime-
sion of light by living organisms: bio-
stone: quicklime •quicklime after
luminescence • transmission of
treatment with water: slaked lime
light signals along fine glass fibres:
limit • upper limit: ceiling • upper
fibre optics •treatment of light and
cap •having limits:
financial limit:
shade in a painting: chiaroscuro
finite •having no preset limit: open-
• use of light as a medical treatment:
ended ©keep within limits: contain
phototherapy •bending of light
waves passing between media: refrac- line 9 adjectives: lineal, linear ©im-
tion • illumination of buildings by aginary line about which a body ro-
natural light: daylighting •allowing tates: axis ©line of latitude: parallel
the passage of light: diaphanous, • line of longitude: meridian • line of I

translucent ©not allowing the pas- persons walking in pairs: crocodilei

sage of light: opaque •reacting to >see also straight line
light: photosensitive •moving to- linen ©fine white linen: cambric
wards or activated by light: • square of linen etc. used at table toj I

photopositive ©extreme sensitivity wipe the mouth: napkin

to light: photophobia ©plant's use of lion leonine
•adjective: • young
light for foodmaking: photosynthesis lion: cub
•offspring of a male lioni
• plant's turning towards light: photo- and tigress: ligon •offspring of ai
tropism • instrument measuring male tiger and a lioness: tigon
light intensity: photometer ©break • lion's neck hair: mane • injuries i

light into its constituent colours: dif- inflicted by a lion: mauling ©group
fract ©restrict light- wave vibrations of lions: pride ©astrological term:
to a single direction: polarize ©extin- leo
201 lip |

lip •combining form: labi(o)- • ad- ment ©draw off liquid from a sedi-
jective: labial •discontented expres- ment: rack • denoting a liquid cloudy
sion made by turning out the lips: with suspended matter: turbid • med-
pout, moue ical device for administering tiny
amounts of a liquid: drip feed •med-
liqueur •liqueur flavoured with al-
ical device producing a fine liquid
monds or fruit kernels: ratafia
spray: nebulizer • operated by liquid
• cherry liqueur: maraschino •Ger-
pressure: hydraulic •allowing the
man caraway-flavoured liqueur: kum-
passage of liquid: permeable, pervi-
mel •Italian aniseed-flavoured li-
ous, porous ©slow passage of a li-
queur: sambuca •rum-based
coffee-flavoured liqueur: Tia Maria™
quid: seepage ©loss of liquid
through leakage or evaporation: ull-
liquid ©liquid to swill round the age ©cool a liquid below freezing
mouth and throat: gargle, mouth- point without solidification: super-
wash • thick sweet liquid for food or cool ©turn from liquid into vapour:
medicines: syrup •liquid present evaporate ©heat a liquid above boil-
naturally in the mouth: saliva •li- ing point without evaporation: super-
quid remaining after cooking: liquor heat ©container for liquid: jerrycan
• rich liquor used in soups and • electric heating element placed in li-
sauces: stock ©remnants of liquid:
quid: immersion heater
dregs ©vast surplus stock of a li-
quid: lake ©liquid waste or sewage:
list • official list: register ©un-
effluent ©milky liquid found in weeded list: longlist •weeded list:

plants: latex ©hot liquid beneath the

shortlist • list of the actors in a play,
earth's crust: magma ©(of a liquid) showing what parts they take: cast
list • list of addresses for information
give off bubbles: effervesce • liquid's
curved upper surface: meniscus to be sent to: mailing list •alphabet-

• become liquid: deliquesce •be- ical topic list with references: index

coming liquid: liquescent •becom- • exhaustive list: catalogue •anno-

ing liquid temporarily when shaken tated list: catalogue raisonne •list
or stirred: thixotropic •liquefied by of best-selling records: charts • list of
extreme heat: molten ©dip into a li- biblical readings: lectionary •list of
quid: dunk ©soak thoroughly in a li- books: bibliography •list of books
quid: impregnate, saturate, souse, held in a library: catalogue •pub-
steep © soften by soaking in a liquid: lisher's list of earlier books still in
macerate ©place in a liquid to fla- print: backlist • list of a book's print-
vour it etc.: infuse, steep ©injure by ing errors: errata •list of candidates
contact with hot liquid: scald for final choice: shortlist ©list of a
• thickness of a liquid: consistency political party's candidates for office:
• instrument measuring this: slate ©consolidated catalogue of a
densimeter, hydrometer •instru- group of libraries: union catalogue
ment measuring liquid pressure: piez- • list of characters in a play: dramatis
ometer ©slender tube for transfer- personae ©list of competitors in
ring liquids: pipette ©fine dispersion order of achievement: league table
of one liquid within another: emul- • list of computer files: directory
sion ©pressurized liquid in an aero- • computer's displayed list of com-
sol: propellant ©remove from the mands or facilities: menu • list of the
surface of a liquid: skim • drift to the contents of a house or store: inventory
bottom of a liquid: settle ©matter • list of contributors to a film, book,
settling to the bottom of a liquid: sedi- etc.: credits ©duty list: roster ©list
listen |
liver 202

of employees and their wages: payroll tion: rubric •liturgical worship

• list of events and participants at a viewed as man's duty to God: opus
race meeting: card •list of events Dei • daily cycle of public prayers for

with timings: schedule • list of films: priests and religious: Divine Office
filmography • list of foods eaten or to • Roman Catholic Communion ser- ^

be eaten: diet ©list of goods held: In- vice: Mass ©Anglican morning ser-
ventory • list of goods sent: invoice vice: matins, morning prayer ©An-
• list of important items: hot list glican evening service: evensong,
• list of items covered by a legal docu- evening prayer ©service on the eve r,

ment: schedule •list of items for of a feast: vigil ©daily services of

sale or on show: catalogue •list of psalms and prayers: hours, matins,
map symbols and their meanings: key lauds, prime, terce, sext, nones, ves-
• list of members of a miltary unit or pers, compline ©final office of the
ship's company: muster roll •list of day: compline ©sequence of services r

names: roll •list of addresses, tele- on nine successive days: novena

phone numbers, etc.: directory •list • denoting a service without music: I

of nobles: peerage •list of passen- plain ©part of the liturgy unchanged i

gers or parcels carried on a vehicle: on most occasions: common ©litur- i

waybill •list of aircraft or ship pas- gical text particular to the day: proper i

sengers or cargo: manifest •list of a • series of petitions and responses: lit- i

performer's recordings: discography any • short sentence said or sung by ;

• list of persons to be attacked or the minister: versicle • reply by the t

killed: hit list •list of persons con- choir or congregation: response :

sidered undesirable: blacklist ©list • biblical extract sung in the liturgy: i

of persons entitled to vote: electoral canticle •biblical passage read litur- i|

roll •list of persons refused certain gically: lesson ©prayer appointed 3

rights or services: stop list •list of for the day: collect ©money collec- 1

priority tasks: hot list ©list of re- tion at a service: offertory ©person
cordings broadcast on a radio pro- singing solo parts of the liturgy: can- ,

gramme: play list ©restaurant's list tor, precentor ©cleric in charge of a 1

of available dishes: menu •list of service: officiant, celebrant ©assimi- 2

things to be done: agenda, checklist lation of the liturgy to a foreign mi-

• list of towns, countries, etc.: gazet- lieu: inculturation ©study of litur- ]

teer • list of words in a text: con- gies: liturgies, liturgiology

cordance, glossary, vocabulary • of-
live ©living alone: solitary ©living
ficial list of medicines, with
for ever: immortal ©living on land:
instructions for preparation and dos-
terrestrial ©able to live on land and
age: pharmacopoeia
in water: amphibious ©living in
listen ©listen in secretly: eaves- trees: arboreal ©living in or near J

drop water: aquatic ©living in the sea:


literature ©factual literature: non- marine

fiction ©person knowing about lit-
liver • combining form: hepat- •ad-"
erature: litterateur ©traditional liter-
jective: hepatic • inflammation of the
ary theme: topos

liver: hepatitis • degeneration of the j

liturgy • adjective: liturgical ©litur- liver: cirrhosis ©enlargement of the 3

gical ceremony, or set of these: rite, rit- liver: hepatomegaly ©liver cancer: n
ual • liturgical ceremony bestowing hepatoma • anticoagulant occurring I

divine grace: sacrament •liturgical in the liver: heparin • damaging liver i

march: procession • liturgical direc- cells: hepatotoxic • surgical removal i
203 Liverpool |

of the liver: hepatectomy •ball of tied ©denoting a loan whose repay-

seasoned chopped liver: faggot ment is guaranteed against another
asset: secured ©denoting a loan
Liverpool •adjective: Liverpudlian
available on easy terms: soft ©denot-
livestock •round up and steal live-
ing a loan available at high rates of
stock: rustle •livestock diarrhoea: interest: tight ©original sum lent:
scours ©acute skin disease of live- principal ©asset pledged as security
stock: anthrax for a loan: collateral ©conveyance of
living organisms • progressive de- property as security to a creditor or
velopment of living organisms over the loan thus obtained: mortgage
the millennia: evolution •theory • loan certificate promising fixed
deriving all earthly life from terms of repayment: bond ©bank
micro-organisms in outer space: document underwriting specified
panspermia •denoting living organ- loans on another bank to be taken out
isms: biotic • able to be decomposed by the bearer: letter of credit • credit
by the natural activity of living organ- that is automatically renewed as debts
isms: biodegradable • regions of the are paid off: revolving credit •spe-
earth's crust and atmosphere in- cial credits available to members of
habited by living organisms: bio- the International Monetary Fund:
sphere ©test of a substance's special drawing rights ©lender's ad-
strength by applying it to living cells ministration charge: origination fee
or tissues: bioassay • study of living • company providing loans for hire-
organisms: biology, physiology purchase agreements: finance com-
• study of chemical processes within pany, finance house ©interbank
living organisms: biochemistry • ap- trading of short-term loans: money
plication of the principles of physics market ©person lending money at
biophysics ©be-
to living organisms: high rates of interest: usurer ©per-
lief that humans
are no more import- son making loans on security of art-
ant than other living beings: icles deposited with him: pawnbroker
biocentrism • destruction of all life: • failure to repay a loan: default see
biocide also debt
lizard •combining forms: saur-, lobster •male lobster: cock • fe-
-saur, -saurus (e.g. brontosaurus) male lobster: hen • rich lobster soup:
• adjective: saurian ©lizard that can bisque ©lobster cooked in a cream
change its colour for camouflage: cha- sauce: lobster thermidor
meleon ©huge prehistoric lizard: local ©local and petty: insular,
dinosaur ©mythical lizard said to parish-pump, parochial
live in fire: salamander
local government ©smallest
load ©intrinsic weight of a vehicle rural unit: civil parish ©smallest re-
or structure: dead load ©weight of gion having a council and full bureau-
people or goods in a vehicle or struc- cracy: district ©administrative tier
ture: live load ©maximum load a ma- above this: county
©official auditing
chine or structure is designed to bear: local authority accounts: district au-
working load ditor
loan ©loan at fixed term and fixed locomotive • steam locomotive
interest: debenture ©amount of carrying its own fuel and water: tank
credit extended to a borrower: line of engine •locomotive's grip of the
credit ©denoting a loan made under rails: traction•part of a locomotive
conditions as to how it may be spent: where its crew work: cab, footplate
lock |
lorry 204

• powered wheel of a locomotive: driv- circularity, petitio principii©system

ing wheel •unpowered wheel of a of logic: organon ©system of logical
locomotive: trailing wheel •extend- reasoning that moves from a general [

ing framework connecting a locomo- rule to a particular instance: deduc-

tivewith overhead power lines: panto- tion ©system of logical reasoning
graph ©truck coupled to a steam that derives a general rule from par-

locomotive, with supplies of fuel and ticular instances: induction ©system

water: tender •revolving platform of reasoning from two premises to a
turning a locomotive: turntable conclusion: syllogism ©reasoning J

• person collecting locomotive num- expressed by a system of symbols: 1

bers as a hobby: trainspotter symbolic logic ©reasonable assump- J

tion from evidence available: infer-

lock •lock opened by selecting a se-
quence of figures etc.: combination
ence • interminable chain of reason-
ing: 'infinite regress ©set of rules to
lock ©lock opened only by a key:
©lock that cannot be be followed in performing a logical
process: algorithm ©logical propos-
opened until a preset time: time lock
ition that is verified by the meanings
• lock with a pivoted hook: padlock
of the words that make it: analytic
• lock set into a door: mortise lock
proposition ©logical justification:
• ridge or bar in a lock preventing its
rationale ©logical refutation: elen-
operation by an incorrect key: ward
• pivoted part of a lock restraining the
bolt: tumbler loin • adjective: lumbar
lodgings ©person letting out lodg- London ©native of east central Lon-
ings: landlord, landlady don: cockney
logic • statement used as a basis for long •combining form: macro- (e.g.
argument: premise, premiss • as- macroevolution) • long and thin: lank,
serted proposition: position ©as- lanky •make longer: elongate
sumed •prop-
proposition: postulate • lengthy undertaking: marathon
osition following from one already
look •threatening or sullen look:
proved: corollary ©proposition as- lour •lecherous look: leer, ogle
serted of all members of a class: uni-
• look believed to harm the person re-
versal • proposition asserted of some
garded: evil eye ©look over carefully
members of a class: particular • limit or quickly scan • look with the eyes
a proposition's scope: quantify
partly closed: squint
• false step in reasoning: fallacy, non
sequitur, paralogism • deceptively Lord's Prayer • Latin name: pater-

plausible step in reasoning: sophism, noster

paralogism ©disproof of a propos- lorry •low-sided lorry: low-loader, I

ition by demonstrating the absurdity pickup ©large covered lorry: pan-: 1

of its consequences: reductio ad technicon ©light covered lorry: van

absurdum (pi. reductiones ad • small low-sided van: pickup, pickup 1
absurdum) • disproof of a proposition truck ©lorry equipped to carry li-

never advanced: ignoratio elenchi (pi. quids in bulk: tanker ©lorry's un- i

ignorationes elenchi) •denoting a laden weight: tare • denoting a lorry ]

proposition verifiable by linguistic an- having a pivot between the cab and i
alysis: analytic •denoting a propos- the load-bearing part: articulated

ition verifiable by recourse to experi- • articulated lorry's skid into a V i

ence: synthetic ©logical fault of shape: jackknife ©device recording a ;

assuming what one sets out to prove: lorry driver's speeds and spells of i
205 loss I

driving: tachograph •radiating set lung •combining form: pneumo-

of elastic ties securing the load: spi- • adjective: pulmonary • membrane
der surrounding the lungs: pleura (pl-
pleurae) •inflammation of the
loss •temporary loss: misplace-
plurae: pleurisy • artery supplying
ment • excess of expenditure over in-
the lungs: pulmonary artery •tube
come: deficit
carrying air to the bronchi: trachea,
loud • loud and harsh: strident •de- windpipe •principal air passage of
gree of loudness: volume the lungs: bronchus (pi bronchi)
loudspeaker • loudspeaker for low- • subsidiary air passage in the lungs:
pitched sounds: woofer •loud- bronchiole ©drug taken by asth-
speaker for high-pitched sounds: matics to widen the bronchi: broncho-
tweeter dilator ©inflammation of the mucus
membrane of the bronchi: bronchitis
louse • louse infestation: pedicu-
• damage to the air sacs of the lungs:
losis ©louse infecting the genital
emphysema •bacterial infection
hair: crab louse ©egg of the human
causing inflammation of a lung: pneu-
head louse: nit
monia • pneumonia affecting both
love • combining forms: phil- (e.g. lungs: double pneumonia •rattle
phiShe!!enism), -phiiia (e.g. necrophilia) heard in unhealthy lungs: rale
• adjectives: amorous, amatory • 'black lung' or 'coal miner's lung'
• adolescent love: calf love, puppy caused by inhalation of coal dust:
love • intense and uncritical love: in- anthracosis, pneumoconiosis
fatuation • shortlived infatuation: • 'brown lung' caused by inhalation of
crush •secret love affair: intrigue textile dust: byssinosis •lung dis-
•affection feigned in order to obtain ease from inhalation of asbestos par-
something: cupboard love ticles: asbestosis •lung disease
lover •combining form: -phile (e.g. from silica inhalation: silicosis

francophile) ©married woman's male

• lung disease with growth of nodules:
tuberculosis •instruments measur-
lover: cicisbeo • married man's fe-
ing lung capacity: peak flow meter,
male lover: mistress ©male lover
spirometer •surgical removal of
younger that his partner: gigolo, toy
boy •lovers' secret meeting: assig- lung scars: decortication •surgical
nation, tryst
removal of a lung: pneumonectomy
• denoting the heart and lungs: car-
loyalty ©group loyalty: esprit de diopulmonary, cardiorespiratory
corps • loyalty owed to one's super-
iors: allegiance • extreme loyalty to lute •long-necked lute: theorbo
one's own country, people, sex, etc.:
• Indian bowed lute: sarod ©long-
chauvinism necked Indian lute: sitar ©long-
necked Italian lute: chitarrone ©lute
luggage ©large rigid-framed case: player: lutenist, lutist ©lute maker:
trunk • small case for cosmetics: van- luthier, lutist
ity bag •rotating luggage delivery
system: carousel lymph •combining form: lymph-
• adjective: lymphatic ©lymph niter:
lump • lump of flesh or food: gobbet
lymph gland, lymph node •cancer
• separate out into lumps: curdle
of these: lymphoma •white blood
lunch • breakfast and lunch com- cell in the lymphatic system:
bined: brunch lymphocyte
machine •adjective: mechanical operational: commission ©adjust
• rotary machine driven by a flow of machinery for smooth running: regu-
water etc.: turbine •machine dis- late, set ©periodic inspection and
pensing money: cashpoint •ma- maintenance of a machine: service
chine dispensing small items when • take a machine apart: strip down
money is inserted: vending machine • take parts from one machine to re-
• gaming machine showing different pair another: cannibalize ©link ma-
combinations of fruits: fruit machine chinery to a drive: engage • abandon
• gaming machine token: jetton an activity to machines: mechanize
• coin-operated machine playing re- • electronic remote control of ma-
corded music: juke box • kitchen ma- chines: teleoperation •denoting a
chine for chopping or mixing food: machine activated by coins: coin-op
food processor • kitchen machine • denoting a machine part moving
for extracting juice: juicer • machine straight forward and backward: recip-
pressing wet laundry: mangle •ma- rocating ©raised walkway round a
chine shaping wood, metal, etc.: lathe large machine: catwalk
• machine hammering piles into the mad cow disease •technical
ground: piledriver •grinding ma- term: bovine spongiform encephal-
chine: mill •agricultural machine itis ©disease in humans, thought to
that reaps and threshes: combine har- be related to this: Creutzfeldt-Jakob
vester •cotton-separating machine: disease
gin •machine for hoisting or haul-
ing: winch, windlass •machine sep-
mad dog ©disease caused by the
arating out substances of different bite of a mad dog: rabies

densities: centrifuge •machine pol- made ©badly made: shoddy

ishing gems, glass, and metal: lapping • made to order bespoke
machine •machinery and other Madrid • adjective: Madrilenian
equipment developed in the light of
scientific advances: technology Mafia •Neapolitan Mafia: Camorra
• machine performing a complex ser- • US Mafia: Cosa Nostra • Mafia
ies of functions automatically: robot leader: padrone • leader of US Mafia:

• imagined machine resembling a capo, godfather •member of the

human being: robot •machine's
' Mafia: Mafioso • Mafia code of si-
regulating device: governor •ma- lence: omerta •Mafioso's sawn-off
chine's oil reservoir: sump •ma- shotgun: lupara
chine's sudden stop due to overload: magazine •magazine published at
stall ©person repairing or maintain- regular intervals: periodical •maga-
ing machines: mechanic ©person de- zine sold with a newspaper: supple-
signing or constructing machines: ment • magazine giving summaries
mechanician ©person who behaves of items published elsewhere: digest
like a machine: automaton ©person • profession's magazine: journal
opposed to the introduction of ma- • magazine for fans: fanzine • middle
chines: Luddite ©make a machine pages of a magazine: centrefold, cen-
207 magic male

tre spread •magazine section to be regarded collectively: the bench

detached and kept: pull-out •maga- • charge entered at a magistrate's
zine section regularly written by a court: information
named person: column ©large fold- magnetism • combining form:
out page: gatefold •loose page in a
magneto- ©magnet not needing an
magazine: insert, inset •magazine's
inducing current: permanent magnet
featured contributor: columnist
• magnet activated by an electric cur-
• magazine's treatment of a topic: cov-
rent: electromagnet • magnet with
erage • coverage consisting of photo-
poles at the sides: transverse magnet
graphs with linking text: photoessay
• electromagnet of coiled wire: solen-
• general article on a topic: feature
oid ©magnet's south-seeking pole:
• background article on a person in
negative pole ©magnet's north-
the news: profile ©female model ap-
seeking pole: positive pole ©bar
pearing on magazine covers: cover
across a magnet's poles: keeper, yoke
girl ©send articles to a magazine:
• area over which magnetism is opera-
contribute • text of a magazine item:
tive: magnetic field •region round
copy •pictures in a magazine: illus-
the earth governed by its own mag-
trations, plates ©drawn material in
a magazine: graphics ©shop selling
netic field: magnetosphere ©mag-
netic mineral: lodestone ©direction
magazines: newsagent
of a magnetic field: polarity • destroy
magic • magic to do good: white an object's magnetism: degauss
magic ©magic to do evil: black • electric generator using permanent
magic ©magic to foretell events: div- magnets: magneto •personal mag-
ination ©magic to summon up the netism: charisma
dead: necromancy ©West Indian
magic: obeah, voodoo ©tribal magi-
making • combining forms: -facient
(e.g. abortifacient), -faction (e.g. stu-
cian credited with healirig powers:
pefaction), -fic (e.g. pacific), -fication
witch doctor • object thought to have
magic powers: amulet, fetish, juju, (e.g. simplification), -genie (e.g. car-
talisman •five-pointed star: penta- cinogenic), genous (e.g. erogenous),

gram, pentangle •talisman with the -geny (e.g. orogeny)

pentagram on it: pentacle • West Af- majority • largest share of the votes
rican fetish: juju •magical beliefs cast: majority,simple majority
and practices: the occult • magic rit- • share containing more than half the
ual imitating the effects desired: sym- votes cast: absolute majority •over-
pathetic magic ©words said as a whelming majority of votes: landslide
magic spell: conjuration, incantation, • denoting a group unable to reach a
invocation ©magical potion: elixir majority decision: hung
• 'magic eye' used in burglar alarms
etc.: photoelectric cell
malaria • type of mosquito that car-
ries malaria: anopheles •drug that
magistrate •professional magis- cures malaria: quinine
trate with legal .training: stipendiary
magistrate • London stipendiary
Malayan •traditional Malayan vil-

magistrate: metropolitan magistrate

lage: kampong • Malayan communal
house: longhouse ©Malayan dagger:
• unpaid magistrate with no legal
training: lay magistrate ©county's
kris ©Malayan garment: sarong
chief magistrate: custos rotulorum male • combining forms: andro- (e.g.
(pi. custodes rotulorum) ©Channel Is- androgen) •male chromosome: Y
lands magistrate: jurat ©magistrates chromosome • relating to male
mammal manure | 208

sexuality: priapic ©aggressive male- • manager with direct production re- U

ness: machismo, laddism •denoting manager >see also t
sponsibility: line
a person displaying this: butch, businessman
macho • deprive of maleness: emas- Manchester •adjective: Mancu- H
culate • supposed male mid-life nian R

crisis: male menopause •male

spear side
mandrake ©mandrake root as a
members of a family: |
narcotic: mandragora
• denoting descent through the male
line: patrilineal •development of mania • mania for books: biblio-
male characteristics is women: viril- mania ©mania for drink: dipso- 1

ism mania ©mania for starting fires: 1

pyromania ©mania for power or [I
mammal •ape-like mammal: pri-
self-aggrandizement: megalomania n
mate • study of primates: primat-
• manic obsession with a single idea: M
ology ©sea mammal: cetacean
monomania • mania for stealing: [I
• thick-skinned mammal (e.g. rhi-
noceros): pachyderm •mammal
with incisor teeth: rodent •mammal manipulation • therapeutic ma- [I

that chews the cud: ruminant nipulation of bones: osteopathy

• manipulation of electoral boundar-
man •adjectives: male, virile
ies for party advantage: gerryman-
• primitive man viewed as uncivilized
and uncorrupted: noble savage • un-
married man: bachelor • man whose manner •combining form: -wise
wife has died: widower •boister- (e.g. otherwise) t

ously macho man: lad ©man whom manners ©code of good manners:
women find attractive: ladykiiler, etiquette ©considerate politeness:
lady's man •lustful man: satyr tact ©refined politeness: suavity, ur- J

• castrated man: eunuch ©man re- banity • affected good manners: gen- j

jecting traditional male attitudes: new tility, primness, prissiness • lively r

man ©man in charge of a public and cheeky: pert • excessively famil-

house: landlord ©man letting out iar: forward •offensively cool: off- 1

lodgings: landlord ©man over-eager hand ©rough and abrupt in manner: 1

to dress smartly: dandy, fop •rich unceremonious, uncouth ©denoting i

man persuing a life of pleasure: play- pleasant appearance and manner:

boy • denoting a womanish man: ef- personable
feminate • rule by men: patriarchy manufacture ©manufacturing ma- ]
• hatred of men: misandry ©party chinery or premises: plant ©finished 1
for men: stag party •mythical crea- article in a manufacturing process:
ture half man and half horse: cen- end product ©series of items pro- J

taur duced at one time: run ©savings J

management •management style through increased output: economy J

that reacts to problems rather than of scale • savings though diversifica- J

anticipating them: firefighting tion of output: economy of scope i

• management philosophy demanding • cost varying with level of output: J

enthusiastic commitment from all variable cost • theory advocating J

staff: Total Quality Management small flexible manufacturing units: j

manager •industrial manager or post-Fordism

proprietor: industrialist •person manure • decayed organic material i

managing large sums of money: finan- used as manure: compost •seabird a

cier • senior manager: executive excrement used as manure: guano J

209 manuscript market

• semi-liquid manure: slurry •sur- distances: scale • system repre-

face application of manure: top dress- senting the earth's surface upon a flat
ing ©clean out stables etc.: muck page: projection ©mark points on a
out map: plot • altitude of selected points
manuscript •manuscript written shown on a map: spot height •map-
ping of seas, lakes, and rivers: hydrog-
by the author of the text it contains:
raphy • map line plotting some equal
autograph • manuscript wholly writ-
ten by the author of the text it con-
value: isogram ©map line joining
points of equal height: contour line
tains: holograph •manuscript
• map line joining points of equal at-
erased and used again: palimpsest
• manuscript with a text written over
mospheric pressure: isobar ©map
line joining points of equal tempera-
an earlier text: palimpsest •manu-
script in book form: codex •decor-
ture: isotherm ©map line joining
points of equivalent winter tempera-
ate a manuscript: illuminate •pic-
ture or decorated capital letter in a
ture: isocheim ©map line joining
points of equivalent summer tempera-
manuscript: illumination, mini-
ature • manuscript's opening words:
ture: isothere ©map line joining
points of equal rainfall: isohyet
incipit •manuscript's closing words:
explicit •manuscript's closing state-
• network of lines on a map: grid • lo-
cation of a point using these: grid ref-
ment of production details: colophon
erence • system of letters or num-
• sheepskin or goatskin prepared for
bers by which a point on a map may
use as a manuscript: parchment
be identified: coordinates •first co-
• calfskin prepared for use as a manu-
ordinate in a grid reference: easting
script: vellum •person assessing
• second coordinate in a grid refer-
manuscripts offered to a publisher:
ence: northing •list of map symbols
and their meanings: key •transpar-
Manx ©Manx emblem of three legs: ent sheet placed over a map to give
triskelion extra information: overlay •this
many • combining forms: multi- (e.g. with grid markings: romer
multistorey), poly- {e.g. polyhedron) marble •adjective: marmoreal
Maori ©Maori greeting: kia ora • imitation marble made of painted
plaster: scagliola
map • map for sea or air navigation:
march ©fast march: forced march
chart ©map of the stars mounted on
• marching step with unbent legs:
a sphere: celestial globe ©map
showing contours by tinting or shad-
ing: relief map •lines used for hill- mark •reference mark: benchmark
shading: hachures •astrological • mark burnt onto livestock: brand
map for casting a horoscope: birth • dirty mark: smudge, smut
chart, natal chart ©large-scale map • blurred mark: smudge
of a small area: plan ©map-making: market ©market selling second-
cartography ©map-maker: cartog- hand goods: flea market ©oriental
rapher ©detailed mapping of an market: bazaar ©small specialized
area's natural features: topography market: niche ©market in which
• mapping of seas, lakes, and rivers: supply exceeds demand: buyer's mar-
hydrography •mapping of moun- ket ©market in which demand ex-
tains: orography, orology •investi- ceeds supply: seller's market ©con-
gate an area for mapping: survey trol of the market: corner ©portion
• ratio between actual and mapped of the market controlled by a company
marriage |
marriage 210

or product: market share •market formal dress: white wedding ©per-

control by a single supplier: monop- mit to hold a wedding at a time or ,

oly • market domination by two sup- place not normally permitted: special >

pliers:duopoly • market domination licence •Church official granting ]\

by a few suppliers: oligopoly ©mar- special licences: surrogate ©run i
ket control by a single purchaser: away to get married: elope ©formal j
monopsony • market domination by announcement in church of a forth- ^
a few purchasers: oligopsony •mar- coming marriage: banns ©hours be- }
ket that no individual can control: tween which marriage may be cele- ,

perfect competition •denoting a brated in the Anglican Church: J

market with steady prices: hard ©de- canonical hours ©person showing J
noting a market with steadily high or gueste to their seats before a marriage
rising prices: strong •denoting a service: usher • wedding Mass: nup- s
market unlikely to expand further: tial Mass • woman on her wedding^
mature • denoting a market with fall- day: bride • man on his wedding day: j\

ing prices: soft, weak •perceived bridegroom, groom •bridegroom's 3

need for a commodity: demand, mar- male attendant: best man, grooms- 3]
ket • assessment of this: market re- man •married woman attending a 3
search, market profile •obtain bride: matron of honour • young $

orders in a new market: penetrate woman attending a bride: bridesmaid <

• exposure to free competition: • boy attending a bride: page, page-:

marketization ©action preventing boy •hand over a bride to her hus-i
free competition: restraint of trade, band: give away •coloured paper 1

restrictive practice • situation thrown after a marriage ceremony: jj

where certain traders can influence confetti •formal meal after a mar-s
prices: imperfect competition >see riage ceremony: wedding breakfasts
also sale, sell, seller, trade • holiday taken by a newly-married^
marriage • adjectives: bridal, con- couple: honeymoon •poem celebrat-^
jugal, connubial, marital, matrimo- ing a marriage: epithaiamium, pro-i
nial, nuptial •romantic but imprac- thalamium •clothing etc. collected i
tical marriage: love match by a bride before her marriage: trous- J
• marriage contracted for reasons seau, bottom drawer ©property etc. jl
other than love: marriage of conveni- brought by a bride to her marriage: xl
ence • marriage hastened or com- dowry ©property arrangement atlJ
pelled by pregnancy: shotgun wed- marriage: settlement ©completion of
ding • ready for marriage: nubile marriage by sexual intercourse: con-Jj

• marriage partner: spouse •suit- summation ©marriage partners !

able person to marry: match •denot- right to mutual sexual relations: con-!
ing a desirable marriage partner: eli- jugal rights ©occurring after mar-3
gible • occurring before marriage: riage: post-nuptial • denoting a marH
premarital • person arranging mar- riage in which the partners condone]
riages: marriage broker, matchmaker each other's adultery: open marriage
• offer of marriage: proposal •for- • denoting marriage customs expect-'
mal promise to marry: engagement ing the couple to live at the wife'sl
• marriage formalized by a legal cere- home: matrilocal, uxorilocal •denot-jj
mony only: civil marriage •office ing marriage customs expecting the]
where this is conducted and docu- couple to live at the husband's home:*!
mented: register office •marriage patrilocal, viri local •denoting mar-^
performed with full ceremonies and riage customs expecting the couple toji
martial arts |

liveaway from both sets of relatives: tial art: tae kwon do ©place where
neolocal •married woman's former martial arts are practised: dojo
surname: maiden name •marriage • lower grade of proficiency: kyu
between persons of similar back- • belt worn by a beginner in martial
grounds: homogamy •marriage arts: white belt ©belt worn by an ex-
with a social inferior: mesalliance pert in martial arts: black belt
• this with reservation of titles and • higher grade of proficiency: dan
succession: morganatic marriage • send one's opponent to the ground:
• marriage between persons of differ- throw •heel-kick aimed at the op-
ent nationality, religion, etc.: inter- ponent's head: axe kick
marriage, mixed marriage •mar- Mars • Greek name: Ares
riage within the local community: marsh •adjective: paludal • marsh
endogamy •marriage beyond it: ex- gas: methane ©marshy region: wet-
ogamy • crime of being simultan- land • low-lying marshy land in East
eously married to several spouses: Anglia: fen ©moving light seen over
bigamy •practice of being simultan- marshes: will-o'-the-wisp, ignis fat-
eously married to several spouses: uus
polygamy •custom of the husband Marxism ©Marxist theory of his-
taking many wives: polygyny •cus-
tory: dialecticalmaterialism ©class
tom of the wife taking one husband
struggle leading to the establishment
only: monandry • custom of the wife
of communism: revolution ©Marxist
taking many husbands: polyandry term for the unpoliticized masses:
• practice of having only one spouse at lumpenproletariat ©Marxist term
a time: monogamy ©practice of liv- for an advocate of evolutionary or
ing together without being married: pluralistic socialism: revisionist
cohabitation, common-law marriage
•person who has never married: celi-
Mary •adjective: Marian ©excessive
veneration of the Virgin Mary: Mari-
bate ©man who has never married:
olatry • theology of the Virgin Mary:
bachelor • woman who has never
married: spinster •occurring out-
side marriage: extramarital • relative masculine •masculine part of a
by marriage: in-law •relationship by woman's personality in Jungian
marriage: affinity • unsuitable or un- psychology: animus •development
misalliance of male characteristics is women: vir-
successful marriage:
• advice given to those with marital
problems: marriage guidance mask ©mask to protect the eyes:
• court order enabling spouses to re- visor©mask to aid breathing: respir-
main married but live apart: judicial ator ©mask with attached cloak:
separation, legal separation •offi- domino ©dance at which masks are
cial declaration of a marriage's inval- worn: masquerade
idity: annulment • legal dissolution masonry ©smooth, square-cut ma-
of a marriage: divorce •denoting a sonry: ashlar ©masonry carved to
person who has never married: celi- appear rough-hewn: rustication
bate mass •adjective: molar ©the
martial arts •Chinese martial masses: canaille, hoi polloi, lumpen-
arts: kung fu, t'ai chi ch'uan •sim- proletariat, proletariat
plified form of kung fu: wing chun Mass ©Mass celebrated by three
• Japanese arts of self-defence: aikido, clergy: high Mass ©Mass celebrated
ju-jitsu, karate, judo ©Korean mar- by one priest: low Mass ©wedding

massage mathematics
| 212

Mass: nuptial Mass ©Mass for the lieving muscular tensions at skeletal |

dead: requiem •hymn sung at this: level: Rolfing ©massage system i

Dies irae • Mass celebrated for a spe- based on zone therapy: reflexology
cial aim:Mass of special intention, • massage treatment using fragrant i

votive Mass •priest performing the oils: aromatherapy

Mass: celebrant • Mass book: missal mast ©mast aft of the mainmast: 1

• day all must attend Mass: day of ob- mizzen ©temporary mast: jury mast !

ligation • unchanging part of the • strong pole for a mast: spar i

Mass: canon, ordinary •variable • mast's crossbar: yard •rope etc. i

part of the Mass: proper ©text sung supporting a mast: shroud, stay
or said at the beginning of Mass: in- • keel block to take the mast: step J

troit ©response between the Epistle • deck mast socket: tabernacle J

and Gospel: gradual •hymn sung • lookout post atop the mast: crow's-
after the gradual: prose, sequence nest ©masthead platform: top r

• offering of bread and wine for con-

master •adjective: magisterial
secration: offertory •central act of
the Mass: consecration ©first part of mat ©fibre used for matting: jute
the consecration prayer: preface match ©match igniting only on a
• bread and wine offered in the Mass: special surface: safety match ©col-
elements •each of these: kind lector of matchbox labels: phillumen-
• plate for the bread: paten ©cup in ist
which the wine is consecrated: chal-
materia! ©material built up of 3
ice • pair of flasks for the water and superimposed thin layers: laminate J

wine: cruet • jug for the wine: flagon

• cloth upon which the chalice and
mathematics • mathematics of the I

manipulation of numbers: arithmetic

patten are placed: corporal •litur- \

• collection and analysis of numerical

gical raising of the elements: eleva-
data: •mathematics of:
tion • bell rung at the elevation: sac-
• math-
variable quantities: calculus
ring bell ©consecrated bread: Host
ematics using letters and symbols: i
• breaking of the bread: fraction
algebra •mathematics used for stra- s
• dipping the bread into the wine: in-
tinction ©retention of a portion of
tegic planning:game theory • math- J
ematics of the shape and size of the ]
the sacred elements for later use: res-
earth: geodesy • mathematics of mo- J
ervation ©container for the conse-
tion and forces producing it: mech-Ji
crated bread: ciborium. pyx ©stand
anics •mathematical description ofli
for exposition of the consecrated
the motion and interaction of sub-i
bread: monstrance, ostensory
atomic particles: quantum mech-
• Roman Catholic and Orthodox belief
anics • mathematical study of the]]
that the consecrated elements are sub-
coding of information: information 1
stantially changed into the body and
theory •mathematics of points,
blood of Christ, remaining bread and
lines, surfaces, and solids: geometry
wine in appearance only: tran sub-
• mathematical study of triangles:
stantiation • Lutheran belief that the f
trigonometry •school mathematics
consecrated elements are both the 1
courses stressing heuristics and set !

body and blood of Christ and bread

theory: new maths ©able to under
and wine: consubstantiation *see ]
stand mathematics: numerate]
also Holy Communion
• mathematically ignorant: innumer-l
massage ©massage using circular ate •mathematical rule: theorem :

movements: effleurage ©massage re- • symbolic expression of a mathemat-

213 mathematics meal |

ical rule: formula (pi. formulae) satisfying certain conditions: locus

• mathematical representation of a see also number
system or process: model • regulated matter ©tendency of matter to re-
manipulation of numbers or quan- main motionless or to continue mo-
tities:operation •rule for calcula- tion in a straight line: inertia
tions: algorithm •repetition of a mattress ©inflatable mattress: lilo
mathematical procedure: iteration • mattress stuffed with straw: pallet,
• record of calculations made: work- palliasse • strong cloth used to cover
ings • expression containing one or mattresses, pillows, etc.: ticking
more variables: function •expres- maxims ©work expands to fill the
sion or function so related to another time available: Parkinson's Law
that their product is unity: reciprocal • employees are always promoted one
• statement that the values of two rank beyond their competence: Peter
mathematical expressions are equal: Principle • anything that can go
equation • number of entities all sat- wrong, will: Sod's Law. Murphy's
isfying certain conditions: set • asso- Law
ciation of each element in one set with mayor •city mayor: lord mayor
an element in another: mapping • his residence: mansion house
• diagram showing relationships be- • mayor of an Austrian, Dutch, Flem-
tween sets: Venn diagram •positive- ish, German, or Swiss town: burgo-
ness or negativeness of a quantity: master
sign ©move a term to the opposite meal •self-service meal: buffet
side of an equation, changing its sign: • meal at which food is grilled and
transpose • quantity with unchan- served out of doors: barbecue ©light
ging value: constant ©quantity with meal: tiffin, collation ©breakfast and
changing value: variable • quantity lunch combined: brunch • light meal
having direction as well "as magni- at mid morning: elevenses •sub-
tude: vector ©quantity upon which stantial late-afternoon meal: high tea
an operation is to be performed: oper- • meal offered to wedding guests after
and ©quantity to be added: the ceremony: wedding breakfast
summand ©quantity to be sub- • formal meal for a large party: ban-
quet, feast • banquet or other formal
tracted: subtrahend ©quantity to be
multiplied: multiplicand ©quantity
social occasion: function ©guest
meal with different courses eaten at
representing the power to which a
different houses: safari supper ©res-
number is to be raised: exponent
taurant meal with a fixed global price
• result of adding one quantity to an-
and offering few alternatives: table
other: sum ©result of subtracting
d'hote ©restaurant meal chosen
one quantity from another: difference
from a range of separately priced
• result of multiplying one quantity
dishes: a la carte • meal of bread and
by another: product •result of div- cheese: ploughman's lunch ©part of
iding one quantity by another: quo- a meal: course ©first course of a
tient • product of multiplying a num- meal: appetizer, hors d'oeuvre,
ber by itself: square • product of starter ©main course of a meal: en-
multiplying a number by its square: tree ©light dish served between
cube ©number producing a courses: entremets ©time allotted
specified quantity when multiplied by and consumption of a com-
for service
itself: square root ©irrational num- ©small open sand-
plete meal: sitting
ber: surd ©curve made by all points wich served as an appetizer: canape

meaning meat j

• alcoholic drink taken before a meal cutlet ©large piece of meat cooked
as an ©square of
appetizer: aperitif whole: joint ©joint including the
cloth for wiping the hands or face front ribs: rack ©joint of meat with i
while eating: napkin •provision of its backbone: chine ©meat cut from i
meals, or the payment for this: board the breast: brisket ©joint from below q
• military establishment where meals the ribs: loin ©joint of meat consist- i
are served: mess •person who re- ing of both loins: saddle • thick end J
ceives meals and lodging: boarder of a loin of meat: chump ©meat cut*
meaning • adjective: semantic from the side of a carcass: flank cj

• specific meaning: denotation • im- • long thin slice of meat rolled and«
plied meaning: connotation •gen- stuffed: paupiette • cattle meat used^;
eral meaning of a text: burden, gist, as food: beef • calf meat used as food: c
gravamen, tenor ©give the meaning: veal ©deer meat used as food: ven-«
define • having only one possible ison ©pig meat used as food: pork^
meaning: unambiguous, univocai • sheep meat used as food: lamb, mut4
• having several meanings: ambigu- to n • animal' s thymus or pancreas as 1

ous, equivocal, polysemous «word food: sweetbread • animal's internal 1

having the same meaning as another: organs eaten as meat: offal, pluck 1
synonym ©word having the opposite • hard white fat round the kidneys:
meaning to another: antonym suet ©fat falling from roasting meati
• study of meaning: semantics dripping ©tough cartilage in meat:<
measles ©mild form of measles: gristle ©meat from a cow's tail: ox-i
German measles, rubella tail ©meat from a pig's leg: ham*
measurement •combining form: • lamb's testicles as food: fry •friedii
-metry • adjectives: mensural, met- thin slice of white meat coated in;
rical • measurement of the depth of breadcrumbs: schnitzel ©small,
seas or lakes: bathymetry •measure- pieces of meat cooked on a skewer:
ment across something: diameter kebab ©kebab of marinaded meat
• measurement round something: cir- and vegetables: shish kebab ©com-,
cumference • measuring device: pressed spiced meat coated in bread-,
gauge ©device measuring internal crumbs and fried: rissole ©dish oi
and external dimensions: calipers minced meat topped with mashed po I

• gauges for fine distances: feeler tato: cottage pie, shepherd's pie'
gauge, micrometer •instrument to • minced meat rolled in bacon: krom-i
measure or draw angles: protractor, esky ©dish of chopped recookedl
set square •instrument measuring meat: hash ©dish of finely minceqj
angles precisely: goniometer meat: timbale ©small seasoned meat i

meat ©pale meat from pigs, poultry ball: quenelle ©cooked mould oil
etc.: white meat • darker meat from layered chopped meats and/or vegeti
sheep, deer, etc.: red meat ©meat ables: terrine ©dish of varioud'
from wild animals or birds: game grilled meats: mixed grill ©dish oM\
• cold cooked meats: charcuterie pressed meat in aspic: galantine
• meat minced for stuffing: forcemeat • dish of chopped meat, anchovies |1
• seasoned paste of finely minced eggs, and seasoning: salmagundi I
meat: pate ©boned piece of meat: fil- • dish of meat braised in wine: daub( I
let • thin slice of meat: escalope • dish of stewed meat in a white sauce j

• thick slice of meat: steak ©small fricassee • casserole of meat and ve-
round cut of meat: medaillon, nois- getables: hotpot •preserve meat by
ette • grilled or fried portion of meat: smoking etc.: cure ©leave meat hi
215 mechanics medical treatment

the air until matured: hang • pressed mer: plexor ©sponge on a flexible
meat from a pig or calf's head: brawn stalk: probang
• compressed cooked offal: haslet medical examination • combin-
• paste of dried meat and melted fat: ing form: -opsy ©general medical
pemmican •finely ground paste of examination: check-up • general
seasoned meat: p3te, terrine •denot- bodily examination: physical, phys-
ing meat cooked only a little: rare ical examination •medical examin-
• denoting meat cooked very rare: au ation of tissue from a living patient:
bleu •denoting meat cooked rare: biopsy •internal medical examin-
saignant •denoting medium-cooked ation by an optic device: endoscopy
meat: a point •denoting well-cooked • medical examination by a detector
meat: bien cuit •denoting meat pre- or electromagnetic beam: scan
pared according to Muslim food regu- • medical examination using a radio-
lations: halal •hammer for beating active tracer: scintigram, scintiscan
meat: tenderizer • skewer for grilling • medical examination of the retina:
meat: brochette *rod turning roast- ophthalmoscopy •medical examin-
ing meat: spit •denoting decompos- ation of the vagina and cervix: col-
ing meat: high poscopy • ultrasonic sound and
mechanics • mechanics of forces other vibrations used in medical im-
producing equilibrium: statics aging: ultrasound
• mechanics of forces producing mo- medical skills •denoting medical
tion: dynamics •mathematical de- skills learnt in a hospital: clinical
scription of the motion and inter- • medical skills used in criminal in-
action of subatomic particles: vestigations: forensic medicine, med-
quantum mechanics ical jurisprudence
medal ©face of a medal: obverse medical test •medical test to es-
• back of a medal: reverse • award a tablish fatherhood: paternity test
medal to: decorate ©metal strip medical treatment •combining
below a medal's clasp: bar • study of forms: iatro-, -pathy ©treat-
medals: numismatics ment designed to cure a disorder:
meddle •meddle with something so therapy ©medical treatment pro-
as to cause damage: tamper vided by general practitioners: pri-
mary care ©medical treatment pro-
medical • combining form: medico- vided by hospitals: secondary care
(e.g. medico-social)
• medical treatment provided by spe-
medical device • device for in- cialist institutions: tertiary care
specting the anus and rectum: procto- • medical treatment removing symp-
scope ©device measuring blood toms but not attacking the underlying
pressure: sphygmanometer ©device cause: palliative •medical treatment
dilating an orifice: speculum • de- imagined to cure all diseases: pana-
vice for listening to the heart or lungs: cea ©medical treatment to cure ad-
stethoscope • device for making in- diction: detoxification ©medical
jections: syringe •device for admin- treatment of the blood: haematology
istering tiny amounts of a liquid: drip • medical treatment of bones and
feed • device producing a fine liquid muscles: orthopaedics ©medical
spray: nebulizer ©device recording a care during childbirth: obstetrics
pulse: sphygmograph ©device for • medical treatment of children:
inspecting the retina: ophthalmo- paediatrics •medical treatment of
scope ©small rubber-headed ham- the eyes: ophthalmology, orthoptics
medical treatment medical treatment
| 216

• medical treatment of the hearing or pacify the patient: placebo •de-

system: audiology •medical treat- noting medical treatment given at the
ment of the kidney: nephrology patient's request: elective•denoting
• medical treatment of mental dis- medical treatment given at the time of
eases: psychiatry ©medical treat- an operation: perioperative •med-
ment of the nervous system: neurol- ical treatment given before a doctor
ogy ©medical treatment of old arrives: first aid • systems of medical
people: geriatrics •medical treat- treatment not favoured by the West-
ment of the skin: dermatology ern medical establishment: alterna-
• medical treatment of the urinary tive medicine, fringe medicine • sys-
system: urology •medical treatment tems of medical treatment beyond ihe
of women: gynaecology ©medical scope of Western medicine: comple-
treatment to free the body of toxins: mentary medicine •medical treat-
detoxification ©assiduous treatment ment considering the whole patient:
of the dangerously ill: intensive care holism • physical treatment of bodily
©medical treatment providing mech- injuries or deformity: physiotherapy
anical substitutes for missing or de- • assessment of the urgency of a pa-
fective bodily organs: bioengineering tient's need for treatment: triage
©temporary provision of these: life • slow injection: infusion • sustained
support ©medical burning: cauter- pulling of a muscle or limb: traction
ization, cautery ©medical treatment • secondary effect of medical treat-
by chemicals: chemotherapy ©med- ment: side effect •person requiring
ical treatment using intense cold: or receiving medical treatment: case,
cryotherapy • medical treatment patient • discussion of such a person
using drugs: medication •medical and his or her treatment: case confer-
treatment by small doses of sub- ence • programme of treatment: re-
stances producing the same symptoms gime, regimen • record of such a per-
as the disease: homoeopathy •med- son's situation and treatment: case
ical treatment by drugs giving effects history • symptom suggesting a par-
opposite to the symptoms: allopathy ticular treatment: indication •symp-
• medical treatment by two or more tom warning against a particular
drugs: combination therapy •med- treatment: contraindication •ac-
ical treatment using hypnosis: hypno- ceptance of treatment by a patient
therapy »use of light as a medical aware of the risks involved: informed
treatment: phototherapy © medical consent •written list of medical
treatment using radiation: nuclear treatments acceptable to the bearer in
medicine ©therapeutic use of sun- case of unconsciousness etc.: advance
light: heliotherapy ©medical treat- directive, living will ©card authoriz-
ment by water: hydropathy, hydro- ing use of parts of the holder's body
therapy • denoting medical for medical purposes after his or her
treatment involving body-penetration: death: donor card ©repeated series
invasive •denoting medical treat- of medical treatments: course ©abil-
ment aimed at containment only: endure a course of medical treat-
ity to
conservative • denoting medical ment: tolerance ©procedures for a
treatment that is effective against a course of medical treatment: protocol
variety of germs: broad spectrum • abnormal sweating caused by med-
• medical treatment by activation of ical treatment: diaphoresis •thin
the immune system: immunotherapy tube inserted into the body for med-
• medical treatment given to reassure ical purposes: cannula •denoting
217 medication |

medical services having no patient • medicine to ease inflammation: de-

contact: paraclinical • person re- mulcent • medicine to be inhaled: in-
covering from medical treatment: halation • device for taking this: in-
convalescent • caused by medical haler • medicine taken to invigorate:
treatment: iatrogenic •establish- tonic •medicine for itching: anti-
ment offering specialist medical care: pruritic • medicine attacking micro-
clinic vsee also alternative medi- organisms: antibiotic •medicine to
cine, complementary medicine clear the nose: decongestant •medi-
cine to counteract poison: antidote,
medication •forcible medication:
gavage •medication with extracts antitoxin, antivenin • liquid pain-
from animal organs: organotherapy killer rubbed into the skin: embroca-
• medication inhibiting germ growth: tion • medicine to reduce nervous or
antiseptic ©medication given before physical activity: depressant •medi-
an operation: pre-medication • solid cine to cause sweating: diaphoretic
medication inserted to dissolve in the • medicine to increase urination: diur-
vagina: pessary •solid medication etic • medicine to cause vomiting:
inserted to dissolve in the vagina or emetic ©quack medicine: nostrum
rectum: suppository •cancer treat- • denoting a medicine to be applied to
ment by drugs: chemotherapy ©can- the outside of the body: external • de-
cer treatment by X-rays: radiotherapy noting a medicine to be taken into the
• preparation to remove unwanted body: internal •denoting a medicine
hair: depilatory • substance develop- made from natural ingredients: galen-
ing bodily immunity to a diease: vac- ical • denoting a medicine available
cine • medical device for admin- only on prescription: ethical •denot-
istering tiny amounts of a liquid: ing a non-branded medicine: generic
drip feed •denoting the appli-
•treatment by medicines: phar-
cation of medication through the skin: macotherapy • place where medi-
transcutaneous, transdermal •de- cines are made up: dispensary • doc-
noting a drug capsule giving steady tor's order for a medicine to be made
content release over a long period: up or issued: prescription • amount
sustained-release •undesirable sec- of medicine to be given at one time:
ondary effect of medication: side ef- dose ©size or frequency of a pre-
fect scribed dose of medicine: dosage
medicine • combining form: • container for an injectable dose of
pharm(aco)- •adjective: pharma- medicine: ampoule ©dose of medi-
ceutical • denoting commercially cine reinforcing a previous one:
available medicine: patent •medi- booster •dose of medicine given to
cine made by dissolving a drug in al- an animal: drench ©person trained
cohol: tincture •medicine used to to prepare and dispense medicines:
treat allergies: antihistamine •medi- chemist, pharmacist ©place where
cine able to target particular cells: medicines are dispensed: pharmacy
magic bullet • medicine for constipa- • official list of medicines, with in-
tion:aperient • medicine for coughs: structions for preparation and use:
expectorant, linctus •medicine to pharmacopoeia, codex, formulary
encourage defecation: laxative • remedial substances used in medical
• medicine to cause some bodily dis- practice: materia medica •medical
charge: evacuant •medicine for use of radioactive substances: nuclear
fever: antipyretic, febrifuge •medi- medicine • study of medicines and
cine to relieve flatulence: carminative their uses: pharmacology
medieval |
menstruation 218

medieval •medieval asociation of resolution ©question on procedure:

craftsmen or merchants: guild point of order ©record of a meeting:
• meeting-place for this: guildhall minutes >see also parliament
• medieval chemistry, seeking to turn melt ©substance mixed with a solid
base metals into gold: alchemy to lower its melting point: flux
• medieval system of land tenure: feu- • water from a melting glacier:
dalism • unharmonized medieval meltwater
Latin church music: Gregorian chant,
membership •list of members: roll
• withdraw from membership: secede
meditation •cross-legged medita- • deprive of membership: debar, expel
tion lotus position
posture: ©re-
• remove from membership of a pro-
peated word or sound used in medi- fessional body: strike off
tation: mantra
membrane • membrane dividing
Mediterranean ©dense scrub of the thorax from the abdomen: dia-
the Mediterranean coast: maquis phragm • membrane lining the abdo-
meeting • unexpected meeting: en- men: peritoneum •membrane sur-
counter • point of meeting and inter- rounding a fetus: amnion, amniotic
action: interface •meeting for aca- membrane, caul •membrane block-
demic discussion: colloquium, ing a virgin's vagina: hymen • mem-
seminar, symposium • meeting to be brane between the toes of a swimming
attended by all qualified to do so: plen- bird: web • open sore on an internal
ary • meeting attended by all quali- membrane: ulcer
fied to do so: plenum ©arranged memory •ability to remember: re-
meeting: rendezvous • arranged call, retentiveness •denoting a
meeting with reporters: press confer- memory capable of detailed recall:
ence • meeting for church govern- photographic ©vivid and detailed
ment: synod, consistory ©meeting memory of an event: total recall
of cardinals to elect a pope: conclave
• supposed subconscious memory of
• meeting of delegates: congress, distant events in human history: race
convention ©mass meeting: rally memory • supposed brain change on
• meeting with various sessions: con- engram,
memorizing something:
ference • meeting of heads of state: memory trace ©ability to recall ob-
summit • official who calls meetings: jects shown once: memory span
convener •representative sent to a • aid to memory: mnemonic ©item
meeting: delegate •minimum at- kept as a reminder: memento,
tendance required for a meeting to be
souvenir ©memory techniques:
valid: quorum •denoting a meeting mnemotechnics ©arousing memor-
attended by a quorum: quorate •de-
ies: evocative ©discard from one's
noting a meeting lacking this: inquor-
memory: unlearn • inability to recall
ate • list of items to be dealt with at a
a familiar item: mental block ©dis-
meeting: agenda ©speak at a meet-
torted memory resulting from confu-
ing: contribute • present a topic for
sion of fact and fantasy: paramnesia
discussion: table ©proposal laid be-
• loss of memory: amnesia, oblivion
fore a meeting: motion • make such a
proposal: move •formally support mend »that cannot be mended: ir-

this: second •modification to a mo- reparable

tion: amendment •meeting's ap- menstruation • adjectives: men-
proval of a motion: adoption ©state- strual, menstruous • first occur-
ment of a meeting's decision: rence of menstruation: menarche
219 menial illness metal j

• regular cycle of ovulation and men- arms: straitjacket • brain surgery to

struation: menstrual cycle •men- treat mental illness: psychosurgery
strual bleeding: menorrhoea •men- • psychological treatment of mental
strual blood: menses • absorbent illness: psychotherapy •commit
pad for this: sanitary towel •exces- compulsorily to a psychiatric hos-
sive menstrual bleeding: menorrha- pital: section ©order authorizing
gia • painful or difficult menstru- detention in a mental hospital: recep-
ation: dysmenorrhoea • abnormal tion order ©person acting for those
absence of menstruation: amenor- unable to manage their own affairs:
rhoea •cessation of menstruation in guardian ©study and treatment of
middle age: climacteric, menopause mental illness: psychiatry, psycho-
analysis, psychopathology ©denot-
mental illness • combining form:
ing a person free from mental illness:
-mania ©mild mental illness, with
sane, compos mentis
grasp of reality retained neurosis

• severe mental illness, with loss of menu ©limited menu served at a

fixed overall table d'hote
consciousness of reality: psychosis
• acutely disordered state of mind: de-
• menu with items priced separately:
lirium • mental illness caused by a la carte
anxiety or depression: nervous break- Mercury • Greek name: Hermes
down • severe inability to com- • Mercury's snake-twined staff: cadu-
municate or form relationships with ceus
others: autism •delusions of self- mercury • mercury alloy used to fill

importance: folie de grandeur amalgam

• shared delusions: folie a deux mercy •mercy shown to a defeated
• mental illness causing excitement enemy: quarter
and violence: mania ©retreat into a
fantasy world: schizophrenia • ner-
merger • large company created by
mergers: conglomerate, corporation
vous breakdown resultant from war
• denoting a merger between com-
experiences: sheJI-shock, combat fa-
panies with parallel functions: hori-
tigue • mentally unstable: disturbed
zontal • denoting a merger between
• mentally ill: non compos mentis
companies with sequential functions:
• mental retardation with shortness of
vertical ©reverse previous mergers:
stature: Down's syndrome ©person
suffering alternating depression and
euphoria: manic-depressive ©per- message ©message delivered with
son with chronic mental illness lead- a kiss: kissogram ©message de-
livered by a striptease artist: stripper-
ing to violent behaviour: psychopath
• person manifesting extreme anti- gram ©message sent by telephone
social attitudes and behaviour:
but delivered in written form: tele-
sociopath ©caused by or involving message ©device for the input and
printout of telegraph messages: tele-
mental illness:, pathological ©insti-
tution offering protection and treat-
ment for the mentally ill: psychiatric messenger ©messenger carrying
hospital, mental hospital, asylum important documents: courier ©de-
• mental hospital room for violent pa- livery by such a messenger: express
tients:padded cell •electric shocks metal ©oblong block of metal: ingot
administered to treat mental illness: • long thin strip of metal: batten
electroconvulsive therapy • strong • thin and narrow strip of metal: slat
jacket confining a mental patient's • thin flexible sheet of metal: foil
metal |
microscope 220

• very thin sheet of metal: leaf quench ©harden metal by heating

• metal grating: grille ©made of two and then cooling: temper ©cut or
metals: bimetallic •combination of shape metal: mill ©cover with a thin
two or more metals: alloy • rough coating of metal: plate ©flatten sheet
edge on cut metal: bur • rough piece metal: planish ©unite heated metal
of metal for grinding or smoothing: under pressure: weld ©clean metal
file ©light metal-coated sheet retain- by steel-particle bombardment: shot-
ing heat: space blanket ©thin metal blast ©damage metal by gradual
sheet for motor vehicle bodies: panel chemical action: corrode ©alloy
• metal rim: shoe ©metal cap on the used to join metal: solder ©metal-
end of a stick: ferrule ©metal plate worker: smith, blacksmith ©skill of
on a tap-dancer's shoe: tap ©dis- chasing and carving metal: toreutics
carded metal for reprocessing: scrap • test of metal for purity: assay
• substance mixed with metal to ease • study of metals and their purifica-
©vessel for molten tion: metallurgy
melting: flux
metal: ladle ©extract metal from ore metal detector • person using
by heating and melting: smelt this as a hobby: detectorist
• stony waste separated off during meter ©meter measuring off-peak
metal smelting: slag •block of electricity consumption: white meter
smelted metal: sow, pig ©metal tech-
method •methods used: method-
nology: metallurgy ©hardness and
ology ©method of doing something:
elasticity of metal: temper • denoting
modus operandi ©usual method:
metal brittle when hot: hot-short
• denoting metal that can be pressed
or hammered into shape: malleable
Mexican ©Mexican wide-brimmed
• denoting metal hammered into re-
hat: sombrero ©Mexican flat maize
cake: tortilla ©tortilla with a spicy
lief: repousse •denoting metal in-
taco ©tortilla
filling: burrito, fajita,
laid with gold or silver: damascened
filledwith chillied meat or cheese:
• denoting a metal resistant to chem-
enchilada ©cheese-topped tortilla
ical action: noble •denoting metal
piece:nacho ©Mexican dish of
resistant to tension: high-tensile
mashed avocado: guacamole ©Mex
• denoting metal shaped by hammer-
ican dish of fried stuffed chillis:
ing: wrought •denoting metal not
chiles rellenos ©Mexican sauce
iron or steel: non-ferrous •tool for
onion, garlic, coriander, and peppers:
moulding or stamping out metal: die
salsa verde ©Mexican agave spirit:
• metal-shaping machine: lathe
tequila • inhabitant of Mexico at the
• stone for sharpening metal: hone,
time of the Spanish conquest: Aztec
grindstone, whetstone •machine
• Spanish conqueror of Mexico: con-
polishing metal: lapping machine
• scum on the surface of molten metal:
dross • place where metal is cast: microchip • design of devices using
foundry ©metal weakness microchips: electronics
changing stresses: fatigue ©surface microphone • underwater micro-
dulling of metal exposed to air: tar- phone: hydrophone •microphone
nish ©surface discoloration of cer- used close to the mouth: lip micro-
tain metals: patina ©hard protective phone
coating for metal: lacquer ©shape microscope •microscope using
metal under heat: forge ©fast-cool electron beams: electron microscope
metal by plunging into water or oil: • glass plate for microscope speci-
221 middle j

mens examined: slide .thin

to be tary officer of the second grade: war-
glass protecting amicroscope speci- rant officer •military officer of the
men: coverslip .thin layer of tissue lowest grade: non-commissioned of-
etc. on a microscope slide: smear ficer • military officer's assistant: or-
• plate on which the slide is set: derly • military officer's personal
stage servant: batman •military person-
middle • combining forms: medi-, nel whoare not commissioned of-
meso- mid {e.g. mid-
(e.g. mesolithic), ficers:other ranks •military person-
brain) • adjectives: medial, median nel of the lowest grade: the ranks,
• middle ear: tympanum •middle other ranks •clergyman attached to
term in a series: median ©middle a military unit: chaplain, padre
way of compromise: via media •de- • document conferring promotion:
noting a middle skill level: intermedi- commission, warrant •document
ate conferring promotion without extra
middle age ©loss of self-confidence pay: brevet ©list of members of a
alleged to occur in early middle age: military unit: muster roll ©military
midlife crisis • cessation of menstru- force: contingent ©front section of a
ation in late middle age: menopause military force: van, vanguard
Middle Eastern • money given as • group of several army divisions:

a bribe or tip in the Middle East: bak-

corps ©group of several army bri-

sheesh • Middle Eastern rice dish gades or regiments: division • infan-

with spices and vegetables: pilaf try unit forming part of a brigade:
• Middle Eastern woman's erotic solo battalion •specialized military sec-
dance: belly dance tion: corps •military corps prepar-
ing roads and terrain: pioneers
military • enrol for military service:
• military group sent on a special mis-
enlist • person joining the armed
sion: detachment, detail, picket,
forces voluntarily: recruit, volunteer
squad, task force •small detach-
• person made to join the armed
ment: file ©execution detachment:
forces: conscript ©newly enlisted
person: recruit ©young military firing squad ©detachment to fire a
military salute: firing party ©detach-
trainee: cadet •compulsory peace-
time military training: national ser- ment sent to seize specified persons:
vice ©complete one's military train- snatch squad • military force drawn
ing: pass out ©military officer from various units to deal with a par-
assisting a senior officer: adjutant, ticular situation: battlegroup •mili-

aide-de-camp ©military officers tary unit specializing in raids: com-

who plan a campaign: general staff mando «a member of this:
• senior staff officer: chief of staff commando •military personnel be-
• military officer in charge of a camp: longing to no established unit: irregu-
commandant •military officer in lars • member of an irregular resist-
charge of security: orderly officer ance force: guerrilla, paramilitary,
• military officer in charge of sup- partisan ©such a force: militia
plies: quartermaster •commander • spell of military service at a particu-
of a combined military force: general- lar location: posting, tour, tour of
issimo • officer in charge of a na- duty •military accommodation:
tion's forces:commander-in-chief camp, barracks, billet ©town with a
• regiment's honorary head: colonel- large permanent miltary presence:
in-chief • military officer of the first garrison town ©armoured observa-
grade: commissioned officer • mili- tion post: blockhouse • small distant
military |
milk 222

military establishment: outpost tive service: demobilize ©reduce

• military establishment serving military forces: disarm •military re-
meals: mess •British sovereign's bellion: mutiny ©military court:
ceremonial guard: Yeomen of the court martial {pi. courts martial or
Guard exon •mili-
•officer in this: court martials) • barrister advising
tary personnel fighting on foot: infan- this:judge advocate •official con-
try • military personnel using horses army and RAF courts martial:
or armoured vehicles: cavalry •mili- Judge Advocate General • reduce to
tary personnel regarded as expend- a lower rank as a punishment: de-
able units: cannon fodder •military grade, demote •military punish-
engineer laying and removing mines: ment of doing drill carrying full kit:
sapper •long-term military plans: pack drill ©dismiss with dishonour
strategy • short-term military plans: from the armed forces: cashier
tactics •military preparations: dis- • such dismissal: dishonourable dis-
positions • display of military power charge • unauthorized abandonment
as a persuader: sabre-rattling, show of military service: desertion •per-
of force • planned military attack: son not belonging to the armed forces:
offensive, operation • sudden and civilian ©person refusing military
intensive military attack: blitz • mili- service on moral grounds: conscien-
tary campaign based upon this: blitz- tious objector ©menial work as-
krieg • accidental damage caused to signed to military personnel: fatigues
uninvolved civilians by military activ- • military signal to wake up: reveil-
ities: collateral damage •military le • military flag: standard, colours
action to prevent movement of goods • military ceremony with bands and
or personnel: blockade •reduction countermarching: retreat •military
of a fortified point by surrounding it: ceremony and formal inspection: re-
siege • provision of military man- view • military entertainment with
power and supplies: logistics •mili- skill demonstrations: tattoo • state
tary department for food and equip- policy based on maintenance and use
ment: commissariat •military of large military forces: militarism
stores and materials: materiel, ord- see also uniform, war, weapon
nance • store for military supplies: milk •combining forms: lact-, galact-
magazine •acquisition of military • adjectives: dairy, lactic, lacteal •co-
equipment and supplies: procure- agulated milk: curds •thin milk re-
ment ©large military guns: artillery maining after curds have formed:
• military formation in parallel rows: whey • dish of sweetened curds: jun-
echelon ©end a parade of troops: ket • soured fermented milk: yogurt
dismiss •military field training: • drink of flavoured whisked milk:
exercises, field day, manoeuvres milkshake •tinned evaporated and
• forces in the battle zone: front line sweetened milk: condensed milk,
• position military forces: deploy evaporated milk •milk secretion:
• remove forces from a conflict area: lactation ©gland producing milk:
disengage ©move away from a su- mammary gland • substance that in-
perior enemy: retreat •retreaters' creases a nursing mother's flow of
tactic of destroying anything of use to milk: galactagogue • denoting a cow
the enemy: scorched earth policy kept to give milk: milch • place
• decrease of military presence: draw- where milk is processed or sold: dairy
down • remove all military presence: • small cart or van delivering milk:
demilitarize ©take troops out of ac- float •denoting milk treated to pre-
223 million |

vent cream separation: homogenized • shaft lining or partition: brattice

• milk from which the cream has been • part of a mine from which minerals
removed: skimmed milk • sterilize are extracted: workings •solid ma-
milk by heat or irradiation: pasteur- terial containing a valuable sub-
ize ©made without milk: non-dairy stance: ore • testing of ore for purity:
assay •stratum of ore: seam, ledge,
million •combining form: mega-
• a million deaths, as a unit for stating
lode, vein •main stratum of ore:
war fatalities: megadeath mother lode •material containing
a seam: gangue, matrix ©surface
millionth •combining form: micro- of a seam: face • excavation follow-
(e.g. micrometre) ing a seam: drift •simultaneous min-
ing of a whole face: longwall working
mimicry •mimicry in which an ed-
• denoting mining on or near the sur-
ibleanimal is protected by its resem-
face: opencast, strip-mining • waste
blance to one avoided by its predators:
Batesian mimicry material brought up from a mine:
spoil •miner detonating blasting
mind mental, noetic,
•adjectives: charges: •miner's pick:
psychological ©part of the mind of mandrel • safety lamp used in mines:
which one is not fully aware: subcon- Davy lamp •suffocating carbon-
scious • part of the mind from which monoxide gas found in mines choke-
memories can easily be recalled: pre- damp ©methane found in mines:
conscious ©part of the subcon- damp, firedamp ©carbon-dioxide gas
scious filled with shared ancestral
left by a firedamp explosion: after-
memories: collective unconscious
damp ©land taken or allotted for
• part of the unconscious filled with
mining: claim
memories unique to the individual:
personal unconscious •in the mine 2 ©mine activated by sound
mind: interior •existing only in the waves: sonic mine ©area full of
mind: notional • part of the mind not mines: minefield ©set out mines: lay,
normally accessible to consciousness: sow ©military engineer laying and
inner space •calmness of mind: removing mines: sapper ©anti-mine
equanimity, equilibrium •mentally device towed behind a boat: paravane
lethargic: torpid •sharp-minded: in-
cisive ©mental powers: intellect mineral ©magnetic mineral: lode-
• index of a person's mental ability ex- stone ©discover mineral deposits:
pressed as the age at which such an strike ©study of minerals: mineral-
ability level is typical: mental age ogy
• mental picture: image • study of Minerva • Greek name: Athena
the mind and its functions: psych-
ology *see also psychology mink • young mink: kit

mine 1
•horizontal passage leading mirror •adjectives: catoptric,
into a mine: adit • vertical passage specular •tilting mirror: cheval
leading into a mine: shaft «top of a glass • large mirror between win-
mineshaft: pithead • mineshaft lift dows: pier glass •mirror reflecting
cage: skip •mine's ventilation shaft: from one side but transparent from
upcast •horizontal underground the other: two-way mirror •having
passage: gallery •beam supporting a one side that is the mirror image of
mine roof: pit prop •short post sup- another: symmetrical •molecule
porting a mine roof: puncheon that is the mirror image of another:
misfortune |
monastery 224

enantiomer •crystal that is the mir- • mocking misrepresentation: parody,

ror image of another: enantiomorph travesty •mocking remark: taunt
• with hidden mockery: snide
misfortune •delight in the misfor-
tunes of others: schadenfreude •re- model • string-controlled model of a
flect smugly upon another's misfor-
person or animal: puppet •modelled
tunes: gloat scene with a painted backdrop: dio-
rama • lightweight wood used in
missile •missile guided by an on-
model-making: balsa ©female model
board computer: cruise missile
appearing on magazine covers: cover
• self-propelled underwater missile: girl • raised path used by models in a
torpedo •denoting a missile using fashion show: catwalk
gravity for guidance: ballistic •de-
modification •modification to a
noting a missile electronically pro-
proposal at a public meeting: amend-
grammed to find its target: smart
ment • modification to parliamen-
• denoting a missile designed to evade
tary bill or judicial verdict: rider
radar detection: stealth • send a mis-
• modification to suit particular re-
sile on its course: launch •missile's
quirements: customization
explosive head: payload, warhead
• underground launchpad for mis- moisture •combining form: hygro-
siles: silo •establishment monitor- • full of moisture: saturated • void of
ing satellite movements: tracking sta- moisture: dehydrated, desiccated
tion ©piece of brick used as a • absorbing moisture from the air:
missile: brickbat hygroscopic •preserving moisture:
humectant •denoting an atmos-
missionary •missionary's long
phere with much moisture: humid
leave: furlough
• device achieving this: humidifier
mix ©mix to make uniform through- • devices measuring this: humidistat,
out: homogenize •mix to create hygrometer, hygroscope
something different: synthesize molecule •molecule that is the
• mix socially with: fraternize, hob- mirror image of another: enantiomer
nob ©that cannot be mixed: immis- • molecule that can be bonded to other
cible identical molecules to form a polymer:
mixture •confused mixture: far- monomer •substance composed of
rago • composed of mixed parts: het- bonded similar molecular groups:
erogeneous, hybrid •harmonious polymer
mixture: integration •incongruous mollusc • study of molluscs: mala-
mixture: hybrid, motley •metal cology ©study of mollusc shells:
mixed with some other element: alloy conchology
• mixture of particles in a fluid: sus- moment • at the right moment: pat
pension • mercury mixture used in • for the moment: ad hoc, ad interim,
dental fillings: amalgam pro tempore
mob ©mob rule: mobocracy, ochlo- momentum •tiny discrete amount
cracy • execution by a mob: lynch- ofmomentum: quantum
Monaco • adjective: Monegasque
mockery •public mockery: jeer, monastery • adjective: claustral
jibe, lampoon, pasquinade, satire, • small monastery: priory •monas-
scoffing, skit •mockingly ironic: tery room parlour
for conversation:
sarcastic ©grimly mocking: sar- • monastery dining hall: refectory
donic • drily (self-)mocking: wry • covered walk in a monastery: clois-
225 money money |

ter •covered passageway: slype money, ucre • money for speculative


• head of a monastery: abbot «head investment: risk capital, venture cap-

of a small monastery: prior ital • denoting money generating no
• monastery's governing body: chap- interest: idle •money moved abroad
ter • meeting place for this: chapter as a precaution: flight capital ©pub-
house •denoting a monastic chap- lic availability of money: circulation
ter: capitular • money received: income ©money
money •adjectives: pecuniary, mon- received from a transaction: proceeds
etary, numismatic ©money held: • money paid out: disbursement, ex-
capital, finances, reserves • money penditure, outlay ©money given
available for investment: capital away: largesse • sum of money to be
• capital used in day-to-day transac- paid annually: annuity •money for
tions: working capita! •money in living expenses: keep ©money paid
circulation: money supply ©money for professional services: fee
in coin: specie ©money in coin or • money paid to service a debt: inter-
notes: cash • British money: sterling est ©money paid on public trans-
• pooled fund of money: kitty • instal- port: fare ©money supplied at the
ment of money: tranche ©amount start of business: float ©money paid

of money: sum ©very small sum of to the landlord by an incoming tenant:

money: pittance ©small sum of key money ©money paid to secure

money for minor expenses: petty the release of a prisoner awaiting
cash, pin money ©small sum of trial: bail, recognizance ©pay this
money given in reward for a service: money for another: stand bail
tip • small sum of money given regu- • money paid as compensation: dam-
larly to a child: pocket money •sum ages • money paid to ensure secrecy:
of money devoted to a special purpose: hush money • money paid as a polit-
appropriation •money accumulated ical bribe: slush money ©money
for the eventual replacement of a paid to criminals to secure their good-
wasting asset: sinking fund ©money will: protection money • money paid

held in trust: escrow ©money paid to assuage one's conscience: con-

for work done: remuneration science money • money paid to
• money paid back: rebate, refund, re- cover possible damage: deposit, cau-
imbursement ©money paid to those tion money ©money paid in by an
one has wronged: compensation, rep- election candidate: deposit ©money
aration ©money regained: clawback saved for the future: nest egg ©fi-
• money sent: remittance ©money nancial trickery: chicanery ©money
placed out in hope of profit: invest- gained dishonourably: dirty money
ment ©money made available by a • obtain money by deception: defraud
bank: credit • money put into a bank • misuse of money entrusted to one:
account: deposit ©money taken out embezzlement, defalcation, pecula-
from a bank account: withdrawal tion • money given as a bribe or tip
• direct payment of money from one in the Middle East: baksheesh
bank account to another: credit trans- • money voted annually by parliament
fer • money transferred electronic- to the royal family: Civil List
ally: digital cash • system for this: • money paid as consolation for an
giro ©money that must be accepted early termination of contract: golden
as payment: legal tender ©money handshake, golden parachute
frequently reinvested: hot money • extra money paid to employees
• money gained dishonourably: dirty working where living costs are high:
money monkey

weighting •money paid as a recom- leaving a business: cash flow • state

pense: compensation •money paid on moving money abroad:
as a recompense in certain societies exchange control ©undertaking to
by a killer to his victim's relatives: pay regular sums of money: deed of
blood money •money paid to re- covenant ©seizure of a debtor's
lease a captive: ransom ©accept money or wages: garnishment • time
money to drop a legal action: com- of financial prosperity: boom • time
pound ©money lent for a short of financial depression: bust
period: bridging loan ©money lent • money-pouch on a belt: bumbag
but repayable on demand: call money • face value of a coin or note: denom-
• money raised for gradual repayment ination • money whose face value
of a debt: sinking fund •limit on has no relationship to that of the ma-
spending or borrowing: cap ©grant terial of which it is made: token
of money from central to local govern- money • deprive of monetary status:
ment: grant aid ©this without de- demonetize •official monetary unit
tailed directions as to its use: block of the European Union: ecu •metal
grant ©money given to help finance or plastic disc used instead of money:
some worthwhile activity: subsidy token •money affairs: finances
• plan of anticipated income and ex- • person in charge of much money:
penditure: budget ©person man- financier •influential financier:
aging a school's or college's finances: gnome ©study of the getting and
bursar ©person handling money in a spending of money: economics
shop or bank: cashier ©machine dis-
Mongolian ©Mongolian nomad's
pensing money: cashpoint ©provide
tent: yurt
money to meet expenses: defray
• supply money: finance, fund ©sum monitor ©establishment monitoring
of money given to charity: donation movements: tracking station
• sum of money paid regularly to • group monitoring monopoly organ-
someone to cover his expenses: allow- izations: watchdog
ance ©state money paid to parents:
monk • adjective: monastic •begin-
child benefit©state agency organiz-
ner monk: novice, oblate, postulant
ing child maintenance payments:
• take monastic vows: be professed
Child Support Agency ©money for
• monk devoting his life to prayer:
running a household: housekeeping
contemplative ©monk of an unen-
• deduct money from wages etc.: dock
closed order: friar ©monk mostly
• grant financing university study:
concerned with manual work: lay
bursary •intended to make money:
brother ©monk's hood: cowl
commercial • greed for money: avar-
• monk's short cloak: scapular
ice, cupidity •interested only in
• monk's robe: habit •monk's room:
money: mercenary •careful with
cell •denoting a monk wearing no
money: frugal, miserly, niggardly,
shoes: discalced ©shaven part of a
parsimonious, thrifty ©having suffi-
monk's head: tonsure ©community
cient money: comfortable, solvent
of monks: monastery ©society of
• short of money: hard up, embar-
rassed, impecunious • dispose of
monks under a particular rule: order
• chief of certain religious orders:
money so as to conceal its illegal ori-
general •belonging to a monastic
gins: launder •direct exchange of
order: regular
goods or services without the use of
money: barter •money entering and monkey • adjective: simian

