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Performance Analysis and Comparative Evaluation

of Two-winding Multi-tapped transformer based

Nine-Level Inverter
Md. Abdullah Ansari Jaffar Ali Lone
Department of Electrical Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering,
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh Muslim University,
Aligarh, India Aligarh, India

Abstract—With the continuous increase in demand of There are various types of MLI’s, each having own their
electrical energy, power electronics is becoming an important merits and demerits.
aspect of our lives. Renewable energy sources like Solar and 1) Cascaded H-Bridge MLI
Wind are helping a lot in reducing this ever-increasing demand
of electrical energy besides being cheap and clean.
2) Flying Capacitor MLI
Conventional two-level inverters used for converting DC 3) Diode clamped type MLI
output from renewable energy sources to AC waveform 4) Two-winding Multi-tapped Transformer based MLI
contains lot of harmonics and are replaced by Multilevel
Inverters (MLI). MLI’s are gaining more and more interest of Cascaded H-bridge MLI is used in many areas including
researchers these days because of small harmonic distortion STATCOM applications, drives, plasma,etc.[12][13]. But its
and low switching frequency operation. In this paper, Two- use is limited by isolated and constant DC supply for each
winding Multi-tapped transformer (TWMTT) based nine-level unit and consequently more complex circuit for more output
inverter is discussed in detail along with its switching sequence levels[14][15].
and its comparison with other prominent topologies of nine-
level inverters is also drawn. On implementing this topology in Flying capacitor MLI, though requires only one DC source,
MATLAB/Simulink, total harmonic distortion (THD) was but necessitates large sized capacitor for storing charge as
found to be 9.37% which is very low compared to other
well as clamping the output[16]. For multi-level design,
topologies for nine level inverters.
providing insulation and thermal design to charge storing
Keywords— Multilevel Inverter, switching, Total harmonic elements becomes quite difficult[17]. Moreover, due to
distortion, Multi-winding, Tapping. practical limitations, this topology can be extended upto six
levels only.
Diode clamped MLI is also impractical due to two major
As the demand of electrical energy is continuously
problems namely: Capacitor voltage unbalance and excess
increasing, the role of power electronics is as crucial as
of clamping diodes. Total no. of clamping diodes required
computers and communication systems[1][2]. Renewable
for M level inverter is (M-1)x(M-2) which shows a quadratic
energy sources like solar and wind are reducing this demand
rise in no. of diodes making the circuit impractical for
to a large extent[3]. But the output of such sources is DC in
use[6]. For same level voltage synthesis, flying capacitor
nature which is not usable to consumers[4]. Inverters are
based MLI has more flexibility than diode clamped
used for converting this DC waveform into smooth AC
waveform. But the main problem associated with
conventional two-level inverters (-Vdc and Vdc) is the high Two-winding Multi-tapped Transformer based MLI involves
harmonic pollution and high switching frequency which variation in output due to change in the turns ratio of
further accounts for high switching losses. These transfomer. One obvious advantage is the isolation between
weaknesses prevent the use of such inverters in high power input and output side. Single DC source without any extra
applications. By reducing total harmonic distortion (THD), inductor or capacitor makes the circuit simple and compact.
the need of output filter is also reduced[5]. One of the And in addition, only one switch at a time is ON for
solutions to such a problem is the use of Multilevel Inverters comparitively smaller duration, enabling the use of low rated
(MLI). The so-called Multilevel starts from three-level[6]. switches and hence, minimising the cost[18]. The size of
MLI is gaining more and more interest of researchers these transformer varies inversely with the operating
days because of its low switching frequency operation and frequency[19].
hence low switching loss[7]. This makes it possible to use
MLI’s in high power applications. MLI employs In this paper modelling, analysis and comparison of different
combination of switches and DC voltage sources to produce types of nine-level inverters is presented. TWMTT based
various voltage levels in the output which can be used in nine-level inverter is discussed in detail along with
medium-voltage high-power applications[8]. More the switching sequence. The circuit diagram and results of other
number of output voltage levels less is the THD and hence topologies of nine-level inverters are discussed in Section
