Home Brew Rules

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Thank you once again for attending the coffee workshop.

Below are few things to remember

- let it be as fresh as possible; buy from local roasters, just the amount you’re able to drink
within 6 weeks after roasting
- store the coffee protected from oxygen, moisture and temperature shock - never in
- grind the coffee as fresh as possible - even one hour after grinding you can taste the
difference, coffee is losing precious volatiles and you will miss aroma and taste
- use 60g of coffee per 1000ml of water
- for easier counting: 1 cup of coffee: 15/250 or 18/300 ; 2 cups 25/400 or 30/500
- consistency is the key, buy yourself the digital scales, it will help you to have tasty coffee
every time, otherwise you’re risking coffee to be to weak or to bitter

- always use filtered water (I would recommend that even for quality tea); water from the tap
is too hard to dissolve light and medium roasted coffee
- my favourite type of filter is called BWT Mg+
- use water as hot as possible, the leakage of heat is very fast so pour the water over the
coffee grounds as soon as possible
- always rinse the paper filter with water to get rid of the paper taste

- time of brewing depends on two things : how long you will let the coffee sit in (obviously)
before you let it filter: imagine french press, it will brew until you filter it to the mug; don’t
brew your coffee for more than 4 minutes; for pour over methods time will be influenced by
the grind size of the beans
- too coarse grinding = too big particles = water flow too fast —> too weak coffee
- solution: turn the screw inside the grinder one step clockwise to grind it finer
- too fine grinding = too small particles = water flows too slow, it can even clog the filter —>
bitter and too strong coffee
- solution: turn the screw inside the grinder one step counter clockwise to grind it coarser

V 60 step by step
- put the kettle on with enough of water for brew and rinse
- measure the amount of coffee (eg 18g) and grind it
- fold the paper filter, put it neatly into the V 60
- rinse the filter
- get rid of the water; put empty dripper with wet filter on a scale
- pour 60 g of water over the coffee and stir well
- wait 30 seconds
- slowly pour remaining water up to 300 g
- make swirl with the dripper to get rid of all the particles stuck on the paper filter
- let it brew
- until all the water disappear it should take another 2:30 - 3:30
- total time from mixing water and coffee should be 3:00 to 4:00 (if it’s not, change the grind
- remains of the coffee could be used as a skin scrub or mixed with the soil for your pot
flowers; it’s perfectly compostable, even with the paper filter
- since we were talking about the health benefits, filter coffee is actually very healthy for your
microbiome, especially coffee brewed through the paper filter is considered the most
beneficial since the paper can get rid of the cholesterol particles in coffee
- for great English info about coffee I can’t recommend enough James Hoffman and his
(smart and funny) YouTube channel; if you’re interested in processing and journey of bean
from cherry to the roaster, listen to the podcast Making coffee by Lucia Solis
- of you’re ok with Czech, we have our own podcast called simply Doubelshot


In case you have some other questions, you can reach me via Instagram @foxy_terezzzka
or via email bala@doubleshot.cz
I’m working for the roastery www.doubleshot.cz there you can easily find all the information
about the farmers, since we source our beans directly from the producers. I’m the lector of
the coffee classes so you’re very welcome to attend some of them if you’re more
enthusiastic about coffee now (I hope that you are!). For courses in English reach me via e-
mail and I will try to set up the English speaking class as soon as possible

I hope that you enjoyed the session and you’re not over caffeinated by now, don’t forget to
drink enough water!

See you later

Terezka Balá

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