227 monster moss |

monster • combining form: terato- morale •tactics designed to weaken

• bearlike creature said to live in the an opponent's morale: gamesman-
Himalayas: Abominable snowman, ship, psychological warfare
yeti • being from another world: morals •denoting a person with
alien • study of abnormal forms and strict moral standards: puritanical,
growths: teratology strait-laced •complacent in one's
monument •monument to per- own moral superiority: sanctimoni-
son^) buried elsewhere: cenotaph ous, self-righteous • doubt as to an
action's morality: scruple •section
monumental brass • alloy of of society of questionable morality:
which these are made: latten • paper demi-monde • person with no
tracing of a brass: brass rubbing, rub- morals: libertine • rejection of moral
bing • substance used for this: heel- rules: immoralism, nihilism
more than • combining form:
moon •combining forms: lun-, preter- (e.g. preternatural)
selen- • adjective: lunar •moon's
Mormon ©Mormon place of wor-
sickle shape: crescent •moon first ship: tabernacle
appearing thus: new moon • stage in
the moon's appearance and disappear-
morning •period of morning twi-
ance: phase, quarter •denoting a light: dawn
moon increasing in apparent size: mortar •thin mortar: grout •mor-
waxing •denoting a moon decreas- tar filling the joints in brickwork:
ing in apparent size: waning • au- pointing
tumn full moon: harvest moon mortgage ©person granting a
• lunar plain: mare •mapping of mortgage: mortgagee ©person tak-
the moon: selenography ©study of ing out a mortgage: mortgagor
the moon: selenology •within the • mortgagee's repossession of mort-
moon's orbit: sublunar •between the gaged property: foreclosure •mort-
moon and the earth: cislunar •be- gage whose principal is repaid by an
yond the moon, or of space travel to- insurance policy: endowment mort-
wards it: translunar •circle of light gage ©mortgage whose principal
seen round the moon when rain is ex- and interest are repaid in fixed instal-
pected: aureole, corona ©apparent ments: repayment mortgage ©value
circle of light round the moon caused of a mortgaged property after deduc-
by atmospheric ice crystals: halo tion of charges against it: equity
• bright spot appearing beside the Moscow % adjective: Muscovite
moon: paraselene ©glow on dark-
ened parts of the moon from sunlight Moses • adjective: Mosaic
reflected from the earth: earthlight, mosque ©mosque tower: minaret
earthshine ©tremor on the moon's • mosque's pulpit: minbar ©niche in
surface: moonquake ©small space- a mosque's wall facing Mecca: mihrab
craft formoon landings: lunar module • direction this should take: kiblah
• vehicle for travel on the moon: • mosque official calling the faithful
moon buggy, lunar roving vehicle to prayer: muezzin
• moonlike landscape: moonscape mosquito ©type of mosquito that
moor • high moorland in north Eng- carries malaria: anopheles
land: fell, wold •soft place on a moss •combining form: bryo-
moor: hag • study of mosses: bryology
moth motor vehicle

moth •moth pupa: chrysalis •pun- passenger seat: pillion •small pas-
gent pellet deterring moths: mothball senger vehicle attached to a motor-
• moth expert: lepidopterist cycle's side: sidecar •motorcycle
mother •combining form: matri- without a sidecar: solo •cinder
track for motorcycle races: dirt track
• adjective: maternal •killing one's
mother: matricide • motorcycle cross-country race:
motion • adjective: kinetic • energy
of motion: impetus • impetus gained motorcyclist •motorcyclist de-
by a moving object: momentum livering urgent documents: dispatch
• tendency to produce rotatory mo- rider •motorcyclist's protective hel-
tion: moment • deprive of the power met: crash helmet •motorcyclist's
of motion: paralyse trick of driving with the front wheel
off the ground: wheelie
motor •boat's motor housed inside
the hull: inboard •boat's motor motor fuel •denoting fuel burning
housed outside the hull: outboard with a high proportion of air: lean
• motor powered by explosive combus-
motorist •selfish motorist: road
tion of fuel: internal combustion en-
hog •motorist who drives exces-
gine • motor powered by ignition of
sively fast: speed merchant •slow-
fuel in hot compressed air:
driving motorist in search of prosti-
compression-ignition engine, diesel
tutes: kerb-crawler •violence
engine ©adjust a motor for efficient
between motorists: road rage j

running: tune ©denoting an motor

• motorist's short coat: car coat
running while out of gear: idling
• motor's starting mechanism: igni- motor race • motor race up a steep
tion • begin to operate a motor: cut hill: climb •motor racing over

in • stop operating a motor suddenly: rough terrain: autocross, rallycross

cut out •rotating coil in an electric • long-distance motor race over rough
motor: armature ©device controlling terrain: enduro •long-distance |

the flow of fuel to a motor: throttle motor race over public roads and/or I

• air valve on a petrol engine carbur- rough terrain: rally •motor racing
ettor: choke •proportion of fuel to round a banked oval track: Indy
air: mixture •device increasing the • short motor race testing acceler- J

mixture pressure: supercharger ation: drag race ©car designed for |i

• supercharger driven by exhaust this: dragster •classification for ra-

gases: turbocharger ©device atomiz- cing cars: formula ©approve a car's I

ing fuel: injector ©petrol engine rat- formula assignment: homologate


tle or explosions due to faulty combus- • basic racing car: kart ©starting |i

tion: knocking, pinking, backfiring area: grid ©sharp double bend in

• correct sequence of events in the cy- motor race track: chicane ©track- |

linder of an internal combustion en- side area for repairs and refuelling: [

gine: timing pits ©controlled skid: drift ©flag I

motorcycle • light signalling the end of a motor race:

moped, motor scooter, scooter chequered flag

• light motorcycle for rough terrain: motor vehicle ©small motor ve-
trail bike •racing motorcycle with hicle with lifting prongs: forklift truck I;

four large tyres: quad bike ©support • large heavy vehicle: juggernaut
for a motorcycle wheel: fork • motor- •large vehicle carrying cars etc.:
cycle handgrip that is twisted to open transporter ©large covered lorry:
the throttle: twist-grip •motorcycle pantechnicon ©horse transporter:
229 motor vehicle motor vehicle

horsebox • wide wheeled vehicle for indicating engine speed: tachometer

travelling over sand:beach buggy, • dashboard storage recess: glovebox,
dune buggy •small vehicle for golf- glove compartment ©shaft connect-
ers and their equipment: golf cart ing a steering wheel to its mechanism:
• motor vehicle for travelling over steering column ©rod turning the
snow: snowmobile •motor vehicle front wheels: track rod ©steering-
clearing roads of snow: snowplough column lever with electrical switches:
• motor vehicle with living accommo- sta k • mechanism conveying engine-

dation: camper, camper van, caravan- power to the axle: transmission

ette •motor vehicle carrying a • mechanism giving increased power
coffin: hearse ©sturdy vehicle for to steering and brakes: servo, servo-
rough terrain: jeep™, four-track, off- mechanism • denoting such a
road vehicle • small open single- system: power-assisted • semi-
seater vehicle for rough terrain: all- automatic system of vehicle control:
terrain vehicle, all-roader ©strong steer-by-wire •denoting a transmis-
agricutural motor with large rear sion system changing gears automat-
wheels: tractor • armour-plated ically: automatic • denoting a trans-
military or police vehicle: armour, mission system controlled by the
armoured car, armoured personnel gear-shift: manual •motor vehicle
carrier ©tracked armoured fighting gear system giving smooth changes:
vehicle: tank ©fire service vehicle: synchromesh ©move with gears dis-
fire engine, tender •motor vehicle engaged: coast ©engine cover: bon-
pulling or carrying vehicles away for net, hood ©motor vehicle's base
repair: breakdown lorry, recovery ve- frame: chassis ©motor vehicle's
hicle ©motor vehicle's base frame: streamlining structure fa ri n g • flat-
: i

chassis ©metal framework of a ve- tened projection improving stability:

hicle body: shell ©bodywork con- fin •protective bar across the front
structed over the shell: coach work or back of a motor vehicle: bumper
• motor vehicle's left side: near- • strong metal grille fitted to the front
side • motor vehicle's right side: off- of a motor vehicle: bull bar • metal
side • motor vehicle modified to give framework protecting an overturning
power and speed: hot rod • motor ve- vehicle: roll bars, roll cage, safety
hicle's acceleration and handling at cage •raised strip on a vehicle's
speed: performance •vehicle travel- sides: rubbing strip • subsidiary side
ling on a cushion of air: hovercraft window: quarter-light •flashing
• denoting a motor vehicle with spe- lights on a motor vehicle's sides: haz-
cial bodywork: coach-built •motor ard lights, indicators •small lights
vehicle's upholstery etc.: trim indicating a vehicle's position: side-
• motor vehicle body with integral lights ©part of a vehicle body be-
chassis: monocoque ©thin metal tween windscreen and bonnet: scuttle
sheet for motor vehicle bodies: panel • hinged rear door or flap: tailgate
• person shaping this: panel beater • part of a motor vehicle designed to
• group of motor vehicles travelling absorb impact: crumple zone, crush
together: convoy ©motor vehicle's zone •vehicle's ability to withstand
front window: windscreen ©hinged collision: crashworthiness •uncon-
eye-screen: sun visor ©motor ve- trolled sideways movement of a ve-
hicle's instrument panel: dashboard, hicle's rear: fishtail •vehicle's ten-
fascia • instrument indicating speed dency to turn too sharply: oversteer
of travel: speedometer • instrument • motor vehicle's grip on the road:
motor vehicle repairs movement j 230

traction •motor locking system op- mountain ridge: spur ©route over
erating all locks: central locking a mountain: pass, gap ©series of
• device maintaining a chosen speed: mountains: range ©compact moun-
cruise control ©graduated rod for tain group: massif • system of paral-
measuring engine oil levels: dipstick lel mountain ranges: cordillera • geo-

• device clearing window condensa- logical creation of mountain ranges:

tion: demister • device passing cur- orogeny ©mapping of mountains:
rent to each plug in turn: distributor orography, orology ©mass of snow,
• purifier of vehicle exhaust gases: ice, and rocks moving down a moun-

catalytic converter ©road for motor tain: avalanche, glacier • slippage of

vehicles: carriageway ©start a ve- part of a mountain surface: landslide
hicle engine bypassing the starter: • small mountain lake: tarn • steep
hot-wire ©trip in a stolen vehicle: mountain gulley: couloir
joyride ©avoid high speeds in a new mouse •adjective: murine
vehicle: run in ©lower the head-
lights: dim, dip ©make of motor ve- mouth •combining forms: or-,
stomato- •adjectives: buccal
hicle: marque ©customs permit for
• top of the mouth: roof, palate • con-
the import of a motor vehicle: carnet
genital split in this: cleft palate
• denoting a motor vehicle insurance
• rear part of the palate: soft palate
covering most risks: comprehensive
• fleshy extension at the back of the
• place to Which illegally parked
mouth: uvula •cartilaginous flap at
motor vehicles are removed: pound
the back of the mouth: epiglottis
• vehicle's unladen weight: dead load,
• mass of tissue at the back of the
tare weight ©weight of a vehicle's
load ©periodic inspec-
mouth: tonsil ©space between the
burden: live
vocal cords: glottis • inflamed mouth
tion and maintenance of a machine:
service ©taking away a vehicle for blister: cold sore • ulcer on the in-
repairs: recovery ©device raising a
side of the mouth: enanthema
vehicle's axle: jack ©sunken area for
• study of the mouth and its diseases:
work on a vehicle's underside: pit
stomatology •liquid present natur-
ally in the mouth: saliva • saliva run-
• equip troops with motor vehicles:
motorize ©nausea caused by vehicle
ning from the mouth: slaver, slobber
travel: car sickness, motion sick-
• liquid to swill round the mouth and
ness • document showing a vehicle's throat: gargle,mouthwash •bring
ownership: registration document, swallowed food back into the mouth:
log book regurgitate ©brass or wind player's
correct mouth shape: embouchure
motor vehicle repairs •estab-
lishment undertaking these: garage, movement •adjective: kinetic

service station •establishment spe- • hasty movement: scurry, scuttle

cializing in bodywork: body shop • impatient movement: fidget •skil-
ful or crafty movement: manoeuvre
moulding •combining form: -plasty
• slow piecemeal movement: strag-
(e.g. keratoplasty) •easily moulded:
gling • smooth silent movement:
plastic ©cut out with a mould:
glide ©sudden sharp movement:
stamp lurch ©sudden convulsive move-
mountain • combining form: oro- ment: spasm ©incapable of move-
• adjective: montane ©side of a ment: inert ©move round the edge of:
mountain: face ©top of a mountain: skirt ©move about stealthily: prowl,
peak, summit ©ridge between two skulk, slink, sneak ©move slowly
peaks: col, saddle ©subsidiary and awkwardly: shamble • move in a
231 much music

lazy, drooping way: slouch •make of bones and muscles: osteopathy

incapable of movement: immobilize, • exercises in which the muscles work
paralyse •system of rhythmical against each other: isometrics
movements to music: eurhythmies • muscle development through strenu-
much •combining forms: multi- (e.g.
ous exercise: bodybuilding •muscle-
multistorey), poly- (e.g. polyhedron) building drug used by sportsmen:
anabolic steroid • muscle stimula-
mucus •combining form: myxo-
tion by electric current: electrother-
(e.g. myxomatosis) •adjectives:
apy • record of a muscle's electrical
mucoid, mucous • mucus in the
activity: electro myogram • study of
nose and throat: catarrh •mucus-
muscles: myology
secreting tissue: mucous membrane
mud • lie about in mud or water:
Muse •Muse of acting, music, and
dance: Polyhymnia •Myse of astron-
omy: Urania ©Muse of comedy: Tha-
multiple •combining form: -fold lia • Muse of epic poetry: Calliope
(e.g. fivefold) • Muse of the flute: Euterpe «Muse
municipality • governing body of a of history: Clio • Muse of lyric poetry
city or borough: corporation, council and hymns: Erato •Muse of lyric
• titular head of a municipality: poetry and dance: Terpsichore
mayor • Muse of tragedy: Melpomene
muscle •combining form: my- museum •preservation of museum
• muscular system: musculature objects: conservation ©museum's
• ring of muscle: sphincter •muscle custodian: curator •remove an item
bending a limb: flexor •muscle from a museum collection: deacces-
straightening a limb: extensor
sion •science of museum manage-
• muscle of the upper arm: biceps ment: museology, museography
• muscle holding the vocal cords: lar-
mushroom •mushroom-shaped:
ynx • muscular movement of the fungiform •mushroom's flat top: pi-
alimentary canal: peristalsis •de-
noting muscles not under conscious
control: involuntary •denoting music ©undemanding music: easy
muscles under conscious control: vol- listening ©music derived from trad-
untary • cord connecting a muscle to itional popular culture: folk music
a bone: sinew, tendon •inability to • music intended to evoke an emotion,
relax muscle after a vigorous effort: tell a story, etc.: programme music

myotonia •muscle pain: myalgia • music composed with no representa-

• muscular spasm: clonus •muscu- tional purpose: absolute music
lar spasm and rigidity caused by con- • music constructed from pre-
taminated wounds: tetanus • painful recorded sounds: musique concrete
contraction of a muscle: cramp • background music to a film or play:
• painful muscular inflammation: incidental music, score • recorded
rheumatism •muscular weakness: background music for public places:
paresis ©hereditary progressive muzak™ •music for a funeral pro-
wasting of the muscles: muscular cession: dead march •secular part-
dystrophy • impaired muscular co- song: madrigal •light-hearted part-
ordination due to brain damage: cere- song: glee •continuous series of
bral palsy •medical treatment of musical items: medley, sequence
bone and muscle deformities: ortho- • published musical piece or set of
paedics ©therapeutic manipulation pieces: opus (pi. opuses or opera)
music music
| 232

• denoting music that is bland and un- church music: Gregorian chant,
demanding: middle-of-the-road •de- plainsong •kind of medieval music '

noting art music composed on trad- with parallel parts: conductus, or- [

itional lines: classical •denoting art ganum •musical piece where all 1

music composed between 1600 and parts sequentially perform the same '

1750: baroque •denoting art music notes: canon, round • musical piece
composed between 1750 and 1800: clas- whose subject appears in all parts: 1

sical • denoting music only using fugue • music with several melodies •

notes from the scale in which it is set together: counterpoint •musical <

written: diatonic •denoting non- piece in free style: fantasia •musical


diatonic music: chromatic •denot- piece designed to strengthen the play- <

ing a five-note scale: pentatonic • de- er's technique: study • set of musical
noting music having notes of fixed pieces: suite, partita ©pitch range of i

durations: mensural •denoting a musical composition: tessitura (

music having notes of unfixed dur- • music made up as it is performed: :

ations: free, rhapsodic •denoting extemporization ©section of a mu- 1

music in which all parts share the where the subjects first ap-
sical piece r

same rhythm: homophonic •denot- pear: exposition ©group of notes 1

ing music whose parts have their own given prominence in a musical piece: -

rhythms and melodic content: poly- theme ©modified version of a theme: '

phonic • denoting music with a sin- variation ©first theme in a musical 1

gle line performed by all: monodic, piece: first subject ©second theme in >

unison •denoting music with re- a musical piece: countersubject \

peated rhythm but varied pitch: • section of a musical piece where the c

isorhythmic •denoting music using subjects are elaborated: development

several rhythms simultaneously: • final section of a piece of music:
polyrhythmic •denoting music coda •recurrent musical theme: fig-
using transformations of a fixed series ure, leitmotif • repeated musical pas-
of notes: serial, twelve-note, twelve- sage: reprise •composer's personal
tone ©such a series of notes: tone musical style: idiom •brief melodic
row •relating to a twelve-tone mu- or rhythmic formula: figure •repeti-
sical scale: chromatic •relating to tion of this: imitation, ostinato
an eight-tone musical scale: diatonic • group of notes sung to one syllable:
• music for a few musicians: chamber melisma •counterpoint sung above
music ©music for a single musician: a melody: descant • soloist's flourish
solo ©music for two musicians: at the end of a musical piece: cadenza
duet, duo ©music for three musi- • elaborate vocal ornamentation: col-
cians: trio ©music for four musi- oratura • melodic embellishment: fi-
cians: quartet ©music for five musi- oritura {pi. fioriture), grace note
cians: quintet ©music for six • slide from one note to another: por-
musicians: sextet ©music for seven tamento ©fast alternation between
musicians: septet ©music for eight adjacent notes: trill ©music with
musicians: octet ©short piece for strings of fast notes: passagework
brass instruments: fanfare, flourish • continuous low note: drone, pedal
• rescore a musical piece for different note, pedal point •instrumental
instruments or voices: transcribe piece over a repeated bass: chaconne,
• denoting music designed to have a ground, passacaglia ©this repeated
random element in its performance: bass line: ground bass •interval of
aleatoric, aleatory •medieval Latin silence: rest •declamatory vocal
233 music musical instrument

music reflecting the rhythm and in- harmonic series ©sign of musical
tonation of speech: recitative • denot- pitch: clef ©musical piece's basic
ing choral music designed for un- key: home key •perform or score in
accompanied performance: a a different key: transpose •key
cappella, alia cappella • popular structure of a musical piece: tonality
close-harmony music for male voices: • movement from one key to another:
barbershop • musical lament: dirge modulation •denoting music writ-
• close of a musical phrase: cadence ten in no key or mode: atonal •de-
• point in a musical piece where a per- noting music using several keys sim-
former must start: entry • orchestral ultaneously: polytonal ©group of
piece with extended solo work for one notes sounded together: chord
or more instruments: concerto • de- • stable and pleasing chord: concord,
noting an orchestral piece giving consonance ©unstable and harsh
prominence to certain instruments: chord: discord, dissonance •move-
concertante ©the instruments so ment from one chord to another: pro-
featured: concertino •section of a gression • movement from discord
musical piece: movement •suite of to concord: resolution ©printed
light music: divertimento •musical music: sheet music ©music college:
piece's range of loudness: dynamic conservatoire ©academic study of
range, dynamics • conveyance of music: musicology ©study of non-
feeling in music: expression •call Western music: ethnomusicology
for a musical piece to be performed • system of rhythmical movements to
again: encore • musical piece so per- music: eurhythmies >see also note,
formed: encore •item in a musical tune
performance: number •music per- musical instrument • musical in-
formed between the acts of a perform- strument using a vibrating column of
ance: entr'acte •public musical per- air: aerophone, wind instrument
formance by one or a few musicians: • vibrating mouthpiece element in
recital •public musical performance certain aerophones: reed • generic
by a number of musicians: concert name for metal aerophones: brass
• unstaged performance of theatre • generic name for wooden
music: concert performance aerophones: woodwind •musical in-
• under public performance condi- strument using a vibrating string:
tions: in concert •introductory cordophone, string instrument
piece of music: overture, prelude • single-stringed musical instrument:
• piece of music played between other monochord • musical instrument
events: interlude, intermezzo •clos- using pitched wooden blocks: xylo-
ing musical piece: postlude •Ger- phone • deep-toned xylophone: ma-
man hymn or its music: chorale rimba • musical instrument using
• German solo song: lied {pi. lieder) pitched metal bars: glockenspiel
• short musical piece for voices and • keyboard instrument: clavier •key-
instruments: cantata • substantial board with hammers striking metal
unstaged narrative piece for singers plates: celesta, celeste •small key-
and orchestra: oratorio •oratorio board instrument with a soft tone:
narrating Christ's suffering and clavichord •keyboard with plucked
death: Passion •substantial staged strings: harpsichord •small harpsi-
narrative piece for singers and orches- chord with strings set obliquely to the
tra: opera • tone heard above a note's keyboard: spinet •electronic instru-
fundamental: overtone • set of these: ment able to produce many different
musical instrument |
musical notation 234

types of pitched sound: synthesizer • guitar with a round open-backed

• synthesizer imposing speech pat- soundbox: banjo • guitar with a pear-
terns onto musical sounds: vocoder shaped soundbox: lute •small Ha-
• electronic keyboard giving one note waiian guitar: ukulele ©Russian gui-,
at variable pitch: ondes martenot tar with a triangular soundbox:
• electronic instrument whose pitch is balalaika ©lute-like instrument with
controlled by the approach and with- paired strings: mandolin ©Greek
drawal of the performer's hand: mandolin: bouzouki • location of the
theremin •denoting a musical in- stopping hand on a stringed
strument playable in any key: chro- intrument: position ©maker of
matic • notes a particular musical stringed instruments: luthier, lutist

instrument can play: compass, range • medieval woodwind instrument

• adjust a musical instrument to the with a curved end: krummhorn I

desired pitch: tune •current stand- • wooden support for the strings of a
ard tuning for musical instruments: violin-family instrument: bridge
concert pitch • regulate the tone of a • tuning pin for a violin-family instru-
ment: peg • housing for this: peg box
musical instrument: voice •musical
instrument whose part is written at a
• ridge at the neck of a stringed in-
strument: nut • natural material for
different pitch from that at which it

instrument instrument strings: catgut •finger-

sounds: transposing
board ridge: fret •denoting a string
•kind of harp played by the wind: ae-
vibrating over its whole length: open
olian harp •Irish and Scottish trad-
• denoting a string vibrating over part
itional harp: clarsach •musical in-
of its length: stopped • sheet of wood
strument stretched and squeezed
set behind strings to increase the
between the hands: accordion, con-
sound produced: soundboard •hol-
certina • stringed instrument with
low body of a stringed instrument:
drones and melody keys: hurdy-gurdy
sound box • musical instruments
• stringed instrument laid flat and
that are struck: percussion •pitched
plucked: zither • small flute used in
percussion orchestra of Bali and Java:
military bands: fife ©small orches-
gamelan •mouth-held resonating
tral flute: piccolo • graduated series
metal strip: Jew's harp •complete
of short pipes: pan pipes, syrinx
pitch-range of a musical instrument:
• small rectangular multi-reed wind
gamut •finger technique in playing
instrument: harmonica, mouth organ
an instrument: fingering •device al-
• small egg-shaped ceramic wind in- tering tone and volume: mute •in-
strument: ocarina •denoting a brass strumental part essential to the piece
instrument having only the notes of performed: obbligato see also
the harmonic series: natural • device drum, guitar, lute, percussion
extending a brass instrument's range
of pitch: piston, valve • instruments musical interval •denoting a re-
required for a piece: instrumentation peated musical interval between two
• early form of oboe: shawm ©early parts: consecutive
form of trombone: sackbut ©early musical notation • written out
form of violin: viol ©early form of notation of a musical piece: score
cello: viola da gamba ©early form of • set of five parallel lines upon which
double bass: violone ©medieval music is written: stave, staff •sym-
bowed instrument with three strings: bol at the start of each stave indicat-
rebec ©early form of piano: forte- ing the pitch of the notes written on it:
piano ©early form of guitar: gittern clef •symbol indicating the pitch
235 musician |

and duration of a musical sound: note blem of this: the Crescent • believers
• sign indicating silence of a fixed dur- in Islam: the faithful •the whole
ation: rest •score having a separate Muslim community, united by Islam:
stave for each part: full score • score umma • principal branches of Islam:
having the parts combined onto a few Shia, Sunni • Muslim place of wor-
staves: short score •score showing ship: mosque •mosque prayer-
full voice parts and a reduced accom- leader: imam •Muslim who calls the
paniment: vocal score • numbers on faithful to prayer: muezzin •Muslim
the stave indicating rhythm: time sig- daily prayers: salat • Muslim profes-
nature • sign directing the following sion of faith: shahada •Muslim re-
note to be sounded half a tone higher ligious law expert: mufti, mullah ©Is-
than usual: sharp ©sign directing lamic college: madrasa ©Muslim
the following note to be sounded half a student of religious law and theology:
tone lower than usual: flat •flats or softa ©group of Islamic scholars:
sharps indicating the key: key signa- ulema ©Islamic law code: sharia
ture ©sign indicating a musical em- • traditional portion of Islamic law:
bellishment: ornament ©unmarked Sunna • ruling on Islamic law: fatwa
accidentals left to the performer: • Muslim religious festival: Eid
musica ficta ©short line above or • Muslim scriptures: Koran • section
below the stave: leger line •notation of the Koran: sura • Muslim knowing
system indicating the fingering only: the Koran by heart: hafiz • sayings of
Muhammad not found in the Koran:
musician •distinguished musician: Hadith, tradition •Muslim mystic:
maestro, virtuoso •freelance musi- dervish, Sufi •Sufi's rhythmic re-
cian doing casual work: sessions peated prayer: dhikr •Muslim as-
man ©street musician: busker cetic: fakir • Muslim hermit in North
• street musician playing a barrel Africa: marabout • tomb of a Muslim
organ: organ-grinder ©person sing- holy man: dargah ©expected Muslim
ing solo parts of the liturgy: cantor, ruler restoring religion and justice:
precentor ©church musicians em- Mahdi ©Muslim religious leader:
ployed by a monarch: chapel royal ayatollah, imam, mullah, sharif
• director of a group of musicians: • Muslim month-long fast: Ramadan
conductor ©short stick used by a • Muslim feast at the end of Ramadan:
conductor: baton • gallery for musi- Eid ul-Fitr, Lesser Bairam •Muslim
cians: loft • group of musicians per- feast at the year's end: Greater Bai-
forming together: ensemble •small ram • denoting meat prepared ac-
ensemble of musicians: consort • ac- cording to Muslim food regulations:
companying group in baroque music: halal •Muslim term for forbidden
continuo •ensemble of three musi- foods: haram •Muslim term for a
cians: trio •ensemble of four musi- non-Muslim: kafir •Muslim pilgrim-
cians: quartet •ensemble of five mu-
age to Mecca: haj •Muslim who has
sicians: quintet •ensemble of six completed this: haji ©feast at the cul-
musicians: sextet •ensemble of mination of this: Eid ul-Adha ©Mus-
seven musicians: septet ©ensemble lim term for Jews and Christians:
of eight musicians: octet ©brass or
People of the Book ©Muslim term
wind player's correct mouth shape:
for a Christian: Nazarine
gesture of greeting: salaam • Muslim
Muslim ©Muslim name for God: ruler: hakim, sharif •supreme Mus-
Allah • Muslim religion: Islam ©em- lim ruler: caliph, sultan ©sultan's
mussels myth |

wife: sultana •Muslim leader: amir, eyed giant: Cyclops {pi. Cyclops or
emir, khan, sheikh •descendant of Cyclopses or Cyclopes) •mythical
Muhammad: sharif ©Muslim judge: snake-haired woman: gorgon
cadi,hakim • Muslim official: nabob • mythical patron of an art or science:
• Muslim princess or married woman: muse •mythical abode of the dead:
begum •Muslim traditional doctor: Hades •mythical river of forgetful-
hakim ©Muslim woman's veil: yash- ness: lethe •mythical watchdog of
mak • Muslim woman's overgar- Hades: Cerberus •mythical ferry-
ment: burka, chador ©Muslim man's man of the dead: Charon •denoting
headdress: turban •Muslim man's the mythical underworld: chthonian,
tasselled felt hat: fez, tarboosh chthonic •mythical bird said to
• Muslim man's long coat: jibba burn itself every 500 years and rise
• Muslim seclusion of women: purdah again from the ashes: phoenix
• women's quarters in a Muslim • mythical bird with a floating nest:
house: harem, serai ©young woman halcyon •mythical horse with a sin-
in Muslim paradise: houri ©Muslim gle central horn: unicorn •mythical
holy war: jihad ©Islamic guerilla: creature said to live in fire: salaman-
mujahedin ©Islamic fundamental- der • mythical creature with an
ists involved in terrorism: Muslim eagle's head and lion's body: griffin
Brotherhood • Muslim chrono- • mythical creature with a lion's head,
logical era: Hegira >see also goat's body, and snakelike tail: chi-
mosque mera • mythical many-headed snake:
mussels • mussels served in then- Hydra •mythical female sea mon-
ster: Scylla •mythical creature, half
shellswith a white wine sauce:
moules mariniere man and half horse: centaur •myth-
ical creature, halfman and half bull:
mustard •mild dark mustard: Minotaur •mythical creature, half
French mustard ©pale strong mus- man and half goat: satyr • mythical
tard: English mustard
creature, half woman and half fish:
mutton •leg of mutton: gigot mermaid • mythical winged creature
• cheap end of this: scrag-end • mut- with a woman's head and lion's body:
ton kebab: shashlik ©large piece of sphinx •mythical creature with a
spiced mutton cooked on a spit: doner bird's body and woman's head: harpy
kebab • mythical craftsman: Daedalus
• mythical giant: ogre •mythical
Mycenaean ©beehive-shaped My-
cenaean tomb: tholos ©Mycenaean Norwegian sea monster: kraken
scripts: Linear A, Linear B • cave dweller in Scandinavian myth-
ology: troll •mythical Scandinavian
mysticism ©secret mystical know- dwarf: Nibelung • palace for dead
ledge: gnosis ©teacher of mysticism:
heroes in Scandinavian mythology:
Valhalla ©world ash tree in Scandi-
myth • combining form: mytho- navian mythology: Yggdrasil • myth-
• corpus of myths: mythology, my- ical wild man of the forest: green man
thos {pi. mythoi), mythus {pi. mythi) • mythical small man with pointed
• first mortal woman in Greek myth- ears and cap: pixie ©make a myth of:
ology: Pandora • mythical cupbearer mythologize ©study of myths:
of Zeus: Ganymede •mythical one- mythology
nail •adjective:ungual •dead skin nasty •combining form: mal- (e.g.
at the base of a nail: cuticle • piece of malodorous) •very nasty: obnoxious
torn skin beside a nail: agnail, hang- • dirty and unpleasant: squalid ©un-
nail • inflammation near a nail: whit- pleasant but beneficial: salutary
low • small nail holding glass in pos- nation •combining form: ethno-
ition: sprig •light thin nail with a
(e.g. ethnocentric) •adjective: ethnic
small head: panel pin ©small broad-
• wealthy capitalist nations: First
headed nail: tack ©short broad- World •nations of the former East-
headed pin: drawing pin •heavy nail
ern European communist bloc: Sec-
fastening a rail to its sleeper: spike
ond World •developing nations:
• short metal pin with a beaten-out Third World ©the poorest of these:
end: rivet •U-shaped nail pointed at Fourth World ©emigrants from a
both ends: staple • insert a nail flush
particular nation: diaspora ©tran-
with the surface: countersink ©se- scending national boundaries and
cure a nail by driving the point side- supranational
ways: clinch
nationality •combining form: -ish
naked •combining form: gymno- (e.g. English) ©give nationality to a
(e.g. gymnosophist) ©run naked foreigner: naturalize
through a public place: streak
native ©native inhabitant: abori-
name •combining forms: onom-, gine, autochthon ©native country:
nomin- (e.g. nominal), -nym (e.g. fatherland, motherland ©native of
pseudonym) •adjective: onomastic
the Alaskan islands: Aleut ©native
• name derived from a forebear: patro- American: American Indian, Amerin-
nymic ©having a name: onymous dian, Red Indian ©native of the cen-
• having no name: anonymous • per- tral Andes: Inca ©native Australian:
son having the same name as another: Aboriginal, Aborigine ©native of
namesake • having two names: bino- northern Canada or Greenland: Inuit
mial • system of names: nomenclat-
• native to a particular place: indi-
ure • list of names: roll •shortened genous
form of a name: diminutive ©wrong
or inappropriate name: misnomer native American • native Ameri-
• false name: pseudonym • so-called: can tent: tepee, wigwam ©native
soi-disant ©warrior's pseudonym: American's light axe: tomahawk
nom de guerre ©writer's pseudo- • land set aside for native American
nym: nom de plume ©criminal's settlement: reservation
false name: alias ©denoting a person nature •intrinsic nature of some-
after whom something is named: thing: essence©that cannot be ex-
eponymous ©existing in name only: plained by natural laws: supernat-
nominal, titular ©study of personal ural
names: onomastics • study of place
navel •combining form: omphalo-
names: toponymy
(e.g. omphaloscopy) •adjective:
Naples •adjective: Neapolitan umbilical
navigation |
negotiation 238

navigation • adjective: nautical • stretch out one's neck: crane

• navigation based on computation of • moving projection at the front of the
position from speed and direction of neck: Adam's apple •principal ar-
travel: dead reckoning «air naviga- tery of the neck: carotid artery
tion from landmarks: contact flight • swelling on the neck from thyroid
• navigation by the heavenly bodies: dysfunction: goitre •fold of skin
celestial navigation • navigation hanging from a bird's neck: wattle
pointer showing magnetic north: •fold of skin' hanging from the necks
compass • repeated radio or radar of cattle: dewlap • wide fabric strip
signal emitted as a navigational aid: worn round the neck: cravat • square
beam •navigation system using of cloth worn round the neck: neck-
these: Loran •electronic air naviga- erchief
tion system: tacan • position relative
neckerchief • large and brightly
to a fixed point: bearing •map for coloured neckerchief, often with white
sea or air navigation: chart •floating
spots: bandanna
navigation mark: buoy • instrument
for taking altitudes: sextant •regu- necklace •close-fitting necklace or

larly used sea or air route: lane ©de- neck band: choker
viation from set course due to wind, need • pressing need: exigence, exi-
current, etc.: drift gency • thing needed: desideratum
navy ©flag of the Royal Navy: white {pi. desiderata) «as needed: ad hoc
ensign ©flag of naval auxiliary ves- • ability to produce all one needs: self-
sels: blue ensign ©ships involved in sufficiency, autarky •more than
trade: merchant navy ©flag of the needed: supernumerary
merchant navy: red ensign ©naval needlework •ornamental needle-
rebellion: mutiny work: embroidery •ornamental
Nazi • official title: National Social- needlework making patterns with
ist ©Nazi emblem: swastika ©Nazi pieces of coloured cloth: applique
regional governor: Gauleiter ©Nazi • blunt thick needle with a large eye:
marching step: goose step bodkin
• Nazi militia forming Hitler's body- negation • denoting a process of en-
guard: Brownshirts, Storm Troops, quiry conducted by negation: apo-
Sturmabteilung ©Nazi secret police: phatic
Gestapo ©Nazi prison camp: con-
centration camp • Nazi justification
negotiation • negotiation between
for territorial expansion: Lebens-
management and workforce represen-
tatives: collectivebargaining •nego-
raum ©Nazi policy of eastward ex-
pansion: Drang nach Osten •unifi- tiation by a mediator travelling be-
cation of Austria and Germany tween the parties: shuttle diplomacy
achieved by Nazis: Anschluss • Nazi • act as mediator in negotiations: con-
term for the German nation: ciliate • denoting negotiation be-
Herrenvolk ©Nazi extermination of tween two parties: bilateral •denot-
European Jews: final solution, Holo- ing negotiation between three or more
caust parties: multilateral •statutory
interval for negotiation when strikes
near side • combining form: cis-
are threatened: cooling-off period
(e.g. cisalpine)
• area of possible compromise: middle
neck • adjective: cervical, jugular ground ©set of proposals that must
• back of the neck: nape, scruff be accepted or rejected en bloc: pack-
239 Neptune newspaper

age •agreement reached at the end net •adjective: retiform •woman's

of negotiations: conclusion hairnet: snood •Roman gladiator

Neptune • Greek name: Poseidon armed with net: retiarius

•Neptune's three-pronged spear: tri- network ©wire or thread network:
dent mesh •complex network: labyrinth,
nerve • combining form: neur(o)- maze • network of lines etc. crossing
• adjective: neural ©nerve transmit- at right angles: grid •point in a net-
ting signals from the eye to the brain: work at which lines join or cross:

optic nerve ©nerve transmitting sig- node • national electricity supply

nals from the ear to the brain: audi- network: grid • network of lines on a
tory nerve • nerve cell: neurone map: grid
• nerve cells and fibres: nervous sys- new •combining form: neo- •objec-
tem •junction between nerve cells: tionably new: newfangled •incorp-
synapse • network of nerves: plexus orating the latest advances: state-
• nerve complex: ganglion • nerve of-the-art ©new thing: innovation,
complex at the foot of the stomach: novelty «new word: neologism
solar plexus • bundle of nerve fibres • inexperienced newcomer: novice
enclosed in the spine: spinal cord
• brain and spinal cord: central ner-
news •exclusive publication of a
major news item: scoop ©news item
vous system •denoting a nerve
given prominence to divert attention
stimulating a muscle or organ: motor
• electrical signal along a nerve fibre:
from another item: spoiler •inter-
nerve impulse •military gas dis- ruption of broadcasting with a brief
rupting this: nerve gas •intense report of a major event: newsflash
pain along a nerve: neuralgia •pain • broadcast news report: news bul-
from pressure on the spinal nerve: letin, newscast • person reading
sciatica •disease causing progres- such a report: newscaster ©news
sive deterioration of brain and spinal communication by photographs:
nerve cells: multiple sclerosis •pro- photojournalism •favourable bias
gressive nerve disease causing shak- on a news report: spin • news agency
ing, muscular rigidity, and emaci- serving a number of publications:
ation: Parkinson's disease ©nerve syndicate
disease causing jerky movements: newspaper • official newspaper:
chorea • nerve disease causing par- gazette ©newspaper with large
alysis: poliomyelitis • muscular pages: broadsheet • newspaper with
weakness caused by nerve damage or small pages: tabloid ©newspapers
disease: paresis • tropical disease at- and journalists: the press ©news-
tacking the nervous system: sleeping papers specializing in sensational or
sickness • nerve stimulation by elec- titillating material: gutter press,
tric current: electrotherapy •medi- scandal sheets ©newspaper con-
cine calming the nerves: nervine, trolled by a political party: organ
neuroleptic • study of the nervous • newspaper's displayed title: mast-
system and its disorders: neurology head • newspaper advertisement
• biological study of the nervous sys- presented as editorial material: adver-
tem: neurobiology ©surgical re- torial ©newspaper's treatment of a
moval of a nerve: neurectomy topic: coverage ©item reported by
nest • gannets' nesting ground: gan- one newspaper only: exclusive ©fac-
netry • group of rooks' nests: rook- tual report of latest developments:
ery hard news ©news from an overseas
night |
non-interference 240

reporter: dispatch • newspaper re- • while night passes: overnight

port of discreditable activities: ex- • night blindness: nyctalopia
pose •newspaper's careful research nine •combining form: non(a)-
aimed exposing malpractices: in-
at • nine-sided figure: nonagon •en-
vestigative journalism • general art- semble of nine musicians, or music
icle on a topic: feature, soft news for them: nonet
• background article on a person in ninety ©person in his or her nine-
the news: profile • newspaper an- ties: nonagenarian
nouncement of a person's death: ob-
nipple •adjective: mamillary •pig-
ituary • complimentary mention in a
mented area around a nipple: areola
newspaper: puff •middle pages of a
• enlarged and rigid state of a nipple:
newspaper: centrefold, centre spread
• newspaper section regularly written
by a named person: column •news- nitrogen •adjective: nitrous •cyc-
paper gossip column: diary •princi-
lic environmental interconvertion of
nitrogen: nitrogen cycle
pal newspaper item: lead ©text for a
newspaper item: copy •item in- Noah •adjective: Noachian
serted during printing: stop press nobility ©female member of the no-
• entry at the head of an item showing bility: peeress • male member of the
place and date of writing: date line nobility: peer •foreign nobility:
• decide not to use an item: kill, spike noblesse •list of nobles: peerage
• worth reporting: newsworthy • title having no legal validity: cour-
• government directive forbidding tesy title •small crown worn by a
publication of certain news: D notice noble person: coronet •denoting the
• high summer, when there is a dearth junior branch of a noble family: cadet
of serious news: silly season •per- • preposition forming part of a title:
son in charge of a newspaper's daily nobiliary particle
contents: editor •column of com- noise ©loud discordant noise: cac-
ment written by him: editorial ophony • chaotic noise: hubbub,
• newspaper staff dealing with a par- pandemonium, racket, tumult, up-
ticular topic: desk ©newspaper de- roar • noise disturbing or harming
partment dealing with financial news: others: noise pollution •noise con-
city desk •organization supplying taining equal proportions of many fre-
news stories: news agency •free- quencies: white noise •rumbling of
lance photographer or journalist sell- intestinal gas: borborygmus • noisy
ing sensational material to the gutter and hard to control: obstreperous,
press: paparazzo (pi. paparazzi) rowdy •noise-reducing device: silen-
• payment of large sums by represen- cer • phenomenon causing pitch-
tatives of newspapers to gain exclu- change in passing noises: Doppler
sive rights to sensational material: effect
chequebook journalism «send art- Nonconformist • Nonconformist
icles toa newspaper: contribute, file place of worship: chapel, tabernacle
• send newspaper text to the printer: • association of nonconformist
put to bed ©number of copies of a churches: union ©person claiming to
newspaper sold: circulation ©shop believe in God but denying the exist-
selling newspapers: newsagent ence of the Trinity: Unitarian
night •combining forms: noct-, nyct- non-interference ©government
• adjective: nocturnal • night that is policy of non-interference: laissez-
never completely dark: white night faire
241 non-violence |

non-violence •Hindu and Bud- nostril •adjective: narial • division

dhist principle of non-violence to- between the nostrils: septum
wards all living things: ahimsa not •combining forms: a- (e.g. asex-
• non-violent resistance as a form of ual), an- (e.g. anonymous), dis- (e.g.
political protest: civil disobedience dishonest), in- (e.g. infertile), mal- (e.g.
•non-violent resistance as advocated maladroit), un- (e.g. unloved)
by Gandhi in India: satyagraha
note 1
• notes of variant textual read-
norm •behavioural norm: conven- ings: apparatus, apparatus criticus,
tion • person following established critical apparatus •note at the start
norms: conformist of a chapter etc.: headnote •mar-
normal •beyond what is normal: ginal notes: marginalia •note at a
preternatural page-foot: footnote •note at the end
of a chapter etc.: endnote •heading
north •adjective: boreal • north ac-
cording to the earth's axis: true north
to a note: lemma {pi. lemmata)
• make a quick note: jot • note provi-
• north according to the compass:
sionally: pencil in
magnetic north •distance travelled
northwards: northing ©northern note 2 • sustained note: pedal, pedal
lights: aurora borealis note, pedal point •chromatic se-
quence of notes used in a serial piece:
North African • citadel in a North
tone row ©set of notes to be per-
African town: kasbah
formed by a particular instrumental-
North American • large cattle ist or singer: part •embellishment of
farm ranch ©cowboy's hat: ten- a note: ornament ©slide from one
gallon hat ©deep river gorge: can- note to another: glissando, porta-
yon ©open grassy plain: prairie mento ©stepwise arrangement of
• North American term for the rural successive notes in a musical system:
hinterland: backcountry •school or scale ©group of notes sounded to-
university term: semester •second- gether: chord ©group of adjacent
year high-school or university stu- notes sounded together: note cluster,
dent: sophomore ©wild horse: tone cluster ©duration and em-
bronco •wolflike wild dog: coyote phasis of a group of successive notes:
Norway •adjective: Norwegian rhythm ©notes a particular voice or
• sea inlet in Norway: fjord ©sweet instrument can sing or play: range
brown Norwegian cheese: Gjetost • height of a note: pitch ©two-
• medieval Norwegian wooden pronged metal fork struck to give a
church: stave church •mythical note of specified pitch: tuning fork
Norwegian sea monster: kraken • denoting notes having different
nose •combining forms: nas(o)-, names but the same pitch: enhar-
rhino- (e.g. rhinoplasty) •adjectives: monic • lowest sound that can be
nasal, rhinal • hooked nose: Roman heard within a note: fundamental
nose • straight nose: Grecian nose • higher sound heard within a note:
• upper, bony part of a nose: bridge harmonic, overtone, partial •move-
• opening of the nose: nostril • build- ment from one note to another: pro-
up of mucus in the nose: catarrh gression • change in a note's pitch
• blockage of the nose by mucus: con- as its source passes by: Doppler effect
gestion • nasal inflammation: rhin- see also musical notation
itis • skull cavity connecting with notebook •notebook containing a
the nasal cavities: sinus •push with personal collection of memorable pas-
the nose: nuzzle sages: commonplace book • paper
notice |
nuclear weapon 242

or electronic notebook for business be split in a reactor: fissile, fission-

and social engagements personal
etc.: able ©denoting nuclei that can be
organizer • loose-leaf notebook: Filo- made fissile: fertile ©denoting nu-
fax™ clear reactions occurring only at very

notice •fail or refuse to notice: high temperatures: thermonuclear

overlook •accidental failure to no- • magnesium-based cladding for nu-
tice: oversight ©done cautiously to clear fuel: magnox ©substance re-
avoid notice: stealthy tarding neutrons: moderator
• neutron-absorbing rod used to vary
noun • adjective: nominal «noun
a reactor's output: control rod •en-
that can form a plural: count noun
rich a reactor with a particular iso-
• noun denoting something which
tope: spike ©water used as a moder-
cannot be counted: mass noun •de-
noting a noun used for an individual
ator: '
heavy water ©lead-lined
proper •denoting container for nuclear waste: flask
person, place, etc.:

noun used for a class of objects:

• denoting highly radioactive nuclear
waste: high-level •overheating and
common • denoting a noun naming
a material object: concrete •denot- destruction of the core: meltdown
ing a noun naming an idea, quality, • meltdown that continues through
etc.: abstract ©verbal noun: gerund the core and into the earth: China
syndrome •close down and decon-
novel • novel depicting real persons
taminate a worn-out nuclear reactor:
or events but with changed names:
roman a clef ©novel depicting its
hero's early life: Bildungsroman nuclear weapon • nuclear
• family novel, usually dealing with weapon inwhich the explosion is
several generations: roman-fleuve caused by a chain reaction: atom
• novel presented as a series of letters: bomb, fission bomb • nuclear
epistolary novel ©horror novel with weapon in which the explosion is
a medieval setting: gothic novel caused by a single high-temperature
• short light novel: novelette •novel reaction: fusion bomb, hydrogen
flouting literary conventions: anti- bomb, thermonuclear bomb •nu-
novel • extended short story: novella clear weapon designed to destroy life
• novel's story-line: plot •principal but not buildings: neutron bomb
character in a novel: protagonist • denoting a nuclear weapon produ-
• scene reverting to an earlier dra- cing little fallout: clean •denoting a
matic time: flashback >see also fic- nuclear weapon producing much fall-
tion, story out: dirty •denoting a nuclear
nuclear reactor • nuclear reactor weapon of low explosive force: low-
producing more nuclear fuel than it yield • denoting non-nuclear weap-
consumes: breeder •breeder reactor onry: conventional •ball of hot gas
not using a moderator: fast breeder generated by a nuclear explosion: fire-
• nuclear reactor converting fertile ball • atmospheric radioactive par-
into fissile material: converter •de- ticles left by a nuclear explosion: fall-
noting a reactor in self-sustaining re- out • cold and darkness following the
action: critical • minimum fissile ma- explosion of many nuclear warheads:
terial needed for a nuclear reaction: nuclear winter •possession of nu-
critical mass • conversion of matter clear weaponry, imagined to frighten
to energy in a nuclear reaction: anni- aggressors: deterrent • imagined
hilation • central part of a nuclear re- protection gained by alliance with a
actor: core • denoting nuclei that can nuclear power: nuclear umbrella
243 nucleus |

• nuclear capacity beyond that re- • number multiplying an algebraic

quired for universal destruction: over- variable: coefficient ©number show-
kill • strengthen against nuclear at- ing the result of multiplication: prod-
tack: harden • stage in a war when uct • number whose product with an-
nuclear weapons might be employed: other stated number is unity:
nuclear threshold • nuclear attack reciprocal • product of multiplying a
intended to destroy the enemy's nu- number by itself: power • product of
clear arsenal: first strike, pre-emptive a number multiplied once by itself:
strike •retaliatory nuclear attack: square • product of a number multi-
second strike •point on the earth's plied twice by itself: cube ©number
surface directly above or below an ex- that when multiplied to a certain
ploding nuclear bomb: ground zero power gives a stated product: root,
nucleus ©positively charged par- radical ©number to be divided: divi-
ticle in an atom's nucleus: proton dend ©number by which division is
• negatively charged particle in an made: divisor ©number by which an-
atom's nucleus: neutron ©negatively other is exactly divisible: factor
charged particle orbiting an atom's • number showing the result of div-
nucleus: electron •reaction causing ision: quotient ©number left over in
the splitting of a nucleus: fission division: remainder ©number or
• reaction causing the fusion of sev- symbol on which a numeration scale
eral nuclei: fusion • force involved in is based: base, radix ©numeration
the decay of nuclei: weak force scale based on 2: binary system • nu-
nudity •full exposure of the front of meration scale based on 3: ternary
the body: full-frontal nudity • social system ©numeration scale based on
nudity: naturism, nudism 8: octal system ©numeration scale
based on 10: decimal system ©nu-
number •adjective: numerical
meration scale based on 12: duodeci-
• number indicating quantity: car-
mal system ©numeration scale
dinal number ©number indicating
position in a sequence: ordinal num-
based on 16: hexadecimal system
ber ©positive whole number: natural • number to which a logarithm be-
number ©number greater than any
longs: antilogarithm ©numeric nota-
tion beginning 3: Arabic
2, nu-
countable number: infinity ©number 1,

that can be expressed as a whole- merals ©numeric notation

number ratio: rational number beginning i, ii, iii: Roman numerals
• number without fractions: whole • number progression in a fixed ratio:
number, integer ©number consisting geometric progression • number
of an integer and a proper fraction: progression by a fixed sum: arithmetic
mixed number ©integer divisible progression •numerical proportion
only by itself and 1: prime number expressing the relative size of two
• number not so limited: composite populations: ratio •denoting a num-
number •number to be added to an- ber correct to the nearest 10 or 100
other: summand ©number showing (etc.): round •denoting a number re-
the result of addition: sum • number peated indefinitely: recurring • fig-
from which another is to be sub- ure, symbol, etc. denoting a number:
tracted: minuend ©number to be numeral • consisting of numbers and
subtracted from another: subtrahend letters: alphanumeric •fixed or per-
• number showing the result of sub- mitted number: quota • number allo-
traction: difference ©number to be cated to an individual to validate his
multiplied with another: multiplicand electronic transactions: personal
number plate |
nymph 244

identification number •person col- ing homes to give advice: health vis-
lecting locomotive numbers as a itor • nurse assisting women in la-
hobby: trainspotter •study of num- bour: midwife ©nurse in charge of
bers' occult significance: numerology others: nursing officer, matron, sis-

number plate •dealers' temporary ter, ward manager

number plate for unlicensed motor ve- nursery ©day nursery for pre-
hicles: trade plates school children: creche ©nurse car-
nun •beginner nun: novice, oblate, ing for a baby without breastfeeding
postulant • chief nun: abbess, it: dry-nurse ©nurse caring for a
mother superior •nun mostly con- baby and breastfeeding it: wet-nurse
cerned with manual work: lay sister nut 1
•combining forms: nuci-
• take monastic vows: be professed • nut's soft interior: kernel ©large
• nun's cap: coif • nun's covering for seed of the tropical palm: coconut
the head and neck: wimple •nun's • nut-eating: nucivorous
room: cell •denoting a nun wearing
no shoes: discalced •community of nut 2 ©nut screwed down on another:

nuns, or its buildings: convent, nun-

locknut ©nut with projections for
the fingers to turn: wing nut ©flat
nery • school run by nuns: convent,
ring under a nut: washer
convent school •society of nuns
under a particular rule: order nylon ©unit of fineness for nylon
nunnery • adjective: claustral yarn: denier
• small nunnery: priory ©nunnery nymph ©mountain nymph: oread
room for conversation: parlour • fresh-waternymph: naiad ©sea
• nunnery dining hall: refectory nymph: nereid ©tree nymph: hama-
nurse ©nurse visiting patients' dryad • wood nymph: dryad, hama-
homes: nurse • nurse visit-
district dryad
oath •oath (formerly) taken by holder: incumbent, occupant ©for-
trainee doctors: Hippocratic oath mal inauguration of office: induction,
• evidence given under oath: depos- installation ©period of holding of-
ition • written statement made under tenure
fice: ©ending a term of office:
oath: affidavit •solicitor entitled to outgoing
administer oaths: Commissioner for
office 2 ©barrister's office: cham-
bers ©judge's office for private hear-
obedience • demanding obedience: ings: chambers • rolling reallocation
peremptory • stubbornly disobedi- of office accommodation: hot-
ent: refractory • person refusing desking, hot-seating ©office work-
obedience: recusant ers' headaches and respiratory prob-
objection ©open to objection: ex- lems, thought to be caused by poor
ceptionable ventilation: sick building syndrome

objective • compromise between official ©chief official: principal

two mutually incompatible objectives: • senior administrative official: chief
trade-off executive • powerful official: manda-
obligation • failure to fulfil an obli- rin • career official in a large bureau-

gation: default cracy: apparatchik •official in the

state bureaucracy: civil servant •of-
observation • close and constant
ficial who calls meetings: convenor
observation: surveillance ©judge's
• official implementing the decisions
observation made in passing: obiter
of others: executive • official ensur-
dictum ©derived from observation
ing that rules are kept: referee, um-
rather than logic: empirical
pire ©state official based abroad to
obsolescence ©not prone to obso- assist his compatriots: consul ©offi-
lescence: future-proof cial representing a state abroad: dip-
octave below • combining form: lomat ©official controlling the Col-
contra- (e.g. contrabass) lege of Arms: Earl Marshal ©official

odds •denoting odds that reflect a overseeing state ceremonial and

high probability: short •denoting grants of arms: herald ©official au-
odds that reflect a remote probability: diting local authority accounts: dis-
long trict auditor • court or municipal of-
ficial making public announcements:
offal ©deer's offal: umbles ©fowl's
crier •official appointed to manage
offal: giblets • animal lungs as offal:
the affairs of bankrupts: receiver
• official examining bus tickets: in-
offer ©offer to perform a specified spector • church official leading pro-
job at a specified price: tender ©be cessions etc.: verger •church official
the first to whom something will be in charge of vestments etc.: sacristan
offered: have first refusal • former parish official carrying out
office 1 • combining form: -ship (e.g. minor punishments etc.: beadle
ambassadorship) ©current office- • coal mine safety official: deputy
official |
oil well 246

• official investigating complaints ficial status: ex officio ©start an of-

against public authorities: Ombuds- ficial job: take office ©use of one's
man, Parliamentary Commissioner official position for personal gain: job-
for Administration •official inquir- bery • elaborate establishment with
ing into the cause of a person's death: many officials: bureaucracy •stif-
coroner • official conducting an elec- ling effects of excessive bureaucracy:
tion: returning officer •official red tape •official permission or
supervising the running of some pub- approval: clearance •official ban:
lic event: steward ©person man- embargo •official order: edict •of-
aging a school's or college's finances: ficialorder having the force of law: de-
bursar • official in charge of hounds: cree ©person exercising power with-
huntsman •government official in- out having any office: eminence
specting imports: customs officer grise
• official controlling a company's in- offspring • offspring of a cat, rabbit,
vestments: fund manager ©senior or ferret: kitten •offspring of a dog:
UK law officer: Director of Public Pro- pup, whelp •offspring of a fox, bear,
secutions • company official ensur- or lion: cub •offspring of a swan:
ing the legality of transactions: com- cygnet ©group of animals produced
pliance officer • university's at a birth: litter • smallest member of
ceremonial mace-bearer: beadle a litter: runt • denoting offspring de-
• mosque official calling the faithful pendent on their parents for some
to prayer: muezzin •official super- time after birth: altricial •denoting
vising those placed on probation: pro- offspring able to feed themselves soon
bation officer •official responsible after birth: precocial /or offspring
for records: registrar •official in of other animals see the appropriate
charge of court or council records: entry
clerk • official in charge of a railway oil % combining form: ole- •adjec-
station: stationmaster • officials tive: oleaginous •oil suitable for
controlling a river or port: conser- most engines: multigrade ©diesel oil
vancy • Roman official interpreting for road vehicles: derv •flower-petal
omens: augur, haruspex •official oil used in scent-making: attar •oil
managing a royal household: cham- distilled from plants etc.: essential oil
berlain • official in charge of royal • sacramental oil: chrism, unguent
ceremonial: Lord Great Chamberlain • rub with sacramental oil: anoint
• hereditary official offering to fight • sweet-scented tropical essential oil:
for the monarch's right to the throne: ylang-ylang ©layer of oil floating on
Champion of England •official sup- water: slick ©device collecting this:
pressing published material held to be skimmer ©oil store at the end of a
obscene or harmful to state security: pipeline: terminal
censor ©area tax official: inspector oilwell ©first successful well in a
of taxes • court official serving writs new oilfield: discovery well ©well
tipstaff •denoting an of-
etc.: bailiff, needing no pumps: gusher ©struc-
ficialappointed but not yet in his post: ture above an oil well: platform, rig
designate, elect •denoting an offi- • framework holding the drill: derrick
cial receiving no pay: honorary • de- • seabed steel frame supporting a rig:
noting a retired official: emeritus jacket • person directing the drilling
• appointment of officials in rotation on an oil rig: tool pusher ©011 rig la-
rather than according to merit: bourer: roustabout ©accommoda-
Buggins' turn • by virtue of one's of- tion ship for offshore rig staff: floatel
247 ointment opinion

ointment •lip-ointment: lipsalve onion ©small onion planted instead

•pain-relieving ointment: liniment of seed: set
• skin ointment: balm, balsam, salve
opening ©opening of the nose: nos-
okra «okra in Indian cuisine: tril ©opening for liquids or gases to
bhindi escape: vent
old •combining forms: archaeo- (e.g.
open space ©open space along the
archaeology), palaeo- (e.g. paleo-
sea front in a seaside town: esplan-
ade, promenade ©open space in
old age • combining form: geront- front of a building: forecourt, con-
(e.g. gerontocracy) •adjective:
gerontic ©elderly and infirm: de-
crepit • shrivelled with old age: wiz- opera ©opera sung throughout:
ened • dark skin patches in the aged: grand opera ©opera comprised of
lentigo, senile maculation •time of separate musical items: number
life when fertility and sexual drives opera ©opera with spoken dialogue:
decline: climacteric ©mental and operetta ©word-book of an opera: li-
physical decay characteristic of old bretto ©running translation of an
age: infirmity, senescence, senility opera displayed above the stage: sur-
• progressive mental decay of the eld- eties ©famous female opera singer:
erly: senile dementia, Alzheimer's diva ©person teaching opera singers
disease • period of senile decay: dot- their music: repetiteur ©person sta-
age ©person in this *state: dotard ging an opera: producer ©general
• medical and social care of old manager of an opera house: intendant
people: geriatrics ©place providing • contemporary chamber opera:
daytime social supervision for the eld- music theatre
erly: day centre ©person in his six-
operation •operation to improve
ties: sexagenarian ©person in his
one's appearance: cosmetic surgery
seventies: septagenarian ©person in
• operation to remove an appendix:
his eighties: octogenarian ©person
appendectomy, appendicectomy
in his nineties: nonagenarian ©per-
• operation to create an alternative
son a hundred or more years old:
blood vessel: bypass • operation to
centenarian ©study of old age: ger-
remove a breast: mastectomy •oper-
ontology >see also senior citizen
ation to remove a breast tumour:
old-fashioned ©attractively old-
lumpectomy • operation to replace
fashioned: quaint
an organ: transplant •operation to
old woman ©adjective: anile remove the ovaries: oophorectomy
olive oil ©denoting oil of the finest • operation to transfer tissue: graft
quality: extra virgin ©denoting oil of • child delivery by cutting the wall of
the next best quality: virgin the womb: Caesarean section
omelette ©open omelette contain- • medication given before an oper-
ing chopped vegetables: Spanish om- ation: pre-medication • hospital
elette room for operations: theatre •denot-
one •combining forms: mon(o)- (e.g. ing a condition that cannot be oper-
monoplane), uni- (e.g. unilateral) ated upon: inoperable
• the only one of its kind: unique opinion •generally accepted opin-
• done by one party only: unilateral ion: idee recue (pi. idees regues)
one and a half •combining form: • considered opinion: second
sesqui- (e.g. sesquicentenary) thoughts, standpoint «ask opinions:
opium organ|

canvass • assessment of public opin- kinds of orange: mandarin, tangerine

ion by canvassing a representative • loose-skinned tangerine: satsuma
sample: opinion poll •person con- • white spongy tissue inside an
ducting or analysing opinion polls: orange skin: pith
pollster •mass meeting to express orchestra • large orchestra: sym-
public opinion: demonstration, rally
phony orchestra •small orchestra:
• hold a contrary opinion: dissent chamber orchestra, sinfonia, sinfoni-
• person with opinions diverging from etta •percussion orchestra of Java
the general consensus: nonconform-
and gamelan
iSali: •substantial
ist • refusal to consider the opinions
piece of orchestral music: symphony
of others: laager mentality, tunnel vi-
• substantial piece for a soloist and or-
sion ©person adjusting his opinions chestra: concerto •orchestra's first
to the mood of the time: trimmer • in-
violinist: leader, concertmaster • or-
tolerant of others' opinions: narrow-
chestral players' music stand: desk
minded, petty, small-minded •writ- • play several instruments in an or-
ten statement of one's opinions and chestra: double >see also ensemble
intentions: position paper •person
airing contentious opinions to pro- orbit •orbit that keeps a satellite
voke debate: devil's advocate •de- fixed over a terrestrial point: geosta-

signed to advance a particular point of tionary orbit •point in an orbit fur-

view: tendentious thest from the earth, moon, sun: apo-
gee, apolune, aphelion • point in an
opium • adjective: opiate •opium-
orbit closest to the earth, moon, sun,
derived drug: opiate •opium-like
object orbited: perigee, perilune, peri-
compound: opioid • opium-derived
helion, periapsis {pi. periapses)
addictive painkillers: heroin, mor-
• star etc. round which a satellite
orbits: primary
opponent • determined opponent of
change etc.: diehard
order ©order for supplies: requisi-
tion ©order for a regularly repeated
opposite •combining forms: supply: standing order ©order for
contra-, counter- (e.g. counteract)
work to be undertaken: commission
• opposite side of the world: antipo- • order for a person to attend a court:
des ©word having the opposite summons, subpoena, process
sense: antonym •having the oppos-
• order sent from a higher to a lower
ite effect to that desired: counter-
court: mandamus ©court order re-
productive ©assert the opposite of: quiring a certain action to be per-
contradict formed or avoided: writ, injunction
opposition • non-violent oppos- • made to order: bespoke
ition: passive resistance
ordinary • ordinary participants:
optician • optician testing eyes, rank and •reflecting the wishes
prescribing, and making up prescrip- or tastes of ordinary people: populist
tions: ophthalmic optician •opti-
cian making up prescriptions: dis-
organ 1
•small organ whose pipes
are activated by pins attached to a re-
pensing optician
volving cylinder: barrel organ •foot-
oral ©oral examination of an appli- blown reed organ: harmonium
cant: interview ©oral examination of • cabinet for an organ's keyboards
academic candidate: viva and stops: console • cabinet housing
orange • kind of orange having red- the expressive section: swell box
dish flesh: blood orange •small • chief organ keyboard: great
249 organ ornament

• upper organ keyboard, with expres- mittee ©person within an organiza-

sive section: swell ©lower organ key- tion who betrays its secrets: mole
board, with soft stops: choir • organ • separate from an organization's con-
piece played at a church service: vol- trol: hive off • split an organization

untary into a number of independent busi-

nesses: unbundle • detailed practical
organ 2 morgan producing gametes:
organization required to implement a
gonad • imaging of internal organs
plan: logistics
by high-frequency radio waves: mag-
netic resonance imaging organ transplants • person giv-
ing organs for transplanting: donor
organism •organism living on an-
• drug preventing rejection of these:
other: parasite ©organism visible
cyclosporin *card authorizing use
only by microscope: micro-organism
of the holder's organs for medical pur-
• small organisms floating in water:
poses after his death: donor card
plankton •small organisms swim-
ming in water: nekton • basic unit of orgasm •ability to achieve an or-
a natural organism: cell ©develop- gasm: potency
ment of an organism: ontogenesis, orgy • adjective: orgiastic
ontogeny •cooperative interaction Orient •flat-bottomed Oriental sail-
between two different organisms: ing vessel: junk •Oriental covered
symbiosis ©able to be decomposed litter: palanquin, palankeen
by living organisms: biodegradable
origin •combining form: -genous
• study of living organisms: biology,
(e.g.indigenous) ©ethnic origin: ex-
physiology, life sciences • study of
traction • place of origin of a work of
the forms of living organisms: morph-
art: provenance ©study of the ori-
ology ©study of micro-organisms:
gins of words: etymology • study of
the origins of names: onomastics
organization •established organ- original •combining form: proto-
ization: institution ©separate but (e.g. prototype), ur- (e.g. urtext)
dependent organization: satellite
origination • person who originates
• organization sponsored but not con-
and activates artistic or commercial
trolled by government: quango •or-
projects: animateur
ganization supplying water, gas, etc.:
public utility, utility • organization Orkneys •adjective: Orcadian
training and regulating barristers: ornament •combining form: -let
Inn of Court ©organization counsel- (e.g. necklet)• small household orna-
ling distressed persons: Samaritans ment: gewgaw, knick-knack, trinket
• organization's income: revenue • these collectively: bric-a-brac
• organizational restructuring for • small decorative item: objet d'art
greater efficiency: streamlining (pi. objets d'art) •ornamental festoon
• simplification of an organization's of flowers, fruits, etc.: swag
hierarchy: delayering •reduction of • ornamental pattern: motif •orna-
an organization's size: downsizing, mental work of knotted cords: knot-
rationalization ©put a previously ting, knotwork • ornamental
failing organization on the path to grooves: fluting •fine ornamental
success: turn round • statement of an wire work: •intertwining
organization's aims and principles: decoration: meander ©decorated
misson statement •committee es- with leaves: foliate • ornamental pat-
tablishing an organization's general terns of holes: openwork • ornamen-
principles of operation: steering com- tal embedding of different materials:

orphan Oxford University

| 250

inlay •wood inlay decorating furni- ovary •combining form: oophor-

ture: marquetry •thin cord decorat- • adjective: ovarian •ovary cell div-
ing upholstery: piping •ornamental iding to form an ovum: oocyte,;
strip of wood or stone: moulding • ovary cavity for the ovum: follicle
• ornamental centrepiece for a dining • tube taking an ovum from the ovary:
table: epergne •flower-shaped orna- oviduct •inflammation of an ovary:
ment: fleuron •thin line of cream or oophoritis, ovaritis ©surgical re-
icing decorating food: pi ping • panel- moval of the oophorectomy,
ling ornament: linenfold •ornamen- ovariectomy, ovariotomy
tal plant pot: jardiniere • ornamental
over •combining forms: hyper- (e.g.l
support for a rail: baluster •orna- hypernym), super- superstruc-
mentation imitating plaited straps: ture, supererogation), supra- (e.g. <

strapwork • ankle ornament: anklet supramundane), sur- (e.g. surcharge)

