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Classical nucleation theory and its application

to condensing steam flow calculations
F Bakhtar1 , J B Young2, A J White2, and D A Simpson2
Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK
Hopkinson Laboratory, Cambridge University Engineering Department, Cambridge, UK

The manuscript was received on 25 May 2004 and was accepted after revision for publication on 9 August 2004.

DOI: 10.1243/095440605X8379

Abstract: The paper discusses the classical theory of the homogeneous nucleation of water
droplets from supersaturated vapour and its application in predicting condensation in steam
nozzles. The first part consists of a review of classical nucleation theory, focusing on the
many modifications made to the original Becker –Döring theory and providing some new
insights into recent developments. It is concluded that the predictive accuracy required for
engineering calculations is not yet attainable with a theory derived from first principles. The
areas that require most attention relate to the properties of small molecular clusters and the
energy transfer processes in the non-isothermal theory. Experiments in converging – diverging
nozzles provide the best means for validation at the very high nucleation rates of interest, but
measurements of pressure distribution and the Sauter mean droplet radius are insufficient to
provide independent checks on the separate theories of nucleation and droplet growth. Never-
theless, a judicious choice for the nucleation rate equation, in combination with a standard
droplet growth model and a suitable equation of state for steam, can provide accurate predic-
tions over a wide range of conditions. The exception is at very low pressures where there is
evidence that the droplet growth rate in the nucleation zone is underestimated.

Keywords: nucleation theory, steam turbines, two-phase flow, non-equilibrium, wet steam

1 INTRODUCTION distribution of the droplets present and hence on

the conditions under which nucleation occurred.
When the state path of an expanding pure vapour, Understanding the nucleation process is thus central
freed from foreign particles and ions and removed to understanding the behaviour of wet steam.
from contact with solid surfaces, crosses the satur- Historically, theories of homogeneous nucleation
ation line, the vapour does not condense immediately have developed along two lines. The classical
but instead becomes supersaturated. A super- thermodynamic– kinetic approach is associated
saturated vapour is in a metastable state and over with such celebrated names as Volmer and Weber
a period of time (which may be short or long depend- [1], Farkas [2], Becker and Döring [3], Zeldovich [4],
ing on the degree of supersaturation) reversion to an Frenkel [5], and others. A highly recommended
equilibrium state occurs via the formation and account concentrating on the underlying physics is
growth of vast numbers of extremely small liquid given by McDonald [6, 7] and a more rigorous
droplets. This process is termed homogeneous thermodynamic treatment can be found in the first
nucleation, in contrast to heterogeneous nucleation, two chapters of the book by Abraham [8]. The
which refers to condensation on any foreign particles second line of approach is based on statistical
present. After nucleation, the flow behaviour of mechanics and originated from a desire to eradicate
the wet vapour is strongly dependent on the size the uncertainties that mar the classical theory. It is
linked with the names of Band [9], Bijl [10], Frenkel
 [5], Reiss [11], Dunning [12], Ford [13], and many
Corresponding author: Department of Mechanical Engineering
and Manufacturing, University of Birmingham, PO Box 363, others. The statistical mechanical theory has always
Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT, UK. been controversial. Some of the earlier problems

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are discussed in the two interesting collections in nozzles available at the time and theoretical
edited by Zettlemoyer [14, 15] and a recent careful solutions were given by Young and Bakhtar [34] and
derivation is provided by Ford [13]. A number of a review of all the nozzle experiments performed
hybrid analytical theories have also been developed before 1980 and a comparison with his theoretical
(e.g. See Dillman and Meier [16]) and, with the avail- predictions is given by Young [35]. Comparisons
ability of computers, a numerical line of attack has with data from high-pressure tests were reported
been instigated using Monte Carlo methods (e.g. by Bakhtar and Zidi [36]. A new development by
Hale [17]) and molecular dynamics simulations Wyslouzil et al. [37] is the use of small-angle neutron
(e.g. Laasonen et al. [18]). Nevertheless, despite scattering to measure the size and structure of nano-
a century of research by some of the great names scale droplets. The technique is in its infancy but
in physics, physical chemistry, and engineering, holds the promise of providing more accurate infor-
a definitive theory of nucleation has yet to emerge. mation about small clusters of molecules formed by
The scientific (as opposed to engineering) litera- nucleation, which can be used to validate nucleation
ture on nucleation is vast. Much of this work con- theories.
cerns chemical substances other than H2O at rates The general conclusion from this work is that
of nucleation many orders of magnitude lower than qualitatively the classical theory describes nuclea-
those observed in steam nozzles and turbines. tion in steam nozzles well but that quantitatively
Indeed, the experimental equipment most often the predictive capability is less good. Numerous
used for obtaining data has been the thermal diffu- modifications of the theory have been proposed
sion cloud chamber and the piston expansion but, unfortunately, a given set of measurements
chamber, and the degrees of supersaturation and can be matched by various combinations of models
rates of nucleation achievable in these devices are so that considerable uncertainty still remains. Con-
in no way comparable to those obtained during sequently, the basis for all engineering calculations
rapid expansion in nozzles. Much of the literature is still the classical Becker – Döring theory. The
on nucleation is therefore not of direct relevance main steps in the derivation of this theory and
to engineers and this paper will deal only with some of the proposed refinements will now be sum-
those issues of importance for the homogeneous marized. A critical review of the recent developments
nucleation of water droplets from pure steam in in the statistical mechanical approach is given by
high-speed flows. Ford [38].
The interest of the steam turbine community
stems from the desire to understand wetness pro-
blems in turbines. Laboratory studies of nucleation
and droplet growth have principally been carried
2.1 Thermodynamic aspects
out in converging-diverging nozzles and many such
investigations have been reported. Originally, the The reversible work required to form a single spheri-
only data available were measurements of the cal droplet of radius r from a supersaturated vapour
centre-line pressure distribution (e.g. see Yellot held at constant pressure p and temperature TG is
et al. [19], Binnie and Woods [20], and Binnie and equal to the change in Gibbs free energy DG during
Green [21]), and these were used to deduce the the process of formation. If the vapour behaves as a
limiting supersaturation in high-speed nucleating perfect gas, the so-called classical expression for DG
flows. The pressure distributions were later used to as a function of r is
compare with theoretical solutions in which the
equations describing droplet formation and growth 4
were combined with the gas dynamic conservation DG ¼ 4pr 2 s  pr 3 rL RTG ln S (1)
equations (e.g. see Oswatitsch [22], Wegener and
Pouring [23], Gyarmathy and Meyer [24], Hill [25], where s is the liquid surface tension, rL is the liquid
Saltanov et al. [26], and Campbell and Bakhtar density, and R is the gas constant per unit mass.
[27]). Unfortunately, however, pressure distributions S ¼ p/pS(TG) is the supersaturation ratio with
alone were insufficient to resolve the uncertainties pS(TG) being the saturated vapour pressure at TG.
associated with nucleation theory and in the 1960s The derivation of equation (1) and its extension to
and 1970s optical techniques were developed for high pressure is given in Appendix 2.
measuring the droplet size (e.g. see Deych et al. For a supersaturated vapour, S . 1 and the second
[28], Stein [29], Gyarmathy and Lesch [30], Petr term on the right-hand side of equation (1) is nega-
[31], Kròl [32], and Walters [33]). These measure- tive. The first term is always positive, however, and
ments provided additional data for comparison with for small r it dominates, as shown by the curves of
the theoretical solutions. Comparisons between a DG versus r in Fig. 1. It can be seen that for a given
representative selection of the droplet measurements value of S, DG increases with r up to a maximum