smaller is the size of filter required[9][10]. The general IV. THD of all the topologies is calculated and comparison
purpose of an MLI is to produce a stair case type of voltage is also made. MATLAB/Simulink software is used for
waveform close to sinusoidal waveform so that the harmonic simulation purposes.
distortion is reduced[11].
II. DESCRIPTION OF TWO-WINDING MULTI-TAPPED (CHB), Flying capacitor (FC) and Diode clamped (DC)
The basic operation of an MLI is shown in Fig. 1. A Fig. 6. shows the circuit diagram for the above topologies.
multilevel inverter circuit consists of a DC voltage source, For obtaining the desired nine level output voltage, proper
semiconductor switches and the control circuit for the same. triggering of all the switches is required. Here, Power
Here, we have taken Two-winding Multi-tapped MOSFET is used as switch which enables high efficiency
Transformer based nine-level inverter working on the while operating at higher frequencies. In each case, total
principle of varying the output voltage by changing turns sixteen Power MOSFET switches are used. On
ratio of transformer. implementing the above three topologies in
A constant DC supply is connected at the center point of MATLAB/Simulink, the output
primary winding and switches are connected to tapping Voltage obtained is shown in Fig. 7. In case of CHB
equidistant from each other (Fig. 2). S 1, S2, S3 and S4 topology, sine PWM method is used for triggering switches
working for the first half of cycle and S 5, S6, S7 and S8 for with Triangular Carrier signal of frequency 5000 Hz. The
the other half cycle. The conduction period of each switch is sequence of gate pulses is shown in Fig. 8. The major
controlled by varying pulse width and phase delay of pulse drawback of CHB topology is the requirement of four equal
generator. and isolated DC voltage sources. Moreover, for getting more
The voltage developed at the secondary terminal V 2 obtained output levels, the number of elements and complexity of the
from input source V1 is given by: circuit increases gradually which can be inferred from Fig.
6(a). In case of FC topology, zero output voltage is produced
V 2= V when half of source voltage equals the capacitor voltage
N1 1 which is not practically feasible. For Diode Clamp topology,
where N1 and N2 denotes the number of turns in the primary huge number of clamping diodes are used in addition with
and secondary windings respectively. large-sized capacitors. It is clear that the output is not purely
When a particular switch is triggered, there is a change in sinusoidal which is required, so to minimize the error and to
the turns ratio and accordingly output voltage changes. design proper filter circuit, it is necessary to analyze the
From fig. 2. when S4 is ON, N2/N1 becomes 1/8 and when S 3 harmonic components namely THD (%) which is given in
is ON, it becomes 1/4 and so on and accordingly V 2 Fig. 9.
changes. V2 obtained corresponding to each switch is Summing all the above, Table IV. shows the comparison
depicted in Fig. 3. Zero level can be introduced by turning- between different nine-level inverter topologies. Clearly, we
off all the switches simultaneously. can see that TWMTT based nine-level inverter requires a
The switching sequence of the TWMTT based nine-level smaller number of semiconductor switches and THD is also
inverter is shown in Table I. The uniqueness of this topology very low. Moreover, only one switch conducts at a time.
is that only one switch is made to conduct at a time relieving
the stress on the other switches. V. CONCLUSION
While implementing the above switching sequence in In this paper design, analysis and comparison of the most
MATLAB/Simulink, one important point worth mentioning prominent topologies of nine-level inverter was carried and
is the selection of suitable internal parameters of Multi- it was found that TWMTT based nine-level inverter requires
Winding Transformer taken from Simscape Library. The smaller number of switching devices and is having very low
values of parameters taken are provided in Table II. The THD of 9.37% relative to other nine-level topologies. By
Conduction period of switches used in the topology is also using appropriate switching sequence, a staircase type of
given in Table III. voltage waveform can be generated close to sinusoidal
waveform. As the number of voltage levels increases, we get
III. PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS a waveform closer to sinusoidal waveform and THD
The distortion in the output waveform of a multilevel decreases. But rating of transformer consequently increases
inverter should be as small as possible. It is possible only if which limits its practical usage for higher levels.
THD is very low. The root-mean-square (RMS) value of the MATLAB/Simulink software was used for simulation
output voltage of inverter can be defined as: purposes.
V rms =V 1 , rms √ 1+THD REFERENCES

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