• ornament worn round the upper
arm: armlet • rigid ornamental band overcome ©that cannot be over-
worn round the wrist or ankle: ban- come: insurmountable
gle, bracelet •ornamental chain overeating •compulsive overeat-
worn round the wrist or arm: bracelet ing: • bouts of overeating fol-
• small ornament worn to give lowed by self-induced vomiting and
magical protection: amulet •three- fasting: bulimia nervosa
lobed ornamental design: trefoil
overlap ©arrange avoiding over-
• four-lobed ornamental design:
laps: stagger
quatrefoil >see also architecture
orphan ©person protecting an orph-
ovum •combining form: oo- ©de-
velopment of an ovum: oogenesis
an's interests: guardian
• fertilized ovum: zygote ©tube tak-
ostrich •adjective: struthious ing an ovum from the ovary: oviduct
other % combining form: heter(o)- • discharge ova from the ovary: ovu-
(e.g. heterosexual), xeno- {e.g. xeno- late

graft) • among other people: inter own •all the money and property
alios • among other things: inter owned by a person: estate
owner •adjective: proprietary ©re-
otter ©male otter: dog ©otter's lair: cord of previous ownership: proven-
holt, lodge ance • person using or holding goods
out • combining forms: e-, ec- (e.g.
but not owning them: bailee
ecstasy, literally 'standing out of one- Oxford University •adjective: Ox-
self), ex- ©way
egress, exit
out: onian ©Oxford university annual
• come out from somewhere or some- feast: Encaenia ©Oxford university
thing: emanate, emerge •force out: formal dress: subfusc ©part of the
extrude term when undergraduates are ex-
outing •outing to an unspecified pected to be resident: full term ©au-
destination: mystery tour tumn term at Oxford: Michaelmas
term ©winter term at Oxford: Hilary
outline •outline representation:
term ©summer term at Oxford: Trin-
schema ity term ©Oxford classics degree:
outside •combining form: ecto- Greats, Literae Humaniores ©mem-
(e.g. ectoplasm), exo- (e.g. exoskel- ber of a university sports team: blue
eton), extra- (e.g. extracellular) •ori- • member of the Oxford university
ginating outside: exogenous police: bulldog ©Oxford and Cam-
251 oxygen ozone layer

bridge universities considered to- flame: oxyacetylene ©lack of oxy-

gether: Oxbridge •Oxford college gen: anoxia ©enrich with oxygen:
examination or progress report: col- oxygenate •combine chemically
lections ©final university examin- with oxygen: oxidize ©exercises de-
ations at Oxford: schools •Oxford signed to increase the body's oxygen
college annual feast: gaudy • Oxford intake: aerobics •continuous cyclic
college servant: scout • Oxford col- interconvertion of oxygen: oxygen
lege bill for food and accommodation: cycle
battels •confine within the college: ozone layer •thin area in the
gate • suspend a student: rusticate ozone layer: ozone hole ©refrigerant
oxygen •combining form: oxy- and aerosol gas harmful to the ozone
• oxygen mixture giving a very hot layer: chlorofluorocarbon
package tour •tour company em- the back, hip, and outer leg: sciatica
ployee accompanying clients: courier • chest pain felt due to lack of blood in
• tour company employee stationed in the heart: angina, angina pectoris
a resort to assist its clients: repre- • stress-related bowel pain: irritable
sentative bowel syndrome •pains in
packaging • sealed packaging from children's limbs: growing pains
which the air has been removed: va- • pain in the ear caused by changes in
cuum pack •denoting packaging de- pressure during air travel: barotitis
signed to show if its contents have • kidney pain: nephralgia • muscle
been meddled with: tamper-evident pain: myalgia •painful contraction
• packing sheets containing small air of a muscle: cramp • painful stiffness
bubbles: bubble wrap • soft cotton or in the neck or back: crick •pain that
wool fabric used in packing: wadding shoots along a nerve: neuralgia
• soft wood shavings used in packing: • pain from pressure on the spinal
woodwool •highlighted text on nerve: sciatica • pain in the side felt
packaging: flash while running: stitch • painful swell-
pad • absorbent pad: swab ing on the big toe joint: bunion
• shrinking movement caused by pain
page • blank page at the start or end or its expectation: flinch, wince
of a book: flyleaf • right-hand page of
• sexual pleasure derived from inflict-
an open book: recto •left-hand page
ing pain: algolagnia ©designed to
of an open book: verso • extra-large
minimize pain: humane »drug that
page folded in to conform with the
eases pain: analgesic •pain-
rest: gatefold •piece of paper with a
relieving ointment: liniment •rub-
page printed on each side: folio, leaf
bing the body to ease pain: massage
• set of leaves folded inside each other:
• person skilled at this: masseur (fern.
signature, quire •stitching through
the back fold of a signature: saddle
masseuse) • liquid painkiller rubbed
stitch • arrangement of material on
into the skin: embrocation •drug
a page: layout • layout made from ex- that prevents pain being anaes-

isting elements: paste-up •denoting

thetic • inability to feel pain: anaes-

a book with worn pages: dog-eared thesia • instrument measuring pain:

• turn over pages casually: leaf dolori meter •free from pain: com-
through • count a book's pages: pa- fortable
ginate paint •glue-based paint for walls:
pain •combining forms: alg-, -algia distemper • paint diluted with
• sudden sharp pain: twinge •pain water: emulsion, watercolour
felt away from its real source: referred • paint diluted with egg-white: tem-
pain •painful state evaporating with pera • oil-based paint: oils ©kind of
continued effort: pain barrier ©se- paint with a slight sheen: eggshell
vere abdominal pain caused by wind • kind of paint with a high sheen:
or intestinal obstruction: colic • pain gloss • paint for bare surfaces:
in the lower back: lumbago •pain of primer ©thin coat of water-based
253 painter |

paint: wash •denoting paint that is of a single colour: monochrome

not completely dry: tacky •liquid • painting in shades of grey: grisaille
with which pigments are mixed to • painting with thickened watercol-
make paints: medium ©011 used in ours: gouache ©very small but
mixing paints: turpentine •syn- detailed painting: miniature ©appli-
thetic resin used in paints and adhe- cation of thick layers of paint: im-
sives: polyurethane •liquid giving a pasto ©painting with tiny dots of
clear shiny surface when dry: varnish colour: pointillism, stipple ©paint-
• solution for painting walls white: ing of domestic scenes: genre paint-
whitewash •compressed-air device ing ©painting of inanimate objects:
providing a fine spray of paint: air- still life ©painting's prepared sur-
brush • stone for grinding pigments: face: ground ©preliminary design
muller ©paint cleaner or remover for a painting: cartoon ©make de-
made from soap and soda: sugar soap tailed alterations to a painting: re-
• portable burner giving a hot flame touch ©clear resin applied to protect
for removing paint: blowlamp the surface of a painting: varnish
• painted surfaces: paintwork • small cracks on an old painting's
• covering for surfaces not to be surface: craquelure •reappearance
painted: masking of traces of earlier painting: penti-
mento ©prepared surface for paint-
painter •adjective: painterly
ing: ground ©wooden frame over
• painter's board for mixing colours:
which canvas is fixed for painting:
palette ©painter's stick steadying
stretcher ©gelatinous solution ap-
the brush hand: maulstick
plied toa canvas: size ©wooden
painting •painting made onto a frame supporting a painting: easel
wall:mural • painting on wet plaster: • stick steadying a painter's hand:
fresco •painting on dry plaster: maulstick
secco •thin layer of diluted paint:
pair •pair of pistols or game birds:
wash ©gypsum for painting: gesso
brace • lasting relationship between
• painting on two hinged panels: dip-
two persons or animals: pair bond
tych ©painting on three hinged
panels: triptych • painting on several Pakistani ©type of Pakistani food
hinged panels: polyptych •small that is cooked in a deep two-handled
easel painting: cabinet picture pan: balti ©deep two-handled pan
• very small painting: miniature used to cook balti dishes: karahi
• circular painting: tondo {pi. tondi) palace • adjective: palatial
• painting set behind an altar: altar-
piece ©Japanese scroll painting: palate •adjective: palatine ©bony
kakemono ©Tibetan religious scroll front part of the palate: hard palate
painting: tanka ©kind of abstract • fleshy rear part: soft palate
painting made by random tipping of pale • unhealthily pale: pasty
paint onto the canvas: action painting
• execution of a painting: facture
Palestinian •Palestinian oppos-
ition to Israeli occupation of the West
• minor figures in a painting: staffage
Bank: Intifada •fundamentalist Pal-
• representation of light and shade in
a painting: chiaroscuro •juxtapos-
estinian liberation movement:
ition of different colours in a painting:
contrast •painting intended to give palm ©palm's compound leaf: frond
a deceptive three-dimensional view: • large seed of the tropical palm: co-
trompe I'oeil •painting in shades conut ©palm fibre used for making
palmistry |
paralysis 254

hats etc.: raffia • edible starch ob- for top copies: bond ©quality of
tained from certain palms: sago paper used for carbon copies etc.:
palmistry •line indicating length
bank ©paper and glue mix harden-
ing when dry: papier mache ©board
of life: lifeline
made from glued layers of paper:
pancake ©thin pancake: crepe pasteboard ©Japanese art of paper
• pancake of grated potatoes: galette folding:, origami ©apparatus cutting
• flamed dessert pancake: crepe a block of paper: guillotine ©device
Susette (pi. crepes Susette) ©Rus- inserting sheets of paper into a ma-
sian pancake: blini
chine: paper feed ©race following a
pancreas •inflammation of the trail of torn-up paper: paperchase
pancreas: pancreatitis •surgical re-
parachute ©cord opening a para-
moval of the pancreas: pan-
chute: ripcord ©cord fixed to the air-
craft to open a parachute: static line
pantomime • leading male role, • expanding part of a parachute that
usually played by a young woman: arrests and directs its movement: can-
principal boy •leading female role, opy ©ropes that hold and control a
usually played by a young woman: parachute's canopy: shrouds ©para-
principal girl • elderly female panto- chute used to decelerate a landing air-
mime character, usually played by a craft: drogue ©parachuting in of
man: dame supplies: airdrop, paradrop ©para-
paper ©thick drawing paper: cart- chute gliding from a height: paraglid-
ridge paper ©strong brown envelope ing, parapente, parascending
paper: Manila ©waxed paper for • parachute sport of being pulled by a
cookery: greaseproof paper ©very fast boat: parasailing, parascending
thin book paper: India paper ©poor • sport of being dropped by parachute
paper used for newspapers: newsprint before skiing or water-skiing:
• crinkly paper for decorations: crepe paraskiing •troops trained in para-
paper ©small twisted-up piece of chuting: paratroops
paper: screw ©thin strip of paper: parallelism • parallelism drawn be-
spill ©abrasive paper: sandpaper tween two things: analogy •quadri-
• sheet of thin paper foldable to make lateral with two sets of parallel sides:
its own envelope: air letter, aero-
rhombus •quadrilateral with one
gramme • small printed sheet of
set of parallel sides: trapezium
paper: leaflet ©small piece of paper:
slip ©single thickness of paper in a paralysis • combining form: -plegia
book: leaf ©front side of a sheet of • paralysis from the neck down:
paper: recto ©reverse side of a sheet quadriplegia, tetraplegia •paralysis
of paper: verso ©roll of paper for from the waist down: paraplegia
continuous printing: web ©denoting • paralysis of one side of the body:
paper with a finely ribbed surface: hemiplegia •symmetrical paralysis
laid ©denoting paper with a smooth on both sides of the body: diplegia
surface: wove ©denoting paper dis- • paralysis of a single limb or area:
coloured by brown spots: foxed monoplegia • paralysis of all four
• type of grass used to make paper: es- limbs: quadriplegia, tetraplegia
parto, esparto grass ©soft mass of • sudden temporary paralysis: cata-
fibres for paper making: pulp plexy • partial paralysis: paresis
• maker's emblem in a sheet of paper: • infectious disease causing paralysis:
watermark ©quality of paper used poliomyelitis
255 parasite j

parasite ©parasite living outside referred to in debate by a member of

its host: ectoparasite • parasite liv- the other house: another place
ing inside its host: endoparasite • name of certain countries' parlia-
• parasite living upon another para- ment: diet ©lower house of the
site: hyperparasite • parasitic flat- French parliament: Assemblee
worm: fluke •blood-sucking para- Nationate ©upper house of the
site: leech ©presence of parasites in French parliament: Senat ©lower
the blood: parasitaemia • creature house of the German parliament:
on or in which a parasite lives: host Bundestag • upper house of the Ger-
• organism transmitting a parasite man parliament: Bundesrat ©head
from one host to another: vector of the German and Austrian parlia-
• study of parasites: parasitology ments: chancellor ©parliament in
pardon •general pardon: amnesty Guernsey, Jersey, and Alderney:
States ©Iranian parliament: Majlis
parent • state payment made to par-
• Irish parliament: Oireachtas
ents: child benefit ©person bringing
• upper house of this: Seanad
up children without a partner: single
• lower house of this: Dail ©Manx
parent •having parental responsibil-
parliament: Tynwald ©lower house
ity: in loco parentis ©parental re-
of this: House of Keys ©Norwegian
sponsibility of divorcees: custody
parliament: Storting • lower house of
• child without living parents:
the Russian parliament: Duma •US
parliament: Congress • upper house
Paris ©underground railway in of this: Senate •lower house of this:
Paris: metro ©pleasure boat on the House of Representatives •denot-
Seine at Paris: bateau mouche ing a parliament in which no party
parish • adjective: parochial ©se- has an overall majority: hung •de-
nior lay person in an ecclesiastical noting a parliament having a single
parish: churchwarden •churchwar- legislative chamber: unicameral
den's assistant: sidesman • parish • denoting a parliament having two le-
merry-making held at or near the pat- gislative chambers: bicameral •de-
ronal feast: feast, wakes ysee also noting a parliament having three
Church of England legislative chambers: tricameral
• document laid before parliament by
parking ©park alongside a vehicle
that stands at the side of the road:
the government: Command Paper
• barristers drafting parliamentary
double-park ©machine selling park-
bills: Parliamentary Counsel • draft
ing time: parking meter ©railway
law submitted for parliamentary dis-
station offering plentiful parking:
cussion: bill ©person introducing a
bill: sponsor ©proposed change to a
Parkinson's disease ©natural bill: amendment ©stage in the pro-
compound used to treat this: dopa gress of a bill through parliament:
parliament ©sovereign's speech reading ©initial parliamentary pre-
outlining proposed legislation for a sentation of a bill: introduction, first
parliamentary session: Queen's (or reading ©second presentation, seek-
King's) Speech ©section of parlia- ing general approval: second reading
ment conducting its own meetings: • third stage of a bill's progress, when
house ©room where this meets: it is considered in detail by a select

chamber ©antechamber to this: group of MPs: committee stage

lobby • either house of parliament as • group from either house examining
parliament |
particle 256

a bill in detail: committee •commit- ing in the chamber for party leaders:
tee chairman's report to the house: re- front bench •secure the adjourn-
port stage ©debate of this report: ment of the house when inquorate:
third reading •amendment to a bill count out •parliamentary holiday:
at its third reading: rider •delaying recess •period during which parlia-
tactics in debate: filibuster, obstruc- ment meets regularly: session • dis-
tionism, talking out •time-limit im- continue a parliamentary session:
posed to speed debate: guillotine prorogue •resume a parliamentary
• text of a law as approved by parlia- session: recall •dismissal of parlia-
ment: act •passing of an act by par- ment: dissolution • Crown document
liament: enactment •daily record of instituting a parliamentary election:
parliamentary proceedings: Journal writ •contrary to the rules or cus-
•parliamentary vote: division toms of parliament: unparliamentary
•place for this: division lobby •div- >see also cabinet, debate, House of
ision where members may vote as Commons, House of Lords, meeting
they wish: free vote • party direction parrot •adjective: psittacine
to members on voting: whip •this • large parrot: macaw ©small green
couched in the most urgent terms: parrot: parakeet •pneumonia-like
three-line whip • vote for the motion: disease caught by humans from par-
aye ©vote against it: no • person rots: psittacosis
counting division votes: teller ©bell part •principal part: staple • set of
rung to warn that a division is immi- parts for assembly: kit • set of parts
nent: division bell •make laws: le-
forming a complex whole: system
gislate ©body doing this: legislature • interrelation of component parts:
• having power to legislate on all topology •composed of similar
topics: omnicompetent •denoting parts: homogeneous •composed of
legislation coming into force unless dissimilar parts: heterogeneous
parliament votes against it: negative • having two parts: binary, bipartite,
• piece of legislation affecting all or double, dual, duple •having three
most citizens: public act • piece of le- parts: ternary, tripartite, triple •hav-
gislation affecting a company or indi- ing four parts: quadripartite, quadru-
vidual: private act •practice of sit- ple • having five parts: quintuple
ting round a speaker appearing on •having six parts: sexpartite, sextu-
television: doughnutting •members ple • separation into constituent
of a house of parliament viewed col- parts: resolution •arrangement of
lectively: chamber •member of par- constituent parts: structure ©take
liament having no government office: part: participate
private member •member of parlia-
partly •combining form: demi- (e.g.
ment's immunity from prosecution
demigod), semi- (e.g. semiconscious),
forremarks made in debate: parlia-
sub- (e.g. subtropical)
mentary privilege •parliamentary
party next in size to that in power: the participate •choose to participate:

Opposition •party official respon- opt in ©number participating in an

sible for parliamentary members' at- event: turnout
tendance and discipline: whip particle ©positively charged par-
• money voted annually by parliament ticle an atom's nucleus: proton
to the royal family: Civil List •parlia- • chargeless particle in an atom's nu-
mentary allowance for the sovereign's cleus: neutron ©small chargeless
private expenses: privy purse •seat- particle: neutrino ©proton or neu-
257 partner |

tron: nucleon ©negatively charged passport •endorsement on a pass-

particle orbiting an atom's nucleus: port: visa
electron ©particle representing a past •dealing with the past: retro-
quantum of light: photon ©highly spective • wistful longing for the
energized particle travelling through past: nostalgia •interpretation of
space: cosmic ray • assumed particle the past in terms of the present:
carrying a fractional electric charge: presentism tin a style typical of
quark ©assumed one-dimensional some past era: period
particle: string ©assumed particle
pasta ©pasta shaped like butterfly
having short life but great energy: vir-
wings: farfalle ©ear-shaped pasta:
tual particle ©binding particle:
orecchiette ©pasta envelopes: ravioli
meson ©large meson: pi-meson,
• ribbon-shaped pasta: fettucine
pion ©large unstable electron: muon
• pasta in narrow ribbons: tagliatelle
• protein particle believed to cause
• pasta in small rice-like grains:
mad cow disease: prion •subatomic
orzo • small pasta rings stuffed with
particle having the same mass but op-
cheese or vegetables: tortellini
posite electrical properties to a named
• sheet pasta: lasagne ©spiral-
particle: antiparticle ©total number
shaped pasta: fusilli ©pasta in long
and neutrons in a nucleus:
of protons
strings: spaghetti ©pasta in short
mass number ©device moving par-
thin strips: linguine ©pasta in long
ticles at high speeds: accelerator
thin strips: noodles ©pasta in long
• accelerator for straight-line par-
slender threads: vermicelli ©pasta in
ticles: linear accelerator •tempera-
narrow tubes: macaroni ©pasta in
ture at which particle movement
large tubes: manicotti ©pasta
would be minimal: absolute zero
in short wide tubes: penne ©pasta in
• study of subatomic particles:
short fluted tubes: rigatoni ©kind of
microphysics • mathematical de-
wheat used for pasta: durum • Italian
scription of particles' motion and
pasta sauces: bolognese, carbonara,
interaction: quantum mechanics
marinara, napolitana, pesto
partner • inactive business partner: paste • paste of almonds, sugar, and
sleeping partner eggs: marzipan ©goose liver paste:
party ©evening party: soiree pate de foie gras • maize-flour paste:
• party at a new home: house- polenta ©seasoned paste of finely
warming ©party at which food is minced meat or fish: pate ©coarse
grilled and consumed out of doors: paste of pork and liver: pate de
barbecue • party for women only: campagne • thick paste of sugar and
hen party • party for men only: stag water: fondant
party ©wildly licentious party: orgy pastry ©soft light pastry: choux
• attend a party uninvited: gatecrash pastry ©light flaky pastry: puff pas-
see also political party try ©pastry rolled into thin leaves:
pass • catch up with and pass: over- filo pastry ©pastry with a high pro-
take portion of fat: short pastry ©pastry
envelope: puff ©pastry envelope
passion •passionate appeal: cri de filled with seasoned meat and veget-
coeur {pi. cris de coeur)
ables: pasty ©this with meat and po-
Passover •adjective: paschal tato: Cornish pasty ©sweet pastry
• Passover ceremonies and feast: enclosing chocolate: pain au chocolat
Seder ©Passover bread: matzo • sweet pastry filled with currants:
• Jews' name for Passover: Pesach Eccles cake • puff pastry filled with
patch payment

jam and cream: millefeuille •soft pause • brief pause in a court or

pastry finger filled with cream: eclair parliamentary session: adjournment
• open pastry case with filling: flan • pause for holidays in a court ses-
•flan with a savoury egg-thickened sion: vacation • pause for holidays in
filling: quiche •crescent-shaped pas- a parliamentary session: recess
try roll: croissant •denoting food • pause in the middle of a line of
cooked in a pastry case: en croute verse: caesura
•fat used for making pastry: shorten- paving •paving with irregular flat
ing ©place where pastries are sold: stones: crazy paving •paving with
patisserie rounded stones: cobbles
patch • having black and white payment •single complete pay-
patches: piebald • having patches of ment: lump sum •money sent as
white and of some other colour (not payment: remittance •fixed annual
black): skewbald payment: annuity •forced payment:
path • broad public path along the exaction •payment demanded from
seaside: esplanade, promenade a defeated adversary: indemnity, rep-
• path alongside a canal: towpath aration • additional payment: sup-
• country path for walkers and plement • increase the value of a
horseriders: bridlepath, bridleway payment: uprate •extra payment for
• country path signposted to show nat- good performance: bonus ©payment
ural features: nature trail • raised made before due date: advance • ad-
path over land liable to flooding: vance payment for a series of benefits:
causeway • raised path used by subscription •sum paid to the
models in a fashion show: catwalk author for each copy sold: royalty
• puzzling network of paths etc.: • initial payment made to a barrister:
retainer •subsequent payment made
to a barrister in a long case: refresher
pathological condition •com- •payment calculated on distance trav-
bining form: -ism {e.g. alcoholism) elled:mileage ©payment calculated
patient ©patient staying in hospital on the number of persons served:
overnight: inpatient • hospital pa- capitation fee ©payment at early ter-
tient not staying overnight: day pa- mination of contract: severance pay
tient, outpatient • patient recovering •payment of someone's living ex-
from illness or treatment: convales- penses: maintenance • payment for
cent • denoting a patient whose con- travelling etc. expenses incurred on

dition is not deteriorating: stable duty: subsistence allowance •ini-

tial hire purchase payment: down
• involving patients: clinical •bed-
ridden patient's receptacle for urine payment •payment made in kind:
and faeces: bedpan •record of a pa- truck ©payment made to redundant
tient's previous illnesses, treatments,
executive: golden handshake, golden
etc.: case history
parachute ©one of a series of pay-
ments: instalment ©make a single
pattern • area of growing crops flat- payment instead of a series: commute
tened to form a pattern: crop circle •divorced person's payment to former
• rigid sheet containing a cut-out pat- spouse: maintenance • payment
tern: stencil • shaped piece used as a made by the state to a certain cat-
pattern for a cutting process: tem- egory of needy persons: benefit • ten-
plate • pattern of differently col- ant's payment: rent • union payment
oured squares: chequers to striking members: strike pay
259 pea pension

• payment for work done: remuner- tary peer ©peer with a non-heritable
ation, wage, salary •payment for title: life peer
extra work: overtime ©payment peg ©headless cylindrical peg:
made for services not officially dowel
charged for: honorarium •denoting
a payment made without any admis- Peking ©currently preferred trans-
sion of obligation: ex gratia ©ar- literation: Beijing

rangement to pay for goods on deliv- pen ©pen made from a feather: quill
ery to purchaser: cash on delivery • pen with an ink reservoir or cart-
• written order for payment: draft ridge: fountain pen •fluorescent
• document acknowledging payment: marker pen: highlighter ©pen's writ-
receipt ©make demands
persistent ing end: nib
for payment: dun ©day on which
penalty ©surrender as a penalty:
quarterly payments become due:
quarter day ©event at which each
participant pays for himself: Dutch pencil ©pencil that can write on
treat •denoting deductions etc. shiny surfaces: chinagraph ©col-
taken from a payment before it is oured pencil: crayon • crayon of pow-
made: at source ©partial return of dered pigments: pastel
payment made: rebate • complete re- penguin •penguin breeding
turn of payment made ref u n d ©done
ground: rookery
without payment: honorary, volun-
penis •adjective: penile «an erect
penis or a representation of one: phal-
pea • large type of pea: marrowfat lus {pi. phalli) • phallus as a Hindu
pea »pea eaten with its pod: symbol of Shiva: ngam • erectile tis-
I i

mangetout sue in the penis: corpus cavernosum

peafowl •adjective: pavonine • fe- {pi. corpora cavernosa), corpus
male peafowl: peahen ©male pea- spongiosum {pi. corpora spongiosa)
fowl: peacock • penis bone in certain mammals:
baculum, os penis • rounded end of
peanut ©paste of ground roasted the penis: glans • skin hood covering
peanuts: peanut butter this: foreskin, prepuce ©enlarged
pear ©alcoholic drink made from and rigid state of the penis: erection
pear-juice: perry • having an erect penis: ithyphallic
• ability to achieve an erection: po-
pearl • pearl of the highest quality:
tency ©persistent and painful erec-
orient ©pearl formed by deliberate
tion: priapism ©sebaceous secretion
seeding: cultured pearl
under the foreskin: smegma ©oral
pedestrian ©safe area for pedes- stimulation of the penis: fellatio
trians between traffic lanes: island, • cover for the penis during sexual ac-
refuge ©pedestrian crossings con- tivity: condom, sheath •surgery to
trolledby traffic lights: pelican cros- construct, repair, or enlarge a penis:
sing, puffin crossing ©flashing yel- phalloplasty ©surgical removal of
low globe at either end of a pedestrian the penis: penectomy
crossing: Belisha beacon ©pedes-
pension ©denoting a pension fi-
trian tunnel: underpass, subway
nanced by the beneficiary: contribu-
peer ©peer who seldom attends the tory ©regular contributions funding
House of Lords: backwoodsman such a pension: superannuation
• peer with a heritable title: heredi- • denoting a pension solely financed
people |
performance 260

by the beneficiary: personal •denot- • musical instrument using pitched

ing a pension transferrable to the metal bars: glockenspiel ©small
beneficiary's subsequent employers: pieces of wood clicked together by
portable •denoting a pension Spanish dancers: castanets ©gourd
scheme whose payments are made out filled with beans or stones: maraca
of current contributions: unfunded • percussion orchestra of Java and
• person receiving a pension or lodg- Bali: gamelan +see also drum
ings in return for prayers for the performance •preparation of ma-
donor's soul: beadsman terial to be performed: rehearsal
people •people constantly on the • performance of material not previ-
move: nomads ©the common people: ously prepared: improvisation, sight-
canaille, hoi polloi, rabble, riff-raff reading • performance showing ex-
• intended for or done by the common ceptional skill: tour de force (pi. tours
people: popular •make accessible to de force) ©first performance: first
ordinary people: popularize •re- night, opening, premiere ©perform-
presenting or concerned with the ance before the official first night: pre-
interests of ordinary people: populist view • single performance or the per-
sons attending it: house ©single
pepper «red sweet pepper: pimento,
performance at a particular venue:
pimiento ©husked pepper berries:
one-night stand ©continuous series
white pepper ©whole unripe pepper
of performances: run, season ©per-
berries: black pepper
formance repeated at a series of
percussion • gourd filled with venues: tour • rotating performances
beans or stones: maraca • small of a number of works: repertory
pieces of wood clicked by the fingers: • short performance contributed to a
castanets ©musical instrument larger programme: turn •perform-
using pitched wooden blocks: xylo- ance given while the audience eat and
phone • deep-toned xylophone: ma- drink: cabaret ©variety show featur-
rimba • musical instrument using ing glamorous young women: follies
pitched metal bars: glockenspiel • short or minor piece performed be-
• pitched percussion orchestra of Bali fore the main work: curtain-raiser
and Java: gamelan • wordless theatrical performance:
mime •costumed static group re-
perception ©popular but inaccur-
presenting a scene from a play etc.:
ate or oversimplified perception:
tableau ©visually striking perform-
stereotype ©alleged ability to per-
ance: spectacle ©denoting a theatri-
ceive other than with the normal
cal performance given surrounded by
senses: extrasensory perception
spectators: in the round ©perform-
• quick to notice things: observant
ance of a programme of music by a
• lacking in perception: imperceptive,
soloist or chamber group: recital
impercipient •impossible to per-
• live performance by pop musicians:
ceive: imperceptible
gig ©number of pop pieces per-
percussion instruments formed as a sequence: set ©im-
• pitched set of bells or metal tubes: promptu performance by pop musi-
chimes •musical instrument using cians: jam, jam session
pitched wooden blocks: xylophone • performance whose profits are given
• deep-toned xylophone: marimba to a named person, charity, etc.:
• concave brass plate: cymbal benefit •performance given at the
• metal disk with a turned rim: gong sovereign's request: command per-
261 performer persuade|

formance • special performance: sion: clearance, sanction •permis-

gala •sold-out performance: full sion to use copyright etc. material: re-
house • afternoon performance: lease • written permission for
matinee ©farewell performance: medical treatment, organ donorship,
swansong •enclosed area for a cir- etc. found on injured person: advance
cus performance: ring •scenery and directive
properties for a dramatic perform-
permit •official permit: licence
ance: set • series of venues at which
• customs permit for the temporary
a performance takes place: circuit
import of a motor vehicle: carnet
• semi-official or avant-garde perform-
• state-granted monopoly over the ex-
ances: fringe theatre •informal per-
ploitation of an invention: patent
formances given in a public place:
• holder of this: patentee ©permit
street theatre •person arranging
the existence of something disap-
performances: agent, impresario
proved of: condone, tolerate
• person financing performances:
angel, backer, promoter •denoting persecution •vindictive campaign
a performance given before an audi- directed against a group by those
ence: live •nervousness before or prejudiced against them: witch-hunt
during a performance: stage fright • person forced by persecution to
• formal assessment of an employee's leave his homeland: refugee
performance: appraisal » persist ©grim persistence: dogged-
performer • chief performer: lead ness, perseverance
• brilliant performer: virtuoso • skil- Persia •pre-Islamic religion of an-
ful performer: exponent •person cient Persia: Zoroastrianism
performing in the street: busker
person •combining form: -ot (e.g.
• group of performers working regu-
Cypriot), -nik (e.g. beatnik), -ster (e.g.
larly together: ensemble, troupe
youngster) •affecting a specific per-
• performer's professional name:
son only: in personam •for a par-
stage name • items known by a per-
ticular person: ad hominem «per
former: repertoire, repertory •first
person: per caput, per capita
public appearance of a performer:
debut personality •personality element:
strain, trait •inherited personality
period •fixed period: term •crit-
traits:nature •environmental influ-
ical period: climacteric •tedious
ences on personality: nurture •dull
period: longueur •immediately pre-
and dependable: stolid ©subject to
ceding period: run-up, countdown
unpredictable mood changes: mercur-
• immediately following period: se-
ial ©ingrained pattern of maladap-
quel • period when a sport is not
tive behaviour: personality disorder
played: close season •period of a
• personality disorder with extreme
ruling family's dominance: dynasty
antisocial behaviour: sociopathy
• thing out of its time: anachronism
• imagined intrusion of one age into perspective ©perspective system
another: time warp using three axes 120° apart: isometric
permission •permission to be ab-
system •point in a perspective sys-
sent from school: exeat ©absence
tem at which receding parallel lines
without permission: French leave seem to merge: vanishing point
• ecclesiastical permission to publish persuade • easily persuaded: pliant
a book: imprimatur •official permis- • persuade by flattery: cajole, inveigle

Peru |
photograph 262

• systematic persuasion: brainwash- right if it benefits most people:

ing • refusal to be persuaded: obstin- utilitarianism • theory that all
acy, obduracy knowledge is derived from sense-
experience: empiricism, phenomen-
Peru •original inhabitants of Peru:
•their supreme ruler: Inca
alism • theory that knowledge
cannot be proved objectively: subject-
• Spanish conqueror of Peru: con-

ivism •theory that knowledge is val- \

idated by reason rather than experi-
petrol • combining
form: petro- ence: rationalism •theory doubting
•jellied used in incendiary
the possibility of reliable knowledge:
bombs: napalm •denoting petrol scepticism • theory that the self is
without added lead: unleaded •col- all that can be known to exist: solip-
ourless hydrocarbon in petrol: octane sism • theory denying the duality of
• natural liquid from which petrol is mind and body: monism • theory \

distilled: petroleum •establishment that all valid statements can be sub- ?

selling petrol to motorists: filling sta-

jected to rational proof: positivism,
tion, petrol station, service station
logical positivism • theory that all
• crude bomb made by filling a bottle phenomena have natural causes: nat-
with petrol: Molotov cocktail uralism ©theory that natural pro-

petroleum • colourless volatile li- cesses have a purpose: final ism • the-
quid distilled from petroleum: white ory that practical utility is

spirit •money earnt by exports of speculation's only justification:


petroleum: petrodollars instrumentalism, pragmatism •the-

phallus •adjective: priapic
ory that universals have objective ex- •


istence: realism • theory that univer-

Philistine • god of the ancient Phil-
sals exist only as mental concepts: ,

istines: Dagon • gigantic Philistine conceptualism, idealism • theory

warrior: Goliath that universals have no real existence: i;

philosophy •philosophical prin- immaterialism, nominalism • theory \

ciple: tenet ©core of universally denying the real existence of any-

valid philosophical maxims: thing: nihilism •philosophical sys- m
philosophia perennis • personal tern centred on human freedom and 11
philosophy of life: world view, experience: existentialism, human- \\
Weltanschauung •medieval West- ism •philosophical study of basic i
ern philosophical and theological sys- concepts such as time and identity: 'j &

tem: scholasticism •philosophical metaphysics •philosophical study 1

procedure of questioning in pretended of the nature of knowledge: episte- I

ignorance: Socratic irony • supposed mology • Kant's absolute moral obli- j I

ultimate cause of all events: First gation: categorical imperative ©ex- it

Cause •philosophy of law: jurispru- pected superman of Nietzschean i
dence ©explanation of phenomena philosophy: Ubermensch
by the purpose they serve: teleology
phosphorus •adjectives: phos- 1

• theory that free will does not exist:

phoric, phosphorous
determinism • theory that moral
truths exist independently of any photocopier • powder used in 1

knowledge of them: objectivism photocopiers: toner

• theory that concepts of knowledge photograph • early photograph
and morality are shaped by the soci- using a silvered plate: daguerreotype i

ety in which they are found: relativ- • publicity photograph of actors in a

ism ©theory that an action must be film scene: still ©magazine item of !
263 phrase picture

photographs with linking text: physics ©physics of biological phe-

photoessay ©news communication nomena: biophysics • physics of the
by photographs: photojournalism earth and its structure: geophysics
• photograph taken through a micro- • electron physics: electronics
scope: micrograph, photomicrograph • physics of heat and other forms of
• photograph with two semi- energy: thermodynamics ©low-
superimposed images giving a '3-D' ef- temperature physics: cryogenics
fect: anaglyph •photographic image • exertion of force: work ©area in
with lights and shades reversed: nega- which a force is effective: field • dis-
tive • photographic print made by crete amount of energy etc.: quantum
direct application of the negative: (pi. quanta) ©heat required for
contact print •photograph printed change of state but not of tempera-
to a larger size: blow-up, enlarge- ture: latent heat •subatomic unit of

ment • printed monochrome photo- matter: particle • action of atomic

graph: half-tone •photograph and subatomic particles upon each
printed for projection: slide, trans- other: interaction •dependence of
various physical phenomena on the
parency, diapositive •microphoto-
motion of the observer and the thing
graph no larger than a fullpoint:
observed: relativity •single theory
microdot • flat sheet of film contain-
for subatomic particle interactions:
ing microphoto graphs: microfiche
grand unified theory •theory ac-
• denoting a photograph recording ac-
counting for two or more of the four
tual events: documentary • denoting
interactions: unified field theory
a photograph taken without the sub-
• theory that random phenomena are
ject's knowledge: candid • denoting a
in fact rule-bound: chaos theory
photograph taken against the light:
• hypothesized four-dimensional fu-
contre-jour • device measuring the
sion of space and time: space-time
light available for photography: ex-
• imagined distortion of space-time
posure meter, light meter • denoting enabling astronauts to breach the
an undeveloped image: latent ©make laws of physics: space warp
exposed film show a visible image: de-
velop • room for developing photo-
piano ©piano with horizontal
strings: grand piano ©piano with
graphs: darkroom •coloured light
vertical strings: upright ©mechan-
for use: safelight • clarity
ical piano: player-piano, pianola™
of detail shown by a photograph: reso-
• piano with modified tunings etc. for
lution • looking good when photo-
performing a particular piece: pre-
graphed: photogenic •session for
pared piano •denoting a piano with
publicity photbgraphs: photocall,
crossing strings: overstrung ©pad si-
photo opportunity
lencing a piano string: damper ©pin
phrase • adjective: phrasal ©key by which a piano string is tuned:
phrase: motto, watchword •stock wrest pin •mechanism allowing the
phrase: tag ©phrase whose meaning hammer to return: escapement
is not deducible from those of its com- • piano-player: pianist • art of piano-
ponent words: idiom ©expression of playing: pianism
a whole phrase as a single word: pickle ©mustard vegetable pickle:
holophrasis •symbol standing for a piccalilli ©spicy mixed pickle: chut-
phrase: logogram, logograph ney
physical •combining form: picture ©picture in a book: illust-
physico- (e.g. physico-chemical) ration, plate ©picture of a person:
picture |
pillar 264

portrait •artist's picture of himself from the observer: background

or herself: self-portrait •wall por- • bright area of a picture: highlight
trait poster: pin-up •small picture • position taken by the living subject
set inside a larger one: inset •pic- of a picture: pose • representation of
ture etc. that can be printed onto an- a word by pictures of objects whose
other surface by heat pressure: trans- names make its syllables: rebus
fer • picture of Death leading all to • picture mount: matt •ornamental
the grave: dance of death, danse ma- wooden strip for picture hooks: pic-
cabre • picture venerated in the ture rail •trim a picture's edges:
Eastern Church: icon • set of 14 pic- crop
tures depicting Christ's journey to pie *pie thrown in slapstick comedy:
Calvary: Stations of the Cross •pic- custard pie • small pie: pasty, patty
ture of an indoors scene: interior • pastry folded round a sweet filling:
• picture of an outdoors scene: exter- turnover •small open pastry case
ior • picture portraying everyday with a savoury filling: vol-au-vent
life: genre scene ©picture of rural piece •piece left over: remainder,
life: ©picture of the sea: remnant
seascape ©picture of arranged ob- piety • excessive piety: pietism
jects: still life ©satirical picture: cari-
cature, cartoon ©mental picture:
pig •adjective: porcine •female pig:

image ©picture obtained by a cam-

sow •male pig: boar • castrated
male pig: hog • young female pig: gilt
era, telescope, mirror, etc.: image
• give birth to piglets: pig, farrow
•picture made by attaching items to
• piglets born at a birth: litter, farrow
the canvas: collage •outline picture:
• smallest piglet in a litter: runt «pig
silhouette • picture made of small
raised for food: porker • pig's grunt:
pieces of coloured stone or glass: mo-
oi n k • fruit of forest trees as pig food:
saic • such a piece: tessera {pi. tes-
mast ©waste food mixed with water
serae) • denoting a detailed and ob-
as pig food: swill • meat of a pig: pork
jective picture: photorealist • clarity
• skin of a pork joint, roasted until
of a picture: definition, focus • delib-
crisp: crackling • crisp pieces of pork
erate slight blurring of an image: soft
fat: scratchings «pig intestines used
focus ©range of tones in a picture:
as food: chitterlings • loaf of chopped
contrast ©picture of a face built up
pork offal: haslet • pig's feet used as
from standard elements: identikit™ food: trotters «pig fat used in cook-
•picture of someone's face composed ing: lard •place where pigs live: pig-
from photographs of others: photofit sty, piggery
• this built up on a computer screen:
videofit • manipulation of a digitized
pigeon • young unfledged pigeon:
squab ©pigeon carrying written
image: image processing • gradual
messages: carrier pigeon ©pigeon
change of an image by computerized
able to find its way home from great
techniques: morphing •laser-
distances: homer, homing pigeon
generated three-dimensional image:
hologram •picture in the tones of pigment ©dark body pigment: mel-
one colour only: monochrome •sim- anin
plified picture used to represent a pill ©pill dissolving in the mouth:
word in certain ancient writing sys- lozenge ©pill's outer cover: capsule
tems: glyph, pictograph ©part of a pillar m combining form: styl- ©rect-
picture nearer the observer: fore- angular engaged pillar: pilaster • up-
ground ©part of a picture further right stone erected in prehistoric
265 pillow |

times: menhir •prehistoric circle of pipe 2 ©long-stemmed clay pipe:

stone or wooden pillars: henge churchwarden ©Amerindian peace
• classical pillar carved to resemble a pipe: calumet ©Turkish tobacco
man: telamon •classical pillar pipe: chibouk ©pipe in which the
carved to resemble a woman: caryatid smoke is passed through water: hoo-
• Amerindian carved pillar: totem kah, narghile, water pipe ©pipe for
pole •prehistoric ring of pillars: marijuana: ch ilium
henge • row of pillars round a court- pirate ©pirate flag: Jolly Roger
yard or portico: peristyle ©early • device on this: skull and cross-
Christian saint living on the top of a bones
pillar: sty lite •denoting a pillar pro-
pistol ©beat someone with a pistol
jecting from a wall: engaged • denot-
butt: pistol-whip
ing a building having four pillars:
tetrastyle pit ©farm storage pit: silo ©pit for
sewage: cesspit
pillow ©long thick pillow: bolster

pilot ©aircraft pilot for test runs:

pitch ©correct musical pitch: inton-
ation ©correctly pitched: true ©co-
test pilot • Japanese suicide pilot:
incidence in pitch: unison ©above
kamikaze ©pilot's unaccompanied
true pitch: sharp ©below true pitch:
flight: solo
• interactive training en-
flat ©musician's constant slight
vironment for pilots: flight simulator
pitch oscillation: vibrato ©pitch a
• denoting automatic piloting devices:
string by pressing it: stop • adjust a
musical instrument to the desired
pin •split pin with openable ends:
pitch: tune •lower a pipe's pitch by
cotter pin •wooden pin fastening plugging its end: stop • pitch range
timbers: treenail, trenail •support-
of a voice or musical composition: tes-
ing pin: trunnion
situra • phenomenon causing pitch-
pipe 1
• branched pipe: manifold change in passing noises: Doppler
• adjustable tuning pipe: pitch-pipe effect ©slow pitch-distortion of re-
• chief supply pipe: main ©pipe con- corded sound: wow ©fast pitch-
necting a temporary water tap: stand- distortion of recorded sound: flutter
pipe ©pipe whose contents move up-
pity ©arousing pity: pathetic, pit-
wards: riser ©pipe carrying
eous, pitiable, pitiful ©quality arous-
rainwater from the roof: downpipe,
ing pity: pathos
fall-pipe • pipe taking excrement and
waste water down the side of a build- pivot ©pivot on a rudder: pintle
ing: soil stack ©pipe taking used • pivot on a large gun: trunnion
water from sinks etc. to the sewer: place • combining forms: top-,
waste pipe ©underground pipe for -orium (e.g. auditorium), -ory (e.g. dor-
excrement and waste water: sewer mitory) • place of origin: provenance
• suction device clearing blocked • place where something happens: lo-
pipes: plunger ©bent section in a cale, location • place where some-
waste pipe: trap ©curve near the top thing is: locality, site ©place one is
of a waste pipe: trap ©joint or coup- going to: destination • places of tour-
ling for pipes: union ©long flexible istic interest: sights • visit such
wire for unblocking pipes: plumber's places: sightsee ©safe place: haven,
snake ©knocking noise in a water sanctuary • secluded place: nook, re-
supply pipe: water hammer ©oil or treat ©most distant place: ultima
gas store at the end of a pipeline: ter- Thule •place name: toponym ©find
minal the place of: locate ©take the place
plagiarism |
plant 266

of: supersede, supplant •list of planet: satellite ©cavity on the sur-

places: gazetteer •'feel' of a place: face of a planet: crater • study of life-
genius loci • in its place: in situ forms on other planets: exobiology
• make change places: transpose
planning •detailed planning of a
• place beside: juxtapose ©place on
complex operation: logistics •plan-
top of: superimpose
ning method that evaluates a complex
plagiarism •literary work made set of alternatives: critical path an-
from quotations of other authors: alysis
plant •combining forms: phyto-,
plague •swelling symptomatic of -phyte {e.g. saprophyte) • plants of a
bubonic plague: bubo region or period: flora • simple aqua-
plain • Arctic plain: tundra • plain tic plant: alga • simple plant growing
in Russia: steppe •plain in South on stone and trees: lichen • plant-like
Africa: veldt • grassy plain in warm organism parasitic upon living or de-
countries: savannah caying matter: fungus ©plant living
for one year only: annual ©plant liv-
plainsong •(sign showing) note(s)
ing for two years only: biennial
to besung to a syllable: neume
• scale used in plainsong: tone
• plant living for three or more years:
perennial ©plant flowering or crop-
plan • design plan: blueprint • se- ping more than once a year: remon-
• crafty plan:
cret plan: intrigue, plot
tant ©plant growing in or on water:
gambit, ploy, stratagem •make hydrophyte ©plant storing water in
crafty plans: scheme •contingency its leaves or stem: succulent ©plant
plan: fail-safe, fallback • timed plan living on decayed matter: saprophyte
for a series of events: timetable ©de- • plant growing in damp conditions:
tailed strategy for sporting or busi-
hygrophyte • plant growing in dry
ness success: game plan •carefully conditions: xerophyte • plant grow-
planned sequence of actions or events: ing on another plant: epiphyte
set piece • outline plan of a work of
• plant growing inside another:
fiction: scenario ©planned ultimate endophyte • plant growing along the
fallback: pis aller •denoting long- ground or clinging to vertical sup-
term planning: strategic •denoting ports: vine • plant growing on rock:
short-term planning: tactical ©plan
lithophyte • bushlike plant: shrub
in advance: premeditate ©frustrate
• young plant raised fom a seed: seed-
someone's intentions: thwart ling • piece cut from a plant for
planet ©tiny planet: planetesimal propagation: cutting •shoot inserted
• large low-density planet: gas giant into another plant: graft ©plant
• planet orbiting the sun: major shoot for grafting: scion ©sideshoot
planet, primary planet • planets etc. coming up from the roots of a plant:
orbiting the sun: solar system ©de- sucker • offspring of plants of differ-
noting a planet orbiting closer to the ent species: crossbreed, hybrid
sun than the earth does: inferior • de- • plant having green leaves all year:
noting a planet orbiting further from evergreen •denoting a plant losing
the sun than the earth does: superior its leaves each autumn: deciduous
• side of a planet nearest its primary • denoting a plant dying down to the
star: dayside • side of a planet away ground after flowering: herbaceous
from its primary star: nightside • denoting a plant native to a region:
• bright spot on a planet: facula endemic •denoting a plant able to
• natural or artificial object orbiting a live outdoors all year: hardy • denot-
267 plant |

ing a plant able to live outdoors except unnaturally fast: force •accustom
during frost: half-hardy •denoting a plants to harsh conditions: harden,
plant needing little water: xerophil- harden off • establish a plant in a
ous • denoting a plant easily harmed new habitat: naturalize ©relocate a
by extreme weather: tender •denot- plant: transplant ©remove plants to
ing a plant pale through lack of light: allow others room to grow: thin, thin
etiolated •denoting a plant with out ©remains of prehistoric plants
multicoloured leaves: variegated found in rock: fossil ©place where
• denoting a pot plant whose roots can plants are grown for study: botanic
expand no further: pothound ©plant garden ©place where young plants
bearing clusters of flowers: floribunda are grown: nursery ©glazed building
• flowerless plant with delicate leaves: for raising plants: greenhouse, hot-
fern ©plant producing hemp and a house ©glass-lidded area with low
psychotropic drug: cannabis, Indian walls to shelter young plants: cold
hemp, marijuana ©tapioca plant: frame ©glass container for raising
cassava, manioc ©plant cats like to plants: terrarium ©glass container
smell: catmint, catnip ©plant with for water plants: aquarium • growing
medicinal or culinary uses: herb plants without soil: hydroponics
• growing plants ploughed under: • feeding on plants: phtyophagous
green manure • animal feeding on plants: herbi-
• plants swollen
vore • small bug parasitic on plants:
undergrown food store: bulb, corm
aphid •poisonous to plants: phyto-
• plant's horizontal underground
toxic ©plant out seedlings: prick out
stem: rhizome ©part of a plant
• label attached to a plant: tally
around ground level: crown ©plant
• droop and shrivel as a sickly plant:
stalk: haulm ©shoot extending from
wilt, wither •repository of dried
a plant at ground level: runner • slen-
plants: herbarium, hortus siccus
der twining extension of a plant stem:
• study of plants: botany • chemistry
tendril, tentacle ©use by green
of plants: phytochemistry ©study of
plants of sunlight energy: photosyn-
plant diseases: phytopathology
thesis • green pigment in plants, en-
abling photosynthesis: chlorophyll plaster ©plaster of lime, cement,
• fluid circulating in a plant: sap and gravel: roughcast ©fine plaster:
• plant's loss of water vapour: tran- stucco ©top coat of plaster: set
spiration • female reproductive cell • decorative plasterwork: pargeting
in plants: egg, ovum • asexual repro- • plaster painted to imitate stone:
ductive unit of the lower plants: spore scagliola ©hard white plaster for
• plant's beginning to grow: germin- sculpture or bonesetting: plaster of
ation • plant growth in relation to Paris ©gypsum for sculpture or
gravity: geotropism • plant's turn- painting: gesso ©roughen a plaster
ing towards light: phototropism surface to aid adhesion: key ©thin
• plant's turning towards a source of strip of wood as a base for plaster: lath

heat: thermotropism • plant's turn- • plasterer's board: hawk ©plas-

ing in response to touch: thigmotrop- terer's smoothing tool: float

ism ©variety of plant developed by plastic • plastic-coated cloth:

breeding: strain ©(of a plant) grow American cloth ©plastic used as
too fast: bolt, shoot ©denoting a glazing: Perspex™ ©plastic used for
plant needing a larger pot: pot-bound gramophone records: vinyl ©plastic
• press a plant's roots into soil: heel in used for packing: expanded polystyr-
• make a plant grow out of season or ene ©plastic used in paints: acrylic,
plastic surgery |
pleasure 268

vinyl • thin and narrow strip of plas- tion of a play: scene • address to the
tic: slat •overlay with plastic: audience at the start of a play: pro-
laminate logue ©address to the audience at
plastic surgery •combining form: the end of a play: epilogue ©play's
-plasty • plastic surgery on the ears: story-line: plot • turn (a story) into a

otoplasty •plastic surgery on the play: dramatize •crucial moment in

nose: rhinoplasty ©plastic surgery a play: catastrophe • contrived reso-

on the penis: phalloplasty •sucking lution of this, as by divine interven-
tion: deus ex machina •startling
away of excess fat: liposuction
moment in a play: coup de theatre {pi.
plate ©plate strengthening a beam
coups de theatre) •principal charac-
or joint: fish •beam or plate distrib-
ter in a play: protagonist •second-
uting weight onto a wall: template
ary role of a pert young woman: sou-
platform •small platform: podium, brette •performance instruction
rostrum ©low platform in a room: printed in a script: stage direction
dais • narrow platform for fashion • person who writes plays: dramatist,
models: catwalk, runway ©platform playwright ©art of play-writing:
for an execution: scaffold ©platform dramaturgy ©person instructing the
for election speeches: hustings ©dis- actors in a play: director ©person re-
play platform on a lorry: float sponsible for a play's staging: stage
play ©plays in general: drama manager ©lighting, sound, or scen-
• play with a happy ending: comedy ery used in a play: effects ©offstage
• play with grim humour: black com- sounds as part of the performance:
edy ©play with a sad ending: tra- noises off ©scenery and properties
gedy • play intended to cause laugh- used in a play: mise en scene
ter: comedy ©broadly comic play: • music composed for a play: score
farce ©short comic play: sketch, skit >see also drama
• short play presented to open an en-
please • eager to please: complai-
tertainment: curtain-raiser ©play
sant • excessively eager to please:
satirizing a particular social group:
servile •denoting pleasant appear-
comedy of manners ©Italian trad-
ance and manner: personable
itional comedy with stock characters:
commedia dell'arte©sensational or pleasure •pleasure-loving: hedon-
horrific play: GrandGuignol, istic •a of pleasure: la dolce vita
melodrama ©history play: costume • pleasure gained from the contem-
drama ©play with singing and dan- plation of others' misfortunes:
cing: musical, opera ©play on Schadenfreude ©pleasure derived
Christ's birth: nativity play from the suffering of others: Roman
• medieval play portraying scenes holiday ©sexual pleasure derived
from the life of Christ or the saints: from inflicting pain: algolagnia
miracle play, mystery play •medi- • sexual pleasure derived from hurt-
eval play featuring personifications of ing others: sadism ©sexual pleasure
theological concepts: morality play derived from hurting oneself: maso-
• 17th-century musical play: masque chism • ethical theory that pleasure
• play for one actor: monodrama is hedonism • per-
the highest good:
• play for two actors: two-hander son devoted sensual pleasures:
• pay intended to be read rather than debauchee, epicurean, sybarite, vo-
acted: closet drama, closet play luptuary • instinctive psychological
• text of a play: script • principal sec- drive to seek pleasure: pleasure prin-
tion of a play: act • subordinate sec- ciple ©rich man persuing a life of
269 plot |

pleasure: playboy • pleasure trip: (pi. same) ©Japanese five-line poem

outing •pleasure activity: pastime, of 31 syllables: tanka (pi. same)
recreation •person spoiling others' • poem constructed so that certain let-
pleasure: killjoy ters from each line form a word: ac-
plot: machination •de-
rostic • poem conveying part of its
plot • crafty
noting a crafty plotter: Machiavellian message through its printed appear-
ance: concrete poetry • section of a
• engage in devious schemes: wheel
and deal • plot outline of a work of long poem: canto •lines repeated at
fiction: synopsis regular intervals through a poem: re-
plough •cutting blade on the front
of a plough: coulter • plough's main poet •successful poet at an
cutting blade: ploughshare, share Eisteddfodd: bard • French medieval
poet: troubadour, trouvere•Scandi-
• groove cut by a plough: furrow
• ploughing technique minimizing navian medieval poet: skald »bad
erosion on sloping land: contour poet: poetaster •poetic technique:
ploughing ©strip of land left un- poetics
ploughed: headland point ©highest point: acme, apex,
plug •single-pin plug used in sound zenith ©lowest point: nadir ©point
equipment: jack plug • 21-pin video at which rays or waves meet: focal

plug: Scart ©plug for the vent of a point ©tapering to a point: acumin-
cask: spigot, spile ©plug for the ate, apical • point of contact or inter-

muzzle of a large gun: tampion • plug action: • avoid the point:

for a cannon's touch-hole: spike •de- prevaricate • point implied or in-
pression receiving a plug: socket ferred: subaudition

plum • virus disease of plum trees poison • combining forms: tox-,

and their fruit: plum pox • dried toxico- •adjective: toxic •poison
plum: prune produced by a fungus on peanuts: afla-
toxin •poison produced by a fungus
pneumonia •pneumonia affecting
on cereals: ergot • poison secreted by
both lungs: double pneumonia
snakes, scorpions, etc.: venom
• kind of pneumonia spread by water
• poison drunk by Socrates: hemlock
droplets: legionnaires' disease
• poisonous to cells: cytotoxic •poi-
pocket ©person stealing from sonous to plants: phytotoxic • study
others' pockets: pickpocket of poisons: toxicology •cure for a
poem •traditional poem for young poison: antidote, antitoxin, antivenin
children: nursery rhyme • narrative poker •poker-player's stake made
poem of several stanzas: ballad
before receiving cards: ante • equal
• long poem of heroic deeds: epic an opponent's bet and demand to see
• short poem in epic style: epyllion his cards: see •form of poker in
• poem celebrating a marriage: epi- which the loser discards an item of
thaiamium, prothalamium •poem clothing: strip poker
about rural life: bucolic, eclogue,
georgic, idyll •poem retracting a pole 1
*punt pole: quant •strong
former view: palinode ©poem lam- pole for a mast etc.: spar •pole along
enting a person's death: elegy, thren- the foot of a sail: boom • pole project-
ody • four-line comic poem: clerihew ing the microphone over a film or tele-
• five-line comic poem: limerick vision camera: boom
• poem of 14 lines: sonnet • Japanese pole 2 •around the pole: circumpolar
three-line poem of 17 syllables: haiku • continent around the North Pole:
police |
politics 270

Arctic •continent around the South • aspect of this: plank • party spokes-
Pole: Antarctica person putting a favourable gloss
police • area police force: constabu- upon events: spin doctor •splinter
lary • police group assigned a special group within a political party: fac-
task: squad •police group with high tion, caucus • infiltration of a polit-

mobility: flying squad •police de- ical party: entryism ©party support
partment dealing with political se- based on empathy with its leader:

curity: Special Branch • police personalism, personality cult •sym-

detachment sent to seize specified pathizer with a party's aims: fellow-
persons: snatch squad • person traveller • publication controlled by

trained to act as a policeman in a political party: organ «(of a con-

an emergency: special constable stituency political association) choose
• member of a self-appointed citizen as candidate for an election: adopt
group policing its locality: vigilante • (of a constituency political associ-
• policeman's short thick stick: trun- ation) reject a previously adopted can-
cheon • police patrol car: squad car didate: deselect •politician belong-

• police van for transporting prison- ing to no party: independent ©move

ers: Black Maria •police coordin- to a rival political group: defect
ation office for investigation of a • political opposition in a one-party
major crime: incident room •police state: dissidence
kit for assembling a likeness of a politician • respected political
wanted person: identikit, photofit leader: statesman •experienced pol-
• document authorizing specified po- itician: elder statesman •politician
lice activity: warrant ©surprise hos- manipulating his audience's emo-
tile police visit: raid •policeman's tions: demagogue •politician be-
turn of duty: watch •policeman's longing to no party: independent
regular patrol: beat • regular assign- • denoting a politician's statement
ment of a policeman to a particular concordant with his party's position:
beat: community policing •police on-message •denoting a crafty and
job controlling traffic: point duty unscrupulous politician: Machiavel-
• lowest police rank: constable •of- lian
ficer in charge of a constabulary:
chief constable • officer in charge of politics •politics as influenced by
the Metropolitan Police: chief com- geographical factors: geopolitics
missioner • international police or- • global balance of political power:
ganization: Interpol world order • political agenda driven
by practical needs rather than moral
policy •declared policy: platform,
principles: realpolitik •political co-
position ©aspect of this: plank
alition for a specific purpose: front
• published policy statement: mani-
• political action aimed at increasing
festo • policy of racial segregation:
power or influence: power politics
colour bar •policy of passive resist-
• political policy statement: mani-
ance: satyagraha • state policy of
festo • persistent dissemination of
having no dealings with its neigh-
political propaganda via the media:
bours: isolationism • reversal of pol-
agitprop • make politically aware or
icy: about-face, volte-face, U-turn
active: politicize •political system
polish •polishing machine: buffer allowing much personal freedom:
• sheen on polished furniture: patina open society • political system with
political party •political party's much state control of economic and
declared policy: party line, platform social life: statism • system of polit-
271 politics |

ical power-sharing or coexistence: ical awareness: lumpenproletariat

pluralism •discarded political sys- • renunciation of political interests in
tem: ancien regime •political dom- an area: disengagement ©not con-
inance: hegemony • source of polit- cerned with politics: apolitical
ical influence: power base poll ©public poll on some issue of
• international acceptance of a state current concern: plebiscite, referen-
or its government: recognition •pol- dum ©officer who counts the votes
itical control of dependent countries: cast in a poll: scrutineer ©officer ad-
colonialism ©theory that one polit- ministering a poll and announcing its
ical event causes similar ones else- result: returning officer
where: domino theory •control of a
pollen ©index of airborne pollen:
state by large interest groups: corpor-
pollen count ©study of ancient pol-
atism • political opposition in a one- len grains: palynology
party state: dissidence •political
initiative: demarche
pollution ©polluting substance:
• resistance to
political change: immobilism ©advo-
cate of major political change: radical polo ©polo stick: hammer ©session
• politician claiming to represent the of play: chukka
interests of ordinary people: populist polymer ©enzyme forming poly-
• political enthusiast: activist, Young mers: polymerase
Turk ©group of political activists: Polynesian ©Polynesian garland:
cadre ©person with moderate polit- lei
ical views: centrist ©person favour-
ing socialism: leftist ©person with
pond • shallow upland pond filled by
extreme or subversive political views:
dew: dew pond
Bolshevik, maximalist, radical ©ad- pool ©pool-player's stick: cue
vocate of violence to obtain political poor ©poor person: pauper ©make
objectives: militant ©use of violence poor: impoverish
or intimidation to achieve political
pope •adjectives: papal, pontifical
aims: terrorism ©advocate of mili-
• polite form of address to a pope:
tary pressure to obtain international
Your Holiness ©pope's triple crown:
political objectives: militarist ©per- tiara ©pope's short hooded cape:
son advocating state or popular own- mozzetta ©pope's woollen shoulder
ership of means of production: col- vestment: pallium ©pope's letter to
lectivist ©person demanding the the Church: encyclical, brief, bull
return of former national territories: • pope's decision on a question of
irredentist ©advocate of political in- canon law: decretal • pope's decision
dependence: nationalist ©advocate of on a question of doctrine: rescript
impractical policies: impossibilist • pope's personal edict: motu proprio
• dishonest means of gaining political {pi motu proprios) •pope's special
advantage: graft •dishonest use of permission: indult ©pope's freedom
political power: jobbery, sleaze from doctrinal error: papal infallibil-
• abandonment of one's former polit- ity ©pope's ambassador: nuncio
ical beliefs: apostasy ©move to a • nuncio sent to a non-Catholic coun-
rival political group: defect ©whole- try: pro-nuncio •pope's representa-
sale ousting from power of disliked tive: legate •legate with full powers:
elements: purge, repression ©re- legate a latere • pope's administra-
move from the political sphere: depol- tive staff: Curia •pope's guard:
iticize ©the masses having no polit- Swiss guard • pope's office or tenure
population |
postal service 272

of it: papacy • papal court: Holy See • piece of jewellery with a relief por-
• body electing the pope: College of cameo
Cardinals •meeting of this: con- Portuguese • Portuguese mon-
clave • treaty between the pope and a arch's infante
son: •Portuguese
secular state: concordat •advocate monarch's daughter: infanta • Portu-
of supreme papal authority on ques- guese noble of the highest rank: gran-
tions of faith and dicipline: ultramon- dee • Portuguese magistrate or
tanist •voluntary donation by mayor: alcalde ©Portuguese wine
Roman Catholics to papal funds: drunk while new: vinho verde ©Por-
Peter's pence tuguese red wine: tinto
population •combining form: Poseidon • Latin name: Neptune
dem(o)- •population count: census • Poseidon's three-pronged spear: tri-
• quantitative data on changing popu- dent
lation levels: vital statistics • study
position •position relative to a
of population statistics: demography
fixed point: bearing • apparent
• surplus population: overspill
change in relative position of objects
• population improvement by con-
viewed from different points: paral-
trolled breeding: eugenics
porcelain •porcelain made with
possession • personal possession:
bone ash: bone china
chattel ©useless possession: white
very delicate porcelain: eggshell
elephant ©possession giving social
• famous type of medieval Chinese
prestige: status symbol
porcelain: Ming
post ©strong post with a pointed
porcupine •porcupine's sharp hol-
end: stake • defensive wall of wooden
low bristle: quill
stakes: stockade •firmly fixed up-
pork • tough outer skin on a joint of right post: stanchion
pork: rind ©pork rind made crisp by postage stamp • stamp perforated
roasting: crackling
with a set of initials: perfin •stamp
pornography • denoting explicit printed upside down: invert ©sheet
pornography: hard, hard-core •de- of stamps: pane ©denoting a stamp
noting inexplicit pornography: soft, intended for general use: definitive
soft-core •mildly pornographic talk • denoting stamps lacking perfor-
or publications: smut ations: imperforate ©envelope with
porridge • thin porridge: gruel stamps postmarked on their first day
of issue: first day cover ©printed
port 1
©port open to all traders: free
mark cancelling or substituting for a
port •officials controlling a port:
postage stamp: frank ©date stamp
conservancy cancelling a postage stamp: postmark
port 2 • denoting a port kept
for only • small piece of gummed paper for fix-
a few years in cask and then fined: ing stamps in an album: hinge
ruby •denoting a port kept longer • stamp collecting and study: phil-
than usual in the cask: late-bottled ately
• denoting port blended from several postal service •service guaran-
vintages: tawny teeing next-day delivery to anywhere
portrait •small portrait: cameo in the UK: special delivery • service
• half-length portrait: kit-cat ©group offering next-day delivery to most UK
portrait, the subjects appearing to areas: first-class post • service offer-
talk together: conversation piece ing later delivery: second-class post
273 postcard |
power holder

• service offering proof of posting and • glazed pottery: faience •fine Ital-
delivery: recorded delivery • service ian coloured pottery: maiolica ©Eng-
offering recorded delivery and com- lish pottery imitating this: majolica
pensation for loss: registered post • blue Chinese scene as pottery decor-
• conveyance of mail by air: airmail ation: willow pattern •unglazed
• conveyance of mail by land and sea: brownish-red earthenware: terracotta
surface mail • post office department • denoting pottery made from clay:
holding letters until collected: poste ceramic, earthenware •coloured
restante •numbered box assigned to clay for pottery decoration: slip
a person using this regularly: post of- • decorative scratches made through
fice box ©fee required to send an slip: sgraffito (pi. sgraffiti) •pottery
item by post: postage • address code decorated with slip: slipware • shiny
assisting mail sorting: postcode surface on pottery: glaze ©second
• person delivering letters: postman layer of glaze: overglaze • iridescent
• shop or counter conducting postal pottery glaze: lustre •furnace for
service business: post office •per- pottery: kiln ©bake pottery in a kiln:
son managing a post office: postmas- fire © protective box for pottery being
ter (fern, postmistress) fired: saggar ©pottery fragment:
postcard • postcard collector: delti- shard, sherd, potsherd ©this used
as a writing surface: ostracon
clogist (

post-mortem ©doctor conducting

pouch • pouch worn at the front of a
kilt: sporran •kangaroo's pouch:
a post-mortem examination: patholo-
gist ©magistrate conducting a post-
mortem judicial inquiry: coroner powder • reduce to a powder: pul-
posture • cross-legged meditation
posture: lotus position •communi- power • combining form: dynam(o)-
cation by posture: kinesics [e.g.dynamism) •power of an engine
indicated by the force needed to brake
potato ©baked potato served in its
it: brake horsepower ©unlimited
skin: jacket potato ©potato in Indian
power: carte blanche, omnipotence
cuisine: aloo ©cooked cabbage and
• absolute power: autocracy, despot-
up together: bubble and
potato fried
ism, dictatorship, totalitarianism
squeak ©potatoes mashed and baked
• position of power: ascendancy,
with egg yolk: duchesse potatoes
dominance ©power gained through
• dish of sliced potatoes cooked in
status, contacts, etc.: influence
milk: dauphinois ©store of potatoes
• seize power to which one has no
under straw and earth: clamp ©dark
right: usurp •obsession with the
shoot-spot on a potato: eye ©edible
exercise of power: megalomania
root of the potato plant: tuber • Irish
• transfer of power from central to re-
potato blight: murrain
gional authorities: decentralization,
potential • realization of one's per- devolution • reservation of all power
sonal potential: self-actualization to the central authority: direct rule

pottery • adjective: fictile ©type of • deprive of power: emasculate, over-

pottery:ware ©clay mix for making throw • undermine an established
pottery: pug ©form pottery on the power: subvert ©state economic and
wheel: throw ©unfired pottery: social control: dirigisme
green ware ©pottery fired but not power holder • combining form:
glazed: biscuit ware, bisque ©por- -crat ©person enjoying power be-
ous clay pottery: earthenware cause of his noble birth: aristocrat
practical |
pregnancy 274

• person deriving power from his pos- predictable • person whose behav-
ition in an organization: bureaucrat iour is unpredictable: loose cannon
• person exercising power without
prefer ©personal preference: predi-
having any office: eminence grise
lection ©political or sexual prefer-
• person enjoying power through
ences: orientation
wealth: plutocrat •group thought to
have a hidden but pervasive control of pregnancy •adjectives: antenatal,
society: the Establishment ©group maternity, prenatal ©make preg-
of influential high-ranking persons: nant: impregnate ©become preg-
the hierarchy ©person seeking to in- nant: conceive ©capable of concep-
crease his personal power: empire tion: fertile ©incapable of
builder conception: barren, infertile, sterile
• denoting conception achieved in the
practical • dully practical: prosaic
womb: in utero •denoting concep-
practice •generally accepted prac- tion achieved in an artificial environ-
tice: orthodoxy ment: in vitro •be pregnant with:
praise • adjective: laudatory •de- carry ©further conception while
pregnant: superfetation ©develop-
serving praise: meritorious ©laud-
atory speech or text: encomium, eu- ment of a fetus within the Fallopian
tube: tubal pregnancy ©develop-
logy, panegyric
ment of a fetus outside the womb: ec-
prawn •large edible prawn: king topic pregnancy ©woman pregnant
prawn for the first time: primigravida {pi.
prayer ©prayer said at mealtimes: primigravidae) ©woman pregnant for
grace ©prayer said for others: inter- at least the second time: multigravida
cession ©RC devotion of repeated • hormone stimulating uterine prep-
Hail Marys: rosary ©set of beads aration for pregnancy: progesterone
used with this: rosary • Orthodox de- • female reproductive cell: egg, ovum
votion of repeated invocation of the • tube conveying the egg to the uterus:
name of Jesus: Jesus Prayer ©knot- Fallopian tube •attachment of the
ted cord used with this: prayer rope egg to the wall of the womb: implant-
©special days of prayer observed in ation, nidation •unborn offspring:
the West: Ember days ©season of embryo, fetus •carrying this in the
prayer for the harvest: Rogationtide womb: gestation •body fluid sur-
• times of prayer prescribed in the rounding a amniotic fluid

Roman breviary: canonical hours • membrane surrounding a fetus: am-

• practice of prayer leading to a direct niotic membrane, caul ©cord con-
apprehension of the divine: mysti- necting a fetus to the placenta: umbil-
cism • cushion for prayer: hassock, ical cord • nausea during early
kneeler ©period of seclusion for pregnancy: morning sickness
prayer: retreat • craving for strange foods during
pregnancy: pica ©high blood pres-
preaching • adjective: homiletic
sure in pregnancy: pre-eclampsia
• art of preaching: homiletics
• convulsions resulting from this:
precede •thing preceding another, eclampsia ©custom in certain cul-
esp. when
perceived as influencing it: tures of the husband's taking to his
antecedent ©precede in time: ante- bed during the latter stages of a preg-
date ©fallacy that preceding events nancy: couvade ©spontaneous ex-
must be the cause of those that follow pulsion of the foetus early in preg-
them: post hoc ergo propter hoc nancy: miscarriage ©completion of
275 prehistoric |

the normal length of pregnancy: term, pressure: trough ©area of atmos-

full term ©end a pregnancy by arti- pheric pressure lower than those
ficial means: terminate •medically around it: depression •unstable at-
induced expulsion or destruction of mospheric pressure: turbulence
an unviable foetus: abortion •before • press down firmly: tamp •instru-
the normal end of pregnancy: preterm ment measuring liquid or gas pres-
• diagnostic sampling of amniotic sure: manometer, piezometer •in-
fluid during pregnancy: amniocen- strument measuring atmospheric
tesis • child's mental and physical pressure: barometer
retardation caused by the mother's pretend ©pretended ignorance or
consumption of alcohol during preg- innocence: disingenuousness ©pre-
nancy: fetal alcohol syndrome tend to be another person: imperson-
• false pregnancy: pseudocyesis ate ©person doing this: impostor
• deliberate prevention of pregnancy:
birth control, contraception, family
pretty ©quaintly pretty: pictur-

planning •periodic uterine dis-

charge when pregnancy has not oc- price ©lowest price at which an auc-
curred: menstruation tioned item may be sold: reserve
price ©official price: list price
prehistoric •combining form:
archaeo- •prehistoric life form pre-
• guaranteed minimum price: sup-
port price •contractor's estimated
served in rock: fossil • large prehis-
price for a job: quotation •contract-
toric reptile:dinosaur ©study of the
or's firm price for a specified job: ten-
physical remains of prehistoric civil-
der • unvarying price: flat rate ©as-
izations: archaeology ©use of scien-
sign a price to: valorize • haggle over
techniques to date prehistoric re-
a price: chaffer •collaboration of
mains: archaeometry
traders to fix prices: cartel, price ring
prejudice • unfair treatment due to
• vendor's increase to cost price:
prejudice: discrimination
mark-up •sum added to a normal
preparation • speak or act without price: premium • offer a higher price
previous preparation: extemporize, than that for which the sale has al-
improvise, ad-lib ready been agreed with another: gaz-
present •call-over of names to es- ump • over-pricing to make an art-
tablish who is present: roll-call icle seem superior: prestige pricing
• item sold at a loss to attract cus-
preserve •preserve by smoking,
tomers: loss leader •selling at dif-
salting, etc.: cure
ferent prices to different customers:
press • press to smooth paper or price discrimination • price reduc-
cloth: calender tion offered to certain categories of
pressure ©pressure exerted on a purchaser: concession, discount
physical object: stress • illegal pres- • printed paper entitling the holder to
sure or constraint: duress •obtain- buy at a reduced price: voucher
ing money or property by duress: ex- • agreement between manufacturer
tortion • duress exerted by threats to and retailer not to discount prices: re-
reveal compromising secrets: black- tail price maintenance, resale price
mail • political pressure applied by maintenance •market-dominant
deliberate environmental damage: trader whose prices are shadowed by
ecoterrorism ©elongated region of the competition: price leader ©low
high atmospheric pressure: ridge pricing to force competitors out of the
• elongated region of low atmospheric market: predatory pricing ©reduce a
pride |
printing 276

posted price: mark down •sensitive priest: curate ©curate's job: curacy
to price changes: elastic •denoting • priest's liturgical attendant: aco-
an irreducible price: net ©denoting a lyte, server •rule by priests: hieroc-
sharply increased price: inflated racy •derivation and transmission
• denoting a price so high as to dis- of a priest's spiritual authority from
courage purchase: prohibitive • table that given to the apostles: apostolic
of prices: tariff • figure indicating the succession + see also Church of
average position of selected prices: England, Roman Catholic Church
index •government intervention to principle • set of principles guiding
keep prices down: price control or summarizing an activity: theory
• government intervention to keep • principle that if anything can go
prices up: price support •system wrong it Murphy's law, sod's
linking wage etc. rises to price rises: law • principle that employees are al-
indexation • general rise in prices: ways promoted beyond their abilities:
inflation • general reduction in Peter principle •principle that work
prices: deflation expands to fill the time available:
pride •pride leading to one's down- Parkinson's law •adhering rigidly
fall: hubris ©arrogantly self- to principle, regardless of practical-
righteous person: prig ©solemnly ities: doctrinaire •having strong
self-important: pompous moral principles: high-minded •re-
jection of all religious and moral prin-
priest •combining form: hiero- ciples: nihilism
• adjectives: clerical, hieratic, sacer-
dotal • chief priest: hierarch •high- printer •printer printing a line at a

ranking priest: pontifex ©priest pre- time: line •printer using


siding over a cathedral chapter: dean heated pins: thermal printer

• his residence: deanery • priest on a • printer character disk: daisy wheel

cathdral chapter: canon ©priest in • grid of dots forming printer charac-
charge of cathedral music: precentor ters: dot matrix •printer mode giv-
• priest's pastoral responsibility: cure ing quick but poorly finished printout:
• sacramental admission of sins to a draft ©number of characters per
inch: pitch
priest:confession ©priest's sacra-
mental forgiveness of confessed sins: printing ©printing giving raised let-

absolution ©priest performing the tering: die-stamping ©blurred piece

Eucharist: celebrant • ancient Celtic of printing: mackle ©unwanted
priest: Druid ©Buddhist priest in transference of ink from one sheet to
China or Japan: bonze ©title of a the next: set-off ©printing error:
French abbot or (as a courtesy) of any misprint, literal, typo ©add printing
French clergyman: abbe ©Orthodox instructions to a manuscript: mark up
priest in Greece: pope, papas • type set up to print a sheet: forme
• Orthodox priest in Russia: pope • container for loose metal printing
• denoting a monastic priest: regular type: case •denoting a letter not a
• denoting a non-monastic priest: capital: lower-case • denoting a cap-
secular ©make someone a priest: or- ital letter: upper-case •assemble
dain ©stiff white collar fastened at type for printing: compose •com-
the back, worn by some clergy: cler- position using newly cast type: hot
ical collar, dog collar ©priest's metal • layout of lines of type to give
robes: vestments ©priest's liturgical straight margins: justification
dress: canonicals ©priest's square li- • exact alignment of printed elements:
turgical hat: biretta ©assistant register •white space between lines
277 prison |

of type: lead •dots to guide the eye: send down ©keep in prison: detain
leaders • arrange pages for printing • imprisonment to prevent further of-
in correct sequence: impose •fully fences: preventive detention •im-
finished page for photosetting: prisonment alone: solitary confine-
camera-ready copy •roll of paper ment • imprisoned person: inmate
for continuous printing: web • single • imprisonment with hard labour:
piece of paper for printing: sheet penal servitude ©release from
• sheet folded into pages: gathering, prison: discharge ©study of prison
signature •vertical division of a management: penology ©release on
printed page: column •arrangement promise of good behaviour: parole
of material on a page: layout • speci- • conditional early release: release on
men layout: mock-up •estimate the licence •wartime imprisonment of
pages a printed text will fill: cast off resident aliens: internment •con-
• short line at the top of a page or col- finement to one's home: house arrest
umn: widow • opening line of a para- • confinement to a distant part of
graph set at the foot of a page or col- one's country: internal exile •deten-
umn: orphan ©trial printing for tion allegedly to safeguard the de-
corrections: proof, pull ©proof in- tainee: protective custody
corporating previous corrections: prisoner ©prisoner who has won
revise ©printed monochrome photo- privileges by good behaviour: trusty
graph: half-tone ©final adjustments • prisoner's room: cell ©money paid
before printing: makeready ©illus- to secure the release of a prisoner
tration without half-tones: line block awaiting trial: bail
• computer-generated camera-ready camera
private ©in private: in
copy: desktop publishing •printing • denoting one's private life: per-
from a flat planography
• printing of a single item from a
larger publication: pre-print, offprint
privilege •exclusive privilege: pre-
• number of copies printed at one
rogative ©prisoner who has won
privileges by good behaviour: trusty
time: run, print run ©aesthetics of
printing: typography vsee also type- prize ©large cash prize: jackpot
face • prize money in a horse race: stakes
• prize given to the worst contestant:
prison •adjective: custodial ©cen-
booby prize, wooden spoon • prize
tre housing young persons in need of
awarded to the ship making the fast-
custodial care; community home
est eastward commercial crossing of
• prison forcriminals aged 14-20:
the Atlantic: Blue Riband ©reward
young offender institution • prison
given to a near-winner: consolation
with few restrictions: open prison
prize, highly commended, honour-
• secret dungeon: oubliette •Ger-
able mention, proxime accessit
man prison camp: stalag •German
• cumulative carry-over of unwon
prison camp for officers: oflag ©So-
prizes to the next event: rollover
viet labour prison: gulag ©decom-
missioned ship used as a prison: hulk probe ©probing instrument: sonde
• person in charge of a prison: gov- problem • unexpected problem:
ernor • prison guard: warder snag •problem-solving by infor-
• cleric serving a prison: chaplain mal discussion: brainstorming
• place in custody pending trial: re- • problem-solving by application of
mand ©place used for this: remand logic: vertical thinking •problem-
centre ©send to prison: commit, solving by an indirect and seemingly
procedure program |

illogical approach: lateral thinking stripping ©easy or dishonest profits:

• problem-solving as a managerial pickings • profits gained from prosti-
role: trouble-shooting •problem- tution: immoral earnings •tax on
solving by random trial and error: excessive profits: windfall tax •per-
heuristic •clue to a problem's solu- son pursuing large profits by legally
tion: lead ©place where problems marginal means: profiteer •finan-
regularly occur: trouble spot ©fresh cier making takeover bids
approach to a problem: initiative with a view to corporate
procedure •established course of raider • selling off shares while their
procedure: order •procedural rule: value is high: profit-taking •pursuit
standing order of profit: commercialism •produ-
cing much profit: lucrative •situ-
process • combining form: -osis
ation offering no profit: dead loss
(e.g. metamorphosis) • not processed:
raw program ©start a program's oper-
procession • costumed procession: ation: run ©program instructions:
pageant • outdoor procession: caval- code ©self-operating program with
cade • solemn procession: cortege reasoning capacity: knowbot ©pro-
producing gram for accounting: spreadsheet
• combining forms:
• program searching the World Wide
-facient (e.g. abortifacient), -fic (e.g.
Web: crawler • program devised to
pacific), -gen (e.g. carcinogen), -genie
(e.g. pathogenic)
meet a particular user's needs: appli-
cation, application program •pro-
product • incidental product:
gram interfacing between user and
by-product, ©product
operating system: shell, shell pro-
manufactured for a retailer and sold
gram • program recording restricted
under his name: own brand, own-
information: sniffer ©program per-
label • product name registered by
forming a routine function: utility
the manufacturer: proprietary name,
program ©program controlling a
proprietary term •denoting a prod-
peripheral device: manager ©pro-
uct closely imitating a branded one
gram enabling the rearrangement of
but sold under a different name: gen-
online text: editor ©program giving
eric ©version of a product: model
form letters individual names and ad-
• request the return of a product for
dresses: mail merge ©program pro-
modification: recall
viding addresses, diary engagements,
professional • young urban profes- etc.: personal information manager
sional: yuppie ©young black urban • program arranging tasks in an ap-
professional: buppie ©work in a pro-
propriate sequence: scheduler •pro-
fession: practise ©person working in gram written in high-level language:
a profession: practitioner ©below source program • program convert-
professional standards: unprofes-
ing a program
sional • remove from membership of
into machine code and executing it:
a professional body: strike off
interpreter ©program converting
professor ©professor's position: assembly language into machine code:
chair assembler, compiler ©program con-
profit ©profit made on investments: necting two items of hard- or software:
return ©profit from the sale of prop- interface ©program deleting un-
erty or investments: capital gain wanted data: garbage collector ©set
• selling off the assets of a purchased of related programs: suite • set of in-
company for quick profit: asset- structions used several times within a
279 programme proof |

program: procedure, subprogram, achieve ©enemy to progress: reac-

subroutine • unit of which programs tionary ©enemy to technical pro-
are composed: module •subprogram gress: Luddite ©block to progress:
able to construct other subprograms: obstacle ©situation permitting no
generator •denoting a program re- progress: deadlock, stalemate, sta-
sponding to user input: interactive sis
• denoting a program that a computer prohibition ©temporary prohib-
can run: executable •denoting a ition: moratorium ©official prohib-
program compatible with many com- ition on trade: embargo
puters: cross-platform man exten-
projectile ©path described by a
sion to this providing multimedia
projectile: trajectory
facilities: hypermedia •secret
program instructions causing damage projector ©projector giving images
of opaque objects: epidiascope ©de-
if activated: logic bomb •simultan-
vice steadying the film as it passes the
eous execution of several pro-
lens: gate ©adjust film passing the
grams: multiprocessing, multitask-
gate: rack
ing • simultaneous execution of dif-
ferent parts of the same program: promise ©solemn promise: oath,
pipelining •small addition to a pro- pledge, vow ©promise to do some-
gram: patch • system of symbols for thing: undertaking ©promise to do
program-writing: language ©end a something, often at a fixed time: en-
program's operation: exit • convert a gagement ©promise to perform
program into a machine-code: com- another's obligation: guaranty
pile ©program's fall-back option: de- • promise to replace or repair defect-
fault ©repeated sequence of pro- ive goods: guarantee, warranty
grammed instructions: loop • single • promise money on another's suc-
instruction expanding into a set: cessful completion of a charitable
macro • program variable activating event: sponsor • go back on a prom-
a certain function: switch •list of ise: renege, welsh

commands to be expressed in machine prone to •combining form: -acious

code: source code ©re-express data {e.g. audacious), -philiac (e.g. haemo-
for use with a different program or philiac)
system: convert pronunciation • correct pronunci-
programme •programme with orthoepy • stand-
ation, or its study:
times assigned to each event: sched- ard British English pronunciation: re-
ule ceived pronunciation •pich change
programming language •pro- as an aspect of pronunciation: inton-
gramming language consisting ation
of bin-
ary or hexadecimal instructions: ma- propaganda • political propaganda
chine code, machine language disseminated in literature etc.: agit-
• denoting a programming language prop
that is not machine-dependent: high- propeller • air or water current be-
level ©denoting a programming lan- hind a propeller: slipstream ©ship's
guage that is close to machine code: secondary propeller used in manoeuv-
low-level ring: thruster ©propeller blade:
progress ©make progress without vane
effort: coast ©make better progress proof ©providing proof: probative
than expected: overachieve ©make • prove the truth of: demonstrate
poorer progress than expected: under- • prove to be wrong: refute
property |
protein 280 j

property • ideas as property: intel- lady) ©tenant in current occupation: }

lectual property ©property in build- sitting tenant ©tenancy for a fixed i

ings and land: real property, realty period: term of years ©denoting a *

• property other than buildings or fixed-term tenancy: shorthold ©per-

land: movables, personal property, son living on income from property: \

personalty • inherited property: rentier ©unlawful occupant of a j

patrimony • inspect property as a po- building or land: squatter ©terms 4

tential lessor or purchaser: view under which real property is held: j

• sale of property: disposal ©person tenure ©absolute and permanent ?

selling his or her property to another: tenure: freehold ©tenure for a term ,

vendor •conclude a property sale: of years: leasehold ©person taking »

complete • legal document transfer- out a lease: lessee ©person granting ,.

ring ownership of property: convey- a lease: lessor ©return of property to •

ance • right to ownership of prop- the lessor at termination of lease: re-

erty: title •summary of title
documentation: abstract of title prophet madjective: mantic i
• right of exclusive use of property on • prophet of doom: Jeremiah j

completion of sale: vacant posses- • prophet of doom who is ignored: 1

sion • charge upon property: encum- Cassandra

brance ©transfer of property: devo- proportion ©in proportion: com-
lution ©effect such a transfer: mensurate, pro rata •proportional J:

devolve ©legal arrangement relation: ratio

whereby property is nominally owned prose ©prose writing undertaken
by one person for the benefit of others:
principally for aesthetic effect: belles- J
trust • leasing of a property back to
lettres ,

its vendor: leaseback ©use in turn

of a property by several joint owners:
prostate gland ©inflammation of 1

the prostate: prostatitis ©enzyme

time-sharing ©value of a mortgaged ,

property after deduction of charges

found in the blood of men with pros- i

tate cancer: prostate-specific anti-

against it: equity ©collapse of prop- ,

erty values due to expected area re- ;

development: planning blight ©ar- prostitute ©prostitute seeking cli- \

rangement for the inheritance of ents inthe street: streetwalker ,

property over several generations: en- • prostitutes' manager: pimp •in- y

tail • government's right to seize pri- come from prostitution: immoral j

vate property for state use: eminent earnings ©person obtaining prosti- j

domain ©seize property: confiscate, tutes for others: procurer, pandar j

expropriate ©seize property for the • slow driving in search of prostitutes:

repayment of a debt: distrain, seques- kerb-crawling ,

ter ©repossess a mortgaged property protection •combining form: para- r

upon failure of payments: foreclose (e.g. parasol) • protective measure
• enter another's property without taken in advance: precaution <\

permission: trespass ©take un- • (place of) protection offered to the

authorized possession of another's weak, destitute, or insane: asylum
premises: squat ©expel someone protein •blood protein transporting '

from a property: evict ©company oxygen: haemoglobin •protein

selling and renting out properties: es- found in the blood of a diseased per- |i

tate agency • property owner giving son: paraprotein • protein present in

lets to tenants: landlord {fern, land- cheese: casein ©fungus-derived pro- i
281 protest |

tein: mycoprotein •malnutrition tion to a given stimulus: instinct

caused by protein deficiency: kwashi- • seemingly random suggestion of one
orkor idea by another: free association
protest •protest by refusal to eat: • unconscious transfer of one's own
hunger strike ©protest by ignoring desires or emotions onto another: pro-
certain laws: civil disobedience jection • offsetting of a psychological
• protest by refusal to leave: occupa- difficulty by developing in another
tion, sit-in • person refusing direction: compensation ©person
co-operation as a protest: refusenik much concerned with his own
• reproachful verbal protest: remon- thoughts and feelings: introvert • un-
strance selfconscious, outgoing person: extra-
Protestant • member of a dissent- vert ©person's true but concealed
ing Protestant Church: Nonconform- self: inner child ©excessive interest
ist ©Protestant church government in one's appearance or abilities: nar-
by ministers and elders: Presbyter- cissism ©psychologically induced
ianism ©district so governed: pres- refusal or inability to communicate:
bytery • Protestant minister's house: autism ©psychologically induced in-
manse ability make decisions: abulia

Provence •adjective: Provencal • psychologically induced desire to

display one's genitals: exhibitionism
prune «dish of prunes wrapped in
• psychologically induced refusal to
bacon and served on toast: devils on
eat: anorexia nervosa •psychologic-
ally induced desire to overeat: bulimia
Prussian •Prussan aristocrat: Jun-
nervosa • either or both of the pre-
ceding: eating disorder •psycho-
psalm • psalm book: psalter logically induced interest in faeces
• psalm-singing: psalmody and defecation: coprophilia •psycho-
psychiatry • psychiatric therapy logically induced fear: phobia •ob-
that seeks to cure an undesirable sessive desire to set fire to things:
habit by associating it with an un- pyromania • paranoid attitude based
pleasant experience: aversion ther- on the assumption of others' hostility:
apy • phobia cure by gradual expos- siege mentality •fixation with a sin-
ure to its cause: systematic gle idea: obsession • loss of a sense
desensitization of personal identity, thought to be
psychoanalysis •person under- caused by inability to socialize: alien-
going psychoanalysis: analysand ation • aggressive behaviour mask-
• release of repressed emotions by ing feelings of inadequacy: inferiority
discovery of their cause: catharsis complex • arrogant behaviour mask-
• psychoanalytic test of describing ing feelings of inadequacy: superior-
inkblots: Rorschach test ity complex ©trust or affection dir-
psychology • imagined continuous ected towards a captor by his victims:
flow of a person's thoughts: stream of Stockholm syndrome ©psychologic-
consciousness •below the thresh- ally induced obsession with personal
old ofconsciousness: subliminal power: megalomania ©psychological
• group of repressed ideas: complex state of impaired reason and memory:
• refuse to allow into consciousness: dementia • meaningless repetition of
inhibit, repress, suppress • verbal another's acts: echopraxia •mean-
thought: inner speech • innate urge ingless repetition of another's words:
to attain a goal: drive •innate reac- echolalia •delusions of self-
psychology publicity

importance or of persecution: para- personal role: identity crisis •psy-

noia, persecution complex •psycho- chological interactions between mem-
logical state of sloth and despondency: bers of a group: group dynamics
depression • apathy induced by pro- • struggle for psychological domin-
longed dependency on state benefits: ance: war of nerves, power play
dependency culture •psychologic- • psychological treatment: therapy
ally induced refusal to speak: mutism • giving of psychological advice:
• psychologically induced use of ob- counselling • therapy aimed at neur-
scene language: coprolalia •psycho- otic behaviour rather than its cause:
logically induced meaningless speech: behavioural therapy • therapy simu-
paraphasia •psychologically in- lating the trauma of being born: re-
duced desire to steal: kleptomania birthing • therapeutic enactment of
• psychological disturbance from ex- various social roles: role playing
posure to warfare: battle fatigue, • therapy associating undesirable be-
combat fatigue, shell-shock •de- haviour with pain etc.: aversion ther-
noting a physical illness caused or en- apy • psychological system positing
hanced by psychological factors: psy- a constant interaction between paren-
chosomatic • life instinct in
tal, and childish personality
transactional analysis • study
Freudian psychology: Eros • death
of phenomena unexpained by ortho-
instinct in Freudian psychology:
dox psychology: parapsychology
Thanatos •conscious personality
factor in Freudian psychology: ego public house •public house not
• Freudian self-critical personality under brewery control: free house
factor: superego • Freudian instinct- • person in charge of this: landlord,
ive and largely subconscious person- landlady •public house under brew-
ality factor: id •desire of the id to ery control: tied house ©person in
avoid pain and seek pleasure: pleas- charge of this: manager, tenant
ure principle ©ego's control of the id • period when drink prices are re-
to meet social norms: reality principle duced: happy hour •moment at
• young child's alleged desire for its which bar sales must cease: time
parent of the opposite sex: Oedipus • period allowed after closing time for
complex •masculine part of a consumption of previously purchased
woman's personality in Jungian liquor: drinking-up time ©period
psychology: animus •feminine part after closing time when 'private'
of a man's personality in Jungian drinking takes place behind locked
psychology: anima ©aspect of the doors: lock-in • permission for a pub-
personality presented to others: per- lic house to stay open longer than

sona • relational aspect of human ac- usual: extension *bar customer's

tivity in Jungian psychology: eros running account: score »pub bar of-
• primitive mental image said by fering basic comforts: public bar
Jungian psychology to be inherited • pub bar offering superior accommo-
from prehistoric man: archetype dation, and charging higher prices:

• shared stock of such images: collect- lounge bar, saloon bar, snug •fix-
ture for inverted spirit bottles: gantry
ive unconscious ©innate drive for
• brew temporarily available: guest
self-destruction: death instinct •in-
nate drive for self-preservation: life in-
stinct • rerouting of basic drives into publicity •publicity booklet: bro-
more socially acceptable activities: chure • publicity material: literature
sublimation • uncertainty as to one's • publicity to trigger public debate:
283 publishing |

consciousness-raising •person fruit: roly-poly©suet pudding with

gaining publicity for clients: publicist currants: spotted dick • stewed fruit
• avoidance of publicity: low profile in a bread case: charlotte • soft sum-
*see also advertising mer fruits in a bread case: summer
pudding •sponge base with a sweet
publishing • initial payment to an
topping: flan •Italian dessert of
author on signing a contract: advance
sponge soaked in spirits and coffee:
• publishing undertaken at the
tiramisu ©Russian Easter dessert:
author's expense: vanity publishing
pashka ©sweet batter baked with a
• publication using personal com-
fruit filling: clafoutis • chestnut pre-
puters and printers: desktop publish-
served in sugar: marron glace
ing • publisher's preferred form of
• sponge-cased custard: charlotte
presentation and layout: house style
russe • custard topped with caramel-
• publisher's address details or brand
ized sugar: creme brulee (pi cremes
name: imprint ©author's text as sub-
brulees) ©egg custard topped with
mitted to a publisher: manuscript
caramel: creme caramel (pi. cremes
• employee commissioning and super-
caramels) • cold pudding of milk and
vising projects: ©employee
flavoured cornflour:
examining manuscripts and
for style
• choux pastry filled with cream: pro-
consistency: copy editor •commis-
fiterole •thin pastry baked round a
sioning and production of a book for
fruit filling: strudel ©light beaten
subsequent sale to a publisher: pack-
dessert: whip ©pudding of flavoured
aging ©copy of a book made avail- whipped cream: syllabub ©cold pud-
able before publication date: advance ding with whipped cream and eggs:
copy • part of a book published sep- parfait • cold pudding of sponge cake
arately: fascicle, instalment, offprint,
and fruit topped with layers of jelly,
preprint •exclusive right to publish custard and cream: trifle ©beaten
a book: copyright • breach of copy- eggs, sugar, and flavourings: flum-
right: piracy • unique number code mery • sweet of whipped cream and
assigned to each book published: egg-white: mousse ©Greek sweet of
International Standard Book Num- sesame flour and honey: halva
ber • short description of a book's • Greek sweet of honey-soaked pastry
contents, for publicity use: blurb with nuts: baklava •almond-
• sum paid to the author for each copy flavoured cream: frangipane •sweet-
sold: royalty •reprint with editorial ened milk curds: junket • small curd
intervention: edition ©reprint with tart: maid of honour •cold pureed
little or no editorial intervention: im- fruit with cream: fool •meringue
pression ©book achieving huge filled with fruit and whipped cream:
sales: bestseller, blockbuster •sell pavlova • pudding of bread, jam, and
off remaining copies of an book meringue: queen of puddings
cheaply: remainder • designating a • frozen dome-shaped dessert: bombe
book still available from its publisher: • ice cream served with fruit etc. in a
in print •publisher's list of books tall glass: Knickerbocker Glory, par-
still in print: backlist >see also fait, sundae ©dish of ice cream,
book peaches, and liqueur: peach Melba,
pudding ©fruit pudding steamed in
peche Melba ©sweetmeat eaten at

a cloth: duff ©steamed pudding of the end of a meal: bonne bouche

suet and flour: suet pudding ©suet pulley • ropes and pulleys for lifting
pudding rolled with layers of jam or heavy objects: tackle ©cased set of
pulp I
puzzle 284

pulleys: block •grooved wheel in a punished for another's faults: scape-

pulley block: sheave goat, whipping boy ©study of pun- ||

pulp »pulp of pressed grapes: marc ishment: penology • place to which

• pulp of pressed apples: pomace minor offenders must report regu- j

larly:attendance centre •custodial

pulse •combining form: sphygmo-
centre for young offenders: commu-
• instrument recording the pulse:
nity home ©harsh custodial regime
imagined to have a deterrent effect:
pump »pour liquid into a pump be- short sharp shock vsee also sen-
fore use: prime tence
punishment • combining form: pupa •butterfly or moth pupa:
pen(o)- • adjectives: disciplinary, chrysalis ©pupa's silky case: co-
penal, punitive •subject to punish- coon
ment: penalize •punishment as-
pupil ©former pupil of a school or
signed: sentence •denoting a pun-
university: alumnus {fern, alumna: pi. I

ishment intended to discourage

alumni) ©debar a pupil from his
further crime: deterrent, exemplary
school: expel ©teacher's periodic
• punishment seen as society's re-
asessment of and comments on a pu-
venge on the criminal: retributive
pil's progress: report
punishment •unavoidable punish-
ment: nemesis ©threatened punish- puppet ©puppet on strings: mario-

ment: sanction •denoting punish- nette

ment appropriate to the crime: purchase ©purchase motivated
condign • deserved punishment: ret- solely by point-of-sale publicity: im-
ribution • court order giving no pun- pulse buying ©instalment purchase
ishment unless the offence is re- with immediate use: hire purchase
peated: conditional discharge • exclusive right to purchase within a
• school punishment of being kept in: stated period: option • state's legally
detention •military punishment of enforced purchase: compulsory pur-
doing drill carrying full kit: pack drill chase • advancement of purchaser's
• punishment of heavy manual work: rights: consumerism •purchasers'
hard labour •punishment of doing refusal to buy: consumer resistance
unpaid work for the community: com- • investigation of purchasers' tastes
munity service •punishment by in- and opinions: consumer research
flicting bodily pain: corporal punish- purification •purification of the
ment • punishment of caning the emotions through drama etc.: cathar-
soles of the feet: bastinado •punish- sis ©purify by boiling off: distil
ment of being sent away: banishment, purpose ©purpose for which some-
exile •wooden frame with holes for
thing exists: raison d'etre
head and hands: pillory •wooden
frame with holes for the hands and
pus • combining form: py- •adjec-
tive: purulent •pus-filled pimple or
feet: stocks •punishment of execu-
blister: pustule •blood poisoning
tion: death penalty • denoting such a
caused by pus: pyaemia • create pus:
punishment: capital • execution by a
mob: lynching •unconditional re-
fester, suppurate
mission of punishment: free pardon push • push forward: propel ©push
• cancellation or postponement of roughly: jostle
punishment: reprieve •freedom puzzle ©picture cut into interlock-
from punishment: impunity •escap- ing pieces: jigsaw • plastic cube com-
ing punishment: scot-free •person posed of movable multicoloured
285 puzzle |

squares: Rubic's cube •Chinese geo- • puzzle to find from clues provided
metrical puzzle: tan gram •grid of words fitting a framework of
letters containing words written in squares: crossword • puzzle to find a
any direction: wordsearch «word series of words giving the same letter
puzzle in which certain letters in each sequence when read across or down:
line form a name or message: acrostic word square
Quaker • Quaker assembly for wor- question •adjective: interrogative
ship: meeting • difficult question: conundrum • set
of written questions: questionnaire
quality •combining forms: -ence
• set of questions and answers used as
(e.g. impertinence), -ency (e.g. effi-
a means of instruction: catechism
ciency), -ship (e.g. friendship) •adjec-
• denoting a question suggesting the
tive: • indefinable quality:
answer required: leading •denoting
je ne sais quoi •distinctive or awe-
a question asked for effect, and not ex-
inspiring quality: mystique •as-
pecting a reply: rhetorical • question
sessed by quality: qualitative • denot-
an agent about his or her completed
ing the best quality: first class, first
misson: debrief •long and severe
rate, prime •denoting poor quality:
session of questioning: grilling, inter-
ersatz, second class, second rate
rogation, third degree
quarantine • place in quarantine:
queue •long traffic queue: tailback
quick • quick and efficient: exped-
quark •categories of quark: colour, itious ©quick and careless: perfunc-
flavour, strangeness tory • over-hasty: precipitate
quarter ©quarter of a circle or quiet • quiet period: lull
sphere: quadrant
quinine American
• South tree
queen •adjectives: royal, regal yielding quinine: chinchona
rabbit • female rabbit: doe •male overtake the rider in front: pursuit
rabbit: buck •young rabbit: kitten • cross-country bicycle race: cyclo-
• rabbit's short tail: scut • rabbit's cross •main bunch of cyclists in a
underground dwelling: burrow race: peloton • cycle racing team as-
• interconnecting series of burrows: sistant:soigneur ©jersey given to a
warren ©rabbit cage: hutch •in- stage winner in a cycle race: yellow
flammation of a rabbit's ear: canker jersey •racing dog: greyhound,
• disease fatal to rabbits: myxoma- whippet • starting compartment in a
tosis • polecat used to chase rabbits: greyhound race: trap •horse race
ferret ©stew or boil rabbit: jug with no jumps: flat race ©horse race
over natural obstacles: steeplechase,
rabies •suffering from rabies:
point-to-point ©starting-compart-
ment in a horse race: stall ©barrier
race 1
©short fast race: sprint •pre- raised at the start of a horse race:
liminary races: heats ©race session: starting gate ©horse race win by
meet, meeting ©race in which each less than a horse's head's length:
section is contested by a participant short head ©horse-race prize
from each team: relay •test of com- money: stakes ©horse-race prize
petitors' speed over a set distance: consisting of all the competitors'
time trial •denoting a race for all: stakes: sweepstake • denoting a race
open ©programme for a race meet- for horses that have not won before:
ing: card, racecard •competitor's maiden •steeplechase organizing
starting place: mark • end of a race body: National Hunt Committee
with leaders almost level: photo fin- • motor race over rough terrain: rally-
ish • end of a race with level leaders: cross ©short motor race testing ac-
dead heat • withdraw from a race celeration: drag race • long distance
before its start: scratch • leave a race motor race over public roads: rally
before its finish: retire ©contestant • best position at the start of a motor
thought to have 'little chance of suc- race: pole position •flag signalling
cess: outsider • contestant leading at the end of a motor race: chequered
the start of a race: pacemaker, pace- flag •motor cycle racing: speedway
setter • denoting a contestant finish- • motor cycle cross-country race:
ing a race in the first three: placed motocross •motor cycle race over
• short stick or tube passed between rough ground: scramble •cinder
members of a relay team: baton track for motor cycle races: dirt track
• watch for timing races: stopwatch • 26-mile running race: marathon
• boat race whose participants each • race following a trail of torn-up
use a pair of oars: sculls ©boat race paper: paperchase •running race
on a course round obstacles: slalom across rough and unfamiliar terrain:
• set of boat races: regatta • racing orienteering •running race includ-
camel: dromedary ©track cycle race ing hurdles and water jumps: steeple-
with a staggered start and attempts to chase »ski race down a winding

race I
radio 288

course: slalom •swimming race re- dow • aircraft designed to evade i

quiring several strokes: medley ©set radar detection: stealth plane

of swimming races: gala
radiation •penetrating electromag-
race 2
•person of mixed race: half- netic radiation of shorter wavelength H

breed, half-caste •person with one than X-rays: gamma radiation ©re-
white and one black parent: mulatto gion, of intense radiation high above
• person with one Spanish and one the earth: Van Allen •discharge

American Indian parent: mestizo of radiation: emission • discharge of
(fern, mestiza) • semi-autonomous radiation through gradual nuclear
members of a particular race:
area for dissolution: radioactive decay
homeland • policy of common public • emitting ionizing radiation: radio-
provision for all races: integration 1
active ©caused by ionizing radi-
• policy of separate public provision 1

ation: radiogenic ©denoting pene-

for each race: segregation •racial
trating radiation: hard ©denoting
prejudice: racism, racialism •advo- 1
radiation with little penetrating
cate of the supremacy of a particular
power: soft ©denoting electromag-
race: supremacist •different treat-
netic radiation with a wavelength just 1
ment for persons of different races:
greater than that of red light: infrared
discrimination •deliberately favour- ]
• denoting electromagnetic radiation
able treatment of those thought to be J

with a wavelength shorter than that of

discriminated against: positive dis-
violet light but longer than that of
crimination, reverse discrimination
X-rays: ultraviolet •instruments
racetrack •cycle racing track: measuring radiation: dosimeter, radi- ]
velodrome •cinder track for motor ometer •instrument measuring
©strip of track
cycle races: dirt track
changes in infrared radiation: 1

for one competitor: lane • sharp thermograph •device generating an

double bend in motor race track: chi- r

intense beam of electromagnetic radi-

cane ©final stretch of a racetrack:
ation; laser ©break up radiation into
home straight • condition of a horse- high and low densities: diffract ©ex-

race track: going •frame for jump-
pose to radiation: irradiate ©level of
ing over: hurdle •strip of material
exposure to ionizing radiation: dos- \

broken by the winner: tape •win-

age ©amount of ionizing radiation
ner's ceremonial circuit of the track:
absorbed: dose ©device measuring
lap of honour •ancient Greek or
this: dosimeter, film badge ©largest
Roman course for horse and chariot '

radiation dose that can be taken with-

races: hippodrome
©trackside area
out harm: tolerance dose • illness
not open to the general public: enclos-
resulting from exposure to ionizing
ure • trackside enclosure where com-
radiation: radiation sickness
petitors assemble: paddock

radar • seriesof radar signals emit- radio ©early type of radio: crystal
ted as a navigational guide: beam set ©tuning wire in this: cat's whis- i
• reflected radar beam: echo •locate ker ©apparatus transmitting instru-1
and track a target by radar: lock on to ment readings by radio: telemeter '

• electromagnetic wave used in radar: • combined radio and gramophone:

microwave ©device strengthening radiogram •combined radio, gramo-
this: maser • radar establishment phone, and tape deck: music centre '

tracking missiles, satellites, etc.: • radio that can transmit and receive: -

tracking station • metal foil released transceiver ©device receiving at

to evade radar detection: chaff, win- radio signal and automatically trans-
289 radio |

mitting another one: transponder Mayday ©amateur radio operator:

• device detecting radio emissions ham
from the sky: radio telescope ©ter- radioactivity ©atmospheric radio-
restrial radio establishment tracking activity after a nuclear explosion: fall-
missiles, satellites, etc.: earth station, out • time needed for radioactivity to
tracking station • radio device de- ©not subject to radio-
halve: half-life
tecting moving objects: radar
• series active decay: stable ©radioactive
of radio signals emitted as a naviga- form of an element: isotope ©med-
tional guide: beam • small radio de- ical use of radioactive substances:
vice alerting its wearer by beeping nuclear medicine ©radioactive sub-
when it has received a message: pager stance whose passage though the body
• system of interconnected transmit- is monitored for diagnostic purposes:
ters: network • alter a radio signal to tracer ©instrument for measuring
make it incomprehensible: scramble radioactivity:Geiger counter ©de-
• adjust a receiver to the frequency of vice for handling radioactive mater-
the desired signal: tune • radio unit ial: glovebox ©lose radioactivity:
detecting and preamplifying the de- decay ©remove radioactivity from:
sired signal: tuner •single-rod radio decontaminate ©free from radio-
aerial: monopole • set of earphones activity: clean
and microphone: headset ©small raft • inflatable raft for use in ship-
cathode display as tuning indicator: wreck: life raft
magic eye •radio wave of constant
railway •railway line leading to-
amplitude: continuous wave ©alter
wards a major city: up line •railway
a radio wave's amplitude or fre-
line leading from a major city: down
quency: modulate ©distance be-
line •railway with a central toothed
tween successive crests of a radio or ©underground
rail: rack railway
sound wave: wavelength ©radio fre-
railway in London: tube, Under-
quencies for local communication:
ground ©underground railway in
Citizen'sBand ©radio wave above 1 Paris: metro ©underground railway
km long: long wave • radio wave be- in Rome: metropolitana ©under-
tween 0.1 and 1 km long: medium ground railway in New York: subway
wave • radio wave between 0.01 and • wheelless railway system: maglev
0.1 km long:
short wave • radio wave • railway system with a single track
between 0.001 and 0.3 m
long: micro- from which the train is suspended:
wave • range of wavelengths between monorail •short track beside a rail-
two given limks: band, waveband way line: siding ©short branch line:
• deflection of radio waves passing spur ©transverse beam supporting
from one medium to another: refrac- railway track: sleeper ©nail fasten-
tion • reflected radio beam: echo ing the rail to the sleeper: spike
• imaging of internal organs by high- • plate joining two sections of rail:
frequency radio waves: magnetic res- fishplate • stones forming the bed of
onance imaging •radio wave trans- a railway track: ballast •this with
mitted or received: signal the track upon it: permanent way
• unwanted signals impairing recep- • distance between track rails: gauge
tion: interference •deliberate cre- • earth piled up to carry a railway
ation of this: jamming •signal's track: embankment •series of
strength relative to interference arches supporting a railway track:
around signal-to-noise
it: ratio viaduct ©water tunnel under a rail-
• international radio distress signal: way track: culvert ©onward slope of
rain I
razor 290

a railway track: gradient, incline rally • rally of Scouts and/or Guides:

• area of adjustable intersecting track: jamboree
points •points designed to derail ve- random •denoting music allowing
hicles coming the wrong way: catch for some random elements in its per-
points ©barrier at the end of a rail- formance: aleatoric
way track: buffers ©signal for the
rank •ranking by status: hierarchy
next section of track: home signal
• of higher rank: superior • of lower
• signal giving advance warning: dis-
rank: subordinate •priority ac-
tant signal •explosive warning de-
corded to persons of different rank:
vice set on the track: detonator
precedence ©raise to a higher
• railway track and associated equip-
rank: promote ©degrade to a lower
ment: trackwork • person building or
rank: demote, relegate ©titled per-
maintaining railway tracks: navvy,
son: aristocrat ©person belonging to
platelayer ©trackside building from
neither the royalty nor the aristoc-
which points, signals, etc. are con-
racy: commoner
trolled: signal box •minor railway
station: halt •station with extensive
rapid • combining form: tachy-
parking: parkway •station informa- • rapid heartbeat due to excitement,
fever, etc.: tachycardia
tion board or screen: indicator •sta-
tion that is a major transport inter- rash •rose-coloured rash: roseola
change: railhead ©station serving • itching red rash caused by food al-
several routes: interchange lergies: hives, nettlerash, urticaria
• safekeeping for luggage at a station: • rash round the waist or head, with
left luggage •official in charge of a extreme nerve pain: shingles, herpes
railway station: stationmaster zoster
• point where routes merge or cross: Rastafarian •Rastafarian hair-
junction •rolling-stock maintenance style with hair in tight braids: dread-
shed with a turntable: roundhouse locks • Rastafarian's vegetarian
• point where vehicles etc. cross rail- food: ital • Rastafarian name for God:
way tracks: level crossing •former Jah • contemptuous Rastafarian
famous railway guide: Bradshaw term for white society and culture:
>see also train Babylon
rain • combining
form: pluvi(o)- rat •adjective: murine •male rat:

• adjective: pluvial • light fine rain: buck ©young rat: pup

drizzle •chemically polluted rain: rates ©reduce or remove rates: de-
acid rain •rainfall reaching the rate
ground through trees etc.: throughfall rather • combining form: -ish (e.g.
• rainwater not absorbed by the earth: biggish)
run-off •rain cloud: nimbus ©sud-
ratio • ratio of items to a given area:
den violent rainstorm: cloudburst,
density • ratio in which one term in-
deluge • rainy season in southern
creases as the other decreases: in-
Asia: monsoon «map line joining
verse ratio
points of equal rainfall: isohyet
• spraying chemicals into a cloud to ration •free from rationing restric-
produce rain: seeding ©period with tions: deration
little or no rain: drought ©not raven • adjective: corvine
washed away by rainfall: rainfast ray • adjective: radial
rainbow ©band of colours seen in razor • leather strip for sharpening
the rainbow: spectrum razors: strop
291 read |
record player

read •that can be read: legible record •combining form: -gram

• read carefully: peruse, pore over • systematic record: log • record of a
• read casually: browse • read patch- person's education and career: curric-
ily: dip • inability to read due to ig- ulum vitae (pi. curricula vitae) •elec-
norance: illiteracy •inability to read trically traced record of a heartbeat:
due to brain damage: alexia, word electrocardiogram • record of hours
blindness •difficulty with reading worked: time sheet • record of a
due to brain dysfunction: dyslexia business meeting: minutes • record
• scarcely able to read and write: of a learned society's meetings: mem-
semi-literate • unable to read or oirs, proceedings, transactions •re-
write: illiterate •reading words by cord of tasks completed or in pro-
their general appearance: look-and- gress: worksheet ©early Exchequer
say •reading words by the sounds record: pipe roll ©paperwork re-
their letters express: phonics quired for official records: documen-
• reader's cubicle in a library: carrel tation • set of records, papers, etc. on
• reading stand: lectern a particular topic: dossier •collec-
ready ©ready if required: on alert, tion of documents or records: archive,
on standby • release from a state of registry • period before written re-
readiness: stand down cords: prehistory >see also archive
reality ©make more concrete or
recorder 1
•combining form: -graph
real: reify •avoidance of unpleasant
• device recording the distance trav-
realities: escapism
elled and speeds achieved by a motor
real tennis •court's winning open- vehicle: tachograph
ing: hazard •built projection in the
court: tambour •junction between recorder 2 • recorder mouthpiece:
floor and side walls of the court: nick fipple

• courtside spectators' gallery: de- recording •denoting a recording

dans made at a public performance: live
reason •adjective: rational •rea- • component transferring electrical
soning system: dialectic •science of signals to the recording medium:
reasoning: logic •reasoning from head •continuous sequence re-
general to particular: deduction corded at one time: take •record a
• reasoning from particular to gen- television programme for later view-
eral: induction ©faulty reasoning, or ing: time-shift •general sound qual-
a belief based on it: fallacy • showing ity of a recording: production
faultyreasoning: misguided •at- • laser-read disk of digital informa-
tractivebut fallacious reasoning: tion: compact disk •section of a re-
sophism ©pretended reason: pre- cording containing a single item:
track •recording's protective cover:
recent • combining form: neo- sleeve •information sheet inside a
• child recently born: neonate ©re- recording's case: inlay •framed disc
cent beginner: neophyte awarded to artists of a high-selling re-
recipient •combining form: -ee cording: gold disc, silver disc, plat-
(e.g. payee) inum disc •take a recording off the
reciprocal •combining form: inter- market: delete
(e.g. interaction)
record player ©hard point placed
recommend • recommend pub- in the record groove: stylus •holder
licly: endorse for the stylus: cartridge •revolving
recruitment |
relationship 292

disc upon which a record is placed: regalia •monarch's short staff:

turntable •base for the turntable: sceptre •monarch's globe sur-
deck >see also gramophone mounted by a cross: orb
recruitment •former services' re- region ©nearby region: vicinity
cruitment unit, employing force and • region offering government incen-
trickery: pressgang •entice senior tives to incoming businesses: devel-

employees away from other com- opment area ©region observing a

panies: headhunt common time: time zone ©semi-
autonomous area for members of a
rectum •combining form: proct(o)- particular people: homeland ©re-
• inflammation of the rectum: gion suffering extreme drought and
proctitis • instrument for inspecting erosion: dustbowl
the rectum: proctoscope ©study of
registration plate ©specially pur
the anus and rectum: proctology
chased vehicle registration plates that
• solid medication inserted to dissolve
contain the owner's initials etc.: van-
in the rectum: suppository •liquid
ity plates
or gas introduced medicinally into the
rectum: enema regret ©regret and wish undone:
rue ©feeling no regret: impenitent
red •combining forms: erythr(o)-,
regulate ©low dam in a river to
rhod(o)- {e.g. rododendron, literally 'red
regulate weir ©device regu-
its flow:
tree), rub(i)- •brilliant red: vermil-
lating fluid flow: valve
ion ©red blood cell: erythrocyte
• red-faced: rubicund •red- reign •adjective: regnal ©period
blindness: daltonism, protanopia between two reigns: interregnum

reef • circular coral reef or group of rehearsal ©rehearsal taken with-

islands: atoll ©low reef or sandbank:
out stops: run-through ©rehearsal to
cay • reef enclosing a lagoon: barrier check lighting and other effects: tech-
nical rehearsal ©final rehearsal:
dress rehearsal
referee ©referee's assistant indicat-
rejection • contemptuous rejection:
ing when the ball is out of play: lines-
spurning •formal rejection: renun-
man, touch judge
refinement •excessive refinement: related •related through a common
preciosity ancestor: cognate • related through
refrigerator • refrigerator com- a common male ancestor: agnate
partment for fruit and vegetables: • related by blood: consanguineous,
crisper *rid a refrigerator of excess kin • related at a distance of x gener-
ice: defrost ations: x times removed ©related
through marriage or adoption: af-
refugee • state protection offered to fined • (of words) related by having a
a political refugee: asylum ©place to
common source: cognate
detain a refugee while asylum appli-
cations are considered: detention
relationship • harmonious rela-
tionship between persons: rapport
• interactive relationship between
refuse • refuse to do business with: things: correlation • establishment
boycott •refuse to give: withhold of a close relationship based on shared
• refuse to socialize with: ostracize experiences or feelings: bonding
• abrupt refusal or rejection: rebuff • establishment of harmonious inter-
293 relative j

national relations: rapprochement • religious instruction by question

• romantic or sexual relationship: af- and answer: catechism •person re-
fair • casual romantic relationship: ceiving religious instruction: cat-
dalliance • brief and unpremeditated echumen • secret religious rites:
sexual relationship: fling •romantic mysteries • secret mystical know-
relationship preceding marriage: ledge: gnosis •person rejecting
courtship • secret sexual relation- standard religious beliefs: freethinker
ship: liaison • person with whom one • person rejecting all religious and
has an established romantic or sexual moral principles: nihilist •new-
relationship: significant other •per- comer to a religion: neophyte •fol-
son having no established romantic or low the rules of a religion: practise
sexual relationship: single ©unable • affirm one's religious belief: con-
to cope with normal social relation- fess, profess •religious veneration:
ships: dysfunctional cult •animal or natural object be-
lieved to have spiritual powers: totem
relative ©closest relative: next of
• pole on which these are hung or de-
kin • person related to another by
picted: totem pole • annual religious
birth: blood relation • person related
celebration: feast •religious rever-
to another by marriage: inlaw
ence: piety •excessive piety: religi-
relative density ©apparatus osity • disrespectful of religion: im-
measuring a liquid's relative density: pious, profane ©disrespectful
hydrometer treatment of a religious item or place:
sacrilege ©irreligious talk: blas-
relic •container for relics: reliquary
phemy, profanity ©distributor of
• taking of relics to another place:
religious literature: colporteur ©de-
ception intended to foster religious be-
religion •combining form: religio- lief: pious fraud ©purge a religious
• religion based on reason: natural re- narrative of fanciful elements: de-
ligion • system of religious belief: mythoiogize • study of religions hav-
creed, doctrine, dogma, faith •reli- ing gods: theology «not religious:
gious belief diverging from those gen- secular >see also god, theology
erally accepted: heresy, heterodoxy
remark ©abrupt remark: interjec-
• inflexible adherence to religious
tion ©remark intendedto provoke
dogma: fundamentalism • change of
anger: taunt • contemptuous remark:
one's religious beliefs: conversion
sneer •mocking remark: jeer, jibe,
• desertion or abandonment of a sys-
lampoon, taunt •oblique remark: in-
tem of religious belief: apostasy
nuendo, insinuation •trite remark:
• subdivision of religious groups:
bromide, platitude • witty remark:
schism •schismatic group: sect
bon mot, mot, epigram • witty re-
• amalgamation of various religions:
mark that occurs to one too late:
syncretism • person maintaining his
esprit de I'escalier
religion in the face of threats: confes-
sor ©openly profess one's religious remedy •remedy for all problems:
faith: witness ©person vowed to re- panacea
ligious service: votary ©person trav- remove • combining form: dis- e.g.
elling to holy places: pilgrim
• person disbud, un- (e.g. unman) • remove
sent to make religious converts: mis- completely: eliminate •remove from
sionary, missioner • person shifting a dangerous place: evacuate • person
his religious allegiance: proselyte so moved: evacuee • remove an item
remote reputation

from a museum etc. collection: deac- reporter ©newspaper reporter: i

cession •remove the bowels of: dis- journalist, correspondent ©inex- j

embowel, eviscerate perienced newspaper reporter: cub i

• reporter engaged by a newspaper on

remote •remote area: ultima Thule
a part-time basis: stringer ©news- 1

renounce •renounce the throne: paper's reporter of artistic perform- 1

abdicate • person who renounces his ances: critic ©newspaper's featured
faith: renegade contributor: columnist ©reporter's
rent ©rent paid by the householder official accreditation: press card
to the landowner: ground rent •re- • arranged meeting with reporters: 1

duced rent paid during non- press conference •person supply-

occupancy: retainer •excessive rent: ing a reporter with inside informa-
rack-rent •nominal rent: pepper- tion: source
corn rent • person living on rental reproduction •combining forms:
income: rentier gon- (e.g. gonad) •adjective: genera-
repair • repair made to an item in tive *age at which reproduction be-
use: running repair ©shoe-repairer: comes possible: puberty •reprodu-'
cobbler ©keep in good repair: main- cing by means of eggs: oviparous
tain ©inspect and repair if neces- • reproducing live offspring: vivipar-':
sary: overhaul ous •reproducing by giving birth "I
from eggs hatched within the body:<I
repetition ©re-run of film of the
ovoviviparous •breeding betweenll
crucial moments of a sporting event,
closely related individuals: inbreed- I
often in slow motion: action replay
ing • external reproductive organs:! 1
• repetition of words or ideas in in-
genitals ©female external genitals:i II
verted order: chiasmus ©muscle
vulva ©male external genitals:^!
strain caused by frequent repetition of
penis, testicles ©gland producing? 1

a movement: repetitive strain injury

ova: ovary ©tube conveying the I
replacement ©temporary replace- ovum to the uterus: Fallopian tube
ment for a doctor, clergyman, etc.: • gland releasing a fluid component oij 1
locum ©replacement by a better semen: prostate • gland producing] I
item: upgrade ©woman bearing chil- sperm: testis •introduction ofll
dren for an infertile woman: surro- semen to the vagina other than by sex;
gate ual intercourse: artificial insemin
reply ©sharp reply: retort, riposte ation ©reproductive cell: gamete
• witty conversation consist-
reply, or • organ producing gametes: gonac
ing of them: repartee • witty retort • keeping an egg warm: incubatior
that comes to mind after the chance to • self-reproduction of genetic mater!
make it has gone: esprit de I'escalier ial: replication •denoting asexual re 5

• person replying: respondent production: vegetative • incapable 0

reproduction: sterile
report ©report of a praiseworthy
act: citation ©government report reptile •combining forms)
with proposals for public discussion: herpet(o)-, -saur, -saurus «larg<

green paper ©government report prehistoric reptile: dinosaur, sauriai

with proposals for legislation: white • glass container for keeping smal
paper ©official report: return ©re- reptiles: terrarium• study of reptiles!
port giving the writer's considered herpetology
opinions: position paper ©prepare a reputation •reputation gained b
detailed report: write up ability or achievement: stature, sta
295 request |

tus • public destruction of a person's sponsibility: disclaimer •person re-

reputation: humiliation •malicious sponsible for another: sponsor
destruction of a person's reputation: • take on excessive responsibilities:
character assassination, whispering overextend oneself
campaign rest ©short rest: respite ©midday
request • formal request: petition rest taken in hot countries: siesta
require •whenever required: on restaurant • simple restaurant:
demand cafe, coffee shop, bistro, brasserie
resin •amber rubbed on stringed- • self-service restaurant: cafeteria
instrument bows: rosin •synthetic • staff restaurant: canteen • restaur-
resin used to make synthetic textile ant selling cooked food to be eaten
fibres: polyester •synthetic resin elsewhere: takeaway ©restaurant
used in paints and adhesives: polyur- specializing in roasts: rotisserie
ethane •flexible synthetic resin • restaurant where meat is carved
used in packaging: polythene under the customer's direction: car-
very • pancake restaurant: creperie
resist • resistance to pressure: com-
• pizza restaurant: pizzeria ©small
pressive strength •resistance to
Greek restaurant: taverna ©small
tension: tensile strength •resistance
Italian restaurant: trattoria ©place
generated when one surface brushes
setting at a restaurant: cover ©res-
past another: friction •designed for
taurant charge for bread, laundry, etc.:
minimum air-resistance: streamlined
cover charge ©restaurant's list of
• that cannot be resisted: inexorable
available dishes: menu ©dish avail-
• abandonment of resistance: capitu-
able on a particular day: plat du jour
[pi. plats du jour) ©limited menu
resort •resort having a medicinal served at a fixed overall price: table
mineral spring: spa *spa or seaside d'hote ©menu with items priced sep-
resort: watering place
arately: a la carte • style of restaur-
resource •shared resource: pool ant service in which a customer's
• careful use of resources: thrift plate is filled by waiters at the table:

respect • combining form: -wise silver service •restaurant owner:

(e.g. pricewise) •admiring respect: restaurateur • restaurant's senior
prestige • given as a mark of respect: cook: chef • restaurant's junior cook:
honorific ©respect due to family or commis «bag for restaurant cus-
fatherland: pietas tomer to take home uneaten food:
doggy bag
respectable •slightly disreput-
able: raffish, rakish • shabby and dis- restraint • linked metal rings se-
reputable: seedy ©untidy and dis- curing the wrists or ankles: shackles
reputable persons: ragtag and • wrist shackles: manacles • ankle
bobtail shackles: fetters •hold down
someone's arms and legs: pinion
response •automatic response: in-
stinct, reflex action •reported reac- restrictions •free from restric-
tion to a new product, proposal, etc.: tions: decontrol
feedback • unenthusiastic or hostile
result ©possible result: eventuality
reaction: negative feedback
• final result: upshot ©anticlimactic
responsibility ©area of responsi- outcome: non-event ©able to pro-
bility: province • shared responsi- duce the desired result: efficacious
bility: partnership ©denial of re- • aimed at practical results rather
retaliation |
rice 296

than theoretical purity: pragmatic easily understood from the context: el-
• achieving poor results: unproduct- lipsis • personification of an abstract
ive • achieving no results: non- concept: prosopopoeia •opening a
productive • based on actual results: new sentence by repeating the last
ex post facto word of the preceding one:
retaliation •combining form: anadiplosis •opening a series of t

counter (e.g. counter-attack) sentences with the same word: anaph-

ora • substitution of an attribute for
retirement •denoting a person
the thing possessing it: metonymy
who has retired from the office cited:
• deliberate understatement: litotes,
meiosis • use of more words than is
retort •witty retort that comes to necessary to convey the bare mean-
mind after thechance to make it has ing: pleonasm, redundancy
gone: esprit de I'escalier
return • return to fashion or suc-
rheumatism •rheumatism of the |

joints:rheumatoid arthritis •steroid

cess: comeback
used to treat rheumatism: hydrocor-
revenge ©act of revenge: reprisal, tisone i

rhinoceros ©young rhinoceros: ^

reversal •combining forms: dis-

(e.g. disaffirm), un- (e.g. untie)

revolution •incitement to rebel- rhyme ©rhyme between final -

lion: sedition •revolutionary upris- stressed syllables: masculine rhyme »

ing: insurrection ©sudden seizure of • rhyme between final unstressed syl- 3

power: coup, coup d'etat {pi. coups lables: feminine rhyme ©rhyme in-
d'etat), putsch •dissatisfied and re- volving midline words: internal
bellious person: malcontent • person rhyme •partial rhyme between
taking active part in a revolution: in- words with different consonants: !

surgent • opposition to revolutionar- pararhyme ©near rhyme between <

ies: counter-insurgency words having similar consonant or i

vowel sounds, but not both: asson-

reward ©reward offered to encour-
ance • false rhyme between words >

age greater incentive • reward

that look but do not sound the same:
offered for capturing or killing a
eye-rhyme, imperfect rhyme •game s

wanted person or animal: bounty

of inventing successive lines of rhym-
rhetoric • words addressed to an ab- ing verse: crambo >see also verse
sent person or thing: apostrophe
• application of one word to two rhythm •numbers indicating the '

others: zeugma ©use of apparent rhythm of a musical score: time sig-

contradictions: oxymoron •pictur- nature • emphasized beat: downbeat ;

esque comparison: simile •pictur- • unemphasized beat: upbeat •dis-

esque description in which the object placement of the beat: syncopation
described is said to be the thing it re- rib •adjective: costal •between the .

sembles: metaphor •construction ribs: intercostal ©unattached rib: <

lacking its expected grammatical se- false rib, floating rib

quence: anacolouthon • introduc-
tion of an irrelevant topic: digression
ribbon • ribbons on a hat: cockade

• device of mentioning a subject by rice • rice in the husk: paddy •rice ,

saying one is not going to mention it: field: paddy ©Italian rice dish: ris-
apophasis •ingenious figure of otto • Spanish rice dish with chicken 4

speech: conceit • omission of words and seafood: paella ©Middle Eastern

297 rid |

rice dish with spices and vegetables: tral • right side of a ship as seen by
pilaf one facing its prow: starboard

rid *get rid of by passing on: off- rim •projecting rim: flange
load ring • adjective: annular •ring for
the leash on a dog's collar: terret
ridge •denoting materials shaped
• leather ring for Scout's neckerchief:
into ridges and grooves: corrugated
woggle • finger ring having a seal in-
• natural ridge from each side of
stead of a stone: signet ring •ring
which water drains into a different
worn to keep a more valuable one
river system: watershed
from slipping: keeper •plain ring
rifle • light automatic rifle: carbine worn in a pierced ear to prevent its
• back part of a rifle barrel: breech closing up: keeper, sleeper ©ring in-
• sliding element of a rifle's breech: serted in the lip: iabret ©ring of
bolt • rear end of a rifle: butt • lean muscle: sphincter ©ring of light
rifles together with their butts on the round the sun or moon: aureole, cor-
ground: pile arms •rifle range: butts ona • coloured ring seen in the cross-
• mound for a target in a rifle range: section of a tree trunk, representing a
butt >see also gun year's growth: annual ring, tree ring
ringing ©persistent ringing sound
right 1
• rights thought to be pos-
sessed by anyone: human rights heard in one or both ears: tinnitus
• rights to political and social freedom ringworm • technical term: tinea
and equality: civil rights, civil liberty pedis
• principle that all persons have equal riot • steal goods during a riot: loot
rights: egalitarianism •exclusive risk ©risk inherent in a particular
right: prerogative • denoting a right activity: occupational hazard ©will-
established by long use: prescriptive ing to take risks: venturesome ©de-
• by right: de jure ©having a right: liberate risk-taking: adventurism,
eligible ©right to enjoy daylight in brinkmanship ©funding for risky
one's windows, unobstructed by sub- projects: venture capital ©person at
sequent building: ancient lights risk: marked man ©health or envir-
• right to cross another person's land: onmental risk posed by microbio-
easement ©another's right to cross logical experimentation: biohazard
one's land: servitude ©exclusive • put at risk: imperil ©put to exces-
right to publish or use artistic mater- sive risk: overexpose
ial: copyright ©right to reject a de- ritual ©admission ritual: initiation
cision made by others: veto • right to • ritual marking a new stage in life:
speak or collaborate with whoever one rite of passage • secret ritual: mys-
wishes: free association •right to teries • ritual pouring of liquid: li-
express one's opinions: free speech bation
• firstborn child's right of succession: rival ©use of various ploys to gain
primogeniture •right to vote: fran- psychological advantage over one's ri-
chise • legal transfer of a right: as- vals: gamesmanship
signment ©person to whom a right
river • combining form: fluvio- •ad-
is legally transferred: assign, as-
jectives: fluvial, fluviatile, potamic,
signee ©refrain from exercising a
riverine ©ice river: glacier • river
right: waive
flowing into a larger one: tributary
right •combining forms: dextro- • place where a river begins: source
(e.g. dextrorotatory) • adjective: dex- • tributary joining a river close to its

river bank road| 298

source: headwater • small island in a dead end •narrow section of road

river: ait, eyot,holm •shallow river causing congestion: bottleneck
crossing: ford • low dam in a river to • road avoiding a congested area: by-
regulate its flow: weir ©deep river pass, relief road • bypass encircling J

gorge: canyon • straight stretch of a town: orbital road, ring road •road
river: reach ©river's winding curve: for motor vehicles: carriageway,
meander • horseshoe-shaped bend in motorway •motorway's tarmacked J

a river's course: oxbow ©new chan- edge: hard shoulder, shoulder

nel made for a river: cut •junction of • French motorway: autoroute
two rivers: confluence •area of • motorway in German-speaking \
rough water caused by meeting cur- countries: autobahn • Italian motor- \\

rents: rip • stretch of fast shallow way: autostrada •motorway in >

water: rapids, white water ©triangu- Spanish-speaking countries: auto- 5

lar area, with many streams, at a pista • road with a single expanse of >
river's mouth: delta •wide area of tarmac: single carriageway ©two- 4
tidal water at a river's mouth: estuary way on a single carriageway:
traffic i\

• sand etc. deposited on a river bed: contraflow • strip of land between 3

silt • clean out a river bed: dredge paired carriageways: central reserva- i
• animals living in a river bed: in- tion ©road so divided: dual carriage- J
fauna •floating beam restricting ac-
way ©grass at the edge of a road: i
cess to a river: boom • dry river bed:
verge ©point where roads merge or «j

wadi ©sudden river flood: spate

cross: junction ©multilevel junction Jj

• flood moving down-river: freshet

with connecting slip roads: cloverleaf a
• high wave moving up a river at the
junction, interchange ©bridge for
spring tide: bore, eagre ©steps lead- jj

one road to cross another: flyover,

ing down to a river in India: ghat

overpass ©road passing under an- 'j

• instrument measuring rivers' rise

other: underpass ©rounded open
and fall: fluviometer •officials con- |
space where several roads meet: cir- ill
trolling a river: conservancy • river-
cus • roadside barrier preventing ac-
side scavenger: mudlark ©mapping j
cidents: crash barrier ©road hump II
of rivers: hydrography ©study of c
to limit speed: sleeping policeman,
rivers: potamology |
speed bump, speed hump •road- J
river bank • adjective: riparian side camera photographing speeding II
• path along a river bank: towpath vehicles: speed camera ©charge for
road •major cross-country road: using a stretch of road: toll ©road- I
trunk road •scenic coast road: cor- side stopping area: lay-by ©roadside 1

niche ©urban seaside road: esplan- establishment selling fuel etc.: filling ij I
ade, promenade ©road along high station, service station, petrol sta- ill

ground: ridgeway ©raised road tion • roadside establishment offer- 1

across wet ground: causeway ©pri- ing parking, refuelling, and restaur- rj I

vate road leading up to a house: drive ant facilities: service area, services 4

• drive passing a house in a curve: • belt of land alongside a major road: I I

sweep ©access road: service road corridor ©building along the sides of 1

• road entering or leaving a dual car- a road: ribbon development ©rise in i I

riageway: slip road ©slip road for a a road's surface towards the centre, to
vehicle out of control: escape road assist drainage: camber ©rise in a
• road tunnel: underpass •road on road's surface at one side, to assist ,

which no stopping is permitted: clear- cornering: bank ©create even slopes

way ©road with no exit: cul-de-sac, for roadbuilding: grade ©steepness )
299 robbery rocket |

of a road: gradient, incline •small lifelike robots: animatronics •con-

marker projecting slightly from the vert a production line to robotic oper-
road surface: stud •raised strip al- ation: robotize
tering tyre noise when crossed: rum-
rock • combining forms: litho-,
ble strip •metal grid over a pit in a
petro-, -lite (e.g. chrysolite) •forma-
road: cattle grid • sharp bend on a
tion of rocks: pedogenesis ©large
road: dogleg, hairpin bend •reflect-
smooth rock: boulder •pointed rock:
ing road marker: Catseye •section
needle •natural column of rock:
of roadmarked off for a file of traffic:
stack •rock visible above the sur-
lane ©place where a road divides:
face: outcrop •solid rock under
fork • road junction marked with yel-
loose deposits: bedrock •rocks de-
low hatching: box junction •earth
posited by a glacier: moraine ©steep
piled up to carry a road: embankment
rockface: crag, precipice ©ridge of
• water tunnel under a road: culvert
rock in the sea: reef ©rock layer:
• rubble for road foundations: ballast,
stratum ©curvature of rock strata:
hardcore »sand and gravel for road
fold ©stratified rock sample gained
foundations: hoggin • smooth flat
by a hollow drill: core ©break in a
stone formerly used to surface roads:
rock formation: fault ©crack in a
cobble • mixture of pitch with sand
rockface: fissure ©denoting
or gravel, used for surfacing^roads: as-
unquarried rock: living ©denoting
phalt • stones of graded sizes, laid as
rock changed by heat or pressure:
a road surface: macadam •mixture
metamorphic ©denoting rock
of pitch with stones or slag, used for
formed from lava: igneous ©loose
surfacing roads: tarmac • give a road
pieces of rock on a hillside: scree
a smooth firm surface: make up,
• mass of snow, ice, and rocks moving
metal, pave ©top layer of a road sur-
down a mountain: avalanche ©plant
face: wearing course • hole in a road
growing on rock: lithophyte ©re-
surface: pothole • designer of roads,
mains of prehistoric plants or animals
bridges, etc.: civil engineer •motor
found in rock: fossil ©prehistoric
vehicle clearing roads of snow: snow-
rock carving: petroglyph ©study of
plough • overcrowding of roads: con-
rocks: lithology, petrology ©dating
gestion • charging to use roads at
of rocks: geochronology
busy times: road pricing •official
rules for road users: Highway Code rocket ©rocket putting a spacecraft
• children's rules for crossing a road: into orbit: launcher, launch vehicle
kerb drill • small rocket fired for counter-
pressure: retrorocket, retroengine
robbery • robbery by breaking a
• diameter of a rocket: calibre
shop window: smash-and-grab
• engined rocket section jettisoned
• robbery by driving into a shop win-
after use: stage ©first stage of a
dow: ram-raid •robbery at gunpoint:
rocket: booster ©projection improv-
hold-up ©open robbery when law
ing stability: fin ©rocket's curving
and order breaks down: looting, plun-
course: trajectory ©support for a
der, pillage •plundering and de-
space rocket before take-off: gantry
struction of a captured town: sack
• surface for rocket launching: pad,
• attack and rob: mug *see also
platform ©supply line between gan-
try and rocket: umbilical ©shoulder-
robot • technique of making and op- held rocket launcher: bazooka
erating mechanical robots: robotics • piece of solid rocket fuel: grain • re-
• technique of making and operating agent in a rocket engine: propellant
rod |
roof 300

• propulsive force of a rocket engine: this: legionary •company com-

thrust •firing of a rocket engine: mander in the Roman army: centur-
burn +see also spacecraft ion • Roman military unit of 6 cen-
rod •rod used for hand spinning: turies:cohort ©summary collection
distaff •rod turning roasting meat: of Roman law: Digest • first day of a
spit • rod strengthening a framework Roman month: calends • mid point
etc.: strut ©rod said to indicate of a Roman month: ides •ninth day
underground water by twitching: before' this: nones
dowsing rod ©bundle of rods with Roman Catholic ©head of the RC
an axe, carried before Roman magis- church: pope • senior RC priest who
trates: fasces elects the pope: cardinal ©priest in
role • chief role: lead • small char- charge of an RC church or religious
acter role: cameo •silent role: institution: rector ©RC parish
walking-on part, walk-on •perform priest's house: presbytery ©RC
two roles: double priest's cassock: soutane • RC priest

roll •roll up and secure: furl deputizing for a bishop: vicar • skull-
cap worn by certain RC clergymen:
Roman •combining form: Romano-
zucchetto •training college for RC
• Roman circular auditorium: amphi-
theatre • fighter in the amphitheatre:
priests: seminary *RC priest's book
for daily prayers:breviary «RC
gladiator • mock sea battle staged in
prayers commemorating the Incarna-
a Roman amphitheatre or artificial
tion: angelus •official teaching of
lake: naumachia • awning sheltering
the RC Church: magisterium •RC
an amphitheatre: velarium • Roman
doctrine that the Mother of God was
oblong auditorium: circus •Roman
conceived without sin: Immaculate
course for horse and chariot races:
Conception • RC Church's statement
hippodrome ©Roman square: forum
that a book is doctrinally unobjection-
(pi. fora) ©Roman country house:
able: nihil obstat *RC Church's au-
villa • Roman underfloor heating sys-
thorization to print a religious book:
tem: hypocaust •Greek and Roman
storage jar with two handles and a
imprimatur *RC religious society:
sodality donation by
pointed base: amphora ©either of
Roman Catholics to papal funds:
two chief officials of the Roman repub-
Peter's pence ©denoting a day on
lic: consul ©official attending upon
which meat may not be eaten: maigre
these: lictor ©Roman magistrate
with absolute power: dictator ©bun- roof ©roof formed by arches: vault
dle of rods carried before a Roman • roof with four sloping sides: man-
magistrate: fasces ©Roman em- sard roof • roof sloping at the ends
peror's bodyguard: praetorian guard as well as the sides: hip roof, hipped
• Roman official interpreting omens: roof ©part of a roof overhanging the
augur, haruspex • great public sacri- walls: eaves ©ornament at the apex
fice at Rome: hecatomb •Roman of a roof: finial ©supporting frame-
household gods: lares and penates work for a roof: truss ©upright post
• clan at ancient Rome: gens (pi. gen- supporting the apex of a roof: king
tes) •commoner at ancient Rome: post ©beam at the apex of a roof:
plebeian ©Roman citizen's formal ridge piece ©upright post support-
overgarment: toga • processional re- ing the midpoint of a roof's slope:
turn of a victorious Roman general queen post • roof timber running to-
and his troops: triumph • Roman wards the apex: rafter •horizontal
army division: legion •member of roof timber: purlin • horizontal beam
301 room rope |

connecting trusses or rafters: tie coats and baggage: cloakroom

beam •steepness of a roof: pitch • room fordisused items: lumber
• roof covering of straw or reeds: room •room for sunbathing: solar-
thatch ©metal clip supporting roof ium • room where actors or sports
glass or slates: tingle ©felt or board- players change: dressing room
ing between rafters and slates: sark- • church robing room: vestry • room
ing •make roof-coverings overlap equipped for broadcasting, filming or
downwards: weather ©board used sound recording: studio •room
for roof work: crawlboard •roof- strengthened against fire or theft:
building and the materials used: roof- strongroom •denoting a room dir-
ing • sharp edge between two sides of ectly connected to another: en suite
a roof: hip, ridge ©drainage slope • denoting a room running the whole
where roofs meet: valley ©drainage length of a building: through • denot-
hole for a flat roof: scupper ©orna- ing a room with bespoke matching
ment at the apex of a roof: finial units: fitted • partitioned section of a
• small glazed structure at the top of a room: cubicle • set of rooms: suite
roof: lantern • wall filling the end of root • combining form: rhiz- • adjec-
a pitched roof: gable ©room in the tive: radical •principal root: taproot
roof space: attic, garret, loft ©roof • thick part of an underground root:
space used for storage: loft tuber •rootlike stem growing along
room ©small room leading into a or under the ground: rhizome
more important one: antechamber, rope • adjective: funicular {often
ante-room, lobby, vestibule ©open-
used of things {e.g. a mountain railway)
sided room: logg»a ©room used for
formerly operated by ropes) ©ship's
formal or public events: hall, cham- heavy rope for mooring etc.: cable,
ber ©large reception room in a pub- hawser ©shore rope used to pull a
lic building: stateroom ©large hotel ship along: warp ©rope to raise a sail
room for meetings or parties: function or flag: halyard, lanyard ©ropes to
room, reception room ©relaxation support masts or control sails: rigging
room in school or college: common • rope at a sail's lower corner: sheet
room ©communal room in an insti- • rope supporting a mast: shroud,
tution: day room ©room with com- stay •securing rope fixed to the
fortable furnishings: drawing room, ground: guy, guyrope ©diver's sig-
lounge, parlour ©dwelling-house nal rope: lifeline • rope restricting an
room suitable for receiving guests re- :
animal's movement: tether ©rope
ception room ©well-appointed bed- round a horse's head: halter ©rope
room for a house's chief occupants: tying a horse's legs together: hobble
master bedroom ©hotel bedroom • rope for a lasso: lariat ©rope for
with several beds: family room hanging someone: halter ©rescue or
• large communal bedroom: dormi- safety rope: lifeline ©rope beside a
tory • private or secret room: closet, ship's gangway or ladder: manrope
den ©woman's private room: bou- • rope used to climb a ship's rigging:
doir ©room of prisoner, monk, or ratline • light rope for pulling a heav-
nun: cell ©room in the roof space: ier rope: heaving line •ropes and
attic, garret, loft ©storage room for pulleys for lifting heavy objects:
food, crockery, etc.: larder, pantry tackle, block and tackle • strong
• large underground storeroom: vault nylon-cased rubber band: bungee
• room housing a washing machine, • secure a moving rope round a pin,
freezer, etc.: utility room •room for cleat, etc.: belay ©arrange a rope in
rosary | rugby 302

loose coils: flake •denoting a rope rowing ©light rowing boat for a sin-
pulled tight: taut •denoting a rope gle oarsman:
scull, skiff ©pair of
not pulled tight: slack • loop of rope: oars for this: sculls • racing boat's
bight •interweave two ropes: splice covered front end: canvas ©steers-
• knot joining two ropes: bend • bind man in a rowing boat: cox, coxswain
a rope-end to prevent fraying: whip • oarsman next to the cox: stroke
• descend a rock face using a double • seal? for an oarsman: thwart
rope coiled round the body: abseil • oarsman's footrest: stretcher ©sup-
• metal pin slowing an abseiler's rope: port for rowing boat's oar: rowlock
descendeur •crosspiece through a • pin against which the oar is turned:
rope eye: toggle • curve formed by a thole, thole pin •turn a raised
rope suspended at both ends: caten- oarblade parallel to the water: feather
ary • revolving cylinder for winding • circle of disturbed water from each
in rope: capstan, winch, windlass stroke: puddle ©make a bad rowing
• T-piece for attaching a rope: cleat stroke: catch a crab •pull oars into
• strand of a rope: ply •tool for sep- the boat: ship oars
arating rope strands: marlinspike royalty • polite form of address to a
• fibres used to make ropes: hemp, royal person: Your Highness •polite
jute • place where ropes are made: form of address to female royalty:
rope walk •fibre from old rope: ma'am ©female attendant upon fe-
oakum male royalty: maid of honour
rosary • small rosary with 55 beads: • money voted annually by parliament
chaplet ©bead at which the Lord's to the royal family: Civil List ©male
Prayer must be said: paternoster assistant to a member of the royal
family: equerry
rose ©rose grower: rosarian •dec-
oration resembling a rose: rosette rub • combining form: tribo- ©wear
• rosette on a hat: cockade away by rubbing: abrade •become
worn through rubbing: fray • electric
rot •combining form: sapr- ©that
charge generated by friction: tri bo-
can be rotted: putrescible ©rapidly
spreading form of timber rot: dry rot
• rot affecting damp timber: wet rot rubber •become brittle and inelas-