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exactly via the saturated vapour properties but the

following useful approximate relationship can be
obtained from the Clausius – Clapeyron equation

hfg DT
ln S ffi (5)
RTS (p) TG

where hfg is the specific enthalpy of evaporation. DG

is the free energy barrier to the formation of
a droplet.
Equation (3) shows that as S increases DG
decreases but the barrier never disappears comple-
tely. Thus, for a supercooled vapour to condense it
must form droplets of radius r , which is against its
Fig. 1 Schematic diagram showing the variation
natural tendency. The only path to the formation of
of DG with r for superheated (S , 1) and
clusters of critical size is through fluctuations result-
supersaturated vapour (S . 1)
ing from chance molecular collisions. The kinetic
part of the theory models this process.

value DG occurring at the critical radius r . A droplet

with r . r can reduce the free energy of the system 2.2 Steady state cluster distribution in
by capturing molecules and has a tendency to a superheated vapour
grow. The opposite is true for a droplet with r , r . In a superheated vapour, S , 1 and both terms on the
A critical droplet is thus in unstable equilibrium right-hand side of equation (4) are positive. Sustained
with the surrounding vapour. growth of liquid droplets to macroscopic size is pro-
Expressions for r and DG are obtained by differ- hibited but, even so, small liquid-like clusters are con-
entiating equation (1) with respect to r and equating tinually being formed and disrupted by the molecular
to zero. If s and rL depend only on temperature and collision processes. The identities of the individual
not on r, and if the vapour is assumed to behave as a clusters change all the time but the size distribution
perfect gas, it is found that remains steady. By minimizing the free energy of
the total vapour – droplet system (e.g. see Chapter 4
2s of Abraham [8]) it can be shown that the
r ¼ (2)
rL RTG ln S steady state size distribution of clusters follows the
Boltzmann law
ng ffi n1 exp  (6)
4pr2 s 16ps 3
DG ¼ ¼ (3)
3 3(rL RTG ln S)2 where ng and n1 are the numbers per unit volume of
g-mers and monomers respectively.
A droplet of radius r comprising g molecules is An expression very similar to equation (6) can also
called a g-mer. If m is the mass of a molecule, the be obtained from kinetic considerations. Thus,
droplet mass is 4pr 3 rL /3 ¼ gm and its surface area in order for the cluster concentrations to remain
is 4pr 2 ¼ Ag 2/3 , where A3 ¼ 36p(m/rL )2 . Substituting steady, the principle of detailed balance requires that
into equation (1) gives DG in terms of g rather than r
Cg ng ¼ Egþ1 ngþ1 (7)
DG As 2/3
¼ g  g ln S (4)
kTG kTG where Cg is the rate at which a g-mer acquires
a molecule (the condensation rate) and Egþ1 is the
where k ¼ mR is Boltzmann’s constant. It is often rate at which a (g þ 1)-mer loses a molecule (the
easier to work with equation (4) than equation (1). evaporation rate). In writing equation (7), it is
Although supersaturation ratio S appears naturally assumed that growth and evaporation occur by the
in nucleation theory, engineers often prefer to work acquisition or loss of single molecules. Expressions
in terms of the supercooling DT because of its more for Cg and Egþ1 are given below.
obvious physical significance. By definition, DT ¼ Although equations (6) and (7) undoubtedly
TS( p) 2 TG, where TS( p) is the saturated vapour embody the essential physics of the vapour-cluster
temperature at pressure p. S and DT are related equilibrium, it is important to appreciate that, as

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used in the classical theory, they are not quite by the following expression (obtained by inverting
consistent. Thus, when DG from equation (1) is equation (2))
substituted into equation (6) and the standard
expressions for Cg and Eg (equations (10) and (12)  
below) are introduced into equation (7), the results p ¼ pS (TL ) exp (11)
rL RTL r
do not quite agree. This inconsistency, which is dis-
cussed later in the paper, has proved astonishingly
At this fictitious equilibrium condition, Eg would
difficult to eradicate from the theory.
equal the value of Cg given by equation (10) with
p from equation (11) and TG replaced by TL. It is
then argued that Eg depends only on TL and r, and
2.3 Derivation of the kinetic equation hence, whether the droplet is in a superheated or
In a supersaturated vapour the processes of cluster supersaturated environment, at equilibrium or other-
formation and disruption occur in a similar way, wise, the evaporation rate is given by
but if the clusters exceed the critical size they  
encounter a favourable DG gradient and tend to 2/3 pS (TL ) 2s
Eg ¼ qe Ag pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi exp (12)
grow. The steady state described by equations (6) 2pmkTL rL RTL r
and (7) is no longer applicable because the rates at
which the clusters grow and decay are no longer In equation (12), qe is the evaporation coefficient.
balanced. To signify the difference, the symbol fg is For a droplet at equilibrium qe must equal qc but, as
used to denote the concentration of g-mers under noted by Young [35], this relationship need not
these conditions. The net rate per unit volume Ig at necessarily hold when the droplet is growing or eva-
which g-mers grow to (g þ 1)-mers is termed the porating. Normally, however, it is assumed that
nucleation current and can be expressed as q e ¼ q c.
Equation (12) is a general expression for the evap-
Ig ¼ Cg fg  Egþ1 fgþ1 (8) oration rate of a g-mer at an arbitrary temperature
TL. In the original classical theory, however, the
The time rate of change of the concentration of assumption was made that TL ¼ TG for all droplet
g-mers is then given by sizes. This isothermal assumption is difficult to jus-
tify a priori (in fact it cannot be justified in the case
@fg of a pure vapour) but provides great simplification
¼ ½(Cg fg  Egþ1 fgþ1 )  (Cg1 fg1  Eg fg )
@t as it is then unnecessary to consider the transfer of
@Ig energy to and from the clusters.
¼ (Ig  Ig1 ) ffi  (9) The solution of equation (9) under isothermal
conditions can now proceed along either of two
lines. The more obvious starting point is to substitute
To proceed further, expressions are needed for
equations (10) and (12) directly. This method is
Cg and Eg. Cg can be obtained from the kinetic
described by Ford [13] and has the advantage of
theory expression for the rate at which vapour mol-
transparency but the disadvantage of complexity.
ecules impact the droplet surface. Assuming that
The original classical theory employed a more
clusters can be modelled as spherical droplets
elegant, if less obvious, approach, which leads to
down to the smallest sizes
the same result and will now be described. Instead
of substituting directly from equation (12), equation
rG v G p
Cg ¼ qc Ag 2/3 ¼ qc Ag 2/3 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (10) (7) is used to eliminate Egþ1 from equation (8) to give
4m 2pmkTG
Ig fg fgþ1 @ fg
¼  ffi (13)
where v G is the mean speed of vapour molecules and Cg ng ng ngþ1 @g ng
qc is the condensation coefficient, the fraction of
molecules incident on the surface that are absorbed The final expression is a differential approximation
into the droplet. The second expression follows if to the discrete form. In equation (13), ng is defined
the vapour behaves as a perfect gas, but when deal- by equation (6) but with DG evaluated at supersatu-
ing with nucleation at high pressure it is simpler to rated conditions. It is important to appreciate that
work in terms of density. ng does not represent an actual real distribution
To evaluate Eg it is noted that, if a g-mer of and the substitution of equation (6) is simply a con-
radius r and temperature TL (not necessarily equal venient mathematical trick for eliminating Egþ1.
to TG) were at equilibrium in a supersaturated Eliminating Ig from equations (9) and (13), the time
environment, the vapour pressure would be given rate of change of the g-mer concentration is thus

