Aiza - 79 - 4065 - 2marketing Management - Project Guidelines

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Assessment 20% of overall grade.

Writing format:
 Word Format
 Line space – 1.5
 Font – Times New Roman
 Word Limit – 2500 words (-/+ 10% rule applies)
 Size – 14 for heading and 12 for paragraph
 Title Page –Should be in the provided Template.
 Header – Title of the report
 Footer – Page Number and Date
 The report should have
o Title page
o Table of Contents
o Report
o References

The report needs to address ONE of the two Global Issues – its general effects on the business
environment and how it affects the marketing performance of the brand.

 Sustainability, climate and environmental issues


 Diversity issues, discrimination, equal rights

Task Description
Topics to be included:
1. The role, importance, relevance of the chosen global issue in business in general.
o How did this issue emerge? what is the history?
o How does it affect the business environment? Why is it important to address?
o How do companies, brands address this issue? What are the best practices? Give good
and bad examples.
2. Effects of the chosen global issue on the chosen brad’s industry / product category?
o Why is this issue relevant in this brand’s product category? What is the relation?
3. Analysis of the chosen brand’s policies and actions regarding this global issue?
o What did the brand do? How did they address the issue?
o Evaulate their marketing strategy in relation to the issue? How does it affect the
o Evaluate their marketing mix in relation to this global issue? How does it affect the

Marketing Management 1

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