• rotting process: putrefaction tic: perish

• plant living on rotting matter: rudeness •blatant or insolent
saprophyte •organism feeding on rudeness: effrontery
rotting matter: saprotroph •rotten-
rug •Greek traditional rug: flokati
smelling: putrid
• flat-woven Turkish rug: kilim
rotation • combining form: gyro-
rugby •temporary control of the
(e.g. gyroscope)
ball: possession ©attempt to bring
route •alternative route: diversion down the player in possession: tackle
• deviation from a direct route: detour • touch ground behind the goal line
• fixed route followed by a milkman with the ball: touch down ©this
etc.: round •route over a mountain: achieved behind the opposition's goal
pass, gap • planned route: itinerary line: try ©kick made after position-
• prescribed route for foreign aircraft ing the ball: place kick, set kick
through a nation's airspace: air cor- • kick given to a dropped ball: punt
ridor, airway • sharp bend on a route: • set kick awarded after a foul: free
dogleg •person directing the route kick •indentation made to indicate
to be taken: navigator the place for this: mark ©feigned
303 rule |

pass or kick: dummy ©kick made by women: gynaecocracy, matriarchy

dropping the ball onto the boot: drop • harsh rule: despotism, oppression,
kick •goal scored from this: drop tyranny
goal • successful kick at goal after a
rule 2 ©general rule: guideline, pre-
try: conversion •interlocked ar-
cept ©basic rule: principle ©rules
rangement of opposing forwards:
for social behaviour: etiquette, proto-
scrum •scrum ordered by the ref-
col ©procedural rules for formal oc-
eree: set scrum ©loose scrum with
casions: protocol ©denoting a rule
the ball on the ground: ruck ©loose
that must be obeyed: strict ©denot-
scrum with the ball off the ground: ing someone who follows or enforces
maul • rugby team's forwards: pack rules exactly: strict • situation where
• area beyond the pitch side lines: few rules are observed: rough and
touch ©return to play of a ball in tumble ©rules of boxing: Queens-
touch: throw-in ©forwards' queue at
berry Rules ©set of rules to be fol-
a throw-in: line-out ©rugby lines- lowed in making a calculation or fol-
man: touch judge ©extra playing lowing a process of logic: algorithm
time after an injury: injury time • rules for the grammatical arrange-
• order a player to leave the field: ment of words in a language: syntax
send off •side part of the playing • official rules for road users: High-
area: wing ©match that is part of a way Code ©rule book of the Su-
series between two national teams: preme Court: White Book ©official
test match, Test ensuring that rules are kept: referee,
rule 1
•combining forms: -archy, umpire ©exemption from a rule: dis-
-cracy •adjective: hegemonic ©re- pensation ©advocate of strict adher-
gional self-government: home rule ence to the rules: purist ©stating or
• rule by those showing ability: merit- enforcing rules: prescriptive ©done
ocracy • rule by persons of indiffer- according to the rules: clean ©situ-
ent ability: mediocracy ©rule by a ation with no clear rules: grey area
select few: oligarchy ©rule by a god • refrain from enforcing a rule: waive
or gods: thearchy ©rule by the • against the rules: irregular • ab-
masses: mobocracy, ochlocracy sence of rule or control: anarchy
• rule by men: patriarchy, ruler •combining forms: -arch {e.g.
phallocracy ©rule by the nobility: heresiarch), -crat ©single absolute
aristocracy ©rule by the old: geron- ruler: autocrat, despot, dictator, po-
tocracy • rule exercised by the whole tentate ©hereditary ruler: monarch,
population: democracy ©rule by dynast • generations of a ruling fam-
priests: hierocracy ©rule by reli- ily: dynasty ©harsh and oppressive
gious officials: theocracy ©rule by ruler: despot, tyrant ©ruler of an
the rich: plutocracy ©rule by a sin- empire: emperor (fern, empress)
gle person: autarchy, autocracy, des- • denoting a ruler whose title derives
potism, dictatorship, monarchy, from descent: legitimate ©former
monocracy ©rule by a sovereign: ruler of the central Andes: Inca • for-
monarchy ©rule by a sovereign mer emperor of Austria or Germany:
bound by the laws of the land: consti- kaiser • ruler of ancient Egypt: phar-
tutional monarchy ©rule by a sover- aoh •former viceroy of Egypt: khe-
eign not bound by law: absolute mon- dive •former ruler of Ethiopia:
archy ©rule by technical experts: negus •former chief magistrate at
technocracy ©rule by two separate Genoa and Venice: doge • Nazi ruler
authorities: dyarchy ©rule by of Germany: fiihrer ©Nazi district
ruler |
rust 304

governor: gauleiter •former Indian fun run ©at running speed:

ity etc.:
rulers: maharaja, raja (fern, rani), at thedouble • run away wildly: bolt
nabob, nizam •former ruler of Iran: • sharp metal point in the sole of a
shah •Islamic rulers: ayatollah, ca- runner's shoe: spike
liph, emir, hakim, sheik, sultan
rune •runic alphabet: futhorc
• Fascist ruler of Italy: duce •for-
mer Japanese rulers: mikado, sho- running • combining form: -drome
gun, tenno • Ottoman rulers: aga, (e.g. palindrome), -dromous (e.g. ca-
bey, khedive, pasha, sultan •former tadromous) • runner responsible for
ruler of Russia: tsar, tsarina • Span- the last leg in a relay race: anchor-
ish military or political leader: cau- man ©varied training for distance
dillo ©Spanish or Portuguese mon- runners: fartlek
arch's son: infante ©Spanish or rush • panicked rush of a number of
Portuguese monarch's daughter: in- animals: stampede
fanta ©senior magistrate in ancient
Sparta: ephor ©former ruler of
Russian •combining form: Russo-
• Russian administrative division: ob-
Tibet: Dalai Lama ©person holding
last • Russian alphabet: Cyrillic
power during the ruler's absence or
• former Russian aristocrat: boyar
incapacity: regent©ceremony of
crowning a ruler: coronation
• Russian astronaut: cosmonaut
• Russian beer: kvass • Russian open
• ruler's spouse: consort ©ruler's
carriage: droshky ©Russian three-
order having the force of law: decree
horse carriage: troika ©Russian cav-
• ruler's arbitrary command: diktat
alryman: cossack ©Russian citadel:
• oriental ruler's command: firman
kremlin ©Russian Easter dessert:
• remove a ruler from power: depose
pashka ©one of a set of Russian ba-
• removal of a ruler by his senior offi-
bushka dolls: matryoshka ©title of
cials: palace revolution •ruling
the Russian emperors: tsar • title of a
group following a coup d'etat: junta
Russian empress: tsarina • tsar's eld-
• group of advisers to a ruler: cama-
est son: tsarevich • tsar's daughter:
rilla • oppressed by those in power:
tsarevna • brimless Russian fur hat:
downtrodden ©person out of favour
shapka •organized massacre of
with those in power, whose existence
is ignored or denied: unperson
Jews in 19th-c. Russia: pogrom
• Russian guitar: balalaika •oppon-
sence of any rules or ruler: anarchy
ent of the Communists during the
• advocate of this as a political sys-
Civil War: White Russian ©Russian
tem: anarchist
pancake: blin (pi. blini) ©lower cham-
ruler 2 • ruler used for calculations: ber of the Russian parliament: Duma
slide rule
• wealthy Russian peasant: kulak
rum •rum diluted with water, for- • Russian plain: steppe • Russian
merly served to sailors: grog rural summer residence: dacha
rumour • false, often malicious, ru- • Russian beetroot soup: bortsch
mour: canard •deliberate spreading • Russian spirit made from rye,
of malicious rumours to discredit a wheat, or potatoes: vodka ©Russian
person: whispering campaign tea urn: samovar ©Russian knotted
• source of rumours: bush telegraph, whip: knout ©Russian wolfhound:
grapevine borzoi ©old Russian woman: ba-
run ©slow run: jog ©short fast run:
sprint ©uncompetitive run for char- rust •adjective: ferruginous
sabotage •sabotage committed for safety • safety switch in a locomo-
ecological reasons: ecotage tive cab that cuts the engine unless
constantly depressed by the driver:
sack •fibres used to make sacks:
dead man's handle ©safety mechan-
hemp, jute •sacking fabric made
ism activated by machine failure etc.:
from these: hessian
fail-safe • buoyancy aid for a person
sacrament •purification and ad- in the water: lifebelt, lifebuoy, life
mission to the Church: baptism jacket, life ring ©rescue or safety
• solemn renewal of baptismal vows: rope: lifeline ©bag inside a motor ve-
confirmation •absolution for con- hicle that inflates on impact: air bag
fessed sins: confession, penitence, • deposit items for safe keeping:
reconciliation • sacramental com- lodge
memoration of the Last Supper: Eu-
sailing •sail-driven wheeled ve-
charist, Ho!y Communion, Lord's
hicle: sand yacht •high-masted sail-
Supper, Mass •setting *apart of
ing ship: tail ship ©large merchant
clergy: ordination, consecration
sailing ship: windjammer •sailing
• exchange of marriage vows: mar-
ship's stern deck: poop • mast aft of
riage, matrimony •liturgical anoint-
the mainmast: mizzen • mast's cross-
ing: unction •Christian ceremonies
bar: yard • rope below this:foot rope
over a dying person: last rites
• diagonal mast spar: sprit •pivoted
sacred •combining form: hiero- pole attached to the bottom of a sail:
• sacred literature: hierology • inter- boom ©ropes support masts or
preter of sacred mysteries: hiero- control sails: rigging ©ropes sup-
phant • misuse of sacred things: porting a mast: shrouds ©rope to
sacrilege raise a sail: halyard, lanyard ©rope

sacrifice • great public sacrifice in at a sail's lower corner: sheet • rope

ancient Greece or Rome: hecatomb used to climb a ship's rigging: ratline

• sacrifice in which the whole offering • wooden block grooved for a sail
is burnt: holocaust rope: deadeye • large three-cornered
racing sail: spinnaker • equip a boat
saddle • saddle allowing the rider's
with sails and ropes: rig • sail round:
legs to be both on the same side of the circumnavigate •sail's lower cor-
horse: side-saddle• second saddle
ner: clew ©(of a sail) be filled with
on a horse or motorcycle: pillion wind: draw • spread sails: make sail
• saddle's projecting front: pommel
• adjust a sail to the wind: trim •re-
• loop suspended from the saddle to
duce sail size: reef, shorten sail,
support the rider's foot: stirrup • this
strike sail, take in sail •take down a
loop when made of metal: stirrup iron
sail: strike •roll up a sail: furl ©un-
• strap suspending the stirrup: stirrup
fasten a sail: unbend ©denoting a
wind in the direction travelled: fa-
safe •safe place: haven, sanctuary vourable ©sail directly before the
• deposit for safe keeping: consign wind: run, scud ©steer closer to the
sailor |
sale 306

wind: luff • change course by turning turn of duty: watch •sailor's short
across the wind: tack • change watch: dog watch ©sailor's turn at
course by swinging the boom across a the helm: trick ©sailor's work song:
favourable wind: gybe • change shanty ©sea robber: pirate ©person
course by swinging the boom across without seagoing skills: landlubber
an adverse wind: go about •denot- saint •combining form: hagi(o)-
ing a sailing vessel kept in port by ad- • veneration of saints: hagiolatry,
verse winds: windbound • zigzag hierolatry •account of a saint's life:
course necessitated by adverse wind hagiography •light round a saint's
or current: traverse • lack of suffi- head: halo, nimbus •pointed halo:
cient wind to control the boat: stall mandorla, vesica •declare a dead
• device towed astern to lessen lee- person to be in a state of bliss (the first
way: sea anchor • sailing boat's lift- stage in canonization): beatify •title
able keel: daggerboard bestowed upon a beatified person:
sailor •adjective: nautical •ordin- venerable ©declare a person to be a
ary • sailor steering the
sailor: rating saint: canonize ©person arguing for

vessel: helmsman • steersman with a saint's canonization: postulator

local knowledge bringing a ship into • person arguing against a saint's can-
harbour etc.: pilot •ship's officer in onization: devil's advocate *part of
charge of accounts and cabin service: a saint's body or personal property
purser •ship's officer in charge of preserved for veneration: relic ©feast
equipment and crew: boatswain of the saint after whom one is named:
• ship's officer in charge of naviga- name day ©general feast commem-
tion: sailing master •ship's officer orating all Christian saints: All
responsible for steering and signals: Saints', All Hallows
quartermaster •ship's clergyman: salad ©salad of apples, celery, and
chaplain • officer in charge of a ship: walnuts in mayonnaise: Waldorf
captain • captain of a merchant ship: salad ©salad of chopped raw cab-
master •officer second to the cap- bage, carrot, etc.: coleslaw • salad of
tain: first mate •sailor's bag: ditty diced cooked vegetables in mayon-
bag •sailor's ability to keep his bal- naise: Russian salad • sauce for a
ance and resist seasickness: sea legs salad: dressing • salad dressing of
• sailor's canvas bed: hammock oil and vinegar: French dressing, vin-

• dried bread formerly eaten by aigrette • this with seasoned egg

sailors: hard tack, ship's biscuit yolks: mayonnaise ©salad dressing
• sailor's certificate of competence: of mayonnaise with ketchup and gher-
ticket •sailor's dance: hornpipe kins: Thousand Island dressing
• deficiency disease formerly suffered sale ©bulk sale to retailers: whole-
by sailors: scurvy •sailor's im- sale • sale of items to end-users: re-
agined heaven: Fiddler's Green tail • sale by mail order or telephone:
• sailor's short overcoat: pea coat, direct marketing •sale of cheap
pea jacket, pilot jacket • punish a second-hand items: jumble sale
sailor by dragging him beneath the • sale of a cheaper and purchase of a
ship: keelhaul •rum diluted with more expensive item: trade-up •pro-
water, formerly served to sailors: motion and sale of goods and services:
grog •sailor's skills: seamanship marketing ©assessment of an item's
• sailor's tool for unravelling rope: sales potential: market research
marlinspike •sailor's time off spent • point at which goods are sold: outlet
ashore: liberty, shore leave • sailor's • put an article into the market:
307 salmon sauce |

launch, release •items offered for sand ©windblown sand: spindrift

sale: wares • item outselling its com- • loose wet sand sucking in objects
petitors: market leader • item sold at placed upon it: quicksand ©mound
a loss to attract trade: loss-leader of sand: dune ©area of shifting
• imperfect item sold off cheaply: re- dunes: erg • ridge of sand in the sea:
ject, second • fit for sale: merchant- reef •low reef or sandbank: cay
able • period for which an item re- • clean by pressurized sand: sand-
mains merchantable: shelf-life blast
• conclude a property sale: complete sandal •light sandal secured by a
• making sales by unsolicited tele- strap between the toes: flipflop
phone calls: cold-calling, telemarket- • such a strap: thong
ing, telesales ©statutory interval for
sandalwood •perfume made from
the purchaser to change his mind:
sandalwood: chypre
cooling-off period >see also sell
sandwich • sandwich without a top
salmon • female salmon: hen layer of bread: open sandwich
• male salmon: cock • young salmon: • small open sandwich: canape • buf-
fmgerling, fry, parr, smolt •salmon fet of open sandwiches: smorgasbord
in its second year: grilse •Scandi-
satellite •Soviet artificial satellite:
navian dish of dry-cured salmon:
sputnik • large satellite used as a
base for manned space operations:
salt •adjective: saline ©salty water: space station •satellite relaying or
brine • denoting the taste of such reflecting communications signals:
water: brackish •denoting food pre- communications satellite • satellite
served in brine: corned ©evapor- orbiting so as to seem in a fixed pos-
ation pools for sea salt: saltern •re- ition: geostationary satellite •satel-
move salt from water: desalinate lite in an orbit synchronous with the
salute earth's rotation: geosynchronous
©deferential salute: obei-
satellite • ground observation by sat-
sance • dropping to one knee: genu-
remote sensing •establish-
flection ©lying flat on one's face:
ment monitoring satellite movements:
tracking station • earth station's
salvage ©salvage items from rub- communications link to a satellite:
bish heaps and dustbins: tot uplink •satellite's communications

same • combining forms: homo-, link with earth: downlink

taut(o)- •denoting the same age or satire • satirical picture: caricature,
time: coetaneous, coeval, contem- cartoon
porary • denoting the same extent or satisfaction •self-satisfaction:
meaning: coterminous •denoting complacency, hubris, smugness
the same kind: homogeneous •hav- • satisfy to the full: sate, satiate
ing the same meaning: synonymous • that cannot be satisfied: insatiable
• denoting the same shape: congruent
• denoting the same size: commen-
sauce ©saucewhich food is
soaked: marinade • sauce for a salad:
surate • saying the same thing twice,
dressing ©thick sauce into which
but in different words: tautology
food is dipped: dip ©thicken a sauce
samurai • samurai's code of hon- by boiling: reduce ©reduced sauce:
our: bushido • samurai's sword: jus ©sauce thickener: liaison
katana ©ritual suicide required of • sauteed chopped vegetables for
dishonoured samurai: hara-kiri sauces: mirepoix ©fine vegetable or
saucepan Scandinavian
| 308

fruit puree: coulis {pi. same) •sauce savings ©savings through in-
base of butter and flour: roux • sauce creased output: economy of scale
of flour, butter, and milk: white sauce • savings though diversification of
• fish sauce of butter, eggs, and vin- output: economy of scope
egar: hollandaise sauce •meat saw • coarse wood-saw: ripsaw
sauce of savoury jelly: tracklement • fine saw for ornamental work: fret-
• sauce of butter with parsley and saw • fine-bladed machine saw: jig-
lemon juice: mattre d'hote! butter saw ©frame saw with a fine-toothed
• cheese-flavoured white sauce: mor- blade: hacksaw ©power saw with an
nay sauce •onion-flavoured white endless serrated steel belt: bandsaw
sauce: sauce soubise • sauce of milk • power saw with an endless toothed
and herbs: bechamel sauce • sauce chain: chainsaw • power saw with a
with egg yolks and tarragon: Bearn- rotating toothed disc: circular saw
aise sauce • sauce of tomatoes, gar- • saw with a thin blade stretched in a
lic, and olive oil: sauce provencale
frame: frame saw • small saw with a
• potato sauce of white wine and on- strong back: tenon saw •projecting
ions: lyonnaise sauce •Chinese point on a saw: tooth • adjust a saw's
sauce with sugar and vinegar or teeth: set »sawn slit: kerf • frame
lemon: sweet and sour sauce •Chi- holding wood to be sawn: horse, saw-
nese and Japanese sauce of fermented ing horse ©guide for angled sawing:
soya beans: soy •southern French mitre box ©person who saws for a
sauce of red chillies, garlic, and bread- living: sawyer
crumbs: rouille ©Indian sauce of
spices and turmeric: curry •Italian
saying ©wise saying: adage, aphor-

pasta sauces: carbonara, marinara,

ism, apophthegm, epigram, golden
pesto • Italian sauce of garlic, ca-
rule, gnome, maxim, proverb, saw
pers, anchovies, and oil: salsa verde
• trite saying: bromide, cliche, plati-
tude, truism *see also remark
• Mexican sauce of onion, garlic, cori-
ander, and peppers: salsa verde scale •adjective: squamous • scale
• sauce of pureed rasberries and icing for child Binet-Simon
sugar: Meiba sauce scale ©scale for earthquake inten-
sities: Richter scale
©scale for gen-
saucepan •double saucepan for
eral movements etc.: index
of prices
custards etc.: bain-marie
• movable scale giving subdivisions:
sausage •continuous coiled saus- vernier, vernier scale • scale for
age:Cumberland sausage • large wind velocities: Beaufort scale
smoked sausage made of various • mark out the degrees on a scale:
meats: bologna, polony •seasoned calibrate, graduate •relating to a
smoked pork sausage: saveloy •sea- twelve-tone musical scale: chromatic
soned smoked beef and pork sausage: • relating to an eight-tone musical
frankfurter •small thin sausage: scale: diatonic
cocktail sausage •small thin spicy
scales • astrological term: Libra
sausage: chipolata •German pork
sausage: bratwurst ©Italian pep- scandal • seeking and publication
pered pork and beef sausage: pepper- of scandal about celebrities: muckrak-
oni • Italian garlic sausage: salami ing • deliberate spreading of scandal
• spiced Italian pork sausage: morta- to damage a person's reputation:

della •Spanish spicy pork sausage: character assassination, scurrility

chorizo • sausage baked in Yorkshire Scandinavian • Scandinavian god-
pudding: toad in the hole dess of destiny: Norn • Scandinavian
309 scar school

medieval poet: skald • Scandinavian school •school funded and con-

dish of dry-cured salmon: gravlax trolled by the state: state school
scar • scar on a healed wound: cica- • school for children with physical, in-
trix {pi. cicatrices) tellectual, or behavioural difficulties:
special school •school offering in-
schedule • allotted place in a sched-
tensive preparation for examinations:
ule: slot
crammer •school where young
scenery • combining form: -scape women are taught social graces:
(e.g. landscape) •scenery and prop- finishing school, charm school
erties used in a production: decor • school run by nuns: convent, con-
• scenery, furniture, and properties vent school •institution offering
needed for a particular scene: set evening classes: night school •en-
• piece of two-dimensional scenery trance examination for public schools:
projecting from the wings: flat, cou- Common Entrance •reduction in
lisse • painted cloth hung at the back
fees offered to outstanding Common
of a stage: backdrop • arced cloth at
Entrance candidates: bursary, exhib-
the back of the stage: cyclorama ition, scholarship ©state school re-
• gauze clcth opaque until lit from be-
ceiving national funding and free of
hind: scrim •dismantle theatre scen-
local authority control: grant main-
ery: strike «area where scenery is
tained school • state school partially
built and painted: scene stfop ©on-
controlled and funded by a reli-
stage item other than scenery and fur-
gious denomination: voluntary-aided
niture: property, prop
school • state school established by
scent • scented lotion for use after a religious denomination but now
shaving: aftershave ©dried petals funded and controlled by the local au-
used for scent: pot-pourri ©oil from thority: voluntary-maintained school
flowers etc. used in scent-making: • state school for children aged 5-11:
attar •perforated container for primary school ©state school for
sweet-smelling substances: pomander children aged 5-7: infant school
scholarship • adjective: academic • state school for children aged 5-9:
• academic scholarship offered by first school ©state school for chil-
a school or college: exhibition dren aged 7-11: junior school ©state
• scholar proficient in several discip- school for children aged 9-13: middle
lines: polymath, polyhistor • great school ©state school for children
scholar: savant • group of scholars aged 11-18: secondary school, senior
with shared viewpoints: school school ©state school for children
school •adjective: scholastic aged 13-18: upper school ©school in
• school which one was educated:
at which the pupils live during term-
alma mater •denoting schools re- time: boarding school, residential
ceiving state funding: maintained school ©school from which the pu-
• denoting schools receiving no state pils return home each night: day
funding: independent •school for school ©selective state secondary
very young children: kindergarten, school: grammar school ©secondary
nursery, nursery school, playschool school providing facilities for local
• privately-run fee-paying school: pri- adults: community college ©non-
vate school •privately-run fee- selective secondary school: compre-
paying school for pupils aged 7-13: hensive ©secondary school in cer-
preparatory school ©privately-run tain European countries: gymnasium
fee-paying secondary school: public • school day running from early
science Scottish
j 310

morning to early afternoon: continen- one end: burette ©narrow glass tube
talday •unit of tuition time: lesson, attached to a bulb: pipette ©glass
period • pupil group: class, form, tube closed at one end: test tube
set, stream ©class for children in • narrow-necked glass container:
their first year of schooling: reception flask •lipped cylindrical glass con-
class • school's short mid-term holi- tainer: beaker • shallow dish for cul-
day: half term, exeat ©absence from ture .development: petri dish •bell-
school without permission: truancy shaped glass cover: bell jar
• school celebration with speeches, • hand-held crushing implement: pes-
prize-giving, etc.: speech day tle • strong dish for this: mortar
• school day devoted to athletics: • small gas burner: Bunsen burner
sports day •school punishment of • container for items to be heated
being kept in: detention •school fiercely: crucible •ventilated enclos-
pupil with disciplinary duties: moni- ure: fume cupboard •weighing ap-
tor, prefect • short experience of em- paratus: balance •closed chamber
ployment arranged for school-leavers: with sealed-in gloves: glovebox
work experience •former pupil of a scissors •tailor's serrated scissors:
school: alumnus {fern, alumna: pi. pinking shears
alumni) ©school financial manager:
score ©even score at the end of a
bursar • relaxation room at a school:
game: draw
common room •teachers' common
room: staffroom • residential unit at scorpion ©poison secreted by scor-
a boarding school: house • woman in pions: venom

charge of domestic arrangements at a Scottish ©Scottish accent: brogue

boarding school: matron •boarding • Scottish bagpipe music for war or
school hospital: sanatorium •cur- lamentation: pibroch •Scottish
rent official name for an approved beret: bonnet, tam-o'-shanter •Scot-
school: community home ©(of a tish broadsword: claymore • Scottish
state school) withdraw from local au- word for church: kirk •Scottish cor-
thority control: optout •state- oner and public prosecutor: procur-
funded place at an independent ator fiscal •Scottish dagger: dirk,
school: assisted place • region from skean ©fast Scottish dance: reel
which a school's pupils come: catch- • slow Scottish dance: strathspey
ment area • list of pupils attending a • vigorous Scottish dance: Highland
school: roll • debar a pupil from at- fling •Scottish term for an English
tending school: expel person: Sassenach • group of inter-
related Scottish families: clan
science •science of the physical
• small Scottish farm: croft •Scot-
world: natural science •science of
tish fishing boat: coble •Scottish
communications and automatic con-
term for a flat: tenement •Scot-
trol systems: cybernetics ©science
tish funeral song: coronach •Scot-
used in criminal investigations: foren-
tish game of sliding stones across ice:
sics • practical applications of scien-
curling •Scottish traditional harp:
tific discoveries: technology •exces-
clarsach • Scottish word for a steep
sive faith in the capacities of science:
hill: brae • Scottish minister's house:
scientism •denoting events beyond
manse •Scottish hut: bothy •title
the scope of science: paranormal
of a judge in Scotland: sheriff • Scot-
scientific equipment •tube of tish lake: loch • Scottish land agent:
very fine bore: capillary tube •nar- factor •Scottish landowner: laird
row graduated glass tube with a tap at • Scottish term for long ago: lang
311 Scout sea |

syne •Scottish mayor: provost ter ©denoting a VDU giving a very

• river estuary in Scotland: firth clear image: high resolution
• Scottish schoolmaster: dominie screw ©screw with a cross-shaped
• Scottish word for a narrow sea chan- slot: Phillips screw™ ©screw with a
nel: kyle •Scottish fortified settle- hexagonal slot: Allen screw™
ment: dun • Scottish sheepdog: coilie • spiral ridge round a screw: thread,
• Scottish social gathering: ceilidh screw th read • dowel set in a hole for
• Scottish female spirit whose wailing the screw to grip: wall plug • insert a
portends death: banshee •Scottish screw flush with the surface: coun-
sport of throwing a large pole: tossing tersink
the caber • Scottish water spirit: kel-
script • person with a script remind-
pie • Scottish word for a stream:
ing actors of their lines: prompter
burn ©students' elected representa-
Scottish universities: rector
• device displaying a speaker's or
tive in
actor's script onto a clear glass screen
• Scottish prehistoric stone tower:
invisible to the audience: autocue
broch • defensive tower on the Scot-
tish Marches: peel, pele tower scriptures ©Buddhist scriptures:
• tight-fitting tartan trousers: trews Tripitaka ©Hindu scriptures: Veda
• Scottish valley: glen • broad moun- • Islamic scriptures: Koran ©Sikh
tain valley: strath •mountainous scriptures: Adi Granth, Granth,
part of Scotland: Highlands •Scot- Granth Sahib ©Zoroastrian scrip-
tish chicken and leek soup: cock- tures: Avesta
a-leekie • Scottish soup of meat and sculpture ©prehistoric rock carv-
vegetables with pearl barley: Scotch ing:petroglyph ©ancient Greek fe-
broth •Scottish dish of boiled cab- male statue: kore (pi. korai) ©ancient
bage and potatoes: colcannon • Scot- Greek male statue: kouros (pi. kouroi)
tish dish of boiled offal and oatmeal: • sculpture of the subject's head and
haggis •soft Scottish cheese: shoulders: bust •sculptor's prelim-
crowd ie • Scottish term for a turnip: inary model: maquette • gypsum for
neep •Scottish spirit distilled from sculpture: gesso ©raised carving:
malted grain: whisky • Scottish term relief ©shallow carving: bas-relief
for a last drink: deoch an doris • moderately deep carving: mezzo-
• place where alcohol is sold illegally: relievo • deep carving: high relief
shebeen ©leather strap formerly • denoting free-standing sculpture: in
used to punish Scottish schoolchil- the round
dren: tawse >see also Highlands
scurvy •adjective: scorbutic
Scout • junior Scout: Cub • Scout
sea • adjectives: marine, maritime,
aged 16-20: Venture Scout • Scout
nautical ©supposed original single
rally: jamboree ©loop for a Scout's
sea: Panthalassa ©denoting the sea
neckerchief: woggle
adjacent to a nation's coasts: inshore
screen •sliding screen in a Japan- • coastal seas asserted to be under
ese house: shoji • screen in an Indian state control: territorial waters • sea
house concealing women from view: beyond this: high seas, international
purdah ©elongated VDU screen waters • denoting the open sea: pela-
showing a full page of text: full-page gic ©sea under a single country's
display •tiny illuminated dot on a jurisdiction: mare clausum (pi. maria
VDU screen: pixel • grid of dots on a clausa) ©sea open to all:mare
VDU screen: dot matrix ©pattern of liberum (pi. maria libera) ©deep sea
scanning lines on a VDU screen: ras- inlet: gulf ©narrow sea passage:
seal |
secret 312

channel, neck, sound, strait ©area season • combining form: -tide (e.g.
of sea surrounded by ice: polynya yuletide)
• shallow sea round a land mass: con- seat ©long seat for several persons:
tinental shelf •sloping seabed be- bench ©high-backed wooden bench:
yond this: continental slope •nar- settle ©church low-backed wooden
row region of especially deep sea: bench: pew ©long upholstered
trench, ocean trench ©area of shal- bench:* banquette ©low backless up-
low water: shoal •ridge of rock, holstered seat: ottoman, pouffe ©ve-
coral, or sand in the sea: reef, shoal hicle seat with a rounded back:
• salt water separated from the sea by bucket seat ©vehicle seat with a flat
a reef: lagoon • area of rough water back: bench seat ©padded back or
caused by meeting currents: rip side of a vehicle seat: squab • person
• windblown spray: scud ©sea mist: showing others to their seats: usher
fret •animals and plants living on
seat belt •reel locking under im-
the seabed: epi benthos • animals liv-
pact pressure: inertia reel
ing in the seabed: infauna ©use of
sea water for health treatment: thalas- seaweed • combining form: phyco-
sotherapy ©display tank for under- • large brown seaweed: kelp •coarse
sea life: oceanarium ©measurement brown seaweed: wrack • Japanese ed-
of sea depths: bathymetry •mapping ible seaweed: nori • study of seaweed:

of seas: hydrography ©change in phycology

world sea levels: eustasy •equator- second • combining forms:
ial sea with sudden calms: doldrums deuter(o)- Deuteronomy, literally
• diver's enclosed vessel for deep-sea the 'second law), meta- (e.g. metalan-
observations: bathyscaphe, bathy- guage), sub- (e.g. sublet) • second
sphere ©unit of speed at sea: knot signature: countersignature
• person unfamiliar with the sea:
secret • combining form: crypto-
landlubber, landsman •denoting a
(e.g. cryptogram)• secret and dishon-
state without direct sea access: land-
est: underhand •secret information
locked >see also navigation
of national importance: official secret
seal ©young seal: pup ©seal fat: • denoting information which may be
blubber ©seals' breeding ground: divulged only to certain persons: re-
rookery stricted • declare information an of-
ficial secret: classify •background
seaplane ©large seaplane: flying
investigation of those to have access to
official secrets: positive vetting,se-
search ©long or arduous search: curity check ©secret told on trust:
quest ©hopeless search: wild goose confidence ©secret known to many:
chase ©search thoroughly: scour, open secret • release of secret infor-
sweep ©search disruptively: ran- mation: disclosure •person within
sack, rifle, riffle, root, rummage an organization who betrays its se-
• remove a person's clothes and crets: mole • threat to disclose com-
search him or her: strip-search promising secrets in order to force a
• search the seashore for articles of person to do as one wishes: blackmail
value: beachcomb ©search for min- • secret trade in items not officially
eral deposits: prospect ©search a available: black market ©secret or-
river etc. bed with grapnels or nets: ganization working to frustrate or
drag • search for underground water overthrow the regime: underground
with a Y-shaped stick: dowse ©secret opposition organization in an
313 secretary sell |

occupied country: resistance ©per- a fruitseed: endocarp ©seed's begin-

son about whom little is known: dark ning to grow: germination ©young
horse • secret plan: conspiracy plant raised from a seed: seedling
• belief that an event results from a seeming •combining form: quasi-
conspiracy: conspiracy theory
• house at a secret location: safe
seizure • seizure of a debtor's prop-
erty: distraint, sequestration ©seiz-
house ©secret stock: hoard •gain
ure after legal infringement: im-
secret access or control: infiltrate • in
secret: sub rosa
self •combining form: aut(o)- ©self-
secretary ©secretary dealing with
government: autonomy, autarchy
confidential work: private secretary
• self-examination: introspection
secret societies • I8th-c. mys- • self-sufficiency: autarky •attaching
tical society: Rosicrucians •inter- great importance to oneself: egocen-
national secret society for mutual as- tric,egoistic ©excessive talking or
sistance: Freemasonry ©Protestant thinking about oneself: egotism • ex-
Afrikaner secret society: treme egotism: egomania
Broederbond ©nationalist Chinese
self-confident •cheerily self-
secret society in 19th century: Boxers
confident: jaunty
• Chinese secret criminal gang: tong,
triad •Neapolitan branch of the self-control •lacking self-control:
Mafia: Camorra •Sicilian secret intemperate
criminal and political organization: selfish •obstinately selfish: self-
Mafia • US branch of the Mafia: Cosa willed ©unselfish concern for the
Nostra ©Cosa Nostra boss: capo, good of others: altruism
godfather ©US secret society pro- sell ©selling by unsolicited promo-
moting White supremacy: Kiu Klux tional mailings: direct mail ©selling
Klan ©formally admit someone to a by sending out unsolicited items and
secret society: initiate ©secret polit- then demanding payment if they are
ical group: cabal not returned: inertia selling ©selling
security • security given for a loan: through a hierarchy of agents: pyra-
collateral • person held as a security: mid selling ©manufacturer's direct
hostage sale to the public: direct marketing

sediment •accumulated layer of • put a new product on sale: launch

sediment: deposit •sediment pro- • sell small items: vend •sell goods
duced by erosion: detritus ©sedi-
by association (e.g. inscribed sweat-
shirts at a pop concert): merchandize
ment deposited by a glacier: moraine
• sediment deposited on a river bed: • sell all available stock: sell out
silt •sediment deposited at a river • sell more items than are available:
mouth: delta oversell ©sell one's stock, premises,
etc.: sell up ©sell illegal drugs: ped-
see •ability to see: sight ©that can
dle ©person doing this: peddler
be seen through: transparent ©(of a
• sell from house to house: peddle
corner etc.) difficult to see round:
• person doing this: pedlar ©sell
abroad: export ©sell items at cheap
seed • adjective: seminal ©edible rates to be rid of them: sell off • sell
seed of a pea-type plant: pulse goods abroad at a giveaway price, to
• seed's outer covering: hull • prickly maintain their home price: dump
seed case: bur •elongated seed case: • low pricing to force competitors out
pod • seed scar: hilum •covering of of the market: predatory pricing
seller |
sentimentality 314

• miscellaneous items sold as a unit: sense •common sense: mother wit,

job lot • rate at which stocks are sold nous • supposed intuitive faculty:
and replaced: turnover •depletion of sixth sense • stimulation of a sense
stocks due to demand: downturn impression away from the point
• frequent repurchase encouraged by stimulated: synaesthesia •form of
production of new models, use of non- sensory perception: modality • de-
durable materials, etc.: planned obso- prived of all senses: insensate, in-
lescence >see also market, sale, sensible, insentient
seller, trade sentence 1
•sentence containing
seller •combining form: -monger every letter of the alphabet: pars gram
• travelling salesman: commercial • sentence that tails off uncompleted:
traveller, representative • person aposiopesis •sentence consisting of
selling from door to door: hawker, only one clause: simple sentence
huckster, pedlar •person selling • sentence composed of several simple
fruit etc. in a street market: coster- sentences: compound sentence
monger, huckster ©person selling • sentence containing one or more
supplies for boats and ships: chandler subordinate clauses: complex sen-
• salesman's unsolicited visit: cold tence ©part of a sentence that
call ©salesman's persuasive patter: contains the verb: predicate ©ar-
pitch ©subtly persuasive sales tech- rangement of words to make a correct
nique: soft sell •aggressive sales sentence: syntax • create a syntactic-
technique: hard sell ©former seller ally correct sentence: construct
of quack medicines etc. at fairs: • analyse the syntax of a sentence:
mountebank see also market, sale,
construe, parse
sell, trade sentence 2 •pronounce a judicial

semen •adjective: seminal, sperm- sentence: condemn •sentence of

supervision in the community: proba-
atic ©male sex cell in semen: sperm
tion • sum of money to be paid as a
(pi.same), spermatozoon (pi. sperm-
punishment: fine • demand a sum of
atozoa) ©count of spermatozoa in a
measure of semen: sperm count
money as surety for good behaviour:
bind over •prison sentence to be
• deficiency of sperm cells in semen:
served only upon re-offending: sus-
oligospermia • natural ejection of
pended sentence • reduction of a
semen: ejaculation, emission
prison sentence for good behaviour:
• erotic dream causing an involuntary
remission •denoting a prison sen-
ejaculation: wet dream •introduc-
tence to be served simultaneously
tion of semen into the vagina other
with another: concurrent ©facts pre-
than by sexual intercourse: artificial
sented to encourage lenient senten-
insemination •person providing
cing: mitigation ©reduction of a ju-
semen for this: donor ©place where
dicial sentence upon appeal:
semen is stored until needed for arti-
commutation ©denoting a sentence
ficial insemination: sperm bank
that has not been legally authorized:
send • send on: forward extrajudicial ©list of offences with

senior citizen •adjective: elderly sentences currently deemed appropri-

• state allowance paid to the elderly: ate: tariff ©free from a sentence: par-

old age pension •former National don see also punishment

Savings certificate available only to sentimentality ©sentimentality in
pensioners: granny bond see also music or art: kitsch, schmaltz ©tear-
old age fully sentimental: maudlin, mawkish
315 sentry sewing

sentry •sentry's call for the pass- • set of similar items: group • batch
word: challenge of goods: consignment
separate • separate and distinct: settlement • use of a third party to
discrete •separate on grounds of negotiate a settlement: conciliation
sex, race, or religion: segregate • recourse to a third party who adjudi-
sequence ©in unbroken sequence: cates a settlement: arbitration
consecutive ©in proper sequence: settler ©early settler: pioneer ©in-
seriatim •sequence with gradual coming settler: immigrant ©person
change of items: continuum leaving his own country to settle else-
series •interconnected series: con- where: emigrant, emigre
catenation ©repeated series: cycle seven •combining forms: hept(a)-
• related series of artworks: cycle (e.g.heptagon), sept(i)- •adjective:
• series of events, each triggered by its septenary ©athletic contest with
predecessor: chain reaction • series seven events for all competitors: hept-
of shops, hotels, etc. owned by one athlon ©seven-sided figure: hepta-
company: chain gon ©solid figure with seven faces:
sermon • collection of sermons: ho- heptahedron • group of seven: hep-
miliary •biblical etc. passage upon tad, septenary •ensemble of seven
which a sermon is preached: text musicians, or music for them: septet
>see also preaching • one of seven offspring born at a
birth: septuplet •having seven
servant ©chief servant in a large
parts: septuple •verse-line of seven
household: major-domo, steward
feet: heptameter•occurring every,
• chief female servant: housekeeper
or lasting seven years: septennial
• chief male servant: butler ©ser-
vant's distinctive uniform: livery • seven-hundredth anniversary: sept-
• liveried servant: footman, flunkey, centenary
lackey •military officer's servant: seventy ©person in his seventies:
batman ©man's personal ser- septuagenarian
vant: valet ©Cambridge college ser-
severe ©make less severe: mitigate,
vant: gyp ©Oxford college servant:
scout ©female cleaner: char, char-
woman ©domestic helper provided sewing ©rough sewing with large
by a local authority: home help stitches:tacking • sewing together of
•junior public-school boy who acts as assorted cloth fragments: patchwork
servant to a senior boy: fag ©Indian • sew over a raw edge of cloth: over-
servant operating a large ceiling fan: cast, overlock, oversew •sewing
punkah wallah making a decorative grid across the
servility ©showing servility: obse- cloth: quilting •sewing gathering
material into small tight pleats:
quious ©make a calculated display
of servility: fawn smocking •parallel elastic
threadwork used in smocking: shirr
sesame ©paste made from sesame • woman skilled at sewing: needle-
seeds: tahini ©sweet made from ses-
woman, seamstress, sempstress
ame seeds: halva
• small case for sewing items: house-
set ©set of items fitting inside each wife, lady's companion, necessaire
other: nest ©set of items following • container for sewing items: work-
each other in a fixed order: sequence basket, workbox •finger-protector
• set of related items: compendium worn when sewing: thimble ©shop
sewage sexual
activity 316

selling sewing requisites: haber- sire excited and gratified in many i

dasher • items used in sewing: no- ways: polymorphous perversity

tions • abnormal sexual activity: paraphilia
sewage • liquid sewage: effluent • socially unacceptable sexual activ-
• pipe for the removal of sewage: ity: perversion ©point in adoles-
sewer ©place where sewage is cence at which sexual activity become
treated: sewage farm, sewage works possible: puberty • age at which vol- >

• pit for sewage: cesspit, cesspool, untary sexual activity becomes legal: i

septic tank ©excrement in a septic age of consent ©point in middle age

tank: septage • sewer system and its at which sexual activity declines: cli-
maintenance: sewerage macteric ©female animal's period of i

sexual receptivity: heat, oestrus,

sex ©animal or plant having both >

male and female sexual character-

season ©female animal's period of i

sexual inactivity: dioestrus ©deer's

istics: hermaphrodite ©of, or appear-

ing to belong to, either sex: androgy-

annual period of sexual activity: rut
nous, epicene • for persons of either • sexual desire: libido ©act hinting J

sex: unisex ©for, or consisting of,

sexual interest: pass ©intended to \

persons of either sex: mixed ©person arouse sexual desire: provocative, tit- i

emotionally and physiologically desir- lllating • deliberately provoke sexual i

ing to belong to the opposite sex: desire with no intention of satisfying \

transsexual ©person deriving pleas- it: tease • address a person in order v

ure from dressing in clothes appropri- to offer or request sexual favours: ac- \

ate to the opposite sex: transvestite cost, proposition ©entice into sex- i

• external sexual organs: genitals ual activity: seduce ©casual ac- <

• male reproductive fluid: semen quaintance made for sexual purposes: 1

• remove the testicles of a male ani- pickup ©adult voluntarily partici- i

mal: castrate, geld, neuter •remove pating in sexual activity: consenting I

the ovaries of a female animal: spay, adult ©person paid for sexual fa- i

neuter vours: prostitute ©right of a feudal i

lord to sexual intercourse with a vas-

sexual activity •adjectives: car-
nal, venereal • avoiding sexual activ- sal's bride: droit du seigneur ©mar- s

riage partners' right to mutual sexual s

ity: celibate, chaste, continent
• person who has never experienced relations: conjugal rights ©sexual (

sexual intercourse: virgin •indul- intercourse as the completion of mar-

ging in all sexual activity: pansexual riage: consummation ©have sexual i

• evocative of sexual activity: sug- relations only with one's partner: be »]

gestive • sexual activity with pre- faithful ©be unfaithful

an to estab-

cautions against Aids: safe sex •de- lished sexual partner: cheat ©en- i

noting sexual activity performed gaging in casual sexual relationships: 5

without a condom: unprotected promiscuous, philandering ©sexual >

• sexual activity regarded as a source activity between those too closely re- >

of power: sexual politics •criminal lated to marry: incest • sexual inter- f

exploitation of sexuality: vice •per- course between a married person and »

son easily shocked by mention of sex- someone not their spouse: adultery :

ual matters: prude •unhealthy inter- • sexual activity between three per- *

est in sexual matters: prurience sons: troilism • older woman's youth-

• liberalization of western society's at- fui male lover: gigolo ©feign sexual
titude towards sexual activity: sexual interest: flirt ©flirtatious woman: co-
revolution •generalized sexual de- quette ©arousing sexual desire: i
317 sexual activity shadow |

erotic • item of clothing etc. as object • person who is sexually attracted to-
of desire: fetish • sexual activity pre- wards children: paedophile ©sexual
ceding intercourse: foreplay • sexual activity between a boy and a man:
stimulation by touching or caressing: pederasty ©boy kept for sexual pur-
petting •this stopping just short of poses: catamite ©person engaging in
intercourse: heavy petting • mutual anal intercourse: sodomite ©sexu-
oral genital stimulation: soixante- ally unfulfilled: frustrated ©sexually
neuf • stimulation of the female geni- unresponsive: frigid, cold ©denoting
tals by tongue or lips: cunniiingus a man unable to achieve erection or
• sensitive to sexual stimulation: er- orgasm: impotent • containing expli-
ogenous, erotogenic •swelling cit descriptions etc. of sexual activity:

caused by sexual stimulation: tumes- adult, hard-core ©strong sexual de-

cence • excessive sexual desire: sire: lust • insatiable sexual appetite

erotomania •moments of intense in women: nymphomania •insati-

genital pleasure: climax, orgasm able sexual appetite in men: lechery,

• sexual pleasure from inflicting or satyriasis ©drug, food, or drink
suffering pain: algolagnia ©sexual thought to stimulate sexual desire:
pleasure from hurting others: sadism aphrodisiac ©drink thought to
• sexual pleasure from watching the stimulate sexual desire: philtre ©sex-
ual intercourse: coition, coitus
sexual activities of others: voyeurism
• sexual intercourse with premature
• sexual pleasure from watching urin-
withdrawal of the penis: coitus inter-
ation: urolagnia, urophilia • sexual
rupts, onanism ©sexual inter-
pleasure from one's own pain or hu-
course prolonged by avoidance of
miliation: masochism ©sexual
ejaculation: coitus reservatus ©sex-
pleasure from rubbing one's clothed
ual intercourse with corpses: necro-
body against someone in a crowd: frot-
philia ©crime of forcing another to
tage •being tied up for sexual pleas-
have sexual intercourse with oneself:
ure: bondage ©whipping
for sexual
rape ©done or happening after sex-
pleasure: flagellation • sexual stimu-
ual intercourse: post-coital ©device
lation of one's own body: auto-
worn by a woman to make sexual
eroticism ©manual stimulation of intercourse impossible: chastity belt
the genitals: masturbation, onanism
• injection of semen into the vagina
• oral stimulation of the penis: fellatio
other than by sexual intercourse: arti-
• sexual pleasure obtained via com-
ficial insemination • study of human
puter technology: cybersex • printed
sexual activity: sexology • study of
or visual material aimed at erotic
sexual love: erotology •Hindu trea-
stimulation: pornography •denot- tise on sexual technique: Kama Sutra
ing mildly pornographic material:
• legal term for sexual intercourse:
racy, titillating ©sexual activity that carnal knowledge • disease con-
is disapproved of: deviance ©person tracted through sexual activity: ven-
who sexually attracted to members
ereal disease ©crime motivated by
of his or her own sex: homosexual sexual jealousy: crime passionnel {pi.
• person who is sexually attracted to crimes passionnels) >see also contra-
members of the opposite sex: hetero- ception, homosexuality, relationship
sexual • person who is sexually at-
tracted to members of either sex:
shade ©canvas sunshade over a
shopfront etc.: awning
ambisexual, bisexual ©person hav-
ing a sexual relationship with some- shadow ©observer's shadow pro-
one much younger: cradle snatcher jected onto clouds: Brocken spectre
shake share
! 318

• shadow's pale edge: penumbra •lu- chased: scrip •list ofan investor's
minous halo round a shadow on fog: shares: portfolio ©shares etc. owned:
anthelion holding •company capital derived

shake •shaking caused by an im- from shares: share capital ©part of

pact: shock company profits distributed to share-
holders: dividend ©this paid on less
shape • combining forms: morph(o)-
than a full year's trading: interim divi-
(e.g. morphology), -form (e.g. vermi-
dend ©declare or pay no dividend:
form), -morphic, -oid (e.g. rhomboid)
pass •certificate entitling a share-
• dark shape on a light background:
holder to a dividend: dividend war-
silhouette • taking human shape: an-
rant • ratio of dividend to current
thropomorphic • ability to regain
share price: dividend yield ©ratio of
shape after distortion: elasticity
dividend to total company profits:
share • share yielding variable divi- dividend cover ©denoting shares
dends: ordinary share •ordinary purchased when a dividend is about to
shares of a company: equity • share
be paid: cum dividend ©company's
yielding a fixed dividend: preference
offer of cut-price shares to current
share •British government irre-
shareholders: rights issue, scrip
deemable fixed-interest securities:
issue • opportunity to buy shares at
Consols •British government re-
a favourable price: share option • op-
deemable fixed-interest securities:
tion that may itself be bought and
gilts •government-issued bonds etc.:
sold: traded option •company ere-
government paper ©shares offering
ated to control others, whose shares it
a guaranteed dividend: gilts • apply
holds: holding company •share-
to purchase shares: subscribe • de-
buying company selling to the public
noting shares traded on a stock ex-
shares in its whole portfolio: invest- r
change: listed, quoted •denoting
ment trust, unit trust ©raw material i
shares considered a safe investment:
blue-chip • denoting a share issue at-
as an object of speculation: commod- s

tracting more purchasers than can be

ity • company's issue of shares to pay s

off debts: recapitalization •buy-out S
satisfied: •denoting
of one company by another: takeover a
a share issue where some stock re-
mains unplaced: undersubscribed • denoting a takeover resisted by its i

• institution undertaking to buy up victim: hostile •company's repur- 1

such stock: underwriter •price of a chase of its own shares: buy-in ©pur- i
share when issued: nominal value, chase of the majority of a company's J
par • current price of a share to an shares: buyout ©this effected on bor- ill

investor: offer price • current resale rowed capital: leveraged buyout i\

price of a share from an investor: bid • buyout effected to force a buy- in: 4
price • shares promising increased greenmail ©right to have first re- \

value rather than high income: fusal on shares: pre-emptive right 1

g rowth stoc k • share of little current • offer shares for sale for the first J
worth, bought in hope of an improve- time: float, go public, issue •find a
ment: penny share, recovery stock buyer for shares: place • buy back all 3
• high-profit, high-risk securities: shares in public hands: go private 1

junk bonds • shares bought now but • remove shares from trading: delist 4 1
delivered and paid for later: futures, • reduce share values by issuing more J

long stock • option to buy later at a without increasing assets: dilute *

price agreed now: put option •pro- • lottery held to assign oversub-^i
visional certificate of shares pur- scribed shares: ballot ©value of a i
319 share shell

share at the end of a day's trading: Hang Seng index >see also invest-
closing price ©rise in share values: ment, stock exchange
rally • sudden collapse of the value of
sharp • combining form: oxy-
shares: crash • denoting a market
• sharpness of a picture: definition
with falling prices: soft, weak • steep
• mental sharpness: acuity ©sharp
rise in share values followed by a col-
projection: snag ©sharpen with a
lapse: bubble •denoting shares hav-
whetstone: hone
ing a steady price: firm •denoting a
market with steady prices: hard shed ©shed feathers or fur: moult
• speculator who sells shares in an- • shed an outer skin or shell: slough
ticipation of a price fall: bear • shedding its leaves annually: de-
• speculator who buys shares in an- ciduous
ticipation of a price rise: bull • denot- sheep •adjective: ovine ©female
ing shares sold for a later delivery sheep: ewe©male sheep: ram, tup
date: short •selling off shares while • young sheep: lamb • castrated male
their price is high: profit-taking sheep: wether •wether leading the
• speculator who buys new share flock: bellwether • sheep that has
issues fora quick resale: stag been shorn once: shearling ©sheep
• group of speculators buying shares in its second year: teg ©group of
individually with a view to. later con- sheep: flock ©sheep's divided foot:
certed action: concert party •unob- cloven hoof ©sheep's mammary
trusive share purchase through nom- gland: udder ©sheep's woolly coat:
inees: warehousing • speculator who fleece ©greasy substance on this:
benefitsfrom currency disparities by suint ©sheep's matted wool: dag
buying shares in one country and sell- • total wool sheared from a flock in
ing them in another: arbitrageur one season: clip • sheep disease of
• possession of the majority of a the central nervous system: scrapie
company's shares: controlling inter- • sheep disease ulcerating hoofs and
est • holding giving this: golden mouths: foot and mouth disease
share • hostile attempt to purchase a • bacterial disease of sheep hoofs: foot
controlling interest: raid •attempt at rot • sheep disease affecting the skin
this by early morning buying: dawn and lungs: anthrax • inflammation of
raid •share trading on the basis of the udder: garget • cut off a sheep's
privileged information: insider deal- winter coat: shear •immerse sheep
ing • sale of shares: disposal in medicaments: dip ©shelter for
• share market." stock exchange, sheep: fold ©sheep meat: mutton
stock market •person buying and • sheep-rearer: grazier ©person in
selling shares for himself: dealer charge of sheep: shepherd ©land on
• agent for the sale and purchase of which sheep are pastured: sheepwalk
shares: broker, stockbroker «fee • (of a dog) chase and attack sheep:
charged for such work: brokerage worry
• official controlling a company's in-
vestments: fund manager ©figure in- sheet • sheet for a corpse: shroud
dicating the average position of se- • light metal-coated sheet retaining
lected shares: index •general index
heat: space blanket
of American share prices: Dow Jones shell 1 •combining forms: concho-
index • general index of Japanese • study of mollusc shells: conchology
share prices: Nikkei index •general • tortoise's hard shell: carapace
index of Hong Kong share prices: • seashell that may be blown like a
shell |
ship 320

trumpet: conch • carved or coloured with two files of oarsmen on each side:
decoration of shells: scrimshaw bireme • ancient warship with three
shell 2 •shell emitting smoke etc. so banks of oars: trireme • water craft
that course may be traced: tracer
having little displacement at speed:
• fragments of an exploding artillery skimmer • group of ships: fleet, flo-
shell: shrapnel tilla ©group of ships travelling to-
gether: convoy ©narrow but deep
shellfish •shellfish that attaches it-
formation of ships: column ©ship
self to rocks: limpet
destroyed at sea: wreck ©denoting a
shelter •camouflaged shelter for ship with hull openings allowing ve-
birdwatchers etc.: hide • shelter for a hicles to drive on and off: roll-on roll-
car, having a roof but no walls: car- off ©plank giving access to a ship:
port • shelter for cattle: byre gangplank ©rope beside a ship's
• ground depression used as a shelter gangway or ladder: manrope ©ship's
from gunfire: foxhole •shelter for pointed front: bow, prow • spar run-
sheep: fold • reinforced underground ning out from a ship's bow: bowsprit
shelter: bunker • ship's rounded rear: stern •rail
shepherd • adjective: bucolic •de- round this: taffrail • on the side of a
noting a shepherd constantly moving ship: abeam • denoting the front of a
to fresh pasture: nomadic ship: fore •denoting the rear of a
ship: aft, astern •left side of a ship
sherry dry sherry: fmo
as seen by one facing its prow: port
• very dry sherry: manzanilla ©dark
• right side of a ship as seen by one
medium-sweet sherry: Oloroso
facing its prow: starboard • distant
• large sherry glass: schooner
part of the visible sea: offing • side of
shield ©shield bearing a coat of a ship sheltered from the wind: lee,
arms: escutcheon ©knob in the cen- leeward ©side of a ship exposed to
tre of a shield: boss, umbo •Roman the wind: windward • on the outside
legionaries' roof of linked shields: tes-
of an ship: outboard •from a ship
tudo • shield against X-rays worn by into the water: overboard, overside
doctors etc.: apron
• lookout post atop the mast: crow's-
shine •soft shine: lustre •shining nest ©ship's temporary mast: jury
in the dark: luminous ©having no mast ©lights showing a ship's pos-
shine: matt ition: navigation lights, running
ship • adjective: marine, maritime lights, sidelights ©small boat car-
• ship design: naval architecture ried on a ship: jolly boat ©small
• ship carrying goods: freighter crane for lowering a ship's boat: davit
• freighter working to no fixed route: • strong crane with a pivoted arm:
tramp •ship transporting coal: col- derrick • line painted on a ship's side
lier ©ship equipped to carry liquids to show permitted submersion levels:
in bulk: tanker ©ship providing a load line, Plimsoll line •ship's side
regular service between two points: above water: freeboard • top of this:
ferry • luxurious passenger ship: gunwale ©gunwale hole to let off
liner ©ship equipped to remove deck water: scupper, scuttle ©main
mines: minesweeper ©old ship part of a ship, without superstructure
stripped of fittings: hulk •sailing or fittings: hull ©lowest internal por-
ship with banks of oars: galley tion of the hull: bilges ©lengthwise
• Spanish sailing ship: galleon • ship beam at the base of the hull: keel
built by Noah: ark • ancient warship • structure fastening floor timbers to
321 ship |

the keel: keelson •chief timber etc. stem ©rate of headway required for
in the bow: stem •curved transverse a ship to answer the helm: steerage
strut rising from the keel: rib way ©ship's backward motion:
• section-divider in a ship's hull: bulk- sternway • direction taken by a ship:
head • area between these: compart- course ©ship's deviation from
ment • forward part of a ship below course due to wind or current: drift
decks: forecastle, fo'c'sle ©ship's • ship's record book: journal, log
cargo area: hold •packing to steady • list of members of a ship's company:
a ship's cargo: dunnage ©part of a muster roll •list of a ship's cargo:
ship built above the hull: superstruc- bill of lading • list of a ship's passen-
ture • ship's kitchen: galley •pri- gers, crew, and cargo: manifest
vate room on a ship: cabin • superior • clergyman serving a ship: chaplain
cabin: stateroom ©bed on a ship: • person attending to passengers'
berth, hammock ©ship's stern deck: needs: steward ©person hiding on a
afterdeck, poop, quarterdeck ship in order to travel without paying:
• opening in a ship's deck: hatch stowaway •maximum width of a
• raised border round a hatch: coam- ship: beam ©depth of water needed
ing • soft stone for cleaning the deck: by a ship: draught ©trail of dis-
holystone •stairs between a ship's turbed water left behind a moving
decks: companionway • ship's small ship: wake, wash ©passable by ships
window: porthole •porthole's pro- and boats: navigable ©audible warn-
tective cover: deadlight • ship's lean- ing to ships in fog: foghorn • weight
ing from the vertical: heel, list of a ship's cargo: deadweight ©place
• heavy material placed in a ship's allotted to a ship in a dock etc.: berth
bilges to give stability: ballast *(of a • ship's thick mooring rope: cable,
ship) rock from front to back: pitch hawser ©short thick post to which
• (of a ship) rock from side to side: roll berthed ship is tied: bollard ©move a
• (of a ship) twist from side to side: ship by pulling on its anchor: kedge
yaw • (of a ship) halt: come to m(of • move a ship by pulling on a rope at-
a ship) fill with water and sink: tached to the shore: warp *go or
founder •gyroscopic device redu- place on board a ship: embark • leave
cing a ship's rolling: stabilizer or remove from a ship: disembark
• housing for a ship's compass: bin- • secure a ship to an anchor or land:
nacle • device to keep the compass moor •unmoor a ship: cast off
level: gimbal •deflection of a ship's • sheltered anchorage: roads • place
compass by iron in the ship: deviation where ships may moor and load or un-
• neutralize a ship's magnetic field: load: dock, quay, wharf (pi. wharves)
degauss • device for taking bearings • unload a ship: discharge ©wharf
of a distant object: pelorus •duty- owner or manager: wharfinger
room for those in charge of a ship: • worker loading and unloading ships:
bridge ©ship's steering wheel: helm, stevedore ©place where a ship may
wheel •vertically hinged flap for be boarded: jetty, landing stage
steering: rudder • ship's secondary • pad hung over the side as a ship ap-
propeller used in manoeuvring: proaches the dockside: fender ©pre-
thruster ©large stern or side wheel pare a ship for its return journey:
propelling a ship: paddle wheel turn round ©dealer in ship's sup-
• direct the steering of a ship: con plies: chandler, ship chandler
• ship's forward motion: headway • place where ships are built or re-
• make headway against the current: paired: dockyard •establishment for
shipwreck shooting

building and repairing ships: ship- shock •shock that may cause last-
yard ©make a ship operational: com- ing psychological harm: trauma
mission ©take a ship out of service: • electric shocks administered to treat
decommission, lay up •hire a ship mental illness: electroconvulsive
for a trip: charter •journey by ship, therapy •shockingly sensational:
or the right to make it: passage lurid •shock into inactivity: stun
• ship's scheduled voyage: sailing shoe •shoe with perforated decor-
• official record of a ship's journey: ation: brogue • shoes with very thick
log • prize awarded to the ship mak- soles: platforms •shoe with a thick
ing the fastest eastward commercial wooden sole: clog • baby's soft shoe:
crossing of the Atlantic: Blue Riband bootee • woman's light low-cut shoe:
• nausea caused by a ship's motion: court shoe • light canvas shoe with
seasickness • illegally seize control a plaited fibre sole: espadrille • light
of a ship: hijack « destruction of a rubber-soled canvas shoe: plimsoll
ship at sea: shipwreck •decorate a • shoe with a turned-up sole: mocca-
ship with flags overall: dress • ship's sin • rubber overshoe: galosh
registration abroad to avoid stringent • shoe's underside: sole ©upper
regulations: flag of convenience front part of a shoe: vamp • shoe's re-
>see also boat, sailing inforced front: toecap «back part of
a shoe: counter • leather rim round a
shipwreck •deliberately sink a
shoe: welt • small tube at the end of a
ship: scupper, scuttle •denoting a
shoelace: aglet, tag • strip of leather
ship in danger of sinking or wreck: in
etc. under the laces of a shoe: tongue
distress • shipwrecked person: cast-
• heavy nail strengthening a sole:
away ©throw from a ship: jettison hobnail • sharp metal point in the
• cargo thrown overboard from a ship sole of a runner's shoe: spike ©metal
to lighten it in a storm: jetsam
plate on a tap-dancer's shoe: tap
• cargo washed overboard from a ship: • ballet shoes with strengthened toes:
flotsam •cargo thrown overboard pointe shoes ©thin high heel on a
from a ship but marked with buoys woman's shoe: stiletto ©extra inner
etc. for later recovery: lagan • recov- sole: insole, sock ©curved instru-
ery of a disabled ship or its cargo: sal- ment easing in the heel: shoehorn
vage • recovery of a wrecked or • block to keep a shoe in shape: shoe
abandoned ship: salvage • float used tree • shoe-repair shop: heel bar
to raise sunken ships: caisson • shoe-mender: cobbler • shoe-
shipyard • slope on which a ship is
maker's shaped block: last
built: shipway, slipway • ship's ex- shoot • shoot growing from a plant's
tensive overhaul: refit •frame sup- roots etc.: sucker • shoot prepared
porting a ship out of water: cradle, for planting or grafting: scion, slip
stocks •turn a ship on its side for • climbing plant's shoot used to gain
cleaning: careen ©make a ship support: tendril
watertight by sealing seams in the shooting •person skilled at shoot-
hull: caulk • shellfish attaching itself ing: marksman • member of a shoot-
to a ship's hull: barnacle •frame- ing party: gun •shooting at an arti-
work suspended by ropes, for working ficial target: • mound
target practice
on a ship's side: cradle ©chair sus- for a target in a shooting range: butt
pended by ropes, for working on a • thrown shooting target: clay pigeon
ship's side: boatswain's chair • float • dog trained to fetch shot game: re-
a ship for the first time: launch triever, gun dog •shoot at from a
323 shop shutter

hiding place: snipe + see also hunt- a comprehensive stock: one-stop

ing • denoting a shop where customers
serve themselves: self-service ©row
shop •shop selling alcoholic drinks
of shops: parade • covered walk with
for consumption elsewhere: off-
shops along each side: arcade, gal-
licence • shop selling fancy cakes
leria • enclosed pedestrianized
and pastries: patisserie ©shop sell-
shopping area: mall ©look at shop-
ing chocolates and sweets: confection-
ery • shop selling men's clothing:
window displays with no intention of

outfitter ©shop selling fabrics: dra-

buying: window-shop ©name board
above a shop's window: fascia • sub-
pery ©shop selling fish: fishmonger
let space within a large shop: conces-
• shop selling flowers: florist ©shop
sion • voucher offered by a shop for
selling food: grocer ©shop selling
returned goods: credit note • display
cooked food for consumption else-
bin in a shop: dump bin ©shop
where: takeaway ©shop selling for-
supervisor: floor manager, shop-
eign foods: delicatessen •shop sell-
walker ©person handling money in a
ing fruit: fruiterer • shop selling fruit
shop: cashier •stealing from a shop
and vegetables: greengrocer ©shop
while pretending to be a customer:
selling furs: furrier ©shop selling
shoplifting • day on which shops are
hardware: ironmonger ©shop sel-
shut from lunchtime: early closing
ling men's hats: hatter • shop selling
women's hats: milliner •shop selling
magazines and newspapers: news- shore •adjective: littoral ©shore be-

agent ©shop selling milk and milk tween high and low water marks: fore-
products: dairy •shop selling per- shore ©wood washed up on a sea-
fumes: parfumerie ©shop selling shore: driftwood • tidal movement of
pizzas: pizzeria •shop or counter objects along a shoreline: longshore
conducting postal service business: drift ©abandon on a shore: strand

post office ©shop selling dead shorthand ©early form of short-

poultry and game: poulterer ©shop hand: tachygraphy ©word re-
selling sewing requisites: haber- presented by a single sign in short-
dasher ©shop selling smokers' re- hand: grammalogue ©such a sign:
quisites: tobacconist ©shop selling outline
wine: vintner ©shop selling writing shout ©shout of derision or disap-
and office requisites: stationer proval: catcall
• small fashionable shop: boutique
Shrewsbury ©member of Shrews-
• small general shop in a residential
bury School: Salopian
street: corner shop ©shop with
many branches: multiple, multiple shrine ©domed Buddhist shrine:
store • large shop, each part selling
stupa ©Tibetan Buddhist shrine:
different things: department store
chorten ©tent shrine used by the an-
cient Israelites: tabernacle ©shrine
• large specialized shop: megastore
• wholesale shop not offering credit or
dedicated to nymphs: nymphaeum
delivery: cash and carry ©general shrub • shrub with branches trained
shop established in a remote area: along a wall: espalier ©shrubs etc.
trading post •booth selling news- growing under woodland trees:
papers etc.: kiosk •manufacturer's undergrowth
shop for direct sales: factory shop shutter ©shutter with angled slats:
• denoting a small non-residential jalousie ©articulated metal shutter:
shop: lock-up •denoting a shop with roller blind

Siberian |
Sikh 324

Siberian •Siberian nomad's tent: opia ©area visible: field of vision

yurt • seeing everything: panoptic ©al-
leged ability to see what others can-
Sicilian •secret criminal and polit-
not: clairvoyance, second sight
ical organization, Sicilian in origin:
• delusory sight: hallucination
• drug causing this: hallucinogen
sickle • adjective: falcate • at first sight: prima facie • sight
sickly •sickly person: valetudinar- test using rows of letters: Snellen test

ian >see also colour blindness

side •adjective: lateral signal •bell rung as an alarm: toc-

sin ©noisy firework used as a dis-
sided •combining forms: -gon,
tress or warning signal: maroon
-gonal •(denoting a) three-sided fig-
• light or fire set in a high place to
ure: triangle, trilateral •(denoting a)
convey a signal: beacon ©bright sig-
four-sided figure: quadrilateral •(de-
nal light shot into the air: flare, Verey
noting a) five-sided figure: pentagon,
light ©international radio distress
pentagonal •(denoting a) six-sided
signal: Mayday ©railway signal for
figure: hexagon, hexagonal •(denot-
the next section of track: home signal
ing a) seven-sided figure: heptagon,
• railway signal giving advance warn-
heptagonal •(denoting an) eight-
ing: distant signal •signal transmit-
sided figure: octagon, octagonal
ting several messages simultaneously:
• (denoting a) ten-sided figure: deca-
multiplex •signalling system used
gon, decagonal •(denoting a)
by bookmakers' assistants: tick-tack
twelve-sided figure: dodecagon,
• signalling system based on flags
hand-held in various positions: sema-
siege • naval siege: blockade phore • signalling system based on
• raise a seige: relieve combinations of long and short
flashes, marks, or sounds: Morse
sieve •coarse sieve: riddle
• lamp used for sending Morse code
sight •combining forms: opto-, messages: Aldis lamp •signalling
-opia, -scopy {e.g. microscopy) •ad- system based on flashes of reflected
jectives: optic, optical, visual•dis- sunlight: heliography •denoting sig-
tance one can see: eyeshot, visibility nals based on discrete values of a
• ability to see (only) distant objects physical quantity: digital •denoting
clearly: long sight, hypermetropia, signals based on variations in a phys- a
hyperopia, presbyopia • inability to ical quantity: analogue •technical
see distant objects clearly: short quality of incoming electronic signals: i
sight, myopia, near-sightedness reception
• inability to see peripheral objects
clearly: tunnel vision •inability to
signature • signature given as a]
memento: autograph ©second signa-1
focus on the whole of an object: astig-
ture: countersignature ©person who J
matism • perception of depth gained
has written his signature: signatory
from binocular sight: stereopsis
signee ©flourish after a signature:,'
• measurement of a person's field of
vision: perimetry ©assessment of paraph ©counterfeit a signature:-
eyesight and correction of its defects:

optometry • ability to see in the Sikh ©Sikh scriptures: Adi Granth;

dark: night vision •inability to see Granth, Granth Sahib ©Sikh relij
in the dark: night blindness, nyctal- gious leader: guru ©male Sikh's'
325 silence |

headdress: turban •Sikh place of tion • place for expiation of sins after
worship: gurdwara death: purgatory •eternal punish-
silence •lapse into silence in the ment of the unrepentant: perdition
middle of a sentence etc.: aposiopesis sing •entertainment of singing to a
• Cistercian monk vowed to silence: recorded accompaniment: karaoke
Trappist • wordless singing exercise: vocalise
silk •silk production: sericulture • smooth and rounded singing style:
• denoting silk treated to give a wavy bel canto • style of male singing
lustrous finish: moire, moire, watered with frequent use of falsetto: yodel-
vsee also fabric ling ©sing softly: croon •sing on
silo • preserve in a silo: ensile • fod- one note: intone
der so preserved: silage singer ©singer having a higher fe-
silver •silver in solid bars: bullion male voice: soprano
• singer having
• silver covered by gold: silver gilt a lower female voice: contralto
• alloy of gold and silver: electrum • singer having the highest male
• silver-like alloy of nickel, zinc, and voice: alto •singer having the next
copper: nickel silver, German silver highest male voice: tenor • singer
• utensils made of silver: plate •fine having the next highest male voice:
silver tray: salver ©stamp on silver baritone •singer having the lowest
attesting purity: hallmark' ©person male voice: bass ©castrated male
making silver articles: silversmith singer: castrato ©boy singer or his

similar • combining form: homeo- voice: treble ©famous female opera

(e.g.homoeopathy), para- {e.g. para- singer: diva, prima donna ©tenor
medic) • partial similarity: analogy undertaking heroic roles: Helden-
tenor ©medieval singer: minstrel
simple • simple and superficial: je-
• person teaching opera singers their
june, simplistic •(excessively) sim-
music: repetiteur • range of notes a
plified: schematic •admiration or
singer can sing: compass, register
imitation of the simple or unsophisti-
• range within which the majority of
cated: primitivism
notes in a song fall: tessitura >see
sin •denoting sin leading to damna- also voice
tion:deadly •denoting sin depriving
the soul of grace: mortal • denoting single •combining forms: hapl- (e.g.