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approximated in differential form by time obtained by a numerical solution of equation

(14). In this example, the transient stage lasts about
@fg @Ig @ @ fg 0.1 ms whereas the active nucleation period in a
¼ ¼ Cg ng (14) nozzle flow lasts typically 10 – 50 ms. Based on such
@t @g @g @g ng
evidence, the transient stage is usually ignored in
Equation (14) with Cg given by equation (10) and ng condensing flow calculations, it being assumed that
given by equation (6) with DG from equation (1) is the steady-state nucleation rate is attained
the governing differential equation describing iso- instantaneously.
thermal nucleation.
The solution of equation (14) has been studied
under two separate sets of conditions. 2.5 The steady state solution
1. A transient stage where fg and Ig vary with both Taking the nucleation current as constant, equation
g and t. (13) may be integrated as follows
2. A steady-state stage where fg varies with g (but
not t) and Ig ¼ I, the same for all g. This is a ficti- ð1 ð1  
dg fg
tious situation brought about by imagining that ICL ¼ d (15)
g¼1 g ng g¼1 n g
all large droplets are continually removed and
replaced by an equal mass of supersaturated
vapour. By this artifice, the system can exist in where ICL is the classical steady-state value of I.
a steady state with an unchanging cluster distri- To evaluate the integral on the right-hand side, it
bution fg and a nucleation current I that is con- is noted that fg/ng ! 1 for g ! 1 and fg/ng ! 0 for
stant along the ‘cluster chain’. g ! 1. Thus

"ð #1
2.4 The transient solution dg
ICL ¼ (16)
g¼1 g ng
Of the many investigations of the transient stage,
there is one by Kashchiev [39] in which he obtains
a semi-analytical solution of equation (14). The solu- This integral can be evaluated analytically with
tion is obtained in terms of a characteristic time t some small approximations. The result, derived in
and Kashchiev shows that if a given supersaturation Appendix 3, is
is suddenly imposed on a vapour initially in a satu-
rated condition, then for g , g , Ig reaches 99 per r2G 2s 1=2 4pr2 s
cent of its steady state value after about 5t. Calcu- ICL ¼ qc exp  (17)
rL pm3 3kTG
lations show this timescale to be short in comparison
with the overall time for active nucleation in nozzles.
For example, Fig. 2 shows the development of Ig with where r is given by equation (2). This is the classical
expression for the rate of formation of critical
droplets per unit volume. Often, however, it is
more convenient to work in terms of the nuclea-
tion rate per unit mass of vapour J. Noting that
S ¼ p/pS(TG) ¼ rG/rGS(TG), where rGS is the satu-
rated vapour density at TG

rGS 2s 1=2 4pr2 s
JCL ¼ qc S exp  (18)
rL pm3 3kTG

The variation of JCL with supercooling DT at

various pressures is shown in Fig. 3. The calculations
were performed assuming the surface tension s to be
that of a flat surface and the condensation coefficient
qc to be unity. The nucleation rate is negligibly small,
even at moderate supersaturation ratios, but it rises
Fig. 2 Numerical calculation of transient nucleation of dramatically with an increase in DT. It can also be
H2O showing the variation of the nucleation seen that the value of DT required to achieve a
currents Jg with time: TG ¼ 303 K, S ¼ 4.7 given value of JCL decreases as the pressure is raised.

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correction has the effect of reducing the classical

value of J by a factor S. Its inclusion can also be
justified on the grounds that the classical form for
DG is inconsistent with the law of mass action
whereas the revised theory is and that equation (19)
satisfies Kashchiev’s first nucleation theorem
whereas equation (17) does not [13]. The correction
is now accepted by physicists as being fully justified
(e.g. see Reiss et al. [41]). It has been used by the
present authors for a considerable time [34].

3.2 The internally consistent classical theory

An examination of equation (19) shows that the
free energy change for g ¼ 1 (i.e. the formation of
monomers from monomers) is DG ¼ sA rather
than DG ¼ 0 as expected. Indeed, Fig. 4 shows that
from a selection of six different nucleation theories
only one plot of DG versus g actually passes through
the point g ¼ 1, DG ¼ 0. Physicists well-grounded
in statistical mechanics make little of this problem
because they maintain that the important result of
a theory is the prediction of the critical value DG .
Fig. 3 Variation of the classical nucleation rate per Equation (4) can be modified in a number of ways
unit mass of vapour with supercooling at to ensure consistency down to g ¼ 1. One possibility,
various pressures suggested by Girschik and Chu [42, 43], is to write

DG As 2=3
3 CORRECTIONS AND REFINEMENTS OF ¼ (g  1)  (g  1) ln S (21)

which is the one curve in Fig. 4 that passes through

It is beyond the scope of this paper to review all
g ¼ 1, DG ¼ 0. This results in the ICCT (internally
developments in the history of nucleation theory
and only those issues important for the nucleation
of water droplets in condensing flows of pure steam
are mentioned below.