lesser sin: venial • admission of sins: haplography), mon(o)- (e.g. monaural),

confession • person doing this: uni- (e.g. unilateral) ©single person
penitent •remorse for sins: contri- or thing: singleton
tion • determination to give up sins: sister •combining form: soror(i)-
repentance •forgiveness of sins: re- • sister sharing only one parent: half-
mission • first lapse of humankind sister ©killing one's sister: sorori-
into sin: the Fall •denoting the time cide, fratricide
before this: prelapsarian ©universal
sit «act of sitting with the legs at
proneness to sin inherited from this:
right angles to the trunk, one before
original sin ©punishment inflicted
and one behind: splits •involving
for confessed sins: penance ©repar-
ation madefor sin: atonement, expi-
much sitting: sedentary
ation ©sacramental forgiveness of situation •combining form: -ery
sins: absolution ©deliverance from (e.g. slavery) ©current situation:
sin and its consequences: salvation juncture, state of play, status quo
• divine cancellation of sin: justifica- • current situation of a political or
six |
skin 326

commercial project: status •previ- slope: snow cannon, snow gun •ar-
ous situation: status quo ante • con- tificial ski slope: dry slope • direct
fused situation: imbroglio, mare's route down a slope: fall line •cross-
nest •difficult situation: plight, country skiing: langlauf •denoting
straits •perplexing situation: di- skiing away from official runs: off-
lemma, predicament • situation piste • skiing with ascents made by
offering no profit: dead loss helicopter: heli-skiing • sport of
• situation permitting no progress: being dropped by parachute before
deadlock, impasse, limho, stalemate skiing: paraskiing ©skiing while
• denoting a situation in which what- pulled by a horse or dog: skijoring
ever is gained by one side is lost by • ski race down a winding course: sla-
the other: zero-sum •in an ex- lom • denoting a ski slope or resort
tremely" difficult situation: in likely to have snow: snowsure • dis-
extremis •uncomplaining accept- tance between the highest and lowest
ance of the current situation: quiet- points in a skiing area: vertical
ism • feeling, when in a new situ- • padded skiing trousers: salopettes
ation, of having experienced it before: • denoting the social activities and en-
deja vu tertainment following a day's skiing:
six •combining forms: hexa-, sex- apres-ski
• six-sided figure: hexagon •solid
skid »skid in which the wheels are
figure with six faces: hexahedron
separated from the ground by a film of
• ensemble of six musicians, or music
water: aquaplane *skid turning an
for them: sextet •perception by a
articulated vehicle back on itself:
'sixth sense': extrasensory percep-
skill • combining form: -ship (e.g.
size • relative size: proportion • un-
seamanship) •intuitive skill: apti-
usually small size: dwarfism
tude, gift, talent •practical skill:
sixty ©denoting a sixtieth anniver- know-how ©amateur dabbler in
sary: diamond • person in his six- some skill: dilettante •beginner in a
ties: sexagenarian
skill: neophyte • person highly
skating •choreographed ice skat- skilled in a particular field: expert,
ing: ice dancing ©area of ice made specialist, virtuoso •person pre-
or prepared for skating: rink tending to have a skill: charlatan
• skater's jump with a turn in the air: • denoting a middle skill level: inter-
lutz • movement making a pattern on mediate • lacking skill: inept • dis-
the ice: figure play of skill, or opportunity for it:
skeleton • internal skeleton: endo- showpiece •field in which skill is

skeleton •external skeleton: exo- shown: speciality, sphere

skeleton • study of the skeleton: skin •combining forms: derm-,
osteology dermat(o)- •adjective: cutaneous
ski •single ski for both feet: • outer skin: epidermis • inner skin:
monoski • ski «ski
bicycle: ski-bob dermis • skin on the top and back of
lift pulling skiers up slopes: drag lift the head: scalp •animal's skin: pelt
• cabin on a suspended ski lift: gon- • appearance of facial skin: complex-
dola «ski slope with compacted ion • small depression in the skin:
snow: piste, run ©easy ski slope: dimple •fold of loose skin at the
nursery slope •machine making ar- throat: dewlap •torn skin at a fin-
tificial snow and blowing it onto a ski gernail root: hangnail ©dead skin at
327 skin |

the base of a nail: cuticle • dead skin • thick-skinned mammal: pachyderm

in the hair: dandruff, scurf • discoloration of the skin after bleed-
• through the skin: percutaneous ing: ecchymosis ©study and treat-
• under the skin: subcutaneous ment of skin diseases: dermatology
• beneath the skin: hypodermic, sub- • skin disease of adolescents, with
cutaneous • oily substance rubbed black pustules: acne ©raised red
into the skin: ointment •cosmetic patch on the skin: naevus •tropical
making the skin firm and smooth: skin rash: prickly heat •tropical
toner • substance applied to the skin skin disease leaving deep ulcers: yaws
to make it look healthy: conditioner • skin disease with large red patches
• substance that softens the skin: and Anthony's
fever: erysipelas, St
emollient •skin pigment assisting fire ©skin rash of purple spots: pur-
suntan: melanin •tumour of pura ©skin disease with red itchy
melanin-forming cells: melanoma scaly patches: psoriasis ©severe
• lack of skin pigmentation: albinism skin disease, causing deformity: lep-
• small surface opening on the skin: rosy • swollen red and sore skin, due
pore ©open sore on the skin: ulcer to irritation: dermatitis • severe itch-
• patch of hard skin: callus, callosity ing of the skin: prurigo, pruritus
• small hard benign skin growth: wart • contagious skin disease with circu-
• skin bubble filled with serum: blis- lar itchy patches: ringworm •conta-
ter • pus-filled blister: pustule •pit- gious skin disease with small red
ted mark on the skin: pock, pock- itchy spots: scabies • itching blisters
mark • blemish on the skin: naevus, on the skin: eczema •ulcerous skin
macula, stigma •skin blemish pres- disease: lupus • skin disease of hairy
ent from birth: birthmark •small and woolly animals: mange ©area of
dark blemish on the skin: mole hard skin on a toe: corn ©horny
• pale streaks on the skin due to previ- growth on the skin: keratosis ©skin
ous stretching: stretch marks ©dark mark left by a healed wound: scar
skin patches in the aged: lentigo, liver • extreme dryness of the skin: xero-
spot, senile maculation •removal of derma • skin ointment: balm, bal-
skin blemishes by electric heat: elec- sam, salve ©cream protecting the
trolysis • stone used to remove hard skin from sunburn: sunblock ©cos-
skin: pumice stone •blue-tinged metic removing dead skin cells: exfoli-
skin due to poor circulation: cyanosis ant • cosmetic improving facial skin:
• red swollen mark left by a blow: face mask, face pack • paste of full-
weal, welt ©reddened skin area: rash er's earth to do this: mud pack • ap-
• reddening of the skin from irrita- paratus with lamps for tanning the
tion: erythema •inflammation from skin: sunbed • strip off the skin: flay,
skin rubbing on skin: intertrigo flense ©natural shedding of a skin:
• yellowing of the skin: jaundice ecdysis ©make shallow incisions in
• browning of the skin from exposure the skin: scarify ©mark the skin
to sunlight: suntan •skin inflamma- with an indelible design: tattoo
tion or peeling from overexposure to • surgical removal of outer layers of
sunlight: sunburn • reddening of the skin: dermabrasion • shedding of a
skin from exposure to wind: wind- skin: slough, ecdysis •chemical
burn ©deep reddening of the skin process converting an animal skin to
from bacterial infection: erysipelas leather: tanning • tanned animal
• pimply state of the skin with hairs skin: hide •tough outer skin of pork,
erect: gooseflesh, goose pimples cheese, or fruit: rind
skittles |
slow 328

skittles ©flatwooden disk thrown and eyemovements: paradoxical

in skittles: cheese sleep, rapid-eye-movement sleep
skull •combining forms: cephal-, • shallow sleep induced by surgical
cranio- •adjective: cephalic, cranial anaesthesia: twilight sleep •denot-
• skull as a symbol of mortality: ing sleep that is easily disturbed: light
death's head •front part of the • denoting sleep not easily disturbed:
skull: sinciput ©back part of the deep, heavy, sound •inability to
skull: occiput ©part of the skull con- sleep: insomnia •period of keeping
taining the brain: cranium • trans- awake during sleeptime: vigil •in-
verse suture of the skull: coronal su- clined to sleep: drowsy, somnolent
ture • skull cavity connecting with • tendency to fall asleep in relaxing
the nasal cavities: sinus ©space be- surroundings: narcolepsy • sleep
tween the parts of an infant's skull: longer than intended: oversleep
fontanelle •skin across the top and • causing sleep: somniferous, som-
back of the skull: scalp •scientific nolent, soporific •drug inducing
study of skull sizes and shapes: crani- sleep: narcotic, sedative •learning
ology *such study supposedly indi- while asleep: hypnopaedia •(seem-
cating character and mental ability: ingly) in a deep sleep: dormant
phrenology • bore a hole in the skull • sleepwalking: somnambulance,
for surgical purposes: trepan, tre- noctambuiism • sleeplike state in
phine which the subject obeys instructions:
skullcap • skullcap worn by certain
Roman Catholic clergymen: zuc- sleeping sickness • African fly

chetto •skullcap worn by male causing sleeping sickness: tsetse

Orthodox Jews: yarmulke slice •thin slice: sliver

sky • sky with rows of small clouds: slip of the tongue ©slip of the
mackerel sky •denoting a sky tongue thought to reveal the speaker's
covered with grey cloud: overcast true thoughts: Freudian slip
• brightness of the night sky over
built-up areas: skyglow
slogan ©repeated slogan: mantra
slang ©slang used by a particular slope •combining form: clin-

group: argot • downward slope: declivity ©up-

ward slope: acclivity •steep slope:
slat ©angled slat: louvre
scarp ©steep slope at the end of a
slave •adjective: servile • release plateau: escarpment, shoulder ©on-
from slavery: emancipate, manumit ward slope of a road etc.: gradient
• emancipated slave: freedman • side slope of a road: camber • slope
sledge • horse-drawn sledge: sleigh of a stage or auditorium: rake •de-
• light racing sledge: luge •mechan- noting a slope that is almost vertical:
ically steered racing sledge: bob- sheer ©steepness of a slope: gradi-
sleigh ©sloping track for tobog- ent, pitch ©create an even slope by
ganing: run earthmoving: grade ©skier's diag-
sleep •combining forms: hypn-, onal route across sloping ground: tra-
narc-, somn- ©short light sleep: verse ©instrument measuring a
slope's steepness: gradiometer ©sur-
doze, nap ©sleep taken in the hot
part of the day: siesta • sleep lasting veyor's instrument for measuring
slopes: clinometer
through the winter: hibernation
• sleep lasting through the summer: slow •combining form: brady-
aestivation ©sleep with dreaming • Chinese system of slow exercises:
329 slum snow |

t'ai chi ch'uan•slowness of move- less fuel must be used: smokeless

ment observed in sufferers from zone
Parkinson's disease: bradykinesia
smoking ©person who smokes con-
• slow-motion rerun of film showing a
tinuously: chain-smoker ©involun-
key moment of a sporting contest: ac-
tary inhaling of others' smoke: pas-
tion replay
sive smoking, secondary smoking
slum • slum occupied by foreigners: • area in which smoking is forbidden:
ghetto no-smoking zone
small • combining forms: micro- smuggling ©smuggled goods or
(e.g. microscope), mini- (e.g. miniskirt), trade in them: contraband ©govern-
nano- (e.g. nanotechnology), -cle (e.g. ment agency examining travellers'
icicle), -ee (e.g. bootee), -ette (e.g. kit- luggage for contraband: Customs
chenette), -let (e.g. booklet), -ule (e.g. snail ©edible snail: escargot
globule) •smallest possible: mar-
ginal, minimal, minimum, minuscule
snake • adjectives: anguine, colu-
brine, serpentine • snake that
• extremely small: infinitesimal •ri-
crushes its prey: constrictor •Brit-
diculously small: derisory, paltry
ish poisonous snake: adder, viper
• small amount: modicum, scintilla,
• venomous hooded snake: cobra
smidgen, soupcon, vestige •small
• snake's poison: venom • antidote to
person: dwarf, manikin, midget,
this: serum, antivenin • snake's
venom-injecting tooth: fang
smell • adjectives: olfactory (sense
snooker • snooker-player's stick:
of smell), fetid or mephitic or rank
cue «cue support: rest •long stick
(foul smell), osmic (either) ©pleasant
to support the cue: bridge, jigger
smell: aroma •characteristic smell:
• stroke made with an inclined cue:
savour • characteristic smell of wine
masse • stroke in which the cue
or perfume: bouquet ©sharp but
slips: miscue • frame used to pos-
pleasant smell: tang • strong un-
ition balls: triangle •ball struck by
pleasant smell: fetor, reek, stench
the cue: cue ball ©revolving motion
• unpleasant and harmful smell: efflu-
imparted to the ball: spin • backspin
vium • unpleasant smell of a person's
given to the ball: screw •sidespin
unwashed body: body odour •emit-
given to the ball: side •ball at which
ting a smell: odoriferous, odorous
the cue ball is aimed: object ball
• omitting a sharp smell: pungent
• stroke in which the cue ball hits two
• omitting an unpleasant smell: pu-
others: cannon • brush past another
trid, rank • granules burnt to make a
ball: kiss •pouch into which the ball
sweet smell: incense •thin stick
is stuck: pocket • strike a ball into a
burnt to do this joss stick •sub-
stance removing smells: deodorant
pocket: pot • single game at snooker:
frame •successful turn at play:
• loss of the sense of smell: anosmia
break • potting all remaining balls in
smile ©affected smile: simper one break: clearance • impossibility
• contemptuous smile: sneer ©smug of directly hitting any legal ball:
smile: smirk •fixed grin: rictus snooker •score-keeper: marker
smoke •smoke mixed with fog: snow •swirling windborne snow:
smog ©cloud of smoke diffused to flurry ©severe snowstorm: blizzard
conceal military activity: smoke- • dense blizzard impairing vision:
screen ©projectile supplying this: white-out • snow heaped up by the
smoke bomb ©district where smoke- wind: drift •snow-covered landscape:
soak society

snowscape •mass of snow, ice, and kick awarded after the ball has been
rocks moving down a mountain: ava- kicked over the goal line: goal kick
lanche • snow on the upper part of a • area beyond the pitch side lines:
glacier: firn, nive • altitude at which touch •return to play of a ball in
snow is found: snowline •device for touch: throw-in ©extra playing time
walking on snow: snowshoe ©motor after .an injury: injury time ©tied
vehicle for travelling over snow: score resolved by penalty kicks: pen-
snowmobile • motor vehicle clear- alty shoot-out
ing roads of snow: snowplough social ©socially correct: comme il
• machine making artificial snow and faut ©social rules or custom: eti-
blowing it onto a ski slope: snow can- quette ©social blunder: gaffe, faux
non, snow gun pas ©socially inept: gauche ©de-
soak ©soak thoroughly in a liquid: noting a socially confident person: af-
impregnate, saturate, souse, steep fable, a mixer, outgoing, suave ©so-
• soften by soaking in a liquid: ma- cial skills: savoir-faire ©social
cerate climber: arriviste, parvenu ©socially
outgoing person: extrovert ©social
soap •adjective: saponaceous
prestige: cachet ©person who has re-
• aerated soap gel: mousse •ren-
cently gained this: parvenu ©gain-
dered fat used to make soap: tallow
ing social status: upwardly mobile
soccer • area marked out before the • losing social status: declasse
goal: penalty area, penalty box • people of good social standing: gen-
• point within this from which pen- try • cut off from one's social origins:
alty kicks are taken: penalty spot deracinated, deracine
• side part of the playing area: wing
• temporary control of the ball: pos-
social work • social worker's pro-
jects: caseload •denoting a
session ©attempt to kick the ball
community-based social worker: de-
when an opponent has it: tackle
tached • person requiring or receiv-
• propel the ball by successive small
ing the attention of a social worker:
kicks: dribble •denoting passing
case • record of such a person's situ-
play where each participant kicks the
ation and treatment: case history
ball once: one-touch ©passing play
• discussion of such a person and his
between two participants: one-two
treatment: case conference
• feigned pass or kick: dummy • shot
made with the head: header •pre- socialist • socialist advocating
vent the ball entering one's own goal: gradual change: Fabian
save •goal scored by knocking the society •combining form: socio-
ball into one's team's net: own goal (e.g. socioeconomic) •female-
• kick made after positioning the ball: dominated society: matriarchy
place kick, set kick «kick made be- • male-dominated society: patriarchy
fore the ball has touched the ground: • denoting a society having few moral
volley •line of defenders forming a restrictions: permissive • group
barrier to the ball: wall •foul delib- thought to have a hidden but perva-
erately committed for strategic sive control of society: the Establish-
reasons: professional foul • order a ment • concern for the problems and
player to leave the field: send off injustices of society: social con-
• card shown to a player being sent science • social and moral conven-
off: red card ©kick made with un- tions of society: mores ©lack of
bent legs: scissor kick ©set kick anomie ©persuade or compel
awarded after a foul: free kick ©set someone to accept the prevailing so-
331 sociology |

cial conventions: socialize •opposed ily crumbled: friable • denoting a soil

to the norms of society: antisocial deficient in lime: sour •artificial
• person failing or refusing to con- bank of soil: berm • large defensive
form to those norms: dropout, misfit bank of soil: earthwork •spade-
• exclude from society: ostracize depth of soil: spit •permanently
• person ostracized by society: out- frozen layer of soil: permafrost •fer-
cast, outsider, pariah ©person avoid- tile upper layer of soil: topsoil •or-
ing society: recluse •eccentric mi- ganic content of soil: humus •soil
nority: lunatic fringe ©inner enricher of decaying leaves etc.:
insecurity resulting from a change of mulch •fine sand or clay deposited
social role: identity crisis ©advice by running water: silt •soil additive
and assistance given to disadvantaged improving cropping: fertilizer •soil
members work • so-
of society: social overlying some underground feature:
ciety based upon getting and spend- overburden • drain through soil:
ing: consumer society ©essential leach • science of soil management:
structure of society: fabric • alleged agronomy • study of soils: pedology,
implicit agreement to surrender cer- soil science ©growing plants with-
tain individual freedoms in return for out soil: hydroponics
corporate benefits: social contract solar system ©mechanical model
• uprooted from one's social environ- of the solar system: orrery
ment: deracine • study of human so-
ciety: sociology solder ©fix by soldering: braze

sociology • combining form: socio-

soldier ©experienced soldier: vet-
eran ©soldier trained to carry out
{e.g. sociolinguistics)
raids: commando ©soldier trained
sock • thick sock with a sole: slipper to serve at sea: marine ©soldier with
sock •collective term for socks and parachuting skills: paratrooper ©sol-
stockings: hosiery ©trade term for dier enlisting with any force that will
socks and stockings: hose ©elastic pay him: mercenary, soldier of for-
strap holding stockings up: garter, tune ©private in an artillery regi-
suspender ment: gunner ©private in a cavalry
sofa • sofa with arms and back curv- regiment: trooper ©private in an en-
ing outwards: chesterfield «sofa gineer regiment: sapper ©member of
open at one end: chaise longue the reserve forces: reservist ©mem-
• long sofa without back or arms: ber of an unofficial military unit: ir-
divan regular • soldier's canvas bag: kitbag
• soldier's water bottle: canteen
soften ©soften by soaking: macer-
• soldier's cooking and eating uten-
sils: mess kit vsee also troops
soil •combining form: pedo- sole of the foot • adjectives:
• heavy soil used for brick-making: tar,volar •walking on the soles:
clay ©fertile soil of clay and sand: plantigrade
loam ©rich black soil: chernozem
• rich soil deposit left by flood water: solicitor •solicitor authorized to
alluvium •soft loose soil: mould administer oaths: commissioner for
• acidic woodland soil: podzol •soil oaths •forbid a solicitor to practise:
of acid bogs: peat • prepared surface strike off the roll

soil: tilth •denoting easily workable solitude • person living in solitude:

soil: light • denoting soil that is eas- hermit
solution |
sound 332

solution •denoting a solution that tensity: white noise •artifically

cannot be strengthened further: satur- generated sound for use in a perform-
ated • weaken a solution by adding ance: sound effect • clarity of sound:
further liquid: dilute definition, focus • height of sound:
solve • able to be solved: soluble pitch •strength of sound: volume
• quality of sound: timbre • denoting
solvent •universal solvent sought
sound below the required pitch: flat
by alchemists: alkahest ©strong
• denoting sound above the required
solvent attacking most substances:
aqua regia pitch: sharp •denoting sound mech-
anically captured, generated, or repro-
somewhat •combining form: sub-
duced: audio •denoting electronic-
(e.g. subarctic)
ally produced sound: radiophonic
son • adjective: filial • sound pattern derived from dur-
song •song in traditional popular ations, not pitches: rhythm ©sound
style: folk song • song of established pattern derived from pitched dur-
popularity: standard •simple song: ations: tune ©device converting
air •accompanied song in an opera sound waves into electrical signals:
etc.: aria •song to send a child to microphone ©room equipped for
sleep: lullaby •gondolier's song: bar- sound recording: studio ©denoting
carole • sailors' work song: shanty sound recorded and reproduced via a
• song of praise or triumph: paean single channel: monophonic, mon-
• Renaissance secular part-song: mad- aural • denoting sound recorded and
rigal • German art-song: lied (pi. reproduced via several channels:
lieder) • improvised West Indian song stereophonic •denoting sound re-
on a topical theme: calypso ©words corded and reproduced via two separ-
for a song: lyrics ate channels: binaural •denoting
soot • adjective: fuliginous sound recorded and reproduced via
sore «open sore on an internal or four separate channels: quadra-
external body surface: ulcer ©sore phonic ©signal distinction in a
on bedridden person: bedsore, stereophonic system: separation
decubitus ulcer • combination of several sound chan-
nels: mixing •stereophonic repro-
sorrow • adjective: dolorous
duction system with speakers all
sort • combining form: -er (e.g. new- round the listener: surround sound
comer) ©sort by quality: grade, tri-
• device converting electrical signals
age into sound waves: speaker •crack-
soul • transmigration of the soul: ling or hissing noises in a speaker:
metempsychosis static •denoting mechanically cap-
sound •combining forms: audi-, tured or reproduced sound and vision:
phon(o)-, sono-, -phony •adjectives: audio-visual • strip at the edge of a
acoustic, sonic • sound of frequen- film on which the sound is recorded:
cies that humans cannot hear: ultra- soundtrack •primitive sound re-
sound, infrasound • pleasant sound: corder and player: phonograph
euphony • unpleasant sound: cac- • quality sound reproduction: high
ophony • sweet-sounding: melliflu- fidelity ©slow pitch-distortion of
ent, mellifluous, mellow, melodious recorded sound: wow ©fast pitch-
• brief high sound: peep •continu- distortion of recorded sound: flutter
ous low sound: drone •sound con- • device analysing sound into its fre-
taining many frequencies of equal in- quency components: sound spectro-
333 soup South American

graph •device balancing various south •adjectives: austral, merid-

sound frequencies: graphic equalizer ional
• device suppressing unwanted sound
waves: filter ©range of sound inten-
South Africa ©South African bar-
becue: braai • open bush in South Af-
sities a particular system can repro-
rica: bundu, bushveld ©South Afri-
duce: dynamic range •free-standing
can native club: kierie, knobkerrie
components of a sound-reproduction
• South African term for a ford: drift
system: separates •turntable and
pickup mechanism: deck ©vertical • open grassland in South Africa: veld
arrangement of sound-reproduction • small hill on the veld: kopje
units: stack ©transfer recorded • South African term for the rural
sound from one medium to another: hinterland: backveld ©South Afri-
dub •muffle a sound source: damp can identity document: Book of Life
• make impervious to sound: insulate • strips of dried and salted meat as
• device blanking out unwanted eaten in South Africa: biltong
sound: insulator, sound conditioner • South African miners' dance: gum-
• board placed to reflect sound: boot dance • South African term for
sounding board ©unit of sound a wooded ravine: kloof ©South Afri-
strength: decibel ©vocal sound made can native spear: assegai ©back-
with obstructed breath: consonant woods town in South Africa: dorp
• vocal sound made with unob- • South African traditional healer:
structed breath: vowel • sound made inyanga, sangoma • South African
by the close conjunction of two whip: sjambok ©veranda in South
vowels: diphthong ©name for the in- Africa: stoep ©traditional South Af-
definite sound often made by English rican village: kraal ©South African
vowels: schwa ©make an 'h' sound: wagon encampment: laager ©South
aspirate ©study of vocal sounds: African of Dutch origin: Afrikaner,
phonetics ©visual record of sound: Boer ©Protestant Afrikaner secret
sonogram ©buoy equipped to detect society: Broederbond ©Afrikaner
underwater sound: sonobuoy ©de- term an English-speaker: rooinek
vice detecting underwater objects by • reactionary white South African:
reflected sound pulses: sonar • lumi- verkrampte ©progressive white
nescence excited by the passage of South African: verligte ©former
sound: sonoluminescence • making South African policy of racial segre-
a rich or resonant sound: sonorous gation: apartheid, colour bar vsee
• study of sound: acoustics also apartheid
soup • clear soup: consomme South American ©South Ameri-
• cold consomme: madrilene ©thick can cloak having a hole for the head:
soup: potage ©meat or vegetable poncho ©South American cowboy:
soup thickened with cereals: broth gaucho ©South American dance
• rich shellfish soup: bisque • spicy music with elements of jazz and rock:
meat soup: mulligatawny •chilled
salsa ©fast South American dance:
soup of potatoes, leeks, and cream:
paso doble ©lively South American
vichysoisse •liquid used as a base
dance: tango ©South American dis-
for soups: stock •concentrated
sident who disappears: desaparacido
stock: fumet ©large covered dish for
• South American magistrate or
serving soup: tureen
mayor: alcalde •South American
source ©drawing upon many grassy plain: pampas •South
sources: eclectic American tree yielding quinine:
sovereign |
spacecraft 334

chinchona •Spanish conqueror of or national elected council: soviet

South America: conquistador • artistic norms promulgated under
Stalinism: socialist realism • Soviet
sovereign •adjective: regal •po-
economic imperialism: Finlandiza-
liteform of address to a sovereign:
tion • economic and political reform
Your Majesty •sovereign's state in-
under Gorbachov: perestroika
signia: regalia ©sovereign's orna-
• ope*n government policy of
mental staff: sceptre •sovereign's
Gorbachov: glasnost •diplomatic
ceremonial chair: throne ©sover-
and propaganda offensive between the
eign's period of rule: reign •sover-
West and the Soviet bloc: cold war
eign's representative in a Common-
• study of Soviet politics: Kremlin-
wealth country: Governor, Governor
ology ©Soviet artificial satellite:
General • sovereign's representative
sputnik *see also communism
in a colony: viceroy {fern, vicereine)
• sovereign's representative in a soya • soya bean curd: tofu
county: Lord Lieutenant ©theory spa • room at a spa where the waters
that sovereignty is granted by God, are dispensed: pump room
not by the monarch's subjects: divine space •adjective: celestial • space
right of kings ©person claiming a occupied by something: volume
right to the throne: pretender ©per- • space entirely devoid of matter: va-
son having control during a sover- cuum • surrounding area a person
eign's minority, absence, or illness: re- likes to keep empty: personal space
gent, protector ©persons attending a • space having more than three di-
sovereign: court, suite ©sword car- mensions: hyperspace, space-time
ried before the sovereign on state oc- • space having more than four dimen-
casions: sword of state ©denoting sions: superspace ©expedition into
accommodation in the sovereign's space: mission ©international com-
gift: grace and favour • killing a sov- petition to explore space: space race
ereign: regicide • small particles distributed through-
Soviet ©Soviet polite form of ad- out space: cosmic dust ©dust cloud
dress: tovarish • Soviet youth organ- in outer space: nebula ©supposed
ization: Komsomol, Young Pioneers non-luminous material in space: dark
• Soviet collective farm: kolkhoz matter ©atomic nucleus travelling
• Soviet worker achieving exceptional through space at high speed: cosmic
output: Stakhanovite •Soviet party ray ©region in space having an in-
official: commissar ©Soviet secret tense gravitational field: black hole
police: KGB ©their Moscow head- • imagined boundary around this:
quarters: Lubyanka ©Soviet forced event horizon •hypothetical expand-
labour camp: gulag ©Soviet Jew not ing celestial object: white hole
allowed to go to Israel: refusenik • creature from outer space: alien,
• founder-member of the Soviet com- extraterrestrial, little green man
munist party: Bolshevik •Social • study of life forms in space: exobiol-
Democrat opposed to the Bolsheviks: ogy • chemistry of space: astro- J

Menshevik ©Leninist system of cen- chemistry

tral Party control: democratic cen- spacecraft ©small spacecraft: I

tralism ©influential Party members space capsule • small spacecraft for i

holding key posts: nomenklatura moon landings: lunar module ©un- B

• head of a pre-1946 government de- manned exploratory spacecraft: probe i

partment: commissar • Soviet ad- • spacecraft capable of several jour- a

ministrative division: oblast ©local neys: shuttle ©aliens' spacecraft: fly-

335 spacecraft |

ing saucer • spacecraft manufacture damage: soft landing •spacecraft's

and technology: aerospace •official landing contact with earth: touch-
unveiling of a new spacecraft: roll-out down • spacecraft's landing on
• support for an unlaunched space- water: splashdown >see also rocket
craft: gantry •area on which a
spade ©top of a spade blade where
rocket or spacecraft stands for launch-
the foot isplaced: tramp
ing: launch pad »base from which
spacecraft are launched: spaceport Spanish •combining form:
• send a spacecraft on its course: Hispano- • Spanish polite form of ad-
launch • successful launch: blast-off, dress to a married woman: senora
lift-off ©spacecraft launch for a spe- • Spanish polite form of address to a
cified destination: shot •first-stage man: senor • Spanish polite form of
rocket of a spacecraft: booster address to a young woman: sehorita
• speed at which a spacecraft over- • Spanish military or political leader:
comes gravity: escape velocity caudillo • Spanish monarch's son: in-
• rocket putting a spacecraft into fante • Spanish monarch's daughter:
orbit: launcher, launch vehicle infanta •Spanish noble of the high-
• spacecraft's door: hatch •space- est rank: grandee •Spanish gentle-
craft's window: viewport ©space- man: hidalgo •Spanish magistrate
craft's flat array of solar cells: paddle or mayor: alcalde •Spanish-
• spacecraft's telecommunications American day labourer: peon
link with earth: downlink •self- • Spanish conqueror of Mexico or
contained unit in a spacecraft: mod- Peru: conquistador • Spanish sail-
ule, pod ©weak gravity in a space- ing ship: galleon • palace in Moorish
craft: microgravity • spacecraft's Spain: alcazar •Spanish landed es-
repeated elliptical course: orbit • put tate: hacienda • Spanish irrigation
a spacecraft into orbit or trajectory: device of buckets on a wheel: noria
inject, insert •alteration of a space- • lively Spanish dance: bolero
craft's course made by means of the • Spanish solo dance: cachucha
gravitational pull of a celestial body: • Spanish courtship dance: fandan-
swingby • spacecraft's secondary en- go ©Spanish dance with castanets:
gine for orbit adjustments: thruster flamenco • Spanish light opera: zar-
•join in space with another space- zuela • Spanish game played with
craft: dock •activities performed in basketlike rackets: pelota • Spanish
space outside the spacecraft: extra- woman's lacy headscarf: mantilla
vehicular activities, space walk • Spanish savoury snack: tapas
• detachable module carrying fuel and • chilled Spanish vegetable soup: gaz-
supplies: service module • manned pacho • Spanish dish of seafood in a
spacecraft's control compartment: rich sauce: zarzuela ©Spanish rice
command module • person travel- dish with chicken and seafood: paella
ling in a spacecraft: astronaut • Spanish spicy pork sausage: chorizo
• astronaut's pressurized suit: G-suit • Spanish spicy stew: olio, olla pod-
• Russian astronaut: cosmonaut rida • Spanish drink of red wine with
• scans of a planet's surface conducted lemonade, fruit, and spices: sangria
from space: remote sensing •space- • Spanish red wine: tinto • Spanish
craft's return to the earth's atmos- blending system for sherry and ma-
phere: re-entry •spacecraft's self- deira: solera •legendary Spanish se-
destructive hard landing
landing: ducer: Don Juan ©Spanish festival:
• spacecraft's landing causing little fiesta • Spanish bullfighter on foot:
spanner speech| 336

torero •Spanish mounted bull- spectacles •spectacles supported

fighter: toreador •Spanish bull- by a nose clip: pince-nez •close-
fighter killing the bull: matador fitting spectacles with side shields:
• matador's mounted assistant: pica- goggles • central link between spec-
dor • public burning of a heretic by tacle lenses: bridge • single eyeglass:
the Spanish Inquisition: auto da fe monocle •pair of eyeglasses on a
(pi. autos da fe) ©student of Spanish long' handle: lorgnette •spectacles
language and culture: Hispanist with combined lenses to give near and
spanner •cylindrical spanner fit-
far vision: bifocals •spectacles
ting over the nut: box spanner ©ad- whose lenses allow an infinite number
justable spanner: wrench, monkey of focusing distances: varifocals • de-
wrench noting spectacles without bifocal
lenses: single-vision •lenses placed
spare part • dismantle a machine
directly on the eye: contact lenses
to supply parts for another: cannibal-
ize speech •combining forms: logo-,
phono-, -logue (e.g. dialogue), -logy,
Sparta ©senior magistrate in an-
-phasia, -phone •adjectives: lingual,
cient Sparta: ephor • serf in ancient
oral •ability to express oneself in
Sparta: helot
correct speech: oracy •temporary
speak • speak at a meeting: contrib- ability to speak in a language nor-
ute ©speak in a slow, dragging way: mally unknown to the speaker: glos-
drawl • speak fast and unintelligibly: solalia ©understand speech from lip
gibber • speak clearly: enunciate movements: lip-read ©visual record
• speak at length: expatiate • that of speech: voiceprint • speech sound
cannot be spoken: ineffable ©text made with full or partial stoppage of
spoken for copying down: dictation the breath: consonant ©speech
speaker •skilled public speaker: sound made without stoppage of the
orator ©persuasive and unscrupu- breath: vowel ©smallest unit of
lous orator: demagogue, rabble- speech sound: phoneme • study and
rouser ©speaker's makeshift plat- classification of speech sounds: phon-
form: soapbox ©person speaking on etics • study of phonemes: phonem-
behalf of others: deputy, representa- ics •inability to express speech due
tive, spokesperson ©person who to loss of voice: aphonia • inability to
speaks too much: chatterbox, flibber- express or understand speech due to
tigibbet brain damage: aphasia •endless
speech: logorrhoea •psychologically
speaking • combining form: -phone
caused meaningless speech: dyslalia,
(e.g. francophone) ©art of public
paraphasia ©practice of clear
speaking: oratory, rhetoric ©speak-
speech: elocution ©speech with in-
ing readily or persuasively: articulate,
voluntary sound-repetitions: stam-
fluent ©speaking little: taciturn,
mering, stuttering ©aggressively
terse • style of enunciation: diction
abusive speech: vilification, vituper-
spear •light spear: javelin ©long ation ©lengthy and aggressive
spear: lance •three-pronged spear: speech: harangue, tirade ©bitter
trident • spear shot at whales: har- verbal attack: diatribe, polemic
poon • spear handle: haft
•boastful speech: fanfaronade, rodo-
specific gravity • apparatus meas- montade • affectedly elaborate
uring a liquid's specific gravity: hy- speech: euphuism • carefully evasive
drometer speech: equivocation •exaggerated
337 speech spelling

speech: hyperbole ©fast slick sizer imposing speech patterns onto

speech: patter, spiel •speech that musical sounds: vocoder
sounds impressive but in fact says lit-
speed •combining form: tach-
tle: rhetoric •aggressive interrup-
• speed at which an object can defy
tion of a speech: heckling ©lengthy
gravity: escape velocity •object's
speech saying little: verbalization,
maximum possible air speed: terminal
verbiage, verbosity • speech skil-
velocity ©ratio between a body's
fully crafted to manipulate or mislead:
speed and the speed of sound in the
rhetoric •meaningless speech: surrounding medium: Mach, Mach
hocus-pocus ©persistent hortatory number ©denoting a speed less than
speech: nagging ©persuasive speech: that of sound: subsonic ©denoting a
eloquence • pompous speech: gran- speed equal to that of sound: sonic
diloquence, orotundity • speech • denoting a speed greater than that of
full of praise: encomium, eulogy, sound: supersonic •denoting speeds
panegyric ©rambling or indirect close to that of sound: transonic • de-
speech: periphrasis ©rambling but noting a speed five times that of
impassioned speech: rant • sanctimo- sound: hypersonic •strong air re-
nious speech: cant ©tediously wordy sistance to vehicles approaching the
speech: prolixity ©wordy and evasive speed of sound: sonic barrier, sound
speech: circumlocution ©denoting barrier •noise heard when a vehicle
fluent but insincere speech: glib • de- exceeds the speed of sound: sonic
noting fluent and incessant speech: boom ©device indicating a passing
voluble ©denoting awkward and vehicle's speed: radar gun ©onboard
hesitant speech: stilted ©denoting instrument measuring a vehicle's
speech uttered for social rather than speed: speedometer ©onboard in-
informative purposes: phatic ©exces- strument measuring an engine's
sive correctness in speech, leading to speed: rev counter, tachometer • in-
error: hypercorrection ©loud and strument recording engine speed:
forceful tone of speech: stridency, vo- tachograph •automatic regulator of
ciferation ©form of speech particu- an engine's speed: governor •com-
lar to one person: idiolect ©form of fortable and economical speed for long
speech using many informal terms: distance travel: cruising speed • de-
slang ©formal speech: oration noting an area having a speed limit:
• speech made in a church service: restricted •denoting an area having
sermon ©actor's speech when alone no speed limit: derestricted ©road
on stage: soliloquy ©person speak- hump to limit speed: sleeping police-
ing a certain language: -phone (e.g. man, speed bump, speed hump
anglophone) ©beginning of a speech: • break the speed limit: speed
exordium ©final part of a speech: • roadside camera photographing
peroration ©deliberately prolonged speeding vehicles: speed camera
speech: filibuster©speech's basic • clandestine record of speeding ve-
hicles: speed trap •device recording
message: gist • style of speaking: de-
the distance travelled and speeds
livery, locution ©choice of words in
achieved by a motor vehicle: tacho-
speaking: parlance • non-lexical
components of speech: paralanguage
• art of effective speaking or writing: spelling • system of spelling, or its
rhetoric •transmitted by speech: study: orthography *of a letter
oral • verbal emphasis: stress «not included in a spelling but not
using speech: non-verbal •synthe- pronounced: silent
spend |
spirits 338

spend •spend less: economize, re- • diagnostic removal of fluid from the
trench lower spine: lumbar puncture
sperm •organ producing sperm: spindle •spindle for a swinging ob-
testis (pi. testes) ©this organ and its ject: gudgeon
system of ducts: testicle • duct con-
veying sperm from the testicle to the
spiral •combining form: helic- (e.g.
helicopter, literally 'spiral-winged')
urethra: vas deferens •varicose
veins on the spermatic cord: varico- spiral staircase ©step in a spiral
cele • count of sperm in a measure of staircase: winder ©centre post of a
semen: sperm count •deficiency of spiral staircase: newel
sperm cells in semen: oligospermia
spirit • combining form: pneumat-
• substance killing sperm: spermi-
• air spirit: sylph ©evil spirit: caco-
demon ©imagined evil spirit in-
sphere • quarter of a sphere: quad- voked to frighten children: bogeyman
• female nature spirit: nymph •mis-
spice • spice made from nutmeg: chievous spirit: gremlin, hobgoblin,
mace •powdered orange-red spice: imp •spirit of a place: genius (pi.
paprika •perforated container for genii), numen {pi. numina) •spirit
aromatic spices: pomander said to take female form to seduce a
spider ©large hairy spider: taran- sleeping man: succubus • spirit said
tula • venomous American spider: to take male form to seduce a sleeping
black widow • spider's organ produ- woman: incubus •spirit said to rob
cing the thread: spinneret graves: ghoul ©spirit in Arab folk-

spin • adjective: rotary •spinning lore: genie (pi. genii) ©Jewish ma-
sensation: giddiness, vertigo •spin- levolent spirit: dybbuk ©person
ning device separating substances of posssessed by an evil spirit: demoniac
different densities: centrifuge •pin • drive out evil spirits: exorcize
used in spinning: spindle • theological study of the spirit world:
pneumatoiogy ©spirit of the age:
spinach •spinach in Greek cuisine:
Zeitgeist • spirit of a culture: ethos
spanako • spinach in Indian cuisine:
• denoting spiritual guidance: pas-
spine •outward curvature of the
spine: kyphosis ©inward curvature spirits •small measure of spirits:
of the spine: lordosis • lateral curva- dram, tot •place where spirits are
ture of the spine: scoliosis ©cartil- made: distillery •distilling appar-
age displaced in the spine: slipped atus: still • spirit distilled from grape

disc •bundle of nerve fibres en- refuse: grappa, marc •Chinese sor-
closed in the spine: spinal cord • in- ghum spirit: mao-tai •German
flammation of the spinal cord: myeli- potato gin: schnapps ©Greek
tis ©disease of the spinal cord: aniseed-flavoured spirit: ouzo ©Irish
myelopathy • congenital exposure of spirit distilled from malted grain:
part of the spinal cord: spina bifida whiskey ©Mexican agave spirit: te-
• inflammation of the spinal joints: quila ©Middle-Eastern grain spirit:
spondylitis •degeneration of the raki ©Russian spirit made from rye,
spinal disks: spondylosis •thera- wheat, or potatoes: vodka ©Scottish
peutic manipulation of the spinal col- spirit distilledfrom malted grain:
umn: chiropractic •denoting the whisky ©Yugoslavian plum brandy:
brain and spine: cerebrospinal slivovitz ©denoting undiluted spir-
339 spiritualism |

its:neat • standard strength of spir- down a mountain stream: canyoning

its:proof • small measure of spirits: • competitive sport of riding a horse
nip ©sweetened drink of spirits: over obstacles in an arena: show-
sling • drink of spirits with hot jumping • sport that involves the
water and sugar: toddy hunting, wounding, or killing of ani-
spiritualism • person claiming con- mals: blood sport ©sport of jumping
at a Velcro wall in a Velcro suit: barfly
tact with the dead: medium • person
receptive to psychic phenomena: per- jumping • sport of making parachute
cipient • meeting of persons wishing descents from a fixed point: base
to contact the dead: seance • cause a
jumping ©sport of performing acro-
batic manoevres while in free fall:
spirit to appear: raise •substance
said to exude from a medium during a skydiving ©sport of being dropped
trance: ectoplasm •movement of a by parachute before skiing or water-
table round which a seance is being skiing: paraskiing ©parachute sport

conducted: table-turning •writing of being pulled by a fast boat: para-

device for spirit messages: Ouija sailing, parascending • sport of sail-

board™, planchette •form of spir- ing on a board: windsurfing •sport
itualism practised by certain north of being pulled by a fast boat while
American and north Asian peoples: standing on a wide board:

shamanism •denoting events be- wakeboarding ©sport of shooting

yond the scope of science: paranor- birds in flight: wing shooting • sport
mal, psychic ©alleged ability to of surfing through the air: skysurfing
move objects by mental powers: psy- • sport of sword fighting: fencing
chokinesis ©alleged ability to move • Scottish sport of throwing a large
•denot- pole: tossing the caber •denoting a
distant objects: telekinesis
ing the use of psychic powers: sport with few restrictions on tech-
psionic nique employed: free, freestyle
• sports trainer: coach ©person in
spittle ©pot for spitting into: spit-
charge of the business affairs of a
sports team: manager ©person en-
spleen • combining form: splen- forcing the rules in a sports match:
• adjective: splenic ©abnormal en- referee, umpire ©player's refusal to
largement of the spleen: splenomeg- accept his ruling: dissent ©illegal
aly • inflammation of the spleen: act in a sport: foul ©illegal hamper-
splenitis ©surgical removal of the ing of another player: obstruction
spleen: splenectbmy • participants in a sport: field

split •combining form: schiz(o)- • player deriving no income from

sport: amateur •player paid to par-
• easily split: fissile, fissionable
• mental illness popularly called 'split ticipate in sporting events: profes-
personality': schizophrenia
sional • player falsely claiming ama-
teur status: shamateur • group of
spoon •large spoon with a vertical clubs competing over a season: league
handle: ladle ©large spoon with an
• disadvantage imposed upon a strong
openwork bowl: slotted spoon competitor: handicap ©junior sports
sport ©outdoor sport: field sport team: colts • sports team of second-
• sport watched by many: spectator choice players: reserves ©leave a
sport • sport that involves touching: player out of a team: rest ©player re-
contact sport ©unarmed combat placing another in the course of a
sport: judo, karate ©sport of floating team game: substitute ©professional
sport |
spy 340

player's move to another club: trans- sports pitches: groundsman ©build-

fer • sports team's distinctive uni- ing with sports facilities: leisure cen-
form: colours, strip ©competitive tre, leisure complex, sports hall
grouping of teams of similar ability: • person financing a sporting event:
division • person responsible for as- promoter •injection of oxygenated
sembling a sports team: selector blood to enhance athletic perform-

• group of players from whom a team ance: blood doping

will be chosen: squad • person train- sprain •slight sprain: rick
ing players: coach • withdraw from a
sports fixture before its start: scratch
spray •windblown sea spray: spin-

• sporting competition in which the

drift • container with a mechanism
for emitting its contents as a fine pres-
winners proceed to play against other
surized spray: aerosol, atomizer
winners: knock-out, tournament
• round in this: tie • sporting fixture spread ©spread gradually through:
not part of a larger competition: suffuse
friendly •sporting fixture for indi-
spring 1
•adjective: vernal ©trad-
vidual players: singles • sporting fix-
itional spring festival: May Day
ture for pairs of players: doubles
• sporting fixture organized in honour spring 2 ©hot spring: geyser, ther-
of a particular player: testimonial mal ©medicinal mineral
• group of major sporting fixtures: spring: spa

grand slam ©annual sequence of spring 3 ©vehicle spring of curved

major events in a particular sport: metal spring ©upholstery
strips: leaf
tour • sporting tournament in which spring: box spring
each competitor plays in turn against
spy ©spy obtaining an enemy pos-
every other: round robin •moment
ition of trust: mole, plant ©spy re-
at which a match must end: time, full
maining inactive while establishing
time • result of a sporting fixture giv-
himself: sleeper ©gain membership
ing no clear winner: tie, draw of a group to spy on it: infiltrate, pene-
• means of deciding this: tiebreak
trate ©spy working simultaneously
• overall winner of a sports meeting: for two intelligence services: double
victor ludorum {fern, victrix ludorum)
agent ©spy's assumed identity:
• paying audience at a sporting event: cover ©spying activity: espionage,
gate •principal stand at a sporting intelligence ©government depart-
event: grandstand •tiered standing ment organizing spying: secret ser-
area for spectators: terraces •mid- vice ©British intelligence service:
point interval at a sporting event: Secret Intelligence Service, MI5. MI6
half-time ©entry to a sporting con- • Israeli intelligence service: Mossad
test without participating in prelimin- • US intelligence service: Central In-
ary rounds: wild card • stage in a telligence Agency ©spying to gain
sporting contest: round ©round im- company secrets: industrial espion-
mediately preceding the last: semi- age ©secret surveillance of tele-
final ©sports ground with spectator phone calls: tapping ©ground obser-
accommodation: stadium ©sports vation by satellite: remote sensing
ground building providing changing • information gathered by spies:
and social facilities: pavilion ©low intelligence •efforts to frustrate
shelter at the side of a sports pitch: spying: counter-espionage, counter-
dugout ©equipment required for a intelligence • check for electronic
sport: tackle ©person maintaining listening devices: sweep
341 squash star |

squash • squash bat: racket landing ©shaft for a staircase: stair-

• racket face on which the loops pro- well *see also spiral staircase
ject: rough • racket on which the
stake ©poker-player's stake made
loops do not project: smooth •junc-
before receiving his cards: ante
tion between floor and side walls of
the court: nick ©strike the ball to stamp ©stamps given with pur-
commence play: serve chases for eventual exchange for gifts:
trading stamps +see also postage
squid • squid served as food: cala-
mari •black liquid ejected by a
squid: ink standard •adjective: normative
• standard of categorization: criterion
squirrel •squirrel's nest: drey
• standard of comparison: bench-
stabilizer •gyroscopic stabilizer: mark, control, yardstick •ethical
gyrostabilizer standards: morality, morals, mores,
stable •boarding stable: livery principles •expected standard:
stable ©group of stables, often now norm • below expected standards:
converted into flats: mews • area in a subnormal, unprofessional •follow-
stable for untethered animals: loose ing generally accepted standards:
box •compartment in a stable: stall orthodox •ordinary decent people:
• stable fodder rack: manger ©stable moral majority ©person with con-
room for storage of harness etc.: tack ventional moral standards: Mrs
room Grundy
staff ©beadle's staff: mace star •combining forms: astr-,
• bishop's staff: crosier ©climber's sider(o)- •adjectives: astral, sider-
staff: alpenstock ©monarch's staff: eal, stellar ©system of stars: galaxy
sceptre ©shepherd's staff: crook • cluster of stars:asterism ©band of
• verger's staff: verge •Dionysus' distant stars: Milky Way ©named
staff: thyrsus •Hermes' staff: cadu- group of fixed stars: constellation
ceus • brightest star in a constellation:
stag • adult stag's branching horns: alpha *star orbited by another: pri-
antlers •season in which stags fight mary ©guiding star: lodestar ©star
each other: rut whose brightness changes: variable
star • star suddenly becoming much
stain •brownish stain on the paper
brighter: nova ©star suddenly be-
of a book or engraving: foxing •re-
coming very much brighter and ex-
sistant to staining: stainless
ploding: supernova ©large bright
stained glass ©lead strip holding star: giant ©even bigger star: super-
pieces of stained glass: came giant ©large cool star: red giant
staircase •moving staircase: es- • small cool star: red dwarf ©even
calator ©set of stairs: flight ©part of smaller cool star: brown dwarf
a staircase for the feet: tread • dwarf with occasional bursts of radi-
• tread's rounded edge: nosing ©ver- ation: flare star ©small very dense
tical section between treads: riser star: white dwarf • old collapsed star:
• height of this: rise •timber in collapsar •collapsed supernova:
which the sides of the treads are set: neutron star • nebula round an old
string board, stringer• uprights and star: planetary nebula ©star emit-
handrail at the side of a staircase: ting rapid radio and electromagnetic
banister ©endpost for this: newel pulses: pulsar •moving tailed star
post ©level area at the top of stairs: periodically visible: comet •comet's
star |
state 342

tail: coma •potential metor: meteor- astrochemistry ©study of the move-

oid •small incandescent object trav- ment of the stars as a means of pre-
elling the earth's atmosphere: meteor, dicting the future: astrology ©table
shooting star ©this fallen to earth: giving positions of a star at different
meteorite • group of radiant meteors times: ephemeris (pi. ephemerides)
reappearing annually: meteor shower • theory that the galaxies are moving
• large bright meteor: fireball •star- away' from each other: expanding uni-
like object emitting no light: dark star verse theory • displacement towards
• large low-density planet: gas giant longer wavelengths of radiation from
• non-luminous nebula: dark nebula, distant galaxies: red shift • displace-
absorption nebula ©very large and ment towards shorter wavelengths of
distant celestial object emitting large radiation from distant galaxies: blue
amounts of energy: quasar •align- shift •instrument detecting radio
ment of two stars on the same longi- emissions from the sky: radio tele-
tude: conjunction ©direction of a ce- scope • building with a domed ceil-
lestial body from an observer: ing for displaying images of the stars:
azimuth • measure of a star's bright- planetarium see also planet

ness: magnitude •celestial body or- start •official start: inauguration

biting a star: planet ©sudden explo- • start a car from another car's bat-
sion on a star: flare ©faint glow seen tery: jump-start ©start a car by
around a star: aurora, corona • cone pushing it and then engaging the
of shadow projecting from the side of gears: bump-start, jump-start
a celestial body away from the sun: starvation ©lack of proper or suf-
umbra • apparent twinkling of the ficient food: malnutrition ©thin or
stars: scintillation •obscuring of a weak through lack of food: emaciated
celestial body by another passing in • undernourishment causing low
front of it: eclipse, occultation •sci- weight: marasmus
entific study of the stars and space:
state •combining forms: -dom (e.g
astronomy • study of celestial bodies freedom), -ency [e.g. presidency),
through their radio emissions: radio
-mony (e.g. matrimony), -ness (e.g.
astronomy •denoting an astronom- emptiness), -osis (e.g. neurosis), -tude
ical system centred on the sun: helio-
(e.g. solitude) • internationally influ-
centric • denoting an astronomical ential state: power, world power
system centred on the earth: geocen- • state having predominant inter-
tric • celestial object's repeated ellip-
national influence: superpower • un-
tical course: orbit • small rocky body aligned state set between hostile
orbiting the sun: asteroid, minor states: buffer state ©state having
planet, planetoid ©star's measured some control over another: suzerain
brightness: magnitude ©brightness • state without major ethnic or cul-
of a celestial body as measured from tural divisions: nation state • state
the earth: apparent magnitude guaranteeing its citizens' financial
• brightness of a celestial body as and social well-being: welfare state
measured from a fixed distance: abso- • small state dependent on foreign
lute magnitude •description and capital: banana republic • state
mapping of the stars: uranography where everything is good: Utopia
• measurement of the positions etc. of • state where everything is bad: dys-
the stars: astrometry ©physics of topia • state where all have the same
stars and their movements: astro- rights and duties: pantisocracy
physics ©chemistry of the stars: • state ruled by a prince: principality
343 state |

• democratic state with an elected • state-provided community services:

head: republic estate controlled by social services ©state system of
political police: police state •power care for those in need: welfare state
equilibrium between states: balance • payment made by the state to a cer-
of power • group of states cooperat- tain category of needy persons: bene-
ing to exert influence: power bloc fit • state payment to the unemployed
• group of states cooperating in war: and individuals on low income: Job
allies • group of states allowing free Seekers' Allowance • state payment
trade between themselves: customs to a family on low income: family
union •state's right to govern its credit ©state payment to the long-
own affairs: self-determination •de- term incapacity benefit •de-
noting a state enjoying this right: sov- noting a state benefit paid regardless
ereign • one state's interference in of tax contributions: non-
the affairs of another: intervention contributory • booklet of vouchers
• control of another state's territory book • state
for a state benefit: order
by continued military presence: occu- bureaucracy: administration, civil

pation • denoting a state where the service •administrative region of a

powers of constituent parts are vested state: canton ©transfer a business to
in a central authority: unitary •de- state management: nationalize ©re-
noting a state where the constituent turn a state-run concern to the private
parts retain some powers of self- sector: corporatize, privatize ©com-
government: federal, federalist •de- pany operating in several states:
noting a state demanding complete multinational ©state-granted monop-
obedience from its subjects: totalitar- oly over the exploitation of an inven-
ian • denoting a state seeking to con- tion: patent ©holder of this: pa-
trol the economy and social change: tentee • internal to a state: domestic
dirigiste, statist •denoting an inde- • divide a state into separate units:
pendent state: sovereign •denoting partition •person's home state:
a state not taking sides in a war: neu- domicile • leave one state and settle
tral • denoting a state without direct in another: emigrate center a state
sea access: landlocked •inter- and settle there: immigrate ©send
national acceptance of a state or its back to the state of origin: repatriate
government: recognition •denoting • compulsory enlistment for state ser-
a state giving no support to power vice: conscription • staunch sup-
blocs: non-aligned • mutual toler- porter of one's own state: patriot

ance between ideologically opposed statement •intentionally ambigu-

states: coexistence ©state acquisi- ous statement: weasel words • state-
tion and exploitation of undeveloped ment made ambiguous by its gram-
territory: colonialism • state's eco- mar: amphibology, amphiboly
nomic domination of another: neo- • statement used as a basis for reason-
colonialism ©state policy based on ing: premise, premiss, thesis
maintenance and use of large military • statement made about all members
forces: militarism •fragment a re- of the class discussed: universal
gion into mutually hostile states: Bal- • statement made about some mem-
kanize ©state's annual income: rev- bers of the class discussed: particular
enue ©area under a state's • conflicting or evasive statements:
jurisdiction: territory ©set of basic tergiversation • published false and
principles and precedents by which a damaging statement: libel •false and
state is governed: constitution damaging oral statement: slander
stationery |
steel 344

• false and damaging statement age: median ©collection of items

whether published or oral: defam- under consideration: population
ation • formal statement of a per- • one of four equal groups to which
son's character and qualifications: items in a set of data may be assigned:
testimonial •seemingly illogical quartile ©one of the hundred equal
statement: paradox ©statements groups to which items in a set of data
made in a lawcourt: evidence, testi- may be* assigned: percentile ©person
mony • legal statement made under compiling and analysing statistics: ac-
oath: affidavit, deposition ©state- tuary • study of social statistics as an
ment's general meaning: drift • state- index of changing lifestyles: demog-
ment designed to have a second (usu- raphy • specious use of statistics:
ally indecent) meaning: double numbers game
entendre, double entente •state-
statue •huge statue: colossus
ment circulated to the media: press • small statue: figurine, statuette
release • modifying statement: quali- • classical pillar carved to resemble a
fication • official statement: com- man: telamon •classical pillar
munique, representation • short of- carved to resemble a woman: caryatid
ficial statement: bulletin • statement • base for a statue: pedestal, plinth
harming a person's reputation: slur,
smear •statement denying responsi-
status • combining form: -ate

bility etc.:disclaimer •statement as- (e.g. doctorate), -dom [e.g. earldom),

-ship {e.g. citizenship) ©relative sta-
sumed, generally believed, or self-
tus: rank, ranking ©give a spec-
evidently true: axiom • true but trite
statement: truism • statement saying
ial status: designate ©fallen in
social status: declasse ©rising in so-
the same thing twice: tautology
cial status: upwardly mobile
• statement presumed true until
proved otherwise: assumption, pre- status quo ©actions designed to
sumption, presupposition •state- preserve this: holding operation
ment's ability to be checked for truth: steal ©steal someone's ideas: pla-
verifiability •statement expressed in
giarize ©steal from money entrusted
different words: paraphrase •expli- to one: embezzle, peculate, defalcate
citly stated: express ©abbreviated • open robbery when law and order
version of a statement: precis, sum- breaks down: looting, plunder, pillage
mary *key extract from a recorded • steal small items from the work-
speech etc.: sound bite •denoting a place: pilfer •person stealing from
statement having an underlying impli- others' pockets: pickpocket • person
cation: loaded •denoting a state- who knowingly buys or stores stolen
ment expressed briefly and clearly: goods: receiver ©person who finds a
succinct • person making a sworn buyer for stolen goods: fence ©com-
statement: deponent •confirm pulsive urge to steal, regardless of
a statement: corroborate • withdraw need: kleptomania
a statement: retract, unsay •implied
or understood though unstated: tacit
steam engine ©powerful mobile
• reject a statement as false: rebut
steam engine pulling loads or power-
ing equipment: traction engine
stationery ©stationery on a long • powerful mobile steam engine pull-
perforated sheet: continuous station- ing a train: steam locomotive
ery • steam-powered roller: steamroller
statistics ©life-expectancy statis- steei •denoting steel with a low
tics: life tables ©statistically aver- carbon content: mild • coat steel with
345 stepmother stomach

zinc: galvanize •concrete reinforced sword blade: swordstick ©metal cap

with steel: ferroconcrete •rolling on the end of a stick: ferrule
mill for steel slabs: strip mill stimulant • stimulant in coffee: caf-
stepmother •adjective: novercal feine ©stimulant in tobacco: nico-
sterilization •female sterilization
by severing the Fallopian tubes: tubal sting •eight-legged spider-like crea-
ligation • male sterilization by sever- ture with a stinging tail: scorpion
ing the vasa deferentia: vasectomy stoat •stoat's white fur, used on
• remove the sexual organs of: cas- ceremonial robes: ermine
trate, doctor
stock • keep in stock: carry •accu-
steroid • synthetic steroid hormone mulated reserve of stock: stockpile
taken to improve athletic perform- • depletion of stock due to demand:
ance: anabolic steroid drawdown •enumeration of stock
held: stocktaking
stethoscope •listening to bodily
sounds with a stethoscope: ausculta- stock exchange • stock exchange
tion area where shares were formerly
traded orally: floor • end of a day's
stew • stew cooked in the oven: cas- stock exchange trading: close
serole • beef stew with onions and • Parisian stock exchange: Bourse
beer: carbonnade •chilli-flavoured • US stock exchange: Wall Street
stew of minced beef and beans: chilli • radical reform of the British Stock
con carne •mutton stew with pota- Exchange in 1986: big bang •denot-
toes and onions: Irish stew ©meat ing companies whose shares are
stew covered with sliced potato: Lan- traded on a stock exchange: listed
cashire hotpot •highly seasoned • registration of a company so that its
meat stew: ragout •French stew of shares may be traded: quotation
meat and beans: cassoulet • French • denoting share transactions con-
fish stew: bouillabaisse ©spicy Hun- ducted outside the stock exchange:
garian stew: goulash kerb-market, over-the-counter >see
stick •thin stick with wire bristles also share
for playing drums or cymbals: brush stocking ©elastic strap supporting
• stick for prodding cattle: goad a stocking: suspender
• conductor's stick: baton • small stomach • combining form:
stick for stirring drinks: swizzle stick gastr(o)- •adjective: gastric •mus-
• long stout fighting stick: quarter- cular part of a bird's stomach: gizzard
staff • hooked stick for landing fish: • protruding stomach: paunch
gaff ©long stick forked at the top: • complex of nerves at the pit of the
thumb stick •hillwalker's iron- stomach: solar plexus ©liquid pro-
tipped stick: alpenstock •magi- duced by the stomach to aid digestion:
cian's stick: wand
•military officer's gastric juice ©stomach pain: gripe
short stick: swagger stick ©stick • inflammation of the stomach: gastri-
steadying a painter's hand: maulstick tis • inflammation of the stomach
• policeman's short thick stick: trun- and intestines: gastro-enteritis •de-
cheon ©relay runner's stick: baton noting the stomach and intestines:
• thin stick burnt to make a sweet gastrointestinal •instrument for
smell: joss stick ©spiked walking seeing inside the stomach: gastro-
stick with an openable seat: shooting scope •surgical removal of the
stick ©walking stick containing a stomach: gastrectomy • study of the
stone storm | 346

stomach and intestines and their dis- of two upright stones and a third
eases: gastroenterology across their top: trilithon ©stone
stone • combining forms: lapid-, coffin: sarcophagus ©stone at a
lith(o)-, • adjectives: lapidary,
grave's head: headstone ©pile of
lithic •magnetic stone: lodestone stones as a landmark: cairn ©break
• stone that cuts easily: freestone stone into smaller pieces: spall
• rounded stone formerly used to sur- • shape stone by striking it: knap
face roads: cobble •mass of loose • person who shapes building stone or
stones on a hillside: scree •loose builds with it: mason, stonemason
beach stone: pebble •small pebbles: • place where stone is extracted:
shingle •precious or semiprecious quarry ©crushed stone and gravel
stone: gemstone •undressed build- used in building: aggregate ©stony
ing stone: rubble •fine-grained waste separated off during smelting:
building stone: freestone ©large flat slag ©masonry simulating large
piece of stone: slab, flagstone rough blocks: rustication ©plaster
• small flat stone slab: tablet ©gran- painted to imitate stone: scagliola
ite paving block: sett •cylindrical • turn to stone: petrify ©simple plant
stone forming part of a column: tam- growing on stone: lichen • grotesque
bour • tapered stone for an arch: stone figure serving as a rainwater
voussoir ©stone laid at right angles spout: gargoyle • stone believed by
to a wall: header • stone laid parallel alchemists to turn base metals into
to a wall: stretcher ©large stone set gold: philosophers' stone ©strap to
in the corner of a wall: cornerstone, hurl stones: sling ©stone formed in
quoin, quoin stone ©stone set at the the kidney or bladder: calculus
top of a wall: capstone, coping stone • this medical condition: lithiasis
• horizontal decorative band of • surgical removal of a stone: lithot-
masonry: string course ©large omy • surgical crushing of a stone:
mushroom-shaped stone formerly lithotripsy, lithotrity
used to support ricks: staddle stone
stone age •denoting the earliest
• undressed stone used as a wall-filler:
stone age: Palaeolithic •denoting
rubble • inscribed stone commemor-
the middle stone age: Mesolithic
ating a building's erection: founda-
• denoting the latest stone age: Neo-
tion stone • wall or floor covering of
small pieces of stone etc. arranged to
make pictures or patterns: mosaic stop ©stop temporarily: intermit
• arrangement of these stones: tessel- • temporary stoppage: abeyance
lation • stone for sharpening metal: • stopping and starting: intermittent
hone, grindstone, whetstone, water
store ©secret store: cache, stash
stone •stone used as an anchor: kil-
• funnel-shaped store: hopper ©store
lick ©stone used to remove hard
for solid fuel: bunker • place for stor-
skin: pumice stone ©large standing
age: depository, repository • store
stone in a prehistoric monument:
for documents: archive
megalith, menhir ©single upright
block of stone: monolith ©large up- storm • sudden brief storm: squall
right stone forming part of a struc- • severe snowstorm with high winds:
ture: orthostat ©single stone pillar: blizzard ©dense blizzard with radic-
obelisk ©prehistoric stone circle: ally reduced visibility: whiteout
henge ©prehistoric stone chamber • tropical sea storm: typhoon •still
tomb: dolmen ©prehistoric stucture area at the centre of a storm: eye
347 story |

story •book-length story: novel stream ©small stream: rivulet

• brief evocative account: vignette • strong fast stream: torrent • stream
• complex and rambling narrative: flowing into a larger one: tributary
saga • story appearing in regular in- street ©wide tree-lined street:
stalments: serial • lesson to be
boulevard ©narrow alley in north-
gained from a story: moral • story il-
ern England: ginnel ©street fixtures
lustrating a moral or spiritual truth:
such as lamp posts and road signs:
parable ©short moral story, often
street furniture • improvised barrier
with animal characters: fable ©story
blocking a street: barricade
of the narrator's past life: autobiog-
raphy, reminiscence • story of strength • exercises designed to im-

events preceding those already de- prove strength and appearance: callis-
scribed in another story: prequel thenics • increase a solution's

• story of events following those al- strength by removing water: concen-

ready described in another story: se- trate • person whose strength is in-
quel • symbolical story: allegory creased by mechanical implants: cy-
• traditional story: folk tale, legend, borg • defeat by superior strength:
myth •traditional stories of a par- overpower ©big and strong: strap-
ticular culture: folklore ©story's ping ©strongly made: solid
chief female character: heroine
stress • hormone secreted in stress-
• story's chief male character: hero ful conditions: epineph-
• story-teller: narrator • skilled rine • stress-related bowel pain: irrit-
story-teller: raconteur (fern, racon- able bowel syndrome
strike • sudden strike: walkout,
straight •combining form: ortho- wildcat strike •strike of all workers:
(e.g. orthodontics) general strike •consecutive short
strikes by different sections of the
straight line •adjective: rectilinear
workforce: rolling strike •recourse
• supposed straight line connecting
to strikes rather than negotiation: dir-
ancient sites: ley line •straight line
ect action •person who continues
joining opposite corners of a straight-
working when others are on strike:
sided figure: diagonal ©straight line
blackleg, scab, strike-breaker
joining the ends of an arc: chord
• money paid to strikers by their trade
strange ©frighteningly strange: union: strike pay ysee also industrial
eerie, uncanny, unearthly relations
stranger ©fear of strangers: xeno- string ©strong string made of
phobia twisted strands: twine ©bind round
strangle ©execute a criminal by with twine: whip ©gardening string:
strangling: garrotte fillis ©decorative string-knotting:
macrame • maker of stringed instru-
strap ©strap to hurl stones: sling ments: luthier •pitch a string by
• elastic strap holding up socks or pressing it: stop
stockings: suspender ©toe-strap on
light sandals: thong strip • strip mown: swathe

straw • decoration of plaited straw: stripe •V-shaped stripe on military

corn dolly •animal's bedding of uniforms: chevron
straw etc.: litter ©neat cuboid pile of stub ©stub of a cigar or cigarette:
baled straw: rick, stack butt
student |
study 348

student •student's book giving in- and watch-making: horology • study

struction in a subject: coursebook, of clouds: nephology • study of
textbook, workbook >see also pupil codes: cryptography, cryptology
study • combining form: -logy • study of coins: numismatics
• topic of study: discipline • study of • study of communication by body
abnormal forms and growths: teratol- movements: kinesics •scientific

ogy • study of air currents and the study of crime and criminals: crimin-
movement of objects through them: ology • study of the victims of crime:
aerodynamics ©study of air travel: victimology • study of crop circles:
aeronautics • study of algae: al- cereology ©study of crop produc-
gology ©study of amphibians: her- tion: agronomy ©study of crystals:

petology • study of anaesthetics and crystallography ©study of Western

their uses: anaesthesiology • study culture: humanities ©study of differ-

of animals: zoology • study of ani- ent cultures: ethnology ©study of

mal behaviour: ethology • study of electronic data processing for storage
the physical remains of ancient civil- and retrieval: information science,

izations: archaeology • study of an- information technology, informatics

cient plant life: palaeobotany • study of death and dying: thanatol-
• study of animals whose existence is ogy ©study of demons: demonology
doubted: cryptozoology • study of • study of disease prevention: pre-
ants: myrmecology ©study of the ventive medicine • study of the
anus and rectum: proctology • study causes of diseases: aetiology • study
of the atmosphere: aerology • study of the incidence and control of dis-
of the upper atmosphere: aeronomy eases: epidemiology • study of
• study of atomic nuclei: nuclear causes and effects of disease: path-
physics, nucleonics • study of ology • study of the treatment of dis-
atoms: atomic physics • study of ease: therapeutics ©study and treat-
bacteria: bacteriology • scientific ment of the diseases of children:
study of human or animal behaviour: paediatrics • study of the ear and its
behavioural science ©study of the diseases: otology ©study of diseases
concept of 'being': ontology • study of the ear and throat: otolaryngology
of birds: ornithology • study of birds' • study of diseases of the ear, nose,
eggs: oology ©study of the blood: and throat: otorhinolaryngology
haematology • study of blood serum: • study of sexually transmitted dis- ||

serology • study of the body's ability eases: venereology • study of med-

to combat infection: immunology ical drugs and their action: pharma-

• study of the body by dissection: cology • physical study of the earth

anatomy • study of caves: spele- and its atmosphere: earth science 1

ology • study of living cells: cy- • study of the earth's atmosphere, cli- 1

tology • study of childbirth: obstet- mate, and weather: meteorology J

rics • study of Chinese culture and • chemical study of the earth: geo- j

politics: Sinology • study of church chemistry • study of the surface of n

building and decoration: ecclesiology the earth: geomorphology • study


• study of the Church Fathers and of the earth's crust: tectonics • study
their writings: patristics, petrology of the structure of the earth: geology ]

• study of chromosomes: cytogenet- • study of earthquakes: seismology i

ics • study of the rights and duties of • study of the interreactions of elem-
citizenship: civics • study of the cli- ents: chemistry • study of embryos:
mate: climatology ©study of clock- embryology ©study of diseases of a
349 study study

the heart: cardiology •study of dis- pogeny ©study of human culture

eases of the joints and muscles: and anthropology ©study of
rheumatology • study of duty: de- the use of images in the visual arts:
ontology • study of the earth's mag- iconography ©study of inanimate
netism: geomagnetics • study of the natural objects: physical sciences
earth's topography: geomorphology • study of Indian culture: Indology
• study of earthquakes: seismology • study of resistance to infection: im-
• study of ancient Egyptian culture: munology • study of ancient inscrip-
Egyptology •theological study of tions: epigraphy • study of insects:
the end of the world: eschatology entomology •comparative study of
• study of the interaction of living or- natural and artificial intelligence: cy-
ganisms and their environment: ecol- bernetics ©study of the interactions
ogy • study of eye diseases: ophthal- of a group of people: group dynamics
mology • study of eye irregularities: • study of Jewish traditional law: Tal-
orthoptics ©study of family trees: mud Torah •philosophical study of
genealogy • medical study of the fe- the nature of knowledge: epistemol-
male body and its illnesses: gynaecol- ogy • study of local variants of lan-
ogy ©study of fermentation: zym- guage: dialectology ©study of lakes:
urgy • study of ferns: pteridology limnology ©study of language: lin-
• study offish: ichthyology ©study of
* guistics • study of language as a ser-
flags: vexillology ©study of fluids at ies of interrelated systems: structural
rest: hydrostatics ©study of fluid linguistics ©study of the history of
forces: hydrodynamics ©study of languages: philology ©study of the
fluid mechanics: hydraulics ©study larynx: laryngology ©study of law:
of food and its use: nutrition ©study jurisprudence ©study of librarian-
of foot ailments: chiropody, podiatry ship: library science ©study of life-
• study of the form of words: morph- forms on other planets or in space:
ology • study of fossils: palaeon- exobiology • study of liturgies: litur-
tology • study of fossil animals and gies, liturgiology ©study of man-
plants: paleobiology ©study of fos- kind: anthropology ©study of manu-
sil plants:palaeobotany ©study of scripts: codicology ©study of matter
friction and lubrication: tribology and energy: physics ©study of the
• study of fruit: carpology • study of meaning of words: semantics • study
fruit-growing: pomology • study of of mechanical systems that function
engraved gems: glyptography like living organisms: bionics
• study of gfaciers: glaciology • study of medals: numismatics
• study of grape cultivation: viticul- • study of medicines and their uses:
ture ©study of the hair and scalp: pharmacology • study and treat-
trichology ©psychological study of ment of mental illness: psychiatry,
handwriting: graphology ©study of psychoanalysis, psychopathology
the proportions of the head and face: • study of metals and their puri-
cephalometry • study of hearing and fication: metallurgy ©study of the
its defects: audiology • study and mind and its functions: psycho-
treatment of heart diseases: cardi- logy ©study of minerals: mineralogy
ology ©study of heat and energy: • study of molluscs: malacology
thermodynamics ©study of hered- • study of mollusc shells: conchology
ity: genetics ©study of history- • study of the getting and spending of
writing: historiography ©study of money: economics ©study of the
the origins of humankind: anthro- moon: selenology ©study of moral
study study

systems: ethics • study of mosses: orthoepy ©study of phenomena un-

bryology • study of the mouth and explained by orthodox psychology:
its diseases: stomatology • study of parapsychology ©study of punish-
muscles: myology •academic study ment and prison management: pen-
of music: musicology • study of non- ology • study of relationships within
Western music: ethnomusicology a group of people: sociometry
• study of myths: mythology ©study • study of religions having gods: the-
of personal names: onomastics ology • study of religious missions:
• study of place names: toponymy missiology ©study of reptiles: her-
• study of the natural world: natural petology ©study of rivers: potam-
history •study of the nervous sys- ology • study of rocks: lithology, pet-
tem and its disorders: neurology rology ©study of a community's
• biological study of the nervous sys- rubbish: garbology •physical and
tem: neurobiology •scientific and biological study of the sea: oceanog-
technological study of nuclear power: raphy, oceanoiogy • study of sea-
nucleonics • study of numbers' oc- weed: phycology ©study of seeds:
cult significance: numerology carpology ©study of human sexual
• study of diets and nutrition: dietet- activity: sexology ©study of sexual
ics, nutrition • study of old age: ger- love: erotology ©study of sexually
ontology ©study of living organ- transmitted diseases: venere-
isms: biology, physiology, life ology • study of sight and light: op-
sciences • study of currently living tics ©study of the skeleton: oste-
organisms: neontology ©study of ology • study of the skin and its dis-
fossil organisms: palaeontology eases: dermatology ©study of skull
• study of micro-organisms: micro- sizes and shapes: craniology ©study
biology • study of the forms of living of human society and social relation-
organisms: morphology • study of ships: social science, sociology
the normal functions of living or- • study of soils: pedology, soil sci-
ganisms: physiology ©study of ence ©study of soil management:
chemical processes within living or- agronomy ©study of Soviet politics:
ganisms: biochemistry ©study of Kremlinology ©study of sound:
organism-enivironment relation- acoustics ©study of language
ships: ecology ©study of ancient pa- sounds: phonology • study of vocal
pyri: papyrology ©study of para- sounds: phonetics ©study of spell-
sites: parasitology ©study of ing: orthography ©theological study
phonemes: phonemics ©study of of the spirit world: pneumatology
plants: botany ©study of plant dis- • scientific study of the stars and of
eases: phytopathology ©study of space: astronomy • study of celestial
poisons: toxicology ©study of air- bodies through their radio emissions:
borne pollen etc. as sources of infec- radio astronomy • study of the phys-
tion: aerobiology ©study of pollen ics of stars and their movements:
from archaeological or geological de- astrophysics •study of the move-
posits: palynology • study of popula- ment of the stars as a means of pre-
tion statistics: demography • study dicting the future: astrology • study
of postage stamps: philately ©study of statistics of births, deaths, and dis-
of primates: primatology ©study of ease: demography •study of the
primitive cultures: ethnology stomach and intestines: gastroenter-
• study of projectiles and firearms: ology ©study of precious stones:
ballistics •study of pronunciation: gemmology ©study of subatomic
351 study subtraction

particles: atomic physics, course of study: dropout • certificate

microphysics, particle physics of completed studies: diploma, quali-
• study of symbols and their signifi- fication
cance: semiotics • study of taste:
stuffing • stuffing dead animals:
aesthetics • study of teeth: odontol-
taxidermy •stuffing made of
ogy • study of time: horology chopped meat or vegetables: force-
• study of tissue structure: histology meat • stuffing mixture of finely
• study of tissue changes caused by chopped ingredients: salpicon
disease: histopathology ©study of • cotton-like substance for stuffing
trees: dendrology ©study of tu- cushions: kapok
mours: oncology • study of unidenti-
fied flying objects: ufology ©study of
stupid ©stupid person: dimwit,
dunce, dunderhead, ignoramus, nin-
the general features of the universe:
cosmography ©study of the origins
compoop ©boorish and stupid:
of the universe: cosmogony • study
of the origin and development of the stupor • state of immobility and stu-
universe: cosmology ©medical por: catatonia
study of the urinary system: urology style •flamboyantly confident style:
• study of viruses: virology • study of panache •following current styles:
visual images: iconography, icon- contemporary • in a style typical of
ology ©study of volcanoes: volcan- some past era: period •stylish ele-
ology, vulcanology ©study of voting gance: chic ©stylish originality: flair
at elections: psephology ©study of • stylish vigour: elan
the weather: meteorology • study of
subjective •subjective impression:
wines: oenology • study of word ori-
gins: etymology • study of the mean-
ing of words: semantics ©study of submarine •submarine seeking
words for closely related concepts: and destroying others: hunter-killer
onomasiology ©study of the forms • former German submarine: U-boat
of words: morphology ©study of the • submarine's superstructure: con-
form, meaning, and behaviour of ning tower •tube giving surface
words: lexicology • study of efficient views: periscope •submarine's
work methods: ergonomics, time- door: hatch •submarine's emer-
and-motion study ©study of ancient gency dive: crash dive •submarine's
writing systems: palaeography covered dock: pen
• study of X-rays: radiography subsidy •organization subsidizing
• study of medical applications of an event in return for free publicity:
X-rays: radiology •study of an item sponsor
in its natural environment: field
substance ©primary substance in
study, field trip, fieldwork • study in-
matter: element
tensely: cram •denoting a course of
study designed for practical applica- substitute ©person replacing an-
tions: applied, practical • denoting a other: stand-in ©person acting
course of study concentrating on the- for another: proxy ©fraudulently
ory: pure • course of study completed substituted: supposititious
at home: distance learning, corres- subtraction ©number from which
pondence course • restudy of com- subtraction is to be made: minuend
pleted work before an examination: re- • number to be subtracted: subtra-
vision • person who has abandoned a hend

success sun | 352

success •brilliant success: eclat suitcase ©small suitcase: valise

• success through notoriety: succes
summary ©summary of points
de scandaie ©success with the
made: recapitulation ©summary of
perceptive few: succes d'estime past events: retrospect, review
• possibility of success: fighting
chance, sporting chance, viability summer •adjective: aestival ©tem-
• three successive successes: hat-trick porary resumption of summer wea-
• product achieving enormous com- ther in the autumn: Indian summer
mercial success: blockbuster ©per- • map line joining points of equivalent
son who gains academic or career suc- summer temperature: isothere
cess: achiever ©realization of one's summer house • raised summer
potential: self-actualization ©do less house with a view: gazebo, belve-
well than expected: underachieve dere
sudden • sudden and dramatic: gal- sumo wrestling «a push in sumo
vanic wrestling: oshi
suffer ©cause to be suffered: inflict
sun •combining forms: helio-, sol-
sufferer •combining form: -path • adjective: solar ©faint glow seen
(e.g. psychopath) ©person enduring round the eclipsed sun: corona ©ap-
suffering without complaint: stoic parent circle of light round the sun
sugar •combining forms: glyc(o)-, caused by atmospheric ice crystals:
sacchar- •adjective: saccharine halo ©dark patch on the sun: sun-
• light brown cane sugar: demerara spot ©bright patch on the sun: fac-
ula ©bright spot beside the sun: par-
• sugar got from cane juice:
moscovado ©sugar found in carbo- helion ©sudden explosion on the
hydrates: glucose ©sugar found in
sun: flare, solar flare ©sun's highest
honey and fruits: fructose • moulded point in the sky: zenith ©structure
conical mass of sugar: sugar loaf
used to measure this: gnomon ©day
in the year at which the sun reaches
• finely granulated white sugar:
its highest or lowest noontide pos- b
caster sugar • sugar-coated: crystal-
ition: solstice ©faint reflection of the }
lized • thick paste of sugar and
water: fondant •skill of decorating
sun seen at night: gegenschein i
cakes with sugar paste: sugarcraft • planets etc. orbiting the sun: solar,
• sugar browned by heat: caramel
system ©planet directly orbiting the
sun: major planet, primary planet
• sugar sprinkler: castor • device for
picking up sugar lumps: tongs • hor- • passage of a smaller planet across
the face of the sun: transit •orbiting 1
mone regulating the blood sugar level:
insulin • disease characterized by ex-
planet's furthest point from the sun: J

cess sugar in the blood and urine: dia-

aphelion •orbiting planet's nearest j
betes mellitus ©excessive sugar in point to the sun: perihelion •small I

the urine, a symptom of kidney dis- rocky body orbiting the sun: asteroid, j
ease and diabetes: glycosuria minor planet, planetoid •denoting !

an astronomical system centred on

suicide ©suicide of a victim of an the sun: heliocentric •clockwork
incurable disease, using lethal drugs
model of the solar system: orrery,
supplied by a doctor for this purpose: planetarium •revolving projection j
assisted suicide ©suicide attempted system displaying on a domed screen
to gain attention: parasuicide
the heavenly bodies in their relative,
suitable ©mutually unsuited: in- positions: planetarium •contrary to 1

compatible the sun's course: widdershins • sig-

353 Sunday surgery

nailing system based on flashes of re- surface ©flat surface: plane •thin
flected sunlight: heliography ©panel surface layer: film, veneer «on the
absorbing sunlight as a source of en- surface: superficial ©insert a screw
ergy: solar panel • device converting etc. flush with the surface: counter-
solar radiation into electricity: solar sink
battery, solar cell • therapeutic use
surfing • lightweight surfboard: Mai-
of sunlight: heliotherapy •light um-
ibu • set of surfboards: quiver •hol-
brella giving shade from the sun:
low formed when a large wave breaks:
parasol • decomposing in sunlight:
Sunday •adjective: dominical
surgeon •surgeon's theatre gar-
ment: gown ©surgeon's nose and
• keeping Sunday as a day of worship
and rest: Sunday observance, Lord's
mouth covering: mask ©surgeon's
Day observance •religious educa- assistant: dresser
tion class held on Sundays: Sunday surgery •adjective: operative
school • surgery performed on a patient: op-
sundial • sundial's vane: gnomon eration, procedure •minor surgery
not requiring overnight hospitaliza-
supermarket «very large super- tion: day surgery ©surgery to im-
market: hypermarket ©wheeled bas- prove the appearance: cosmetic sur-
ket used by supermarket customers:
gery, plastic surgery ©surgery
shopping trolley ©desk where pur-
using intense cold: cryosurgery
chases are registered and paid for:
• surgery using electric heat:
electrosurgery ©surgery using
supervision •daytime supervision microscopes: microsurgery ©sur-
of children or the elderly: day care gery involving transfer of tissue: plas-
supplement •things added as a tic surgery ©denoting surgery
supplement: paralipomena undertaken at the patient's request:
elective ©denoting surgery seeking
supply • supply of persons or equip-
the cause of symptoms: exploratory
ment for use as needed: pool • obtain
• denoting simple surgery not life-
from an outside supplier: outsource
threatening: minor •denoting com-
support • upright support: stan- plex surgery involving risk to life:
chion • three-legged support: tripod major •denoting surgery aiming to
• support for an arch etc.: pier, preserve tissue: conservative •de-
squinch •support for a balcony etc.: noting surgery seeking to remove all
cantilever ©support framework: diseased tissue: radical •denoting
horse • support for a row of books: surgery in which the heart is exposed
bookend ©framework with sloping and bypassed: open-heart ©surgical
legs, used to support a table, bier, etc.:
body parts:
installation of artificial
trestle • person giving financial sup-
prosthetics ©brain surgery to treat
port: angel, backer, contributor, pat-
mental illness: psychosurgery ©cor-
ron, sponsor ©group of persons neal surgery: keratoplasty • surgery
with a common problem or illness,
on the nervous system: neurosurgery
meeting regularly for mutual help:
• surgery to construct, repair, or en-
support group • attempt to win sup-
large a penis: phalloplasty •surgical
port by affability: charm offensive
scraping: curettage •surgical tying:
supporting •combining form: pro- ligation •tissue etc. inserted into the
(e.g. pro-life) body by surgery: implant •cloth
surgical appliance j
surgical removal 354

covering a patient undergoing sur- diversion of the small intestine: enter-

gery: drape see also plastic sur- ostomy ©surgical opening into the
gery stomach: gastrostomy
surgical appliance •hernia sup- surgical removal • combining
port: truss form: -ectomy (e.g. appendectomy)
surgical cutting •combining • surgical removal of the appendix:
form: -tomy •surgical cut: incision appendectomy • surgical removal of
• surgical cutting out: resection the bladder or a cyst: cystectomy
• surgically created opening: stoma • surgical removal of a breast: mast-
• surgical cutting of the abdomen: ectomy • surgical removal of a
laparotomy • surgical cutting of the breast lump: lumpectomy •surgical
abdomen for childbirth: Caesarian, removal of the Fallopian tubes: sal-
Caesarian section • surgical cutting pingectomy ©surgical removal of
of the bladder: cystotomy •surgical the foreskin: circumcision •surgical
cutting of bone: osteotomy •surgi- removal of the gall bladder:
cal cutting of the brain's white nerve cholecystectomy •surgical removal
fibres: leucotomy • surgical incision of a kidney: nephrectomy •surgical
into the chest wall: thoracotomy removal of the larynx: laryngectomy
• surgical cutting of the cornea: kera- • surgical removal of a limb: amputa-
totomy •surgical incision into the tion • surgical removal of the liver:
eardrum: myringotomy • surgical hepatectomy • surgical removal of a
incision into the larynx:laryngotomy lobe: lobectomy • surgical removal
• surgical cutting of a nerve: neurot- of lung scars: decortication •surgi-
omy • surgical cutting of a tendon: cal removal of a lung: pneumonec-
tenotomy •surgical cutting of the tomy • surgical removal of a nerve:
vagina at childbirth: episiotomy neurectomy •surgical removal of
• surgical cutting of the vas deferens: the ovaries: oophorectomy, ovariec-
vasectomy •surgical incision of a tomy, ovariotomy • surgical removal
vein: phlebotomy, venesection of the pancreas: pancreatectomy
• surgical incision of the windpipe: • surgical removal of the penis:
tracheotomy penectomy •surgical removal of the 1

surgical instruments • blunt in- prostate gland: prostatectomy •sur-

strument for exploring a wound: gical removal of upper layers of skin:
probe •surgical knives: lancet, scal- dermabrasion •surgical removal of
pel • large pincers: forceps •surgi- part of the skull: craniotomy • sur- ^

cal saw for the skull: trepan • instru- gical removal of the spleen: splenec- .J

ment for withdrawing liquid: trocar tomy •surgical removal of the stom- j
• surgical cord: ligature, suture ach: gastrectomy • surgical removal \

• steam sterilizer for surgical instru- of a stone: lithotomy •surgical j

ments: autoclave crushing of a stone: lithotripsy, lithot- "i

surgical opening • combining rity •surgical removal of a testicle: -

form: -stomy •surgically made pas- orchidectomy •surgical removal of


sage: fistula •surgical opening into the tonsils: tonsillectomy • surgical

the colon: colostomy • surgical removal of a tooth: extraction •sur- !

opening made in the inner ear to re- gical destruction of tumours or hair

lieve deafness: fenestration •surgi- roots by an electric current: electroly- i

cal unblocking of the Fallopian tubes: sis •surgical removal of a vertebral j

salpingostomy • surgical opening disc: discectomy • surgical removal i

into the ileum: ileostomy • surgical of the womb: hysterectomy •surgi-

355 surname swimming |

cal removal of facial wrinkles: face- material worn to absorb sweat: sweat-
lift band • substance applied to prevent
surname •woman's surname prior or reduce sweat: antiperspirant
to marriage: maiden name •denot- sweet • small sweet: drop, pastille
ing a hyphenated surname: double- • mixture of small coloured sweets:
barrelled dolly mixture •jellylike translucent
surprise ©state of helpless amaze- sweet: gumdrop • sweet black chewy
ment: stupor substance: liquorice ©sweet almond
surrender •symbol of surrender: paste: marzipan ©sweet made of egg

white flag whites and sugar: meringue

• marzipan-based sweets served after
surroundings • usual surround-
a meal: petits fours ©flavoured gel-
ings: environment
atin cubes: Turkish delight ©nuts
surveillance • detect and remove ground in sugar: praline ©soft mix-
hidden surveillance devices: debug ture of sugar, albumin, and gelatin:
• subject to covert surveillance: marshmallow • crumbly sweet made
watch from sugar, butter, and milk: fudge
survey • survey of enemy resources • sweet of sugar, nuts, and egg-white:
and positions: reconnaissance nougat •flavoured sweet efferves-
surveying •surveying system cent powder: sherbet ©hardened
based upon triangles: triangulation sugar syrup: spun sugar ©exces-
• rotating telescope for measuring an- sively sweet: cloying, saccharine
gles: theodolite • instrument for tak- • sweet- voiced: mellifluous ©artifi-

ing altitudes: sextant •incised sur- cial sweeteners: aspartame, cycla-

vey mark in a wall etc.: benchmark mate, saccharin, saccharine

• reference point on a small pillar: trig swell • swelling caused by abnormal
point • striped sight-pole: ranging tissue growth: tumour •pus-filled
pole swelling: abscess, boil •serum-
survive • capable of surviving inde- filled swelling: blister•swelling up:
pendently: viable tumescent •swollen: tumid •swol-
suspense • event full of suspense: len with fluid: engorged •reduction
cliffhanger of swelling: detumescence
suspicious •pathologically suspi- swimming •swimming competi-
cious: paranoid tion: gala©prescribed movement in
swallow •swallow hastily: gulp swimming: stroke • swimming
stroke imitating a dog: doggy-paddle
swamp • swamp tree with above- • kick made with unbent legs: scissor
ground roots: mangrove kick •swimming race requiring sev-
swan • female swan: pen ©male eral strokes: medley •swimming
swan: cob • young swan: cygnet exercises as a cure for arthritis:
• flock of swans in flight: skein hydrotherapy swimmer
• place where swans breed: swannery monitoring others: lifeguard
• catching and marking of swans: • underwater swimmer using breath-
swan-upping ing apparatus: skin diver • under-
sweat ©abnormal sweat caused by water swimmer using breathing ap-
illness or medication: diaphoresis paratus and a rubber suit: frogman
• causing sweat: sudorific •secret- • underwater swimming using an
ing sweat: sudoriferous • strip of aqualung: sub-aqua • swimmer's
swimming pool synagogue |

foot-extension: flipper •swimmer's syllogism ©term common to both

breathing snorkel
tube: •man's premises: middle term ©failure of
swimming shorts: trunks •inflated this to include all members of a class
arm-floats for someone learning to in at least one premise: undistributed
swim: water wings middle
swimming pool •public open-air symbol ©symbol of cowardice:
swimming pool: lido •small cold white feather • identify ing symbol
swimming pool at a sauna: plunge used for a company, product, etc.:
pool ©water slide at a swimming logo, trade mark • symbol of surren-
pool: flume der: white flag •symbol replacing a
word: logogram, logograph • visual
swing ©swing to and fro: oscillate
symbols: imagery ©system of mu-
Swiss • Swiss breakfast food of cer- sical or mathematical symbols: nota-
eals, dried fruit, and nuts: muesli tion ©system of symbols, each re-
• hard Swiss cheese: Emmental presenting a syllable: syllabary
• pale Swiss cheese with holes: Gruy- • system of symbols, each of which re-
ere ©Swiss mayor: burgomaster presents a word in a certain language:
• Swiss mountaineers' falsetto song: ideograms ©study of symbols and
yodelling ©Swiss state: canton their significance: semiotics ©narra-
• traditional Swiss wooden house: tive or design whose content is to be
chalet interpreted symbolically: allegory

switch • switch controlling a whole sympathy ©feelingof sympathy:

system: master switch • switch oper- elective affinity©express sympathy
ated by moving a lever up or down: with: commiserate, condole ©insin-
toggle switch ©switch operated by cere expression of sympathy: croco-
pushing a sprung lever: tumbler • set dile tears ©lack of sympathy or con-
of electrical switches: gang cern: alienation ©lacking sympathy:
• switches and fuse boxes where the insensate, insensible
electrical supply enters a house: con- symptom • symptom accompany-
sumer unit • mechanism activating a ing a disease, but not caused by it: epi-
switch at a preset time: timer phenomenon •symptom suggesting
sword • curved sword broadening at a particular treatment: indication
the end:scimitar ©short slightly • symptom warning against a particu-
curved sword: cutlass ©curved cav- lar treatment: contraindication mset

alry sword: sabre ©blunted fencing of symptoms whose joint presence in-

sword: epee ©naval sword: cutlass dicates a particular disease: syn-

• short sword fixed to the end of a drome • denoting a gradually in-
rifle: bayonet • light sharp-pointed creasing symptom: ingravescent
sword: rapier ©sword carried before • sudden fierce outbreak of symptoms:
the sovereign on state occasions: paroxysm, seizure •temporary dis-
sword of state ©Scottish broad- appearance of symptoms: remission
sword: claymore ©sword handle: hilt • recurrence of symptoms after appar-
• knob on a sword handle: pommel ent recovery: relapse
• cover for a sword blade: scabbard, synagogue •cupboard in a syna-
sheath • sport of sword fighting: fen- gogue for scrolls of the Torah: ark
cing • entertainer passing a sword • synagogue storeroom: genizah
blade down his or her throat: sword- • synagogue singer and prayer-leader:
swallower cantor, hazzan
357 syphilis |

syphilis • syphilitic inflammation of refined sugar: treacle •browned

the brain: paresis syrup: caramel
syringe •insert by syringe: inject system •interconnected system:
syrup ©dark syrup from raw sugar: network • switch a system on or off:
molasses ©dark syrup from partly power up, power down

table 1
• table for the chief guests: • private conversation: tete-a-tete
top table • work table in a laboratory • denoting indecent talk: ribald, ris-
or workshop: bench •extending que, salacious, smutty ©talk fool-
table with hinged legs: gateleg table ishly or at length: prate, prattle
• folding section of a table: leaf • part talkative ©excessively talkative:
of a table for the most important per- garrulous, logorrhoeic
sons present: head • part of a table
takeover ©denoting an unwelcome
for the least important persons pres-
takeover bid: hostile
ent: foot ©card indicating where a
person should sit at table: place card tank ©water storage tank: cistern
• crockery and cutlery for one person • display tank for live fish etc.:

at table: place setting •revolving aquarium

stand on a table: lazy Susan tap • support for the washer: jumper
table 2 ©table of the elements ar- • sleeve round the turning shaft:

ranged to group those of similar gland

chemical structure: periodic table tape recorder •denoting a re-
• table giving the results of various corder with individually threaded
mathematical calculations: ready reels: open-reel •base for the cap-
reckoner stans: deck ©strip at the end of a
tape: leader ©cylindrical container
table tennis ©table tennis bat:
paddle for magnetic tape: reel, spool
• sealed unit containing tape and
tact • denoting a situation requiring
spools: cassette •obliterate a tape
tact: delicate
recording: erase •combined radio,
tactics •tactical withdrawal enab- gramophone, and tape deck: music
ling a further advance: reculer pour centre
mieux sauter tapioca ©plant yielding tapioca:
tail •combining form: caud- % adjec- cassava, manioc
tive: caudal ©fox's tail: brush ©rab- tar • tar used to preserve wood: creo-
bit'sor deer's tail: scut • solid part of sote ©distilled tar used for water-
an animal's tail: dock • cut short an proofing: pitch «tar used on roofs
animal's tail: dock and roads: bitumen *tar mixed with
tailor m adjective: sartorial •tailor's stones for road-making: asphalt
serrated scissors: pinking shears target •revolving target in a medi-
• try-on of clothes being made: fitting eval tiltyard: quintain •centre of a
take ©take for one's own use, with- target: bull's-eye •target's outer-
out permission or illegally: appropri- most division: outer •disk thrown
ate, misappropriate up as a shooting target: clay pigeon
talk ©conference between opposing • device throwing this: trap ©mark
sides: parley ©conference between aimed at in curling and quoits: tee
colleagues: powwow ©polite but un- taste • adjective: aesthetic, gusta-
necessary conversation: small talk tory ©person of refined taste: aes-
359 taxation |

thete •having refined taste: discrim- ied by another authority, or the tax so
inating, discerning •reflecting the levied: precept • allowances credited
tastes of ordinary people: populist to taxed income: negative income tax
• characteristic taste: savour ©pleas- • tax-free investment scheme: per-
ant to taste: palatable ©having a sonal equity plan •liability to a tax:
pleasantly sharp taste: piquant incidence •disclose items liable to
• having a sharp taste: pungent taxation: declare •point at which a
• having an unpleasant taste due to tax comes into effect: threshold
decay: rancid *see also bad taste, • class of tax liability, with appropri-
flavour ate documentation: schedule •calcu-

taxation •adjective: fiscal • tax-

lation of one's own tax liability: self-
assessment • sum that can be set
ation of expenditure: indirect taxation
against tax liability: tax credit •re-
• tax on goods entering a town: octroi
mission of tax due: relief •govern-
• tax on local households: council
ment department assessing and col-
tax • taxation of imports: protection-
lecting taxes: Inland Revenue ©area
ism • tax on a particular class of im-
officer of this: inspector of taxes
ports or exports: tariff •taxation of
• form filled in for assessment of tax:
income: direct taxation *tax etc. re-
tax return • Inland Revenue code re-
moved from gross pay: deduction
presenting the tax-free part of an em-
• this system of tax collection by em-
ployee's income: tax code •avoid-
ployers: pay as you earn ©tax on
ance of tax liability by legal means:
company profits: corporation tax
tax avoidance •avoidance of tax li-
• tax on excessive profits: windfall tax
ability by dishonest means: tax eva-
• tax on goods imported or exported:
sion • financial arrangement minim-
duty «tax on legal documents: tax shelter
izing tax liability:
stamp duty • tax on profits from sale • person living abroad to avoid tax:
of property or investments: capital
tax exile • place where taxes are low:
gains tax • tax on property or money tax haven •economic activity con-
acquired by gift or inheritance: inher- ducted on a cash basis to evade tax:
itance tax *tax on sales of certain
black economy ©group payments
goods: excise duty ©supplementary made to casual workers, enabling the
tax: levy, supertax, surtax ©tax on individual to evade tax: the lump
the value added to an item at each • foreign diplomats' immunity to local
stage of its production: value added taxation: diplomatic immunity •for-
tax • tax paid to keep a vehicle on the mer tax of 10% payable to the Church:
public roads: road fund tax, road tax tithe •former tax levied upon every
• before deduction of tax: gross adult: poll tax
• after deduction of tax: net •denot-
ing taxation levied at reduced rates on taxi •taxi that must be ordered in
below-average incomes: degressive advance: minicab ©passenger in a
taxi: fare • signal a taxi to stop: hail
• denoting taxation levied at premium
rates on below-average incomes: re- • place where taxis wait for hire: rank,
gressive • denoting taxation levied stand
at premium rates on above-average in- tea «tea made from unfermented
comes: progressive •denoting tax- green tea • tea made from fer-
ation levied at a fixed rate per unit: mented leaves: black tea ©herb tea:
specific • impose a tax: levy •defla- tisane ©gain flavour from the tea
tionary effect of progressive taxation: leaves: brew, draw, mash •become
fiscal drag • order for a tax to be lev- bitter through prolonged brewing:
teacher telephone

stew •perforated hollow metal combining electronics and mechanics:

sphere to hold tea leaves: tea ball mechatronics •technology of tran-
• tin holding tea: tea caddy •cover sistor and microchip circuits: elec-
keeping the teapot hot: cosy • Euro- tronics • technology of robot design
pean plant used to make tea: chamo- and •using advanced
use: robotics
mile ©Indian name for tea boiled technology: high-tech •forefront of
with milk, sugar, and cardamoms: technological development: leading \

chai • Japanese ritual of serving and edge • technological jargon: tech no-

drinking tea: tea ceremony •orna- babble, technospeak ©person devis-

mental mat for an afternoon tea plate: ing and implementing a new techno-
doily logical device: imagineer ©fear of
technology: cyberphobia
teacher ©teacher engaged to give a
few lessons at each of several schools: telephone •combining form: tele-

peripatetic ©teacher working with ( telemarketing) ©public tele-

individuals or small groups: tutor phone activated by coins: payphone,

• teacher temporarily substituting for coin box ©public telephone acti-
another: supply teacher •teacher of vated by a plastic card: cardphone
laboratory etc. techniques: demon- • telephone providing visual as well
strator ©private teacher: tutor, as aural contact: videophone •tele-
coach ©watch out for the teacher's phone at the door of a block of flats:
approach: keep cave ©institution entryphone •subsidiary telephone:
training teachers: college of educa- extension • cordless telephone using
tion cellular radio: cellphone, mobile,
mobile phone «put into telephone
teaching • adjective: didactic,
contact: connect, put through
pedagogic ©art of teaching: peda- • waiting to be connected: on hold
gogy • tuition given, often in public,
• telephone speaker and microphone
by a visiting expert to a group of ad- arranged to be held to the head: hand-
vanced students: master class • dis- set • telephone speaker and micro- i

paraging term for conventional teach- phone arranged to fit over the head:
ing methods: chalk and talk • foreign headset ©support for a telephone
language teaching using only the lan- handset: cradle, hook ©device pre-
guage taught: direct method •teach- venting the caller hearing one's re-
ing method proceeding by short self- marks: mute button ©main line of a i

tested steps: programmed learning telephone system: trunk line ©tele-

• person who has taught himself: phone connection with an external ex- j

autodidact change: outside line ©telephone line

teapot • teapot cover: cosy shared by two subscribers: party line
• direct telephone line for emergency
tear •adjective: lachrymal • prone
•telephone link for a
use: hotline
to, or inducing, tears: lachrymose
computer: modem •temporary tele-
• gland producing tears: lacrimal
phone connection: patch •place
where telephone calls are connected:
technology •combining form: exchange • manual exchange:
techno- •technology for manipulat- switchboard • switchboard connect-
ing atoms and molecules: nanotech- ing in-house extensions to each other
nology • technology of distance com- and to outside lines: private branch
munication by radio or wire: exchange •line connecting two pri-
telecommunications •technology vate branch exchanges: tie line •tele-
361 telephone television

phone system expressing dialled fig- lines: linesman •person working at

ures by a series of electronic pulses: a telephone switchboard: operator
pulse dialling •telephone system ex-
telescope ©telescope operating in
pressing dialled figures by pitched
space by remote control: space tele-
tones: tone dialling •denoting a tele-
scope ©building housing a large
phone with number buttons that gen-
telescope: observatory
erate pitched tones: touch-tone
• area served by a single cellphone television •combining form: tele-
transmitter: cell ©copy the security (e.g. telecine) ©television channel
codes of a mobile phone: clone one must pay a special fee to receive:
• change the security codes of a stolen pay channel, pay television ©televi-
mobile phone: rechip •denoting a sion service transmitted by wire:
telephone needing no wired connec- cable television ©television infor-
tion: cordless, mobile ©numbers mation service displaying computer
dialled to reach a telephone exchange: data received by telephone: viewdata
code ©book listing telephone sub- • denoting a television system in
scribers and their numbers: tele-
which video signals are transmitted
phone directory ©telephone service
by wire to a restricted set of monitors:
closed-circuit •television set throw-
giving this information: directory en-
ing its image onto a large screen: pro-
quiries ©denoting a telephone num-
jection television •tiny illuminated
ber not made publicly available:

area on a television screen: pixel

ex-directory ©tape machine record-
•juxtaposition of light and shade on a
ing incoming telephone messages: an-
television screen: contrast •clarity
swering machine, answerphone
of detail on a television screen: defin-
• central telephone facility storing
ition, resolution •faint secondary
callers' messages: voicemail ©call
image on a television screen: ghost
linking several telephones: confer-
• white spots on a television screen:
ence call •conference call providing
snow •irregular movement in lines
visual links: videoconference •de-
on a television screen: strobing • re-
noting a call paid for by the recipient:
mote television controls: handset
reverse-charge •enclosure giving
• free a television of unwanted mag-
privacy for telephone calls: booth
netism: degauss •damage to a tele-
• similar facility provided by an vision screen from long use: burn-in
agency: answering service • secret • caption at the foot of a television pic-
surveillance of telephone calls: tap- ture: subtitle • giving a good impres-
ping, telephone tapping, wire tap- sion on television: telegenic ©stage
ping ©make a telephone call unintel- manager of a television production:
ligible by electronic alteration: floor manager ©person introducing
scramble •making sales by unsoli- and playing music videos on televi-
cited telephone calls: telemarketing, sion: video jockey ©television
telesales •ordering goods by tele- broadcaster's prompt card: cue card
phone: teleshopping ©message initi- • pole projecting the microphone over
ated by telephone but delivered in a television camera: boom • studio
written form: telemessage ©tele- screen showing input to a particular
communications service using tele- camera: monitor •televised studio
printers: telex ©telecommunications competition: game show ©long tele-
service using document scanning: fax vision programme raising money for
• denoting a telephone line in use: en- charity: telethon • sample episode of
gaged • person repairing telephone a projected television series broadcast
temper tendon
| 362

to test audience reaction: pilot ©re- about either of the poles: frigid zone
cord a television programme for later • map line joining points of equivalent
viewing: time-shift ©resolve a televi- winter temperature: isocheim ©map
sion image into pixels for digital use: line joining points of equivalent sum-
pixelate ©computer chip blocking mer temperature: isothere ©gradual
violent or sexually explicit material: increase in worldwide temperatures:
V-chip ©text and graphic informa- global warming
tion broadcast by television: teletext
• still picture broadcast outside pro-
temple • temple of all the gods: pan-
gramme hours for tuning purposes: theon ©classical temple with a sin-

test card ©television broadcast of a

gle row of columns: monopteros
cinema film: telecine • denoting such a temple: peripteral
• temple's built-up entrance: propy-
temper ©temper metal or glass by
laeum •front vestibule of a classical
heating and cooling: anneal
temple: pronaos • inner chamber of
temperament ©denoting a gloomy a classical temple: cella, naos •ma-
temperament: saturnine ©denoting a sonry platform on which a temple is
changeable temperament: mercurial, built: stereobate • monumental gate-
volatile way to an ancient Egyptian temple:
temperature • lowest theoretically pylon • temple precinct: temenos
possible temperature: absolute zero {pi. temenoi) •Hindu or Buddhist
• temperature at which dew begins to tower temple: pagoda ©outer cham-
form: dew point •temperature scale ber of the Jewish temple: holy place
in which water boils at 100°: Celsius, • inner chamber of the Jewish temple:
centigrade • temperature scale in holy of holies, sanctum sanctorum
which water boils at 212°: Fahrenheit
temperature with
ten • combining form: dec- • denot-
• high bodily
ing a number system based on ten:
shivering and headache: fever •ex-
cessively low body temperature: hypo-
decimal, denary •period of ten
thermia • denoting creatures main- years: decade •occurring every, or
lasting for, ten years: decennial
taining a constant body temperature:
warm-blooded •denoting creatures • plane figure with ten sides: decagon
whose body temperature varies with • solid figure with ten faces: decahe-
that of their surroundings: cold- dron • athletic contest with ten
blooded • cooling effect of the wind events for all competitors: decathlon
upon air temperature: chill factor, • Ten Commandments: Decalogue
wind-chill factor •denoting wine at tenant • money paid to the landlord
room temperature: chambre •in- by an incoming tenant: key money
strument measuring temperature: • landlord's expulsion of a tenant:
thermometer • instrument record- eviction
ing temperature variations: ther-
mograph • device regulating tem- tendon •tendon attaching the calf

perature: thermostat • system con- muscles to the heel: Achilles' tendon

trolling temperature, humidity, etc. in- • tendon at the back of the knee: ham-
side a building: air conditioning string • inflammation of a tendon:
• device activated by temperature tendinitis •inflammation of the
changes: thermostat »hot zone elbow tendons: tennis elbow •in- I

centred on the equator: torrid zone flammation of the wrist tendons: teno-
• moderate zone north and south of synovitis • surgical cutting of a ten-
this: temperate zone ©cold zone don: tenotomy
363 tendency test |

tendency •tendency to do some- shrine used by the ancient Israelites:

thing: penchant tabernacle • nomad's tent in Mongo-
tennis • tennis scaled down for chil- lia, Siberia, and Turkey: yurt ©tent's
dren: short tennis •period of infor- over-cover: flysheet ©waterproof
mal play: knock-up ©tennis bat: floor-sheet: groundsheet ©rope
racket • racket face on which the steadying a tent: guy rope ©disman-
loops project: rough •racket face on tle a tent: strike
which the loops do not project: tenth •combining form: deci- (e.g.
smooth ©strike the ball to com- decilitre)
mence play: serve • player who must
territory • national policy of regain-
return the served ball: receiver • su-
ing former territories: revanchism, ir-
perior competitor in a tournament:
redentism • seizure of territory to
seed • score of zero: love • score of
add to one's own: annexation
40 all: deuce ©next point after this:
advantage ©play for game victory: terrorism •Basque separatist ter-
game point • group of games count- rorist organization: Eta •Irish na-
ing as a unit towards a match: set tionalist terrorist organization: Irish
• play for set victory: set point • play Republican Army •Islamic funda-
for match victory: match point mentalist terrorists: Muslim Brother-
• match for two players: singles hood • Islamic fundamentalist Pales-
• match for four players: doubles tinian terrorists: Hamas •terrorism
• stroke played after the ball has associated with the drugs trade:
bounced: groundstroke ©stroke narcoterrorism
played before the ball has bounced:
test • conclusive test: acid test
volley • stroke played with the palm
• random test: spot check ©test of
towards the opponent: forehand
actors or musicians applying for
• stroke played with the palm towards
work: audition • testing of cosmetics
oneself: backhand •revolving mo-
on rabbits: Draize testing • test of an
tion imparted to the ball: spin • glan-
item in its intended environment:
cing stroke giving the ball spin: slice
field test, field trial • test of metal or
• consecutive series of strokes: rally
ore for purity: assay ©test of a per-
• illegal service: fault ©two consecu-
son's potential for various kinds of
tive instances of this: double fault
training or employment: aptitude test
• overstepping the base line: foot fault
• developer's own test of a new prod-
• obstruction of ball or player: let
uct before it is submitted to beta test-
• court between service line and net:
ing: alpha test •test of a new prod-
forecourt t-see+also real tennis
uct requested from independent
tension •abnormally tense or anx- experts before it is put into mass pro-
ious: neurotic ©tension experienced duction: beta test • testing of produc-
by certain women immediately before tion samples to ensure maintenance
menstruation: premenstrual syn- of standards: quality control ©test of
drome ©drug reducing tension: a student's understanding of a text:
sedative • reduction of international
comprehension • test of state-school
tension: detente •reduce a situ- pupils in core subjects: standard as-
ation's tension: de-escalate, defuse
sessment task • comprehension test
tent • oblong tent: ridge tent • large of replacing missing words: cloze test
tent for social or commercial func- • test of a substance's strength by ap-
tions: marquee • Native American plying it to living cells or tissues:
tent: lodge, teepee, wigwam »tent bioassay
testicle |
theatre 364

testicle •combining form: orchi- ing: lacuna ©textual mark indicating

• having only one testicle: monorchid corruption: obelus ©collection of
• failure of a testicle to enter the scro- texts: corpus, sourcebook ©mark
tum: cryptorchidism •inflammation indicating a textual insertion: caret
of the testicles: orchitis • surgical re- • revised edition of a text: recension
moval of a testicle: orchidectomy • ancient textual commentator: scho-
• skin pouch containing the testicles: liast ©detailed comparison of texts:
scrotum • lamb's testicles as food: collation •denoting a text edited
lamb's fry from several sources: critical • denot-
ing an edition using material from
text ©text of a play, film, or broad-
several sources: variorum ©meld of
cast: script •original version of a
several texts: conflation, harmony
text: urtext •preliminary version of
• relationship between texts: inter-
a text: draft • text circulated for read-
textuality • diagram showing the
ing or signature: round robin ©text
supposed relationship between vari-
expressed in different words: para-
ous versions of a text: stemma •par-
phrase ©author's unpublished text:
allel presentation of several versions
manuscript •computer manipula-
of a text: synopsis ©this using six
tion of texts: text processing ©at-
versions: hexapla ©list of words in a
tempts to ascertain a text's original
text: concordance, glossary ©ex-
wording: textual criticism • denoting
planation of a text: commentary, exe-
a text whose authorship is thought to
gesis, gloss ©analysis of a text's
be wrongly assigned: apocryphal,
meaning: explication, hermeneutics
pseudepigraphal ©text in its
• text's basic message: gist • textual
author's own handwriting: auto- interpretation denying any fixed
graph, holograph ©text on a single meaning: deconstruction • insoluble
topic: monograph ©text composed of
textual problem: crux • prepare a
quotations from other authors: cento text for publication: edit •shorten a
• text in rhyme or metre: verse • text text whilst retaining its content: con-
not in rhyme or metre: prose ©text dense ©edit or abridge a text: cut
systematically omitting one or more • legal right to control the publication
letters of the alphabet: lipogram of a text: copyright ©test of a stu-
• text full of praise: encomium, dent's understanding of a text: com-
eulogy, panegyric ©aggressive or prehension • translation of a text to
argumentative text: polemic •au- help understanding: crib •portion of
thoritative text: locus classicus {pi. text having a wider margin: indent,
loci classic!) • unprepared text set for indentation
translation: unseen • opening words
of a text: incipit •closing words of a
that side • combining form: trans-
(e.g. transalpine)
text: explicit •extract from a text:
gobbet, passage, pericope •text theatre music
• variety theatre:
spoken for copying down: dictation hall house
• opera theatre: opera
• introduction of errors into a text: • theatre doorman: commissionaire
corruption •insertion of extra mat- • theatre's general manager: intend-
ter into a text: interpolation •inser- ant ©theatre's literary manager:
tion of further matter between the dramaturge ©part of a theatre used
lines of a text: interlineation •cor- by the audience: front of house
rection of textual errors: emendation • part of a theatre where the audience
• piece of text repeated elsewhere: sits during the performance: auditor-
doublet • point where text is miss- ium, house ©part of a theatre where
365 theft |

costumes are made or stored: ward- bezzlement, peculation ©person

robe • part of a theatre used as dress- who knowingly accepts stolen goods:
ing rooms etc.: backstage • theatre receiver ©round up and steal live-
entrance hall: foyer • part of a the- stock: rustle >see also robbery
atre where scenery is prepared: scene
theme ©recurrent theme: leitmotif,
shop • part of a theatre where tickets motif, motive ©underlying theme:
are sold: box office • area for the or-
chestra: pit •person checking tickets
at the auditorium entrance: usher
theology ©theology based on ob-
(fern, usherette) •seating on the floor served facts and experiences: natural
of a theatre: stalls • seating beneath
theology ©theology based on a bal-
the lowest balcony: pit • lowest bal- anced opposition of good and evil:
cony in a theatre: dress circle • mid- dualism ©theology based on the pro-
dle balcony in a theatre: upper circle
gressive abandonment of inadequate
concepts: apophaticism, via negativa
• highest balcony in a theatre: gallery
• separate section of the auditorium • theology of Christ: Christology
for a few spectators: box •door be- • theology of the Holy Spirit: pneuma-
tween auditorium and backstage: tology • theology of the Virgin Mary:
pass door • arch at the front of the Mariology •theological system
stage:proscenium •fireproof pro- based on two opposing forces: dualism
scenium curtain: safety curtain • theological basis of church organiza-
tion: ecclesiology •theological doc-
• stage projecting into the auditor-
trine that the future is foreordained:
ium: apron, thrust stage *at or to-
wards the front of the stage: down- predestination • unscriptural doc-

stage «at or towards the rear of the trine held to derive from apostolic
teaching: tradition •medieval West-
stage: upstage ©side of the stage to
the actor's left: prompt side ©side of ern philosophical and theological sys-
the stage to the actor's right: off- tem: scholasticism ©argument that
prompt side ©area at the side of a God must exist for ideas about him to
exist: ontological argument ©argu-
stage: wings ©angle of slope of the
stage or a part of the auditorium: rake ment for the existence of God based on
• floor-level lights along the stage
perceived order in nature: teleo-

front: footlights ©area above the logical argument ©argument for the

stage: flies ©dismantle a stage set: existence of God based on the inabil-

strike »area where scenery is built

ity of the universe to have created it-

and painted: scene shop ©substance self: cosmological argument

to make a stage mist: dry ice theory • provisional theory: hypoth-
• actors' backstage rest room: green esis ©denoting an ingenious but
room •actors' entrance in a theatre, simple theory: elegant • explanation
leading directly backstage: stage of a exposition
theory: ©theory's
door • maker of theatrical costumes: basic assumptions: first principles
costumier •theatre sound system • supporter of a theory: advocate, ex-
for hearing-aid users: induction loop ponent, proponent, protagonist
• denoting a theatre out of use: dark
therapy •psychological therapy
>see also scenery
that seeks to cure an undesirable
theft • unau thor ized use of another's habit by associating it with an un-
work: piracy •presenting another's pleasant experience: aversion ther-
work as one's own: plagiarism •co- apy • psychological therapy simulat-
vert theft of entrusted money: em- ing the trauma of being born:
thermometer three | 366

rebirthing •Chinese system of ther- cognition •ability to think clearly:

apy by pricking the skin with needles: lucidity •inability to think: mental
acupuncture • Japanese system of block ©engaged in deep thought:
therapy by applying finger pressure: pensive • tendency to think in a par-
acupressure, Shiatsu • denoting ticular way: thought pattern ©al-
therapy applied after successful treat- leged paranormal ability to communi-
ment of a cancer to suppress second- cate thoughts: telepathy, thought
ary tumours: adjuvant •therapeutic transference ©bodily movements or
enactment of various social roles: role posture taken to indicate thoughts
playing and feelings: body language •show-
thermometer •thermometer that ing creative thought: inventive, ori-
plots the temperature on a revolving ginal • showing, or capable of, little
graph: thermograph •thermometer thought: shallow ©think over care-
for low temperatures: cryometer fully: mull over, muse upon

• thermometer for high temperatures: thousand •combining forms: kilo-

pyrometer ©pair of thermometers (e.g. kilojoule), mill- ©thousandth an-
that measure humidity: psych rom- niversary: millennium, millenary
eter thousand million •combining
thief • thief gaining access by climb- form: giga- (e.g. gigabyte)
ing: cat burglar thousand millionth •combining
thin • gracefully thin: slender, svelte form: nano- (e.g. nanosecond)
• thin and bony: scrawny •thin and
thousandth •combining form:
haggard: gaunt •thin and unkempt:
mill(i)- (e.g. millimetre) •adjective:
scraggy •become thin and weak: millesimal
waste away
thread ©spun thread: yarn
thing •thing as perceived by the
length of thread:strand ©loosely
senses: phenomenon •thing as con-
coiled length of thread: skein • cylin-
ceived by the mind: noumenon
drical container for thread: reel,
this side •combining form: cis- spool
{e.g. cisalpine)
threat ©threat made by a hostile
thoroughbred • thoroughbred military build-up: sabre-rattling
horses: bloodstock • constant threat of disaster: sword of
thoroughly •combining form: ex- Damocles •crime of threatening
(e.g. excruciate) and touching a person: assault and
thought •adjective: noetic •con- battery •extortion of money under
centrated thought: meditation «a threat of revealing incriminating se-
person's ongoing thoughts and reac- crets: blackmail ©person making
tions to events: interior idle threats: paper tiger ©obtain by
stream of consciousness • thinking threats: extort

in which problems are solved by lo- three •combining forms: ter-, tri-
gical deduction: thinking
vertical • adjectives: ternary, treble, triple
• thinking in which problems are • Three Wise Men: Magi ©set of
solved by adopting a novel viewpoint: three: triad, trinity, trio ©three in
lateral thinking •human thought one: triune ©one of three offspring
mechanisms or processes when com- born at a birth: triplet ©division into
pared with those of a computer: three: trichotomy ©occurring once
wetware •consciousness of one's in, or lasting for, three years: triennial
own thought processes: meta- • three-hundredth anniversary: ter-
367 three-dimensional |

centenary, tercentennial, tricenten- underarm, underhand ©stick that

ary, tricentennial •ancient ship with returns to its thrower: boomerang
three banks of oars: trireme • group
thyroid ©overactivity of the thyroid
of three artworks with related themes:
gland: hyperthyroidism ©under-
trilogy •ensemble of three musi-
activity of the thyroid gland:
cians, or music for them: trio •solid
roidism • neck swelling caused by an
figure with three faces: trihedron
enlarged thyroid: goitre
• painting etc. covering three panels:
triptych •three-dimensional picture Tibet •former ruler of Tibet: Dalai
produced by lasers: hologram • three Lama ©lama next in rank to him:
successive successes: hat-trick •in Panchen Lama ©honoured Tibetan
three identical copies: in triplicate Buddhist teacher: Rinpoche ©Ti-
• having three parts: tripartite, triple betan Buddhism: Lamaism • Tibetan
• involving three participants: trilat- flag or wheel with inscribed prayers:
eral prayer flag, prayer wheel ©Tibetan
Buddhist monk: lama ©Tibetan Bud-
three-dimensional • combining
dhist monastery: lamasery ©Tibetan
form: stereo- ©drawing of a three-
Buddhist mystic syllable: om ©Ti-
dimensional object: stereogram
betan religious scroll painting: tanka
• mental perception of three-
• Tibetan Buddhist shrine: chorten
dimensionality: stereocognosis
• Tibetan ox: yak ©Tibetan ritual ex-
threshold •adjective: liminal posure of the dead: sky burial
thrift • constant thriftiness: scrimp- tick ©device set to tick at a preset
ing rate: metronome
throat •adjective: gular,jugular ticket ©ticket valid for an outward
• throat armour: gorget •throat journey only: single • ticket valid for
membrane folds making voice sounds: an outward and return journey: re-
vocal cords •muscular passage con- turn ©cheap same-day return: day
taining the vocal cords: larynx, voice return • ticket valid for a single jour-
box •inflammation of the vocal ney across several networks or inter-
cords and voice box: laryngitis •in- changes: through ticket • ticket valid
fection of the throat causing white for a series of successive journeys or
patches and severe itching: thrush events: season ticket ©area ticket
• build-up of mucus in the throat: ca- giving unlimited travel for a specified
tarrh • liquid to swill round the period: rover ©free tickets distrib-
mouth and throat: gargle, mouth- uted to create or enlarge an audience:
wash • swollen 'tissue at the back of paper • book of tickets: carnet ©de-
the throat: adenoids ©clear the noting a ticket usable on any date:
throat noisily: hawk open ©mark a ticket to show it has
through •combining form: dia- (e.g. been used: cancel ©person buying
diaphanous), trans- [e.g. transonic) up admission tickets to resell at in-
flated prices: tout
throw •throw close over a surface:
skim ©throw hard and frequently: tide ©tide that rises highest: spring
pelt ©throw a baited hook or net: tide • tide that rises least: neap tide
cast ©throw out: eject ©denoting a • rising tide: flood tide •falling tide:
throw made with the arm passing ebbtide •denoting a tide that is nei-
above the shoulder: overarm, over- ther rising or falling: slack •denot-
hand ©denoting a throw made with ing a tide that is out: low •denoting
the arm kept below the shoulder: a tide that is in: high •(of a tide or
tiger |
tin 368

someone: ma-
floods) to trap or isolate • time between midnight and dawn:
roon • times of high and low tide at a small hours •ticking device that
particular place: tide table helps musicians keep time: metro-
tiger • female tiger: tigress • young nome • device measuring time: time-
tiger: cub •offspring of a male tiger
piece • device showing the time by a
and lioness: tigon •offspring of a shadow from the sun: sundial ©sand
male lion and tigress: ligon vessel measuring time: hourglass
• science of accurate time measure-
tight •pulled tight: taut
ment: chronometry • study of time:
tightrope •tightrope walker: fu- horology •mechanism activating a
nambulist device at a preset time: timer •im-
tights • tights for dancing or gym- agined device allowing passengers to
nastics: maillot ©actor's flesh- travel to the future or the past: time
coloured tights: fleshings ©vertical machine •imagined time-space dis-
strip of unravelled fabric in tights: tortion allowing people and objects of
ladder, run one period to be moved to another:
time warp •region observing a com-
tile ©unglazed ceramic floor tile:
quarry, quarry tile ©curved inter-
mon time: time zone • national time
locking roof tile: pantile • wooden ex-
set an hour in advance in summer for

terior tile for roofs and walls: shingle

daylight saving: summer
time •na-
tional time set an hour in advance
• thin mortar used in tiling: grout
throughout the year for daylight sav-
timber •cutting and preparing tim- ing: standard time, daylight saving
ber: logging •drying out of timber: time ©tiredness felt after a flight
seasoning, treatment •denoting across time zones: jet lag ©latest
timber that has not been dried: green time for completion: deadline ©fur-
• rapidly spreading form of timber ther time granted for completion: ex-
rot: dry rot
tension, grace ©evade an issue in
time •combining forms: chron(o)-, order to gain time: temporize ©law
temp- madjective: chronological, setting a time limit for initiating a
temporal •time when a person was prosecution: statute of limitations
active: floruit •time allowed for a • item of short-term interest or utility:
fallen boxer to get up: count •time ephemeron {pi. ephemera) •happen-
when everyone must stay indoors: ing at the same time: concurrent,
curfew •time that cannot be used simultaneous, synchronous •exist-
productively: dead time • time of ex- ing at the same time: contemporan-
ceptional prosperity, achievement, eous, contemporary ©for an unlim-
etc.: golden age •time
for the opti- ited time: indefinitely ©not lasting
mum psychological effect: psycho- for long: temporary, transient, transi-
logical moment • particular time: tory ©for the time being: pro tern
epoch, era •point in time: juncture • at an inconvenient time: inoppor-
• duration of time: span • amount of tunely • done or happening at an un-
time a person is able to concentrate on suitable time: untimely •before the
a particular topic: attention span proper time: premature ©on time:
• denoting the earliest times: pri- punctually ©unaffected by time:
meval, primordial •final moments timeless
before an event: countdown ©start
times over • combining form: -fold
time: zero hour ©time between start
{e.g. hundredfold)
and finish: duration ©time between
start and completion: lead time tin •tin-mining district: stannary
369 tip |
tonic sol-ffah

tip ©pool for all tips given in a res- toast 2 •toast drunk to the ruler:
taurant or hotel: tronc loyal toast

tiredness •tiredness and depres- tobacco • piece of tobacco for chew-

sion occurring after a viral infection: ing: plug, quid • powdered tobacco
chronic fatigue syndrome for sniffing: snuff •tobacco remain-
ing in a pipe: dottle •stimulant in
tissue • combining form: hist- tobacco: nicotine ©dark resin pro-
• firm but flexible connective tissue: duced as tobacco is burnt: tar • invol-
cartilage ©band of connective tis- untary inhalation of tobacco smoke by
sue: ligament •mucus-secreting tis- non-smokers: passive smoking, sec-
sue: mucous membrane • tissue ondary smoking
transferred surgically: graft ©strong
toe «toe bent permanently down-
elastic connective tissue: cartilage
wards: hammer toe ©disease caus-
• small space in tissue: vacuole ing toe pain: gout • area of hard skin
• swollen pus-filled tissue: abscess on a toe: corn • fungal condition af-
• abnormal hardening of body tissue: fecting the skin between the toes: ath-
sclerosis ©abnormal tissue growth lete's foot • having inturned toes:
caused by cancer: neoplasm •nitro- pigeon-toed •excessive number of
gen compound in tissue: protein toes: Polydactyly • denoting animals
• tissue compatibility: histo- that walk on their toes: digitigrade
compatibility • thickening and scar-
together • combining form: com-
ring of connective tissue: fibrosis
(e.g. combination) • unable to exist or
• inflammation of fibrous tissue: fibro- work together: incompatible, incon-
sitis ©tissue damage from extreme gruous
cold: frostbite •localized tissue
tolerance • mutual tolerance: co-
death and decay: gangrene, necrosis
existence, pluralism
• wasting away of tissue: atrophy,
dystrophy •colourless tissue fluid: tomb •adjective: sepulchral ©large
and elaborate tomb: mausoleum
lymph • thick liquid produced in in-
• rock-cut or built tomb: sepulchre
fected tissue: pus ©natural sub-
• ancient Egyptian tomb: mastaba
stance controlling tissue activity: hor-
• beehive-shaped Mycenaean tomb:
mone ©diagnostic examination of
tholos •inscription on a tomb: epi-
tissue:biopsy ©medical imaging of
taph • ancient tomb of three large
tissue:magnetic resonance imaging
stones: cromlech, dolmen • ancient
• imaging of a tissue section:
stone burial chamber: cist •ancient
planigraphy • study of tissue struc-
burial mound: barrow •tomblike
ture: ©study of tissue
monument: cenotaph
changes caused by disease: histo-
tombstone •tombstone carver:
monumental mason
title ©hereditary right to a title etc.:
tongue •combining form: gloss(o)-
• adjectives: glossal, lingual ©area of
toast 1
• thin crisp toast: Melba toast the tongue sensitive to tastes: taste
• small piece of toast to dip into sauce bud ©inflammation of the tongue:
etc.: sippet •small piece of toast glossitis ©speaking with tongues:
served on soup or a salad: crouton giossolalia
• melted cheese on toast: Welsh rare- tonic sol-fah ©first note in this
bit • melted cheese on toast with a system: doh ©second note: re
poached egg: buck rarebit • third note: mi •fourth note: fah
tonsil !
tooth 370

• fifth note: son • sixth note: lah rasp ©powered smoothing tool:
• seventh note: ti sander • wood-smoothing tool: plane
• wide spade: shovel •small narrow
tonsil •inflammation of the tonsils:
spade for cutting roots: spud • small
tonsitlitis ©surgical removal of the
curved spade: trowel •threshing
tonsils: tonsillectomy
tool: flail •denoting an adjustable
tool •tool for adjusting wheel nuts: tool: universal •tool's handle: helve
wheel brace • corkscrew-like tool for • narrow part attaching the handle to
wood-boring: auger, bradawl, gimlet the operational end: shank •tool's
• tool for breaking up hard ground: expanding holder: chuck • cutting or
pickaxe • adze-ended pickaxe: mat- gripping part of a tool: bit ©device
tock • heavy chisel for cutting guiding a tool: jig ©person making
bricks: bolster • concave-bladed precision machine tools: tool maker
chisel: gouge •meat chopper:
cleaver ©rubber blade for cleaning
tooth • combining forms: dent-,
odont-, -odon (e.g. mastodon) • ad-
windows: squeegee •tool for crush-
jective: dental •child's first teeth:
ing or grinding: pestle ©curved cut-
milk teeth ©second set of teeth, last-
ting tool: hook • powered cutting or
ing most of adult life: permanent
shaping tool: machine tool *long-
bladed agricultural cutting tool:
teeth ©narrow-edged tooth used to
cut: incisor ©pointed tooth between
scythe •short-handled agricultural
the incisors and molars: canine ©ca-
cutting tool with a curved blade:
sickle ©steel engraving tool: burin, nine tooth in the upper jaw: eye tooth
graver ©crowbar
for forcing win-
• broad grinding tooth: molar •ir-
dows: jemmy ©agricultural two- regular or projecting tooth: snaggle-
pronged fork: pitchfork ©grinding tooth ©long pointed tooth protrud-
tool: file ©gripping tools: pincers, ing from the mouth: tusk ©tooth
pliers, tongs, tweezers ©tool for emerging at the back of the jaw during
gripping a nut or bolt: spanner adulthood: wisdom tooth ©snake's
• hedgecutting tool: slasher • tool for venom-injecting tooth: fang ©cut
holding an object firmly: brace, teeth: teethe • rub the teeth together

clamp, vice ©iron bar with a flat- noisily: grind •involuntary grinding

tened end: crowbar ©tool for mark- of the teeth- bruxism • part of a tooth
ing angles: bevel ©mixing and embedded in the gum: root •firm
spreading tool: spatula ©tool for flesh around a tooth's root: gum
moulding or stamping out metal: die • tooth's first emergence through the
• tool for piercing leather: awl •tool gum: eruption • part of a tooth above
for applying plaster and mortar: the gum: crown •pointed projection
trowel •plaster-smoothing tool: float on the top of a tooth: cusp ©hard
• pruning clippers: secateurs glossy substance covering the crown:
• pruning tool with a sickle-shaped enamel ©bony part of a tooth below
blade: billhook •hooked pruning the enamel: dentine ©soft tissue in-
tool on a long handle: pruning hook side a tooth: pulp ©tooth decay: car-
• tool making seedholes: dibber, dib- ies ©bacterial film on teeth: plaque
ble ©tool for separating rope • hard yellowish deposit forming on
strands: marlinspike ©tool for shap- teeth: calculus, scale, tartar •de-
ing metal: swage ©tool for shaping cayed area on a tooth: cavity ©block
wood: adze ©heavy powered tool for this: fill • passage through a tooth for
shaping wood, metal, etc.: machine the nerves and blood vessels: root
tool ©metal-smoothing tools: file, canal • gap between teeth: diastema
371 top |

(pi. diastemata) •denoting a tooth from topic to topic: discursive ©ir-

wedged between another tooth and the relevant to the topic: extraneous
jaw: impacted •alloy used to fill torture • caning the soles of the feet:
teeth: amalgam •filling shaped to fit
bastinado • torture by dripping
a tooth cavity: inlay ©wire device to water: water torture • frame on
straighten teeth: brace • protective which the victim may be stretched:
covering for a tooth: cap •artificial rack ©device crushing the thumbs:
replacement for the upper part of a thumbscrew
tooth: crown • artificial replacement
for a tooth, supported by the teeth on
touch • adjective: tactile ©body
examination by touch: palpation
either side: bridge, bridgework
• able to be touched: tangible ©that
• shaped plastic holding false teeth:
cannot be touched or felt: impalpable
denture, plate • dental repair renew-
ing both appearance and function: tourism ©tourism intended to in-

restoration •surgical removal of a crease ecological awareness: ecotour-

tooth: extraction •dentistry of chil- ism • period of maximum tourist ac-
dren: paedodontics ©teeth present tivity: high season •period of least
in a mouth: dentition •numerical tourist activity: low season ©agent
formula expressing this: dental for- accompanying a tourist group: cour-
mula • position of teeth with closed ier ©tourist guide: cicerone (pi. ci-

jaws: occlusion ©bad tooth position- ceroni), dragoman (pi. dragomans)

ing with closed jaws: malocclusion tournament ©tournament for
• regularization of the teeth or jaws: medieval knights: joust
orthodontics • care of the structures
towards •combining form: ad- (e.g.
surrounding the teeth: periodontics,
periodontology • inflammation of
the tissue around teeth: periodontitis
tower • airport tower for traffic con-
trol officials: control tower •bell
• fine thread pulled between the teeth:
dental floss •pointed piece of wood tower: belfry, campanile ©castle's

or plastic for cleaning between the central tower: keep, donjon ©tower
teeth: toothpick •compound added above a gate or drawbridge: barbican
to drinking water to arrest tooth
• industrial tower to condense steam:
decay: fluoride • person treating and cooling tower •mosque tower: min-
extracting teeth: dentist ©design,
aret • small tower: turret •tower
manufacture, and fitting of false teeth: projecting from a defensive wall: bas-
tion • Hindu or Buddhist tower tem-
prosthodontics ©person who makes
ple: pagoda ©stepped temple tower
and repairs false teeth: dental techni-
cian • mould made round a person's in ancient Mesapotamia: ziggurat

teeth: impression • study of teeth: • ancient Scottish tower: broch

odontology •toothed wheel: cog, • tower top tapering to a point: spire,
sprocket •toothed projection on a steeple
wheel or cylinder: sprocket town • adjective: civic, municipal,
urban ©planned town with large
top ©top of a hill or mountain: sum-
open spaces: garden city ©town
whose inhabitants mostly work else-
topic ©text on a single topic: mono- where: dormitory ©deserted town:
graph ©general survey of a topic: ghost town • fusion of several towns:
overview, synopsis ©related to a conurbation •backwoods town in
particular topic: thematic ©depart South Africa: dorp ©visual appear-
from the topic: digress ©wandering ance of a town: townscape • squalid
town planning |
traffic 372

urban area: slum, twilight zone •un- • trading centre: entrepot ©trade
sightly suburban development: sub- agent abroad: comprador •denoting
topia •public planning and control trade unnoticed by official statistics:
of urban development: town planning grey, informal ©denoting the cheap
• list of towns: gazetteer •linkage of end of a trade: downmarket ©denot-
a town with a similar one abroad for ing trade showing no improvement:
social and cultural exchanges etc.: flat ©group of countries exercising
twinning • person employed to shout free. trade among themselves: com-
announcements in a town's streets: mon market, customs union, single
town crier market ©discouragement of foreign
town planning •official permis-
imports by high tariffs etc.: protec-
sion for the erection or alteration of tionism ©authority to trade with
buildings: planning permission another's goods: franchise ©author-
ity to trade at a specified place: con-
• area earmarked by planners for a
particular type of development: zone
cession ©trade restrictions imposed
• redevelopment of run-down urban upon a foreign country until it
areas: urban renewal •collapse of changes its policies: sanctions ©of-
property values due to expected area ficial ban on trade: embargo ©words
redevelopment: planning blight used in a trade etc.: jargon
• public facility offered by a developer trader •combining form: -monger
in return for planning permission: {e.g. fishmonger) ©local trader: little

planning gain man ©trader selling on: middleman

• trader in stolen goods: fence
toy • wheeled board like a single
• wholesale trader: merchant •com-
roller skate: skateboard • wheeled
bination of traders to fix prices: car-
board with steering handles: scooter
tel, price ring
• pair of disks spun on a string: yo-yo
• sprung jumping-stick: pogo stick trade union • senior official of cer-

• toy showing coloured patterns in a tain unions: convener

• branch of
tube: kaleidoscope • optical toy pro- certain unions: chapel • supporter of
ducing a moving picture: thauma- trade unions: unionist • grant a
trope, zoetrope ©stick with curved union workplace negotiation rights:
vanes turning in the wind: windmill recognize ©withdraw such rights:
• cotton-like substance for stuffing derecognize ©recruit in a work-
soft toys: kapok place: organize, unionize ©work-
place where union membership is vol-
trade •adjectives: economic, mer-
untary: open shop ©workplace
cantile • unrestricted trade: free
where employees must join a union
market, open market •main item of
within an agreed time: union shop
trade: staple ©trade by exchange ra-
• workplace where union membership
ther than sale: barter • international
is compulsory: closed shop •denot-
trade by barter: countertrade •se-
ing a workplace with no union pres-
cret trade in items otherwise available
ence, or of work produced there: non-
only from state outlets or not at all:
union see also industrial relations
black market, parallel market • trad-
ing with immediate payment and de- tradition •traditional beliefs, cus-
livery: spot market •trading for toms, and stories of a community:
later payment and delivery: futures folklore •abandoning tradition: in-
• trade brought by a particular client: novative, radical
custom, account • illegal trade: traf- traffic •excess traffic: congestion
fic • decline in trade: downturn • time of peak traffic: rush hour • de-
373 train |

noting traffic whose destination lies seats convert into bunks: couchette
beyond its present location: through • large-windowed carriage: observa-
• fixed post used to prevent traffic ac- tion car ©sideless goods wagon: flat
cess: bollard •deliberate slowing of • fitting on the end of a railway ve-
traffic: traffic calming ©right to pro- hicle to join it to another: coupling
ceed while other traffic must wait: • safety switch in a locomotive cab
right of way •flashing yellow globe that cuts the engine unless constantly
at either end of a pedestrian road- depressed by the driver: dead man's
crossing that is not controlled by handle • token given to driver enter-
traffic lights: Belisha beacon •ar- ing a single-track section: staff >see
rangement for traffic to merge with also railway
thaton a transverse road: filter • traf- training •interactive training en-
fic jam affecting several streets: grid- vironment for pilots: simulator, flight
lock • close to traffic: pedestrianize simulator
train •train with two engines at its tram •extending framework con-
front: double header • train driven necting with overhead power lines:
by motors beneath its carriages: mul- pantograph
tiple unit •train travelling on a cush- transfer ©transfer of goods giving a
ion of air: hovertrain • train with right to use only: bailment • person
sleeping accommodation: sleeper conferring this limited right: bailor
• train run empty: ghost train •de- • person receiving this limited right:
noting a train running towards a bailee ©person receiving a right or
major city: up • denoting a train run- property by legal transfer: assign, as-
ning away from a major city: down signee ©arrive in time for passen-
• denoting a freight train with a fixed gers to transfer to onward transport:
continuous route: merry-go-round connect
• denoting a train carrying both goods
transistor • design of devices using
and passengers: mixed •train's
transistors: electronics
scheduled route across the network:
path • leave a train: disembark translation •computer translation:

• route indicator on a train's front: automatic translation, machine

translation •free translation: para-
headboard •railwayman in charge
phrase meta-
• literal translation:
of a train: guard •vehicles of which
a train is composed: stock, rolling
phrase ©unprepared text set for
translation: unseen • person making
stock • wagons or carriages coupled
oral translations: interpreter
together for a particular service: train
set • movement of rolling stock from transplant • body's hostile reaction
one line to another: shunting ©set of to transplanted organ: rejection
pivoted wheels for rolling stock: bogie • drug given to prevent rejection of a
• projecting rim on wheels of railway transplanted organ: immunosup-
vehicles: flange • luxury railway car- pressor
riage: Pullman •railway carriage's transport ©transport of goods:
enclosed entrance area: vestibule freight, haulage ©batch of goods
• partitioned section of a railway car- transported: shipment ©large flex-
riage: compartment •carriage with ible container for water-transport of
beds: sleeper, sleeping car, sleeping liquids: dracone ©transport com-
carriage •sleeping-car bed: berth pany: carrier, haulier, shipper ©com-
• Continental sleeping carriage: pany providing scheduled public air
wagon-lit ©railway carriage whose transport: airline ©right to operate
trap |
tree 374

transport services: cabotage •agent treat ©treat with excessive kind-

arranging sea transport: shipbroker ness: coddle, spoil ©treat cruelly or
• involving several kinds of transport: unfairly: mistreat ©treat roughly:
intermodal • chart showing times manhandle ©repeated cruel and un-
of transport services: timetable just treatment: persecution
• source of transport travelling regu- treatment ©course of treatment:
larly between two points: shuttle
• high-speed urban public passenger
transport: rapid transit •denoting a treaty • treaty between the pope and
transport service going right to one's a secular state: concordat
• draft or
final destination: through •money amendment a treaty: protocol

paid to use public transport: fare • formal acceptance of a treaty: ac-

• point where several transport ser- cession • formal rejection of a
vices meet: interchange «end of a treaty: denunciation ©active treaty
transport route: terminus • extra ve- enforcement by a third party: peace-
hicle put in service when the regular keeping
provision is insufficient: relief tree • combining forms: arbor-,
trap ©animal trap using a noose: dendr-, silv(i)- • adjectives: arboreal,
snare «trap closing sharply when dendroid ©young tree: sapling ©de-
entered or trodden upon: spring trap noting a tree that sheds its leaves an-
• large spring trap formerly set to nually: deciduous ©type of tree that

catch poachers: mantrap retains its leaves: evergreen ©type of

tree having cones as fruit: conifer
trapdoor • trapdoor giving access to
• tree with branches trained along a
drains etc.: manhole wall: espalier »tree with top and
travel ©that can be travelled over: branches cut off: pollard «tree grow-
navigable ©travel through an area ing erect to full height: standard
on the way to somewhere else: transit • small group of trees: copse, grove,
• travel regularly from home to work: spinney, stand • dense group of
commute • travel a route regularly trees: thicket • copse on a steep hill-
for commercial purposes: ply • travel side: hanger •wind-stunted trees
by soliciting lifts: hitch-hike ©travel high on a mountain: krummholz
carrying one's belongings in a ruck- • stunted trees and shrubs: scrub
sack: backpack • travel without a • point beyond which no trees grow:
fixed destination: roam ©plan and treeline • upper part of a tree: crown
direct the route of travel: navigate • top branches of a group of trees:
• short distance to travel: short haul canopy ©tree's hard inner wood:
• persistent desire to travel: wander- heartwood ©tree's soft outer wood:
lust ©travel agency specializing in sapwood ©coloured ring seen in the
cheap flights: bucket shop ©area cross-section of a tree trunk, re-
ticket giving unlimited travel for a presenting a year's growth: annual
specified period: rover ©instrument ring, growth ring, tree ring ©dating
measuring miles travelled: milometer technique derived from these: dendro-
traveller ©traveller's public ac-
chronology ©tree trunk's outer
count of his experiences: travelogue covering: bark ©cut end of a felled
tree: kerf ©fruit of forest trees as ani-
tray ©fine silver tray: salver
mal food: mast • sticky substance ex-
treason ©charge with treason: im- uded by certain trees: gum, resin
peach • rough protuberance from a tree
375 trellis |

trunk: gnarl, knag •abnormal • easily tricked: naive ©trick some-

growth on a tree trunk: gall ©simple one into doing something: beguile
plant growing on trees: lichen • culti- Trinity • three-in-one: triune ©indi-
vation of trees: arboriculture, for-
vidual member of the Trinity: hypos-
estry, silviculture •botanical garden tasis • denoting the shared essence
devoted to trees: arboretum •place of members of the Trinity: consub-
where young trees are grown: nursery stantial •assertion that the three
• entwine tree branches: pleach • cut members of the Trinity are separate
back a tree for poles: coppice ©cut gods: tritheism • person claiming to
down a tree: fell *cut made round a believe in God but denying the exist-
tree-trunk: girdle •person pruning ence of the Trinity: Unitarian
older trees: tree surgeon ©person
trip ©pleasure trip: outing
felling trees: lumberjack ©label at-
tached to a tree: tally ©bushes etc. trivial ©trivial remark: bromide

growing round a tree: undergrowth • conversational exchange of trivial-

ities: small talk •anticlimax result-
• study of trees: dendrology • dia-
gram laid out like a tree: dendro- ing from an unexpected mention of
gram trivialities: bathos
troops •troops in permanent mili-
trellis •trellis along which the
tary employment: regulars • extra
branches of fruit trees are trained: es-
forces kept for emergency use: re-
palier ©trellis carrying climbing
serves • member of such a force: re-
plants over a garden path or arbour:
servist • troops not part of an estab-
lished force: irregulars, guerrillas
'trial ©trial invalidated by a legal • troops stationed in a town or fort:
technicality: mistrial ©trial held for garrison • troops trained to serve on
publicity purposes: show trial
• hand land or sea: marines • troops trained
over to a foreign state a person ac- in parachuting: paratroops ©place
cused of commiting a crime there: where troops are stationed: post,
extrad ite • mock trial as an academic posting, garrison ©troops' living ac-
legal exercise: moot • trial run of an commodation: barracks, billet, quar-
idea, policy, etc. to gauge public reac- ters • arrangement of troops: array,
tion: ballon d'essai, trial balloon formation ©narrow but deep forma-
vsee also lawcourt tion of column ©line of
troops drawn up abreast: rank • gath-
itrial and error •trial-and-error
ering of troops for inspection etc.:
method of solving f problems: heuris-
muster ©draw up troops in parade
formation: dress

©position troops
triangle • triangle with three equal for battle: deploy • equip troops with
sides: equilateral triangle • denoting motor vehicles: motorize • long leave
a triangle with two equal sides: isos- granted to troops: furlough *see also
celes • denoting a triangle with un- soldier
equal sides: scalene • longest side of trust • adjective: fiduciary ©person
a right-angled triangle: administering a trust: trustee • inno-
• surveying system based on meas- cently trustful: naive, unsuspecting
ured triangles: triangulation
truth •true but trite statement: tru-
trick ©legal or financial trickery: ism • appearance of truth: verisimili-
chicanery • deliberate deception of a tude • allegedly or seemingly true:
I trusting person: confidence trick ostensible • guarantee the truth of:

tube turpentine

warrant •prove the truth of: demon- enemy's defences: sap •tunnel-
strate • deny the truth of: contro- building by digging a trench and roof-
vert ing it over: cut-and-cover
tube ©tube conveying liquid from a turbine •combining form: turbo-
higher to a lower vessel by atmos- • turbine powered by an engine's ex-
pheric pressure: siphon ©very thin haust gases: tubocharger •turbine
tube: capillary •thin tube inserted blade: vane
into a vein or body cavity: cannula
turkey •noise made by a turkey:
• thin tube inserted into the urethra:
gobble •fleshy lobe hanging from a
catheter • insertion of a tube into the
turkey's neck: wattle
body: intubation ©glass tube with a
closed end used in laboratory experi- Turkish •combining form: Turco-
ments: test tube • tube with mirrors (e.g. Turco-Soviet) • Turkish admin-
to see over or round an obstacle: peri- istrative district: vilayet •flat-woven
scope • tube giving the image in a Turkish carpet: kilim • Turkish
television or computer: cathode ray mixed hors d'oeuvre: mezes ©Turk-
tube • made of tubular sections, each ish dish of stuffed aubergines: Imam
fitting inside the last: telescopic Bayildi ©Turkish dish of spiced
tumour •combining forms: onco-, lamb: doner kebab ©Turkish dish of
-oma •denoting a tumour that does dried cracked wheat: bulgar wheat
not seriously threaten health: benign • Turkish robe open at the front: dol-
• benign tumour of fatty tissue: man ©long Turkish tobacco pipe:
lipoma •denoting a tumour that chibouk ©Turkish summer house:
spreads out of control and returns kiosk ©Turkish shared taxi: dolmus
after treatment: malignant •malig- • Turkish nomad's tent: yurt ©for-
nant skin tumour: carcinoma •ma- mer title of a Turkish district gov-
lignant tumour of the bone marrow: ernor: bey • former title of a Turkish
myeloma •tumour of melanin- senior officer: pasha • member of the
forming cells: melanoma •malig- Turkish sultan's former guard: janis-
nant tumour of connective tissue: sar- sary
coma • slow-growing malignant turn •combining forms: trop- {e.g.
facial tumour: rodent ulcer •malig- tropism), -tropic (e.g. heliotropic)

nant tumour of the testis: tera- • turn assigned in rotation: Buggins'

tocarcinoma •causing tumours: turn • complete turn of a vehicle in a
oncogenic •surgical destruction of confined space by moving backwards'
tumours by an electric current: elec- and forwards: three-point turn
trolysis • study and treatment of tu- • complete turn of a vehicle in a single
mours: oncology >see also cancer arc: U-turn •race with constant^
tune •simple tune: air • easily turns: slalom ©pass round in turn: r

memorable tune: jingle©tune of es- rotate ©sudden or unexpected turn:

tablished popularity: standard •mu- quirk • full of twists and turns: tortu-
sical embellishment to a note in a ous • crucial turning point: Rubi-J
tune: ornament •reworking of a con, watershed •turning forces
complete tune: variation •tune frag- torque •turn into bone: ossify
ment constantly repeated: ostinato • turn into stone: petrify • turn from
• section of a tune regularly repeated: its course: deflect ©turn violently:

refrain slew
tunnel ©road or pedestrian tunnel: turpentine •adjective: terebinth-
underpass •tunnel dug under an ine I
377 turtle |

turtle •turtles' breeding ground: bilateral • aircraft having two sets of

rookery wings: biplane •athletic contest
twelve •combining form: dodeca- with two events for all competitors: bi-
• adjectives: duodecimal, duodenary athlon • ensemble of two musicians,
• twelve-sided figure: dodecagon or music for them: duet •painting
• twelve-tone musical system: serial- etc. covering two panels: diptych
ism, dodecaphony • ancient warship with two files of
oarsmen on each side: bireme •oc-
twenty • adjective: vigesimal •set
curring every two months: bimonthly
of twenty: score {pi. same)
• occurring once in, or (of a plant)
twice •combining forms: bi-, di- lasting for, two years: biennial •two-
(e.g. dioxide)•occurring twice a hundredth anniversary: bicentenary,
month: bimonthly •occurring twice bicentennial • cut in two: bisect
a year: biannual, semi-annual
type •combining form: -ery (e.g.
twilight •adjective: crepuscular greenery)
twins ©denoting twins joined at typeface • set of printing type: font
birth: Siamese •denoting twins de- • upright typeface: roman ©sloping
veloped from the same ovum: identi- typeface: italic ©slight stroke at the
cal, monozygotic, monozygous end of a printed letter: serif • serif-
• denoting non-identical twins: less typeface: sans serif •thick-
dizygotic, dizygous •astrological looking typeface: bold • typeface imi-
term: Gemini tating handwriting: script ©German
twist ©sudden sharp twist: wrench traditional typeface: Fraktur ©Eng-
• (of a ship or aircraft) twist from side lish equivalent: black letter
to side: yaw • twist unnaturally: con- typewriting ©moving part of type-
tort »be twisted by heat or damp: writer for positioning paper: carriage
distort, warp • typewriter roller: platen •type-
twitch •uncontrolled facial twitch: writer key giving capital letters: shift
tic key • typewriter key giving a new
two •combining forms: bi-, di-, line: carriage return ©typewriter
du(o)- •adjectives: binary, double, key giving free movement of paper:
dual •division into two categories: carriage release ©standard English-
dichotomy •(of a legislative body) language keyboard layout: querty
having two chambers: bicameral • type using all fingers and without
• for two ears: binaural ©for two looking at the keys: touch-type
eyes: binocular •two-faced: duplici- tyre »tyre with diagonal cords:
tous •animal having two feet: biped cross-ply ©tyre with cords at right-
• in, or able to speak, two languages: angles to the circumference: radial
bilingual • ability to be in two places • tyre's reinforced inner edge that
simultaneously: bilocation •having grips the rim of the wheel: bead
two names or terms: binomial •in- • thick moulded part of a tyre: tread
volving two participants: bilateral, bi- • groove in a tyre tread: sipe • inflat-
partisan, bipartite ©having two able tube inside a tyre: inner tube
parts: binary, bipartite,
dual • thing • worn tyre given a new tread: re-
having two parts: dyad • two-sided: mould, retread
ulcer •denoting an ulcer slow to understand ©easy to understand:
heal: indolent perspicuous, user-friendly •imme-
diate understanding not needing ra-
umbrella •light umbrella giving
shade from the sun: parasol tional thought: intuition ©hard to
understand: enigmatic, enigmatical,
unarmed combat • sports giving obscure •impossible to understand:
skill in unarmed combat: martial
impenetrable, inaccessible, inde-
cipherable, indigestible • make hard
uncle •adjective: avuncular • child to understand: obfuscate
of one's uncle or aunt: cousin
understanding • perceptive under-
unconsciousness •semi- standing: insight, penetration • sym-
conscious state: stupor •long period pathetic understanding: empathy
of deep unconsciousness: coma • informal diplomatic understanding
• temporary loss of consciousness: between two nations: entente cordi-
blackout ©state of unconsciousness ale
with bodily rigidity: catalepsy, cata-
understatement •deliberate
tonia • unconsciousness from a blow
understatement: litotes
to the head: concussion •knock un-
conscious: stun underwater • sealed underwater
chamber: caisson •underwater wall
unconventional •unconventional
reaching to the surface to provide a
person: eccentric •deliberately un-
dry area: coffer, cofferdam • divers'
conventional person: enfant terrible
{pi. enfants terribles) • shock the staid
underwater vessel open at the bottom
by unconventional behaviour: epater and filled with air: diving bell
les bourgeois • submarine-like vessel for deep
underwater exploration: bathy-
under •combining forms: hypo- (e.g.
hypodermic), infra- (e.g. infra-red),
sub- (e.g. sub-zero) underworld •denoting the under-
world: chthonian, chthonic • god of
underground • underground cem-
the Classical underworld: Hades,
catacomb • underground com-
Pluto •his consort: Persephone
mand centre: bunker •underground • river bordering the Classical under-
railway in London: tube •under-
world: Styx •ferryman of the Styx:
ground railway in Paris: metro
• underground railway in Rome:
metropolitana ©underground rail- unemployment •unemployment
way in the USA: subway due to change of job: frictional un-
employment •unemployment due to
undermine • undermine a fortifica-
industrial reorganization: structural
tion by tunnelling beneath it: sap
• undermine an organization by es-
tablishing agents within it: infiltrate uniform •uniform for a specified '