3.1 Courtney’s correction

Courtney [40] noted that the effect of the partial
pressure of the clusters for g . 1 had been omitted
from the classical theory and that equation (4)
should really read

DG As 2/3
¼ g  (g  1) ln S (19)

Adopting this equation, the expressions for r

and DG are unchanged but the nucleation rate
rGS 2s 1=2 4pr2 s
JCNY ¼ qc exp  (20)
rL pm3 3kTG Fig. 4 Variation of DG/(kTG) with cluster size g for
various nucleation theories: classical equation
where the suffix CNY denotes that Courtney’s (4), Courtney equation (19), ICCT equation (21),
correction is included in the expression. Courtney’s Reiss et al. [57], and Lothe and Pound [56]

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consistent classical theory) nucleation rate equation a wide range of temperatures to within a factor of
2 – 3 just using surface tension data is impressive.
rGS 2s 1=2 sA 4pr2 s
JICCT ¼ qc exp exp 
rL pm3 kTG 3kTG
3.3 Variation of surface free energy with
(22) droplet radius

For water, the factor exp[sA/(kTG)] is about 103 Consideration of equation (18) for JCL with equation
at 300 K so the ICCT correction represents a substan- (3) for DG shows that the surface free energy of the
tial modification. Its validity is doubtful, however, critical cluster s appears raised to the third power
because the correction is applied at the smallest in the exponential part of the expression. Small
cluster size. Nevertheless, there is some unpublished changes in s clearly have a dramatic effect on the
evidence by J. B. Young that equation (21) leads to a nucleation rate.
reasonable estimate, not necessarily of J itself, but of At the very high supersaturation ratios achieved in
the steady-state cluster concentration in super- condensing nozzle flows, a critical droplet is com-
heated vapour, as predicted by equation (6). posed of 10 –50 molecules. It has been the subject
Using the association theory of imperfect vapours of much debate as to whether the surface free ener-
as developed by Band [44], Saltz [45], and others, it is gies of such small clusters are well represented
possible to relate the size distribution of the smallest by flat-film values of surface tension. Based on the
clusters to the coefficients in a virial series. If the cal- Gibbs theory of surface tension, liquid drop nuclea-
culations are based on equation (6) and the classical tion theory can be formally modified to include the
expression (4), the resulting values of the second effect of a radius-dependent surface free energy
virial coefficient B(TG) are too small by several (Abraham [8], Chapter 2), but the problem comes
orders of magnitude. If, however, the ICCT expres- in specifying exactly how s varies with r. Several
sion (21) is used, a far more accurate result is theories have been proposed, e.g. by Tolman [46],
obtained. From the association theory of gases, it Koening [47], Kirkwood and Buff [48], Benson and
can be shown that B(TG) (which is related to the Shuttleworth [49], Plummer and Hale [50], Sinangoglu
concentration of dimers) is given, according to the [51], and Kegel [52], but there is no general agreement,
ICCT theory, by even on the sign of the variation. However, because
of the sensitivity of J to changes in s, it is unlikely
  that a satisfactory nucleation theory will be forth-
1 sA 2/3
B(TG ) ¼ exp  (2  1) (23) coming until this problem is resolved.
rGS (TG ) kTG

Figure 5 shows a comparison between experimental

3.4 The condensation coefficient
values of BrGS and those calculated from equation
(23) and also the classical theory, plotted as functions The condensation coefficient qc appears in the pre-
of TG. However dubious the ICCT result, it has to exponential factor in the nucleation rate equation
be conceded that an ability to predict B(TG) over and so its effect is less drastic than that of the surface
free energy. Early experiments by Alty and MacKay
[53] indicated values around 0.02 – 0.03, but it is
now thought that these measurements were subject
to large systematic errors and the general consensus
is that qc takes values close to one (e.g. see Mills and
Seban [54] and Mozurkewitch [55]). Such values are
also consistent with results from Millikan’s classic oil
drop experiment, where it was estimated that about
90 per cent of incident molecules suffered diffuse,
as opposed to specular, reflection (implying that
they had accommodated completely to the surface
conditions before re-emission).
Although most workers take qc ¼ 1, it should be
noted that all experimental evidence has been
obtained with surfaces large on a molecular scale.
Fig. 5 Comparison of ICCT [equation (23)] and classical For very small clusters the value of qc is almost
prediction of the second virial coefficient for certainly much less than one (consider, for example,
water with data from the steam tables of the extreme case of dimer formation from
Keenan et al. [92] monomer –monomer collisions). However, if the

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non-isothermal correction discussed below is Hale, the required value of tH was about 2.2 (in agree-
adopted, this has the fortuitous effect of making the ment with Fisher’s value).
calculated nucleation rate almost insensitive to qc A ln(g) term was also used by Dillman and Meier
for values in the range 0.1 – 1.0. [16] in their semi-empirical method for improving
the equation for the nucleation rate. In order to pro-
vide more flexibility they also allowed the surface
3.5 The translation –rotation paradox tension to vary with droplet radius and attempted
to fix this variation empirically by requiring the
Equation (1) for DG presupposes that droplets are concentration of dimers to be consistent with experi-
stationary in the bulk of the vapour despite the fact mental values of the second virial coefficient
that small clusters clearly behave as macromolecules (in much the same way as described in section 3.2
and are in continuous motion with translational and above).
rotational kinetic energy. Lothe and Pound [56] The Dillman and Meier theory initially appeared
attempted to correct DG for this omission and, in to be extremely successful in predicting nucleation
doing so, stimulated the biggest controversy in the rates in good agreement with experimental data,
history of nucleation theory. For water their analysis not only for water but also for a number of other
indicated that the value of JCL should be increased substances that had previously proved troublesome.
by about 17 orders of magnitude! Although this Unfortunately, however, the theory has since been
obviously led to serious disagreement between shown by Laaksonen et al. [60] to include inconsis-
theory and experiment, it was found that agreement tencies which, when corrected, tend to spoil the
could be restored simply by arbitrarily increasing the comparisons. Nevertheless, the Dillman– Meier
surface free energy of the critical cluster by about theory has had a beneficial effect in stimulating
15 per cent. theoretical work. For example, the ln(g) term has
The so-called translation–rotation paradox became now been justified by Reiss et al. [41], although
the main issue in nucleation theory for many years with a rather different coefficient of tH ffi 0.5.
and, in truth, has never been completely and satisfac-
torily resolved. The consensus of opinion at present
is that a correction, known as the replacement free
3.7 Non-isothermal nucleation
energy, is also required [57] and this largely cancels
the translation and rotation terms. Some of the As noted in section 2.2, it is assumed in the iso-
issues involved are discussed in the books edited by thermal classical theory that the vapour and droplet
Zettlemoyer [14, 15]. temperatures (for all sizes of droplet) are equal,
In passing, it is interesting to refer to Fig. 4, which TL ¼ TG. It is then unnecessary to consider the details
includes a curve showing the Lothe– Pound of how the energy released to a growing droplet by
expression for DG. Given that DG never becomes the condensing vapour molecules finds its way
positive, even for small clusters, it is difficult to see back to the vapour.
why the theory was originally given such credence. In the presence of a large quantity of inert gas (as
in diffusion cloud chambers or nozzle flows of
moist air), the isothermal approximation may be
3.6 Configurational entropy corrections justified because collisions between droplets and
non-condensible molecules provide the means for
An interesting study by Hale [58] on scaling the energy transfer with only a small interphase temp-
nucleation rate equation for different substances erature difference. In flows of pure vapour, however,
showed that, although the dependence of JCL on a substantial temperature difference (TL 2 TG) is
the supersaturation ratio appeared to be correct, the required to drive the heat transfer. This affects the
temperature dependence was less satisfactory. This nucleation rate because the evaporation rate, as
led to the introduction of a term proportional to given by equation (12), depends on TL.
ln(g) in the DG expression, which (with the ICCT Despite its fundamental importance, remarkably
correction) becomes little work has been done on energy transfer in
nucleation. The problem was first considered by
DG As 2 / 3 Kantrowitz [61] who derived a simple correction
¼ (g  1)  (g  1) ln S þ tH ln g (24)
kTG kTG to the isothermal theory that seemed to be corrobo-
rated by the later and more elaborate analysis of
where tH is a numerical factor. The extra term Feder et al. [62]. More recently, however, Wyslouzil
(used much earlier by Fisher [59] in his theory of and Seinfeld [63] have re-examined the problem
the critical region) was justified as representing with the conclusion that the rate-controlling step is
configurational entropy contributions. According to associated with energy transfer at the smallest cluster

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Classical nucleation theory and its application 1323

sizes. Unfortunately, it is this aspect of the nuclea- Fisk and Katz [66]) and shock tubes (e.g. see Luijten
tion process that is the most difficult to specify et al. [67]), while engineers have used converging –
accurately. diverging nozzles. The highest rates of cooling are
Kantrowitz’s non-isothermal theory has the effect achieved in nozzle expansions and these provide
of multiplying the isothermal nucleation rate by the best laboratory simulations of condensation in
a factor c. Thus steam turbines. The other techniques have only
been used to study nucleation in the presence of
JISO large quantities of inert carrier gas and the measure-
JNISO ¼ cJISO ¼ (25)
1þn ments are not directly applicable to nucleation in
pure steam flows.
where JNISO and JISO are the non-isothermal and
isothermal nucleation rates respectively. JISO can
include any correction thought to be appropriate.
4.1 Nucleation and droplet growth in
As shown in Appendix 4, the quantity n is given by
nozzle flows
the expression
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi In nozzle condensation, the processes of nucleation
rG R RTG hfg hfg 1 and droplet growth are intimately linked and it is dif-
n ¼ qc  (26) ficult to separate the phenomena for individual
ar 2p RTG RTG 2
study. This can be illustrated by reference to Fig. 6,
where ar is the surface heat transfer coefficient of a which shows the results of a typical nucleation and
critical droplet of radius r . At low pressure, r is growth calculation in a hypothetical nozzle having
always much smaller than the mean free path of a constant rate of expansion, P ¼ 2500 s21 (the rate
a vapour molecule and equation (26) then takes of expansion is defined as P ¼ 2D(ln p)/Dt, where
the simpler form D/Dt is the time rate of change following a fluid par-
ticle). The calculations have been initiated from a dry
  saturated condition (DT ¼ 0) where the pressure and
2(g  1) hfg hfg 1
n ¼ qc  (27) temperature are 5.0 bar and 425 K respectively. It
(g þ 1) RTG RTG 2
should be noted that the scale on the abscissa is in
units of time rather than distance in order to empha-
where g is the isentropic index of the vapour.
size the temporal development of the flow.
Typically, Kantrowitz’s correction reduces the nuclea-
Figure 6(a) shows the variations of supercooling
tion rate for water by a factor of 50 – 100.
DT and wetness fraction Y through the expansion,
while the variations of the nucleation rate and drop-
3.8 Choice of corrections let diameter are given in Fig. 6(b). As the expansion
proceeds, the supercooling rises rapidly although
It should now be clear that there is no general the steam remains dry (Y ¼ 0) because the nuclea-
agreement on the precise equation for the nucleation tion rate J is still negligible. However, as DT increases
rate, even for such a well-researched substance so too does J and eventually the rate of heat release
as water. Most investigators therefore accept the due to condensation on the surfaces of the freshly
status quo and tune the theory to fit the experimental nucleated droplets is sufficient to prevent a further
measurements by prefixing the expression for J increase in supercooling. DT then falls as Y rises
with an adjustable coefficient. Alternatively, as will towards its equilibrium value.
be shown below, the classical theory augmented The formation and growth of the droplets is shown
by the established corrections of Courtney and in detail in Fig. 6(b). The nucleation zone in the vicin-
Kantrowitz provides a fairly accurate representation ity of the maximum nucleation rate Jmax is defined
over a wide pressure range. approximately by 0.01Jmax , J , Jmax and is short
both in time and space (about 20 ms in this example).
Outside this zone, nucleation can effectively be
4 CONDENSATION IN CONVERGING ignored. Hence, integrating J with respect to time
DIVERGING NOZZLES through the nucleation zone (and ignoring aggl-
omeration, which can be shown to be negligible)
As discussed earlier, experimental investigations of gives the number density of droplets in the down-
limiting supersaturation and nucleation have been stream flow. However, although the number density
pursued along two parallel lines. Pure scientific is directly related to the nucleation rate, it is the
studies have utilized piston expansion chambers condensation of vapour molecules on the surfaces
(e.g. see Viisanen et al. [64] and Peters and Meyer of these droplets that is mainly responsible for
[65]), thermal diffusion cloud chambers (e.g. see the increase of liquid mass fraction: colloquially,

C08404 # IMechE 2005 Proc. IMechE Vol. 219 Part C: J. Mechanical Engineering Science
1324 F Bakhtar, J B Young, A J White, and D A Simpson

supercooled environment and grown to a larger

size. The dispersion (as opposed to the mean
diameter) is very difficult to measure. The neutron
scattering technique pioneered by Wyslouzil et al.
[37] may eventually be able to provide more accurate
information on the size distribution of these sub-
micrometre droplets.

4.2 Experimental data for stable subcritical

condensation in nozzle flows
Because of the high surface tension of water and high
expansion rates associated with nozzle flows, the
supercooling necessary to produce the high nuclea-
tion rates required for reversion to equilibrium of
steam in a nozzle expansion is substantial. For this
reason, in nozzle flows starting from saturated
or superheated states, it is necessary to expand the
steam to supersonic velocities before it supercools
sufficiently to condense. Thus, in investigations of
nucleating flows in steady-flow nozzles the nuclea-
tion and rapid condensation zones occur in the
diverging section where the flow is supersonic.
The release of the latent heat of condensation to
the supersonic stream tends to retard the flow and
cause the pressure to rise. When nucleation occurs
sufficiently far downstream of the throat, the Mach
number remains supersonic throughout the rever-
sion to equilibrium despite the heat release. This is
referred to as subcritical condensation in contrast
to supercritical condensation to be described
below. A typical example of subcritical condensation
is the experimental test case ‘nozzle B’ of Moore et al.
[68]. The inlet stagnation pressure and temperature
for this test were 0.250 bar and 358.1 K respectively,
corresponding to an inlet superheat of 20.0 K. The
experimental data are shown in Fig. 7 and consist
of the centre-line pressure distribution and the
Sauter mean droplet radius r32 far downstream of
the nucleation zone.
Figure 7 also includes some theoretical results
obtained using the two-dimensional, unstructured-
Fig. 6 Variation of properties in a typical condensing mesh, time-marching method for viscous wet-steam
nozzle flow with a constant rate of expansion flows described by Simpson and White [69]. The
2500 s21 code captures the two-dimensional flow structure
and the viscous boundary layers and is probably
the most accurate method currently available for
‘nucleation supplies the number and droplet growth predicting nozzle flows with condensation.
supplies the mass’. The calculations of Fig. 7 were performed with four
Figure 6(b) shows the growth of droplets formed at different models of nucleation and droplet growth. In
different locations in the nucleation zone and illus- this figure, JCL refers to the classical nucleation rate
trates why, far downstream of this zone, the droplet (equation (18)), evaluated with the flat-film value of
size distribution has a wide spread. The curves surface tension and a condensation coefficient of
marked maximum and minimum refer to the unity, JCNY includes Courtney’s correction for the
growth of those droplets formed at the beginning cluster partial pressures (equation (20)) and c refers
and end of the nucleation zone. The droplets to Kantrowitz’s modification for non-isothermal
nucleated earlier will have resided longer in a effects (equation (25)).