• such an agent: mole purpose: order • uniform of a par-

379 union |

ticular regiment: regimentals •or- universe: big bang ©theory that the
dinary uniform: undress •loose universe is supported by constant cre-
drab uniform: fatigues •uniform for ation of matter: steady state • study
formal but not ceremonial occasions: of the general features of the universe:
service dress •officer's uniform for cosmography • study of the origins
formal dinners: mess kit •tight of the universe: cosmogony ©study
jacket for this: mess jacket, monkey of the origin and development of the
jacket • tight dress trousers: overalls universe: cosmology
• close-fitting short coat: tunic •sol- university •adjective: academic
dier's peaked cap: forage cap •mili-
• university at which one was edu-
tary badge: insignia {pi. same) •or- cated: alma mater •university enrol-
namental shoulderpiece on a uniform ment: matriculation •first-year
jacket: epaulette •coloured patch of university student: freshman •uni-
cloth indicating regiment: flash versity student who has not yet taken
• V-shaped stripe on the arm of a uni- his first degree: undergraduate •de-
form: chevron, stripe ©cord holding noting a university member below the
a whistle etc.: lanyard •ornamental grade of master: in statu pupillari
fastening: frog • belt worn by certain • grant financing university study:
army officers, with a strap over the bursary • partial remission of fees
shoulder: Sam Browne • military of- awarded to a promising undergradu-
ficer's short stick: swagger stick ate: exhibition, scholarship ©such
• military boot reaching. to the knee: undergraduate: exhibitioner, scholar
jackboot ©herald's emblazoned coat: • undergraduate having neither a
tabard ©jester's outfit: motley scholarship nor exhibition: com-
• non-uniform clothes: plain clothes, moner • university student in his or
civvies, mufti her final year: finalist, schoolsman
union •enforced union of Austria • denoting a student examined, but
with Germany in 1938: Anschluss not taught by, a university: external
• denoting a student taught and exam-
unit •independent unit: module ined by a university: internal •for-
• single or indivisible unit: monad mer university student: alumnus
United States • Texan hat: stet- {fern, alumna; pi. alumni) ©denoting
son ©NewYork underground rail- university teaching given to non-
way: subway ©New York stock ex- members: extramural ©introductory
change: Wall Street • general index university course: foundation course
of New York share prices: Dow Jones • university class for a small group:
index seminar ©long university essay: dis-
sertation, thesis ©level of merit
unity • pursuit of unity between all
gained in a university examination:
Christian churches: ecumenism
class, honours ©university aca-
universe • combining form: cosmo- demic award: degree ©university de-
• adjective: cosmic ©the universe be- gree with the highest honours in two
yond the earth's atmosphere: outer subjects or examinations: double first
space, deep space ©the universe • degree with gradings for ability:
viewed as an ordered system: cosmos honours degree • degree without
• belief that God made the universe: honours: pass degree • degree cere-
creationism •scientific elaboration mony: graduation ©person about to
of this: creation science • explosion receive a degree: graduand ©person
of dense matter said to have begun the who has received a degree: graduate
1 I 1 .

unorthodox use | 380

• person holding a first degree: bach- up •combining form: ana- (e.g. anad- t

elor • person holding a more ad- romous) ©straight up: vertical ij

vanced degree: master • person hold-

upon • combining form: epi- (e.g. i
ing the highest degree: doctor
• university robes: academicals
• dark clothes worn with university upper • combining form: over- (e.g.

robes: subfusc •title of the head of overcoat)

certain universities: chancellor, rec- upside down •turn upside down:
tor • senior university administra- invert
tor: registrar •university official
carrying official insignia on ceremo- uranium •modify uranium, increas-

nial occasions: beadle, bedel, bedell

ing its explosive power: enrich
• university disciplinary official: urge ©sudden urge to act: impulse 1

proctor ©students' elected represen- • urge to peform an unwise action: \

tative in Scottish universities: rector cacoethes 1

• chief university teacher: professor
urine • combining form: uro- (e.g.
• university teacher: don ©perman- ]

urogenital) • horse and cattle urine:

ent employment as a university
stale •urine-creating gland: kidney
teacher: tenure •meeting of univer-
• system conducting urine from kid-
sity senior members: congregation
ney to urethra: urinary tract • bodily
• meeting of university graduates:
sac holding urine: bladder ©duct by
convocation • university teaching [

which urine passes from the kidney to

department: faculty •university |

the bladder: ureter ©duct by which

teachers' relaxation room: senior

urine is discharged from the bladder:

common room • head of a university j

urethra ©inflammation of the ur-

faculty: dean ©extended leave
ethra: urethritis ©tube inserted into !

granted to a university teacher: sab-

the body for draining off urine: cath-
batical ©university extramural tu-
eter ©painful urination: dysuria
ition: extension ©university finance j

• involuntary urination: enuresis

office: chest ©university site and
• inability to control urination: incon-
buildings: campus ©university ac-
tinence • production of exceptionally
commodation block: hall of residence
small amounts of urine: oliguria »ex-
• university dining hall: refectory j

cessive urine production: diuresis,

• university holiday: vacation
• production of much dilute urine:
• group of prestigious US universities: |

polyuria •presence of blood in the

Ivy League • arrive at university:
urine: haematuria •excessive ke-j
come up ©leave university: go down
tones in the urine: ketonuria «drug
• expel from university: send down
increasing urination: diuretic ©drug
• recruiting agents' tour of univer-
decreasing urination: antidiuretic
sities: milk round •period of student
• study and treatment of the urinary
antics to raise money for charities: j

system: urology
rag >see also academic, Cambridge,
college, Oxford use •available for use: at one's dis-j

unorthodox •unorthodox person: posal, free «easy to use: user-

friendly, user-oriented ©hard to use:
user-hostile • items or persons kepi
unsuitable ©make or declare un- for later use: reserve mto be used
suitable: disqualify once and thrown away: disposable
unusual ©unusual or unexpected • excessive use: overkill • earmark (

act or event: aberration an item for specific use: reserve

381 useful |

• make the best possible use of: opti- • inflammation of the uterus: metritis
mize • periodic uterine bleeding: menstru-
useful «very useful thing: godsend ation, period •abnormal uterine
bleeding: metrorrhagia •diagnostic
• useful in real circumstances: prac-
sampling of fluid from a pregnant
uterus: amniocentesis •specimen
user •combining form: -ist (e.g.
taken from the cervix to detect cancer:
motorist) •vacuuming the
cervical smear
uterus • combining forms: uterus as a means of abortion: va-
hyster(o)-, uter(o)- •adjective: uter- cuum aspiration • surgical scraping
ine • within the uterus: intrauterine of the uterus: dilatation and curet-
• neck of the uterus: cervix •en- tage • surgicalremoval of the
trance to the cervix: os •uterine uterus: hysterectomy •hormone
organ nourishing the fetus: placenta stimulating uterine preparation for
• attachment of the egg to the uterus pregnancy: progesterone •hormone
wall: implantation •mucous mem- stimulating uterine contractions and
brane lining the uterus: endometrium milk secretion: oxytocin

vaccine •supplementary dose of glen • valley in Wales: cwm • steep

vaccine: booster •treat with vac- valley in northern England: ghyll

cine: inoculate, vaccinate • narrow valley with steep sides: rift
vacuum • denoting a barometer valley •deep river gorge: canyon, '

using a vacuum box to measure at- ravine •mountain valley: gorge

mospheric pressure: aneroid • short valley in southern England: i

combe • steep narrow valley in Dor-

vagina • combining form: colp-
set or the Isle of Wight: chine • steep
• sensitive area at the top of the va-
narrow valley in northern England: ,
gina: clitoris ©sensitive area inside
dough • steep narrow valley in
the vagina: G spot ©area surround-
North America: gulch ©narrow -

ing the outer end of the vagina: vulva

gorge or pass: defile • wooded valley:
• membrane partially blocking the en-
dene •small wooded valley: dell
trance of a virgin's vagina: hymen

• painful spasmodic contraction of the •value stated on an item of

vagina: vaginismus •inflammation currency: face value •item's value
of the vagina: vaginitis • infection of in an owner's accounts: book value :

the vagina causing white patches and • item's value if sold: market value, \

severe itching: thrush •whitish dis- street value ©cost to replace an item: 5

charge from the vagina: leucorrhoea, replacement value •increase in :

vaginosis •vaginal discharge at the value: appreciation ©decrease in «

onset of labour or menstruation: value: depreciation •loss of value :

show •vaginal ulcer: enanthema due to wear and tear: depreciation :

• medical examination of the vagina: • estimation of an item's value: valu- i

colposcopy •vaginal plug absorb- ation ©assign a value to: valorize s

ing menstrual blood: tampon •de- • former system defining a currency's

vice inserted in the vagina: pessary value in terms of gold: gold standard s

• solid medication inserted to dissolve • amount by which the value of an

in the vagina: pessary, suppository item is increased at each stage in its
• surgical cutting of the vagina to ease production: value added ©reduce
childbirth: episiotomy •excision of
the nominal value of stock held: write
the clitoris and stitching together of
down ©proportionate to value: ad
the vulva: infibulation
vagrant • vagrant who searches
value added tax ©denoting liable
beaches for objects of value: beach-
items that are not in fact taxed: zero-
vague • vague and unworldly: fey
• vague feeling of unease: malaise
valve ©air valve on a carburettor:
choke • automatic water refill valve:
valid • make valid: ratify •end of ballcock •externally operated valve
validity: expiry
regulating flow through a pipe: stop-
valley • valley in northern England: cock • valve preventing reverse flow: -

dale • valley in Scotland or Ireland: check valve

383 variety |

variety •variety of plant or animal hicle or cart: float •unpowered ve-

developed by breeding: strain hicletowed by another: trailer •light
varnish ©hard black or coloured Asian vehicle drawn by one or more
varnish: japan •clear natural var- persons: rickshaw • group of ve-
nish: lacquer ©very hard varnish: hicles travelling together: convoy
yacht varnish ©hard resin used to • vehicle's base frame: chassis •ve-
make varnish: rosin •resin flakes hicle's outer shell: body, bodywork,

used to make varnish: shellac ©oil coachwork •outer structure added

used in mixing varnish: turpentine to improve aerodynamics: fairing
• springs etc. supporting a vehicle:
vase •tall vase with a stem and
suspension • distance between a ve-
base: urn
hicle's front and rear axles: wheel-
Vatican •Vatican agreement with base ©axle wheel-mounting: hub
another state: concordat >see also • alignment of a vehicle's wheels:
pope tracking • decorative cover for wheel
vault •rounded roofing vault: dome nuts: hub cap •vehicle part project-
• vault forming a half cylinder: barrel ing over a wheel: wing • partial va-
vault •pair of intersecting barrel- cuum in the wake of a moving vehicle:
vaults: groin vault •ornament cover- slipstream •distance a vehicle can
ing converging vaulting: boss travel without refuelling: range •list
• short vaulting rib: iierne >
of passengers or parcels carried on a
veal •constricted cage in which vehicle: waybill •vehicle's intrinsic
calves are reared for veal: crate weight: dead load ©weight of people
or goods in a vehicle: live load
vegetable •fibrous element in ve-
• weighing apparatus for vehicles:
getables: roughage • aperitif of
weighbridge • complete turn of a ve-
mixed raw vegetables: crudites
hicle in a confined space by moving
• cream of liquidized vegetables:
backwards and forwards: three-point
puree ©vegetables minced for stuff-
turn • complete turn of a vehicle in a
ing: forcemeat ©dish of mixed
single arc: U-turn ©device immobil-
chopped vegetables: macedoine
izing an illegally parked vehicle:
• dish of mixed cold vegetables: salad
wheel clamp
• dish of mixed fried vegetables: rata-
touille • garnish of mixed vegetables: veil ©Muslim woman's veil: yash-
jardiniere •dish of sliced vege- mak
tables cooked in milk: dauphinois Velcro • sport of jumping at a Velcro
• sauteed chopped vegetables: wall in a Velcro suit: barfly jumping
mirepoix •disease caused by lack of venereal disease • disease with
fresh fruit and vegetables: scurvy inflammatory discharge from the ur-
vegetarian ©strict vegetarian who ethra or vagina: gonorrhoea •dis-
avoids animal products: vegan
all ease attacking the bones, muscles, and
• vegetarian also consuming milk brain: syphilis • disease with painful
products: lacto-vegetarian • person genital blisters: genital herpes
consuming eggs, milk, and vegetables: • painless genital ulcer: chancre
lacto-ovo-vegetarian Venice •former ruler of Venice:
vehicle • vehicle that can operate on Doge • small Venetian passenger
land or water: amphibian •amphib- boat:gondola • operator of this: gon-
ian travelling on a cushion of air: dolier ©song of Venetian gondoliers:
hovercraft •vehicle with a flat load- barcarole ©Venetian water bus:
carrying area: flatbed •small ve- vaporetto
ventriloquist |
victory 384

ventriloquist •ventriloquist's doll: lines: tetrastich ©group of verse

dummy lines forming a metrical unit: stanza,

Venus • Greek name: Aphrodite strophe, verse • style of rhyme with

several repeated syllables: echo verse I
verb • recite the forms of an inflect-
• continuation of the sense beyond the
ing verb: conjugate •denoting a line-end: enjambement •denoting
verb taking a direct object: transitive
verse having a pause at each line-end:
• denoting a verb not taking a direct end-stopped ©stress in a line of J
object: intransitive
verse: ictus ©theory and practice of
verdict •verdict agreed by all versification: prosody see also
jurors: unanimous verdict ©verdict poem, rhyme
agreed by all but one or two jurors:
vertical ©weighted line establish-
majority verdict • verdict that the ac-
ing vertically:plumb line ©weight
cused is not guilty: acquittal ©jury's
on a plumb line: bob, plumb, plumb
comment added to its verdict: rider
bob, plummet
• denoting a verdict against the
weight of evidence: perverse • denot- vestments ©small square litur-

ing a verdict reached on unreliable gical hat worn by RC clergy: biretta

evidence: unsafe, unsatisfactory • skullcap worn by RC clergy: zuc- 3

• denoting a verdict reached without a chetto • strips of white cloth worn at !

jury: summary •coroner's jury ver- the neck: Geneva bands •woollen
dict on a suspicious death: open ver- shoulder vestment worn by the pope
dict • annul a legal decision: over- and RC archbishops: pallium ©long
turn, set aside garment of black or red cloth worn
under other vestments: cassock
vermin *rid of vermin: disinfest
• hip-length vestment of white linen t

vermouth *dry vermouth: French worn over a cassock: cotta, surplice J

vermouth •sweet vermouth: Italian • bishop's long surplice: rochet j

vermouth • thick white ankle-length vestment:

verse •easily memorable verse: jin- alb ©linen neck-covering worn with
gle • verse that rhymes but does not the alb: amice ©cape-like Eucharis-
scan: doggerel •metrical but un- tic over- vestment: chasuble ©over-
rhymed verse: blank verse •verse vestment for bishops and deacons: ,[

without rhyme or rhythm: free verse dalmatic ©subdeacons' short over-

• rhythmic pattern of a piece of verse: vestment: tunicle ©vestment's em- 1

metre, prosody •metrical analysis broidered ornament: orphrey

of verse: scansion •metrical scheme • bishop's pointed liturgical hat: mitre 4

imitating normal speech: sprung • ribbon for this: infula (pi. infulae) ji

rhythm •metrical unit in versifica- • bishop's hat: mitre ©bishop's staff: ji

tion: foot •verse-line of five feet: crook, crozier, pastoral staff ©long I

pentameter •verse-line of six feet: liturgical scarf: stole ©ornate pro- w

hexameter •verse-line of seven feet: cessional cloak: cope

heptameter • verse-line of eleven syl- vibration ©strong vibration: jud- ;

lables: hendecasyllable •central der

pause in a line of verse: caesura
• half a line of verse: hemistich
viceroy •adjective: viceregal
• viceroy's wife, or female viceroy:
•four-line stanza: quatrain
•matched pair of verse lines: couplet,
distich • group of three rhyming victory •denoting a victory so
lines: tercet •group of four verse costly as to be futile: pyrrhic
385 video voice

video •video compiled from short virus •virus found in the intestines:
clips from other videos: scratch video enterovirus •virus living on bac-
• video colour substitution system: teria: bacteriophage • group of vir-
chromakey •video display showing uses causing respiratory infections or
light text on a dark ground: reverse meningitis: echoviruses •herpes-
video • showing of a video: screen- virus harmful to the newborn: cyto-
ing ©person introducing and playing megalovirus • herpesvirus causing
music videos on television: video glandular fever and certain cancers:
jockey •portable video camera and Epstein-Barr virus •hypothetical
recorder: camcorder ©facility ar- infectious particle postulated as the
resting the image: freeze-frame cause of bovine spongiform encephal-
• numbers on a video image indicat- itis: virino •the body's hostile reac-
ing time of exposure etc.: time code tion to a harmful virus: immune re-
view • place giving a good view: sponse • protein inhibiting a virus:
vantage point •giving a wide view: interferon ©study of viruses: vir-
commanding ©all-round view: pan- ology
orama ©extensive view: prospect virtual reality ©simulated se-
• side view: profile ©apparent quence of aerial views: fly-through
change of an object's position when • simulated sequence of ground-level
viewed from different points: paral- views walk-through •simulation of

lax physical attributes: force feedback

vigour • apparent participation in distant

•stylish vigour: elan ©lack
of vigour: inanition
events: telepresence •person ex-
periencing virtual reality: cybernaut
Viking •Viking warship: longship, • device for manipulating virtual real-
dragon ship ity images: dataglove
village •village whose inhabitants visit ©day for public visits to an in-
mostly work elsewhere: dormitory stitution etc.: open day ©salesman's
• small village without a church: ham- unsolicited visit: cold call ©visited
let ©annual village festival: feast by few: secluded
• open grassy area in a village: green
vocabulary • adjective: lexical
vine ©cultivation of vines: viticul- • total vocabulary of a language: lexis
ture ©place where vines are grown: • vocabulary of a language or topic:
vineyard • insect killing vine leaves: lexicon •vocabulary of a trade or
phylloxera profession: terminology
vinegar • adjective: acetic voice • adjective: vocal •throat
violence • situation bringing a high membrane folds making voice sounds:
risk of violence: flashpoint • wan- vocal cords • muscular passage con-
tonly violent: vicious taining the vocal cords: larynx, voice
box •inflammation of the vocal
viol in • part holding the fingerboard:
cords or voice box: laryngitis • notes
neck • ornamental inlay on the back
a particular voice can sing: compass,
or belly: purfle •screw on a violin
range •section of a voice's range:
bow: nut >see also musical instru-
register •voice's higher register:
head voice •voice's lower register:
virgin • astrological term: virgo chest voice • unnaturally high voice
• membrane partially blocking the en- obtained by constricting the vocal
trance of a virgin's vagina: hymen chords: falsetto •pitch range of a
• virgin birth: parthenogenesis voice: compass, gamut, tessitura
volcano vote | 386

• denoting a light singing voice: lyric straw poll •vote assessed from the v

• denoting a strong singing voice: dra- volume of shouts for and against:
matic, heroic •vocalization inter- voice vote •overwhelming vocal
mediate between speech and song: support: acclamation *(of a pro-
Sprechgesang, Sprechstimme posal) receive a majority vote: be car- h

• variation of the speaking voice: in- ried • largest share of the votes cast:
flection, intonation, lilt, modulation majority, simple majority • share
• in a soft voice: sotto voce ©lack of containing more than half the votes
vocal variation: monotone •enter- cast: absolute majority •overwhelm-
tainer seeming to make his or her ing majority of votes: landslide •de-
voice come from a dummy: ventrilo- noting a decision supported by all
quist • funnel-shaped device amplify- votes cast: unanimous •occasion or
ing the voice: megaphone see also place of voting: poll • right to vote:
singer suffrage, franchise ©right of all to
volcano •volcano's pointed peak: vote: universal suffrage •person
cone •volcano's hollow mouth: having the right to vote: elector
crater • volcanic vent for sulphurous • person empowered to vote for an-
gases: fumarole •volcanic vent for other: proxy • list of electors: elect-
sulphurous gases, steam, and hot oral roll • subgroup of electors acting
mud: solfatara •large volcanic for the larger body: electoral college
crater: caldera • volcano's ejection of • elector not giving regular support to j

lava etc.: eruption •volcanic phe- any party: floating voter •building \

nomena: volcanism •denoting a vol- used for voting: polling station j

cano that is erupting, or has done so • number of votes cast: poll

within historical times: active •de- • chairman's vote to decide a tied poll:
noting a volcano that is expected to

casting vote • positive vote in the |

erupt again, though it has not done so House of Commons: aye •positive 1

within historical times: dormant vote in the House of Lords: content

• denoting a volcano that is not ex- • positive vote in a church or univer- \

pected to erupt again: extinct •mol- sity assembly: placet • negative vote i

ten material ejected by a volcano: lava

in the House of Commons: no • nega-
• rock fragments ejected by a volcano: j

tive vote in the House of Lords: non-

tephra • solidified lava in a volcano's
content • negative vote in a church
top: plug •rock formed by solidify-
or university assembly: non placet
ing lava froth: pumice •exception-
• vote given to exclude a candidate:
ocean wave caused by an

ally large
blackball ©vote proportional in
earthquake or volcanic eruption: tidal
power to the number of persons its i

wave, tsunami • study of volcanoes:

caster represents: block vote •sys- I

volcanology, vulcanology
tern where each voter has as many
vomit • desire to vomit: nausea votes as there are candidates: cumu- I

• drug inducing vomiting: emetic lative voting • voting strategy aimed

• drug preventing vomiting: anti- at defeating an otherwise strong can-
emetic didate or party: tactical voting
voodoo • voodoo god: loa (pi. same) • mark a voting paper incorrectly:
• voodoo charm: gris-gris (pi. same) spoil ©give the right to vote: enfran-
vote • national vote on an important chise • deliberately refrain from vot- !

question: plebiscite, referendum ing: abstain • study of voting pat-

• parliamentary vote: division •in- terns: psephology see also
formal vote taken to gauge opinion: election, parliament
387 vow I

vow • done in fulfilment of a vow: vo- triphthong • indeterminate vowel

tive • person vowed to religious ser- sound: schwa
vice: votary •offering made to fulfil
voyage ©pleasure voyage: cruise
a vow: ex-voto
vowel •vowel with a single consist-
Vulcan • Greek name: Hephaestus
ent sound: monophthong • vowel vulva •Hindu vulva symbol re-
starting with one sound that merges presenting divine creativity: yoni
into another: diphthong • vowel with • outer folds of the vulva: labia ma-
three successive inter merged sounds: jora • its inner folds: labia minora

wage • wage based on the number of pinning their arms from behind:
items produced: piecework ©wage frogmarch
equality: parity •benefit given in
walking •combining form: -grade f

addition to a money wage: fringe

• manner of walking: gait • walking t
benefit • point on a wage scale:
with arms pinned behind: frogmarch «

grade, step •working hours paid at

• walking as if lame: hobbling «de- »

the normal rate: plain time •im-

noting an animal that walks on the
proved rate of pay for work done be- i

soles of its feet: plantigrade •denot-

yond standard hours: overtime n

ing an animal that walks on its toes: i

• extra pay offsetting high regional
living costs: weighting •employer's
deduction from wages: stoppage walking stick •walking stick with

• note detailing pay and deductions: a handle that makes a seat: shooting
payslip «wage before deduction of stick • walking stick's metal tip: fer-
tax and stoppages: gross wage rule
• wage after deduction of tax and stop-
wall • adjectives: mural (of a build-
pages: net wage, take-home pay
ing), parietal (in the body) ©wall of a
• wage increase awarded on change of ,

job grade: increment •tendency for

body cavity: paries •wall linking a ?

actual wages to outstrip negotiated

castle's towers: curtain wall • outer ,

wall of a castle: bailey •containing

levels, due to overtime etc.: wage drift ^

wall: retainer, retaining wall, revet-

• system linking wage rises to price J

rises: indexation •denoting such ment ©defensive wall: bulwark »de- At

wages: index-linked •person whose fensive wall of wooden stakes: stock- 1

wages support others in a household: ade •flimsy interior wall: partition ||
breadwinner • list of employees and • building's wall of two layers with a 1
their wages: payroll gap between: cavity wall • sunken
perimeter wall: ha-ha ©low protect-
wagon • wagon for condemned pris- |
ive wall: parapet • watertight wall
oners in the French Revolution: tum- j j

dividing the interior of a ship: bulk- m i

head • wall supporting structures .
wake • signal for waking: reveille above it: bearing wall, load-bearing J
waiter • head waiter: maitre d'hote! wall • walling of interwoven sticks
{pi. maTtres d'hotel) •wine waiter: covered with mud or clay: wattle and i
sommelier • waiter clearing used daub • wall's external angle: quoin ?<j.

dishes: debarrasseur • continuation of a wall at right an- 4 a

walk • leisurely walk: saunter gles: return ©wall's side surface at a >j
• pleasure walk: ramble • walk aim- door or window: reveal ©angled re- ijl

lessly: wander ©walk arrogantly: veal: embrasure •section of wall be- e !i

strut, swagger ©walk dragging the tween openings: pier »clay etc. used
feet: shuffle ©walk furtively: sidle to make a wall: daub •layer of ce- ii \

• walk through water: paddle, wade ment etc. on a wall surface: pargeting, ;

• force someone to walk forward while rendering • cement rendering with

389 wall |

pebbles: pebble-dash •coat a wall wallpaper • wallpaper made of

with planking: clad •cladding with uncoloured strong embossed paper:
each plank overlapping that below: Anaglypta™ ©wallpaper made of
shiplap •mortar between bricks in a powdered wool or cloth: flock paper
wall: pointing •denoting a wall built • person putting up wallpaper: paper-
without mortar: dry, dry-stone ©un- hanger
dressed stone used as a wall-filler: walrus • walrus's long projecting
rubble ©brick or stone laid at right tooth: tusk
angles to a wall: header • brick or
wandering •wandering aimlessly:
stone laid parallel to a wall: stretcher
erratic, meandering, roaming, roving
• horizontal decorative band of bricks
• wandering in search of adventure:
or masonry: string course ©stone
errant ©wandering in search of
set at the top of a wall: capstone, cop-
trade: itinerant • homeless wanderer:
ing stone • course of rounded bricks
tramp, vagabond, vagrant
coping •decora-
at the top of a wall:
tiveparapet atop a wall: castellation, war • adjective: martial ©war pur-
crenellation ©row of spikes or sued without restraint: total war
broken glass set on a wall's • war involving fighting: action, hot
war, shooting war ©state of hostility
cheval-de-frise •projecting bricks at
without fighting: cold war ©war be-
the end of a wall, allowing for its con-
tween gods: theomachy ©war be-
tinuation: toothing •waterproof
tween many important nations: world
layer near the foot of a wa*ll: damp
war ©denoting a war between cit-
course, damp-proof course • lowest
izens of one state: civil, internecine
part of a wall: footings, foundations
• denoting a war damaging to both
• beam or plate distributing weight
sides: internecine •denoting a war
onto a wall: template •projecting
involving the spreading of germs:
support for a wall: buttress • but-
chemical •denoting a war waged
tressshaped like half an arch: flying
without nuclear weapons: conven-
buttress ©prop up a wall with heavy
tional, limited • stage in a war with
timbers etc.: shore up ©heavy metal
little belligerent activity: phoney war,
ball swung at a wall to demolish it:
sitzkrieg ©stage in a war when nu-
wrecking ball ©ornamental wall tab-
clear weapons might be employed: nu-
let: plaque ©shallow recess in a wall: clear threshold ©person favouring
niche • scribblings on a wall: graffiti
recourse to war: hawk, warmonger
• recess in a wall: alcove, niche • belligerent patriot: jingoist ©per-
• groove cut into a wall for piping etc.: son opposing recourse to war: dove
chase • gun aperture in a wall: port • person refusing to participate in
• ornamental wooden strip for picture war: pacifist ©denoting a state not
hooks: picture rail ©wall covering of entering a war: neutral ©denoting a
small pieces of stone etc. arranged to place undefended in wartime: open
make pictures or patterns: mosaic • announce the start of hostilities: de-
• lower part of an interior wall: dado clare war ©person or state engaged
• wooden panelling covering the lower in war: combatant ©nation or per-
half of an interior wall: wainscot, son engaged in warfare: belligerent
wainscoting • board at the base of an • group of states cooperating in war:
interior wall: skirting board •verti- allies ©put forces on a war footing:
caltimber to which laths and plaster- mobilize ©training of civilians for
board are nailed: stud • thin strip of home defence: civil defence ©ar-
wood as a base for wall plaster: lath rangements for mutual support
ward washing

against aggressors: collective secur- wardrobe ©antique wardrobe in an

ity • unprovoked attack: aggression ornate style: armoire
• response to aggression: counter- warship ©large warship: capital
attack, counteroffensive ©making ship ©largest warship: battleship
friends with the enemy: fraternization • heavy battleship with large guns:
• traitorous cooperation with the dreadnought ©smaller and faster
enemy: collaboration •investigation warship: cruiser • smaller and faster
of a hostile area: reconnaissance warship: destroyer •smaller and
• position forces for war: deploy faster warship: frigate •admiral's
• battle area: front ©ditch dug for ship: flagship • small naval patrol
battlefield shelter: trench • foray into boat: vedette ©warship with an air-
enemy territory: mission, raid, sortie craft runway: ©war-
aircraft carrier
• denoting forces on one's own side: ship's projecting gun platform: spon-
friendly • accidental killing of one's sor) ©warship's revolving armoured
own forces: fratricide, friendly fire gun emplacement: turret ©common
• incidental destruction of civilians or room for a warship's senior officers:
their property: collateral damage wardroom • common room for a war-
• proportion of fatalities on each side: ship's junior officers: gunroom
kill ratio ©persons placed by a target • German torpedo boat: E-boat •pri-
to deter attack: human shield ©area vately owned armed ship licensed to
not liable to attack: safe area attack enemy craft: privateer •pri-
• belligerent's unethical act: war vateer's government licence: letters
crime • belligerent's right to use neu- of marque • merchant ship with hid-
tral property for payment: angary den weapons: Q-ship •simultaneous
• goods taken from a defeated enemy: fire from all the guns on one side of a
loot • nervous breakdown resultant warship: broadside •Viking war-
from war experiences: battle fatigue, ship: longship, dragon ship •an-
combat fatigue, shell-shock •men cient Greek or Roman warship with
killed in the Great War: lost gener- several banks of oars: galley • galley
ation ©wartime imprisonment of with three banks of oars: trireme
resident aliens: internment ©person • galley's sharp point for piercing
forced by war to abandon his home- other ships: ram >see also submar-
land: displaced person, refugee ine
• agreement to suspend hostilities for wart • contagious wart on the sole of
a stated period: armistice, ceasefire, the foot: verruca
truce • payment demanded from a
washing •establishment where
defeated adversary: indemnity, repar-
clothes are washed and ironed:
ation ©simulated military conflict:
laundry • place with coin-operated
war game ©war game played on
washing machines: launderette,
maps: kriegspiel ©money freed for
washeteria •revolving part of a
positive uses when military spending
washing machine: drum •washing
is curtailed: peace dividend >see
machine with separate drums for
also attack, battle, military, weapon washing and spin-drying: twin-tub
ward • ward for patients not staying • machine pressing wet laundry: man-
in hospital overnight: day ward gle • alkaline washing solution: lye
• ward for patients with infectious or • fluorescent substance added to
contagious diseases: isolation ward washing powder: optical brightener
• room off a ward, with a few beds: • clothes that have been, or need to be,
side ward washed: laundry
391 wasp water |

wasp •adjective: vespine •fertile careful watch: vigilant •watch out

female wasp: queen ©sterile wasp for the teacher's approach: keep cave
performing basic tasks: worker water •combining forms: aqu-,
• large kind of wasp: hornet hydr- •adjectives: aquatic, aqueous
waste •liquid waste: effluent •re- • water droplets appearing on sur-
move impurities: refine ©dump faces as air cools: condensation
waste illegally: fly-tip •refilling of • water droplets forming on grass
excavations with waste material: overnight: dew •temperature at
landfill •search through waste ma- which this begins: dew point©water
terial for reusable items: scavenge held in rock or soil: groundwater
• convert waste into reusable mater- • water from a melting glacier:
ial: recycle • wasting away of an meltwater ©salty water: brine •de-
organ or tissue: dystrophy •waste- noting the taste of such water: brack-
fully extravagant: prodigal, profligate ish ©water scented by rose petals:
• waste recklessly: squander •pre- rose water ©waste water from wash-
venting waste: economical, efficient, ing: grey water ©waste water etc.
frugal from lavatories: black water ©flow of
water: current ©rush of water: flash
watch ©very accurate watch:

• circular movement of water: eddy

chronometer ©watch for timing
• denoting water containing no nat-
races etc.: stopwatch •denoting a
ural salt: fresh •denoting static
watch dial with moving hands: ana-
water: stagnant •denoting water la-
logue • denoting a watch dial with a
thering easily: soft •denoting water
changing numerical display: digital
lathering with difficulty: hard • skim
• watch mechanism: movement
over water: plane, aquaplane •lie
• second hand moving round the main
about in mud or water: wallow
dial: sweep second hand •chain for
• fetch water from a source: draw
a watch: fob • pocket for a watch: fob
• search for water with a twitching
• pocket watch with an opaque cover
rod: divine, dowse •person doing
over the face: hunter ©pocket watch
this: dowser, water diviner •find the
having a small window in this cover:
depth of water: sou nd • supply water
half-hunter • set a watch to the same
for agricultural purposes: irrigate
time as another: synchronize
• terminate a water supply: cut off
• watchmaker's magnifying glass:
• rid of water: drain •operated by
water: hydraulic •preventing the
watch 2 •constant watch: surveil- passage of water: watertight •mix-
lance ©naval watch between mid- ing with water: hydrophilic •repel-
night and 4 a.m.: middle watch ling water: hydrophobic ©person in-
• naval watch between 4 and 8 a.m.: stalling and repairing water piping
morning watch ©naval watch be- and equipment: plumber ©water
tween 8 a.m. and 12.30 p.m.: forenoon wheel with buckets: noria ©deposit
watch ©naval watch between 12.30 formed by hard water: fur • white de-
p.m. and 4 p.m.: afternoon watch posit from evaporated hard water:
• naval watch between 4 and 6 p.m.: scale •volume of water normally
first dog watch ©naval watch be- filling the space occupied by a floating
tween 6 and 8 p.m.: last dog watch object: displacement ©ground level
• naval watch between 8 p.m. and mid- at which water is always present:
night: first watch • person keeping water level, water table ©level nor-
watch: lookout, observer •keeping mally reached by water and the mark
water-carrier wealth| 392

it leaves: waterline ©saturated with water mill •mill driven by tidal

water: waterlogged • temporary ver- flow: tide mill
tical water pipe with a tap: standpipe
waterproof • waterproof layer in a
• pipe or channel for water: conduit wall: damp course • seal with water-
• channel for water to escape: sluice, proof material: caulk
sluiceway •sliding gate controlling
a flow of water: sluice, sluice gate
wave • large wave: sea •exception-
ally large ocean wave caused by an
• water tunnel under a road or rail-
earthquake or volcano: tidal wave,
way: culvert •perforated device pro-
tsunami ©long curving wave:
ducing a water spray: rose •crowd-
comber ©long wave moving steadily
control device ejecting a powerful jet
shorewards: roller ©wave that curls
of water: water cannon ©large con-
over and dissolves into foam: breaker
tainer heating water for drinks: urn
• slow waves that do not break: swell
• desert place with water: oasis • high wave running up a river at high
• natural ridge from each side of tide: bore •wave's foamy top: crest
which water drains into a different • spray blown from wave tops: spin-
river system: watershed ©region drift • low water between two waves:
supplying a reservoir etc. with water: trough • wavelike effect produced by
catchment area ©decrease in a res- stadium crowd movements: Mexican
ervoir's water stocks: drawdown wave
• weighted line finding the depth of
water: plumb line • weight on a
way •combining form: -wise (e.g.
otherwise) ©way a thing operates:
plumb line: bob, plumb, plumb bob,
plummet • device determining water
depth by sound waves: echo sounder wax • combining form: cero- ©wax
• hard fruitskin used as a water con- mixture for brass-rubbing: heelhal!
tainer: gourd • water barrel: butt • method of engraving using a waxed
plate: cerography
• small organisms floating in water:
plankton ©small organisms swim- weak ©weak spot: Achilles' heel
ming in water: nekton ©bridge • acute state of weakness caused by
carrying water across a valley: aque- injury, emotional stress, etc.: shock
duct ©large lake for water supply: • minor weakness of character: foible
reservoir ©water-supply for a fire • weak and unsteady: groggy •fee-
hose: hydrant • series of processes by ble and effeminate: namby-pamby
which water circulates between sea, • become weak: languish ©become
air, and land: water cycle •medical weak and emaciated: waste away
treatment by water: hydropathy, wealth ©general wealth: affluence,
hydrotherapy •irrational fear of prosperity ©wealth or its pursuit
water: hydrophobia •compound seen as a corrupting influence: Mam-
added to drinking water to arrest mon, materialism • source of wealth:
tooth decay: fluoride •chemical de- bonanza, golden goose • display of
composition by water: hydrolysis wealth by an expensive lifestyle: con-
• loss or removal of water: dehydra- spicuous consumption • fabulous
tion place of great wealth: El Dorado, Gol-
conda • wealthy and influential per-
water-carrier • astrological term:
son: plutocrat • tasteless person who
has recently become wealthy: nou-
waterfall •waterfall in northern veau riche, parvenu, upstart
England: force • wealthy wastrel: rake • total money
393 weapon weight

and property owned by a dead person: El Nino ©trapping of the sun's

estate •official examination of fi- warmth inthe lower atmosphere:
nancial circumstances: means test greenhouse effect ©gradual in-
weapon • weapons generally: arma- crease in worldwide temperatures:
ments ©weapons worn at a person's global warming ©absence of protec-
side:side arms ©weapon's handle: tion from bad weather: exposure
helve ©denoting an attack weapon: • low-pressure weather system: cyc-
offensive ©denoting weapons used lone, low ©high-pressure weather-
against enemy forces in battle: tac- system: anticyclone, high ©elong-
tical ©denoting weapons used over a ated region of high pressure: ridge
wider area of hostilities: theatre • de- • elongated region of low pressure:
noting weapons used against enemy trough ©area of pressure lower than
home targets: strategic ©denoting those around it: depression ©un-
weapons harming persons rather than stable atmospheric pressure: turbu-
buildings: antipersonnel ©denoting lence ©proportion of moisture pres-
weapons designed to pierce armour: ent in the atmosphere: humidity
antitank ©blade fixed to a rifle muz- • forward edge of an advancing mass
zle: bayonet ©metal guard over the of warm or cold air: front • science of
knuckles: knuckleduster ©combined weather forecasting: meteorology
spear and battleaxe: halberd ©forked • line on a weather map linking places
stick with elastic to hurl stones: cata- with the same atmospheric pressure:
pult, slingshot ©long stout stick: isobar •line on a weather map link-
quarterstaff ©short thick stick: ing places with the same temperature:
cudgel ©strap to hurl stones: sling isotherm •balloon-borne radio
• short truncheon: life preserver transmitter sending weather informa-
• tube down which a dart is blown: tion: radiosonde
blowpipe •competitive development
and stockpiling of weapons: arms weaving •weaving machine: loom
race • weapons stockpiling to dis- • threads running lengthways in
courage aggressors: deterrence weaving: weft, woof ©threads run-
• weapon store: armoury, arsenal ning crossways in weaving: warp
• place where weapons are made: ar- • cylinder holding a weaver's thread:
senal • reduction in a state's weap- bobbin •double-ended bobbin used
onry: disarmament •disarmament on a mechanical loom: shuttle
by international agreement: arms • weaver's comb separating threads:
control reed ©threads left in the loom after
wear • gradual .wearing down: attri- weaving: thrum
tion,erosion • wear down by surface wedge • adjective: cuneate ©denot-
scraping: scuff ing ancient wedge-shaped writing: cu-
weather • state of the weather: con- neiform ©wedge immobilizing a
ditions • fine weather in late au- wheel, or supporting a beached boat:
tumn: Indian summer, St Luke's sum- chock
mer ©period of unusually hot
weather: heatwave ©denoting wea-
week •adjective: hebdomadal
ther appropriate to the time of year: weight • falling weight of a piledriv-
seasonable ©denoting weather ing machine: ram ©weighing appar-
without extremes: mild ©denoting atus with a long calibrated arm: steel-
hot and humid weather: sultry ©oc- yard ©weighing apparatus for
casional Pacific weather phenomenon: vehicles: weighbridge ©overall

weightlifting |
whip 394

weight: gross weight •weight with- wet ©wet and soft: soggy *wet J

out packaging: net weight •insuffi- through: sodden, sopping ©make ]

cient weight: short weight •ve- thoroughly wet: soak

hicle's unladen weight: dead load,
wetland ©denoting wetlands adja-
tare weight ©weight of a vehicle's
cent to watercourses: riparian 4
burden: live load
whale ©whale fat: blubber ©waxy i
weightlifting •long metal bar on
substances found in certain whales: i
which the weights are placed: barbell
ambergris, spermaceti ©spear shot
• short bar with weights at each end:
at whales: harpoon
dumb-bell •lift using the hands and
forearms only: curl • quick lift by wheat ©kind of wheat used for
straightening arms and legs: jerk pasta: durum ©whole grains of
• quick lift from the floor to over the wheat including the husk: whole- 1

head: snatch •lift made from a wheat ©wheat husk: chaff ©wheat J

standing position: dead lift embryos used as food: wheatgerm

• flour made from wheat with some of
weld ©weld made at a number of
the germ removed: wheatmeal
points: spot weld
well 1
• combining form: eu- (e.g. eu-
wheel • heavy wheel used as a regu- .

lator:flywheel ©powered wheel of a J
locomotive: driving wheel ©unpow- 1
well 2 • well in which the water rises
ered wheel of a locomotive: trailing
by natural pressure through a bore- wheel ©spinning self-balancing
hole: artesian well *see also oil well
gyroscope ©small wheel
wheel: \

Welsh Cambrian, Cym-

•adjectives: fixed to castor
furniture: ©wheel ij

ric ©Welsh round wickerwork boat: having a grooved rim: pulley i

coracle •Welsh valley: cwm • toothed wheel: sprocket, spur i

• Welsh competition for poets and mu- wheel ©large vertical wheel \

sicians: eisteddfod (pi. eisteddfods or carrying passengers at fairground: \

eisteddfoddau) ©Welsh language: Ferris wheel ©wheel shaft: axle i

Cymric ©Welsh-speakers' term for • central part of a wheel: hub, nave '

Wales: Cymru • Welsh gypsies' secret • outer edge of a wheel: rim «bar or %

language: Shelta • Welsh spiced rod connecting the hub and rim: i

mead: metheglin •Welsh megalithic spoke • outer rim of a spoked wheel: a

tomb: cromlech, dolmen • Welsh Na- felloe •projecting point on a wheel:

tionalist Party: Plaid Cymru •Welsh sprocket, tooth •projecting rim on I

poet: •council of Welsh bards:

bard wheels of railway vehicles: flange I

Gorsedd ©Welsh poetry improvised • continuous articulated metal band p

to a traditional harp melody: penill- round the wheels of a heavy vehicle: }

ion track •tool for adjusting wheel nuts:


west •adjective: occidental wheel brace •alignment of a ve-

hicle's wheels: tracking ©wedge pre- J
West Indian ©West
venting a wheel moving: chock
backward-bending dance: limbo
• member of a West Indian criminal whip ©whip with knotted cords: cat-
gang: Yardie *West Indian magic: o'-nine-tails©rhinoceros-hide whip:
obeah, voodoo •West Indian popu- sjambok ©whip's flexible part: lash e

lar music with a strong secondary • whip's handle: stock • person

beat: reggae ©West Indian song im- whipping himself or others: flagel- \

provised on a topical theme: calypso lant

395 whirl |

whirl •whirling column of air: tor- nuncupative • carry out the terms of
nado, whirlwind •whirling dervish: a will: execute ©person appointed to
sufi • whirling mass: vortex • whirl- do this: executor {fern, executrix), per-
ing water: whirlpool sonal representative ©thing given
in a will: legacy • transfer of assets
whisky •unblended whisky: single
malt by will: disposition ©give personal
property in a will: bequeath •give
whistle •shrill whistle expressing
real estate in a will: devise •give
derision: catcall • whistle expressing
funding in a will: endow • estate set-
sexual admiration: wolf whistle
tled upon the testator's widow: join-
• cord holding a whistle: lanyard ture • gift made in a will: bequest,
white •combining forms: leuc-, legacy ©supplement to a will: codi-
leuk(o)- (e.g. leukaemia) • greyish or cil ©person receiving a gift from a
yellowish white: off-white ©white will: beneficiary ©legal authentica-
blood cell: leucocyte •white-skinned tion of a will: probate ©estate left
person: Caucasian •person or ani- when all charges and bequests have
mal having white skin and hair due to been paid: residue ©in closest pos-
a pigment defect: albino sible fulfilment of testamentary inten-
whole • combining form: holo- {e.g. tions: cy-pres
holograph) • unite to form a whole: whirlwind ©small land whirlwind:
coalesce •forming a consistent dust devil • rotating column of water
whole: coherent formed by a whirlwind: waterspout
wicked •notably wicked: infamous willow •willow cropped for basket-
widow • widow deriving a title or making: osier • flower of the willow
property from her late husband: dow- tree: catkin •flexible willow-shoot:
ager • black clothes worn by a widow withy •willow twigs plaited to make
in mourning: widow's weeds ©prop- furniture: wicker, wickerwork
erty left to a widow by her late
win ©win by the length of a horse,
husband's will: dower, jointure
boat, length •horserace win by
• widow's house so left: dower house
the length of the horse's head: head
wife •adjective: uxorial ©wife who • horserace win by less than a horse's
stays at home to care for the house head's length: short head •denoting
and children: housewife •subservi- a win of several lengths: easy
ent behaviour towards one's wife:
Winchester • member of Winches-
uxoriousness •killing a wife: uxori-
ter College: Wykehamist
wig • small wig .covering a bald spot:
wind •combining form: anemo-
toupee • wind blowing from in front: head-
• genital wig: merkin
wind ©wind blowing from behind:
will 1
•adjectives: volitional, volun-
tailwind ©wind blowing landwards:
tary • willpower, or its exercise: vol- sea breeze ©denoting a wind blow-
ition • done of free will: voluntary ing away from the land: offshore
• whether one wishes it or not: willy-
• small whirlwind: dust devil
nilly, volens nolens
• storm with violent winds: hurricane
will 2 •adjective: testamentary • violent rotating wind: tornado,
• person making a will: testator whirlwind ©sudden wind with driv-
• woman making a will: testatrix {pi. ing rain: squall • brief burst of wind:
testatrices) ©not having made a will: gust • constant wind in a certain dir-
intestate ©denoting a verbal will: ection: trade wind •warm wind
windmill |
wine 396

blowing north off the Alps: fohn pane window: picture window ©nar-
• equatorial region of the Atlantic row window with a pointed top: lancet
Ocean with uncertain winds: dol- • projecting window: bay window,
drums • hot Egyptian wind: kham- bow window •window in a roof or
sin • westerly air current encircling ceiling: skylight •window projecting
the globe: jet stream • seasonal wind from a sloping roof:dormer, dormer
in India: monsoon ©hot wind blow- window •window in the side of a
ing north across the Mediterranean: ship: porthole • small window over a
sirocco •Mediterranean dry north- door etc.: fanlight •spacecraft's win-
westerly wind: meltemi ©cold wind dow: viewport •beam between door
blowing down the Rhone: mistral and fanlight: transom •small pane
• sound of the wind in trees: sough above a main window: top light
• against the wind: upwind ©with • support across the top of a window:
the wind: downwind •revolving lintel •window's sidepost: jamb
pointer showing wind direction: wea- • vertical window bar: mullion
thercock, weathervane • airfield • horizontal window bar: transom
flexible cylinder showing wind direc- • slab at the foot of a window: sill
tion and force: drogue, sleeve, wind- • frame holding window glass:
sock • instrument for measuring sash • glazing with two spaced panes
wind speed: anemometer •instru- of glass: double glazing • paste fix-
ment for measuring and recording ing window glass: putty •counterbal-
wind speed: anemograph ©scale for ance to a sash window: sash weight
wind velocities: Beaufort scale ©test • small diamond-shaped pane of^
area where wind effects may be simu- window-glass: quarry •ornamentals
lated and studied: wind tunnel • cool- stonework subdividing a window: tra- J
ing effect of wind: chill factor, wind eery • inside face of a window frame: j
chill •shelter from the wind: lee scuncheon • wall's side surface be-
• thing giving shelter from the wind: side a window: reveal •angled re-
windbreak •fruit blown down by the veal: embrasure •window catch:;
wind: windfall •windblown spray, snib • solid inner or outer cover for a
sand, etc.: spindrift •reddening of window: shutter •installation of
the skin from exposure to wind: wind- windows: glazing •window cleaner's*
burn • oil lamp for high winds: hurri- rubber scraper: squeegee
cane lamp •small pieces of metal windpipe •combining form: trache-
etc. suspended to tinkle in the breeze:
• inflammation of the windpipe:,]
wind chimes *set of large wind- tracheitis •surgical cutting of thej
driven vanes generating electricity: windpipe: tracheotomy
wind farm • build-up of gas in the di-
gestive tract causing the breaking of
windsurfing •windsurfing boards
giving greater speed: funboard
wind: flatulence
wine •combining form: vin- •adjec-l
windmill •windmill sail: sweep
tive: vinous ©spice and warm wine:^
window •adjective: fenestral mull ©cold spiced wine: sangaree
• window made of vertically sliding • wine for everyday use: vin de table,
sections: sash window •side-hinged vin du pays, vin ordinaire • wine fla-*
window: casement ©circular win- voured with aromatic herbs: ver-
dow: oculus, oeil-de-beuf • circular mouth • new wine: primeur •wine
window with radiating tracery: rose from the first grape-pressing: tete de
window •corbelled bay window: cuvee •light pink wine: rose •for-

oriel, oriel window ©large single- tified white wine: sherry •fortified'
397 wine wire |

red dessert wines: madeira, port awarded to a French wine guarantee-

• strong sweet wine: malmsey ing orgin and method of produc-

• white wine with creme de cassis: tion: appellation controlee, appella-

Kir •German dry white wine: hock tion d'origine controlee ©category
• German sparkling white wine: Sekt of vineyards or wines in France: cru
• German wine made with late-picked • unmarked bottle for serving wine or
grapes: Spatlese • German wine water: carafe, decanter •double-
made with selected late-picked grapes: sized wine bottle: magnum •wine
Auslese • German wine made from bottle 4 times the normal size: jero-
grapes picked with ice on them: boam ©wine bottle 8 times normal
Eiswein {pi. Eisweine or Eisweins) size: methuselah ©wine bottle 16
• Greek resin-flavoured wine: retsina times normal size: balthazar ©wine
• Italian sparkling white wine: spu- bottle 20 times normal size: nebu-
mante •Portuguese wine drunk chadnezzar • box containing a dozen
while new: vinho verde • Spanish or bottles of wine: case •wine barrel:
Portuguese red wine: tinto •denot- butt, cask ©type or batch of wine:
ing a wine that is almost dry: off-dry cuvee ©stock of wine: cellar ©shop
• denoting medium-dry wine: demi- selling wine: vintner ©study of
sec •denoting a wine that is not wines: oenology
sweet: dry, sec •denoting sparkling
wine: petillant, mousseux •denot-
wing • combining form: ptero- (e.g.
pterodactyl) • adjective: alar ©air-
ing unsweetened sparkling wine: brut
craft having a single set of wings:
• denoting slightly sparkling wine:
monoplane ©aircraft having two
frizzante •denoting wine having a
sets of wings: biplane • aircraft's sin-
rich sweet taste: luscious ©denoting
gle triangular wing: delta wing
a mature and pleasing wine: mellow
• main flight feather in a bird's wing:
• denoting a wine of high quality: vin-
tage • denoting wine spoilt by tannin
primary feather •maximum dis-
tance across a pair of wings: wing-
from the cork: corked ©denoting
wine at room temperature: chambre span
• grape juice before or during fermen- winner •winner's ceremonial cir-
tation: must • wine's aroma: nose cuit of the sports ground: lap of hon-
• wine's becoming ready to drink: our • one of the first three or four
maturation • wine's taste: mouth positions at the end of a race: place
• final taste of wine: finish • sterilize
winter • adjectives: hibernal, hiemal
wine by heat or irradiation: pasteur-
• live through the winter: overwinter
ize • cover for a wine bottle's cork:
• sleep through the winter: hibernate
capsule • spiral device for opening a
• map line joining points of equivalent
wine bottle: corkscrew • tartrate de-
winter temperature: isocheim
posit left by maturing wine: crust, tar-
tar ©wine sediment: lees ©wine wire • single length of wire: strand
expert: oenologist, oenophile • electric wire: cable, lead ©encased
• gathering to evaluate various wines: group of insulated electrical wires:
tasting ©wine merchant: vintner cable • wires used to start a car from
• wine waiter: sommelier ©restaur- the battery of another: jump leads
ant's charge made for serving a cus- • tuning wire in an early radio: cat's
tomer's own wine: corkage •official whisker • sharp-edged barrier wire:
title of wine from a particular harvest razor wire ©make wire by pulling
or area: designation ©description metal through fine holes: draw
wise wood | 398

• thickness of a wire: gauge • fine or- tractiveyoung woman: nubile •sexu-

namental wire work: filigree ally young
attractive woman:
wise • Three Wise Men: Magi nymphette •seductive but danger-
• wise or learned man: sage • person ous woman: femme fatale •fashion-
claiming to be wise: wiseacre •wis- able young woman of the 1920s: flap-
dom after the event: hindsight per ©dowdy woman: frump
wish • sudden wish: whim •comply • unmarried woman: spinster ©age-
ing unmarried woman: old maid
with someone's wishes: humour
• done regardless of wishes: compul- • woman whose husband has died:
sory, involuntary
widow ©ugly old woman: bag, hag
• woman with intellectual or literary
wit •witty talk: repartee • witty re-
pretensions: bluestocking •influen-
mark: bon mot, sally • witty retort
tial woman: grande dame •woman
that comes to mind after the chance to
employed to educate children at home:
make it has gone: esprit de I'escalier
governess ©woman employed as
witch ©male witch: warlock, wiz- resident childminder: nanny
ard, sorcerer ©witch's attendant • woman employed as a cleaner: char-
spirit: familiar ©witch's cooking pot:
woman ©woman letting out lodg-
cauldron •gathering of witches: ings: landlady ©woman in charge of
coven, sabbath ©Irish warlock: a public house: landlady ©arrogant
pishogue •modern witchcraft cult: and domineering woman: prima
Wicca donna ©aggressive woman: virago
without •combining forms: a- (e.g. • aggressive old woman: harridan
amoral), an- (e.g. anonymous), in- (e.g. • woman pregnant for the first time:
instability), un- (e.g. unattached) primigravida •woman pregnant for
witness ©witness who has person- at least the second time: multigravida
ally seen what he or she describes: • woman whose husband is often ab-
eyewitness ©denoting a witness an- sent: grass widow • party for women
tagonistic to the party questioning only: hen party •married woman's
him or her: hostile ©witness's evi- male lover: cicisbeo • older woman's
dence given in court: testimony youthful male escort: gigolo
• give evidence as a witness: testify • woman-centred: gynaecocentric 1

• sworn statement made by a witness • rule by women: gynaecocracy,

out of court: deposition • attempt to gynarchy, matriarchy •polite re-
influence a witness: interference spect shown to women: chivalry, gal-
• lying by a witness under oath: per- lantry • school where young women
jury are taught social graces: finishing
wolf • adjective: lupine ©young school, charm school ©person
wolf: pup ©person who changes into supervising a young woman in public: *

a wolf: lycanthrope, werewolf chaperone, duenna ©study and

treatment of women's diseases: gy-
woman •combining form: gynaeco-

naecology ©advocate of women's

• adjective: female, feminine ©young
rights: feminist ©fear of women: ^
woman parading with a baton-
drum gynaecophobia, gynophobia ©hat-
twirling group: majorette, ma-
red of women: misogyny
jorette• naive young woman: in-
genue • impudent or flirtatious wood •combining forms: lign-, xylo-
young woman: minx ©representa- • adjective: ligneous ©wood from a'
tions of sexually alluring women: conifer: softwood ©wood from a
cheesecake • denoting a sexually at- broadleaved tree: hardwood ©light- 1
399 woodland word |

weight wood used for model-making: • cut wool off a sheep: shear •comb
baisa • board made of thin layers of wool before spinning: card •coil of
wood with alternating grain: plywood spun wool: hank, skein
• board made of compressed wood word •combining forms: lexi-, log-,
chips and resin: chipboard •board -nym •adjectives: verbal, lexical
made of compressed and treated wood • word of one syllable: monosyllable
pulp: hardboard •thick piece of
• word of two syllables: disyl-
wood: • long thin strip of wood:
lable • word of two or more syllables:
batten, lath ©thin and narrow strip
polysyllable ©word of three syl-
of wood: slat • piece of thin wood in a
lables: trisyllable ©word of four syl-
chair back: splat •bundle of wood: lables: tetrasyllable ©word formed
faggot •prehistoric wood circle:
from the initial letters of other words:
henge • fibre pattern in wood: grain acronym • word of four letters: tetra-
• hole in wood where a knot has fallen gram • word from which a later word
out: knothole ©wooden plate:
is derived: etymon ©newly invented
trencher ©rectangular wooden tile: word: coinage, neologism ©word
shingle • wood preservative distilled coined for the occasion: nonce word
from coal tar: creosote ©hard pro- • word found only once: hapax legom-
tective coating for wood: lacquer, var- enon ©word formed from another
nish • high-gloss wood polish: word: derivative • word formed from
French polish • ripple effept in fine the letters of another: anagram
wood grain: fiddle-back ©thin sur- • word having the combined mean-
face layer of wood: veneer ©wood ings of two other words, and con-
inlay decorating furniture: marquetry structed from some of their sounds:
• flooring of wooden blocks: parquet blend • word reading the same back-
• substance painted on wood-knots to wards as forwards: palindrome
prevent resin seepage: knotting • word taken directly from another
• fine wood powder left by boring in- language: loanword • word or phrase
sects: frass • feeding on wood: xyl- directly translating a term with simi-
ophagous • (of a plant stem) become lar meaning in another language:
woody: lignify ©giant grass whose caique, loan translation •denoting a
woody stems are used in furniture- word having the same root as another:
making etc.: bamboo ©prepare wood cognate • word meaning the same as
for use by adjusting its moisture con- another: synonym •word meaning
tent: season ©wood-shaping ma- the opposite of another: antonym
chine: lathe ©person working wood • word spelt and sounding the same as
on a lathe: turner ©musical instru- another, but having a different mean-
ment with pitched wooden blocks: ing and origin: homonym •word
xylophone spelt the same as another, but having
woodland ©woodland nymph: a different meaning: homograph
dryad, hamadryad • word spelt the same as another, but
having a different sound and mean-
woodworker ©woodworker mak
ing: heteronym • word sounding the
ing stairs, doors, etc.: joiner ©wood-
same as another, but having a differ-
worker making furniture: cabinet-
ent meaning: homophone •more
pleasant word: euphemism •less
wool ©fine knitting wool: fingering pleasant word: dysphemism ©word
• fine soft goat wool: cashmere • con- used in informal speech: colloquial-
stituent strand of knitting wool: ply ism ©important word: keyword
word work
{ 400

• overused word: cliche •fashion- cantation ©basic part of a word:

able and overused word: buzzword stem ©change in a word's form re-
• denoting such terms: hackneyed, flecting its grammatical function: in-
trite • misuse of a word: catachresis flection ©arrangement of words to
• confusion of similar-sounding make a correct sentence: syntax
words: malapropism •accidental • shortened form of a word: abbrevi-
transposition of words' opening ation, contraction •symbol standing
sounds: spoonerism •choice of for a word: logogram, logograph
words: phraseology, turn of phrase • word represented by a single sign in
• choice and use of words: diction, shorthand: grammalogue •skilled
parlance •in exactly the same user of words: stylist, wordsmith
words: verbatim • use of more words • statistical analysis of word use:
than are needed: pleonasm ©words stylometry ©words of an opera etc.:
known to a person or used in a sphere libretto ©study of the meaning of
of activity: vocabulary •termin- words: semantics ©study of words
ology particular to an individual or for closely related concepts:
profession: phraseology ©words onomasiology ©study of the forms
of words: morphology ©study of
used in a trade etc.: ©conven-
tional expression: formula •charac- word origins: etymology ©popular
but mistaken account of a word's ori-
teristic use of words: idiom, parlance
gins: folk etymology, popular etymol-
• words often found together: colloca-
tion • word's implied meaning: con-
ogy ©denoting a word imitating the
sound of what it describes: onomato-
notation ©syntactic category to
poeic ©word blending the sounds
which a word belongs: part of speech,
and meanings of two others: portman-
word class ©word used to connect
teau word ©express in words: ver-
clauses or sentences: conjunction
balize ©utter a word: vocalize
• secret word(s) used to gain admis-
sion: password • words for a song: word processor ©word processor
lyrics • expression of a whole phrase feature fitting text into available line
as a single word: holophrasis space: word wrap
• words surrounding a word or utter- work •combining form: erg- ©hard
ance, which help determine its mean-
menial work: drudgery ©hard work
ing: context •fanciful use of words:
done for little pay: sweated labour
conceit •using few words: laconic • place where this is done: sweatshop
• using too many words: long-winded, • work paid for according to the
prosy, wordy • word puzzle in which amount produced: piecework ©work
certain letters in each line form a involving much travelling: legwork
name or message: acrostic • puzzle • amount of work to be done: work-
to find a series of words giving the load • ratio of work done to energy
same letter sequence when read etc. consumed: efficiency ©work
across or down: word square ©grid taken home: outwork ©work done by
of letters containing words written in a student while learning: coursework
any direction: wordsearch • compre- • work consequent upon previous
hension test of replacing missing work: follow-up ©work produced in-
words: cloze test • use of words all cidentally to the main project:
beginning with the same sound or let- by-product, parergon, spin-off •se-
ter: alliteration •repetition of words lection of work shown to a potential
in reverse order: chiasmus ©words employer: portfolio •unauthorized
said as a magic spell: conjuration, in- use of another's work: piracy ©pre-
401 work worker

senting another's work as one's own: lord: corvee •casual work paid
plagiarism •denoting professional daily: daywork ©able to work to-
work: white-collar •denoting man- gether: compatible ©take on an ab-
ual or industrial work: blue-collar sent colleague's work: cover
• denoting women's work: pink-collar • change domicile in search of work:
• way of carrying out a task: tech- migrate ©person living off the work
nique ©skilled approach to a task: of others: drone ©slowing or stop-
technique, workmanship • denoting ping work as a protest: industrial ac-
work done to a decent standard: work- tion ©government organizations as-
manlike • meticulous completion of a sisting those seeking work: jobcentre,
task: follow-through •belief that job club • feign illness to avoid work:
work has an intrinsic moral value: malinger •forbid an employee to do
work ethic •projects undertaken by his normal work: suspend «send an
a doctor or social worker: caseload employee home because of a tempor-
• substantial piece of artistic or schol- ary lull in work: lay off • denoting an
arly work: opus • person addicted to employee dismissed because there is
work: workaholic •conversation no more work: redundant •in work-
about work between colleagues meet- ing order: operable, operational, op-
ing socially: shop talk »work with erative, serviceable
difficulty: labour *work in a desul- worker •combining forms: -er [e.g.
tory manner: potter • collapse due to milliner), -ier {e.g. grazier) ©new
overwork: burnout • (in Japan) death worker's introductory training: in-
caused by overwork: karoshi duction ©worker receiving a con-
• method of working: modus oper- tracted period of training: apprentice
andi (pi. modi operandi) • study of ef- • trained worker employed by an-
ficient work methods: ergonomics, other: journeyman ©experienced
time-and-motion study, work study worker: old hand ©skilled worker:
• person monitoring the scheduled artisan, craftsman, operative
completion of work: progress chaser • craftsman's assistant: mate •fully
• time available for a project: time skilled worker: master •unskilled
frame •period of work: stint • daily manual worker: labourer • person
period of work: shift, working day doing dull work: hack • worker doing
• denoting a period of work done any job: factotum •ordinary work-
when most people are at leisure: un- ers: factory floor, shop floor •home-
social • shift composed of separate based worker making extensive use of
periods of work: split shift ©person telecommunications: telecommuter,
taking over at the end of a shift: relief teleworker ©workers considered col-
• working hours variable by employ- lectively: labour, labour force, man-
ees: flexitime ©section of a flexitime power, workforce ©employees re-
day when everyone must be at work: garded as a business asset: human
core time ©working hours shorter resources ©group of workers and
than usual: short time • time worked equipment devoted to a particular
beyond one's contractual hours: over- task: section, unit ©group of work-
time • record of the number of hours ers assembled for a specific project:
worked: time sheet • day-long re- task force • denoting a worker seek-
lease of employees for education: day ing employment on a job-by-job basis:
release •full-time release of employ- casual, freelance • denoting a paid
ees for education: block release worker: employed, stipendiary •de-
• day's unpaid work given to an over- noting an unpaid worker: honorary,
works write| 402

voluntary •construction labourer: worm • combining form: vermi-

navvy •person employed to run er- • adjectives: vermicular, vermiform
rands: gofer, legman •skilled maker worse ©make worse: exacerbate
of wooden cabinetmaker
• become worse: deteriorate •dele-
• worker loading and unloading ships:
terious cycle of cause and effect: vi-
stevedore •denoting a quick and
cious circle
skilful worker: deft • denoting a care-
ful and productive worker: conscien- worship • combining form: -latry
tious, diligent • incompetent and dis- • adjective: devotional •worship due
honest worker: cowboy ©worker to God: latria • worship of idols: idol-

making little effort because retire- atry • (excessive) veneration of the

ment etc. is near: time-server • work- Mother of God: Mariolatry ©rever-
ers employed by the commissioning ence due to the saints: dulia ©pagan
authority: direct labour •relations worshipped object: fetish, idol, juju
between workers and management: wound • wound made by a bullet
industrial relations • workers' share leaving the body: exit wound
in company government: industrial • wound only skin-deep: flesh wound
democracy • worker supervising • denoting a purulent wound: fester-
others: foreman, forewoman •secret ing • examine a wound carefully: ex-
arrangement between workers to con- plore ©clean and bandage a wound:
trol output: restrictive practice dress • protective material placed on
• workers' festival: Labour Day a wound: dressing •loop of thread
• temporary or permanent discharge joining the edges of a wound: stitch,
of workers: lay-off •immigrant suture •skin mark left by a healed
worker in Germany: Gastarbeiter wound: scar
• Spanish-American day labourer:
wrestling •wrestling match: bout
peon •foreign girl who does domes-
• pair of wrestlers taking turns to
tic work in return for keep and Eng-
fight: tag team • roped-off area for a
lish lessons: au pair *not having
bout: ring • man attending to a wrest-
enough workers: short-handed,
ler between rounds: cornerman
short-staffed, undermanned •re-
• hold pinning arm(s) behind the
place workers by machines: mechan-
back: nelson •move pinning the op-
ponent to the ground: fall ©send
works • complete works of a scholar one's opponent to the ground: throw
or creative artist: oeuvre, corpus • surrender to an opponent's hold:
•related series of artworks: cycle submission
world ©the world as a single com- wrinkle • facial wrinkle: crow's-
munity: global village •spherical foot
model of the world: globe •world-
wide: global, mondial
wrist • adjective: carpal
worldwide: globalist • places at op- writ «writ ordering a person to at-
posite sides of the world: antipodes tend court: subpoena, summons,
• worldwide temperature increase: process ©writ requiring production
global warming •barrier to infrared of an imprisoned person: habeas cor-
radiation causing this: greenhouse pus ©writ summoning substitute
effect see also earth jurors: tales •formal delivery of a
writ: service
World Wide Web • Internet loca-
tionmamtaining pages on the World write •write in a different alphabet:
Wide Web: web site transliterate • write hastily and care-
403 writing j

lessly: scribble • write quickly: jot rebus •systems of signs used to

• able to read and write: literate record music, choreography etc.: no-
writing •combining forms: -gram tation • ancient Egyptian picture-
(e.g. -graphy • adjective:
telegram), writing: hieroglyphs • ancient Egyp-
graphic •unabbreviated handwrit- tian priestly script using simplified
ing: longhand ©type of handwriting: hieroglyphs: hieratic • ancient Egyp-
script •elegant handwriting: callig- tian script used by the laity, a simpli-
raphy • calligrapher's decorative fied form of hieratic: demotic ©an-
flourish: curlicue •sloping style of cient wedge-shaped script: cuneiform
handwriting, with loops: copperplate • ancient system of writing with lines
•joined-up handwriting: cursive running alternately left to right and
• reverse writing: mirror writing right to left: boustrophedon •an-
• stroke joining letters: ligature cient waxed writing tablet of two
• curved stroke made in handwriting: hinged leaves: diptych • writing in-
pot-hook •denoting handwriting in strument used with waxed tablets:
large letters of even height: majus- stylus •ancient writing surface of
cule • denoting writing in lower-case pounded sedge stems: papyrus (pi. pa-
letters: minuscule •denoting badly pyri) ©writing surface made from
formed handwriting: crabbed •book animal skin: parchment ©fine parch-
with samples of good handwriting: ment made from calfskin: vellum
copybook • faint lines on paper to • study of ancient writing systems:
guide handwriting: feint • marks sep- palaeography »put into writing:
arating written sentences or phrases:
transcribe ©hand pain from much
punctuation, punctuation mark writing: writer's cramp ©short piece
• psychological study of handwriting:
of writing: essay • collection of writ-
graphology • text in its author's own
ings: anthology, collectanea, com-
handwriting: autograph, holograph
monplace book, florilegium, garland,
• alternative way of writing a particu-
miscellany, omnibus ©affectedly
lar letter or sound: allograph ©sys-
elaborate style of writing: euphuism
tem of writing: script ©system of
• tediously wordy style of writing:
symbols for high-speed writing: short-
prolixity ©elaborately contrived
hand, stenography •system of sym-
piece of writing: purple passage,
bols each representing a syllable: syl-
purple patch, purple prose • denot-
labary • Japanese syllabic writing:
ing a awkward and hesitant style:
kana •simplified picture used to re-
present a word in certain ancient
stilted ©newspaper reporters' style
of writing: journalese
writing systems: glyph, pictograph
• symbol standing for a word: logo- written • combining form: -graph
gram, logograph ©writing indicat- (e.g. autograph)
ing the idea of a thing but not
name: ideogram,
wrongdoing ©minor wrongdoing:
its ideograph
misdemeanour • in the act of wrong-
• signature-symbol of an illiterate per-
doing: in flagrante delicto
son: mark • picture puzzle in which a
word is represented by pictures of ob- wrongly • combining forms: cata-
jects whose names make its syllables: (e.g. catachresis), mis- (e.g. misalign)
X • X-shaped: decussate shadow ©transparent to X-rays: M
X-rays ©X-raying a section through radiolucent •opaque to X-rays: radi- H
the body: tomography, computerized opaque, radio-opaque • substance *

axial tomography • X-ray examin- improving the X-ray visibility of body ^

ation of the bile ducts: organs: contrast medium •barium *

choliangography • X-ray examin- mixture consumed by a patient before

ation of the gall bladder: cholecystog- the digestive system is X-rayed: bar-
raphy • X-ray examination of the ium meal • screen for direct viewing t

lymphatic system: lymphangio- of X-ray images: fluoroscope

graphy • X-ray examination of a • shield against X-rays worn by health
vein: venography • X-ray location of workers: apron • short-range X-rays:
breast tumours: mammography gamma rays • use of X-rays: radiog- \

• X-ray picture: radiograph • X-ray raphy • medical treatment by X-rays:

or ultrasound picture of a section radiotherapy, radiation therapy J

through the body: tomogram • study of medical applications of

• opaque region in an X-ray picture: X-rays: radiology
yacht •twin-hulled yacht: catama- year, or lasting for a year: annual
ran • yacht of standard design: one- • occurring every other year, or last-
design ©yacht's open upper bridge: ing for two years: biennial •occur-
flybridge, flying bridge • yacht har- ring every, or lasting for, three years:
bour: marina • president of a yacht triennial • occurring every, or lasting
club: commodore >see also boat, for, four years: quadrennial •occur-
sailing ring every, or lasting for, five years:

yarn • strand of a yarn: ply • thread quinquennial •occurring every, or

used for stockings: lisle lasting for, seven years: septennial
• occurring every, or lasting for, ten
year •adjective: annual •remark-
years: decennial
able year: annus mirabilis ©year
having 366 days: leap year • year of years old •combining form:
354 days: lunar year • tax or account- -genarian (e.g. octogenarian)
ing year: financial year •extra days yeast • yeast substitute used in bak-
in a solar year: epact • time of year ing:baking powder •(of dough) be-
when day and night are of equal come aerated by yeast: prove, rise
length: equinox ©part of the year as
particularized by climate or events:
yellow •dull brownish-yellow:
season • year just beginning or khaki • yellowing of the skin or eyes:
about to begin: new year •first per-
son to enter a house in the new year: yield •policy of yielding to the de-
first-footer ©year just ended or mands of a potential aggressor: ap-
about to end: old year •for each peasement
year: per annum ©sum of money
paid every year, or an insurance
yoga • system of physical exercises:
hatha yoga
scheme securing this: annuity
• period of a thousand years: millen- youth •time of youth: nonage •dif-
nium • period of a hundred years: ferent attitudes of young and old: gen-
century ©period of ten years: dec- eration gap •creations of a writer's
ade • occurring twice a year: semi- or artist's youth, often later sup-
annual, biannual •occurring each pressed as immature: juvenilia
Zen •Zen insoluble riddle: koan zoology •zoology of living crea-
• zen meditation: zazen tures:neontology •zoology of fossil
forms: palaeontology
Zeus •Roman name: Jupiter
Zoroastrian •Zoroastrian scrip-
zigzag • zigzag course taken by a
tures: Avesta •commentary upon
vessel sailing into the wind: tacking,
the Avesta: Zend ©name of God in
Zoroastrianism: Ahura Mazda, Or-
zinc •coat a metal with zinc: gal- mazd • follower of Zoroastrianism in
vanize western India: Parsee ©structure
zoo •zoo whose visitors drive upon which Parsees expose their
through large paddocks containing dead: tower of silence
wild animals: safari park Zulu • group of Zulu warriors: impi
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