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at the Wilson point was around 1 bar or higher. As

the Wilson point pressure fell, so the level of agree-
ment deteriorated. The Wilson point pressure in
Fig. 7 is about 0.1 bar, a very low value but nonethe-
less typical of nucleation in the large low-pressure
(LP) steam turbines used for electricity power
It should be noted that the Wilson point is best
defined as the point of maximum supercooling.
This does not quite correspond to the point of
maximum nucleation rate, nor to the point of mini-
mum pressure in a supersonic nozzle test. Although
the latter condition has often been used to define
the Wilson point, it is not to be recommended
because the pressure variation depends on the
nozzle shape and local flow behaviour. In subsonic
condensation, for example, reversion to equilibrium
is marked by a fall rather than a rise in pressure
Fig. 7 Experimental data and calculations for nozzle B and there is no minimum.
of Moore et al. [68]: Case 1, JCL and standard Young [35] postulated that agreement with both
droplet growth; Case 2, cJCL and standard pressure and droplet size data required a generally
growth; Case 3, cJCNY and standard growth; Case higher droplet growth rate. The only way to achieve
4, cJCNY and enhanced growth. An empirical this without violating physical principles appeared
factor a is defined by qc/qe ¼ 1 þ a(TL 2 TG)/ to be to allow the ratio qc/qe (see equations (10)
TS(p) (see Young [35]) and (12)) to exceed unity by a factor proportional
to TL 2 TG. Case 4 of Fig. 7 shows that such an
assumption does indeed result in good agreement
For Case 1, the classical nucleation rate JCL was and this is also true for the other available low-
used, together with the standard droplet growth pressure nozzle tests. It must be stressed, however,
model of Gyarmathy [70, 71], also described by that the hypothesis is tenuous and was devised
Young [35, 72]. In brief, for droplets much smaller solely to provide a physically acceptable explanation
than the mean free path of a vapour molecule, the of an awkward experimental fact.
growth rate is calculated using the well-known At Wilson point pressures of around 1 bar, good
Hertz– Knudsen theory. For droplets much larger agreement with both pressure and droplet size
than the mean free path, the equations of measurements can be obtained without artificially
continuum heat transfer apply. For intermediate enhancing the droplet growth rate. At these pres-
sizes, Langmuir’s flux-matching theory provides a sures, deviations from perfect gas behaviour become
physically based interpolation method. important and it is necessary to include in the
As shown in Fig. 7, the nucleation and growth calculations a suitable equation of state for steam
models of Case 1 give poor agreement, both with such as the truncated virial equation developed by
the pressure and droplet size measurements. Case 2 Young [73]. An example of the level of agreement
adds the non-isothermal correction of Kantrovitz that can then be achieved is provided by comparison
(cJCL), described in section 3.7. This decreases the with the tests carried out by Petr [31] in three
nucleation rate, thus shifting the condensation nozzles with expansion rates of about 2000, 5000,
downstream and giving a good match with the pres- and 8000 s21.
sure data. Unfortunately, however, it does little to The calculations were originally reported by
increase the droplet size. Case 3 adds Courtney’s cor- Young and Bakhtar [34] and were obtained using a
rection (cJCNY). This shifts the condensation even one-dimensional calculation procedure of fourth-
further downstream, destroys agreement with the order accuracy and a virial equation of state truncated
pressure distribution and only marginally increases after the second term. Droplet growth rates were calcu-
the droplet size. lated by simultaneous solution of the interphase heat
This problem is characteristic of all very low pres- and mass transfer equations. All calculations were per-
sure nozzle tests and was first noted by Young [35]. formed using classical nucleation theory with the
He found that good agreement with both pressure refinements of Courtney and Kantrowitz. The effects
and droplet size measurements could be obtained of varying the condensation coefficient and surface
using cJCNY and the standard droplet growth tension (according to the Benson and Shuttleworth
model, but only for those tests where the pressure [49] model, sg ¼ s1 (1  ð1/3Þ g 1/3 )Þ were also

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1326 F Bakhtar, J B Young, A J White, and D A Simpson

pressures of 0.4 –0.5 bar, the agreement is beginning

to deteriorate, in keeping with the remarks above
about low-pressure condensation.
A word of caution is in order against placing exces-
sive reliance on the accuracy of droplet size data.
Firstly, the amount of data reported is actually very
small. Secondly, the chemicals used for water treat-
ment lead to the presence of impurities in the
steam and droplets formed by heterogeneous
nucleation round them can affect the light extinction
measurements with potential for errors. However,
without the benefit of an extensive new study
using modern techniques and past experience, it is
impossible to draw more precise conclusions.
It may also be added that, in turbine flows, the
droplets formed by heterogeneous nucleation are
relatively few in number and usually grow to a
sufficient size to deposit on the blade and casing
surfaces. They provide a mechanism for the transfer
of chemical species and water to the metallic sur-
faces, and cause erosion and corrosion in the phase
transition zone. However, condensation on these
droplets and on the blade and casing surfaces is
too small in magnitude to affect the behaviour
of the main flow. The dominant mechanism for
condensation in high-speed flows is therefore
homogeneous nucleation.

4.3 Supercritical condensation in nozzles

In supercritical condensation, reversion to equili-
brium occurs close enough to the throat for the
heat release to be sufficient to decelerate the flow
to the sonic velocity. A number of different operating
regimes have been identified, including a steady
state mode with an embedded adiabatic shock
wave and a periodically oscillating unsteady mode
in which the nucleation zone forms downstream
of the throat, propagates upstream, and finally dis-
appears in the subsonic section. Such unstable con-
ditions have been studied by Schmidt [74], Pouring
[75], Barschdorff [76], Gyarmathy [77], Yousif et al.
[78], Saltanov [79], Skillings and Jackson [80],
Moheban [81], Guha and Young [82], White and
Young [83], and Collignan and Laali [84]. A study of
Fig. 8 Experimental data and calculations of droplet the different unsteady modes of operation in moist
size for the three nozzles of Petr [31] showing air (not pure steam) has been carried out by Adam
the effect of varying the condensation coefficient and Schnerr [85], who also discovered an unusual
qc and surface tension sr (according to the type of flow that oscillated periodically in both the
model of Benson and Shuttleworth [49]) streamwise and transverse directions. A numerical
solution for a similar asymmetric flow in a nozzle
with pure steam has recently been obtained by
investigated. Figure 8 shows a comparison between the Simpson and White [69], although this has not yet
experimentally measured droplet sizes and the cal- been confirmed experimentally. A critical review of
culations. At Wilson point pressures in the range the subject is given by Schnerr [86].
1.0 –1.5 bar, excellent agreement is achieved with Figure 9 shows experimental data for oscillatory
qc ¼ 1 and sg ¼ s1. However, for the two tests at condensation in a pure steam nozzle obtained by

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Classical nucleation theory and its application 1327

isentropic index and the discrepancies become

greater the higher the pressure.
Mutually consistent properties can be obtained by
adopting equations for the saturation line, cp at zero
pressure and a suitable p –v –T equation of state. Of
these, the first two are subject to essentially no
uncertainty and the problem therefore becomes
one of finding a suitable equation of state. The
equations used for calculating steam tables are only
valid for equilibrium states (e.g. see Keenan et al.
[92]); to calculate supercooled properties it is necess-
ary to extrapolate the relations into the metastable
region. This may be beyond their range of validity.
In an investigation by Bakhtar and Piran [93], it
was found that the virial equation developed by
Fig. 9 Experimental data and calculations for the Vukalovich [94] remains well behaved under extra-
periodically unsteady nozzle test (period T) of polation. The important requirement is an accurate
Skillings et al. [87]: cJCL and enhanced droplet representation of the changes in cluster concen-
growth trations near and below the saturation line, as it
is these that are responsible for the rapid changes
in property values. Vukalovich’s equation of state is
Skillings et al. [87] and is one of the few tests avail- based on the association theory of gases and its result-
able that includes both droplet size and pressure ing cluster distributions are realistic. The properties
measurements. The inlet stagnation pressure and of steam calculated from these equations are in excel-
temperature were 0.245 bar and 346.7 K respectively, lent agreement with the 1967 skeleton tables in
giving an inlet superheat of 9.0 K. It should be noted the superheated region and on the saturation line.
that the far-downstream value of r32 actually varies The corrections to these equations to allow for the
periodically but the optical equipment could only changes in cluster concentrations under nucleating
record the time-averaged value. The computational conditions were found to be negligibly small.
results were obtained using the two-dimensional At high pressures, a further necessary refinement
viscous code of Simpson and White [69]. In order concerns the droplet growth rates because these
to predict the measured value of r32 at such low must be calculated from the simultaneous solution
pressure, it was necessary to use the enhanced of the heat and mass transfer equations. Particularly
droplet growth theory. Reasonable agreement was at high pressures, the droplets grow in size from
then obtained for the oscillation frequency and the small to large in comparison with the mean free
amplitude of the pressure fluctuations. path of a vapour molecule. The transfer of heat
between a small spherical surface and the surround-
ing atmosphere over the entire range of Knudsen
4.4 Nucleation at high pressure
numbers presents no special problems, but the posi-
Nuclear power stations using pressurized water tion is different in the case of mass transfer. The
reactors have steam conditions at the inlet to the nucleated drops are initially small in comparison
high-pressure (HP) turbines that are close to dry with the mean free path and the mass transfer rate
saturated. Unlike conventional plant, this means can be calculated from collisionless kinetic theory.
that nucleation occurs also in the HP turbine The pattern changes as the droplets become larger
at comparatively high-pressure. It is therefore of until eventually the transport processes fall within
interest to investigate high-pressure condensation the continuum regime. Mass is then transferred
in laboratory nozzles and a number of such studies entirely by diffusion and there is considerable uncer-
have been carried out, including those by Deich tainty about the coefficient of self-diffusion of steam.
et al. [88], Gyarmathy et al. [89], Valha and Ryley The use of the values of the coefficient calculated
[90], and Bakhtar and Zidi [91]. from existing theories lead to unrealistic results and
Theoretical solutions of nucleating flows are it was found necessary to develop an expression for
dependent on the data adopted for the thermodyna- the coefficient of self-diffusion using a different
mic properties of supercooled steam, particularly approach [95]. This was then used to develop an
the isobaric specific heat capacity and isentropic expression for the mass transfer rate applicable to
index. Even at moderate and low pressure the all regimes.
location of the nucleation zone in theoretical Adopting these refinements, the treatment can
solutions is sensitive to changes in the value of the proceed as before. Using the expression for cJCNY

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1328 F Bakhtar, J B Young, A J White, and D A Simpson

with qc ¼ 1 and sg ¼ s1 exactly as for low pressure,

good agreement has been obtained with pressure
and droplet size measurements for inlet stagnation
pressures as high as 100 bar [36]. An example is
shown in Fig. 10. It may be added that the measured
droplet sizes in this study were subject to some error
due to the presence of impurities in the steam.

4.5 Simplified methods for predicting

nucleation and droplet growth
All of the calculations discussed above were car-
ried out using numerical integration of the droplet
growth equations through the nucleation zone, a
Fig. 11 Variation of the Wilson point supercooling
procedure that requires a highly developed compu-
DTw with expansion rate P for various Wilson
ter code. To avoid this problem, two simpler pro-
point pressures pw. The comparison is between
cedures have been reported, a tabular method by
the analytical method of Huang and Young
Bakhtar and Webb [96] and an analytical method
[97] (solid lines) and a multi-droplet-group
by Huang and Young [97].
numerical integration procedure (black circles).
The tabular method provides pre-computed data
It is assumed that P is constant through the
on droplet and vapour behaviour after the sudden
nucleation zone up to the Wilson point
imposition of a given degree of supercooling on
the steam. For each given pressure and imposed
supercooling the data give the time required to
form given amounts of water and the resulting without the need for elaborate calculations and is
mean droplet size. This method can be used for particularly useful for estimating reversion beha-
estimating the nucleating behaviour of steam viour of steam in turbines.
More recently Huang and Young [97] have
developed a method in which the Wilson Point
supercooling DTw is calculated from an analytic alge-
braic equation. Once DTw is known, it is possible to
obtain analytically the total number of droplets
formed in the nucleation zone, the far-downstream
Sauter mean radius and other properties of interest,
including an approximation to the droplet size distri-
bution. Figure 11 illustrates the excellent accuracy of
the method by comparing some analytical estimates
of DTw at different Wilson point pressures and
expansion rates, with calculations using the full
multi-droplet-group numerical integration approach
(as used to obtain Fig. 6). Finally, it should be noted
that, although the calculations of Fig. 11 have
assumed a constant expansion rate through the
nucleation zone, the theory is not restricted by
such an approximation.


The paper has reviewed the classical theory of the

homogeneous nucleation of water droplets from
supersaturated vapour, focusing on the major modi-
Fig. 10 Comparison of theoretical and experimental fications that have been proposed since publication
results at high pressure (from Bakhtar and of the original Becker – Döring theory. Despite a
Zidi [36]) huge research effort, many uncertainties remain

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Classical nucleation theory and its application 1329

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C08404 # IMechE 2005 Proc. IMechE Vol. 219 Part C: J. Mechanical Engineering Science
1332 F Bakhtar, J B Young, A J White, and D A Simpson

1. Isothermal expansion (or compression) of the

Cg molecular rate of condensation on a g-mer
vapour from p to pS(TG)
Eg molecular rate of evaporation from a g-mer ð pS(T )
fg concentration of g-mers in supersaturated 4 3 G 1
DG1 ¼ pr rL dp
vapour 3 p r G
g number of molecules in a cluster  
G Gibbs function 4 p
¼  pr 3 rL RTG ln (28)
hfg specific enthalpy of evaporation 3 pS (TG )
I nucleation rate per unit volume
J nucleation rate per unit mass of vapour The second expression assumes perfect gas beha-
k Boltzmann’s constant viour. Real gas behaviour for high-pressure steam
m mass of one molecule can be modelled using a truncated virial series,
ng concentration of g-mers in superheated giving
vapour 4 r
p pressure DG1 ¼  pr 3 rL RTG ln G þ 2B(rGS  rG )
3 rGS
pS saturated vapour pressure 
3 4
q c, q e condensation and evaporation coefficients þ C(rGS  rG ) þ D(rGS  rG )
2 2 3 3
2 3
r droplet radius where rGS ¼ rGS(TG) and B, C, and D are the
r32 Sauter mean
Ð droplet
Ð second, third, and fourth virial coefficients
radius ¼ nr r 3 dr/ nr r 2 dr respectively.
R gas constant per unit mass 2. Condensation of vapour to bulk liquid at constant
S supersaturation ratio ¼ p/pS(TG) temperature and pressure pS(TG) gives
t time
T temperature DG2 ¼ 0 (30)
DT supercooling ¼ TS( p) 2 TG
Y wetness fraction
3. Isothermal compression of the liquid to pressure
a heat transfer coefficient p gives
g isentropic exponent of the vapour
P rate of expansion ¼ 2D(ln p)/Dt 4
DG3 ¼ pr 3 ½p  pS (TG ) (31)
r density 3
s surface tension
t characteristic timescale for transient 4. Formation of a droplet of radius r and surface area
nucleation 4pr 2 from bulk liquid gives
c non-isothermal correction factor to
nucleation rate DG4 ¼ 4pr 2 s (32)
where s is the surface free energy per unit area
(the surface tension). Equation (32) is the capillar-
Subscripts ity approximation and has been the source of
much controversy. The overall free energy
g g-mer change is DG ¼ DG1 þ DG2 þ DG3 þ DG4. Neglect-
G gas (vapour) ing DG3, which is small, gives equation (1) in the
L liquid main text if equation (28) is used and a more
r droplet of radius r complicated expression if equation (29) is used.
S saturated

critical size


APPENDIX 2 Evaluation of the steady state nucleation rate

Derivation of the classical expression for DG Starting with equation (16), ng is substituted from
equation (6) to give
The change in Gibbs free energy during the for-
"ð #1
mation of a liquid droplet of radius r in a supersatu- 1
rated vapour held at constant p and T can be broken ICL ¼ dg (33)
g¼1 Cg n1 exp½DG=(kTG )
down into four steps as follows.

Proc. IMechE Vol. 219 Part C: J. Mechanical Engineering Science C08404 # IMechE 2005
Classical nucleation theory and its application 1333

Cg is proportional to g 2/3, which is a slowly varying where u is related to the condensation heat release
function of g compared to the rapidly changing expo- via the energy balance
nential term that passes through a sharp maximum
at g ¼ g . Cg is therefore approximated by Cg . DG is 4 3
expanded as a Taylor series about g as pr rL hfg Ig ¼ 4pr 2 ar ufg (39)
@DG where ar is the surface heat transfer coefficient for a
DG ¼ DG þ (g  g )
@g  droplet of radius r. Substituting equations (38) and
2 2  (39) into equation (37) to eliminate Egþ1(TG þ u)
(g  g ) @ DG
þ þ... (34) yields
2 @g 2 
" rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi  #
Truncating after the second-order term and noting rG R RTG hfg hfg 1
Ig 1 þ qc 
that (@DG/@g) ¼ 0 gives ar 2p RTG RTG 2
  ¼ Cg (TG )fg  Egþ1 (TG )fgþ1 (40)
ICL ¼ Cg n1 Z exp  (35)
Defining a simplifying symbol n by
where Z is the so-called Zeldovich factor, given by rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi  
rG R RTG hfg hfg 1
ð1   2   n ¼ qc  (41)
1 @ DG (g  g )2 ar 2p RTG RTG 2
¼ exp  dg
Z g¼1 @g 2  2kTG
 1=2 then allows equation (40) to be written as
(@2 DG/@g 2 )
ffi (36)
Ig (1 þ n) ¼ Cg (TG )fg  Egþ1 (TG )fgþ1 (42)
The second expression is obtained by extending
the lower limit of the integral to g ¼ 21. Evalua- The analysis now proceeds as before, yielding
ting (@2 DGg /@g 2 ) from equation (4) and substi-
tuting into equation (35) gives equation (17) in the INISO JNISO 1
¼ ¼ ¼c (43)
main text. IISO JISO 1þn

APPENDIX 4 At high pressure, the diameter of a critical droplet

may be comparable to the mean free path of a
vapour molecule and the expression used for ar
Non-isothermal nucleation theory
should allow for this possibility (see Bakhtar and
Kantrowitz [61] assumed that the droplet – vapour Zidi [36]). This also allows consistency between the
temperature difference u ¼ TL 2 TG was independent nucleation rate and droplet growth equations. At
of the droplet radius. The nucleation current is then low pressure, however, heat transfer from a critical
given by cluster will be in the free molecule regime and a suit-
able expression for ar can be shown to be
Ig ¼ Cg (TG )fg  Egþ1 (TG þ u)fgþ1 (37)
p gþ1
From equation (13) and the Clausius – Clapeyron ar ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi R (44)
2pRTG 2(g  1)
equation, it can be shown that
   which is independent of droplet radius. Substituting
u hfg equation (44) into equation (41) gives equation (27)
Eg (TG þ u) ffi 1 þ  0:5 Eg (TG ) (38)
TG RTG in the main text.

C08404 # IMechE 2005 Proc. IMechE Vol. 219 Part C: J. Mechanical Engineering Science

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